=RC . pitobittigivgautte. WEIiN:ESDAT, FEBIIIIABY 15, :15664" AOIIINBON, = • - - -• '23lecali-Ormir 75 Marti' SI« Pittsburg* . . . Dentate neared la PAIt VIEWS awl CUR. EN Y. .Colleetirkalade to g.... ;;:kl , VS . t . ,.,414t.. lartiCara; • _ •• • sper 'WI, Dobbs; '• ' • ' 1.. A 5 per Oda. 1041 . do.; _ • : 4 ; 1 . 6 . 1 ut! belt. Certtllsstee I.delielmWY 4l ..""bw - 11:84 40 /Trean tr yA giter. Tier Mg BUY lAA sma, ON, Pittsbu ocrzusabsto:t rgh st the tieirltork, Phllodelphlo, odd Brsositt Irtzets et aoyamment securitimi, • stook#, noads:ocaa, 4 4 . • ' ' ' . 11a • CUIIIRCj&L► ti~Misti SAIMEE'Sfix 110M111 Oe3 Tuttin rehrlary. IXI. ord. Mite& Balm 11.20Donds (EVCoupea.).. let —• Sterttilestes. ..Bente Seq. EA CourtailsylUe /Litilletemy Ins. 00 IVO "..." inebodigelientt...t .. ... 'nod Sierchasts Bank BOA --- Fourth Nations! PAO South Pittsburg eo g u Tte t„ a u. l o dr u a r rs Et = Roo tr=utargi.n .. . 1,110 ... 1,04/ -- Chart Run Se Pittsburgh - le Ras,. . ... , .... . .... t.ss , Wittuo.Coal Co. . . ... 15,04 Birniougtheis Navigation -- ts,oe She gold market. liu been nadochled end Motes. thrg, ommingsd an midrange of three peromat strobe yesterday's -quotations, but soonee, falling artisan. II& plenums gold could Ice stinsuldod to tomethiag like old prim, were It sot for the evident IlitCoWSil at I*7 (Mae &Co. selling,the 140 blau, tikes sapplyinethepresent need of the Treasury, even in face to the army movement. Bur couple the sr \ sny yetnents, foreleg the evaenstion of opacity after nnother,"and the rush for 740'l and we may be run gold cannot bound upward to remain more thantwenty fonr horns at a time. Cloyerarcents of slightly to-day for some:us. espla Iced cause. Fire Twenties tat) against 1093 yestorthy—othcrs in like 'proportion. But slight .angel to note in regular Board quotations. en was bid fan Exchange Bank Stock without briag ist Itout—U 4 tartar National—none offered. The market for all shares stendy without excite ;cot. It is very difficult to follow or account for She public choice in ell shares. To-day thin angle p, up--to.morrow that one, and nobody candy* a geed reason for the faith that Is In him. ills neigh bor "buys" and be "buys'—to-morrow a rumor comes, sad both hasten to sell, withont Ituntles the oi truth to its Source, and so it goes from day to Sales of Stocks, Tuesday etesilag; rob.' 14th, at I.lcll3rainMeAvictien Rooms, 64 rifthstrestt- . • Exchange Rank ' r 81 50 • - Banker Pittsburgh. ' ' 74 00 141 • -144 M. Bonk; 74 75 - Resaolloo....__ . - ~ - I 1:6 t 50: Tarr, Story fc Cherry Run L L There Is no falling ogle the demand for 011Stecks If the operations lathe' Peoples' Exehange this 4rrentte Many criterion. The attendance, mammal, was, Large' and considerable excitement Was mail . felted in certain stocks, and, Upon the whole, pri ces wero,well sustained, and In sOmb instances higher rates wore realized. Ritchie jumped from 11 - 0 lasthight to 105 tonight, with gales of 6, 700 , shares . ; and Oitor`k &cherry Run rare:need oft% cents per rdire,sellinftkie,so43s,7syras cent buyer thirty days, and reilmed. - 'Tarr, Story & Cherry ' Run wa,guife brisk, 4,700 shaies changing hands, 'at 107, , nn advance of Ifre as compared wit 3. last; night'uf sale'. Whitley Creek was in better favor,i • road higher, Selling' at 1,034150. Cherry Run &Pit,. hole land Cherry Run. St Pit,ltolgruled tamely et previous rates. The following!. a Slot of the sale l s IMO shares Cherry Rua & Blood 1 0 ate. 0 : 0 0 & Pittsburgh 153 ' 1203 44 ' 44 o 's. Pitt-Uole ........ 93 Culbertsords Run , t 0) . .40:1 . 0 4 _ ;Pcderni I 2.7 •.6QO. : .'lliilgraek t5.L..na0rry11un.L..,...... 660 ZLO " 'Phillips - 3 19) 223 . Il . Pittsbur^h & Philadelphia..... 2 'Phillips 07t13 ' 0 "Ritchie ' . . •1 CO - 100 4 4 ...1 Stella • '.4. 4 :41 ' 0 • 4 - • . • • 4. 0 - SteeMell -• 11 . .1 • 4 -: -4 , toy':. Whitely Creek - • 100 • .* 44 ' 4. ~. ...... 1 53 4 - 45)::.. 4 ,4 Tarr, Tory fa Cherry _Run—. t (17 1 he elMing elltrings and lids weie ad follearzt Cc al Bluffs I'oo IGo --..XlintoCcuil —, 15 cat Anne Oil • 4.. q co ": :Allegheny 2.4. Pittsburgh L .- •tO 04 '' • /lanter :33 'I 03 Cloud Fula . t 93 CahlLs-CII 751 Central Basin 103 101 .. . Allierry Jinni:nava ..: ..... ..,... 2 2.1 - . • '930 Columbia .^9 07 82 50 1):21,C1i..... .. . 825 , . Duel Creek IL 03 20 01 • 'riming lk Mond ...... d...... ...... 320 3 . Herveneck 80 203 - Ydes - dcw... - . ..... .........; 90 ICI Merchants 4G 57 R11441.ey Cher, y nun OL-; 100 4rh!LL alley 120 151 i - 1 4 :Wf. an' - .............. o (Al 1 ~.., - OIL linkiri -- m re' Reveres ' 105. . 105 IL. x - ' -• ' 150 ...- I. as Tek , 303 4Mt "Bei n - Fern ' e 9.: too , Res t Virginia ... ...-- 4 0 1 3 213 1 W..t Virginia & Pitts .-..... T 67 '-.2. to . , ~., „lhenc u;4l. someeatitsment in 'Star:We ll " eta* ' I -.e thestreettUL-414y,niving tti . the repnrtht a Istrge flowing well havii g been struck On the property lif i-. -4 Able cluairyomdgette !kluge amount oflt cha* ay hands at par. This evening, ficiertrier, It w - offered at 1.4:6, .all.he Peoples' Xxchaoge wino t . -- . fleabag buyers.: - : :::,. .• • We ace It stated that an old well located on 1 . e - . Allegbcal ricer, about a mile beleW Franklin, la s ,net been reamed out.; and a seren t ti - barrel bl e -1"' .I)olklntd.' This Is the property of he 04 p *errs 011 Company:?'. ' . - _,- ALLEGIIENT CATTLE MARKI Reported-Expressly for the Gazette. 1 Ambler' M Ctrs, Feb. 14.103 J, lieret.z.-7The unaket opened pretty brisk eufy eon Nor.day; but Itsoon become apparent that tae : supply in the pens was much larger than had bent anticipted, and, as a consequence, last weel 'a ff it priors were barely maintained. There was bu a limited dtmond for ablpment, fears being en es tabled of the Eastern _markets, whilagood g r-- shortcut stitch ruled firm with Isla of 200 head pa m prices tinging fro Ili to Weeds, as to quad ty, and oCiallithni. It 1.11 a fact worthy of remark t at go,erament contractors are now, and have b , for some time mud, compelled to fure.lall good . rattle as no otter kind will paralimpection. I e is heavy smooth stock, such a mil best butchers re accustomed to buytes, still meet with a lair e mend and eetamand extreme price , s, say from it ,00 1 to 1110,60 per =L., mom. - . The impression appears to prevail to some px.e tent la aortaln quarters, and especially is Olathe dlsetn Vtesterit IserintyleintaJand Eastern 0;e, - 1 dhat.tbo tolPftY of Cattle is about ashen r, 4.: ,:wasistil by,the fact that ( there were bslentalatrd% a, 4,lTe,y.rirw snug: t.t. we6k stud 'the weep:spilt. pa.- The twain tatt,attypty_oa sale daring the•poet two or three seeks was below the turd i ii. s'a'ge, wilhot bevies; there was any scar ty,. halhdrlginglOkhOldilitheksilktbst 101 in 6t4c °I * „like Western railroads wa s employed in the t ... **elation of tree**. 'Oar brat ka ortiOd'and est alitrilizent dealers are of the optalon.that. firm VIM tins nut there will be en ranted:knee of• 'Welt 4?- I ".liz tiNgV , Aut t , , lievf;er,witc.77rrArt , ba ' er ip slatletraVidu e GI mall I.4,ber p'le'a, will he , pept aileveusiy disappeleted... We acedein a plat, of all the prises/al transactions since our last to. . J.Laterty &Co., bought 17 bead a oeMitid -;--te',F";,.:g-Tr;.%.'2, 1 0,' , %,° , :' , 0 - te., - *_ o, :. gle,A°ll _ ,41,.. ; ~, a, of./al l r.yrivaa cos. mom helm% Lona l'elme•eC a 57; o 'ol le bend of falrl eh rteere et 07. Thu r rah alto metalled LI held at aglyi, and Map ped betteme rest. " t • as i,iek wbOlennla.ll3 header COMM n s 1311 ack *trete, to Helbetillds. at 111.70 per bead; o Anil 33 .1 - /end of heal y stock to. Marks & fraurman, lit a scars }mar Yntanttn wholealled 16 heal orgno.l (Millo, . admri. , , to li. Crouse, at 94„ , 1.1.1111; rredericka Whole/mica 37 head bf mixed 1711 Ftr ck. ~ 1y.. . oral ZuLr 1L le mai( %sate to ('err. &Co 33 oof ' - irm:d ens.'and Were ntrOrc. Saud , liamblana allies. , ra head of fairtaliepWs, est..i•r , tad limiter, m rear . - Ket,..r. ul,elca 2 .led. t . mi Cullen at helot of fdri th ale rs ac If. 3t Or; t 1 , z..brd.: 2 -ded to (lulls' 19 bend olltalr -I,.imi, Man atesk 5t.1..i0 chiratieth•nta retail G' lahea4 of Pones stork, at .. . Ois . , lea eaDatdela retaltud 'r ad of swell eontraou stock et t1,t1.C.4- J. Lynch retailed il heed of mallconvate Et atomic, • •1 ratl. . it A. Merrick retailed for 7. Totter, SII beet of oxen and atter' at prices r , tigiug from 7;• , ., to iiii - 0. p. Taylor wholesaled la head of good Ohio JameaVeAllistm report a ha% ln g retailerri peal, la all. st, from 7 tote cent'. • .I J. bane I wholesaled = heed of gammon! o4lo , 01.0elt ri .1. ?Wks ta'rmaunrann retailed lallical. to 111- loots steers at r...... 0 9%; and wholesaled of Ohio Steers nod uxen at 5%. 0. Marks & Co, retailed 40 head ofLillools iltema -- - LL.fotlchilds retailed arhcad of Ohio stock. at 6 -. Rata " ...here ill bUt .111;11P entirely little doing lis s 's 'Oa darn of stock, the demand, being light and Pe , : i'., werratir of a retail Chataeter, while prices bare . There was bat one sv, ~2 Iftd a srcdel'catic;Jma-43,,,ItleaciuTo% by NY m. Ilaziewood ~- 'le Geo. theestek & , e, are raging" Or., " 5047 '4 ''''' " rezeictlenss sllse number istillidwiss lin? the •,,Irt u q u il v ai r ..4 4 . e' ana . l'r'-ca. s ranged fro m 112 ' t "jr, -Srtlfr•-et one m m Mat. tO4lay, and but ves . • Tesday. Same fen ra,all lota were s od to Ibutchets at.ptless ranging from a to If eta. • -•' • . . DAIL*'REVIEW -OF PITTSRURGEI -. " St. LonisMarter,Vebf..ll. 1 tiIi:OCEILIES. - • lou ,- • • ... ._ MARKETS. Tplvieco-flalEet entire, with sales of graeli sill 1: - --. TELKTN B sr miu m i T - _-. • - - ' -•- a trfa.ir. Fan:l4, lei& darn.sord Lugs at 98,5 6 @9; Fectat UM., 11 , 40 %; 40 . ~- 444- "' i' 5 , - • . ,' • . Tatman L to MAD; cOmmOn ski plea Leaf • - ~ , - 5 , ~ --, , . _ , .. 6ni in no i,nlP"'"""t to iw t e in the -g e F t . 4 te,2solLOOMtenleg , t 7 " 0,76' andPargotal Swenson To MAOKOINI! la Llzauucr,v , market., or are the indlcationtrat preitent very's*. -go ~t sa,ftwolgi; 11.,• . . . ... : • ' • VILLIMIL 19 , tplelotts for such as occurrence. There:le a deter- fl-ur-OholceSuperdne at 74a, and donate E 1 •lipmcricriza. do 4:31.3EL0rea .. „ tra at 9,21. . mined disposition manifested On the Part of both' arain-Tilteat depiCtrWedoeiths:ssfes of dieted, 0, 0 ,1..6 ..,,, t i c onn id i st.i. pl ere l...e, consantri and small dealers Li busfust anfindent 5 .for milling, at 90e; and Spring at 1,67 11 bu--tacks • , clra sind 3.59 ides 4feid*. 5 0 meet their immediate and most pressing ' re. returned, ~Uorn--Sales were. zio P 3 • :. 4 No. 21f, Liberty st., Pittsburgh. 4arements, sad this policy :. likely to be followed 1ti , 1 1 1 3 3t1, MT:LT.IOm: at 45 • for White; also, in CA 5... zz at I,9b': slated l at i,13, and 'White . • - up Until after the forthcoming draft is completed, at 1,:5-second kand,bage all included. Oais-Sales ._ "dui matters become more settled. The receipts of were made at 91 b t:030 9I bu i6 sacifo ur. ini t ildde . IL. rl ltyc 1 *duce of all kindi continue eirmod.lngly - light r i !i 2 6 .1, 1 4 1 .:11,,1rar e f i ll,!im Ilti-1 4 411 - • at 1, 5 70 - ; and aye no improvement i o . this respect need to took , loi. 170 do do at LOD if bu t sacks return d. 1 . 4 whits ,ollf Avert ale frOzra lip,ao4,the ran. ~,. •Irosisioni-Fork-The market maintains ood , degree of firmness, and sale. are reported of bls rooikblockcd With arrow. ' - ''- •- - rdessat $37,60 al bbl. - . (11fitij1;171;11h:reTtbi:,r g i ND ' i t'l or ti Vegv e- atiM ' ... CieNelilla Magkit, Feb 13; ' ' tee alwenoe of Wes, prices are nominally unahan- -.. . , , i e Corr Is lirm and in demand and (alight sup- :___Floor-saAu.sligi.h.atlyobateur..ideteroauondwifo_tr thzabirtbiteirixxorl , -ply; sale of *OO bushels; 'nears, at 41.,.. , --prdstrul- we. go :‘''.l.7g,lloVeil l ! 'lNV4Viltn. qt F° whitest 810.90; 50.tbls common do de at 11095; no bush_ bbls'EX. rod at 1110, 1 10;25 do 40 at 9,75;25bb1e Satre,' -, •FIN ME-There is no improvement to ante in the red at -an& 5 Wi" ent - ReeelPh s lista en& market. demand for Floc, and= change to make Le quo- dall. Sale 1 tier NO k t d red r e t t.08. 11 14 . 111:= 1 111.3 tnt ion. Sales df lALTII Family from ;tore at 910,- 0114130, 755 for Spring and Winter I,Vheat brands. market a ell. Sa i res&•;ists at 051 5 for lialed. '1,110141510115-BacOn is dull , and Walla, but Ostw-lindl. Sal * 8 ear. from atom at 100. R7e - wu b,,,n r 4 ; w e c o u thitte to quote at II for •• NO maim BarleV-Itonalnal. - • • rihoulders; tit fir Sides, andoi ris: Lrd is . ' 1.150 • t u o i r orit%Vita f . " 2( urn s E NO sales of . .., SUM-411M Seed ilk drm 'With. Vann Wen at 81125Q3,30. Clover seed la selling !nth. small way . from store at l*liiiir and Timothy WK... . , , . , DRIED FRIFIT-Tno demand Is less attire iik '.. nrrees aro romance'.t tagif, cents for Apples and Menlo for Peache n Mutt an barns In :mud that largo lota would not coonnendttio above que. tattoos. - GREEN APPLES-There 11 an nett?* demand . for good quanta' and we note saki at 111,54W - 115M r' FeliAb4.-_-tistisaYbutunollngedlllo.o"neti lona, '•' 'fro males; akkett pert on and I eartmled MVO. . sZTIT.I3.-Q,unt bilk steady with regular sales . ia Roll at 45 to 45 per common ?DW& Receipts ,, 1 light but the supply is fully equal to w it h aftan : i . . - ESGS-In demand and higher, talcs it 5 40 . c is per dozen.-' _- ' • • i3HYtt4Z--Steadl with -19 0 214 "Inn 1 4 14° far ' .Wrrtirs Xmas , . mid 234 fortriamhurg. , • . ‘-' • , i 110.511NY-Saies at 6011 1. IvrrssuucaPETROL.EIM II . I :ARKET ed little Timer's.l4Feb. If, ISO. 'There Innuldly transpiring to the. Petro. Tien trite that it is iterdlY • werfir, rep:mini the tddre and attention of those who formerly were en tired to the buntline, being ntweibed - slant ea.' :tirety in buying end yelling - stocks, or getting up 'neweompanies., Anotherobsbacte in the way of trade; is the feet the the sleek of Crude to 'slant `entirely, if net altogether. exhausted, end Befitted T ie but little better in this respect; and, eves if there was e will to operate; there is nn almanac of ineterisl.• 'Therefore, with the above facts in view, it is n tat all astonishing that .0 little 103 be n dune fur seam menthi pest, but the wont feature to net IS the Diet, that there Is no prospect of soy loar.,cdiate improvement.' The nominal quotation for Crude are 014 - 30, DAM returned, and soS4l. k bbi included, and withnnything like an average sup. ply, It to greenfly conceded that these rates could net be sustained: For Refined, In bond, there. Is no demand whatever, and, in the absence of isles, we omit quotations. Free full be. quiet end dull; the only sato reported .being to bile et 83 eta. Napthe is quoted steady ntlafrge eta, to bond,. and 4.147,45, for free. Residuum to In demand, and 'Um at ed,lt barrel. • _ NEW if ORti PETROLEUM ItIARKE Speetel Dispatch to the Pasbugiutanzette. Nrw Tim, Feb. 14, MS Crude Petroleum is steady, with sates M tdds;ott spot; at 1531Befirted,ts, bond, 85,3tM, and HAREEM BY - TELEGRAPH. .• '• Chicago 'Jacket. Special D i xpatch to th e Pltleburgb Gazette. .. • CIIICAOO, Feb. 14, 1865. rzoon, r b - I and nominal G nixi—. eat opened& shade firmer, but closed duilorlth - . uyersot"; s io. I Spring, ofrerLug $ 1,41, .. _ _ stal sellers &Wog $1,1aYR1,44,1". Ooru dual and deeUrail36 s e; salts reported atr.arSe. Osts quiet etd - declired 34€1e. Eye dull nod almost uoruinal. liarlii. refalerately attire for prime grades; infer ior dull , - ' - ' Stan-Steady and unchanged. .iicurzivis -s— Neglected and rabminal. FIIOVISIOVIEt—The markot.was generally Inactive. :nil little more than nominal. Sa,all Bales of Prima little rink are reported at e. 30,75. 'Sweet nokied name, 10e. Beef llama 240. Ch(dee Steam Lard, 21,60. Darr-STD Dears-Sales 0t113,%G la. Lzvolloos-More-ardive with very llght.suppl Market firmer; sale. of 309 tread, at 3ie,sidTtd,ls. 130.2 Csamks-in bettor - demand and filrar, soles ' of tint Lead, at (4,L0rj,393. . Dahl. Arrtto-Moderately octave and uochon.„ god. • , Ilnai3-..lll.lll,3nohrory'splea of Krecivat 913 - X•icr• , relic it 0Q.4%e, anal dry flint, Gri tee. • . , Olt, -I,llaseed (SI ZUII, P. 151,53; Idii - .1 OR steady, ntVid . .l.__ i Nelv Tork Cattle , Market. Now Torn, Fee.,14.-The current prices for the 'peek_ et 311_11 , reankete are: Ile. , CAVII.T.---rirAtilolltv 21f1:394 fair to mood co3llty, terf"r2V, tem..; 4tillity, • 191319: taf.,.raor quality 1.335 IC, ~ Cow's AUIA C41.5•1,-.1-Fillt greats 502 n; onlior nry nornlity 4 25633; common quslity Ste d is; lure ri; r tie viity,c3eq4c. 'V ea 0 -Ostscs-Tlist eortilty, per 5,, I 1 tsc ; or. ilennry conilty 121-;*la'''.o, c0r.,3113 q nel_rty i11..i ) l 1 3, ; Inferior q11,11t.) - Ili!;10,;. SULY c no; T. aien3--.ll3lras. prr leoch i 152,25; ; ante totality toeiiitu; tardiolly . T r ilby 31.;c4); eetnrnen rialit; tkri;e; interior, 3;.44 _. :=P - irtn I.Cevy. Cart-W.I. per iO.l I :,_ ...i.1! .. ; tiIll!, ad inceinm leGrilcyr still-led I:i ,i.c . , 0,;:. - The renteity el" tpcfe.ltfle i Itt ,VeU'U U.U9 r...7fUr 'tie 3.,-pn , ar farairtea Old week., the 11.., 11, ring ,r . .,rif• zed pill: le-anc;.,:1.:.1. len re that flute wet, - ;t 4.. . :Li .d 1 a many e Atte a.; th ere 3 , ...,3:10 ha - , 11ern, oc r.s could Itivie heel; rohl ht lac, WM./CS ••T`,•< F. MU price; :acre Pit Up 3anto. Soil many 4-41elcrie-iotiP! not Pr ..care a no rpli r AS 15.57 price. .e o:Cereftli,l at ts, to t 3; 1.41 , r trade. from 13 In re , .--1 eariy 011- that vete decent realitiog dde z. d of crate- The -total roc Ipt; or 311 etUtte. St thl• yards for t hie vivek and fort avert ere ot for‘O.U• Forthis wetk-Reeves. 9,313 ;.er) w lo.,l, ISO; veal calers. tel. , .lierp, 9,07: swine. '2.5;5. 1.314, Week -Boarel 1.1:3; con a Its; veal tatres,6l3; steep and lambs' 1 i.,91;11,; o nlOc, 4,6116 - '.. ' , - . Nevi' York ,Stoek sad Money Market. , . NM Yana . V i ck. 14.-Moscv-Eaty, stet p cent. :, i ling quiet, at ItElligIOSX. Gold not very ce.l,- Sre--openlou at N 44, advancinlo2oB%, declining to . 20 - ,-X Sna elosincat 4990. -.. a.vtt F-Steady ; Government' Stocks dreier ; Dock land, Olt Chicago sad Pralrie Du Ch1e0,95; Michigan FOUthrtill, 6714; /MVO/Ikea sod Soak I.land. 13 ; New York Cent:ad, 111% ; 'Erie, 711:0 Iludsol, 358;1. • • • - . TAT following Are the quotstlorill at 'Gallagher s Ercticg, Stock .tisclionge Boar 1.• Gold, .119. Old d iS4-Ta entice, 110; NeW York Central, 1.1 I; Eris, 1'4;1;r; lindson,ll.943ltßelnlog,llll9; AI Wilgus Cen rial, 315; Nichiltart Southern, 99/fit, Illinois Can- A cal, 150; Cleveland and Pittablutb, 8,311: llosk Arland, PS; North Wester. 0.334 t loth Western prefer red, fotiN, Fort Vrayrie,•96'.4v Clomberland,4 4 ; Aul d 60 •, 111;uposa, 12. • Stoats , riga. Gold strong on call, but subsequently sold docents .. .-, .... - • WertYork - Market; ', - ! ' 16. - se Yong, Feb. ili.-.C.orror‘ - Dulf, st 08 e 3 3e• ...norn--bifeioo better on COMMOIIi brands col re _rradm Md. not men active t, better - very milli at 1110640,15 for • Estes State, $11,1144911,1 5 or pars, B. B. 0., and M 1, 2 0 4 1 40 for Taw. Br. , :d s i -the market cloning quiet, . . , .: ; . A9nrscr.-.4tulat I .Weitern; VAS, and 'minimal r to - fistatzr—lrbest'f.rut nod light supply: Chic Sprlog. g2.18y. quiet.' Corn dull ; Old MI ed V, astern, 91,48@it. e 0.. • CA,ts dull. , • , Graclasta-diice,ldol/1 lb.. tlaffee.iluU. ft ar Dwrnordrow-Diall nod unchaoZed , _y - ruoviaonn.-Portr,staaog4sapb for Now M ss, .es 1.,11.4315pd for lega-4,Mess.; . r , ~ . . : , • ' . ' •.. Chitin latt Market. ' i . . ... Cpselnnear; Feb.l4.-nocn-Llnelianged and sot touch dope. , _ ..• Onsur-Wbent uneb anted and ,but !little doing. Cora dull, it Mains forar end sl,teffl,lolor. - *belled.. 11l nod Barley usolianzed. , . Wn-oinr--Buchsised seethe demand light.- aorunpao-Aflosed'rather d ull/ under toe airws from New-York, bat pilot's OS not undergo any: change, Bbouldeni 'said at 1510, • to ants In a k r .couple of weak', and Bides at 11310. yin' d d - for JAW, and' ptiesanointnai. ' . . . ! 1605 01 nAwurr—G old, gni. - Moony BOIL • . . . ,- ~ ' - -•- . Pulladetpitta-Mar;cat, - .:-.-i , P o itarreinns.Veb.l4. =- Perinot rusr-Ncrnibtl; Cm:o. 4 ^ 44!a; Bedded 11 -,koddr eNrc b si ,fle d • rsource-N erg , , dull.'Superflne., - 00 9 , 50 V E * .ri , t, 0 nsts.-Alrhent "lirrof -Red, • $2.503t411; White; McMU& Corn quirt; Yellow, 41;059469 , • AVnlanYkArM; OMOwoz offend at lax. - . ..tit. Limis ;Ma — rtet. . lim. Aorta. 'Feb. 11.-Orrrron--Ctulet, at' 72 for 111113111. am, without boyera. Reee'r*-51 0 ball. .V • Vr.orn-Bull, atinoso far single..xtra. , 0 aslrt-Wnent firm, at 91,9501,0 U- Corn d iln o PuVirtOrs-'slesi Pork; 437,40. Lard. :lc. i Wnitirr-Dull.'at 41,19, • 1 . - . ^ • itultimorri lltarket, : Feb: 13. I . . niqtr-71vo. rrport. sales of leabble 'Ohio grata nt Sup; Awl AM do, Flown of atte.t itt dtt,6o/111 hen par bbt. Fa , pc , Brenda ore quiet. and'quotral a 111,5114 All for boll,. n t esten, and !toward 'treed.. .11;e Pour Indult t Orall/3;3 7 A, and Vora At eat Mull nal Kt 0 per bbl. . _ .. Grain— fleceipts of All hinds wetn but nonilual .ro'd .nsliflle , ent to rttablleh . e mokltet. Only' ate bu , V heat ofrervd, no stetCPl sl , lIIIUte What> nt 9,194 -2.5.5 rind real nt 9,0102,Ge per burl - mt. Gore, sales •,,c No In.iikne)s white at 1,05, and COO bushelstellow et I.IZ per bushel. - Oats. 6 10 bashela. et 91 cts wtight. Far. Isat 0-I,C.lst-I,Caft'l,9a per uu. ITOrintolu Are inr.ctlve. and under the tlcellne. bagel-a am t c heavy. ttio heir of no trans c., Ifunt. teladny rtport hirmer tinntatlons na, fol. .1,,,-- - press pink 404 11.011/ Shoulders 193134 etc . Shlre 1114% rta4 . l3scon h .- boulders .4.le2ti gents; Aid C. 4 cents (Or Viestsru bbls and us, end 47:40 i'2Ul'."d'O,2"(r.rlrautn.eariOpfit'ob..".-.,-,.... catv:i ' ,srip . y, and POMO 16.4d)1 At 11.Z1101.5.f0n (or Mord; 75y1, , ,t5 f°rTin,othrr ' 9 4 9,6003,1 d for Finn:-. • • • 1P hltaddelkikla ariet. _ The id:toting - a of Whent 'nth light nnd peotio am tirmor:. aaloa of busheli ht!,1504 - k...*0 foa rood d , -LEJS Vdt.fidO o fey fair l'Onna. and choico.N.ca tuck y White. - Lyo Nelling •b $171.9t72. It; urn . 11 , 417 quit podtne )oZeirik"M ally "r e " rs trittlay. Small tiara of yelliow at. 111,tedi Oats lailtalloy and Matt nothing stOtag.,We quote oho'" Inrnier 11 :* 2 ter Pelintif 1.41 N -a w york and the " latter Thom Is •erg 111111 eloveraehd Cood hi' and prime la .10 demand at lath -Timothy tangos (root - .4staerue, a ad Flax c,t4.1 3,71 373..2 3 1 7 12, ba . . In Gror.erion luta .Provtatune them is:re,rl.ltcla doing and nu eraontlal change to reccird . in Orlottm Sattarol. Zama:Ptah at{ 01o,"1.10 barrola„ltima.ht ...441,,1rtl toots, and Watt Ileums Lard It 2.3,4-Vie. I Whirkey.io dultattd to held at 0,21,but eadV4g buysta. • .• . • — 'lllBirankee '..lllarket. Feb. 11. - 1 . 1 or—Market dull sad n D u cted. N trlitalrias& la—lVlseat, 5,533 D receive& kst tir eak, and declined 1024. Sates 1%0 0 0 he' No. I 00 Spring in store at sl,2.,Doebn do at IFett(gil,ooo Yu do at 1,41 1 A Oats dell and inchangcd. Corn Sot so dun. Barley and- Bye nontlnaily unchsng gii. Progisionspull. Dresied toady. - X . IMPORTS BY RAILROAD . ~ .ILIVECIOTPICr &LATH:O4Feb. 14.20.1 bp whit.% A T 5 1101 4 ,9 gsrs hey, 0. avers; 19 bbls appisi X al. bluntx; 9 pkgs butter and eggs, li Leta; I do do, 0 'Hanlon tr. L'ohan; 7 bgs beans, Jos Craig; 100 bbls hoop Bon; Gregg tr. AUsadetent bet butter. -Ghee Rrlleple bgsmidt,Jokoh. ELoschenhelder; 90 toils t.:l;elPsikittZ",ll T'irtiit%?, It d°l )I.'a°2's ' ° lir . . . . , .! OLIIVIJABD /14Prrxisntritau namodD,Tri. th— Ye° bop wheat, 3 S Liggett )0000 .bbls, oU, Pon. Bock Ball ti. Co; V:tono pig irOu, TiloilOkic 100; POO Fill VihgingLt 11V417,11J1071211T31113b0Zrbr...1 bills Raper, 5 do rage. PlRaburgh rover UN,— ll:ea.Creillt nu—. . " bill rlkes ' Wl'lt. . 1 JPITTMOrIiaII, roar SirArra KND CaIOIOOR. it. Feb. 14-1 gar hay, SR Floyd; 1. oar corn, Dau`olsl - $0 dot brooms, J IR Ooopext 100 bbls flour, illharn, b eans; h. Co; 4 bblo butter, Gdo clover ,seed, II do beans; 4 Baldry . apples, J Illrkpatriek qr. Bro; 5 sks rap, Godfrey & Clark; 4 bbls Moyer 'seed, a do flaxseed, Head le. Mei:gar: l sks rags, 0 F Markicietil do: brooms, S EWrat Zr. Cos MI bbls 111 our, Jas McCully & Cot 21 do do, 95 tap mill teed, Binghem, Strirgeoo. h. Co; et dot Wallace, Lambert, shiPton tr. Ch, 200 bbls flour, Dan Wallace, t ctr :hap, Geo 0 Ritchie. . .. .. . _ --____---- CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, No 70007.12m0 j]2. IGFC111: 1 . REuccrous i PIUQE OF CARPETS, On CLOTHS, 'WINDOW SHAMS, &c., &C Bow( dtont to make our sprint( prelate; We Offer at Retail eV . (*tire dock a new and elletee geode nt Wholesale Prices. • IicFMILAND & Cb.LLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Second Thtrd and Fonrtn Stork., Lyon', too, next to the ILL Custom !tom arae and Poe llmusorF F 01311,'1"13._SMREET PPARPETS , Previbus to renewing our stock for .j/EiPM=LIZTar ELCIALIEI/3, .7it g e 0 r (VNa g , 41 LESS THAN PRESENT EASTERN PRICES, •1 comptiFing evcry •nrkly to Ito found inn 1- 1 -1 FIRST-CLASS CARPET STORE. E:=l W. D. t 13. Ece,I.L.LIW, 87 FOITRTH STREET ET sToRE p LUIIII.ING, Gc-s and Steam ritting,, II Ita brlnchce, rerrlJily attend , tl ts, by enr• InaCtieni workc..l. Llcc ar,:tortraefit .113 ' 1 - rxtuvals, • SINKS, 11.1 TH TVU.' 4 bli<111; 12r. II &rtts I , • W ATtitt 01.0 SET. Iltiviu-N - r.4, ~.4 - e• ..atztly go t..s.zdfin4 =Ade to order. ' TATS & SEVILLE, N 0.52 FEDLRAL AneghE,T; • ALA sniat,rirry t%rucrr, Pi:Ob.:mil I r !.11,``nntnIl9 i I 1: Olt SA Lb. . . -. 430 y 1 , . 3 loch 'tope; I it y In. i Si.et.. hope: It fe , l 111410.nel Be.; 1 ll "' ,' .'Fi Tr rl.. v.vaLfertrt ...i3 , 4133. .N•r. 1; • ''. am , .l 41`..0urttrr tnnnnte:. lin .' I' otat 1A• :. 7.:4:Lir.,i; ! c 4,4 i. 1,31 11113 d I.u.pi .....5, - ..:a fr.' ~01,4; 7 4. • 1 Wl4. r, Strsra I.nr.: Tank. e0mpit..r,1 4, 4 11 3 . ; I. Litz.:. t'crolertlnnitcrirooi compiLtd, ci.r.l l 4; I Llntnl i.. 1,41 COOkr, Complete; 1 2 Crs3klin:PresPCS, Cara:Otte' 6 Lard lik•trire 311.4 Les 4444(41.31,0130 eerapleti 66 emit) Itacon e'es2.; • t Si P CU e T Tam*. tit** I 0 0 1 1) euilabig fOr • *Cleo s's; I Flow. ' '.. 1 Oultteetor. reCildre of • _ jam! 3. P. PORTER,. skt Pork Howe. Wood'. r.lll BALSLEY. VAN GORDAN, 11*. 201 lIIIEBTY STitiSET, Ofrer for tele : ' - Imo busk Prime Drp Apples; No Loxes W. N. Cheese; OW . ltstaburg 0o.; 40 4 . ractorry ode do; tton te fresh ground Butt wheat Flour; 46 tdds Ohntopeanc-Ottler; Crab do4 - very One; 10 t a m nue t;ranberrloa; 10 kegs Apple Batter; 3 kegs Apple Jelly; 1 bbl Boiled for mlnee plea; 2 boxes CholoeCider. Boa Butter; 20 bbll Cidet outtable'for waking vinegar. lea A. LIEN SI TOM-le iC '..Sc C 0.,, . _. A tar you:your, Pittabor Pa. i i / ITO-Weirebotioa,nar LIB OWIT. STREET. i Alanurseturers of DOOK, PARLOR and It T ING - STOVES," _ PARLOR - AID •, N catxrtn, 'BOLLOW virAttr." etc, Steel 4 Mao Bloulda, Rolling DIM Oastlugr, Dill o ' tnr, falui Water nod ArtiomPlpiA:Sad Dona, og Irons, ii 'agon lloaae," Sugar Kettles, "Pull Range CAT,Wheets; couplingsCou and Cadtrun to oally. - - Itleo, Jobbing hine Outings tru e •to order ,- Patented Portable atllla, with !Dear 1L WELL BTBAIiI ZIIGIIiEB . --1 WI sopared to Iturntsh• -- .- STEADS' ESGINEIS. „So mnobspproool of for oil walla slid other ru. poem, on Dui 'hottest nothai: 'Haring , atnernnt. sized. Engines on mos. and , _notating others, i s • publicus° b• actonotodated With almost any i: the work In ahow for Seen. • U lt / w "" -- lirly PIMP" PM war,). ' 'ipitirtariblrlialed sad' Itsrthion stream t""aia+ . H. 3111"3 TIVAWINOS. of maw amocutt4 'ficou Sell°l34 2, a NCI DEA dr . vr i, au , 31 .1.0 0 ,11 NUMENTS im;mduremitmt r 4111 4P 4 t00 $ 4 42i a A d v Y. P. BECK S: CO4 185 . Liboity st., offer for •- WOO bb estsivNO. *RIM; , • • IVO sacks choice Dri Avytesi , , OO trazot,Westorn Reservo9becse; 200 bushels Whit* Doruis; 114 000 btithels Ode; • 200 do. Dailey. • • Abr. DoIR;o, Supnr. Codolo, Whit/VT/2h, Dos sin g, 211nober/1,/1, Syropis, Spiess, &o. • • fiKtit=j—jlV- NV&Ef; k Stucco and DIASI.IO Worker, P4Vitt lisniost arm Innotorer: Centres snd Orono/rot/4 of all lands ftrafichtd on abort notlca. Orders left a 23 CON ORESS. STREET, mans woo., ordt Pnboarl. Ta ws 'atom, tio.nn WC/OD STREET will bst/srPt • V afters/al to .rentobor .. _ _ __...._ UoAllt3. I- 100 1241 e A nod 13 Coffee Roger. 10 do t:ruched do _ 10 do Grow do .10 do Pohl. • -, do , , .I'net received and for mule be - • • fell 2- . 1112.1Y,011 . 111 le. BROS, 1 AccAnoNi:--uenuilto italian Mac. L carpal and Vextufeella, put up Is clualCosees for fatally use, or for .le by tie. pound, ub Life Fatally Grocery Store of • • SP). A. ItErffliVl 4, , felt Gerber of TaLeeilf Ana- tiftAd&U. 3- 400111 s. . 4 tif ra tit tile West" Flour; " • FOrato lkilits • no.; - Cco Iscrwieut, k Vir j o4 c l ) o l l: l b9 1 . 0 3 • ' • •YOB Llturl,y GLTCBEINE —For diapped handl; n o in one po 11714 biolle2l awl for . sole 04 . 1 t h° !!‘! °n irrnatfitiiVe,' tiornUt of I.lburty foul R ent ItFittirba;-„!"Nr: E. VA?" OORUER mrvtd troo No.' 10 Stultjal tb rio l lol 2'= Void:a:CORN- cap of Yiilny Shelled Corn, tar.sa). by . . - - suobrArEit b. LAN O _ 3 4 9. Libaty street. AMMON. JAMES JOHN PATTERSONSON'. JOHN SORDELEE. ?AMMON., MON & Commission Jierchants, From; • Grain , and • GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, No. is, WOOD STIIEVE, PEE'ESINISO H. felittf T . c. JENicurs.. Conarnision_ Merchant, AND - . PURCHASING AGENT. PITTSBURGH, PA..: tester IS flour Grata, Seeds, - Sutter , Cheese, Fruits, and ell iirmProduets. • Bost brands ram- . llyFLOlSll..(werranterl) always on hand.. Also,! IaY.FITIED OILS'. i Prompt attention; given to 'eandnrunents and terrespoudettee. IT e&.li-Pritro Currents sent to Consignors. Orderi and Ooruagriatents solicited; , . w. rruntrus . _ , JAS. A. wursos, Zn RERROI.S& CO., .., .. , I . Corner ourotue and Wayne atx.p 1 cWAt.x.icis's Thinvorerfa Piiiiiiintaz, PA. ptNERAI-'COMMISSIgN MERCHANTS ill , /lie purchase ,Of MAIN of all kinds .' Alto, Nfflholesele dealers - to BALM -HAY. Western .r ealens will find ft to theireAvantage to correspond itk our House, as we hien greats; facilities for 6t9tugoi nun Putting WWI into tuft ,attern IlLarhete than most of too detlers In this city. .lrho hest of city re/ere:tees Oren when multed. . . '- i 1 ft3 11"1 - 4 - - - - - - - - - ------ 11 F. QUIMBY & CO., ;.I.J. ' COMMISSION meacauts, Ne. lee SOUTH ' , HATER ST:. CIIICAIIe. Clive special Attention to punch/tat' riptir, Grain; PrOViSiollB, 4C. For Laatern nem:ont. B. F. Ql/1/1.13Y ............ Li FAL T. BROWN. min/-ty ---- - ALM. 1.1, NA B WBANE & KNJEIt, Commission ;Merchants. LND zntf ri*Offtgcci C. - 3 SECOND ST., between Wood tr. Stulthileb , 1.1 i • _ . TII n 9. TOTTV.R..JIIO. AIR .11. 0,91r1TV.% A. AREA DB I) OTT El?, AIK EN SH EPA RD, Com- Enlt4,lon Merchants and nesters to Fortier snit Domestic VItUITS, PLUM BUTTER, MEESE; LUGS, POTATOES rind Produce generally, No:. 10.) Liberty street, opposite Pusenger DepO, Fitt*. bursh.• EciTaxxen. S. S. Dilworth O. Co., Means S. - Coffin, Culp Oa ribepard, at ell, Lee b. Co, Sohn (ink7.l.er: FIBS , burg. hieelnir 4 1 / 4 Bro., MePowelL Tan Brunt a Co. Philmielphis. Tremlett &Simmons, St. Louts, I Minclair & Grant, New York. Stanford & Leviell, CiocinnstL. C. C..111.1.,LET 111tAVev101 ooEOXE tALSLEY VAN P GORDEN., l'roduce and Commission Merchants, Ware sehou No. tot Liberty it., Pittsburgh. Pa. Wholesale 'deal'. era Butter, Cheese, Laud, Vygs, POta, Elacor,, It, Sas, Tallow. Feathers, Brooms, otatoes, 1 Flour. 1.141. Ity. Dried .Frults, Green Fruits, Oolont, 4; rain, clover Seeds, Timothy - Seeds, Flax Seedi, r mar and Poultry. Particular atlentiou given to I 10+111rO tfrOtrtellte. 3%19 '", ; 10IIN B. CANFIELD, .CommiEsioa and 1 il., Forwaxclit.,.^ .T 4.. rclowt nnlwheller,l.,6l,,,ler in Va7 R STE:IIN . 111:tiLlIVE I.:REESE, twynot. A NLAD, 11.11:1i, B ACON, 11401.711,F POI' .ND - PEAILI , ASIIEr4, SAI,IUtATUS, LIN. ...11 P SE1•111 AND 1.01:1] (111...5, 1/1L11.11.1 Fuurr, aria • 4 rolluce generally, Nvs 141 nail 144 Front o•tre,.., > rlttal.in-zll. oe., • I r - I -1 ,, . , rri-11., ..... J. 5341 1, Tszurn.ll ik. ...I ITTLE .. r : T1t1.31111,E, Wholesale Cal): - -......,, ef 7s at.; com nie-11. - ..r. Mr,11"...r.0 dell," In 1 4... ,- rZ , .1 , 1 1 - 1:. 1 1.01'12, JI,IO I N. C•4I , ;I:SE , ,i'I , A. 1 ...„,,,-. i 0111,N :I 1 , 1 1/ I.A.etlp yll, 0,11., 1`..1.1.L11 , , t.,LA.1.,,, I , /111./N I' .I..11:\ S. Aral Ei117.1,u1"... I,;n. • ' nf,rtult-isgcurraloy,lo u.lOl 114 lie , uod strct 1,1'111%. -,. 1,,,Cg.1:. • N. xi,. -----'ii3.7,;;:ilnrjl / TIN A.—SIII.:PA.I{I), ennimi,:shni :414r , • ci,bol nr..l 41 , 01,0 In FLOIII, 011 ,VIN .1 31i 1 11(,1 in' I'.. No. Zl7 7.11,r1y bitt et 01 1 ..! , •kr: 4 ••1 • t'lloire 1.;:•..1.i 01 iI.Ir Tor 1.1.1.kr , i Htt i t,r.41, 1., ronsLant 4 on 1..,..t. Pali Ic LLIAr •-•01.7at L.l WA ..• fillimr. vr , lers tor .61.1,,:chau.,1i.j,•nrratly. i • 1 on 1C,11.y , : : 4 5,1 . 1118 & NVILKI.N.p)N., f1,,a.nr,,,,,,0,rk I'l ;,....mb,...A.,. W1,,,1...,,t1.• ,Ir, L“ .1 t, V:il, r EIZI I L. , 1:11‘ E CIILEN } ., 11111,:11 Fe 1•11'1•1 1111 - 1 , . Tllll, 111115, 1.11.1,‘ INS. aunt itrdo,., ~, , ,,111.. ~.,..:, LEA:1'11E11, IiIIIES, OILS, a.c..; No. 20 1.31,rty rimer, 1./11/4 - butgh. el 4 -,.. kw- I' mkti ettts,n,raltuta ,node. Cv:lsi,nra,ltln.o..ltir j , • ' s V 1.1:. V T. 1 0 ,. VlYeali.t.r... "V i - lt. P. 10XE .t. C'11., 1'. , 1n. ISS I,ileerty i , v st,m. PitishuNii, 1 , 4.. 1171,,1 ,- ..Me .1r0t , ..., 1 I ...entn 1.6..1..:1 M e.., `lO. nal , 1z.11,15 111 I 'ol.' N'l P. 1 I'l 0 ,1 'l' E. 19111V1.t./ONS, 11.1C014, 1.m:11, I.: il i It. 1.. , 1 , ;0. l'111: , ;;Ar.. 1101. ~ .., nit°. 11,1,1 I:, liti.AlN, Si:L.l l5 1111E1:11 .V.st 0 '. .1.11 1 10:11.14.0 0 . SALT mid LIME. jy1.11., C A NIXI.I I?AI,Z.EI.L & t s, i/N, :51,,1tc2 , 1- !' tma•re vf LA 1111 Olin nil Cc ..,0110:1;:•ler. , • ~ : , i„ r ,!,,. Lurc h ~..,0 1 .deaf . : 111 •SE 'A ND 1 ' EVY 1:1/ pr:Trul.ctr3l,:s , -. a. /101 l 10 010 i !..,.. I, 1 - 111,1“,,:11. ..5. , 1....es 01.40 ou coitsaz , .• v.,,,1 P. TIKAT , ................ cry, xi.. i Jut) a 216'1:Z0M - 1, Grocers;awl A .1.1(41 Merehantn, nod dente:3lin ofl kindA of f Pindtkru nod l'lttgl.ornli Malta Ileum& 11‘),:tY Liberty irtreof., oprog.ito Lend o: buy Ptttsbun:h. ni2-1 y. 3. nr.vsir..n J. . nu* mr.n....w3t. 1.. ttv.vm Nn 1 RYMER BROTHERS, 011eef..4,0t1 to I:eviller it Andereon,3lVbolermleDenlo rn 1..flia:1111.: FR NUTSnod $1.91.3ri:, (lON. i..A.11101% ERN. I,IIIE MI And 32* Wood strevt, above DUI!' Pi 0-Itt. 7.1 - - - 1 NV CommiF : sion, !m %t, ,• siul Wholesale Dealgr In L01.14..8. ti!2 ?Is, NC,. 'KZ LINT( y 141'e -et, reansyl earth% J L. pv4.4 , nscr Depol, Pittsburgh,Storage %Varthohse. Clatter Wayne hrol re ars streets. 1 0r.17-ly J,:sM,,,t.rAvuert. T 1:11tK1 ATRICR ,aJIROTIIEI3, alto tJ Ce.Sors' liroarn k Kirkpatrick. W1101;t1. F II.E.UICOOEUS, N 05.191 anti t 93 Liberty acme; Vittabureb. 97T.iio Err -sunx"ttrms/r 1 S. LIGGETT SCO., CITY FLOUR ,' • MO. istn.a.s, earner Liberty aad Adkus streets, l'ittstail et, ra. i Yr Clapaetty, 400 barrels per day, ! alit W.. ii • Wit. it. ?Aims ‘..CIIOMARER , .usli(s, , CottontailOn - hterchantn and,Waolcsale dcatera Ii OROCE• VIES, PRODUCE, sold:l o33 n L•vjemy street; rittaburen, . : 'Mutt), ',VhN:cra.T.r---'-'-'—'----rT'trtt Wit ann. WILSON, Wholen 0r0,,1e ,, le &Is,' Commisston Merchants, and detain* In Produce .and Plttaburch manuthatures,No.l l6l Ltherty street, Pittsburg? , . I: JUV. 1:1111.74.AL „WtI.IO.IQUES.-11.EN1IY!IL CULTJNS,Titriracang mcdEommtastda NM , el ant end dealer In 1111E1.24 E,_ RUTTER, L AKE lls If, and PrOdUtegenerallr, 0.1r3 Wool MOM, Vater,,PlD 'burgh, _ . ,mr novae.ZDSVAIID .11011810. ' 101TNi:I..J;'1/01113R* & . CO., Wholesale v OROC ERN AND COMMISSION' MEV, CDANttengt ....514045e44 nod W.stor street, PR A. P. M= P,OBEItT DALZELT , & CO., Whple ',A,salit .tireeeng, Cennmlaatnn and roOrardlng Mt , rchants, and denims in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures„.l.4hcpy attret, pittsburnh,L . • .tauitorD ° Ce i ras , t and =l9 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. Jets 7 C.i R T r efirfitts L. CALDIFELL. (anccebsor to Jumrs Whims & Co:; PORK PACKER sod dealer in ruovisiorr.s, comer or morkott sad root streets, Pittsburgh.. , - • • • • einrn • • S.. H. ntjrcre - LJL 1101. 1 3 T C 0.,, tmeceisors to L . A. Ora, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION. .M.pRtILIANTS, UP Liberty r4rett,Pitttpurnt: iIK • L'litlii.73o/111 All IPTCT4 • . C.,SVALGA lAIIIIERT, 31IIPTON .56 cp.; Whole Pnie Grod.re nnd Produce Dealers,'NO. 6 Slxth clryet,Plttlletrgl,. • , 3'116 ISAIAII I)ICKILY CO., Wholesale JGrover., C omo Zterrhents, nne dealers In No. 60 Wnter strt.et and 65 front stred, Plttiburnth • EDGEJITON, -11Tholessla - 1 -• (Meer and Couunlnston Morchnul,lo 7 Weed 111 reel, Pitt.burch, PA. 1415 tillUtifdl, No. In Wood street Plttabuittlt. Jan. WEE=== 1 01IN ROSS, Agent or the INuitable In t, mimic., C 0.,. Ke nai ngto n Flitilali urnoon Ca., aril the Penn Mutual Life IfuturanenCo; of Phila d.lpnla. N. W. co, Wood and TWO iirotte, Pitts tit nth.. ..* , . . , . InTur - GARDINEII COFFIN, Attuut. ler the J • Vranklin, Platildtlp4l , ll..tto . d 1 , 33.1 t. ttra Inn ur: !MCC 'Onn4..p.nnice po : ntne.ot .corner 1 . 1,1 LAM Anil 'llllli I) . b ISLETS. , • Tir .P..._.lol.oo2lS2eAgeni for °AU Anted OVtoldle'retr WVig 3 :At:l nd 1144 . C°4 la ‘ fistti; ance ofirdpv.ny,eorner MAlucuraind IBA rEB , ecta. - WIIIIA.II IL BROAVIi., (Late 4 ilia firm of b.M;oustovrt ELOVEE AVID -SIGN .P.A.INTEtL liotth E.oat toruir of..fArnt anerffalltet stc, OR very valuable Flinn in Di ITT towuddy, Vcstmorcland county, Paur eontaining Shea 105 :swot Well improved, and In a high "Ude of -cultivation. F.,uta ur - 100 Aunts, in ratidets 0w -whip, Westmoreland county', Pa. Improve. nients 'good. • The land is of the beat quality. Coal slid Ilaisstone airandare. .61sms STEAM. WAIST, r Or other prposa, With the casting, machinery, Ay wheel, hr. The cylinder La' nine inches In diameter and fen t foot stroke. Two Bailers, feet long and 22 111e1M indiamcter; all in good order, and will be held cheep. ALM, a FARM of 400 acres in West Wilestgeld . towninip, Indians county, Pa., about three miles from the Penns Railroad. Also, a FARRLof 136 a cres In Conemnugh town . Alto Indiana comity, Pa. Alto, beautiful FARM. of 106 acres, with elarge BRICK ROIJSE,.wIth'I2 rooms, finished la mod ern style, waah-honso and bake oven attached; a hula spring house, bath house, stooks .houae; Inrge bank Imre, fruit trees of every denriptiont Church and hol house built upon the farm. .Ti to farm ndj ol n e the village of Louisville, and ti two-nod-a.helf *lea fromthe depot at 'Livermore, In Westmoreland comity, Pa., on the; Nortk -- vrest ern Railroad. AIso,TWO 73111.0 E. HOUSES and LOTS In .k.l 4l ll l ' o b o c , t A b b ';il " it u ftt OF FIFTT-TWO ACRES' to Derry township, Westmoreland county, about two Miles from St. Muir Station on the' Penna. Rail road. A steno, sawmill nearly completed with all the snechinery for s flouring mill on- the promisee; the land tarot the best quality, coal and limestone to abundance, and good indications ot Will bo Sold cheap. Also la scree adlOining the yUlage Of New Derry, in the very beat. state et Guaira, tion, and almndance of Omit of every 'deseriPtion. Also, a FARB OF ITS ACILI, in lit Oistr toWn ship, Westmoreland county, Pa, en Tub Mill Creak, about one osile from the Fenn's,itailroad. Tbe' tmprevements area seat! 'fitness hour, and nrge frame bank DIM; - Alock's email #w 1424_,EteresIrt Derrytoinahlp, Westmoreland cow', near, the 'lee of the Penn'a B. H. Also 0 rana 21000 2:3 sereainFalrlield two., stip, westmoeelmsd Connty, Pa. ' • _Also. a Farm of 203 acres Am Fairßeld,toWnehip , Nrotmoreland county, -Pa: - Also. the rent alarm or ttancrenln berry town-. ship, Westmoreland count! Pa., immediately on :the line of the Penn's. R. R. also, 000' shares of Stock . et. the Cairo 011 and 'Alining Company of Pittsbur, Pa For further particulars Invire of U. TOWER Beal BYO ,e Agent, No. 166 Fourth street. IRON OBE,_COAL AND OIL • uM acre, of good farmlog Lund on George's. °reek, ntno miles from I/Montan, Are miles from the mous CHOW WELT, sod tithe Miles from the uth moof DONKARD OTIFIIIE4 in Eaiette ontmtyioo the lino of proyobed railroad from Uniontown to mowh of Dunkard; having in it a THREE FOOT VLIN.OF GOOD COAL.. 520 ACRES 01' LAND Presion 0., Vek.. hih. in addition to its ad witc.trg , tor ngticultural and grazing parpoX9 about 4 la 112111= V :WI KIL:PERI9B IRON ORE AND VOAL, • IL 1. ten miles from the R. O. It R.. and touches ‘, l; )recd Hue to coancet. that road with the P. Thece tenets will be sal on forareble terms.' Braker and Insurance Axe 69 Fourth at, (Burlio . a ituthhnet.) I; in SALE. THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE, Known orAIOUNT lIOFF., et Woods Ran. (now Occupied by Kr. Wm. P. Rect:,) the former resi dence of Wm. Leaky, deceased. lirleir Douse of if rooms end cellar, well and cistern; largo barn, he.: iruit Dec. of all kinds, grapes, hod Elk BEEN scree of land, embracing. hoequarry cite; splendid : views cf tile Ohl, Riser, Railways, Iltenthester, Sligo; at the termini,* of theillancheeter Street RallwaY and WoOd's Ruo Stet-lon Pitts. U. IL R.; only tea minutes tide by the latter mom Federal et. Station. ' Further particulars anntd tams may tie has e l the suhscrl'er ant day fro Ito 4 o'cocir, at his note hien shop, on 'Webster st., ~, sac old Orphan As; lum, A ibrAli cal' City, or o .-. l e event xf:, at Lis house tit Wood's Run. i. Whim ROBERT D. LKCE:I7. -- - ---_, 4' 'WA. WORK b VOR SXLII—The E.lth: • 6:hers offer fir tele the yeidabl* and well , .1:1• ,, Vn prercrty of I'LL t MON COAL comrliy OF FITTSIIDF.6II,' Situate on the Monongahela Illoor, our end r, half, I , ;)stiles shore Motionnatiela City, andcontale- L.: Bei ',errs surface. wit* RC a.m.( No. I float .1 Vint 1X , ..;) five an on:: half feet. The Bank Is in full ..1.,•i stirs, Anil in excellent repair. Dwellings la hituers. Writ Cern. nod nit necessary improve.; cis, extensive ri VC/ tenet. with one f the boh' .t wdir gA en Ibr river. Tti, surface li o admire:ll s E eLiied for a. vineyanl; a portion of the lira la welt.. timbered, thr balenes Is highly CultPretril. , 1 nlo prapertv will he sold eta nark,in, by apply' toy soon to DOFF:MAN, SEDIRKT ea 51:. ,1 1 , No. S 9 Water Street, Pittsburgh. Pri. i . I . ti. BOX *WS. 1 l' i T k 1 , ( . I‘ , L I , vi7ii: , linizti I •(. "I.vcii, 61-11:;v1: CUR ix, t, i.;ttr.i - r. 111 _ . . • If t ni the if 11211 sr nu , 3l . 440 iv t. xNr)l) l'enanyirmn, 6. rind 6 loot • t•eFl, AV 111: the ett.et for and Sit - .: I I.I.: In U., count ry. ;Your Ws.lin nra now I • trait , raiointne those ;Ana,. 'rots tract of Ito Zion tint. [elle enstlf NOW Onllite.nnd two utilet West of Sc.:- lir , gnit.e, In •Tienvet cOnaty, on (11 liUst raft Vi!trlie ZS CIIIC,F;f! antlrond."Th • 040 be hi -deg an the track. Elie land Se n fid. fti m tilt to witithr tbs. attention - of enritit Sett, I 1 titer rancid its, tivitlet an. 1, ma, e Lot , ' 111 tilt undersigned. • It. RIDDLE., I, Il l :v., 191 Liberty Mired- 1 • - - I.Vji a' It LE. VULCAN FORGE, Tepperancevillii, ' 4 - .., ~ ~.4t tr.,- of a Pinch Ferro ilidilin , ,' 105 aiiir fo.i., one liorixontal steam Enable, 9 1 othcylilder. 4 ft: 0,4, ; or :e Vertical Star liiuginc, ii inch cylinder. tb inch stroke: Two DUI ere; One Tito hammer; F• mice; Van !limit; Smith'. FOrger 4::3112.: ..4/ a' I htno. nennwary to carry on the. Forgoing bud n era in con pir ic. (nail, a Ito, Mar :b: liWt:l.Lligti Illaiii1;, 8 rowlll u‘.vical .1,,,t sTA.l.ll..bi to goon order. 1 squire of W. 1.. PORTER,. • Intsburgh Forge &Iran Co., Woods Man.} jaatilf I,:tni hiA.L.F.--LOTE 4 IN TUE EIGIITII .-i- WM:D.—me undersigned as Otiabilati of tile elm - , rhltlren of 1/aeld Grier, decd. offers for ialuibc following vacant lots la the Eighth ward, 1•Ity of Pittsburgh. vie: 2 lots on tho corner of Ma -1.„1:;. af7.1./:;,VV,-V,A.T.Ziao.O2O b r r ea het, being lots ree a plan, moo rd lti Finn Hook rol. 1. page 113; 1 lot on Locust streeit, .2e 8 il,i . feet, being lot No. 66 plan; 19 lots eelaria Arent; 9.%) by 6”,4 feet, being 100 91 to UP, - 03 to 119 In said plan; 6 lots on Vickroy attest. F. by 614 fret, being Nos. 130 to 121 In said pl*.; efld 3 lots on the corner or Magee and Bluff streots, , 9 , by 10D feet, being. Nos. In, 141 and lit in stud , nn; ranking altogether 90 lots? Soma of those I:ts are gee F desirable as building sites, and othors Ira very valuable for, stone quarries. They will 1.. .011 separatg3y or all together, .and on eaky 1 , ...m. of psymeat. J. W. k. WHITL, I jaigitf 104 Fifth stl oti. SAL I t CITY.—The IN ALLEGliEtt r i CITY.—The nederidgted *Ter for sale the ,property where lies. PURI/ now lives,_on rastdre lane, Allegheny city, adjoining' the Tannery !of John Taggart. It hag a front of about 106 fell Pasture bine end extends bask about 400 fest. It la a part of lolin O'llero's plan of -Minunt Eel lecOrded In inan 110oltiol. I..paga and eta oi a uriots at sattpbm. - being lot* numbere $l. It has, *.eotarortablo (came house, ate grounds ale planted With good' fruit trees, ke.M . could be 11 ided into several goodbulltibut totsr, U Improved as ti *thole It would make a dellgh ul realdence. It le ottani for slab as a whole, o In separate lots to Milt purchasers. and the ter a ea payment Will be made sy. Pautessiim - bii given on the 11001 0t,64 1 4 1 1992te..; P. wu ',. ' if - ..• • • Wrrs, : , ADM( • Inn LB 13 WIN TALLY p; ..IWutP,-F`a. STLIX,-FLOTISING.- and 8/S.W. hiILL .10D BALE— Thos well known buena:. . stood, altoMo to Yingling Talley, Belmont U ow; -s e es O, ten Wheel ing t of St. tilalrsellle, for In rn , to* °rued for a. - Vies. are three run or Stones, with.the noses hloehhietT, three Dwelling Houses, Stables, ev en ACMB. Oland( with Four ocitykor Coal, frui t, all in 'good Order: ' TOP Ibiza, am, apply at t h e Seal rotate non • . i T Butler Street, Lawreusevil 01 ' on i fiALE,!..4.-PA.itM'Or 163 A:Ott ',6 , mic Sew Mktg, threotollea from thot.all ad station, well inproyed. „Pelee 650. per mere. A 65 ACRE} XAM on KTltinek, I% miler, Olendato.Ststion, on which- le a Octet S re, Dwellbig, Tata; ant good Iniprovements. I'WENTY LOTS, on Froutont Trelaciat .streets Second ward ilsliegbe.T. • FOLK LoTS on xilbuck at mum. e "EnOtftlrinahabz"LTlD: s te lt3tvf ' •crea ; T., Sent 'Estate Brokor, • nefl S 7 Federal strect,Alleittnr. TOR liE T, • rowipallaza 33 ECOAGOP ILLTING e . pciFzEit STORE & fax Ruda. Corner of Mulberry and Rebecca sta., Allegheny. Enquiry on the - prerlitlo. 3 or nt Tilts OF rltiki. I 4 Uli SALE. Pad( • Two Brick Houses, • Our of Four and the other of 'Slit Redd; No.o Scott and No. 1e,5 Arent, rtit word. , For frillier paetterinni dullard Of isXAo KrEwurt, • 1,06:tf At roilov, Park &Co.'s. ilacelidler. .Fcx. , SALE—Ai - Tro. bide 1,4 Yi rl i; thel" ' e u n s :ta; t ntt:g a 11 atom+ 'dttudd the borough of Dirraloy,lrun, red the .Pnereiger Railway. • Alen, a three dory 'Dick Derolling .110ue4 eon. la Solon eight rromd. ntljointog the above.- For • For molter pa•Oculds..enquire of ft. it. TOW- • FAL-Etat Fetato Ageot, No. 1&3 'Fourth. it., Pitts burgh, or AIiCIDST AblalON Esq. itirodoglinal. • SALETlitee new Bteran - Engineo; .4 bout purposely for 01l wend; 7 1 4 inch cylinder, ne fuer *Doha; dory dieting. Erie tile did; f rank and connecting rod of wrought iron; • used foe boxes. Rollers Ii to 16feet long,Ei inched dtsmeterl with WO Winch tiredichlioney ri in: by 53 fad; hot and eat water pinups. Eirceythbrecomp AL t B leo tind_d OLE. eady to chip on bight. 11.Utlit Shop, comer Point alley and Duquesne itreet, bnit of-Allaybeny river, near the Point: iltsinf V goTHREZT3RY .L 'BIoc:::SALF. DWELLING DOUSE, NO.II Fourth. met, eiptitsburgla l'onseddiongiron on thetldt of Alittl neat, Enquire at ' . I.O4DELD, AttoThry-oo• ak t diacat , Ao tulrourth street. 7irri: . 3semon. • FOIL Tonll.lo SAL - E.--zu putsoanca otAu order of the Court of Common Pleas of Mo. gbloy County, dated Sanitary not, A.,1).1100, tbro. underotirned wfil expose at public Mae, an Om Isth Dia Ok' FEBRUARY NEAY, uk - 10 &cluck m. on the prop:clues, ; at Brldocoles Fula,- au %bass Taro Certain Lots. - • PleloaginX to Alexander EPCnec, a bundle, deur'. bed ea iolinws, to did Denim:deg at - the distaneo of ono hundred sod sixty feet from the corner of !Shines* aid lialket !streets; thence Southeast.' wavily, along said Hallo: stree Connell*. villa - Raid %%ail:eighty feet to loth Venice southwestw y Moog said lot No. 1 one hundred and tlarty.flve-feet two and one half inches to a twenty feet Von thence nolthwestwardly, aone oald mile/ s ets, y rcet to lot 147. four D i re al 'as ttlittrlivelet twat and add liTlft • kct street, at the plans elbeTlnalaribel4ioP • Nos.s and din Section' eleven of George C plan of lots of Braddock 4 Field,'the same which the said George O. Eels, et ux, by dead dated the 24 del - of September, A.B. MB, and recorded in Deed Book, volume id, prigo'F.A, • eonvaled.to the sa id Alexander Weune. 1 -. • • Thew lots we situated 1a the centre of the 1,11- I,:%e,c;fal,rigladr,oka. Field d bordered the DOD. ' For further infortmtion trutuire of Ore under. slgne, near the prelatic'G., UAW, /ELMS, sr, Attorney at Law, No. ad Grant street, Pittsburgh. TEEMS, CASH- . JO HN MB:MA JodfitinwdSwW ' • •• Committee, ALE VALUABLE PROPERTY -FOR B Two .20 feet lota oft Third steed, tanning back half Way to Seabed street, ,elosite the Hann pt Pittsbnrgb on which is erected . that large knoik as the , • • 3••-• Oleo, two 20 feet lots on Scrawl street, La the tear, on which is a Twozrowr BRICK 130n,ntrra, • Suitable for manufacturing or say other purpose, elites will be sold OREnP, by ape/Motion to S. .13uthbert & Sof Market, attest, er to. S. litcUloan, Jr.,ltt the banking-house of Robinson, biaelesn Jr. !Co., No..* rotith stmt. •' - • ..•• ~• , • . ek.UABLE OIL LANDS ifty-Ste acres on the Pitliking= Ottr, tap oozed to I e foe of the best treats oln the Muttinge= Talley. For pertisulsrs Inquire of - fetOnw ..11()ST___. WRAY, No. I, nand street. OR . `SALE—OIL ,'—OIL TERRITORY.—A. . 1 - very valuable FARlif, situated on Pdelgs creek, Morgan ea.. , Ohio, enetalning 115 cres; creek, acres cleared This remainder Is timberland of the first quality.. form hog a well en It 16a feet deep with a grod show of 011, and Is whiltin N of a mil the e of Muskingutn Over, and. MI mlles of MeOnn nelLsville. Ohio. For fnftioir pattleu lrarsah address BOX. 211 AleKeeepert, Po. j• —.— FOR SALE, • lmeod A COMFORTABLE uousr, Of four rooms, within one MIA • • . street earn, in 'Nancy -.our ~ 1 1 1,l fell of the - • • —aces' Good water and every . "7.--..otent. Possession gi,'Ell Immediately. - or terms aPPIFIO f osern FAUN, TI Federal street, . or at Thomas Ilsrper's Wagon Shop, Beaver street,. or noltdf FOR SALE---FOIIRTII IvARD, AI, LEOIiENY CITY, PROPEIY4Y.—We ors buthorired to sell the LOT situsteC on the with side of Otrodrlch ewe, at its intersection with the ptnnsylvania Canal, in the Fourth ward, AI HODSCity, on which there are FOUR MUCK HOUSES, two of which are three-story, setain-' toe five rooms each, and two are tarcestorp.con tuirling four rooms each. Will be sold ehelp, or traded for good OIL STOSTECF. EL It. BAILEY, • .Wilkiss. Hall. S. S. BRIAR 011 SALE AT A 13AUGAIII.—A vnl liable STORE HOUSE AND LOT, with seven rooms for tenant use. and frame building on rear end of the lot, costalning lour mows; situated in a good lecality In the eity,wlth line buainess es tablished. 1n... 313. ui" 6I.ITEILL Attorney - a at Law, No. ID Grant st.. Pittsburgh. ,nl6:ltnerat r,OR SALE. - 8 Edict Machines, 2&u do., one 6 gallon lens Kettle, three 20 gallon do., n lot of iihnlting, Pulleys, llnngers, Belting, .11ouhls,Leni Ladles, Chisels, Vies and a variety of other tools. a% pray to JO'S. DI'S% Jr., - At Colman , ' 'Wagon Winks, iinrion Avenue Allegheny. fe-ltveecolTen 1 -- )Alt -----;"---------- REI, Ficroin roil b.k.Lt -... - ) the nroo,Aearyy. Machinery and Itnplemonte fa, the manufacture of ON II 111.1 NllEtElo OlLroodm Eat:- I-i-3.,s PLR PAC; complete and in ania: order. Inquire of WM. M. INN. Jeertind N 0.137 Foelth Ave T,OR 5,,,,,...._Tw0 11Q1JSES KND LOT.—Situ , te_il comer of :.:1......'":'. .: 4 Franklin earners, Manebeeter. Lot 21 feet front. snit owteoda beet 5,6 feet to an alleYttnno Ina.e houons, one aew and not fintal,l. 'not property. to offered et Ito low rriero otiloO. Apply to fell .._ -- il. MeL.l.l,i h. VO. VOR SALF,—CIiE4P 110 [NE AND .L LOT.—Situated in the I:lath ward. i Food tern story' hotel:a wel Itror,fr outing on CllllOlO rune, It Mt 7 rooms nod finisliorlattr le. NO. &O. Ap7ly to felt II. MCLallir Lc Ctl. Vail EIIOU S }I FOrt 11.11NT.-1 1 0 Warebonen, ata prvn. stte It. neatly oppnel: e I .4 M Reg'.ll. 12. I.‘1) 101 , core OCCuplo.l . hp . Refer.,be of AI. forrnerle by Penn', Solt Co.. wet for I rtnt from April let. I .11 er.eellent anand for Flour red eironery or Corny:oblate= oral Stomjce bu‘incl4. :. of Yrbl. P: DliVh 4 , , 4 . 10 :, '' t ,. : j ISS Liberty street. i 14'07, SALE.-140 Acres or oil, trick 129 .L ' ni l res Of cut! In pooll C io. !I; ahmume track or emit and rs.in:3e, .33,!• Other lulproremonte In oued wort:in; mtk).; r. ;.r..! 'o:co. 3 ZO3 e tract on the Voughlugheny rrie: ant; Vannell3ville ItsllrOmi. }lnquire of - '4"ILLIA11.1 7 :4 11 ; 13 , sue tlrst•de 0 - m Filth on laremt ntreet.! .. - O LET -----. • IWnrehonse Kos. CO and . 7tl Wrtter•oi. ' taquile of SAS. DALZELI. tr. SON.; "BANK C3AS HEATING STOVIi, ,ruvr.r..Y Glf ARAN TEED TO BE FREE .FROM pIOKE OR SMELT.; WILL lit A.T sLrErric-i 11.0071, OFFICES, PARLORS, DINING, with lens trouble, in len time, ond nt lees expense, thsu any cent or wood stove. They nra very eons venlint for use In apartransiti In which there is 60- shiumey BAILEY, F . A1172.12T. T & CO., Agents;: . . kl 3 - - NO. na 1 OUItTII. ST PRODUCE 03NSIGNMEISTS NONir 1N STORE.-;.. i aor bar 010Terseed; + , , WO ." 'Timothy seed; , , . 2000 - •".•nrind APP IO O Sao ~. IlrledTesches; .25 . 0 'Dried ferries; . Sue kegs Packed nutter; ~. I NI bblr. Bolt Butter i '3OO '. Lakt Sham Apples; ' 00 " .Chsaitagne 1.1,400 i 2 ', 'Sweet Olden .1D .., .Cider Vinegar; 1 IWO ns; egsp A p p le Sutter , ' Bemis; - • ' i 40 k orgl bbls. 014 Salt; 4300 lbs. Sllle4 Corn 0104; - • 15 bbls Mt Nominy; ' ' - ; „ 100 keLs Country Ludt' - i 'IMO dos. Fresh domed - 1' .r..sebis;" , .-• 1 • - 31 bbls. Ilighwtnes; _. -0. bags:X*l.le §ugari '' For Sale by L. N. TOlO2-14 CO.,' 'll . / NY:r PF.OTORA.L. ' . , i Thiim A DISTRESSINGDOU GH . and 'eau get wining ro glyfr them relief. Sh procure a bottle of IIONEY PEWTORAL, as Via . by of a 41al, awl wilt give immedlate reit " Prepared fusd sold at - the.Central' Drug , Blom,. sof oer optdo tad 'Federal. at.i Allegfleay, the N let leer OtO. A; - IcT.LTAT la . O. ISA.AO . . OUTLET SAW MILL. AND BA.rtg YAILII.- Crafg Street, AlloSF• 1 130UQUETS, CUT FLOWERS,,Ikc. i 110UQITV.TS, 1.117 T FLllVirgitS, end .3AI , I(I•LTS WITII FLOWERS, prom p,Ttraf) , OClt . S OsklmO °r0c...24023e. 0rd..•..3 left with 0. Ilubley, 22 Fourth et, litcher Bro., 122 Woad etreot, Itormenth & fel Fifth atrect, or nt the Greenhouse, promptly attended to. Iloonnte supplied ihttly at the chore mulled Owes. °Wend can run to the 0 reonhorme every 'fifteen Minotre dceranut - . 61Strg Ati.roltl.2vl3ntrin C 0.,, PrrreLtorso,Jsouses •:,I, 16GS. fTVIDEND.—T Preddent, blunagere ki Bed Company tar erecting n Bridge over the Allegheny /then, et poetic ratelough, In thecous ty or.dllinheny, here tide-day /entered. nalevidend of SIX 011 , CNT . on the (lavas! Stock of the Company, payable lo stockholders or ithelr 3,33•1 reprcrentatlves On or after the 12th tnetnnt. jaistfose4sOf Wu. nosEnuno, Teems. STEEL Sc BAILEY, Stock Brokers and Real Estate. Agents stOcks bought and sold exclualvely on eomrata , on. • .0a - °Mee, wminNs BALL. ypTE Dlt3E—',-kSES!. • • Ofeee ps rex* •iirilkis:Perie For thOerire of ral divesto!i of a oytiratn natere, to Xromtmo to.foer dare, by an entirelr neve Add Ante trretmeot. - law; geminel Week neer, end all other es 41reesof the oenithl 'rpm% and thelrpreventioe. cure Irettrartal. orinoney refunded. • -AdAtill)104111Y ‘43.P.Ca1l proitero, • • • "I.II"UF4C. TlTTraiifilett FOUNDDS. • A. GARRISON Br. CO. • rk,nm an t Garrison, &C 0..) TOIDID'ZRS AND KAOHMTS, isuputichniii of Milled r. oilers of ail 'az:4, for I" vr ' S a tea cs ' •,,, 8 ,1740 . !.. 7A ga VIC ? * Rubber suZ /1 f adelt r iptioas: Cat 7.1111.1 a, Patent Double Grinde r ,, with a v.12/11°• ty of other patterns, savrays an hand cad fitted to order . ertabort nob:aloud tvvorsble °Moe And Warehouse, 119*nischfiold street, Pittsburgh. fehly w. wLciawrosit.:z. =gnaw.. .. . ... w; T. tuna.. • IRON •CI.TY,WOIO.O. w acznarosn. iiiankutt a go., rovNtr.l2o Ala) 311144 1 M r6i. cioratr-pCPITEImd OSAHA.,II9e, PIKE and WALNUT STBEETS, • . (Near City 'Water Work, • Manufacturers of atst lowan and othe ') EnGnragi BOLLING. MILL. CASTINGS and rAILLVII.I.NE RY, of all kinds, iind genersljobbers. prompt r.ttention Riven to repairing BOLlsinfq . • PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881. DIRTEIBIDGT,'S PATENT Oval karrap Paitsintrys, XIMI:RACT.OI6IID Or xx FLIRT pr.Lso.. Chiawrys Are • for,the Ist lehi.' psrts 'or the ass evistly,Pl!),lottors !pose it to errekArtg. cIDITKU-w.S, • • - Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington !treat, • • Or Pittsburgh,. Porres • • Ipe °BERT% TA.RNES I ' . CO., -a-w No. 39 Third Ntreet, Pitt& ourgh. • TIN I AND, SIIEET III•Oit WORKERS, , end Menufeetuxers of JAPittarn . - TIN WARE.' v.. h..e now manufacturing and have on 1 , 33,e Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware to Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Can, liters, Cash and Spice. Boxes, Tumbler Spittoons,.ho., kr. A. large sale low. 011 Claus ••• 13ird Oars for 'style andzsttecns. TILL Ecotln^ ..oinortota, and nu kin of Jobbing mild. 4P30 ne to wnelc Tani. LL CE. DIAMAEL NORM prrrgstrualt ra PARK, BROTHER CO. 'Hanufseturois of BEST QUALITY FUMED CIASTSTEE L, • Square, Flat and Ortagoit, of all alzea. Warrant. ri equal to tiny imported or manufactured. in ULU country.• .IM—Mee And warehouse, N 05.149 aud . lsl Fume a➢d Vat mut ITS SECOND a:mesas, Pithshurgh. ..: ... fell-yd , . , . I. M. 31 i I ,53' STEENt, BRASSFOUN-. • DEES, GAS AND ST'Ed.bl FITTERS. Fsrtieular stteatton paid to the fitting up nod re aint* of (OIL RIFINF.RIES. All kinds of • , lIIIASS AND IRON COCKS !mole to order. Al BRASS CASTINGS, of au hinds, made mt Cho shortest !votive. All f order* left at Nos. 31 and 311V4T , KItstreet end LiIIEILTY, will be promptly attended to. W, The Members of this firm being 'nudism! ms do sim, of many year's experience 1.3 t hear business. mill Insure to give gptisfactlon In every respect- We ore alga st.e.ets for Guild, Gurnson STEAM 11 do e 731 P, for pumping Wuter, Crud nut Refined on!, Le. -ly ' ----------- CHAS. .1 ,4 ,./ IVNES, (laze 4 - ,f the tirra of I- , Vosence fs Itialey4 .101LN D. lIEM.F.OIi (late of Mitchell, Herren e. C 0.,) Ircn For. : ;:ders sines Store 713nnfaortnrcril A.LVE4llll,"7.i'r STILr,tiT, NI t%.,t4.1.15rp - 11, ra. Trtr.nrot t; Co. IPENN; WORES 26.`1.6 it. vrltarryiAlt. _ r. 111'11.141:1t .INi) Fc-,:r.rnl cmil tian.lusr, 't A P ENT STEAM. EN, i' ta.1,11. '-'" r of roitTAl4.i: Itroatinit er lt hint!, ;It I P!l,oi 10 jet-ly • • CO., No. 215 e:ty nitre. 0.711.41.1t4, Sixth, Pltt•tutreh aaour3rfu:en of v It ITCiI es , ty description of LEATHER Illt-1,11/. Orae.te Solicited from the t,-ale, oat h a-ao lv shipp.ft!ms , R4,r 211.at.1.:11d frs-1Y _ SENTI:II.:NCE 'ifa t z T . 31 . ice• . fifit.l , tir‘iT. etNo7itActoter 130LIEICRIV ETS, WiZtA.7l.) in! COILIPADT and railroad, or every aegerJlAlon• rarrticulareiLed or shaped SPIRES bad luvrrs liu^e or ; malt, matte to order at &IDS notice- it good assortruent constantly on hand: W. 31aimfrcturers of • 14111 TE nun: CHINE sad .011.E111. COLORtII WARE. ' (Mee 'sod Warehouse at No.l r IFTIi et Pittsburgh. ixscina.dry.E. AARTER 18 29 . PERPETIS FRAM:MIN FM INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. An.ets on January I. ISGI. 11:3.437.849 96. . • . Capital. . • II • 461 ,an ed Accru Premiums frit,ool) 1, Invested Premiums 466,0 A Unsettled Claims 8,416 intorno for 1064 3 Asses Paid Mime 1319 ammo% Perpetual and Temporary Fades , ea Mena terms ; - nifiscro_ .Rll . _ ' Charles Banckee, Isaac bee, Tobias 'Wegner, Edward u. Dale, Sarituel Grant., George Fates, Jacob E. Smith Alfred Fitter, George W. llicitards, Fres. W. Lewis, BC It CIIAREES N. NECKER, President. ET)WAND 0. DALE, Vice President, JA§, W . at. rCTEILSec. vim. tem. J.O. COFFIN,Agent, eorner IPood and Third streeta. FIRE 4L ED Lasuranoe Co. of North &mica. PILLEADELPHIL Hail Cord Fire Insurance Company. Asisets 84.83,000.. VI-Protectloa,clabellintlio n *, M o ol and , KeliOth c9mPsx!ica. o • • • NVESTIMI INSURANCE POYE.Fit. Or. PriTSBUItGiI • 1 - • • 11...IlithLtA, Sr., Prattled, P. nr.rtuEnaz-Secreta , 7. Oftlea., No. 02 Witter Atrect, Spent; a ccosAltarl. bouse up Molter Pittsburgh. ' 'Witt -,Warr Y e t distrut au MAI qf role 004 'ltisksi ., A Boma inallation • managed try Directomt.#* mn ANN kqesit, .1U onnammity, 11$141 who tav Sao oe& by prootiptams and, ribiratity, to maintain tia charoctot wit Ica they have outtot.ar e i tring Lia best preteation to Vitae toim &grata la inntra. ' • , . ss R..111i13.r, Jr., % prnscroAndrew James McAuley,- Alexander SPeer, -Nathardelliebnes, David 31. Long , Alen Ntmlelr,_ „ 'Rees 3. Thomas, George DiallAb Beni. RxiceNre/i, r Clan4oell B. Ronan, john R. 21eGazus. , nlyse NS AL F. HERVERT, SecretAry, INBuRANcE C()EIPLISY _IIOF FITTSDUEGIL-0111ce, corner and Waster streets. eecund Do or . • . • AVM. BaOttLEY, resident. zt. d suirAito, Srersterry. • Insures Steamboats and Cargoes..: • Insures_ again:it lose and Annum° in the nivlgis• Bop of the Southern and Weatirn Rivers, La'Aes and Bayous, and the 113Tirilti0 11 ofUK' SOU. :Insures surinst loss snd datalsoby are.. DIIIECIOI. -S. ht. Bier, John Shipton, James ht, Cooper, S. itarbangit," J. enldivell, Jr., John S. Dilworth, : Wtn. Realzers. , stettslyd • lingoley, Bonsuel Boa, Jon. York, Jr., V 7. G. Johnston, Hon. T. H. lirrare, Earclny Prretnn, Ueorte Ihughntn, A u.. - EcirEdiT INSURANdE VC , I 01:.*eITTSISTAII011.--clitlee,No. 37 ilittl Et. rect, - 15ank Monk. • • • Insures against all kinds of -Eke •and zsarla • • ISAAC CONES, Prrit lerJ._ 3014 N -D. .11 , 1101 W,. Vice Prefir D. M. DOoliiSrffears , ' • DIVX.CTOILS John-D. Itcl3_o, Robert ME= . . Rl:Ert', • liarvey Capt. "MC. Gres, Yohn•irwin, Jr., P. L. 1-'lo.nosttork oulaDl D.X.4ll.lt't rit6S' SU It A NoF,. Off PLE ice, N. E.:carrier of Wood and 781125 St, - rrra AND NARnir._,Tgaluilicz•• Wm. Pittllt ) v. • Cold:Sohn L.Rhonda. JOI-% AvAtt", lobo Przhe; - O. Bimbo LOW% .- Cl:sAel 5.1111,441, ,- ; . OtoolOo Artsuckr To 'r O t m . YlV, ',/ternt. ren.1311r:1'1""4:14, cr s. Ta. t.SlP:atarni. • ' jintf: - WATT, Prisideof.:.; WM. altamita Scprotork." 14.i4dy Dr. r, Eo.'6 COLUMN Tort Tics OH.EB.OIIEL MEDIOI.IIIB 00-IL.POV'NDED FROY BOOTS. BAIZILS AND LEAVES. Cane R learn =LK Idy l l the great Indian Diuret 'MX _ cams all diseases of the 'AIM al ill urinary,rans,suchas }IN.' id Jaw continence of the Urine, - M. Iff BE Inffammatlon of the Bled- 111'L Milt NIL err, Intlammation of the Mitt DIU • Blny', Stone In the hild _ Bladder, Stricture, Oral , MM. MX. _DIM . el, Glect,Oonorrhcca,and ki3E. is especially recommend. .manse{where all the o naneeous asedkfaes awe:*h uued. - . Ilia prep-Walla altlx:_ • 'OOOOO 1) om eenee y i s r 050 ' COOOOO d totwoteasAchinflffe.tlitle • CO it L di &ottani petrify had Sitar*. , . Sive Mitt . • , , Ink and, elesasing the 0 0 - blued; miming lt.to doer CO 00 .hlifillefltseriginalpurdy . 0 'Ca and vigor; thuhatimavlng , OCCOCO • from the systole all pant 000X1 aloes causes - walats•lwri Induced disease, • • is Intended al an ally or , - , altlatant to the Cho cgs Bem.Wir. and should ; .BEggPiM. Denied InconjuctlonWitb :that Medicine WWI melee NE r • ref' Gonerrhir* .• . . Albus, or" Whites. EEEEE 'lt eOeet ax . :.seething and ditestursea -- BE. removing MI shniatuff ./ E : heat, bhorcbee; -and "pain, insteadof theburning and . . m.timsimer almost tinendurolde.pain - • that is exnerienteff with ' imarlyallthectoMPenshk , Ober ens. - y the use !I . • , • ekes Remedy and .".• . • kee • ••• , _tun BB 'medicines at, r it HIE " chkrgesl- eign ir c=l,-niid 'gH• the vire; a 6, ' u, tan :Igor and ttutr .Mength.. • . . For full particatisiff get 11.0. Par pamphlet from any iGi- , 7 BB drug store in thecottntry, ~ or write us, and we will melt free tit any &Mlles& - •fulltteal.i.i t , • Onshoffics .COLD:.—An starry_ -a,- ',Weak lin falling cure r,r neseeeturn I Ernie.. alone, and all diaekies "DDDDIIDDD caused by self-pollutioni DDI)DDDDDD such as Loss of bleu:tory, DI) DD oniverealLaseitude, DD DI) Paine in the Ilmk, DD . DI) nose of Vision. Premature Dl) Old - Age, Weak. Berries, DD Difficulty of Breathing, DI) 1)1.) ; ceanes; 'Wakefulness, DDDDDDDLD ptions - On the rage, DDDDDI)DD P Countewince,lnsan- , fty; CormumPtion, and all the direful complaints caused by departing•frbm ' . the path of natnre. Thi s medicine a alraple , • • vegetribleextract, endows ' on which all can rely; ea has been used in our prars- Dee for many years, and ' .withthousande treated it EEF-EEEEEEE , not failed in a single BEEE.EEEEEE • instance. Its curet! vir EE powers have been - suffit cleat to gain victory over the moat stubbent. ease. EKE.FE To theme who have trifled EE with their constitution k until they think: them -1727.E.E.11E' EEEEE selves beyond thereach of medical aid, we would say despair nott the Cherokee Cure will restore you to health and virer, and af ter all quackffectorsteivo 1)11. NTnloarta NTniotifa vgiGsrso Iltaltrld or. Es isExcuor JAYE: Prep:rat • from Pure VegetableEx tracts contains:lg rieibin inj tuloua to the most dfo- Mate. The Rejuvernstv4 Elixir is the rectal of mod, ern dlecnverles theveg ctablc kingdom; being an emn,ttihreZ o ne f it e - a a , u r d , t u r o c r p tr.t .. tive of nil the old awl worn out systems. ~ ,h ie medicine hes been tooted by the most - neat medical men of the '0 • day,andbythem pro gre noun. of ce to he one ot of MI ERERERIIR d naedical dhicO'g the crip4ol...7 7 i' IGIRIO3II/I.ltE the age.. Ono bottle vrLll ERR RIO: rime geeral debilit y . ERR few noses cures llyseries ERR IOOt t in ferardee. - One :bottle lI• RIIRD.RII.ItII coma:Palpitation of the StRR - ERR lictirt. A few _deism bo a - ", ERR TOM taco UN , oriP , P lli gepot.• BUB Ban otanne to throe • ' restores bottled thstores the orlon- • , nacos and full Tiger . at • A few dose's restores tha • ppellt. Tarim btl OCCOOC o cotes the trona. clue of tli;00000' - •.; CO Impotency. A few tloses cures the low apitte .3CO One bottle restores' .00 • , let pewee. bjl ee nt b.4,=:,..egntootthe CO CO tore* fa manly vigor ond 'CO 00 ' Tobin , t health the poor de- - COOCCCO bilitated, weed o: and . decpaiting devotee of sen- - • z, anal pleasure. The Errxxit cUrrAli E . teria, General Debßity, Palpitation of the 'Mart, and Impotency; • It' roe tores mental power, and 0000 the appetite, and,caused 000000 ' the rose to mount to:the j. 00 00 - check arpnlor, and the 00 .' 00 • 'debilitat ed manor wOutan 00 00 to feel vigorous and 00 00 strong; the youngarsiss. 00 00 , bltious blood to course f.X.) 00 through every veld, the 00 00 nerves to become s tro p 000000 and the fires of new lit- 0000 and _vigor to' reanimate the entko body, building p tbs. conatituldon, re% tori.ogjoyaudlifettirnany iiind and darkened Sm. w.. siAoo,ooo. - P,ZOta23, rsit•ders 13wIdIngt, 87 1. miter t •=1 . . mt 11 0 1111 Jul TEII 1111 Crrencurso Prx.t.e t' Si O.S.II.CO.STED • F itSi A I. Z . REUCLATOIy n L.T Parsauvas, extvrisir sisr-• For the remove!' of Obstructions, and the Insurance of Iregulority in the BCCUITCUCe. of the Monthly periods. They cure or obviate these nu. ; p ri cing Medisea rregniae es that from iritY. T removing the, irrego. telty.itsclf. • hey care Suppressed, • ' • Excer.sive, and pauffe - • " Zlesuitzustlon. They cunt . • , . Green Sickneas (O tone via.) . They cure Neriduo aid spt Ai Kit - ' 'pains la:the pock, and I gig • . lower parts ,of the, body -lig.AK , Heaviness, Fatigue on' . • IfH6ll. slight,exertion,'.ollpltab• - Lion of the Heart: Lorca 'i • HZ ' FM' Sick Headache, GLIM , •gg7-Kitr!" aessikm, fus. In • • - word, •"lia EX . ; removing.the Irregue 'faulty, they tewove the': - - cause and with it all the, • .enetsthetaprtagtrotnla Composed ofaimple Veg... - , • . .•, : . ' , stable extracts they eons , , . . • -..•-; ; . : - ' iste'nothlng deleterious f e any constitution. "how- - • .- S vet' delicate, their fun*. NNW ••• - ' 'NN ; lion' being to substitute i" - • TI - Nbitt • :•-• PM .. strength • for • Weakness, .NN NN •NN ' 4 which, when , pr op er Iy.'., ' NN Nit ,NN ueed,they neyerfali Ledo: - nor • NN NN ' They may be Safely used . '141( ' 11.11 -NN : st any age, and at any pi"' NN <- -Nil Irir • 110 d, ISCXPTIIIO I=Mll7lO =- Mt NM NM -" .. thO77IIIETIVISOCKOVIILS. : N . Dr •• • - - NNW ( j o s satureof their. action .' . • •• . 1 at , .: • ••• Pewit Os ince eees lleltre • Wiltmedy-4" ',bottle eta bottles foe P. ; Geer. ; eked Injectlem43 is loot i tin: or three Wallet far le 1 "Cherokee Cure-SS a bet. . 1 tie, or three bott= s erk i i Dr. 'Wright's Ell bottle, ofthreebottles for rir Lao s.• , SS Cherokee Fills, for _ -" • • • •', - femaleS-4t I boar or at • bosutot In the Cherokee 'men 'eines t h e uniortunatewlll -.. ' - ~ , . • ' find u day of deliverance ',' • ' from sulfuring ' and pain. 4 one, when the shill n o , longer surer wi thout •oes- - . SEEDENDEEE gluten or moss, either- EDEP.PeLexy,E , through nu er cella r.y . -Ek• ..- •-• °. :e•-....• , .,,"'., quecke or the inenicleney SE ri ,-, A , - , ,:`,.. 43 . of nauseous prepsrations. MESE • The Cherokee „Matelots DEDED • accomplish - their. ransom , DE • . ", _their emancipation. An •- F.F . .,. A e ; d";l4"M'lrecia s plendide an er 4" 6o Ed lT 't. rell rl. fTC! -". . N.E.SEra: l:k2i 17. 1: E Ht. - , 01111119CITAI good. These ' .• , 1 m =V .1;111-Trove, IS . .. 211=V end every caw, f uth• rulhnd ne Cr falling 1 Studs lo time of need.. k,..,..4. 7 .,.. . O . rjr,eetanit,lhie,€ll.,:l,,ctoh&e:.tihr3,opek,..ro. 0,1 Pills; these' are sent bl-1 mail, free of poitsge) on- I.T.FXEDEEF.F. receipt of .price,, to any. . E xtx.EELEEE • part of theeiviliced worli.l,, E E eccure.ly pseked,in such* 1 ..:E . manner th•st AO Ohl IiEELE , . ' ChratighlrhoShhathlath DEEDS . hey pass would ku ' ED _ ' TheOberoseeltedlein IDDIIIEs-Fr aeseldbyllieternria 4tl2ELmi,th.thmiusah!eivti, wnrids.teuni , ' L •. - . : ' Lo p plod d u e sl w e. o rs t , t h b oir e c ji e r oe , , . pounds in these which they tan. get ' 5»" ••••• at 3 chenpyrice, end snake • SSSSS : • •‘-' more • ir,..1 , brwiling - „Es -ss !....., than rhe3-ennontbe Cher- 'SS ..ss -eked llicslictses As you. , SS '• SS %. , ,C 'value yells health; ay,the ,' SS ~9 health of. yruiroftspriv,;- . SS ' . O. do nett.. decelvmlby such • SS- .MS ~ L 'j unprieelpled druggist s. -..- SS • .... . • SS ••••::: Ask fOr these lindleines , • ~ SS ~_'-• SS ""-_, • .and take no (there . : , .. SSSS, pm. 13..W..N.ENW1N.' gs - CO, - . "; • '- ' r Proprietor t ... .."..1: 0.1462.1beftf ishot,:NOW 1h. 3 1 For Mlle in Pittsburgh by T.. IteCIASUCANI! :CO, earner of Ilismend and Musket streets. - •,•.'-., lahlt*.awdstreewe -' , . - -; EE ' EkM'EE F.EEEE EE .4. f . . II Eal 1111 Ini. nu rrn Int MI MC 1111. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers