f N I El n Si I t Is; i 5 a? i James A. Sherriflf, Bui, ia addition to tbe large itook ot OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWAEE, STOVES, TiNWARE, That he keeps at his Old Stand in this Place, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINH, At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, fytk aiJofCoiii53t6EtMtaiife The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements iu the JlECIIAXICAL DEPABTMEXT, TUB PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, AD GOODS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND LIBERAL DEALING Ci EV ER ALLY, To merit and receive liberal n onuraement from operator! in that locality. CMYK IBB A CALL. Jakes A. Sherbuv. Petenlmin Centra, ept t, 1861 4f. RECORD OFFICE. S. V. NUklln. J. Hootmt lainuon. Great Excitement ! AT TUX EXCELSIOR STORE, No. 53, Room formerly oc cupied by Kcmplnsky, Fereme vleltlng et. Can' re for the pnrpoee of par ettaeing good Kill find It In Ihtlr advantage k all aad examine tho elegant mock of FALL AND IBB GOODS ! Whisk to bow being opened dally it U Excelsior Store! or NICKLIN & SHANNON wbr at all tittiM niu Ha found tha largait aa Wiuiciii any immi .JIN or FANCY DRESS GOODS IN TUB COUNTRY. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, AND " OFFICE, WASHING TO X iSTHE -LT, orrotiTS tdbsopkra uoboe, PETROLEUM CENTRE. HARDWARE OIL C1TT LOMiWCLl fc rHUIHEll,Prpr". NEWS DEPARTMENT We receive telegraphic despatch, np to 4 p. ra., ud preeent them to onr readers every evening, em bracing newa of great lnteroet from all eectlonsof the oouutry. We have mad apeclal arrangement, whereby we receive regular Petroleum, Stock and Produce Market report every evening by telegraph, from Now Tork, Philadelphia and Pttteburgh, which, ogether with Idltorlnle and Local matter, make It ono of the meet dealrable newepapera published In the Oil Reglona. A nil Advertising Medium, The RECORD ha ne egperlor, l It circulate! whet ever an M operator or dealer can be fouud PRICE GOODS PER YARD. MERINO $ 90 to 1.10 BMI'Kli.-j ri.OTUS, VJ to 1.10 WATr.lt I HOOFS. 1,20 WtMII. Prl.AINF.S. 3A FULLK.rTON'8 BARD FLAN 4i to4in UKl) FLANNELS. 4. to CO ALL YYOOI, BLANKETS, 10-4 White, DkLAIN M,. t2c. io2.'.c. WU1TK 4S lo75 per pair, $5,00 to 9,00 BLRAOHED MUSLINS, from 10 to 25c BROWN ' " 10 to 20C riii.N'ra lotome LADIES CLUAIUSUS ! All PHK'eM A VD roi.Mtt Alee, a large lot nt WUIS3 A3 r.IIS3S2 ! WHICH WE AUK KRM.IVi. XT YRKY LOW ruicc. We e' verv thankful Ihr a.t f vnre. and In th untrlt will think mir nam srom friniuU ami oewuere lur a cournioaureov in? aame. rcc drt!r boT AbiMt retrolfam ROBSON'S Oil Cbeek Pipe Works. CIIARLE! HO II SON & Co., Garner of Senera 4c Ventre Mm., tail aitlo Uil Creek, Oil C'lly, fa., Dealers In Morrli, Taeker A C'o'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, iUO, WORKINO BAHllBtS AND VALVES, BTDKflNO HOXES, CLAMPS, TOXOS, KL'CKKH noDS, Ac Machinery for Oil Well & Refineries BORING TOOLS, OIL PUMPS, DRY GOODS TITUSVILLX. o rmviNO pipk, COLU WATBli POMPS Xvery description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Alto, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AyD OAS mTiyas. BELTIXQ, tACKiyO, and BOSS I HARDWARE, nOCSB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tooln, Rope, Oukum, Nuilt, Atm, CofiVo Mill", Table & Pocket Cutlery; A. Fnll AMortmeot of Everything In the HARDWARE LINE. JJmae Inrilehlng Good,, Lauue. utiimncve. No. 1 Wiuter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Hetliinl OH, Stair Kods Table and Door Met ; Champion Clothes Wringers Mnnafucturcre of Tin, 8heet Iron and Copper Ware. !tranlriug of all klml dnno with ncntnesi ami dlrpaich. pec!al attic Hon given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING, w have enripiurored to merit the ratroimire of the public, and bali tide evury oxerilon to Injure It, continuance, ftnr faclUtlpe fnr fiirnUhin? et orvtlunc In our line, having bfen greatly Incroosed, iu the erection or onr New niilldintf. arc now SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHKR ESTABLISHMENT augai-lm. IN THR OIL RKfilON. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. We have a lane ani well clcted- annrtmcnt ol new Jobbing Ulatorlal, emDmcing the very latest stylee. We aro therefore, enabled to execute Job Work of every variety In a sntlsfactoty manner When detireil, job, will ba netitly prl.ito 1 la Coin ShlppiitB Bills. Posters Hand-Bills. Piojrummei, Bills of Fare. Ijabels. -AND Biulneas aad Malting Cards LETTKR-UKADS, DILL-HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Bto , Etr BALL PRINTING, Pijin or Alley St7lea, nmitly and promptly execu ted, embracing INVITATIOV CIRCril.AKS PHOOItAMMES CARDS, TICKETS, ttt In !e, iwr varletv arc ty' of work In ittr, proee pr nttng. AUG, SISVIO, MERCHANT T 1 I L O E , Bissell's RIock, Oil City, Ilrva Jort received a large a-tioitraenl of NKW FALL k WINTER GOODS, Of the Latcet Par!, Lordon, and Sow York Fas'j. ioni, comtiririni lu pint CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKIN'S. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CASril MERE3, 4c, end all nrtiH'i kept in a First-ClusM Tniltiiiiitf IJttub Ushnieut. Ilata, c;np. Fine Wlilte Klilrtu, Paper Collar. Hone. Suspeudera. Necktici, and Gents' Furnisliiia; Gooils, In mmeral. All decrlptlon of Clothing made tip by experienced workman, in the Ititvt etjlee, ai rtaonablu prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUO. SIMON. Oil Cltv, Pa.. Sep. 19. lfW8-tf. Morel Iw, .laMri of Pen-vi. j.0 Astoti. C il re eri td Agu,. 1 iv.raift-t Agmita, llprir.-.o lni c'vpirt! in w,nt. lire intonnw tit we i pr-irl tn mrn' too -!r nil ".f!i of BIUN'KS, tn.inpe r,r legal, rTiirM Inrli.wu! uitf-.ilty Jab'jmg netronag rennwrtiill.v wtlHM LONUWKI.il, ITA M.i;j;i ORSIO, IIOSEY & Co., Stationers ! Keep a full line of STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, AIKEN'S GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. WALL PAPER! $10.00!) ROLLS ! New and elegit nt Designs. Paper Plangi'&s Ae reasonable n can lie pnrchancd at any place Iu tho Oil Region. Bissell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. Oil City, !., Oct. IS. I tf mm ffl FEED STORE. ."VO. r CKXTIIK-ST., n 3. tirv, Tit l tli 1-p-t (V.t.i'i'i.lHnfit of tin? kMlJ in tin Oil '.VtDn. Vf' i'!'l a' wiinl' -i.l!t Hml o o 0 5 p CT9 3 c i 5' 3 ft.. O c if 0) CD CD O O 3 Q ucuun o o o u o Mt to P a r RAILROADS. HARDWARE TITUSVILLE. JF. ."V. AMES, DEALER IN Stoves & Iron, BRICK MRDWARG STORE, DIAMOND STREET, V Opposite City Hall, Tltiiovillc EXCLUSIVE AGENT3 FOR Plymouth Drilling Cable! To Hefiners, wsiitb; & uui; LKAR, GLUE & ETJNQS, a Large Stock. Afnray mid .luniiita Iron, JESSOPS, CAST STEEL, TOE CALK STEEL, AND SPRING STEEL, BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS. We keep the Largest Stock of Nails in Crawford Oountjyind can always supply our customers with anything from a two ounce Tack to a Sixty-penny 8pike,and at tbo liowest Rate. We shall endeavor to keep our Stock a complete ae io th past, onrt with tho fhcili tiea o have for buying, our (fienda may lie ttfuurcd we WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. I'. W. A5IKS, til SN fi.M r ,. mulsh mi;, llll'ltl i Oil M & Allegheny River R. R. WARREN FRANKLIN, FARMERS AND OIL ORBKS RAILROADS CONSOLIDATED, NEW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGION. 1SOS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1168. TIME TABI.K. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. SUTD, 1368, trains will run ae follow, : GOINtl NORTH TO OIL CITY A PETROLEUM CENTRE. TI rimVII.I.K ANI) C'OKRY. A. M., Exprera.arrlvca Tldioute at? 4oa i"" m., Oleopoltoat D.lo a. m.. (connecting there with trniiia for Plthole), Oil Cily 9 4o a. ni., Petroleum Centre 10. a. m , Itoyd Farm o.'ii a. in., Miller Farm lo. 46 a m., TltiiKville 11.05 a. m., arrlvlnc at t'orry nt 12.40 p. m. 1,KI P. M . Mall, anrivee Tldioute 4o p. m. ."V 01i-opolie4 ot p. m. (connect, with tin a r Plthole City), oil city e.3 p. m., p. trolcum Centre 0.18 p. in , lloyd Karm B 21 p. m., .Miller Farm 5.42 p. in., Tilue vllle 6.01, p. m., arrlviug at Corry at 1IH p. m. M., Accommodation rom Oil Citvae. 6:27 i liveeat Petroleum Centre T.o4 a m.,Boyd Farm 1.06 a. nt , Tltnav.llo 7.45 a m arriving at Corry at 9 $i a. m. 0:: 12:20 OOINO CI1ITT1I FROM COKHY, TIxrsVILII. PETROLEUM CENT I-K A OIL CITY. ".a A- "rrivee at riiu.viiie tu; a. m ,rm" Miller Furin I 45 a m. Dmd Farm o m. Hetruleuin Centre 0 o7 a ia, Oil Cltv 8.411 a. in.. OleoiHilla lo S3 a. m . Ti.ll oute ll.SS.i m , and Irvlneton Vt 4nnm '" ,lrl ' Tliuevllle 2 or, p, m.. Miller rnrni .lan ui. li.,,l k. 2.61 p hi, Petroleum Cent re 2.: p ui . Oil l ily 3 1 p. ni., leave Oil Cltv S S in. anlve(!e.io;i4.07p in, oonnect wnb tmin for I'lihn'el, TUtuute 57 n. in , and lrvincon tl.Sii p. m 5:25 M 4. "Mtiwij.-I . t ln f.om Corry ai- i .is p. m. Itoyii Fiirm 7 o: p ni, IVrt im (eiiiie 7.5e p in, arriving at oil otiv S 15 p m. ' CONNECTIONS. -.tr01,,,r.T.'?rlh e-nn.tt t 4 rry lth Phlladalnhlt ft Erie It R.. end Ailanllc A Ureal Wtt,r Hail. and Pitiehnrgh ra'ln-ad f. r llnn"Io Tmin councct nt oil city whh rranklin Branch for rranklin. Mridville, and tee Weal, and at Ir. vlaeten with Phil. Erie II. H E,,., a " Sttimhrd time twistt uiinitles fi9i,r N.n !,. tin Hranch and A. i W.I!. H. iim,.. Paraengera nlll llud th! rnml a He pleaaant and the ehnrlesi mine lo and from the oil region. All tralna Whi from Irvlueton leavo after arrival or trniiia on P. A hi. R. It. De ure ani ak for Through TlcVeta via Oil Oreok Alleithrny Hivur Italnvn,-, the Ureal Short Koine to the Oil Region. H. F. W(fa;Tr.rrt.cn'l iiperlnteniont. C. J. IIEP1IURN, A t Supeiiutendclit. lllCT. I'tttsburgli, Fort Wayne and Ciil4'iien Itivllivuv. i LUi: TAau, 8,10 p. m. V.SO a. m. 8,55 p. w. 0,51 ii. uu on ritv. Frank Un, MMcivi.l,, ClnikuvllU, New Can tit, Ilomewood, Nw Ilii'.itua, Hnchnter, Allrihfnv. I'ittalnih r Af3. n. m. a. ni. ft. ni. 8,il. a. m, H,45 a. in. 10,O0 a. m. 1 .4 a. m 1.40 p. nt. a,5 p. in a, 57 p. in 4,18 p. ui 4, J .3 p, m 5,50 p. m ifftlirillflir laatlVM TOt'eah.. ...... .. 1 . 4,3(1 p. ni. " " ' ni i (hINS K'i!n'n Vr"' nn '''"'burgh. Fort Wnvre fle d at U.4n a m ,.,l in ii r a.. .!.., ... . - " Ill l'ft 'rilllna .1 lift ,,. - . i ; irt-.j j i ' . " ana HI,UJ. JO and 4.45 p. m., and arrlie al Chl'-aevi i.l ,00 and IL, ( p. m . mid U.W ami 1 l,ao a. iu i. u .ofo R; Jl-"iOeuTnrkct A,;ent. March. 18s.-tr. !'!r,.iv,-..,. ! A CARD TO TtIK L.tDli S. D..Pt.:,.'0Nf.",s, OJLDEN PEIll DICAt Pll.l.s-fur cmale. Inf.lihlo In eorreeiing Irregiilaritiee, nmotlng nhttriirilona oflhe neii th tnnia, frun whatever cmee and always untcue-fai ae a preventive One plli is a dne Female pe culiarly .Hunted, or thoae nppi.alngtheiinelvej ao, are c.iuti. ned imaina' tivli.tr ihrae I'llla, while in that eunilition le.t ihiy Invite nilacarringc. aHar which almonltlon tlie pr rletnr aMunie.no re aiioiiatbilitv. altliriuirn their nilMuca would p'evaut any ml-rlifeftn health; ntkerliw the I'lHe are re c iniininded at a niot inv.Hu. h e iwu-vlv for the al levlatlttn orihtHe.unerin? from anv irrvgHlarltlea whatever. a well a. tu prevent nn ln're,en of fatnU ly when hrillu will not permit Ir; quieting tlio nervr a and liritetlng hack Hie roey color of health" to the cheek i.f tl:e moat dclicalo. Full and explicit dlrictlnii. nceompnny oath box Price 1 1 per box; 6 bone. 15. Hold In i etmleum Centre, by A D. MILLER St CO., Ho'ii Agents-' for Petroleum Centre, Pa. Udl l lly aendlng them $1 to the Pemdi uai Can tre '. O. ra.i have the I'llla cent Rmiri'lt-iiti tlty i b mnll to any part -f ti e country, tree of chu se Sold alio by R. c I .. 8 c ark. 'l itnavlll.. P. i A. 11 Grilllth, Oil Cily; Fleming A: Cnne. Frank; in; Dr. J L. Acouib. 'I idion'o; E. T. linxi'lfon, Warren: and by "one Druggiat" iu ever town in the 0 li'rd ftt,-e, and hy Jn 9. D. lljU'B, l'rop'r, New York. Reitorei grny and faded Hair to iu Original Olor, rcmovei Dandruff, CCRES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevent! Baldnmj, and make the httt grow Soft, Gloasy nnd Luxuriant. $1,00 ui $t0 per Bottle, eel Bottle ia lint hp Bu. Prepared bv HEWAr.B ft BUNT1.KY, DruggUt Bultale.N.Y. Bold by all Diuggleu. . A. 1). MILLER & CO.. Wholraalo nml Retnll UrnggUu, Ageula.for Petroleum Centre and vicinity. JulMy, For doing a family waahlng In the beet end cbean et d. inner, tiunrnntee'l eUl to any In the world I Ha. all the etrength of old 'me, aoap with the mild and lathering oualJil-a of genuine catlle Try thla spl.r.tll.l Snap Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL Wol'K. 4 (forth Front Sireei, fhliaaeipnia. Btfpil.cod.'riTi. L.tltK HI4I J't'lM. HII.I.M prlalod ( the aliie'nat notice, nt the llenord OlAce t O TO ill M A fltirM for jtistX'artrHgee. G
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers