ft F'etroleum Centre Daily Record. pet. Centre, fa., Tuesday June 114 Divine service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8ervices every Sabbath at 11 A. 11. and l ' P. M. Sabbath School at 12U p. M. eats free. A cordial invitatioa exteud Ur.r. G. Mookh, Pastor. i el to all. PREEBYTEMAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. r. and;? f clock P. M . by tbe Pastor, W. C. Buncn- pi), Sitbbatu Sobool a4 12, directly lift loreoono service. ! Prayer Met-tinx and . Sabbath School Tocher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol eah week. " . " ( . Petoleiira Centre IiOdgc. JVo. T1."I. O. ofO.F. Roilar meetinz niahta Friday, at 7 O'clock Sinned. XT. U. MONTGOMERY. N. G. C. irlBAiLKr, A Secy. tWilioe ni menting, Alain St., oppoaite McClintVk House. . O. of V. W. LlbertALednB No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets evefc Monday evening at 7i o'clock, in Odd FiloWs Hall, Petroleum Centre, Pcnn'a. Y ,' A. Glgnx, M. W. A. M. KIecksbp, R. ' L O. of It. M. Minnpkviria Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening la Grid Templar's Hall. . : X3T ConnoAllrss llirhted at 7 - o'clock: H. HOWE. Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cblel ol RecordB. Gold at I p.h. 116 A.nTu.w. The membra of LIBMIT1' LODGE JIO Tare requested ain. to meet atthdp Lodge Room rtbe oa Wednesday, moruinsr Janer"9' 25th, at 8 dclock slurp for the purpose o4 Wending the funeral ot our deceased Brother George Stevens, of Kane City All are requested to 'attend, Procession will leave the hoi inseJ' iat Id o'clock. By order of the M. wj-; I A. M. KLECKNER, Kecorder. Sad Casi ok Drownixu. Ao extremely au ease or drowning occurred at tbe moatb of Two Mile Ron, below Fratklin. yeMer day afternoon, by walcb ' well kaowo Mr. mer resident or (his place, named .George Bteveos, met bis deatb. Stevens, it p. ptsis, Id company with twa other men turned Baonoa and Karnt, went lot tbe Allegheny River at tbe month of tbe Bua for tbe purpose of bathing. Ose of tbe other man proposed that all three twim across tbe river. , To tbi) Stevens deotined, and accordingly tbe otber two Halted and wain across. Upon return lag they could not find Stevens, and supposing probably he was playing some ... triek .upoa tbtm, dressed themselves and tat down to await bis coming. . After walling -a short time and shouting bis name tbey became alarm ed and bunted .through the bushes foe blm. Falling to discover bis whereabouts tbey went io the bank of tbe river and discovered bis body lying face downward at toe-bot tom of tbe river. The body woe brought to land at once but lire was xiIoeV-Tbe Supposition U tbajjiotej Mikes) with tbe cramp, as at the point wb'ere the body wa, found tbe water was less than five (eel deep. ' ! H. r ' " " ' Mr. Bteveos was li tbe employ ol. our townsmen, Messrs. Hancock & Dodge at tbe time of bis deatb. ' He leaves a wife and two children , to mourn his untimely end. Mr. S formerly worked at the Patterson i Dickey refinery, on Ibe Boyd farm. At the time ot.bls deatb be resided on tbe 14eed farm, Cbarrytree Ruo. He was a member of Liberty Lodge No . a u ot u W, and elsewhere will be louuu a notice as to tbe Mineral exercises Yesterday word was seat us that a horse whipping awaited our ma'oly shoulders We have nut received it yot, but meantime have made preparations for' It." The devil lias louded up tbat tame old leather gno with w dust; Tbe joors bave alt been armed with tin swords and baaiwood guus, and now let tbe enemy; advance with bis horsewhips. We fear bin oat. ' Our towuuuiaii, Mr L r walker, is lo luck. Ilia ow well near Uillerstown. io the i.r district,' atarled. pumping a day ot two since, and tsuow yielding Dearly" 60 Wo copy the following article la regard to the oollapte ol the ReHoeri Association, from the Titustllle Courier. It tell good deal of truth: The Refiners' Association, we believe, has passed Into bistory. Wantol space com pels us to defer