The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 30, 1865, Image 1

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    fffol:l4fkii TN 1786.
-(3wl - son-aL
m O g , cra.AAIRgAL,coWSE
CSx l7s ,A:ZlLitTlMsteipels.
Argt.r. Costley,- • -
Firit.egtielnajnketrkercremi st.
serxra,„ Iligapeliours , Papaw: Oh St,
TISICIILS . A - St. Liafr:ast.:
702 4 .,rfarAtmr. surritap Ckrr. .1856:
M. F. roullttutaktiots; Columbia' Co.,
NNW oy Plttsbnet NZ$, •
It. Welters; PalletTlasbar, Calabria Co.,
357.; 8. - Tdolgimaiss; ITlOeteatei; Actim,. C , .
o.Swartz,wooder, wayas 0a;Cblo.
Weayex, AuV il ny•etti,.Fts..., •
M. Ciamitort Paget 14Franlatti Co. Pa.
Et, Pugh, ettaaordaad F ,
MM. CrlssiParbi fr iVas bunt: l Z eirg: •
IL Graham, ads, addristola
1.. H. Walter, Oattleuzd tan .
O. J. Ilaglaatt, ISlalta,llorgaa:Co:PObia. , •
A. L. Sbetwooti,racCounailsville. - Moma 47,0., O.
I...Eatta' Woo :Wield; llonraucu4
--rosehivEtuir Liberty. rt e j
11. uocheste4l3eave
Fortermsaad iMmzution ousttning the
Sege, aeststa--
, -,7sTings, SKITB4I. OOWLST,
a ..'10•...r .... ••• a Pittsburgh, Pa.
1.1:; YZ:Blfes Bell,e.t
Coes Dpipepsht Cure
The only remedy ever dhormorltyst will surely
and permanently ewe ayipepsls, Sndlgestlon, lick
lesdaelur, sad enable dyspeptic' to eat hearty road
Without lean of dinner. Stile neat torPhts.
,Icserph rhordap, No. OS nuke. street. It
-you are 'matting from ilysi.irebr dealt a trial,
end be eonetnerd.
t low pliers, al Ilfth street
_F . :l4!eti _ Yean Ago
Hostetter's,,Stomsch. t s IsErasellng Into
notice see Lint the prejudices ;which every thing
new, hewer excellent, V deemed to encounter
?cede? It srende"nt:the.ties4 . - iirellabti tonic and
alterative preparstfons in estitonae." Its celebtl-
. , Ay Imp evoked many Imitations but no rivals.
IThYstfal,tia pl•Cmptinceit the only safe stbnolent
that hnitevembyttuttithiluced into '..the sick chin
her: In the hospitals of the Army and Navy, the
curycons find it the very best' tonic for convales
ante, and Media iti invaltlable' for sustaining
cjwyjyor of trOops otitis Maid . ), ii i remedy for
, 3‘ ..„ yru iaa i al merbutte atlbettons, and 111 the only
~,,,dfic fa; aa i i c k u ,;:• catitotnts sed hours•
lie haye viephatkally tidetlea it is the - ;iia;,:':
;Ecdicias per raelence, and In Spanish America
tend - all-the trerptcal climates, It Is considered the
only rehable antidote to epidemic fevers.
There lion mysteti about thitcatten of its sun-
Gem. It Is the only stomachis and nitozative to
which are combined the grand retindeites of a mild,
Ipuro.. awl ,unviUated Iwtsplea t ltlauß .wi th
the 6nitielectiOn oftonic intt•tillonstantlicor.
• bone, aperient, ax di &putative herbs, pburta
• root. and basks that have ever been intermixed to
Zetald2ll4l tqfpitrgiOn . ;
The Bitten have this dlattnctive quality, which
• Is not shined, It is beileved, by any tont; tincture
OT esttaCt is . 14e:dorld; they. do net ezeite the
pulse, though they blow sr wonderful, degree of
-vigor, Into then ‘ srrocar syytees!und strangtlred and
Annaba tge.w.tuair.ibrimiciart.-.
It le elso=tcitsts Oat the Entters s
sold &tittle fasii:eatter iiny
•cumetaneesli or.:Lhe Leper
ter. ertit,telltsters are abreedierr t the.,o f ey safe.
cetera tlielrablle - hei . iguana" themols iee thit
' the Mtten heii!the.engrimed few and
note .of 'Ol hlttste. , ltaiittthir,St Are.lth, and
Uiesgovernittint i*Orei the . epilt of the _bottle.
Bates dc . Bell: Bates di Bal.
. .
Fall Ina . Wlntei - • ta with-great &Warn menet] the attention of
0 at readeis to the superb stoat nf F?&11 and Winter,
• eitsidsivat reeetivalbylifr.loiln Water Merchant
12$ Federal street, diflntheny. Rio
•,..stocktallowy, anew of the rarest and mast bean.
. • ever brought to` the effete= &market. flit smart,
• meat of Farntshinr. g - oats, COMPLiang shirts,
Drawers: Clcilliari - Iliek•ttes,'llaaakaralatra, &a,
, -eanaot.teayr plapad cart or wart. Aura stank
• af teadpiaada Pants, Coats Wits sad Overcoat
• -.- also be * cad iit - ttfe ostahllshimerit. Persona
. .
; want of anit.fitng lO.the clothing Unit should not
• i all to give a.e. +refer a call.
' . .
• Sfax
i'ol.allvartetieo. hi Fifth stied.
Oysters i Oysters t Oysters
TDa undgretstukt hart: on hand and
j...are daily ,irecediring.lnattilearedda Baltimore Oyer
4 ters, in cans, trinkets and abaft. Wag, Game, Fin
- 1 sad Canna triads, which we are prepared to fap
z .mtatrisystepted at reasonable lain. Ordereiollor
lied and promptly Aged.
Brcs WEtiaarctitua
hgentii tortr. 'Enron & Co.,i No. 21 St. Clolr
.street or Dosmond Market., or .% rrd
Bates di Ite!Pe.
Dry oi:tar, sl'£lfhatree•.
Mama. W. Parry a; Co.,
Memel State,Pdgerfr Ind Delderelallattericea
Slate, cOtartoas , solom. j Mdse it Alsitandet
Water Wor k., littabtvgla,
PC Ilesldeate!, No. 75 Pike .ueet. Orden
,promptlyetteneed to . All work maim:Med watti
aFief:-;tiaitHithie4oas at the aborteo notice. No
• t aerie r provided the: root 1.5 110 i
dewed atter lila Dot an.
File nip be nigher.
arpenter. Jobbing Sflop.
Easing returied after on absence id' three year.
rf the syssyslfisiopened my shop for alliorts
ofjobbtog ln , Mel:Avesta tine, st the old etaud,
•?;Vtrgln Allcy,betwween Sauthtleld Urea sod Cherry
Alley. Orders sattefted Sadpromptly sttesded to.
orssusse Posture?.
Bates & Bell
,For silk goods.
, - • : Super's •
Ith cc
ycaif c Mei ei lOC chipped heeds. 6tStsper'.
:11b-ng carver of Cenn and S. Glair street.
octikltd •
Is the place her *tithe:
Tato berlllghti , Tiumpet
tame bar breathed a new worel,: . Sono,loot, and she
tiL tasking It respond through as cirtused
llt la the Greek Inn teeth preserver, tint In plain
!English Fragrant Borolont, le the moat elheettve
ideatifileetbst chemistry has ever . yet extracted
Ilium the ()Amite resitablikinidoca.
Silks, Silks, Silks, Silks
-Mourning Mike.
lSeveral pieces . , splendid quality at . popular pet.
ees. -TWO froni'ofte of the lame New 'Yarn
atletione; and sell' heeold at's 'bantam gemern•
,:her. they ate on'the eorneecif ourtiCand Starke
et...f4r they DJ
<waned Fl
-1/4 Root Gr Super'.
0_414 St.nre, epper of Pea, att 4 6 9tstr mtrect.
91,P11t4 Street. 211 Fifth Street
• C. , Silto: o o/9 1 at. 246 ',nun Stteet,
attei4i):444j.ipTal4 busirieu in his proles.
- 17.
just Opened;
irsew eistenuatenseizt sa /haft attest, where
se orof -03.00 „.Wfolf! - retOrdteas of
oat.* Oak. WV" , 004 &•tf,.
:From- Waldo:ton—Amount of National
Currency Issued . : Aid to Aontnern Han.
, naada7lUl4.l , Stator-Tiebta,
,faminioncrs,,Octobcr...T3-Tna President bas
.jecognlrxd.CbiEsthin 'Bore, an Nice-Consul of
dweden iandtimsray,.arlioston;
laying tba Week ending toKLiy, 82051,575 in
etartatcyjras issued by the Treasury
L'eprtment. The total keno pp to date Ls e-04-A
-.3.17(,); •:,
• The . COstrninefif;deistionetiti)en'antlng all
.Le railroads within t4.llialta
„;of ,the military
litision - oftlanTenfieaseir,lanarraa,g,ed for dm
ctt ..CO; 9ii-Credl.. Or such redling stock as
A wneeaed bjthe Linked Stales,
Ger... Johnson "Pf - GeOrgi, a,krui been'. 'dila:ally:
iformcd byl,V-80erplary- ofdllaß, .that -; the
?resident chillier inaeglilie peOple" of any
Stototastnningrsamcdp . datilms- dcgany to-1
Ilnion:.-:than' adrans;aklayol.,obllmatloni,
lebte created In fliqe-notno;tnlionicd? %Ica IT.
den 'rot:CM:4W* ' - '
- Alto nob .Embaniams:ayo4 some time ye
titlay mishap with the 8 eretary of State, at
ati ill'atttita; theryill bd fomwtfy presented to
.leireaskient oollonday. -
TherMaidont not. yet mane a decision la
'he We oflisturtirizz_ •
Befalinetki3Ocofkleat EfampahinC; : fuld' aa
LaterWaw4titll4l:Cti6sldent yeitcrday. when
31 r 4 9 4 4 20 =nt, Willy reiterated. th e ,„ c ent!..)2+:4) "en 4 a , Z.Vaii!ilatCr.:- • '
7a kiting taco, train at
aiterioutti, trew H a itisid, erplodad today,
.14zi,x,Cbarita Math, drum. and causing
iliesiderablt darnaio to the engine boa*,
• .
_ .
: 7
ati " 1
4 ''
.Da•ru 01 • lizurarn 01 THL RieLLiver.-
I.'ast Eliviuday we briefly announced the death of
Day Wood, one of the 1110MT:ere' •eleet or the next
Legislature of l'entai4diamie: He , died at his
:residence In Drwore township, on Thursday
eventhir, the 20te r.- t.,plier no ,aodlll2ger,
log Illness, of Id , feve Ho was •abritit
year:tot:we. ..Wood,wakeutio reitukrkable
(Or the Writ,'rt his Ilk and the loaest, of his
•Inicalbree.:Jie :was a ineraterof , tbe last Leg.
:lib:lure and hlably esteemed ity his assoclater.
iSfliftbrat tepreeentatliW:.
Merit father andoludgmble Mend, be has igoveto
ills relrird.--Leneastii tS.
Toy bodies of the three women killed in the
late railroad disaster, acne/Imps= audithich
have ever since been In the receiving vault at
Woodward HUI, near the elty,' hsrd deed
, lde
siitledThey Are _mother lied . daughters, and
ithelr niteM are iltins.'Maty M. Bean;aftee The-
Item C. llonldedd and. Carottneß,Boan, The
brother of Mrs: 8., lir. Charles Beat, of Cosh
, Ohio, Identified ttehOditii. Tee -thothef
Lad been, mewled twice, which will ACCOMIt for
the diffetereeiti 'their dames: The remains were
entered at Woodward E1111, Thuroday:after
Tun Lancaster Examiner. of last Saturday,
eays. Rev. Henry iShenr, &hold' and highly es
teemed preachier,ot the old Mennonite Church.
died euddeur lu the ;ilia or his church in pe.
ones towzblp , on aoadae morning tell. Re
had just repented an earnest exhortation to his
people, sat down and eipired without breathing
a word. Re was in themeventgdi Rh year of his
age, and hasthem bees gathered to his fathers
'after k long and well-spent -
.Twa Butter Citizen, of Jut Wednesday says
—The sheep of Mr. Edsrards, and also those of
kr. Negley, of Butler, were =acted law wet'
'and a number killed. Sheep creepers should be
'01:1 the lc skour.,, as also dog owners. It VI DOI
generally understcod, but nevertheless true, that
owners of doge are account/ Ole for all damages.
done to sheep, the
. nrst offence as well as the
AGED Faortr..—Mr. Barnard Eisenbuth of
rattaillle is - 108 ceare old, Ile was born on the
Nth 11357, to rans staled of Painsylva;
'nia now contalne&wlthin the boundaries of
lbancisr'eohrity:' In Aridint,ri Seri. Irannah
Tarnwenreiedigy Rho .11k1Sorecutier wid be 100
years old. She le stilt' good health. She has
.had twenty-Ste children, but fire of -whom are
now living.
Tuousi F. LEEDS. aged 22 years, a Zirakes
man on a freight train on the Pencusylvants
Railroad, was found - dead upon the tapvf a ear
when the irate reached Philadelphia, lastpFri
day earring. Ms head was horribly struished,
and it is supposed to have came in contact with
i, bridge, while the yialtie man was doling.
A Ottil, pielno Match is tn - take plea' at the
Valley coarse, Meadville, on the Ist of . ;iovem
bet; between Gni. Engle, of Cleveliad. and Lady
Bennett. of Batenndyfor a elate of: $l,OOO.
Tna 10 A. M. express train from corm on
the Oil Creek road, while, passing Wont hpar
tanshore last Tuesday, ran over • child, killing
It irustaatly.
On Sunday night., 22d inst., a fine flock of
dice" &longing to .1. Prestece, oP Mead
township, Crawford minty, was, Mucked by
dogs, and nine were killed and several wonaded.
In Crawford county, tiny dine pinm trees
Lave pat forth their second
_crop of nktssums
this staeon.
Tun coal miners In Sharon are ou a strike.
The Late Railroad Aegident near Lau
caster—Coroner's Inquest-
The Coroner's Jury met again on last Thurs
day trading, for further deliberation in regard to
later accident near Xatiffasin'a &Erg. We
give from the Lancaster Express or Friday, the
canclution of the evidence In regard to the .ac
eident, and the finding of tne jury. The real
cause of the fatal accident remains as mach a
mystery as ever.
Mr. Blair teatlfied to having tench s¢ engineer
on this road and had run the FaseLine foree eon
years. His buelness now is to look after the
condition of the engines on this division of the
roan. Being asked as to the rate of schedule
speed, be said it is from 26 to .".6 ranee per hour.
The nice-it-non 'peed, which may be run tamer
certain circumstances, when there is no risk, Is
at the rate of a mile In minutes, or forte
miles an hoar. Witneas here produced a copy
of the Engineers' and Conductors' time-table,
Containing the rules governing the' running of
the trains. and referrollthern to rale US, which
is as follows:
4. The maximum speed for Passenger Trains
is 1 minutes to the mile; and fur Freight trains
„ minutes; to ho redueea when not consistent
with safety.
The Jury also examined the schedule of the
Day Express, cast, from which they learned ,the
following facts :•
The distance from Landisville to Kauffmen's
Mee is three and thremtentha (2.1 ) miles;
, schedule time 7 minutes. Distance from Sid
ing to Dillerville, the same. The accident Is
admitted to have occurred 2,'e' miles west of
Dillerville, and mile cast of Kauffman's, al
though the conductors, no doubt inadvertently,
located It 2i 2 miles east of Landisville. That
the dletancefrom Landisville to the scene of the
accident was three and eight-tenths (3.6) miles.
All the witnersee examined agreed that they
were eight minutes in ranning this &manes.
The schedule lined the time for renal:it from
Landisville to Kauffman's (3.3 miles) at seven
tranntots, which is at the rate of a mile In 1.12
minutes, or .1 . 6.3 miles an hour. This Is there-
fore the exact average schedule rate on that
part of the road. The distance from Lendis
ville to the place of aeciden', three and eight
tenth (3.8) mfiee having been ran in eight min
utes, shows the actual average speed of abstain
between these two points i.e have at the rata of
mile in 2.1 minutes, or 23.5 miles an hoar.
After examining the schedule the examine.
lion of Mr. Blair was resumed, who testified
that none of the trains now run as fast as they
did four years ago. Thus, the mall train, with
Its nameruns stops, formerly ran through In less
time than the Past Line now runs with only one
stop between Lancaster and Philrmelohle, lie
considered it ea sate to run at forty mile, an
hour as et twenty, though snch a speed is never
reached. The beet engine on the road cannot
run from Lancaster to Philatelphis (G 3 ,,"
miles) 1n less than 2 hours 5 minutes—a
leant that Is the fastest through time ever
made—and that is far short of forty miles as
hour. [ Precieely = miles an hour—Reporter .
When ttin trains on this road are as mach as
forty minutes behind time they are not allowed
to make It up. There is no more danger in rap
ine a train with two locomotives than with one.
Wanees did not know meek about the construc
tion of the psesenger care, his business being
sin Many to look slide the engines. Be taws,
hoverer. that mach greater eau Is taboo in the
selection of Iron for passenger than for freight .
'tem ke. The beat hammered iron, and of late,
sled. are used for axles. Although teev use
the same traders for freight sad passenger en
-elf es, if it Is ncceeeary to take one from a freight
and attach It to a passenger engine, they are re.
mred, foe this realm, to change the trucks be
fore lending it out.
The examination of witnesses haring bees
concluded, the jury rendered a rextilet that
nine persons (names given) came to their death
on the Penuillvania Railroad near Kauffman's
Biding, In am... pence of the front truck of the
passenger car, llso. 120, (attached to Day Ex
press and Erie Express, east, consolidated., git.
kg away and breaking through the tlonr. The
emcee of the ell inge way of the truck i 5 itu
known to the jury. .
p. HANSON Lovr & Bao.
Tun Rgniblican of Friday mays: Yesterday
morning the community was startled by :be
Intelligence that a corder had been committed
to town the previous niebt. At an early hoar
the dead body of John Kissel was focad at the
railroad bridge at the Duck street crosslog,, The
face was covered with blood, and a near exami
nation dieclused two gashes on the chin. From
the position in which he was limed, the suppo
sition Is that be had been assailed sad received
the fearful Reshot on the thin from 10Mellerry
weapon, and sae afterwards thrown over the
bridge by la assailants to convey the impres
sion that he had fallen. A coroner's jeep, after
holding an inquest. rendered a verdict setting
fortbtbat •`John Kissel came to hie. death by
the dlsiCeatkin of his neck, caused by violence
knlctind enme manner unknown to the jury."
Oen. Muzzy Ordered to Hie Command—
* Grarit , i" Winter %darters—Jett. Rots,
Tfial—:lteveaue feraild Dhuovered.
Taw Yonk r Oct. 28.—A soected to thallersid
front Washington on the 87th earn. General
AlTarjr; ate fleeretary to tbe President, is or
dered to tbe command alba regiment.
...General Grant has purchased and will refit for
hla winter residence a portion of-the property
known se Douglas Hospital. - -
- ;The Henstattgtest Mit Mr. Davie Litz be tir
raigned simply on the' charge : a, trealoer :and
tbst,Junes 6. Breed. General Rosstau, John H.
Clitfora and WWl= AL Evaite au retained by
the Government u the prosecutingend
Chu. Creanor and B. H. Gillett for' the de—
The Derates - tites — ttiainne was a tern of
' alcohol poet:Nay for revenue frauds in)3rbolf.
,Iya. and that • Clutoto noose clerk—a Vir-.
alulata-rebel—and scherry Brooklyn firm ars
• .
lifeeintresi.:Crrf, October 28:—The gamer of
the steamship Eagle runes the following An
Inflamed:4 has broken Oa among the neva*
si Samna: The Ellsh consul 4 Havana has
applied to the Capt4a Gametal of Cuba for aid
to put the negroes !down, and four war vessels
have been dispatched for that purpose.
Supposed Murder in Meadville
.Begra Insurrection at Jamaica.
She A dams-gisseltprrespOOtnie Disenssed
The Body of Cot Dahigren.
NEW TORE, Oct. 26.—A special to the neer,
dated Washincton,.the 9th, says The Cabi
net meeting of to-Clay was el protracted dura
tion and was attended by all the Secretaries for
the Eirstlince lis'several months. ft la repOrted
that the recent correippadence between Minis
ter Adams end Earl JtUssell woe generally dis
cussed, *hi:iota reference to any action on the
A mcng.lhopromin ent rebels pardoned to-day,
were henry M. Rector, ex-Governor of Arkan
sas, and d. P. Sanderson, formerly a member of
the rebel Congress from Georgia.
It has been reported. that George W. Gayle,
the Alabama lawyer, who offered one hundred
thousand dollars reward for the assassination
of Preeddent Ltneoln, bas been par_doned. Thls
is Incorrect. as be comes under the 13th excep
tion. However, he may be eonsidemd pardoned,
as hla rank iu the rebel army was'onis Colonel.
This evening!. Republiean announces that the
body of Colonel Dahlgren, who was killed near
Rictunond,March ith, -1881, tut St.. Patrick's
rock, is expected here to-morrow, and will lie In
Erato at the Connell Cnimbers at City lldl until
Thundal , next, with a gnarl honor. It alto,
nederstoOdlhat Mort Ward B echcr will Pesch;
the funeral service In his honor on Sunday, hI
the church of Rev. Dr. Sunderland.
Intelligence has been received here by th,
Government- that en influential delegation „of
Cansdians hresidirtfito'Soine liireito mice et.
forte to re•estabibh the treaty. of reciprocity be
tween the United Stake and Canada.
The War' Deiaitiztent has promnigated the
followlmt list of volunteer organizations, which
'have been or are ordered to be mustered oat of
nervice, not included In previous circulars:
Rliaolsln Pantry , Sth cavalry, tith, 7th and St h.
The men of the 9th Infantry remaining in se,
vice have been transferred to 47th infantry
—the latter is stilt In the service; Indiana coo
tdry, 12th Kansaseavalryi Co.'s I. and bl—firth.
This completes tlacmhatercmt of tilt. ic7l„ meat
NlLcsL.sippi cavalry, 4th,lsth and 16th, 4th, 15th
and 16th 111e.hIlit41 cranky, .11:61 Ssw York-In
fantry, laath; 160thcIfIlit void 172.1 eswilry. ?ad
Veteran 90th Provisioned Ohio Infantry, 154th
cavalry, sth and 12th, also the oth regiment
colored frEdlis.-.l'.
Houtli • Amerian affairs.
New Yotr, 0 at. —T .iC rrtie 4... at so:4
to the morning - paten saY. that Ltampeanti aft&
all that has been said about mueterbag out :he
Ctteran Res,. - ee Corps. that the order about to
be issued simply duieta oOmmandlow oedema to
Prepare separate tolls of those man who desire
to be discharied from the service, and of those
who wt.h to be retained. Tabs Is for the pur
pose of mustering out tbOse who wish it, en
during the number otofficera,and consolidating .
b Corp.. which Congress will be tilted to make
a permanent orgvnleation, and Into which men
who bace,beea wounded stud desire to re-enter
the service, but who cannot enlist to the regular
army, secOrdlua to iegulations, ea' account of
E ion disabilitlesoriii be adinittad.
A DOTtiOLI of the party of Ettore-Ise capital
ists In this =story, InclOding all eta . of Sir
Morton Pcto, visited Richmond and Petersham,
V. daring the past week, and spent sometime
viewing the battle gelds In that vic.nity.
Bassos Ayres newspapers of the lath of
September have reached us by way of Earope.
They contain little additional In regard to the
war. Letween Paraguay - and the Allies. Tna
Pruaguayans have respected property protected
our national as g.
A new line of eleamers between New York
and Rat Julien% In addition to the ansmldies
granted ,by the United - States wad Braz°,
has Peen voted twenty thquaand dollars by the
Argentine Coo-great, on condition teat the trips
of the vessels be extended to Ramos Ayres.
President Johnson's address to the Brazilian
Minister Las attracted conelderabLr attention
botti in France and England, and In each coon
t7 it 1.5 Inferred that the President's advice to
too- Brazilians to aim at sustaining themselves
absolutely Implies an abandornumot of the Mon
roe dot tHds.
The steamer Bt. John, of the PeonPn' Lina
exploded her boiler at the foot of street.. at
7:80 o'clock this morning, killing fifteen or
twenty persons, and wounding many sn we,
some say one•hnndred, some of them seriously.
Fenian ftnate in Secret Session,
N:w Yonx, Oct. 2s —The Senate of the
Frame Con gress reassembled to-day at the Astor
House. The chair - la:log occupied by the Pres
ident. Col. Wm. Roberts. The session as hlth
etto, was strictly private, and the attendees
was cot fined to members. It was ascertained,
however, that the principal business transacted
wee in relation to the sale c f the bonds of the
future hitt Republic, which will be ready for
ry next truck. S.veral of the members
staled that they had reaelved pledges from
prcrninent citizens that they would subscrib a for
the :.ends in various smoMlts. The Senate In
ten es establishing lie Head4usrters permaiently
to e lame ball In this city la a few days.
TL.• Police Commies ePS to-day made formal
coini-lainc the against Street Contractors for clic
nen-perforinencr, of duty.
Edward If. Ke:chuni was arraigned in the
Cci.rt of Genernl Seslons before or order Holt
man. Ile wi liclrew Ms plea of not guilty on
the gold check indictment for forging in the
third degree, and put in a plea of guilt- It was
u - n-ced his sentence should - be suspended till be
can Lc cnamined In some civil cases before the
A meeting of4tomo Weeteru and Canadian
men of enterq.ise among whom was 11. J. Ron
nie, contractor oetrictoria Bridge, was held a
the St. Nlcheia , Hotel yestqilay, in reference to
the ',lncased canal between Lake Huron and
Lake ontarla by way of Lake "dimeoe. The
11.ility of the enterprise was endorsed.
Rankin alias Fincer, the counterfeiter, was
found guilty yesterday. During the trial the
fart was elicited that nearly forty thousand dol
lars in counterfeit notes had been sent to Ohio
and otter western States. Several counterfeits
on ihe Merchants' Bank of New Haven and
the Fishkill bank, were found :on the prisoner.
Bolca3e.r waltuwested yesterday, and over
a hundred Monsen dollars in conaterfait Treas
ury Notes and fractional currency captured In
ha possession. . •
Special Treasury Agent Arrested.
Chngts is the Cabinet and Sinister to England
Tsar Tons Oct.2S.—The:hreald pivits a Pri
vate dlrPstch dated "West Point, Miss., Oct.
20th," stating that General Johnson has diacov
erred most stupendous frands on the Truantry
Davao:mut, end has arrested Harrison Johnson,
specLsl Treasury agent at Columbus, and all Ids
sub-egrets . In three oonniiii,' taken possesslatt
of their books and suspended Operldlollß. It Is
rumored that the Investigatitin will be damaging
to high oftlidels• -
, The WorhPs Washlegtoe tpeci t aye Dts
pa{ehes received here state that the New Or
leetelcoiimltlon toemitalh•Fteehtent Johnson
is 3 enema.
The rumor that all the `Naval'vessels are to
be pat In eemseisel3n, Is untrue.
How Caleb Cushh3g will eapereede Mr. Ae
olus. ID zogung, ; _ and.P. , Adacr f s retu rn s to
• betionit,e4rgyn7Pr.£l444.
—,-- .
Death ' if. au" !Winos', Hereon° Collector.
# l3 iLimarttia. Oct. 214L--.1 • . Barclay Hor.alot
rt.:catty 40061atedl - Colleaor of the Nation
RCITLITIP, la the drat district of Pennsyleania,
to netted his father, Joseph Harding. died end-
deny We afternooa. of congestion of the brain.
.Masonry and the, f &pal, Allocation,
English OppOeltion to Russell'• Course.
New roux, Oct. 29.—Files by the steamer
atrial have been received. The Pope's alloca
tion against 'trot societies bas oezasicrned •
great stir among continental free masons. It la
reported that la Paris, the lodges of every ziLi
except Scotch, have assembled to deliberate on
MO proposal or reeoncillotioo.: dental ktolllioit
who la Grand Muter and at the same time com
mander of the neflotial gaud, is sorely perplex-
It is 4ouNl:ts-be wlllrestn his functions as
Grand Mester.
In regard to the Adams-Ruast 11 correspon
dence, the London Sean says; It should not be
forgotten that the claimi made by Spain against
the American Government under elmiliar Mr.
cumstances, were only settled by treaty, and
those aside by Portugal !Unlashed tnatcrlsli Ibr
argument which lasted more than thirty years.
If powers such as Spain, In thy cireumstanees,
feel themselves bound to p.ri*•ruate. the discus
-131011 until they obtained some sort of selylement,
it is not probable the United States of America
will follow a different course. Assuredly Lord
Ittiscils refusal to refer the mattersnow In dis
pute will not settle them,
IVilmotand Smith's European Tintptioystit
is Just pOsflitAc that to , avoid the payment of a
few hundred themiandSoc a Million of money,
tre may base our oppoiltion on a principle so
untenable as to Came us, when eases are IT
versed. when Americans are neutrals and tee
Pre.betlipicuts, to stilferterribly In person and
pocket. We do not apprehend war, for war In
these days eon LI not wine out of this business,
put something nearly a, had may aria" in the
future, 'sheet Ow practice we have .iercndod
may he turned agains: ut Its a way
that I, hideotis, eve •t to et •inise-
The Liverpool Post says : The rummer In
which the London press have reviewed the
Adams-Russell disiatehes does not promise
success to the Eoglrb view of the Aleb .ma
question. Lord Russell did not appear ') be
aware that the Dotted &atm had retetited from
the position takes up by lir. Quincy. Adams In
the Portugal business. It Is possible he rosy
set be twonght to admit that the alterattans
made In the A.MeriC3lllsweittconsequaceof the
discussion whit Vonaggars consonant to fasties,
and that being behlna:Americatul le this matter
we must take the caosevinenoes.
The London &sr says: .srl Russell, to hie
anxiety to save maritime powers from responsi
bility for injury which their subjects may tom.
Movingly cause to belligerent', has taken up a
very dangerottit ground:birdie maritime nations
when they may In turn be The suffentre by egg'
seta. Whatever view may be taken of the in
justice of the datum In regard to the Alabama,
we not no British gateman will fall Into the
grevions blunder of placieg our commerce at the
mercy of desperadoes who may lame
from neutral ports during some of our. future
wan. Dora Lord Rusk]] really mean to con
tend that the power of England Is Inefreetwal
to step such an outrage as the Wining of the
Sheneadosh from the pert of Landon, to be
come a privateer after having had VMS sop
piled to her on the high seas. Earl Russell ` de
serves all the credit for :his ledatery in endear.
bring to quirt them:mai of Ur. Maas byquot,
log what his erscrifather said ead did lifiy
yews ago, but at the same time the security of
cot melte to the press,. it day u a sobject of
rt *ter Importance to the people of Ragland.
The Loudon Sperbeio? payer The correspond
ence between Mr. Adams and Lord Russell, le top
grave, moderate, and carefully seitordstrained
on loth sides, not to wear an uncomfortable
aspect to all who wish far pennanmaily pan t
relations between the two conetrlm.
The Trit”ute, Florence correalundent says :
The cholera hu nearly auto:glued le hale. In
France and Seib, too, It Is on the dee vase,
and does not Puerto beyond the seashore. The
ennsnal hest and Czouth has rad !arty gab tided.
Gina discontent prevails in tire•rs. The
hag =Ems himself at Corfu, and does sot
es rs for his tie tdom.
The 9afttm li evsal to seise the It:timeless
landed property attached to the mosques, his
(luau= item , to the 6390 DredlenTiOnt as those
of Italy. 'andi . be tries to restore the balance of
his Incomo and expentitture by nits means.
Ths Prince of Beryls has put himself Into cum
moulcstiou with the most influential leader of
the setfnii■ae, who proposes an Iniarrectloo for
trlr ta I. of Ore S. Taewv-Irs
NEW Tonit. Oct. 33.--11 . 4 e Tua,e 3tacon
(tae ) lett& Niyf : 7 4 :eerie the nezroes In
ocathweettro Gecegia remain at their old
homes. Almost universally they hare made
eontraeU for this year with their former own
ers, aid 2 apprehend ham all that I have seen
and beard, that they elll renew their contracts
for the ensuing year. On the plantation of
General Howell Cobb, where there are between
six hundred and seven hundred aegrons, who
have been born and brought up oa his place,
I found they had all made liberal contracts by
which at the end of the year they will have
ample means to sustain themselves and then
families, and which, if continued for another
year, will enable them to establish themselves
comfortably for the future. The same pronto-
log condition of affairs exists on other large
farms which I visited. The freedmen express
perfect congdesce in the goad faith and good
will of their employers, and a spirit of forbear
ance seems to mark the conduct of the employ
ers In the treatment of their laborers. The Im
pression hazing *trailed among the negroes
that the lands of their masters would ho dis
tributed among them about Christmas, the
Commisaloner of the Freedmen's Barmen lime
issued an order, la which all officers and agents
of the Bureau are directed, and other onliers of
the army are reseested, to convince tee freed
peoole that they are utterly mistaken, and that
no such disulttutloa will take place at Christ
ine-a or at any other time.
The some letter says: The feeling IP favor
of wiping out the debt Incurred by the State
du: lee the war is Growing In strength. Many
re.robers of the Conyertion were elected on ais.
roma of their known repudiation VOWA, and
the cc don of the Alabama Canveation on this
inesilon has gi yen this party considerable en
eft arageinent.
The Herald reps Jeff. Davis la to be tried be
fore the United Stales Supreme Court, op the
cbaTe of high treason and that ail char.res of
complicity with Wire.' and other& Whoa= treat
ment of prisoners of war are to be abaudonad,
and tam at a cabinet aosalou le August, when
the details were arranhod, It was decldsd that
the trial of Davis ehoald I nmadlatcly figlOW that
of Wire, but thelong delays In that ease may
tend to delay that Of Davis. It Is understood
that the Attorney (lateral was authorized fo se
lect three men u counsel to aid him In Om pros.
ecutlon. Mr. Speed Is a - native of the South,
and It was decided that another Southern gen
tleman and two Xurthern lawyers should be is
The Richmond Times says Mrs. Jeft fasts Is
residing at the house of Mr. Schuyler, near Au
gusta, Georgia, and .is permitted to correspond
at will with her hatband and friends. Mrs. How.
ell, Mrs. Davis' mother, Is In Canada to charge
of Lb, children of the convent of the Sacred
Heart. at Montreal, and ethers. at a school at
Lennossille, sixty miles from Montreal.
National Thanksgiving Appointed.
WASUINGTON, Oct. V3.—The President to-day
leaned the folltrivlng proclamation : -
By the President of the United States of
America; a pmelamation
Wirratnas, It Dm pleased Almighty God, dub.
mg the year which IS sow coming to an end, to
relieve our beloved country from the seottrge of
cavil war, and to permit us to secure the bless-
Inge of peace, unity.stid harmony, with In en
largement of civil liberty; and wkereas, our
easmilv Bather bat' slab, - during the PUT
grodonaly preserved us Rout tho fialuoititte .01
foreign_ - War. Pestilence /la -famine: , :and
wentess•Attthestereess exalts:Ma nation, while
5105 &reproach to any people, now, therefore,
I, Andrew Johnson, Presides& of the UMW
Btateeildo hereby recommend robe pubple them
of gu"ber‘ dck lei Vat and observe She dial
Thprittfay Deenaba as a day of. National:
Thenkeetiree &a the Creator of the Catena ter
theeadeglitnnesinfthitesinot and I do:. ra
ther reeoOtraids4 thettm that day the whole'Pte•
pie:wawa cOnfession of sins against
soodoess, and, with one loot and .atte
ado, intoloto Divine pgance In the - ways of
manna yittne and hoeia.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my'
. hand and caused the ecal of the United . States::
to be affixed.., /We at the City of Washington
2Sthdet Qctobere inthe year 1503, Mid
of the Independence of the United 841,C3 the
eighty ninth.
Aernnew Join's" President.
By W. H. Selmer., Ben. of etAft.
nlosioh of a Panemer:Steamer,
LargrAirmber Severely Injured
raw Ye ex, October 22,—Th1a morning at
about aituarter to ilx o'clock, while abreast of
TweittlellSBtreet, Mirth slier, the tort 'Alter of
,the steamer, St. John, from Albany. exploded.
Seven persons, were killed, seventeen scalded
and one 10 missing. There were only about 100
persons aboacd:sothat.the casualties are not so
treat aa tbei Would have been during the sum
mer. ,S t,th:a time of the, accident the engine
was makinf thirteen revolationsper minute, and
earning - a ytelsore of steam vazylag from 26 to
28 wends, and LT licensed for 35, but the safety
valves ire Seelghted al 33 pounda. Sone of the
enginetts can account for the explosion, aed
regard It asliery mysterious, which can only be
solved by thbrongh investigation.
At the tittusot the explosion there were c.c.,
firemen to the boiler room, one or whom, a
Frenchman, niime pnkno no, Jumped overboard
sod swam tor shore, bat it is supposed was
drowned. Vie other escaped. Toe steam, ow.
trig to tttelliegiloti of the ebitine, did not effo7t
the math deck iso munch es the main saloon - deck.
One of the deck betide :was severely burned, on
the lowa. deck.
Theta:Om which is situated , on the lower
deck and willeh.isf fortunately located on the
guards, lit ablitti Mx feet long, and three
feet deep, leaving an 'opening Into watch three
or four men could easily enter. Tee whole
upper edge of the sheet is torn off. Thu ap rrs •
lure la-on a lite Ishii the saloon deck, and
when the explosion occurred the steam Wits
followed by tons of sealdimr water, whi fa
passed thromraeveral state rooms on the
posits , side; dto a few scomads the bottler ers
te r was Weald tee Inches deep on the door.
Theexylitilon also tore tip the deck, making
splinters for a long distance around. The psi•
ler) and itate;rool:lls offer L 31.050 that *ern de
stroyed below were terribly shsttered. The
terra pitta, fa thelienlre oC the telloorLls per
forated with a large pleee of iron. Itsome 1211
In the main saloon, and 1421 n the gallery, on
the opposite alas of the ealoor • etc I we ty
feet from littplace of explosion, aro shattered
and drenched with water.
The event on board was sad. Forward of the
engine bulkhead lay the dead. Mutt a mutter
and her two thilt'reui next a mother and child,
whom husband and father lay at the other end
of the saloon anlfering tortures inexpressible;
next a mother and wile, he Was ilve and so was
their child. lin bad tope ems of their room Jam
before the explosion cecurrcd. A man Jaffe' this
The: folltivlng are the names of the of
the dead Mr. Brooke of New fork, lire. SYsi•
labor and twiselillelren of Albasy, Mrs...Arehom.
Ply and child of Albany, Mrs. Julio F. . heynolds
or Ttrooklyti . Mr. and LMrs.l Archambly and
child, occupimi room No. Fit; and lire. Walla
bee and children, room No. ill. The othsot oc
cupied momd immediately over these.
The scolde.diworc disposed of In another part
of the solooft or state rooms n^or by, in which
t"h'eefr l :4 s mgcTiurr d . Carl uo ' a u nt ta4 The ki st w e Vas a te r' r
can scarcely live. Mr. Aschambly7 covertly.
F. Lyon and wife, Tel:vide,. severely. NI.
I yen con scattily recover . .9. IT. Northrup, of
Albany severely. B. Zoner, of Batavia. acres-if
fy. J F. Ctuolgtam, of New York, his wife
and three children, all had their feet terribly
melded. C.:£. Spault, of home, and wife had
their fact severely scalded. Mr. Coyle. of Al.
t.any, eligheiv. John Anderson, of the methisr
St. John, scalded. Mary Slelleitald, of flu.
nouns St: Jobs, scelded is the feet.
Fthariea aaa Tradeati New York
Nair Yotat, pi•t. 25.-11a:twa ;on 11.3
quit. Mpg, at the early OM
stbm.rading no effort .to harom, the
market with cash. The mar •
bet was firm on the sin , t after open board, but
was afirfa.ifatpammeryil by the •-toari. T,-
tea - Ns the ataC, net 121,14.1 rtaaaVc.rt..l n portion
Of tilt decline, and left oil steadily. The SAow
n the closing prices at -1,3d0'ci,,,k, p. m. ;
iew Yon I. retaral. 1174 , 0,15, Erie, tr.! , ,o‘tri ,
Ittat: tor, I 1 ftft t I I billtg - nu 5 ,uthern.
(1. 73 , 4; Cicrrland - and littatmrtb. ~(LVnr'a •
Ito, 4 la!” n4l, Inui, Nonhwext,ro preferred, -
. Pr atrl& du ['Lieu, 6:to A tlantic
Ma11 . 1:40 141. llttaripom, Alit.hliaa Central,
Ii , eats - al Coat, al
The 11112,a, ll.metauf list VI as dell, but il,c Spr'.D..:
11. , tataln C:oai Yard stoad tLu .lartneat among
the coat storks. Mariposa to 14 anti et•
In atturipation of a rlAc In consa-
inner of the payment of net tlollarinstallment,.
The Aull'etant Treasurer. today disbursed
$520,000 in the rederajnlon el the temporary
The amount of Gold Interest paid at the
Rob-Tressuc; dialog the week was f 7.479,338.
The ceserwele; g e ;• : Money Is easter ;
era e? 0 Iltiiol, to emplo; thelr balaucos and
again are seeking borrowers, though in no case
at • lower rate than 7 per cut. on call loans.
The demand from Steel: Exchange, though sc •
tire, Is ICES pressing than yesterday, ,rresent
symptoms taxer sit early return of comparative
case at 7 per cent. Geld to steady, the presall
ing tendency bele:: torarls easier rates. Ex
ports of gold are large, being $300,914. A large
proportion of the experts are In gold loans.
Discounts continue active.
Bosinets In the wholesale market has been
restricted dating the put week. owing to the
temarkehle etringenry in money. Floor has do.
diced, sod In family grades there has bean •
cotccrelon of One dollar. Wheat and corn are
higher. I'mk has been mush excited, and Is
lower. 1.1.. et boa Imscoved. Cotton elmed
',met. Whisky ban Improved.
Oliferencra Mincer. Gen. "Nebr.ldr.rn end
Governor Iliramictle Amicably Vetiled—
PeAele Merin.
CINCINNATI, Oct, 9h.—The difference hereto•
fore imbuing between General Burbrldge snit
Governor Bramlette, of Feltneky, barn been
amicably adjusted. A meeting took place be
ta-ten the parties at Frankfort, on Thuraday,
when the causes of diragrnement were explain•
ed. and a complete reconciliation was made,
The Cia site'. Chicano apeclul anya: A ,eve,
norm commenced Wednesday night, and con
tinued unabated up to lia4t night. The wind
blew a gale, doing noniiilerabla daainge to the
,hipping. LL commenced raining . hem yam,-
day rine-n:00n, and last night u strong win l
pedalled. A cold rain net In this morning.
rternu Steamer TY recked—Vew Known to
be Saved..
s t f1A0t.r....70 , . B. C., Oct. 'US —.The steamer
,Itelet bac which left New York for New °deems
on ite ? s h wet wrecked oil the rout of
(hernia un Wednesday last. Four boats and
one raft put - c IT from the chip. Oae of the
beats arrived at Cnarimton to-day. Tble boat
contained Capt. d.' Young, engineer; U. W.
Dortee, porair; W. 11. Moorhead, S. W. Whit.
J. It. Maltby, Mra J. H. White and child,
Mrs. .4.,, I.L . Dmirisitt and children...D. Patel and
J. McLaughlin. The other boats and the raft
have not been heard af. The enrvivors will talcs
paeaage on the Quaker City for New York to
More Whalers Burned bYlthe Shenandoah.
So'. F124.11C1500, Ott. l.Z.—The ateamer 'Pal
metto arrived here yesterday from Plover Bay,
September alst. She reports the capture of
twenty-four whalers by the pirate Shenandoah,
which have been heard of at that port. All the
names Included in the lists have been hitherto
telegraphed eastward. The bust men of tllb
Shenandoah was by the ship r Victoria In the
early part of July, when she was steering south
under full sail. During her operations, she
passed through Behrhsg's Straits to East Cape,
where she burned nine whalers presumed to be
pas t of the the twenty-four whose names were
reported by the Palmetto.
The Indian Comtlilesion
ST. LOUTS, Oct. f,' , 7.—An arrival from upper
Uissonri reports that the Indian Commission
abandoned their steamer a handred and twenty
mace below Fort Bully.. and were proceeding
overland. Is Is not believed that the Commla•
Alan will ascomplish itS Miseicirir as' .no
bootie Indians are said to be within titTett hun
dred mace of Fort Bully. Fate Untot.
Betaold are evacnated. 111111110ii5O stanant
.stoned'. the month or FeHoar
&One river and Fort Union in contieunetee of
. the Inability of steamers to retch their destina
tion, and Will hair. la .Ukover till-spring.
. ,
Thaastrous,.cale at Sea
reunites licernon, betotter•tra.—The nova
e/4PleSorr. (rum Nov _York on the 21st test.
, for New Orleans, was tarot . Into listetton
Roads by_ttie.ateitteship Mebane: . She anconn;,
red"' thnitth Lila -tram. the 24th to the 276.•
She .h3he - her Odder ,ebillt and etdppl tier-
eisnci. /Grimm and angina were , dblek,'•
and she Is taint badly. oThe trawls estunated,:,
The Mediate 'indite:AM' Eo&Jlah ibrig; a c 'tgi!.
ineeiTh tom' Gilvwdot, for Urarpetal;
ton, ,dtaiblird,':one hundred Anne,' wrath •or:
Charleston, on the Mgh, and+ the acne dal' eaw
two dihhtsged 11 411, names unknown.
Bandnas Stattaaated.
• Naw 2t They *night the
Tenho BthethOod held& swan In la city
..Teningt and tatahlielen ileum
tiny. naval and dyll bateau. . Other toportant
tratteen relative te the ortanlzation In America
and Ireland wu trantacted,
Sales of Army Suppliers.
Nsw Yokx, Oct. 20.—The Iterabrs Waldleir -
Won dispatch says . Ex Governor . rieriont,
Judge Daly, Samuel Blackford , law. K. Tuck
ering!) and other notables are at Willard's.
Judge Cooley, Commissioner of Indian affairs,
started for New York ohs, last evening, to be
absent for 'enteral days.
The Navy Department is already in reecip
of a =mire, of letter, fnmu officers recently
mustered out, tendering their service. in rAse
easels were about to ha put In commlasiou, and
dispatched for service.
The Bales of unlined buildings, the property
of the Commissary and Quarter ;banter's De
partments are goltbi on briskly, and bringing
considerable revenue to the Government, for In
stance about $30,000 worth of !amber In the form
of buildings wan got rid of testenlav, tinder
Colonel Bell's direction. The Quarter Master's
Department has a considerable amount of pro
perty in camp equipage and wagons. Relies of
Grant's anal Shennan'n rampArns, are yet to
ba Fold, and the cavalry bureau sell their hun
dred horses weekly to a emote er lively compe
Assistant Postmaster General Alexander R
dall, la expected back from the west on Moeda).
Cons!datable remark• has been excited by the
delay In the appointment of an additional met:O
ber rtrmirtd to make no the Board of Appeals
Irrtbo Patent Bateau. It Is said that the Pro-l
dent has already signlfted that the appeltament
baa been designated, but as yet nothing h ss
transpired to discover who the Individual Is.
. .
One hundred .and nineteen patents will be
Issued by the Patent Department on Tcteaday
next.. sod Jamul the same ntmber that day weer.
Bishop Davis, of the Episcopal Chnrch in
Bomb Carolina, has addressed a is.ter to his
clergy and Islip on the subject or the pros
canton of the Northern ancillauthern branches
of that denomination. lie VI • Intalna that owing
to political events dlsialon was aaavaidab!e. and
Is to favor c: continuing :be separatl on, bat Is
SySibarg to submit to the decision of the General
Corti titian of the church South, which Is to
assemble at Mobile daringnear month.
Melte Explorations on the Route of the
Russian-Acseriean Telegraph.
SAX FLAvCISCO., Ott..—The steamer George
S. Wright, with Colonel Beckley of the Russian
telegraph expedition, was at norm Bay when
the Palmetto left. Winter was Jest coming
on with the long nights. A little exploration
developed the fact that Knlekenk river to the
same as the Yankeen, navigable for small
steamers to the English Fort Grant. The har
bor selected for the landing of the ea ble Is on
the Amenean elde. It to safe bettor with a
bard bottom. Than is no timber In that region.
The country le rolling but not =lglu The
ffei :d Is thawed to an average depth of ton
Colonel Buckley sounded across Behrlegs
Btralts to Bt. La•reacs Bay. The tioundinici
were favorable al` the way across, the bottom
Wag mad and ground leo. The Illeitdlecotales
of the Bt. Lawrence hay were not favorable fur
laying the cable, being shallow and exposed to
the southeast gales. Michigan Bay was found
fall of lee. The day presented • good bottom
and teemed sellable for laying the cable.
The Asiatic side Is mere mountainous thou
the American, and entirely destitute of timber.
Theground is thawed about thirty inch.,
The I ndians on both aides are. friendly, and
promise to he umlul., The Russians Ito , ! done
every thing possible to further the enterprise.
The steamer wilt Col. Buckley will return to
San Francisco In November.
Professor goal:mind with an enterprishm par
ty of twelve men left at the loot of St. Michael
at the month of the Knlchpeate. A small pro
plellor left with him to explore the Yankeen.
Disaster to the Steamer North afar.
NettrOLZ, Ont. 2.4.—The Norfolk Past this
morning gives the particulars of the disaster to
the steamship Nonh Star, in gale cif Hatteras,
on tie night of the 34th lest. Such woo the
farce of the leak on the morning of the 25th
that the water reached within four Inches of the
Me.. and would have extlecvished them but (or
the r oiler human t n ale of the troops and pas
sengers on board to prevent it. After throwing
much of her cargo overheard the vessel made
one tr....round gallons of water In twelve m n
otes. The ahlp Is now at the wharf here leak
ing to the extent of tvo thousand gallons •
mlnnte, sod It n quirts much energetic effort:
at the pumps to keep her from sinking. The
passengers have pottliatted et resolution drum:inc.
log the owners of the N rtb Star for seeding;
ter to sea in the condition In which they knew
her to be.
Atrocious Murder In Baltimore
BAITIIII. . Oft. horribio murder and
robbt ry were e, mutated today about noon, is
the photographic establiehment of B Grore,
on Baltimore street. adjoining the Son office.
The proptletor was found, about one o'clock,
Ifini pion the elm of as operating room,
dead, with PhOt through the beet of his
hi, head. MI person bad been robbed
of a watch and other ea:cables. Parties In the
adjoining building testify to bearing the report
of a plsfOl about noon. No clue has been oh.
rained of the murderer. The murdered man,
Grove, coma) here ( rota Carlisle, Ps. It is sup
posedistver the w. m.
c our ir ercr i.‘
ts,i;rztuar.hell,b picture. victlm while the
The Pirate Shenandoah
ziss Fnitie . etsco,Oct.:g3.--ity the steamer Amiir
ica from Nicaragua dates from Minalido
to the nth of September are reeeived. The
Ilonalulo Adzsniser publishes a list of ninety
five whalers composing the Arctic feat, nearly
alt American. Thirty-three of these had been
burned or bonded by the Shenandoah. ..a sir
ty-t u o rtmetinell to be hcard.fnm . Tee Feder
srar steamer Saranac sailed from Nonslip ou
the 111.11, owing to the rumor that a lot of coal
tisd'heen lauded at Femtlea for the Shenandoah.
Fenian Invasion of Canada Feared.
'l 4 ,ono;ivo, October 2S.—The Leader to-day
has as article on the expected Fenian invasiba,
and calls on the Government to take the twins
born the rank, lest the Fenian...should get Chops
and establish patrols:ou the frontler., and luau
curate a passport system. A fearful state of
alarm exlsta here. The Jury on the saundent
kidnapping case are still locked"tm. A raid on
thy Canadian banks by the Penlans is expect
ed. We hale four locus of anew =LIAM rail
Prom Cairo—Cotton Shipments—Venerate
Longstreet and flood.
CAIRO, Get. I:9.—Nino hundred and seventy
1,21,,, of cotton panned for Bt. (nth, and fifty
for Evansville.
Ger era's Longstreet and Hood have arrived
from Nov Orleans en mate for Wdshingtdn.
I.oWE—Ot , i Friday morning, October :MA, at
half past It o clock, at tne real epee of bar soe-ln•
law, Richard Parket, No. 69 Srulthaelrf attest,
Alm MART ANN LOWE. wife of John Lowe,
am:eased, la the o9th year of her age.
The funeral will tate.plaoa at I o'clock, r.
oa Ilorroar, the 30th lost.
'CrIVIZOMff-i."1".411. - EVEI •
88 Smithfield Street, near Fifth street
Sir COFFINS of aver" delealpllol2. URSPS.
ALS g_emerally. Ilar FOIE IJIERRS.E.miI
RIAGES fartassd
Wholesale Dealers to
Hats, Caps and Straw goods
Have now fn store the !smut and most somplet
await of
E*.r. otßred la the wire. Pdarebaala are mu tat
to and IMAJSII2I* ma awn, whloh will b e
at very law tato.
The asaesaments upon Om properties Wiwi*
d to pay the damages or W. Sr L. finotatt I ot 2l:?=°l7=llf" _ i l ~. .
-AU the perroa who
have been ,11101031103 gars.,hereby agalikAO liar
trialr asseastesnts Within , thirtr -dere (Mot this
date, or the said' asoeumetat will lmtliel alms
nena-aracentes interes coats.
and feet for W FILM
Iti.EBROL it , BRO:i' -" ••'
• •
Tnstuallriihturana Mitc, • 1!,,
Idaikutacturers at IttereekWatera Manes Tam,
t4FAtentr)Npaa r Ogoao4eiters ,
ca=oult abal man%
:Onto oar*
D, sup
wa ke surmta i rin pr al4-,
Mcgauvito. - 1 .. . --- • • • a
PBEV-'T3 ATIO /lax TB. , ,
ti rutrii - cht. -
4 13 AM n rW e t 01 k g ral "4
/NM' T u4 l.- aii.llol7BEir i ga r eltr a nn. P4-
,040113 and OM 2141 Wad Wader: .fat
-a 4 1" 1 °P 41 :y r . Vail rug= ow &wok. f "'
- Valbuier Tilietial sad o= l 8 413 C
(1 - 13/NUES-10 bbla. cameo Quinces joat
meshed and for asteAr
oA Mal &$I AIR And rust AI
Qtr•rerszorartemPs Vertex, P. S, m r
R 1441 .011.10. . October mr, irA3.
PROPOSALS. for each Class eepar
atm), oil be receli Mat r his ortias wird 2 oPelook
r. R., of the 20th day of NOVRaI6I.II NE.S.f for
fartirldog to the fruited States Marine Corps dor
log the eras 1800. the following mat:hires. to be de
nyred At the oMee of the Aunt sot teuarter mt.
ter Of the Marine Corps, Philadelphia. PAirmyt.
mugs, fore of cepezie to the birdied States, In
Utah qthuititter no may fr. oi time to time be re
OLe55, No.
Mere yards of Sky Shia Kersey, all wont. free
from hair, /34 Mass wide, to welt. 22 ounces to
the yard (indigo wool.dyed )
PAO yenta 0 . Dark Blue Aersey, all wool, free
from hair. II inches wide, to - welt 22 °notes to
tea yard (indigo wool dyed )
Oo yards Dark slue %willed Cloth, all wool,
for matron:a eoats (Indigo woolellyee,) 84 inches
vrlde, to weigh 22 ounces per Yard,
lbn yards of Searlf t Cloth, all wool, (cochineal.
dyed) 04 Lychee wide, to welsh ltiontterm per yard.
('LASS NO. 2.
4,cro g 4.14 of 8 4 Dart Blue Flannel, for over
aecka all woo/. nulled wooklyed.)l/4 lathes
to welsh 11 Gone, per yard.
18.008 pore. 01 Dark Bine Flannel, for shirts.
411 oroot, (Indigo l000l.414441.) .7 lathes 4414 e, to
weigh PA ounces 'tee yard.
1,210 Limy filanketa, all wool, to weigh 4 pounds
mutt, to he 7 Get long nod 5 fret wad., and free
loose ;realm
',WO pelmet Woolen Soaks, three sizes. ProPn Iy
mode of ffood fleece wool, 010 double and twice
yarn, tolgrergh three pounds per doran perm. free
from pease,
7,000 geld. White Linen tor pouts, Inches
ave. to welsh is wane • perverd.
10,000 yams White Linen for shirts, Ed loch.
wide, to weigh 11 ounce! per pad.
17.40 rods Canton Flannel. for drawers, s 7
inches wide, to weigh 7 Guam peryord
6,000 olds Cotton Tight • for buisscha. N.J. 4.
11,0•0 Uniform Caps complete, (except pool,
pops )
Printrelne, red worsted, ball-elispo, and five
incem in p, c~mhreucr.
4,000 Fatigue Caps with covens, t> h. made of
blue cloth, (indigo wool-dyed.
1,4 A Steens.
500 gross Cost (Swum., (141ril•1
.:50 gross Jacket deacons, (1-tile,
75 cr., Vest Buttons, (E,ete .
Le , * Wthl Yellow 4, tat ureseents and Stale
05 se", Epaulet B.all'.on tar ,serreants end
Cot poreu.
1,000 a•t, Epaulet Bullion for pries...
50 fieddarouted Sashes.
6, • • Yellow limdlr.g.
2.009 yards 'led.
50 Swords S. • .
40 rewords for rn.. 1? , ..eaa,„.„, ‘ „
'l5 Drums (tenor) complete.
20 Brum S togs.
Batter Dram Beads
00 Snare Drum Heads.
159 Drum Cords.
tru setts at Drum Snares.
7 Boxwood'
Ou parrs Mum becks.
&SS Nn. e.
8 . 000 Army Boots, (Infantry pattern
SCO ttartridge B•ses watt Diseselnes.
1,00 Bayonet Seaboards with frogs ar....uned.
900 ['seclusion Cap Pouches.,
coo Uartrlds* Bea Belts
IVO Waist Belts.
200 Waist Plate..
Sword Fenn.
CL [SS NU. t.
1,160 Knapsacks.
1130 Haverese[s.
263 Canteens.
Soo aSsulret 5115 g.
For making and trimming tar following articles,
Watch Coat..
VrtPorm Coats for sergeAfall, corporal.,
ka tgLe Costs for serg.ants, sorporals, mug!.
clans Nand privates.
Woolen Pawl, rot Bergeants, csrpors'.,
cl.n. and privatva.
Litt. Pact. for seat ant.. maalcian•
and private...
Flannel Shall
Linen Shorts.
1. I aunt I Sack..
Red and Bine Jackets for boyy.
The abets wentlersed artwles must conform. In
all reepre'• to the sealed standard patterns In t-e
office if the Quartermaster, Marina carps, Ma
rine Barracks, Crasuiten, Is. tit Amtstant
Quartermaster's lattice..dne Corps 224 South
Fourth street, Persii:phlat nod at the Marine
Statione, Brooklyn. New York, Buxton, and Mas
sachusetts where they es a be exami ned,
Ai II Istienerser the art clew named above, or toy
portion of them, sash Oa considered as oot fall,
eonformtcg to samples, they will be rejected, and
the eontractor will be boned to torniari otaers of
the ietitibrd Ig Ind at vacs, or tne 4usetermsster
will ill the detimency as Lhr expense 01 the eon
Pal meats will l e made upon the accepted de
livery of the whole quantity watch may irons than
to tbre bet rabid, withholding inn per anal. Item
,psysouit. of Imam:int rendered Under And order
11l seco..l order to filled, and ten per ee• I. from
account rendered natter second order until third
order is tiled, and 50 on until °di:areal. is ssnple-
Ear' , propotal %het be accom?ented by the fol.
) o .the suarsutce:
The utztlersigned —, of —, to. he State of
—, and --, of --, in the Stato of --,
hereby guarantee, that In cue the foregoing old of
—for aupplte• as *bore "scribed be angepted,
be or they wl.ll, within ten dots after the receipt
of the contract at the poet effiee name], execute
tha cor.'rael Int the ],me, with good and euftleleat
t i = u nirln o l i od o 'L e t a a h n e i t n r d ic ul r e. aa th e!o he re to t i ald, w d
... — ted ia s n ti , h ara: i n t r a l li tu t ti
—laid and that which may be accepted.
Witten: A. 8., actatintor.
E. 1. ••• O. Ii r Ciimrsocor.
I hereby certhy that the abo i defiled are
known to me es into of property, and are able to
Make good their guarantee.- G. 11.
To be signed by the-rni•ed States District Judge
United States 1 Istrict Attorney or (Jollestor.
No proposals will he ebo•eered unless secant.
panted by the above guarantee.
Newspapers ante 0r1.4.1 to publish the abort,
will tend IL* paper containing the drat Lasertion
to tine odic., for exemlnation.
The tuddet's place b.f.., or =Lauf ae:ur.
leg establtahment, must be •pesldnjiy rate,lll
Pinpoints to be endoreed on the eareforly l'Pre•
[nets toe Supplies sue the rilarine (haps for 15Ac"
od addbreseo to
Littartermuser ALL , "
NS - strange°. D. O.
Quart rextrafeett's Orrice,
tr. t.. Itiasuat nOMPR,
D 4
V. 11136 1 ,011 17in vctober
reeci , 16St.
SEALE`Iif.PONALS will be vAI e this
office ut.t“ 2 o'clock, P. X'., of the 224 day of No.
temper neat, for furnishing Rations to the Mattel
States Marines, at ttie following stations tor the
year Ulm . 1.12: - - -..
Portsmouth, New Ilampshtre.
Charlestown, blanschirsetts.
Brooklyn. New York.
Pirladalphta. Penney,lva.,
Washington City, District oft loiunois,
Gosport, near Norfolk, Virgins.
Wound City, II tools.
Each ration to °cube of three-fourths of • pound
of yore' or bacon. or ono-and.a.fourth ;lonia of
(reap or salt beef: eighteen ounces of bread or flour,
or twelve 0.16116 of hard bread, or orte-oal.a
fourth pound of corn meal; and at the rate to one
bt cad;ed nv toot of tight quart. of bee., or in
lieu thereof ten pounds of riot, or In lieu tneroor
twice per week one hundred not shy ounces of
dqFurcattd poetic,ns sod one hundred ounces of
mixed vegetables; ten pounds of tithe. or to lieu
. he; eel one.and.a. pound of tea; fifteen pounds of
sugar, four quota of vluarax; one pound of sperm
cm dies, or I or-Landow -fourth pound of adsatart
. tine candles, or one•and.nhalf pound of tallow;
Jour pnunts of soap, and two Tuns of salt.
The cations to be delivered unmet he order of the
commanding ofn.or of cult stating:lithe fresh beef,
tither In hulk or by the slog!' ratio., of gpod
quality, with outlast te-rtlon an. for* CV' nine/
fallarLGTE, necks and kidney tallow aseltided: the
pork, No.l prime mess porn; the flour aura in.
per tine; the coffee, mood file; the sugar, gmed ROW
Orleans of Its equivalent: and th brans. whop?,
candles, soap, milt, etc., to be of gochl quail;
All subject to inspection.
All Ines must be accompanied by the foilowlag
The undersigned, Of In the Stapp
of and in we State of
hereby guarantee that In ease the (anodes Old of
for rations, as above deuribelL be accepted,
he or they will, within tea days after Ute recerpt
of the coatsct at the poet vine" named. execute
the contrast for the same, with good and aunt leen
securities; and in cue the mild shall fell to
enter Into contact a aforesaid, we guarantee to
nikice. good el e difference between the offer of the
said and that which may be lecapted.
Wien u. A. IL ; tinarantOr.-
E F. • O. D, Gnarantor,
I hereby cutify that the above named --ore
known to me. men of property,tand able to mate
good theft guaranty.
To so maned by the Tinned Etat. District.
Judie, United Slates District attorney, or (10.1.
No proposal will be considered unless socrist
pante d by the Above guaranty. '-
Newspapers authorized to pu'llish the above
Will and the paths containing the first inseattos
to thlibles foe animism. , too.
Prooondi to b. enuorsed uProyostlie for .llStbenti
fit ISCAtt and addressed to the'understened.
• W. U. SLAVS. "
• otaltlawdder Mitjar end C24srterwestes.
t,ooo IFresb Tobt6 Dotter
Ito boxes Prime Ore= Cheese 1
buTel itelh - EW t
6o A. Sweat rotators;
ao.,^ Ex4a Familv flour
- Moira Fipples.
For sale by
Rcit.43 l llb ß e i rtYs%C.
antsullwras:.. - r •
nex t• ttuiPanager reiIkILIES rat . .
nLOed f it toe abatestastice. - • , •' oftbatf
EBlaxeP -I,:ccqes
reetivel per -
PIA eieePtetuirtortcann,.. , ..e 4 , „,
Cupts~aeaa.4 ..
73x4ran mut for,alipi I
J~F j 1 •ILERRONWCO47' • •" '
Ni*CO•l7o ildraarixateiceuxoris
°Moo and Salto Boltala,'
NO. iN =Do= 91711:ET
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
ILltt largest •rusOrtment of
Boors dern smos.
, x!
Best Quality, Superior Finish 43 Une.
qualed in Style, are not
HALF ]P.11,10.E,
Concert Hall Shoe More
Co Early and Secure a Rattan.
Children' Shoes only 10 cents.
Womens' Calf Shoes only 75_ cents,
e •
04. F. lIA.LL
No. 63 FIFTH FirliEEr.
uvEscroATs-or ALL sun*.
SMITH & 06.,
17ppatItt the Opt
Tou Emile a Present with Each
TA Wawa.
B . N SCEANIA ooksimatl
6,Rao:cr .E.. tau sunkuircii ma an
diderant styles ofEltiltatits used by CUM Mazur.
fictuors. Cowen PloriPnYVat , .-
No. 139 Sicoan rrITS3II2 PA.
oe:tyd !-
no. SOlt LtNrrt,r street. :•N
oadayd A4I.C.N. areECEE* CO-
S PE2W.EIt it ATFai. , --- !4 ,---- -.
.- AIR
Phinetz Steam Brewer*
Pittsburgh White Lead
BLUE LEAD GROUDO Eri OXL rya iktfrzy;
• ING 4 11 4
lee 'NO3C croon_ 'Trim
118. srIiICKL6.I4D'S4P,MII REugy We
card thouttats of the rotas arras of BLitt
Bteet)gf'Yita'. =II stxcalamedisurrallst , saMV
feats persuourot ante .Art a it atztgatzl ia
rtnitateato cure. str.pstlrOtrig' , '
; E.IHELLta3 *,' 004:
,Csr ,
DENlF t mhzittpr...R943:"i' , ;l6.ll/1: -.1
;FISIZZ I • S23 --- Bum . T bet;riwzinstra-:* 1-ir'1.2 -;- -3:)-
-• - 7111sarsar
Revillii7cMclads 14* , •
; .4:1 .4:
. aid Oran 11412,61 try !tape
at Marla aressurzilWock, `i
klit • .
Gelling at about
mut su styles et
. • „ 4
~ c miurveri*
t' o
• iraz;-,-,