*krluti , ft,_ 'rum(' UOutimitr:334Witi U 1814.' _ lifeeek WOO. dlatsa A..,llitts: ~ ~' < Oa. amen A. late, of "the Cavalry . Ilmnaw' Matadi& et *insidious; to Wroldalto 4th nerbertlay sionlog tan, whet ha • ' Sollowfas Mid tat amtelleat *melt, w . as loudly appluded t . . .. ii • /Willi' Ctrilnali i Yea 'iOi will plamoser trladyseeta fir this eemplisisat. It •••• • ito oes-yea radar nob sant& iressonsirmi.:., Wes have paned through •• T zsittarvollltday;:eatare, aad - mi men thi rs lN 141171 as tos crir t i r k y, sad lu l=le • • 'Man. Is . atry ashisemi by the braes as t forme of ahrt liana, from Me Lakin a or* Dealtseirtella wsptarWof Miriam. ,/a ao for ambit wrier*, lawns at/plain sat &Wetly inlet, Os -rte me Gram oaeallan. vets they.. beats dlettusia ant so Ourroemble &snood; sat the imam, , har, by a Ton at... t obseimets, teamed la favor of thurgled..- frsl, nnt , Mulls. paidoles, saandstad be' the Varreallea - whist, animals& 'et"Bslii M" llbirinellel of tie ample has bees raft. M:' I% mitten has desdared Its soatasamse AbnameLlisela with what santestain yea aloe beirentswas. • : ' • • • t i., ', fame item. to ciguotido;t oto la slugs that. Saint- be minas bead that de. retolltos shall be war dawn; end that libestyshatrnli - Am smiles, sos . . ',..lta ktioatasita saii Ina!, throtslitot i Int. Yoosseirsera to freedom. •- . , . five weint, Mead, man to toles?;jai . Eajalio sad. tkaalkagtvilig lila botturiltlneagti 'et as latiVialth will .b• take* up by Gust ladies& bbirenapentats; Joha Brialit sad as , dm of hamlets, threaginat the aMlonslhh.e of Rattles, siAl stortans *mastoid lb. world. A ' L . kazgrafthithiti= apes this sespleiou . 111111 4 Irldia bis , will steak la polisV d pbramr, tad wonder that, la the oohs of a re•- • i lelitom if ,reolt treseadom tanotitads, a Tinny so psassfal, so 'mead sad tnistve should is left baidstod - by - ths ballots ore fres' nit hall: 1 4 1 1110oleyle, stiti sot swum flit 'stoat lope anima tag may_oconlaus to la trims • sad alnymporopriatelyballiag It withths lean-. Wattlel4 - wf lb. poet.- • , • •*- -•••'• '.. ',Fonairtois Ass stamindriant ~.' •,. . - •,' • :hurl ilrbiii bongos lb. fooling Ws Nam inl • : toshist *Ws berth war 114,, , . . . ami k eimineil burr wavptg On a'," - . - E 7" ......- - 74Lazetstion at the , Tlisatno —.. 7".. _.!..,_,. . Thls , Osoi - of , samassient• punted s rood 2 g 'attain - aid aallasted sans Lit wroth& soon • o r= the isazdpaed the int appearsaai iit lfr.2lla, , 4 Ism Boolsaug hi enfant odor, sad his • l'aeoo=teildaaahter • Mu VfiTtolo Boaolum• The of ..Loadoa Asseraneo" was rendered • la XllOl4 akeillial IQ* sad ass witzsessd by ai ••• , reeyiargesadblabfyfiellonablsazdtiaza• i Yr. •• Beidisass - and IQ fah &Ohba sad* a - very . . farreisblitispultoa Rpm their ant appeannos. . o and folly wastslaid the .high reputation, whist g prandial Om. They appear this imadag, la 1 • • the peas tragedy of llsobeth, sad of ORM i. . ' the leapeallt be Els& Bagrestlae been iltir ••-'•• , Buhr assellested to 'sae thus theatrical. ale. . •• brilfsidesanileara• from Ole pane cad sues thrs•Trornuer, hit. gotl7 Orerbsgtatg) that ale • ready Nate hays toes, engaged forivary inn."ya illgoinfiggths auk. Tim who hand to rail .• .1 the Thsatre daring theft Onilo.lBl_ add *VA clonal* Wards., erealad. *W aft .to their 0 ova waled by esiaglag their ftiQ daring ths •: li day sttho hoz dia. , . 1 :-. •, . ~ Israwdy Tatid. Yostufay aftonooa, apoi t4o of the !hut, Mt. Swartz,*ldiot' delivered 'sa arsrasowaS for dm dofoui, aid was tolla‘ad by'D4lidot - AttdraorX4rkpatriok; who elohd cam.' Xlso apooolk of kr. Shicpstrtok ortur of Ideboadikets,, sad war dollvarod In Ids wad krallsatZaad olio diva igM.. 'Jo ftor Stows, is eltatigoig Oa giro a Tory ozpoddon of sbo satuseof srudsw fa Ur mins dogma. Afroidolirosissaufolarimblo Boner intimated that Nie Matt -tor-half-y .hoar to. nest if AMU' it-Aras :lirf .11141111•44 •of 3ia Jury ` sgriebutipos %IWO* bat 'at thiszpiratlas of the Mu fluky Gild dews word that the, had tot . soul, ?ha Owort.tbsa sastft:tlabr rostilag it , • • i li WuwatTlat•hrac2 3l Dhitact: ,Toqutriki4'64Bll win is mad* , Mow biii&friairiebt vadei thi sairittutft9; 1864, for 146,690 -4446,,1nt5ig Eason, tossehip, I.ll;stasy Ikr“. I - 6 " " 16' 24' 13402r_ " 1 2 W 421444 • Ohatt•l4 " - !!--; . 11 4 '• e5t41624.:4.. *"- ••• - losehialz::?2 00- ;' ,,,-4 g - • . 4. -At. • ":_2` • Mime IT eye PIIIIIIIIII'S ;111,1071111101,... ThCioutingAttestedteteethis 'ofikeTtoratemee .roielsolei.nonlS' eV ITesier, mein," la _ ; the "Meese* ef tie Prieuiii'.l6;ll.. Ntalkbp*Aseamihid ter the "The tallith . '" of the Wigton of tbs . 's:l none , . loolVere, ris leottall; afornood .11eassaas Irwin amid lht.:MSpialka sis • sientbeent the Muldoon*, whloh , nos :sad and 6 =telas sktatthet ballsets, theAssoe.- o:lllllllWillitsettshilleatioy 0111144g1114.. ' 11 - tft•ormalimlow ssasmi of - Oit NAN India otolageguir, tromp of Ohldnehlonot •Suto of liesttly inks Rpeathabiliery engem The tippeecoacsSf the elt,torthicitio art* snot eienetah theosadttton Of Aar Sian' , eminently" If :the detaaterasaa of adierges Sao bees of lane otnettet.' It is' metlai of amazon elterritiontheOWeotarlast Sconboos i n warp- liela:maustassases lbs marks et their postdates, from tho almost sal. Tarsal afoot el st billow climate ppm the Mir, • sad ilkooneltiotirorgoe ipso the conaptorten. ihneigtan *ad Milldam deeleri: Ilona* areatis aboatte-noramsnai oliferrotios of -e now Iresite adati Wheeling. -The - bunchy are to ,he !maw worraird plastered. The building wlll I. 4std out to *polar fort style apas sabre acre lot, sad no actstalshmsat win be caramaaded &fed dicer. TEe larpliks will be capable of 4Bootautodiitlag one obeinsai - 21(aoldid • of nockereetten of the banding is to-Jtesii tot. dun obeli to b mistimed ear, so, that most of - the raw tarp balsam heretofore dole lellniSh/4 lag wilt he Mannered *Wee battle Azzotoste Cott oec--liese Yon Vite lowing hi the bone echo A„imitrou - solinly : Lts«la,. •• 3.165 soar . L',Listeotit's *sleety:— .. . - • . : majority br"Oirotar 0Wa;:p15:.:H:..... , - 72p0 we st' absent jilt mom liptdol , lattd% dlnetios;l6 liftb miens. Whoa It to be sploaLtdpoottomi of Boots, Btost and Gums if dimity dionzipthinlor Lunn; Goats and Ckildron'anrmr;abq ditltieli Dry Good*. Bloo toto,"lassik, Balmoral Old:to; trawls, Hosiery, eirweeilinitikariblefe; Ad. , •81410114a1 'prima , Ws daring the *num day., , wad licu,Aird . 'Vaal /if 410 11 4 ft?r hawfahowf tho vas sontootid trim CM &Muir: "iittgrAttlit IlagatznalMaa-litallagaglng. ga hide Jut, loft Y 4 lastlanot • tido tab 11401 d. Us otm fm.. foadftai7, lad swayed till Simarday mo aloe -what death mama him of his coffdinf. :f Sul ill tam IfourratrLacy Brown alias eanstt, sib° was a sessoi ea Saturday on a; ckstrise of tka„laresay at classing and „ftw tiry from tha lavas of Mt. Oman at Voshookes, P/ai lad ocilla•d fa aka watch haus? Swims alai dimly olok sssiatilatisial klaraissso4 to Pass.l. atraat'a Bospital. . • - teseeer.—Tisteddafafteraoea, Kra Bonatti r. 4111111 of Ilotorwo. unship, wu ansifocf . aid takes beim, litejor Alexander, Of Allsgbai. • zy, OR a ,chere• pteletted lky at . noigtuot t . volgotableo Aut. The seldom! •-ssalset - - bar • seeeettne unchain, the hioyel laid her to balite tamer the alsszre at Court. Tnn illadoolan Lois& troporkr on Idiom' iy earaot, sooner of latrawborry Wiry. wOl. 01'114 - to-atjtat.pooltOolt by.ordor or Orpixana' Conn, Wliwidno's auction roolas.Plrat attest, 1 4 co. Ciaaiin'a Vaal Thbngtatentofono Adindind d.p aim him boon nitationid Glint „airflow:mg all atm oonipaiatoo paid 'air 'swot two. . rotap!kh." th• t close of Lose. of Ate de, elt at 4 Olort.heto • Oka h W e s adulating illThs way dowo;'abd there I. b How:era be tinier Tat water le se. elnuntol. , Othaeurtrno. Is nreillog gamy, with locating, of water nasal bootleg porpota. No Goig the uput there Lone ovrol.n to • ie. erectable hight:rilirgeeMettot erg 1. rtod Mtn, Pro. do • mop matetod dews la • few dare. All the lighter .ehoinat koala Ihn hole been .eigsged fa lb. etlegbogproi to Oatro, wit( doobtlen p In tin organ Orr urge iii thslementatkos I. mop, nay that thaa L..roteroi ,cash to Gan kw the Larva • it, loaded to tbotrulootst soma,. The Made left threloomi to. Pittsburgh on Uinta', Goa lb. non kohl no, Yorktown and 'J &Gilmore wore advatthud t. toilworn. Gondar, Tho On trablklott at; Loon for PittGotrgh est grids:. ' The following num as/Venn the Gl-nlat ottChnes tol Monday . • •• The Miura' of iter late . oSpislu laut..ll.'Sylogton, torn thin pirandag,Rroui , aluraddameole the-t7th dl It vas bring attended byntentstboaAtruteraltg a a no orsetolly. Fror.-lorroo, as oldcitissa of Pltteborgh, AIM le that city, sa-asturday; to thi, loaf of kir ate, la • ,nsayearoes, Mather qt WI tog Itltio to rah oh loot olght•gsgoto. • • The lOUS Arra Ausit IblviniglaSOS ler .I.h an Organs trip—about 600 ton. off relebt,,and tie t or:Tor. gdrad f.. In W. eel " yratoody "4"'." on ho Irstift 11: 151fe to to 1:14h11. craft; too tong to go ,Meath Os, thus'. Ott. Wt Lhrt, of the 11...,,., holds forth In the (COL I hit warrior pocket. lamed, arrival from tha Lower rmalpyil dii . lwrirday, attar air Wimps of imlor two rearm. nrtalthilas Ong h tee* owilititlon with thim rho's/, in sticoratfoily rooming bait ries, mho lim 44 brinht and himb log am In ••daym of yore." Captain Abotik low ion ha otalatioh l , nontid f r Wow Orissa direct. The mewl rime wasblad Captain John A. Williwamon to n..ait him now masonioiti steamer, LW, Oar and th• way. et Dar. Wort. m's yard. ton, Sporn& in'. as I. Tlar God, Gay now_lica nos, I.hm Awl of LW.lbir alma; whore lobe will 5.. " ' '• _ STE.flftB MATS &AMA It (4 ALLTPOLIek AND li PORT3I.IOIMI PVIKET.-11e Cm, ttabtrtrr /atm rarr, , . f"art. .1 8. tarab.na sad latarmaltata parts army IILUADAY, at 4' ',Attica p. at. • • - • • Par traigikaapsmageantir aslant or JaldEB Oi,GLI*4 AVM:AM . ..12 'Wharf baatleiar arrialcaliabh , - 'pOli N.i.e3HVILL oi t 'tai ll ike 4.: steamer 4 LIU. itr• ptala ' .IE 0 altbroool, on WI . M nil taotras; orta ',otos, raoetuos4abor. - , 'r for tostatit 'apostate 4toolt rad, or to • Toil -' ' J j ,. ° D. COWIN IV 00D; } IL ' I 1 A. lOR CAIRO, hiliMPFlld AND I t lEt t i inefroar,..e.se —The las am tr Amy. T.11417.1T49. Cent Ot./.1, • wort, orr 'TRIO EAT 801.1304 at 4 "bolt p. ot. ra•reeys_ht or pea...n.7 01 4.110 to • • artWO it. a ItAtiON. - • . . wam. .- . _ }ULU*. J. D. DOLL. • _ 1? O in tjT A. . utE LO ur U A L . Fi ci 7T . u h:3 O 2III . :AM •111 te•revi nll THU DAY, eh. 15th Lvt. Tor Dtigla orpaanc...p9l,7 Iteetrd'or to J. D. OOLLINGWOOD, , 110' . ' IDES TLAcIiC. VOX tGVANSVitiit,'OALRO iN a tr. LOUD..-74. spic.dia CheiLAraermit will Wm for the above Intereedlete ports ea WEDMESDAY, the Loth toete. it It ' • "lot trltrattaitse; aOPII oo lioer . L Awn FCINCINV.OI ANDl:Ottier e k .TS I ta VILLY.-4 iihmtvi i. f atAtiaiitl ETAT 14611 C. C•pt, 0 N. *mama' wrirror:7 tbrvo en 1 .01111 I) Ire Ulth hut , . •t;4lWebbak p. ilk. Iroqol.ight a mir .p il y 0 o board. or la Opp. Sienti• I BMW MESHES AND SURAIINGI Room 5. 95 Fifth Street. ' VN:w JffED/CAL. DR. LKERTMII.I,-- or mu ruts or ma Licizetuzs. E 4 II alarkgs Place, Arese rork, IS 80W IN PITTSBURGH, &NE WALL BI AI AZ THE St.. Charles Hotel, Where he can be consulted mita Saturday Evening, November 1816. pEAFNERS, CATARRH, Discharges from the Ear, NOISES IN THE HEAD. AHD,/LL ma TAIIOIII *COTE IN/ CARDIN DMUS EAR AND THROAT. DE. LIGHTIULL Is induced to make this visit" on acommt.of numercrus applienticne from parties residing in Pittsburg h and vicinity...who arcurumble to come to New York for the indispensable' persona anualnetion rendered neeelmat7 from the impossibility of prearribing wan benefit to , the patient without it. . Da. LIGWIEIiLL WilLreyfait'littebargh at ttoapi interyalt, accoriong to the repairs meats: of the patieati ,oath "hie "olsrgiS. The headsets to Neer York &Naimoli softy any inteiroptiba from this visit; semis of the firm ie theie is oonsisat%ttendome. tMil7Mol!titii. , 4 • ' • • • rremitaw. P/L, MeV threw This MU =till that ISV• or. wiser slw awe ht 'nr.•141 . 10r111 Tor tlti 'rant oeoatint4 lad am% air tay k at los ttaided fir ihriilll4. or work; II 111 that I rariadwateve b to be webred, lad ha 'so sushi beta/ la mama It to virtue sir if 'eying publicity tO thitirihaw slat rthoutuwaltog Dr. to hay Ohs dilated with thatirti. JAOO/3 Forsyth arta 411: 1 a. 7f waseratme. frivelemaarsaasnia. JOlls Sti9 • Is *very basiaeso jpsofasellaso_ Weed ta weary p mimeos of Winos ir 4111,111bara 1111 - ' . alriros'sosto a. reetelettpd toad—torn' Otie wt.u. bo l d r &et mon bls Sabo % as a sort E. 'ls nu stud) spa teestiasat 0• & Mhos oat kr special dutwi, zaaar,ant, x tesitholoaltional.vodottetteala.-}firhaSair of !Aber to Sltts pedants. end . skOlf n Wad ward of ht. tatudir. Tao ofgartot soles.: piths Trf• tome, of re:eat date, boa; wltasta to,SlisDa#o:: opto • ma' to Ott &Tort:neat of etsdkdtse..; Ws grim She SarsiOnt" ' .'Llina ore DainikelollEstatnefintrishe,, • ged ; Amnon yean of age; bitirthOtospieweenwe to tab city when he wail ;abed MO E swatiMpliktawaftel. at , riving bore he to Wes Wilmot lost eh tweriags. Z 1 &swum Wake. .meet and then dealt, Was now , keit Tiers *awls a mate, unable to hell , um iou • Sakai pfbar Ikeda* woril abotit ens sear ass he woe wabod o y his parents ilk the handset Or. LIGHT. BILL who by to to. esocloodial in roltortog to hint his Is t.po wren of besting and'attionnew that nem non VA" • wit those who tooth to him :dbrlnetty end do Mrl 4 & tbe l V44 ". ol P ri,._ l 7. _ntm.Pi.atbeititOni. contidstZle pogrom in rowing awl Irithsetla. • Hsu, mg ban sedtplltEl with the lora &Wawa we kr. DKr DI waisted ue lfielter, and dleadneren that prat , . Co. to Wittig on SW Lighthtlfi toe yontWs - case VIM m a w hotethis, aid he was Int. tied rare l o W* . maw of► Net sad Ihnob , /teptuen:' The laor dicoc'D. D ,!Pnikwor Ilskas Cbnegs, Iklansotadie 11l publbheil tenths Ids gratitude to Dr. fir treatingswesiesfutly hit ones at dee/Pow fine PM. EL Jew•ll, Pedalo) or the ;Mate Eine•s.l lobed)'et Items; also *Waist% liVelninswe owed Illreaterith. Dr. Lfihtbill lowerew other tostrenlate And tribnaie - to livivilrit Iwo some of the "Wlllittlilwe awl most+ "midis= and respected oilinewO , Eihldionay le Iwo an eppllestion. 1.1 would, be dialtnalt Po @pedal illwatir hot Pro. of pnfiwaf tratfilswAinilbs face of these many pedeawhd fastsiestlfring to Misuser". - Pram .Ref. Fie 0 . 4.5. kSwell . Prokiloi Of IN, - Kato, Nonni School, Albion! raw :wt.*, .0 Do. Stu: !War tots of Muth I sent mot eon. fa! ttatment of to 7 mop, Its fir trottamot.-sty Who. to lobtatt r,IMtIa Ituit ,dfroaltsit, at mart to lon ! bg t tMa t t• e a ki# b "redia ' lbsi,beef - a 1 ---. l"4l,,il4Whiter ad the ,www. tab ' to POW parbainalattecks of Catarrh. Waged by ttroar Ibralbisayannoms. vioient • torlsammileat of ilk Bo grumbpanur the mbar of Mantra. conampoo. and lo the dui Pam, ho • wailer,. dkoutuutrde Ape narenobniquitab beacuagmtedeedmillornadturind ode &loot ine masa. paralead sat •dir,. urat. twice product!! a al o ott t Mairocut tune' fill io .hi d skabal - awniutiaktOraselb. day aft Mamm to tbroeleukiumatalmas Pu4riolastat learifed in eapulltattnadtrofbaalosta and undno In. bt my bed. alliburibmakladintintlionauton miald eland _them oplaraduckg motors ; or to the , thro•t. owe. • 11011104 boom:pan miltyfarlhal .o f _, _ rola"' and tabs ! Ittda thO Trued yams it Paa Oa &MAW 411.111‘ loft eye! u s 1100201111110. farmed; Pia darkened room 1 , 11•441 bed lendialaas red= ayoUrationa at auks kind., mkt and Oder caturbal pripatatioss Of dame' halfadoom Malt latlanalbe to the MUM autyaot, yhapr sad hat lomulatione of didoraml Madan mita) anmanfon wftle - tatoo Ihrteseara nwolea or catboat's' Ifhtiffrof fo Whoa am 12144 WPM. Vol are of Moe aed yualieid any Than itaprelesintoind . Mau' kw(Massa le want bassapasi wen allonfad It 'wet thik rapsmie• tot mf - maoh attuned se to lone ma • putts arlimmtod. MOO dun otroveNtateee ofu Ind'„&bulb wits Mamma* from the toyporal Imam Many of the diming, taints antorof Mrartreatmeat.! 1 fUrad• .0013 berlSoriminqs, hofgrairakupg ttui Parma ea p had neverhielniebobet bean, mad amt snag it, symptoms ao as event which I bed lopytinV imputable. fibito Pair I diuposity farmer autHN amo, white I did not PM mould of • Flu y. be•,,,rbtaked • mabarlial todet riPposid me far yWU of you trestount; and oda tistahaded nto that tool inutawai - pu enentoikerra hpee amylo ead tutaiantlatumoo wom audit animas at murk tor the._ sapasadiated -pond of hurty has a yam and Viable enact ohms mono! mama of Mem witch Putt bare torreerly' reodiud tech an atieditnivatable. pa*, la me, proof of an pollen ItIODOSIL -. 1. new dr moa', Mau mot pm tb.t afaMmotay. and, wadi It, ta, mutual , sat to' Spur tanta oftdintlYV and fa' ebb , ' dolma before the ouldla.U. tutu .me-a matter of p e e India to '7054.114rad to'/Mdwbd may tarost 1 was, to odd thallat. wool Oat, *chili falba sa to it. utility aad efflo.ey of year method et trunad comb ae L gnu afa montba um. bat / ant sow ot the 'kW thartr - Porwtrtundittat Ina ono kir efroult eaforrh ha my ram auhrtaatlatannifik tfaM Ilklediada TOM% misconally. rairnisioa a, 111/It& , taunt, 1%, depi. 4 nu. .Bto[ • /Usury, 15tly Do Ds. tututruttt t t with itm mot tatittouo llos tbot communicate to Tod the ott.oto of Ultimo* obtat you gave trot, ou a 1 oroltrailua to pm for dub* 11,. tuuttLit I 164oved your dlrootlmut, moll an too Ist Ike SAO ta date at now go Cot neo v•red atter far witll*Mor that! strip felt 01t0.,00141.1 thou Of moll Iwo Aid not turd to mood forte's.' torrtwol, sit &Grobit onotoutty 111 110 ‘141 I should out betltuto W s..* moult who tt mslll : 10664 k I " 1. Mlikirl,tio.,-.,' • ' ! is " - - 0 ,0 01 17 .40 1 6 4 EDIIO4II. RTIMPHREPS SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC' REMEDIES satalslltat, the braU nisothal MOS or the, of tha soda.. Tbs anal/la masa bola Si , , *Mos ilaostoSW molds atiat of stoltori. . r oti iki ss i woods ; thOstostalsoo of walsoara, or W.la .ad ssolassotooatatst of tha areal Hoscootblo bcolaina asoltotes Cketaalagol ;as plo apottOom Re Ms mks as to whath Soy an talatod—st op ht tho offalwaty sat polkas— sad prepared of Isralitatt mkt's Jliallows woe 'IS, pow titl p gsits Ma (T i rt ' lTratrf l a ßum. ao corto s o saltsainal a Ths Moods—as tojoas WM she em llatir as Mary ono ettoplo—su always Maw what to taks, and how to Solt. Its an sossaloadys en 9. 8 Foliar Sags Mb at a latossatt waralts without sataitoa or 41 a 1 7. no/ au aids* la Sows& of otos Mass to .mead oaaa sad the istootaarod wlt oat ortettalkw or dolor. • -- • DLL—Cars nos Oragaithat rd hatlandlolll Est. PS sat Besitass; sa So itest Sass Ss sto sal lalbazukai dlatossa l Zoloo. Oa math of Eck 1-oarasionos row. Worm Gallo sad UPS's assents. Y.tNad ths BS dos, SS seata No, S.-Cares Colas UMW .s, Wag ma macaw' ark 19a. Wiwi& sad fosbiaseas al latsals. Pass No. 4—Clena Mania% et Chrldrnfe Advil% ages lataniva sad &maw OompWm. Pries 36 omit. Nos. sad 6 ears Ibaaaasaa.last CbsoaleDl6ahad, ata 6—Oarso pyiatdry et .13:13edy Ras. 16d30. New phip. Ulan 0463. NI lm. nice 66 ad, PIA T—Cons Ong66. Gob% Nandurd, Nanteidli, lams mad Bus Timm& Mos ilasidd. Ws sad .11o.larm OM 63 Dais Ws mai sailkreem Odd idiN s—earts toeth4alm ra*.f.obs.3erivesise nd as • Dolmas. Pamir 86 as. . EaESSTS;;= Lo alieestion r .dth isw , pewestotoice.vie Ha 10—ctsve Dom(la, West, Add de litatzia, &moth*lca, LIM lAndidd id• at i = Ooixdflica. Pefd 1111 oasts.' 11—Clow lame Asemsoriloaatr, ar Ad, a Ddsq. Ewa Ilkikness. a asais. Vo. 11—Clores Lwoorattlii or Whitey Demise nova. tot Proftse Maass. 85 mos. No.U—OarisGraup. Emig Oman =Soh and Oppamed r,.. • . WS amts. 14—Com namii,Crolylltayttes. ..142, !all Mad. Barbses' 7.2 th. Mgt.' on tie taair , . No. ILE—Ocree Ihroantlas. Pake,,Lsonasi. or Danu lamb Oa WNW. Doak. Bido,at Llabsox a onto. 01—Ocurs PUsr. Wend Q.0100041111a1 at col. Rwmat er Obwftabo. 00 cast& This rowdy bag ons": 7 aocualts of the watt pad o. OrataabikArOk M hissiami 74i or a 14.1blet Min Wert gar lt Wffiet. It way alma totalitt upon SFr • cram • • No. la—gar Ostemeh, war ae daoniy der orb lag, Odd V thn Bud. Inflamer. 60 auto. No. N—Oaros Whosytoir Ocqoi. tubs ft, or *mono Closigh. 00 oafs., - 7 It fo btollTh*Mid Mimi Mims aall cam No. 51-oano 41014000040tromamiNoon. Waal 1=0:011 01 sopmantaa. res% se di. ban bins mod Or SIHNIM 110 MIS, Sologolli 4 ing ham . throdigiing Old Moon. g 0 oust& . • - no. li-01111,11 01114111111DeblIkly, Ptigibiltt &non Wookson. Of non. • Ito. SO—On no Noon, Mold isennointogo, Toskit ongbigo. vO Butt tbionolon. GO mi._ r Ha o—Go.oo grootronny Victim Roma. Tomlin& AM:non. So.ll—Oono Ratonignotowl. OnnotAin Cldooß gligngt or Ponigilhisollos. it 0111 ill. 1. • BMW oil ski nor of Nklary doom . Ha ll—ifve gontaot Rallookno. Loniggin i gt . oluzgos oatt Proof:nano 11i ' Titincet annuli sooly knowitAng SI Pond No. glit.4loion {Dinh en Riga d Mats Cldblonient ill =ion ClSl Zl ' Pandlloor og ingunt Rungs. P lona *. - Owns it woo._ Ro.lll-oonoßolatollgernignmensp, or Brut ProLtd,ltoßtog, on{ lIRoo of swain U son do • ensta.r No. gl,thsrio lhateftg of dinger{ Rik laoralat. tuailziuti.r of dot, Poligoor, mai ima Fignagoof Ma; ftliqg - / mono or in. Yltng Rona 1 on o.ll4—Ocin sad deorstoll Igalgasat ill Kai featly ' * a a. , 9 .vllU Wan, se 40 Waal case, ^ X 00 • 111 CIO , t Thl Physigasi 44 40 . ' ' ibliammigeraz =NMI= :14=aN•1011111.1. low, gaup/a Aloft 1761•114 yaw slam . * but anwthe SW. Op • lie, sribillioisiss *ow obtookpi tualummitimiim amp. Ivy ••• tug edam. EN Mr swabs VI ilbq 00f0m01 l• Ira Or 0118•4 t.. WO•41/4 - it. runes - Intik !elm% D264 , 6._)*ceND. MOM* ea *Mfr. Tax przw. HMS •or LEMIN'EI cocoisAnm intKu4 Vol taxi= Damson /um assuninnema L A ZE... •It sodas sad ells the kalripodl gler II • imeraino *ay wlddill mails etc dart gin Wag 11.. .01X;CIANDY (rani t. • '0•1111021111111111IIII111. IMINIMIE , iimp _sritll* priummit lie tefiissi yid& sommilittlasoau km!" pat is. 7 ~;_„ • . , . • ..,); r.• 7 • • • , r• EitWe. • •Andisttataltosi,Rit ilt t tAte lne alba - . Gnat . evtii~#rwn • ,•I.lzr e• • J. " • • , enties - fimmod OMhi Tat Diestag sad AR Ur Mat Muds( tad Meg Ike iparlreat o , salt 9litig ett, arsatilDs.: 11m~f r ~i ,:~„ t 1. - 1 L . . r • " • . . , . nkuTioik4an- NOVEMBE3 lb& leite, I leveheed beimJ. N. MUMMY. MM‘e oho imereekesene Lbidisyr's Itutnet.MOodiltruoiter' 4•4 ha,. i n k amtholid4 taloa n% f Yia% Not ON NN, IN 14114 INN M woo met tottho botnips stiC ,Nkasl4 s wallow .welds henitteuraltal WV ;Wit.llbo Nara el ' . Lar.inz_:pion; •11%., Rat r,;. '9~ ~ 4a~x ,~~c.~:~: NOVI", aIIXD T a. PANIC OONTLNUIS 4T `CONCEIT LW; 81101 101 04; - ,,. ,- s NO II Ifni- s: T. THE :forms IN FULL BLAST. GOODS ORDURE THAN 811 1 91111 * THE WAlt ! FIVE CENTS AND TIPWAILOS, DOOR TO TU IXIMMIS 01111011. GB AND DESIRABLE BTOOM LAIL • BOOTS,_ . 07 q tHOFS, BALIOELLS AND 0l num moat approval BTILH AID lute, , .adapted to Use Aranft of ilg4 X OLIN'ZOMO, , 915 Federal It, Allegheny Ofil6 : r. E—rns soft sermeserin CNN : ', 444e JAMBS 8988, _ 89 Market Street. &ILIA ram nen _ TEI imam mina% sail tbs lOW WWII,. of say home Ira 16. - e ; 110011!...iNDA113110 ', ',.i _,..__. - , Zs Jur just rel 2 a magaillesert liarTr num" '' Try Idris. TIWEITAIt W4)ltlr. I • : • • are: smasiiio sr -_ 020. ILLBBiZ, 110111 ace; _ so. os WOOD slams. --• _ Bola' and Totli's Iriefatear OibN lim .Chndzione Goat sod 1111lior. weft see suid•los air sal Igo iqatird incqualled cvCos, vat. - JUET DISPORTED FROU GERMANII".,, - , Ladle , lt and ar•jt awe.. . • PELT, - BLIPIPMILII, _ FELT SOLES ' , M BOAANDIL 118 Mgaimii^ nAf ' twee door true Of.If;UP/M t - wL CCLOTIM INN NEW OARPHINS-.' , . AT PANIC -PRICiP4II4';„, Ai my sow neiiifgieri ew iallikocklest 41 40 14 o Pg, a ; -5 ;'• !dat i itlCOlVOttrirtl*VGGETC ` V ' ' • • ! • AT A • :Ffisitiatea es tow nibs ' 76APAWI7