The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 07, 1864, Image 3

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    1 ' it i ,- % Iv aattL
1 41 .- "4 — ittigut - -..' .46 - •
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W EDNEZDAY_HOrtNING::':atEMPT. 1,1814:
74.113120 WA...11M
1 2 It at
1 wrl3i mril .si %Ind
1,74* .1005 is
1 FA 96
I 90 'll6
260 74 4 0
. 1.23 260
I 173 3 30
760 400
11 26 600
4 13 7) 700
.. 76 17 IS
27 00 1 6 20
_ 22 00 IA co
Out 11000.. 1
Toro thoes---.
% w oar
11 My,
a Ivo mak&
Three weeks
Two 0x0th0.....
Throe toowthoz....'
Mx looktbs
1 79 95
2 40 1 , 70
400 9J
5 00 970
7 60 UV
I 9 16 470
13 85 II 00
15 00 10 50 1
21 93 12 CO
rci rot one changeable =a Una earb VOA, Will'
argil to the eidabil blatries of tbs inlieratnar.
1 . ;1, tenet lidlarlhennate in mot prepare:ton : •
I D,.U7. k
is Oar m0nt1y....—.--1 910
Thre4 17
61: 94 CO
.10 OM 401:9
ti . rind naive &Ole the 52a70 rats:
latt, Dag e= ad i 5551 ..
m......—.............. 50 and.
, G
tact as A ill
fl R.:emboli adwe 55r550rt i5e555225, re per trip—....... 32 00
',"•.. iens , 25215 notices.-- 275
Coal Stocks.
• The - mining Opal, whether by individual
e ter:prise or by stook companies, is a moat safe,
enduring Ma profitable business. But the coal,
':"."1 le. order, to be profitably
~ worked, must be of
. _
I?, good qttality and. eligibly locate/. Time two
paramount adrintagee ire pomeued, lan, em
mint degree, by the Mingo Coal Company, re
o':it' in this City, aid whose idea
.ll It tomcat ariPirnis in smother column. This COM
.handrad and fourteen
.: acres of loader:Aland, aid has a capital stock
•:a of 1200,000-14,000 shares at 235 per share.
'/he,land"' is located On 'the third pool of " the
ty Idonolgoihela. ,Biarkwatsr; about a mile and a
half bZoWhionengaboli City and is always act
ciliate for boat, ezoeptwhen obstructed by ins.
Th• river front Le trom ons-quartm. to Musa
eightha_olLa miltein extent, and the depth of
wand: Ii amp)* at all times." In addition to
i:".; these enateltent faeltlties for working.the minas,
the company owns fortpaight houses,-on the
premises,"euitabla for;miners, whim gamuts:es
• to the • etiMpany regulir and reliable workmen.
• Vlt leadlinstad that with the ficilities at hand,
I at last 1,600,000 bruhels of coal par annum can
t; bo =Wadi and placed in the diffarent millets"
Cosi was sold last week, in Cinebanisti market, at
l ; • prods of tan cents per. blahs , . afloat. Allow
. a!
tug that this company sold at a prMit of Ore
i". -1• ". cents per bu shel, ust one half of the amount
nowhabit raallaad, it wilt be Been at anes that
a eery handsoma,prolt would be:netts:l,4nd
Out even at this" reduced agars the company
• could pay.• ditlflenion-the stook at per value
alcf nocoryliva per cent-,47 .about per.cint, on
the stook, estimating. that ;lb per sham; the
polecat 'which On company. propose -M. sell •
a . ' nary limited number at lower But plachsg the
• Protieble'pOlita at the:stall figare of 2,4
!. • • *anti per bushel, It would still lams • dividend.
of 1234- -..per cent .' in -- par value, or about
1.1 20 par cent. 'en the stook at the fifteen dollar a,
ca.: 4 Of course much :depend, upon qui manner lo
which the; iffalm of the company are managed,
••••...7.-7l":" and on this point the charsotor of the onicers or
‘'.! the Mingo Coal Company will form a 'aut6olant
guarastea to those is this communitywho wish
' ro Wrest.; It is milk/kaki stoplAssi oempany,
' formed .for Mahlon purpose's, and there cannot
•IA to a shadow of doubt about the investment pro.,
'log sailstactory and Proltibisi to ill concerned.
But read the adrmY , earenstin =otter solemn.
The'Slibilistxmae Commi!tee
We extraot the to wzattrom- the report of
the Bablittetioe Costrultiars for the months of
July. nod Angutt. "At City Hall mash hare '
been furnished to 24 - 150soldien who have passed
through our city out and west At the lioldlars'
Sorge, 8,091 soldiers - have been fed and 18,898
furnyhed with: l o d g ing , - m aking -; 4,17 7 meldug 24,1 TY dorMg
. ,
the .• Fealty* months . - Over thres•fourtits •of
there - an tanned at the Soldiers! Home, wars_
tick - end wousded and malted medial ogre end
attettioa.';.To attend to their *eats, and supply
there with'snah artistes 88 they required, Wally
volved a outlay of-mbssy. And as there
bedarlag the mining months a larger num
ber of sick passing through ear city, the 00111•
saltteeask their friends for a oonticuntlon of the
liberality Whlalt , they' hare"showe lithepolo: 1
The expenses during its past two months hare
been T 7,910 - Transportation ham been famished
-,„:1 to forty. one sick and wounded molding. Fitly-/
ki three bare been sent, to the Vatted Pate Home, era gotpluil; live' died at 'the
a e bodies of which Mae boon forwarded to their
A C orre!,Uon.
We, inadvertantly ,stated yesterday that the
death :Allis' Addle-T. -Miller, of Allegheny,
ores:isuatid by chloroform Inhaled to deaden the
pain auOOM open dental operation: James
Billier,'Erq,,thelather ' of the yoanglady,hands
tlefollowlng note to relation to the matter:
Sorrels Gezarra —1 sae a local item in your
paper to!day, 'headed ”Aother death from
Chlatoform?' " I "Would elution those who are
so fond of talking and g i ving Information, to be
sure : lint they are tolling the truth.
114-danghter, Addle T: Miler '
did tate come -
eldeftform fronadr. Eineuesr, of this city eight
48) .!Weeks -Orion, winch .did not affect her
health. 'he left ho two weeks eo lest
Thursday t S o visit her me
friends in WaeLleg g ton, in
good health. OA the first of last weak eke was
attacked by a buttons disease, which earned her
death on Saturday Pat, at 4 o'clock P. it. All
papers that have •referred. to this- matter, will
please Make the above eenuetion.
• • Jlirlf MILLI&
A-Tiontity Jumper *Mated.
A.'"eiolerad man iosined David A. Crezton, who
attired 'the wavy some months eines leo a rube
3 stings fora geatleman of Temperanzeville, was
'..7! arrested on hionday night, by Detective John
Barber,. and delivered over to the Provost
Marshal.Crorton in this city on Sat
ruddy last, pttrobssed s suit of eitissn'o clotting,
andlomernoed 'WM' friends that it was his
. Waist to moan . the city. On Saturday
ronning,Droxion, while ,In a drinking talon on
'l4 Marbly street, . near Third, was tangerine& by
oilicer4isorber, who immediately arrested him.
AWhile an the'road 'to the Provost Marshal's
. doe, Claxton made an attompt to etospo,'bot the
Es woe plaood to
g- g ar=l,k..,,igankdici:Ulhbt; forwarded to the
,a; receiving ship as Philadelphia to-day.
5 ' .. Allegheny Mayor's Odiee.
Yesterday, David 'Goodfellow vu arraigned
bogus Mayo r'Alexander on s charge of acting
guonissilyltuing this provolone night, at tho It in
melt 'Hotel, on Mimi strut. He Man load
' 1 o d f oen t imi he Ti n tii est d 4 W na u eota d; r :s en a k. rro thr ote ri d eo o nku n wa cro cy m ith e m il a
P o w f th an idr io a r na i ii :e: a m s t , 4 l v o y r si dit 'c o o o rd7ll7o d o o n i d n no d t. s o il :Tll lt o oo y f ,
- P wass Ym u en io 4 usl E d a u r po gili n th il e a p n :ym7in d i o wir t a e :Lo s o i l aG t: 3 o
arum hour', and being refund admittance, nom
-44 manned an coulaught upon the home. The pc
'sl gee emoted him, and after shearing, the Mayo?
1 dud him du - dollars and the coots.
:.}: . DUMB or a Rent—John Patriek, sou of Dr
, ep l oor Paul*, of Kandwha. Weer. Yirgfoie,
f: Speaker. ciAta last house of Dlegates. did
,4 -
il .i.w. Intob . - aga, - weat Burma. New York, of
q wcaude remised 'ilvjt_'railfo l4 tailition near
f 1 a1ik50,24...iii.3/11-1413 DU tig - oP•
Toung Patti*. at the time of Um breaking out
!!-• of the - tura betongoa to the Kanawha Balza,
• . an &wen captur e d tolol ormi Iffib titaf comtnanY•
4 Ile wu it the hate of Colt Harbor
.:P, wad reuhred the woundi which moulted in hi;
,"!?, aleatttildie being brought to *Northern prison.
, gcsoarmassa ,Davvarzoe.-Tro 'young men
a ppeared at the Girard SDIIIIO yesterdaya liar
glooroiad proffersdikelx services to theGov
i arnmeotto "light for the Raton,. I While their
paws welt being made oat it was dboovered
1 A's *of Irma deserters from the army, whoa
they rare taken into custody had Wooed in eta
roan— Their mimes -were DLL:hard Dear.
jgg,of theßlath mama, sad Ha llomad
of the 99th l'easugivaalai Regiment. ag
Tha st r de
sertad from:theta regiments some months since,
'Lad *reward ha beert - effered for their arrest.
ghsy are the milady of the Provost Ku-
aror7 floe audi
taae was it: atit'eadaacoat;4Thastro to wine n
th‘npn,oLikelifitea7—o f " 370 7- I "dr s
irknd." Thu play teatime me . dad:built
1.• 1 gnid point', -and wilt doutrille ba' roarodoot4
m. eb ' in PUPA ald .
inifonta*Do: oololap with "P la oor.
ctosti OA Sao peotral Itattnad 11311 tta oßthe
not oaf Litiwat7ltr er t s t t y bol x ! i tho Von T a i L 3lll4 B o :
; 1 : 1 ,12:; 2 =Tn olosawd, , sad tin batons of
tea tont ' wni nbt IateTTUP
bans To as Vtaword folded onolotodroil '
r Aig win Is aria this arterials .1 th. Ans.
ribixi.Arsentl., ctsle Pe - ;t l / 1- of
•f••; , : tbs at of +UMW*. s•, • - i
DtlEg. tr
niff boa a k ansaintloW . ot.iwcP 4 t•
vole ptatuthatiat tit tt
- -
view irt ;likatious.
aart4r• tuialOser. 413
rill title eten WWI new work of setion.
ll:Renewd to be typical of the Ilfe,tong couch
fora beloved object, • lost dm:4lW; floosie •
tire also of that Intense eurnlag for • worthy
"Idol of the meratalat w - wiaa sea, toe
male heart. The tale Is original in every
tense ei the word, and Is written with greet
power, but the author his fallen late the too
common mistake of novelists, the depicting of
perfect oharactera—man and women so pure and
good that they rise above the etaudesi of hu
manity. In (two we have ewe heroes—both of
them models of virtue and manly beauty, utter
ly irrmistlblr, mach se it be.. never been oar
goon fortune to behold, and tholike of whom
are not to be foetid upon earth, we verily be
lieve. Strange to may, even such men is Thiele
say and Dickens are not shove the weaknese of
making their heroes free from ordinary vices,
and in this reenact muoh of modern lotion is des
prived of its utility am rtholding a mirror no to
natnres." TOT sale by Henry Miner, 71 and 73
nth street, Pittsburgh.
I owl%
po 11
312 2 00
156 160
690 {C7
IXI 6 16
'lO TO 6 03
Joicor Gumnalurtarse's liov.l. If C. in•ach
Mettards."Thr• Tort, Carleinv, Patllslter, 4L Ilroad -
This linguist tale relates to that too cemmui
bold ent,l the fill of a bei radial gir/ and the
oljeot of the writer, a lady, Is to denounce the
hypocrisy at society In ousting the seduced
out of its pale erhUe It condones to welcome the
liednier. She would go the length of excluding
tomer from social intercourse the man who had
cloned ( oven only once) in regard to women ;
bat if her story le intended as an Illattration of
her views she defeate her own object, for John
Guilderttring, the destroyer of Charlotte Clay.
lone, becomes the recipient of ell the love which
a pare and devoted woman can bestow upon him
—the authoress herself Importuned:lg her. Ir is
true that he is not rewarded by a happy mar
riage, as it usually th e cue in novels. Ile re
coitus si mortal wound in one of the battles down
In Virginia, and dies in the barmiest st 'Washing
ton ; but be finishes his career In the arm of
his beloved, freely forgiven by her. The wo
men triumphs over the tidal reformer; bat her
book Is written with great vigor and ability.
For sal* by Miner.
Dove ni . rnormers. mid Bads by way of Richmond.
By Rdisiond Kirke, Author of ..hmoog the Pines,"
"MY Boothe.. Friends." to. New York, Coleton,
Publisher, 410 Broadway.
The molt interesting portion of this work,
•the stilt of Colonel Jaques' and Edmund Birks
(J. B. Gibe on) to Richmond. has already ap
peared in the newspapers and in the Adaeric
/freoray. The remainder of the valuing is filled
with oeseriptions of the ravened of war in Ten•
notice, and me may imp fall of herrue from
Lir. Girmore's experienoes. The author of
'..Among the Pines" has a pleecant style of
writing, and his stories eons trippingly cll the
tongue. DMD in Teneneisee n ls another Il
lustration of his capabilities in this line. Fa
sale by Miner.
D.MATIA P. 1.1. By Robert Browning. Bream
T Minor and Holds:
The volume before ta, with so
a title, salcollection of eighteen poems of vs
clans lengths, none of which, we believe, have
heretofore been published. It is printed and
bound in the astral handsome style in which
Ticknor and Yields now clothe sli the D
oerpts. In
a literary way the book U beyond any iticism
of ours. For mile by Miner. urn etniscom or, The Lone Borne in the
it Benne, to • el not Renter." By Cap
tain Mayne Bald.. oof "The Dwell Home,"
...the Soy Blisters" dm., r
An. B oton . ricknor n a
This is a capital book for boya are all
Mayne Wes subliestions. It baiting, to the
fritobinson Onesoe" and °Swiss Family Ilehin
btelaediesrthear o s rtr s de a ct.r. ` l , l ` l , 7. " l::. ` °;, 7 ;
sate by Emery Miner, 71 and 4S, Fifth street.
118 001648 3 C*
11 45 gta
la 00 16 15 10 50
4601 54 50 1400
Iturnsiting, 'alkyds, In this city was mach
brisker than daring the treading dey. 'Capt.
Fanwood, the Military Provost Marshal, for
warded three hundred and My nen to Camp
neyaolds, from the 224 and 23d districts, and one
handriol and lifty-foar men. who were omitted to
the 20th &lariat.
The followieels the number of men mastered
la by Inapt—Win. Moortuisd, at the Girard nom.,
daring the month of August, together with the
tab-distacts to which they were credited
Tint a
6.433 ST Zlizstist3- - 34
Rbird Ward thane _—__ 36
fourth 9 Sellertan-.- '39
Peresth WarrL„.......-. 19 3.mrde15....-. —.._.__ a
Eighth Ward 196 Baldostp-- 15
Ninth 3
Temper... Me. 3,
West Pataberet----. St Its Ch—
Mosongabelittwrobgb- 2010 bu- .---. IS
Booth Pittsburgh -- 54 Wirth P•yette--. ._ 6
McKeesport. -- ZS 13
PM owcabip--.--- 17 aseLl- ..„-._
Wrst 113;;;;11...-.....- 11
4El3osth Moot - to- -- 9
Tint T
0h10.. -••• I
towloklry borough ......
Cipt Mao:bead also
tazday, print:aptly Cosa
Oa Ttoesday evening an interesting presenta
tion tcok place at' the Girard House. Dr. John
C. Lew% Examining gergenn, wits pre:tinted
with a tnegntreent gold.beadir.eame by the *D
oers of Co. A, Cot Gallop's regiment, on a ter -
Dummied of their .steam and regard. Dr. Levis
has teen located in our eity for a number of
• months, end has triad, for himself a host of
[Heade. Although hi, duties es examining Ber
gson areenerous, he always Bade time to attend
to the' Injuries of a wounded soldier, and his
skillful treatment bas saved many -vatrisble
lives to the country. We know of no more
worthy Burgeon eormeeted with the army than
Dr. Levu, end we aro grati fi ed to tee that he
Co thoroughly appresiated.
. .
Bout or Broom, on ,Taeo day evening, Sopt.
6th, at Commercial Bahl Booms, 5t Fifth otreet,
ny A. Lfellvtdae, andloneor
Bank of
All.etto Bonk 65,03
114ogneny In•nranoe Co.-. ............
Pltubtogh and bles,•tortilo 76
4514gbony Tag bollrood. 11,00
In , * CreanOu . - .
Allegbooy and Plthburib
limning * Blood lam do ----_— 5,60
do do do ZS
do do do ----..... 5,00
RsCattrl2Xo Was? Vitoo(l,—The Wheeling
hisediovocsr of yesterday sayss " The racralting
business has brought more strangsrs to the olty
then ire have seen for a long time. The streets
and hotels are Qtled with strange feces, and re
smiting taping on as briskly es we have ever
known it since the war occonsenoed. The Pro
vost Marshal's °Moe is constantly crowded and
the men ere being mustered as rapidly so it is
possible to do so."
Tsonas Panst,Plibi and Ornamental trigs
Rooter, na dealer tn Ponnsytrania and Vet
cat data of the beat quality at to• rata+.
gas at Ale:. J.. 91 01 1104 nu! the Water
Worts, Pittteinnh, Pa.
4 , sc rat. 0111114 —Tic a:tan:mon of oar readers
Jt-ar..l to tbo brilliant assortmentof Sprfm.4
aa Saw= (foods lust reosired by our Wend
do. John Wcier, Ho. 12f: Podaral street, Ails
.ebany. His sto ck eozapriaao a great rarieq of
Vane, Trench, English, Bootah and Ammtoan
CMCIII1021:61 and Matt and fine Silt and Case
dame Vesseags,—al! of "'hie& mill be made up
to order in Hui Latast styles and in the best
mamas. A choice Maw:atoned Pornialdng Goods
alto on hand and tea oat, scythes with • Inn
sock of Bend, kW, OloStanns non and tusk
kinabts made.
'4untoveii.—Seirmer "Eirstim t no., Matobent
tailein t hinne removed to ft Smithfield street.
Nitere - just ltioeirg est 'simnel supply
w of
wing and ,a goods, and ,-woold most re
opo Wnily ou r friends the pnblti in
irnto • oat new dock, HS
e : one of the Rout stooks of in=
taro goOds la Ows-cify.,gssment Ter
mated to eV, foil setlibtetiont in both !doe'
sad quality. Glen in • all behwo StifilUglng
norrwhyro and Judge for yoursobros.
latloCturnraza. gerobint Tenet awn
rnithfield Meat. • •
svairvasoon. DMMt
91, DUMMY.
frnkllo d 1112.rsha11.._ 11
-.....- 5
Unquezna b0r.55 - -
Sbaryllrarg-- 21
Lau Loser
[tampon- - -
muitered in 155 men 7"-
Presentation of a Cane.
racist WC& notices
to you value a good, hoattby heed of hair, or
wish to prevent your bait lhouLtuntlug gene, or,
when greyorbhltrustered to its original color,
yam *net "sum article galled Itzroviusevon, es
It'seems 'Who one of the grestost mouses of
the pretest time. Bore la render setlefeotlolt
-for the ebore porpplosa when all other prepare
flans have felled. Bold by Simon Johnston, oor.
Slnlthfield and Youth Otranto, &nab, allsolvent
Amulets. • _
Au. shAirorw. o k gum end eq the people
'merely players lad We =tan theta large per-
Urn et tile pidierd Anson: mast 101 astdi that
!teal, popular prepitatlew foe the teeth. Hob
mut &mama" from the Imam= deweskthere
feithatiftlord;llaMostd6lVakUt wundant
and dantans bewitiliorwe primmer of the
teetb the world am Piedatted. •., .
All Dr gElrttatidVerfamLtenttit.
vs. mak 36in•lasis: -Cloont;4oato and
s z elhinat , l3l,7ilatttriiitirAnd Pitts - Old res.
AtFnab*JW: Lerall9ll,i'6o Sk. OW: irk. pir•
. .
... . .. _ .., ~ .
Cl..non linsorra's Ides “polsoe by th e
.0 Como" woe not mom b satifattit2 the air
.elitoo, where Lubin (HI ireria this: "Pflnedpo
l el
Tioretto," shore distated extrsat ht. the chief
Ingredient of Money toilet aloft', .71ortlint."
•Tleftline" 'Malaita no Dim, no others% no
sleohol; only the pure sal odoriferous disc lb.
lion of thclowers of the smith of ?ranee. It
invlsterates, perfumes sod demi.
AT the Qasenrware stor4, Fe. 43 Fourth street,
between Market and Paul, 200 wtdte bed pans,
T 6 and $l.OO, 500 deems bewls, 60 dozens basins
and pitchers, 50 &kens nidkle dishes, 100 dosens
scolloped nappies*, plats, may, chamber's
soaps, ke , wholesale or re 1. Ae trill 'lose as
soon as oar Stook is dirpofied of. ,
Beaunn, Classic and lllommimilel Academy,
second Goo: Allegheny Bafing'e Bank, Alleghe
ny. The Pall tern of thit Lenin'slon common—
ems on Monday the eth of September. Ninht
school cr.mmenolng on the' lit of October. Are.
J. Davis, M. A., Principe', Rev. Wm. D Avis,
1 4. A., Aeslstant. 'Ls%
'tters end carriage rant trlll be mat the
=tibiae ofdee, Ro. 4101 Penn ems ~ day or
1.164 t. All mien lefts t the abov . . place ea
be promptly attended tb. All cells mut be
paid La stimence. •
Corm, Coagbs, Asthma. Catarrh, Bronebitls,
If °aweless. Any irritation or soraa•ss of the
tbioet °sued by oold or tinusual ezartlon of tha
Ye ce rellseei by using •'Brown's Bronchial
Sold by prolygi.ti gas•Tal•
RITIIII.IIIM. Dr. Bodientissuer, Jr., hazing
returned from Bedford prings, he will resume
hi. prsatiee of hi. odiee, 346 Third street, Pitit
Ll Mlesai' and etilldran'i balmoral boot.
gaiters, and slippers, M. McClelland'. Aaction
55 Fifth
Garr,' fine calf boats, I belmotals and gaiters
It cCielland's Auction 55 Fifth street.
WATIII 711001 , boots. /lad marching ahem, a
MoCialland'e Auction, 56 Fifth street.
C.vianT boots, wnoteldsd and plain, at Me
Clellund's Auction, ii Fifth Arcot.
CLOTH,. and oanottnetes selling cheap at Me
elm Hand's dneUon, 55 Ilifte &trent.
DICE SON—ItetI3.OEY -Mu Bawds., the eth best..
of the Tatid U. P Char.lh, by Bee. John G. Bravo.
of this city.
Commission Merchants.
Corner of VVaylio.
Q Weal taught and 1104 on Brokaw.
90. 19 BMITHPULD craw_
smp on b=d • tap of Tammuz
DuhiL , s, at the latest altos; PLAIN, TLINGIT ad
BILE SDIELDUEGB; 0T11120112 ADD inflames
°mum 47 1 ... OLD sum
sad trtasosei W, WINDOW
M"kti.:corardreteht Mies, sad BUDD MM.
1500. share teeth all warranted.
:an crawl ISCIDL,
from Dims' Marble IS:runlets.
Dann Cron Dsirs'larbls locatakin.
SS liedaril meet, Allagbany Olty.
N, Veers! stsrat,-;lllvglunzy
No. K wow) M.. oppodio !lift Ohdrot, !MAN ./A.
PIMIPLEAD, sod Plmab L of" j: goo
oroL rettnarior op the mei opproood orsa
sY. 'rooks Ilard with lood or copper. Homo. ilttoi
Vito Wear sad oar totorm
IL EL-411 cads. orosnorly .waded to. 21
1 MAIM V. 11411=21 1
No. bl 5 10IIRTII MINIM dui Woos
Tam ottotrOtts tanotattale tad toorp antetty et
ritiM 000118, uticl• thst Ilne,
001117011 Th , H
NS OVA SUITE/MI:EL of kb ; ate the al.
brat 4 wan ITEM BIM AM ULU of BIM=
14=0 aSlettita that ts aB an:lars for =tag sad
Wag 6crwo Clarpot. Mitts. Oz.
WSW= t 11011:111101.
.omo%P o * 1...; . 11. 1 1 1 K ; tG — e l\ pa
may =aoltoi.
.d, wishes to best in room good eab pro table reel S.
be - taring inadlnkarzirese pre.• le dolma* of ma.
caging with rupectable manntactater, ,eith
booSonse already artablished. or eboat to be established.
,rdeor has large business orporLanoe la (hie city
tai aset and south of • anon Pea.. ornPsote to tab
charge of thee:uncial sad baslitrea part of the =mem
No poro need apply who Inmost furnish es
prrportioo of the capital negates! tor the settee opera.
non ot theca/scam and whole not a opletel tauter at
tbe resoulltettiring batlike* be propome. If the party be
is 4.10 known to the &Owl:leer, otiafactory reference
lull ho regalred.. Saber BOX IS6„ P. 0., with real
same and reddens*. eaLtd,
01. J n of OUT
t an S
a A C
, I B
w y i ll y
tert ne
FubllcEtals, at the Court Hone, In the Olty of Pitts ,
burgh, 01119A11713DAT, Anatol YOth, 1334 108 ACLU.
AND 62 PHILOHIP3, and allowance of loud, (formerly
the needs:toe of Hobert King, deed, on tha Hapsburg
rood.) In Plunilownshlo.
told propei - ty bat ttloren on* hal. Tattling Hems,
one Plan and otatalldlnga floe Orchard, good Springs,
Oral Bank, and the whole In good order; about 18 oarimi
<lama. banana to Walser.
ranns—Ono-holf cash, balance In one sad tap fort,
•Rh tnterrat, triad sad taortgege, and yurnhotar to
pay all toper. and storeys.
Addr-in, 110BEITT N. DICHalf,
,Iyarlserdtd Allegheny Car, per PoisCpCiles.
ha altrartat Dr Htuadaa. t.,
Q 111,013, 9ILLGI3, RAILROAD insars, u
DST Cr so ls a, b new anal .
*Agnew, 11.058.11 T
axonal Agent, 11 Heiden tans, Hew feat
e tt:need
ltifi MEN WANTED--Tno tuadenrigne , d
1 1 .1 rainotrital by rho Borough Onaoell . Ens •
coti to Coroirdttor to hone charge of Ulna M. qua* Of
Corongli of linwrencovillii. ander th• following or.
Movie* mid I • iittond to sit Inistrowyertaining there
to, Ida psy Cho SIGS:Mir LOO&L lin./OUTIf IS CAST
to the awn mut. of men loarnedlivily.
112. Oonsoitt. will bdl e Onnad at Su Wince of
Fr 111 Ls
- - '
Themmoihtp_ bantam eabtle between 0.
7. KLOP/ta and e,uouar 111.0111118 nyder the
and style ofEIIOPPILB 00., hag thin
been dlaelsol by the mutual area of th e ttadatill
eat" AUGUST 61.,0PY18 rallinuand 0. 1. KLOPPEI
oontlatarg the boalnew at the old also& MY liab l6
the eare'sto old late Om will bOnet2hal by alloy a the
61111001 ELOPVEL
10 t 0 =11b. &Mot 9.:..,..—+e.
- rT s. 1040 LOAN.
itttoortptsooo to
aaadad J [be orna. of NAM, LIMIT a 00.
Wool *oat
• sale at NO. U iOOBTH
H. 3.-1111 pstast nel MUNI Oa taria"
ersabin ardor to . grty Magi Wit of Its Illocatitas.
I. a 1.11111r131, N. el /NM SIXOS4
sown= rA.
lerfataon. liAOll PAT
sad 11
Yrt N =
memo our dalleriOth_ o:6 b 7 tb. gab.
weber, at of
theta:min tatato a rtgo Matto VD 00, al
aw otalmoria 60.
O. TATUM, Attarsay $ t Law,
No. Ta Grant rasot, pulabargb, Pa.
LB. Ito thatata mada Nth. olitho Mao mak So&
mot oma GB holhammtkao =Wm
scumeafr mums, rum=
- molts azDIABBAOt ON
rdaidody HD dad to try,
ina loggia Enna
Ci&WI forsili
41. pin PsMLA
. : Special Dispatches
From Petersburg.
They are Compelled to Fall Back.
lie Refseets to . Stand Upon Their
Death's in Grants Army
An Order from the Provost Ilarshasl
Spe lel Ettspeteb to Plttubtleet
WA2ntserei, Sept. 5, 1,54
Nothing of importance has transpired in front
of Petersburg for a week past. AU remained
quiet up to yesterday morning, with the •zoep
tion of soma alight skirmishing between our
picketi and a body of rebel cavalry, wkioh?made
its appearance on Batraday, nut Ream'
Hon. Our pickets held their ground and the •n.
may soon fall back.
teouru.te AdD TEZ:CIIICaOC, PLC/r2lll.
A talegram from New York t •• tap announces
that WOlellon declines to stand upon the
platforto oonstrscUld at Chicago, and will write a
strong war letter aceepting the nomination, and
the pi:women will endeavor to reassemble In con-
Ver4loll and call another to nominate a Copper.
heed of the Pew I ton st,r4s.
DIIIII9III IH TH■ wseglsUTnallollPll,l.l.
The total number of soldiers that hove died in
the hospitals of this department since the cross
ing of the Rapidan by Gen. ("Joust, in May last,
is four thousand and thirty-three. Of this num
bet five hundred and ntnety-onedied daring the
month of Aninst.
rirrescuraa. PL.
bfej. Ben, Hunter has been relleeod at his
own roquest from the eammand of the llspart
matt of West Virglate, and Brevet Mijor Gen
anti George Crook assigned to the commend to
hie pleas.
A -circular from the Provost Marshal Genera
office &AIMSShy edema and salaried employs - sr
menroted with that bureau from ougagiag
dhootly or indirectly to the bailees' of furnish
ing ratatitutes. Aa7 yeah odious or =peoples
violating Mil order will be dissolesed from such
service, and coffer such other punishment as the
nature of the offense may require.
Deferred Dispatches,
Our Infantry in Possession of the
Desperate Charge by the &beta on
Our Loss 300—Babel Loss Resat .
orindeu la the Arsenals and the
The fallowing failed to got through bat night
on swot:int of the storm: A correspondent sonde
the following to the New York Tribune, which
was received at the Bureau hare from Harper's •
Fen-y, under date of dept. 1,04 sp. m.: Oar
Infantry marched to BetrjTine on Saturdays
where they arrived just before night. Oar pick
ets took possession of some abandoned rebel
earthworks, when they were furiously aimmited
by the rebels, bat the iith Virginia and 3511 VIII,
chergsd and drove them back..
The rebels then massed at least two divisions
and charged sad recharged oar lines, by this
limo supported by Larall's and Thaburn's
but were repulsed in every assail% the
fight Meting till after dark. Oar men spent the
eight in oonitruath3g earthworks, and now co
copy a strong position. The fighting was done
LI Crook's eornmend, losing some three hut-
dyed. The loss of the enemy is known to be
much grantor, including battle dogs and fifty
prisoners. From the cannonading heard in the
direction of Blinker Hill, It Is supposed
that Aver Ill's advance was so opposed.
as L 1.11117,1 011)5.111H111 . 11 1 1 1115 fe 5 .4.0? 0004—
Under the President's call for 500,000, the en.
Saturante for the first nine days of the fifty days
between the call and the time flied for the
draft to day, enlistments averaged less than 100
per day, daring the next nine days they aver
aged 300, and steadily increased until on lest
Saturday they reached 6,000 per day. It esti
mated that during the lest Any day s 50,000 men
have been recruited, an average of 1,000 per
day. I. Is tome what angular that to se so
listed for two years, nearly all of them for either
one or three years. It is understood that the
President has determined to lune orders to In
spectors of arms, at private arsenal, to Wage
rate a new system of inspection that shall be
more liberal than has been the rule heretofore,
even to the extent of receiving all servicembli=
arms. The stringent inspection that has been
imposed upon arms manufaotured, inaugurated
by the West Point element of the ordnance
department was fast becoming attubbearebla op
premien epos thelproprieteenjof private arsonals,
and was having the 'Bente dismarego the work
men. It is gratifying to natio* this improve
ment, as the manufacturing of arms is be.
coming an important industry in this. country.
In 1001 arms could be produced in Bumps cheap
er than hero. Bina that time the heavy tariff,
abundance of currency, and - the e x traordinary
home demand , has so illumined this biasiness,
that not len than twenty millions of °elatal
have bean invested In the most perfect
machinery for the manures:are of arms, and
from ton to fifteen thousand skilled workagm
have become engaged in It. We can now pro%
duce arms for fifty per cent. the out we could in
1801. Hereafter we ANA furnish arms
of tt quality that can nowhere be equal
led and shall undoubtedly auppiy
• the. - whole. world, sad es the manufoatore of
arms have before had but one customer, because
of - the prohibition of exportation, and ae more
arms ire produced than are now required by the
Eloaw.sustnnt, Ile has also determined to permit
the esportstion subject only to some rensiary
rattricdous. Workman Mao-In private arsenate
are to be permitted to organise clubs and otter
' s u bstitutes to be sworn into the Ualtadllteitee
ar dah._The parsons for whom the stibititutal.
are Infect are not to be named until aftosr She
draft whon.theynlllutand for those - el the dub
Who perlitmultinsa• • --- •
N 0.261 Patio stmt.
AMU& RallFlS,,Agvnt.
asnrosa Inda
Our Linea
C Draft.
‘,- ; writ
Clotted Guru to be Fired at tha !Obeli
in Honor of the Viato y at Atlanta,
AU quiet In the Ethan ineoah •alley
Ws' Dersimmerr, Washingten,
Sept. 6,6: 10 r. r J
Xs, N. N.: A dispatch from
Chinon I Grant, jail received, gives a statement
from the El hn end Plionin.r of this morning
that John wen sorprited and killed, and
hie staff elevated, M Greenville, Tennessee,
yesterday. An tak..lbcisi dispatch received by
Ibis Department, this morning, from Lexington,
unto/ that Generai Gillen had o 6 .lolly relieved
the 'tariff, and defeat of Morgan, at erten villa
tbat John Morgan was killed and his staff cap
tured ; fr , m 50 to 100 rebels killed, 70 prisoners
and one min rerturee. This r.0..t befog
eonfirmed by bile Riohroond ilveneinvv, there is
no room to doabt its troth.
in honor of theca tare of Atiallta, flan.
Grant yesterday ordered a saints to betted with
'hotted gone, bearing Upon the enemy.
Nothing has been received by the Department
from Atlanta since the 4th, nor anything tooth
of 1 7 1 uhville, on *coolant of the derangement of
the telegraph lines by the prevailing storms.
No roolerm nil of Importance tura taken
place in the Shenandoah 'Valley.
• Signed, E. M. S.:Arrow.
The English PITA on the Seizure
of the Pirate Georgia.
N.. You, Sept 6.—The "floods," from
Liverpool Aurae ITU sad Qslolll2llt.ol/11 Aurae
28th, arrived at five o'cloolc
The Doily Yaw. and 10 ori,k, r... 1 both have
editorials showing th t the re'sure of jthe Geor
gia wee legs', and the British Government nun
tint Interfere, as • Confederate war 1 , 11 , 1131 could
not levelly be fold in • British port. The Me
w pucl angrier octitortsll,7 'Wes that Bates did
not purahase the Georgia till the Cutouts author.
teed and informed him that she should be regis
tered at h Britiab cease', and she was acoording.
ly no registered. It also publishes evidence
that her charter for service to the Portaguese
Government was bona Ida.
The Amp sad gm" Chasms admits that the
Federal 00000111 1.1 Mobile even at he present
propontlons Is considerable, and as regards peace
it discloses Its belief that the existence of
• peace patty Is mystical, and that ad to dig as
there is • ray of hope, the north will march on •
ward to its end.
The. Tww also editorelly questions whether
the Etepublhans are any more inollnecl for re
cognition or conciliation than they were a year
• o.
The weekly Murat of Bank of Prance show an
increase in couth of four and one-third million
imam. Arrests continued in Tyrol owing to
alleged conspiracy to detach Lusher Tyr=
from Anemia.
Liam-Atool.—Siour slow of rale at lot* rates ;
R 1 eat quiet, but lino at Tuesday's improve
!: eat. Bed 'Western, To and 94464 and 64 '
White, Bs end 6d to 9, and 3d per 100 pounds.
C. unchanged—Mined, 110, Whits, 12. Be if
dull and drooping ; Pork 'toady, hut inactive;
Bacon in retail request at previous prices-16 to
44 t Lard fetter—tn demand at d 1 to 103 dearer
titan in the week—in most eases, 4te and 61 to
441 and M.
Brokers circular reports the sugars opened
6 m and dearer, but ahead doll, and the advenos
to partially lost. Moiacsee quiet and unchang-
C Ere good demand. Petroleum quiet, but
et, ad , ; feinted sells at Ss and 21, In rattail lo's.
Loptiow—Boring Bros. h Co. report breads:tiffs
!teed, bet steady. Credo petroleum 19 pomade
rt fined 2. and 11%d on the spot. Beal quiet
sad a shade lower. Pork difficult to sell, even
eta considerable rednetios ; bacon inactive, bat
taro*, and Ica much want ed.
Baring, Brae k CP:. circular say. that there
hoe again been an isetive business this week in
U 13. 5 60 bonds, en primes ranging free the
lowest qn. lotion cf 37% up to to del . s (Friday)
pious of 18X.119%. There have been also some
e•les of Centres at 4.5144 discount; of
40641; ell otbet; amritles wm without
r. LaAie qcouttione.
Lorre via .1.4,rp001, :Wm-day P. M., Av. Sr.
Breadstuff. quiet at yeaterdey'e rasa.. Prowl
' to •s inatoire at former rates. Pork dull, and
• shade easier. Sugar doll cod deolining. 2.•
Ir .team quiet but firm. Other things nnoluingeti.
Loud..., Suter/toy p. 0., Aug. 21.--CA:testis
n osed at BOL46rt 111. Cants' !amass, 44®411
aunt ant; Brut shares 40 to 41.
Poildeei news of to day it me•gre and anise
tormar‘Prseler, representative of the Emperor
e 1 12enieo, had arrived in Spin as bearer of
despatehes lIIZOUDOiDit to the Queen of lipids
I e ecomion •f the Emperor Inesimillian to
the Mexican throne.
Washington Items
HIPCITOS, Sept. —Fifteen rebel deserters,
brt tight hither from the army of the Potomac,
wets releesod to day apt= taking the oath, and
faralsbed with teaneportion ac far North N Pall
ad.tphia. These deserters represent Alabama,
F odds and North Carolina regiments. Several
of them said they had either to en ist in the rebel
nenty or dumb
In the effort to ifill quote& of towns, an undue
pre portion el landsmen tun been enlisted In
the navy, and to remedy the evil an order has
been tuned militating the proportion barmiest
to fifteen per cent. of the whole number of en-
Ilementa. This tonne Is tetra fret issonstry
prevent the accumulation of a large surplus of
ogrervlceable recruits. Stamen, ordinary sea
men, firemen, he., are still muted.
The free military audemy for the instruction
of pplieutta for the toommand of the colored
troops in Phtiladelphia, will be closed on the
15th Inst.
Daring the last ten days the number of men
mustered Into the army hare S.ersgs 3.000
day. Oe the yd inst. .1,1215 sure muttered in,
and on the Ad 6,160. Thee are the latest re•
ports received. The number mustered in on
the Ad fut. le probably master than has bun
d nen g any one do, for nearly two peon.
The eubecriptions to the 7 00 loan as reported
t o
the Department to,day,llliollll{ te
32 1500, cud to the 10 Id loan, $ll,OOO.
About 25,000 widows are reoeiving pensions
vac. r :awe Famed referencro to the present
Wow York Union Convention:,
BeLIACVIII Sept 6 —Newly all the delegates
in the Union State Convention, whiett. metal
here to-day, bey* already arrived ; bat thh num
ber of ouitide attendants Is not to smut is Mt-
xi. Several Demos are mentioned for the Petal-
nett aof Oov•raor. 8.. S. Benton, Gee. 11 . 4,
Pr.eton King, and - Lyman Tremalne being the
mut prominent. Er. Penton seems the itroug
est, being well backed from most motions of the
St, t o . u• n Din boa many adherents bat some
of .to •o changing their cotton, being based
tr o n po a s ru lti m •e o ly th ro7f t u:ln t* g le te r rer:irth r e " us ive.doffr;ire
Dams A letter said to have been wtiVen by
bite to lease Sherman, of New York, pending
the Baltimore nominations is also being made
ale of by the friend. of the other candidates.
11 is alleged that In this letter declining the
cue of hi. name In connection with the nomlas
lion foe V ire Prestdent, he takes the petition
that eette me a military offlter of the ()ovule
meat he can support the Aftmitustratiou. There
to tot, , h e , ite political policy with which he
differ,. New York egeln appears with a doable
deleg.tbn. It I.+ andel' ate! there will be •
ahr.p ttet betas,' the Weed and the radical
branches of the party 10 wore • mei lit, of
the new State Convention. There Is • likely
hoo t of greater Wife upon this point than an
candidates. Among the notables present an
Tharlow Weed, Home gamely, floe. Opdyke, D.
C. Little,John 8.. F. Anderson, Lyman Tr*.
main an others.
Enthusiastic Union Meeting ill Buten.
Burros, Sept. 6.—The first great gathering of
the Presidential osnapalgu took pleas in Pannell
Had to-night. The call Was 'Abetted to those_
who defend the integrity of the Ilapn'illo and
flyer a vigorous war as the only path to peace.
At any early hour the old Hill wu puked full,
and hundreds were unable to gain admittance.
Goy. Andrews presided, end made a stirring
speech. Senator Wilson eddreased the meeting,
being received with much enthusiasm, Speeches
from other gentlemen followed. Altogether It
wee a meat demonstration. Ames the
speakers with Buster Sumner wens ese.fiennOt.
Oen. Cutter and Ez-Gov. Boutersil. A letter
Wm Edward Eamon was received, strongly
endorsing a vigorous of the vur.
Tho ruroult of Wheeler—The SatalFlett
at Attauts—lftierMati rushing Boum.
NAIISITILLI, Sept O.—A Gorda received this
morning repots that NoneseaupurenedWhetler
tenth of Duck river, and charged upon LUNN&
who had disnimusted to lest We captured dye
hundred home,
°Metal dispatches received at Nashville '
nounce that La the late fiche beim Atlanta the
rebels bet three-thormand blued and wounded,
and two thencand hemmers, Including abrigs;
dim panel, tins gnu, aid 1 liege amount of
camp. tquimie. Our ose mu haling. The
rebels are retreating in great buts.
Official information from the front dated Sun
day, 27 miles below Atlesste,reperte QM=
pnahimgrapldly - southitud of Atlanta.
Annfeerausr et the Wean LifillWrilltp.
Plarnussemi Sept. 6.—Ths Beam Unleash,
eannunneemed its one hondreth annivercarY
d-I: — Theee tre large gathering of the Alumni
end Mega! of lleallep•
.Cometttational Conemtfan--
- f 800• d-...-:liiiitodittilettimist den.
'entice completed its Utters and adjourned to
day. The sew dm/Mottos will be sabotitted
to the people on the 12th of Ostatinr.
• special dispatch to the Baltimore America..
dated Renville, Va., BepL oth, nip: The
cnomy ate still in Fberidan's front, and as far
can be sum there are no Indications of Early's
retreat UP the valley st pruvnt.
The cavalry corps which left Rippon's stave
en Friday night, has returned, having aster
mined that the enemy wee in strong fore* beyond
the Opequnn.
Itecraite and convaleseemta from the hospitals
are arriving in crest numbers almost every day,
and ere being repidly sent forward to the front.
It was impeded that the.aneloy would have
•Vaillsed as in our poslion at Berryvillo rector
day, and preparations were made at the field
hospital for the reception of 1,000 wounded, bat
we were disappointed; and your correspondent
holds the opinion that the enemy have no Ides
of urtiming the ,deceive, but will be perfectly
orotent for the present 14th acting on the der
!active sod bolding the Ailey.
Convention at Iffastivllle—RebelAlefeated
By Milroy
LOUISVILLE, Sept. 6.—The Nashville U..;oe
states that a convention aseembled at the Cap
itol 7esterda7, and elected Samuel P. Milligan
President, pasted resolution., and adjourned till
Three thousand rebel cavalry, under Wil and B. thertson, with three pie.' of artil
lery, near Murfreesboro, Saturday touching,
were attacked by General Milroy' brisk
day Sundity t rebels retreated towards Triune,
followed by Milroy's foree, which made leveret
attacks during Sunday. Federal loee, 10 killed
and wounded,• including CoL Elturt ild L
killed. Rebel loss thought to be greater than
ours. Rib y, having exhaneted his clamant.
tion, joined Rossean's force neat Franklin.
Wheeler's main force was, on Sande', Biz miles
eenthwest of Columbia. Williams' detachment
is reported to have joined him, RUSOIII oloeely
Illinois Democratic Convention.
Eramosinto, Sept. 5 —The Gemsoratie State
Convention to day vu largely attended and
perfectly harmonious. Hon. Joseph C. Robin
son was nominated for Governor, and B. Coming
Judd for Lieutenant Governor. The resolutions
reset: to end endorse the Chicago platform, and
doelan it the Intention of the Deinocusts to glee
their unanimous sapped to McClellan end Pen
dleton, qnd to the State nominees.
An immense ratification meeting is being held
at Me State hones, and great enthusiasm is =su
1.1L.A.R.1K 10 T B.
New York Market.
Neu Toms., &qt. sl.—Oattus tarn active and Caw ,
at $1 ~1 1 for ottddllos upbads; at tbscloseboldsrt ssk d
Sigh.. virtu.
Ifl ur—Sta./ sod Westetu opened dull and always
tu toy 10 $lO slO 2D,and loser at 510 10 .10 2 1 5 f, tstu
$ll all . 'or Ns. IL. 11. 0. xad 511 SS .11 SS for trade
1 111.Uky--Bts•Ap at 81 To% a Isl far State, nod II $0
• 1 St for Wensrs.
Wheat open. d dull nod closed h•sey, /112 'or lover,
14 00. 2 30 for 'rioter .0. 14 IS for Amber Dflohigan
nod 12 55 for wel•
orn— Poll and drooping at 11 60% for mixed Wett
er-el, ebielly tithe luride price, .411 Or for fuLrior.
eta, limit +d regime% sr WS% too Western
Cop—trol•t at 47a 19 far Lager., 42 • 60 for SIN
19 for Idersigalbo, 16 •48 far era and 44 for 88
1 1 0 .
I. e .—Dell sr 21 an% for Caim.
Nol..eariedet .d wtthoot deckled
Pedroletuu--Orode, Bra at 5%51 •• Befitted to b.d,
at 13%; Reflood ••••. , rooted at 17.06
Wee:3l9lw and 0180010 elmotge.
P ok trio. sales and firmer at 1391140 for Men, 145.50
ti for Now do cloth:gat th e latter price /41.10•42,15
for do cheek to-morrow; 1121.0... for prime , 800.11 50
I r Nes, mod IOW Obis new era, geepteother,
at tie baler: option, 143 1.010 bbla do delivered co
or I •for• !opted:tabor 1.4 at:thaseens option et c.v. , to
241.37%•45,9 1 , ~4 1500 bbl, do oil for llatober, at the
80 =0 ottioo, 144.
D.•f quiet.
Cot roe... lemer at 10.4.i1•Ne for tkoulden 150
f • home
Lard r Armee. end m e doing M 21421 %.
ttttt with a rood•rat• .dmand 4.1•16 e
I r o, t 104.151 f r State
Clots. quiet sod greedy et wiepf,
II toy active nod firm at 7o; Sterllng .ready, itrigo
110, 1 •., for sold. Gold withoirt decided chang, opooloo
bt 245, droll log io 240%, arid obelus at 131 4
Govercuont suck. ttog49.
o , v abode elm • ade tear.. 1' 3 Ea el 0,03 , 04.;
8.6 5 Va., out. 110%; Tr... 01 7-30., l'w%;
Oa, onew certtfto rt.. igl%; Obl.o Illvalselool
re.. ye
.Goatee 4.4%. Quickvolvat. etts: New York Onotrel,
152 0 0. Hants, 65; Lrl., IV%; do Transferred,
It, budget. 121%, Weeding, 1311,. 11883 1. 81%,
lino it gulp, 125%. Pi ttabargh. 111 1 , O W 2T, 11
Toi•do, 154, 13. 1, .0 4 7% . Wats.. Proeerred, 74 Tort
WI,L.k. 210%.
Neer York Cattle Market.
Now Tool, &ptoaWt 0.-71. corm. pm. for thts
• irk, st tles markea, ora .1 eaftle—lirst
giahOgi,lsl; ordinary to 514,1i.a111; maroon sioa
13; mistier. 12(4410. t oat and Oalie.—trot palmy,
gen47ls ; ordinary, 143465, mamas, 2'445. inferlor,
11.01 Celv.e—tiat qua It, ,1,1 it, 10311 e; cw
intiary. 5i(119%; COMM., 7%48%; lister., 707344
el..e and" isamba—extras, per head, rtac
0 , witty, 111306,50, ordinary
11,7344,50 ; leerier, El 7541,50. 5 wine--corn• fa,
p rpound, 11 , 4•3134 c ; rih-red, 11‘411110
T. roma. though withint especial cb age als
we It, era. thetas rniel hi favor of the pare/mar, and
ell except the acri best frying. sold gat • Wily lower
7 bit wee the remit. it re rip. with mat natal.-
ahle inatbas.
7. receipts. It will be smn, aceftled 6000 bad The
fetal teals.. of all stock at .11 the yes& for the last
area wed thla work ; wer • a fallow, •123 ram 40 val
ea.., t 94 alma and lam.. To Buteboa—Bairee ,
1483 veal calves 56; .harp and lambs 1751, total be...,
sa. cams. 112; veal calve., 27111 .h..p hem..
109 , 11; &wine, 5/51. Total twit 'week—Beeves. 5714;
on 110. veal calve*, 5015 sae; a3d Al To;
ewlne, 9543.
Mining Btack•--Bide in Bolton—Ocatral, 20 ;
nop 34. 0 4 , Qtdoey, ; Baron, , lals
Boys's, 16, 51; Pewablo, Sa Barth W.t.
Chicago Market.
ClllllO., Sap{ 6—Thar dal Wbeat dam at 8163}‘
2.•.6 No .1. and 44.0 t for No. 4; Cora qalat at P. 32 ,9
N... 2, .ad $43101,32 to No.l ; Oata ball •
64 6 . WLIO 7. 111
rt , coipta-7.0.14 GM* 11aux.711,. 00 bath lam% 54;610
tual. co., 131,000 tott oat,
ata-10. (06 . LW. nt•w: 4o,rau bath wheat,
0.67 busb cwt, 44,000 bath Gat,
Philadelphia Market.
ritll-12,21,11! Supt. 1. —Doublets Tory th:l'h la
preP•od. Pion , doll, and but title report demand Elo
rofit , s, 5114/A - hall , , but ter doll and nominal, row •
dud rlo,u. $1,73. Weatern homed, 51 71 oats, at It
Pstroleuss anti Crod. ; Ileat ol fro, 156390 c
de In bond, tlQb t. Wh wit, dull sha ed. unimportant
Oswego Ai.rkeL
thsts ,, , [apt 6 —Vow avod A-m.IW and o•
Ow nod: $lO •u 510,711 1,, so I Sv‘og. $1,7. , .l I I.
llad Wlt t r, 11.1,C0a1l .75 ..0 Wl+ w. und 512.151•12,5 0 It
dcobl- Wm.
Wbest *cans, and • ens/srat• demand lot $o 2 CP
. .
R° Spring...p..2l.
Corn awl tnato•ll inr..l 51.9) Oth
gr.. , and Waling!
e. n on...l.rbta dn'l .1 nn .in Toe
GUalSta, Wboat, 1.3 , 4 c and t.)cnt 12c to H....
During the past hi howl the wrath.r has lace peel awl
bode with on doual shower. of rate. rth rivers
rising. and lad Pvanlag the pier easel. denoted sea,
y ten test o yaw to the oh meet Udines at the
harf le still dull, and experts:me cos.:der •
In F.itlnl eaglet.. freight to "eared.
• part' g trip. The remelc, Sr. also very light. Th."
ere delt• •numb. of host. st ad wharf loading for
pm..telow, and teltb °ash owe of toom bere boo ro•
cep tag height for tire or ela days, they hove not bean
too rtufal la °beside' mom. than half a trip.
The arrival. if clod. the Lim. Wan. from Wheel
ie' at d th• Led Le.l from Loutmlibe. Thi late.
heat had • TOIT god ;rip of freight, I Cu flog amen'
otb•r ItrOft ore hnedrod mod thir honshoe •• al tobac
co. She En been detailed for 4710001 . O. h magi/Ben
omnecild to lay op at the foot a Darn thou:a on as
munt of low water.
The dip...e+ were the ['reel. Dime. ter Wheeling
and id Sminalaraliam for 7. to...villa. Tome an sever.
el beats dde due from omclnaen. soma of .blob any
he es tasted hen to-day.
The Dilemma. the ri 'War Plt.bufith and Wheeling
lei, arrived lad night, earl will leave on her return
trip to day se 12 t ramie.
Capt. Jana. .11•1405 . 11 sew newer ' , Onward" hos
haulad op to the • tam, at.l the emum udi lak.g le
fright Sr. 010 C 0-Iti and 1a...i11. SI. is •my
handsel° steam. r ..111 slit, drub baste. or 4
"Odd ell of Ibe latest lmoronrmento and appitaamt
both for an etr dad o morcet. Pennon will eennlt
their latexes. by going on beard of her. Capt. Ildel•
lon is • veteran to the onambeat trade, amt le one of the
most poorest gentlemen oil the Myer. We hope that
his nonu with his new oat will be comotejun ate
with his manna.
There oat considerable excittuut among the °di
boatmen yesterday to aullotroldu of there beteg endi•
Out water to the rive: out the ft.% of loud
bons loaded with coo' now lying a this port. sod
shore the data. from all aypearuese Shoo antld
Nose will to ntellsell. altinttge there lenp tailing what
dlsapputoteneilla may (pilaw sins the meeting of the
Chicago oninactios.
Capt. Wish Sabot; • Moon rub eteemboattoaWtt, rid
n as percher C011912121.10bt of the Parts, alla-
Ington (117,exid ones h.% bat mon neently of the
Kenton, be. Jest completed • new bed at OdeilittSti,
w •gentleman
• od t hat ho ama h
l t H o Ur m A e li l " y
res ho dnedor of
Foothold, sad eras considered Onitothleg of a "Poleb."
On Estorday led 091. X then gays a magoldoe at enter•
tab: moot on board. which woo largely atteuded by the
merchants matoilbetnrera, traderaultem, public Oilcan
and .wawa gmorolly of OlocionatL The company
wonbered over too hundred persons. The dinner wis
rawat, andaparli[lng wide flowed freely. The co.
casino will !mg h. remstsbusd by thou who was pre.
tot. Wo with blob [nose with Wanes Waft. and Cope
soon to see bur moored at our wharf.
The Allegheny Oyer packet& bad sot commenoed to
do budoem yesterday, but will probably to reedy to
realise freights to-Say for all patina title elda of 11t
Oily. The Lotto Cis 5, sod Patrolia. and Petrol's No '
will be fund at the wharf this morning.
FlOor Or Loceoro g ca...—Thedebille which ate
Alm of the good tn sits Ltelcing era in the Ottiolaustd
Cborsoonai ma., the bead of o cloylostos ltoate,” was
Montrone. The steamer ninny Illtalicish Wu swept
from tor moorloge, end swept mint [deicing, at 6 p m.
On lasoblog tba Ohba the cabin was tom pp,.. tb
boll, when the totmer floated cif With %bosom tide,
intl. the boll teak. Ttotsostely, the machinery bad
been mooned, the lltslogli having , bors dismantled.
The nest sod redable DAMS% °apt: Stemma, wit
9 ,4111i11y leer. ear Bt. Lode and all Intarmsallsta potato
to-day. She will be followed on Tlintsday by Ito Kay
gem Capt. Ilendrleteos, sod ea Sarosdy by the
Oapt. A. o.lrOalluMe :
ark= !yamWORMS, PAPKE
HLU= awl mama= comus OD, Clim
015 TB CA wilds& fatolibdee Owed sate%
. cedes, Wild Ala. 1:100HOBEINI
tcaph Wrnekcie Abodi WAD 'LW Ugh San
'lPcoditamhjKype fr4l l os# laSsaild
,911 i t
- - -
TrWL-120 spleaik straw °S
WAIMCapt. Mailiqh laim• SWs.
ICth tact
fadaac orpaa j a apply on board or to
.lolt ST. Loupl..—Th. fine H i Aß s t r
_ strainer ISA U .19. Captain U. a -
Ma'am. arm learn ma above on THIMSDAY. trti•
g a r frriext • pax . s i tuvr . : , :boarii or to
J.D.COLLF.Sdw 00D, Apes
UOR ST. LOUIS.—The fine'
„i .,... .p..4'
a t. oChllnso.
r "'"''' • MABI9E
MI tb.icmh
.111 I•nre. acme on nn. MI ,
ly on board or to
rr.'gbi " P“"TDPILLINGWOOD, Age.,..
—The tine new pawner nelllltt
DIL AW ART, Captsin Stumm, will leave for e •
and Inie.rme diatea ports oo WIDITADAT, Tat Inst.
" " 41% or p
1 . ?Sale 66 D,
Greod Military Ursa'.—BOLL OT THZ
it. .11 It. wonderful effect.
THIS ednneday,) XVIIII2IO,
111 I e pre - ented, the demonic three act drama autit ed
TEM BOLL 01 T 111C11,
(ulth • full and complete ceet
To conclude mitt,
Pilliceddj .. - -Mr Batten
In rrhevoral—Tbs N.Ld worn
WAITTED—IrIttern Yana/ bonen f lb. Beget.
.011. Tll.ll PICOPLZ.
A MAI Bundy Just Received
10. I—For Mirror, Oonsertion and lausetitioa ; Hat,
ruin, £O. Price, 116 amts.
No. 9.--lor Worm Prier, Wpm Clolto end Torsolasi
Appetit. lirbm, 65 MM.
I—gfeo eel* Teething, °eying eat Wotanlmo,
glow Growth end noblesse. of latent. Prise MS cents
4-11 or Diarrhea. of Milan= or Adana ; Main
Ilustms, sad litaxamet Oomplainta. ?doe 55 amts.
14,1. 6-lor DyrWary or 810.17 11111., Oak, Grip.
plop, Baton COM, lel Drixdor7- rtio , S$ 0..
Ho. 6—Tar chniars, Chelan BlAztros. Sumo midi
Vomittng. Asthmatic; lithodabing. IS onto.
1110. 7-INT dra=do i Loarannaan Bra:tidal, in.
inanna and Bora 15 contd.
60. 6-7 or Tocrtb-ocha. noro6" Na•mn rsba.
IS azalea ad MI Da:tram. Pr . los Z 6 amt.
He. 3—Yor Head.erbe, 3%C Ilsedeobe, Vertigo, Usti
of Blood to the Heed. Moe 33 mote.
Zia ID—Tor D7.17.17.* Wmk. 54 5 53 D• 35 3 03
51,55.5 ch, Oonstipstiva, Liver Oomplant. 36 55515.
3.ll—TarlL eMIB.I. Boanty, Planta OB
Dahlias Orce= "s4 s. 115 am .ts.
Proo. 1.11-15 , 7 leacarrbs•or Wider, D
fuse Amu.
Opl ,13—t Br or Oraxp. H oarse Oman' oough, DlStkali sod
Ford estb.tag. IS amts.
50.14—T0r Balt Ithacan, Oraxtr Ibmptlons,
lax, tlall Howl, Baabrin . Itoh. afi <SAL
I.—Tor Pan, Lammas., or ems
fa t h e ChM, Um!. Lei= or Lizab. m cf..
I 3—for T. sad Atm, Warmlttent
Dumb &pm, Old Loveland. Ulm- SO MM.
Ho. 17—Vor Mao, Blind or Bdsodixis, lutotaal et Ifs•
W.I. Bo: 0M or Olattuuta OD cant a
So. 11-? or Opthtboroe, Week or Inflamed Sys sail
SystleS fslUag or Week 8101.. SD sate.
No. In
thifterb, acute to ehrtolo, dry co dew
ht. Odd In the Had, lames. CO mita.
or Birpas"rood' "d
tr 4 u,
Bra 11—Tor Arth=l, °gyred:Ned, DI colt, Labored
Breathing, Cough mg Etparralka. Pric4llo at.
is ES—tor Par Dirlmp., liar la the Etna, I.
palm' Eleastag, Earache. CO *nab.
No. Vl—Tor Soneeln. Zialuipd Glavis, . Too
blonglinp mad Old Mmes. 60 aut.
ea-Fer Gomel Debility, Phydoal or NAITO=
80. LS—fluid akommalattoa; Tn IlvslUsp, wtth
Bunt, Becretkea. 103 coat.
Pa 221—For ra.ffiCkaellL Prast - atlact, Iral2p,
I. Vowlens. 0) mats.
Ho. WI —7 or Dein., Mores. Gr..*
D Coat . Psialtd I:lrtnatlao- 60 ovum &KAI OasoalP
Be. 101—. Tor Bantaal indsalonn, lavalsaktary Db.
P i e and oaraequans Prom:rate. and Dabatl7,.
Paine 51 00.
No. Yor ears !Loath or Stomach, Osokand
ILooth o Adulb or II 03.
15. 21)—Tor Urinary Inconthkedm4 WAStein , Bed,
too trequat, pnleal we matting lartnstioa. Priam
II a).
Oro of Ile viols, ozoi6oto-- CL6
O. of liOwlabtoomplate, asoroom, sot book—. 1
Oom OM end p
on of IS
tom, wad
Boot I
Oro of 6 boson, numb. 4 1.26
Biagio tkozoberod _tb
Stagle, letored boom ottl direollona-
Lon* cam of I os. 'LI; Gs &atom sod p 14.-.
Oda.. l6 CO
Lot oror ern Iht. maks np a mon or what kind yon
oboora. and brans the amount In a =mut note or
4 ... w by crab co In addroora and the medals. bid
be duly rotbrnral by mrdl or mynah ton or arm.
Fifth Striret.(Vapaish Bailang.)
o.2cd 6aar balm the PO4 Ottas,
Wbousal. meat Par PUtobstrgt 4 s.d v4alnity.
II Tonna Prem..
Opet daily from 9 to f o'clock, @boon W.:lased= sad
fatorday eveolota from hey La to November let, from
T eseolock., and from November Ist to ?day Lt from
I to 9 o'clock.
Deposits remand of all rams not bee than One DA—
lor, and • dividend of the profits declared Selo=
toJune end Deaenber. Inter= bas boon
edastorally, to Jon* and December stoma= Bank
was orgon, at the rate of sh pa mist.* per.
Intoned, if not drawn mat. te placed to too mat d
1b brdiar s PrhiniPal, and bean the km= Wass
from mefret de of Peoe and December, owspeonding
Mice a you eltt ys west troubling the dopes:Mir to call, or
er= to present his =book. At this rate money wm
doable lms than
Books contsd=r 4=sr, n
By-laws, Bola and
path, o 1444.3301111 at the
Passawarr—OLOßON ALBS=
ffDt rlannzwit
Jams libidaley Jams B. D. Bill,
John S eh Wm. Do
Jams Hardman, Liam 112=mek,
Peter A. James Biddle
William J. timbesms, ?obis
A. H. Pollock, N. D.,—la lobs 0. ?Maoism, •
_J. Lynch,
John Marshall,
Waller P. lambs S.
John Orr, - •
Eckert Robb,
WHllam L.l
Alendro . t i ml,
Wollaat Tankirk,
laso Whlttler.
Wm. P. Wrien.
Anus. L. orgia.
Cal' Adam
!"an 0. Bindle?,
1:11V 3
Slants A. 041 d.,
Charles A_ Colton,
John trans,
Bm:d. L. r•harmicck,
Joao J. Gillispia,
William 5. Him%
Pao. B. Ilankar,
Ric Bays,
darn. D. Sail ,
h7on=ona at a.,
IL•t• PlUabargb W.: OWnill
13.j.7"t=ritit"tut=r11 vtusT"tolirs
Three Tem Eleven and Three. Tent
with tototost =pout attrabed payable onzel-santiat4,
to wtrnotoy. Tbr notes an waft aL tastati j 4 6 -
Loral Tendor, 0 1 601 .4 01 th*ka
tato Dal bearing !strut 6 por amt. Bonds.
The Note .1:11 be In dsoomizatinos et IDO. fUO. ED;
11,00) ax 4116,001.
Peraten 49.11D6( MOOD sue gpv.raa erm es al-
. .44 otteoartai co one per tool= gontbeastoool al
=sal cconsolaitoo allovrod to Baiks 106.1116.6 162 .
WiStaso .701111 D. BOIILLY;DiabDo.
Designated Depositor! of the Mull Stites.
OA ei
Predtrl-J. DaiIIMILMI. s-W.B. TIMM
asnasl liartikl J. D. Bahasa.
John D Wass. ,s
Ir ., M ks .. IC D. _
Jaw Ersass al- 4 4 -
'ED Slat tinders Us D. sada* la =Wag calligsas
co an as ssabls potato. Oellsetioas will =QS wtt
atisatios, sad Warns_
. Isda 7 dna. ea DIDI
1. - xl4 aastaastl. Waits or JODI*
Aigswatiorgaintr- -
lon, DIM WIL,Q2Ia
- -
Boors Alq1)
- 13
val bra (nlll7Oll dew i ,
tuga *kite Int arm Poi • •
once perien male:footles to oar naconoca Odle 1
7 km sciWiar Ecuas •ro
stool .171'
4 .k T r 30
warranted oiling from mamba virile"
baytb. boya• per of 001510111i.t.
. ,
if... ileac is trprelolo‘e.
Wholesale Capes solicited.
amass , , TOME%
Boots. Shoes and Oaltnell:
No. 64 Market Streeq
BLATXR a no=
CIIBLP 13E{013 t3TORE.
GAII7IIB, - •• , :i
BAIMOSatei ;114'
wad BLIPPILEfi, “
r.taa isms
. .oeion ;
Oen sad see the toed.
5.,4V8 OR.BXQR.
• 1829:
la.b as J oan 1,13 84 . 1 1 . 40,641 1114
Invaded Proroar.. , -
Income trend'
LooPaid dna, loon kjr,,
Poriatool and. Tam podary Polka ad
rivalrous t '1:3;
china W. Bandar, law Imo
Tobias Wogoar. Dao.ld =mud O. Dab,
Samoa Grant,
lamb R. Badtd,"
gdoboddo, Mai. W. Lortd,lL
JEDWAILD O. 'WA, TIM Ittflargl4,„4se ,]
JIJ3. W. liaL.Ll.lBl l3l , 800. Piro. Tau , -
I. O. 00171:11, Addato - -
m bar earner Wood sad ?bird idasets:-',44.
V. 9
. • t,,,1
Insurance Co. of North Merin:
Hartford Fire Insurance Ceinpagy...e ,
----*-1 3 " 910 ;
-' • • W",„
earrnrseettm 01110 sentreet Ow dim assail
ratialga camparlia. • 04,
!Bully Magsleen Ihsthilags, Q jabs darn;
0916 e, 8. L corner Wood & Eft GO
rEaz elm mina lastateiroxl,
we. rhal/1 2 4
Sob= Watt.
tra..4l. Hays.
Jabs IL Parks,
Ctbsem 11,Bbion.
1111. vas Strk,
WIL /.111.11DWZIL.
Tv HT Of Plniannian. TA%
B. Kazin, Jr.. &Oa*
P. 6 00.1:DON, fixrdery. ,
=mato. se Waterers:et, Sputtg oo.seWiro lasoasar
Irp stabs, Pittsburgh.
PIM lows osier on hart qf Pin mil Ea rig
• Erma ballades names{ Iv Dirraarrts lan sissa
is Ott oh an thrtnuisrl• Priersiessit -,
a. wa.k, arJsreds which hosit,h.
soorsol, ss afros Po pswwitwm thou writ
M Imes&
Z. /ann. Jr,
haws Bre6lo,
thdhacso Ha
AI.. Niserk.
Osbetl ih r. orrsa,
0. W. ILlakslaaa.
C loiie
. Ar „ •
NO7 EITISIBITEGIL Won ague Eats*sieli , .; ,
Wet= stank Loamd tea. . , ..
WU. InaCid.LZ7,, Wraib/W.I. r,,°. -
a&WITIL HIL. daawaya. , , 1.:1,i.',
barons Slasalcata and Osman , _
Imam what lam daaaga La tb. asalWalnia. 00 . ,.. '
au Panama and Waders Shan, Lobo sad Barabi,f .. ,
Ica Ws ',again oft. Sam. j.t'.......,
Israna optima kw and dankly b 7 7 . 1 6
ionanaza, . .k. ..,
71.-iM"r I. W. Elam , , + ,, ..5,
John SULAM. 11 .
W. o..Talus r aa, Jana If. papa, ' ..' ~ -
B. W. ha" 11=..,
Ban 4. ) !Ira, . la '
Barclay Pastan
W. 4. &Apia - 1 Et ...,
Wane Bingham, da30.17‘ L;L'L
XX PAST 07 1.177531770 1 1.—tik5, Han 71. t.
skeet, lank Ile*.
Icmtceagaast ID ltado of nre sad Miro
JOHN D. xtroom Pearls
D. IL. BOOK, E.oromv.
John D. Iteoord. . --..'.
Capt. MAIM efilColl4
D. H. nettle&
Copt. WM, Deui
Bait. H. H. Doi& - :7!
0 0. Unney,
.30 Child.
O.Ft. IL O. Grey.
FL L. TabaesUeh,
THE w/!! a' : trt
11 affew
%pm] and
• • •
GAS AND STEAM ris. - .La* • ,
• 12'
mlwaym as bawl • lama mad wild AMU(
Puns 81,11,A:ft. Waal, Nobs. Hatt *BB4 OW,
inns, Hams Load Pha, shat Mat al•imakVe
op i• sb• sat mdsdadd• imaossa W•mdmallaa
Worm. Catans, Imam. a., wig"' (Lawool
• - •
Bsizsir, i:1134
' . *l4
• • ;
OA - !a kap WOOD
; , •
sum a 2
, * ••
InUnaina 02 ATM. • • •• : I •7• 1 5#1
! • • - - ' Vtaf-4,;'
•sice.w.. , Troop 4
s carammin_ maisaA
sa6ll.l2catittitnew...... • . - • „,
OAN 13,11 SAD A!
-ABriltri • :
wA he isoorkektt
ortruniJavaioss.ilde, . 4 , ,
virktll:llo).loltria= 3lE
--, 1"'
' -:
• ' - '''' A 3
't 7 1.11 ig
W. P. JONES, £air,
kuctes VOOMIt.
ICfpt J . oba r aLaidth.
‘tl,": ,
_ _ _ ‘,
Ilianiiii7ltirher... /1,1
G•w_ . F ., ,.., Jaw* ,
4 3.• .... ..,,,,, t
Quer , ,-,
- ~ ..59'.
d iEIILLTPS.ProIAwL - • . 3 .4- - •••tt.
WATT, illa ProdAad. i :2.,•"
tam Mid? •I'
u. .
AksvadaT bieara !
W. 4 N.Lont
13.4. P. liaksinne
Saba& ItrOaas.
m. Gomm. fteswlol',
8. 8. BEYX.
60 ourth street. Satoh
1.1 - A