eitiologh 45u0. naniOADO, ZIILY 27, 1863. lakison. Wow=ft co., X•olsreiltrth Pllttaburglt. an vir . ninived In Pea PUNDS and crun- Zosigtma fad u ttalttli ... pirtsof ids Malted States. U. S. perrS3l 4 , Bmdati 11. S. do. 60t 40.; 11,S. I per mit. 1610 do.; bradrarsU. S. a ow pat.Oartilleates tai 42.1"6._tlYulaVe 210tH.. Thry also LI I SW SELL ON COMMISSION at lits.,Seir Moak. ,Phlladelphia. and Pittsburgh Saud*, all' Ithids.cd Ooverumeat Socstrittes, Web. Woods. Gold &a. Si. lati fLIANCLit iND CORDERCUL 61.01EBRIP AND BAIIEBW BOARD. W 01112311111 MT 111:111sucul. arczaas & WalM2Dur, July ZS, 1/366.11 oats. Ai/d t. s. Five 2 . 400ttet............ KG 00 Gold .......... ... ... 10 00 10 in lAl u tikljoano Pine. —n co 51.... 70 03 Ehnen. Go 0 00 Allegheny n hlautcheeter P. B. W ao 00 .—. I.ll7llens Beall:J.4. —.- GO 00 Iron 1:11..y Sank —__ 0 go Mar.& +lnes ten Nan.....—....... 61 0 0 03 ,-- peop "" ln Plu' Retterniii— 100 to Third National .._... —124 10 Ull 00 • Ase. a 60 Ooiniabls g 7 00 Marry Rao as Cherry Rao ea id I 00 Osidrel Basin Ne.ehanie ..... an t-, 01 1p B Ds a u s y lo tRterty 011tlreek Cherry Run-- • - . dabs Tetley .- Pittebureditlfew York-. nlpodj Lobito Mingo Goal l. Tionousettela Pioneer_. • Pittebersk Gratraltrater Wiimliigton Oil t _ I ad -Bratodysloe k Philadelphia . aOO ' Gold opened at tU to New York today, but fall offs fraetien Dater la the day, being booted to the ass:noon et lu. Govodimeata subedit higher and au= active.. There VIII co 1210•6111e9t in say of our local Nooks tar.day that we could hear of, and, con sequently, wa base no oparation• to report, with the eseeiption of a small sale of coupon ai rat There le some tap, ry for Bank shares, but buyers ,1141.111411ia1l are considerably sport to their views. losiarsoce and Railroad Woks are apparently oe. sleeted. Petroleum stocks painfully quiet. Collorlle fa about the only stock of thia character that in In mitred fai r but the extreme views of holders has a tendency to retard open/Berm. It was offered at - boild at. XL while on thee:mat It was hell at from Seto 40- Weimar It staled that the tail report, tress the Comparryts well. gives the daily average prednetion at elf/barrel. per day, which Is consid erably Loper than the one previous. ~Thera winsome Inquiry for Central ilssin and -Cherry Bun & Pit.holebut the figures offered ware sentelderably below the views of holden, nod, so far as we could learn; thorn were no miles. Cherry Ran - Central is offering at very low figure" with out llindirm; buyers. . —The New York World of Tuesday say, there is • an effort making in that eltyto run down Ile price of both Voted States and Pit-bole Creek Petro leum stocks, but ills done merely to unable toe tale parties to buy at low figure —Altered notes, Sees from We, on the National Beak of lowa City Imes been exteozively drew fated in Philadelphia fie there same altered notes „VII doubtless find their way went, our people shook' be on the look sat for them. —The bank committee of thirteen, which some weeks sines met to slept • plan for the par re demption of cow:Um national bank notes In New York, Boston,. and Philadelphia, but adjourned without coming to any agreement, have, It is re verted, at length arrived at an understanding upon the subject. The banks of the cities mentioned will, It la said, make their daily settlements as hitherto through their respfttive elearlaphousee paying thebalanme against them 1n Meat tender mote., but they will liclude In their ref urns the now of the country broke. Thew lass will be redeemable at rock of the three financial centres, molding to the section of the country to which they belong. Thus, the notes of the country banks of New England will be redeemable at Boston, thou of th e Western and Central States at New York, add those of Penasylyante end the South at phdadelohla, according to tie 'pealed arrange. mint. But the consent of all the country bank. kin net yet been obtained, and some of these wit/ doubtless refuse thelr assent to it, for it involves • the nemeility of each of the country banks enjoy. Leg the privdeee of a central place of tedrunptlos, having a balance to It. malt at that point. against — *loch their bills will be charged alter the manner of ordinary checks. Not a for of the small banks will probably think It preferable to allow their notes to be at a f ilcount at the financial centres So being requited to keep a balm:lee to their credit al New York, Boston, Mill Phillilielphia, which would ha MI eat useless to them 1n general tom- MaaN Trott - day. Mestm..Eerr, Whits h Co,commisakk morettinis, sold ZrOd lbs of wool, the fleece of ohs Doak, at beeper Ih. Armors S. 7 !troy & Co., ware the purchasers. Lest ,year the fleece of the same nook woe 5016, at X 1,16 per lb. The dlEsratum Se price, hocrevat, friths tiro crops la probably about steins Med la the deolloe In wo o l rum D rat gold woo. 11. t year , a lOW 'Shia Iran ned 02 the twat of the late &tabard Genuy, Eaq. by has sous, who have chute of the very luge and catenalva farm Of dully/Ma rather. The ILL Gilead (01ctrrow aourrty) Sant/nal lays : Tbprice ofraded for woo) to this market rartra 6 tottle P.O ptiand. Not much Is comf to y at t o rate. Th. 0141110ZZ of wool ync an sod wool :wand° not "OP. to SEM tbia Slate. e notion that a lot of wool buyers for asalarn firm /att trbto the other day to groat ladlgordwn becalms they could not buy wool on the7r own LAMM • The Bricker:: state, ffed•Llabot• says: Notwithatandleg the lateness of the season, the market for wool. la this place, Ma not yet opened. Tba news of the wool nilMirs mad wool drawn are wide apart, the former leaking moventpllve mom per pound far their wipe, and the latter ahem/ rho= 111 , y -11m to stay tents. Coder times air eullittenMs then la but Mitre thanes of the wool elthoging hands, and tie fanners are ilea enough to b,,d it over fer a better reerket. Whether or no this would be good policy on that pert le doweled, though a number of agrlsulteual papers mayhem the opinion that the market ought to of-- ford seventy .dye mints per pound for good wool. if 0211. be she ease the wool of this county, whist will probably average lie good se that of soy other ohniity in the State, ought to ecioanand that swim [hem the Detroit Tribune.) Wa lettn, th er. at all the paints on the Central Mad the pies has adnaced fully no wleftto the put day or. 680 bens now readily paid for goal lota. Iramarket has become, somewhat ex alted. the Elppufacturers baying hooomedealowrof sub other,;ialring pobably to come of them bev ies violsted'eke terms of the compact, with regard to prima. Thera!, a good ellsparWn on the part of farmers to cell, but the pressure affirm work Winks operallons, although the market Ls Lomat. rig point of aetlvltyler. the rariCMll points on the Mild, no change has taken plsee. king still toonalsed as the outside figure. Philadelphia Cottle ltarket, July 24. The movement at the Cattle yards dating the put week has beta of en extremely Undtal char. seta?, trot pities have beet 'toady, sad metals' are awning (award slowly. Hams are bolding glls the hap, of str b p . p i rg rrt tat i ns m islie l irs,e at bower iMite li f b ot IVlttoo. ttille:fotostlrlartd Bold 16;0 for prime. The Cattle offered for sale re presented Peonsileauia, Ohio *DV) R ece ipts cows sad calves ars =hanged. Receipts roach 'tea head, and are selling within the range of pre vious eeetatlatie , • sheep ere auntie et soother advenea resebed 60e0 head, with wea 0 0 0 . S. Per Mut, gross, es to condition. Hogs—et Henri titres , HoggTarn the ortetings were tree, sod purchases waWfreety made at eta M Q per 100 lbe nett. There map some movement emum t therAvenue Yard; about OW bead sold at the IMPOSTS BY RAILROAD Pt TISII1710)6 TOOT Warn & Moue" D. & July 00-0 bales broom corn, J Planter & co, t bbl patat,.2 Pasta & co; tte. bbls roar. 13 Lands., .Jr &ea; 1 oar .7. Dermal key , 4 4 5 g i ta= • 01MOUVI:r1=t ( lfziltir I bb_ should! era, P. Hearletoai bcds paperl't E ers & cot 10 hams, R Towasenditl y Da/as hay, Herm & so, 2 blots tobacco, Motto 1;10 bb/i lard oil, B _ Paßosatock & co; • deo o, rdacksawo; 1 car mays% J ' Dilym 110- obis his/talon, Lambart, &Motion & co; Id bbls Slap, mos Ocolllo; lai ban heat, J dnett & CIO; 7 pllge blotto. II do bird . - L Voilit 0;20 ten beet Knox & kw 10 do do, 0 L Caldwell; 10 do Os, J P Barna & toil blid taste°, W Ja D Blotharti 1 to ham, Wm Mo. Cully &co. . OZJIVILAIrD AND Plirtaviaz B. R., mar 26 - 0 all rap, Markle & to; Kt to metal, al & dog I oar Iron, Oben, aloft& & sot 1 ear Infest, Bitefseaek. McCleary .& co; 1 UN" brother, OPr hothazdts 23 bra charge, V . 0 Janktaic6o Wtp sow% It %Wesel & Hamm Pas chum, /brat , / & Vasearderp eke rags, Godfrey & Glark{67 aka no 5, 177 Elrina; aan lean, el Paget& do W 7. man 04 bags mill feed] Delril4;eo 4 & co; ISM, oda, tr 00/14 *imam STATios, Stay *l - 1 bars cants. Malts; I bal etts. Pkwittottas,R It A. ,e,llOO do, t bb! ow, Volblaas; rare. issaftw eery areas, Wiser. & co; pap .ate. R .rownwxusim pis gib. Raul& Wats ea% Dg *war& fioak_Wbxa .e 1t.031 nal mitttraart4 Riletßa4 snap mints as cash JOly ROPIni a Marna. ""~~~ -- —tat The gsm . eral marketiare quite but Orr_ ,a a gen* oral Wag, and especially M thlo the ease to re- PO to FLOW, Which is somewhat excited wade shade higher. Grain and Groceries, also ore Om but with the excep.ton of Wheat, there is no quotable advance. Produce, generally, 1. dull, with a drooping tendency. GRAlN—Thereto a continued good demand tot Wheat, and the market Is drat and sunply tights sale of lours prima Ned at e 1,50. Corn is In de mend and light supply; wile of lit bush prime Shelled, on wharf, at Si. Oats moderately active but unenanced; sales of Ico blab, en oharf, at 87, and too built from atom at 18. Nothing doing in Bye or Barley. FLOUR—Oontinties firm and somewhat excited, and the rook very hank, and demand brisk et. though enUre/y Jogai.pe Wtbbl.oe cntinue to qnuoteto Extra contino good Family .t $7.". 5 4 8 , 88 spring and Winter Weeat brand.. dale of 17 bbl . Extra .18,50; 80 bide country Family at 07.76:50 Dbl. EmnedyNt "One Rter" at 88,26; sod Gj bbl. .7tar al the West. at 48,75. pRowsIONS-- • be Immarid for Beene to falling err somewhat., which may be attributed to she ex treme price. now current. 'Mould rend Ribbed Tides are 'till quoted at U3019;24025 fir Plain and: Plain Osoressed Llama; and zaai for bus. (lured —the latter figure only for choice 01.tcluosti brand.. Lard to quoted drm at 244023 for prime kettle tendered. • - - FRUI f —Green Peaches com.ns in more freelY, and prices are • chute easier. Sales of So boon. at 12G5 per busb., and tOdo do prime at 13.10. Green Appies qui,ted at pep per bid. Dried. Fruit dud and uneti •aged. • EGGS—S.ridy and rt sbekile firmer, an.l receipts light. ogles et 2le—snme holder. ask k g SU. MILL VESD-- - )ulL the transactiods almott, en tirely of a retail ohs adier. We note mall sales from store at tai cents for Brae t at in for entitle; $l.lO for fine liblpetuffa, and 81.36(0,t0 for aid il/IF:3E-4o In fair demand and ready but uu• changed& riles at morel°, W. If.; rats for Ham burg, And MOW to• i.ivenfly • - • BUT CER--43ounoues very dull, as t the supply apneas to be somewhat In excels or the demand. Sales .o fats of 10 kegs jmaltm.l at It eta, as to quality. HAY—Sale of I tone. prime holed. In atom at 1120 per ton. Loose Hey row aism shout as Last quoted. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET . TUZSDAT, July 26, leek The meat noticeable feature to the Crude market to-day, was the Increase in the receipts, which amounted in the aggregate to several thousand barrel. The ilemaed • conUnu.• light, and the market is dull and weak, and, prices, are a shade lower. Bale of 600 httlaat 7i34; 400 at 24,1E0 at 4i4, acid Fl bid., heavy gravity, et 21 , 4. le Reamed, in bond, the only transactions reported sere &Xi We ..Petrollte't at 44, on the ears here, and 600 tibia, aHutchinson's. bread at Crl, delivered Ia PelledeL phis. We were unable to learn of any operatiuna for future delivery. Free Oil Is doll and nem deal, with occasional email aides' at 64666, according to quality. No movement in Natalia or Besidnum . and in the almeoceof tale* we omit quotations. The receipts of oil by . the Alias batty river Stale Our that report were as (0110 as : Fisher h Bee 616. W. P. L0gan......._. 91 Clark lk Co ilia, Duncan h Dunlap—. 27 J. Gallagher . 110; lohn Bonn ... es 1. V. Ott lagtker J.. .11k1._ 2SO ins. Mewl:annoy du D. Bushnell I B ro ._ A. L. Linton . 60. 1 tat, LS 00 00 ....- PETROLEUM STOCKS IN PHILA. Special Dispatch to the Pituburzh Gazette. Pmn►aaraL., July 114, IBE7. The Market for Petrolen. shares Teal [rather firmer to-day, but transactions were light cad un important. Big Task sold at 1; Egbert 1;4; Hyde Farm, 1%; Datacit, 3%; Maple Shade 10®r, ; atlas 1 41:dingo 21C a L Nicholas, ii T•rr Homestead, 4 Jersey W 011,1,4,4 Walnut Island, 14.16, PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORK Special Dlspateh to Western Press. Now Yuan, July VI, 1606. Most of the Pet:plena stock. we.•e eked). There was a strong bear movement to Webster this morning, but 1: recovered In the af.ercoon. The sales were at the follow:as rates : Webster, =0; Fulton. 636; Bergen, 21: Bravery, 1 . 6.7.5, Bead le); 223, Oceanic, 2uo; Buchanan, 68; Butted States, 1:11.80; Eyed Farm, IV); FYthalo Ce.ek, 12.00; Bey dela, 130; Excelsior. 2E4; Olt Creek, 660; Task, 63, Tile Weatner and the Crops MiNDOTA, Ju'y 24.—Wheat not all ripe; not set injoreal. On the same. No Hye here. Ilan. yln badly hurl. Ilarreau.g Just clibizaeated. G.A.L333=co. July 2.4.—fat weather In this see. Lion-for the put wink. of au= matter, has been verywnfavorable for our far cams. We hare not bad a good drying day In all W. time. flarvastag all kinds u greatly Lifland. horns =Lula of grain have been partly cut, but none tarred care for in proper ountutlon for these heavy rain., *mon..we have had, and whin], we are now Iterlrlog. All kinds or grain must =fret greatly. Consit.erante hay lass been out, awl but a swan part of it getup. ed. Urania we got clear weather won the, lo.s ail kinds of grain and hay snit bo ICUs; July al.—The rale has ont Injured gralc ae yet, much. Most of the Wheat 1. eat sod as shook. pore never was tamer. Eye good. Bar ley middling. Wheat la about two thlraa crop. /I it clear s hp soon all will be Well, it oat, .hest and call will be lust. liurAmouse July 21.—Vae rains la this all:deity .have bean 60 ireequent that but lime headway has [Man made to harvesting. Ilya sad Barley arc neatly all sox and spoiling truesre,- quent rate soma of h ..re quite s. seta. Wheat is sounderably I. jilted to some loymittry by the bug, but Is not •ntterlng otaerw.se. Oats, large crop. &lure Is Mulct, extremely well. LEWISTON, July U.—Wheat el. .d growing le the Wuxi:. Very hula decked. an seers. crop. Barley out and out of the way of rale. uats ell eta and in the shock- Ban °atlas nearly aver. (torn loots ependial, and bid. fair to be • bog crop. CLurroar, flay 64—Qrsiti oot seriously damaged by maces, but LI wet I.oWe:rue:minim mural wog err It will be spelled before It tee be harvested. Oats In some pieces will be damaged, CitaTon, July Rt—lt tamed sestre.iap, last 04231 and up to Chia [lmo today. Weather cool. NO wing wheat cut yet. It is now clearing up, and ff ma have no mote rani, clops of all lids In ibis vicinity will be very floe. • Is La Grange county, wheat one•tbl'd less; corn, feujoists double lest year's crop; barley covers tams the usual extent of ground, and Is go.d. In Wells county, but half,. atop of wheat{ en in. erease to the quantity of corn planted; one third ZOOM Oat.; barwy and rye storage. Ia Ut on county the Wheat la e grand failure-- Inanyaeres Uncut. Iv. 01..r01l county the wheat in many !ocean les, better than was feared; cola ahead of any Kent. ous year for a long time. ' In Morgan the o heat la mccc promising than for years. In Ilpion, scarcely half a crop of wheat. In Jenniess the y and of wheat cc very small and the berry poor. In llama county, 'carrely hair an average crop of wheat everything else le al/ right. In Uass county the straw is very heavy and the wheat remarkably light. DerICIIItte.N The Detrolt Trawls of July 2221 says : Vefavors his Intelllgentoo mincerning the anent crop begins to come In, but the nee, Is too eustilsilas to turns anything like a correct eatlmate as yet. the great er complaints I ■ from the Central eountles, and making a liberal allowance for unwarranted cloak ing, It is clear that great damage has been our taine4 from rust and smut. Jackson county is sal to gays militermi man from these anuses. In the Western part of the State, tha crop Is fair, and has generally been secured in good iondltlori. In the North, the crop In about half Seoneed, but the actOuuts regarding Its condltton are coatratlat Cry. The weather so unfavorable for harvestins wheat, has been itorrespondlogly good for corn and pot a toms, which will yield ler:atty. The following is from the Detroit Frm Prop 'it the tame date t It is the lemma of the wheat harvest. Reports from merlona eeethana of the State show that the ern will be fully up to the .e.terage, promded it slaw De SOCUted In good condition. All now de llsicupon this. roars a.e entertained tart the s amount of rain and the cloudy weather b has prevailed during the past week will ma. tensity damage the crop, There bee been a gnat acamity of help, sod farmers have bee. competed to wont during the Lawry:tie of pleasant weather under great disadvantages , . Taere are rumors of rust growing wheat, and lest yield thans e.. posted, but there La always abundance of this wa talk. We very much doubt that the rahiy weather, though to very tilevattOratile, has ...timely ab. toned the wheat mope of the iitate thus far. There Is yet much wheat unharvested, and should the rainy weather continue, a logs most fault. Tha Knoxville Wale, of the tetb sate: ' The wheat harvest to East Toutessee pee not 4 bountiful one, still, we have reads enough wheat for home conaumation. The lead of the oat crop Is enormous, and the quality 4. unsurpassed by the crop of any previous year. o add to the eatufao• tloa of the farmers and consumers the corn [trap promise to be magnificent pee. 'Hay is One and abundant. From ail pans of our loved East Tel:i nflate coma the game .glorious accounts of the minter/ of bread for man, and food for our animals. TOL, therefore, Is likely to !bee year of•plenty. God to praised for his kindness to our demo-Ur:A den country. During lata trip Into 'the cpuntics of Middle Tannesua, wales:nod that Litto etehe to Unit scot 101 l were lore very du mindtion.:Thei rates or the put few days havievegioyed the farmers—the benefits of R extended all through the region. The people have experienced some dllticulty In raising craps, from the scarcity of labor and stook, and there la a large quantity °Mad lying Idle, but everyone expects to raise a lugs crop of what has bean pl en anted eugh , for all han and then d will undoubtedly to morn than l& 117C1=11 The reports continue meet formable is to crops In thl State. lra Olark county thirty three per cent. more of wheat, rye and cons to ea tad this 11#111011 I ban last. in Blehhusd eountpthey talk of ably per cent. more of wheat then of last pair, and considerable more acorn.. tblladelphk uket. Piru.Avsiretta. July a—Tirrx Rdvaaetcl Ski Alctra nattLY MS" Ein , aim KW. Gurw—Waes; swam Drawl Ited ASPOCIA aad 014 do.IOLMe. Ooze St a n &Mo. Oats Assay; Old slo, Wow Parsozatm—tln Winflir—StaafteMo2". CH MARKETS, Ntzwitstut, Jedy Tom. July M.—Corr-as a shade firm= at Qs for Alma sr , orra—telMai better, with lets dolnim , SaM 6,65 for Extra State, 57,76438 for Extra K. _IL U ® and 88,10459 for Trade Brandt, th e market clowns' 117.1 sato no teller.' at the Lostdennotattoms, Wniad.r, —Firmer, W.ieru 62 4 2 , hut I. now held h Basra'—Wheat 6e better on 9' pries and 1W bet ter on Winter; 014601,63 for Linkage Spline, 51,48 a 1,84 for Ildheneukee than, 51,68 for Amber Ail , 'mutes, 5 1 , 70 401,51 for Winter Red Western, SIAS 11 91 for Amber hilettion,--the latter_ price to ar -1101-51,6061,97 tor Interior White Western, end 91,07 for 5.04 White Michigan. Rye quiet: tern 96e. Barley ..ad Barley Malt quiet. lUorn better, B , s4feeee for Unsound, and 8744990 too bound' ,1 western. WM. quiet at 404,38449 fee Wes- , ter, °Rouen/vs—Sugar dull; CUtuuhluseorado 11M, 12a. and Havana U%c. ifetop, Butter qu,t, talcpsio fur fialo, and WOW fur btato„; (Imre., dull at 1.0(060. • Prrnotenar—Steady at 61032%0 Tor Crude, 4 620 for Helloed to Baud. sod OW:aro? do. /free. rnovralusa—pro k rasher, at 1.300112 (or Neer Meat, 'halos. at SU for cash; 1111,164013 foe 1863 , 4 do 60021 for Prime Melo, at... I,talo olds Prime Mess, ,r fur norm.% sellers' Lotion, at 1.84,76. Beef .t. ad, at 66,60@ 12 for Malt) Mese, sod *1661114 Litre fel ef Hama store° and firm. Cut Meat. firm at 16017 e Shoulder. Lard firmer 1 8t)26)4e. /31.143 New 1 ork Stuck and Money Market. Itirw Your, July 26.—Moats steady, a t 6pa COO, .Stri 11..4 Exchange point, at tOyagittl, for g'id. bade mount Muni, openiag at 142,X, ra.taca 14.3%, coacloistog At 14 The Lulea t spirts of Speule today Iraq 187,600. one commit Mock. active and knr.er. utter Stock. strong. Roca island, iirl%; Yon Wayne. 92%, oletlu, 102; NAIAD WINO.. preferred, 611 1 C evolnnd and haat:torah. MN. .1111nuis Lieutral 127 4i Michigan Southern 661 4 , Michigan lul; New York - Central, NI; Arm. 110%; Eao p.eterrtd, 88; Hodson 'II.X; Readmg. 1464.;. Slug of 'Bl Hogiatc.so, 114; 18-40 Coupon( V 7; 62u Coupons, t% 0., Chm ds4/ Tatman. pi es, 71; hilasourt biles, 22%; C olo and Cendlldates, 26%; Mariposa, 14%; 'Sktiatitto Company, 1604 At the 4 o'clock doantatocks vein active. Neer Tort Centre. , , 6e., Lrie, 6254; Hulatin, 116; Heading,. 10634; Michigan Central, lug: Pittsburgh, 72; Noma Wea.eru. is t; Erie suierisnentlp sold et 68. Gaittier's Earning kakcc—Goid, 143%; Roth, 6 7 %; M. cidgan 1 0 e o ttal, lul u: MichLall ituthern, 66%; Role Preteired,*(l; Hu tlis, Newtinit. Piitabw/Ch, Rock lamnd, USX; North Wes lens prrfernal 63%; Ohio Marto:kat., 3234; Al lantlo Mall , 16634; Cue berlsod, 6234; Him...rick Land, 11. ,The /21.11.C.1. excited auk strong. OsWzdo, July 21.—IrLoOu Rho better, and to 00. Nye deaf .nd, lo emitter th.n 'the supply; 17.2.5 for No. 1 sorfos. 17 72 for Red Witt el, 111,70 for oe htto, wed gs 00ae,73 for Double Ettra. GRAlN—Wheat. m.sroe bctter for Spring; Wh cfr Paehtgart SIAN No. 2 Mows's*. efuhil.63, Good No. I Lffstosro :veins 11,45. Lost /fight 1,003 bush Archer 111.1chfgan ar 11,70, .0 ivo bows No. 1 Chlrago Spring to arrive, now ono day out from Of Ohlolgo, e.. at .It,S6, afloat. No U. to lea Ufa Markus. os,seerc _ Cas; rueituvre—Firm; Mier, ttaisa; Wheat, 10e; Corn, s 0, b Neu' York. LACK latreaia-1"0 We Flour] 17,00 bank Wheat, • Sr:LIPP= HT RAILIIO.4.D-1530 bbl. Flow. Chicago Market. • Cum •00, July 1117-11.4 us firm gua4 In t& tastler. Lineitr—Wbes2 opened netlre• Mat. at 11,1110 1,20, end during the day et $l,O, nituting ►t 21...3Xe1,24. Corn Dm end itetire, at 0.462 4. for no. 1, es.d 214,61110 for Nu. 2. Oats !Ism el. er 43 520. Pnovrelone—Flrin. 111611,12122.2—FL m; Wes et 51,02211 M. Raccirrs-2,100 Dbl. Flour; 2.111 U bleb Wheat; 220 0 0 Auldi Corn; MAO bush (JUL 51117 . )n:III'S—NO flour; 14 0 ,103buthWhoat; 214,. ODD buab Corn; 49,0.0 bush LW& INI!EMM Brsrata, Jtig na.—Pon advance . ..A too ths last thre• day. boo. Go.Aln—Wheat dun and in good speculative do. maul; sales No. i Cticego Spring at $145(g1,86. Coro MA. and tne demean good; sales Mixed at 73 MU. was quset At Glia- Becky aui Ilya nOzal- Wrrtscr —Firm and h 01,7 at t2,r122,00. CAma.L. Inatoora—To Nair 1 orX Wboat, Lae; Corn I.la, 0a..., a 40. • larruirra—Floor, 4,M7 Wbeat, 81.2713 Duch; Corn, 7a5,C76 oath; vats, 5u,664 bush, ttye , .23,171$ bau". Ex.roats—Whelkt, LAO buth; Cora. 132, 160 buak; LIMA, 13,400 bust, C[ECSp3ITt. July 51.—FLocn. I. greatly excited and prim ao unAlattled MAI lluoultma■ eaMMOI, be Ow—Corn unahaoged; Sound CCM. Osto advanced io Gds. MM;EIG=I Puorratons—Mee Posy Oda; email ale, of Oily p 9. Bulk Mesta dun; no ales. Lard le held more firmly, and none to be bel below 25e, it at that., thou. 11 we d.d no. hens of any demand. Gnoccaus—Qulet. and =chanted. Diener &Unitive-60W 142010.4 Mining Stocks. ralaTON, July I.ll.—The following are the prices of Mining Stocks tad la Ws euy t 0-day Copper lt-N; P,. Win WI; Hancock, 7; Buren, 33; blituDebota, 7; Quincy, el.si; Hookland. 1%; Superior, 13;4. • Toledo Market. Totroo, July 131.--Gants—Wheat 243,3 bettary salsa of Amber All lasso at 11t,G3, Ned Wabash $1,71. Coro mann and firm at 700. Oats *l. Laza Tanuouns—Dud and nominal, at 3a on WOm Co Buffalo, and 0a to Oswego, Toe steer continues to recede steadily at this point, and last evening the pier marks Untested all feet nine inches. The Weather yesterday Was cloudy and unsettled, With strong indications of rain late in the day. The Centralia, and J. El. Gilmore, from Olean. eidoeti..Pd both with van good trine, cmostlmata erriviela store our lest report. There were no departure. aeln• hum the mauler packets. The Minens. from Olnouloam, is the Ord beat due nen, from that point- The Alyea :loser, Sod Ttlarau terra both sunooneAl to leave Gude for Pi Muria on Tummy. The I.lrilda arrived from Oil City, with a fair trio, having, among other itains, 416 bbla of erode petroleum. The Leolatre eni Motto, from the game point, were due last night, and will doubt lag be found to port thin morning. The Allegheny la fallin Tepidly, and navigatlon between here and Oil g ill, for sieambo.t., et hMetr may to tiOn- Edema inapt:tided. ()apt. John Gorden. ha nomell his new steamer the -Eons. Hose,. a very prehtv fume, nod alsels, to snit be, when aulat.d, a very pretty boat. It la thought she will be ready for busmiss to a fear days, and ()apt. Gordon. we undeistand, Intends, I.i...tering the Pittsburgh, Wheellog and Parka* berg trade. Tu., Onward left St. Louis for Pittsburgh Oh Monday last. We Ave else ro learn (say. the St. Louts DOW erat,) that ()apt. Hugh Campbell, who met slur e very severe ancideat while to command of the steamer Peytoo, to redoverlog surely,. He is to Jas. I Wilcox's hot•i to (harp, the St. Cheek., and atilt we learn, shortly ho take= to St. Loots, He is pronounced out of danger. The (ULM! st, ()apt. Tomlinson, will postitiTsly leave Id . lit. LOUIS to-day, and passengers and shippea should bear alit to mind. The Antal. Pas, Capt„ 'rhos Poe, is fl{ up 1. rapt ly for Cincinnati and Thor, and will pronseiy Da ready to learn to-day. lha Vaud Tame., Capt Drown, A. .1. Hazlett, clerk, le announced for 51.. Loulr and ail Internat. Mate points forthwith. B ALTIMORE AIDPI! D Liv. haw and coottnothen• Steamer WkNoNdli, tJapt. Jos. Dawes, rune regularly be.ween the above ports apnea week, tsarina Baltimore. from her whorl, lout of South street. every FilluAY AFTER. NOON, ma 4 oledeek, and Predericksburgh, every TULNUAY MORNIIIO. Penmen, ere and Freight carried at low rates. Through Freight promptly attended to. Merchandise from Bnatoo, New lora, Philadelphia, or elsewhere, consigned to ears of Steamer WE:SONAR, win be taken charge of Ito. mecdately upon INarrival In Ilshinore, charges Pad. atul lorwarded promptly, free Of commis. elone Persons from the Northern Staten desirieg to view the Battle FirlJa of Virginia, or to loon alter the Docile •ol friends and reuttioth killed In the Sacks of the Wilderness, lthancellorsville, Frederickaburgh, or bpcittaylvanla °owl Rouse, have a splendid opportunity of doing se by this route. The WENONAH le provided with ex. al. lent Stathrooms ai.d Bette ateommodatlotis, and ls in emery reaped • first-Mans Boot, being new, test and ouninukliouh For Information, 'night or peso's', apply to or saran .700. WHITE, Parser, on ware, or JtiA.J♦ ' TAYLOR. Apart. jgatram 719 Wost Falls ay... Baltimore, AM 1?Ot{ CAIRO AND ST. LOD-lad 1.9.-1 be ant Ittenmor OITIZtA, Captain Tomlinsok, 041 too to AO ShOllii an WED. N ENLIAY. the 21. h toot. Fur (Melt or pane, .seply on board, or to JOILFT FL/101F, 19 26 J. D. COLLINGROOD, [AM"' pm CINCINNATI & LOIII5•140e VilJAG—Tbe splendid passenger steamer 'A DIELLA. Arta; Dept. Thome Pee, mill leave As above on WEDNESDAY. nib lost, Poe freight or J. p D. OOLLLNO W assage apply CM boOODard or to YJi JOHN FDAK. As..t. IJ VOR CAIRO & SAINT LOUIS. "atm -Th TIMES,d commodious steaMer HARD Capt. P. Brown, willim=a. as above on THIS DAY. For freight or passage apply ea board.; A NEW THING. Mason & Hughes' Patent Pocket Boa: Vary neat and desirable! an la oaa pities I no dancer of ta►rtnn, or ootolos apart or aide, wholasala esul retell, at J. O,IAtIEFON Variety and 'Toy atom, j 721 tot Matket street, a. moss GRIGGS !MOTT, MON CITY NATCR I WCNIN itaku emu of Gnat sad lialsoNi Anal; Mataugh. 4he 2 I I S°ROLL CRACKERS—Fresh from the the bakery; also, Batas atid.Gtelest //rack. I*, just motored sad tor tele by the barrel oz all tem% by yoaN A, RENISHAW, 1116 swats meaty and Habil etreeta. • pLOUR I FLOUR 1 • " 40 bats Low Onde Inns Floari 10 Eye flour. For es% cheap, by • 1711 L. FL VOICIT co OH, HO I—WALL PAPERATPEACB iltresle.ritausujolvlrceOln .4. - 1141 ILETB BY TBIABOSABL. New York Market Oswego Market. Cluelanatl Market. RIVER IRTELLIGENCE STE.LNIBOaTS. Dianghting Office and Patent agency. RoMOO.. IS NT. CLAM STREET ! near a usPeludozi S.PAEXCI - T MAI Irryposer. . 41"" .4.51 aueassuree.o asp anus. 11 t!la" OENfilha PIPE . AND . : W /1 1 0449319 T ptIBSON, 1.9 Exist igiam.itia. SU. CfACIANAI% OHIO Mika to otter PIPES AND SHEETS of any erqulred weight and size. • Bhrsta per .5.9f10r font, 2 % Ms., and upwards. ElM4sipliti:VH d p'l=2#.ll,=,lorgV. Lag we W. We would especially ask the attention of Plurs bers ruh andrU lew Proprietors of Oil •Worirn and ell Walla l PITTSBURGH FOIINDRy. *r- A. GA.RILISON & CO. (Socaesiars to &Ennui, GirrisOn, k. C 0.,) FOIIEDDIS AND MACHINISTS Alsoufasturers of Obillek Rollers of all ietres, tor Iron, Steal, Brass, Zino.' copper, SRSer, Gold Stinw Bow , * P.M uni =la Rubber 'Works also, Rolling Ball Outings of aft dasoriptiou, Balk )Mills,: Patent Double Grinder, with • saris, ty of other pattern., always' on ditand sod fated to order on short notice and favorabl• term.. Ogle. and Witnituttui, Plttebutsh, pATERTED 000BER.8, 1883. xlrBaltnili4p4 PATENT Oval Lamp Piftneseys, X X rI.IeNT 1L A's s Mow OhimtlnTo EP Intendon for mots woo; oaths all parts of Qs slo.. equally does not si• paws tt to eraolotny. E. D. 01.111t1E, Port Pitt Gloss Work,. Vasaloom% street, apt , Pittsburgh, Pornl'• BLACK DLii&C.IED STEEL WORE 6 PITTSBURGH Pd. PARK, BROTIMII ii CO. Bilauflatruent of BEST LLOALITYPEFTRED BAST STEEL. liquor e,rratoo4 Octagon, o all dim, Worrant: V ag** way Lirlportool or Laar.afrotu.rod In el iliP•Odlas and warehouse, Nam. ICI sad lid aad t2O and Saco= 'rams, PM burgh raw fatl•Td SUPERIOR OIL, ENGINES. Uto aro constructing. and 1,1 31 Imeli on tuod . sopettar style su Cb =Ls la Da C3IIIMT 30 Either a Common or Tabular Boiler. w. invite parties needing =Mai for thin gar rets to eali and see thear...comer of PIKE .iand O'HARA STREETS, our Ottyy Water Works. Jeff • lIIACIAIIerEdiFE af:LL a UO. SILVER PLATED WARE zi,ii:wcswx=usr. Ws'ten, ()asters, hs, &a. suitable for WA Trade co band =4 for ale by WILIIi & M 01313, 225 Bona ,6th 6„ PHILADELPHIA. tat. JOHN t. G riot WaOA OW lOU XL JOHN B. HERRON .t CO., Elitcscr!) ila.missufascatutcrxvis, ANDIRON FOUNDERS, OfMaenad Salsa Rooms, We No. ES USW= STREET PENT MACHINE WORKS *NM FOUNDRY. x. WIGHTNALS, ENGINE BUILDER AND M ACHINIST, LAcOcs enure, between Federal and Banally, ALLSOHZIT ()ITT PA. Manufacturer of W/0 T DIA N ' 8 PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN SINES, Shafting; Palleys i z. Repairing of aD kind. at red to jaidy u • 13CHOON2dAKE11, MUG Lea. Bel Laul. Btu &cad, itnunge, Zing Paints, Patty, e, nd Dealer lo LINSEED OIL, VARNISH , J/iPA PAINTLES' bIATLE I CHEW sad Wale-boom, No. U Wood street. eatallard Q,VERAN CE, 1v U. 59 Water. tit. Ll• Pluakaulro,_manufaccurar of HOLIER RIV Ena, WBODICKET SPIDES. ewasaaa am tailroad otavery dasanpfaon. Ihantonsdatidtad or a 16 SPICES ap4XIYETII hove or swan, araffa eb ofator at anon salloo • good ommortomolionooraothr oo WA. modems -- - - W. BEFNETT, MkonfnctHrera D. and ImporteHe 4.- tYEENSW HE. No. • n DIAMONfI STREET . , between Wood and Market etnarta. Iltutrunk. lDlll BOWD3 1 BUOlib I BUVlrti Dowels Idle la Palestine. Fisted. and Otter roma Mother of The Wexler*. maelkri beience of Language, 5,1 part , The riche:Nur OrAta ramify. A Youth , * Humors ot the Rebell:tem. House Among the Gospel.. German Popular Tales. cfricun. Papers for Thorurhlul Gina Photograph Albums, wholesale Pmts . '. Album ()Yale.. Statlonety. Limite.s Arnett a Ink. inkstands. Penholders. Peas. jes 3. L. BEAD, 18 Fourth Street WOODSIDE & WALLACE, 17016 , oleimarler Etruggaests, AND DEALERS IN White Lead, Red Lead, Litkarake, Paints, 0113, Varniallea, Dye Stain, Window ellitaa and Putty, Spices, Perfamery, Flaasola, Carbon 011, Also, Agents for Wintery Mullin grown Paint, Hamilton White Lead, tßuirter Oak White Lead, and &Wary ic Whltonel Oelebtatod Patois Dryer, In on. an 4 two pound wins. No. 87 WOOD BTIONT. OPPOSITE THE Sr. OHMILIM HOTEL,) PITTSBURGH. PA RRITURR, AND CANE AND WOOD OREM, 1111 l . WHOLESALE O 8 arum.- JAB. W WOODWBI.L, Nes. THIRD STREET Opposite E. Edmondson Y 004, sn4 117 No. 11l MOUTH STREET. Ml cCORD a CO., Waolasals Dealers In Mats, Caps and Straw Goods Sava Dow In eon UM laistit and moot complete stook of GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Per WNW to the wan. Blarahanta araisquaatad to Cali act ezanhalota dock, which aril/ Da told at van , low ratio, Dal 111 WOOD 6TEZEZ4 rrI•77:IIO.2 , LTALIMIEL2a, No. MR Fourth Mat, Pittatough, Pa. 00Ft INS of all kinds. OR.LPFS,. Gloul7 and even do sartpilon of Pinata' Furnishing cicada 11/mulled /looms opnn day and night. /bans aid Carriage rarnished Daszaniroids-3.v, David Harr, D D., Itev. N. W. Jaechtua DX...Tomas Ewing, E.q. Tomb =ler EN. nava GENER&I. ' Boars°Lzaws Oaltottt, 41.131051tR7. July tO r tfal. QICALED PROPOSALS (addressed to tafns tfoounltte• on Otty Propartg) wilt ta. re. uln! at tata QM., tout tIONDAy, 'Ada 31v, tala, malady,. tot aupplytiss Publia Bulldtp of toe Olt, With Cow. Bfdtraotlon of ltty Oottaans ' Brea B. B. Flt&NOIB:Cootiotlat. FOB BALE.-800,000 SHINGLES. 601),) SHAVED MB BIECEIGLES 103 BALL. W. =wiz Ater Wialsi*".fwgrucwir. -- • - O aMlTiln . 1829. PERPET VAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF - purr A DELPHIA. . Assets on simian 1. 1 8 64 . 82. 4117 . 8 4 VA r tntsu. Capital Accrued Premiums. Invested Premium., ilacettled Incorge for IS&S Lollies Patti stns I 4 1 x400 ----' Perpetual and Temporari Pollute' on Deere. Mims: Modes H. Hanckar, Doom Der n ToMoo Wagner, Edward 0. .. 17 4 6 .• Samuel Oran ammo Fates, Jamb H . Son AlftW FRIor, (}gorge W. R?Aards, ra..t CHARLES F. ANCREE,_Ptoodcleut. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Pttaldtnt. JAS. W. RIaALLISTEB,See. pro. tem. • •,•, J. DI. C.ol72fl.'diopt, conk. Wood and nitdn.reotA roamY. niorsriscra FIRE dND MAEIIrk Insurance,. Co. of liPith AlEPria Hartford Fire Insurance Company. asset.' east be secured la Ma above bameti sad a b li =r ib e aorepaale& WESTERN INSURANCE' tijaVANT OF PITTSBURGH, N. MILLER, Ir., Znirriguars, ,, WEL P. HERBERT, Secntsry. •, • Otßes, No. V 2 Water moat, tipalag M•Oit. , llW LOW 110 use, op stairs, pitisOursh. Will tones against ott kinat of Pars mai No - nu Moto A Home instilidson managed by Dfrezton oh. an sael knees in the colnanan,r,and who sr. ettio r trained by promprneer anti Itboity, to maintain ff du:woofer seiten they Acne ennorsd, oe offering Me te.o eprotalton to Mass wino Sairs/o to /ris=er t. E. Miller. Jr. . . .. Jamas Me* n .7. fraitlartiel Holmes, Alex. Maack, . . George Drrrib Clarm_pbell B. Hermes, W. Blekeracm tars!) Ig'lct. P. OrTIZEN'6"II , IBURANCE COMPAN Y OF PITFA . DUROIL-411tee, aonshi..l.larke , and Watsr streets, second floor. WhL A. SISWPA.RD, .Yerreenry. Lawns Steamlunats eutd Cargoes. „ Lissom against toss and deuann In tarrievig. tlon of the Southern and Weatern Men* Lai= and asyous, sod the navigation of the Sets, Insures agarosn Lass and dourotga.kos ken. t 1 ji DIIIIICTOG Woo- liagaley, S. hL Ste., Samuel Eons - John Shlptan, Jas. Park, Jr., James 11. Cooper, W.O. Johnston, S. liartsugh, ' • , B.F. Jones, J. Caldivell, Jr.„ •-• Hon. T. BV•floire, *.' Dilworth, Barclay Preston, W. A. p.odgerk Osorge 'PEOPLES' INSURANC/D COMP .N 7 Eaßice, N. E. earner of Wood and 11112010 . MS LED IL&RENE INIEMBLISIM nuastoTota : W. P7xtllips,'. • Clapt.. John L. Monti John Watt, Samuel P. Shstscr, John E. Paziaa II Hannon LoTI Marts. S. Mud; Charles Arbor* Win. Van Kirk, . Jahn F. NIA . rink Jamul). Varnas WM. PH I L L I PS ynn Preakrant. JOHN WATT, V,c pnrateent.• • WILLP. GARDNER Sirratarv. Juiady A LLEGIEUENT INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PYFTSBITHOLL-019ss,,kka n YOU street, Bank Block. SMIaMZEI=EI ISAAC) JONE..% Prerklene. JOHN U. WOOED, Ms Prerfearne. D. M. BOOK, Seavtary., WM : John D. Are Capt. B. B. Adato Starline J , snob; Capt. Win. Dean B. L. McGrew. Hobert D. -Davin leer Joare, C. Hueary, Harm y otalds, Capt. R. 0. Grey, Yoko brio, Jr., R. 1.. FOorret.ork DWELLINGS FOR SALE IN ALLEGHENY CITY I mot a utborhod to 1011, on By , rII.A.BLE TERM 9, All those De►ireble and Convenient fl►vepinga, Situated as the litorthatuderlyhother at AN DLR. SON hTtiEk.T AND AV2:,NII7E. They are teed bath, aad 1a viol rapait. S r i 'W capltagat.....Stias a late and Desirable 'ln yea= en Or to •n 7 to want of • Comfortable, .Home, alf OPPOrrIINITI 1$ HERE OSTES ED Further pattl, on oppllAtion to' S. S. INLYAN, Bettie!. No. MY rourth .tre•w. (antra Btu Hang.) BAILEY, FARRELL & 00., .Ib. 181 tilmiyalifkS Street, PITI 7 SBURGH. Pd 1La.1117110117E23.11 blr Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe • 23 S-a I VittWomb. turobblng ouzo for Pmr.o)trry ]Sat. Ursa Goods tor 'Water, Gay and 23,etati. Pumps, Uoeo , Lo.i Pipe and catioP, at 10,, .. 1 taatarn rates. Sole agents roe Rnocalea' and Sllahees Patent • team Pump, 'stiles anspinica a need bong felt ‘.7 oU1:13,11. lot pue*p that *Ali esnaussmaps Idly and IPOTIC with ease sot certainty Stollens coastline too great en expense . ; /Er Utters solicited. : • 3yl7ai Aingssonls (lama ^Jn Dthrsnov No ed Water street, Allegheny,. Jrrar leat, AE3S.EI3I3OIrEt NOTICE —NpTICE 8 ,bareby strew to all persons intetested, bat an appal will be held et thq, 0310 e of the Asses sor of U. B. Taxes, No CA Water street, Allegheny, on tbs 3d, 4th and Sat LOKI'S or AlltiUbT, for that portion of the twentpthird collection die.. Met of Pennsylvania, composed:of that put of the county of Allegheny lyind nbrth of the All. gheny and Ohlo Elvers. at within time and pluat the &nodal Hat sod proceeding pf the,ssistantl Assessors for said county will be open the in. opectlon Of all parties lnterestyd, and ppeals beard and deternithed , relative wig efroceons or exotosstiO valuations, anemia:eats oe enuillierar Hoes 11110111 by the said Aulatithit Aoiuilrk. N. EL—"All appeals mut' be dada' in Writing, and thew!) , the salthitallar 011111114. matter or CAD( respecting which a decision Is Triquested, and aba/4 moreover, state the ground nrtalnciPle bl error: complained oL” 23/151IIEL 'MARKS, Jyilmodfd Ammar ltd . District, Peon FRUrr CANS, • SEALING WAX, PRESERVING ` KETTLES.. A iimeral wortmeat of useful 119139 E FURMSEUNG GOODS. if,.4 GBARGIE W. HIALEYII, j72ldwd.elB FEDERAL STREET,;Allegbeni., tt 'PENNSYLVANIA AOpIOIII.TVILit A. SOCIETY. The Pennsylvania State hiplanitaral: Pelety • will bold Its Ezbibittcara urrzaisza Roth, with esia sad WLIGLIAMPOIT, ITOONINO My Information desired by per dendig to , cubit, applioaoona ¶o gamic/1:1,On, of peens_ or b y . 0 . 0 0 00 . • 01 the Sfttetywillii_e_OVllA sne atidersisee.Eor 80 1%1 MAtillaLl9l Pleeideial BatrLD A. anowza Lorroassai, swami. N0112131.01117r, Idayll2o. jayo4o/01 To o ldu c iacrug.—ws a/NB:SEVERAL eoa Du Pour at, Co,,Ps Celebrated A benor 1101t-, -- r Int 0 9,V1N n• 6Z"4.4.4ll""fitacraft (410). jaw DIMAGTOBS PRIILDWELA. _........U.760.GU Marl W. L. JOHL4, Asnufriii . ; S 14 Water bura.t. (RM. NANt Andrew Ackley, Alexander tiymec, David Di Long .liatc Thocass., Mac. J. ()lark, • s ZI , Joky H Allocucf. HER B=T. Saeratari. rauzr ward, NAIW.• GOODS. , , EEW GOODS! SSW GOODS , . trotthl 014.1th0. attanUon 4;f- ibis potato to tot tirgit stook • 6E411 1 / 4 1) tVAX, SHOW, : L 'pow on hand and antilinf every tiny.' fro in efa i qc " OlE t T I TITMEM the Sh P Lim tsak !storm:Vows to *all a% • 6 2 , FederaiStre et. and examlninnyitAck Was onneuntag diewbsr. Lank law* Um pia" No. Sel Yadersl axe.. ~ , o, Z t r Mal/LEN ALeenlcrel.,.. JAME 6 13 / 2 + 15 ! T WO „ .szcocelve..Assritissarcarus, twin: 6i6 ri c a nd • • CseT fiTEEL=TERTELjor Em ~Say s.443Tstaßakes, or it Luse-, faikatia Orals v . L . 7 1.. Intik& Aliuttbsay MAW zug ypi t i v mpre:. - c -- H 0 NI Ctt ' ic s Ware 9 , 1.010; fatot the moil tuiptiritr4. k. tVglirrtinkl=sl=l4rel3/09,41 ll t..ct polo! tar orr.stsalutpllgiglifiletis9ss esmot be at, *** ustoottrim 'scrltaratityptlf 9,4 2,.11F** 2 ' . e rTPN i f u ltroP.rt'lTgl i 'ffnl."'.l coaft reorltlf. , Critrestlont, Inflanattar ...0. o a . 5..;.; Vi'..7* l2 X*** * B . “ 3 k4 -. 3 5. 4 1 :Cit ' toettOstg of la. 21 P.." * " je trAt t, r104 5 - 1 ?" 1 ?`" ' l l•lfi l bretWarrigiiLr '. 4=tt . f. • *) .1 ,t - ',t'effshlllotrottlf, Rrottchtftlu.t.....'W 19rtiorta Wir,VOCthocke, Prfoottehe Pb a. ija ' V u lrotehtir, , Slble IlAzdzett. t taepillta. BM.. mama.* _ Ta IL., - „ltypipre9994l. ettrotlr sod port - .. (91 pined. 111 laltheorrbtelw or Wham:...., Pb Feiort, Irmo `35 KnOrtro. Erraipal.99, Rb** * 1 5 1511 F , 11 7f, r,littionoat.tir . t ... r.vor - And Ati&e.lhia.Vlver tr. Pi 11.1., .ISttrtili emtiMat.e... 90 le. opt. trormirorritir, 4oe 11. 4 Carrrrrbowirte or , .r""" *usl ' 55 ' I , 4 :_ bt;e7llln ir,"M l L V""al° se to ttt DOD ''' ... 23. " Fair. , • ,-- 1314.614.116.55, lal;4re.! • 80 glands SD 2,, • ~414Fmte .Watt* ral,nppbtilly, phyalcal • - sr.. '• 1 So • sti• -" Drt5 40 .9 , 400 E 4.DtZSOMAIPPS - • • lit , 91.; Y Isn t o i neittrusao,,or assluses6=ooo.. 6. ' • m. " Hidney Grastrt.. 60 NS. a !Newsom _l44,ll.ll.lw.,_teane. 'essiblog4,l6voli: uharces Plorotlausts e os_thwker •` 5 1 5111 , 7 1:41. 5 .'14 , 541 R: O rMs 2 F, evez a',1 4}2. -. : Zt. : s lng44WwicSiiiiNatte'l ' iii•AilMOD - /S. ~ ! :,,X5b11056 / 7::R15M,,5y,71015. I., St. Ho;et 4 r . 50 "' '' --- ‘lllrWrcusslo . • t-lamo -a( kO oloto,porocoo „cask . book . I Ogee of Welarge rolls, in enoroeig.p.odlbOotti LA APO b i Ofo, of 23 large yl•le, psalm oftierifid book.. /A co I WI Tet " otg ebrdrotl't 2 'rill... • • ~.. - 3 1 egnt to soy pert of the country, by mall Or GK. oteklLli•}l o I ehelge no ',eclat of prime AglAtrete If UM PHFt P 4 ei° SPEAJ/1/0 1: Val EOPATeLIu rokollittiLtl,, otkoo 000oevoc y ltio. SO Brood way, New York, }or male b} all enedlglbil dnalett% Mfr. 27417.LerficarS. ,Ntolo!ale Agent, Plt.tabp.rsb; Pa trOmpl7reys is . g:7l3l.l.lltitelliine hlo ofD.CO, p•reonsfly or by lettar, as atne, for oft ioroa Of .1.11 Li! , : jylvayd HCOUGH NO NORM ACELLITLIIOIp 8AL8.9111 •; STIMOCIALRIPO krusamuog4, ILLLSAIII la warranted to aura Coughs, Golds 'Otsarpeaeatir alitt utsh- %Thiamin ,Oonts, Sots. Throat, Crodentapabn ' aftatifsi OS ;lanai and L Pareales , ble aearci I s. Rottrtn axed., Olnatmatt. O • , • , ,FIX , ..I36.IRLIMISECELIS.* We, geethilatan t attzthe pro..roador.mta 11}1. 0 iSTEECKILYNIP&' AzirrmomoLEßA X/1. IVREA, the only certain remedy tor Inarrlamente . • combmatlon of Astainynx%n. k i Llortrientunnin ena. , l3snalne;i4o 'ard b :stemmed tnerdnion slyer saes ling= ••• • • • For • - o±Yr)_ey n••• .6c4 nte4l Yonr:l2 inreerOihnearmenbith :/ •d. • . I=Ol=l7S.E2(l RPM Ei graioatammi PILE Elitata )Ir. Li cone Etot the:ppm-cues oi azu Mewling Pile. neves rno,llaie" roller, sod at iftra&A,ted to amu cumroartte:: nYitigrectlY• VE , ran For sale Wall Druggists. Gextexal Depot,f Esa Pourth GUM. Ci 104.1140. Dyspepsia. :Ileriumemess, Debility iirihosatcusasz We can, eVenomettel polo with lose Appetit:alp:anon' Dyit ?idreormirat sad bler .a.latuegy.4* Jae ototekLandNe Tonle Wiz a' bin "prep[ettickq46 from alsobolis Remora; It mreerttens the whom nervous Nystia te - arealooM 'read appelsm .hdlg kratrasded ;QM. iryapepais mad ftarroos Debility. For sale by GEORGE R. GEYSER. Pittabiusb. E.• SELLI.RS 00 , ills. FLEMNG• N. bletlLAßßltri• & 00.. OLIA.tiLES SUPER,• FULTON- . , • r • GEL,. A. KELLY, Alliatilutey ODD OettDivarame • • ATAJDAME ItESTELL, PROFESSOTt +xi OF DIIIJWIFERY, who hes eueoessitdly treated ell Inseam. of females, for Moiety years can te. consulted es usual, at led talikalßEßS g rREET,'New Yerkt or by letter. and Wmotelne sent by moil. Lediessrborequirs wears andeatein remedy for removing abstruse ion. can rely upon her celebreted Infoltible French FermatetiOAtkly Puu, cr.. 1. to restore mil/silty t. 9 hourall of abort ending; butudgenustamwee of Meg etanding may require No. a, which ere four dweft. stronger sham Nu Liam:Wm tamer atioure set. and healthy; price ge per ton. 141.1,1 be obtained at No. iigt Chambers /Street. New York City, or.sentpy mall. with foil lestrnationis, by addleeettlg BOXNe. New Yors Post:Office. Copyright seatuei. lefts/ads/ - _ „st . lattiO. ese r. • . • , deo* affiexi,& l64 deldoof 40104 bj"PbTp ati/416 bIY -1"11tNi"d , eztouot;ok. tit A fellfed dime)l4lY.. INN We auftlabmt ppmot of m Camels: t' . _ SPEILAIATOBRWS.A„ cd SEXUAL WEAILNISS! .And 41 diumas' atiatilig there-Cram, ere cored In s much gorier Wroth= beietaore brat,' NMI vrEGETABLE lumml23. Inadlclate tent If any part of flo Vittoti., All lettere must enatala a stamp tapatretrozitceA cm..pond,...nceno gmrei. Offteo,diS 141).101MD Meet, near:DU mond. Addle= ;.a. .-PLANSIT.UP, 1)1.1)., taUdv , fiKfL fPf.a.. pRPird.T.R DISFaSEB. Omni 259 PENN STREET. near Head. , , , Vet thy etre of All illsasaea otAdivata nature, from t wo to four day., by an entirely saw and salt truant:lst. Also, Seminal Weakness, and all trthal dw.nsofwasmaltbl plan!, and Mal prerentlow A Tin, warranted or bones refunded. Address latteri W.. 253 Penn sort Vddi"A .er*b' NH Re. F. 44 1 ,R,VTAJ.! R P ( SnOraer Boots, Shoes, Cotten and Balmoral;iu ii'ilatitiwx:esss.. . - • . 'flat tdBl4 - enly $8 per par: At.".r." ' do. do. Cowl= Crofton, hit Ti - grdif ii: gia tar itel n a l o 7 rats k i do- of .211421 will DO IL. — • • - Beall. at -100 , 11 . ratta wan tarmient. Giro ne • call before prom- - .; eie, at " " 130/1.140D%, 03 DILLESET STRIKE'(, - , JAI &wad door froak ocr . r , s, • Shoes die 4311.iters. I!s4tRIEET STREET. BOUIK & ROSS. THE NE4TET,E:TI=EMF, And m;l,Dzos-r inrsrAzzas, BPAiNtI 'AiI,IDSUMPAtikI,BI);C* THY apt. re.aiLneha,s. 18b4 _ . .L.fr.mattrinvegtarr_ Oaand ..24.; bumpy. Atiky. ti" WWI • •Thrthe f ont Pat EX PM,s d A tly pump; g 1:186 nri., stopping only a t prlnelpidatent • ti dlOa.o . a4ne .: Tv i r tangut, Barsksig :rigs= ! VIZ iftZo l gra IT IT -P r u day, at to I. us, stopotni alt - reslar a. !mations between 'Pitman* Veit ana ma slows connection with Matti/ dit Wanda; Wen yaa,,,,,,ranta Preston A. R., and ifiu &a . PITTSBURGH a It a.ttry • • „swaiay, at 1.20 p,, the staitona batmeeta P[ l atwqmißr,a 9vlal a % rraauft with, draVe= 4aa. 210"41*•BnahllaBy. JOHN-JAMB' ILUdinlnforidaltl i tm, az scot Sunday, at 2.00 p. aropplay at at... Meal bai t =lamb atulptitlattaan, 4011 OM. °eating at latia latatsactlo3 with teal • the Indians Branch and Wen PennsYlvanialt.N is,PHIPDELPiLIA NIP 'f.stally• el ate as, "topping. it Latrldicir ARocum, anutin .I.ewlatcort. Hew. iaa,. mado.florlac Baltimor li e. Weo•orwani Torn at Pitet, New Ymia r Baton 'anallate poi _tot Qat la&tdroalm on this Arun from - • to BalliteitaiPhillidstpht• sad New York, by. Allontowneonta FAST LINE, WIT. foment , suaday,. ato tit p. m., stopping only at tionaszumutb.ehltit= t •- os,..2lunthigdona Isewisotara. ,Billkoa alarysetlie.• • Harrtsbrity. lailddittotnt.: Atlitabetn' am:4AL leetaa-n. At HAMM= soonest:Maw W. Vans for New 'York, Baltimore and WeeloWitemat • Iphia, tor New. York, Ikeftank MG, taiersettat poloFu lloontom n . Seation Train for*aliWßUlS mast daily ioacqit Stuidanattletwia.lm Sodom AcoOMmadatlals Tsar tar ttlaiPalltation loaves daily (moept Sunday) , T 11124 Agtonmaiticm Tram for WaPR Station eaves tally (Map; Sttaday) ai ILMIPAIM Aternamodation Trath I Wail *lves dal/ (Corey; Sunday) at ard ,ftr'Pe,Ma' rßlohlaves a ' • db¢telk , Tnln leaves • • •13241011 Bandar at Atli a. 014 tiltl2ool at 1/60 p. . I tettiniingttalnsarrlvein Palabitiec ta c itness East Lints, • a. tn. m. First Wain, Station ilaZs a. a. Penn Amomatodallam Jltl3 a. au Second Wall's Station AnsouunodatioW Itle a. at. loiutstown . . ,....14b4A1141116 a. a. Pal:W.oo & Tate .. Viten p. a. , Baitimoce Express. . ••• p. a. Tkird - WalPs Station ilgoiniinu,s Step. a. Phitadelehla:Expeas.:. m. Fourth Walra &atter imm2721:1 4.60 p. m. Eaurransl Train • Lido p. m. An Agent' of the.. EamlaloriLlmiltAol2V=P••• Papua each tratn.lvelost 'loathing tn. Dap* take up Nooks and Ivuoime to any party the atty. Office No. 410 Penn WON, open Coy and mint, where all ordets WU. maerammit qt pasaangyra and . psemme mars prompt. Cl. Baltimdta expreow iiii•l'vi+;• • Eon. at 2,30 p, a. cc , , NOT/OE.--la esaa_of loaaopiji, y mil I hold thithualres responaliellir • • only, and far Li SZOL dff IIII . BEU At lila'vewiar db rigk ocarst , statial.ca - sirutenasitis a • go . ... .. . rrhigußGE4 , l , T., ,. miumplei & WAYNE A IthLDWAY'rEarnE,-4k• PTPEF .• Pul ifu a ttrii i irreiniatomistiT. ost and atter My tan. lizsilnu4wl 11,1 rfolkon, via. . • . r.--. .1.,_, Gamma 1 1 Yoe t_ roe/ zi 1 leg .PttrahnrghlOhlaago. 0/anlan&,..Whaallag. Expres...--. its I. zn. 2.1.1rhm.... MID a. la. Express-- ..... LCE, p. m. AAP P. mom. *U p ea a. m. Exprem.:...-... LW p. ect. -, r ..aa * . KAU_ ..... zoo a. m. t. ..14/A . For Nair Oast* and Eris I.loa. se.. heal .. ....., isrommaa. -..4 rdont Arrive f at Pittaborgh-P. ParW.AMOdlaftway AM a. m.; &Nis,. M.. Lm P. ?It Mal g,113° p. O. AP. 1t...w...21Ca. 111, ..§.P0324 IL EL - .LOCOICKISDASZON'IMAIILT• • UM Allegtomy. - _ ,-.-, -.: 1 . 7 cla e N.. I Endow 'Nag - 1 ~ . , ...1 Menlo Brighton tar. Canto. j Enemata ...Mils. aims.= -LIA pan. Inlet p.m. lalalp."ank . PO p. ay -u.Soa.sal ,+- - •• , - •',7 4.4 i p. 121 Arrive at Allegheny-P. F. gp.aelty, soma, %IA a. ea, &IS a.' m., ULM a. m.,2411 1 ... M., 4.4 0 P. and N. 12.20 p. a. O. aP. E. 8.-o.loa. ta • ' , GEOROE-PANXlENillagagAgage, Maori Pa geatigeo t3tattoni PItU rgn,Pa A. Q. OASSELBEEBY, TM/ma 44,4 myna F. h_ MMES. Gianarat All = Agan t pITTSBURGH Al D z al%liMins CONN ELLSVILL sum:in:Eat AitatrirGEMlVlT. on 'api alter morirDAY, zune_f Magus using will leave the pallet, eat= OLZIOek 4, 4/ Water streete, as follow= . .. . . . . .. . ...,_,S.,aari9TArrlvir all . , nttava. .... :Ilttalft b. to AWL Lfrom Uniontown. 106 a, 4. — ... 0.00 p. at. Nail " " . Liap. 4.:1100 a. 03. nest blaSeetportdasoreal....ll,llo a, IL Alia a. au &mond " .. Elail p. X..; AIX P. ni• Pint Braddoakhl ' " ..". TOO A. VC. SSC S. Si. &MILS. . .., 4.15 p.m.."112fi1l p. ft. Boaday 011azolt in to an/1 , from MaKaeapart- 121". ili I*l. % For tickalf apply pa . • A. S. A te'stuzra l W. B.=OD; papattateset. -,_ LLEGRENT VAL- Mum , LEY E A ILKOAD..- , ORANGE OP TIELL—On and attar MONDAY Wi Kra ll Y lnks It ITw_P64, fo ll ovlag unast ( tiost of AWL TRAM—Lear= Pttisbat Ufa as arriving at Eitt•r”lng at MOO an. LI". ass Klb taming at toe to. -my arriattakt . ataealall at r EIPEESS TakLE-oLearas)Zatakkatagai 11.25 a. at., arrlvirta, MA/bUIVISMIII/4/11. Lelii es Pittsatga . k at 4.30 p. , aa,anotaintal at _ . • 'Aut. I tOOBLIELMALTION wmatitaz ikst Boca Works at Rat arrivingatPl 4$ • at. Leaves Plaabtugh aL klant. 7 .jakaatbrisi r Sala Warka MUM ta, o am P. SaILTOWE, akmatlaisaftal. szdtrapia* . O'M'B ''; ;;PORE ON smuntizlwoinnts rtfTSBUNGEfaIettON,Le 111113CN- •• - •f• Vita. Passage troll tho 1 014 eacciktry. This Livorpool, New TOT:, oast rhileflotptda (lis titer4lStaimaiihip Oaargotor barbs tad tit! deou=rnow hare, sfeelAr..lhaaapso a. e prepared to pal ot eon koma Posteatereq thoStaioasts of . Liao at UNUSUALLY LOW HAM M: The lame at rewrite Mai ItAvs Liverpooltatay_ DAI, lot New Tork,toothing at, age are auto= thetast,. esteet„oiulayiet Tomb' &doss. iiae;;;l;aimad la alio iiint ter the Tor= add Londonderry Line of Staiutal artu peel • ovary THURSDAY; sact_- duty fat huh Panama* and rialla - team. Ire of this Ilha us-bait La the strongtmarnaar t sad torah choloeacooterot far swam la also ester ter TAXSI' LUTE of ads. toned 011pper Peetxts, leariLlanyoal tot Now Yorktwleka week, and; the vti.. Lisa of Landon Packets, teitalnt •Ijertdon. PyttYltaa data, The ahtpa of Tapsootth Liar be.. lan Dena no• ted for their quick pummel and Abe . I sßeDosiD of the fandthed the paalanyart.and Malt land Outman while on bawl- hrzliD who pus halt friend a Brow:lst ant by aaillnatamp}s, ahon.ld by_ all tanarMaza thla tem Tatasite to ma at really nits. BIGHT D ma altpaDiA.ol tor uls at Dia lowest tun. I Dittimitagratko OeDs, l‘; f r NlFtWiet, st [lea mt. • QTEAM WEZEXIT =: Till. - LIVSE-Alk h.r. P 091.., totmeing AS 44,17SENSTCiWN,S=1 (port Harbor.: Alie well4terem Statimm at the Liverpool, New Yorkeed rtifisdelphlsititessehlp Ocenpmay (lemma Um) serivitm the U. B. MAIM, am lateededto maim tollows.. GLASGOW . - .:Wedimedifllide ta. CITY OP vragniikoltillaturtlep July IL KANGAROO. wearmidey, iilljon ustue . f . lari Or LON - IXI N li. Ltd ;nary stmeritu Sat="4.4need, 7, AA soccottaskino 44, Meth Sam. ,-4 t . A.' aims or e 4- ' rayahle (A gold k or to eler 40:hem FIT albeeidols....lro7asitt... N : 0 to Pmts. ... -100 00 .to POVIAL.... 111 m tl to Eteambum.. 116 00 - .rli.! tergeashorm 011 resseagers also torgarded to nano, , a. Rotterdam, daterem Am, et Altpsalpister rasa. YETI teems LbrerpoOlorßeemommet.:44 Gab as V 1 Staliewilre, VA Those who vita to said tor Meat Wands gam boy ttatete.tma at Wee 'Mat :..4.41,44 For further Atlfostutloa apply' et the Wel% °the. .TOILNU. DALE. . le Brosewer,ht ll l. ~..,.....4 ,- . ._ AIL errrElT4L4 04/2 • Na Witi.r=t4. CUR AHD 1..1 LvEßPoos. AND - • ani,w‘N MIR VA c2its OV/T1M ,1 4 num NEW yon 4 iirakitos ) - BgUITW/ week. 4cntrto THaritemaainct.,44,4t,.. othesenftaincatais wiliadOcais staawn • - , , COL OLOTHI3-1 OIL OkOIALS inoors, Twee, coin:4w amorsj !—P11o1•r id, of all andituo and patterns. Mar stock land sad for sale. at zeinted priest, id Qs ea Math Depot et .lle4 la,itirt,44:lll4Etrie DELTliikt t BEtalliGtt=Lestber and Inas hubbseitaltluirt Was. GaUlata, Lux Lasibsa , atut /14reuvot- the tea quali. stock abrupt an Um d as of. 2# #222 ty sr. mu: #ll2#l,lt, ,U At MV,ERBAL:OLOTIIES WRIXOBIt rada mipsamthabauverfausiii inniumeduzinmamwuu7 itippeeMm at to. zaccftmstDom,"olll as.ut :1 41 1 t,ii 4 rai, "" P ta ll : ,11111196141Vii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers