gh faze*. ninwr. Noma= s, 1885. 7 4 17 1na11r GUIDE. _ _ ~,.. ~.., ,- ...-.:.. , • APAIIAUIVDepartarO of Trains. i VennOunlii • Ventral Oallraad. Dgeata r ; • . e._ 2)1 7 Krille••.. 4150 a al AWL." . 12 0 • al - a - Altos:is AeTAIM km Tait:Mfr. ".......". 2113 a m Pitts kEil* .7150 a at tai WalrAssom. sas a za MU • tocs-a ta Penn AtaeutoM, tau ai• .1r libila. Itaprasa..l2l . p m 241 Wall !Mom- I!,‘,* , " s i: ... ' k aP seLti t. ra..... "' ? 'n . g 5 O P p: ifitir A D '' ' 6 : a ' Alat. Wail Lamm. 670. sm Minimax* V . , 4 1 4114° - ul . kW, .. -.. . nom ad Wall 11 - 5 12° " ,ad , .., 4 2.16 , a nua. ~, zoom- ..^:131514 so '..436 • ,s, , , ata s , in oi w . , : n .apiess.. 5t701.: tilita Aaaamen.togo p m etr ocz 7 A cz a .:.' P . 1 ` • She shitith. train lay : Ad w i Z lrt ' Tr'° " l" P'2 Slattom empty Bnda? Ingl .t Ilae eIN In•CrAmmtnic. tiaTa• Pittl=i, Columba' and Clndnnatt.. Ammo. Mu••! 4 ...45t WEar••••,,,....... - 1.33;a M zavreim rp , f... 234 2 i nnem , i 0 j i :.. i , : §taantavinato. P 440414442 9 41 04 1 34. 420 pm • lotadiodanoi.lo:o ain . a44s73 oirtrt Wtar#:. , ind Mingo., Itrneaft.'l • dd 817111 ..... ... adt) a to Expreas......-. ICO9 pi:E:press ...... - . aaa 9 az Mresa.. , -........' ate p m Express ..... .... 61:a p m _ ".., ..' i.,-. 'MO a Ptlail 'MO pcm N. naana ' a =no CM a nu n. Gulls la Erie 8.10 pin Nett thighlot dattranadaiLon. tears Alliarbady ~ as amt ... saalifLa. a1.j_41.44_ p. la., $ a43300 'ItISLIFACCICIT....I,/;.iigijp,.pa..! 7111/.. °MUD, du) • . ?.., 'l4ltbbilrefatieveiand and wficeling.. .• • Arrives. ' Ititpraaa.i........ ado a lad Pnta15..4...,... Ida a iil W elLi"."..' it P 1 :W P"....... :: I: : viateancanna Age4smodauozlga;luto.,7 a. 411.1/0 p in. . • Pittibtegkand Cannellini:tie. etrom . . ......... flao p Slap m Rotate—lll ° 4 aKeer".l lZ ;1 1 tO 3 31L Bodooptli .. ito lit Bo° " 3 4:lopm 11 ikss p m . Allegheny Valley Railroad. Departs. Arrives. • eso":.:Prels 90 ; AMICIIOA Saes m td AiD •=‘, •y medbig of. Allegheny Councils. ^ A stated . meeting of the So tact and Common 'Connell& of Allegheny city was held last even .; • .eicoads COwserc—Presents- Messrs. Atwell, Mcßricr, B. Biddle, Ono. B. Biddle, Wright and President Marshall. The thhitites of the prevloaa meeting were .read azt4 tomcod. ' Mr. 8: Itidakt,ltresen{ . eji pstjlon from resi• dents crielmistnittAnd Isabella court, praying' for-the erection of a public lamp on Ann street. Rellsrreil to Commfttee on Gas. 11r. Atwell presented a petition from citizens •of the Pant ward, asking Councils to have a suitable wider pipe placed on Bt. Clair streei. from Borland to Fremont alley. Referred to omnatteei a Water, with power to act. Mr. - Atwell; from the Finanse.CMirmlttee, Tresented aseyorklimin the Committee, In eels- Von to several bonds whleiv.have been lost bY N. Voeghtley. The report.was recommitted to the Committee, with power to act. Yr. Atwell pvente G the monthly report of •the Controller, M'Veancis, as follows : War:ants drwrio durtrg October. ... 65,199 95 Nine mantbli previously reported.... 123,959 33 Total fop ten months Wamtnta ontstandleg... 'Cub redelved ttte Treasurer from all scorer, to Octot er 31.. . ..... 135,889 60 Vitali In TreatoryAllgtober 31.....• • • 1,940 15 • The Controlletette presented the following 6111/:. Fasten and Firemen Streetn and bridges.. k t 0 Contingent. fond 7Water Works . ; , 1a55...... .......... Total. ....... ' Add outatantitog warrato • 110,503 41' Deduct met In treasury 1,910 15 Deficiency for current month 68,563 The Ctiatioller adds: ' , The above deficiency. togetifeesith the 'amine, expenses for the next twernonthi; and thWlnterest failing due Jane. nary let, will have to, be provided for by this 1 . 011/la, Unless Coto:bits order otherwise, what money Ia le the Treasnrf wiff be need only for paying thetnen rmployed iby the Street Cam telasioner sued the Superintendent of the Water Work." The report was read and referred to the Flit /ince Committee. Mr. Weight, presented a petition from Mar. shall Coope_r„ for extra compensation In a con tract for building a sewer obi beaver and Fed eral streets. Referred to Street Committee , with power to act. Common Council eon-con cerned. Select Council adhered, and appointed Meters. 0. R. Riddle and Meltrier a Committee on Conference. Common Council appointed Messrs. J. B. Smith. English and McNeal, and the Committee reported In favor of the action of Select Conseil. 1 The resignation of John Brown, Jr,. as a Viewer op the °Periled of streets in the Third Wand, was reed and accepted, and Mr. John Ramsey appointed to 1111 the vacancy. Mr. Wright presented - the report of the Street Committee t With a resolution authertzing the •erPenstOf $5O in retailing - Fremont street to Ithuttkatie.`'Alsi,,:that,ths,,prottle grades of Boblnicatind Lacs.* streets, as exhibited by the 11ii ititr,:be, adopted from Daragh 'trent to CriWatieet; ' , Deport ritecepted and reaoln -1 Aorta adapted. Mr. 5i..1,;; promoted a report of, the Water -Lommittee, with a resolottqa anthcirlzlng a wa . ter lA* to be laid on Third alley . , from Marti° to Sant-streets, lithe wants of the citizens ro c:droll. Ifrl.'d.titatipreienEdthe following: Beialicif, s .That a committee of two from the Delectand three from the Commoo Council be appointed feftne purpose of conferring with a • aimilstetettilttee from the oily of Pittsburgh, and tad adjelning 'boionghs and dlatrlote. In ihd immediate vide Ity of the two cities, for taut i.,,,kirposs of-taking into consideration the expel cy and advantage of uniting and consolidat • lag into opt great city:. Retched, That the President; of the - ficieer and aMnsotinCatitielli he added to this 'cent= mitten The44ol'utirs were adopted without dia.; sunken. _ Thoseport of the Viewers on the Washington Area sewery was read and con firmed. Mr.'Otorge R. Riddle , offered the followira: • • - flesolved, That it shall be Unduly of the Cote mitten on Streets, In ell contracts made by them for paring, repaving or repairing streets, to em- . brace therein the laying of fag ; atones, dOlabit track' at all the - to:esti:lgs. Adopted. Mr; kelp; offered-a resolution_ Instructing the Street Committee to 'prepare an ordinasce and draft or an met Assembly for the 'butter Tomtit:forret erect . paring :assessments—to the effect that all assessments be open far peddle In erection for a specified time, and anal-welds given into the hands of the City Treasurer fOr • collection. A communication Wee rood from A Lego rto, 4 Esq„ Secretary of the Ibrary Akto,i a t on , thanking councils for W room, announcing Chtnawo l formal o p eu . ing on Friday everdug,bit., and Melt ' • leg councils to be present: Communication . • ' e. ; accepted. Mr. Mclirler offered a resolution instructing/ the Street Committee to ripen as to the propriet ty df theritorle ll ting tho Legislature to repeal the act in;refercueo to the present system Of sewerage, and adopt in its steed a law anthBr ' Jain a aoecial tax for sewerage. Adopted. • CONNOtt etlititiWt..-Preseut: Mtwara. Sammy, Eneldi,;Fanlhauber, Sall, Angell,, *'Donald, Patterson, Smith Wllliatn, Stab L 8., Torrence, Tbompr, end. Brad dent Drattu'• The minutes dfithe proAotts meeting were , read and apßroyed. . • M BMlleiSielollte.l4 l t l o l AVIA *twill .: • -of the r. Turd ward, aching that a limp poet be , _ erected on the corner of Stritenern , allolf and :Union avanne.f . Referred be, the Committee on , 42asoritbyewet to set. Thie7rtalldeut Presented a cOtemutdcatioti • yroni:.the 'Allegheny Library AsSomathea; - ling.theiterto.attend the fortahlopening of the - kietUadonitzt - • ,Friday. The - levitation was• as . '4 , leolefpresented - the amok of the Com- MJCDOtes; t 0610- withi :the •... , ••• Begird, Thalia. ge=eCompanyhe thaton Engines ineg l ettA zi l d o takettinti of all the apparatus ;. - .brionglog..tbryttO,;and• afore them carefn.swey, In =A ttleengthe !wore owned by the city. 13111..M0M , Wileiteetrytati; &A the'fantail:et lie. insamilid a Mpeort, -6 1renn; the' Coin. ewe enpaaa, itaisahe acooMpauflett ritadS- Aga . .. vid Thai the Contediarteirete• aitthortne to contract , withew gig nest bidder. for the manutema - tiko, .fnum*ot the intrno,Paiterit 7 .elia.gyia thrm; mods ander the int contact.: , i - 77 Committee 450 Mona that at leant ex •impo b;en ..Ikiftleirit' the UM thtie .2)0t10to P deret4a2 tfihee supply id- - refine- Rion tm Code intbefA: adoptedt y►fs 44. • • lafrideNeihrtite 410/dthabritdithonwelf eta OnriAl • etillinit attantinanteirtholtict.Altat Alm , fla :Of the 4orgyhthebtateMohecietteeted d liedilf*Plna• &vomit tab:lima Itin cause MOW TO: *A'aabels.44 obte T Pl ui Ver' 1.4 W 1 / 4 ' . 4tkituur otherwae ad: - Thep eisi . _ also states that It to the latentlou of the U. _ ebatileg Street Bridge Company to rebuild •_ nlr bridge with three scans only, filling in o: of the present bridge, end Injihiett e b ute 7,; of the . Scot pier on the Ptttatno - A . aide of the river, Which would came ro- - i n i ary the property of the citizens of A 'lmgheny. The ',af- to lion woe reed and acCe7. 2 d - e nd referred to the C°llk3ittee.°u..72l4r.-ei and Landings, la con Wat.o ly e ct il e : Lor , with power to act. Mr. Mal,. offered a resolution Dutra:Ling the ...ea on City ?roperty to have an iron '," . .ag placed around the gallery of the City Adortd. Mr. Wm. Smith presented the report of the Committee on Markets, with the monthly re ports of the Weighmasters and Clerk of- Mar , tete, as follows : J, be 8. Edgar, Diamond Scales $ 863 Si W. F. Aedcrsoe, Second FVand Scales. 650 38 Denain Dallas, Clerk of Markets 2,003 24 Total 0,110 87 The report was read accepted. Mr. Patterson,. from the Committee 0 0 Whams and Litanies, *emote . d a report, en" bracing . i li e following resolutions : Reid , That the City Regulator, nude the filreetiorr of the Committee on Whfel .. o .o an as d Landings, be authorized to PrePu"' for the kn. pcesible, pliga and speellleefle i g ee. „ wan the proremeot or the whole river th e same, when limits of the- city..and " b completed, to Councils for th, plan eetr ap proval. _be .approved,, i . bpald sgla p u° theßgd'ealty ne ' i r e t r ,, h m,n be authorized to prepare a bill to be ,, 4 to levee Wharf Improve .thegnt,h2,o",,d city .-th ,„ - , o tba amount required in the presented tothe Legislature, grat a_ t ,,, , and setting apart the revenue V ec ,.,.ef u 'wharfage for the payment of the p a rip " , ipfln d interest of the debt, and also =l a ng that said bond' shall only be sold or of from time to time, as roquired and s pproprtated by Councils. The report was accepted aid resolutions adopted. Mr. McNeal offered the report of the Com mittee on 'Police, with the following resolution: Reardved„ That. the Controller be and 1, hereby Instructed to contract for Iron gratings, to be placed on the watch-house windows, and also to hare a wasteage pipe, of greater- capacity than the preser4ne, introduced itstri the cells. le The wea accepted and resolution adopt ed., On motion of Mr. Torrence, the City Solicitor was instructed to report to con:sells the disposi tion he had made of the report of Committee on Streets and Surreys. On motion adlout nd. Raltrond Appointment We have Just he& Informed that W. M. Wills, Esq., of this city- has received the ap pointment of Foreman ohlgincs and Engineers for the Western Division of Ste 'Pennsylvania Railroad—a department of the toad which ex tends from this city to Altoona, "SIM embraces the two branches to Indians and FreePOrt. This Is an Important and a responsible position re quiring great skill. experience and carry bit we feel satisfied that the appointee Is a geraemart In every way well qualified for the aitnatiort. Mr. Wills is 6 native of Allegheny cotrAy— served as a machinist under thearell.known W. P. Eichbiurn. Esq" and has acted as a-praell. cal Railroad Engineer, on the route to which he has just been assigned—for a perioctoKoftrteen 3=He is now the oldest engineer on this ott. Apart from his mechanizel skill, and extensive practical knowledge in his avocation, Mr, Wills, as a public-splitted citizen. Is well aid mast favorably known to this community. For eight years he has waved In the City Coun cils as a representative of the Ninth ward--the last four of which he has-sated in the Select Branch. We teke conch pleasttre In noticing the pro motion of co deserving and so popular a gep tlttnan as Mx. Wills. $1 , 34,130 Or 200,40 Cloak., tzars, Se Meson. Thompson & Groatzinger, whose store Is on Fed. ral street and Water alley, Al legheny City, ate certainly determined to art the ladies of our4lster city crazy with delight at the splendid stOck of goods which they are now opening, and . for that matter, the gentle men too—at least those that are married—will also go nearly crazy from_ the Importunities they will receive from their better halves to "Just go and look at that love of a cape r " or a "cloak," or a "silk," or something else. But why should the men growl. They love to see their wives, daughters and sweethearts well and comfortably dressed, and When Messrs. Thomp son & Groetzinger, In order to please them, brine un such a splendid stock of goods, we again ask "wily should the husbands, fathers, brothers cousins and lovers growl I' But this Is not coming to the point. All ladles break the last commandment, and covet—a splendid set of furs, or a handsome cloak or 'segue of the very latest style, or a magnificent silk, that will stand alone, and these very articles have just been received per express, direct from thy Fast by Messrs. R. & G., who are now openiug them for the inspection of our tale friends. A splendid fur cape—Just think of it, bodes—for only fifty dollars; a cloak of the latest style, not out of the manaracturer's hands three days, and made of any material your heart de sires; alike, that would make a Sultana envious. and all and every description of goods worn or used by the ladies, can be found in their stock. _Go early, and examine _their stock, for their' More wilt he crowded and) long. $ 3,08 S 01 4,147 21 .... 182 17 1.643 35 .... 1,242 26 tio,sos of Alderman Stn.ln , a ORlce The above named magistrate disposed of the following - cues yesterday: Bernard O'Donnell prtstented Morris White. night POlientainiler assault and battery. He alleges that he maned atd struck him in the Mayor's office. A war rant was Issued, and Mr. White was arrested and held in IE2OO bail to gnawer- Mr. White In return makes an Information against O'Donnell .fcr essanic and battery. stating that he resisted tom, whit violence, while-he was endeavoring to arrest tam. Abraham Kimberly pm - tented hie brother, Otero Kimberly; for asaault and battery. George wan arrested and held for a hearing. Abraham Kimberly also ;Sroseented Butler and Daniel Haney for surety of the peace. Warrant leaned and the parties were arrested and held to Ammer. Joseph M'Nemara was arrested on a wa-rant Issued upon information of Sarah J. Irwin, of Fayette street, fat assault and battery. He was held to answer. $ The Catholic Library. In our notice of the opening of the Catholic Xibrary and Reading Room, in omitted to Men on that the books were all furnished through the wall known 'too. of Messrs. Kay di Co., Wood . .strect—the only Instance, we believe, in which a public library has been tarnished by:. a western Urm. The books were selected by Mr. J. B. Mudge, Chairman 01 the Library Com mitted, and great credit has been awarded him for the admirable taste which he displayed in. in selecting the books, not only as regards their style and mechanical execution, but also as to the merits of the works in the several depart ments of literature represented. The library is alike creditable to the arm, and the who selected it. Court of Quarter Sessions Priors judge &erred. Thuraday,,ov.l.—The cede of Writ: McCully, 'of Birmingham, Indicted fo r adultery vatgenceeded with. and after trial fhb juty brought In s eerttlet of gpilty. Ben tepee defered. Defendant ender trial. Haul Snyder, Indicted for selling livar with dui license, was brought loto Court aproeeto, hating been indicted for senile fluor without lionua. He put In hplea of guilty, and tuty thitte a statement of hie ease to the Conn, WWI leratuad to pay a - fi ne of fi fty dollars end the oysta. A Bops Chttk--nr. !milk Lutz ' proprie ,cor of saloon to Dimond M o ot, Leaterdal wadel/donnat/o4 advdast Charles r. mat (or obtaining =win ands zaye pretenses,' surging that hoseesezted & cheekke. the rim Nidional Bank of. Pittsburgh, ftrr, after, bulking boars, requesting that It be eauqud . • aa D ust er of accommodation. Kg Lute g.„ tan tan &newel preintang at *nil on the cheek, the bank discovered that Mr. Duff by eanntst the Bank. A warrant win based far his arqat: . . At a meeting of the Sixth Pymbyterlan. Church Temperance.Boclety. held In the church. lt;was on snotkerpelhd. that the Patton of the ,Miremit ehyggbee In WM Qty and county oe mtrmatli s reiffested to organize a Temperance = I theLit,lltragyegatlana free 40104. Wei Le ivvery good mattmcht, and shtrald ell_oo4o.stteccitCon. and earned Wart 9fefret7 Ch • frlehd 'of tointantir throb oat the laini Q - frtuMesertn,Prattare now In full-blaat;:at, Diellifainbq 'Andante 'Room; 'corner id" Fifth aid stmetts and hare a well edema stork- oio boots in the different do- piirttscatiketartanCaosasoce, Phticsopby and Theo Titer hate 'Olio CM hand a due niaold d Wend thau Unu outzT *hien Wel ire senbitct panetan erx . . 4tnet4er. ArreaUrnlneure crilly, MICA o,q: pestles Italia to lite-leen etttunirued - iti= ... q . Larit battery with Intent to mash the ;7'of ars. Mehityre, of the Third wane, I .m /wrested ',newton , and• boning tted to ppson In default of bail to answer the charge. !The.' ‘guiy.-4ealtindii notify the Grano Jtvy to mass= le at their &anis the (lOW ntorldniyie &dab upp the.- Osmium of IltifaerzZlAS:Arz *a term of Mei will expire on Monday. it Is deo dna ttoktal,MMll JR Ivra?" promsty doossl A causrmenta. PrITSM - 11013 TlPEPTlte.—There WM agate • crowded house last night at the Theatre ti wit ness Mr. Edwin Adams, personation ofplamlet. Mr. Adams Is to-day one °Atha finest represen fatly(' of the character of Hamlet on the Amer ican stage. He appears to enter into the spirit of the immortal author of the piece, to have a full conception Of the character of the mad Done, and itito a to th fo e rge body t theofosthetsidperiwnee. The and orld,and enter it let et ahcwed their sr/Predation of his merit' by the most fi xe d attention, and occasional out bursts of applause. To-night is Pet apart for this favorite actor, and It octal be heresy to.doubt fig, a moment that the Theatre will be filled from pit to dome. The pieces themselves are an ettrantlan. The ne „ , or gosace will ;commune with the beautiful pl a y of the annotate, after which Mr. Adams w ill recite u tiheridan's Ride." to be followed by a popular song by the charming Fannie Burt, atd the =traumas; of Marriage et any Price. °PIMA g00 1 34.....n1b1 evening is set apart for the benefit of the beautiful Cuban, Zoe, That she has sacteeded In pleasing the public during her brief stay in our midst, is attested by the fact that her admirers crowd the Opens House night after night to witness her performances. Last night she had a sexy fall hones, and the reception she met with must have been truly gratifying and encouraging, To-night she 'put outs an extraordinary attraction. The Scenic Lece wiwTeLm7,l° pre sented, 'anted, after which Seltott's specialty of Solon Shinvle will conclude the performance. This is the last opportunity but one of teeing this charm ing actress.. Z 017.1371 Tam:Th.—This Is the last night but one of the Carter Zonave Troupe. Blues their visit to this city, they bale night after night drawn full bouses,warl would probably do as If they were to remain another week. The opti• eel Illusion entitled Proteus Is a wonder to all who sea it. The beautiful drill of the female Zonaves is also a prominent feature In the en tertain meet. Besides these, the singing, dancing, prestidigitation and necromancy m•lta up an attraction that muswind does draw g houses. Tomorrow night Is Lhetr last night, Larceny as Bailee.—John ifeGowin, are turned veteran soldier, appeared before Adder. man Eltrale, yesterday, and made information against Augustus Myers, late Captain in the 102 d (old thirteenth) regiment, Pa. Vols., for larceny es bailee. He alleges that whilst In the army be entrusted to the keeping of Myers one hundred and thirtytwo dollars, for safe keep ing. This money the proer.eutor further alleges, Myers failed to return to him on demand, and hence the Prosemition. Myers was arrested and gave ball for a hearing. The Italian Opera.—We ara very glad to learn I hat the sale of season tickets for Madame Olden! and Signor Businnre Opera Troupe has been very large. As the sale of tingle tickets takes place at nine o'clock this morning, at Mellor'e music store, 81 W sod street, we advise all who wish to have the remaining good seam to be on hand early, Messrs, John P. Hunt & Co., 50 Fifth et Lace received the Phrenological Journal for No vember. This number contains • r phrenological analysts, and b:ograpby of Major- General James S. Negley. , or course It will Dace a large sale, From Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Ladles' Belief Society of Allegheny At the annual meeting of thf? Association, held on the nth of October, the following managers were elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. Gen. Robinson, President: Mrs. Dr. Trevor, Vice President Mrs. R. D. Thompson, Treasurer. Mrs. R. W. Poindexter Secretary. Mrs. Brunt, Mrs. John Patterson, Mrs. R. 8. Hays, Mrs. Allen Kramer, Mm. Breading, Mrs. Dr. Hussey, Mrs. Walter Bryant, Mrs. Lowrie, Mrs. R. H. Palmer, Mrs. J. F. Jennings, Mrs. Hoag, Miss Tcsacy, Mist Morrison, Miss Whitten, Miss Childs, Miss Cooper, Miss Pussy. Miss Fleming, Miss Bell. Another eventful year has passed away, but not 'without leaving many sad traces of human depravity and misery, incident 10 all populous communities or cities, requiring the sympathies and charities of the philanthropist and chyle tion. So it has ever been and ao it wilt ever he in the ordinary frame work of human society. God has moat wisely ordered It that affluence aid penury may not be antagonistic, but co woiktre, and thus be mutually blessed—blessed to giving, blessed in receiving. In the retro- Epective of this unpretending association for the relief of the suffering, they have nothing to regret but their pecuniary inability to accom plish more than they have done; bat In looking to the future they cherish the hope and assu rance of larger success, as whilst those who may need assistance and relief may be found larger in number, the increased ability of those who have heretofore so liberally made their or brings may be tat;mnted at more than an hun dred fold, and therefore, for the ensuing season tbr appeal to them cannot but be successful. It is scarcely necessary topreaeat to the public a detail of the operations of the society—anal:2e It to eay that the mew:as are experienced and judicioes in their management; giving their versional attention In Leading the hungry, cloth ing the naked, and ministering at the bedside of the sick and dying by ahrtation counsel, care fully discriminating between the worthy, and unstorthy, though rather allowing some Imposi tion, than that one innocent should suffer, The following distribution of various articles was made Anring.the past wildest 3,364 bushels ccal, 1,275 pounds dour, 106 yards tweed, 466,4 suds muslin, 94 yards calico, 521 yards Leonel, 25Opalr of shoes,heoldes corn meal, beans, hom iny, molasses and candles; also coffee, tea and fingaNin atm at gamut.- edtUtbon to the above various articles of clothing, were donated and distributed, It is well-known that our cities have become .overcrowded by strangers seeking new homes and employment; not only from the surround. rig contary, but from distant parta of oar land, under the pressure of circumstances, conse quent upon the late war, and can It, therefore, be otherwise tbatt that many of them are des. chute, and In • stiffs:fog cendltle], froth want of the common necessaries of life, ana must depend upon (hissed other associations of our communities, whom. energies and care may be taxed far be3oed any former season. IL mast, however, be distinctly understood that the elm of this Society it not to support the demi. tute wholly, but to aid those who are willing to help lbernecites. Let as hope for the In. lure, and go fotward in the performance of duty, remembering that bye In death, not gear.; In thoughts, not breathe, In teeth an, not In fir urea on ehould count Time by heart throb.. lie most MM!EMIMI Balance in the treasury at the close of 17117 t, year with Interest $ t lemen'emnbatalp lona 2,021 so Lathes eut,•.rlyttons 263 87 General doostlnos V 4 23 Collected by enec6geni....—.—.—.--..... 8 , 31 00 gut.' eopper .—. 20 03 __ 8 83 D2DUIISF2dIiNTS Paid sundry bill. for dry goots.--. . $ 8.15 lo raid su. dry balm twat... sl9 16 Paid sundry blitz lor at ocerles IU t 6 raid sundry bills for cola 1,253 otl Paid for baullng OW.. , E. BO lash distributed by managers GB SO Cash pant sexton. ....... —....... ........ .. 6 CO) EZEMIIIIII!Ii!IIII t Alleged Hone Thelf Arrested. On the- llth of October a man called at the livery stable of Mr. A. Jackman on can street, and hired a home for the purpose of going- Into the country to be gone fear or five 'home. He failed to return, and Dir. Jackman had given up ell Mani of MO9Yertng his ProPentYA Vice he recelied information latlig Win to inspect that o man by the name of &Muni A. Logan, li ving on a farm within two miles of Woet Greenville, Miner county,i wan the. Indinduel who luld stolen, the. property. He , procured a warrant front Alderman Demildscm, and In corn liidny with Robert Hague proceeded to the man's residence and invested him. He stoutly main. lained his Innocence, and said he wee not the suss, and that be. Mad prßve jt. He was hdnaht to the city, arriving here on Wednesday rifting, when he wee placed In jelluntit Than day morning. Be wee glen token out, sad car. Ztud before Aldermen Donation for a `heart". He retained Mandan dwartzwelder, for his counsel, and at the request awartnirelder, !towns remanded until Sat. an 'tfiloortal two o'clock, to enable hint to preenre irli stitnermen. saYs that ha can' -pence th e<oa the day in quation, viz the 10th of October, he took the ears for Harrisburg. and OtTef°ll coned siot have belmln cite city at the time the homy Wend are said to hav e been stolen. The Dreamy tuts tioilel been :eetrier- .---...----- The weak•Morhow Ilatetela Verdi c t° f thea..„ 07 IlllfcMco tiliiNt . ., 114 Mr h i, 114141. e. 11 .4 1 4; sw.actuvlatt . 9 *clifie Mite ,' jek I.44t=rtMoidGlit, - 140i4411gPe. 1 11r Vie 4 upon ereraickl,,ter in o m , cod degree:sp WWtllleite o 4o:4 iiiae i road the PrthelietMia - InteatoW 461 co. At the flhetesielf.thrlenea ti, , -.ldh, °midge.= hie:ESL:43 auhttipherielad 4mq:imaged um. PrieoPer toiltei trier/ or the - teinett' The tut J *SA Ul Oaf Oat tried M.l4rtgwittrr 4 gder.for. the detente. and the Mulct Attorney fortie Com 411:motet. , el , -,:.. . =2 ge tamed: Hosittaalagrekrzlialf-2,1" litzbety, la at. bla poet. s tril kUlag r " Fti 9 from a brief Nat to Clitt I . Supreme Court Tturt , risr, Nor. 2 .—Preseni, Chief Justice Woodward and Judges Thompson, Strong, Read and Agnew. Opinions were delivered, as follows Graham vs. Marshall; Allegheny C. p, In the matter of the rule to show cause why the Judgment of affirmance entered In the above cause akould not be set aside, and a Judgment of reversal in whole or in part be entered In stead thereof—judgment affirmed for the amount directed by the Court below, to to Increased by legal interest aided to the. principal sum from 27th Merck, 1883, to 23a etanary, 1884, and It is referred to the Prothonotary of the Court to ascertain the amount of the judgmcut so allirmed. Opinion by Woodward, C. J. Strong and Agnew, J. J., dissent from as much of title opinion as amain to Om terms of the Act of C,ingreas to special cot tracts payable le specific coin. Coleman vs. Columbia OA Co., Allegheny, C. P. yudgment affirmed. Opinion by Woodward, Krise's Appeal; Cambria. Quashed. Fiane7's heir's vs. McGrew; Allegheny C. P Judgment allirmed. PeriCuriam. Ilv Wo', J—Wickesham vs. Rueiell Al legheny C. P. Alllrmell. Robinson vs Loomis; Alleglienj, C. P. Af firmed. Appeal and Miller's Apeal; Allegheny 0. C. Dlandssetl. Road Commealoners vs. Fickinger; Erie Or- der setting aside the pereedlnms before E. Camp• hamsen, Ese to reversed, and It is adjudged that the said proceedings be affirmed- Wlley vs. Day; Crawford. Revised, and a new trial awarded. Thompson. J. dissents. By Thompson, J.—Morgan vs. Negley; Alle gheny. C. P. Judgment reversed; and Jedg mend to be entered below In accordance with this npinion. Cbeioney Ye. Flenegint Allegheny; C. P Affirmed. Smith vs. McKenna; Allegheny, C. P. AY. tinned. .Thy Brad, T.—Haldeman va. DIIIICIID and Wil liam; Allegheny, C. P. Affirmed. Rail vs. Caugbery; Erie. AI/trine& McKinney for nee rs. Daniel Ilan:111ton and wife. Allegheny, C. P. JadgmentJ reversed, and ,judgment for plaintiff on verdiatfor $762,- 50 with Interest from Jan. IS, 1865. .2chwendeman Ye. lideveler. Allegheny, C. P. Affirmed. By 4gruto, J . --Barns vs, The Commonwealth; Allei,hsey, Q. b. Sentence resented. and the return ef the magistrate Into the Quarter Ses sions and all subsequent proceedings quashed and wholly set aside. Pennsyliranla Railroad Company vs. Hender son; Indiana. Argued. White vs. Leeds; Indiana. Motion entered by counsel for plaintiff In error to quash writ. Maul and wife vs. Rider; Jefferson. Con tinned for argument at Philadelphia on second Tuesday of January next. Letter from Hon. Geo. Thompson, M. P. In Wednmday'a Clrroukis, • letter appeared from the Chairman of the Lecture Committee of 'he Young Idea's Mercantile Library Anode toe, In reference to • promise made by Chef( wt. Geormt Thompson to lectern hems that lasso. clatlon. An extract to given from Mr. Thomp ace's letter, which, unless explained. Is calcula ted to place hint In •an unfavorable patellae. The followlrg letter to the Secretary of the Tennyson Club, fully explains the circumstances under which the •'extinct" from his letter was written, and pl•cts him right before th e public: BOSTON, October 9, 1965. GAZzalf —Dust Sir:--Some time ajlerl bad engaged to hetet° for the Tennyson Club, I wee invited to henry for the Young Men's Mercantile Library of your city. I con sented to doom In the belief that there was neither breach of faith towards you nor Impro priety of any kind In so doing. I have a letter, however, to-day, from the Young Men's Mer cantile Library, saying that It is not the ens• tom for lecturers to lecture for two societies In one city during one season, and that they cermet wee to my lecturing to am If ! lecture for you. I have replied that I will honor ably observe my promise to you. The murom la the region to for lecturers to lec ture for ditfereut societies in the same city dur ing the same season. I have now before me advertisements announcing Mr. Phillips and Miss Dickenson for lectures at different placers In this city and elsewhere during the present season. lam sorry that, if there be a contrery ruuom Your city, I did not know it. Accept my assurance that I did not mean to do wrong ,when I engaged mead( to the Yeiung Men's Mercantile Ltorary dissociation. I have accepted the decision of the Committee of the Young Men's Association, and imaginer myself raze. Aa, however, I have made ar rangements that will allow of my being In Pitts burgh early in November, I wish to enquire whether between the lot and 14th, you could receive a Lecture or two from met If you can, 1 will be with you an' be glad to do so. , Yours, 'miry truly. Geo. Tuoursoy. lestcolay afternoon, a man named Henry Miller, who resides In Westmoreland county, Pa., walker! Into Fells Laverty's bar-room, on brnithfield rtrect, and during the temporary absetwe of the attendant, aisle seventeen dollars and decamped. His movements, however, were observed. when he was chased down Wood street to Garrison alley, where he tried to se crete himself In a stable. Officer Dressier, how eeer, stacceededilistuncovertng him, and book him to the Mayor's office. Miler denied' Mutt hr had commited the robbery, and as the mon ey could not be found is his possession, be stood a chance of being acquitted; oat, miter nattily for him, a colored man engaged at the stable discovered the missing funds kid under a hoard, and delivered them to the Mayor. This settled the question of Miller's guilt, wheA he was committed to Jail to answer the charm at Court. Miller, who professes to he a printer, states that ho arrived in this city from Greens burg a few weeks ago, where his wife and two children reside. Illness of Jibs Dieteinou—She Is Forbid- den to Lecture. We regret bate:mance that Miss Anna E. Deck ecson cannot fulfil her engagement to lecture here this evening. owing to the condition of her health. She bad been lecturing at New 'York and Brooklyn, and arrived at her home In Phil. adelphia this morning, quite unwell. The fol lowing dispatch from her physician wets re ceived by the Secretary of the Lecture Com. mittee last evening : PMELADELPIITA, Nov. 1.-1 positively forbid Anna E. Dickenson speaking in your city on November 21. IL E. LONG.IIOIIE, M. D. This moruing Miss DlM:a:mon telt..l.raplved as follows : Pnimaina.fitta, Nov. 2.—Reached home to day. Too ill to travel farther. Forbidden by, my physitian. Acs♦ E. Dicsitasoa.. The lady may be able to lecture in a few days, and in that case those who have tickets and ac cored seals n•ill reserve them for use when she arrii es. tthOnltt eke not recover for some time, the money will be refunded. Alleged beep Thleres Arrevted. Officer Hess, of the Allegheny pollee, arrived on Wednesday night from Wheeling haring in custody a man by the name of William Green, whom he arrested on a ball piece, Issued by Justice Scribe, of Reserve township. The par ties were under ball given by Mr. Frederick Goppart, of the Third Ward, Allegheny, before B Justice mlth off3tewartstown, Shake township, on n charge of meriting sixty head of sheep from NS in. F. Kennedy, of Butler county, on the oth day of October Ittefi In order to escape trial the nitrites went to Wheeling, Weat Vs., Intending to remain there until the adiofunment of the Criminal Court, In order to ovoid trial. They were held lu the tombs and If they fall to seetnro the necessary reeoi,rultauce, will ho committed for trial, •-• . • 10, 7 35 29 Suciden Death---Inquest This Juergen Met. Margaret Mete, aged tlfty-three years, wife of John Met; cabinet„ 'Nicer, died suddenly at her residence on ittnlth nem nitre! near Ditunend. of u i! apoplexy. While cagaipud in cooking, eft,' was observed to sit down on a chair place her hand to her head, and wort after to fall upon the floor. Dr. Wcet, veterinary surgeon, near at band et the time,was called in, and expreased Ms belief that the woman was In a dying con dition. A physician was seat for, and a few momenta after be came lie announced that life was extinct. Daring the forenoon Coroner Clawson held :In Inquest, and after full Investi gation the Jury found that death had resulted from "natural causes." Inquest Adjourned.-Tho body of Edward 0 1 Erten, drowned in the Monongahela, on the Tah ult., basleg.blieareeovetedCoroner Claw son, on yesterday, summoned • Jury for the pur pose of holding an inquest, but la consequence of the absence of parties cognizant of the facto In the case, the jOl7 adjourned to moot at tUe Meyor'etrflice on Tuesday evening next. The d;easta melded on /tido strvot, 1p the Elzhta w d, Meaderly Case.--oMcar Campbell, of tae M 1 glsed7 rtllce, at s taro boar last night, at. rioted:l youniunaiS by the natter OYWllllam Stratti,onacliarga of disorderly conduct, pre . erred by battuabm: .:1411Uttn, ipst drank, act.: ed boisterously, and t►tl aularged after • se.) Mire revelmandinem *calmly on:tho payment a 4 a nominal Line. ,o 1 echniietd; &sired by John COD with beating and abusind titatinitaservi Egstuo, on Troaday,n4hrtankt wan wrested , na th reedollan 0031 1 14,140.M0V- , Bc,boaeld, cluogotr* ' John Club with beating analbang WM; Wilosolys Townehto. on Tneeday Ilea net, wig =EOM -yo dud 43 snd toaak7ln7otidafr4ozz Ileigheny, Lyry.repbUel 312pser., TLA061,41 1000Gr e ebriArc AIWA"' awn' w.ll open &unpin ogn dday a:Or. November: (1, 9 1 GO:: vAll Ihter• paGG etted g 19 1. tits en 8d; WM, of th is valuableln 1 %4 2 451 oetligestly requested-to n A. Lickerno Bakal»: ROBINSON IIicCLBAN & CO. Bankers • Bankers and Bram No. IS Fourth, StreetPittobalrh. Defilers 1n all i kinds of Goveentseld Seeskties, Gold, Silver, Uneurst at Bank Notes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, tee, he. DetrostUi maned In PAS yrzaks and OUR RISNOT. • -- - Interest allowed on time deposita. OoUect+oaa made to nil part' ot, the United Staten on moat favorable terns. Omani executed with . dthuatoh for everything In the b assnesi at the Roston, New York, Paths. @eighth and Pittsburgh Broke& B oar d. itr i c u i on rearnission.. . . D r .. ar, A. OLErr•B & 00 , New York, 3AY COOKE & CO , Phfisdelphia; Mum. 0. D READ & T. B. PER/LIONS. Soak's. FINANCE AND TRADE 0110KEIL41 AND BANKERS BOARD (mamma& IT acanwsoz, ■'OLILE & 00.) • • • .• EL S. Pa 1691 ....10 00 V. S. 6.20e5,01d. —.— 115.2 00 V. S. T..30'5,24 issue 97 50 — U.S. 104194..... —.--.....-- 62 03 U. S. Certilleates _ 97 30 Gold —......—. 143 00 Al/egheny Co. Fives, ---...... Ii 5o Pittsburg6 6'. .. .. ~. —... 63 73 Connellsellie 11. R. Bonds—.... 76 00 81 00 Butler Co. Ws— —....... 07 23 Allegheny 10.... .. .. ... 23 00 Caah Ins---. 91 00 Eureka— Connellseille R. R. Interest 9 50 Connellsrllle R. R. norkut...-- 9 00 Citluns Bank. 83 60 85 60 Fourth Nat. Bank— 130 00 Bon City (e6411v) • 80 00 Columbia OIL-- 24 50 26 60 Eldorado -- 30 ra y Etta tch ey,— . Tarr, Story et Cherry Run ..... 2.5 Ralston 1 60 900 Monongahela Pioneer 6 11 Phoenix Oil 1 10 Duck Creek Valley _ 17 Coal Blunt Mining C 0.—...- I 25 Gold has advanced In premium again to-day. New York quotations one-half per cent higher than yesterday—l 46%. • Pittsburgh rates, buying at 144—perhaps a fraction higher during the after -selling at 144. There are so many contin gencies to bring Into the account, that it is im prmalble to predict with any safety the standing of gold for a week, muck less for a month to came. There is a wide diirerenee of opinion as to how gold will rote by the brat of April next. Sperui, ton whose "wish is father to the thought , ' con- stantly predict higher figures than current sow. Alt who wish well to the country, deplore a rise beyond present quotations, and second the gov ernment In alljudlcious efforts to keep them down and bring them lower still. Govetnment bonds, it will be seen by reference to the daily board list, are heavy, and selling slowly. There is abundant reason for the pres ent decline in the state of the European market. But we look for lower quotations still unless there is a speedy letting up in the money market. With money quick on rail to New York at 7 per cent, governments cannot be kept much stove par. The rates bid at oar board He for Five Twentiespli( for Seven Thirties; Old series) 92 for Ten Forties,approximate as close as is safe_to the New York quotations. There wan little or nothing done, as far as we could learn, on the street to-day. Columbia held its own—+_,S[o2si: bid, 2514 staked. We did not hear of any Changing hands. Tarr, Story h. Cherry Run was offered at 250 at board; street rate. a fraction lower. Mayers and sellers of kialaton are half a dollar per share apart; Fly( bid, V. asked. A new strike is announced to-day by telegram on Horseneek, Virginia. Well ill feet deep, flow. Eng toe barrels. The property Is owned, we are told, by private individuals. We eaanot vouch for the aureatnr at of the report, only elate it so it was told oat) the party receiving the telegram. —The demand for cotton goods is so much be. Tend the ability of the manufacturers to supply, that one of the largest callco-printing mills In New England is Importing cloths from England, while there are other manufacturers in Massa chusetts who are importing eery largely of brown sheeting., which they have stamped with their own trade-mark. In litanchester. —The following is the comparative statement of the expot ta (exclusive of specie) from the port of New York to foreign ports for the week ending Oct. at, snit since Jan. I 136.5. For the week.— 33,240.661 1+3,391,r3 )13,,03,437 Prey rep0rted.....111,a31,343 172,1'56,079 133,731,50 U Since .1 4n. 45.572,515 15;146.455 135063,175 Price of gold.. • . 145 249 146 —Among the cause. assigned for the returning one of the money market Is the tact that a large quantity of legal-tenders had been received from Chicago and other points la the west.. This re turn was owing to the minks at New York with western accounts having declined to accept the thirty and slaty days' paper offered by their cor respondent.. and consequently there is no alter native for the latter but return of the Currency which they withdrew during the last two or three weeks, unless producers sent forward In sufficient quantities to neutralise the existing disparities. The effect may soon be seen in a slight deduction of the prices of produce in the west; big this will not necessarily react materially upon prices at the east, for the decline will stimulate exports In proportion to the decline, 'and so the equilibrium will be preset rett. —The money market le easy at Mx to seven per cent, and sine, the receipt of the news from En rope money lenders dad nail:lnuit to obtain abore Ala per fent from good borrowers. The drain for currency In this city has ceased for the present, and the pressure on produce and cotton spree:s tory to tell has relieved the markets hero and an the west from needy borrowers, thus ensking our banks and money lenders stronger in oath funds. Call loans on railway securities on collator allure in favor with money lenders, because the recent course either prices during the stringency In the money market has borne striking testimony to the strong natural upward tendency of the railway share market, ender the stimulating influence of national bast expansion of loans, and Increase of irredeemable paper money. The banks and money lenders have found by experience that loans on stork collsterals are as axle and are more prompt ly odd tin demand than those granted against any other description of collateral.-1V- Y. timid. —We take the following from the stock report of the New York Tribune, of Wedneadny: "The Money and atock markets irregular, land prudent people are not disposed to make long en gagements with their money, or to load op with stocks or metchandtse. The success of Dir. Air:- McCulloch la his first movement toward feuding thoshort debt of the Government hue taught gambler, upon the cm:cavities of the Treaeury a salutatory lesson, and convinced them that the Tremor* is now master of the situation, and able at any moment to crilith speculation. The next statement of the national debt is expected to show another reduction, sod enough to wneeent the Secretary In suspe piing his funding scheme, until Congress meets and authorizes a more thoroush system. The Sceetary need. nn Congressional sc than so far as funding the compound note. and certificates of indebtedness are concefued, and the • over he puts moot. tier 1150,000,003 million of gold bearing stocks in the market, in exchange for short currency debt, the bettor. it will create a general outcry among overtraiting hanks, specula taw merphanta and gamblers in stocks, and pro dote among them :ft :lei harvest of bluets. The di•aster to the plane of this class of th Con, sunnily win ha made up • hundred fold by t e ben fits conferred upon the people at large by (tenons the crops promptly to market and restoring to p.oductive labor an army of Idler. win exist by speculation.' PITTSDURCUPETROLERM MARKET TBINIADAY, Nov.:, 1867. CRUDE—The erode market was agn'n mod erately active to-day, the reported transactions being nearly up to the Mittel standard, and while there was apparently a firmer feeling, prices are aol quotably higher. The ltupreaslon prevail, to some egtent among bcth bUyerl And 110/Itra that the bottom has at least been, reached, and this feeling more than anything el., imparts a littler more firmness to the genOtal toot 91 tbb 71 4 fliet, Hales of Wo bbia, in bulk, at 224, 1200 do at ; 421, bblaretunied, et Wt 200 do do at 20; ZOO ohlo, to bulk, to Arrive, at Xi 425 do do at 21, 200, hbla returcied, it 25, and 200, bbls Included, at 28, free, on board ones. REFINED—There was again considerable In quiry for bonded old today at unchanged wee—. Mirdliel6,. both for present and future delivery, in Philadelphia. Sale of 500 bbis to be delivered be tween the loth andi 20th of November, at 5), la Philadelphia; auti to be delivered between the lath and 25th same month and mass at eat tm) barrels "Ronpatoll"Ior December, In Philadelphia, buy er'. option, at Free 011 1, quiet and un °hedged, with, emelt sales at 70,072, ma to quality, Bide of 60 tads At 22, NAPTILA AND RESIDIMAI—Thero to ad °Scalene! 'lnquiry for Residuum, and but little °Coring; the market may be quoted steady at /5,*;25,50. Naptha, to bold, May be quoted at 2 152t1 pale yX lao , bble froc—Drilitant—at RE/ZIRIRXR—The receipts, or oil by Ma Ame. away river Owe, our lamb ierist. was as fob lowa, . . Jan WIlkIns••••••••••••••A F ir. Dx, 1111-tk It (Jo ........ • Cook aw ItoTnet.... 4' IMI Fig hati. tit/ L Ituatentel Lir e7rißurice Aco.l3oQ 3'Ut~l.i.:rd'...i I ilia Hamm ICtr9e,et7 Jlitarlot. Rodeo—There - is but titthritortilinwe hare on -Ito L yra° begaz' °Melba' at Me gold. IR,* a 1110 driithenes aboutiiooo . 4o., .. .. ~. eddh • OntinUa , dOn; do demand *Om the ttypeeactroW retail :lot& LW"! clot. acrocal . , telalliota Oeba at ifilo, a o 4Rorto Rico at 1159, ie quote Id' 'good roffeiliiit ncittinal at latate. OCK rib deft 44 Q,1 1 ,Q 0 )/ "tiliondi conMete,t :Ad hda ander:it tme vote, 1.3 Met Ecirlith rine, itadtl2o hhesPortto •RIO totat'lead nada e trißd WO. • :;; • ; , - .i , ~,. ~ , • . 1 : mohi-.Thare ta thrthing doles *orthy or 11 . 0., ' ticamotattotle luotainatly iftilinaogeir,twitr• avg, 3:2 l ,larrtf= t 9 kg Votttigtiagri;is6ol73°l,4rEM tow. stol to.ditl7o had.? 'Mitres , and Or libte• , Cuba; oS h et Porto Rico, and 4 pooch/ ,I.odlith • Island —San, Noe. id. rn T'NURCR MARKETS. Turrt.okr. Nor. 2119 a. The general market continues steady and mob erateiy active, while la prices there la no change worthy of special notice. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet but steady, and there is little or none offering; sale of I car swalkr at $2.10. Oats in tight supply, to fate demand: but . unchanged; sale of I car at Cr; also, small sales at the usual advance. Barley Is exceisively dull with a supply largely In excess of the demand, and there is not enough doing to establish quota.. tions. Corn Ii selling from store at 755030 c. No demand whaler for Rye. FLOUR—Ia quiet hot steady, with a moderate local dezmusd at previous quotatf wig. Sale of 60 blds Spring Wheat Family at e 2,75; 100 hi:4s mixed pert 15 - inter and part Spring—at 010,50; 50 do Spring at /0,25; and 100 do Winter at .410,140011,00. Rye Flour is wiling in 11 areal! at $7,254 , 7„52, and Corn Steal at 01,10 per bushel. PROVISIONr—con Is quiet but ateady, with small sales at UN for Shoulders; 2t% for It( bbed Side.; 24c foe Clear do. LAM L selling at IRfgOO for rime kettic i r t endered. Mess Pork Is dull at 136 Egt ,3 ,lyrfiz_ne . grocery market le dull here, a ad; white prices hive declined A fraction East, th ere has been no quottible change here. POTATOES—There 7s e. continued active de r:mad for Peach Blows, and we note a sale oft cars at it 0,50 per bbl. Sweets are selling at $4,50,3 , 1,75 y cr barrel. APPLES—Steady, notwithstanding the arri vals continue very large, and prices are well sus tained, ranging from i 14,50 r bbi for Com m on to strictly prime. MGR WINES-' -More active, arm, and a shade higher., sales at Ir,r2arrr. HAY—Is selling at city scales at 010 to 120 per ton according to quality. ONIONS—Quiet but unchanged—welling at $0,60 03,75 per Dbl. BUTTER—Is leas active but unchanged; we con tinue to quote at 40 to Cis for fair to strictly prime Roll.. EGG s.—Very scarce, and prime fresh packed tell readily on arrival at 400. CHE,Htit—ls selling at 20 for Hamburg, and 2I tte for Goshen. t•OROLIMAI—SaIe or 10 barrels M 90 cents per gallon. SEEDS—FIax Seed is telling to small lota at f_2,7062,75 per bushel. No demand_whatever for Tlm why or Clover Seeds. CR ESTNUTS—Qooted dull at 69 per buitteL CRANBERRIES—Are ',ailing at 010915 per barrel. CETITIIAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Special Dispatch to to. Plttabargh Gazette. E.ST LIBRIITY, Nov, 2, 1866. CATTLE—The downward teruleiacy of the mar ket for Beef Cattle, noted at the date of our last report, has continued still further, and perhaps la an increased measure; for, while last week the high grades were not effectsd, the deVine this week en;braces all qualities, the medium and com mon, however, more then the betttr ones. This fa owing to continued heavy arrivnla, a scarcity of buyers, and, as the impression seems to prevail that prices must still further recede, shippers are operating with great caution, buying sparingly, and then only at the lowest figures. The range of prices this week is from 6 to S per pound, gross, embracing poor and common aL cents; fair to good at et,40714; and prises to extra at Tk asix,'. The demand for Stock Cattle appears to begetting lighter each week, and with continued fair arrivals, holders of tide particular grade of cattle, are, u a general thing, obliged to take just what buyers feel disposed ts seer. The sea aeon is too far advanced for Stockers, and besides stock-grower. appear to have about all they want to feed during the winter. The average quality of the cattle was not apparently as good this week as last, and the higher grades, consequently, did not entree os much as the poorer kinds. HOGS—Have nearly maintained their former positions, though closing • little dull, as the sup ply was somewhat in excess of the demand. The transactions during the week have been consider hip larger•than for some weeks past, the ship. meats east,' r.chtrig in the aggregate, about eight thousand head, while prices remain about as but quoted, ranging from twelve to thirteen cents per pound, gross. To-day, however, buyers were persistent in asking for pnce.lions, and we pre sume 11, would be the highest figures that could be obtained for fair to good averages. SHEEP—The market for Sheep has been fairly act., during the week which has just closed, the ;tenant-lions being up to-the usual Standard, while prices here undergone no perceptible change An will be seen below, sites were made at from 104 o per pound, groat, for common to prime mutton Sheep, and a tninAl of extra, averaging 115 I be, brought 7 cents. CstHe Hogs. Sheep. ---..... k. 970 New York Why Pointe ^W— 60a0 Pell,. Dam.. Se. Awe. Price. IN ard Gllchrelst ..... .292 27S 91915 W4rd Leed9.—... ..... 117 211 19 2.5 Meanly... .thger ... 74 252 12 60 Fay 01ven5....-- .. 44 =1 12 00 - - Kelley Orr Id Heil—. C 069 TOM 11 (Xi'V . . _ . .. . 21 c Fadden _ _0112972159 109 261 12 60 Job 66ton 1:2321228_.-...... 63 249 12 50 Brindle,' .. .Emertick..... ..... . 45 =7 12 15 Henderson.- .- 11110hreht 80 271 1.2 75 1'1,123221d 1111ebrel65 .. 91 221 12 82 .2 ult. 1111chrelst__. 91 211 13 00 KC, ...... Stager—. .—.. 09 266 12 65 1.1 - 3e7122_...-.. .11arr 2 63 223 12 00 J urey —. 2 . .....1.1112/3221at 98 212 11 60 318 nor 1:111chl chit 102 957 12 80 net" Cillehrel6l 71 =7 13 00 Roney Singer 90 219 13 00 1:21 , b212....—.51aget---. 237 25.5 12 75 /1118107 - ..... Stare-- . 49 739 12 89 F.2 , 42‘ck--..........5123147........,,,.......-. 99 254 12 75 Johluton -. ....Singer —.. 144 248 II 75 Myer... - ...... Legnl3-'........ -...... 113 248 12 71 012whionry.....1742281berry 67 270 12 83 Vannalt.l (111clael6t-- 102 270 13,®1 PAL. or SEI CP:P. Seller. Buyer, are. dope. Price. Dettlich....._ Deitrieh . - 177 99 I SO Cieti• 60 Fay Barron /00.8150 91 ' Bawl 171 94 25 96 1../subey ..... :.....R.aial ...-............ 135 10 25 1 !pion __l-Lesser 173 100 00 01 rens_ .... ..Tiesser 693 97 00 1. pdlke -- .-..lle.ser So So 60 Bradshaw -P6l3.Botut ......... 85 01 as Crawford.. - -Jitarks..-....—,„ 300 95 TS Unkh Deft rich ..... ..-. 184 91 35 saes .- ..._.- .Deltrleti l9B 102 50 Smith Peer. -.. 187 011 700 Beitles..- Detrick -.. 177 98 5 CO Slane -..._..- Beitrieh ..-....-. 230 97 6 It Cum..-- .... Delttrek...... . 156 da 6 50 l'ogrte nu ..... . Bradon --. 191 93 605 /4110010 Benner 9 64 95 6 76 Corm an ..... - Bradoa-.- ...- 2:r2 9-4 ti 00 Goldsmith Irradon 336 .99 5 SO Huff to Hitloo OS head axe smooth steers, aver spate . 10211, •t 6.35. Huff to ,milk 20 head fairish gook cattle, neer aging 6,50, at unto Xemtarue d CO. t 0; head good tat In d!•na steers, averaging iltS, et le. Hurt toillontsgue s 110, 00..0. head extra Indiana steers, averaging 110,), f,51, noir to Wagoner 40 head commonstoeinrs,aree agtrs 530, at olirto Chapin 21 head goal fat heifers, arers„i -loUbt4e,r'ltti'ismberg 76 head Indiana oxen and meet a, averaging 930, at V , ter to Valentine 22 head common stock cowl and steers, avenging ti9s, at V.I. Cr inn to Montague 32 henePenna heifer. and steer., averaging 1000, at , iii. Peter K!emen in" head to Smith common stock ers, al erasing 000, at 6.30. Pi ter Klemm to isladdts ts CO. 04 head, arerag ng etS, P, ter Klemen to Zook 12 head goo I steers, aver agingnt K h-men to Marlin '0 head, averaging Kid, at Se. Were lb Porter In l'Anandy h Warns 66 head ex tra Ohio steers, averaging 1600, at 6120 per head, dellvelvti to New York—best aattla to market. Iib:SIMI to Coeval,' A Warns Oi) head too 4 steers, are: 1,116 g 1,00, at The sepal. to Vaeaadyta Wants 35 extra Ohio rteert, sveragine 146e41603, at 11130 per head, de 'livered to New York. . . Klernen to Dewsld 1.3 head falrlah stock cattle, averaging KIN sit NVlll[ a CO. to Filemen 50 heal atoekers, averse. nig %.5, at Jordan to Kleiner:42 head good Penns (lowa and Steers, oreraglog 005, et 5.20. Drill - 101 to Dun . 63 head, weighing 40,700, et See2o - to Frani( 60 head extra Ohio siceryweigte. ing 70 et Nee ('llrynt to Dautie 33 head, weighing 40,050, at to. COpcito to Etulll 40 head, weighing 30,075, et Se. rer to 11cCiainois itaaii,weighinie "87401 0. Hedges to Black 40 head, weighing 41.1) 0, at 86,64. years!! to Albrtrht ID lead,weighing 14,000, at 6. UM to Warner 40-bead, weightog Cit urn to 06itticiely,t) dteigUng tithißu, at Talbert 4.lllggins to (.loldscidtli LI head, aiera* aging 1000, at 6Y, Goldin:Mb to Katz 00 head, aretaglng 1010, nt 7 cent.. Diekereon to Hunter ID head, averaging a fr.- tiro le.. than 1000, at otr:,. Ooldsinith to Mooney 36 head, weighing 41,373, at 6 cents. Lynn to floater 64 head, ‘srelkhlog6o,2so., at 7. . Vannatta to Toolo If Lead extra Ohio atom, a yeragtog MOO, at 60. Plonr and Grain in Store In Cldeagoi The following Is the amount of grain in store Saturday October. 21., leda, compared tylth the .correspoodlng , date 'last Oat, of tkelfOrted by the different warehouses to John F. Beaty, Secretary Board of Trade : 1865. 1881 ...... 5 , 2/1! • 1.1.17,112, ..1.0.12,87 , 1 01,3 a Rye ..... Sri, Sa3 62.104 111,taley , ;50,763 211,014 Detroit HariteLl - Floor—Alaritat -.4oliamitlartatuukiloci,4lo. ,aapeelit ore reel iir.“Vi,est=futtealdirfri: •out tas!prilkiCAMlC .POrafiSKlPit exit oars Soto* at aI,S3; and 2 ear, No I whit 14 2t*l.llL . rranicalttatellon - wacask apd - t0 oate.4. , E.For tlefectetlarhlla A.WA). . fora ,,, eons—Quitt , 'HeitCatitodribulk,s44 IA Wait d'h YMeof I: esrlditeallaa D. i5 . 112461},Ci0.-, Olik.Detaandmativa•aratmiarketz litaadyr at,36o> bap:: - Bat l .P 4 lttni- ilt , Asl•l6'.on.thcirtatetal rime Oatiadlaa Bilst. at Wiper rates. • 6, 41 ,,, rk i t .;, - "I' li elik :Ze "-- ''Aetitlt for 71.'61 --g 1m44 P 4 0 4- .• "iddliapi f rmer figurei, holder, 10,01alit Q! ar beinujest;._n, The trrkaaas, 41 °M i ' li r rl Oi li1 4,16,;aer o i.-f o rgii kid I cite, within the sane 0 .. okoutaT reetthl feundiridaelelkettle M.. 0, %ri m_ p *hlte Wird; aaa -I .' :IT 'footed. Sp= ~ *lila sate kr da .C_MCI4S4 r* eon: gm,..,,, fa . quiet but' erre at muse 1 4 %, .`"". i.TIR shred iron generally rdcfl...,. • iliteiL VI Yeah Gabbling In Chlcaco—sno - nue Opee atom Forted to Suspend. The wheat gsmblers matinee to keep the mer get excited, anti ehlppers and other legitimate dealer. hey* been driven entirely out of the Meld for ten deys past. The market having been large ly oversold, a combination of speruistors woe termed, and they purchased all the "lip,. wheat" °tiered, and thus forced the market up, compell ing short sellers to settle at the advance !Wares. When the receipts arelight,n , they have been for a week past, this can easily be done; but when they are heavy, ills rather dillicult and hazard ous, undertaking to work up a "corner." It 11 needless to elate that this whole Wallace% ts gitiMate end dlsgradsful; but Lt is one of the con. .c01td... 1 of a dePreclated and oser-isbncnbuct cur rency. Merchants have been changed Into mere apekutators and gamblers by it, and It has its. lotted and damned the budneal of thel.entire country. Today several wheat speculators were teased to suspension by this .corner," but we think WORD safe in assuring our readers that such fatale. can have no carious effect upon the general_ prosmity of the city, but. rapher otherwise. When met` . chants degrade thenlselres to the position of gam bless, they forfeit the sympathy of the communi ty. It la true that thine men who ha ve !Idled hare lost their money, but they are ak bLiMsbie as those who have won It. They are all engaged In andliegit [mat e bilsbcess.—Charage T hone, Review of the New York Grocer► Market. [Etom the Commercial List of• Nor. (toffee—since our last the market for RIO Deg remained very quiet, and we have no sales to port. 'The stock is increasing, and the market closes dkn. The sale of the cargo of 60t0 Dago per Lord lialtimore, reported in our laut,wau poemature. In other descriptione there is also little doing; lea bags Maracaibo brought 2.4%@25 tents, gold. St. DoMingo is offered at lbo, gold. talk. 6Uga r—The market for Saw shire our last hall been almost at a stand, buyers standing aloof ex cept for the supply of their immediate necessities, and prtces are again Vali of a cent lower, rioting a little Irregular and somewhat Nominal; we quote fair redoing Cuba 1310; good do, 10. X; fair to good grocery, 140141,, and Nos 11QU bog, 144344%4 mos. }leaned, too, Is quite dull and lower hard, lo t fiVi cents; soft white, 18%4J)19, and y ellow, olasses—The market has been quite doll slice ettr last, the business being merely In a jobbing wan prices however, see unchanged, the stock being Small end holders elm. The salsa are 50 blads. Cube Muscovado at mew; 164 sour Cuba Muscovado, 61; and 40 Demerara, 804P11,15, 4 mos. The aleck yesterday was about 11000 hhds elayed and Muscovado, and 6to Porto Rico. Blee—Fol elfin Is very quiet, and an only notice small tales East India within our range. Caro lina la !waren and wanted;so tea sold eir.d resold at $11,60(013,t0, cash. KAM/LETS BY ZBLEUELIPII. PETROLEIIII STOCKS IN NEW YORK. Special Dispatch to Western Peen. Nzar Your, Nov. 2, 18111 There were large Wee of Mho le Creek today, but the balance of Petroleum Storks' were Quiet. Kanawha. 1.20; Commie, 11.60; Bradley, I.CO; Ex celsior, 7o; Ileydriolf 02061110, 62; Pithole Creek, i I .0)c; Peoples', SO; Great Western. 73; Ye aargo; 8.1:0; BennebolT, 13.10; gurbszteu. SO; 'First Nattenal, 8D; Montan4Ellit s ; Northern Light, age; Ott Creek, 1040; tiolte4Stistes,2lo3; Webster, lag. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Special Idspata to Western Press. Patrols.= eentlenes dull at Vi,ls/311, for Crude, Sale. te-day or 1,000 bble Banned, standard, et Os, and see bola at Sea. Also 2,000 blle Free oil within tee range of '766.113e, Wear York Market. New Your., NureL—Corrox—Leas scare but still item at Ort for middling, nova—ellyioo better oa low and medium at 14,- M 4313,48 for Stara, 11960,20 for rites round hoop Ohlo, and Px54300,211 for trade brands, the market dogleg quiet; Included In the .ales are 2,0:03 bble extra State for the tutal hall of December at 0,60. Bye flour, Dn. Wurszt—Steadyi western at fah. Gaeta—Wheat without decided change at $1,17 for new t Milwaukee club, 111,73 for old (Al taic. spring, CM for new Amber Milwaukee, gx,th PAM for new Amber State, and 112,20 for common white western. Rye quiet and steady. Barley Melt quiet. Cora better at 81e87344 for unsound, and MRSOa for sound mixed western 91e for high nixed nearly yellow, 780 (or dama ged, and 540/ for choice yellow. .oate in fair request at (6651 e. Pncnotxtrai—Dull at 4.54U56a for Crude, She far litter(' In Bond, any for for Refined Free. Orwczets3—Colfee qulet. Sugar more steady; Cube blamovedo 133.0314*. .lilnlaues quiet. VirooL—Qelet and arm. raovisions—Pork Irregular and lower at $23 25 , latiU,7s for mess, closing at sxL.l7„ti cash, en for prime, and IMAMS, for prima meu. Bsef steady at lieu. for prima mes a and ligii.4,Ne (or extra mess. Beef Lams quirt aul firm; modern, to ar rive, $21.60. Bacon dull and nominal. Cut meats dull at 1634(fance fin shoulders, and 20021140 for Mama Lard quiet at 316283.1e.selasese firm at Ire New York Stock and Money Market. NEW Your, Nov. 2.—Mousy active sal Era st 7 per cam for call loam erithil ExaMoge Guist 0t;1,09 gold, for gift elms Gold a shade ;Inner, opened at MS and closed at Government Stocks ann. Freights to Liverpool quiet and firm. Stock. steady Bock Island. ire; Rilichigan &Prairie LhB Chien, 81%; Pitteburgh, V 8 Wayne 06 lib esgo,lo6_; Alton & Terre Ileum, 4635; Chicago & - North Western, 3314; do.preteried. 693.4;• Quicksilver, 4854% Eric, 9239; Had. o, 109%; bleeding, Miehigan Ss•othem. 11; Nee , York Cents - ski, IstBit 0910 as Mississippi Certiffestes,' T 7; Niesouri Sizes, TT; One Your Cercate., 1114 Treasury 130'., 98; C o - registered, 101; V. S... Sixes 940 ex-Nevem ter Cupons, I; 2. lEI=I Chicago Market CUIr AOO, N.A. R.—Fiona—Dull and negleated. Imm—Wtteat active; tee demand le entirely apemdettyeAnd pekes have aoyanma Wen; &Ilea at p 1,49 6 ,1.4.9%. Corn moderamly aetlye and ad vented 1,403 e; Wen at 30afor No. 1, and •Lia foe No. 9. Oats dull at9o, Farannye—Doll.and ndialnaL Plotiarons—Dull; Park, $2Ol prime meet, pail. Torelltd Market. • Touorrro. Nev. 20—rietra—Double extra VP. Extra $1 ,3, Supertiae 0,e0e5,i6. Claain—V6 best: Fa% 4 1 .00 1 0 12 ; EPrtog. XELSat lox, soaks , ssis EyeAsaftsan. Oats 31112 X-So. thrsir:eto Plalrket, Oeirlao, Nov. salve and unahangel. Gnanc—Wheat idltwaulces Club al CAN; bro.. I irad pod. Qom scarce acid quiet. 1.10.8 aurae; Wealern tdr- Barley vast; 0 .1 3 .ds $ 1 . 16 A.Taand Pau unlit. ClAttet. FAYIGHI3O-Tinahitirt4. ' Buffalo Market. , ntrnraao, N0w..1..-Fx.ona. dull. Gaup—When Inalie helJar No.. I 31:11waukeli Spell g. 'Male gait at ggea -Osta dull`kcid n0n1.4. .4. elarler—eanaga 81,130, veil. no sale.: klye— No. I Milwaukee Me. W 11 tsar —Firm M t 1,26. Pcovlsloss—Pork CineinnaU Market. Oritordirsid: Nov. 2.—i'torn and Virtrits, no thsoted and quiet. pno‘Lerons—Virsettled end prince lower and lr regular Lista tired at 2Elefor rislg in tierces. W snide—in good demand at Milwaukee Market_ r 1 r Arainl, Not. I.—Ftoce—Duct. B Owns—Rtamt timer at $1,44;461,0. Hl.cstr-rs-119.000 bu Wryest. fsslrmserre,-4 100 bbls Flnvt 9.6» bn Wheat BITER iIiTELLIGELICE. Belle LOughvey..oll I !try. Rocket —Vinekunst. rtltta Saint . Oil City Julia I\o i .Coulon OLT A11.T116721. BOATS LtATINtITO-DAT. Lem Ler•tl. Campbell... Louisville. BITER, WYATT:IEI4 6T.. The river was ae.sin rising last night with about five and n half feet water In the channel. The day was mad nod beautiful. Business at the wharf was only moderate. The Bayard left yesterday =ruing for Porkers. butt with a good trip of freight and passengers. 3 The Belle came down from Chi tiny with a first rate tripon toned, sod left again on her return trip last evening. The Lent Leoti, Capt. Campbell, will positively leave for 'Louisville thirreirening. Shipper, are requested to get their China Sow* asearly as pos. elate, and their bills of lading on board, as she will mike an early Wirt. The compositor made s blunder In yesteslaY morning's paper, by saying that the America had broke her throttle. /t should have road Armenia. Several boats see due front below, and some of them may be expected in to-day.. It was raining all day yesterday at Olt City. con sequently, we may expect another rise from the Allegheny. It looked like rain last night. The glinneOla left St. A.F , Frulor Itteseay for this pt . rue Armenia waaatji?chester yesterday morn 13e Tennessee Tennessee rivet to falling, with 31 inches at Durk-river and Elieltend-Shoals, and i feet from the mouth to..Toluouinville. The Camelia - was to - Wave left St. Loots for Pittsburgh last night positively. XLMOIId.NDA STLAMLII FOUT.PSTT . . Left Pittainsrgh on the and ult. at WO. a.m.; took Capt. Batchelor on board at lock No.l, ando 6. Aped at McKeesport at 11:30 a To. Len ,11161Cees port at ldn p. m., and arrived at dam No.l on the Youghiogheny river at 6 p. mu "Towed. up two flat boat loads of atone, and repaired the de , be fore We were able Whet :through the lock. m Was at dam No.l all day Tuesday,huntlng and fishing; found the water too deep rot Caking, 'and the Wits too high for hunting. NVedneaday morning the poly look tt 6 WEI Wad yenta}, to dam bro. 2, a distance of nide Dallis. - Fished there all day, tak ing 05 poundao( aliti, inny. which Was a salmon nearly three Led' in " length,' weighing .about It , ploanda.. On the peourn trip, met the boat, and ran op to 13ale, whore we- MI .ap Aillsight. Tkuradayniorning we started_ down, and vivo& al etattarce:l until 2 - o , clool4linr - lhen'sairdoien. - '4 Pdelreeapott.- - ideitileig theef,atitAlp. - xl. - . WM 1 thernbut aTeleidnuteN and2ranliOr le - leek'Nel O. 1 loncre waittalred au. nlght.4eFriday r11911a: AlirtedjOrdaraSO.lLOLlrter.'S WV/MC ...A?. t al 634:V.:Anita(' • Wiled' al j - liroWniellle .- ; afternoon MO o'clo whereareatopPfed tar • RT 1 ok iwier Minutes. `AVnteell ' 'the Adisomedi SWUM.: 1 Oilten...wani,-.aza.lke_ . ...-wer•-•••• 11 • 41 nD f i tows. wkezezellez .14v I ierlaiaMatli4 e rn 3 litOMe.OltbeWtrOCOS MWF ICa t i p fitP CI A D ,A c i i airlied3ol#l.l3l;r4o3elol l }NlA 0 rep. , i 'l l thrown open,. and • d"ce wiss - Age i - 7kinek in th•mornlow ..-.lsatiirday,_co ~..,, u to :Indtegif , 0 re e ItiardArtabouldl ..., 0 , "'Zs =ups t hat the .• taithartkirXWWW _suggested that the pal totatoacuMetursa, i 2t e arg a l l.74 =ea ftea-44-"wk. at t .olhd , hicskrtiryulle,W ~. sat.ny itv eallait u p Clops oagp and Geneva, , k ,LAI d up at Geneva until the gyp. Wager/1e he tai ti p . e t tolle.bgar liver. Sunday nit trrettaltel OWil,tteir Crtek. Layikk.Vihttelge Luta UMA2.lLlr.,,anflgous4 . le n rs ti lt r fi l P . =, ' lrOATVcr ' n 4 a° 4 t uivielfeliD itir 044'elkiiti loW; !ziett„ ha d 4 _ 4 * ,Ortd 4 a7 l ± o l ,l2 f*. t74.lo*Vemd Sit ialteetport all*: ,awselliklMsport olgweir.4 andarrived ail safe and caned at Pittaboath ,e rad.Manday evening. Our cook was a Jewel. ue killed and picked two docks, and Medd In the pot Wore wryer' done kicking. The Mane of the trip was owing wanly to tho eftleiewey thO rdlot and Itagiseen Wanderer tante:add= X 0 on the Yoturltiogrieny but the entity:to thought that they bed navigation enough. The Out de partment was conducted by the inualeLuisatiod Party &Morton. A. erns ARM' A WIIIALLTO ICTOCTIMIL . b th "Cka eVo t a blh : ' oT it 7 aP b r oi mes t S i r ,soo 4llsllll. lTr P e 4l : l , ld w lll a ch s iil ldr tAX7 Win Urtibe' t cre d ata rne el l an engineer of St. Louis. subsequent to thevs• and, the Supervising Inspector at St. Louts _ yoked Mr. WentrlrgerliwiEnglaear -I was deemed unjuu br kr. Wen r, and he made an application to hustle d the represented that, as he was not in charge of the Sultana's engines, (the eagUear on duty bear a first Cut, licensed engiseer,i nwreason exisdd for palling him responalble for the accident. appeal wu heard by the Lacs! Board otinepau • tore at St. Louis on the tith nit, and it was del. delby said Board that Mr. Wentttngeriarlir 'justly refused an extensional' his license, and he was deelared ant responsible for the accident On, the Ballarat, and restored - to tlin Cull privilegreet an engineer. Tim De .wr New OzasaThe New Orleans papers of the ddd giro the following Which zW4 serve u an Index to business In that gustier Our steamboat landing presented thuliayilifli a scene of great activity,- ell lisots , sed maw, lima owing to the large number of arrivals: 'singe Saturday everting—the "arriville ,vra give lb detail below. The amount of Cotton received "by' eryhem crime up 'MO bales; brought iry ten boats, '. has_ overund often report as. touch ea two ot our-Vtek.burit ateketa however these wised* today have brought t h e . largest of the sea. NM. Wear, muolupleased to eotethls 140, 4.w° hope It indicates an increase - of batten that wuS eontlitne. - , We and the following, whieb istsewhstle• fetching to boatmen on the Ohio, to .yesterdditsz Cincinnati COmmerrial Ceps. T. S. Hunt, daslitant quartermaster,'ln, charge of transportation at this point, 1411 cost. mance paying to full, to•daY. all eWms againstble department, comprising the States 'of Ohba' awl Indians. CapL Mint, throtigh his charatterlilie energy, has succeeded in raising .ittO 'and a ' half million dollars for thin purpose. The St. Joe iferrild, of Sunday, ups : The channel of thongs Muddy^ between this point and Omaha has made many elusive to the past two weeks. Shortly after the b 1,7 rued It wee on the Kontos aide to Belmont, but It has altered Its coarse and Is now runnlng on the Miscall tide. The stage of watents four feet to Omaha. The St. Louis Demornst, , of the Ist, wet The river hat risen over a foot. There is ef4 feet, to (Intro, 7 feet to Keokuk, 7 feet little I:Wsnole,-11 feet in the !Missouri, and 3.4 feet on the lower rap. Ids., The weather to fine. Business lsh - ond.. - Res etltits of produce-heavy yestabley. The Ohio, 1111nole, and Upper Missouri a:trilling.. The 011111. betland is stationary. . . 'Amours - sr limutbAtt. • • Perraatotar, Myr Wares-& Clung° S. 8., Noy. 2.-414 bbl! apples, L a 774A“ . 11; co; 10 do So C Perstdog; 02 ba todae, Maabluney, Hire & co; 2 cars scrap Iron, Lloyd &Bloat; 61 Oble 'care boo oil, Harbour & co; 100 17171 a flour E Heazletoll I car oats, Owner; 2 can sta9eS, doi N 134 ails apples, S Lindsay; car reed, T U Jenkins, car to.ley, DorrlestOu fr. eoz t car oath, Putterzlon, *fads= & co; 2-C DUN' flour; IV Llohart ;27 bbl! apples, Freedom ; 100 001. dour 1) Wallace; IV bbls apples, Fetzer & Armstrong; rat middlinga, 8 Rea, Jr; 160 bbl, flour, Graham & Thomas; MO bbl, apples, H Wight & Co. Chsvat.aint AIM Prtralivittak Bash ; Htiaji.... Nov. 2...-63 aka eats, Wm - Blaghstal 10doi brooms. L Y Blanchard; 6 dodo . Rif Jack; 3do d0, ...1 - I) Williams; ado do, 3' 0 Lippincott; 100 Ms /lour. W Llnhart; 1 car paper; t.,Wfsey-* ,Olarki,- t• eat barley, Spencer & Megan-3 ear oat.,, Dorrington & eo; 4 can scrap iron, IMUlins it gales. tow, 1 H Campbell pr W Johston; 6 Ibls ala• plea, &Machina ;16 p h. butter. I bbla ;go, a bbla elder, LIIVo it co; 1 - bbl. utter t, 4, J 4 Lyti soa t 2 tPlgs r 7o t ti h rnleial ddl o Vi 4 Batih a i P t i l Q pea water pipe, RH Oo e;1 1 60 Am earn, Simla. 100 & &east 100 M yers dour, _lkrepg-&-Clendeaing; 100 do do, E H t Myers & ea; - mil lades; Kezar ik eo; 10 bbls apples, Jaa 0Maolon; 9 ika flaxseed, M B Suydam; 6 bills paper, Singerly & yen ; $0 Ms bb la oil, 8 Bradley; tear wheat, Reap .. Bra; 112 bats apples, Potter, Liken SCIShe I 103 do do, 190 bbls potatoes, W A Green; bblii - pOta. toes 1. H Voight;.6o bbl, Onto -WIA. °Alen. 12! bell apples, Little, Baird & Pat n•'[ oar wheat,Liggett tr. no; 6 sks distilled, 151eCullOugh, Seat* & eo. Haw Var., Nov. 2,1862. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT Chronic Dis.ases-,Cansalarition;Scrof ula, syptillis r Bemlual Debility, and all Female Complaints, DRS. DIOS= & JOHNSON, 148 rorta,rtta. =tweet, PITICSIIIIRG TestimouLals' trot= 'the EtedlisaiTiores. ' span mid Mr. Maori It Le with-pleasure /MAW/ulna the following facts to the publie r bellevleig toy tea Uniony may boot sarneittoWoma lima/ who has hitherto filled to obtain teller. At au events lam d o te, no more than tit Mee to two =Meal mile. nun of }one °S q . , In confeultwr that I have axis weshuly treated several very had axles of aeUniiinli weekneu and female oomplainta, by a.deptlng the VlO4B of treatment nOw.litenu - th /mow k. Johnson. • • • • . For female weakling I do cot tow of that can ego.' these remedies. I here p them for a great many baize Who hive been trot). bled for years with wealcoeu, sad levu ease perfect cure hut been. armed; solaur vary 'bad cases have yielded to"thts mode Orrletnett the stortspase of two weeks. • Toceo, reSpectially. 814 1 / 47ni .., • PLO. (Styled) E. =a • Cleveland, Ohio, realtrolu 23. • ..EBTIFICAT C CFROM THE IMF'. FREIWIT OF MOSTRE4/.. I certify that Dn. elm tr. JODZIIOII sinedislan, hare cured my Wife, who was dabjtat to debility . mazy yam. The isedlublea were wed only two" ' MOULtf. M . O. FRENCH, 1.. r, D. y Important to Ladies: z r oux rFEIODIWAL.DaoP3 will.brtng -oas • monthly itubmeseln cur 01 obstroutott.frOweno cause. Price 11. N. 0--Ladles who are . pres , • soot should rot use them. . _ Tonle Ur Yeasuiln Weakness, asartairt aure.-114. , ,c• • - 114estiou tattle Whites or .Letumture, OP 111:11.13LOOD b; ' - • LA - smart, islntelleer 'l4lxe t' MUSS egoist , tate QUI= rtsledike , for scrohslehrilllloodlA fx •41 oases sttassity extralsra._ Par saratalm, . or Imparittes ,o 1 tne OWN% X and they , never fail to cure *hen used , urdireeted., I hare ono, ...rand in twist the word cairn of ajpanxe row to our hospltals, to the short space of two months, F. W. 14. LESI4.O g Cirtormatt, December lath, lars. • • _. , • sEmiNAL.7 - v2AitNEss 4 • • - • Drs, dmot 4 , Johnsen: 1 here cored . by tba,Cie of your remedies, several 'patent/ that pail plea . Lip - .l' mates of It. Litbatle Asyhmu r trom the evil effects of seminal wealuans or sedentry !habits, In sit .-. each cues I censider tweets can equetyourszedkil !due. J. 'lli SALlattiAlff, D.*, Libiny Tir. Y 4 October fatty-rm. • Take PertfOular Setfeef.=Dra. llEta ma p Jolla wat address all those whokayeinluredi Lem .elves by tramper bidulrence and,lektatT its, able' ruin both bodyand mind. o*n t Mena: tor either business, Study, society, °twnier - Thema an ooze tho ead and melanettily of. .Gets produced by early UMW of youth., sued as Weakness of Ma back ond Llama paioa . , bead, dllbbekt, allatt; low Of buadoilar power. Vatt i= , dertge ' lenc °ha i r/dent Ve pdh T t =out . general debility, rymptomi orconStOmptlon,a,4-ia bra Adieu hei r have for Many yeara elualreiy &Toted their atienuon Co the treatment. of Cu Wadera referred to In those tawinionials. addraaa. Das. AMOS 301iNSON, it 2 Fourth 'treed, auddradallmeodirtaw Pitblibturd, Pa. COUGH NO MOM !Manlaparm Iriannious Rusizr:. EITRIOXIAMPS brICLWITO7OI72I , 17017173 MIS= • LE ararraztad • to' tar..' is °awe lirn:oumamotatty, Amma r andapatt - Coto; TLITOIS, 020142341140 . 0, ilXdriiiß4l.4l tOI,IIIW riff tale by 12raty4as. MUM 1 4. • imattlitzso, wtmt.ottl. O. , - zrzei.rimiwpama. . - of liadlitawat 4324iiis_pleo.mospiakii r. __. - DB. BERICKLAIMS -AIM • Eas tns only east.sla lastodybitiiissthsossist . 3 saterr. It ts-i. wattlaattortorrAstammee, 511111111111U1 aadAkroggliteetAoillagl, asrrasited Cell as= aterattl—..: aria Laos tailed. fou • • • rOrthr anti 1.1 2.4 Matf.** MUMWI)IIEM=DT, _ . rat.:etaunaimms , ruar-szatar. •!inxred lacitutzula Of We *DM eons' of • MUM -Jae' in Mauling Ms. ,ft Orel itameilsto re114.,•034 at' Ku * ranent c=. - 11•7 dt-atiy.. • XWA.ll,7ll tante6 .: ,For WO by sli iihtteste• ofzieri,l,7 - Fourth Croat, if. O t, Obiedans. . • ' . . . ' ,.. terwmaThosi Wii - WAtetait int=n. or -DllMiat,NratlCilti: Aline= pit. l 7 SL. -1; y ee ta t io . :manumi t tree' Minoan it Wholt. azirrOUL:gpleal „it cinstiblff s - Orel irirtikttaVFlA f=:by -; • - • soa 05 „ 4 , " IEAurON 1.1 i. ;, OW, /Lf.B274eattigt,6,±, mulditiami T OIMI i SLAM- pserantalvti 1.- - R,' S (11?9. , , 's rigraMITALL 11421Callit". nottorllmsoinedge sad •aunftset-tl/"M4,1 4115 0 n 1 1 S .• . 11 IT 4 ale 412 t,t .441 4214Z,A24a". /144;WTS I TV. ,fr a ri L I ' EL : iilithip:aLa s ll4 Weisevarnaos tharettawart ' ll4 li'•% Ilea Metter Vaeunburebaresetais - 4 Ice, -, ..viserrauhrugatznila... 4103 7.4 d) , put of Use thsLAZ: All ' '..'' Vii*Wak ft r a liZarenCLD tuir fi• ,11sond Aliktress 0 7. WaLEMNBIVIXIP_ 03t; .. , t -s Amo, . ~,,,Xionll4o.luWista...... l ' i I.' norrotwaisaglipmt 4. Eiyildi. taiilKarishilo orLsbratesp* - 41coir-folltale SlSCrdassieloadllotintlw : , ' 4- risi a bf t a' Thole t * PIitsULIVOSO.Ii sses. ..... rag „ - J - cv:44 - i , • A...—• -- t * tz- 4 4 . N.Tz a«W l4 ' , 3YIEDIpAL.' r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers