DISCOLORATION CK ORIGINAL DAILY P RECORD. 3CV .-.- tCOlTTlSVATlOli or TUB 1'IXUOLE DAILY &ECOJU).) VOI II NO. 95. PETROLEUM CENTRE. 3?A.. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 18, 1869. 25 CIS. WEEKLY THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, j W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. Per year payable la advance, 9 00 71 l ee uiunm, PIIICE-I'IST WF ADVEUTIMNU. (Ton Hum of nonpareil make ono square.) No. Insertions. I h) it so. it e. rul. 7: I (i 1 la $4 W) 1 KI li S Oil 5 Ml 1 fi" 9 I'1 !W 6 01! X Oil IT1 8 (X) 7 111 S 86 8 IK) 8 SO S (HI 9 8 M 4 6 8 ISO 4 r,t 00 T .v 14 00 ID 8 CH) 1U 00 Id (XI 7 HI 10 00 1J U0 S' l IX) io w k 5u i oo i ' 18 it ir no n uo 4'i 51 Or 87 ul Ml 1X1 80 0 7 U K8 OH 4"i 00 Hn 1)0 ; ' 4M UJ, u IK) 1l (10 t ine day. T'vo days, I hree days, fiur dsye, Vlvadsie. Uae week, Two J Uree weeka, Hue m-mth. Two nmnthe, Thrae montba, f ii months. M1.0 months, tine year, fpscisl notion io cent" par lino. eac.1 inn-rtlou. idvertiseinonts payable quarterly in advance HUSINE.-'S CARDS. J A. ELLIOTT,: ATTOttNEY-AT-IjAW, AND NOTART PUBLIC, CETIIOI.EOM CENTRE. TA. ftnllaaaa In the Court t Franklin promptly at- 'TglCR-In Bieaetl ACo'a Brlek Hank Bond ing, up stairs!, U aahlngionSt. act 89-tf. ALBEKT . HAVER, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the Krick P.nk Building, cornet of Washington and Mala Slrocia, FSTKSLKrM CBNTRB, rKNN'A. May 19. 188. tf. ' UU.MUn IMI i ll, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS-AT LAW, fllce Wih Street, Franklin, anil Petrolenm Can in, Pa. layl9-tf. V. IBeAEPlXK, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. rriCE Ben-v's pew Bnlldlo". corner of Wash ington and Aecoud t -, Petroleum Ceutfe, Pa. mayl'J tf. T. K. CIIBIST1K, rt. D., PHYSICIAN AND SHKOKON; Odea opposite thaMcKlnney House, Plcasaiitvllla, Pa. Persons from a distance will gnerally (Ind lilm ethta Office on Saturday from 10 a. a., to 3 p.m. sepl4 tf Col. J. U. tJUOWN J. J. ncCASI.I.N, Dtalan In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, ate., PLKA9ASTT1LI.E, PA. 9. t. WIMDN VM VCLMIV W1LKON aV VAN VEIAOIt, OACGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OrrtCE. Mercanlllff !)ultilni. f Ml C'ly Pa . and with Owiton V Sonera; l'o.ioleuiu Centra, Pa. July SSth, 18 tf. H. C. tTarvijr. Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HANI). LOOKING GLASSKS In prea Tarlct.y. I.ooklnu OUa? Platai reulncwl n o'.A Frames Picture Frame inanle lo older tarppts, Oil eoliths Wall Papor, Window Sliiirios, A FIMK STOCK. VX l E It T .1 K I X O , COFFINS of all iIzhr on hand und trimmed to order on abort notice. SASH, GLASS AND DCOHS. of all atzaii. Alao, Piutv, Varni-h. Utaln. n. NO. Kill WASU!NJ'ro.-ST. ratrolettni t'piure. Pn , July S4. lsiw-lf. A. J. CHUISTV, U. S, DRUG STORE Cor. First & llolindcit BU., riTnoEE nrv, pa. njistr HOTELS. pox HOTEL, FRED. C. HYDE, Proprietor, rLKASAKTViix:-:, r., Or,poaiia tho Presbytariaa Church. FcM If. QIIASE HOCfE,! S. DUAPEK, Propi-lclor, ri,FANANTVII.l,E, l)ccl5 8:n. MJHN'A PETIIOMCM C3XT1IE, PA. Tliia pnnlat Iloul, ltuated Corner of Alalu 6l Wahlilncton-KU., Taurine Ieio haa h en ri't'i'l and furuih-d ihroiihoiit, and the brprietor Will ip.iro uu .al.n lo utaka it a FIRST-CLAS? HOUSE. cl8 tf W II. GADI.K. Proprietor. JL.NTUAL, MOUSE, rBTKOUUM CENTRE, PA., 5aar Oil Crank A Allaghasy ltirar Railway D?pa!. ir.ay19 tf. O. J. CItnso, Proprietor. ociiEriiK uousi:, Waahhicton ttrect. Pntroleara Cen'ro, Pa. COL A GIUFFIM, . . . Proprietor. Thla HmiM la centrally located, and the genurnl head(narter uf oil mm. Petroleum Ontre. Pa.. May 19 lfMS tr. UEKIUAN HOl!i:, Wah!aton Street, Petxolmin Cantro. Pa. d. x. citocKKH rjforn. Good arenmtnodatlona for trnnflient pu-'I.iiiht-'. Hay board and board wi;h nom oi riMiiiiih tnrma. The proprietor ri ! spare no imina tom:tU'j bia lione attmctive to -riteM!. mt'l-if 51EKICAN tUO'E'UJ., PKTROl.KDM CKTttE, PA. J. R. BARNI1S, - Vropiietor. Thla llone la In a plcnannt l-'cn!ity. mi'l hut a abort walk from (lie ii'it 'Hn r'.o:n nie lrL'p and rnniforta le, and tho table supplied with tbc deilcaclfa of the aeaaon. jiijo-tr- J. k. ihuvpp.. PETKOLE151 HOIKS;, OII CITY, PA. Itaflm recer.tly taken piwao'tlon of the ahorc Ilonae, wowould niot reaicfully inform tho tia elinu pnbllc Itiat we p'oi)e l "Ue 'p a floiel," and to convince them of the fatt, we imite all who wish the comfort ol a home, to call upon ua. It will Le found Tho Hotel of the Oil ICes'ions. Our Sample Hooni la alippllcd with the cho'ecot Wlnea, Liquoraand Vjm, a id our t f.V.c !!' be fnd laden with ihs vi iy bet tl:e n n u-.'t j. n M- There iacomiOLt'd with the llutie fuur fin: class j Ullllard Talitea Als", B-'rli r Sho; anj ll.i:h Hnona (ibe n c'll. km! imiiv'ukj our. v Ives of the Iruthiulncae ol our Ahtvtiim. octo if jAifins wui'fs:. illl.LKft FAltM STATION, On Oil Crock Itaiboaill THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C W. TIVIST. Proprietor. Jiin.-Htf. NTEIiN.VA't.i.VlL. DlU'j'tiL, yar.i:u r.r.M, pa. JOHN E. nowi:, - - I'rop'r. flood a"'f.iiiii'(i'l itlo'i f.ir tra-nici t i'iit cm llav lloaol mid llni.-l wi.lt u.i.in on rci-onuMi If.y iiunoi i ' term. '1 lir i"opr;';nr v til tj;,ro no ;miif, in uri' o liie Umiwe atlr tciiw .'H'cJ II" NION llO'i'iii.. I'l.KASANTVII.l.K, PA Till rimifo havlni; recently been Hilaricd aivl rn fnniil 1. 1 am ii" i-ewwl to ace .now o.l:t:e two int'idre 1 lou-I" oi'iioriaiily SlagM have thin lioin itirii-time a day for it tueviho There iealio a lire orsM' iMio i',i!i,.'u. JUS-IT 'llll)-i. iMcKlSNi:, IV.p'r. MMnnmmaBmvmwn.Mxw.H.t,Aa VjujuMor of Ue Buffalo Bakery. lVobr In choice Flour, llut'.er, Fir.'" a"d I'hwac. Alao, clioico fro-nic, lVtiolciim Centre, l'.i. Cider" left, v-ill be prrm;tly ni.-idi.il to rn Good delivered. P.ulolllii- lli.x : " "'- IAMON1" l-INyanl lllM.K. Petroleum Cantro Dally Record. Pot. tout.r, Tliurlilar, Ularcti 18. w1"Bp9aaaWBaaaaJafJfl9JS9nr MHJV .CaT 9JaXaaVflBmfflp-jPV9iajaKrv Tiis eurtli-practioi in caaea of woiim's und turn it making great headway. M L. Holliroott. In. V,, Nef York, writes: '-I liavn runny times treated pmulout centagi o n opib!tnia with ilruinR or pouki c inu, only of wnt clay dug from co'd spring. By l.iiidin; it on t!:n cyea at niplit in its iiiru't; (jtn;ili;y as a pint, it often ttcis liko n ci.-ii.'ii. lis (irst i'!!Vc!b are to reduce tho inlUuim'iiion. lint it noon tiecora'S dry end hard, and then nlianrbs, lik-! dry earth, any P' ii!ii i;8 in.iiter lh.it is secreted by tho in L'ltn d i aria, nrevontinj it from doing f.irr:r lejiitr. This remedy was suggested tr me yiMrs a:o by an old maa w ho never knew an3'tl'iti! nlmnt lhar regular practice of medisine, nod I have seen it worksn well that I bi'lii-ve it lo be worth careful trial.' At Key Went, .Florida, thorn is a lad who i a notable snnko cliarmer. now he came to b posnea-ed of the wonderlnl power it thus dtt-crilied: Before hia birth hit mother dreiinii'd that her next child should be pose9d of the power of a witch, and hence he wa born w ith tbo fiuiue of a tropical scorpion milked tipan his aide. On day, while tittlnc nilli a bed of nnla about blot, a voice cume to him, sayinj:, "Go lo a ce. tain tree, then you will find a certain milk, drink it, and you iliall have power to ciiarni." lie did as commanded, and was forthwith invuttud with the spirit of enchant ment, d' Tlireo colored men have beau arretted in Now Jersey for stenlitig larjie quantities of valuable furniture, books. it;4 ti.e1iioalQK.tO their employer, Vincent Collyer. the wel'.. known philnnthropift. Collyer is now alv sont'on a miasion to the Indians. The prop erty was talfn from his residence in Darinn Connecticut, and carried to New Jorsey. i he li.-onets will be scut lo Connecticut I'm trial. J"olm C. "Welch, Scncca-St., Oil City, Pa., DoeUT in ibbs, KasspH Co's Baring and FisJiing Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, UnvStig Pipe, Drrrlck Iron, U'aS.-tiico Wlict-Ea aV Piillirx, nil ti.ii, Mv eonncrlion willi Alvauvllle anil PULstnrffh f ,r. '. I. ii U t.l, Ih.l, I .;oi -I mo n't LIm.I. ,.f c.,-;tK, nt elioit oid. r. JOIIN C. WELCH. on ri-v, Tel.. 17. 18011- Pianos ! Piano 3 ! Mrtiiiifor.turer, .TAMFSTDWN. N. Y. Al, cx cliuivo Aoul for tho ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WnOT.'WJ.E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mr'f t 33 aide. Ktriu, &c. Ty" Fond fr i:iiiatraty.l Cat'oj;i Mi'l price Wftrt.'( rtni 11 T.in SmtvL rectory Hnmlilt Itm k, lnt I'l' Viiin-st " m;iv".-tr' MACHINE & BOILER SHOP W VBHINGTOX rT., IJC - innol iMini'VVTPI' !!-. RUit.ERS AND ES'CINES REr.MRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done i ron'.pily and .nniuel io git 0 , atM'tb.. W.irrniilel lo T. M'Bonalda LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At t!:c S)i43f, :?j:sUe th? PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rjriH bout l'ock of nitlVINi; AND SADDLE jL iiOltt-tS ou tiio Creek, atu to be fom.d at SJ'lo;ialit' liivery. RAE3IA5ES & EUTIZKS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. IIOKSES FED V HOARDED on Itcasoiiabla Terms. TeaiKiug: of all Kinils at tended to PromntJy. CCive mo a call. T. 1PDOXA1. . Petroleum Ccn're, Not. II, 1S8S. aQ. SEW GOODS t NEW GOODS ! JVST RECEIVED at tbo Store of Kcnsieday & Sac, a choice stork of selected GROOERIES, ConslrflnBoUTeaa. Coffiva. Salcoa. plain aod Fan- cy oapa, i.-anncQ Frulta, O&TlSfcS,- BUTTER- EGGS; CHEESE. Al;o. d.-alers !n Confectionary, Fmlta. and choice brands of TOBACCO and CiUAKn. Call and x uuiino our stock ut tbo Store lately occii:p5Sy .T. Mil ler's .Ti'wcl y Siorc, kenicoav a .c.t:. Petroleum Centre, t-ept. 3 , IM'.S.-tl. aawj-wMneMuiwa uua,ijiaajaiiM"Meam F1SE1E11 & AtilSEfilS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dcalera la all kinds of WEJi Ii TOOLS & FIXTl'UES v(N..ary for I'litilnit down and nperetlnij Oil ta'clie. In cotiiu-ciiou ni'li nur MACUlliU f dOP, w bave a taive nud convenieut BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our ftcilitli s for II ANrFACTiiRiNCJ are not ex celled bv any Miop in tlm Oil ltegiors. Shup Mjiii'Ht,opposite Mf CUnhck House. nivST tf FISHEU & NORKI9. Us)TAlllilSiClD, A.D., 5 fJKKAT COMIHNF.n TAl.llS t lir. K. .1. IthV ?i 9 Ol.l). ivi)M tutor. W. iH Sc 'b ii'i-N'Aiii'- m. i).. 'V:.-u'l'i?lVs Cor-TOlli'.!'' ':.fictan aod f ;- ; StiK.-on nnelitt'lor, N. Y yri Tin j i the only olB-e In v ... . ' i.'.. th. i i v wlicrr :i oi.riituncio 2. cure of pi ivaic di u-a. a can . 'Vj I'.' l'!;i without !m ute ni' .if'ii'JtV'''- 'fr'ti - '. t-i'Ti'iiry or fhaiiyi! of ulot.. ffi'Is1 rJK v4;I 'iVs- v K1 Will OO !o c:iro ou- j;.; OPP.,l: (j(H.l( Sy)l:ih Inuiotrncy, Nwtnrtnil EniUi-'n. hp S'-lf Abiiny, li uuril l;mi'lonn. rt'itii' I Via!!:Uiii. i:i -i!iiri, v' rv itnU.if- n.id v;it.'Iv nl S xn.il Dinun Dr. KtynnM-' l'iti it 1 rwl SiV id arrant nl a Ffif. ami Mir" nrc-vrnlivti n;u.ul iIiMi;io I'riro $1. or thre ffr ?l Vtr. HcvimV!.' rrnfit wtr-:. " TF!K I'ltlVATi: YtiH'M,.;t UK." b.tii:;ifjfy ittn-tmiei, wilU Or. it i ttii li fMifri-A-f.iliv r.KHitltinl ou fill AU a-. i wi Ii w lilh 'In liurii !i f iii.iiy ifc uliiic'.e'i, wall cnn-a wnr,(int'l 1m n-1 ciu-ihl; c ,'( 1-tt- .- wi t In- u- hw itfi:i4- Vm'V cmlTln o rt'Miilwtiu' if t".4- ii--M ir r. in.na-.i Wo. Coii-ul-'i n: ' thft u'Y' In'1 ! c'l t r.i-riii'tii'-r nit: mi'l it -r f .t.. ftritrr n( MM! tin Mnikf ir.ii. i-,. vi.;t- Vfinr fnlMi.i: Will li'i on. !i.ti 1 1 " ii '! ir '!' .i u.t co:j i'ii tnitd n f mm d it t-i'f(;t c. ti.irfft ii, ..;': h M'ifii titic Hii-l iiunnuf 1 roiii-ti ' litiniiuuiit urni u ra;ml ail's - riiuirii'.ii ctti'i. All :i.l(m---a lt Tr K. .1. lnCYNOT.ttH. It(..-hA..iT, N. V., will ii'--t "itli prm;t iiitfiieicr. Ail c irtu watKiiiifil- Jui('.' Uoi.ri liui.i 7 A lo i. M inf.-U lv. CJ:irT ulrtte V. litrro s itu nv uiy erasrtaatUirMSslWtlWW ISJSJ XT9sMI II J SJISal ' 1 9tt SajUSfA SJ gv:o. iiriiiNi:i.ii o.. b 32 b r a m I 1 i ritoi.i t Ji t i:nit., I' t. I C.e,,-!,- I7. ll-s.e'.l, .l.-m-e A. M'llManuma Jamns ll'shol-, M. c. Martin. jflRSKKAi. h.KlMi. KXCUAMial an ( ol.. , UV, ' ,'!l'niruli.lto our caro win roe. lie proii.p: aiirniloii. lui: tf. 'PHK R Howard .V Co. f t Haiile'i. T;vm..tii 1 I Wiii.-I. Co s. and SalwijIU etch at- h- ! K Hanle'i, Temotit RAILROADS. Eric and I'iltstmrgli U. R. ON AND AKTfcK SI'NDAV, NOV. 25.1, 18S, traiua will run on this road as followai lkavs ami: aorTiiwART,. 10.25 a m., Pittahnnth Kxpress, stops at all ata tiona, noil arrives at A. A ii. W. It It. Trana fcr nt 1 To i m., at New Castle at 3,15 p in., ar.d at I iltabiuvn at 0 oo p. m. 4.30 a. iu.. Acconuno.liition from Jamestown, ar rives at A. .v U. W. It it Transfer at 8.' a. in., nt ?nw Cnstle at 7oo a in., aud at i'lllnliur.'!! at 10 (10 a. rn 5. It) p. in.. .Mixc.l Traiii halves Kile for Sharon' ptopptnif at all iiitcrmcdtate etatlotu and ar riving at l.O 'a. in Noit-rnwnD. 7.15 Kile Fxps lea- js New Caatlcat 9.4S an4 A. a: u vv. it. ft. xrnnsierut 11,10 a in., and arrives nt Erie at p. m., makluf cloe eiiiuie.-tion for Buf, and Nlap. Kail la). 4.35 p ni. Krie Aecomtnodatiou leavoaN. Castleat l.'M p in , A A O. W. K. It. Transfer al 9,M p m., Jamestown at 9.40 p. m. 3.30 p. in. Mixed Train leaves Sharon for Brie, ar riving at 11.60 p m. Pittshurith Exprnsa south connects at Jamestown at 12. .Ml p m. with .1. A K. Kx press, for Frank iin end Oil Citv. Ciaineeta at Transfer at 1,86 pni. with A. (1. W. Accommodatloa west, for War. ren. liavanna and Cleveland. Erin Kxprest north eonnects at A. ft O. W Trana. erat II, lo a in., with Mail east for Maadvllla, Kranlclin, and Oil City, and at Jamestown with i. & Y. Kxprens for Franklin. Trains connect at. (indicator with trains ft Wheeling awl all points hi W est Virginia, and at Piitsburali connections for Philadelphia, Harris limy, Ila'llmora and Waahiugton, via Veunsylvanls) Cemrnl Railroad. Erie Express North, rionnects at Qlrard with Ijke s-hore trait a Westward fbr Cleveland, Chicaco and alt points In the wet ; at Krla witk Phlladclplila Krio ltailroad for Corrv. Warren, Irvim ton. Tidionte, 4c, and with Bittfalo Brie. Pallrna.1 for Iluflalo, Duuklrk, Niagara Falls as4 Naw York City. I. FtSSET, . Asg't 8uperintedan BrFFAI.O AND EH1E HAILiROAO. On. and after Monday, Nov. iSrd, lStsl, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follows: 1:40 j A. M. M0I1T RXPKE8H, stopptni' eC' Ilipley, Westaeld, Dunkirk and Hllvap. croeK, arriving at uunaiti at a.so a. m HKX A. M., NEW YORK KXPHK8S. atop. lJ.tlt tiiig at Weatdeld, Brocton. Dunkirk, SiU , vercreek, and Angola, arrlviul la Boffale at 8,10 P. M. y,s p. JU CINCINNATI EXPRKSS, stop. t'm-M rini; at Dne nt Jtsvirtbuast. Wosinoia, Broctos. TMHlhW is( nn FitiTercreeK, suia trivaW M BurlaloSt lo.45 P. S. A. M.. MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. TION. stopiiiiiKat al!statioaa,arriruigat jiunaio at la.-io a- .1 3K P- M. BAV KXPHESS. stopping at Northeast ltipley, Westtield, liiinklrk, Kilvercreek ami Angola, arrlvlug at Batt falo at 7.(io P. M. LAVB HIKKAt.(l OOI!ffl WSST. 91,: P- M., DAY EXPKKSS stoppln at An l0em9 jia, Hilvercr.'eli. Dunkirk, lfroctou, V'ciflcld nuil Nurtheast, ariivlUK at Erie at 8.44 P. Jl. 4'(ll '" M- MAIr ANn ACCOMMODA. Ut Tin:,', stoppinc at all stnlious, arriving ot Erie at H,5n P. M. 0.Tf A. M., TOLEDO KXPRF.fs, stopping at ' all stations, aud arriving at Erie a' lo,9 A. M. . tMf 1" M., STEAMBOAT KXPHE3S. atop. ttlUt ping at Ancola, Silvcrcreak, Dunkirk, lSroctort. Wwifl. ld and NonUoiul, arriv In? at Kiieal l.So A. M. t,k)t A. M., NliillT EXPKES9, atopnlng at rm9 Hivereroe1, Dunkirk and Weattteld, af riving at ErU at 4.4o A. M. r.allroad tiuu is lo iiiiauiea faster than Etta Mme H N BROWN, GenT Supt. 1MH ALO, I'UUUK V I'11TBUI RAILROAD TIME TABLE, Takes en"oct Monda'-, November 23d, 1688. NOI11-HWA1111.' Accommodation leaves Corry 8.81 p. h i Clynes 1, 6 ; Pciimna 4.1ft; bhermau 4.VIS; Pummtt S,oe v. m ; Ma villi- 6.r,i arriving at Broeton 7,oo p. m i:spri tralu leaves Corry lt,3o a. si. t Clymer 9.89 P. iia i n lo.la ; Shi-rniau 1U.JJ5 ; Sum nit 10,W; May villeli.lo. and arrives at Brerton 19, 0 at. Mail leaves Corrv l.l.'i p. ., stopping at all sta tions, arriving at B-octon 1.50 p. x Sol'TltWAKO. Mail train leavos Unaion at fl.oo a t., stopping at ,.!! s.ations, arrlvi-s at Corrv at 1-?,1!8 p. M. Kxpress leaves liio. ton at S,R5 p. M.j Mayvlllo H.'Ai ; t-iiminit S.J.'ii sierman 4.oo; l'anauia 4,95' Clvuier 4.;im. and arrlvlue at Oorry at 6,o6 p. at Aoroni'.ioilatiun leaves Brocton 7,oo p. May. villi. Siiinuiit Mo, li-riii in ISM, Panama 9,89 Clamor U,lu, arriving at Con-y at lo,lo P. at. coNaaenoNS PaFBiiifer' leave llulf.ilo on tho Toledo Bxpreas or l.uv r.xoiess, i-on.i-jc'itia at Brocton with traina for Maiv lie. Mtei-niaii, l'anauia, Clynuir and Oorrv; conneciiOL' at Corrv with trains on the Oil Creek It. H. r.,r'liiuvl.le, Mi'ler, Piouearand Pot. Contra, tdl Citv mi l "l'il i-t.iil:;li Also", ci.i.o.-ciirc at Com- with trains on the Poll-ad-!pli!a & I'M.' Load, for Philadelnhla an I llarrisv bur- ; au.l on tue Atlantic ami Ore it tvs:nru KaiW vuv for t niou, MtadvPln, Ureenvllle, Pa., and X'.'iini.ri, ( iliio. a'..l laiaiwtoAn and band. lph.N.T. '.-r.iius leavinirtiil Cily nt fi 15 a. m., Corrv at li. e. i n tii., or.i ecrt 9 hi liroctoti with Hum uu B al it It., arriving 'n BinTiloat S.lo p. in. Tra'ns I n Ing (Ml city at p.W a in will rannaet Willi Mail 'I r..ii. leaving U.rry al 1,16)1. M iiectli.gvilh Lxlivks Kast on R It It, arriv. iu, in ll.illulo hi RM p. n. leaving Buffalo at 4,oo ' p. in , nriivin-: at I'orryat lo.lo p Ul- Aiso. i-iH I at Vayvllle with K'tcamboata on Cliaiilau iua I keidunna season uf uavlgaUou, for .lamerUu eii and lumdoUin. A. It TTtEV.', Rapt., Jar.l. Wayvllle. N. V. , W. DH3Sli.A-1i7 T AILOE! AND CLOTI1E3 CLEANER! Al liC'SHIi'Mii! Harness Shop, .Hit in Struct, n'TROi.lX.M CENTRE, PA. Iivi-.IMI done to o dcr Wo-k r.o-e well and .aiiffiri.nn pnianieii r.lvy m-ja est l.. 11 l..o ... Dec: -r D h IMI H f- ' ' r ! 0 tf- r. J UAN.NA it C J. ea, can lie uo ai i-u.i.u a. v - ai:eeV?g -"fa5i EsxWBT'533BSBBri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers