4tazti it .1 TfiußsDiT, APRIL ' 27; ises. _.,'=:• ROBUIBOZI, ittLtliff I 00., sitis Alb Mirclasezvo, We. IS /earth ar.4,l7ititsbnrsk. • EMU. ratadvsd, le Pail FUNDS sod OUR -- 001leetloas toads la all paits of Die United States. ear sail sell at at rket rates: - - • V. S. s par es t. 15 6 1, Bonds; • , U. S. do. • &'lO do.; tr. S. 5 pas 11411 do.; • V.S. B. d pa °snidest., indebtadann Ifiw U.S. 7.w um Notes. 7;:tury atao awl SELL VN 0011110ESSiON at the New York, Philadulphis, bad Pittsburgh Boasda, all" kinds of iloserummt fiesurities, fusits. • ode. Gold tar ko. • 21 lINANCLit coIIiFaCIAL agROKENSF - AND BATIKERS , BOARD. maaimmo irr junit.mni,3llrOLlAX it 00.) WIIIPSEeiDAT April 'lit; M.,' MVO 'oo 'moo eassaanillif R. It. stock, no Int... 5,15 Alisilieny k E . l4.lburgh 011 00.. 11.25 - 011 awe, 101.1 t Oil 000 Oia & Cherry I ,M • 4gurr Too/1. Cherry Pe 010 080 1006 011 ,NAtruk 1,1171 Way 00 1 41 iris: = ' 4,23 NOM 'l,to 0.60 Vlparry 1tuak131004..... • 1,00. .18104 Fum 3 , sl Manecto 1,10: 000, Ventral lA* 'lOlO4 StaiesTal N. Y..... P - AA* 7teeeowWait= IMA— - . • "" 1,63 . Voles Li 0212 'Allestrny 011.13 b 1„23 1,33 —Gold iumt Clarrrnmeata both strove to the Barr era market, the litter Ming sharply. Five-Twee. ty bonds Me two per Orr,t.; Ten-Forties - nearly three per cent.. abort lut night's 'quotations. Regular: Board Teletrato quotes the former at' the letttr at n. sales were mete at oar 'Board btiore 'receipt of the shows telegrare, at 1.0 7 ferßtretwiattre, 'aid to ftir Teo-4'mile*. Pitte but& ntes for gold—paylog, 1.60, Am. -Omen§ (May) he&at,tit. , • . The Meek market. tmovet -more tlowle, though there la a noreamtdent feeling abroad. Oar tee. .grams note an Improved Prospect In Pkllactelpht.s. Shin Daltell at et, Olt Crock h Merry Ban at t, —Columbia name', so Hem to dim,. unit the Now of last weeirolfered atits6le 'Renter . Boar] !6e ea the *rein, ti 2,60 btd. - We hare street oaks repotted at Oh Sales of cherry Bunk Pitts le Unit al el. There. Is some stir Ls Blood.Parei la Ohio but we le assiot oo sales. Oil break SaOlessfy loss la better desoand—SJSO bia;44150 asked. . • The mom sese!rat ruling 'avows& to the . szt. nNep ot, assessment, as trts keeping of the See sabsertAbsts a the esti of four millions dally. Ths shipments of specie from New York. Mai . work..amounted'teless than elgtapteur thousand - dollars, whthi for.tbieorrespondbag week last year the aggregate ertputts footed op ovicthros mQ- I lona tea hydra and thirtylieren thoosand. The luau% of gold from Ualtfornta and foreogn emus. 44" now averages nearly a million a wee k. The gold 'peculators will soon hare plenty 'of material to operate with, but they will have hers br beton sourest with smell p, oats and reembrital heavy - •The Assistant Treasurer' Or the United Skates Ilkas trolted. directions fur pnymen4 of coupons lilt peozumi. Holders of sixtj or more ooupons to .deposit-thess,with schedules, at the Mat, bslore bud, tar examination. It wilt be seen !toss thlettar. there is to ba no .atutp.oooa of the intereit; luta thir. thare hi DO redaction • °JUNIgoId premium on that secount., - The folloWiimis a comparative statement of the of the Philadelphia Banks on Monday end oath, pEetiolmaion4stf: ' , Capital stoek.;..—..-- SI 1141. 15 k 1 .11 19 lwase. .. .. 60,910,519 ao,ateosi imams: . 1,223,7119 11. 11 Legal-Tender 17,991,294 ..1.11,169,67i ti,ifri(oll • 43,561,640 Otresdation— 6,914,313 6,312,699 pflbeidales repotted today al .153 bap RI, at • 6( cents, told. ROpOlti to-day 4200 hop train Rio, - per bark .a.you. Flour—We note sates 0(101 bbls Ohlo Super . at Ifl,A, 600 bbls Howard street do at 116, and 600 How .l. street Extra, at VIM per bbl. Corn Saul, sales of City HUM at lettUrper bb4. Graln--IWieat—Recelpts 1S babes; sates of 1500 busbri.s white at M 400262000 bushels led at *l6O, and 600 bushels at 61,16 par basaeL Horn— filfeclngs66oo busbasooo bushels =mixed sold at 111,11,1150 bushels: arUida at 61,1510,18; 435 Wallets 'sallow at 11,16, sad SPA/ bushels •do at 111,204(tX5 per bawbel. Oata-4400-buskela offered, with oaks of 1360 bushels shin cants weed: e—Reostpts 5611 bushels; salts of TM busbals at .Ll 6 pee bushel. Stgar , saies reported co-day or MI bbds POrto Rico at lIHISt, Ho do do, st 116100;10 hbfw Cu ba, at 1230, sad 156 bills .db, at Ity,a per pound. Imports to-dayll2 alas and It tas•trout Obialuir . if MEE ETB TELEGRAPH. - -C Icagu Markets 1 - Special Disis,teh te the Pittsburgh Gashtte. Ygoest—Beeeipta, 1,19 l bsetels; mtxterste, active Otare-17heat7Iteeelptsi 11,063 bushels; good speculative dematd, clestot forNo.l spring 111,21% SIM% No. St IA fair demand at 111,111111,11%; wbs.7 ter *CAM Saii.4toMinal. • Corn—Reeelots, 60 bushels; opened druibut closed quiet; No. 1.70,14; imitated 604: OatiA4leselpts, 1,611 bueholstdull, declined 34m, .ales at 4.1.148 AUX, closing weak at 44. Bye—Beatipts, 674 buslie/a; Arm And ue higher; sales of No. 2at 16e. Borley—Recelpta 1,166 budr els; opened active and elating - 011st; salsaUf No. t Old at MGM; nor SD. - • Aliswism—Ylrmem cicala; at Arr. Serze.—FlnS and Unchanged.' TROVISIOTIS—Noce active. Barrelled Pork fur. this advanced 60441; wake of Mimi essirrstipis; prime 11w, t2.4,7:43i B;,.Swact Phdlled Hams, MA elect Clear Wes, boats, l/:; dry 41ted Shoulders, 14e. Beeres—Bglit supply and tpret, elostair weak; as bead at $7,5568 for Lair" Steers;_ WPM for la; brio: gledea. , BoP—enota 'sells , * sad .dreaded 12411%6u Boleti:Be head et sajnitis 60. ' • ' • ; New York Market. New Tong, Dlll 20.—Corron—Mon settee sag 11 . 1 1 %, at eiteNelor 'Aida at We. a—tiesry, and fw lower on common grades, firmer awl **hada for better Mode, and more active, at 1070611,e6 for Extra Pry/Ur daib for Extra B. .31.. 4)., awl eft,a626l for Trade Brands—the Market wloalng quiet. • Writagr—Strudy4 Wietern, 61,118.1,11 L - Onaur—Wheat ratber Ursa.; Wrote:lla Wort rem, 111.11101,70; Choice. Amber Ifiehldary, ' .Alps sakes firmer; Western, 61,01011,03. Bay and Barley Melt 'quirt. Corn a etude firmer. at 4486; Now Whit oWeetern, 61,41 D; Old Nixed Wear, -era nominal, at 664660 . Ottoctstuosotire • llrm. Sugar matte and_ • Itlipkert_ M Cuba Muscovado 11122 3 14 0 : Kola/ere islet; Cuba asseorado, ttle. , , . Piernotsom- - -Nonttnal? • ' Paoranorra—Fork firmer awln mare antlre, at 11311 1 et . 80E8 New Weee—elating at MAI oath, 60 for tall-1 do. .1111 and regular way--, at WSW tesh..l , ZOni =tor Prime, and tale 5106T1,00 for Prism Bets; a so IMO bets New Nese, for Kay mad J ade. ee.lr option, at, MAIL Beef store attateo) for Pula Mari, and Aid mg* for Extra Men,. Beef llama wore Annan or bbia at $21,60013,00. Out Mesta fism_, at: : wee6;io sor Shouldron. nod 000 19%. for Boas - IJeroo Wet; at itSgtliWie for Ourebertsad Cut. tiqie for Long &hoed, sal Ile tor Short Ribbed. _Surd Ira, St 1M . 16 , 4a. Butter ea gesioand, at 13(1"00 fee OtrOr Sad =Woo fOr dint.. Obeesse la moderato ;ranee; at tter..e. • New tezlclialey artt .weck Jtarket; Ifrir OP Per on& 1LC148,40100% for gel& G o ld a t-• gat 161, dots..sine. twg, leg at tferttnnits:st Stooks aura adlye sad gworwa-6E7001~; Slade of 1831 glenposte, WI% U. 8. He tlearsone.lBly U, 111. 10.10008 pints, 18; Wlreartlitter,66; (ado sag MUSLuippl WNW's, Uhicaltitu . l Noah W 115 w York Central, ; Erlr,6% e all i Pt= 108%;_lieution, 112%; dips. t . ; Fart Wormy 1,110; iglealgaa flouthrra, .181%; tabrugh, 1.1%; moth Weans. 94% -notrisuasi. ll4 %. =ea. Lethaser. ..4.1014 %, New Tot* 101%; Er1e.,14%; Hudson, - 113%; 5014 og, - get, atterdran Cessna., 11.1)ri Calvin Southern, 11%; BBBoB6ifontrit Uletelan4 and mu ._ berg*. 11Sr.; telt , and, FA Nona Iranian, Wort*, Weetess Bsefe 16%; Fort Warns. 1 I rill* Du Milo, 01 06 awl WSodwl 6 l4: vr toni 2113‘ Uusalsetl= I 41801talvilL ;18/artrewa, .Tle Wetter and Fort . e G old, altar aa141411)4. . < ; Cteetneati - Market. Crafts rkg,M iril 26,:- - FLova--Hsoludipas parkas. Owe—wheat itte4 mime Rad, MAO; Oats. 711 gitcr:Thoil, germs. - _ • Polar totoka—Bleis roAadraszed to $3O, 01); saki lot MD Mb Bilk Keats Ne higher, sal held annlyi SiatoadOtOr lac I Shies, Ile. Lard held aL 1150. Sokatrouted llama to hiGher, al 'to; Sulk Jigsaw Adwaseed to 141 • • Bunirclunarp—auld,'l Review of the New York .. . Gregory, Menet. (Prole the Commercial Liar, Apra IS.) . . . Sugar—The bitainem in Ann 4alurdarand Mon day was again large. • Rollner• and the Trade buy._ aag trimly, Ma market araborioa aireacth all true while, and *loathe Orally at an ad ranee of - sheet Was omit on the ouneery 0 f . rid.T Uett we now "oes yale Reining. (.7 ntia ei,i et real Good do, sad rate to Good °emery. ISSieksk.,4 aloe Hafted la le geduetl and /dither... Hard loci "ft Watts 1 Apieplapa Yellow 01{14ek)i.. Tee sales oLhaw are SO bids China at l i (lie; e'9:Porto - alto, 113( atipA, sameamr, CO. dAttlueoldot wade, le tai. l* - 11k1f, gad It nu rsigliah taiantl,.lt;;; and tido bza gam., jtigt7;4 Eno.. . • .. , • . eigoaanareaditea bean • Innicalerate! ropieve *Laos p t i a is. theiket retaining ite arum at th• gsas anew, at nosy . loot. Ton ado. are two' (l iv ed ict u bit e tsieetti•r 4til hes Ned 6 . 1 lead' as tat A da m t5 .,,,,0 6b14 Gobs Ileaeoesdo % " Si bids diathoduch d9i,t 4 a 3 / 3 Pond Rini ditAr le t ma otadiO bail .j.,.4%,,n 5 . Mot faitoPo TN*. ii-,,.....; audd la ..higher.O4i. J i:..f,' O wd- --- d siaditatmadista nil tar par ~ rare. ,Tba..ilUZ and en 4atimeate ItgOlgaapd , j ar ; qaciaranett.fitirs At VI, Wean{ and 44001inaar7,4,r,,D.E;:e..0.1 4 . Ida moan acts at ll,iik. lti ncielt Am} mr4tall 1. it. both totdi ofd Idefill,M,'eurnewv..--r , -...„,; -- ei . .3.401. 1 ar011 - , da In - mattes. . .. - ::.10. , ......... , ...r.t. , . ..:'...- 901Pere-rTlie market for P. ,--": a Wong incise rail ice* orlaak meekoettil , faTleitkeeaiSfrO 3 bp o per Marti,. A..t 'O.O en u. r- laTi elkehal, Oa not metm ige'aga',3bk•SkpihkeYl• ll 4' sold a prteme ter ,. r':.. - : ,-; • - .... • -,-; ' i tsjilea—,Stree ~.. - • 2135:1,0 Plod ( l , ffitro` teen sold at 71 cm.. .1- , =4:14;' , 14itt .. .la' Ana. zimarar uramtw OP PITTSBUAGI2 , - , 'WZDZ C.EMAT...141 . 41 The prostration In the general market atlll eon. Unties; led the only new feature to none, le thet ,eoraldenee, is to come extent, taking . the pines of despondermy. There to, astral, noimprcrvement to rote in the dsmandgor any of the loading etonmed. ities, and prices have undertone no emerald change. —GRALIN--Wbsat and Barley continue quiet - slid very dull, and there is not - enough doing to estab 11th quotations. ()Main gto4l supply and were dull and drooping; we note sales On track, st 66433; al. to, Igo busbela In store, at 19centa, delivered free on board. Corn is very dull and may be quoted nominal at 7d to 93 cents per bushel, according to • FLOUR—Is .dull and neglected, but noodeally unchanged. Sinai' sales from store at 1i8011e9 2 . 3 . for Sprier and Winter Wheat brands. Receipts lair and the supply considerably in moos of the demand. PROVLSIONS—Thereis stair Jobbing city and country demand for. Bacon, at unchanged rates-1S OM for Shouldenq 17145113 for Ribbed Sides; and MI till for ugar-Cured llama Lard is still quoted at 19, and bleu Pork at 1.30._ HAT—Continues to airive pretty free/dr and 'with afalllnaoffln the demand, the market -rules. • Very dull, and prices bare Mill further declined. . Batas at scales of 14 loads at Signe per ton, is to r , Cu R 8.•.6.q..--There&fair slapping demand for FUN. `.Seed end we oresn ales or Some . 1 :5) bushels at di per_ .barbel. Clover Seed Is wanted And would 'sell readily at an advance, but therm la little or none 1.13 Minket. • Small sales of Timidly at 015. BUTTER—There Is a : very goon liemaad s 'for strietljeltas table Butter, and the mornet la stew - (If at . Sale of 18 bolas prism Banat" - sad 2 der , Mgt. There lL ao demand for common grades. • - ••_POTATO — DuII and drooping-3MM liberal ar. rivals and a supply sounderably In Gnosis of Ohs. SU &mind. Ws nate solos of Peach Blows today at RIMe perbmbel. , . 1. 1 30h,-In demand and a shads nigher; sales to day at MGM cants. , UHPY.I3E—Is stead w ith regular aides of prince Western Reserve at sad = Hamburg at 11:119Y—Saleast per DRZLII FRUlT—Apples very. dull and drooping% mall sales at fate.: Peas/Les, ars nolo; MI di , • • piTussifuou PETnoLEum it_uuckT Weinsangt 'Aiptil le, Ti3es. There was a food deal better feeling in the Petro' kr= market to-day, both Chlki• and - Batlned, oar tog to favorable &dela* from New York, sod, as • general holders demanded • higher rates. Orate, which fat some 41sys put its dragged at 111.,11% and MI outs, sold readily to-day at le, and sem& holder& are asking . WW2., but as yet, no sales havehren madci above the last named quota tion. --We Detentes of 6110 and 03 bile, at' 43, bbls returned:B:oln bulk, at sane figure; ti, bbls included; dud M/0 at WK. There are several orders here from New York, for handed oil, but the direr. enes between the IiSWII of buyers and cellars hu tendency to retard operation. We did hear that s sale of Sort) bias, hid been effected, but we we:eras able to trams the report to any reliable source. Free Oil is quiet Lid unalm4ed, being euoteaLett.i at O&M !Reddest= is selling at 19,1106,50, while Napalm!. Olet and withoutquotake abscise. .The receipts of Crude by the Allegheny river, lib= our ili,t report, are as followi: Ne.IGIv7 .031 G. Christi**, 641 (Matkee 475 y. - Dav a tr i4 —.....- 2 6 Total • PHILADELPHIA - STOCK MARKET. Spedia DbpsAsh to Ito Pfttensigh Sasettib. •tt l!nu.s.szczatu. Aptll 24.101 M. 4airtet for Ott Stocks walnuts dal' and, nagiestetwlthout an y_partiodllsr alums in prima. The closing quotations ware an lollowt 11 l 120 Ross »....I 00 1 14 Bull Creak .. 3 VIO ,86NIskulas. 337 NoolB It. Dela 303 CaldwelL: C5O DalaelL 11 llorsplantar 687 Maple 5hade..4'..17,93 Sugar 8 67 ST C.rk & Ch's limn. 315 Big —. 4.76 • NEW TORE -PETROLEUM MARNET. SpeeLel 14rpatek to the - Pißsentsh GantW. Nzw 'xi APl'4*. 180 . ,Petmleem, Crude Is settee and higher, it 37; Refried, in bead, $d 63; and Rettntel Free at 731/13 tetth some holders "GemandLing 71. Baltimore Bute, Aprll 23. IMPORTS BY ;RIVER. Pwatotssißus ',lse IteRVA —LW slo b orloy, W P Beck fa.,c1.1 cask dry apples, Means a cm* brls uppity, Dltbley Vaagoraer; fl. bdls ,papsr CHM*. btugb Paper co; 21 baler hay, Maks oats, J T Col vin; I box aulte, fl Rhodes; 1 bales waddull. Stela Bog %ski wool. Ita bbts dry appboaiod kegs AMU, Clark, is. co; It Ims 1; ware, .IfeLeact & Slow; bbls *la Lltsik. Illeclatfogl ksw auts, 00015 fdalbew &800, grate bars,7 pica mutton, Carroll a. Sal der; O ika flaxseed, AL B Suydam; I ox scedlelne, B L Faboestock hew, 5 tma mdse, I box furs.l WU sheep pelts. Frank Melt; at mks L setiVEllacolltoa ao; basting& SSW /era; I Llt . luninure. RE Bulger; 1 do. o Lame& a iyelse; ICO Macula feed., Wm Weymaa;brls lax seed, la do dry apples, final it /11etasar, 10 bates bey, Ruda*. llot dater & co; 25 do do.• Dountd Arbuckle; o ski dry apples, J S Dilworth. • - ST. Lodis LORIZAL-3 C/.8113- p ip!; A Gordon; 67 pkg. - gloss ware, 60 tcs hams, ox; Ddla bides, Clot k CO;100 pip lead, I B 310 oil brio, Jas Wilkins; 6 bMaboop iron, Everson,- .Pres ton,& to; 2 pkgs varnish, J ATtrown; I do do; JP Scottl2 do.do, Gilielam ft Orr; 42 oil Obis, 1 041 A Hutchinson; 42 ale bOls, Spencer & Us. -key,fid•tewlng maebines, Wm -Sumner & co; 6 dos thairs; nano/ &Irwin; 190 oil tibia, • D ifiller; 00 tali Wept.J P Aucker. & co; 2 cases wine Jos .MeGrew;6 brio lad oil, 3 tins 'candles, E IL- Wpm k. co; 11 btis oil, loaf itk Dickey 4 co; Is dodo, Sl kis lard, J BSPothen & co; 20 brlsoll, Ltl.le, Baird & Pattonfl4 Is:shams, Townsend& Borg; 74 teal/will, . P. Selina & co; I • Pig' dnrp,J 1.1 Eaton;G balers bittny,33 Beckett &cols pkp furniture, LIMCIA WVlse.6 pkgs It A U Duncan, . • ST. '4Oll/C ran SILT= YCLorn-14 Wilds tobacco. 25 tool:Deg, 20 to lard, 158 boxes sousage• 636 brig • barn4CUrk & co., lOW Jas Wilkins; 42 calf skins, Belongs & Chestnut; t ,;.,o, Ism Callas; 64 bee glass, Ourutintbant & co; 54 to. hams, 14We, Holm &Patton:6 oozes tobacco, J O Ackerman; 41 pkg. garniture, LOMOO & Weis.; 61c. bows Juan Porterfield; 9 bp drugs, It Ettellers & co. 10 bales cotton, &Pucka. & co; 10 brio bungs H. D 'Coe:rola; 11pkigs tobacco, E klegraw; 6 brio gumaS B Senn.- ' dy; r fa hints, Wht e, Orr & co; 37 oil dole I,loplu colt, Fry co; I pkgs furniture, Hadley & co; 400 brim four , Clark ' • IMPORTi BY RAILROAD, PITTENVIION, FONT WATIII k ONICLAAD R., April 264231 tel lard,llll to hams, F Sellers loco; 1 •ear cone, Simpson k Knox ;20 Man potatoes, hitek & Armstrong; 32 bu soap, Little, Baird & Patton 13 do do, W X 'Gormley, 100 Was font, ' Shootnierk Laren 3 tea hams, J Lippincott; t 6 Win fork,/ le bitmors, Wolfe & 'to; 1- oar •oll: bolo, Kano & et; pkgs dry apples, s dolma, X Strong; 36 sks potatoes , . (look k Bra; mks raga,tiodfroy & Matti; lea sk• barley, MS do our . & Shepard; .2) do do, 26 do flour, 6 bids flour. J Stuinki 122 b onto, Donney h} p i Gorda; I tad butter, da"egra, UDlcStal; flasks potateus, J Butler; 20vmkagos !MU, hbomakor re Lang; 4 casks .serap Iron, •Jotut Mullion. i Cxxvtisxn. AND rrrrastrzaz =— MO Mao llsonenti" krill lard, Jordan, 11ollister/k eat= rollo Mc hor,4 ti Ander.on;3 bbls tog., 11 11 Houstony= Mae floor, Seghtnyorat Vol. ,karop; lotto do, OT Leetb;imido do, Shomaker • Lang; IM, do do. Graham &Thbmse;l6o do do; W' Liookartll4s tors wheat, Simpson & Knox; at sko Tetilr,# 61131111:0Ont 1114•1:,..li 1114 but. tea. Potter, *ikon* fthepardi Awn tinnelrys; T l 7, . . • •INTAINZAT STATION, AN IS TA--O CAIN wheat, D Clilame& ecolO balseallealose 0 kitootalager tr. Sees IS Ski oats, D-Bakeetlato ace: P Thema; BO Ibelapaper,Plttabaro Paper so; 14 ski potatoea, ias Xqoastil can wheat, .1.0ae4,7 4 7_ !8 0. Au= pernmuncE.-; . . The weather continues warm andolear awl Nevi laity settled, while the river continual to retell* ateadlfy I.lth about Ns.fret.aod* half o,the chow; set by Weider loathe List thisiticaredoi- Untwa +J dull at the wharf, and there are no at malt of say tionmallata flaprWys- .The aritealaslnee our last report, include the latheres; troy Park.gmburg,' awl' the Lorena and the Sliver Cloud from tic.iouls. '=, The Mewling from math viite,ls among the first belle due., Th•Dayard, from Parkersburg, had not ou t l i ved Then. we left the rat; but She would n° ll 6 lar btk ge% et= tor i Pmeeisborg iesteitieY, inure nettled timt, add the Abutment, let Louie. - yinf,..eltusa that *endue. The last mimed boat liad all the haled the could venture out with on the presentstale Of Water, and quite a Qualm/ of _POtheolitlni Tualnese at the Allegheng wharf was eery quiet; • yesterday, and, we fear, that Unless there ie raw eery soon, stalmbostoartgation between . berg ~,,4 011 City will soon tresUipendert. • - , The Leelalre, for Emlenton, was the only depn r. tare, and there is not a single arrivello report. .I.lapt.l3rown Is bastes some Irtipiovemeats made on the Hoot /Imes, which will and materially to her appearance, and at the same time afford hatter accommodations for passengers., Dept. h. Intends Laying the cabin extended the full length of the boot, sod a teXIIII in addition, for thb acCoMotoria lion of the °Meets and crew. The Bard Times ' witreommenith, hbollog fOr _St. Lools in a few Si Wituiroila,'Cipt. a W Dickerson, sleek, Mors tie Doriey. Is now loading tor-St, Louis- and .It. Pauli and the wUI be many to leave on diaterdsy. The. Ithtmeole has aeperlor atootemOdritioall for Pqn4 and plenty of room' for freight. ~ . The ' yard, Capt e 3 D. Moore, Is, thorri4folsr for Patheraborg to •dtty. leasing promptly at , r She willtre followed tomorrow, by the .brencity, Capt. Vole, leering it the same time:: ..The Emigre incy. Dept. Ilasiop, Is announced for f3t.tools aun all thtertroptister .poirdei ferttt-' . . TikRD . 8 bidrrill,l„.tr „ Tsukeitt-fikG.CE,T.Iz."4 . W! .P'A PtliSVa.4.llßT.l".ii .L 1 H• " - EGG!7. - thte, day st etrsc &- La rolatlhama+Q.-' 1 OR:.ST. LOUIS' SEOltall DVIILIHFi austrAsuvrozr szci ST. PAWL DIRECT.'-Tkle_new ar7lMt. Pesareger steamer, Capt. Dieksen, win leave for the above sad Warms-11Mo ports on . lIIATITEDAYS Sent tut • :For frefght or ternere l sgmkn . board or to • S . spit s. D. C ut OLLINGWOOD, re,.,!ts• 112VE.tVW304TS. REOULAR PITTSBeIiGH PAILKEESBUEGEt PACKET. new and light draught steamer SRON IVlT"rps Joel; Noss, Master, I. L. MOOreery, Mark, will leave lrlttalituah every Tuesday and Friday, • , at eleven &clock A: AI. for srEtrismyn,r,,A, WHEELER°, SUNFDi BULL CREEK, MA RIETTA and PARKER BURG, and all Intenne- Mate rerts. Returning leaves Para eriburg on WEDNESDAY and SAYEIRDAY, st Wolock r. For freight or plump appli el on board, or to JOHN ILA() nti. ap!nktt. J. D. COLLIN WOOD, ‘ll,ge MARIETTA AND PARKERSM DUNG PACKE. LINE.-REG ULAR PASSENGER STE alt 7 Bil FOR W ING, SUN_ ,FISH SLSTERSVILLE, BULL CREEK, MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new and fart Mae Wheel paseenger BAY ARD, G. D. Moore.breater,Dasslel Moore. Clerk, Leaves Pittsburgh 'miry MONDAY &THURS. DAY, at 11 a. sr. Leaves Wheeling. at 5 r. M. same daps. EPlursibilf, leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY and PRSEPAY, at F. at. Leaves Xmletta at s r. is. same day. —Leaves Wheeling at 7 a. x. WEDNESDAY and ISATEIRDAY. • , For freight or pottage, baying tutiurpaned ao. coareodattoos, apply. or, board Or to JO NN FLACK, or JAS. COLLINS. Agents, No. 89 Water street, Pittsburgh. pEGULAR WEEKLY PORTS MOUTH .a. AND PITTSBURGH PAORET.—The line_passenger steamerl3l=ll4l.l) ERA, W. H. Kerr, eaten W. IL Bryan, clerk, leaves Pittsburgh everySA=DAT, at 111 o'clock in., and Pertsmonth every MONDAY; at-2 o'clook p: m. Tha Golden Era make oonnections al t Porta• mouth with t, and stammer Batons Na; for Cincinnati, and will receipt freight and amen. 'gess through to that eIW. no2l , F OR fliT. LOMB.—The fine L.:1 1 .1111tdt oeperiecoritulep e , r win le ß j for the above end fates:kenlate ports, oat THIS DAY, at 4 ceolook For I:Mita or passage apply on board, or to aple . , JAS. OOLLINS,Acent. pir.im Peas! FILMS PILES, TWEITY YEARS' amanita, [0114;4 isji REHEiiiEg Dr. Keper's LWsere Bleed Searelsr. Tho *odor's earttM►ler an with= remit. sad Vas lieed de e etrad In mold to w ltayaaUoo Di. Gide. N. Xerame: I became 'afflicted Piles "kat. twenty yearseeo, and every year tic . Wino eroMieut memo* m to triable me very read eo much Mat times as to unarm for work. Boy 'VIM /MINI bad that I could sot de sank-tag o amount Of them; they rasa out us ma u large mu hickory nut. I tried • great deal of medicine kir thent4 I used to buy and take whatever . rout hear et or read of to cktulara and pamphlets that feller mj wat<ind I - could' not - at minds eons tinUacihrie would do me some good for • little wrilbs, at aiterwards they would return again as read as ever. I disci applied to two Doctors, who visited me/dicky power and gays inseams medicine, but It would not do, l could act get weIL Over • year seal got an ii4irerthement of year Mawr. Blood Scaretieronsite he younall. Whin you wild tt. to Me you tell me one bottle would not core me. aid that my Whole asters would hereto be renewed bf the reedlidlnia beforil salmi!. I bought ese bottle and took it home With me, and used It amording to your. directions. I then called to ma you &gals when you sald I Mudd ate expect much benefit tram • are wile, I baniht It. one bottle at a time, WWI had used giro bottles. .:After this. quantity we need. I was entirety well of the Piles. which hid tortured eie for qwenty yew*. In other respect/ . in 7 besa, isaprinee, 414 lama. well me mould •be expected .for one of my age, belay sixty year put. Drava bees well sow for As. months,. end then is no appearance of the return of as Dames / can do tiny kind of farming now without ,wo rk heYnel (*Wag dawn and hurting me. I sari Ditch ksy; 'AO wood, lilt. or do snit kind of work which before used to hurt me. When I forind out your Blood Seircher I kept on taking It until I got s, tireliwell. I cossider It/ordure tp =heat cams, known ttihihe country for in. benefit of others who 'may - Mr dnQmlng as 'mesh - and do hot know the vale* of iota niedlcine. You may publish this II you Irks.' torrishipidisil will ke pleased to satisfy any ens of the troth of this or Ite r ate 'Atqt trlstl to eat on . .—. ELLIOTT BIM& December N th , MIL Sir Lo 4 mat for the same of Dr. HEOECID on the cover of the bottle, and potted over the morltt ohm for We tamp oa the United States memo on the top ot the battle, to prevent being boomed upon by a sportone While sahib, 11 in the market. /1:/- Sold by the Preirietor, No. 10 WOOD ST., and by9IN ON JOHNSTON, sorner.of Fourth sad Smithfield strode, Pittabohro. 0 47:A " Er I • OK.R. GOODALUPS CAIIMUM RE DV ! • peukratee tolled wetieeet of Usti t u~ullll. a a aria •I I t d= st r° l bl aa fl 1 I 1 1' Ty l e t if s ewer Loki the world what Catarrh ruuy was,whers It. eomaneed,"_and abet - wouht await. 1.. - Dr. copopmx. hea IONIC& Ilifetlyew eatithe with tide tell disease, :explortatitefeearet auldwit . And nothing known to the irOrl4 the .fect tha Oar errh, wideleban for yealir doted thersent • 5.% rearm tnedteet men and'Atithoin lb Ude etuntry ..And In Euron•sour-dow iiewitrad. , with tad wows Wel Icon, eerte..aty ti l ed /norrdag follows abibt. Tboueands, who tried every - lb:own on In vein, here beenTennenently eared by Dr. ononkrAns CATARRH REMEDY .and novitiate it in the . inost,extravegent term Metallic • sir- 0 at our seared newly, or send a limo for .16vIsed lad prepared by S. (10(.41 p.; Haw York: • •• • - -xosnot b: 00., Kole Agouti, • .ae BROADWAY, NSIF YORK. KeYsER, gale Ageit, No: yo WQOD f3TREET 4 Pitteburt+6 .7 . 61C1RT01V6 OINTMENT, For dart liiICUM and Strain rennaneutly emus =II*, SCALD HEAD; RINGWDIMIS, *0 ai ITCHING AND, BURN/NO. SOBEZI as r,RUPTIONSOr TR* E 15.133 This i)iiiitutiat pfinetrittas tlus bads at t4o_ It . iii.ea to Ma very soturoo—ourd cum It rr Vac flesh berhOothto Ohs sada on taut surfoon.thronf A/m*4mm of the dlommo upwsol, and i ce mtiiru_ nin of ft la a r m ninnuvnl thin the IK.U I of the enroorro r from lea. town stung, Uteri tax be no Mayne. ;-' • .Nonzew,,ai 0111.,501e Agestail 412 Ha 0.4.131rMei rags KEYSER. Agent , . Wool) entail , PIE re. 0011. „ „ ADrftft Ida • -Lti.t . --A:lpixeliAtalbia and tintbrtetin Atobbreictaii and Tberamellti, fa stittaitud int 4..t1a by • • ". • .IttIYMP:R tt. ty: AltD.-2:5 tierces' et. a. emtere , •.:ti tsc'4.lse4 stet ••• cm= 1,11,171.4•4-11A1RU•k I..rsm!m.rer. Losssa PAID IN 46 YEIARS $17,000,000. Net Assets, January,lB6s, 018,877,862 71. FIRE AND INLAND NATIOLIION stns. Sir Agenles in all the principal Miles and Towns in the United States ErJMZE2IE)IMiiiI A. LOARRIEB. &BRO., Agents. aptalend er FOIIRTH STREET CHARTER 1829 . PERPETUAL FRAITELIN FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY OF PHILADRT•PHIA. Assets en .InanuuT 1. utea. in.4WFAIn Capital • • MHO Accrued Premium. Invested Premium@ 11110= 1,424 Low Fold Mow 1899 o . o CAlili Penericucl sod Temporary Policies on Mesa tdrmio • Chaim N. Ilaneker, - - Lase Los, 'Edward a Tobias Wemer, Samuel Gran Allred Mel ' Jaeob E. Fool t atFiller, • George W. ER ards, Fran. W. Le= 4.. . ID CHARLES N 01C EDWARD 0. 'DALE, Vl ig es i mt. JAS. W. NaAL . R a See. pe_•,.. ;,pm. •J. . COFFIN, .11= milt§ corner Wood and Third F IRE AND MARINE . - Insurance . Co. of North .Amotioa. PRIIADELPHIA. A~seN Hartford Fire lesuraue Emptier. .$1.1118,000. 10 , 1 an can ta secured in the abovonanuti ad amble ampulla. W. Y. JONES. AigurN rlly Misters fiatidings, el Water sti. T &STERN INSITWICE C OMPANY: OP PITTSBURGH., R. KILIAR, Ir., "mow, WM. P. HERBERT, Beall my. (Moe, No, IS Water Elea, 13paris k Co.'s Work Louse, up Maize, Pittebtoph ., Will Wore evilest sgt - Mods trPire ead /Itioties Risks. A Bose Inefituries Bleeders elm ice urn bumn im the onommeeity, sod Wk. .a de tY em. mined bp poomptoess sad bleselity,te owthlfein eiorocier *Aid they Moe assistea.keg a• 6,0 protediasto those mho desire to be Andrew Along, Da exan vid IL Lang Alder Speer, Eno, J.Th.mark Cthan .I. Cart, Jolla IL BLiClums. 11ERUEB.T. Secretary. R. MOM, James Mculey, Nathaniel Holmes, Allem ge Pßlalek, Geor nim Campbell De B. Renee, C. W. Riskatame, mpg, t WM. P pITIZEN'S INSURANCE. COMPANY OF PrPTSBURCHL—OdIee, comer blerket and Water streets, second soot. WM BACIALER, PrerldeoL WM. 6. SHEPARD, Seentary. Insures Stesphosta and (hugose. - Dolan agstbst loot and denude to the !Lavish Hon of the Southern and Wastes. Riven, Lakes end Bayous, and the navigellon of the Sess. Insures against lose and dazes* by Iles. LL.aw.o S. M..• Iller, John •Shlpte, Junes ALugh, Cooper. S. J. Caldwell, Jr., John S. nuw•rta, Wm. k. Rodgers. dote:lyd Wm. Bagiaity, Samuel Res, Jas. Park, Jr., W. G. Johnston, B. P. Joses,_ lioq T.'M. - Hrrom, Barelay Preston, George klinglum, P EOPLES' „INSURANCE COMPA.. I4 iI .k. cidice. N. E. corner of Wood and Fifth ate ITU *BD 10,1t114 nistatarcs Mlll2OlOlB Wm. Phillip% Gapt. John L. Monde John Rot*, Samuel P. Shrtvori John E. Parks, C. Hanson Lan'. Chattel S. MOO% Uvula Minkr Wm. Von Kirk, John F. Birk link James V. 'Verner - Jolua WIS...'PH EL DWff, EnTs4dsol. JUDY WATT, Vielftethiest, WM. P. GARDNER. &melon,. inlkty 4.7,-A LLEOHENT INSURANCE QOMPA NY OF PIT SWIMUH.—Oats,INa lel Flay street, Bank 'Block. Risk Insures against au kinds of Plis sad Wails, ISAAC' .1021M.i. Pree(dna. JOHN D. Pilsa),lLD, nal Praiird. D. N. ROOK, Sendary. John D. NeClord, Osot. Adam Jnoobs, n. inoateiv. Bohai IL Delia Lira Jinn, Ilu Harvey Claws; 'Os t. R. O. Grx.y, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Monsitoek, FOUEICIN FRUIT. NUTS, &c. RS mats Seedless RAMA"; • ~-; :100 boxes N. R. 110111ns; - . 20 lers PhrMli ' ' IS bow Prunes . . S muies.lior” Flps—faturri EU drams Piss; • , . 100 boxes bsier Milintill; s ' . 4 balm Bordeaux Altoona' ' . 1 6-2 bags Molly and 'hiss Almosollu 4 do , Preßsb,W,ulnutsi_ ,,, 10 do Fllbati l q - - -,- P w ill ho de . l . Br am ss e il ett u jua tai awn . ,r. .42 storp Isaac and forma% . .. . . REINR' fr. ROIL, sas• • - Nem Inland =Mood ntreet. c oss OZIMENTII.' 11 au load PeoolLElOw retat44l,l4 bowel' , L dodo .111 lb *blip Jailor loebolces W. R. Cliteilioi , V 261. do notary doi 100 bushels Primo Whltli'Diduisj, ; on, do Primo Dry , _ 800 do .01ox. Eked: , /10.14. 20:1xntieo Pres& Butt/I vo 1 • , 11. choice Ones • . !What( bbls Apple Bo tin; Just r ec eived at ow Llbertdr.olasel. • spll • POTTER, AIKEN & sits:PA:RD," RIR Ws Petits Itooaton do Smoldn_g Thbow; do d P r ima do Clhalapalins_elber; I do CidoroultAblio fox Waring Ilium do , nos ISosift do: litltd eil do 'limbos% do.; • :Lod topical* low by , 2 . • BAL6LET la VAN • Gonnve, . . No; .sol Marty attest. aam4taiuwAiuwai AL .P • 110 deer ern star story 11111 t 1,12 r 001 REEITY- FOR SALE.-40., feet front by XlltenbergeniLlitry; a two story Via nd (with possession October first) two those ck dwellings, cash six rooms, • brick .1, etc. Apply to . r, 8. OUTEIBKRT • SONS, gliglsrketgit: FOTATOES. • .• • - OD bush ealiforota Bean 100 do Pesch Blowac Rerelyed and for isle br • • rb - rzt.a & AWAISTR ONO, anal r_tte. tv!. 4 ".4 Trik ERSA}, CLOTHES WRINGERS --The only good Wrieger thetisiamle, sod to triuTented to give eatlefaetton. colt !tad examtee them at the lottle:lather , Deppl, Ifo:9t and Te St. , Walt street. J. ik .PHILLIPS _ mbar - Sol, Agents for Alleght eounte. AND - LEMDICS: nut re.' red 4" =wit? -Of -Choke' Mesalos Oranges loos, for sale qthaTriMabivi, eortfetilbettilliteT•etreele.` # 1 9 4 e e --•: Ole . E ..r.b.blalakke L. . g, a prima Artiate. just rewired ors sow Sigaw 'tot aoS!RT, 0111_1.' 0 . low figures" t. t CULP SH Plinth t ,sts LI y stnset. CB BARB'' FOB 8A.L8.,--A:lxrgit l jo of 0011. Maki, iota aff, lie*, ern oftrrei t " ,su laLTL - -ftb Llbedy sha H/ndJa.reetz, 'Apt I let.- .Zen _ • ' _0 • IMIXIThIeiCTURERS.! re. 'pITTSBURGEL FOUNDRY. A. GARRISON. 8i CO. (StineeSsors to Bolistan, Garilson,!lS C 0.,) go) m•;, ; AND MACItiNwrO klanufactfirers of Chilled Holten of all sites, for Iron, Steel, Brass, Zino, Copperliver Gold, Rubberß Straw Boards, Paper and India ' Work, also, Bolling Milt Outings of all deieriptloss, Batt 31110, Patent Double Grinder, with a saris. ty of Ober patterns, alwars on hand aid fitted to order oniihort notice find favorable terms. Office and Watehouse, 119 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. folly 8./ LECKT, . . MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, ♦ID.dLL TRH • I ILICTURZII '01112) 111 Sin/Ong .oil and Salt Wells. Particular attention is !netted to his Isto prose eats in .7ARS and JOINTS, which are of fered as the begin the world. They are all made, of the [purest Slip and Low Moor iron, hammered e), free for these tools: These tools Ire made to SIANDABASIZES, se that the Plas and Sockets of enyl one will agree with and tit those of any ether W. of his manufacture, bearing the same number. STEAK ENGINES and Machine Work mans hi, order at his. Shop, on ORM STREET, near the corner of Beaver drat„ Allegheny City. • Posnogice boa 17.. • sexism. POST IRONS, te. No trouble to show goods. apll:3m4 BLACIIDL&MOND STEEL ! WORKS \ PITTSBURGH PA. . PARK,,BEOTBER a CO. Nanufacturars of =Err gmeasry FETTHED OAST STEEL. Squat e,TLat and Octwn, o a Bidtea. Warrant. ed Kruk to any imported or numtlattural h tbl country. r ClMee and warehouse, Na.. to and tat Filar Lad Lid and In SPOOND ITZTATO, Pittsburgh. • felt-yd peI*NTED OCTOBER 8, 1881. DIIIIIIRTDOVS PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, zx rLiANT eLsos. Them, Chimneys an tateunen for the fiat name, nesting all parts of the Vass ncierAtili does not ex. "se 1 11!;:e i'ss Worts,. l' isslinigtosi strte't, *pre - Pittsburgh, Pewee wet. waarnrrosx..a. IllatrllLL. It. V. LIST IRON CITY WORKS. • • DEACILITID&II. YOUNDP2S AND NAINCININIS. Noma: of PULE sod O'HAIAA, aa4 PULE awl WALNUT sritzsrs, (Neu Clip Wate Worits,l Maism*teri of stationary and other Ettellnha. IiOLL • MILL GASTOTOS and IiAORIPTE of all kinds, had ssaieraljobbin. Prompt attepUon grata to repairing ROLLING MILL hIACUINERY ROBMITS, BARNES & CO., No. SS Third Street, Pattourgl. TEN MTh BUEL EROS! WORKERS, and Notialaettirea of • - JAPANNED UN WARE.. We bare now staattraottaiag and hays on hand. Batting Apparatus of all Mods, Toilet Ware to Setts, Witter Cooks', Oroeara , Too and Spine Can, Won, Coati and Spier Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, &e., &o. A Luca lot of 131 rd Gaga for sale km.* oat Caw of all don and wataran Tin Roodog, Conductors , and all ltin of Jobbing Work dose to order apY .44690 MM , S ILVER PLATED WA.lpt ..A.xwar.A.crrtcorvir. Wsiters, Castors, &e.. rim sultable foe the Trade; oft baud and for sale by WILES Bf, MOSS, 223 South sth lit, PRIL.ELDILEBVI. tiussza JOMIS )111610if 1101tilk b'u' 1011.1* B. ILERRON 00.4 • ositc) 4 vc, Miauuiwoturors, ,AND IRON FOUNDER% • ()Milani Sales Somas, • ; Na Vrt LIBERTY sramvii VENN MACHINE WOMB AND EtIONDRY, IL WIUUT 7A11.' - ENGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, Leaxx wrzesr, between Federal wed Renew, ALLSOWY Cure, PA. Moinferturer of WIG HT XAN 'S PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING- STEAM EN GENES, NUMB', Pullers, aw. Repairing of ell kinds atteeded to jobly JSCIIOO,IOIALER, • • . • MANII74IOiI7ILI7I 07 Wilts LCied. Leai.Blae Lett, Lttkaisge, till Mitt, rid!, Zs., , . so 4 . , IMMer la LLNEEED OIL,_ VARNISH, .1 A.PARS, PAINTERS , MATERIAL, ha. Mks ...t . Warthuute, rfo.`lll Wood anat. soluilaya O. 53 Water. St. S - SEVERANCE, Pittsburgh,_rakaufarturoz of BOLIER RIV ETA, W RIMFDT SPIDED, ornarson sad railroad of *very dreenptiok . • rantuailar dual sr shaped BMW:Eland EMIR luta Of • small, made to. order at abaft kaiak A good aasertmaat sollataatly ea kaki mtldwa l'lnaa.lll, RIDDLE & CO., Nix. 215 :Minty urtkitd,rwoalta Stalk, Plttabank arituattnivra of WR11.3. , LAMM.; * SWITCH.. ES, and trrery description of LidATUAat BRAID. ED WORK. dl Orders relloited Atka theoas. Dada, AAA foods orkiAps. stSyy•dasyst instra • - w. BENNETT, Mumfacturere 41. Iremtere Of QUEEITSWARE. No. *I DIAMOND ST ER? between Wool end Margot Meets. Pittsburgh. Pe. aht OIL COMP4XIIgB, _ _ FETnouant. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL.. 3EN eltsoc•l,l2xta. Cheaccaragishar OSISANIZSD URDS TVS .MINING AND MAN - 11CTURINO LAWS OF rim STATE - • OF NSW YOWL CAs6AL, ON E DiILLIOX Dozsaas, • OAS Elvxoszp Tuovluip 151. 1610 PER' SHAME. pdca;Flr. bonus Maltivi, Not Liable to forthn astistusent. • ' No. SI =MILE BUILDING. - -No. ?I BROADWAY, NEW YORE.. nierr comoz eppazsp, vox 11 . 9 . mis, Hos. DANIEL B..DIOKINSON. , AVM.' T.' Preableat. - . - ROBERT BASSETTOlocrolorr.. - H. J. BURTIS , *Dalai BnportnungloaS TBuo. ATIA TAO. Wirt, No. ProOlint: ti! ..; urr , • • The MalL Of • the Canilnutrati nee! trottnalat *IL . , Payment lot. stock may) e mule ttralta, _'tared antes Goveolment - bonds and metlrstle, which bonds and emeriti., ,*lllbe taken at th eir tnatket:value.- - •• ; •:: • •, • ... . . . _,lteridttartres m , beiuktresraY to tke broiyonj; 0.14 x No, 6,1, trowyork Ulty, pito "Aatto a4,..`ta ar m'cvi p:MINATIb/it BSFI ING AND STORING COMP ANY tenew fully organised , awl has commenced bust, nese at their temperer/ paled, No. 19 IRWIN STREET, (up stairs,) Plttabtuiti,Te,,' and are now prepared toneut general business in Buying, Solt. The !Nett Tn t lg i l l lnt d ot_C . 7l ll l:Agie l. ;above =catty; end will ilia short time be capable of manufacturing El PIE R HUNDRED BLIRIIELS O£ REFINED OIL PER WEEK, which will beef the best quality and in prime packages. It 1 the design of this Oompany to woke a liestralass brawl for carnal., and no pains will be 'permit° give It thatcpport, character. They will eho . the forward; fog of 01119 POWS/ tett Or West ' yettloular atten tion, and in Mho brawl of roe ousinits hill Bare_ tagiyaiird facilities, ea the Oil will be token from the wh drayage or delay. - boZ i tir the ma by machinery and ne and thus avoid all Parties cobto. .lag their to-tte can rely; on baying If, sent through with prceepidtude eaddispetch. The Donipany hail a Capital or etch. with the Prosident—A. M. lit ARSBAYD,:. =t—O. BERINGER. l ari /M- 3 . R. kIoQUKE. - phaeton—A. kl. tit& LIT: Elheard, Arthur Kirlr,s.L Id. Little,l3.ll.; Seller/ David Kirk and wui. Handl ton. Surntendirot and Balinese hrinteger... - .DATTIi i ec 3 =loneerrn s WWW =seMmilloited.aadrillocon- NationalEtiging and Beflngig COinpaq. , i6i SAL E.l bbls Extra Labrador Ila , i2tor, rciy tan pi:042E010o lid 2 do; pdoo.hcildinkr.3l; d • '•4t P ` l `''' 7ALsix:sr k VV• TotT2 202 set:*. .01EG Prieheeie of Grade and Manufacturers of Belload Carbon Oil, Benxise and Lubricating Oils. One No. 59 lIND street, PrrfSBIIILGH, Pa. W. D. CIJSHISIAN, Sup't. isltam BREWER, BURKE 4 CU., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Globe, Facile and Liberty Oil 'Works Liberal cash advances made on cotuVsseents Ot Refined or Crude Petroleum. • DiNIVZSNE WAY and IiANCOCIC Pam, irrrsatraGs, PA. w - Ams.cF, & curriss, AND =AMENS TI CRUDE it= =MID PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS. He. iat SOLITH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 4WPStorage. capacity (under cover,) for 15,0 cal barrel'. Also excellent facilities for shipping to American and Foreigh porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of the P.R. R. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., - Oommiestoniuul Forwanllng Merehantain cum emi) im PETB.OLEIThi, • N 0.19 =war num Si-Liberal sash ad►soen an sonslipmenti tor . Pittsburgh or Elistsrn Markets. TITTOBIIEGH RX71111=01:11. Nessus J. B. Dilworth Is Co., Ro r lso r' n li rli 4 ,7l4: l:4l , Prat" . Commercial Bank. STANDARD• PETROLEUM REFINERY. • CLARK & SUMNER. Works and 0111ce, COLLINS. TOWNSHIP. Odle' In Plttshunth, Ba WOOD "BM* Theis weeks have the largest eaptelty in the country. Ths brand stands the highest Ws eettatzy and la Europe, for qsallty and Ire test, and the on bleat well seasoned bursts, prepared Vat i alcturgroVitoltrits, 6TILLS. TAMES,' and 111IPBOVED BORING /OOLS for Oil Wells. BONDED WiatEF.HOUSE 08 l'henin Warehousing Company, Foot of BALTIC k HAMMON litk, Bzook In Tanks and Barrels. Bee Orenlark Owes, No. ill BLABS STREET, New Tort. No. 1 NC CLAIR ST.. i9lttsblusili FORA' ALAMO AND COMMIIiiION NERCHAYA ELLITAIMATIIfO, - LI7ORKI&712111:4 PETROL) OILS, me.; constantly on lead ad for Bale at the lowest market pried. Vonshos melds and orders solicited.. . Wad W4CDIG ft ICING, PEMOLEVII AHD ITS PRODUCTS j LIKES WILKINS, moan' AND %Mit= IN CRUDE AND REFINED OILS Perri Bleclt , DU.PIe.M. Way. Plitstegb tSp lineation give. to tne SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PVINOLEUM and Its prothion. Cacents renninfully polkaed. - ttabargli Agency • foe 'VENANCIO on. AM! SPORTATION COMPANY. POST OFFICE BOX I. HOLUS JAMES IRWIN & CO., V DILAIIVPACTI7IW OP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. orncru No. 15 MARS= St, L UCENT OIL WORIM mow's, DUBL&P a co., WILLIAI TITS Uri AV VA. AL1142 . ORION OIL REFINERY. Oil Refiners and dealers in Pitts.leuin, Benzine, Lubrisanng and Paint Olin Office, No. 1 IitANCOOK STRFET, Pittsburgh, Pa. OIL B T o qta , -- Tbe undersigned will ai ! particular ettentlea to the puralase east sale Stocks of .AU RELIABLE, Companies. I twit. buyer' sad saliva to call. O IL WELL STEAM EN9INEO —lna prepared to tura* STEAM ENGINES, .. l ik . Po much approved of il wells and other pm poen, oti the shortest Baring di /Weld Wed Eschew ort Mashie( others, the .tublle.mi be ssoomm with almost say cue hey want the work for itself. WILLIAM HER. Fifth word, . betemm Meehanle and H►ntson a Q''B 011710 ES t Mirage from the "Old Couutry The Lnerpool, New Torlaand Ildisdelpo.a la num) Steamed* Vorapany having appointed undersigned ttodr Agent here, vice Mr. Thompeon 'deco/kat* by is now prepared to bring out or seat Inuit!" 6enhy the Steamers of teieLtsm at UN US LOW -10,TM : The ate amen of this favorite lino leave Lirespoolovery WLIDSES.- -IMO, tor New York,touching at Queustaa 111110 at fllltlMOlakllt, and twist • Tbe nntieraignetbrabro gent for calling the Lirerpoe sad pool Lo reekynd Berry Li Aand ne of Steamers, learl= at nary for Irish F URSDAY ranc:igen and Hells. The steam en of this line are built In the stronreat manner, and Punish eholoe acemnuordations for passengers. He Is also agent for TAPSOOTT , S I,IAB of sole hated Orppar Sailing raekete, leaving Lirerpoo for New" York twice a week, and the ‘`.l" Line o London Packets, leaving London every to days. The ship. of Tamara Idne hate long Woo AO. . for #unr quick. piano. and .the oreellence of the proyLians furnished'lhe passengezabe4 their' kind treetment 11M1.10.0n board: .Dgetlits'Who wiah their friends brought out by sidling veer* should .h SIGHT means V terG T et r is ui e RAIS t on a all p arts of Hume fors Apply to . lorelgn Emlantion °Mee, and. ea Smithfield areal. OILS. Sc. WORKS OPPOSITE SHAEPSEERG .1010 VIII os 11131 _wiLLu3r - oarrisi COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PITTSMnWIH. . ITO2LOII Of REFINED PETROLEUM. AND DRAT IN OILS • 'LC - ft •. ri OOKINMSSION Aad dealers La Bidding Idateidsla Ka: IS MARKE'r Pittalratata = - =1 PIT.TS2ERGH, Pd. ■111II)LOTIIIIt6Y OP Pare White Refined carbon Oils. • No. 191 LIBERTY STREET. Z. t Zt/LLTi=tositi.u.A,, J. S. SIOILIINGS No. Uri FOUR= STREET SNUPPIa79. iroßricat ENEGRATION OFTIOA. • prrnarasoa. PERNA: gTEAM. WEEICIA. , TO. LIVER-au POOL, touching ,at qtrgrarerrowx,mm: (Cork Harbor. r The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Oompany (Inman Liam) oarrying tho Q. 8. Malls, are intended to nil u follows. OITT OF BALTIBORE....SetUriIay, April Z.. °ay or WASUINGTON—Saturasy, may 6. - -CITY OF LONDON Saturday, Play 13. And sveryatieeseding Setunish at mach tram p;e r to North =Ver. . • *Om ow PAlleacils,' Payable In gold, or Ur equivalent in currently: 1 Eltat Cabin Ow 00 Steerage. , PC 01 4, to London... Ed 00 ~ to Londea... 14 CO o tO Parte.... 96 00 u to Paria...... 40 40 _ ,e. ,toliaseburg.. 90 CO 0 to Hamburg.. Sr CO Peeewerigerel .110 forwarded to. Matte, Wilma Wetterdan. Antwerp, As., at equally low rates. Twee from Liverpool orgueelat Cabin, ' Z i etri ' M a l l ' S. Up Thasa tbdter wbh We X tre: . Fee fortherjedornallon apply st the Oautpu. ra 011 1. 146 , . :: 101 4 1 a• " L A A n I S T ------r -:ad . ` ..' ' ' 'Pelli ge= in .Pl A 4 eneY ' , - • _.O. 913r0t buret . , ell D s.+--Btowa • layzeroor; exp conzerißrowfir.. s :ta picot its equivalent la Olgrialrf. Timm rqzw ycur; so in guncagy. - • Mai every_week. Apply to , , • : • TIIODIAS BASTta.A.N. itr,m;" Eznithnchs - greet; bt.twer.4 YQ?•-d•lth, GROCERIES. PRODUCE. Se T . Cf. ard9aws. COMMiSHiOTI Merchant. . . BEI Et - 7.• X 333E1 R. •I" 1r te‘ IC.,i PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSBURGH, PA. .Tlea.W til Fihrge, Grain, Seedy Butter, Cheese, V Monad aaLEarm Products. Beat brands Fin a t! trltZ%rranbedralwars on. hand. Also, pf, atMrion given to consignments and eorrespondsnce. 'Weekly Price thlrrooto sent to c om i g .,,,, orders and Consignments solicited. ser7:ls.days . B . F. QUIMBY & CO., COIIMISSION MERCIIINTS. Ns.= sOTITH WATER. ST., CHICAGO, etre epeeist attention to purebitaLlS Flour, Grain, Provision:4 Cc. For Eastern amount. B. F. QUIMBY GE% T. BROWN. ID67dy C AB" ; W. D. PATTERSON, ADAM AMMON. JAMVS JOHNSON. JOHN SHWA:LEIN. PATTERSON, AMMON & CO., Commission .Ifierihanis, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, aso tuttL 3112 PE34I De Seott's New Bulldlng, opposite 0. & P. H.. N. pot. , aptety Alt. W. 1111811.0 N ...lAA. A. ICEILIZON. JLL.ELERO.I4 & CO., • Corner of Penn and Wayne Fte, (WatLaos's Boniotwo,) PITTSBURG% PA. ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the Purchase of GRAiN Matt kizids. Mass wholesale deafen in BALED BAY. Western dealerswlll tind It to theiradvastage to correspond with our House as we have greeter toenail% for Storage, and putting goods Into this and Eastern Markets than most of the dealers In Ws city. Tha best of city reasrenees given when required. ja312m41 ALMS. N l S s ami.. 7/. aura ISIUS ' & AMER; Commission Merchants, AND DELL33S I3 Flcnir, Grain and Produci, UR SECOND ST., between 'Wood & Smithaeld, THOS. TOTTIR:AVO. JITEPHIA A. again% POTTER, AIIcEN & SHEPARD, - - COMMISSION NIERCHANTS, Foreign and Demesne Fruits, Flour Butter, Meese, rum, PO label': oga reggae gencolly. No. IS LIBERTY . STREET, OppOitite Passenger Depot, Plttsborgb. WX. X. 1112/BAT to WILCOX XIIRRAY ft CO., COXilEllisßio33. Merchants, and dealers in CRUDE AND REFINED PETRO. LEUX, BENZENE, ka Air Isms' tatilltles for storing oil and empty barrels. Waretionse and sales DUQins aeat Ns ' WAY Hood Meet, ration:Eh. ' _ _ R . IL: JACK • .401,. Ns co `o• . Nos. 1 and - 2 Diato.ond. PrITSQUEIGH..PA. WILKINS LINHARI", _ _ Sucasaos rc ItAOKEOWN t VNIII4t6 SMaCrCri:L. ed 3 4a sc ar Produce and Consudsidou Nerelmadd, fel: l 7 - 361 Libertlit.,Pittabnly,l6 a. C. DOCILITSIX D OOLITTLE & PECK, General Coln:dation Merchants, Nos. W end 7U, Water street, Plttstrurgh, Pug the sale. of. Flour, Uriln, Cow h, .Butter, , Dried Fruits; Provisions and Produce of all ell orders for c'habon 011,1111e4 id dm lowest tur• .N-Oa alldeamemts zoktody o.O.Addxr VA, aCtIDLI. RALSLEY - & YAN - GORDER, Produce ja,4 Domminlon Alerchants, Warehoun,No. not Liberty at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale 'deo& en la Butter, Cheese,Txrd Eggs, Porn; Bacot, • Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Br oom., Pastas, Hom iny, Dried Fruits, Orem Fruit*, Onion; FlcMt;• Omit, teorer Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seeds, Hams and Poultry. Partleular attention ginm to Produce pourignmeuts. Jai ITTI,E, BAIRD & • PATTON, 'Whole. sale Osumi anneonsoltsalon Merehantintleal ers In IBUDBILIE, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, CA RBON -AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILB,I GLASS, COTTON YARNS, end Pitt. burgh ssenufastures generally, US =I 114Sawa street Pittsburgh. • - . • TORN B. CANFIELD, Commiasicin and, ForirardlnS6 Merchant and wholesaladealer lQ WESTLT/N .OHEESE, • BUITF44 LARD, YORK, BACON, FLOUR, MIL POT AI , ,D PEARL ASHEN., SALERATTP:A LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED, st FRUIT, and Produce' erally, NO& 141 =I 14$ Free .street, • • 01:11,11 At. 811EPARD, Commlislon Mer s-) chants and dealers /a MGM% GRAIN AND PRODUCE, _lto, 117 Liberty street, Pittaburgb. Choke brawls et 'Dour for Rakers and Family use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to tilling orders for Nuclundise generally. cote-Sty VETZIat S ARMSTRONG;Forwarding andComostaloa Itlifrellants. for the of FLOUR, ORAINI,_:RAOON; LARD, BUTTER. SEEDS DRIED TRUTT, awl Pttoddos ifeserslty. So. to Market .000, corner. pC ERst,Plitsburgh, Nana. 1 ftaAty 71108. salvors. . . WM. - P.' BECK 14 CO., No; 'lB5 Liberty •VI Stret,.Pittsbtugh, Pa.:WholesaleGrocer% - CommisSionNerchants, and dealers to coi.nmeY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, DAWN, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, • ORES E 1 3 3: 1 51- dre., PRO. DUCE, man; GRAIN; S GREEN AND DRIED EItUITS, Eac. , SALT an 4 ME; jll9 . . . - BRAD & METZGAR, Groben and Com mission Merchants, sad alders In all Mods of Country. Produce nod • Pittsburgh .151soufeetures. No. des adberty Attest, opposite head Of Wood street, Pittsburgh. 0p.141 T. =VII= a a sartxxn. -Ra t . D. stsrstAs. REYMER .t. BROTHERS;' e( successors to Reymer Is Anderson) Wholesale 'gettars In FORMON FRUITS, NUTS and SHUN:R FD:nigh-MY, SUGARS, FIRE WO RKS.. Aso" Nos. 125 ! and t 25 Wood attest, above pith tts- 1) WALLACE - Commission' Merchant, • •,13d Wholeusle Dealer in FLoya &GUAM; No. .333 g.lbartystreet, jiptiesita Perinsylvanta S. Passenger Depot; .. Flttebutati, =-Pt. -Storage ,Warehoese, corner Wayne wad Penn streets. - moorrr Anil" LIENDIS.ILY l J S. /LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLOUR • .ING MILLS' earner Liberty' and ta= •sipacttL burdliMirdar APS w. • 'Olt P. L.,,X0 14:1202rAWER - R,CHOXAKER •& • ANG Commission ••••• lderobenta arid Wholesa L le dea , lera. OEOOE. Ripe, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, N.. le/h• Lteerty Rost; Pittsburgh. - - • aelladly• M=P:l 16/ . ./VIT;,..t, WILSON, ~Whoiesale.itiro-. 'Prod .. nee'. a.Ddp m 444 ll t a s c riSk i Liberty v. ,x. ' JOA. . KIRKPATRICK as 13ROTIIER, teston to Drown Br. Ktrlurntrielr, WHOLY, GALE ()moms, vioa 18l mu' in labery street, raw, urgh. DALZELL . .8027,lianufac turets of LARD DLL, ant Commlulealtfer. chants (dr the pluy.heleo sad sale of URODE AND REFINED P=OLLIMI, Nos. eV Antal° Water sped, FILLEINrigh. Advances 111840 on 00/231,120 VIIESSE WAREIIOI,IBB.-HENRY H. 004LINS,Forwardlea ittid Mar: alma and dealer In 01U ES E, BOWER, LAICD , ,, FISH, And Produeetenerally,l 4 l o .9 2 .Wond.iddat% oboy% Watt; Plttaburgh. 43;72 a - Otratic. • • - d ORE L_ ROUSE - .4:;•.CO. SYltolesale GROCERS AN COMM:Ms/ON_ MER. CHARTS, corner f. cralthtleld and AVatai`strecti 'Pittsburgh.' SLOESIIT DALTLLL A: 7. DSLEEL TOBERT DA.LZELL kt CO, Whole- Mao Orocerm, Commission and Forwanting Merchants, and deniers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty street; Pittsburgh. - JAO. 'WTI) TLOTO Olilr FLOYD & CO„- ,Wlzolesalel-Ora cers and Commission Merchants, Nos. 112 Wood ardl VS Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. ! jets C BABLL IT L O.A.LDWELL, (succeaso: to James Holmes is Ca, PORK PACKER sod dealer to YROMIONS, corner, of bgarket isad net streets, Pittsburgh. J Dile= IBLITZ L. AOO2, L VOIGT & CO., 'successors to L t _ • G. Graf PRODIJOE AND-COPOLLSSICI 5 Vat, , 2.o.Llberty'street, Pittsburgh. r ,„ .4,...,0.. 6• • • ef., - BERT, -SHIPTON 00_,.' "ale Groom and Produce Diadem, I‘l7, . ( Sixth, • I 13A1A# DICKEY it CO.; Wholuale GroceNoouuderlozaKerebeitta, and duelers la } ROMM No. 0 W Mar itmet and id /tent Wu - 11AM BAGALEY, WHOLESALE . V 1 V- ORWER, Dico. I,llso.od.!litiva .AVID M. EDGERTON, Wholesale roter and. Nlerchaut,lo7 Wood Street; ___ Pittshotsb, PA. • • Ce2:ls , . _____ 111/1 ROlrdllitep ;FITE/231i A I;4l.obin ra,t- • tiC.; for tr. 041 RaILRO.ALDS. - 1854 ' , s.7TTgAgalt-SUIROP CENTRAL B.B.—WINTER AMBA.NGEMENT —TEN DAILY TRAINS. • On and after MONDAY,lretaber alst,lll l 6,Wns Will him the Depot as followe • FAST' AIL, except Sunday, st 2. Mx is,: stopping only at principal station; aad matte direct conneetions .Harriaburg for Now Yes, Baltimore and Washington, and at PhiladelphiC 'cur New York Gorton and intermediate point,. ILARRISBCBG ACCO3IMODATION, daily eg. ceps Sunday, at 620 a. in., stopping_ at all ?miler stations between Pittsburgh and Idarrisbur4, and making close connection with trains on I.l.ana Branch, West Xemaylvania IL 8., Inlicasburg and Cresson It. R., and Hollidaysbum , Brand:id P/TTI3/31IRGE k ERIL F.Y.PRESS, daily ex,. eept Sunday, at LSO p. qping at nearly,ait the stations between Pitts), and Philade4hia, • and making.connettion with rains on the Email. titumnd r. Otsg n o l i i:R.,.noe r ro d tur4t a i li /l; Branches JOHNS - TOWN ACCOMMODATION, WIT, ax. cept Sunday, at 1.00 p. n 3., Mopping at regular Ma- Cons between Pittsburgh and Johnirtown, and eon. 4 ' netting at Blairsvi ll e Intersection with trains on the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA EXPRI.S - S, daily, at 440 1. • M., stopping at Latrobe, Conemsugh, Ciallitgen. Altoona Bustingdan, Lewistown. MlMin. New. pogt,larysvillajiarrisburg, Lancaster, and Down.. Ingtawn. Harrbburg direct connections are • made for Baltimore. Washington and New York' at Philadelphia, for New York. Boston and into. mediate point. Blaming Cara run ttnemeh on this r train front Pittaburgfi to- Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, by the Allentown route. FAST LINE, dailY. except. Sunday. at SAO a, tn., Mopping only at Conamatuth. Oallitzee Altne na, bluntingdon Lewistown. &Many bewport, Marysville. Hairisbure. Middletown. rllisabeth. won. Idt.goy. Lsnduvllle. Lane-aster. and DOW • ingtown. At lim-ruturg connection, ara made fer New York, Baltimore and WastOugton,at Fhlin. delphia, for New York, Boston. and Intermediate First Amenzunialation Train for Wall , . Statio n loaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.39 a. m..• Suomi Accommodation Train for WAIN Station ' leaves daily (except Etuiday) at 11.40 a. m. Third Accommodation Train for W.ll'. /Batten • eaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.40 p. m. Fourto Accommodation Thin for Wail's Station eaves daily (except Sunday) at end p. m. • The Church Train leaves Wairs -BLAU= slaty Sunday at 9.06 a , returning leaves Fin at 12.46 p. m. • Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as follow - Pittalmrgh & LIU Express - 12.60 m. Baltimore Ihtpress F Phil t iiadel iall phia Des prom .14so p, , as ' 150 & Fast Line. -1.00 a. ni. Jonestown flecoannodation 10.06 a. • First Wall , ' Station necommodar.on...- RIO SAO. r' - Second Wally Station Accommodation - BA a.m.' '• Third Wall , ' Station neeonneriatlon:. 210 pr. a. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation R 66 p. Baltimore express will arrive with Express at 2.110 p. m. on Mondays. • ,Cilla of loss,. the Company wit , kold themselves responsible far personal bangs man and for an amount not ex WOO. W. IL BEDEW/ -AgreS. Atthe - Pennselvazda Central Railroad r - Station. on Libcrtr and Grant streets. , F r igrA "Wit ' SIMPRIN iten,w2i N _ t ekir lii UMlL. AND a PITTS BIIEGII NA1f..11041. WD T R AEanxaxeffitT. Oa and . after December 18th. 1284, trainsrua - as forbrwe, ' Leaves For f roe 1 nu Ftttabtughp3blcego. 101evelead: I Mb Erpram..........12.10 a. au 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. w . . ... . 12.0 Z p. m. 2.46 p. m. j. m. 2.00 p. m. .. Guile4o m. LW _,For New wl Erie 6.60 Ta. _ Ardis , at dEeshaw—P.. F. W. k O. , EsEPS TAO a. m.,(1.30 s. m. 5.40 a. st. sad 4.45 p. m. O. kP. R. EL 10.00 a m. OEbB(iE PAEKIN, Ticket Anal, - _Muss -- Station, Pittatnuth, Ps; _ Al• TU;k74 -.44 oott F. MYERS• Otineral Ai lth inT '1413;S pITTBIVETRIM AWD Efiroispig •A• OONNELLEIyILL .WINTER ARRANGEMENT. - On and alai MONDAY, N0w.141854. Dieted' will leave the Depot, corner of Bar and 'Fan streets, aa follows: Leaves Amino M- • ' Pittsburgh. Mab.gb. Mall to and front Uniontown. lee; a. oc. 11.10 .Expnaa . 3:00p. m. 1090 a. cm. Pint DieNterport Ai:cozen...lloo a. m. age a. nu Second 4 ' .4 ~.1)4.15 wise .2 p. a. FLU: litraddoo*s 't • -... 03 0 a: a. Second o ...416 p. ID. 640 p.a. Sunday Chtwok Tram to end nom IdoKenport 199 p. in. lota a. la 'MUNK...Agent B. STOUT'. Supeintenn." • • , A .LLEGRlttrir VAL- -MINEIZOIMMIP LEYSAILBOAD ORANGE OF TIMF...—On ano . altar MONDAY. 111 • ..• Mitt e t, e = the following anangemitesit of Una MALL TRAlN.—Leaves Pitt/bine% at %With m. ..arrtving at Klitsnaing at 1000 a. as.. I.mo ear lts - tanning at LOC p. an, 'anises, ac.elttabzugh at I . ESORESS, TRAXN—Learis Kittanning a& art x arrtring4 Pittsburgh at 9.25 a. es. Lesvos Mats . ? at m., aniv . ing at Kittanning an 1. A.&30111.11,10DATION TRAIN. Leaves Sad' Works at 6.a0 m., arriving at Pittsburgh at744 ar m. Least* Pittsbiugh Ad) p. attiring gods Works at 11.00 p. m. _ awls , - WRiCkaT. SUiirrilt/64.11at. VOTICE TO , OWNERS OP 9XEC:3 DILATS, 1W31113, Rotten is hereby Wen t° all owners of Drays, . Carts, Carriages, Houghs, ho., whether resident or -- non.resldent in the thty of Plasburgh, - to pay ' Limirses at the Treasurer , ' office. of the city. o Pittsburgh, forthwith, in accordance with an Ash - of Assembly, approvedbLarsh or tom and anOillio mance of the Von:OMM of the City of rittaburgh, All Licenses not paid on or beforelday 16,1816, • . will be placedin the hands of the Chief or Palms, for cellection,cubject -to his fee of 60 cents for the collection thereof, and all yawns whir nested refuic ttake out Lleenses will be Ifttbjere to a. ' penalty,;to be recovered before. the Mayor, MhAdir - ibe amount of the License. . • . - The old metal task* of previous yeemmust be, returned at the time Licensee ate taken our, ar pay , 03 pants therelor. OTIS ISTISPA-litt OP 1.1015)1ErE. " Each tindhcnde vehicle. ' ' 114 - • • . .Each tin° hone - " Each four hone • " • - 16 00 - Each two horse Mob. '• -VS le Otonibnin and Timber Wheels drawn byy two.. honer, eighteen dotterel:gob. Permit additoosM :t. hone nod in any ot the shov eVEla vabi,t ltty el% i ii i. d. tio t hen the PITTBSIIBOII. Febniaryleth,l9l4 poßtsmouTH SIX CORTY . •iOir T FINISH • -4!!a)tericiNn. Spool COttoik.. AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON az . o4pit IfETEGAII. These reads ire warranted of imparter nitilitY.: •", and gee teed to, measure 2ocyards In length, ' Van be had In all colors and numbers. - - Manufactured by the PORTSMOUTH STEAM FACTORY, and for sale by the trade yenerally.' - be blebbeTebreet, New York; Devonshire street, Beldam MI Church I Inset, PlWadelptila: 'MUTE, WORD FOR WORD.—RRAD—,-- , THIS.—Ent Total, 03v1( z satithedof thong:Ma of lYfrif.N 11101.1.: at to raised =me from %Mr ' .f.deado mlt were whoa cortstimPrios bad or nearly placed me.:. Your Elroy, Pills and- Mat:. ' meat ball Mom for ma-what - nothing the did. " could det-rastored me to health ault - llfa, when t had reldrnard =pair to %ha "mortal enema.. • Lb.;•'. , • • doled ta Valor another' mpply. %fours, • t • • WlLLtAllii 111.-111109alfi , ' " nrountarn Lincoln, Mop - '" The Abel air vaitatnin ant bat ono of the man" Hoare.. - re Dr. IL JAIIES. , CIANDIII3IM9 • 1110 A falba only remedy . that % r COPIBI3IIPT/Orl, ASTHMA and. HBR)RO HiI Ws ark the Wolof o tittle bottle, twit aat- , ..T Gaper b•ttlit. - 11tte• , • ho and thatra p s o nt , It 16. am* 1:7A. 4 1 , ZrE1l ' rr 441 :,, 3407 4/1111/2 4741) 8hat4313 YARD 11 It 41111.:GIMM1SP ft • • CivU, -0 Uee '7'.-24egkee.-:;., • • NENnuer; Disirvirrxria cream ANN PATENT Ammar. No. is ST. OX•4TE aear Sntipanaton-BrKR•. Ptaxlso sad an:011a. .. Lima tore:ltem Engine* and sant ..ery . gronseally. Plana and, spaailleatluni. fez ..C.uxtracrturiei, Oil' d Ballpark , ' and Aztaltectriral Pro, M.sra and „.;-, faltalVl Surveys earatn.Upa-coont .RaiManoe.,,„ EWIIO,WOaLSLAIB, EtUMBRA CO. Real Estate Agents, sad dente OM AND 00A1. r Pennsylvania, Olio stmt Virsitda 7 Ofice No. An (Za, ea) raparrr srmi• apßxnd':.: pm9soizar4,4, • TO P/IIIiTP,BO. - • ' • • -.. • ' :PRESSES 1 1; 01t . SAILE.-:T • • - fte•rAmou onarans&,beasartsaVitwi,- Om TATIAIit DOUBLE. LIND Indies; all. goat wozkiiigabir. Will b• soW at • butila.:Bliquite : "lida GAZILTDK O T"' GO Lb—, I. Lard Oily Pe -.44 . 4 4' do; , 100 44 - Pura Doak Creak Lubricating Oili • In atone azai for inlets - . ,and Wnter NVHITE.-LIME.-160 bbls for sale at 18e Llberty street, by - . spit . wu r 13Entr. aoa - _ .... Vr'l.llo . ' . - • cmumme axon's a . smc,Lnwo, - - • -••• i..n7i• .. ~ ..t.KT.,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers