DIS1 I fit ma. DAILY f RECORD. He 1 I . m I , I Y Varna I l.o( Mane- J' iv ) a. n Bill, irrecunn . mmitlily f i.-tm'til w Wll'l" Hi!, itfi cr . h uo re- p-ntnt nrft re-r.irHioKl-, vili'Jti rii'ni-let-na each box IU.KR b, Pa. ol-nini-'en- n'Wlyl W hTitnvlll'. ins im'; t" inevcrj J8 VO i Age r of AFPf J lice, ill ,orderea ntestines. Sold by v ejt''. ItEET, J4TRE. PA" .s.as50rtm"ll" VOL n. NO. 151. THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprtetor. TERMS. ' Per year payable la advance, . $8 00 Far month, ... TO PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten Unci of nonpareil rnak. on. square.) , No. Itwertlona. 1 aq. sq. II sq. X eoT. One day, Two day, Three days, Kcmr day, Fire days, One week. Two week, Three weeks, One month, Two months. Three months, fix months, Nine months, One year, $ V II 00 1 Oil 1 GO 1 DO I 00 f 00 J so 8 00 1 50 8 50 4 Ml 00 6 00 8 00 7 on lo oo 10 00 12 SP IS 00 IS 00 11 oo n oo 27 00 86 00 88 OOl 48 00 1 BUI 4 Ml 8 on t so I 90 60 8 0rt t W 8 Sol 8 00 S0j 880 i m 14 oo io oo, i oo u oo to oo 15 00l 80 00 18 0 40 80 80 00 8ptal notice. 80 cant par line, each Insertion. Advertisement, payable quarter In advance BUSINESS CARDS. Ja O. ELLIOTT, ATTORNEY AT "Ii A Tf AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PKTK0LEUM CETTKB, PA. r?B'ilneM In the Conrts at Franklin I romptty at tended to. . Of I'ICB In Blaiell A Co' Brick Bank Build tag, fup stali-iil, Waar-lagtonSt. oct S-tf. ;S ALBERT a, HAVER, TORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, FICB la the Brick Bank Building, coroar of wasbingtan ana sum Bueeia, X "TRSJUtUM CINTRE, PBSN'A. sniTn, . JRNETS t COUNSELORS-AT LAW, os nigh Street, Franklin, and Petrolenm Cen tre, ra- mayiiwi. V. mcALPINE. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OPFICB Berry's new Bnlldlnc. eorner of Wash ington ana necona sis., reiroteam unuxe, ra. maylO tf. T. O. CHRISTIE, Rl. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8PRO'N! Oflr opposite thaalcKinney House, Fiisantvllle, Pa. Person from a distance will gmierallv And film liftarce w urday froi sepl4 t at his Onlce on Saturday from 16 a. u , to 3 p.m. Col. J. B. BROWN A J.J. PIcVASLlN, Dealers In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, io., PLEAHAN-TVH.LK, PA. Jnu. - t. WILSON H B VAN VtTL-Olt WIL0ON A' VAN VEL4H, GAUGER8 AND INSPECTORS (! CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICEtV Merointlle Buliilinc, 'Ml City P . and - with Owaton v Soners; Peiroleum Ceiitre. Pa July astli, U 8 tf. OO. 1. IIIoElil, A; CO.. BANKERS, PETROLEtai VENTRE, sA. 9nreH. BtaKll, - ' -James A Williainon James Bishop, - . II, C. Mai tin We offer onr Mrrlees for 4hs trannaetion of u fS2JLHA'' BANKING, KXCBANOK an '. IKOTION BttelXRgH. .-. Any husinms entrusted to oat tare will r.-c, pfonipt attention juir :.' CABINET "FURNITURE ! ! A LARGE A8SORTMKNT ALWAYS ON i - . -. UANU, f. IflOKINQ GLASAKS In (rteaSiwartotv. Looliiog Olasi Plata renUoeit In old Frame. Dl. . Kiurs r ritmei maae io order PfK lilfruitlis Wall raper. Window Miaiit-s. FISB STOCK lTVllcnm a sx a'ii ufF'NS nf. aiXnWn ham', ,. , i tvi.,n.H to ornernnsb'it "IM- V-VUHII I. I woteom Cunire. kbi s. is.Sj. woo woo 60 00 100 00 LI PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. 0 IL EXCHANGE HOTEL, M. V.MIL1ER Proprietor. The lan?et and mot rommnlrmi H.,t.-i in ti,A oil region. Fair on the. Ui ,h-e reduce 1 to n,..ir.l r-. This bouse. I. plemntlv aUuitcd, rom.is rent and pleuant, makin It a dellirlittiil li. t.-l inai, n-aptctj. romiieum ventru, aj rintMi, iS'l'i. TOCHESTEH HOISE, Wn?hlngton street. ptrol nr. r-r.trc, Pi MARSHALL BKA :-; auir, I'll ,r;iimt! This IIone ''-itri'ly Ikm J. c-i-lf-.i p.oi.T, headqumier-. .,f oil ni--.. ' Petroleum l.Vn .a ,'a.. v.i !:i, i-, it. QENTRAI. Jiv pBT,.,, .... Near Oil Creek . .;. ma-.!9t.' l li ' i-.-l- y Hep.it PR' Ih p I'-Hilt Cornrr o: PA. hnii.Lthnn rn I thp r n rn.'tot i.'.t. v:.m n iuirn to make it FIP.ST-i'T., octStf " C.M'.!.K. Pi-nr.r!-.- r - J. R. tn". Thil Ilnu i hrrt utlH nni cittrf- rn d,1 ictlc'e o Ju20 tf- f CKXTKii, PA. . -ipH.-tnr. -" t - - t '.; (v. :;pd lit ,,t - 'ti ni" lurL-r- u- talile i',' niU with llie J. R. P..'.RNE3.. PAJil.S !;. , SIH.LER FA KM F-TATT""-!, C-n CS Creek Hr.ilr.iiC 1 TUEDOUSE AND FURXn'JF.E NEW. C. W. TWIST, Proprietor. Jtinei-tf. TNTERNATIOXAL HOTEL, M1LI.EH FARM, PA. JOIIN E. ROWK, - Prop'r. Good fteeommndationt for trannent cnstoniert". Day Ro-iM and Pnnrd wild rraim" on reanonai-le terin-i. The nroprielor wilt Bjiaro no I'Sln In make hia U '!". atirnrtlve lo srue-t. Junes tf. 13 mom iiti:l. n.KASANT'lf.T.Tl. PA Tb! TTonue havinc rocr ntly hnn tnlfrM flnd re fnrnlied. 1 Am i.ow prvvirtU to nrc imraodnte two hn'lro(i i!inl romfnrtii-iiy. 8U(tea 1rfve tliis h(ujp ihrrp ti'".c? dny rnrTi tuivilln Tinu-e in alxo n lhnMr S". m Pit)i.-lt. Ju8-tf. T1KS. McKiNN I.Y, rrop'r. F iox iiorsE s.inptR roo.j,: FREIK C. IIYIn Propri tr r, TI.F.AANTVH LP, TA.. n i, Mi" Tr- r;!)-1 '-;an (M ivTb. r , f OIL fPY, IM. I'av'tis recently tai cn ptwsnaon of the nhove H tigt wow-'iitd mrwi rtspfrf'tiily infu-in thi trv i'in i n! tint wp "npfH o "'kot'pn iTnirl,' noil tn convlnco them of thi art, we nvite all who wi?lt th coinforti ol a hmno, to cnl. upon vn. It will he fbnnd The Hotel of tiro M! Tloioti. Onr HMTVp'n ,,,t1" lUppU''l with clnVi at Vine . '.,rv--'in'l "r-ir u 1 "i ' '''l v-fll bo " ! h (1; O r,:,,v lirnt CVlefl "'. - '( ' . V .'i'T 1 n A Hm:. ' . . ' r 'tic- v " '!e of . t -v. v tst- Wit,? I o. 'rLEASTP! :r:, r;i. Kr:rA'Rj:;: ' ' ii: ; y t '-rk d-ino ,iij:t ."ly uuJ j .-,d..sinc;ie 1. . 1IAN.A t C' I ATlOy VJf TUB riXMOZB DAXJUX REVOBD.) PA., THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 20, 1869. Petroleum Centre Daily Record, feu Cent, ii, Thurv-tay, Play 20. .J. J:. I'Al, I'd it or. Tmu poieDimul u somo of llio lead'ng wc men in the York Convention is thus given bjr a corfpspondpui: "JIrs, Stanton, wi!h her ;uowy curls, coiipiea the cbair. Olive I.O 'au, eminn!ly more womaoly In aiipei.rtt;c) iu ixt dainty walking suit oj u.'ai.-, t!.r.n in litr lyni'inu blue velvet, oc- (";.'i'-i v acnt Bear by.' Nwrt eiis Lucy i !:.-., ai;d, us no lop'rwl oj this picture, I t Mr. i ., :-.o.-u, ivomf.n; .. w man. drtwil ; tt: ''.:. . i.. ivii.j il -.lnti lice rii.H,'B at ti e I l' i. -a- i 'i in s', n f t til- : oa that litoonii r ! ;r ,v- 'l ; .(.-ii.i- ,ji n' 'Mi h imnioalion. ai i .i.i.i ...:. a'. In-, '.-i-ii.' iT.jin-n lihve len j nii'.,,..iiii.,(l. i;i r:i-i.e ('niiz.vns. the J .-.:r: i-r ,:cr ...t U-j-.,t (,f hi. Louis. (',' i, ki pi.' i He pi 'tlniin, anO ai ' 'i-' is c ir.s:i in' le w euiioii. M'm Li!j ! !': fi-jui, ( i .'t.i' uniit-i i av'i' atanee ! sr ;: ; ,.i,'a J "t t ft n:Ir,ister' wife, f ;!.- r -i., ' -.j of cot. )i!oiall executtv Th N w Vti s Woi .1 tbiny tnnt Mo, rn.misin will be lur.isl.rrl frora, Ihe Culled State in liio following i-iannvr: The Pict Eo ItWlrnsil will ijira !t. the mtiltirnu'Wa wive of tl.e Morwoii i-litiinichs a'l i-ieu if tr.e ni.-.'ntie;i r.'i cuslon s of the East, and in partioiii ir r.f lcir siyla of dri'fs und liv iii. Wnvn tiio .Vm.'iO'i wives heein to iieKs likti Hie li'di'-j of I bilr.delpiiin, Boston, or N: w Votk. no Mjimon boshand. be he r!o':i as tit best of them caa afford to keep Kro than ono btpn.,jft-trro. tie qneo- Lewis Linii;?, who was wrested some we-iis hijo ut Uurlmtnn, Iowa, on the chaise of niiiriletins; a step child, two years i r.jri Inst July, and taken to St. 1'eier, llinn.. fjr trial, was on Saturday evening convict ed of murder. The evidence was entirely circuinsluDtiul, Tko prisoner was deeply lifiected by the verdict; covering bis face with his bands he wept bitterly and could not be composed I'-4P3.I I 117 ytviivi:. "V'TK'K i hoi -hv -iv n. t!';l r'-e ;rrnr-.1;ip C II. Wit'iam: i (?. U i up. ui.J r tin tlnu IK'nio i tf K.'Vi"'J- ,V f',, , r,f Mri'lf.ini C.Ttre. . was Ji.iv. tl t!ti- :0rh C Annl. A. IV tMM. hy nii'liifti r ,i. ii All i t (iv. iiur Ut th. fMt i irtrt-rliip ri-1. 1 t e )0"yT i-fl bv - .hM S;m. io: ii iV f-mt .1. f ' .in.r. Hvd iil ftwnMiT i1!! .. wn'fl p irtm r-!.5p n in h. m- nr- ih -tu Ti"- pi IliPlIU s.i!'L Y J'J'S. (' .T v. 'I t.T VM'", 1V2RY FEEDL Wif-JiiitsJr n li'rvl, nppnite t!:t' Ojti r,i IdtiiNe, I'ETROLSUM CENTRE, TENN'A. I bf.ve put in n pood stoek of R'ding and Driving Horses, which I will let on rousonaliio terns. Altto, Ciillfr, Wann, Spring nOltSKK lioT-ded anl fi-d and l.jt of care ptiar fliit'-l. r.i :f I. SMWT.PY. A.VTE7UO A. jST t i inlii inli'itt am! Or rxemiiliia; w wTttiilM .cxfcutn in ho 1 1 if p -i '( p. ii'l ' tidf- 'iul vnritipj ! ".ii'ir. rolliiir, Ciniint;, Tuckii-pr, i. Mini S'iiiei', 4''HHMia. Jkc... If rj-i i o bv auyoi!;r macuii.H imw i'l ! Tl ir -. o Ti 'a to-'liy wltU'if rtval, in '(- f.-- tt -' in. u 1 ti-'li -trVoirVrt. -i on t!i- 1(1 ... ,1 V , ;i ('v lct lr,, niuk!iv .: n'i W' .N I" V,, ,,-- I'i 'l: t a. I Mll't" a " -' '"i-M J. . C oKHX, COEFIZLO PERRY'S Cr. r. -r f i i-r; )"i:;ii.? ; 1 va li'.re lio ; rv.x'ur:, Pi .i.v, V'-;! ! ! o': i' ort i-ni e. KUl-:-.vi-T" n priMTits gi:v- l. ALL WO.-.K 'liA-vnShMTcJ. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At I lie Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. 'pur. li stoek or miiviNt; and saddle X HOKSL.S on the Creek, arc to be found at I'IoiiiiIl's Iiivery. ''AHFJACES GUTTERS TO B AT ALL TIMES. iUfK-iE: ri) A ROAROED o.i litQiOuatile Terms. Tcifin'tsi' f al! kiwis at- temkil to iro!!!jtly. , e -lie ft f-all. T M'DONAli reifu'.eoin Cen're, Nov. Jf, 13i8. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers In all kinds of AVEliLTOOIiS A: FIXTURES Veep?iary f,)r pnt,ni! own and ooerotlna- Oil i ells lu counretion with onr MACHINE SHOP, BLACKSMITH SHOP. Ottr faeilltie for MANUFACTURING are not 01 celkd by any SLup in tlie Oil Keiilons. S),np Iatn-sf.ojiposife Mal'ilntock Bouse. m." t FlftlER & NORRIS. WANTED five Good Jonrnpvnien Carpenters ! ' OWINf? to the fnrreane of my bnslnes I sm eompe led to hir? more help to keep up with STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO THE AfiOVE NUMBER OF FIR.iT-CLA?S WOP.KMEN. A tim;eju:tiiMtT of i FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! Of ull l:Ind constantly on band at n" lard, and will be sold at REASONABLE RATES jgK M. Si'IVTAG. Pi troleiini Centre, Oct. SJtn, 'Ii''. tf. Pianos ! Pianos ! GEOKGI KKOW, ManuraetnMrs, JAMESTOWN. N. Y. Also, ex clnalrc Agent. f, the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mi Tt Muic. Strings &o. riTSend for illustrate! Catalogue tnd price fiAOUUI A BROWN. Wareroom 41 Main Sticet Factory Brooklyn lllol lt, foot of Main St isay87-tf S. S. G -riswold, Dealer In J-.JT (Vdrrs by f .- Par or Ton pfOtnptly I- :-f A, Ar?(-r.t f"r ire , i-!ft. -4 tiSJJ. HICGI3 COAL! tll-'FTfl-l oo ?fln'l Street, near IT. It. Track IV.IK'LK('V) OENTIIE, PA.. Jv,:: t. -pat: r,At!,v P'-.tvivn, La.a Ui advertiibig X sicliui. 'j oil rution. b 25 CTS. WEEKLY RAILROADS. OI FFALO AND ERIE RAILROAD 1 un ana aner Monday, Nov. :flrd, 1808, raw 'anseoger T(atna will mn on this road s follows: LSATK SP.tt floINO IAST. Is JJ1 A. M. NlonT KXPllEsa. stopphts; at Klpley, WosUleld, Dunkirk and Sl!Vex. creek, arririmr at Rntr-ilo at 4.41 A. M. fAiS A. M., NEW YOHK F.XPRES8, stop-lU.'J-J ing t Wcstaeld, Broctcm. Dunkirk, 8Q- virereeK, ana Angola, arriving In BoBble at 8,10 P.M. iy.VC P. M, CINCINNATI EXPRESS, stof w3 pn(r t Northeast, Wrtdeld, Brocton, Dunkirk and SIlTorcrcek, and arrives as Buffalo at lo,4S 1. V. 6 .AAA M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. 'W T ION, stonnlna at alt stations, arriving at Bnnaloat lo.4o A. M. 3, IK P. V., DAY EXPRESS, stopping at NortheMt, Ripley, Weatileld, Dunkirk, IStlvercrnek and At gola, arriving at Bat falo at 1,0o P, M. IZfZ Kim Alo BOItIO WEST. I "'! P- M . DAT EXl'UKus m,iplni at An KOla, Silvcrcrcek, Dunkirk, Broiton, WeAtSeld and l.urtheuat, an Ivlna at Krie at 8,46 P.M. 4.AnP M-, MAIL AND ACCOMMODA WW TION, stopping at nil stations, arriving atErleot8.no P.M. .M A. M , TOUtDO KXPRES9, stopping at W all statlont, and arriilng at Erie a' lo.to 9nt p M- STEAMBOAT KXPRE5-. stop ping at Angola, Silverereek, Dunkirk, Brocton. WelReld and Northeast, arriv ing at Erie at l.Jo A M. t..f A. M., NIGHT EXPRESS, stopping at Silverereek, Dunkirk and WeMfleld, ar rivin2 at Erie at 4.4o A M. Railroad time is lo ininutei faster than Eiic time K N BROWN, Gen'l Snpt. Bt'FFALO, tOUKV Sc PITTflBURtt J??5s1 KA1L.KUAU Tl.HE TAULiIS. Takes effect Monda', Novet.iher ild ltbg. RORTBWARD. Aceommodttion leate. lorry 8.80 v. H ; Clrmst 4, 8 ; Panama 4,16; Sbernian 4,26; Snmmit 8,0) p. n : Mayvllle 6. So arriving at Brocton T,oo p. m Fzpresa train leaves Corry !).3o a. u. ; Clymer 9,88 Pan.ni lo.lo : Sherman 10,35 1 8ammU 10,60 j May vllleli.lo, and arrives at Brocton 18, 0 It Mall loaves Corry 1,18 r. sr., stopping at all sta tions, arriving at Bro-tor. 4,mi p. M. 80UTHWAHB. Mall train leaves Brocton at 8,oo A. .,tT,nlngat II stations, arrive, at Corry at ',26 imst . Express leaves Broolon at .i!8 . 'I raiMtll Sf6; Summit 8.. ',n"-jOttt ,Pauanv !,", Clvmer 4-P.S. ahl CoiTyatt.p t C .V'i"." J.f,"""on l"Hs r.ton 7,00 . sr., Ms vllle8.10, Summit a.4o, SI, rmmiiM, Pao.ma 8,802 Clymer 9,46, arrivinst at Corry at I040 r. M. OOKHECTIONS. Pa w 2cr.VaTe Buffalo on the Toledo Ezprsse " or Dhv KxptiConaectlng at Brqaton with trains for MityviUe, Shlrman, Panama, Clvmer and Corrvl eonneetiog at Corry with trains on the OlltVeea R. R. for Tituaruls, Mi'ler, Pionoerand Per Centre. Wt ltyandPlttsbui?h Aha, conneoti .g at Oorrv with train nnthaPhlb a 'elphia A duo Ituad, for Phiiadeti.liln snd Harria. 1 (!! and omhe A'lsntln aud (lr't Western Hall. vnv tor rnion, M.advitle, nxeiivilie, Pa., snd Warren. Ohio. S"d omestO'vn and Maud' IJih.N.Y. Trains leaving oil City atAiS a ra., Corrv at a. m., i-otir ect:r.(r at Brocton with train on Btt E R R . nrrlvlnir In ButValu nt S.lo p m. w Traina l-aving"(ill Citv nt fl.as a ni will i-onnect w't"- I'nil Trii, leavlnr Corrv at 1,16 p. ni., wn reet'n" n-l'h Express Ea-t on R E H K , nniv. lng la B Ifalo st n.M p. m. Leavn k Buffalo at 4,0c p. ai , a rivtnc at Corry at lo,Io p. m. Aiwj cnnecr at v.yviMe with Kbanihoats on 'lia-nanrua I ake j dtintta: neusun ot na igaiionj, for t.;.mwsii . 11 niiu itmiauipu A. It. TREW, Snpt., Mayvllle, N. Y. Jnnl- Petroleiim Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH OYSTERS I Received ALL TIIE I.LXU RIE8 I OF TIIK DAILY! fe SEASON I Washington Hireet9 Petroleum Centre, Pa., iixt dnor to hint Jjwi'lrv St'f(- T. XV. SANDS, Proprietor. Day Boarder accoiiiui. u u, .rain ntrveU all honra. Oysters, and every description ot gams umltihed L'UCt.tH. No pain, will ho .pared to arcomraodat those. ibo favor us with their putronage. T- W. SANDS Protolenm Centre, Jan. fl, 1S69. tf. A. T. LEGGETT, Manaf.cturcr and Dealer in HARNESS, Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, fec. Experter.ced wnrkrnei are employed, Snd Har ness of all kiudn kept " nitantly on lutud nd msdf to order. P. C. Hein?8 Pat. SeedBa I or Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and .xuilna esr stoek and prices, Haln-.l., belotv ilie JHcClin. tocf IfO'l-C. Perrelcnui Cntre.J'a.. -Ian lih. IS ff rjMIKE IIoWhrdCo. P s Bnrtlit, Tremo 1 Watch C)'s. and National Watca Co'. Vi'muM , can bs uud at liUiM A W i, ft&8 P r. i . S ,i at eortern. T"" et stiifacti""'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers