the pittsburgh t aunt. 1U &ILEITIS rtinllialile ASSOCIITIO MONDAY, NO\ EMBER 6, PM& •TTIE Al.A81121(4 ONTIIOVE:Iteri As this cam la Ilk, !y to ho of prqtructed duration, and give rise to a good deal of discussion, a trial s(s ement of tue ma e Ail facts, up n whet the Issues are made, will possess an Important interest and greatly assist the reader, who is inclined to follow the controversy as it progresses, and is not already familiar with its history. The , undispnted facts, which havelaecome .i part of the history of the times, are; that OW Alabama was built at Liverpool by 4 34 1 4 14-8/4 P w "g 4ta stt tor — thP 00 4ederate Ceitstittrt,that she toolc bn tiar outfit and most of her men from that place; that, slipping her cables, she anchored forty miles be ,litrat, at Atoelfre Bay, where also shipped the test of her clew and materials foe gun-ear Ames; that she tia net protected to .heA, ores, where she wasmet by u British vessel, soling from a British por , having her guts On board, and a few of her officers; that these guns and men were transferred to her tinder the Blitish flag, that thenceforth • eaptian flautists took command anti rtus the rebel cclors; that from that time setimg forth on her sorb of destinction, she xs subsequently receteed Into linnet. sad treated as a Ival public res.s+! of a tdendlY power, um she met the Kearsat:e, and was sunk. • lia'regard to the meaner of her escape:, there are deem} aLties as to certain details, ,Whiell are but material. The Placentia was built in IMI2 and was 'then &lied "No. 2i,f1." The Britian gee irnment. wets :ietaized from time to time While the vessel won building, by our min ister, Mr. Angus, °I her character and de. signs. Bat the °dicers ut the Cro an lel tiq ed to act upon the information thus fu.u ished them, and never tLecuseives toil a:iy avowed meranres to ascertain the tharae ter of tills or any other Confederate vessel built In the English - pmts. Nu; until ,1••• Win ready 10 sail ' , lad :ae kprIOW her I,llllloBe, did the_Drittsb Aumi - Say deem the pro, is su aalitle l b) Anpsts sti icei to ,a “pun. v:a eu Out infelicity or felicity, she er,apsd stratagem 0) on the very day, July 29,1 i, 1862, that the government made up its mind to send, and did send ielegrophie dis• patches to Liverpool ordering her seizure. The stratagem Cf) by which the escaped doesn't seem to a landsman very deep laid; bat a very simple and obvious proceeding for a Teasel to take, when it didn't c Ire about waiting for the formalities of taking mat her papers, before going to sea. T, rebel agents had secret inform ttLin La it order for the seizure of the vessel weal , . !,;.: issued on the 2tith. On that day a. is determined to make a trial trip of the ve, •I to Moclfra bay, forty miles distant, as stated above. She remained there sal t . ping hands and material, lintil the The proper officers of the 11.ittisli icfrera meat were informed on the 30th. by our Consul at Liverpool, of the position and proceedings of the vessel since she let. Liverpool, under the pretence of taking a trial trip. No steps were taken to at roit her. These appear to I.K: the import .nt rude, upon which the United states itantiatct. Ica claims agniast the ltrit Government for darn:4.4,6 in conSi , itie •- Of the deal oc tton et - the proper yet A. r jean citizer..9 .I , y the nit The Unite • Staten do not I,u , teci , ci Upon the rudett.ia of a which prot idea :or the tarteit‘tre imam] which chat n• e: Out in EaL:islk hurt-,...0 11, e g otist 3 • ' - 11geseut with whom Great Britain aus 3 . peace. By a decision to the To:tish ••• , thin statute has Leen renuere.l inoperat .i• in a similar case. . Our Government rests it., .1.1;1:s t.i, .0 ~• broad and well established prlemp , :e , Internam% al law, which . • to use all reasonable onigen,, o prvve.r. armed vt s6els f r,m being h.:01 by th tr own citizens to destroy the commerce at a nation a ith whom they are at peace. If finch vessel is sent forth without any frit, I on the part of the neutral governmex.. , .., that government bound to seize shad - a -she 'return to her poi ts, au& to re. store 'o Ler owners any prz, she m,y bring The . Nation observes, that, "the 'United State,. :n sit that if the neutral government an; O. •n .gailyycert!egllgs ace ei-usin is tn=ustircl t pArietititte escape of "sarh a alt d'Vesse, then it 13 chargeable with tie fu.:;.cr dry Of n , t r a!sing reparation to toe witoSe - property has been taken destroy ed by the cruiser. It should •he !•1 that this latter claim depends, in (ant, 11;1011 tWoilements, the negligence. 01 the neutral authorities, and the rules of the public law grtnalpg , auf of such negligence. it is no. where asserted that the mere fact of n :tiers Aurreptillousequiptnent and escape (II a hostile, cruiser entails the duty of repent lion for losses upon the nentra: power. "The issue, therefore, between toe ted States and Great Britain resolves into two simple questions, the on' of fact, theother of law. The first, were cue Brit -lab authorities culpably negligent ip taking measures to detain the Alabama? The sec end, granting such negligence, tiOCA the International-law,throw.epon theat the du ty of maElhg coinpansattoi ro A.!Therlean .110 N. GI i)RGE TILION/PIMII ,Thlltgentletn 42, who LB 10 lecture this evening at Aloe- aic RAU on the subject of " kiontlondon Calcuite., and. 10-Mar. ro*eN'Frnsng on the "Signs of tho tuittklifgh reputation in this - nod 'kis own cormtry;' as me of Englantri greatest ant torp.,Marly-forty yearn ago hie fame was at 11.,4144191-4114satianks upon the abuses of t he English go.VernmentOf laps; a few yetriiiiter": hitiliface of bitter oppoaltlon, ha - detteitiseed Ainericatt 'slaver*, when few , dam} tni OfsW their voices - against limthat the came he then advocated 'hes trigmPtied, he ratuna amongst us, and 'heal); be , weicdmed as IA as weii merited; ankwe are ante that he will fullrmeet the eipectatiena of 'the public. The rlearnoas tialYtinfilmt of 'hie style etuaad him to embody , much , matter In few . words, and to instruct as well as please. Tnz AlitrAgOntii-ediser: — Ttte gale of Octobe e zAtA t apps, thp southern Atlantic Comic ippearl to have been the severest ea issilthialurtitatifroi Many years. the whole COligPitl ) 1 4 t tte ! KW, /Lillie& with midi. " . 15ailtarvettiels seem to pave • 1111ffered4t*",tittrsteitiagrAni Shuey Whig counted+ over two•hatidrii4 tittheM rte,yr„,,or mn eked; httlottersl steamers weftdestroyed, the crews anljtasren,gprw lasi& raid' 'Mikan hi'soliet 1.1 pyres. , = - 7 , lstertlaary times, so 'lll4l4irbatiiiifiiibjeetrtitemians 4/14111141i f ,e 6 IPW1 111 1" *Oa 044 " year l on, apistatat tap ea sea to re. mile_ . tdoabtleas lemPteliPen7 venture which ordta ray'rndbace would j 9ltTe taught them to IRE FENIAN !NtIVIINIFINtr Ti. ft t the perqde K tin are ens tged in this strange organization expect aceom ;dish some great thing there can be no question. That they will dlitufb to some degree the-peace of the world, arid 1.1,411 considerable um.e.siness to the ;:orern ment end people of Great Britain. is 1 .9 Certain. Bet that they will succeed is accomplishing the avowed object they have in view—the dismemberment of trebled ' from the British empire—no man in hie so ber senses believes. Some think that they ' no serious intention of attettipting,ttnything of the kind; but that their loud threats of what they will do in and for Ireland il,re but blinds to conceal a far different desitria descent upon Canada. It would be impossible to make even s serious demonstration against Inland with out a powerful naval force, wh i r it is sim ply Impossible for any organ' doh how ever numerous, to provide, without. first possessing themselves of a strong dered government upon t erritory of their owm But in the case of the British pos. sessions on thi9 Con tinent a sudden irru piton across the liar, in considerable force, might be successful; Dud if t hest people have or dlnary snearitY ate) , will not attempt more than tuffs lii toe present least. What btu v with! ,to with Canada lI they it— vv.. -oil tit' a government they wrilidl set ah- which the evert &one, if it c.lor happens, intuit sat ce. A ,acrd t society tran.sioi mi dint° an empire would be tiitucibi 11 ,- 11* UO•lt I I Ile s - in. and a court:atm:v.lon tbat ;•romish much fur toe l•romouon oi good env.•rnaien: or Impl•inesh. The probahMty, Ipmcv,r, is ter , . likt EillE3=lll cco,“mott will male to tot•tt mt. 1 it a ei more ! , 0 , 11: imilieteot solidity t•r ens' It to cast tin sin2le , mm Nivettio les, wt haN t:7 , , upon the world, uud rsp cit is upon ion.e et geged in it, and • t,:t mire tt, Loe et intions which co inloy 01 the Inch in, Itlc, both in the old country and in Shim, iteer to the Church of Rome. It w,:l El it to colt the yoke of Great Tirit4in t m . u• i k ot Ireland, but the yoke of !CMOs 11l never again be g 3 strong as is has Leto. 1111!Illt!IIII!IIIIIII!IIIIIII h as against the crown; nthl While the ;ait.s is able to crn.iti it by sheer fora% the former has no on•ans by which to maintain its supremacy. It is In this as pcct or the subject that this Fenian m•tve ment is peculiarly interesting; and It is this which fills the minds of good men with mingled bops and apprehension is view of it What would Celtic Irishmen, with their 'wild and ungovernable natures, be without any religious restraints, when all the restraining force of a LICSIOLIC church, to which they have hitherto bees fanatically devoted, has never been ai,;e to keep Ahem from breaking one another's heads° Hut things appear to be brettlong Slavery in America was strangely anti t lently broken up; and here appear_• ttt another work of etnacripsthvi stilt strunce and unexpect. t. lt,th. 1,-.11 Lr erowing too strong Ihr orue.k, on I 1 ,4 •o tie sweeping sw/y th: ion nia-ns I=IMEI=EINIII =II EI=EIIMEI=II w.i. pu .:a.ions in for .t , ir4ue.l the 6 s I=l paper aawit, ;,i Tht: They aav _r UMW, I'Lc, • 01.1 c, .••• Y have • , National debt. an I the quartcriy nit •-• men. or :he Natlona: for making u; o ": on 11,th -1/hje, t, 1:•:,„ n t 1 t 01: lig -61 t 11.• sp(,•.l 11.1• ,r,,cn :A in; iiumf Not., L•:.! .1: U. 8. Treanury Itt !ye f..d t No' I. tu . 1 COmpolanA Inter e,t This syceid reduce the mta' amoult in cirrulation to $413.L000,01:0, or but little more tLan on, third of the speculators' estimate. The Reserve I,f I;ankala (11:W. wlich 'Ley are re r• ! low 1. 1 ....ep on hand, an'. :1 (Luau: Ways. wl.aou n curresi..n.ling ditn , noo Sn ,r is air diTch:.o*.on. it is roost tali increase, and we may therefore aa!e!y J. ,:n, t irons Ina ,-1..-,u's.t•lon The aurce r t. so of the compound interest uo e 5 T`.,:y Ric now all laid away for :avesttnent, and are practically withdrawn from cir culation. They harm no part of the cur rency, and ate not likely ever again to enter into it. With ail due t. lowances, we cannot con • celve it possible :nit the money In circuit'. tiou Lieeeds $5l 1,000,000. T ' t • ` - t: hr. It is not cowl ;b to )oat try ta...•.:mpts making to intlat,t 14) the point that would be warranted by a etc nu ation double thin amount. FABRICATED aws.—The public should never believe anything that appears as special news from Ntimmiogton in the New York Ilera/d. Whatever is new in those Brec i ai a IS mrei Y ever tree ; and what is Llll6 in them is rarely ever liqw. One of the latest evidences of this is to b e f oun d In the report that CALEB Cll,l:flifa i um a beet sent to England on a special mission et the Government, which was afterwards follow_ ed,by the statement that Mr Cranuso went out to displace Mr. ADAMS. and that the latter would return and take Mr, SEWARD'S place. The fact turns tint to be that Mr. Coaarac; to now and has foitosno time been In Washington, on professional buzineitd, and It Is probable that he will remain there while the Supreme Courtin In session. Tar. CaoLaaa..”The breaking out of the cholera npoa eta emigrant ships, and the introduction of that Plague into New York tuirber:.'briiiiiiinie id:sti r -de Co s • iticg9PAtukk Peke Isesoi.eactipe, from, the Palk ,tretryhiclF,`gatltlellte* It iisteth. Its &Optimum in city of Niw York Is limply a rittestien of time; and 'tie have no doubt that the feinted' the press Of:that citY fhatit itllkthid, abundant food for- ita .1111 T. iges tiF the' imrded and Alibi: 4tillTtath hic:4- 1 4„it?sPec i ttA POlCarririlitlatiallY 111111 IHE (111 IN N6ll' 107(1ok There is -aid to b.• intense exeit •, , n• in New York in consequence of the op leer- Or of the choleitt in ths. brJUgll. h t t be steamer Atlan ^ n Tie' tictrel , mice of the et:attre .• , ,,nrrom'ty Nt w York is wel! ! l•-• te‘. sz.nsation; but we cannot se , why there should be such an —intense excitement" on Its appearance now In ' hat city, as ttero appears to be Int, are ex .ittments spring u p Bu d n'y from unexpected enusets,which Ina, it rt sults Ilireatcn calamities and misfortunes, to meet which no precaution has been taken. Can it be said that the approach of the cholera to our shores is unexpected, and that se have had no pre mead ion of its coming? Has not the spread of the fatal pestilence in the Nast, and its steady advance to the West from city to city, until its [teal appearance on the Eas tern shores of the Atlantic been enough toforwarn us, that its deadly presence in our country, was sure to be felt at an early day? No future event could be predicted with more certainty or definiteness than the approach of he cho'cr t to our shores. And yet now that it 15 hcr , ', in ex act accordance; with the notices, watch we have trorn tiu.c 19 time re,ei ye,: of its cum lug, iciehst. exci;euavat add 61110 .3, 13 11.1.1LUIlt eted U: uw ILccompiishmeut or nu eVtut which Lornaa agency could nettle: aVI 11 nor ,•,stisone. We in 81 say the tt preßitwe in New York is ntd seep: islag 11, or IV! iVo cc lino: ;40.11,1(11: r loy co re , L ccie,d fri.rn • 1.• ;ell, priVvGl, t/11 , 1 !Ill', SCIIOII 4 r rte 4 • I,l+ At ill • -IC fly Collt-t.tUCUt I.) ~.4 ~! tVrrak! of tly ..oal T , aArt+, I+l m!Vily 8i,1,4i Ly collo! ty 1,0 :71 •.: any tiny A:, CI. II I • 111.115urtly 2100:11 I' Or II 11 $t t:tc'tt:! .tn ! sn: Luc t ry 11.1 C I lid'rll,oaSt• IN more r t ,1::. Then luny yul ali the precuutions it is posiiitilc or of to thke. It LLIN) 1101 rflnkC its appe•.ritnii , her , In fine Iln coining spring. ScT Toter I .I.llg (law .14,1 to in ik uc iio plza:Sons D , r n - !lC.,•Ver In tV INIIIIMMIS MUM= u.. to:tt Nlng IM the text of the paracraph "The I.:overnmelli of the L' u ttej having, as n scar measure, proclaimed all slaver, held or owned in this State, enomei paled from slavet`y, and having carried that proclamation into full and prac *cal effect, these shall henceforth be, within the State of Elcorgla, neither slavery nor involuntary dery Rude. save as a punishment for crime, alter the legal eon v tolon thereof; provided, tlot. rivers, ace ra the as flea of '!ix GOV. CU Li in of the tatted States, is IV, tui,u!.• 5.1 Orli rite, se I in Coppe.l of such c aim :or ca le.S.,SUetaleeti, by reasoner the e,:citt patron ot his skives, an any cnisett or it...or any 11(Teniter maize upon the . 1.1. 'ice and magnanimity of that Govern:neat '• lit re int abolyion of alavvry 13 dm:aired to be, not the art of that State but, the au* of the l ailed Stater. and the Convention which framed it, freeing Itself trom the re yonribtlity of a measurt so thatastelu; to its members, takes Cale to Insert a mettle urd_r which the State reu ll,•1 for “Jrup,rite'uon Irom Ore Notioa...l GuNCILII.cIir lot :Lc ILIVeI Wh s , Tru vlrft:roc , '1o; s, P. 112 :\ r)r. I I.• I mil. =MI :r .r op] . tww 11,t I: lull: a jv.ryt, an J t!..! • ••11•1•,-• t.t the rt lII=EM=I 11,,y s tt,V. I t . 1 IL.. /1 . :.• I U v, tuu y, t • • •• • H. 111,4,1.1. • A In Mil ie.3 , 2A : S•' 211.1 AA. --A • 1:t tr. NA I.E. AST AUCTI It 1./.1 •1. t. 10ik...4 , 41. NO' • 4 . 44 . 4. , 4 h, IFAA , Wt.,.1 L. L. .t • A. 11,4.49 1 95 j ntv.l WI, •'r. in .4 •etts . sit,, AIM lot 94 sc:e• ' " • • '" =OM • I 7.: S 711.111.1oly Velthltt tl" , " .t..oi ‘11.,0n,0n, •ind the • • .7 . . t . .l „n a e H. 1.1 , ry Lsfif!euL csrrying ~•„„„ ~,,, ..t v 1 . •• K corr , st very .lc it,. aid hrs.: a lull , oe ald btl a trale. ••• se,y B;;;1., VITA I. 0•LI.)A. —At he Pa' sbar‘ , • -r. . )01111. , ) L 1,00,1,1 prebrn! IT Owe:, • he i.ueureo a 111/14 . 1,11t WM: oy tat r lid Opera 1,1111• n • s C" • 11. ..• pr sr d ol ceichnited arlisivs from Owpow Jr r • lot kAt ad enky of ; ..• 4 kr lE. k•Actl infer. . . .1\ :SE it Alf MEETINGS 1 012.41 "Jove:urn-. A N t ADJOURNEI) . NIEETPI(;' , r Titz xl.l lace N th• BUNK., tn.' I. 116 h. ON , . 01. Woo.. T E. -011 • I, 4: 3 0 —Ork I . , lot 11... • Dot., ~./ IZ. 1 . 1 ct I.V 4 , 011.4,..L.q. mt.. C. r) J. V.. Aiiii(l. r, ~:;r..~;;rn ME1511..M, i r,nhr,lrrs nr t • . on' t 'no or', of neon, at un Its rourt h short, on Y. ,Ilr kt..“ I ;• c Oillnc ...craw. Cl OlLlcefs :0 ger, Ine onaning yo , ,r L. , e„,l J. F. ROBINSON ,ccr.; HOLDERS MEETING 01n11. loon' Fear, Corer., krrliontlinii, Oct. 00th, .50 j n,rillog of the itockho dere of tn. , Jones . I my Company will take place on 711 , ra DAT, 61h, at al e'clock •. N., al the 1.)4 MIOE OF A I) k It. M. Shill lt, Water street. Pitts burgh, at which mac and place so ELEC. , PION I , IIIEUTtiItS, to lima for the ensuing year, will be hold ce36Uttl it'll. nt UFZOSU, S.:ref./7. TaCrt Se °RV is On r-env nits Frr ter. horn, lt , avrocher I, 1606. TEM /IS UAL. F.EI 1 Nfl OP TILE a•ery • (Pre rry h II I'm-11)mq will Le to Id at the Boat lot 1.00.5. thumb street, on Yuesday, Nev.mbrr I Itti, 1006, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for tire purpose of ele'etine einem for the ensiling yea', and transacting sue Other business as real come before them dare 1-td. J. L. AIARSJIALL, ii(naGt In tic order ^I Orphan's ean(l (3( ' b• ( nub() atl xtln I WA', WM( t. 0 , 1 0.1. l I la al VII. dead,oooll •t ,in "pose (a, to Puhne Sale, it lot DOUltr HOUSE on TH11001) Nnv. Otn, hill, at II A. (.1.. all the held.. tine, Interest or eialro rontah was of told Ellah Smolt. le and to the 'TWO sr. •ICY I NAM r. HOUSII of flee rooms, sod I.AJT OR; CND. eltuated on the worth earner of f ORM? l.lreet and Uhstles Alley Pittsburgh, (matins SO feet ches an Tutton street, and to fret 2 }OR it TEEN ID R ECT 'RS Tit • co., i V l ',V D .7 ll upr w l i e t t . 1 41;:r .t. =m,b 4 1 . 1 . 0 b a y: end by s line at tlxht angles to Oaltvell latest 01 Tu rot for rho elleulng year, will he held 01 fret a thau, Terms, Od~H. ItS t thee In Begley Is Elltl WO,. NV ster street, on • ' 3011.2.1 O. EH YAND, A4mlri(itreter, 1 Urs a. y, azasetnaer 110, 186,,.betwcen the ..imtd Iba Fourth Weer. noun. . nod Ir. Atuar..riNsk.y, _ _ o, (elm( Sh.retnrY• I,lnlltl FUTISI FU BSI Otitaitz bt. P.N.RA IN.I RANI bill A N ELECTIQN UTVICE Woo,oo e iXST.INO4 Co. PITT Fllo¢oll, Out 31,186 i. ELECTION FOR 71113T.563 ef-. Directors of !hie empa. y, to terve (or the eosOlea year, lent he held at the odb,e, Nt. ea Watt r etreet,rm rtkeaday, the itch day of Novem ber text, betwten tee bawl, a 11 a. m • sad s In. nr. 9 0•1-404. WAi. E. HERBERT. Sete), DIVUMNDS s.cysu I,,,Ticnto..,jusz, yr P.smfva gs, ~.,Lmirrasuaotr.l Nov, 1 F i n initECTORS B BA1 1 1) hove this Oar ftwro "dividend of • Zl Vt.veß,ozerr., Yr" ci*vargtn ia.Vilka, oilt of the prodti of the last az mouths, poyoblo to the 'Stockholders, or thetilegar raprerourkttrts, rot Cod alter ad 1 3th '4 ll "' *./1 0. IS. Elude, cushier. NATunmouvic, --- : -„, lam Om PITTM,DIitEARDD OB , Rallt eT ßallt Roy. id; amII. THE pris A E this am , declared - 6 DivideloTor . •NINE PEAt • • Do MO OlSsd.thr proll4 , do,* in of Februszy /MU •Viyable aig sad After the t3Tit IinsT.4OISOOOSoIeS I3I Ot their. term ' , pr .., Hyman. of 11. S. tam.' • . na5h0.41 .101 IN fit • Prn . i. Ps, o.r. AI I EN I: 2 I 7 rri 7 94 'C I . 8 ' A 4 .4; '93 Merkel bIAY IiKA_LT y aff- FOE MA TOR. f'TAIN Vl'n , f t•-, Seventh Ward. wl;l , c 0.11 , , 'Mt 'O. n ^T to the r v1101:1,10(1 of the of .liF or eV.) ton. not :etc ag- TINE AIfitILItLTY.---LANES iPtef- Al.lte()X, Aldermen of the Fourth w at the toileltation of friends, has consented to al. low Ma name to be uud in commotion with the next Mayoralty, and will be a candidate siihject to the &tett vote of toe people, in accordance with the recommendation Of the laat liepub3oso 117unlotpal Convention. oc2.sde NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR t4ALE I=IIM IFI,I o lit EL, tr.e., coot: , ste, rr sdy for Putt np, sot, b e tor 1141V1,11.1 or Ally pl. pOSt 60 horse power. Apety et aoßtstl rH t 1 I {PINK AND INSURANCE STOCE.S.— .I.II'IJEZDAY EVENING, November 7th, et 714 o'clock, will he soldon bread floor of the Com m. total Soh Room, I 6 smittitield .tenet, opiu,stte the Post lutice, the tollowlits stocks: _et .here. People.' /new aneo , 'omiteny; shares Allegnet, Netiooel Bank, to do Fourth do no m.6A. hl c 1 L.W.t INF, Allot', HALES :t,:• xrelleht new Pesolt Is :he earhent ttnown, II .one Wu. eeit• let th • eot Ile t rt I,tv, nod. C. ;tog grower. tro.t. I,eoe. (Irmo° tee. t,.41 ..or,ery oto It to gremt vertoty, hoe, the Sew egley glureeriee 01. I. SlitEl.nS d C. 1.. i L). M. II et.EI 0 or, r. ellth e:reet. 3,1 uVELNMENT BALE, Extensile Sale of Blankets Pr 'Ol4 nt rd 'he 11 c , llcnl P tr•ey • Arc: ec. No It et, etnt., le tot.ll. t n TI SDAY, NoscmJer t0t,15611, o'doel. A . 41.V441 lilanneta 6.0 Iron lie.stends, PIK) "'Wk. . =MM= . I 1. • .{1 lIT / I ER, o. n .1 tire. • I I •, , los,•i. IT, . Mellen: Purr., o: .\ I ATOKs, Nrc. pre fake Shore - Abater Ap.).., inn r,h! let's Ruesett.i • It Yeacholow Potnto•s, to ..tcke eat londa Ptekeablow eutnebee, La carrel., tb nne ~b!. Niw Jets,' S weet l'otetoea, but up frr ~last r kse, at+. im..w , e; to dot , i.l.ol.lL•i• 6 nun d rete,es: etcb Pekettee, ..• ' bete e I . • b tybelt Ft.". Seed, aid (or tote by k tai rated Street. I ntl `. I:7 HI (lot ri)s. MUM= =CM WRITE, ORE & CO rit-rn misr.irr. THI P. SEI. FAA' COUNCIL of he City t Pittsburg b, Se:rte.:Elder :nth, ISIS Kr. Mu. Lai anuo offerer Lbe i.etttloo 01 Price & ,lea, )411011.11.00, to errOt •11,1110 , -C1.3 tenzooo , lse ar t •otOne nn, , 00 dtlce 4.0 d Usblwail otrento. , n ,n. S,I la : , , , Itlol. on. rend nod nocepl , d an kb, pins, rof tnt t ie t.t triorre on. r• •n•ed .lAMEn El P cauterst tit ,elect C• tin A -1,. I n • STEI I of Common ,`,• A ttrbt IL , ••r# C..mmoo C! t. C 'NCY.RT We. the t as :rev. , pa! 01 Mr. Eletietta. •ire ploar,rr a...cruet:llm eel and tLa musterC.J.Lareu . f tt.44. •:1,1 a 'Foca: .neon at 'IA tkt:', tie eh 14. rt ..; . • • •• •• 11.4 ' • ,oprivas- tutt,t c g g n , AT,k , Ir rr , e, , ”Calre., I ,c Tl.r of 1 Et t o'clo:k n T• • Uk • " h.I - g,.rt• MEM t • t • I eoy IA tqt.L,V., •r I,l'l AT Ali Dn Fi y November 10th. at 11 o'clock v. wteso t. rn the prernleee, In Itj Si, • n tulles from the city, on the perrysv.lle slicer et I. hy order of the executors al , lie beta, of till , son 'dates', neceased. Ina very valuable Property •ontalnitg acres. Onto t has •ts ...tattled Into nine lots us front leer to ales en eech. Ito one Int there is ere.dod n osoduro both hotel, nearly n and another nal taerenn a •üb• .at elle built Lou..,ese, .table, and atte 00000 y note butloutgs 1. lips, co.-half caett. regolue In one sad two ~o roe byand and mortgage. l' or particular. Ingo!. of S. B. W. 011.. L. not., na ..reef., slam Pry for executor.. 0,1 T. IL AIettI.ELIANI), A D.iut. „:\ t. dm or's Nato LA 1 , 1125, Al ISSI•' AND 1•111L1.11EXS. U I 2 S Ihe ltra , st and Most Complete Assortment .V En I rFLRI:UIIi THIS MARKET AT McOORD & 00'S, not gat WeCod Fitreat,Pltlaborgth notE T IN R9CII sl'Elt, BUYER ; • gpit SALE. ititate an Prenit Went, nElrai bank, well and favorably known' to the travaling ppm: - -TEE PAVILLION HOTEL • Tb. nousit - ti a Isms Friss* nose Btoq, cot- Wang Thittr4wo Regius. Thera It itaDUnt tar twenty -41s belle% eartieP Mule. 4 1 1-narl mbar outbuildings. Cher, ,altA lerge64. it. DUI At tsched; spiv, did *Me r.tritl every etc'. ?amerce. a a. BRYAN, unu glYarrth r*„ (Ifttba'd Building.) NEW ADV EH i ISEMENTS pusai‘ E neLa 4t A IN , (st.unellie Raiitoad L.:moo:soy, ienersooi,llo. In• NEWDRY GOODS, ' d'"' Ft AT CAII,, tit:AGE, t FT. n'.; On november ilth, ISO, at Louisville, Ky 311 Cat Wheel.. 43 Pm, Wheels a A.sles, 217 tild Axles, I leader, Smoke Stack, I Engine Truck, I Pale Afyon, I Parallel Rd Id, springs., Heil and (nine. 1 Hand Core, i 14 Truck Cara, 1.0,C00 pounds of Scrap Iron. On December let, Inn at Memphis, Troll the aittre 'nook of the U. 5.3111144.3 Railroad Sup plies remaining on hand at that Mace. consisting In part al follows. OD/ Eighty tons •ssorted Iron. ,onq Eisht hundred tons array Iron. (6, Eight tone aeSOrted rl true ton Pig Lead. Ann a general assortment of small , tores, suit able for railroads. On December 11th, MOS, at Naribrille, Teen., the entire .lock of new and rervleinalide stores of the U. S. Military Railroad remaining on hand at tins General "upply "tore, coonistiog to par: Al fob lows ntifew Twenty thousand Aseo, t,Coi Ti n. rtra'd bar Iron, rd sq. hfrd Logic, Et.oty too. 14,1/er end Tank Don, Tlrt dive On. assorted , teel, Theenon/. c 1 tone -0 no Iron, wreasht a Id cam., Tv. n 1.13 dive I..ourand loounda E.rone Brass Cast oq, s Gardner & chleiter's, NO, 92 MARKET STREET Russia Crash, IV piece. extra heavy at 1 ~ reate per yard. Sold Crent:where for o except at 0.1111.2t2.11. s 0•0111.1:1IEWS. Prints. One xtee et .0 flea.. e exec et .8, ore Cate at lg. 5 , 11.11.‘ v At 11 cont., e, . at t.TAIWN 1-1 Bleached Si.irting, • CZ, ante very 11,11., only - .1 CPU", Cr : , :ar . .. e ... 0 .. e h, r e tor be cents, ex , er at (tAill , lXEkt a SOIIi.LiTLICo. I-1 tickling and t•heesing. Very exrrn flrellt, for ca, rufti retry where AY end c‘c n! ept t).l :CER SLlMLY:tiers, Printed Belalues. 1-1 French thintzes. Tkorflo. 7-s and 1-1 ply ren•• per C 7 1 ,1• 1. dno lon 1 . y LI: a yet It LE ( Fr. , . r, al uioi al • , 1.1r( , , Only /3.1.1 • er•u : 11a( k and t oloreo CI !.a0 nn( r . N. w u r, r. CLI, Itee. ratin Plaid Poplins, Plaid z•atin Einpres!, ito'is Fo:,loesuhtul g0e.19: thnsp et 9 co; o • le 1 It h. Y•Ch LOIT9r , pmts oydy so et.. French Merinos, Poi.lthe, help. i"...,“••• I . 4othe, en'oe. thee, I , olCed Mr r': nod heisinee. Ole. bolts St.k retch beehat Pis les. Pw•lry Plebe. block nod sops Plato e, eh Lew gorels. , heeper tons them nll. tor oWEEK o 1yr.19 ee Ilk 9;09.9' E et Cook lulohi Lit .1 Cloaks, tic ul yo, Ili et IS 00, et 18 On et 910 ee, et Y 00, et il4 Pt, at $ll le, at Ste on, at •.5 00 y thy et y lee 10 wheel !rot. pan et. • o leek,ct.s"s Meet, Oeree , . k oe, UlLak woe 11030 • ,kle,k k , kyrkw, 'l'\`ll.E I.l.\L\, Table I locus, nent, CI - ea. llottel- I S. 'Jett. $ 11e4lidie. to, p, thQ, ,nrlts4 the, (Vtal snle lot ne sr lIAe I.N LIS re alltl Lt.!. f 1 - 4111 PS• Stet nteoSts ! a;..01n 0r..• Nt t• 6 144,41 SALE. OF STOREB. t . o rr rIN ear" SORY Nee sa, / I r - rent.on, I" T • , Non 11, I.lw, W.lll, rol.r et Public ash, to the 'anneal tor :toe tots e. oe 1 . . 'ea erten:, Tklrlio• I %I or•enabe , 1 , A.l, Sole entrmenotn; et • 0.. N. Inc r011...61.4 COClJensave I •L.t 1)4, loon t.. 8 I ,tt.ters, I . • ro•• Itonotz. 4.ral ; watra. • It.tontr) I=l 4,1 .••,r umun / adlrs o. 136 Wood Street scu(101, vistrty:. the V It-ITU/I ie II 0111171., It, tore with 'ho ,unitary numbs:, IYdt. Thte is the etily.ltat Soave r.tP r. atontoat InlbliShed at SLYEST Y-FIVIi CEN I'S A YEA It Yak aline form, heauttfully tlttmtrated. Now lyric, OM features: nestlings, :dusts, Speeches; Dlelrsues. Utortes. Purrim. Eoltireu, Reburial ae.. from the very te st ort Item. Ths has t no tersest etraulattoe of any Eduentice el Jourc , l puldi she 1. Now I. the time tolorm duns The Publisher. In order to result oil parts of the conntry aril viol the VI , ITtlit one year FREE, to tote person (oho will act Al ageut,) , At say Pest Unice to Ilia Vidted steel Address, with `llse eon:, for oartlautere, J. W. DAIAIJIADAY, 1308 tlitcstiont street, Phlltdelph EAchnnces copy log the above and sell lag a maraen copy, will rem tee the t•Vlsitor (or one tee , not:Slaw I' - - gLLOWB id A NUFACTORY.—The at } talon of the public .1. ected to new dun lost Wsmmeneed the work of . . .... . . MIANUFACTILMIIiti BELLOWS. A to. 79 Dl [Pond, Alleigbenig. City. etle the Deat ~H ale can be had on th e than res. eon hie terms .M 1 Were lam:aptly attended to o. 7111)1eniond, Allegheny ()Uhl's, or address It MINOR k Oti_,. 1"ral:Iwd • Box 47. Atirgrenytlite, Pa. 83,500 wthl;FulTefartc. A NEAT MANE MUSA I. isttpaS 1100i18,and about TWOADEEri OF LA Notitttated lA the v i ll age of Mount Wash. Ingtim For further particulari enoutrem FiOllR AND GRAIN. Family Flour, While wheat; 80u bush d 1), , • Sod dOr O do prittuSEst i Con; epriui do; 'M , too buShn do stei - aliened do; od '2OtD, do Elim U tirlsilesq' • 10 .4 Kill Feed, 1.0 storo sad for eldeby • TILT _SOPI, A.I=ON k oez r tos ISO %Lod Fens street. AT PRICES BELOW }ol', I.nt• s,. GI •1 ceu, Sos 4 .vervrallase nt $1 .i• •,14 =EI •t . '""'"I A"A.A. Laul• I 4 • I • ••1 •v• I !tut P.,. V • •••1 onla,on Ti u,`a.6. • u:s a re I' A • :• .•,) 11, II nn..... 1 ., •• ds ea. Isr.v. I Pin.. itrrr. • ma. cite, I . oles 1,4 ..1)'• Alert, • 4. I . tip„u. • moat ft/Ids E 1,1•0,1` , . •sy ~ore 3 / 4 ,4 =A 'LTC ,2,: - ,(It) PAIR Gents and ('hU r the 1.e. , of tire 1" n 't v .nt:t.:.lesel'l'ves or • I, o r4Ltios.• • :.lion pr,.: to eft,. c•,l.lmus Pi A 'F fl RE= J4 I ?IES Bo Ira', 11E1!=EI=1 u..TowErp. Ist pauructereet. NEW AIiVERTISEDTEN TS SAI, l UP GI overtime)? f Railroad Properl y. DIT11,101( Tme T, l`ntlntqvntrrtrAtt.l,l2 . l. ltnt:ce, V N. 3111.1 TA nr innt,.r.on NAnF VT.., train.. Oct. 1160 J ul I , e nt Publte Auctlt.n. on Novel:W.6r 2010, 1065, at kite lout of ?..;,:sr Street, St Louts. TWO FLAT t 24 Its, Fr. 1)1 A,)E Uu Soremlmr 3LL . 1865. •t the ye (.1 the Je, Os. h/1. lirlatl. ',mei, bre" 1 . ..; , e,i.+ 1..r.:,,,e. ~.: .511 L,,,0.1s , prlng : r,,,,,r rr,.. ,ol• ,‘‘.'l'"' hovr , a, tic.a. Cocks of every tli. Bet. het*. 0r,i,,,,,,, trs. IrOu. Aml Copper lareta lEEE fsl Hun", I#lo,Vif. of. - . ect • of , per and Ens. I of In•le, . t s.nei .nn Rope, of ff. allrond Cook ',Tye .n.l 1 ix. Tnek, —net el Li re, , Kelly , . Henn i,igh•s. I,ll`e•re rerryon.ers, illnukon,ithgrand u &tree Oar ',ono Ling • arra 1 enlOer, Brut e +ad ,reo e. T of 'I r BO.; noun a!v .. every ortloe .WWI e for frer:rond ofverar.ono, nlr of li.e Der, teat , 100. • ICI. Ars. Is, 1 r..e. , orre lett erre o Bro. Armfr . e. r, 1, ‘v err. -leers Sr ti .• li. It 1' ' , et i ear Cuter e nee ne- A Ale„ 111 • tre,. .• Rent.. et.. me Ilusel ll • l l .— eee• ,, • e I ei• 11, - nmer nen:a. !1u... 4e lit nn, en eleue lieetee.teerr re e ' , team Ileetterxerr VCt.e the Anclr tt r •ruot.t,t• 8+.41 3, staw. • ! AN llnee..3onalst,ag t'Arper, :41 l'uols, her.levrtrtht • A 704•1‘. 111e , ;:lam:(h', roof Ni.tnmee ',to , . es vnd Rop. In. rte.. of • GA,II. IN CIOVEWIMENT •sesf,•gues o('. tie amt.:isle To be sold En lass. • •Ille eat be oat slnesl n 7 applientlon to Welt s If. H•viel 0. ...Z. :tl., sod of test at Me:tap:us. au sp pill tlal to '.Vt. Jolla Pales, A. 11,. 7t. The ntlestion of dealers slid ffAgrosd Comps *, s is psttleulerly Invited to this salt. saes •rlll dormer,. ate 0 . 133 Ck A. eeeh ds). sad r. at I nue dells nail: all the PrOPer•7 lf disposed a Y J. 111111.1. Y. floe tit (...A53. 404 A. tt. Y.. n. s THE waL.ELER—t WIL6ON LOCI BTrTCII EEAIINC MACHME, At tr, A Y h, as 'artist! the MOH r et, UN .Y 1.• HE MIt 'se... the eao•l stenp , e sue to Ii r,h couslruckles. and sa the Bt.- NIA , II.IN tor •0.1 Gat wet Purpose. The 01, Imin,, • k hos u s•Lllerkan were reeculars at the , 3.1 , ,e, •.• /11•011 M M Lb! 'lt, hi .AHU NUTTA lIEE , • \' k't•-TF In • • • r • Ati •ne thr ;. eat 404 rtt •• • -1... s st 1i e F.. P. I AR/TN rER, 1 t 1 •i 4 P 0 A I '42 4: :► et I . : I 1) i 1,111.. N .•.kNii•i-1 Lt. 1 I.'l A V, ry Large Ec:ti n Publi,hed and Nearly all Sold JOB N P HUNT & CO. PubluaLers 1=111111111:11 1,..ti t 0.11:m I itt:i ‘[ ENLARGEIIENT THE LAE &EST PAPER IN THE STATE TL\ 1:.1(11\ \L \ ITER 1..`4.11. it 'kr, I. ! !E. \ PM E!' 411 . 1 t., !!! • : rt.; 10 IN( ANL I'RICE Trlt.TiN . .: .. < • vur yea •I 0 qn TEE COL'IdE:sCIAL. P,ttsburgh COME, ONE, COME ALI.. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING mrc<>l4' .7.00: 4 . 13 Sl• (Atli) . St. rrn n:,1,11012 ilr Int uhlic II cs. 41111 r , r! , : , I.I.NIEN'S r!•!?. a.•. which 1 r tnrerooli Any one lc Ne sal n sh.ore tio o its 111 ti it to awl: l'iratitto to give me s esti, sod es Amine my stock beton puretouileit e:to. when, They ens tad the largest not tont Beleatod stock at Fa. White entry Moat ' , Societe! Shiite, Wooten, Cotton tad islete Thread dotter shirts soil Brannan, scarfs, [loch Tics, Snake, SO.s pendsoi, Butterflies, sod ecerytlim; perts•nt.oi the Gentlemen'. Furnishing nods, to the city, Renre-mber the Macs, IT and 16 St. Mate street. SAMUEL P. 1, A Mtge stock Of lists, Caps,Grays Slot lam Lor Swami's, IlnlYer.6l. Fit son'. F.n.nocles and lam, will be sold lowa, th so test. •REREAD, I, ROBERT 11 LECKY, • of the City and Ur' ,unti of rilleahen.V. end :Ante of Penns.. die - oh. ale x_awrrxii=uss PATE NT of Lbe Crated States, dated Nay rah, Nos, for Improievicat in Jars for Oil Tools, Sold JAILS basing_ DOUBLE jgoldes, that ia, "0 CZ IGh•" EAURI.INR OF TUE JAB, and alno, did obtain TWO other Patents for Improve. mints in uNUOIS IT SOOTS" tor OIL TOOLS, both dated May/2d, 1865. • NOW TAKE NOTICE. That enp s pawn ors parsons INFRINGING on said Patanto by EITHER, BIAKIN9I VENDING or 118/NO EITHER of then WITEIGLIT DIY coN T fik.NT F L , will bn proem:dad to the FULL EX- W. TENLIE L Oellamlll MOSER? 11. LEOKY. L AW ' WC'E .Ccaakty , 13.onds, . Pcsoos holdlogibirgOlibt OF THE cooNTT Or vkwitZsoia. Penney Wants, !mot for asn. r oad .puspotet are pod the. luau m i med a atatorogot of rile amount and numbers o the Bonds they hold, and the railroad to tettleb they War& Wood, rho ordoot being to him coo eerted antics to an amiltialrangententr between the holder/ end.*. County of Itwrence. . . WM. It. WILLIAAIS 00.. Ottedle Mod itreet, corner ot Of new sod beautiful dolga, la IPANNEL AVOW. ATIQN__,FI for Hons. Dillnd Boom old Ventlynlet, at tio. ror ?dodger ro. oat ' ' JOEL It. HUGHES BRO. DRY GOODS TRIMMINGS, &C. /1 AT ()TICE. RE SAVE TIIE t. 10015 .I.l:llLialsED, nOtat the quantity and at the ytl<ee named. making Stock coincident to •tat eoutatned live nr eta ordinary store., W E OFFER 300 P pc E,4 NEW SILKS, beside• on," nelongto4 to former purchates. < Wo have no coatoeu Utica In CLL depaitmeut, owing to ours Wass the largest to tbe West, and we sell Silks as cheap a other goods. WE OFF ER 3,000 PIECES DRESS GOODS,eitbracLog all grades from IS% to $3,00 per Delatnes retry but Ooburp, extra wits, Sto., of the best print. at. 26c.., and -good ditto at 155,;c Vi'M OFFER 2,000 SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, embractalg eU the dcalrab:e styles, Arent variety of Cashmere Long SElan - ls, Wool Plaid ditto Brodie ditto. and Velvat, Fancy .nd Pisin Sarques, Els.sques,, !sc. These we aro sell. IMISEMI2 W I.: OFFER LI \ GOODS of N:1 kliala. Sheetlugs, Plt,loW C scog, Table ('login. Brown cad Me whet' al) kinds and sizO, Whlto and i ii‘slortil CO to Ngtk 0., DO}. ditto Towns. tit, a..E 1,1..: t, d T Ule an I SOO Co era. Table ( over) :•) I I C 7,111, A.:,11 Tone lac 11..4a OFFEI C1.11A1.1!11:, LK ET,OLI,Idcha, U !wed and !!!=1:12 a ryLE:s •,1* cLuAr - orgo ,inpted to the preoent seam, Prtoes (nom 3' to $11 , , , 0. CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER from FLA ri NYLS, Heti White, Yellow, Greg Blue and Taney Flennela of all Unda, good White Mortal ht4l ceata; Beal Shaker, heavy ►ad eau► lttary, at 55 cents: U=2 try Barred Flanards at 62 cents; other. AE OFFIE. 500 PiLetm PANTS' UF WS, Ll'astmere 1, 1 weedc ble/ tons, Satinets, l's.lnets, Jan., Oa. Good .11 wool Con:met:4Z 734.. good Tweeds 6214 tents; Good Sattmeta ►nJ Jeans at 3'74a T4gCLlner WILI3 1,11 hat. of everything In t S DRY GOODS, Wholesale and Retail J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 Mark4t Street MEE! 'SATES & BELL ATTRACTIONS NEW GOOIS FOR SPREAIk, X&RSAILLES QUILTS Honey-Comb Quilts, (RIB BLANKETS. Flith ,stet ISW Gt.ol). Al t Et! It A 111.151. E NO. 19 FIFTH STREET New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimrs and Buttons, Rich Bonnet anti Scarf Ribbons, Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Silk Baltinir — a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and Inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Oaths Frillin'gs, Rea Thread and French Veils eri can and English Hosiery, Gloves and Gauntlets—last styles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarns, Ladies and Childrpias' Underwear, Balmoral Skirts--new styles Duplex Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Cloves - --all sizes, win and it to their 441rILUtage to call so l earn toe our stook belsao purautatrig. MAMMA. & CARLISLE. 19 MTH STREET, rittaburea, A T W. W. MOORHEAD'S, 81 Market Street, A FULL LIFE OF ratonsumG GOODS, in Ladle?, Gents, tAluestrie ROI% BEA-SIDE wr.s, wErEtr,..0n,976, 1 4.,n 81 H"... BONNET RIBBONS, WIWI= mu tomb., TRymArusto .1488053. NOTICE.—*The sta4hobiets of the _ ODD FELLOWS FUND ASSMILFFION, ot Temperaneeellte.sre'-hiribettottlett that the seventh tastalltacut otaEtt FEtt 40EINT. te.dce Up= their atoese,and payable withtn thirty.d,sys at the °Mee of the Trbratrrer, In Temperacee• .B7: o lteCot the "BOW, - • - q.',.D..- , WVOirs. Secretary. vcrxr.-: P ,150 404,214, ; WATITS. I% ANTE An expenenced FEMALE cCus, hes a altmattoll. One be seen by eilln Fr on 7NI cas . ax, reansyleantri Avenue. nuz 3:a 3 117 ANTE.I)—A HOUSE, eontatniog from 1 , to,' to .1x rooms, etther to P - ittebrnel or Anagl.coy. font no 000stidenstion.. Dircot • note Box -F tserre Chrrion. oat Li AINITEp-- - A GIRL, OR WIDOW withouGimmt children, to lariat nt honte• roe k. To a tun,ale pereno liberal oOmpe.s lion a 111 be Vv... Athlone 'ar. ti. tiazeTTl Orelea. n0:3414 - - IV A NTEV.— A good 0L111.., to do ge , erek hdlateworki. Must o,me well mew. mended. Welgez the htzhest paid. Val! at THIS OFFICE b...e.eri eight sad :doe o'clock Mon de} moraine notatid 117 A NTIO3—PAETURE YOH A HORSE two weeks Ono good feed of ,oati or earn required eaer:day. (Jan hire the services or the horse for Iktkt work e portion of tke time. !W -ares; statirf;teme, "G. J. T.," Ilizrrek Orsrcc 1.4:1td _ _ W AVT.E, To sell by I u r eetiptlen, a PUBLICATION whlsh will commend a rapid sale, eapecially among OIL BIEN, Arplg to H. P. GENGBIABRE. no2Litalir No, 12 St. Clair at., third door. AN TE: . b—AG—ENERGETIC V V MEV On make to io • top, selling the celebrated. levees's:ll . /1:1=T STAB NO-OHIN. P. ET BURN LH for Kerosene 011 Lamps, It gives a splendid light, Without smoke or 'men. Every family Scants lt, ea can be .old Tor the padre of a couple a Chimney.. sample, poalvabl, es cent.. • • -Send for Cqertlar and fun pernertla's. Eoclu sire temtoryVvra. .V.41111:$ EDGAR, Maeutsaturer, 96.9.1md ' No. 95 91o.Wen Lane. New Ti rk. W ANTE, .—AUENTB FOR "TILE SEG XVI' SERVICE. THE FIELD, THE PUNGEON AND THE ESCAPE.. BT Ar.ozav fi., New York Tribune OcirresponCl wt. The re ooS tntetertine. sod exciting book ever poi~lteieznprzeing Mr. flichards=de annual) Wed tape:n..oll toe four yearn traveling through the L oath 110tbe necret service of the Tribune et the cembreNg of the war, with our armies and gaits, both Erni and West, during the' Wit two Fee, of tho RtebeLlion: his Willing ceptntet hie conf.neueni fdr al months lh eaten different robe c= i nLa l titsepr y eizt reljnettl on writ : b runt mn % u indovente,' not contain wore of the pct, indl. tent end ronmiee of the war than Orli Other Wed& tot 'schen, taffies, energetic young men. and eel* daily returnel and diailled colleen and aoldierei In wens of prefltable employment, wilt ditdit innerly seam* to Unlit condition.' We have semm clearing site per mainly which we will Parato any Coubtinj o rillaant. Sitchi.fnr cdrou. hue. &Mien& BUOS. & (JO. fr. corner Sixth and Htsternreetc. ,crelmenw.t. Philedetphla Pa. DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, Ate GLIMB 4: CO., 1 MARKET STREET. Cffer for eno4rteof ite.LARGEst and CHEAP EST in elm. of THI3IIdIHOS. FANO . '" NOTIONS', HOSIERY, GLOVES, tee-, e'er bryeetit 4 tate elty, f mbroidetles, Linen a.d Silk Hdk'fs, Real 4) Imitation Valencia Lace, Reel Point Lace Collars, Ifni French worked Collars, :',Real Maltese Lace do French worked Seta. Linen do- VERY tIIDRAP, Nos. '7B f nd 80 'Market Street 2,000 Lai es' Linen Collars, 2,000 Pairs Linen Cuffs, MIMI E[ACRqM, CLYDE & CO'S, BA LMORAL Nos. 78nd 80 Market Street The balane . e of our MOM, to DRY GOODS CR be .old at efiST, and we would call Cho sttentloa of 1:1121tEltS to our 1 1 1111.nfiSZ STOrR oI crl . . 1 EA.!' and DE-SIRARLE ROODS. Owl nod us, at our mewls Hired stoma. Nos. 78nd 80 Market West. Dhi.63 RI UN Oe, p.rtieumr*teuticri is directed to our stool/ of the et. a Mem of good" note bettor weleetted by 11-IZ , In New York, and received daiiy by expres• r:t the house, Without Attempting to e anal state • that everything new to the :serer:l Is tele! aelly received Amo err; the JACcNr.f4 .LACE TRIDIMINcis RA IA UURO-1 , , •Li NEN SLEEVES, sWI,S API, LIN MN SETS. FRENCH 3'1113E ,, 11, LINEN COLLARS. Win be faun ,1 to embrace a very full at -, c14 of such ea NEGLIo snutrs, 11LSLIN MERINVAND SILK • UNDER iHIIII, lIKA VERS, SILK SUOF.ND.GRS L I KID, 81L4 AP AND CTON SILK. thr7TON AND MERINO li• 'SIERT And to alloy; everyttaug oeeded to Rake up a °anti...sea wardrobe. Especial sltLptlou !sahib:id to our usortmeot of ATEH-Fhis NETS, lithe-MESSES, VEItS. fTERPLY 130 811.8 UP.FJs THIMOUNStS„ BONS. Ana thor tort; EVESß IB If NOV t-LTIr of theicosoa lo tuts 1100, oat J OS.EP4 . , HORNE W. n. MOORHEAD ' 'S et, MARKET sTIZZET AMOY'S IN rAnar COUNTY, 7 1S mad !40 Selling et 5 cents es,..h 05e1,78 and 80 ffarket Street, EVERY STYLE. awl Exceedingly Cheep, AT MAOLWM, GLYDE & CO. ia , llll , EMHBROIDERIES, BOSIERV, EMBROIDERIES WILL fl 1/01:111n THE GE:NTLeiI - ENW r; : nvisuiNu DEPAMTMLNI" IN TEIO LADIEV DEPAILTIFENT L F. H. EATON. isuccc..4 to EATON, macnvlnk. CO.) Cl= iaiAVE JUST OPENED ]qw ca-4ovik, DS, DI era ninnalnrs. Cloak o.natneata. Beal Unto Goode, New Style Belt Bnekea, Best Make ISM Belt- Inge, Head Ornaments, New Scaite, .Harabura yieum.fnce, Ltnea Bandkerokta% Balmoral Skirts: Preakfast , Shawls, In lanse. Erdelloods, Infanta' zeptift Leggin& New I:apron' eirists.32lonar and Ganntlets,Whi ter Underwear Tor Men, Ladles and Cltdl: &en. Auvin Illesnin.dre Std 01071* Ladies' . '. hire Castor Maya& l'Attilabove• and oktny other 'Goods to • , ,ioreilt ilratiety, at • WHOLVE3ALE I•jUTD RETAIL , :ott:/ionsz 3 du:. 77. awn 104141 CAT 8 / 135, 3 7 WIthaa&LE_BOIMS. rt 2 s rams. ocia powsecta • - 1 2- Iton im at i tho*artttiOtateßiri r ikej t tat littOt BtAtt...ltk l Cl efuslaz With u; • .1%. • Etatk l- ; • set Ittaseiet ( , : F.E. Enqutto , • ; :lOUS DYER, Jx;;•.. 1 .: Ittiqtbaltitreet
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