aoy extended comments at Ibis time upon an organization which now seems to bave beeo fraught witb great ml chief, in its practical workings and results, to tbe Interests of the Oil legion. Had the refining business been done principally In tbe Oil Region, the results of suob a combi nation might bave been altogether differ ent. but when only about 18 per cent, of all the oil n-flnmi in the United Slates was allotted to the Creek refiners, i ought Dot to appear Strang that tbe union was for the benefit df the refineri whose works were outs de of tbe regloo, at tbo expense of all tbe interests io tbe oil producing couutry. By Ibe union tbe Standard Ol) Works at Cleveland bave been rescued from threaten ed bankruptcy, and tbe proprietors, who one year ago were ready to accept almost aoy terms diotaled to them by tbe Creek re finers, now fancy themselves stroug .enough to crush out all competition on tbe creek, making boasts and threats to that effect. Wflh all tbelr concentrated capital wo bave no doubt that, before twelve moults sbal bave passed away, they will find tbemsel ves sadly disappointed. Tbe carrying of oil one hundred and fifty miles west to be refloed for foreign export, at as low rates as can be done whero the oil is produced, in Volveg a wrong wbicb cannot be sustained for aoy great length of time. We trust that our Creek refiners will never again form an alliance witb those who, instead of having sympathy with tie interests or tbe Oil Ke glon, gather their strength and build them selves up from tbo weakness .and misfortunes of the oil producing oommuolty. Tbe pro ditoera furnish suob outside operators wiib all tbe subsatnees of their business, and tbe very mesas of distressing Ibe producers themselves. Tbe larger tbi production tbe more are producers at tbo mercy of tbeso men. Slndrrt Oil Wnrka of riovaUniTV commenced certain gigantic undertake logs, wbloh are necessarily hostile to our home interests. They have too big a thing upon their bands, and. If we live, we ex pect to see it fall from its owo weight. Tbe proprietors of tbe Standard Works now flatter themselves as being able to master tbe oil trade, and tbey seem lo bave staked everything upoa Ibe venture. Quos,perdat Veua prim dementat. A Irleod luroishes us, the following incl- deot of travel: While traveling oa tbe New York Cen trel Railroad a short time since-, we noted ibe foliowlag ludicrous incldeot: At Ba tavla a couple got oa tbe traia who at once attracted our atteotloo. ' Tbe gentleman looked apparently 40 years of age, well dressed aod seemed to be possessed of ordl Dtry intelligence. The lady who accompa nied blm (whether bis wife or not we can not say) waa dressed io a becoming glogz ha m aod quite good looking, perhaps 20 years, not more. Tbe gent led the way to a vacant teat, the demurely followiug vor soiously c devouring a atick of molaatv. candy. He motioned her to a teat aod llet the cart tbe traia did not start for some minutes. She took a lurvey of tbe cooteott of be car and teemed satittied. Opening a valise tbe productd a paper containing a number of sticks of oandy wbloh she pro- ceeoed at once to get outside or as quickly I sad todlfferenlly as tbe King of tbe Sand wicb Islands would a roast of newly arrived missionary: Whilst thus employed her1 esoort returned and seated himself by her tide. JCbe result olbis absence to her wes four or live apples eat io a maoner that would put an Epicurus lo shame. Presently ' tbe news-boy appeared. Ice cream candy and pop corn was purchased by tbe gouerous warden fol hit protego, who evidently ca oulated to tatiate la a measure tbe appetite of tbe gourmand. Tbe latter purchases were but away la wonderfully 1 short time tie eviooing bei aiUltetioo as would a hungry cu r. , After teeing tbe utler , contentedness happiness, satisfaction and Impurlurable demeanor exhibited by this untoward and voraoioua feminine, we thought our early education neglected aod at a discount; tbat our lot thus far had been a bard one; that our life thus far was a faiiue and ' for once we realized tbe fullest meaning possible of the proverb: "where ignorance Is bliss wisdom is folly." While engaged with teste melancholy uisuitailons our mind re verted to tbe cause of tbem, when io! She was dangerously banging out the or win dow. Toe roses gone from ber Che. ka and her companion holding ber bead with teu- dor solicitude. A tarter emetic could not have been more cogent and certaiu iu its effect.' We mentally reproached ourselves for our unnatural feelings of a while ago, and thus endutb the tragedy. Hereafter Connectout nillkinea will by wise measure., tel Conductor Bradley. SVJOHN OKKBSLEAf WHITTIEU. Conductor BradHpy (always may bis nurrm Be said with reverence!) as tbe swift doom came, Smitten to deatb, a crushed and mangled I rams. Sank, witb tbe brake be grasped just where be stood To do tbe utmost tbat a bravr man ootild, And die, if needlui, as a true man should. Men stooped above him; women dropped their teers Oa that poor wreck beyond all hopes or . fears, Lost In tbo strength and glory of bis ; years. What heard they t Lo! tbe ghastly Hps of pain, Dead to all thought save duty's moved gain: "Put out tbe signals for tbe other train!'' No nobler utterance since tbe world began From lips of saint or niariyr ever ran, Elestric, through the sympathies of man. Ah, me? bow poor and noteless seem to this The sick-bed dramas of self consciousness, Our sensual fears of paia and hopes ol bliss! Ob! grand, supreme .endeavor! Not lo vain That last brave act of failliug tongue and brain! Friegbted with life, and tbe downward rushing train. Following tbe wrecked one, as wave follows wave,, Obeyed tbe warning .which the dead lips Others be saved, himself be could Dot save. Nay, tbe lost life tens saved. ' He is not dead Who la bis record still tbe earth shall trexl With God's clear aureole shining round his head. We bow as in tbe dust with all our pride Of virtue dwarfed tbe noble deed beside, God glvo us grace to live as Bradley -died! Last Sabbatb .afternoon a young man named Blake Lawless, aged 18 years, in company with two otber young men, start ea io tatte a oath la Tlonesta Ureefc, near Rockwell's tancerr, In Sheffield township. , It seems that none of the party could swim, tuuugu young LiBwiees inierreu mat nis companions were experts la tbat lino. On arriving tt the place selected for the bath, quite a deep bole, young Lawless stepped o tbe water's edge and plunged In. He shortly gave evideooe of bis Inability to help himself out again, and bit companions through tear or tome( other stjatccouolable cause, were powerless to assist him, though It Is said be was oot more tbaa three feet from the bank at Ibe time, aod hit body was found tbat near tbe shore. Tbe cries ot his comrade attracted tome fifty or sixty persont to tbe scene of drowning, some of whom plunged la to save blm, but without avail. His lifeless body was found after re. maining lo the water about ball ao hour From tbe jtory of our iotormant, this it tbe most singular case of drowning we ever beard of f Warren Ledger. Mr. Croftut recent ly died in Jacksonville lad., and bit brother-lo-law and son-in- law bad a terrible fight as to the precise locality lo wbloh tbe remains should be de posited. After tbe row It became necessary to get a new coffin tbe old ooe having sill- rered somewhat la tbe conflict. Some sportive draymen employed iu a grain store at Portland, Oregon, dropped a bag ot wheat down tbe hatchway upon tli bead of a fellow drayman, named Blake, the otber day, Jjnst lor a joke, it was 'no jok. for Blake, however, as it broke bis geek. m . i oere is one or two bouses tat tbe nppe, epd of town tbe residents of whom aie i, the habit daily almost of Insulting the pas sers-by by hallooing at them, and using vile and dirty language We give these people fair notice to quit tbat Hue of bus! ness otherwise we shall make It warm for them. Lookout! We received a call this forenoon from our old Iriend, Mr S Jackson, of Kredooia, Y- Mr Jackson is engaged in tbe tale as otoe a brand of cigars, manufactured by oimseii, as we ever smoked. His cigars bave attained a wide spread reputation fo, tbelr excellence. Withal be is a fair and square dealer and we tako pleasure la re oommending him to tbe retail dealers lo el' gars and solicit a trial ol bis brands. bmokers or geuuloe Havana oigars will oe pieasea to learn mat there is every promise or an uousally large tobacco crop In Counecticut this season. S3T The "Post Olfioe Newsroom Soda Fountain ts now running ia full blast.. Call and try a glass of ice cool soda water. NOTES F THE It .Y. Maeacbiie!! bat ninfleeo cftlee now. tl.e lest Leglelalu'o having runted three new charters. rt-n John S. i Cerro Gordon WUIiomS Is ! a Democrat cuudidato lur Legislature it Keutucky. ! A There are now tuven new Iron mine ship ping ore this seasou from too vicinity or Utipeinir.g. Marquette couaty, llich. Miooi U under tnusb-kl rr at regard chills aid fi-vrr, r J the InbabltinU caa't keea-q-ii-eigit wtilioui qulahie. In Cuba. CUiaasfcen are confined as pris oners iio til tbey enter into contrtit lo work toe such men as tbe Junta approves. A Vermont paper speaks of lour summer months. We might have ex petted "that from Minnesota, but in ttaid Yermoot never. Tbe Supervisors ol Wapello oomty, la.. bave returned to Congressman Waldon $339,50, wbicb be recently seat to them out of bis back pb;i. The Bostou Transcript advises ttat lb captured Modocs be sent tu Vienct, and suggests ibat tbey wou d fill a good deal ol empty space. A Mexican ia Texas In killing icotbor man s cow, lately, was ticneu so net ne died, and tbe two carcasses wers lomd to gether. The people of Martin county, lull an r. are agitated over the elopement of afjath- olio priest witb the young daughter of a prominent citizen. A man has been decided insane li St. Louis, tbo cause of bis lunacy being ai im proper dose of medicine administered, vbile be bad tbe fever. The Canadian Government bag just told tbe steamer Rescue, which it purchased at the time of tbe Fenian raid la 18U3, atd fitted for lake defense. Oregon papers report tbe crops gcoi. There will be, at a safe calculation tlx hundred thousand bushels ol grain raised ia Uuipqtia valley aloue. Amherst College boys are now liable lo a fine oi $1 lor every unexcused absence ftota college exercises, aud for tou such absences tbey may be expelled. Tat) sprightly Boston Transcript a.'ks: "if a Miss is at good as a relief bow gooils a Mrs? ' If she is a widow, she will be good lor a league under almost aoy circua stances. A gentleman and his wife in Monr7 Wis, lately madaacall ia Ibe evening wlb 'heir baby in a little wagon, and when th y reached home tLe baby wat tujsteriouty missiog. Cambridge, Vt , Is proud of a lamiy which was moved .thirty timet io elevei years, has been in sixteen States aod move! seven limes In one year. Tbe longest line tbey stayed In any one place wat eighttei month. At a recent woman's meeting iu a 3ai Franoisco publio hall, the lady in the cbaii requested ibe audience not to make quite-si much noise io Ibeir applause, "as It wou It scare tbe horses In the stable below." ity Air. Aleacbem t account tbe massacre of Geo. ;Caoby aod Rev. Dr Thomas by tbe Moaocs wat due to the unwisdom Lir. Thomas. When Meacham represented l ie danger, aod told Dr Thomas' ot tbe warnings he bad received from fuendly Indians, and beseecbed Geo. Caoby aod Dr Thomas not lo go to tbat counoil, Dr Thorn at replied: "God will call me at bit prop er time. If be desires me to offer my life io tbit maoner, I shall not withhold it." Of course Dr. Thomas was a good mho, but be lecked sound sense wbeu be expect ed tbe Almighty would work a miracle in order to save bim from Modoc treachery. If Dr. Thomas had hesitated JGen. Canby would not bave braved the danger. But so long us either ol tbe civilians Insisted upon going tlio soldier utiBl oot hesitate. Tbe Almighty permitted Thomas to go and be murdered, not that be desired it, bat be cause b e allows at to work out affaire en bumaa judgment, and good human judg ment would bave kept Dr. Thomas- from thus throwing away bit life; Tbe New London gentleman ' who aaa been making frequent ose of postal csrds a a means of quieting a profuse - correspond, ent of bis has received the following re quest by letter, 'please dont Send me enny more of those cards for tbie reasou I like to reed a letter addresi to me tbe furtt o alter it levea tbe riter." This would bave been tbe day when "All in tbe blue uuolouded weather, Thick jewelid shone tbe saddled leath er; Tbe helmet and tbe helmet leather Burned like a burning flame together At be rode down to Camelot; Tirre-lirra. Hsd i hot' Said Sir Launcelok." Dr. ..u..,.a oi ore family )n rj,... vllle, B.1. have dM ,iMt ltnf There's nothing l.Ke being ' emergences. A Cincinnati ,o,bl ' marriage Is set for September next sounhi employment In a boiler shop, so as l0 triin, .......,v. nu.,.,null; nspuen in the lulure. bunt! Notice. lsNrAl NOTICE. Having concluded to close nut im. t....t ness in Petroleum Centre. I denim ... i.r.! my old puirunennd triendethat beroalter lh Bba'.l he located In Scbonbtotn's new bull ding. Oil Oily. Pa., and would' respectliili. Invite tbem lo pay me a salt, r shall b iu ui. i..r m wrcaa and those deal ring my professional services would' do wile to calf. ---..., Pet. Centre. June, 2.1 -2 w. FOK MALE. A desirable house on the Euherr For particulars enquire at tbe Post Office. ' For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler, GiMw & Kusseli make. One 12-IIom Engine in good condition, 800' feet Casing. 1,000 feet tnhino-. vG0 feet Sucker Hods, Valve. m 1 ' Working .Barrels,- kc Jso. one Derrick and Rig tjemnkte. The above property w ill be sold cheap for cask. For particular enquire of A. G- HARPER, Kane City, Venango County, Pa A. li. 11A11FEU. Kane Pity, June 17 1873 If BUSINESS CHANGE. V. A. Lozier, who has been engaged in the Wholesale Ah trade tor the past year, has tin day disposed of his entire in terest in said business to the firm of Fox & Williams, who wilB continue the business at the old -w ar w -i stand, jvir. lxzier desires us- to return his sincere thanks to his mny patrous f'.r tke lib eral patronage extended to liim. during the past year. f. A Phillim will act as agent for the new proprietors, and keeps- a full supply of that fine Buffalo Cream Ale on iiand. Mr Lozier desires- all par- ties indebted to inai to settle at once as . ho wishes- to- have- e--... -a. a a his books balanced. Dated April 24, 1873. (io to- We Ar LOZ1LK, 4th SUrcct,near II. K,track, tor your BENZINE, deliv ercd at the welh for per Barrel. Petroleum Cerxlre.JI'eb. etb-tf. HOTICR Parties knowing themselves indebted to us will, do well to- settle before July 1st next,therc by saviftg unnecessary trouble and expense, as- all accounts not settled by that date will De col lected by lawv SOBKL & AUERHIAM. Tot, Centre.Pe., June 16th. If you- ) Want a Salesman. ' Want a Servant G-lrt 1 Want to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Lend Money, 1 Want to Buy IJoser Want to Sell a Carriage. ' " Want to Borrow Sfoney, Want to Sell ao Oil Weir. - Want to Boy an Engine or Boiler, Want to Sen a House and Lot, Want to Hod a Strayed Animal, ' Want to Purchase an Oil Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, ' Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage Want to Sell Tubing, Casing. Gat Pipe Want to Find an owuer for noylbiai? found.advertis In the Rscobwbs.bo let than ten tboiifaod people read jt weekly. For Snle 15.000 to 20,000 feet ol 8EG0ND-BANI TUBING, at from 25 to 35 els. per tool Tbo Tubin is in first claBS order and all ready titled Auril 23. tf. H. H. WABNEB. si i: 'Ijf :.! IV-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers