]i ... 0.3 11111111112111 M L 3 Y V OLtliAt LXXVII I r- 4iteVitiOurell (6amate. , kITERt LATEST NEWS 1 BY TELEGRAPH; IIIiTEBESTING Flop .iyAiimillpToN.= it'veryteda ':KOoping Holiday. r URREM)/1 2 OF JOBSTON PROBABLE. I.IILTUBTI Of - PRESIDENT': Dates-- at FAtL OF SELMA, ALA., LOOKED'FOR.. Bret kintidge Tr.okablY ; X 141) tilted,* ..; POLLARD AtiattrEo AND IN CASTLE 'THUNDER 4 Rani Operations an The James River. neural OF OFS. Stria ON RECONNFAICTiON. SEtECR OF PRESIDENT. LINCOLN, Waiunr4ox Clrr, April 10.—The Mipart mots are 41 elosoA to-day and ,every body la keeping the holiday. SeNttaryiSLanton, 4pre15.11:8 the opinion that thee will 10 no morelseary gMing. It Is tniected here tLat Johnston will sur render. • , limier di/paretic* were yesterday sent to Gan. Sherman. , I ; Mr. LitOln his returned and is:e.loseted with hit Cabinet: ,z. . _ . , There inlrel4ll to believe that Jeff. Darla was at Danville on Saturday night, trying to Join - ;.Tohnaton, with the archlres orate late rebel goy linment, and a large amount of specie. -, . • i t yery little business was transacted today, and everi the courts adjourned. ~ . .. 1 ' Ning Tolstoi-April' 10.—The CenonerolZ - Al:. serSiwr'a Weahington special asp: Sufficient time has clapped °sr Wilson to reach Selms, Al abama. and the military authoritia hire been tramming to bear orlis fall. - John O. Brockinridge was known to be with Lee on Friday, and-hopes' are entertained that he has been captured. , Pollard, who took advantag e . of the escapeof, Xt. Itichardson,"has bmn arrested In Riehmond and committed to ?silo Thunder fur treasons ble language With tn. t e past two a/ **none twenty_thons and rebel pritOisers hare hen sent away front City -Point. - and • a ;large number still mania Ihe XOnowill:Ren ' inigifna tall that Partletii;‘li arrived from Danville within our lines, whore. Tart that Jeff. Davis arrived at• Danville on Mon , day aftcrii*A; mid that hia.wat accompanietthy by two of thretruleribers'of hti ',cabinet. — '.','•• ' • Berciartraidrcd persona gathered before Rama/Use illtleiotl this afternoon, .at half past five o'clock. ' "Frequent 'calls were made - for the President, who.appearrd merely to say that if the 0 5- 0 3 1 1 07. 11 kO:ritoolnlIkd AT. atffaahltaAhc. sonic onistake_ had crept into 'hair understand. tag. ;Ile tad Appeared before a larger andlence .than Chid on i temii,V, , - . °D d he Would' twat-titbit. he then raki, Hir 4 supPoeed' that:- owing to the great and crod /MRS there would be some dem .. onatratlon. He would pa t ter to-morrow evezdng. when.he Eilmildbehhite *RADS: and, Ito aOPId; ready, to say something.. He desired to be par- Scalar, because•-werything be said got' into print (Langhteifrincupylegtheposttlon that '• he dld, a mistake . old produce harm and therefore be witlstad, , careful not, to make a mistake. ' , The. t, was greeted _ With, l i t cheer, andilter`td the crowd good evenins; he retired. ~-• :.-- N•-;... . •:... -.- . .: . - .. Wasnurnrow,A7ol . • lo.—:Admlral Porter'rel' • • rta to tbeNavyllepartment• the recent *pers ona en the Jewell': riser : 7 0n being- satisfied • at the rebels werealidiattorevatinite Itlehmoiad he proceeddd to remora the obstrnetlons in the . . Ter, ends e mprz i llngettlag Abipmelthro_ugb. e then a eel tba- , Prcsident Aohiseity, twhere be four the salmi rams and gunboats all blown up except an tmilnisbed, ram, the Taxes, a email tag gunboat, and thei 'Beaufort. Thet4:4lowing..eamels., wereAglegtroysd:,_Tike. Thgliiihr;Wllapaldp with her vats, iheironi , clad, Richmond, with four guns; the tron.clad, ,Trederickelmrs„ with four guns; the Ironed:a, NED ilebEallVltith' tiro gnus; the Wooden ship, , Hampton ' with two, guns- the wooden' thip, Nosurrke.illar wt. stintres - Wooden aorpede ten der. and aeA thi ctioolp: Some et " these may be raised. The Texas and Beaufort he has taken for our nee. - The ttedigir "%Parke,: and Naval Ordnance - Depot, were untouched. - W . ASUIRCISON. April 10.—Among those who delivered speeches tektif was --Idajor-Genersl BolltikAsjeinarka directed to MO disliandthiathy Alte-Stoyernmentra, ' the participants in the rebellion. He recom mended that all the leaders. attotdd- hes disfraw, &teed -Ocud , diegnalified front holding , anyeggcs midekthei governmenti - but that the 11121*, eluding, then its:Ma, ehonld have the righteig aitheaship. Q In 'command of the regiment, and . 'who has the respect Of all the ellicers and men In the command, was next called -on, 'and he made a few brief remarks, 'Which were well received.. ' At this Juncture the men were fairly sensed, and speeches were being made at different starlds. Among the most prominent we noticed Captain Gus. 1..,13rann, who, being somewhat corpulent, 'resembled a huge Congressman. The Captain's remarks were' evidently appropriate. .He Is a strict disciplinarian, and is always an the qui AnOtber stroll, and we observe another large crowd assembled around the Adjutant, and as he. Is an , expert on smeary, the men manifested their appreciation of Ms remarks by frequent Intemptlons, etch as the' followings "That Is so," "hear,", and ,"lntense cheering." Al another stand we noticed Major d. it. Kemp en tertaining a large assetebly. • Tier Major wet applauded , I"requently throughout bis eloquent discourse. Capt. D. Gravure, Capt. D. Corne lius, Lieut. Johrt,Blerer and 'LICIst-- W.M. U. Wiesen entertained the men i n a like manner. On Let Wedne.day evening' the Adjutant was made'tie reclidenf ;of is Magnificent gold eorpa badge by the menthes.. of the' Besse -Band, as a • token of their. respect—a teenbuonlal of their regard.- .Major Kemp delivered the present:oWe speech, and the Adjutant :responded ln",11 neat The faffathalf •ImPresalats Is that hat EstailY days tram 'sweet, peace will reign as tame thronghotst i thelength and , breadth of our laud; 13q:ut tbe veer will be over. "There wilt be ad more fighting, and then emshing shouts sloe From bill and dela•that sweet peace bat' bun restored. From the fee-dad •Ma• of Maine 'to the everglades. of.-Florida, . fmm the great lakes to the kin Grande, from the Atlan tic to the Futile. tranquility will peedekelnata. And the vast amount of precious blood that- has been shed, the IMULEIISO treasure that ban been =Mated will not , have. been Mulls. "~We will be a united people, once= will eewle/L- our enmer, en 4 we tam 'onwatet willifnened front muVpild of eery h'er. - ,•• Prepiretibus are being - ndide at tbe present tier for grand - demoestrulort on the 14th of. the" relent Mouth.' 'Them "imr be a grand re view of tire llci Brigade at this poet. There will oleo be 10E110 speaking ,honor Of the Plataloll of the old flagon the ruins of. Fort fiamter. Mr.. Cough's Lettere tit Concert Hall, last eveulittg, on ...Tanipereatte,", was one of thargen tlemenlshappirat efforts: The inalltro7 was one, or tho, largest we ever, saw In; thakhall. :Thli evening lifr: Gozurtswilldellreris new lecture en titled !•Feet and Merlon." Thls It the List lee-, tweet the season, given Under the auspices of the Tonne then'.-LlbrirfAsseelatlon. In' the 'City.-Col Clislllll E.: names, of the' 611th lrea4y ArtMere,'U borne .-on a. brief tar Jong , He haa been In.eommaild , rit that:lnroad Brigade' of De Raters division; du ••the detains of Wathingtan, duce November but, and MIMI that hu command has enjoyed the bunt of health. dnribg the peat winter , Micairts;•Thereccouiplialted RUM Headereon bee thus far met Inth•great auccera glace her "tunitoourcity: - Her roengagement commenced Irma inght, and a-number of pieces adapted spec ially -to Ler role will be prodneed this -weelL- To-night ”Kathloen Maestri:teen" and "Dick , 1 ). 3 rPh1.." • •• - • „ Rev:J.62e* Dlckereov, - of Wlltatngtort, Dtl4 has accepted a colt to the Fll:at Baptist Church of tide city. - ' • • • Pet et the liteesnit.= Two-hundred 'cards cf the Thumb. Baby.. received yesterderai , rn _See advehteeent of grape.vlntv and straw betting In another column. • . • ' • Thumb; hoe tha n photo .graphs. -Fla ;Flees; Fings ; Flogsh . at Pitteck's. Thumb Ilahy.lo to rittock's for It. 'lngo, Flan, Flags; at ?Mock's. Yeikliie:s itTittock's Albutita at coat at Pittock'a 011 Ml* at Pittotk's 43mt..Tuom.ta has abolished. the pass system In Past Tennessee, leaving the people, free to go mid come es they please. . - PTIDDER.- , Sunday _morning, april att.fflSN, at 8 u'ehock, FREDELIIU.K. (MD Eli, son of Henry , skid Margaret Pudder, aged dyeani and II menthe. His fuireral tilt take place atso'eloek, Tura nag irkirenoox, trek there Welke of hit parents, N0.:21 Carroll - street. Toe friends of: lur family ILEVAIER- 1 011 lilonday ; April 10th. 143 o'clock P. x, 1.11191 a. 8., wife of -t a i. P. Ziemer. " - The funeral will • take place on 21748DAT s hat, et 4 o'clock, from the residence of her hos. bend. No. 19 Palo Alto lariat, — Allegheny. Oity. The frientis'of the lat . :ally are Invited te attend. ' _ _ - TORN ROSS, Agent of the Equitable In. v , 'manes C 0.,• Keneington Fire Insurance Co.. and the Penn Mutual Life insurance Co. of Ma. delpbta. N. W. cor. Wood and Third street* PLC& .r, GARDINER COPPER, Agent fol. the V • Franklto, Philadelphia and Baltimore 'num , core OompanteL,s Northeast corner WOOD and THIRD STREETS. t W P. JONES, Agent for .:North Amen fas,Stats of Peinnaylvinte, end 11 . a, rt fori Compote tor arATEtt L'ltHet S4.IIUEL REA, Secretary Citizens' Lamm lance Company,catner. memzer and WATER 'itol CCE Now..IIEcEIVING. 2000 lbs prime Fresh Roll Butters JIM bush larg buttoßr e Bog Miner Seed: WO bush smell Navy Beaus • • SOO bush Silted Cloth Zsal, for sale bt LAKE HERRING.--L2OO .half bbls Lake Herring, &prime artlate, J mot redelved on con 'Op:intents, and for sale %. t r orpg a u , rabi elm •.• • • ito Liberty street. TURKEY PRUNES.-Two casks Jaime .a. bely Turkey primes. just reeetre4 end for , sato ey tbo pound at the Family Oroorry More of • . JNO. KEZISIIILW, erat , corner ti er Liberty exit Hoed streets. 111 BAGS PRIME CLOyER SZED. tto, t bbl Roll fi'uttar. , -3 kegs N o . 3 Lard " ,In store and fo male by whir - ..1i0. Ilan4 99 Sul Itit111:91, enr". l4 34 rTINE CUT CHLWING I'UBA.OOO, 10 tiro .. Soapy Sldell 'weet Owen,Ro" B ud end Gold Medal, Ode cut tobacco for sale by m2lB - • REYMEIZ, Harps..:, LARD. -25 Verne Kenle Rendered Land " ceiTedand fd " da E. b. linnw & PA'rrtne mrALL PAPERS.—Thenciwest desiop ca'aold, matt, satin alai aotataan• aspen sow racalilag at NO. tvt a:Dirket 'Maim altar tab' obi JOB. U. IatIOUJLS /a BSA ESTABLISHED IN 1786. Juzgeier:Laxwous GO TO Concert HO Shoe Store 88 PIETIATEEE'r, Bargains `I 'I 'Bargains I I SILIKMEW:CIOgIDS:BOUGItT SINCE . THE PANIC! air... Nearly half the pried ttakedl by Other dredlesi , . tor the 'aim articled.': Di' ' ' largest Variety Ever in the City. BEM ,THE Wifir.STTLE& cheapest Mouse in She 'Werra t YM WO OD STRUErt taxi . VIZEIT HIDE 1:4, MTN. THE GMAT •PURIFFIER ITEM A PANAXA. . , , butes the Introduction' et medicine ; us origtiml disease .ba, perhaps-been the subject. or - iaore sF Mons anti: solerftles earunderatios tIY the .inest , :i learned of the profession than any other commuted with the law* at the Great Crtatam not:oMM._ , amended that all disessailuive Gude origin bilge '*L ;Stomach; others, the Solid[ at the bodlatelet,: m agate, and by tar e greatest number, co ewe, reason that the are Is aniteelt the very lb 'el life—ttttlt R hecannes" Impure, then Onset is tee „worst torina—Serofeln, Ostrom, &a, Ana Indeed, ex ee in treating this orsaff "l . eases by plug the blood' ead•therecy attar:they 'their n. and aura, prove this to be this correct theory : sating upon which theory. the Moeda - Mine now known as nrcearnwasa, was composed and brought an Wattles; prednoingths Most grab . Iu use Over coon tLGERATIOrtS, r.wLEE4 FACIF.;-TEITEIt. SALT 1111Z1214,.. LIVER oompr-wr .LOBS 9 be to ere, Meta the tune It la first tains. Magee. samara to the patient, by making both emu and felt, the good It.ls about to seaamplish.- _II was thought bat to mit on In bottle ten and $L edea,—a. Many perm= ersellsposedgeMy-Sh 'ale but:are often. detened a . t the eoenito the : trial here can be made at mod aaM Otdbly, and ' satiety_ ~the ..pnrshreres..,ghat the. ertteU, '' what is defined ter it to be. the greatest gates, etyma se= !Roost! , betoreAks peepbti Delicate resnae• will dad to Um =alma Dal , _ That the pnblis may tone some idea or Its peen Hat curative merits, wasuldoin a ist orthe prised Tai ;Celan of which It is.ootehosedoiltii a ahem d ptlon of the uses and adaptation et ken iron the Idetest-itithority known' to=sl - HONDIIRAS S4.EtSA.PABE,L4 Is used iriti a beneacial effect lassies oz Miasma , Sun, Scrofulous Affections, Outansotts'Diseseas and other depraved conciltiocui at basith, - 4,DAKDELION. • Is tonic; diuretliciltrd amnia. It las a Oast, action upon the ,suer, awning it Mum languiel, Is accretion. It Luiz been much toed to Gennanyi• disclaim of the digestive co,ffsas. ' "••• ' ' ' lODIDE rorAsatm • - _ These ate few Omani la Which it basset' piovell I besuidefal; Ie is usediallendtdousAabetteas : vest Dewey it.has also been used with mustier. ewe In treatment iarlaibustaatlos of the En; - geawally Wieser taa appetite and leek Tr./IDES Are, musette, taide ti t t lad Wetly laviipwittft WINTER GREEN ==l CELIMOMILA fLOW2/11 .ate athrantaitemly need in eases of Wedded pay . _ . •en Ina . .especlally applicable to, eases 0 . 1 Debility with weak appetite. iquasorr isaur. Ye acts Cayotablr_as an alterative la Canada Ma fent! onl i erhronla Ehenzadinta" and abatis's', au a ,Vai The Delano, of the rillatas I Withheld •I 1 pe SIMON JOHNSTON. 00R. sarnuena.p & rowan wre., .. Pittaboze Pa. airNiskions latelllomt P,kildailla bis oPin 1 the above recipe; deillmeod: N°' '°l'B OINTMENT, Fbr Salt 'oscura . rats!! &Totters.; Permanently awls TRITER, SCALD REILD,,,,BENGWCLIMS, sal all ITCHING AND BITENIRG SORES - and ERUPTIONS OF Tin mut woest penetrates to the bards of the die to very souree—an d e ines It front the flesh beaeathto the skin on the surface—Wolin the poison of the disease upward, and gm, pant. tie of it la discharged through the porestice Reda of The disease are expelled front the Beh r , Nina ' onently . thina can be no relapse. NORTON & OOy Sole Apa4al all isoanwir, igur rpm Sold by DR. KEYSER. Agent, Ile WOOD snurimiurrawainz. Pori CITY COLLEGE, Corner Pena and tit. Clair. Street.. prrrsnunotr, The largest, ebeamt,end molt rimmed BUSINESS MAYS COLLEGE, THE BTATBS Studsats enter and rayless et any tlma iliii-Olreolars, contending ' Iformatlosy net • (me lo any addrou, on appllcatrot to the prima; pals. .• ENKINS $1111"11 - - ao3chts;wdritawr • -PITTSPInanSI. TN THE of Cat account of S'.lla the. Orphans , Court at Cuthbert, 'Sender of Allegnenv 0., No:: dd' Nancy. Burnside,. deold, Month Term leek . And now, to wit, Alien Bth, 1 88; Wm. G. Rate bins, Jr.; Esg.yle - appointed Auditor to heat and detenrdne the eneeptions thereto and to make die* tribution of the balance in 'he bands of the ea.. countant to and _among the parties entitled to MS same. • • ~. BY TUE OGinitT. - • - Wm. - A. HEREON,Oktk. -: The Auditor above- named will meet the parties interested for the purpose. of his appointmenti hie canoe. Grant street, Pittsburgh, on SATUMv., DAY, April 21)th. 11. - D. t 86 5. at 2 o clock r. W. Ck. USWHINS, Aingtor:-, DMINIbTIMTOWB. NOTICE.—Let=; ten testemeulaty noon' the estate of.Elletue' P. Serlft; D.LK, dee'd, latent Allegheny lawny county, having been granted to the 1113401.:: • signed; ell voreene Indebted to bald esteta An' • Lereby bonged to make immediate payment, anti: theta - henry tieing mann aeldeetate are Donned to. present them, duly Authenticated, rot RILL*, ELLIOTT .b BWZFT , 5i121;4 ARLEI.-1,000 bushels F3ll- *J.411 , W. . • Becit ar, ai ISIS LTherty athlete