fffol:l4fkii TN 1786. -(3wl - son-aL m O g , cra.AAIRgAL,coWSE • :-NATIONAL TELEGRAPH. INSTITUTE. Sismaril. CSx l7s ,A:ZlLitTlMsteipels. Argt.r. Costley,- • - Firit.egtielnajnketrkercremi st. serxra,„ Iligapeliours , Papaw: Oh St, TISICIILS . A - St. Liafr:ast.: 702 4 .,rfarAtmr. surritap Ckrr. .1856: M. F. roullttutaktiots; Columbia' Co., NNW oy Plttsbnet NZ$, • It. Welters; PalletTlasbar, Calabria Co., 357.; 8. - Tdolgimaiss; ITlOeteatei; Actim,. C , . o.Swartz,wooder, wayas 0a;Cblo. Weayex, AuV il ny•etti,.Fts..., • ~ M. Ciamitort Paget 14Franlatti Co. Pa. Et, Pugh, ettaaordaad F , MM. CrlssiParbi fr iVas bunt: l Z eirg: • IL Graham, ads, addristola 1.. H. Walter, Oattleuzd tan . O. J. Ilaglaatt, ISlalta,llorgaa:Co:PObia. , • A. L. Sbetwooti,racCounailsville. - Moma 47,0., O. I...Eatta' Woo :Wield; llonraucu4 --rosehivEtuir Liberty. rt e j 11. uocheste4l3eave Fortermsaad iMmzution ousttning the Sege, aeststa-- , -,7sTings, SKITB4I. OOWLST, a ..'10•...r .... ••• a Pittsburgh, Pa. 1.1:; YZ:Blfes Bell,e.t Coes Dpipepsht Cure The only remedy ever dhormorltyst will surely and permanently ewe ayipepsls, Sndlgestlon, lick lesdaelur, sad enable dyspeptic' to eat hearty road Without lean of dinner. Stile neat torPhts. bureri: ,Icserph rhordap, No. OS nuke. street. It -you are 'matting from ilysi.irebr dealt a trial, end be eonetnerd. Mike t low pliers, al Ilfth street _F . :l4!eti _ Yean Ago ler Hostetter's,,Stomsch. t s IsErasellng Into notice see Lint the prejudices ;which every thing new, hewer excellent, V deemed to encounter ?cede? It srende"nt:the.ties4 . - iirellabti tonic and alterative preparstfons in estitonae." Its celebtl- . , Ay Imp evoked many Imitations but no rivals. IThYstfal,tia pl•Cmptinceit the only safe stbnolent that hnitevembyttuttithiluced into '..the sick chin her: In the hospitals of the Army and Navy, the curycons find it the very best' tonic for convales ante, and Media iti invaltlable' for sustaining cjwyjyor of trOops otitis Maid . ), ii i remedy for , 3‘ ..„ yru iaa i al merbutte atlbettons, and 111 the only ~,,,dfic fa; aa i i c k u ,;:• catitotnts sed hours• lie haye viephatkally tidetlea it is the - ;iia;,:': ;Ecdicias per raelence, and In Spanish America tend - all-the trerptcal climates, It Is considered the only rehable antidote to epidemic fevers. There lion mysteti about thitcatten of its sun- Gem. It Is the only stomachis and nitozative to which are combined the grand retindeites of a mild, Ipuro.. awl ,unviUated Iwtsplea t ltlauß .wi th the 6nitielectiOn oftonic intt•tillonstantlicor. • bone, aperient, ax di &putative herbs, pburta • root. and basks that have ever been intermixed to Zetald2ll4l tqfpitrgiOn . ; The Bitten have this dlattnctive quality, which • Is not shined, It is beileved, by any tont; tincture OT esttaCt is . 14e:dorld; they. do net ezeite the pulse, though they blow sr wonderful, degree of -vigor, Into then ‘ srrocar syytees!und strangtlred and Annaba tge.w.tuair.ibrimiciart.-. It le elso=tcitsts Oat the Entters s sold &tittle fasii:eatter iiny •cumetaneesli or.:Lhe Leper ter. ertit,telltsters are abreedierr t the.,o f ey safe. cetera tlielrablle - hei . iguana" themols iee thit ' the Mtten heii!the.engrimed few and note .of 'Ol hlttste. , ltaiittthir,St Are.lth, and Uiesgovernittint i*Orei the . epilt of the _bottle. Bates dc . Bell: Bates di Bal. . . Fall Ina . Wlntei - • i.tk-q4kcEpei ta with-great &Warn menet] the attention of 0 at readeis to the superb stoat nf F?&11 and Winter, • eitsidsivat reeetivalbylifr.loiln Water Merchant 12$ Federal street, diflntheny. Rio •,..stocktallowy, anew of the rarest and mast bean. tlfalgluths,Ciaitehneres,overcostingsararreittne . • ever brought to` the effete= &market. flit smart, • meat of Farntshinr. g - oats, COMPLiang shirts, , Drawers: Clcilliari - Iliek•ttes,'llaaakaralatra, &a, , -eanaot.teayr plapad cart or wart. Aura stank • af teadpiaada Pants, Coats Wits sad Overcoat • -.- also be * cad iit - ttfe ostahllshimerit. Persona . . ; want of anit.fitng lO.the clothing Unit should not • i all to give a.e. +refer a call. ' . . • Sfax i'ol.allvartetieo. hi Fifth stied. Oysters i Oysters t Oysters TDa undgretstukt hart: eannanf.ly on hand and j...are daily ,irecediring.lnattilearedda Baltimore Oyer 4 ters, in cans, trinkets and abaft. Wag, Game, Fin - 1 sad Canna triads, which we are prepared to fap z .mtatrisystepted at reasonable lain. Ordereiollor lied and promptly Aged. Brcs WEtiaarctitua hgentii tortr. 'Enron & Co.,i No. 21 St. Clolr .street or Dosmond Market., or .% rrd ,4 Bates di Ite!Pe. Dry oi:tar, sl'£lfhatree•. Mama. W. Parry a; Co., Memel State,Pdgerfr Ind Delderelallattericea Slate, cOtartoas , solom. j Mdse it Alsitandet Water Wor k., littabtvgla, PC Ilesldeate!, No. 75 Pike .ueet. Orden ,promptlyetteneed to . All work maim:Med watti aFief:-;tiaitHithie4oas at the aborteo notice. No • t aerie r provided the: root 1.5 110 i dewed atter lila Dot an. File nip be nigher. arpenter. Jobbing Sflop. Easing returied after on absence id' three year. rf the syssyslfisiopened my shop for alliorts ofjobbtog ln , Mel:Avesta tine, st the old etaud, •?;Vtrgln Allcy,betwween Sauthtleld Urea sod Cherry Alley. Orders sattefted Sadpromptly sttesded to. orssusse Posture?. Bates & Bell ,For silk goods. , - • : Super's • Ith cc ycaif c Mei ei lOC chipped heeds. 6tStsper'. :11b-ng carver of Cenn and S. Glair street. octikltd • •Street Is the place her *tithe: • Tato berlllghti , Tiumpet tame bar breathed a new worel,: . Sono,loot, and she tiL tasking It respond through as cirtused llt la the Greek Inn teeth preserver, tint In plain !English Fragrant Borolont, le the moat elheettve ideatifileetbst chemistry has ever . yet extracted Ilium the ()Amite resitablikinidoca. Silks, Silks, Silks, Silks -Mourning Mike. lSeveral pieces . , splendid quality at . popular pet. ees. -TWO froni'ofte of the lame New 'Yarn atletione; and sell' heeold at's 'bantam gemern• ,:her. they ate on'the eorneecif ourtiCand Starke tetretts. et...f4r they DJ h. made of blue cloth, (indigo wool-dyed. 1,4 A Steens. CLASS Pin. 500 gross Cost (Swum., (141ril•1 .:50 gross Jacket deacons, (1-tile, 75 cr., Vest Buttons, (E,ete . Le , * Wthl Yellow 4, tat ureseents and Stale Straps. 05 se", Epaulet B.all'.on tar ,serreants end Cot poreu. 1,000 a•t, Epaulet Bullion for pries... 50 fieddarouted Sashes. 6, • • Yellow limdlr.g. 2.009 yards 'led. 50 Swords S. • . 40 rewords for rn.. 1? , ..eaa,„.„, ‘ „ 'l5 Drums (tenor) complete. 20 Brum S togs. Batter Dram Beads 00 Snare Drum Heads. 159 Drum Cords. tru setts at Drum Snares. 7 Boxwood' Ou parrs Mum becks. &SS Nn. e. 8 . 000 Army Boots, (Infantry pattern CLASS IVO. 0. SCO ttartridge B•ses watt Diseselnes. 1,00 Bayonet Seaboards with frogs ar....uned. 900 ['seclusion Cap Pouches., coo Uartrlds* Bea Belts IVO Waist Belts. 200 Waist Plate.. Sword Fenn. CL [SS NU. t. 1,160 Knapsacks. 1130 Haverese[s. 263 Canteens. Soo aSsulret 5115 g. ULASS NI) 11 For making and trimming tar following articles, viz: Watch Coat.. VrtPorm Coats for sergeAfall, corporal., Mt*. ka tgLe Costs for serg.ants, sorporals, mug!. clans Nand privates. Woolen Pawl, rot Bergeants, csrpors'., musl cl.n. and privatva. Litt. Pact. for seat ant.. maalcian• and private... Flannel Shall Linen Shorts. Drawer.. 1. I aunt I Sack.. Red and Bine Jackets for boyy. The abets wentlersed artwles must conform. In all reepre'• to the sealed standard patterns In t-e office if the Quartermaster, Marina carps, Ma rine Barracks, Crasuiten, Is. tit Amtstant Quartermaster's lattice..dne Corps 224 South Fourth street, Persii:phlat nod at the Marine Statione, Brooklyn. New York, Buxton, and Mas sachusetts where they es a be exami ned, Ai II Istienerser the art clew named above, or toy portion of them, sash Oa considered as oot fall, eonformtcg to samples, they will be rejected, and the eontractor will be boned to torniari otaers of the ietitibrd Ig Ind at vacs, or tne 4usetermsster will ill the detimency as Lhr expense 01 the eon trams,. Pal meats will l e made upon the accepted de livery of the whole quantity watch may irons than to tbre bet rabid, withholding inn per anal. Item the ,psysouit. of Imam:int rendered Under And order 11l seco..l order to filled, and ten per ee• I. from account rendered natter second order until third order is tiled, and 50 on until °di:areal. is ssnple- Ear' , propotal %het be accom?ented by the fol. ) o .the suarsutce: OEM OF GUARANI LE. The utztlersigned —, of —, to. he State of —, and --, of --, in the Stato of --, hereby guarantee, that In cue the foregoing old of —for aupplte• as *bore "scribed be angepted, be or they wl.ll, within ten dots after the receipt of the contract at the poet effiee name], execute tha cor.'rael Int the ],me, with good and euftleleat t i = u nirln o l i od o 'L e t a a h n e i t n r d ic ul r e. aa th e!o he re to t i ald, w d ... — ted ia s n ti , h ara: i n t r a l li tu t ti —laid and that which may be accepted. Witten: A. 8., actatintor. E. 1. ••• O. Ii r Ciimrsocor. I hereby certhy that the abo i defiled are known to me es into of property, and are able to Make good their guarantee.- G. 11. To be signed by the-rni•ed States District Judge United States 1 Istrict Attorney or (Jollestor. No proposals will he ebo•eered unless secant. panted by the above guarantee. Newspapers ante 0r1.4.1 to publish the abort, will tend IL* paper containing the drat Lasertion to tine odic., for exemlnation. The tuddet's place b.f.., or =Lauf ae:ur. leg establtahment, must be •pesldnjiy rate,lll iAspirpueels. Pinpoints to be endoreed on the eareforly l'Pre• [nets toe Supplies sue the rilarine (haps for 15Ac" od addbreseo to Ot&JOE ITAI. B. SLAOL, Littartermuser ALL , " NS - strange°. D. O. PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS. CE11111321 Quart rextrafeett's Orrice, tr. t.. Itiasuat nOMPR, D 4 V. 11136 1 ,011 17in vctober reeci , 16St. SEALE`Iif.PONALS will be vAI e this office ut.t“ 2 o'clock, P. X'., of the 224 day of No. temper neat, for furnishing Rations to the Mattel States Marines, at ttie following stations tor the year Ulm . 1.12: - - -.. Portsmouth, New Ilampshtre. Charlestown, blanschirsetts. Brooklyn. New York. Pirladalphta. Penney,lva., Washington City, District oft loiunois, Gosport, near Norfolk, Virgins. Wound City, II tools. Each ration to °cube of three-fourths of • pound of yore' or bacon. or ono-and.a.fourth ;lonia of (reap or salt beef: eighteen ounces of bread or flour, or twelve 0.16116 of hard bread, or orte-oal.a fourth pound of corn meal; and at the rate to one bt cad;ed nv toot of tight quart. of bee., or in lieu thereof ten pounds of riot, or In lieu tneroor twice per week one hundred not shy ounces of dqFurcattd poetic,ns sod one hundred ounces of mixed vegetables; ten pounds of tithe. or to lieu . he; eel one.and.a. pound of tea; fifteen pounds of sugar, four quota of vluarax; one pound of sperm cm dies, or I or-Landow -fourth pound of adsatart . tine candles, or one•and.nhalf pound of tallow; Jour pnunts of soap, and two Tuns of salt. The cations to be delivered unmet he order of the commanding ofn.or of cult stating:lithe fresh beef, tither In hulk or by the slog!' ratio., of gpod quality, with outlast te-rtlon an. for* CV' nine/ fallarLGTE, necks and kidney tallow aseltided: the pork, No.l prime mess porn; the flour aura in. per tine; the coffee, mood file; the sugar, gmed ROW Orleans of Its equivalent: and th brans. whop?, candles, soap, milt, etc., to be of gochl quail; All subject to inspection. All Ines must be accompanied by the foilowlag guaranty: The undersigned, Of In the Stapp of and in we State of hereby guarantee that In ease the (anodes Old of for rations, as above deuribelL be accepted, he or they will, within tea days after Ute recerpt of the coatsct at the poet vine" named. execute the contrast for the same, with good and aunt leen securities; and in cue the mild shall fell to enter Into contact a aforesaid, we guarantee to nikice. good el e difference between the offer of the said and that which may be lecapted. Wien u. A. IL ; tinarantOr.- E F. • O. D, Gnarantor, 166-- I hereby cutify that the above named --ore known to me. men of property,tand able to mate good theft guaranty. To so maned by the Tinned Etat. District. Judie, United Slates District attorney, or (10.1. letter. No proposal will be considered unless socrist pante d by the Above guaranty. '- Newspapers authorized to pu'llish the above Will and the paths containing the first inseattos to thlibles foe animism. , too. Prooondi to b. enuorsed uProyostlie for .llStbenti fit ISCAtt and addressed to the'understened. • W. U. SLAVS. " • otaltlawdder Mitjar end C24srterwestes. PRODUCE NOW lISCLEIV/Isla t,ooo IFresb Tobt6 Dotter Ito boxes Prime Ore= Cheese 1 buTel itelh - EW t 6o A. Sweat rotators; ao.,^ Ex4a Familv flour - Moira Fipples. For sale by .660 Rcit.43 l llb ß e i rtYs%C. RENO 'IF ItOPEWS, ' , coAL , ANS 00E4`DEAIEES.' antsullwras:.. - r • .z• nex t• ttuiPanager reiIkILIES rat . . nLOed f it toe abatestastice. - • , •' oftbatf EBlaxeP -I,:ccqes Icep:vms. reetivel per - PIA eieePtetuirtortcann,.. , ..e 4 , „, Cupts~aeaa.4 .. 73x4ran mut for,alipi I 'IOD J~F j 1 •ILERRONWCO47' • •" ' Ni*CO•l7o ildraarixateiceuxoris • AND IRON FOUNDERS, - °Moo and Salto Boltala,' NO. iN =Do= 91711:ET VOLUME LXIVIII---N0412, NEW ADVERTISEIMMMM. NSW NOVELTIE.9, NEW ATTRACTIoNB GREAT B ARGAINS BOOTS & SHOES .I Concert Hall Shoe Store. ILltt largest •rusOrtment of Boors dern smos. , x! Best Quality, Superior Finish 43 Une. qualed in Style, are not HALF ]P.11,10.E, Concert Hall Shoe More Co Early and Secure a Rattan. Children' Shoes only 10 cents. Womens' Calf Shoes only 75_ cents, e • No. 60 FIFTH STREET oe2/1 04. F. lIA.LL CLOTHING HOUSE, :.;1 No. 63 FIFTH FirliEEr. PLC E CLOTH COATS. fl EffOLLSR WatLIIINti uvEscroATs-or ALL sun*. FLND BLACK PANTS. iq 11 EGA SDLIF33 OF COS FOB THE REST to DAYS:: :1 SMITH & 06., OLOTHIZAS, OAK HALL, a rark sr; • 17ppatItt the Opt =juka LOOK TO 701J11 INTEKEST. THE HEILSoN WELT YOU SHOPET) +.-,, PURCILASE ALL OM AND +MAINS 74 FIFTH STREET. Tou Emile a Present with Each BOOT• ORALBIU:11, WHICH IS SOLD la THE PUBDII.Ea§ ra/CEb. TA Wawa. COLLDIS WBIGHT. BlthEatiVsiriEraffilitlant% B . N SCEANIA ooksimatl 6,Rao:cr .E.. tau sunkuircii ma an diderant styles ofEltiltatits used by CUM Mazur. fictuors. Cowen PloriPnYVat , .- No. 139 Sicoan rrITS3II2 PA. oe:tyd !- COWLING STOVES, P.A.111.011 *RD EtEA.TTIVG STOOS, CtEAMS. FRONTS. ; , q FEND ERSraka. all Mai oIIIOLLIDsy MULE OMIIING no. SOlt LtNrrt,r street. :•N oadayd A4I.C.N. areECEE* CO- S PE2W.EIt it ATFai. , --- !4 ,---- -. 6 PALE, CUAN AND A!nazi • .- AIR .. Phinetz Steam Brewer* SORPONISA.SER. Pittsburgh White Lead PERE WM= LEAD. h BLUE LEAD GROUDO Eri OXL rya iktfrzy; • ING 4 11 4 lee 'NO3C croon_ 'Trim 118. srIiICKL6.I4D'S4P,MII REugy We card thouttats of the rotas arras of BLitt Bteet)gf'Yita'. =II stxcalamedisurrallst , saMV feats persuourot ante .Art a it atztgatzl ia rtnitateato cure. Forlalaa7alllhauti.rs str.pstlrOtrig' , ' ' ; E.IHELLta3 *,' 004: '" ,Csr , *Mira DENlF t mhzittpr...R943:"i' , ;l6.ll/1: -.1 ;FISIZZ I • S23 --- Bum . T bet;riwzinstra-:* 1-ir'1.2 -;- -3:)- -• - 7111sarsar :Brtiztrtatterwat,Wll3llTil.lorta ,POcm RTABaLE = Revillii7cMclads 14* , • ; .4:1 .4: . aid Oran 11412,61 try !tape at Marla aressurzilWock, `i klit • . OEM Gelling at about OIL DRESSED ==! 123=1 PEG TOP PILNII mut su styles et CLOTIIING. . . . • „ 4 ~ c miurveri* t' o • iraz;-,-,