i-3 S3 M C3 M s s ss o M tr- Q CO M a Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Jent-u. IVedeiie.'av, Sot. 24 AH RIVAL AND DEPART! HK 01' TRAINS ON O. V. A. R. H. ROt'Tll. No. 2, Passcnier. Leave Corry 11.20 a. m. ; Titusville, 12.69 p. m.) Petroleum Cen. tre, 1.40 p. in. ; Oil City, 2.22 p. m. ; Ir Tinelon, 5 111 p. lu. No 4. PufWtiKiT Leave Corry 6.1n a. i. Tilusvllle, 7.M5 o. m.; Petroleum Centre, 8 14 a lii : Oil City, 8.69 a m; arrive at lr vineton 11.40 a m. No. 0, Passenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; TiMibville, 7 50 p ni; Petroleum Centre, S.JS p in; arrive at Oil City 9,2(1 p ui. NORTH. No. 1, Passcnaer Lea,ve Irvincton 7.15 a in; Oil City, 10,10 a m; Petroleum Cen tre, 11,05 a m; Titusrllie, 11,50 a lu; mrivo at Corry 1.40 p m. No. 3, Passeneer Leave Irvineton, 12, 05 p in; Oil City 2,57 p in; Petroleum Cen tre, 3,36 p m; Titusville, 4,20 p tu; arrive at Corry 5.45 p m. No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a m: Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Titusville, t.'0 a in; arrive at Coiry 10,10 a tn. Divine Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preach! lit? at 11 e'clock A.M., and a'tloek P. M. Rkv. J. T. Oxtobt, Tastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCn. iervieis every Subbath at 11 A. M. nnd ihi P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eati five. A cordial 'invitution exteu'I d to;all. Kev. C. II. Heard, Paster. UTS. PETER AND PAUL'S :(Calbolie) CHURCH. Man at ini a. tn. Vesper and rienediclioa or the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. tnv Catechism at 2 p. tn. N JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Tib taatb sr Is quilt pleasant. Nt hiiers of CDgioes and well rigs heing hauled through the street betoken lively times la oil developments r vi'ite a nunioer oi new wells will soon bi tented on the territory near Oil City. An increase of production Is looked for. SjiERnr is TiTtsvu.i.E. Sherry's, fa mous Opera Troupe open a season of the atrical amusements at Corrotbian Hall, Titusville, commencing to-nigbt. Vincent Colljer bas brought lo San Francesco a potltien, setting forth that British Columbia Is wearied of English reign, and wants to come to ball Colum bia. Frank Swift, the champion skater of America, who wis beaten at Rochester, last winter, by Ciltie Curtis, bas ugain challenged Curtis to skate on any of the rinks about New York, during the coming winter. Tbe Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail road Company reduced the freight tarilT co general merchandise from ten to tweity "per cent, a day or two ago. Tbe tariff Is as low as most at the branch roads in tbe State. An Old Oxr. V bear was recently kill ed in Wolf county, .Ky., which weighed veo hundred pounds, and some peculiar ity about bis feet, recognized by old Lunt- rs ae having been noticed in a bear's track IwentyVhreo years ago, determined his age at nearly a quarter of a century. Capt. West, tho man recently reported murdered and whose bat was found shot through, bas recently been seen at Sny dersburgb, Clarion county, wearing a Scotch cap. ' His mysterious disappear&ce was most likely a dodge intended to accruo to ills benefit financially. Tho work of counting tho $75,000,000 in gold in tbe Sub-Treasury will bo completed 1q two weeks, by three clerks from the Treasury Department, whereupon Judge Folger will receipt lo Gen. Iiuttor field foi the amount, in due form. . Connnmdnim by a clergyman at a dinner Jiarty: "why don't they build mills on the iower Mississippi?" Answer: '-Dam It they ean't." Response by a lady of (he party: 'Whv does the devil never skate?" An swer: '-How lu can be " Body Snxtoiikrs. Ou Wednerday ui-jlit of last week, two modical students trom Cleveland wboso names are not given attempted to steal tho body of a Mrs. J. M. Carpenter from her grave, In tbe Painsville Cemetery. It is supposed that they wanted the body for direction. The sudden Increase of oil on tbo Fisher arm, which gave cause for so much conjee lire as to its canse,is now diily diminishing kfbwTds the former prouection. htm, me il4ijar phenomena of tho sudden simul- vjHJreas oi tbe proiluctloa oi 60 many wel!s,ajjjjs uucjptalned. An Iaelileut .f Our II ir. It la reUled in Idlers from Constantino ple tb;t when the American Minister and bin Colleague's sailed lip tlie Bosporus to meet I he Crown P. iuco nf PniKsiu, the caique of the American Li gation, which bus ou its prow the Auieiieuii ealo uid a staif bearing our flajr, passed a .lurgo three masted liritish steamer, the Asbfoid, d chaiaim; at Cunilili a cargo for tho Tuiliish Government. As the caique run alongside of this sleauiei, one uf thu suilois caught sight of the flug, and immediately cried out in slvtitoriaQ tones, 'Bciys. tbeie's the stun and stripes!'' Tho wbolo tew rushed to the.ship's bide and cheered tlie.llaji with an enthusiasm that slartlcd tbo Ikuiapai le en voy, who was passing in his caique at ti e sume moment. This incident is commented upon as sbowiug how strong a hold the United Slates have on the people of Eng laug. The American Minister lespoiidcd by ribtng fiotn bis seat and uavini; Ms hat Two colored gentlemen playing billiatds in Detroit quarrelled. Oue bit the other a tremendous blow over tuo head with the but end of a cue, which made the splinters fly, wbetoupon the availed (iarhey paused to remark, "Now, Sain, slop, and Icrs rea son dis yire thing a little." Isabella, lately of Spain, has purchased the estate of Neustadt, in Boheniea. lor half a million of florins. The fabulous fur tune which this woamu was allowed to lake away from Spain shows that the Si.auinh people do not yet fcn-iw tho lirjt cleuicut o revolutionary jiiBlice. A little girl got lo tcbocl ia Daubuiy Conn., tbo other morning just u3 it com menced, and her teacher ssid: '-You ure" just in time, Susie." Then, luininj: to the other scholars, the asked, "In time for what, children!" A hand went up, an d an intelligent boy thus siniiid he h id solved the problem. "Weil Thomas, j :at in linii lor what!" ''Lanieau'a Bail!. ' shouted the promising youth. A plot b.is beeu discovered in Gslicia for the sale of women Into Turkish harems. The Austrian police laid hands on tvio fiends who have carried on for some i time this Iraflic The letters of some ef these victims are published, giving a harrowing account of the icdignities to which they have been subjected, their children having been sold to the Turks uud they themselves placed at the mercy of tbe Pashas. Tuns. A Scott. Tbe c.r,;o of oroo "iler, Thos. A Scott, which was list on Lake Erie, during the recent storm, consisted of 22,000 bushels cf wneat, 2.0C0 barrels Of flower and 1,01)0 empty oil barrels, all con signed from Chicago to the Anchor line ut Erie, Pennsylvania. Captain Feilews re ports that there were wrecks of len eailing vessels off tbo foot of Bobilo Isi'iuJ, wil!,l:i a lew miles of where his vessel went down. Xo. lives, however, are known to have bees lost, tho crews of all the vessels uavitg es caped lo tb shore. Cusaj Clothino. Men and boy who aro In want of clothing for wiuier wear, should not forget the "Bud'ulo One Price Clothing Stori," b the jilac to buy them, I It beiog but a braucb of a luige vsiikbiiiiU raent In BufTilo, will reaiin but a few weeks louger, durittg which tin e tu--y will sell at the very lowest figures, as they wish to close out their entire stock. Uem-iaibcr the place, Main street, opposite the l!c- Cllntock House. Dr. Liviugstoue's last African discovery s of a tribe that lives altogether in under ground bouses. Some excavations are said to bo thirty miles long, and have running rills In them. A whole district c.in stand a siege in tbeui. Tbe "writtitis' Jtherooti, ho hus been lold by some or lii" pxople, aro on wings of animals, and not letters. They oro said to be very dark, well made' Goo grapers and ethnologists will look with im patient iitteiest lor i'uiU.er lui'ormaliou con corning this remarkalil people. Tkiirim.u Kiii.HO.vi AcciUKNT. A ter rible railroad sccideat oecuned ou the P. ,t E. Railroad last uigiil. between Shiifliold and Pattoaia, cusod by a collision be tween the mail train going east and a freight trail coming west. Five passen gers WL're killed outright, and a lurge num ber soveruiy wounded, s.iinu of them mor tally. Up to tha hour of going to press we bavj not received the full particulars of this heart-rending occurrence. Sinee the abovo was put in type we bnvo received the following list of the wounded: Jehu .piillord, uin.il ugent, hurt ill side Hi d luad; 11. Horrol, fireman, aim and hip; M. McLugMin, euiuccr of uiuil train, Ride and blp; J, McGtveiney, bagg;: -niiSier, head and side; A. Quirk, newsboy head; J. Kline, W;irren, oim broken and hurt in head; D. T. Hall, ICine, brcttt unil head; Dr. Bullitts and I. Buike, flriinen, both hurt in bead; Ctilbcrlron, telegr.iph re pairer, bruiccd; ono uuknowu L.ut iu bread t. Kelenttt'ic Jli-plnet i li'.s. A Banki.mi Koiiiii :: ok Hai.ka Million r.CHOI.Al:V ISVM'KM.VTIXI'II lii'KMMI A I5rii(ll.AH lloP ITU MoDIJIlN iMI'ltOV JIK.NTS TkAR'.MI l.OWX A BtSIMS M.VKINO A F-K.'tAATS AND RlTIUISU TO l'llIVATK LiFK On opening the. vault of the Uojlstnn Bank of BoKloti .Momlny inerniug, the i:l!i ceis uiitsed 500,011(1,! worth ol lioiuls. On the 20th of Oc'.oberjatl, cue W. A. Jud son bought out a lailir tl.op iulhebutlii iitg uii joining the bank, urd o er the store of George li. .Melton. He j ut in a large staok of belles labelled 'L'aililoruiu iWii.o Bilteis," and SMt hinieU up ns u dealer iu that article. The w.ilii ol thu shop wus wuinscotlcd up to tlie C"iiinb. .hnlton ptit a partition whieh cut oil' the Iioiil corner ol the room anil luuile pi.vato ioti-r i Sli ce, iu which t.e so cut out U.e vvuiutcol over the wail uniiit which t..e c.ilu elooil 113 to fu,uiaio. r six il .:.-t high und four li el und four ie,t wide, lie pl.v.j.d .l.ii.g.-i J it thejtup of this, bojthal it;coiiM Lu ru'.aed or lowered at pleasure, niid duriu llio tuglil, woiked.un the ieni;'-.uch wiril It hiiiil it aided by n&tisiaat, ledn viug brick ly bricl: until u bole lit ! tieen m.ide through it anil the back of i'.'p iron sjfo Was t'.iosd,l. The debris wus earefniiy p.ic'.iid u way in boies and labelled ln.dieine, and dnririf: the daytime the false door wa ! t down to us W elfeclually conce! the operations. Seme timo I etnotn Saluiduy and Moaihiy nioicing the rogues drillei! n h ile eigliteeu inches wide thioii(-b til buclt i f the B.il'e, aud ilnon: h this they took out thiriy tin boxes arranged t n t.'.e xhelves, aud cor.t diiir.g the bouds end ot!iT 1'aju.s belonging to indiiiJuale who I. ad j v.r-.!i,l Item fcr Kufe ketiiu;;. Th.v tn.-ke tbese opto at their leisure and avclecird the LoiKl.i. and liueiv Ike l:oes and I lie oliier papers back on the tluor. '1 he iobt.c:s wi re wise enough not to v aste tSeir tim.: oa an iuner sale of steel. Tiui nit-bun .CViiiMe c!,d e.iys Mr. A. A. Low, Ihr disiing'ii: he ! .Ntw Yoil; mei ciiant, contributes to I'utihtm's .';; fie au nrtieli! on the '-Soveieiuly of Ike Sets. ' After dotcribing tku decline of Americiin abipfisg, he r;ccommin!s as a imi!y the grinticg of Gove:nrat'nt mbsidits tu r.c. an mail stealers. lie shows Low largely this has been done by uetb France aal Ei:laud. and the beneficiul resiatsof Ike policy to both the.e countries. lie tnrniir.es the JCC,0:)O,U00 dcvcUd to building the rail- rujd conntotir.g the Atlantic with the Ia. A .A I. , w il b ... - . L a sum of c i:ripondiii- i.i.i.iiuiJj p.oull Let te urei lu build up tre b.e iLiiikip Hues vvUicb rbal! Uif-g tei!r.e.i to t.ljt r..i:r.a.iV Evejifilr. Lnw is ia a Meani-.tip eaier- enteij'rtoo Uio111 i.u! lor Eill.si.iy, Li. views are v,oili-y of r.r.e:i'.iu IlEIifCVlDS i.f "ati.i; -Union Teler:,rh Cr-mpspy The Western iiv icnde ft turitirr reductioi in tki"ir n tiu mesin-.H. r..l'.os: 'J0c ; N"e Yoik. Ikir; ; 1 luiU1e'.i:!t!6, .'e!e. ; .ill ilb. jlou, - '-c. t, (.. t cismii To I'ltKhiirtfh. 1 I'.liB ire, ; ic. I iiO Oil It Th Ntw .' i.i-.ui:ilni:i uf the Cu'itl R puk'le 1-m be.i ,-.,& )A by ;!je Ciik-.n Junt.i in Sew Yorh. I" M'ni;!i!if umv-i.-nil freedom, biu!s. a'.. C'.bnti r!t'-- ns iueu. bcrscf tlie li!.ei:i g on- 1. .t i. ! i:.ir' ei ftct fri'do.n 1 1' er ch. o! Ike j;n of eun cation, und i f reii.iori, ivn.I ei.'ib;;.kea t .e right nf public Meilu, and of Letii.or. TheC0ULilii11ii.11 ol l ne Ii..".ili!'e hav'.it; been entaliliin-d, tke r.rxi i-t'iiig in tnler in to establish lie l;.,;,uk:iK ilu. ll'. 500 barrels (.f cbnice Winter Apples, lit Wacbter & f'elters. in.2:!ir. 500 barrels ofebxice Wacbter it Fe!t(r s Winter Appbis, a' 500 barrels of t.iuice Winter Apples at Wachttr & Feller'-'. KlI) Gl.OAK:) large asjortmenl, at LLameis it Allien s. " Ordeis taken for t lits nnd lita gurantotd, at Luinmers it Al It n's. For Groceries Ld Fruit ro lo Shults. He has Crcnbetiie-, Apples, Pears, CheK n it.", S.veet Pot.it: i s, Candies, anl every thing you can s-k lo", at wholesabi and re tail. Prices low. nov.17-11'. The luresls siccii und beet variety ever ottered on Oil Crivk, is at G..lf.-ny's. Cliqu, JIaiim. Udibiiok, Green Seal, Gold Seal and oil r f.ivork Lruuds, c m be had by sending to U .T.iey-a. novl'Jlm 'f lie old rstaplinbed house of Owen Gal feny, Is acknowledged t.y ull lo ba tho pluce lo find pure and una lulterated vines and liquor-'. aov.lOlm. Full a.worlu'ieiit ol Diaries for 1S70, just received at W. II. riicholsoa i Cos. Sta tijnery and Variety Store. oov.23!I. Uiiiieri'lnlliing in l:il j;e quBtililles at Lam. mers & Alden's. Bucki-klu Gloves, cheap, at Lnmmets & Aidetis If rou would make 11 pi snl to a friend pive one of Kelleys's German Silver Lamps. Giili'eny'a ia sole agent. Reduced Prices it Lnmniers & Alden's. nov.22tt. tl. CO buys u buttle ol Gnfl'ney's Sunday Coiul'ort. every family should have it. NliW aDVEUTLSEMENTS. Jlu Cid and Establislied Y GOODS! STORE. S. S03EL, Prop'r. ."Vox I Door to feiobePs Operu ilon-o, PetrolcHm Centre. .in.T a 11 imlicrnf years spent la rjiterln to the i. itiN u' I'.f rltioi.B of Heirolp;i-o Centre 1.111 ikinity. I df-lr le reliirn my tlniiik for thT paironnce tr. en cipiKenieiit; nine, to inform Lijin tbit T havo (til'JiHi f-reatlr tn luy pluck thia Fall. unJ with la creaii-ii faellt tieiini r.i: b l J lo sell cheaper lioa ever before. 1 bavo JUST OPENED Another Fresh Supply of WI5TBB DRV GOODS. Ptaidt, and I'ancv Or ess Ooed, Ei;i!il!!i:i SHU VfJvees, ( itiackiilaa, and Kvuvcr Clolhx. t-ULL ASSORTMENT OF FURS AND '.liner' IJl CLASKM1'.-!. FLANNELS t SHAWL?, CLOiUi A CA3rfIEIiE3, lirjkts, Oi. Cloths, JSats, TI.I'VVS tl SATfHFXS, aid a full line .of 1 1:. rs run.'.isuisG toons. H. SO BEL. nun" i.r. MILLINERY Alrsa. Wyckoff, l Itnvc t-i 'in'nrm thppnhMc that ah has re i.i )f.l fio n Egbert Farm, To tlia K-;t Building Below IT 8. .' i2i:&on Drug Store. Vv'lu ri.' sl: "wlil l.rp a'f n assortment tf Millinery Goods, OLD LADIES' CAPS, FZUTilnS St. FLOWERS. T"" S-.fBhlim i!shan nf nublie latronsse Mr W. I"ip;j to pka- thuso who may favor hfr wllh aeau nevw.iw, Drilling Jars. V.'e ivniiM r nectrully announce to our ciuto 1:1 i h m il i'ii iiubllc gunerally that wo kep con ul:;lly on huiiil C ast Steel Drililng Jars ! Wliich Tor trm2th and Durability excel any Steol l.ined Jar hcrutulbre ia use. 4 The Ad vantage! we Claim over Lined .lai-a are that, helnR ALL 8TKKL, they are Htroiwer tli n Jnr.i co. .poaed partly of Iron; tlnii pre-entlii).' a Steel surface to tbo rock, they are T roiu:eil I10111 wear on tbe outside, aul will keep tiielr nhiipe longer. Vi' W arrant Them t; Drill Fifom Ilundml Feet. We alio keep on hand C'aa Iron Workintf Darreli. Fisher, Korrls & Co. FKTUOLEV.ll CENTRE. Kot tilu, i8M.-tf. pitANKLIN,! PA., INbUHA'NCB (01 uAmaiiD, Agent beprnnleil no d i'iui In! j nvivlid I ,k Wrellil.locoinpiniM: ' "ulJ":i'Mlu 'I ln M ,,..l I 1... ,. ., . .. v . .nuii.tlll. O. oi . i ik enptml. Q The .Kiiui LIMiiMimnw Co.or Iir.',,H'OC0 The Home luaiiiiinro Co. of N( w York Mi, eniii'MI. ' The lnmiriineeCo of North America 3v''-' The lloiiiof New Havm, Cem-ctlrnt S!Ui Tli. Alh 'ny City Inmirniirn Co., of All.n. 1 '!lsS The A n.ei lean Life lii-uinine Co. of tt4 iiv. iiew 1 or en., tn . . .i., , eiiiiiiio, , This Aeenry Ij. amonn the nl.h .t .,. , 7"' Stum of I'.Min.vlv.,,!. .7..., ..V ... ., "r'lelenlii ,i. Jiald ,lui lim the limt foitrl. en v lr, "' !' U $300,000 IN LOSSES nml iiAvxHIiifr llnnu 1 a. .... and oihJr iuiiuir.. ' ' 1 U Insured IVrjK-tiially. All Is.attrnfl tn W., 1.. n. Kll.vl nil al ti.. !... I.. - .. JOl,tH ' ouiti;," ' Pioneer LIQUOR STORE. The sul isoril 101-9, lmvinr, p,Uv lut&cii iiiu sin 1111 c i M. JMo noy, on VASE5IXTO miuj; PelrOletitn Criitt'c. Pa.,"" HAS Oa'ENED A Branch Liquor Store ami will continue to keep con stantly 011 hand a full supply of " PURE LIQUORS, OF ALL KINDS. J. A; M. BAKKETT. rMrolmm Centre, Nov. 13th, IS '.0 If. 1 FOR THE Fa!! Trade J. WASHINGTON ST., . , " 3 1 roleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FQREISN & HOIKESTIC For the Fall Trade, embracing a full Lino BLACK ALAPACAS, rOPLIX ALArCAH, rcruxs, silks SHAWLS, Irnet fVl nlnfW flliintZC'S, Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of LADIES AND GENTS And also choice assortment ol FLANNES very cheap. Our Line of Alpacas and Pop tin Alpacas Is tbe finest and cheapest in tb place. aeptlSHf First CIom Saloon aud Restau rant. WASHINGTON HT It EGT, I'etroltnm Centre. riMHC best I nicr lleer miiln lv raMlrK'!J"J 1 nilJ all the elioleent Wine, and "T Cbeew, Swlt-r Kn. B i.l lebM. Kurd I nes, if COBTKLIOU t VOIH1IKH, l'roiiwtors. Oet Kitf. tFrod. baliuttt oM tud. Mil, ''! I.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers