The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, April 11, 1865, Image 1

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11111111112111 M
L 3 Y
V OLtliAt
4iteVitiOurell (6amate.
IIIiTEBESTING Flop .iyAiimillpToN.=
it'veryteda ':KOoping Holiday.
Dates-- at
Bret kintidge Tr.okablY ; X 141) tilted,*
4 Rani Operations an The James River.
Waiunr4ox Clrr, April 10.—The Mipart
mots are 41 elosoA to-day and
,every body la
keeping the holiday.
SeNttaryiSLanton, 4pre15.11:8 the opinion that
thee will 10 no morelseary gMing.
It Is tniected here tLat Johnston will sur
render. • ,
limier di/paretic* were yesterday sent to Gan.
Sherman. , I ;
Mr. LitOln his returned and is:e.loseted with
hit Cabinet: ,z. . _
. ,
There inlrel4ll to believe that Jeff. Darla was
at Danville on Saturday night, trying to Join
- ;.Tohnaton, with the archlres orate late rebel goy
linment, and a large amount of specie. -, .
• i t yery little business was transacted today, and
everi the courts adjourned.
~ .
1 ' Ning Tolstoi-April' 10.—The CenonerolZ - Al:.
serSiwr'a Weahington special asp: Sufficient
time has clapped °sr Wilson to reach Selms, Al
abama. and the military authoritia hire been
tramming to bear orlis fall.
- John O. Brockinridge was known to be with
Lee on Friday, and-hopes' are entertained that
he has been captured.
Pollard, who took advantag e . of the escapeof,
Xt. Itichardson,"has bmn arrested In Riehmond
and committed to ?silo Thunder fur treasons
ble language
With tn. t e past two a/ **none twenty_thons
and rebel pritOisers hare hen sent away front
City -Point. - and • a ;large number still mania
Ihe XOnowill:Ren ' inigifna tall that Partletii;‘li
arrived from Danville within our lines, whore.
Tart that Jeff. Davis arrived at• Danville on Mon ,
day aftcrii*A; mid that hia.wat accompanietthy
by two of thretruleribers'of hti ',cabinet. — '.','••
' •
Berciartraidrcd persona gathered before
Rama/Use illtleiotl this afternoon, .at half past
five o'clock. ' "Frequent 'calls were made - for the
President, who.appearrd merely to say that
if the 0 5- 0 3 1 1 07. 11 kO:ritoolnlIkd AT. atffaahltaAhc.
sonic onistake_ had crept into 'hair understand.
tag. ;Ile tad Appeared before a larger andlence
.than Chid on i temii,V, , - . °D d he Would' twat-titbit.
he then raki, Hir 4 supPoeed' that:- owing to the
great and crod /MRS there would be some dem
.. onatratlon. He would pa t ter to-morrow evezdng.
when.he Eilmildbehhite *RADS: and, Ito aOPId;
ready, to say something.. He desired to be par-
Scalar, because•-werything be said got' into
print (Langhteifrincupylegtheposttlon that
'• he dld, a mistake . old produce harm and
therefore be witlstad, , careful not, to make a
mistake. ' , The. t, was greeted _ With,
l i t
cheer, andilter`td the crowd good evenins;
he retired. ~-• :.-- N•-;... . •:... -.- . .: . - ..
Wasnurnrow,A7ol . • lo.—:Admlral Porter'rel'
• • rta to tbeNavyllepartment• the recent *pers
ona en the Jewell': riser : 7 0n being- satisfied
• at the rebels werealidiattorevatinite Itlehmoiad
he proceeddd to remora the obstrnetlons in the
. .
Ter, ends
e mprz i llngettlag Abipmelthro_ugb.
e then a eel tba- , Prcsident Aohiseity,
twhere be four the salmi rams and gunboats all
blown up except an tmilnisbed, ram, the Taxes,
a email tag gunboat, and thei 'Beaufort.
Thet4:4lowing..eamels., wereAglegtroysd:,_Tike.
Thgliiihr;Wllapaldp with her vats, iheironi ,
clad, Richmond, with four guns; the tron.clad,
,Trederickelmrs„ with four guns; the Ironed:a,
NED ilebEallVltith' tiro gnus; the Wooden ship, ,
Hampton ' with two, guns- the wooden' thip,
Nosurrke.illar wt. stintres - Wooden aorpede ten
der. and aeA thi
ctioolp: Some et
" these may be
raised. The Texas and Beaufort he has taken
for our nee. -
The ttedigir "%Parke,: and Naval Ordnance -
Depot, were untouched. - W
ASUIRCISON. April 10.—Among those who
delivered speeches tektif was --Idajor-Genersl
BolltikAsjeinarka directed
to MO disliandthiathy Alte-Stoyernmentra,
' the participants in the rebellion. He recom
mended that all the leaders. attotdd- hes disfraw,
&teed -Ocud , diegnalified front holding , anyeggcs
midekthei governmenti - but that the 11121*,
eluding, then its:Ma, ehonld have the righteig
aitheaship. <The ~ addrtas wee ,lasaly 11P
plauded, and at Its concladocrthe crowd dis
Wasnarattoti April 10.4-Daring the l'nflic"-.
logs here to-f.
atv the President, who returned
from Riehmomillast evening, was called out and ,
eald r • "Tim greatly rejoiced that an occasion
has oceurred•eapiessurab:e that people esunot,
restrain themselves. (Chen s.) I sopposetbat
arrangements arebelmemade for some sort of a
formal demonstration, peel:ens -this' evening or
to-mcrrow nlght. , AVoicas: we can't watt.). If
thee should be Such a demonstration. I, of
counse;will have to respond to It. (A voice,:
"bully for yem") I will have nothing to say if,
you dribble it . out of mr. (Laughter and cries"
ofire want tohear you now.) .1 sec you have a
band; I propose now crating up by requeiting
you to play a certala piece of made or tune. I.
thought Dixie one of the best tones lever heard.
(Laughter.)_The band commenced to play Dixte,
bat eO5O ceased. The Presidact' continued':
"Cheers and a tiger followed by the tune of 'Yan
kee Doodle." The President then proposed three'
cheers for Grata, and all under his command,
acd beet three cheers for-.the navy and all Its
heroes; they were most enthusiastically given.
The l'rraldent retired; amid buena, the tune of
NalProliembla and the firing of cannon...
Success of Gel'. Steele's Forces.
Wasnixo:row, Apt% 10.—ilhe Navy Dcpart,
Merit Baia dispatch Bond the commandant, Of
the navy yard at Palinode, from "irhiah it Is as
vertaincd that no lives were lost by the sinking
of the monitor IlLiwanlieei She was sunk bya
"torpedo, in Blakely river, on the 27th of March.
Preparatlcna forraislng her. had already. beta
. . . ..
Itirinrther learned, by the 150 dispatch,
~. . . ..
• • that mllllolo=o day tbe army w a der Generals
Canby, Smith and Granger, had a light with the
•'' rebels and drove them into their works..
WAsnitsarrt 'April 10.—The Navy Depart
ment to-day received the following :
~,A.: , Franscol.A. Far., March 30.
,rTo Hon. Gideon hells, Secretary of The Nam: •
y• Brig. Gcn: Asbotb, commending the MilitarY
li District or West Florida, has just informed me
1 . that • Maj.. Gen. Steele, commanding the 13th
- - artey court, bad met with decided imam, Lay.
log captured on the :Sib loot. the' rebel General
• Clintonosto is mortally wounded, and taken
WO prisoners, and *rind two railroad trains at
Evergreen,. ten miles above Poland,. lin the
Montgomery railroad, and had torn up and dri
b -troycd the railroad track both at Evergrem and
1"oland. MO. Gen. Steele; et the latest advice',
•t Bunday, the 25th inst.i was marching owl:Bake
-1 ley. . . . Very - respectfolly,Akc., ,• '
f (SiglaeoY - S. J. N. Asudersomo -
1 , , - - . .. :Commanda nt. :
Raleigh Occupied by Sherman.
• CaSRO, April 10.—Tbe Tar Eagles Paducah
eread 8111101111 Cal the complete route of
rest'• arm:* near Tuscaloosa, Alsbatus, by Wit
- sores civilly., . piny prisoners warn taken. No
dates or 'feather particulanu
BtAtli, with a email' farce, to rapprtod I,lear .
Many Prisonen§Capt,ured.
t - , - -
l'arLanscrnts, April i0:-Th e .I'Sszt has ro•
posts tbat General StODC6IIIII has cat the Tall;
soad;bet weca Danville end - Greensboro, and that .
Sherman bas occupied Italedgb.
T ..._.
' ~, ze,i4
:••• .. .
• : ..
... . „
NO. -99.
The hirsilitif leers .Foreea.
Reb4ls Surrendering Thems e lves.
Operations of Gen. 84eridan's Cavalry,
Three ffiilee of Wag.= Captured.
TEE sovrasuin
. Nslr Tonic, April 10.—Itio 17iriiiiPs special
eorreipondent ; gibes the fulhawleg aocannt, of
the pFstilt
Th 0241.11 eorpa reached near Duriresville, at
White's Station; on the Southstde railroad, on
the Morning , of the Pth,_ with Generals Grant
and Ord. l'he sth carps 'of eavalry,-prul'hed
to Jefersville, on the Danville railroad, and ar
rived there without any fighting, until the night
of-the 4th.„-tthe 2g, 6th and 9th corns following
in their rear, and by the night ot" . .tite sth
were all up on the Danville road, and the 94th
up to`lnkcsvilleJunctlnn•
Jt appears that -Lie ondered thatiliat pinion
of hi} army cut off by our pressing his Hoc on
Sunday, to. Join *blin:at. - Aktuella.-3;ourreliotme,
karitig that their attempt to reach Burkesville
Jnoction and so on to Denville would fall.
When Gen. Grant reached - .Nottaway Court -
Howie, a stair °filter arrived, stating that Sher,'
ridsd had encountered . the enemy. to small farce .
at Jetersvilic, and-had driven him and made im
portant captures.
O enlumnbad intended golnginto camp; bat
Grant thought Lee's manly. hop was le 'forced
marches, and he therefore ordered the advanch
continued: The men, who had already tramped
twenty mike, on being informed of thastlrring
tewa from Sheridan, clamored to march all
night, and started oil with, cheers. Vs herrn=
, Grant was retegiaized ash° rode along the3ine,
the delight of the soldiers was expressed In the
meet enthusiastic manner. As one division ex
hansted itself to cheering, another would take
Its place, and so went all along tne whets
column. ' -- •
Soon another dispatch was received from
Shixidan, and he contents were such as to cause
Grant to leave the road, and ent . across the
country to Sheridan's headquarters.
Uu the of the Sth, the army lay' In - line
of tettlestridelting across three or four milesof
country, and facing . deter:Mlle. : Ouster's divis
ion of cavalry lay on the tight dank. The In
fantry was - formed fltEtbeTdtb. cotwon the
right auh In the centre, and the - 2d on the left.
During the. night Lee marched off - many of
bit trains, and It wit toted ttgitlVt'vrould epic
_ . .
• Gen. ()id was to march in the morn ni
wards Lynchburg and cut oghis retreat south
tteV^lht. , . , •
• hinw Yours. April 10.—The .11Wa's Second
corps special of the 4th ,says : A largo number
of prioiners, stragglers and deserters fromitm
rebel army have been brought In during the day,
anditt. Is said that the woods on the flanks of
:our Column are filled with them. Forty-eight •
'tit them surrendered themselves to an Orderly
.riding along the road: er..key3mpeared , velth a
flagiof truce, Med sitting down under a tree dis
cuss. d the term, of aurrender. They ware gear
.anteedlaiscialcm• orthele prints' propertyrwittr
the exception of gold iratcheit,lsbd; as therhad'
DMZ of these, to difficulty was found in arrang
•.l.The scarcity or raft*. for, the Last Iwietty
four hours has caused a great deal of foraging;
with this exception the inimblthrics are well-
Tbe trot:Pi - are in inatheMitt , acrd am`
....conhdent of an early termination of the war.
• ..The same special item aon the sth
_says that Gen. Sherld sth corps
and mmatry. reached th Iles and a
half from Borkesvlile 8 Meg, and
.loufad the, cum:TU. 4 in
telegraphed to Gen; Meade toe. '
- therebele and Lynchburg, and „requested that
tredve more forward Immelitateit.
The second division of cavalry under Gat.
Crept has been fighting the enmity since morn.
miles on the 'ioad to Tteatdhv'fire: - the
nocin the 14. and sth corps succeeded - in felling..
upon Gordon's corps....guarding,loo4 army, in
OM vicinity of DeatoarMe; - stampeding a por
tied of It, and making captures of men and mats
, rtal. "Manion took uplanagelelthm afteranostax.-
'On !be hill tope, and succeeded in` retarding our
plank to a limited extent..
lietutees - mot dmertens - State - that .U 14,71.01
*nay was filling to - plc . :ie. refugaellio said
tbai the trains were running from Richmond to
'Dal villa altdan sint.thate rn Dario auktds
estdnel reached there in the atternoonrend Were
Saki u to-the residence of Mr. Sutherland. This
retegee orms,mr, the •Dapvige pad .Greenstome
mlboad, tearing ft UP - between these placei:
:.111.9 Herald's correspondent from the caval.
• rj.: reconata ,ttor.-nsovermeoll:, thia-Airmy •
turmilr , of GentantLee: :Their rear-smart ,
.111111 i established, numb:Aug 120, droner em
trenched, across Namoscon creek,having destroy
--ed the . bridge ;sod fellolpees across the ford to.
(So advancing, the enemy opened fire, Which
'ems returned with Tiger, They were finally
d rmia'tteir.position: num* Of men
dismounted, when - the obttrections were minor
ed and the command crossed. The closing dem
randrut,'6l3 gid.pao of th e enemy, wepr.told
at 'ouce—by the road strewn with-all - sorts of
=milieus and debris. Cannon and ammunition
were discovered sicreted Weeds:
Bart - Ingres brigade of cavalry was edon acat
tend by our 2d brigade,' Colonel Wells, coin,
Minding. The rebels scattered like a flock of
sheep on, being tired upon. In this charge
Lieutenant Custer; brother of OA Gratatal;
_came detached frOM the COalillaLla, but came la'
with a repel battle flag and foartcea Johnnlea.
'Colonel Cophart, 3d brigade. . -abont the same
time overtook the rebels near Deatonville,spread.
- leg on each side of the road. Our men • wont
la under ibe Mildest !eeccitemenk "General Cita.:
ter teeing that tiniest we covered more ground `
with tar cavalry, many more rebels would es-
Cape, rent back and hurried up the first brigade.
:Several miles Were thus passed Over,' and many
rebels and munitions gathered in.
Fieallytne_rebele rallied -to make. a stand.
Our cavalry came, forward Tor a charge, when a
strong force of rebel Infantry was disoavered In'
• the rear. Our men fought slowly falling back.
When they were reinforced, the rebels were again
driven, cur men following closely until night set
fn. Tbe rebels had -b,en• driyett twenty•two
mike. routed at every point, anti' losing men,
artillery, wagons, dcc. Our whole lose was nut.
On the 9th the march was resumed nod con
tinued till after:loon, when the enemy were over
takrn, end iklnniabing ensued, whlith continued
till night.
On the sth the fight 'took place which has al.
ready been detailed.
Gen. Crook struck the enemy's train. destroy
ing there miles of wore:emend the contents. 'Of
licers ttpori. tbat with another brigade they
could have captured the entire train. Two
thousat 41 prisoners, a battery of Armstrong
guts, and Fit. Bags were captured. The Second
Gene was placed in position underdireetlon of
Gem Sheridan; lunitedialely on hi arrival; as he
was In momentary expectation of an attack.
The 2d and nd &fusions are on the left of the
sth; the Sth Coitels rapidly tnoving r up..
lee bm been outmarehed and outzeneraled,
at d hie gaidea opportunity his passed. Had he
been able to bring up his troops so as to attack
the sth corps yesterday "evening; or at 'acrearly
hour this morning, ho might bye bold - push have
troken through and °seeped. As. it is, .his re
treat Is cut off. It Is not ImprObable he will
risk everything on the chances of a great - bat;
tie, failing in which,his surrender or the &as°.
lotion of his ariny will be a matter of necessity.
Through the adroitness of one of Gen. Shed•
dan't treads, General Beranger, who command
ed a brigade in Wade Hampton's cavalry, wan
captured along with lile staff; the scout offered
to put the General and his aide in a way to avoid
our troops, but !attend brought them within
The /Jerald's oth corps special of tbe 6th says:
Strict orders hare been Lssued for the prevention
of booze-bUreing, and thus far very few have
been consigned to the dames , and none In-which
the original, occupants were still remaining.
Neither ilideitniction of other property indulged
in to any conelderable extent, thwart' we find
thsit the Inhabitants aro nearly destitute of pre
visions. •
The Boutbside railroad: is apparently la need
of very slight repairs tcr make It arailable for
transportsUon.. Mikes some large bridge has
been dcstroyed„. it is more gum probable the
road will be in nee next week. The latmease
trains that are. Moving under COIITOY 01 thin
cerpl are awning over the ground aillazinglY
well. They Hod the roads tolerably smooth aud
The lrorld's specird hives iltatlon, on the
'7tb, gives the details :of the operations of the
army. At daylight this. morning, our' army
pushed ahead lrom the Held on which thtiy had
camped last night, two c.ilesscith of thrrAnpo
mattoa, and, without encouutering much . oppo
sition, drove the enemy fromthe strong fortifi
cations which guard the appmaehes to the mag
nificent railroad bridge spanning the river near
this point. The bridge Is upwards of 100 feet'
frora the water, and is enopokted by twenty pd-
v;'• s.
i lam of brick masonry and granite. ' Tie bridge
is mo thousand feet long and' was partially de
. reYed'etn thesineany's side of the river, A. lit-.
tie 'past bridge was also fired , bet our men
' sultdhcred the flames, Of the large 300
feet were burned; while the small one wee saved` ,
frcm damage;. , .''. . , 4 .- . -i.-- - e "---
?-- 1
be enemy had strong and well stacked forts
opposite; no. 'turd lighting : Was, apprehended,
tut we Were inrfolsed to lied seemly iniftiti/
position to our crossing and securing .
on botheides of the river. We captured 6 4 1 4-
, one pieces of artillery. The. enemy fell back ;sat flintier to the rear and took up a poeillhis'
near Pormersville. Here they have held us for
theentheremaleder ,of the day. notwithstAutd:
leg, attempts were made by the . Secitid corps tci.
drive them from their naturally strong position.
The enemy tried hard to cut Mowry through our.,
Imes, but with always fetal • - i., ,
• Ettuinz the day the Second DlYision was de
tached and sent ,downdbe railroad. to _ siege For
mei - seine,. sung they - accomplished this 'Yeti ulck
TO-131CirrOW we will have more work =on this
Ito& if. khe enemy determine to rpm:tate.
Duriog tie night the sth; Clth . and a poition of"
the 24th have been , titancavezing. for laurprisei ,,
vi blili bide fair . tobeseemealltb -- - - .-
Mahone's division forms pan orili O UPpoiing
Piny *trent of the 2d corps. " it , was taipposM
tbat Ise haft been mit MT and was still on Attie i
side or the Appomattox.
.Tbsl captuna will amount to 8,06. All who'
sirndcred speak of the rapid decline of the
- t ellion; - Ewell remarked that General' Leo.
tt kbeil lorg.lince to. take all hie troops west
;ward; and thcredisband them that they might
::ill coto their homes. This proposition, Jeff.
Davhi would not listen to. The fighting still
continued on tbe lid. corps' front. The enemy
base trade spasmodic' -endeavors to break our
lints, , but hale failed signally.
'1 be:Ws rld's BarkesviVe special of the 7th says;
tEcitteiday Otter.' Sheridan discovered a force
of the enemy end a large train of wadons push , .
log ttiwards their main army. He immediately.
- pushed ahead ace discovered the enemy In a
"strong 'position behind a range of low - hills. '
"From this position the-enemy were only forced
after! bard , iiglitlng and. canning , move:Mints..
Once.the enemy forced a portion of oar lines by
stalking it on . both %Mules.. The irregularity Of
the tavalry prevented the formation of the loos en
line, hence frtqtre , cgaps were formed lilt; It'
- vas thought from there gaps that the enemy
chirged In executing this flank movement.
The enemy belundriven from his first past
tiou.l the cavalry again attacked 'him.. This
time he was found 'along the line or the road
along which the trains and troop bad been pass
' Mg, end lutrenchtd behind a hastily constructed
sect rof rails and debris. From here Sheridan
t cull rot badge hint; but aid was soon at hand.
The lid and Gth Corps were brought on the field,
the former on the light, and the latter on the
, lell,'strottng agibist the cavalry. •
Early In the. motming,. Sheridan anticipating •
the resnit,had Mon Custer farther down the road
.towards Bruksville, with instructions to move up
the marl-towards •Emory't locality, and born
cadei the- passage: .Ties•,formation of the sd,
Oth, 'nod the remainder of, the cavalry, being
complete the; adfanca Was sounded and the ime
coy's position charged. The enet - Or Itrupt. din ,
pi:rattly and for a while hetelsteritlit nwaLwith
1 musketry and caution, eneeneAld lo holdingoqr
1 troops . M l . l 7l 'but it % , as only tor ;e l -.
.!' . a
.,e,_ ....
other d esperate charge sent bim ilyiog from bin
cover, ;
,down the pike, where he was mitt by
Custer and bead.'
The 6th Corps, changing I'ltClillire - ctlOh, : fol•. -
,lerr4d like tweeds mall thaentmy. finding they
.enuld net gbh pot Closer, anted on them twain.
It w)is the enemy's turn to charge now. He
nu - break one or, one lines .or perish., Ills
etatlde &Ilion' the infantry - who:recovering frotn,
a thibt break In their line, ant repulsed the at
tatstd their countercharge:ill. The enemy was
In t condition tateilst an onset , end satingto
hot oft scope, raised the whiteitio&and ounce.
•Tho war Regarded as -Over.
Virtiela's Return into the Men.
Iltisnixorots April 10.—Rellable Infanta`
tiot4ltas -been received from a gentleman who
left Rfelemond yesterday, that Gen. ShepitY; by
ordeir of the President, has given. safe. conduct
to Senstor Ranter to coma...and-go from that
eity.l He Is supposed to be on his estate, IsnEe ,
sex i•onaty, 50mlierrfv.ent.4.1ebtaPPlis
„ .. ,:Th , .re were no prayers offered In the churches
yeat6day for the Presidentl of course noun for
the bouillon Confederacy.
The ci ti z al 4 • ge,, ll gtan,TrAtl4,oewg atefer•
and fanhere6isteke,-therefora, as aziwise.i'
Tire Zeus' Richmond correspondent says he
bad i tree conversation With - some' of the most
tho4,ugh and radical Union men In the country;
mirt‘ealtkandpositienteitese;Sthluts never
w e foe' leitik - ind
the are, demand that Virginia shall be taltert
back into the Union under the It6ancipation,
proclamation ; that no yettlie of the rebellion
abaft be tolerated; that usurpation, State and
Conte:delete., which has wrecked Virginia, shall
not he reerolsed In a single' rupees; that a
State government must • be organised anew , by
a - venni:Nl, on of the peopleots soon OS It caw be
proyerly effected, and the State and Rs iittiabl
tanta -thoroughly purged of treason la
sham .;The:Unlon. sentiment.. in. We strong.
Rom here too, is far greeter than-has yet been:
con edetAl„ not - alone =rug the poorer classes -
ton:in 'wealthier_ and' Influential. eircles,erhen;
may be found men who have never lost.faititte
the'Union. There Is-an etiolate majority:of .
swing Union aen leßlehrnond.. •-•
The Richmond Whig, of Saturday. says: The
state menhthat - there would be a meeting WC
tete ingot such members of the Virginia Let
ts:alum as still remained in the city was not
ittrictlytoneet....: -There-was no .meeting. of the
Legislature. or °tiara, but itletply an Informal
conference a.nd - ,:consultatlon 'of private bah
vldnals, , among yrhem were members of, the
LegiAlature. I The. motive-of .these .gcntlemen
Coining together was to bear from Judge Camp ,
bell the terms_ upon which President - Lincoln._
bad expressed himself as wlllinx that Virginia
raisin return to the:Union,' and Messrs. J. R.
Anderson, David j. Burley,. and H. J. Thomas
were appointed a committee to inform the Leg
Islatn re and Governor Smith of President Uri
colOktenos, and JudeeCampbell was requested
to 'te.e.anpany the committee, who were to, leave
deity cocoon caqieeports could be procueed.
It was cud so be 'rateable that they- would get
r 11 Ilia InOrtatlle. - .lire prefer not'to state our
und..itranding of President 'Lincola's tern's; as
our inrorination on that head tenet official.
The only Informetion is that n was of a very
'lbw., character. ' '
The R:e.hutrid TWag of Eattirday lays: The
Cliett'an -C6temleslon Imied Intern hundred
ran, t.e, yePtet day, chiefly to the suffering poor,
who {MC bunatd ont by the fire. The quick
equotnent and relief by the Corr.mlsalon of the
EuEt ring, lea noted demonstration of its noble
serrim. •
New York 'Sleek and Blaney Matters.
NEW .. .rotes, /flirt! Io.—The news of Lee's
surrey dor has pralticed a general excitement on
the markets, but there Is no Tanta at the Stock
Et - chance. The market opened with increased
firrners,and there was a short rally as call pro
gressed, with very little prpsarp;:' Alter the
board broke up an upward tnovSment continued,
and: Mailer. rates were current throushut the
Itoverran.mte were very strong. _.Very few
both -wets offered - a the board; and a seareltY
was general on the %treas. - State bonds worn
quiet and steady. Coal tharCR.IPCTO pll 111 , 11,
tad •Cumberland was:the fealbreof the list.
'Miscellaneous shares were ateady. 2 • •
There has' been eery. little excitement In the
Gold market. Operations' were not large,"pd
„ Was_ an unusual' absence of 'remora.
"Money continues very abundant and easy, at 0
per cent. on railroad collaterult, and 5 per cent.
for Goerrnment's.
Farolearn istotka heavy and lower; Bachman
Farm, 110; Excelalor, . 430; Oceania 220; Ryad
Farms 203; Railed Staten 850.
Wew York Items.
lixtv Yong, April 10.—Tre Chamber of Cchn
teerce acippted resolutions embodying the sense
of the merchants on the greet victory of Grant
over Lee, which were adopted, and a committee
appointed to act Jointly with the Common Conn
ell in the turthcrance of the celebration on the
2 0th.
ale' Board of Aldermen to:day voted to
iced sicemmittee to 'President Lincoln to BIM.
pend the draft for sixty days. •
.Colonal Dodge,`Proven bimetal of this city,
states in ti imblbed note to-day: that the Gov
ernment will' exact from ?tea York the whole
-number of men required by-the draft. -
A uand Te Del= Landatnua wlll ho cclohnatod
fo ltinity church tomorrow in honor of .Leda
clA ur e e.
ateamer. Ocean tts .7f Ith a lama number
ofcldzena of Brooklyn, sklad for chorlindoo' to.
u plates ter Graiat's Armr—ltannala front
New Tons, April . . .
Point epeelal of the Bth says : !Supplies were'
taken by the railroad yesterday as. far, as Bather!
land Station, ten miles from Petersburg. Meer
ent corps tldes were all taking on loads last
etenlng and wlll reach the army tosmorrow.
large foreo is pushing wart on the track, and
will reach logivillo to day and Burkeselllaln two
days taOre; Slight chimps of gauge are required
wtarti-retartla the work, but'golng fon'
k <,.
riTTRIUltGit'. --..GAZETTTa
1; ?Saw YORK, The annonneement of
Lee's ittllTeoder last night caused the greatest ex
-eltementidlida city. • ItnprOMPtii illuminations
of many private dwellings quickly follovred, The
Birceti were filled-with people inn:alai, elnitinff.
: arel,dinchur wlthiny. Nye have today recelyed
dispalpbes.from almost ' eieri• :city; ;Cake - and;
hamlet In liat.noilintry, stewilt4 7 thir the elder.
Joy prevailed thicinkhentrthnland: ,
CLEIMAND, April 10.—A salute of L'OOrnas
cartilhaw being Bred. The towir to not►wilawith
excitement and joy. BeilliejainlittniPeuqok
_processiona are marehlne thronglothe streets;
with mimic.- *inches are be i ng delivered.
6.1C/N:11.11, April 10.—By an order from the:
:lifer Department two hundred elms were
Donn to day. The city Is alive with excitement;
and'very little business done.
Burr.u.o, April 10.—There Is east rejoicing
here and other cities over the Monona helm
• Oxon.:sari, dlimnfeh to General .
.11xler • annenbeing - the surrender of. Lee's
army, was received about 10 o'clock last night.
,"1 be lutes spread•raphily through the ,city, and
liuminse c:owds Oiled the Streets. Bonflms
were lit at every corner, rockets tilled the air,
and cannon were fired from &lithe 'pttblic places.
The demonstration continued all night,
' GeV. Brough has appointed' the 14th, day of
•Aprill for -general thauksgiving. Preparations
ate being made for a grand celebrathin here. •
. .
Nainricui, April 10.—The - surreuder.of Lee's
a:mynas received here with great demonstra ,
tluta Joy The ennato and House adjourned.
Business generally was suspended . . IttagS ban,
1368,i transparencies and illuminations -were
Intend throughout the thy.
3 hp ?leer still
.o:Judi:ince .ristrig, with air. feet'
of - water on the shoals. -
battioir — Aprll -10.—Biudness, to-day Is en
tirely... ansiended throughout the State. The
~.demoristration itttbia chits the most anthwtiaa
tieind joyous ever known here. Two hundred
guts; were tired , by'.order of the military. au
thorities. To-night the city Is moat brilliantly
hiVIANA.T . OI.I9, April 10. —A salute Of
two liundred guns was tired to-day; but little bus
inesa'was done. The citizens arc generally cel
ebrating the day.
LOVIM au:Apnl 10.—T his city hi OCCOlated
'With Sage . itVIZo hnodred grins were fired here
to- by is tuecw of the Federal army.
Raleigh Reported Evacuated,
Gohosnono, B. 'C., Awl' C.—Desertees and
!'" 6 .l,l'es report the •.vsenathm of Raleigh, and
'that the enemy were throwing op works on the
Tar :Pm at RatrOfount, about forty miles.
from here towarMVeldon, on the Weldon and
Wilmington rallir. 'rho enemy are burning
the btidima and ti on this road, and enPrylng
off the rails. " . ~ •
Wit thought. that Johnston will g 0 to~:the
relief of Lee. His army I.snuich demoralized.
Weir CoqaUtntlon ofllllriipart—Co4velitlipit.
St. Lot-O, dprtl /0:--The' final mite eel the
new toustilutton was token cos' Saturday afbet-, -
neon, and restdted In. thltipidght Totes What.
cart for, and tbS - temi against - IL II will be nib
lolttrd to the people en lb. 6th day of Jarc,
'and triattffed.:Mill go Into: effect on Jrth.4ol.`
oisemotered•that the Governor of „Iglietrart
'send memento) to the =ay toe the purpose of
, eoldlers" vote upon the Wooled or
le) eiStos of thUnew ounstltuttou._ •
At a quarter to tonlvis (Onto& to•otay the a* ,
Tendon adjourned aineati, attar being tn mialott
atettiptrelght days.
Bigness Iselally unspended, aid geseild-:
joy to !rpm!a . .omor the eurrender or
!Conciliatory Proclamation Urged.
Wasuisorron . ,,AprU Xotionol AMU.'
liens f). of to day toys: We learn from X reliable
soorre that.litdge Cainpbell, of Alabama, for..
'mealy of the United , filates Suprema Court. antl
one of the CortteilasionMe of the Rebel tiovetiet.
mot,rtpert-trtn . .riestdeen-et Llttettrional
and orgMliint tritium tt Proclamatiohnt X COn!
dilatory character, armrests:. his belief that it
world-Mart, n , thbt time, %moat salutary effect.
The:President was. however, not then prepare 4
for tbis„ otep, and It wee reasonable to suppose
thetb ironld si.ettne action. upon thin intlect
wbLte Grant eras presto:lg upon Lee't retreating.
fotrys. ~ .That the Pretident will now. adopt this
conc:The.TnutifiLewer has additional 'reintolis
for Ildieritur.
Pon .Closed.
. .
Wsannurreui April 10.—The President - has ,
Issuid a proclamation clodtti the following-pm*
until iurtbdr ordeno Richutond, liappsiumpoe.k.
Chrrry stone, Yorktown and.. Petersburg,,,Vir-
Elvin; Vanden, - -133Ltabeth City, Edenton,
month, • Washington; Neybern, Ocracoke and
Wilmington, ,Charleston. Georgetown.
and; Beaufort, K. V.; Savannah, , KW"
Brunswick and Oaken. Ga.; Alas.Peavi
Inver, BhWdsboro ' Neches and Vicksburg,
S. Angustim, Kr.; West Bt. .lilndrs,
Port Leon; St. John's, Jacksonville and Anal
afehicads„ Yis..; Tenho:Land Franklia, Lik; Gat
wstn, Lasalle, Brazos De Zintigo, Point Isabel
and Brownsville, Texas.
A Ilustah Ship Priitiably
:Dorton, 10. , =CaptsIn - McDonald, of the
schivmer .Ellai,,,from. Aux Paves, reports that
on Prim :Lary 15th; °lithe outward pump
fell in with the ship Bieck Prince, frodi t ant
Fres, of and for ft iston • ; sehort of prostate:is
and leaking badly. hailog.threa feet of water to
ter hold. lie supplied her with provl+loas and
proceededohe captain of the ship thinking at
thettm that lie could. Safely reaeh- port.. On:.
the next day the schooner encountered a no•
mendotis gale, anti tbe chip hod never snivel
or been heard of 4064 therein no doubt she
foundered, board perished.
Perretary Seward'. Condition
New ,Yottg, . Apra 10.--The following letter,
.rectivra hero to-day. describes the condition of
Secretary Seward on Sunday:
Wa..iington, Sunday. April 9--S P, X-Ilr.
Seward is much easier to-day. llle Jaw was
fractured, and the pain of satin: it was very
great. ills arm does not give him so reach pain
as it Al. The physicians report all the symps
toms Invertible.
Giant's Terms of Surrender Off red All
Nen You, Aprlllo.—The Cornmereid Adair•
(bra', +t eclat says: Orders will be sent to our
G•wr:elr everywhere to open comtnnuicatlons
with the. enemy and commanders of the rebels
In their front, and offer the same terms which
were accepted by Lee. No difficulty le antleipa•
led except in Texas.
Matttrs lu 'Wilmington
Itioniton, April B.—The steamer
Nevada an lied hero to day from Wilmington,
N: C. Military affairs in that vicinity' aro per-
fectly nulet, and the city la quietly resembling lts
former business him aspect. The stores were
rapidly brine teopened, and everythint, Inilcs
title a I.pvedy return to their horn.' of those who
fled at the approach of Oat troops.
Vatannah 'and Charleston.
Raw Took, April 10.—The steamer Falcon,
frr.ln Port Royal April 7th, has arrived. No
Everything Is progressieg finely at Swan
nab and Charleston. The condition- of the
people la vastly lawn - med. The sanitary measures
fur lbelumreer have already been inaugurated.
Ikinw Toni{, "'larch 10.--Tho Tribimos
Wmidegion special says that -three companies
of Mosby's guerrillas disbanded on Wednes
day at Culpepper;and dispersed for tbelrhomes.
Itiosby has now ess Mau Om hundred men,
mostly olvating on a - rie:ek of land running
down to Aqula Creek and Fredericksburg.
recen-Mils ty Loap Sitbrcrlptiors..
rllILADISIXIIIA„ AprlL fQ.—Tho subscriptions
received to-day to the' 7-30 loan , amount to
$2,673,050, including SKIO,OOO from Norfolk,
174,000 from I)es Molter. Imp, and $400,000
from,New York In singio subscriptions, Also.
2,011 Individual subscription for $OO and a $lOO,
Sailed for Europe
Nem roux, April 10.—The steamer City of
Dublin, which was toesil. to-morrow tor Lifer ,
pool, was dispatched this afternoon at four o'-
clock, in order to take out ike news of General
Lee's capitulation. She Is in light trim, and
will undoubtodly.malte a quick passage.
API/17.—ThelhatesIn of thlsevell.
lug Says ; that's report prevails, which Is 'rattan.
ibeiticated, that Alabama, was cai4ared
and burned cavalry force under General.
Thomas , command.
'Nave Tout, Aprlllo.-11m Commercial Mori ,
.liser says, the surrender titter. has caused eon
ilderablumeltement In•the geld market, but no
prole. Gold opened at 144, and went up to 145 M •
Gold' tomight 145.
iSteardern'artirreen Dunkirk and Clare
Cuirx.inif April 'lo.—Tbn fide Railway
Steamboat. Company's atenmer Canitto arrived
Item tbis morning from' titnake: - RIO reports
noire angld • west - or.Dunkli- Tlia steamers
of llterovailue will soon be runnlmeretularly
for th aesson. • . .: ' ".'
. ~--...
Tonarra. AplilloTlio raiders were brnglit
teforoltbacoart tbiamonitng, clod all dlartuirgrAl.
excepq Irootte,:10o coaprlStiiii for
,Ileath-ot--Llon. A. 41.. Borden... --.
13riatoaN1*1110:—Mon A. B.- Bor , ibiai Aka
Ibis :Vallj . g.trar; after a dletreastag
.... FLght tit .Davls and; nisi Chap liL ..,...
At I 14 - o'cinch
Sund iyindralug, w hit e . st /de
In "his omilit church listening to. thcl-acubra
.. .
.tlonl 'ogle: Far. Dr. Foga Jeff. Davis,; was`
handed "'dispatch from' General Lee. There,
,upolatejlitanlcly arose, and •lisalked hunisdly
:dolma thralale; beneat h the questionings of ail •
the lies.* the house, The Ire/patch was to the
effect} . Richmond must too evacuated during
Drel l night. And so his ex-Exeetlency, the
Drell . .01 . * late Confederacy, went - Path
le s r
frog, boltietuary.where moptclisied the foyer , '
Ite high - eel of his realm to pack up his "port:
able propertr in hasty preparations fora •Jour
• ney oh the - -
-Sabbath day. Like- thief. In the •
night hisztole away with trepidation - atl fear,.
endlitttOmi agonizing sense of ant shOrtrieis of '
Asi bitpreieher closed the services the core red
seine, *aided him a note from hie ex,Excellem--
4., .. Therlate of the proacher waxed sickly with.
deo rinaclie that of the sexton :glowed with'
Joy .1 0 *MO for concealment.'The chagno of
the ,o e,Wasaptite as marked es tile . grin of the
other/ The- fo..mer Legged Ills congregation to
terry:and told them In sad utterances that he
did , obtr-expeet to minister to them any more.
His fartyirell over, he too proceeded 'furiously
to' - the' , packing of "portable pronerty"—he
also Intended to journey bn the Bibbith.
This Drs.. liege. .11, 'WM bo 'remembered,
risitoi(Gagland two years ago, ostensibly to pro.
curela,pply ofllibles,but really as awe missary
of aM..iebellieb. Ile was largely Ma by the
British - erects of the Routh, and duninless did
Emelt imp Blues his return he has been in the'
habito atakingtomp epecehe a, fuli of hot nue
Goa an 1/wen/rated with presumptons Impede to
the of Battles: A pro -slavery fanatic of eon
aiderableability, he lies been petted anclused by .
Dash, whose own enormous cunning end trick
sdneys have nothing of the - elements,oi ft
.. matieti re—' The two votatica Bed *other.
110t 4 trat.—Contipmdinie of ilia . Eve ToYk
Hew Nature Covers up U tattle-Melds.
" Chl I ever tell you,. aaya e coireepoildent of
tut Eastern' Paper, - airbag the affecting little
things cite la always seeing on three battle-fields,
how, on the ground upon width the battle of
Bull dim wee. fought,. 1 tow, pretty. pure, dell
. catelloWere growing out of the empty ammuni
tion boxer; and 4 Wild rose thrusting up Its
t r acezi head throughthe top of a 'broken drum,
' which doilbticall aoundod Ite hull chargu he that
battlei• and a enuring scarlet Verbena peeping.
out of a fragment . of a burst sheik, In which
strange tot It WAD planted I W 8311% that peace
growing out of •warl _Even no shall • the beentl
ful and graeefal ever grow our of the horfid and .
tidegs•willen tratitplre
but ever advancing World.'•',..Nature;ccivera elect
the kaule.gratuida with Verdant arid' bloom,
Pemic and plenty - spring/sir track of the
deified:en egraptight-atid all thlags-br mature
-and "04 it,tY• 1111 1 1 work P1.10.55-'Ol% min
- • i• • . • ;r."••,.
• 4WD Ina Exam. Lani,eeo;_
1100 Ward Beecher, In in - address to hia,Coll. ,
clition, before ht. departure to attend the
Bunter •waremontea, advised them ; strongly •
again"felltag Into allied vengeance
under the plea of lattice." lie maid •"If he bad,
Ili Way alterthecloateg.elf lighting, not sreltop
of blood should be appled." lie wished to have
• the toWer':",t6 say to 'the-World that thin giant
elrD him 'ended as no other one ever had."
He vowel riot expatiate or disfranchise anyrobal
Alder or follower. Even for. Jellc Davis bra be-.
neiederiei IneXidted iiketikuitily ‘ eut,V4WEretea
'was fade ify What: 'go; Poo? &YU.'
Ale world Is loge etkatgli for soled,
and see."
.Itairrankt. onnatromoire of New
Tort Tritrime; - wrillpg oa the &Albans ;alders,
,saysi ..Perhaps no - prisoners in soy coastry
eversteeired suitatrirtliMes comforts -and lax,
:Ink{ 4. they dilly, enjoy. They feast on the
bett;s Muds, make Merry over the bust win®, ea
parid gamble, receive spree ,of fdeads Mt;
y.iNget apt fcaslo-niimral_af , th ilatter
eg lf .at a hoteL lint fa:addition -
Act this, incredible as it may appear, they are
daily lastructcd lithe manual of areal and m 11;•
nary etheintlons by_ a British sergeant." It Is
hoped that there:nasal of the meals to Tomo.;
th'uNl lulu; aboptr upeedy clause la their eon- •
A ,Etvourrren EiVOLCllolll2=l:—;Last - week
Jeff:: Davie wee holding. hie • tneeptioes In the
Exedutive Mansion at Richmond:o'l'W week
Pretident 'Lincoln . .hoWing his , Icalioomine
piaci. Jell' little thought on Sunday bust when
beleft ble nyenalott,to to Chnittxthatthutuext ,
day .Ineciln.wotddlie on, hie way toloeetirs
It Ineine sadden` as abdication and Itabiction is.
Dietary hah ever recorded. ,The remintioner his ,
been neroltalonmed imd iteffim from the seat or
hie Tower and wineped eatthotl4.-;-.Plig.; Lodgir.
. .
AT ran opezdni; of the ApriLteim of. tiro Uet
ted limes Court at Melees ,t 1 all the lawyers
practicing' therein were required to take the oath',
of loyalty prescribed In the Act of duly 15041.
Sicelecti In all took the ciath, two, of them
. make
irg technical maws. • Georgic R.- Pugh
,declinid to take It Immediately stetter' that he
bellarcd It miconsUtmlonal '
and desired time to
consider the subject.. .Wm. 31. 'Corry' refesed
enikely, and Immediately surrendered up ths
liminess which he had In hand In the court.
'Tim Libby Prison, bi'ltictunond,.la nowAlled
with rebel prisoners. The change of occupant/ .
there was about as sudden as the change at tho
Bichtnond ``Whito House:" The present own
pants of Libby will fare infinitely better than Its
late inhabit - tints. ThOUnion canes- is 'not diV
graced by cruelty or barbarism. Justice sad hu
manity are its guiding principles. Heavy blows
to burly traitors in arms. luntineen and conildw
Athol for • fallen foc.--Pkii. Ledger.
- Btr urrsarBnwsitn.--We are happy to be able
to state that ,the accident to Sedan' liesrard,'
the day before yesterday, was not ao aerlorii as
had been supposed. .halttpast eleven o'clock
last . erening be was suffering no pain, and his
ph)shians reported that 'his wounds - were not
riargt tau% wed that he was, recoverlog eus,raptd
ly a, crukt be expected from the e ff ects of his
tali:—lla..t. Oman.' •
Tim freedmen of Charleston celebrated their:
ttl.7llllatlon t.y a ilrecuslon, on the 21st alt.
•rt,4 21,t U. 8. colored regiment formed the mili
tary escort, the representatives of the different
trades, TEM school children, BOVOLI fire comps
nlei, and ;Aber colored periotta formed a proem
sloe, about two miles and a hilf,long.
Tint , MosT ;Wosminyout Pans OnT.—Tho
Palle Of I.:lager:rare not half so Ipterestlog :and
Important to the American people as the falls of
Baratinah, Charleston, Wlltulnizton, Peteraburg
and Pachmond, mad ztho stager fall Vale,
rebel Confrderacy. ; ; =.
Two•Tetnos.—Wbett Jett Darts went !fawn
to Geore la last September be reported that .two
of hi enlisted eoldlera were absent with
'out leave. lie Is now stipposol to he' 'gala on
thejoad to tiemglit to report tbat the other third
. .
Risers was to ortglnal. secesibinlst, not only
from Lincoln, but from Ilartai:and la his prl
- correspondence discovered at Charloßtoa ho
spcnka of Dash as "a..beel," as "pig-headed,"
and as held "In great contempt" - In Charleston,
Toe Dirranexce. , —Nearly every negro in Rich
mend-la now seen with a ,cigar In bin month.
Last week it would hive
. coat him fifteen Whoa
on,the back to indulge in that luxur. Ndw
mentors make new manners:
A COTIIIIVEMIT Ganasuscs.—A remarkably,
well'executed counterfeit fllty dollar treasury
note has been received at the Department.- It
bellied several experts a • long time before the.
character could be detected.
• ••
Trial, New fork, fromFortrdte- Monroe, ar•
'rived at tbbi port yesterday. with 1,300 rebel
pritosers. Nveybouet .alao arrived from
Wlltologton with', 100 refugees and 730 rebel
prlsocers.-2T. Tr/b.
TOE treo a n II
t, ti
cr which Grant Pemberton
held the Inte lew 'Which resulted In thccapttu-.
lotion' of W cksburg tine disappeared, root,
breech, true s: and 011, carried. a• by souvenir.
, •
Fenn 'hundred millions of rebel bonds have
been "made away . , with" at Richmond. Tho
thief mutt realize soon, or she it all won't buy
him a' dinner.
A Baum °Hirer, captured at Fort Steadman
mud : ' ;!.1 would die before t would 'desert, but I
am klaffthat Pala a prisoom.t: , '
BECIarTSO7 Ittmotmtiftmlnrcit.—Tbe merlins
of Internal Revenue for tho month of !Slack,
1805, amounted to $10,890,000.
MICITIOAN DOW . yi,elda abort 'erten' mUllons
dallarie worth or ,copper and two adllk)nl 110 l
wortk iron . aannally.
Too people of Ede bate subscribed ono hon.
died tbousamd dollars to erects Rolling Mill to
ttua city.'
Meeting sal Allegheny '6niinc Us.
An adjourned meetlngor Allegheny Councils
was held met evening:"
In Common Council: Present, Mrmsis. Benny,
F.ngliab, Fanlhaber, Hanna, Hall, McDonald,
McNeal, Miller, Robb, Wm. - Smith, d. B. Smith,
Torrence, Thompson and President Dram.
The , following business, transacted is Select
Connell at their meeting of April 6th, was then
tale.,, up..
.Tbe report of tbd Corntuittec on Engines, as
ameDdedbwS 3 concurred in.,• •
~The ordinance -relating to tbe race Pr weigh
on the public fowled war concurred in, pro.
tided the tnutions In mAlogcbingo be not di'
min Med.- concur.
ordinance abollahtne the cape of City
COntroller was laid odithe table. , '
I , The ordbango axing the rate. of, tautness tax
at one mill, wap nonactured"in and referred
to Finance Committee. 8. o.„reeeded.4d.oon-
The: COranson Council concurred In relLthe
other ;business frornAlciect, is passed at the
teectingof,Apiii Oth.
Isfr. , Miller offend the :following,.
liesecid, That the surrender, of ttie Corded
erate army of Northern Virginia-under, the Cont.
mend of (len. E. E. Lee, to Lieut. Gen. V. B.
,Grantche entered on the minutes. of this Win-
Cfl, rte fOreatiadowing the downfall. 0.1 . the "Thal"
lion. and the maintenance . of ; those 11berties
which the !surrender of the .British at my under
Lord Cornwillia, In the samo.Btate, some eighty-,
four Tears , egcs,, harrsectued to our common
caantty.. .
The rmoititinn,was adopted and, concurred in
..In &leer: Present, Messrs, Francis, Hopkins.
31111er, M'Brier.l3.• Riddle, G. tR. Riddle„, and
rresident Marshall. . •
The *afar portion of.the -evening was con
sumed in discussing a method for remedying tho
existing evils at the Water Works, but as Coun
cils Interid to visit the works in a body, on Thurs
day afternbon nextidetinite action was postponed
for the present. . •
i Court of quarter Sculpt's.
Tuesday, April 10. Before Judges Mellon and
Commonwealth vs. Martin Shaffer; assault
and bnitery. Fined $.lO and costa.
Coin monwealth vs. Geo o id'Fherson; soiling
. ,
liquor. *lead guilty. F ed $5O and:costs.
Earns v s . mime; selling liquor. Fluid gunge'.
- Fined
Iso and costs, . .
CommOnWealth vs. J Bob Illikley; selling
liquor. !lead guilty. F nod $2O and costs.
Commonwealth vs. G .McPbersont selling
liquor. Plead guilty. F ed VA, and sentenced
to thirty ,days linprhattiftut In cooky - jail:
Commonwealth vs. Mr eel
l O'Hara, John A.
Stralp O. Childs, Tho
Whi te . 'ConnoW. 11.
,Robicsei, ,I: D. Egat4lice t, John
IBairy. Tharpa Bart:an: ati . fs an 'lndictment
!for rtot4prefeera by A.walnut. " '
On the Ist of 'April, , 511 mei 011ara, Esq., In
company with a nuteber of constables, went to
!the stdri.or the prosper t r; and demanded and
l b
obtahust admittance to : hat part of the home
from whicil he had teen forcibly ejected, and to
which he claimed to have a right., Tim defend
ants but. one or two of Wheat appear to twee
participated: or the matter, among them a num
ber of , teemed ; . the affair, are all
charged 'with inciting a riot. The':case- , will
probably, marry the whole. afternoon; . and, part of to-motrow
milik:at Citia - s , '•
:11toet at the Illiter/s, Office.
teeeitojapretebient citizens woe heia 'yes
terday Pf,teeixonettber a l elooll. ( 0 11 hr VaPphe
'of iikinfc Into conalderedoo the propriety- of
.naking & gem* demeengslien lecoemeamm:
'lion of. the cepanletlon, encl euzireederat. Lee's
04 moUon of Mayor LowrY,Mr. ..loseph Dll
:worth was: calleoothe,thatri and'EdwarrLockck
was s toe Becetaey,-
Mi. .raitk. foKisar., read wood
bo bittetto postpone any eelebrathm of onr.Tie
Lodes until we should. bear bow the rebel den.
•Johneton win' fare. Within a row &ifs we might
have oitention'to rejoice crux the llnatratotation
The... ;views- were endorsed by all present.
The President i. gave It as bia °Pinion that the
Government "Veld appoint a day of Thankssiv
log whcrilmleirebonkl be declared.';
on motion of Mr. Par ke,all further action
was deferral for the present, when the leading
A - Carpotehag Thief Arrestedigiforma
tient wet - made yesterday Wing William Gib
len. by James ,Moore. charging him - .with steal-'
lag a carpet-bag. containing clothes the whole
valutd at about $18: Giblen L it -appears, after
brealsing it open and %alarm from It: , a new pair
of pants! Worth $8 `left the carpet-bag at the
hcmaci.:4la inept he took ti in a mistake, and
denies ale imowledge of *spier of pants. lie is
a toasarimate thief, however, as It clearly ap.
pear*. Liming the bearing in the ease, another
party cense 1a,..wh0 boarded at the. saute house
—(lnc ••• &wand Wait lipase," on Grant street—
and charged bun - with stealing another carpet.
bag.! Atter taking .eseryttiftds .oC Adana on: of
Moure's,lhe picked up , adotker variwtglah and
made off with it. No Infornyition -has yet been
taken this- second • charge. ' Mayor Lowry'
locked him tip for a father hearing. -
. .
• The Late .hturdereitur Amaralt in Scott%
Alley.—We gam a du or two. abice„ the elf
-011:014411141i of a roan bang ( h and near the" Scott
Route,. with a terrihla cut •In his head;iladleted,
IL won supposed, by a men'eamed- WOl. Mullin.
do actiomplice of . Mollin,"dohn MeGwrey, was
arrested and had s:heswitrir before Mayor Lowly
_yesterday. He Lybellered to hare aided Mnilin,la
his mope, arid wis held to bait In the snm ,
$l.OOO ibr alluring next Monday until a farther
inteselgallozimsy . be had. The pollee hambeen
diligently prosecuting a 'Swards for Mullin, bat
Al yet whhout access. • • • •••• - _
In Eryeirport . iVe 'learn that
William Shoup; 41 Franklin, An old-and
known Allegbeay river pliotoras killed in a'41.111-
Cully with some person In - a ',domain Pheeport,
on Saturday eyentn. Ii appears that Stionp;in
company, .with some` friends, were . drinking,
when ari 'imminent arse, sad one of tha par
tia believing himself Insulted, picked up a tum
bler and threw it, striking Slump( in the tem
ple, killhig him instantly..
. (traceless Husband Information: was
made bMora Mayor Lowry yesterday; by Catha.
tine Winkler, charging her husband John
Rimier,' with assault and . battery, he hat
ing beaten and abused her - Cannily. She also
makm a elrenre or abandonment. •It seems that
be not only' whipped' his wire, but. aftirwards
Icll her td - take care of herself. The'partles re.
eke nearltedwood Station, in Pitt township, on .
the Mlnenvllle road. '
'Correetioti.—ln our acconntyesterilay morn
ing of the robbery at the' bletropolitaa Motel, on
'St. Clair street.. we should bare stated that. Mr,
Robins bad lost $BOO, Jutted: of Mr. Loveless,
vita was the patty etansined and '3la:barge&
Robins and Buckalew held the consultation with
the Mayor, the latter alleging that Isle pocket
hoot( containing EGO had also been stolen: , No
new light has becnahed upon 4he mystery which
Salute Flied.--,The.Poit of 'the Mononga
hela, inobedience to orders frdml tho War De
partment, tired saline, of two h undred guns,
in honor o t the triumph' of thol.Dnited. States
;.forces under Orant,.ln compelling the Confider
ate:General Lee to sarrendor himalf and army.
It was done "with a will," by the Veteran Re
sect° Corps, Coinpany . l, superintended" by, Or
derly Beargent Shields. j '
Parlor' Opera and.Slerlo Comte' Troupe..
-Our stinsonsentecokers are promiscd a rick
treat on Wednesday night,. when' the abate fa
mous troupe open at Concert - Hall, Their
formance Is very highly' spoken of, and salt
something novel In Ito way, we predict, a lar g e:
crowd will be present on the opening night, and.
' shall speak further of !Ls merits Alter Ws h ave
seen the entertainment.: -
.*The Fort Suikter Flag galslug—Pitts:.
burghers rollowlag Pittsburgh-.
- era were among those specially Invited by Sae
retail Stanton, to attendthe flag raising at. Fort
Sumter: Ilion. 'Dimes Hampton, Eton. Henry
W. Minims, John H. lihocnberger, Esq., Gen.
Wm. Robinson, lion. Howe, James L. -
llntchinvm4Esq., Hon., Dayld Ritchie and Hon.
Wm. Wilkins.
Fifth Ward Building Lotek—Attentlun
le nailed to the sale of fourteen building lots an
Coiumbla street, in the Fllth ward, to be sold
this uvening on the second 'floor of WXlwalne'a
Auction Room, 10G Smithfield street,_ opposite
the Post OMee. These lots are situated In .a
impel business" part of the city' ; lotions un
merous manufactories
_ensure' h thrifty popish.
An Unlucky Stiot..',A man named Showell,
of Beading, Hamilton 'county, Ohl ), heard a.
holm In 'the. night, and. supposing a chicken
thief to be stout. took a pistol and went into the
yard. Not finding' any one he finable Pistol In
to the darkness to, flighted any one who might
be about ,and sent the ball through the heart of
his wife, who had =owed without his knowl-
For Jobnoon's leland.--Funr hundred and
sixty-tour rebel prisoners, captared from Lee's
artny, passed through the City yeeterday en
route for .lohniciuta Island. They were princi.
Two Hundred Photographs rocolved yeater•
dry at PiStock's.
~,l'(ai.wsNazY.sX~f~T~li'f~.%.: ~ ...
is , "'y" -3-
Letter from the. Stith Heavy Avvitte x i,
ELEADQUAD97.II.9 GTO. Rao'r P.a. H. A.,)
. Tour E 2111.1( ALLEN, Ca., April 8, 1%5,
irrt-E .—Tb kl ng `that our num
erous friends-in the Smoky City and its environs
Would like to be titade Acquainted with the man
ertin which we. received the glorious news of
the evacuation of the city of .Richmond by the
rebels; and the triumplumt entry of thellain
troops into the great
,citadel, we will, endeavor
ihrougtoeur uulunutts to give them"' minute and
conciandescriptkm. r ...,
On the'retVipt of the cheering news, which was
slgnalledio the fort riznGeargetciipi Lfeighta.
C., about noon on lionday lest, the wildcat px-:
eitement hreielled.: . Unman and Mlcera s an e
vent to their feellnga by . load- and „prolmkged.
cheers for the - Invincible grant; they Übiquitous
Sheridan; 'ond the •brave men under tlitur com
mands. The exeitemeht hum no bounds. • Da
=nitrations of joy were exhibited everywhere..
The othintenshem . of all wore a pleasing aspect.
. By the direction of our worthy told esteemed
Adjutant, 8.. A. Ban, the brass band (ofWhich
we are proud) made their appearance endplayed
some patriotic and appropriate 'aim for the occa
sion, and its the band discoursed sweet sontetir
ring music, the men became enthOolasde in their
Joy, which - they manifested by throwing their
case in the air, singing, dancing and vociferous
acclamations. - -
A salute of one...hundred guns wee ordered to
be fired, at thee o'clock In 'the after
noon; by, command of General Auger, in
honor of, the.,downfall of the rebel capital
At Ake isppointed .tinie the
.regiment was
formed hnd marched Into the fort, headed by the
baud; playing "Old John Brown." Under the
Immediate • ewe:vision - of Gus. L. Braun.
Captain, oommandhig Co. B, the monster guns
of thb 1011 bsiched.lorth, =slog the earth to
tremble. anttFort Marcy. which occupied by.
Companies A and . F of our regiment; responded
In a like winner. - . ,
rowarda eveisleg, ; after, the men bad relieved
the Meer man
_with some `of, Uncle fdard's best;
a crowdeollected together, and waited - on COI.'
Barnes, who is In command bf the 2d brigade;
De Russey'sdlvlslon. After being serenaded by
the band, ho was called on for a speech. The
Colonel made his appearance, and delivered a
neat and spicy address. In his remarks he said
lieloped tbat he would soon take us all home,
without- the: Ws of a man. At this point he
was Intcirtipted by John Rost, our Teutonic leader
of the .band, ilth the proviso " mit no band."
The Colonel la not only a speech-taak er, but he
is sotnethlng bit a fight, es his brilliant recent of
fourteen battles giVeis evidence. Meat: Colonel
-3: B. Copeland, who >Q In 'command of the
regiment, and . 'who has the respect Of all the
ellicers and men In the command, was next
called -on, 'and he made a few brief remarks,
'Which were well received.. '
At this Juncture the men were fairly sensed,
and speeches were being made at different starlds.
Among the most prominent we noticed Captain
Gus. 1..,13rann, who, being somewhat corpulent,
'resembled a huge Congressman. The Captain's
remarks were' evidently appropriate. .He Is a
strict disciplinarian, and is always an the qui
AnOtber stroll, and we observe another large
crowd assembled around the Adjutant, and as
he. Is an , expert on smeary, the men manifested
their appreciation of Ms remarks by frequent
Intemptlons, etch as the' followings "That Is
so," "hear,", and ,"lntense cheering." Al
another stand we noticed Major d. it. Kemp en
tertaining a large assetebly. • Tier Major wet
applauded , I"requently throughout bis eloquent
discourse. Capt. D. Gravure, Capt. D. Corne
lius, Lieut. Johrt,Blerer and 'LICIst-- W.M. U.
Wiesen entertained the men i n a like manner.
On Let evening' the Adjutant was
made'tie reclidenf ;of is Magnificent gold eorpa
badge by the menthes.. of the' Besse -Band, as a •
token of their. respect—a teenbuonlal of their
regard.- .Major Kemp delivered the present:oWe
speech, and the Adjutant :responded ln",11 neat
The faffathalf •ImPresalats Is that hat EstailY
days tram 'sweet, peace will reign as tame
thronghotst i thelength and , breadth of our laud;
13q:ut tbe veer will be over. "There wilt be ad
more fighting, and then emshing shouts
sloe From bill and dela•that sweet peace bat'
bun restored. From the fee-dad •Ma• of
Maine 'to the everglades. of.-Florida, . fmm the
great lakes to the kin Grande, from the Atlan
tic to the Futile. tranquility will peedekelnata.
And the vast amount of precious blood that- has
been shed, the IMULEIISO treasure that ban been
=Mated will not , have. been Mulls.
"~We will
be a united people, once= will eewle/L- our
enmer, en 4 we tam 'onwatet willifnened
front muVpild of eery h'er. - ,••
Prepiretibus are being - ndide at tbe present
tier for grand - demoestrulort on the 14th of.
the" relent Mouth.' 'Them "imr be a grand re
view of tire llci Brigade at this poet. There will
oleo be 10E110 speaking ,honor Of the Plataloll
of the old flagon the ruins of. Fort fiamter.
Mr.. Cough's Lettere tit Concert Hall, last
eveulittg, on ...Tanipereatte,", was one of thargen
tlemenlshappirat efforts: The inalltro7 was one,
or tho, largest we ever, saw In; thakhall. :Thli
evening lifr: Gozurtswilldellreris new lecture en
titled !•Feet and Merlon." Thls It the List lee-,
tweet the season, given Under the auspices of
the Tonne then'.-LlbrirfAsseelatlon.
In' the 'City.-Col Clislllll E.: names, of the'
611th lrea4y ArtMere,'U borne .-on a. brief tar
Jong , He haa been In.eommaild , rit that:lnroad
Brigade' of De Raters division; du ••the detains
of Wathingtan, duce November but, and MIMI
that hu command has enjoyed the bunt of health.
dnribg the peat winter ,
Micairts;•Thereccouiplialted RUM Headereon
bee thus far met Inth•great auccera glace her
"tunitoourcity: - Her roengagement commenced
Irma inght, and a-number of pieces adapted spec
ially -to Ler role will be prodneed this -weelL-
To-night ”Kathloen Maestri:teen" and "Dick
, 1 ). 3 rPh1.." • •• - • „
Rev:J.62e* Dlckereov, - of Wlltatngtort,
Dtl4 has accepted a colt to the Fll:at Baptist
Church of tide city. - ' • •
Pet et the liteesnit.= Two-hundred
'cards cf the Thumb. Baby.. received yesterderai
_See advehteeent of grape.vlntv and straw
betting In another column. • . • ' •
Thumb; hoe tha n photo
-Fla ;Flees; Fings ; Flogsh . at Pitteck's.
Thumb Ilahy.lo to rittock's for It.
'lngo, Flan, Flags; at ?Mock's.
Yeikliie:s itTittock's
Albutita at coat at Pittock'a
011 Ml* at Pittotk's
43mt..Tuom.ta has abolished. the pass system
In Past Tennessee, leaving the people, free to go
mid come es they please.
. -
PTIDDER.- , Sunday
_morning, april att.fflSN, at
8 u'ehock, FREDELIIU.K. (MD Eli, son of Henry ,
skid Margaret Pudder, aged dyeani and II menthe.
His fuireral tilt take
place atso'eloek, Tura
nag irkirenoox, trek there Welke of hit parents,
N0.:21 Carroll - street. Toe friends of: lur family
ILEVAIER- 1 011 lilonday ; April 10th. 143 o'clock
P. x, 1.11191 a. 8., wife of -t a i. P. Ziemer. " -
The funeral will • take place on 21748DAT s
hat, et 4 o'clock, from the residence of her hos.
bend. No. 19 Palo Alto lariat, — Allegheny. Oity.
The frientis'of the lat . :ally are Invited te attend. '
_ _
TORN ROSS, Agent of the Equitable In.
v , 'manes C 0.,• Keneington Fire Insurance Co..
and the Penn Mutual Life insurance Co. of Ma.
delpbta. N. W. cor. Wood and Third street* PLC&
.r, GARDINER COPPER, Agent fol. the
V • Franklto, Philadelphia and Baltimore 'num ,
core OompanteL,s Northeast corner WOOD and
W P. JONES, Agent for .:North Amen
fas,Stats of Peinnaylvinte, end 11 . a, rt fori
Compote tor arATEtt L'ltHet
S4.IIUEL REA, Secretary Citizens' Lamm
lance Company,catner. memzer and WATER
'itol CCE Now..IIEcEIVING.
2000 lbs prime Fresh Roll Butters
JIM bush larg buttoßr e
Bog Miner Seed:
WO bush smell Navy Beaus •
• SOO bush Silted Cloth Zsal, for sale bt
LAKE HERRING.--L2OO .half bbls Lake
Herring, &prime artlate, J mot redelved on con
'Op:intents, and for sale %. t r orpg a u , rabi elm
•.• • • ito Liberty street.
TURKEY PRUNES.-Two casks Jaime
.a. bely Turkey primes. just reeetre4 end for , sato
ey tbo pound at the Family Oroorry More of
erat ,
corner ti
er Liberty exit Hoed streets.
tto, t bbl Roll fi'uttar.
, -3 kegs N o . 3 Lard " ,In store and fo male by
whir - ..1i0. Ilan4 99 Sul Itit111:91, enr". l4
10 tiro .. Soapy Sldell
'weet Owen,Ro" B ud
end Gold Medal, Ode cut tobacco for sale by
m2lB - • REYMEIZ, Harps..:,
LARD. -25 Verne Kenle Rendered Land
" ceiTedand fd " da
E. b. linnw & PA'rrtne
mrALL PAPERS.—Thenciwest desiop
ca'aold, matt, satin alai aotataan• aspen
sow racalilag at NO. tvt a:Dirket 'Maim altar tab'
obi JOB. U. IatIOUJLS /a BSA
Concert HO Shoe Store
Bargains `I 'I 'Bargains I I
air... Nearly half the pried ttakedl by Other dredlesi
, .
tor the 'aim articled.': Di' ' '
largest Variety Ever in the City.
cheapest Mouse in She 'Werra t
taxi .
. , ,
butes the Introduction' et medicine ; us origtiml
disease .ba, perhaps-been the subject. or - iaore sF
Mons anti: solerftles earunderatios tIY the .inest , :i
learned of the profession than any other commuted
with the law* at the Great Crtatam not:oMM._
amended that all disessailuive Gude origin bilge '*L
;Stomach; others, the Solid[ at the bodlatelet,:
agate, and by tar e greatest number, co ewe,
reason that the are Is aniteelt the very lb 'el
life—ttttlt R hecannes" Impure, then Onset is tee
„worst torina—Serofeln, Ostrom, &a,
Ana Indeed, ex ee in treating this orsaff "l .
eases by plug the blood' ead•therecy attar:they
'their n. and aura, prove this to be this
correct theory : sating upon which theory. the Moeda -
Mine now known as nrcearnwasa, was composed
and brought an Wattles; prednoingths Most grab .
Iu use Over
FACIF.;-TEITEIt. SALT 1111Z1214,..
LIVER oompr-wr .LOBS 9
be to ere, Meta the tune It la first tains. Magee.
samara to the patient, by making both emu and
felt, the good about to seaamplish.- _II was
thought bat to mit on In bottle ten and $L
edea,—a. Many perm= ersellsposedgeMy-Sh
'ale but:are often. detened a . t the eoenito the :
trial here can be made at mod aaM Otdbly, and '
satiety_ ~the ..pnrshreres..,ghat the. ertteU,
what is defined ter it to be. the greatest
gates, etyma se= !Roost! , betoreAks peepbti
Delicate resnae• will dad to Um =alma Dal ,
_ That the pnblis may tone some idea or Its peen
Hat curative merits, wasuldoin a ist orthe prised
Tai ;Celan of which It is.ootehosedoiltii a ahem
d ptlon of the uses and adaptation et
ken iron the Idetest-itithority known' to=sl
Is used iriti a beneacial effect lassies oz Miasma ,
Sun, Scrofulous Affections, Outansotts'Diseseas
and other depraved conciltiocui at basith,
Is tonic; diuretliciltrd amnia. It las a Oast,
action upon the ,suer, awning it Mum languiel, Is
accretion. It Luiz been much toed to Gennanyi•
disclaim of the digestive co,ffsas. ' "•••
' ' ' lODIDE rorAsatm • - _
These ate few Omani la Which it basset' piovell I
besuidefal; Ie is usediallendtdousAabetteas
: vest Dewey it.has also been used with mustier.
ewe In treatment iarlaibustaatlos of the En; -
geawally Wieser taa appetite and leek
Are, musette, taide ti t t lad Wetly laviipwittft
.ate athrantaitemly need in eases of Wedded
pay . _ . •en Ina .
.especlally applicable to, eases 0 . 1
Debility with weak appetite.
iquasorr isaur.
Ye acts Cayotablr_as an alterative la Canada Ma
fent! onl i erhronla Ehenzadinta" and abatis's',
au a ,Vai
The Delano, of the rillatas I Withheld •I 1 pe
00R. sarnuena.p & rowan wre.,
Pittaboze Pa.
airNiskions latelllomt P,kildailla bis oPin
1 the above recipe; deillmeod:
Fbr Salt 'oscura . rats!! &Totters.;
Permanently awls
- and ERUPTIONS OF Tin mut
woest penetrates to the bards of the die
to very souree—an d e ines It front
the flesh beaeathto the skin on the surface—Wolin
the poison of the disease upward, and gm, pant.
tie of it la discharged through the porestice Reda
of The disease are expelled front the Beh r , Nina '
onently . thina can be no relapse.
NORTON & OOy Sole Apa4al
all isoanwir, igur rpm
Sold by DR. KEYSER. Agent,
Ile WOOD snurimiurrawainz.
Corner Pena and tit. Clair. Street..
The largest, ebeamt,end molt rimmed
Studsats enter and rayless et any tlma
iliii-Olreolars, contending ' Iformatlosy net
• (me lo any addrou, on appllcatrot to the prima;
.• ENKINS $1111"11 -
- ao3chts;wdritawr • -PITTSPInanSI.
of Cat account of S'.lla the. Orphans , Court at
Cuthbert, 'Sender of Allegnenv 0., No:: dd'
Nancy. Burnside,. deold, Month Term leek .
And now, to wit, Alien Bth, 1 88; Wm. G. Rate
bins, Jr.; Esg.yle - appointed Auditor to heat and
detenrdne the eneeptions thereto and to make die*
tribution of the balance in 'he bands of the ea..
countant to and
_among the parties entitled to MS
same. • • ~. BY TUE OGinitT.
- • - Wm. - A. HEREON,Oktk.
-: The Auditor above- named will meet the parties
interested for the purpose. of his appointmenti
hie canoe. Grant street, Pittsburgh, on SATUMv.,
DAY, April 21)th. 11. - D. t 86 5. at 2 o clock r.
W. Ck. USWHINS, Aingtor:-,
ten testemeulaty noon' the estate of.Elletue'
P. Serlft; D.LK, dee'd, latent Allegheny
lawny county, having been granted to the 1113401.:: •
signed; ell voreene Indebted to bald esteta An' •
Lereby bonged to make immediate payment, anti:
theta - henry tieing mann aeldeetate are Donned
to. present them, duly Authenticated, rot RILL*,
ELLIOTT .b BWZFT , 5i121;4
ARLEI.-1,000 bushels F3ll-
*J.411 , W. . • Becit ar,
ai ISIS LTherty athlete