i q ESTABLISHED IN *- Via Vittsburgit easette CITY ITEMB. The Honors of IndigegUon. Ted Colaybun of your stomach, =fend-oat, 'ilyageiptiet but ought not Year atomaah to cone Phdll Of Yost Possibly the yang. you .educe era • .aimgdythe slOgnich's method of taking revenge tar nelatetuag and shoeing it. Perhaps . youluvre liner =Wean effort to improve Its cola - dlifira but on that other hand are continually ralldlitt With dnerholacome and incongruous food.i.h alre you ever tried Hamettern Stomach ...proper diet, and regular meals I The Mlttehr Id a week would put your digestive op —panttui In perfect crier, regulate the flow of bile ' , iii r ricaordacee with the laws of health. mil produce just so nuich aperient, melon as Woolf be oedema rigor four good; and when you were once all right -ballets add /winder dieting. with a little of the tome now and Ruin, would keip you so. it yen hairs trate:text these wane of cure, don't b lime • yam! stamuh tar Its rebellion. It le merely na. ;tare's hint that she Wants help. if yon neglect t, the next Mang may be Inflammation or antra as ,_.-41XIM. or come other. violent and da1:40 ,20 M. Me , - ease. ,Thera 4 gueh a thing as being too late to these Matters, Beatetter's Bitters will core dys. gryalit , bat - dyeyeyela may engender diseases Wltleite defy YI festorattrei. Eloatetter's Bittern . &re edliwfrolisaalti sad Mail at very low race at Flatters Dreg and Patent Medicine Depot. No. -Ald garb% street, comer of the Diamond, near 'WEInO sten. „•-• _ _ _ ;The Bey Goods Market. f. watch natual7 .l Attatas an .d. Tian la the price of Dry Goods ill alleviate. as it the present time, mile& dotatlath to . Abe tattler', there is felt that pekes will advance *WI farther aa soon as tha darned (which, meth, • ~t artithlaolhlay mates, au, am la utilet. abated 410Salitihit;) statheath la, wrath will probably be about tha tenth of theptesellt month. Tadao:MU Mel day had' elapsed alter ImAttAtaa of ths Ythrothd an advisees bad tabu' plate proadeini Deep Wadi lu - te. future. The thetillit to doubt less a loot thee to Inereass stack, AAA ear advice Moods (bataia both at st4olatale cad re. tall) la to ltaptava tt, especially as as unusual!! !aria atutiar led stook can be fount Jut sow at • the estahathsteet of the Meath Darker & Os.. atm% end they offer to tall at le: s tilts Eastern Wen. ' .• Sidi snit winter . Goode. lett:haat pleasure we call the intestine el oar Malan to tbe superb steels of Millard Muter Osiebhist seethed by blr. John Wein Nerebant ; 011W. 'Zia US Federal street, dllegasimr. ate Sleek eagle= ease of tae meet ind most bass. rablast.b&Cassimares,Uversosslnssandltestlur evertaisterns to tee Tessera miter. ECU more • 41114 . 01. Parnielltne Goods. comprising Banta artinex, OolLsrs. Fseittleselb, aillX l to suit or 'sea. A Lugs stoat • InsuFaisdie natal. Vastly Tarts and Onensoate .11Ialso be lama at to istabllaturtens. Persons •-• .10natent VAtheelotttog7taeslonidnot Wit to give arr. wafer a .4. Map Goods, A taw nark at Math Merinos, Oashm era Weed DeWoes. PlMed.fJobafts. AIPM &O, fa be bit It Maio. LliloW & oda, lta Federal (tree!, is they saw determined to Om out their etedk at goods. They have marked down prime to alto Au ULLA Tenons la want of amides ma Dross Cidads eribmseatb Una would do wail is give Am altatt before punkaelag. They sus ': , Oms • soca 'odslirtateat of Ladles, Mara lied CMlLtratta F..., which they are selling at cost, atetteleixithe piece -13S Federal street, Allegheny toomease Stock of Ladles' Fan, At the eitezalts and popular Eat, Cap sal Ladles! Ftr - 1i 604443 im• 1141321 4.Na.1ta Wood Mod. ..naluatati put at tall Nets of Hudson Bay Ba. ' Mak Boatel Girona /MI; Water Kink, 131aaltand Brown Bables, Ladles , Bar Hoofs Alte, •, t 4 mtgait Ono. ffoata! Pdr ' t7apa, Collassald • <doio . dt; vtiaga will be ioid Insets az lanes &- Ml* it Um prices than any other-am to the altj. WWI Garin tr:e ratilarn LW Waal Meet, afraiat the lugs Glls Hat. Itunnas W. run .11 ,ehdented anti Soave. and Deanne to Anntrusn • 'lllAte at miens galore.: C al Mauna= 141 22*121. new She Wake Works. llttaberCh. . ' itesh/ 11121 0. Sfe. 21 Pike street. Ord=er !MOW etrandee to. All woe nztanted wades P l2Ol . 22 4 122 1 11 1 dons at the shortest noise. P. ehane 11212 ‘9 1 23 1 . Plieldol the rear L sot Wei ease 1 1 Is Ma em • - • Amyl( Oar Realer ins wteli to knew *hitt they eau pan:haze pare . ettilsle et wliltelea4, gLaiseeo 611, spans en, Lam 614 et lets wain *llk we would say t go to nasa -1 Awilltaikut Mica No. 6e NEU; sweet, where you .wa pit, a better artia. for Iwznons7 Man any ,IpActriaini !nap tisi: Mamba the Vale. Cannata Jobbing Shop. Asir* Pataimail ULM an Atrium of three DIM to tko araria hanrovxmod my shop Oman sons antenna latex dunkior lan as no old sun. Irlarto Mar, borne= Santhrleld =sot sad U2sorn 4J2 Orden soisated an promptly stranded to ortssram 11 sus?. Dry Goods. • • gatherlast pandheted Cluj' annual inventory, we 'Sara teestuded tO lurk dawn and don out any ideas a :Winter Qv:Meat i stal farther voteottoa juipstatosilo ("Wag rtuidyfor the wise hate Easecalberors mum on the North Fast ernes .4f Footle= Blatkst stmts. George Beaven , liirrisaiss to sell all Gus of Canoe! fruit, u thaap oaf u good u aop Ruse Was of the aosatalU. Aro: ISf l'ederal WOO% Alleueay isaparlahable Teeth. Oa* teek be rosined Imperishable! !Jaques. I.loweb4 they as. sozoooar, mid dean will Meer the emu! absolutelypreof easiest does/ imeastitts gams and eipal from the whale tassel ellatatell mem edieueles mad peralatou elatacat. Robes de Chumbre, Rl7ltamdome,stwoo low prises. Of tki aonakol4 sort.: or Fourth owl liarket streets. . • • C. Human Lova*. 800. • : Flannels. -1 ►CT4ovQ LOortatan, at &noir Priem, on ths - malkesiZOttner of Tooth and Market street.. . 0.. Kazan Lava Blanket, wiits - as soiorm. A largo stock at. - vel — FLTh leer/ 00 the north East cornet of ?oink auk Market streets. U. HASSON LOYI k. But . . • , : • :UrnsCoeds, A coal usieteaso alottng out at a past zwlnatlon itt tartneeXntnet. Remember, we sto now on the ZiOrtar.ut caner of rutizth lad Market stiosta. 4 . . 0, Ilazaon Lois *Sae. The WhOelor tic 171 . 1150 n Sealtig Madan, /Loa been ►vatdo( the Ittgatat malt= ►t all tofu otheolita =UMW& !mhos* one it aam most= to your slat. Obt - Tbat Cougll X telatily,,,em be, obtalaed at 80. 112 Federal ktrett,.4ll/gavaltz. Cz SRI 21 Mists tuti withat4t)44.444 exchanges “vt :•Voul" Ott= dottanit at. Can at za Plan Inner. 12 in.ti.447 Co n • m . y Wealth, I Ra 4eznicapawa. I Fu r/ VW bast* sal shots at aunt, Allegbany city. Save Alone •ad buy !nu' boots asto abaci ab bleCrUatock a n Mend stmt.. Found at Last , The plum to Dui beds aunties , otr udatmek r 2 Federal street, BarUalnal Bargaixtsll Bargains : bosi sad ittoe; llama Wee+. 10 Per Cent, Dtiooint the mulls Inks of Moto end shoes IS Federal atreit. gnat Redaction 1a Pelee .11. t Federel street, in boat,, it nad galtras , Prices-Marked Down At l'ederal 'Wet. Boots and ahoea. I..)!ZINFTLTArd rotten/ans.—The Panowt - al appelointerits ere announced Estibiletaranscer, Mercer county, and aP c point J. MOM, postmaster, on route , 277.1, next - Meer Grcenyille, • A14)01311 ; Joseph MeCencon postmaster, Ertirnington, Dialer ccianty, rice Diebard Don.; caster, resigned— • A savcax.oll Company paid gnimt tares on Its sloth to the State. In 1661. This was the Co. itimbls.. - • The Mizell pith, $5..(40, the Melilla's #ll,soo, the Noble and Demister $15.000. the MeClinteekrille ;7,000, the Maple Shade CLOW. and the Qulehellear Mining Company • U ' THE D l'i. ;.,.- Y r'.ITTS tURGH GAZETTE. A PREQCENT cause of disptte between the Unittd States and Prussia, arising out of claims 01 military service from our naturalieLd citizens returning home on Madams or visits to [Mende has rites partially removed. Hitherto. a ten years' absence deprived a Prussian o his rights as a Prussian subject, without re. lieving him front Ms duties as one. The Gov. ernment has now decreed that the duties shall cease with the rights; so that an emigrant re taining home after ten years' absence, will be secure against claims for military service. DUZTJEG the 35 years ending with 1861. the population of France hoe Increased only 3,176 ; 344, or less then ten per cent. During the lane period the po • laden of Great Britain increased from 17.421, t, to 23,28.8,207, or 33 per cent. From 1836 to 1860, also a period of 28 Yews* the population of the United States Increased from 15,000,000 to 31,433.000, or nearly 110 pet cent. Inn Cleveland Herald says a nor foundry , wet t into operation January Ist., at the ideehino shops of the Cleveland, Columbus rt, Cincinnati • Railroad Company. It is a commodious • leg. and well fitted out with tho necessary ar rangements (or doing the entire casting for the road. TBE December number of the Gentleman's ,3f60661,3, glm63k3 engraving of • !moons Ito roan ehkid, circular In stape, which W 63 'atop booked op by a [Merman from the bottom of the Thames between Hampton and Walton, *bereft probadv bad ban for • little more than eighteen centuries. Tux guestiro of commuting the sentence of g &card W. Greene; the Malden murderer, to imprisonment for life, was decided to-dav at a nicotine of the Executive Council, In the negs lite. . The vote eteod three for implisonment, and six for hanging. Tim number of railroad accidents In the Uni ted Blues daring the year 1865, wan 188 against 140 for the year previous The fatality, bower. - ee; is le favor of 1865, the number of lives Lost doting that year Wag 835 against 404, la 1861. ;than day last week, dam Morrison, a fanner, being obliged to crots tEe river abort one mile Prom fit. Loma, and wishing to avoid paring toh, he drove hie two-h,rse team - across the lea and broke through. Ile was accompanied by his wife, and both were drowned: IlmeGaverument of Stein contemplates tair• log under Its prow ction the negro kingdoms on the African coat opposite Yeeetutdo Pa, and to proclaim religious liberty in the latter Island and the kingdoms In ontation. Tazaz la a ri pco t that cholera b making great news lathe Island of Guadeloupe: Over 100 fatal cases had cccurred at Baum Terre, a town of 6.000 lababllauta. The peselleuee had also broken out at Point-a-PH:a. Tha report rests on somewhat doubtful authwity. Br • decteton of the fecretary of the Treasu ry, the tax on cotton la hereafter to be collected Akira Flue of destination, as beet for the Inter ests of torameree. IT Is asserted that not less than d 750,000 of counts:deg My and one hundred dollar United don . s They are n anu eaar o e a x t e cpure t s d en t Ina l c m h o e s a t t t s o , defy detection. note Minion of taicks are rett@reil for the nor Cirr llionsis, at Lonhsallis. and Mira will not equal the nmabir its goons srfli carryotE In their hate In the course of • few years. Emu= chretss, who committed Weide a day or two ego, et •Boeton, is said to have been implicated in the plot to aussainate Frog:lent Lincoln. Vas total Pores byilre the put pear amounted toOrrer tottrthrto of dollaro , :airatasi tow year. awn taroavolgps :atul a hilt ad tuna tlto pre Tea loes at 11fe th th's coantry by stesasbzs accidents, the past year. was mesh neater than tar before, the neuther being estimated at 1788, 0 , 1664,358; to 1691, 69. Gnosr feroar.--The western papers tell 'a good faith an Incredible ghost story. aad back It up by the sworn affidavits of sereral respectable persons, at Grand TraieraP, Michigan. A spirit, nal 'sixth:mesa at that place, whose husband was a Atlantarn diabelloor in the “reanifostatione," coined hint in - her dying breath that she Should terippear to hint in her body at his death to CO2- Thiel) hint of the truth of her bele. Bweral weilts s her he was taken sick, and a orptrimal" rumpus was kept ap la 00 tows., ir,al his (fe mme, which soon followed. JOlot before his death. Which oecorred at midnight, heavy and brattish: fcotalepa were Itettel is the Wig the door was bunt opm, and the atenehfal female, of • human body, reeking with putresenee. *taload into the loom, and in a mated seize re- Waded the dying max of ths promise, sad, as he died, fell • horrid mass Imam the /OW. Aa examination of her grays prayed It to to empty. The etory created intense excitement, sad the hostas where the aflblr was said to occur was burned by the friends of the family. trsportant Railway Case Before thi tie to the Vetted Btatee„73apreme Court Jan. d„ Justice Clifford delivered the opinion of the Court In the die et an appeal from the District Court of Macerate, in which the if dwankee and Chleagoltatiroad Company was the respond ent: It appears that certain mortgaged prem. ism' were offered for sate. bat not sold, and that the applicant claimed poesesslon on Ma ground that he was the highest bidder. Bat the 13.- preside Court bolds that biddlum; at auction are mere offere, and them is no binding obligations anal the consent of both rattles is given. In other words there mad boa mutual understand ing , to a dedette agreement; as oho auctioneer may refiner° awe off the property to the high est bidder, so'a bid may be withdrawn betre • he hanimer falls. The Court said that justice has hew done, end all tartlet are satisfied, except ing the appellant, and that the decree of the District Court Is adlrmed with coeds. TOM Mlatourl Daiwa's, trabllabts the embiaLti ed Owner at a intelligert office: of the army cowatattoaal at Haattavillo, Ala.: "From my experience In this Slate, I bellere If the zeugma or Congress elect are admitted, and the State la allowed to resume Its needled. as a State In the Union, the Union men, sad all those who have 'erred Lathan/nye will be com pelled to leave on account of the prevalence of rebel cent went. The co!ored race will be In a far worse condition If left to native Alabamians then before the war." Ona lareastalave-holders la rauthern Kentucky has gone mad on seeount of the Iltp• =lien of his Cayes, aad Is now an Inmate of the linage asylum at ,Hopklesrllle„ Kr. He awned over two handre I negroes, and had an eumdtated by their labor a large fortune, He Illut precut/ worth one hundred thousand dot lati,ltdependeut of Ids elms. A ntar►tcn from San Francisco says that a considerable shipment of gold and silver bulllos flonythe Arlsons mines has been received in that sty, and that the reports from the mines are very encouraging. Message of the Governor or Maine Adorers 2112., Jan. 4.—Gnv. COI7IIIIII Wang striated to-day and dell, red his livings to the legielatare. Referring to the military history of acetate during the rebellion, he says that Heine famished 71 558 men, being mere than ciao ' knitter her population. Thi Bate expenditures for war porpoises amcrulit to $7,1157,573. The amount advanced by Cities and Limns for ale to the families of soldiers to January let 1868. was $/,599,536, 'which has been reloaded by the State, or prs- Malan Mahe therefore. Returns received from cities, lona and corp - rations of the State under the requirement of the law show that they are in debt oot less than $ 8 ,552.783, which they have paid for bounties. Altogether there has hart extended by the people of Maine for the La opport of the National cause $14.093.872, for whkhlby ewe to-day about $l2 00a.(100. The Governor proles upon the consideration of the s.e.glrlattiro the necessity as well as the duty or satteriag to the policy of gradually paying: off the public debt through the Inetra. mentality (f the eleking fend. He contends that eke indebtedness of the States, including al l their Manlcipalitles occasioned by war expel lee, stdmid be assume!, by aratilag at some length - pap:tient condition of na Jinni affairs. He takes ground In support of the President's policy for the return of the revolting Bates to thtir relations with tho Unloa e to the spirit an. puloie of whom conditio a no loyal than, he says, would utter a dissent. The restoration of the relations of the revolted Slates to the Union upon shy otter basis than that of limiting the exercise of pvii !Cal rights to the actually loyal population, or of one which shell fail to arcure the recognition of the colored race as freemen, I acing; Nuel sights and obligations with the whites, or which omits to provide for th it moral stedi me Meta corn aso indiscemablo to the rights of the froe a ate cannot be C3O, templigal except with feelings of the profound est alarm. Ulioagi BEA The ebjection to Wresting the colored race with the elective trench's., growing out of their Ignorance, Is ore hatiog great offorce, bet appli cable alike to the white man the same Intel lectual cor,ditlcn. To obriete this, there may Se a nee:malty for yoliponing their full levesture with the right until they, to common with other Ignorant persons, dna be Hued by edecatloa for Its exercise. The agouties this would Impart to t' a edneational efforts °theta races, would be of locals teal lo benefit. In the MeasSinte, ea a careened of security to the Nation, the Constitution of the Union &henna be so amen ded AS SO limit the National represene Cation fp the largest number of suffracre in each State, and to dense who than be eleotore w in the Make, of Vice President-and It p•e -1104. W itt to theGongoett of the flatted eut,co GENERAL NEW., preme Court. Return of the Empress from Yuoatom 1110 THU IMPERIAL TACTORT minim A Genetal and thereat', Amin%sated Nan Vona, Jan. 4.—The steamer Vera Cruz, from Vera Cn,z on the 24th tilt., has arrived. The Ilerdd's correspondent, under date of Vein Crhz, Dee. 4, writes that the Empree• Charlotte reached Vera Cruz on the 2Dth, on her return from her vialt to Yucatan, which was 00110128 Ced to be very eatisfactoly. The Imreziallsts claim another victory over the liepabilews under Porfirio Dlas, on the 4th, tear ComilLfra, in which the famous Londe] To mes Banana was hilted. Miminglien led appointed Don Luis Amyo Assistant demur, of Foreign Affairs, end Lon MaanN D'etuns Eels exclusive superintendent of the Introduction Into Mexico of Coolie Uint a?. Gemmel Qn',Manilla sad his private Secretary mere 2 121218121ted 02 the 07th of lame:Met, on oce of the highways, by their military escort, with the object of plunder. The Republicans have taken posaestion of the town of Lopes." In Lower California. The annoencement Is mate of the tine provo lone° of peace in the departments of La Sacra atir Bantle& Eight hundred Freud) troops whose tame of service bad expired, were to leave Vero Cruz on the UM. The arrival thero of other. from Prance was dolly looked for. It LB Ia repeated that Maximilian's foreign af. fairs minister recently stated that the only hope of the Imperial gorernmer.t rested on the MC , vis of Its loan In the London market. The Ilnifersity of Mexico had been BID pITBECd, and a public museum of the ea•ural history of archaeology been established fa inted by -Maximilian. taw Toni, Jan. 4.—Advlcarfrom Hayti to December 24th confirm tho bomba•dment of Cape Destine and the route of the rebel,. The place was serkrarly damaged. All the beelin e/o.in the town took refuge on American mer chant vessels of war. A climber of prominent rebela were captured In the home of the British Celina and shot. Another earthquake shock was felt at Porto Rico at Ludt:ilea on the 10th. No acrlou I dam age was done. Another Revolution lu St . Domingo. Haw Yong * Jan. 4.—By the way of Llama, we have news of soother monition In Ban Do mingo. General Gate Is now ?resident of the Ilepinhile. Ex-President Cabral has accepted a mdltuy petition under thetforerntnent In which General Pedro thatilarro, who Imam to have managed the whole affair. to the practical head The monition Is prasfrg. THE LATEST NEWS By TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON SO QUOREII IN THE HOUSE Governor Andrew's Message WARES AGAINST CLARENCE SEWARD Why Secretary 'Seward Went South HI a/MICH ADITIITIERSH 111 CRIIIL Various Personal and PollUcal Items. Bpeettt dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gareth,. WA/Anagrart, January 4,16G0 Q 1108.1711 111 TICS 801112. There are not twenty Representative In town to•olp ht and there is no probability:battlers will be a poor= In the Howe. There is a better pr Detect in the Senate. 00?. ANDertrea MOIL° a De/ITT-red to the Massachusetts Legislature to day, makes several direct Isaacs with what have hitherto been considered accepted doctrines of Matoactitteetts radicalism: He oppugns rear. gartitation Oa the heals of byal• voters, white and biack r as Bare to lead to anarchy and chaos, and argues that the effort to keep the rebel lead era out of political control It atithie. No reor ganization can be valuable or secure In which the natural and accustomed lenders of the coca muzby are not the thremnat moron. eleitTOtt ralrilarrLL Wit retort two important bills as loon as the berate Is ready for holiness. Oneof them. con taining Ifteen sections, canto the anU-slayery 'amendment to the Conilltntion Into practical effect; the other to enlarge the power of the Freedmen'. Burman, and one section of leclothes afenta of the Bureau In those States which hare beitrin rebellion with lodide! power. wuntarr /kronur, mdmess commerce, It la reported by the Juana agents here, that a maim document is likely to be made public, concerning the organization of the Mexican whit Express Company. It will be remember ed that for a tame after the attempt to assassin. a 4! flewttary Reword, his nephew, Clamant Sew. ard, of Haw York, we, acting Secretary of State, It is now charged, that while In this capacity, be was in negotbsice with Mexican Imperials /punk with leforenee to being I ersoually employed by th's Company, one of the objects of which Is to carry arms and ammunition for the Imperialists. aE3. (111111321 T It Ise nylons fact that the (lea. Sweeny who has bccn flaming.so extentjeely as Secretary o War In the Fenian Imbroglio is a Ma Jr and Brevet- Colonel In the regular army of tte United States. His regiment Is the Sixteenth Infantry. seen:Tsar eswann's worms= vorsOn. Ho reasom are known here for believing that the voyage of flomtary Seward baa any p3llti • cal significance whatever. Hta eon, Frederick Seward, Is still In very delicate health, and by going away Just now he avoids the dummy re ceptions and gets as opportunity to recretit a OHINEAM •WEIUCLT GENERAL BURGIMIKE The Chinese American General whose impris onment has caused apprehensions of dtplo mate trouble. aid whose execelion by being diverted In Irons, bas Just been an•ounced, was educated in this city, at the Jemit's College. Ito roamed seer nearly the whole world, part of ther time working his way as a common laborer. Re returned to the United flutes, and for • time edited a democratic paper in isetesn. He then went to China, enlisted under the Imperialists, and at the death of Ward, breams add com mander of their army. At this time he wrote to a friend berm "After years of pathst waiting, labor and suffering my day has at last come, In two years I shall role Coma " But he quarreled with the Impertallsta, turned rebel. was captured and executed. His father was • French officer under Napoleon, sad his oldest brother was arebel General during our late war. General Logan Inhere. His friends are dab:c og that Ms chance for the next United Gtates Senatorship from Minds are drat due. &Woe General Merritt, now stationed In Texas, to reported here to ban attended a pabUc meet lag In an intoxicated condltbsa and 'tautened a treasonable speech made by a rebel Judge Han cock. Charges are said to here been preferred aided Min by officers who were p neat. General cad-Judge Dirk Butted Is warmly nrilog the came of nester, the Istmleoned cot ten agent, at Mobile. Painter, once noterloat aura member of the trio of hlenerers•on to Fre mont, called the California Wares, le alio mixed up L the Mutual'. Ex Secretor, Campbell, of tie rebel Corded mop, le here, epposlng thalami oath. VIE IMOCIIIITRIXOTION COMEITTLI The report tkat any portion or the Bacon. struction Cammlttee had ram South on an inaestlitating tour, is name. No such trip has pet ►ren aathoriral. LATEST OHMS FROM MEXICO. From ila)U THREE DAIS LATER ERO3I EUROPE Drain of Gold from Paris THE CATTLE DISEASE SPREADING Extraordinary Rise les Copper TRIAL OP PENIANS AT CORK Deaths from Um Cbotera lawman Lug flaw Tosm,Jan. 4.--The steamship Germain, from Southampton on the 30th of December, hue arrived with three days later news from Ea rope. The drain of gold from Paris to Alexandria still continues, and there to an almost total abb mice of arrivals. Coaeole heavy at illTy‘fgEn't4,. At the beak the dimwit - a demand Is on a fail sealer ask- in thehtock Egehatme the supplyof manerrentalits rather abundant, short advances beleg,a ff ilred at 4@)4X pm mot. Slaty thbasand dollars wore taken from the ranks on Monday. The tent and Great Britain are the only gold alp nuanced to have sailed fronahleilmarne for gat. land. The former has Matt -eight thormand nine hundred and eighty-four ounces, and the letter use hundred and twenty.mar Llamas/ Live hundred and fifty-five 01113C04, The Cornwell, le on bee way from Sidney with sixty-one thousand four hundred add eight nudes. The total by theta tinsels being eight hundred and thirty five thousand flre - haudrod *mods. The implied Ottoman Binh has lemma thie troerectna of the- Bntirth six Xl' Celli. loan of $B,OOO 000 recently 11 , 13uoluced to have beat] no• gottated in Paris at 68.. United States 840'a vaprov d X; Illinois Central Improved X; Erie Improved X. • The cattle interne leatilleMenilog. The Denis her of deaths le estimated at 80,000. Upward" of i 000 are attected every week. There ban ex,raordineny ride in the price of copper in France In coosequeane of the °ionise blockade. Flour deeiltiod in Paris; officially quoted at, 8640. Pada Boons flat; reales 661. 42 Saunders' Dias Letter save It le rumored that Mr. biennia, Govermr of Richmond Bedewed, bas been elsmtssed by order of the Lori Lieuten ant, Gm Tema', °respondent _at Dahlia be.. lleves the mince to be correct. At Cork a special eonsmiodou at the sitting of the Coat on lioaday, Bryan Dillon and Sabn Lynch were arraigned for treason and felony. The jury was setae, and Gin Attorney General aimed the ease for te crows, after which War. um, the approver,was examined. He deposed that he bad seen as many as dye hundred persoas at drill meeting, and the prisoners amour them. The greed Ivy found a tree hill Site treason ant felony against L. Deegan, O'Coservau Jobe Casey. James Motitalnc, A. Ntchalls and lames Herman. There boa berm a alight It:creme of the deaths from cholera la Panssaincethelast retarrui mho up to the itch Cintoe steady and tracheate:l. The dales of Monday and Tuesday amounted to 11%000 bates. Fleur doll and tatter, Wheat quiet and steady. Corn Wet; mime Ws 6e€ooe 84. Beef quiet sad stead,y Pork inactive and unchanged. Ha mm very dull and mice. Lard dall and cm clanged. Petroleum Watt erode. Sod i@jks 44 Consols closed on Tibiaday at 873.067 X" fie no Rey. U S. 8-93'5,"68540811q ; Erie shares. 68)1Q)38„ei; Moots Central shores, 81311353. A171•111.1.k —lt la snorted that artictm of a treat' of commerce between garland and Ans trilla have now been fully drawn up, and will be signed Immediately The funeral obenalte of the late ktug of of Belgium, teak place ori the ldth. King Leopold the 2at took the oath of the constitution before the Belghat Parliament on the 10:0. A letter says the Lord Lieutenant has raze. ed to appoint • commlaaloner to Inquire into the serape of /herders. The London morning Star says the first Fe nian plume, put on his trial at ark, was a Captain McCafferty. who had served le the Con federate army and who was a railed of the Caked States. He was arrested while on bird a steamer from America and was broaght ashore la eastodl.llllenunsel objected that he watt an alien, who to his own country could not commit the of with which he wee chanced, and who had tea eel Mot on oar land so as to b.eome gray when he was arrested. "rue Jurtos head that this objection was fatal to Las ladteuneat and the Ark ander their direction - retairind s verdict of nottsilty. Oa accent of the cattle plague, the Mayer of Colchester has closed the market 112 that town for eight weeks. ' The Deity News says a committee has barn formed lancer the title of the Jamaica Cam mince," In oi der to watch the yeogrina of the official inquiry about to be teeit.otro by the govaremeet, Into the recent events In 'MIMIC& to beteg about • Searsbingpadiameetary lonan Into the past and portent condition of Jamaica, and provide Mr, Mimeo and others who may bay -unjustly =armed la Jamatca, with compe tent legal assistance to conduct their several c r see !afore the Commtralort.. The London Tina eree,as ficeretsty Me. Ceti°, he report a rory able docnmenS It la remoras' lv among similar official documents of tee noun as being grounded on wend final dal principle*. We recount= In Mr, Me : . Colloch • real financier, but the point to Mr. McCulloch's scheme which must strikeEnglish met moot forcibly, Ii the cm:Man:co which be unites le the at too of the Fsecittare. He oaks fir unlimited power In the way of fending the paper ctureney, and he asks that a surplus coney m beteg at ten millions and gradually tnereas• mg to fony millions, may •be entrusted to the Govetureect for the time being. That inch thins should be aakrd for, is surpti•tog. but If the represestation of the tax-payees en found willing to grant them, we may well be setae Med. Whatever may be the issue, the GOWN of Llama do! dacusslon In the Stales during the current melon of Corpses tray be watched by no with advantage, as those who are to much rho same position may learn from the experience. of others. Sir IL Storks, the recent', appointed Govern. or of Jamaica. sailed for that place on tbo 163 The Jamaica Coinagesloner* ware to mall by the ttextetiamer. rho 2lowa' Parts correspondent up: Gen. &hodsld has relented to Paris after • suds of sloe days to London. Ile has obtained • year's leave of absence, and he purposes spending the wiskr Is P■rts. as seems much pleased with his first shalt to Est Lad. Valedictory of Goy. Andrew Borros, Jan. 4.—Gov. Andrew to day deliver ed a lengthy valedictoiy address t h e two branches of the Legislature, In which be ven tures the opinion that the 00•017101021 of the Melted States ought to regalia the people of those States late in rebellion to reform their Constitutums by flat guaranteeing to the people of color, now the wards of the nation, their civil rights as men and women, on an equality with the white population, by amendments free pealable in terms. Second, the elective fran chise according to certain laws of universal application, and not by rules merely arbltrsry, capsicioas and perscutaL Third, annalling the ordinances of secession. Fourth disaffirming the rebel debt, and fifth, to ratify the anti. slavery amendment of the United States Con• 'citation by their Legislatures. The Governor continued, he would have all these queitlons save the fifth, the disposition of which Is regulated by the Federal ConstiPs. lion, put to the isle of the people themselves. Oa the /object et Itllleeety, he uld when the day arrives, which moat surely come whea an muttony substantially universal 'kali be pro rlaimed, the leading minds at the Beath who, by temporary proclamations and artificial rules, bad bees foe the while disfranchised; will tem= their Whence and their away. The capacity for leadership is a gift, not a device. They, whose courage does and will entitle them .to lead, will lead, and those who were not then and there stopped by their own consent, of par. ficipation in the baldness of reorganization, m. 7 not be avow to qa.llllioll the Vittet7 of Ito great public transact one enacted during their own Char anchieerr eat. If It is asked In reply what caa they do, and what can come of their dtvontent, I answer teat while I do bet know Jut what they can do, tier what may come of It, neither do I know what they may cot attempt, ner what they may not accomplish. I only know that we onskt to demand and to secure the co.operation of the atrongrat and ablest mdeda.and natural leaders of opinions In the South. If we cannot gate their Ewan et the just measures needfal for the :work ef safe reortranizathon, reorganize. lion will be full of dan.aer. With regard to negro suffrage, the addre a contint es: It may be asked why not demand the suffrage for eolond mcu in season for their vote In the baldness of reorganisation? My an • awcr Is, I mounts that the colored men are in favor of those measures which the Union needs to tare adopted, bit it would be Idle to/coqui lle thcie States by tie colored rote. If the pop n'ar vote of the white rare Is not to be had In favor of the guarantees justly required, then I .am in favor of holding oo just where we now are. I ten Oct . In favor of a surrender of tI e present rights of the Union to a straggle beta ten a white min rite. aided by the free I men on one hard, agalast a majority of the white race on the otter. I would not consent, having named these 'States by arms from seces• sim sod rebeillos, to torn them over to &moray sae ebses. I have, however, no doubt whatever of , or ;Isla to stipula'e for colored suffrage. TI e • quoulen la one of statesmanship, sot a question of coral:n:110nel limitation. Destructive Fire at Racine. Reduce, Wce., Jan. 4.—A dre tell morning deattoytd the Racine House block, the tithe block. the Teleeraph Office, Episcopal Church. lex or rlitt stores sad other property. ,Lees $OO,OOO. INTEitill'lAG FROM ItibRIAGTON Resignation of Generals Accepts PAYMASTERS MUSTERED OUT Easiness of the Pension Departmen CASE OF THE PIRATE' SUM Nrir Your. Jan. 4.—The Then' Washington special rays: The resig nations of General Kilpatrick, Minister to Chill, Cox, Governor elect of Ohio, and Davies, Public Administrator of ,New Yak,' ire behig accepted. Colonel Custer, Burgeon In the United States army, his been assigned to duty as Poet Surgeon at Fort Wadsworth, New York harbor, and Lieutenant Colonel Bailey, Surgeon in the United States army. ima been assigned to ditty at Fort Warren, Boston harbor. The rendezvous for returned soldiers In the Starts of Connection, Rime Inland and New gattiPeldre are broken up. All the moons of throe Stotts have been mustered out. Four companies of the sth United States Cavalry, serving at Cumberland , Mi , have been ordered to North Carolina for duty. The Zeno' dlepatcb says special order. No. 1, War Department, 1848, musters eat the fol lowing rweymasters„ to take effect from January 15th. W-vet Lieutenant ColonelsWillm Btephiu W. Croesby, hune4 A. rarrLs ia h.W. 0. hienaeahall and Same! S. Mama. Mallra, B. A. Saflord, C. W. Campbell, James Mann, John S. Cravens, Henry McFarland, N. M. Kean.. W. D. Meeshen, Champion S. Chase, Z eche- Cab Voorhees , Frederick Kelly, William Amon, W. H. Stewart. The following le an exhibit of the business of 'the Pension Department for the Tea , An cc. pired : Number of applications admitted from invalid soldiers, 18,M0; number of same relent -10.T52; onn.ber of applications almit•ed from widows, mothers and orphans, 81,0831 num ber of same rejected. 11.000 y number of cum frill waiting to be disposed of, IMAM of which SIAM are from invalids, and the balance from widows, mothers and crenate'. During the last month of the year 32,070 lettere and cheaters relating to themes en file in the Mika wore 'algid to parties !etcetera(' or their attertioys. The Herald's telegram Gays, Inasmach as the Marine Corps has officers enough for a bri gade, ills probable that the one regiment now crocheting the corps will be placed on footling with a teary artillery regimens cad inettrporata In the rer.alu army. Upwards of twenty clerks were discharged from Gm War Department on the Mat. An order tar the =takeoff oat of ever slaty geceral redeem. It la reported, will be Issued efore the 18th Inst. The We, Washblgton telegram lays : General lilpincer, by submit, of the deanery of the Treasury, transmits reguhuly to all forolge - anis the monthly statemats of the exletton f the Traeury. Seental of the furalga to hate requested that lt the commentated at the aims time to their Goverarreots. Thls wilt be done by the same late:why. • telegram says : Jago Hughes , nue of pirate &mince Counsel, re sanity male appll 'Callon to the blecretazy of se Navy to re the day for the trial of the accted. The 111 `declined to do so for the roam that not Meat number of otTle:re of prone rank an cow aneroployed, The cannel engaged for &Maws tee Baba Peek and Denver or ivuolooloo, tad Pendleton and Colgan of Boston. Iltentta'q bcomUed Ina Poop, to the Navy yard, guerded by sentinels. flu meals are broight ham a neighboring restaurant. No person eroeptleg One of his COTIZISti ts allowed to speak with him. MALRe Is cube cheerful bat 41.110111 far a si•edy • George L. Little, apt - clal Treasary Agintt, re. (Neatly returned from th e Boith, reports that the Boathrens have an atm:wince of money re cylxtd from Northern apt crd4ora to exchange for Southern staples and landed proper ty. Brevet Brigadier W. F. Smith (Baldy) late ifsi-Geseral of roltmkara, tun been granted as tdOnth's leave of tutors ea sees= of poor health. NEW- 101111 1.11116 ER OF COMIIIICE Report on Cotton Culture I saxi•a TSOUIS ESPEOTED IN 61E1E30 Now Vona, Jan. I.—st the reviler meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. the Evocative Committee reported against the provision made by the Boston Bond of Trade, to bold a National Cotten Growing Convention, to devise means to secure an increased production of cotton In the Unit, d Mama, end inggesting the propr:ety of Government Interference. The Committee states that It is firmly persuaded that. any Inter fel once on the part of the United flutes Govern ment, save for the preservation of order and the protection of the relative rights of labor and capital, would Mar. rather thou (=dilate the 1 rtduetion of cotton, nor Col tmey believe that a Nstiocal Convention •maid be Inductive of beneficial remits. The Committee belfries the best means of oh t•lning the desired er.d Is to direct the attention of eapttalh•ts to this promising geld of ;esthe tic' investment, andlearc It to th,ir 8,4.411 to e. titre the desired results. Mr. F. A. Conklin. on ►-I a'f of the special committee, rep mad the fo mof ► memorial to Congress. to estead the time geed In the statute of Ile I.stion for the cot cc ion of debts, so is to exclude the period of the rebellion. The Fenian Congress today aProleted • WM mittee to confer with the Fenian; Benue, and reloped a resolution directing the tresldent of the 8. owe to repent directly to the Congress. Colonel Oldahony's address was read to the Congress to the, afternoon. Colonel Meehan bu written an appeal to 011ehony and Roberts t resign sitatiltaneotudy. Mr. Roberts replied to the committee who waited oe Ohm. He did net recognize the legality of the Congress, hat was waling that the books and papers of the Senate should be examined. Mr. Killien's lean. cud report is ready for the Congress. A letter from Mexico, dated December fitly asp It was offlually stated a sew dap be. fore by the minister of foreign affairs, that twen ty.five thousand soldiers were expected at Vera Cruz, but that now slaty ten thousand would come, because of the necessary stringency of Mt French treasury, A resolution has been adopted by the Florida Legislature caking executive clemency for John H. Gee, who has a brother In the Assembly. A 'ester from Richmond glees an account of the celebration of the freedmen on New Tetra clay, and the anniversary of eniancloatioe. The trlncipal ceremonies en the occasion were conducted IQ the *her and were paracipated In by about four hundred persons, and Includ ed religions and musical exercises, and en ad dress by a colored orator from Boston. Similar celebrations were held.by the negroes of mother Virginia towns, and all are said to hare berm of en orderly and creditable character. A letter from Tallahassee, says that through. out Florida, Increased caul/deuce In the feaslbtt• by of free black illbor is nottc.ed everywhere, the Increarni price of cotton lands, and In the tone of popular sentiment. There is also growing feeling of friendship towed, Northam Immigrants, end many Plantatioos have been rented on favorable terms to moty officers and others. Terrine Gales t Sea No flitm Mexico raw Toni, Jan. 4.—The steamship Ottawa, Captain Archer, which arrived lan night nom Landon, experienced a succession of terrific mks th roughout the musing& On the 2Pd, the gale readied its height and a tremendous sea swept the deck* fora and aft, washing overboard Mirka Drson, thtirth oMcer, Wm. Collins, quartermaster and Jobs Manday, ordinary cameo, breasting the trysail, which - struck Mr. that °Meer, breaking Ms shicalder. and .thterteg several others severely. late Mexican 'dykes elate that pen. Jencle Mendizaral has siren In his adhesion to the Impala' cause. Emperor Maximilian had sent the Empress e the. Wench:a Mexican medal of merit in recognition of her noble example in • tin the cholera beenitals In Paris. religions ceremony was bald at Gandalospe II dalgo. on the 21121111 X Nearly 50,000 prisons were precept, meetly Indians. 'triterloos ulaappearance ta a Bank Cutler. ST. ALBANS, VI., Dec. 4 —The singular asap morgue of :ill% Hebb.L the cashier of the Ilissinquol flank, fiheldOn, Vt., le at last on counted far. He Lorne out to be a derauter, In alarge into. The amount la stated u high as sev.nty five thousand dollars. ills embeasle meets began years ego, but have been 60 cover td by false entries and false footings as Id elude °nervation until yesterday, The accounts of t h e aff:lrs at the bank have to daytime examin ed by competent ICCOIULLAnts, and the 1166626 are belle ved to be Sufficient for the redemption or the Idle. The till-huldent are to advised. Hub- I is reported to have been a fast, extravagant liver. DI expenses exeredleg those of almost any man In Franklin county. fits whereabouts are still unknowa by the officers of the bank. From Nashville Nagnsium, Jan 4.—litter atlll tilling with est feet at No 41/30.8. C.l'. Wing having resigned, la relleSed from they. Capt. 8. B. Romani. A. Q. M., las been *pp:Acted as Osti.ral Disbursing Quarter.tiastof of the Military Dlrleon of Tammeo. SETH TALLY SEWARD'S VOLUM Bills Becinftig Freedmen's Bights. CORREBPONDERCEI ON MEXICAN VESTION WattratfProd. Jan. 4.—The United States weenier De Seto will return to Washteeter' with the Secretary rine Assistant Secretary of State. The veerel will touch at Hems, Vern Cruz, and such other ports as the Secretary may dm ignite Ito detail of the court for the trial of Captain Semmes, has not yet Wen prepared. In tee meantime ell sermons preseut at any capture of vessels by him, ere req seated to report the beta, with their names and addresses, to Joan iv Bolles, Naval Judge Advocate General. Senator Trumbull, Jest previously to the hol idays, gave take of his intention to introduce a bill which he has deice devided Into two, and will submit them to she Senate to-morrow Oae of them le to enlarge the power of the Freed men's Bureau end the other to protect all per eons in the United States In their civil rights, and furnish means of their vindication. The Bret provides that, la leaurrectionery Cs bleu whore by State law or custom, any of the civil rights, belonging to Waite persons are de. hied to negroes or mulattoes, or where they are subject to different punishment than Is pre scribed for whiten, the officers and agents of the Freedmen's' Bursas Shell, so bag as Inch die- Made Goa continues, here jarlsdlction of all emir affecting inch negroes of =Canoes. It woo minders tot punishing by dee and ire. prisorment, through the courts of the Freed man's Bureau any person who eel subject a negro or mulat to, in eonrequenee of his race or color, to any other or different punlehment than is preecrlbed for white persons, or shall deny him any dell tights *bleb belong to the white race. The jnilelary power exercised by the Freedmen', Bureau Is to come whenever the States where It is exercised are folly restored le all ttelr conettturbonel relations to the Union. The other bill !sof a permanent character, and appliesble to all part, of the United States, It declines that the Inhabitants of every race and mica. without regard to former slavery, shall have the right to make sure and enforce con tracts, to sue. glee evidence to Inherit, purchase. I sae, and set land, and convey real and personal property, to the full and equal benefit of all Laws end proceedings for the security of parson and property, and shat be guided to like Sunlit ment, Funs and mettles, and zone orn er, any law aratate, revelation or custom to the costrary, notwithstanding. The other provisions of the bill mate It a criminal offense for any person under color of low er custom, to deprive another of kis equal civil eghta and itersattelties ; give the United States Cowls exeluslye Jurisdiction of the eases of all plums thu diecdrainated against, and of all offences committed audan, the previums of the set 1 make It the duty of the judicial authorities of the United States, aided, If neces sary, by the military forces, to execute the law, and Provide all the muldnery far making the till effective. Nearly all the previsions ref the old Fugitive Slave Act, ere Incorporated to this bill, and the caseate othetnally devised to keep mule slavery, 11 tow mused to secure their freedom, the sannbenalties once Imposed far ailing escape to trtedom, are vow to be Imposed for trying to keep them Insister,. Teen bas juin been boned from public print • frig Beres; the Menage of the President here Mean transmitted to the Senate, In response to a request athlete for Idfcran ion on the subject sf • decree of the eo-called Bewares. of Mexico of the thin! of October last. A copy of this Leger* hat already been published, and Mr. Romero, the Mexican Minister In calling the attention of General Gnat to it, and other ps. pets, In October last, says - In the usurper's prodagention of the second th. Duke supposes, contrary le the fact, that the Coastitutioast President of the Merl cat Republic had abandoned the national terri tory, and from this false hypotheals. 'ie.:mm.4oles that the defenttees of Independence, whom he eallea banelm, to obedience to orders from the French. bare no leaders. It Is notelets new for the asarpfr td rail those patriots who mutate the cause of Independence and the institutions of Mexico, bag its, nor is It new to him to nest them es loch, with s severity that would be called encesulye, if applied to criminals of the lowest indef. He shows the e derminatio la hs New eletturtion of th e id of et November s last. i Newo. Maximilian whites to regulate this enaltlisteed system of asseesinshon by a decree Issued on the Id last, creating the most infernal milltery tribunate, enter:idlest their jusiarliction to every Person In the conatey found armed without li cense from We reo-mdiel Government, regardless of the numbers and character of the party he belong, to tieeree. endwise', tyrannical, he con demns to death every armed man who is not a Fr, nett soldier cr a traitor, and even those who will proffer leformetthe which may aid the de (micas of the country, aid unctions severe penanles the the mere ad of cone:satin a patri ot or dere/miss alumnae tau, and it has ter carried oat by his Franth d rector*, who have wen by the ay -tern of Court Manta/ ending to the scaffold the cap. use patriots, called guerrillas, and even military officers of the hedonist army who could not be called so. This extra - eh:try severity Is In open contradiction to the studied olld prombes made In the Bret proclamation on landing at Vets Crez, dated May lii, 18$4, etc., etc. M. Romero, la another Letter to Secretary Seward, dated November Both, says: Tnis bar bunto awl bloody decree, the most creed ever yet teen. tuts already began to be executed, It is now my painful duty to inform you, that sio the thirteenth of October tut, the Generals Ot ters and Salsar, and Colonel, Diu, ?macho. VI la, Goma, Pews, Muni& and Fineman, flee Lieutenant Colonels, eight Oommandants. and a umber of subordtnate officers were surprised and taken prisoner' by the French forces in the town of Santa Anna Amatbn, State of Mickosean, as trepans from the r facial dispatch sent to the usurper, of w; I n I enclose a copy In French, Those generals and colonels who belonged to the regular army of the Republic were oMeers of education and profession, std have fought fa the indopen dance of their country Dom the time the French first larded In Mexico. These dint/welshed Mexicans were executed In accordance with the above mentioned bloody decree of the usurper of MaGeo.l I have Information, of the truth oftirldch there unhappily Is co dewed, that the tyre Generals sod four Colones were barbarously uerilleed in degraw violation of war, and scary principle of Justice. It further appeals, from the document& that on (bp 24:tt of October the Cdarge crdffedres, Mr. Corwin, informed Mr. Seward that it had becn reeorted es the city of Mexico, flor three p ea - ethers days, and generally believed, that on the Mc of that month, Generals Anege and Balzer, and the four Colonels were shot et Ant quan. but that no 'Metal report of tee execution had been published, Mr. Corwin also refers to the drat article of the decree, shoving that all those belonging to the armies fighting for the Repnblicau Govern ment will be shot If taken prisoners by the Imperial troops. ' Mr. Seward, on the ad of hovember, ad dented a letter to sue Minister at Paris, saying I am directed by the Pruldent to request you to drew the serious Citation of the French Government to the military proceeding+ In Mexico, by which native Mexicans taken live while adhering in war to their own Eepnb limn Government, are executed in defiance of rights whlth the law of nations Invariably ac cords to prisoners of war. Auden the twenty-eighth of the sante:inordb, lir. Seined adrenal another Idles to Mr. Begiton, wings "With refereace to my dis patch of the Se Inst.,, It Is now my painful duty to acquaint you that Leon/tub= has bees re ceived hum the Minister of the Reeniblicarl Government of Miedect accredited to this Gov ern/neat la the effect that the augninary trilby referred to In the abate named dispatch has se testily been It annealed by the execution of ewers' dietingalthed officers of the Liberal foe ens, who had been cuprised end captured by the Imperithists In the town of Santa Aune Antallan, namely. Generale Ortega. and Sale• ear, sea Colonel' Dins. Horeche, Villa, Genies, Peres, Mlßleurla and Vlllanos, Lite Lit utenazt Coloneloi eight Commanders, and a num her of subordinate officer'. It devolves upon me to 'mantel you again to all the senors attention of eke Imperial Goverament to this staled, and to Worts M, Morino de L'llnys that there report, have been received with the utmost concern by the Government of the United States, If, upon late-tigetloo, they shined prove, ee there is too strong ground for believ ing that they are well founded, we curio: suffer ourselves to doubt that so far u the Government of Franco Is Concerned, it can never eetintenance prreeediegs which are so repugnant try the ace intents of modern civiltutee aid the instincts of humanity. Mr. Meelow, ander date of yard, November 30. h. 1065. webas to Mr. Seward no follow": ••1021: lie (11. Drourn de L'llaya) refeind to the rennet ntation Ii had made la regard to the shooting of the Ilexlcon prisoners taken In war, and also to the care of Madame de Iturbide. •Why,'. Bald be, 'do you not go to l'realdeat Jan rut. We are not the government of Mexico, and you do us too much honor to trust no to such. We bad to go to Mexico with our army to secure errata important Interests, but we are not rreponeible for Unfaithful or,hdi govern ment. lie la accountable to von uto any other government If he Violates Its righti, and rot' base the lame remedies there that we had. , Mr. &mud. under date of December 10th, / 665 . isfolms Mr. liomero that the littera dip petal ard Its seeontnanlbut donnuFkala for which be tenders his thanks. hare matted the covilderstlon to which they usreisstly eat Weds GoTeramcr4. OUR INDIAN AFFAIRS, Peaceful Attitude on the Illissour OUTBREAK FEARED IN NEW-MEXICO New Tons., Jan. 4.-4Heredd'a telegram says .a letter from Gen. Sally; dated Stone City, to the Indian Bluetits, elates that ho has Just ar rived from Fort Rico, on the Missouri rITz He report& large bands of Indians gathered about the latter locality. "They apparently de ath, to preserve a friendly feeling with the • whites: The chiefs avowed that their tribes were ready to make Immediate restitution of property stolen on their recent expeildorts, and agrted to deliver up certain Indiana who were putty of shedding blood as their recent Mier , leg foraging'. . A coonnunteatlOn from the Superintendent of Indian affairs, for the District of New Mexico. reports [blown Ina most unfavorable light, He reports the Imhan poptdation of that country determined on an ontbreek;%, and that they tiros already begun to enter the small& towns and settlements, and drive off cattle la broad day light. The cause of this mischief Is said to arise from the scantiness of their supplies 'from the trovernment during the last two years— . The military force has been demamed so much thst the Indians co longer fear It. An test/knee Is' cited, where eight thomand Nevajoe lantana are under the guard of four hundred soldiers, and the former begin to show a disposition to turn the tables by beam:dog the capita*. Canal Aroand Niagara Falb—lmportation of Calllerfecan Canada' Allowed.— Wool en Factory Harmed. • Dwrnorr, /an. 4.—At a meeting of cho Board of Trade,yestuday, Horace H. Day, of New Tort. spoke at length, taming tka Niagara Fails BLIP Canal. The Ford passed resolutions assuring. Kr. Day of Its cooparatioe, and ap pointed a Committee to confer with ether boards of:trade with a view to each blot action ai shall giT 0 the country the benefit of Mr. Days system of transit. provided it la contacted the moat feasible plan. A telegram was received here to day from the Sae:mazy of the Treasury saying Ike am of De cember 18th 1955, does not apply to any cattle trosporud from one point to another to the United Slates, via Canada roads. There le no delay or obstructioa at this point to ahlpments of live stock. The wcolen factory of R. E. Gardner As Co.. JanneDl, Michigan, was entirely consumed by Ore yesterday. The loan la arty thousand dol. Ion; insured for aercuty•Ons thonnaed dollars In the fl►nford, Phcenix, Arctic and Metropoli tan Coneyanies. Tee factory will be rebuilt a once. Indian Arian la Arbans. Sea Filenames), Jan. I.—Adnees from Fort Yuma. Arizona. state that large numbers of Mexican refugees, were assembling fa that Ter mer, to marching Into Senora, rel.- (erred by the owpat Ludlum. Nearly tire hundred Apaches ha I entered the Mexican town of &merits, aid plundered the merchants In almost merciless muter- The food at Port Yuma was unanitielent fa tie garrbem. Snow Items had rendered the roads impassable. The roada:wete bloesaded by the stow. and the InLabltants were threatened with starystion. A grand cannel' of Mariposa, Pinto, )(okays and Yuma Indians kal been held for the ear pose of forming an expedition against tku Apaches. Death of Girard Penick Niw Harms, Cou., Dee. 4.—Girard the founder and for many year' proprietor of tha New Yolk Journal of Cammna, l ed at his res— idence in this city as haltpaat nine o'clock. Chia angling. He had been suffering from a compli cation of disorders for the last al c months, bat .as not confined to ►is residence until two weeks past. Hewn sissy -sit years of ago. Malmo /Agbliture. AVOCRITA, Ma.. Jan. d.—The following Unloo nomination were image this afternoon. in the Leglalatlve aliens by arelatualoor--S M eeretary of State, Ephraim ' int. Jr., of Dotes. ' Attorney G. moral. John A Peters, of Bangor; Treasurer, N. G. Hltcliborn. of Stockton; Lott Agent, Lane R of Eager; :MAUL= Guard. lAA L Roasdem. of Bangor; all of them the maul lac =boots. Cotton Fraud Inn=lotion Wammstrroir, Jan. 4.—AztWant !Lear the Treseme7 Chandler and oaten ht. alter one, have reached Wilmington. N. C. It has heretofore been stated that their bneinees Ls to examine into the alleged cotton frauds in the loath. lo ' , tabu Cow, Curl:Lawn, 0., January Otto Fe DiAll State Convention was held hero on the lat Instant, and declared !tacit twanimonsly In la y v of reeeldait Roberta and Gen. Sweeny. _!tl;J=L i j riISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP.— STsspartnersalp Muttons/we toaltortbe (mot S. JONES & Is auolred mutual ocestio. los business *Mut thos w :11 as sada tastraustesssrt. Jllllll9 T. BEADY • 130. AtNEA. r. =ADZ TN RETIRING PROM RIISIREBS, -nonsesfallp recosneend zustra T. BRADT la t.% to say friends and ptrons. SORES. rib-PAFITNERSHIP.--The undersigned Na have aaselated thee:acres together ender the Banker, and Stile ot JAMES T. BEADY k CU., and woken. ne JAMBI T. BRADT BALMY AMARA. JA11.41 T. BRADY d CO.. SLUM :MOBS TO 11, 303124 O BANKERS & BROKERS. Caner hank and Wad Stitt% PiTTSBIEBOIC, PA. T)IBBOLIITION. The Co-partite:ENhip heretofore eitattorr between the undarahrood, le the V 11010.414 Grocery Brudwas, wider tiro ease of MEANS h oorrur, to this day ilhoolr et by mutual cosnat.__ ILA. GUFF ALBANIRS. . AVID iitOA.NDLE Pittsburgh, lat. 1, G D M. 0 0 -PARTRERSHIP.—Th e undersigned have this day formed a co-partnetaltip la the Wholes/o Grocery Ilustues, et the old eland, ear ner of Wood and Water striate.. under the style and dim of 111P.A.119 & COFFIN, I. heretofore, where, they wilt be pleased to weetwir &lend. and cuatouters. WI 4Llaill PdEatlS RA11.111:90N A. GLIFFIG. Pittsburgh, Jim 1, ISOL 11l REMUNG, I mast cheerfully reccnn n mecd the sew arm .to the patronises of nay friend' sod the Nubile generally. LA WLD ALIANDLESS. Pittsburgh. January I, .." —Ja&Std ussular TION. —The Co-parcnershlp heretofore esti - tiny order the suns of BARD BRO 3. haa thu day island by Issitart tn. Ali perils= inflabtect to the law Ara will Means mate payment lo soon as uarenisat. Bills against maid Ern, Buy, Will H prearrattl rh: RattadlatoO, At the bid mad, No. YO - Liberty attest. .11LEM N. BARD, Eictorr BaltD. ritesburik 3 : wary let, Um A CAllD.—Baying resigned the office of .en. Leiner Impeder, bays this day rug buntures at the Stem rearatly mewled et my eon; and will keep eminently en head a fall a*. torten= MLEATEIEJI, sad al/ other artlelee to our dm of usuls. Pinellas= ato toyestfoUy Limited to examine my stock sad beton borceitionvbaSalarm t=kilD Plttatmlyb. January Ist, 1115.—Jstlwd Nltertnershlp heretofore o , exist= between Jae. 11. Addy and Thome T. Evens, Ph aad On Mem, Is this day demotes! by mutual tensest. The accounts atlas Arm hare be,. placed 41 the handset A. M.Erowa dJohn S. Lasabl Elm, No. F meet, r a or n adJustorear. They e, are author ll4 ised M to Gellert and meth* ter all moneys due the late Arm and to aynnoplate the soma la Ohs &mar ladebtednou. JOILN M. ADDY 91110.11 AS F. EsiEnrs. Jas. Ist,XECS. TIIOIIAS F. E WENS Will .caucus the; bail ee's at the old Width No. 163 Wood Weed, where he boom to meet all Id 014 friends and 'het the liberal patronage to the late dna will be canticle jealMdeme TIISSOLUTIOIi OF PARTNERSHIP.— Tae partnerabip heretofore existing irittween WM. B. HAYS and JOHN CltllDti, to the Pat k Faulting and Provision arab:en. tinder the nes I{ and style of WM. 11. HAYS ft CO., hat been dig. salved by the death of Mr. JOHN GLIDE on tt U. 14 All those basing .alma sgslast thetas firm, mill plum, present them lcusettlement, erd all indebted will please settle tin Li Mau sullen etrrentense. BusUiess to es .ettled op at Melt partner Iftpune (HI) Liberty tassel hy the ourshi RAW. ng , a. Pittsburgh. Dee. rd. gem.--delllmd • DARTN.ER23I:II.I" NOTIUN.:-.Tho un _ Ondini g h, L atag this day formed a yartaer• ship to order to °wry as ills tuarturaoture of - WOODIgN BOXES, earlier of Alkarmay tad Et...metre rant% Ward, Pittsburgh, the patronage of their [Andel Wed the_Pubito, • OPOSICie, P14.5S EPP. ALP. DL PtABSON. • r ALEX. W. MORROW Decemier ff 7 th, 1 363.--derrettsz • 4 MU:MIX csaf etWanrznySep—.i, r ural and most pletaresquture. runts tlyeds, Immediately ot ten of of AlleMatte gheny City, on Me New Brighton Road. Pereoes tag midget timid Lots will apelynt the Super. .tateetneata ranee, at the °canters. Tit/a De th alt. • Panet WI an ta other baguets ail{ be at ended at e limy Warehouse of the andereattr, entnee.of rvliptal andi Leaecek " rute ta'afir.vr. gissis447 sag instant NEW ADVI3RTISEI)I'EISiMS. I'HB BEST INDlloE.Sigarra OFFERED THIS SEASON MT ANY litla Boot and hog HOUR Mess' 6¢a Sole Boots, water prool . 14 • 141 eel' Fine Calf Boots, Ugh Itet4 Wei Boys' 800t5.... M•le Brogans:.._.. Boys , Megan." •i••••••!“,1” . .' • I lb /tame riii• Miff H►7merai6...;,.. Mena' Fite Oat Sewer' Ba l aterraii.4'..e.. ISO .IScpa' Ellppars Woaeas;Lippe' . Woatgi' Petted Boots.— —..-... E 7i - Iratezra Yr. &o Sairtatdigh heel Cull tittest Minaret ft akuiteiki mien 50.% ratttA eritTiy • cites ei Okkg's Unlereg aots Everything is Sold (heap. Everything Sold Is Warrantid• Everything Sold i 9 Period, Everything is in Everything is Nice and initetejkief with Ms Model BOOT AND SHOE ma'am. Merl mese Mirgit Ct .*„,, Concert Hall Shoe itore,, NO. GO FIF TR 87flitiOrA , Dlresfly attest tke Opera Hour. CLOTHING_ EBTABLISRII(4n, .ro. 63 *mat. strial. w• deal - L.4s taruna qfl pentems wWwaat B A B.G A I Nil; nit urea StANCIAItr n 8 _TS In. ariU earl env maim irek - LAsr!levet U • sasak 011.1TIESIG - ALat - tictl CEO t. We bare caae:i3tilaior s a nal I" 8017.itID; Weld we tell fez ths BEST oripsit. rIIaTEIRY GTuACSIZISTBsIt Ina lIAXEMalkaa• ointsaisi la haora ou_ prwar Tata OLorenT4l satk,e tea .E.ClIMAirs hare •431.1taa at .. CLOTHS AB MUM Atli eat OWITEBB ft WASTES of MWEBIrio. Par the we will auto* toolitiinfaail W IimeffiFACIMME, mi. BELOW other Eat ILO Swam em you qt favor tio w 1 you moul& r ggig J. H. surria & ogi; ARGE SALE OF Vatted States Ordnance Propel*, 117111 be soft at ?aka. Azallsa, Mil t ; wo- CILELLAN Aleettheeee, et AL ARSENAL. Pa. ossualosteerg "most. a. ie. KURD P. footway lick ISA lolloetog ron Oan ankle* a k a. 4 I U e ppn. Ossetaate ara B a r n a me; tut tre k Artillry B . daM2 Polutga Blwrtanrid Bata, sew A' to. tsartl7 Pi rloakots aid &Is; ajf COP Poirot. 59,e17 Porta= nuggets mid Bliss Is^ 4.5. litutliats yQ Rae; - M4ll Breect-Loodlas sat oast thitlaseri Oeittsead Skazyt Was. OSporting' Shot Ouse. g an Kaska and Blds Batista. " NAB Bayon t et; trimaran oat amt. t„sli Revol" 1,511 Sabres and thrterga. tats sets Oaralty Aosoutturgats. • INAM seta Inriatel Accoutrements, - slam sad 100 Cavalry and Artaltati. 21.008 parts olltorite Equipment; brllllst A f Steen, eatt7.ootabt, Ott Saddlitllasakoto. - - sow parts orAralltry limas& . t• o rants Posta t otanao. - ttit arm ottang. Into leas meta et 'swat Itillatlits tor Casemat asertegig • , NO tons Salop Wit s t . • , RI tons Scrap Wtoturtit Ira; ,• ' to too = t t s Last and Antimony, iliple;.:74p• 1011 Wrought non Arles. AAA ROOMS Lead Brock NJ= Peeking Bozo; A /airs lot at appmaages for moskoLt, tog: ski s as, ale. A hugs lot of Attßluut Impltatesti tat meats • largo lot carriers pails for Btskst;lts6: A lams los at row. and Machisuis. Pozokaters VII be minimal to renewsUntiroup um within tea says alter the Wee arms—thert. . . WEritlar i . Ltatt. .of Onlaatus sod Brew. g. (Hz. 11. X. Atset C gas and Steam Fitting‘ DONS PRONITIa BRASS WORK FOR Water, Gas and Stead, ALWAYS ON HAND PLUMBERS' MA.TKRUM Gas Fixtures for Salo to the Tut. ♦T EASTEEMILATEA. POsou, Azipts for Knovrus Parrarr mak MP. - „ BAILEY, fdlillELL & No. 167 Eiroltbfield , prrrsucataa. PA • I' IIIIB- AT .4..4311 Baurfiir MOllitabila, January deb. ar.la Web:Wag at lerCialtandia Auction 850ma,..61 rah mitt 41 bale sold a largo quantity Ladies' and Furs, cam raisin Siberlaa Squirrel 'lure sad Varies, oliebezolan Fltath H bl ubland ()Apia, Beiglarieabla blutibi and Capes. Water Salk Hall Viquia sad Curs, . , Yltab Visterthea and Curs,. . • Hint blink Ethel tan capes, Mot:Asia in Vietnams and OWN,- /ratan Ea athis collars and Kura, Water 31Inle Caneay French Salta Mutts and Collars, Siberian Squirrel Had Caney Siberian Squint/ !lady, ciente Yur Hatinthith, • rite h Had Capea and Hafts. .Tcgeillar with a tat 'of Sbawia. -THOS. jab 65 AND 47 PIM MR4 F°BAL. -L ENGINE, Bont.ri rmarit.. . eady for patUns up. ault:bui In • ISW , . 1* wren requirlag ..mairratiakt " • • • Y'.• • ..... 4 a =MEM 22113 =EI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers