The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 15, 1864, Image 3

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    *krluti ,
'rum(' UOutimitr:334Witi U 1814.'
lifeeek WOO. dlatsa A..,llitts: ~
< Oa. amen A. late, of "the Cavalry . Ilmnaw'
Matadi& et *insidious; to Wroldalto
4th nerbertlay sionlog tan, whet ha • '
Sollowfas Mid tat amtelleat *melt, w
as loudly appluded t . . ..
• /Willi' Ctrilnali i Yea 'iOi will plamoser
trladyseeta fir this eemplisisat. It
•••• • ito oes-yea radar nob sant&
iressonsirmi.:., Wes have paned through ••
T zsittarvollltday;:eatare, aad - mi men thi
rs lN
141171 as tos crir t i r k y, sad lu l=le • •
'Man. Is . atry ashisemi by the braes as
t forme of ahrt liana, from Me Lakin a
or* Dealtseirtella wsptarWof Miriam.
,/a ao for ambit wrier*, lawns at/plain
sat &Wetly inlet, Os -rte me Gram oaeallan.
vets they.. beats dlettusia ant so Ourroemble
&snood; sat the imam, , har, by a Ton at...
t obseimets, teamed la favor of thurgled..-
frsl, nnt , Mulls. paidoles, saandstad be' the
Varreallea - whist, animals& 'et"Bslii
M" llbirinellel of tie ample has bees raft.
M:' I% mitten has desdared Its soatasamse
AbnameLlisela with what santestain yea
aloe beirentswas. • : ' • • • t
i., ', fame item. to ciguotido;t oto
la slugs that. Saint- be minas
that de. retolltos shall be war dawn;
end that libestyshatrnli - Am smiles, sos . .
',..lta ktioatasita saii Ina!, throtslitot i Int.
Yoosseirsera to freedom. •- . , .
five weint, Mead, man to toles?;jai .
Eajalio sad. tkaalkagtvilig lila botturiltlneagti
'et as latiVialth will .b• take* up by Gust
ladies& bbirenapentats; Joha Brialit sad as
, dm of hamlets, threaginat the aMlonslhh.e
of Rattles, siAl stortans *mastoid lb. world.
A ' L . kazgrafthithiti= apes this sespleiou
. 111111 4 Irldia bis , will steak la polisV
d pbramr, tad wonder that, la the oohs of a re•-
• i lelitom if
,reolt treseadom tanotitads, a Tinny
so psassfal, so 'mead sad tnistve should is
left baidstod - by - ths ballots ore fres' nit hall:
1 4 1 1110oleyle, stiti sot swum flit 'stoat lope
anima tag may_oconlaus to la trims •
sad alnymporopriatelyballiag It withths lean-.
Wattlel4 - wf lb. poet.- • , • •*- -•••'• '..
',Fonairtois Ass stamindriant ~.' •,. . - •,' •
:hurl ilrbiii bongos lb. fooling Ws Nam inl • :
toshist *Ws berth war 114,, , . .
. ami k eimineil burr wavptg On a'," - . -
E 7" ......- - 74Lazetstion at the , Tlisatno —.. 7"..
_.!..,_,. .
Thls , Osoi - of ,
samassient• punted s rood
2 g 'attain - aid aallasted sans Lit wroth& soon
• o r=
the isazdpaed the int appearsaai iit lfr.2lla,
, 4 Ism Boolsaug hi enfant odor, sad his
• l'aeoo=teildaaahter • Mu VfiTtolo Boaolum•
The of ..Loadoa Asseraneo" was rendered
• la XllOl4 akeillial IQ* sad ass witzsessd by ai
••• , reeyiargesadblabfyfiellonablsazdtiaza• i Yr.
•• Beidisass - and IQ fah &Ohba sad* a - very
. . farreisblitispultoa Rpm their ant appeannos.
. o
and folly wastslaid the .high reputation, whist
g prandial Om. They appear this imadag, la
• • the peas tragedy of llsobeth, sad of ORM
i. .
' the leapeallt be Els& Bagrestlae been iltir
••-'•• , Buhr assellested to 'sae thus theatrical. ale.
. •• brilfsidesanileara• from Ole pane cad sues
thrs•Trornuer, hit. gotl7 Orerbsgtatg) that ale
• ready Nate hays toes, engaged forivary inn."ya illgoinfiggths auk. Tim who hand to rail
.• .1 the Thsatre daring theft Onilo.lBl_
clonal* Wards., erealad. *W aft .to their
0 ova waled by esiaglag their ftiQ daring ths
•: li day sttho hoz dia. , . 1 :-. •, . ~
Israwdy Tatid.
Yostufay aftonooa, apoi t4o
of the !hut, Mt. Swartz,*ldiot' delivered 'sa
arsrasowaS for dm dofoui, aid was tolla‘ad
by'D4lidot - AttdraorX4rkpatriok; who elohd
cam.' Xlso apooolk of kr. Shicpstrtok ortur
of Ideboadikets,, sad war dollvarod In Ids wad
krallsatZaad olio diva igM.. 'Jo ftor Stows, is
eltatigoig Oa giro a Tory ozpoddon
of sbo satuseof srudsw fa Ur mins dogma.
Afroidolirosissaufolarimblo Boner intimated
that Nie Matt -tor-half-y .hoar to.
nest if AMU' it-Aras :lirf .11141111•44 •of 3ia Jury `
sgriebutipos %IWO* bat 'at thiszpiratlas of
the Mu fluky Gild dews word that the, had tot .
soul, ?ha Owort.tbsa sastft:tlabr
rostilag it , • •
i li WuwatTlat•hrac2 3l Dhitact:
,Toqutriki4'64Bll win is mad* ,
biii&friairiebt vadei thi
sairittutft9; 1864, for 146,690 -4446,,1nt5ig
Eason, tossehip, I.ll;stasy Ikr“. I - 6
" " 16' 24'
13402r_ " 1 2
W 421444 •
Ohatt•l4 " -
!!--; . 11 4 '•
e5t41624.:4.. *"- ••• -
losehialz::?2 00- ;' ,,,-4 g - • .
4. -At.
• Mime IT eye PIIIIIIIIII'S ;111,1071111101,...
ThCioutingAttestedteteethis 'ofikeTtoratemee
.roielsolei.nonlS' eV ITesier, mein," la
_ ; the "Meese* ef tie Prieuiii'.l6;ll..
Ntalkbp*Aseamihid ter the
"The tallith . '" of the Wigton of tbs . 's:l none , .
loolVere, ris leottall; afornood
.11eassaas Irwin amid lht.:MSpialka sis •
sientbeent the Muldoon*, whloh , nos :sad and
6 =telas sktatthet ballsets, theAssoe.-
o:lllllllWillitsettshilleatioy 0111144g1114..
11 - tft•ormalimlow ssasmi
of - Oit NAN India otolageguir, tromp
of Ohldnehlonot •Suto of liesttly inks
Rpeathabiliery engem The tippeecoacsSf the
elt,torthicitio art* snot eienetah theosadttton
Of Aar Sian' , eminently" If :the detaaterasaa of
adierges Sao bees of lane otnettet.' It is'
metlai of amazon elterritiontheOWeotarlast
Sconboos i n warp- liela:maustassases lbs
marks et their postdates, from tho almost sal.
Tarsal afoot el st billow climate ppm the Mir,
• sad ilkooneltiotirorgoe ipso the conaptorten.
ihneigtan *ad Milldam deeleri:
areatis aboatte-noramsnai oliferrotios of -e now
Iresite adati Wheeling. -The - bunchy are to
,he !maw worraird plastered. The building wlll
I. 4std out to *polar fort style apas sabre acre
lot, sad no actstalshmsat win be caramaaded
&fed dicer. TEe larpliks will be capable of
4Bootautodiitlag one obeinsai - 21(aoldid
of nockereetten of the banding is to-Jtesii tot.
dun obeli to b mistimed ear, so, that most of
- the raw tarp balsam heretofore dole lellniSh/4
lag wilt he Mannered *Wee battle
Azzotoste Cott oec--liese Yon Vite
lowing hi the bone echo A„imitrou - solinly :
Lts«la,. •• 3.165
L',Listeotit's *sleety:— .. . - •
. :
majority br"Oirotar
- 72p0 we st' absent jilt mom liptdol
, lattd% dlnetios;l6 liftb miens. Whoa It to be
sploaLtdpoottomi of Boots, Btost and
Gums if dimity dionzipthinlor Lunn; Goats and
Ckildron'anrmr;abq ditltieli Dry Good*. Bloo
toto,"lassik, Balmoral Old:to; trawls, Hosiery,
eirweeilinitikariblefe; Ad. , •81410114a1 'prima ,
Ws daring the *num day.,
, wad licu,Aird .
'Vaal /if 410 11 4 ft?r
hawfahowf tho vas sontootid trim CM &Muir:
"iittgrAttlit IlagatznalMaa-litallagaglng. ga
hide Jut, loft Y 4 lastlanot
• tido tab 11401 d. Us otm fm..
foadftai7, lad swayed till Simarday mo aloe
-what death mama him of his coffdinf. :f
Sul ill tam IfourratrLacy Brown alias
eanstt, sib° was a sessoi ea Saturday on a;
ckstrise of tka„laresay at classing and „ftw tiry
from tha lavas of Mt. Oman at Voshookes, P/ai
lad ocilla•d fa aka watch haus? Swims alai
dimly olok sssiatilatisial klaraissso4 to Pass.l.
atraat'a Bospital. . •
teseeer.—Tisteddafafteraoea, Kra Bonatti
r. 4111111 of Ilotorwo. unship, wu ansifocf .
aid takes beim, litejor Alexander, Of Allsgbai.
• zy, OR a ,chere• pteletted lky at
. noigtuot t .
volgotableo Aut. The seldom!
•-ssalset - - bar • seeeettne unchain, the hioyel
laid her to balite tamer the alsszre at Court.
Tnn illadoolan Lois& troporkr on Idiom' iy
earaot, sooner of latrawborry Wiry. wOl. 01'114
- to-atjtat.pooltOolt by.ordor or Orpixana' Conn,
Wliwidno's auction roolas.Plrat attest,
1 4 co. Ciaaiin'a Vaal Thbngtatentofono
Adindind d.p aim him boon nitationid Glint
„airflow:mg all atm oonipaiatoo paid 'air 'swot
two. . rotap!<nlu , illl roollii - thet tulle
. . .
Wlmiconridt for Od.ithei itta
mvad...jusa Is brute by (MM.
'llOlll , lll/ONe. 441 fifth tired, attar Weid.. , --itf
• . d atiatma tit*turadiro sad in tuedigg.
rt.; AMP/ eigh1 55, .:43510 51 11 1 Pldhcliftli 44455115 t
ssoiluandlhunitiart.Clirpoicliad Tolisoos. sale •
Wdeedl7 , stort,' 16% , aloske•AC.- 1604
• .huld'a 53 Fifth street. •-•
sc 1
D o smiiiWoir.'ooracr`Plftb zad Battle
-Sdad iktripos-4, Proprlasor; - *pea
41as Sad - MAL liray Mir of 'lb* " 11 °D
*mad at mat iotertr , Eluda , prizeopts4. ).
4 1kiutD io ,bll.-41.• e, *tin wh o
'data' •
salt:opted totoistaft ealeilde bp pee Mete wird,
etrBettits7 lesti,eres etenutieodildlle island sr,
Ittt seethes efotteteg to *Allot bleu,
Sim Yr. VI. 2. apleafelat - of tie
br4;. pod mow! firsts Allot lA-114111.1*0311.
71hitAaltrar ettrraPirrartass aattra' Wiltias by_
St •411 two yds liprir Tat: tilisama .Dar'_ ,
'A: Shia long enacted workla aural lasti - The
' 4. 4 4 " 11 in re flith kfo stag it bask
for fear of frijiubs'
_Orr lay theyyltakald lasolidy for lb parson'
.. rotactssg • bittii hissriag altar the oleatioa.
Then boo bow spansl dasfra toast thla work,
sad it is sant to kayo a wide -alma/alai:L. thn-
Boot*, hats warsillsao fa Umlauts at Ids wawa.
Cryan, sad they ars dogtrots of midst what he
law to ay for histaoll sad the times Is which h.
has Brad.
. •
We cannot find spies to give any outline of
tire Growers lib; but he sell' his story la •
Saab, Modest, whining way, sad every nada
will be dimmed with the dearness of the style
and the frsnkaasoi titeentber.: Waltaire "nom
way for tine or two "oddest/.
Ia Yetwary, lad, Affairs ernorel Brown Ma,
and a new majordenerWirsetdef was te be spa_
pointed. Boott was the smiler, Wats gives •
pleasant bit of eamada/,' to show why author
rewired then's.% It Male that MIL Memos,
ordnaaosti /dead, Geargettowni desired the sp
. pointment of Gourd )(womb'•(maw he had
peomised to plus ken, Lieutenant
Csopw, than rattrsei MOSIMPOLDOI his staff
:Ms./ISM lamed lbs. Bash to wenn upon
Ire But, then Beratery of State, it/peed/NW
• Mr, Adams, the Ptwident, to appoint ileaornb,
rra Ude *ripe was samessful. The Litman-
Ilaoooliat, vite"Uuts got his staff sopoistinenti
- b Wader that In. Marion might be -near her
daughter, his wife, who Is now tits rebel ed. ,
Dating site " asilloatisa Bus," eillerla
lemon wisely sent frateral Seer? ti. Bow%
Alarelins, where Its eased the forts to he
strength/mod, an ddrew dsteduneata of troops to
the prdsons. Be remained some time at SIM
vainaly• deed, watoked, ,bat, 'newt seared"
away r
tr The lime of danger at mind, and No
had thi detaanknits et *owe in the Labor of
Ohosleston, each oompsny astoeblied to meet
**others: Ikea barroWed the. rowans roma
of - the eatiottir; Whb 'supposed him to be bonod
for B a Angutins—asuppositisa neither footled
-Rev dewed by Scott, who giving Orders not to
tithe lettere; sailed Irma Bauman 'lmparts an/ •
hews' to all bet tillintelf: Patsies ta• TA**
Bar, the shed muter of the ouster wu told
to wad for rho Wybor of asibrioal "Thli nut
day Bead Irma etwooneed to tort Moultrie, where
for several days he lay without tie knowledge of
any body in- Oluslerdcra saw tie friend—the
trust patriot and moral h as—James L Petigni
(cow sins dead at a Drones heart at the state of
ski oowlar7), and afar other frisadi of the Unto.
—Pewits, Hager, eta., eta.
Per sale by Dons, Cauute k Co.,- Wood , at,
cornsrDiamend 6Dey. . ,
Aitat nut Vstakillimsosm,—Ths grading
matte ry of that 'part of the Alleghong
lq .Ralbald Witten Kittanning and Kekoming,
under tint titivation of Me Citto Saginaw, ifirt
p. Wright, is fast appleashinceomolegon, and
whin in apemen, m9l not only grestlyinoresse
the proolpil of the road, bit add another link to
the vast than of improvements canstantli %tug
made to sad around this shy.
0L11,31-011.—Ot th• main of loaday. Nov.
bib, at the boom of the brides follow., by the, Nov.
N. lsctey, Yr.
,WILLIAN opus; of Liastotb,
NIA Mao ORM Gll, of Nonobsoluisetty. •
. ,
Warr.—Sta Weadaf aaotalag,' 12th, at thiai -
Oolaok, 1/11,1HGWI a. ll!'oi .Wha Watt, spa W
yaankllalaaitia abal eat& - • -
Sari teissilla it the Willy No miplethrly lavitaq te
attend TIMIDLT VOZZI3I9, at Ifleoleek,
iv= 114. Tedamo. of :ha,: buibiid; chi.tia* greet.
tii. v hl ilerizadiatenlajtio7.l4lkattila
Tt. Maud will Ulu p 111111 1 .4. Timat as.maert,
Tuesday,Nov. let , 1864.
OpPOSMIIVAPAIIEIP .1147M111111111 or/1110111
Cho losatolioad ompOt Mori* assikolbOt so.
Ootabbowit Woos of Ifor York. at We oigoakluoal
lrca awl* ou.boolluocum duotro. - Nooks Year,
.114r1 Lhisridan And lot ho,o the atraatogi
,ottoloo4, WU" t bol* Lisa* yea bow
~ K aiDl3ollll, PRESENT
ilietk sun ram awn On Busiiiiii)zob.
Lana, which IN alas orlitt ,tooki book,.
•Antooler sop ootatatribllthore.ptionowl ma
i!aa'act Max tluhanalaataalt are ORAN fa MI ant.
-taillitaantaadant Many , AnAmarlatlaaa et
trobtosampli an .atataa el Enna sad PI gar:
airlber pabtkootooo. tar ow:46UL lb
Kitt looks; all pastas. of Ponta", WON am an
.c:anaia.apran majosai,lataagraijbaibtal_
trvaomoo - voroor. - Vossabor—Voat.- - rroboulhoo
• .-Metrortelltan Out Book Store.
IC • .plw • igen num yeit maul 4 hal ' •/.4
1 thaulato.. Lira Ur Mamas* of nahisi •
_-•. • . • .
v A:l4 zt. an it in .rrr
vita rad' bootthat tea bay. Oar Mei ',DI acrobat
I.G. Boit"' Nut the lm to tags lamb paatham .
In at
es "irzern _srasizlr.
. .
llotograplt 11101tilk tam Beds
_ . . . •
aodvlfMds who Low
14r. ry intansur Pitt" owl s Ott .w a*
m ahoootorylaii furs 14 was to out t wand dd.
or Drerlitivi - 444,041" 1411.1 [coils lay al
Cludcnl:and Commercial lichee!,
Tram BM pa matatar gender M valm Ea M.
maM Haas M Tatka las a. a-WI Ip. .
. , .
• '7161111111021* Olt 702111=f 1AT20105.
I have treat pl.aanno In 1101.1 that Ili. litallstas I.
as sasellar.t Taa.laar., tatantiaar, Clenat sad Nadal.
St* syradalca Warbled ha I. wkally &total. load to
Whka loe brhargaat a.), a law airplaSsain sad Sa. az.
Akar ealbulos a. tat a stoaragas aaaaileatlinaassa
Is allaba am Mall, Iron Ey ova troy/ado. paresis
d pakans nay tally . • .•
-• • - -• • +ALIT. - WittLL.
Wrzt.Ttno. Dna. Axil 11)te, 1.85 C. -, • .
•-•1 lOW maw Xs MU la nu stops stab.;
mica, sal far misend.tion. ' •
• D. EL LAOS?, Wait, Tify g, Holl.
nkeh'ss Le • prolw.l.-ti fo wide ► be it nliartr
- _ OS/MUM a Altia.
fete Us nixie- of ay sept.tvtato• 't%
• pertcr so • ^esdow,- JUJBefi P.O iffall;
111 - , esiot-Ibs 604 Arelsare unto, alms i klur•
•el bad ay sou. JOIN 13. WAILDIN.
T ncXxibek,
Colalidon ffereknat t !intiting /ink
. . .
1.01111 efilikthEES DR IED in inn WITs
• .Ordaint !Um ifte sminetessamo, Pltblearsit nem
hounle rid Ward wM. stembro amd aspokeliann
=j lro Nir./ . : 1 1T 41 1 7 4 0419*** ,*094,
A. 4•11140 flifilesi Primo Whoa, 10* *
arinum 104,_
_lMord Wmic,
Wm— CM, Illtemmil a amo% Jobs L
'Mao* it gall 004,/!.. lammedg a eon,
relit l AMllOOll*
• .•.• wrearr. Ploalootar OorMa4
Lisr!ots'a itoprourl Mood lkosohor. . • '
Hooloodro Genoa Bitten. , . • •
=Bamboo." Port Wino.
AStbr Centralll:: , ! Tug 8.. . • • •
... , • .
" • oOrtir.Ohro Uri
* , 060 =f 4 1 •,.Z1!MT
• H. biiin on bait* man Teri lbe Boon.
- t t : 1„ pi:Aka:too, -
lituaiinst andistbriisting Oils,
crPoa.,l6 LL!(HD 1 [l . ll B lOATA AID MHZ!
. .
swntaatawn sad dialers to *wry yr44~ of
aro -mai zatiiritarr 'Tama%
Omits. mouth
,M Wood olnet.
Ws eel imip•dal Atiestioit So me AUD lIp I
004 .
OREM CIIODZ 01L. ter alzbxlL PdsthlA
SA.; smtk obsarea Mtn binned OIL --midamtast
5 1 11 bas teach 10. •
Oa. !Akira/Mips,
• • 3eo bio..ebrormotge 4 •
1001:zo W . do.,
10 tlia Iwary +wire P..titc;m.
1e litre sod Oarooto et Veit*, Bogie Bold moot.
roll ir. 9A I 011 a DTA
prmanson,* min, • . •
7onattlatibeny Coal and Nat Oink
Clidittft laft HA, Mb* ens 0 4113AC111
suit Bratritra hewn; trhytinn Cllky, •
stintded •
SerWsidann orders rim aptly ewe.
rrntiOTET.g Elgr —tt: 00 bogs Adele j4t,
Marc. ime *rags B.
1.4e..•.4 , • !
.r C 1 ~
Arrival of the Bonita at Bahaia:
ixtraeis item Southern Pfper2.
New Toer Nem..4 - .7=The Grislicial sow
within the last few days thelastness of remit.
b g in the GUY hag groin very MUT.. It Is
• long while shim so largi a number of recralts
were recilved in the same tome of time as dating
the .closing days of last week. It Is anticipated
that the imulaeso will Goat*, Tory Maly du.
Lag Um winterineiths.•
The Binekfisymetilasofs that Oho 1t eek:nett.
whisk arrived at Forties' Noath. on Tilde, with
the captured pirate Thmid brought as ohm agar
/dr: Watson. oar oomsal at Saida. . •
The Herahre says a triode! fliiiarres took place
it Fiat Bash last Batarday. A number of Brit.
bit. and American :Moen ware presiot. The
ono that sweated the most attention wars the
Whitworth and Borden rifles, the latter gauping
off the palm In every sue.
Debiondoel, the Belgian Minister, has the
some dosignatiob, and both diplomats are en.
gaged In pre cations forth. eximnlon.
The Norfolk Old Doaigkoh, of the 10th, says :
This morning eye? 800 deserters came over in •
body from•tbe extreme right of the rebel pc.
Tie Spottswood House in Blehmond was the
matte of it'd:hi, pending last night between a
msiwber Irma Georgia and one from - Vaginia,
the bates maintaining that novae should be
arta, the former that thiy amid not. The
Georgian threatened a division of the Coifed.
army, and said he ,would be upheld by his son
stitnents. '• •
. The Berm adi.Adveaste of the 12th of (Weber
Contains the premedical of the Bermuda sours
in *tease of Zreine and his aseoeistee who esp.
ttGad the lloacoke. Brains produced his com
mission and Isttar of instreetion from the rebel
Secretary.of the Navy, directing him I. make
the capture, and &misstating him as an omen
of the Coifederate navy. = The witnesses testi.
fled te the handwriting and signstam. Mr.
Mallory, Mr. Brace and smatter, were lama ,
diately raleasett. .
New Toe; Nov. -14.—The Raleigh, N. 0.,
Propeat mile: Since the establishment of the
prison at Anderionville, tha, last spring, 12,000
Tankse prisoners have died and been buried
there. The number of prisoners at no time ex.
*aided 40,000. 'Their murmurs marked with a
number, and thirteen:, kepi in the prison
repreienu the name, nalment and State to
which they belonged.
The same paper says: Our forces an tailing
back tram Plymouth to Rainbow and the Roan.
cite river.
Washington, we think, hes boon evacuated
by ear, troops and °annelid by the enemy, but
we bare AO apprehensions of anything in the
slaps of • formidably 'ileum, as the fores of
the 1111•117 is not equal to the tut.:
In tile Babel Congress, on leach Mr. Bpar
sif :La , dieted • mention proposing that
Coignes enact as a war measure, that the priori
sinned for the army by the aommtestoncre of
assessment shall be the prises established for
all Mtisens in the Confederate Btatm, and any
person who shall 'large differently -shall be
deemed guilty of a criminal off e nce. The reason
given for snobs measure Is the nzliorbitamt rates
now obirged by the farmers and dealers in pro.
duo. .
Ki.Toolo, of Tons., pinyon/ to eller a ocespleto
amine, to all dentin teed widdents of et
Confederal* fitiliell'WhO heretofore hare,leacm
beside to the mum, dad arenow willing to take
the affiliation to support the Government. •
lb. 8.11, of de., submitted re regulation to In.
claire lies the ante of Um 'Wenn of many of
ficers from their remained& The 'President
MIMI' the starting wmanaositeat Wet Gar
dena of the army were absent from their post,
and if they had nee La their plan, the MN.
palga la.Georyfie would'aerer hare boon lost.
-Mir. Toot* offend a.resofatfoa, dist the 002Im
imukders, or quartermasters and manzabwaries,
instractstso blithe into the Oditillet et anal
sear*. Ma said that informatioa had some to
bind, marmorooddic*spread oorraWcie shot
•depirtmente theta inarmarked the listory tiny
war betide: l , •:" ••
Illudyidired a resolitlow, that the Mill
eery iiiiminderil beware if the orintostad been
pabibirtheliarememear. and if not, wliy
hir.rootsofferedwreselatioa.thatthe senualt,
ticrnenteriasaters amain whedrsrit n ten
ittiiirsoldlers hare 'been ,uppUid with ennead
asinine tobiaeo.- .• • - . '
•no types- et pm robe Iteesehgs. 'Mar Is
tsenszkable for Us Mat eonboaten s the
in - : .1a
splte of o•3lllldliftip Whbel "ilsisttsto tke ser•
elm .11 Indus sushi letwees seventens sad Itty,
and otter eines nasmtres`natolast by She *s
tatist lostshitlssir
Sr. Lome, Not. H.—information hoe been re
hotted. here that Gen. Canby, whilst ascending
White Rim, AA., on the cutest Cricket. warn
shot by a guerrilla from the the Oth
hat, sad terloulllts If not fatally, wounded Is
the pole, the ballet palates through the body.
The St Joliet Divcal ears that Manta re.
crystal about - Meaty thousand votes to Hanna
end NoOlellea trues hundred.' It lee's* stated
tin t Crawford h elected Governor, sad Clark for
The steamer Darling passed tains on Battu ,
doy ulth 485 balsa of cotton for Cincinnati. and
the 'Mesmer Amigo brought 880 baits to Cairo.
boy. Seymour and Kr. Fenton
Now Yost, Nov. 14.—Tbe Pow's Waahlagtea
.apatlat meal Prowlweat 171011, from New York
a o Imre to tes Up al thiamin North's hist G3O.
r.l racer aid Mr: Ydatoa are among the wit
t twee appramed•
Tea Trwtere Warhiagtent opecialsays: Sher
eharip of Mee bag dooperaigaideance
isdiaatadly tha - lite rimers of the threat
ened bread= of Pannoiltaata and diarrhea
postotorkoli:theititistan Magid
b the cut top to 1111)11/0 and' ceagratalete
aeaccolca to:the 1h:ono.
Th. fact ellette.mary. general torprliaaad rip*,
at to - ereastaread me.* diplamatie ter
m %My thatepoiltleal.eigaidmara. . 1
New.York.Gold Mirka.
Now Ifeer, Irevll4.—Theireid market Is
mds.aty cold sPeettlotba, and no movement
is Mtparetti far althea a tie or tall. , Tab prim,
: armed at 2433 ff , sad sowed* WU, and after .
-;deelislag to 3443 ff notehrded.„ - --
ThaSreeldmarket bite til/man isrlmord boned, ,
:.sad Shin fa a dtiOntrat iMinglStiva tors, lhongh!.
• Operations are Oblidy,stniliad to broken. No:
speeder tante , ,'esolgned for thia movement.'
Thi itreetio stituelly: ; frie 'trots Titlasta. The .
ends ralliold list hamlet.' lerpeelidly the Wrie,4
-74ea41ag,./dloidges illentltirp,.end'dfortli'dffert4
GOTSIIII4OI4 Minas ,1191141111aaery WITS'
ant hlgbar..'Banir stook' sad railroad 'audit.
`.la mining
,eteeltr; she Ohangesf
mend Sar qaleitellveranTH eriposiS
'"The geld market la andtnely &veldt. r specs.
lotion. Transactions are in email atootnte, sad
no movement ie. apparent for either a Tll*-01;
fall, some Mull . * In Saudi amounts. The dant,
aro are generally confident of the permanence
of high Weer for gold. Money is In good sap.
ply and giallo 'easy, and tames la fele demand
om;stoot homes,,whloto le promptly met at 7
per eent, and in tame lntanees whorl thane are
offered bolo* that rata li. &sonata there 1$
more rue, and the tronseetiona la foreign ex.
Oa asp' are light, dhere being no importers de.
mead for Wednemley's ahmater: Petroleum
Staab ate,rtnydall. •
Prone . dbsgs • the= Rebel bangre, le
Him TOM, Nov. lAL—lterelotloni-bere ben
adored lh the rebel ()mignon te,llz the,coloe or
erevtatose (or citizen, by - eomatheleders, tbe
same se b done for the ezinyi and to mat em•
nett, to panne hostile' to the nbeliloa, bre«
tided they willotow supikert
Explosion of the Steamer To 1 11).
IrAgymorexltsY., —lsronosusx vss,
seised• 1511111112.1. ?slip, "'tooted We*
Potomac, ow
down the' Mot, onofig r highttut Minh@ of
life of otzt)4lo MOWRY skit& Oalj ton tics
,secuunteo. tot.
55 to' be„ compena,ited. .
'trim reale, Row. 14:.—"npe Para Wool;tattoo
mail,' soya: The r plositoto to tbo toorofoosottoo
'et iliqhlll,llATO *ln*/ le flif, rGralr
Vltooir abitial **ate, Too, tiskr•a'a4l 10 phi
~abitialo9.lF. -M IL L " •
F.C-i-kt..!: - /, _o44' I
Plymouth was nearly entirely destroyed by
thw during the bombardment or attar the seat
271411robssidi Thiesek/4 Sew be roar
IN "
The Condition of General Canby.
Cattle for Hood's Army
CAM Nov. 73.—The atoms, Luna, from
Now Orifins of She Sth, has wind. Oho dls.
eharpd a thousand barrels of pork at Itsmphts.
aka. reports Alto= transports lying at the
mouth of Whit. Blver..
Otte of the Burgeons who attended Ganaral
Canby, had arrived at Nem*la, and royale ids
wound as very sedans. Me rettovary Is °amid
ered donbtfaL Canby was on the desk of
gunboat when he was shot. The gunboat
mediately pat book; and at last aosoents was
making all speed for Vicksburg.
The steam: Gamins Oa:roll was trod Into at
Rook Island. The gunboats ware shilling the
woods at *MAN' whoa the Luna passed.
The Jana brought errant handed bales a
aottba and one hundred bap of coffee. Two
bandied bales of thiegtoa and the aolree ware
for Cairo, and lb. remainder of the main was
for Eft. Louis.
earrattempts to cross Um filindetippl with
r i om Tema for Hood's . army. hid 'boon
hi:ideated' by rite ,
gunboats. The main herd,
numbering about 3000, strongly Emended, had
erciesed s libmit River.
Col. Farrar, commanding at Vidalia 'tatted
lawmen cf them, but the enemy haste ning his
movement broke camp, and mound their cattle
beyond the rives. 001. Farrar, however, dashed
on, and stoned the road, dispersed the rein tin
der, took sneml might, mules and hones, and
also captured Brig. Eits.lianror.
The rebel flag of trues ruched Poiduah yes
terday, requesting an exchange of °Wean pee.
oners they bad captured on a steamboat. The
request wee refilled.
Ail is quiet.
The New Orlians papers are without news.
Oottot stagnant. Prime auger,
The Omen to-day have long extracts from
the London ropers on the death of John Limit,
artlit for all London Peach.
The North British Merit gives a lief of thirty.
eta oteamers which lett the Olyde dyer, within
nine month' to ma the blockade.
Latest from Hood's Army
ach, /a
WASIEFOTON, Nov. 14 —Gm. Stough and stad
r rived here from the front this forenoon, where
he Sea been engaged for the past ten days in
superintending the taking nn of the railroad.
The Orange and Alexandria R. R. will perhaps
now be abandoned. Cars make regular tripe
only to Warren Mills, sixteen miler from Alex.
Apart from the rebel aunomiosraent that
Rood is marching on Chattanooga, last authen.
tie intalligetioe received here le, that he had
crossed the Tennessee river, bat had not oip.
tared Coosa; and even If he has done se, he wall
probably Ind General Thomas' army or some
other army in his front. At all events, be will
meet with sufficient force to prevent him from
making his point.
No dlepatehes have been received from Gen.
Sherman for severallays put, for the semen
tbat he is now far beyond the means of lame.
Sate oommmication. Within that part of the
ocuntry 1a which ha is now operating he will
dad ample subsistent. end supplies withoat the
tr. able at transportation. thlithne be may
be fez beyond points whets the enemy in fer•
ml della Lumbers Can do his neharm.
• ••
It is not known how long over forme may •no
tinware occupy Atlanta; Thls trill Upend en
eireamstaams, soon to be developed, 'Waver
may ha Shuman's programme. filontlmnen who
or. good Jags, of millumir matters, sattolpate
Clasen' results tofim easnay.
The Annexation of Central Amer
lea to 'Mexico.
A9dINBT gonvg4s,
" I"
Tom, New. 11&OMIT 00Satl
Sit men, from Aopinwsil os the Ilk hoe Mired.
bbil wee inieroyed to this port b 7 the United
+tee maser Grand . dell. pm hinge $lO,OOO
Teo governm e nt at. Chill bsd wilineviedgeni
dial/ sad Perinerbelligereals, end proilelend
..a1 tolontrebsnd at war. sad not to kasonnet
to vessels belonging to either of thus withal.'
The question of the euuszetiee of dentral
Atomic:ate the York= impize le being din
eurseCiunimget she toliticiess. Than is no
robebiliq.howeser,tbet erimideg of As Mad
will is ferried oet i ,es eery VITIO311:1111i la NIP
tail Amnion's oppolei to scab ti movement. '
A moor Mealled to 'the sleet 'that Guta
male sad Weeder Is likely to mike a Mettle
touement easiest Headers& Ausi,rehMaa ie.
vision of Beiveleribrez-hosident Berries, IA
irx6llo4llt: The moors to.. is be without
Thu patsms of thltadjithhhi troop across
the Lamina of. Palmist had _ emus& mush ex -
of :ssuout, but hsd subAttsd.
Rear Admiral Cleave If. Pearson look sow.
mend of the United Sutton fonedron in the Pe
ctic on the 25th nit,
Two Barges Lost at ffea 7 -Bavaral lea
on Board
PERT Mormon, NOT. 10.—The steamer from
Csty Point last evening tonight down -about 20
prisoners. The trlse.stenTer Luoy, laden with
cotton arrived here tart evenirg in rhino et
Frit* new, and tailed for Boston to-day. lima
tow and-screw Ele , dor left, yesterdey. for Bel.
emote, with two bergot is tow. At alzVeloolt
hst evening obey were etrudk by a heavydqvall
w min off Smith's Point, the barge pe#ed from
the steamer and not sines been heard from. "The
ha-ges were heavily laden with railroad limo' men WWII On besid.when they parted.
The eishooner Ella Ogden was n'scin tow, and
boo lamas abovereport. The alwanser Amen
d Winans, and Beimaltede been eat rifler*.
missing beats. A Woo xis . Arad, at noon It.,
dad by ell the men of war in the harbor.
The Secrets 37 of. the Tiealuzy and tit*
uerinaa Lose.
'NM ,Yean, Nov. 11.—The limes hat tho fol.
to • los spOPIII from WashtnVoiti Tho }Secretary
o• thcirearaiy has prepared a “ply tithe oll'ar
of $ loan to as by a Genoa& banker for athon.
eau d mlUlon of dollars. He has tally examined
11 e details of the proposal, and emu:dodos t This
1- to law which would anther's. him to entertain
the proposition, and that question is Qias solely
r the considoratlen of Conant% and netts thst
b , ay will pus a law sanstioning snoh a loan, ha
v. eel - decline aeosptlog lt. He intimates that
the whole matter end seeozepanyincpspoil wilt
be referred to Oongrese npoi the opening of
the tauten, with the reoommandetion that the
so Hoot be favorably considered.
Lokd Illne3s
Nr.swtscrrost, ?Tao. I.4.—The attending phi
siti tti et Lard Lytle' denies thst. , the abetment
of the latter I of • sortous or aLsratlag shares
ter, all bes.beentspreeenfed.
A !gig* nutitberof picitsgeti for the army sr •
Herd at the - Msehiegton Port Otibe, with the
wrappers destrovelwe tits addrets to ma:listed
thst.they cannot-by forwarded. and are, thus
lore fret to the Died Lltter.ollte, t t Is odl
eledy ettgeeet,d that pera2nuomila;.ppkalei,
ilFtin '
on a card the fall addrate sad (oaten it
Securely to the contents of the peel-age JUJUe
the supper, sad thit will Issas prompt
Quit to Admitat Porter's Pleat—Goo..:
Books to' Rot= to - Lottilistoti
New Yost, Nov. 14,—A Warhington
eayei 'Artisan: Beentamllez, with other mg
dab have gone to Port Monroe to vier the lin ,
manse teat assonebbed there under eommand of
Adankel Pyrts.-.. It a by far the largest armada
ever eolleated for atingle expedition .sine* the
mar began. livery vereetboompletely prepared
with the full complainant of men and /anion
beard: How won lb. 'diet will rail it known
only to the Admiral:
The Moods of Gin. Banks sty Ito wlll roftirsi
to Loolsissus, sad shit thou Ls no foanclotioo
for the sosbinot swam osattornlog Was.
Rebel iTifewl. -
Nrw Yuan, Nor; Motu:Low! /tontine/
.of litiday ..uoys: Tim dioputehoo from
Hood . mak& no solution of it fight at Doossur,,
orbloh.tho Yhhhwittging so a victory.
Boatirogard Is MU.llootei winy and will 11 !
natio With it throughout the nampatirs.
rourazto litoasoo, Igor. lA.—Richmond psi
, porolttp upon tboir roadaio the' useastity of
'beteg Troptrod for stortlinipalowcfront Ganglia
jituntion., It iwtfaita, ouldebt from the tone of
thoir oditortals,, "boy aro ithonis in p 4311111-
stbs'ef whialt`thi!priabold.
Attteehment ' , Against General Ba ch.
%if Yeac;Wov. k A. W. sada. bro.
*nu in New (khans, this morning applied
foe and obtained an attachment against General
Bader; in she. awn of .lileo,ooo, ea adman' nt
seising ell their fandaand private sooonnis, and
ggo,ooo In rola IA New Orleans la Ma),
Thep rep defeadaist returned' all bat the eott♦.
which they allege hi emairerted to his ova nee.
Buturenently the Surrogate was Seared
attugyeatit aquanaut of the proper?
~teltitdSse fielleslol4l brethar.
From Ban Francisco.
Via Furrow°, Nor. t 2 towitLor
wib b. lams 4:440 , vtg,1dt• Alithiso.., sad
wtll I. stay for sant» is lima. -
Banks toaripts froaathialattat sat jdottk
as tout asiout to $1,000,000 he tia bat dayu
Ccatrthaticu to tba liaattary Ceaualsolaa
Into mad* at Ow polla-tiaaaglialta Elloaa as Oa
shod.= day.
Circuit Gatti la Viitithi.' • -
Wanummos, Nov. Clitonit Gout of
Viten% ea d is Alexandria to-day, fat the
seoond term dna dm breaking oat of the re
bellion. The deletes limy lengthy, sad acidly
of persona who have been doing baleen with
out taking the legend eath of allegfaun.
Trial of Col. Muth.
Wantonly'. Noy. 14.—The trial . of Clolinsi
North, of the New York Stahl Apse', Marvin
M. Joan and Lori Cohen was rammed
Bersral witnesses wars examined bat nothing
Of 'postal Widest eliedtad."
McV7M7 I T - T' 1 " .. T . F1 11 ,1
Bonn, Nor. 14.—The directors of the def.
folk Bank hare surrendered Its charter, and or
ganise ander the national banking law.
j New York Market.
Dm Van, Nov. 14,-47atton rather mere Mead,. at
p,atfor lilddllap.
/lour—Mae and Washen 6 to 10a totter:. 11141110,96
for Istrafitatri, 1111,10811,30 for Isms B. H. V , sad
s11,8801;16 tbr Trade Brands, the marina Wailing
quiet and arastalleo Armi
Witiaky quiet. at 51,73%411,74 for Wiliam.
/Palms,tabu t . a n itarr a i t ti r d ol vn ist u t, i r b. for Chicago
Bye saute and v ry Ann. at 11,1001,66 for Weirton.
huhu Inner; Canada Wm?, 8 2 , 04 4-6 2 , 04 ,
Cara 1390 better, at 11,1W31,113 Par dined Western In
erns, riming Crone at the motor prim.
Oats So ; 9984651,06 tar Waster:On UM* and
to mein.
Wool firm.
Cot. firm, and nothing of stionsent doing. • .
row mud, and In cm:dusts demand, at 17%6171%c
•he Muscat ado, 2334024310 for Porto Bloc, 'and le*
for Havana
Ito sane firm; NuOrleana.l4/501.25; Parts Mee,
retroleum—Trude active and firm; shim for all of
Boterober ; at 44114 Ea on rho spot, and 1e34847%.
Ptak upend &radially !seer, tint alcs:d more firm
for Mess ; 138,116c439,00 for Mem, $40,62%Mitt,00 for
Nee do, cosh and renniar way, aiming at 410,75 for cash,
ria(dMl,s6 fir Prima, and 1133.54110,00 our Prime Year
also; 750 ChM „Ilse Moss, all for Novambrebuyara•
option, at 94.145.
reef Ann sad in fair demand, at about presto*, prison
India Mon. quiet, at 10c.
Cut Mama quiet end very inn at 1731117 lOr tlknal•
de, and 111.3210 for Rams.
Lard I Other visnier, at 111%6240.
Bath./ strinl7. at 3413380 tor Western, and 621354df0r
Chem unchanged.
144 W York Block and- Money Market.
Inc Tom N0..14,—U0nt77 dead, at ? par rent.
Muth g dull, atlff/%03109% tar gold • -
Gold Amer;
_opening at 5144%, advancing to 040%,,
doclining to Ili% andolreins etsllX.
Goiromment Stocks f.hade firmer. with - Mara d sing.
Stools loan; Nock- 108%; Port Wayne,
105%; Alton and Terre Haut,. bk 111ChIM Sonthern.
75%; Cleveland and Pitraburgh, tOG%; Chi.* and
North Thrum, 45%, do preierred, 84% •, Mariposa...3l
Pacific Meil, 515; nee York 0entra1,12.5%; Aria, 102
Hudson Hirer, 127%; 138%: .chipn Oda
trio, 120, Aston and 'Teen IlauseptetUred,7ll%; Quiet.
silver, WA; Oblo and Michigan Carrillutes, 41; a; '4l
Quietus, WIN: es 6.17 Goevos,lll7%; 10.40 Chapman
96 Treasury 7 .9-IDths, 118; Gas Tear *minutes, 9536
161nont1 es, (N. -
1 he following are the slim aaGallah sr'. Gold closed
Iris, 10134• Hudson ear; 17534; el tr a e . 1 1 1 3 6 4:
Mich:gra. thentmi,, 129 ; Michigan 4.01.111 15; 1 •
nobs, Ventral, 103%; Pittsburgh, 104%,; Olevediand and
Toledo, 114%; Bock Wand, 140%; darth Menem,
45%4 York *.??..1011%;-01do ant 111uAlppl Cordit
e' ; Vinton, my.; Gamut . ..Ma& 51%; gairtallwor,
/hares, Mt Gold. TM% • • •
new York Weekly Bank Statement.
- Nan Yota, Nov. 14.-i.Lomm, tom., gm me
Oprala Clmoletlon dears., 41.142,
Malaita, &cream, 117,Nat,
Platadelptla Market.
PHILL4II.IIIA. Nov. -14.—Oottou buoysat, and nil
enmities siiyhtiy advueedl
Pe return firm, at 413.5n0 far Coda, 87®6&, for 8.-
fin d In Pond, and 653daTa far Pr.
Flour .6..4y, at 010010,50 for Super, and 011311,75
for Parra
ta heat quiet, at 52,04 for Bed, and 69,85 far White
Can Arta ; Talker, 11,80. • .
Oats 6, m, at att.
VELLA; study, at 51,1735,18.
Chicago Market.
Oman°, En. kt.—rloardoll and dadirmil 100.
Wheat dull sad advanced to; 61 wt SS figr No 1;111 SO
al 81%, ler No A.
o,n; firm, et 1177 for Not.
Oat. Ana aad adv.:l.d -
• la hakey adTsocad lc; el 63.61 43X„.
Bogs galot and . Owl* sager.
Hasa active and Arm.
Prowl.lona firm.
Boodpia—rovr, 2,600 bbo; Wheat/ 31,003 bath;
Core. 2,1.60 do; tasta, 49.000 do,
15b1plarils--11our, Mist Wh61.1., 25,(N0 both ;
Coto. 17;000 bets ; Oats, 112,000 do. - - •
Baltimore Market,
Bo moo, ih Nov, 141,—Float duO; Wtelara
11150011 IA • - .
Wheal ora ; galls of Bentham Whits, at E1.6142i.02..
rots, adransbeg ; Mew Waite,
Old $1,75.
A last" quiet, so $1,71/.
RIVES plirszaiasazon,
She elver . oreettantl' "to rod sfesdatttkle Linlya
!viiti ;not air bans h the abstur I taireesehri.
'lto tyse pot hut yleateist'iinterdejt ninarall
'that coa.ilvonnbly dottrel ISM oat Inn iniatneint*
' 7her.llan,been no &retests 'nosh *Dill ideal ate
"Wt mat. witio the euertfon of tte Simi Otitis
.n.ll Zentsellle, and Mt "tit mph !roof mug so%t or'
lothreorttn a *to of: 111064 and fro
01C, f oat %ice/nueif ! Ore both 4u bonito:l
7he Illnerri, far If liettit4 wit 'the holy ileyeato •
. fee Wow.. Thi 'nitt'Advaitin bo i lift he Ott
(thy Laterite-mg NW far
Tne Itteetteite,tosonsausl thy,.
Avast, *IMO Op raga/ for.Clocennettaftil Louie.
e• tie. sat vO.l bene, trines Mermen& rthe
be taloned ab 4tarefeY by the Into N. Pertre. , ' -
See row eteeiterettelrepie-i Cape.- IllnionoveL te ea
;maid to knee fee 2inettelllo Oft Wednesday. lit the
T.m.altp.o, WW. IWO'S tieertehtsg to nen Oiliest,
eat pod p . :patee Amen* Ch;pt;L.ll..
II treillage. le what:l3W to bail f B'. benatitr woo
ing. • Oho eran be foil' etert by- tee Itorthe. Oipt.
ter eon the Itaterentesin.oept. anstren. ,
The Zoos Ors heat ty erameannot Oapt. 0 16;8141,
1. the regular pseteL , to.dey, kerbs
14,4%117a% Inns: '
The et. i.riv [Weed Fatet.lar,
704 liras at .040.01111444411 bedrorel on'hor
at rut nee fezt. sent ed I rryyi q te r 6 uf‘dut*Vot
ewer In tbe rivet 04: fr.Vierlgebte perpeste:
the UPterlflottrtott *lee et ell p givo tad is
ge. 4 . 4 ...101>kh." th• t close of Lose. of Ate de,
elt at 4 Olort.heto
Oka h W
e s adulating illThs way dowo;'abd there
I. b How:era be tinier Tat water le se. elnuntol. ,
Othaeurtrno. Is nreillog gamy, with locating, of
water nasal bootleg porpota.
No Goig the uput there Lone ovrol.n to • ie.
erectable hight:rilirgeeMettot erg 1. rtod Mtn, Pro.
do • mop matetod dews la • few dare. All the
lighter .ehoinat koala Ihn hole been .eigsged fa lb.
etlegbogproi to Oatro, wit( doobtlen p In tin organ
Orr urge iii thslementatkos I. mop, nay that thaa
L..roteroi ,cash to Gan kw the Larva • it, loaded to
tbotrulootst soma,.
The Made left threloomi to. Pittsburgh on Uinta',
Goa lb. non kohl no, Yorktown and 'J &Gilmore
wore advatthud t. toilworn. Gondar,
Tho On trablklott at; Loon for PittGotrgh est grids:.
' The following num as/Venn the Gl-nlat ottChnes
tol Monday . •
•• The Miura' of iter late . oSpislu laut..ll.'Sylogton,
torn thin pirandag,Rroui , aluraddameole the-t7th
dl It vas bring attended byntentstboaAtruteraltg
a a no orsetolly.
Fror.-lorroo, as oldcitissa of Pltteborgh, AIM le
that city, sa-asturday; to thi, loaf of kir ate,
la •
,nsayearoes, Mather qt WI tog Itltio
to rah oh loot olght•gsgoto. • •
The lOUS Arra Ausit IblviniglaSOS
ler .I.h an Organs trip—about 600 ton. off relebt,,and
t or:Tor.
f.. In W. eel " yratoody "4"'."
on ho Irstift 11: 151fe
to 1:14h11. craft; too tong to go ,Meath Os, thus'. Ott.
Wt Lhrt, of the 11...,,., holds forth In the
I hit warrior pocket. lamed, arrival from tha Lower
rmalpyil dii . lwrirday, attar air Wimps of imlor two
rearm. nrtalthilas Ong h tee* owilititlon with thim
rho's/, in sticoratfoily rooming bait ries, mho lim 44 brinht
and himb log am In ••daym of yore." Captain Abotik
low ion ha otalatioh l , nontid f r Wow Orissa direct.
The mewl rime wasblad Captain John A. Williwamon
to n..ait him now masonioiti steamer, LW, Oar and th•
way. et Dar. Wort. m's yard. ton, Sporn& in'. as I.
Tlar God, Gay now_lica nos, Awl of LW.lbir alma;
whore lobe will 5.. " ' '• _
ttabtrtrr /atm rarr, , . f"art. .1 8. sad latarmaltata parts army IILUADAY, at 4'
',Attica p. at. • • - • •
Par traigikaapsmageantir aslant or
JaldEB Oi,GLI*4 AVM:AM .
..12 'Wharf baatleiar arrialcaliabh
, -
'pOli N.i.e3HVILL oi t 'tai ll ike
4.: steamer 4 LIU. itr• ptala '
.IE 0 altbroool, on WI . M nil taotras;
orta ',otos, raoetuos4abor. - , 'r
for tostatit 'apostate 4toolt rad, or to •
Toil -' ' J j ,. ° D. COWIN IV 00D; } IL ' I
A. lOR CAIRO, hiliMPFlld AND I t lEt t i
inefroar, —The las am tr
Amy. T.11417.1T49. Cent Ot./.1, • wort, orr
'TRIO EAT 801.1304 at 4 "bolt p. ot.
ra•reeys_ht or pea...n.7 01 4.110 to •
• artWO it. a ItAtiON. -
• . . wam. .- . _ }ULU*.
J. D.
• _
O in tjT A. . utE LO ur U A L . Fi ci 7T .
u h:3 O 2III . :AM
•111 te•revi nll THU DAY, eh. 15th Lvt.
Tor Dtigla orpaanc...p9l,7 Iteetrd'or to
110' . ' IDES TLAcIiC.
a tr. LOUD..-74. spic.dia
CheiLAraermit will Wm for the above
Intereedlete ports ea WEDMESDAY, the Loth toete.
it It ' •
"lot trltrattaitse; aOPII oo lioer . L Awn
.TS I ta VILLY.-4 iihmtvi i. f atAtiaiitl
ETAT 14611 C. C•pt, 0 N. *mama' wrirror:7
tbrvo en 1 .01111 I) Ire Ulth hut , . •t;4lWebbak p. ilk.
Iroqol.ight a mir .p il y 0 o board. or la
Opp. Sienti• I
Room 5. 95 Fifth Street. '
or mu ruts or ma Licizetuzs.
E 4 II alarkgs Place, Arese rork,
St.. Charles Hotel,
Where he can be consulted mita
Saturday Evening, November 1816.
Discharges from the Ear,
Is induced to make this visit" on acommt.of
numercrus applienticne from parties residing
in Pittsburg h and vicinity...who arcurumble
to come to New York for the indispensable'
persona anualnetion rendered neeelmat7
from the impossibility of prearribing wan
benefit to , the patient without it. .
Da. LIGWIEIiLL WilLreyfait'littebargh at
ttoapi interyalt, accoriong to the repairs
meats: of the patieati ,oath "hie "olsrgiS.
The headsets to Neer York &Naimoli softy
any inteiroptiba from this visit; semis of
the firm ie theie is oonsisat%ttendome.
, 4 • ' • • • rremitaw. P/L, MeV threw
This MU =till that ISV• or. wiser slw awe ht
'nr.•141 . 10r111 Tor tlti 'rant oeoatint4 lad am% air
tay k at los ttaided fir ihriilll4. or work;
II 111 that I rariadwateve b to be webred, lad ha
'so sushi beta/ la mama It to virtue sir if
'eying publicity tO thitirihaw slat rthoutuwaltog Dr.
to hay Ohs dilated with thatirti.
Forsyth arta 411: 1 a. 7f waseratme.
frivelemaarsaasnia. JOlls Sti9
Is *very basiaeso jpsofasellaso_ Weed ta weary
p mimeos of Winos ir 4111,111bara 1111 - ' . alriros'sosto a.
reetelettpd toad—torn' Otie wt.u. bo l d
r &et mon bls Sabo % as a sort E. 'ls nu
stud) spa teestiasat 0• & Mhos oat kr special
dutwi, zaaar,ant, x
of !Aber to Sltts pedants. end . skOlf n Wad
ward of ht. tatudir. Tao ofgartot soles.: piths Trf•
tome, of re:eat date, boa; wltasta to,SlisDa#o:: opto •
ma' to Ott &Tort:neat of etsdkdtse..; Ws grim She
SarsiOnt" '
.'Llina ore DainikelollEstatnefintrishe,, • ged
; Amnon yean of age; bitirthOtospieweenwe to tab
city when he wail ;abed MO E swatiMpliktawaftel. at
, riving bore he to Wes Wilmot lost eh tweriags. Z 1
&swum Wake.
.meet and then dealt, Was now
, keit Tiers *awls a mate, unable to hell , um iou
• Sakai pfbar Ikeda* woril abotit ens sear ass he
woe wabod o y his parents ilk the handset Or. LIGHT.
BILL who by to to. esocloodial in roltortog to hint his
Is t.po wren of besting and'attionnew that nem non
VA" • wit those who tooth to him :dbrlnetty end do
Mrl 4 & tbe l V44 ". ol P ri,._ l 7.
contidstZle pogrom in rowing awl Irithsetla. •
Hsu, mg ban sedtplltEl with the lora &Wawa we kr.
DKr DI waisted ue lfielter, and dleadneren that prat , .
Co. to Wittig on SW Lighthtlfi toe yontWs - case VIM
m a w
hotethis, aid he was Int. tied
rare l o W* .
maw of► Net sad Ihnob , /teptuen:' The laor
dicoc'D. D ,!Pnikwor Ilskas Cbnegs, Iklansotadie
11l publbheil tenths Ids gratitude to Dr.
fir treatingswesiesfutly hit ones at dee/Pow fine
PM. EL Jew•ll, Pedalo) or the ;Mate Eine•s.l lobed)'et Items; also *Waist% liVelninswe owed Illreaterith.
Dr. Lfihtbill lowerew other tostrenlate And tribnaie
- to livivilrit Iwo
some of the "Wlllittlilwe awl most+
"midis= and respected oilinewO , Eihldionay le Iwo
an eppllestion. 1.1 would, be dialtnalt Po @pedal illwatir
hot Pro. of pnfiwaf tratfilswAinilbs face of these
many pedeawhd fastsiestlfring to Misuser". -
Pram .Ref. Fie 0 . 4.5. kSwell . Prokiloi Of
IN, - Kato, Nonni School, Albion! raw
:wt.*, .0
Do. Stu: !War tots of Muth I sent mot eon.
fa! ttatment of to 7 mop, Its fir trottamot.-sty
Who. to lobtatt r,IMtIa Ituit ,dfroaltsit, at mart to
lon ! bg t tMa t t• e a ki# b "redia '
lbsi,beef - a 1 ---. l"4l,,il4Whiter ad the ,www. tab
' to POW parbainalattecks of Catarrh. Waged by
ttroar Ibralbisayannoms. vioient • torlsammileat of ilk
Bo grumbpanur the mbar of Mantra. conampoo.
and lo the dui Pam, ho • wailer,. dkoutuutrde Ape
narenobniquitab beacuagmtedeedmillornadturind
ode &loot ine masa. paralead sat •dir,. urat.
twice product!! a al o
t Mairocut tune' fill io .hi d skabal
- awniutiaktOraselb. day aft
Mamm to tbroeleukiumatalmas Pu4riolastat learifed
eapulltattnadtrofbaalosta and undno In. bt my bed.
alliburibmakladintintlionauton miald eland
_them oplaraduckg motors ; or to the , thro•t. owe. •
11011104 boom:pan miltyfarlhal .o f _,
_ rola"' and tabs !
Ittda thO Trued yams it Paa Oa &MAW 411.111‘ loft eye!
u s 1100201111110. farmed; Pia darkened room
1 , 11•441 bed lendialaas red= ayoUrationa at auks
kind., mkt and Oder caturbal pripatatioss Of dame'
halfadoom Malt latlanalbe to the MUM autyaot,
yhapr sad hat lomulatione of didoraml Madan mita)
anmanfon wftle - tatoo Ihrteseara nwolea or catboat's'
Ifhtiffrof fo Whoa am 12144 WPM. Vol are of Moe
aed yualieid any Than itaprelesintoind . Mau'
kw(Massa le want bassapasi wen allonfad It
'wet thik rapsmie• tot mf - maoh attuned se to lone ma •
putts arlimmtod. MOO dun otroveNtateee ofu
Ind'„&bulb wits Mamma* from the toyporal Imam
Many of the diming, taints antorof Mrartreatmeat.!
1 fUrad• .0013 berlSoriminqs, hofgrairakupg ttui
Parma ea p had neverhielniebobet bean, mad amt
snag it, symptoms ao as event which I bed lopytinV
imputable. fibito Pair I diuposity farmer autHN
amo, white I did not PM mould of • Flu y.
be•,,,rbtaked • mabarlial todet riPposid me
far yWU of you trestount; and oda tistahaded nto
that tool inutawai - pu enentoikerra hpee amylo
ead tutaiantlatumoo wom audit
animas at murk tor the._ sapasadiated -pond of
hurty has a yam and Viable enact ohms mono!
mama of Mem witch Putt bare torreerly' reodiud
tech an atieditnivatable. pa*, la me, proof of an
pollen ItIODOSIL -. 1. new dr moa', Mau
mot pm tb.t afaMmotay. and, wadi It, ta, mutual ,
sat to' Spur tanta oftdintlYV and fa' ebb , ' dolma
before the ouldla.U. tutu .me-a matter of p
e e
India to '7054.114rad to'/Mdwbd may tarost
1 was, to odd thallat. wool Oat, *chili falba
sa to it. utility aad efflo.ey of year method et trunad
comb ae L gnu afa montba um. bat / ant sow ot the
'kW thartr - Porwtrtundittat Ina ono kir efroult
eaforrh ha my ram auhrtaatlatannifik tfaM Ilklediada
TOM% misconally.
rairnisioa a, 111/It& , taunt, 1%, depi. 4 nu.
/Usury, 15tly
Do Ds. tututruttt t t with itm mot tatittouo
llos tbot communicate to Tod the ott.oto of Ultimo*
obtat you gave trot, ou a 1 oroltrailua to pm for dub*
11,. tuuttLit I 164oved your dlrootlmut, moll an too
Ist Ike SAO
ta date at now go Cot neo v•red atter
far witll*Mor that! strip felt 01t0.,00141.1 thou Of
moll Iwo Aid not turd to mood forte's.'
torrtwol, sit &Grobit onotoutty 111 110 ‘141
I should out betltuto W s..* moult who tt mslll
: 10664 k I " 1. Mlikirl,tio.,-.,' • ' !
is " - - 0 ,0 01 17 .40 1 6 4
satalslltat, the braU nisothal MOS or
the, of tha soda.. Tbs anal/la masa bola Si
, ,
*Mos ilaostoSW molds atiat of stoltori.
. r oti iki ss i woods ; thOstostalsoo of walsoara,
or .ad ssolassotooatatst of tha areal
Hoscootblo bcolaina asoltotes Cketaalagol ;as
plo apottOom Re Ms mks as to whath Soy an
talatod—st op ht tho offalwaty sat polkas—
sad prepared of Isralitatt mkt's Jliallows woe
'IS, pow titl p gsits Ma
(T i rt ' lTratrf l a ßum.
ao corto s o saltsainal a
Moods—as tojoas WM she em llatir as Mary
ono ettoplo—su always Maw what to taks, and how to
Solt. Its an sossaloadys en 9. 8 Foliar
Sags Mb at a latossatt waralts without sataitoa
or 41 a 1 7. no/ au aids* la Sows& of otos
Mass to .mead oaaa sad the istootaarod wlt
oat ortettalkw or dolor.
• --
• DLL—Cars nos Oragaithat rd hatlandlolll
Est. PS sat Besitass; sa So itest Sass Ss
sto sal lalbazukai dlatossa l
Zoloo. Oa math of
Eck 1-oarasionos row. Worm Gallo sad UPS's
assents. Y.tNad ths BS dos, SS seata
No, S.-Cares Colas UMW .s, Wag ma macaw'
ark 19a. Wiwi& sad fosbiaseas al latsals. Pass
No. 4—Clena Mania% et Chrldrnfe Advil% ages
lataniva sad &maw OompWm. Pries 36 omit.
Nos. sad 6 ears Ibaaaasaa.last CbsoaleDl6ahad,
ata 6—Oarso pyiatdry et .13:13edy Ras. 16d30. New
phip. Ulan 0463. NI lm. nice 66 ad,
PIA T—Cons Ong66. Gob% Nandurd, Nanteidli,
lams mad Bus Timm& Mos ilasidd.
Ws sad .11o.larm OM 63 Dais Ws mai
sailkreem Odd idiN
s—earts toeth4alm ra*.f.obs.3erivesise
nd as
Dolmas. Pamir 86 as. .
Lo alieestion r .dth isw , pewestotoice.vie
Ha 10—ctsve Dom(la, West, Add de
litatzia, &moth*lca, LIM lAndidd id• at i =
Ooixdflica. Pefd 1111 oasts.'
11—Clow lame Asemsoriloaatr, ar
Ad, a Ddsq. Ewa Ilkikness. a asais.
Vo. 11—Clores Lwoorattlii or Whitey Demise nova.
tot Proftse Maass. 85 mos.
No.U—OarisGraup. Emig Oman =Soh
and Oppamed r,.. • . WS amts.
14—Com namii,Crolylltayttes.
..142, !all Mad. Barbses' 7.2 th. Mgt.' on tie taair
, .
No. ILE—Ocree Ihroantlas. Pake,,Lsonasi. or Danu
lamb Oa WNW. Doak. Bido,at Llabsox
a onto.
01—Ocurs PUsr. Wend Q.0100041111a1 at
col. Rwmat er Obwftabo. 00 cast&
This rowdy bag ons": 7 aocualts of the watt pad
o. OrataabikArOk
M hissiami 74i
or a 14.1blet Min Wert gar lt Wffiet.
It way alma totalitt upon SFr • cram • •
No. la—gar Ostemeh, war ae daoniy der orb
lag, Odd V thn Bud. Inflamer. 60 auto.
No. N—Oaros Whosytoir Ocqoi.
tubs ft, or *mono Closigh. 00 oafs., - 7
It fo btollTh*Mid Mimi Mims aall cam
No. 51-oano 41014000040tromamiNoon. Waal
1=0:011 01 sopmantaa. res% se di.
ban bins mod Or
SIHNIM 110 MIS, Sologolli 4 ing ham .
throdigiing Old Moon. g 0 oust& . • -
no. li-01111,11 01114111111DeblIkly, Ptigibiltt &non
Wookson. Of non.
• Ito. SO—On no Noon, Mold isennointogo, Toskit
ongbigo. vO Butt tbionolon. GO mi._ r
Ha o—Go.oo grootronny Victim
Roma. Tomlin& AM:non.
So.ll—Oono Ratonignotowl. OnnotAin Cldooß
gligngt or Ponigilhisollos. it 0111 ill. 1. •
BMW oil ski nor of Nklary doom
. Ha ll—ifve gontaot Rallookno. Loniggin i gt .
oluzgos oatt Proof:nano 11i '
Titincet annuli sooly knowitAng SI Pond
No. glit.4loion {Dinh en
Riga d Mats Cldblonient ill =ion ClSl Zl
' Pandlloor og ingunt Rungs. P lona *. -
Owns it woo._
or Brut ProLtd,ltoßtog, on{ lIRoo of swain
U son do • ensta.r
No. gl,thsrio lhateftg of dinger{ Rik laoralat.
tuailziuti.r of dot, Poligoor, mai ima Fignagoof
Ma; ftliqg -
/ mono or in. Yltng Rona 1 on
o.ll4—Ocin sad deorstoll Igalgasat
ill Kai featly ' * a a. ,
9 .vllU Wan, se
Waal case, ^ X 00 •
111 CIO
, t Thl Physigasi 44 40
' ' ibliammigeraz =NMI=
:14=aN•1011111.1. low,
gaup/a Aloft 1761•114
yaw slam .
* but anwthe SW. Op • lie, sribillioisiss
*ow obtookpi tualummitimiim
amp. Ivy ••• tug edam. EN Mr swabs VI
ilbq 00f0m01 l• Ira Or 0118•4 t.. WO•41/4
- it. runes -
Intik !elm%
D264 , 6._)*ceND.
MOM* ea *Mfr.
Tax przw. HMS •or
cocoisAnm intKu4
Vol taxi= Damson /um assuninnema
L A ZE...
•It sodas sad ells the kalripodl gler II • imeraino
*ay wlddill mails etc dart gin Wag 11..
.01X;CIANDY (rani
t. • '0•1111021111111111IIII111.
, iimp
_sritll* priummit lie tefiissi
yid& sommilittlasoau km!" pat is. 7
. , . • ..,); r.• 7
• • •
, r•
•Andisttataltosi,Rit ilt t
tAte lne alba - .
Gnat . evtii~#rwn
• ,•I.lzr e• • J. " •
• , enties - fimmod
Tat Diestag sad AR Ur
Mat Muds( tad Meg Ike iparlreat o ,
salt 9litig ett, arsatilDs.:
11m~f r ~i ,:~„ t
1. - 1 L
. .
r • "
• . .
, .
nkuTioik4an- NOVEMBE3 lb&
leite, I leveheed beimJ. N. MUMMY. MM‘e
oho imereekesene
Lbidisyr's Itutnet.MOodiltruoiter'
4•4 ha,. i n k amtholid4
taloa n% f Yia% Not ON NN, IN 14114
INN M woo met tottho botnips stiC
,Nkasl4 s wallow
WV ;Wit.llbo Nara el '
•11%., Rat r,;.
'9~ ~ 4a~x ,~~c.~:~:
4T `CONCEIT LW; 81101 101 04; - ,,. ,- s
NO II Ifni- s: T.
THE :forms
GOODS ORDURE THAN 811 1 91111 *
THE WAlt !
07 q
0l num moat approval
BTILH AID lute, ,
.adapted to Use Aranft of ilg4
915 Federal It, Allegheny Ofil6 :
r. E—rns soft sermeserin CNN : ', 444e
JAMBS 8988, _
89 Market Street.
&ILIA ram nen _
TEI imam mina%
sail tbs lOW WWII,.
of say home Ira 16.
- e ; 110011!...iNDA113110 ', ',.i
_,..__. - ,
Zs Jur just rel 2 a magaillesert liarTr num" ''
Try Idris.
TIWEITAIt W4)ltlr. I • : • •
are: smasiiio sr
-_ 020. ILLBBiZ, 110111 ace;
so. os WOOD slams. --•
_ Bola' and Totli's Iriefatear OibN lim
.Chndzione Goat sod 1111lior.
weft see suid•los air sal Igo
iqatird incqualled cvCos, vat. -
Ladle , lt and
ar•jt awe.. .
M BOAANDIL 118 Mgaimii^
nAf ' twee door true
, .
Ai my sow neiiifgieri ew iallikocklest
41 40 14 o Pg, a
; -5 ;'•
!dat i itlCOlVOttrirtl*VGGETC
` V ' ' • •
! •
:Ffisitiatea es tow nibs
114 ..AP5 6 VrAM .
; V il .P i k:"VIC.:. •
szarirnivaraicar,Rvw,-, ; :.
!WWI •• • •
~,, .414:
MO" l a nfil VRe•
o. ivies hem
vim are ft us ta ammo am
others cessilkso4:"
re ULM _ .
'Pair - 6-1404trg- inIXTO4:I3
aamme- war awlkallk6lialiCit-.1111.11
"LM '
Thatlig rm.; !! tr• t. I
noiraveriost vane
118 " 1111 CI 0 I4 11 !" 1-1/ .. 142 ,
WIVIOVnita 4.4344.#4046t4
0 1 " 43111 Nri Nom
mums c itax ”.•
DALIAN Is weium&AA. •
asso, Axtbse,W
d r .U . 1 ". •V• 1 44%
DI &(., -
Da AtinußD '
dosika rat = d aesedir tot Dlarage& • "-.
Dill=thißes4.llB marketed IIAINIAADA , AD I / 4 --
n/ Dcw .r. , GleducD.44 6 /DINIDI!.I4
wrietcurAzom-nratzsium ,
Om . ..14.t 111.t001-aal.
Plies. usailsiat ..R.4 am ofillor a pone.
wat mkt
11 aft ft 4freeDy: ,fa inmost to '
Xve 010. DOM SANS
low* w•.N, ^, •
. . , . •_ - • • . •
Dyspepsia; lterifoliguesa,:-_11e1111111'• •
silliondunira -
xwo on 1101 f tboie suratit hike
pDtwrimgitution D=ltyprolisersi '
- vow usa; l o Ufa alkule.vat
table 114 Alia' Odious .itrunig .11
ono am spitair
is 'oil IClrilarr 514
A. trik.t . LAD. reaktbet=relt •
ails', bp wa: max. terni.k
lull ••• Irmo' dip., sod 1.1. ...MUM 101
- *64 Ofd Ilasoed PlDiberall
4 Ri•oresita,,, , roma *sic guidst.g• •
Oats Weir Tairitimiiio Lear.
4 4 'W.iso: n. IL, 111146;
' tontei.U. Ltatent.Pot.MTV'
IMI DOZEN:DRAMS% tisucsit t eeriA
A te .wl" ftitirrenorivera Pl*
' 4 . 4 lwitmostie
.. .10,004031bilive
V 1 A 1 . 4 *4 49,411 • s ., , •
•L 3 f 1i 4 7 • " `.