1 ' it i ,- % Iv aattL 1 41 .- "4 — ittigut - -..' .46 - • ,-.1-, , ~,,,..,,,,,;::_:,,,:„.-.:2Lvf„?.:;,;,..y.;:.-.:.::.,„,,.,..-..!..,.:„ W EDNEZDAY_HOrtNING::':atEMPT. 1,1814: OUR An 74.113120 WA...11M 1 2 It at 1 wrl3i mril .si %Ind 1,74* .1005 is 1 FA 96 , I 90 'll6 260 74 4 0 . 1.23 260 I 173 3 30 760 400 11 26 600 4 13 7) 700 .. 76 17 IS 27 00 1 6 20 _ 22 00 IA co Out 11000.. 1 Toro thoes---. Throottsoos--.. % w oar 11 My, wookoo a Ivo mak& Three weeks 11mouth. Two 0x0th0..... Throe toowthoz....' Mx looktbs Wow 1 79 95 2 40 1 , 70 400 9J 5 00 970 7 60 UV I 9 16 470 13 85 II 00 15 00 10 50 1 21 93 12 CO ADTBSTIBIIIIEirga. rci rot one changeable =a Una earb VOA, Will' argil to the eidabil blatries of tbs inlieratnar. 1 . ;1, tenet lidlarlhennate in mot prepare:ton : • ,3tI_IU!1tI& I D,.U7. k is Oar m0nt1y....—.--1 910 90 Thre4 17 61: 94 CO .10 OM 401:9 ti . rind naive &Ole the 52a70 rats: latt, Dag e= ad i 5551 .. m......—.............. 50 and. , G 15 tact as A ill fl R.:emboli adwe 55r550rt i5e555225, re per trip—....... 32 00 ',"•.. iens , 25215 notices.-- 275 Coal Stocks. • The - mining Opal, whether by individual e ter:prise or by stook companies, is a moat safe, enduring Ma profitable business. But the coal, ':"."1 le. order, to be profitably ~ worked, must be of . _ I?, good qttality and. eligibly locate/. Time two . paramount adrintagee ire pomeued, lan, em mint degree, by the Mingo Coal Company, re `•.faosntlyrgans o':it' in this City, aid whose idea .ll It tomcat ariPirnis in smother column. This COM .handrad and fourteen .: acres of loader:Aland, aid has a capital stock •:a of 1200,000-14,000 shares at 235 per share. '/he,land"' is located On 'the third pool of " the ty Idonolgoihela. ,Biarkwatsr; about a mile and a half bZoWhionengaboli City and is always act ciliate for boat, ezoeptwhen obstructed by ins. Th• river front Le trom ons-quartm. to Musa eightha_olLa miltein extent, and the depth of wand: Ii amp)* at all times." In addition to i:".; these enateltent faeltlties for working.the minas, the company owns fortpaight houses,-on the premises,"euitabla for;miners, whim gamuts:es • to the • etiMpany regulir and reliable workmen. • Vlt leadlinstad that with the ficilities at hand, I at last 1,600,000 bruhels of coal par annum can t; bo =Wadi and placed in the diffarent millets" Cosi was sold last week, in Cinebanisti market, at l ; • prods of tan cents per. blahs , . afloat. Allow . a! tug that this company sold at a prMit of Ore i". -1• ". cents per bu shel, ust one half of the amount nowhabit raallaad, it wilt be Been at anes that a eery handsoma,prolt would be:netts:l,4nd Out even at this" reduced agars the company • could pay.• ditlflenion-the stook at per value alcf nocoryliva per cent-,47 .about per.cint, on the stook, estimating. that ;lb per sham; the polecat 'which On company. propose -M. sell • a . ' nary limited number at lower But plachsg the • Protieble'pOlita at the:stall figare of 2,4 !. • • *anti per bushel, It would still lams • dividend. of 1234- -..per cent .' in -- par value, or about 1.1 20 par cent. 'en the stook at the fifteen dollar a, ca.: 4 Of course much :depend, upon qui manner lo which the; iffalm of the company are managed, ••••...7.-7l":" and on this point the charsotor of the onicers or ‘'.! the Mingo Coal Company will form a 'aut6olant guarastea to those is this communitywho wish ' ro Wrest.; It is milk/kaki stoplAssi oempany, ' formed .for Mahlon purpose's, and there cannot •IA to a shadow of doubt about the investment pro., 'log sailstactory and Proltibisi to ill concerned. But read the adrmY , earenstin =otter solemn. The'Slibilistxmae Commi!tee We extraot the to wzattrom- the report of the Bablittetioe Costrultiars for the months of July. nod Angutt. "At City Hall mash hare ' been furnished to 24 - 150soldien who have passed through our city out and west At the lioldlars' Sorge, 8,091 soldiers - have been fed and 18,898 furnyhed with: l o d g ing , - m aking -; 4,17 7 meldug 24,1 TY dorMg . , the .• Fealty* months . - Over thres•fourtits •of there - an tanned at the Soldiers! Home, wars_ tick - end wousded and malted medial ogre end attettioa.';.To attend to their *eats, and supply there with'snah artistes 88 they required, Wally volved a outlay of-mbssy. And as there bedarlag the mining months a larger num ber of sick passing through ear city, the 00111• saltteeask their friends for a oonticuntlon of the liberality Whlalt , they' hare"showe lithepolo: 1 The expenses during its past two months hare been T 7,910 - Transportation ham been famished -,„:1 to forty. one sick and wounded molding. Fitly-/ ki three bare been sent, to the Vatted Pate Home, era gotpluil; live' died at 'the a e bodies of which Mae boon forwarded to their • A C orre!,Uon. We, inadvertantly ,stated yesterday that the death :Allis' Addle-T. -Miller, of Allegheny, ores:isuatid by chloroform Inhaled to deaden the pain auOOM open dental operation: James Billier,'Erq,,thelather ' of the yoanglady,hands tlefollowlng note to relation to the matter: Sorrels Gezarra —1 sae a local item in your paper to!day, 'headed ”Aother death from Chlatoform?' " I "Would elution those who are so fond of talking and g i ving Information, to be sure : lint they are tolling the truth. 114-danghter, Addle T: Miler ' did tate come - eldeftform fronadr. Eineuesr, of this city eight 48) .!Weeks -Orion, winch .did not affect her health. 'he left ho two weeks eo lest Thursday t S o visit her me friends in WaeLleg g ton, in good health. OA the first of last weak eke was attacked by a buttons disease, which earned her death on Saturday Pat, at 4 o'clock P. it. All papers that have •referred. to this- matter, will please Make the above eenuetion. • • Jlirlf MILLI& • A-Tiontity Jumper *Mated. A.'"eiolerad man iosined David A. Crezton, who attired 'the wavy some months eines leo a rube 3 stings fora geatleman of Temperanzeville, was '..7! arrested on hionday night, by Detective John Barber,. and delivered over to the Provost Marshal.Crorton in this city on Sat ruddy last, pttrobssed s suit of eitissn'o clotting, andlomernoed 'WM' friends that it was his . Waist to moan . the city. On Saturday ronning,Droxion, while ,In a drinking talon on 'l4 Marbly street, . near Third, was tangerine& by oilicer4isorber, who immediately arrested him. AWhile an the'road 'to the Provost Marshal's . doe, Claxton made an attompt to etospo,'bot the Es woe plaood to g- g ar=l,k..,,igankdici:Ulhbt; forwarded to the ,a; receiving ship as Philadelphia to-day. 5 ' .. Allegheny Mayor's Odiee. 1 Yesterday, David 'Goodfellow vu arraigned bogus Mayo r'Alexander on s charge of acting guonissilyltuing this provolone night, at tho It in ,-4 melt 'Hotel, on Mimi strut. He Man load 1 ' 1 o d f oen t imi he Ti n tii est d 4 W na u eota d; r :s en a k. rro thr ote ri d eo o nku n wa cro cy m ith e m il a P o w f th an idr io a r na i ii :e: a m s t , 4 l v o y r si dit 'c o o o rd7ll7o d o o n i d n no d t. s o il :Tll lt o oo y f , - P wass Ym u en io 4 usl E d a u r po gili n th il e a p n :ym7in d i o wir t a e :Lo s o i l aG t: 3 o arum hour', and being refund admittance, nom -44 manned an coulaught upon the home. The pc 'sl gee emoted him, and after shearing, the Mayo? 1 dud him du - dollars and the coots. - :.}: . DUMB or a Rent—John Patriek, sou of Dr , ep l oor Paul*, of Kandwha. Weer. Yirgfoie, f: Speaker. ciAta last house of Dlegates. did a ,4 - il .i.w. Intob . - aga, - weat Burma. New York, of q wcaude remised 'ilvjt_'railfo l4 tailition near f 1 a1ik50,24...iii.3/11-1413 DU tig - oP• 1 Toung Patti*. at the time of Um breaking out !!-• of the - tura betongoa to the Kanawha Balza, • . an &wen captur e d tolol ormi Iffib titaf comtnanY• 4 Ile wu it the hate of Colt Harbor .:P, wad reuhred the woundi which moulted in hi; ,"!?, aleatttildie being brought to *Northern prison. , gcsoarmassa ,Davvarzoe.-Tro 'young men a ppeared at the Girard SDIIIIO yesterdaya liar glooroiad proffersdikelx services to theGov i arnmeotto "light for the Raton,. I While their paws welt being made oat it was dboovered 1 A's *of Irma deserters from the army, whoa they rare taken into custody had Wooed in eta roan— Their mimes -were DLL:hard Dear. jgg,of theßlath mama, sad Ha llomad of the 99th l'easugivaalai Regiment. ag Tha st r de k'., sertad from:theta regiments some months since, 'Lad *reward ha beert - effered for their arrest. ghsy are the milady of the Provost Ku- aror7 floe audi taae was it: atit'eadaacoat;4Thastro to wine n ika th‘npn,oLikelifitea7—o f " 370 7- I "dr s irknd." Thu play teatime me . dad:built 1.• 1 gnid point', -and wilt doutrille ba' roarodoot4 m. eb ' in PUPA ald . inifonta*Do: oololap with "P la oor. train ctosti OA Sao peotral Itattnad 11311 tta oßthe not oaf Litiwat7ltr er t s t t y bol x ! i tho Von T a i L 3lll4 B o : ; 1 : 1 ,12:; 2 =Tn olosawd, , sad tin batons of tea tont ' wni nbt IateTTUP bans To as Vtaword folded onolotodroil ' r Aig win Is aria this arterials .1 th. Ans. ribixi.Arsentl., ctsle Pe - ;t l / 1- of •f••; , : tbs at of +UMW*. s•, • - i DtlEg. tr niff boa a k ansaintloW . ot.iwcP 4 t• vole ptatuthatiat tit tt - - view irt ;likatious. aart4r• tuialOser. 413 : rill title eten WWI new work of setion. ll:Renewd to be typical of the Ilfe,tong couch fora beloved object, • lost dm:4lW; floosie • tire also of that Intense eurnlag for • worthy "Idol of the meratalat w - wiaa sea, toe male heart. The tale Is original in every tense ei the word, and Is written with greet power, but the author his fallen late the too common mistake of novelists, the depicting of perfect oharactera—man and women so pure and good that they rise above the etaudesi of hu manity. In (two we have ewe heroes—both of them models of virtue and manly beauty, utter ly irrmistlblr, mach se it be.. never been oar goon fortune to behold, and tholike of whom are not to be foetid upon earth, we verily be lieve. Strange to may, even such men is Thiele say and Dickens are not shove the weaknese of making their heroes free from ordinary vices, and in this reenact muoh of modern lotion is des prived of its utility am rtholding a mirror no to natnres." TOT sale by Henry Miner, 71 and 73 nth street, Pittsburgh. I owl% sa 4.15 po 11 960L3\ 312 2 00 156 160 690 {C7 IXI 6 16 'lO TO 6 03 Joicor Gumnalurtarse's liov.l. If C. in•ach Mettards."Thr• Tort, Carleinv, Patllslter, 4L Ilroad - vsy. This linguist tale relates to that too cemmui bold ent,l the fill of a bei radial gir/ and the oljeot of the writer, a lady, Is to denounce the hypocrisy at society In ousting the seduced out of its pale erhUe It condones to welcome the liednier. She would go the length of excluding tomer from social intercourse the man who had cloned ( oven only once) in regard to women ; bat if her story le intended as an Illattration of her views she defeate her own object, for John Guilderttring, the destroyer of Charlotte Clay. lone, becomes the recipient of ell the love which a pare and devoted woman can bestow upon him —the authoress herself Importuned:lg her. Ir is true that he is not rewarded by a happy mar riage, as it usually th e cue in novels. Ile re coitus si mortal wound in one of the battles down In Virginia, and dies in the barmiest st 'Washing ton ; but be finishes his career In the arm of his beloved, freely forgiven by her. The wo men triumphs over the tidal reformer; bat her book Is written with great vigor and ability. For sal* by Miner. Dove ni . rnormers. mid Bads by way of Richmond. By Rdisiond Kirke, Author of ..hmoog the Pines," "MY Boothe.. Friends." to. New York, Coleton, Publisher, 410 Broadway. The molt interesting portion of this work, •the stilt of Colonel Jaques' and Edmund Birks (J. B. Gibe on) to Richmond. has already ap peared in the newspapers and in the Adaeric /freoray. The remainder of the valuing is filled with oeseriptions of the ravened of war in Ten• notice, and me may imp fall of herrue from Lir. Girmore's experienoes. The author of '..Among the Pines" has a pleecant style of writing, and his stories eons trippingly cll the tongue. DMD in Teneneisee n ls another Il lustration of his capabilities in this line. Fa sale by Miner. D.MATIA P. 1.1. By Robert Browning. Bream T Minor and Holds: The volume before ta, with so Browning.like a title, salcollection of eighteen poems of vs clans lengths, none of which, we believe, have heretofore been published. It is printed and bound in the astral handsome style in which Ticknor and Yields now clothe sli the D oerpts. In a literary way the book U beyond any iticism of ours. For mile by Miner. T.ga urn etniscom or, The Lone Borne in the it Benne, to • el not Renter." By Cap tain Mayne Bald.. oof "The Dwell Home," ...the Soy Blisters" dm., r An. B oton . ricknor n a nd This is a capital book for boya are all Mayne Wes subliestions. It baiting, to the fritobinson Onesoe" and °Swiss Family Ilehin btelaediesrthear o s rtr s de a ct.r. ` l , l ` l , 7. " l::. ` °;, 7 ; sate by Emery Miner, 71 and 4S, Fifth street. 118 001648 3 C* 11 45 gta la 00 16 15 10 50 4601 54 50 1400 Iturnsiting, 'alkyds, In this city was mach brisker than daring the treading dey. 'Capt. Fanwood, the Military Provost Marshal, for warded three hundred and My nen to Camp neyaolds, from the 224 and 23d districts, and one handriol and lifty-foar men. who were omitted to the 20th &lariat. The followieels the number of men mastered la by Inapt—Win. Moortuisd, at the Girard nom., daring the month of August, together with the tab-distacts to which they were credited Tint a 6.433 ST Zlizstist3- - 34 Rbird Ward thane _—__ 36 fourth 9 Sellertan-.- '39 Peresth WarrL„.......-. 19 3.mrde15....-. —.._.__ a Eighth Ward 196 Baldostp-- 15 Ninth 3 Temper... Me. 3, West Pataberet----. St Its Ch— Mosongabelittwrobgb- 2010 bu- .---. IS Booth Pittsburgh -- 54 Wirth P•yette--. ._ 6 McKeesport. -- ZS 13 PM owcabip--.--- 17 aseLl- ..„-._ Wrst 113;;;;11...-.....- 11 Peebles----t...„ 4El3osth Moot - to- -- 9 Tint T Brioud ibtrd Toorth 111oLlure_. 0h10.. -••• I towloklry borough ...... Cipt Mao:bead also tazday, print:aptly Cosa Oa Ttoesday evening an interesting presenta tion tcok place at' the Girard House. Dr. John C. Lew% Examining gergenn, wits pre:tinted with a tnegntreent gold.beadir.eame by the *D oers of Co. A, Cot Gallop's regiment, on a ter - Dummied of their .steam and regard. Dr. Levis has teen located in our eity for a number of • months, end has triad, for himself a host of [Heade. Although hi, duties es examining Ber gson areenerous, he always Bade time to attend to the' Injuries of a wounded soldier, and his skillful treatment bas saved many -vatrisble lives to the country. We know of no more worthy Burgeon eormeeted with the army than Dr. Levu, end we aro grati fi ed to tee that he Co thoroughly appresiated. . . Bout or Broom, on ,Taeo day evening, Sopt. 6th, at Commercial Bahl Booms, 5t Fifth otreet, ny A. Lfellvtdae, andloneor Bank of All.etto Bonk 65,03 boo 114ogneny In•nranoe Co.-. ............ Pltubtogh and bles,•tortilo 76 4514gbony Tag bollrood. 11,00 In , * CreanOu . - . Allegbooy and Plthburib limning * Blood lam do ----_— 5,60 do do do ZS do do do ----..... 5,00 RsCattrl2Xo Was? Vitoo(l,—The Wheeling hisediovocsr of yesterday sayss " The racralting business has brought more strangsrs to the olty then ire have seen for a long time. The streets and hotels are Qtled with strange feces, and re smiting taping on as briskly es we have ever known it since the war occonsenoed. The Pro vost Marshal's °Moe is constantly crowded and the men ere being mustered as rapidly so it is possible to do so." Tsonas Panst,Plibi and Ornamental trigs Rooter, na dealer tn Ponnsytrania and Vet cat data of the beat quality at to• rata+. gas at Ale:. J.. 91 01 1104 nu! the Water Worts, Pittteinnh, Pa. 4 , sc rat. 0111114 —Tic a:tan:mon of oar readers Jt-ar..l to tbo brilliant assortmentof Sprfm.4 aa Saw= (foods lust reosired by our Wend do. John Wcier, Ho. 12f: Podaral street, Ails .ebany. His sto ck eozapriaao a great rarieq of Vane, Trench, English, Bootah and Ammtoan CMCIII1021:61 and Matt and fine Silt and Case dame Vesseags,—al! of "'hie& mill be made up to order in Hui Latast styles and in the best mamas. A choice Maw:atoned Pornialdng Goods alto on hand and tea oat, scythes with • Inn sock of Bend, kW, OloStanns non and tusk kinabts made. '4untoveii.—Seirmer "Eirstim t no., Matobent tailein t hinne removed to ft Smithfield street. Nitere - just ltioeirg est 'simnel supply w of wing and ,a goods, and ,-woold most re opo Wnily ou r friends the pnblti in irnto • oat new dock, HS e : one of the Rout stooks of in= taro goOds la Ows-cify.,gssment Ter mated to eV, foil setlibtetiont in both !doe' sad quality. Glen in • all behwo StifilUglng norrwhyro and Judge for yoursobros. latloCturnraza. gerobint Tenet awn rnithfield Meat. • • Recruiting svairvasoon. DMMt 91, DUMMY. frnkllo d 1112.rsha11.._ 11 -.....- 5 Unquezna b0r.55 - - Sbaryllrarg-- 21 Lau Loser [tampon- - - muitered in 155 men 7"- 1d Presentation of a Cane. racist WC& notices to you value a good, hoattby heed of hair, or wish to prevent your bait lhouLtuntlug gene, or, when greyorbhltrustered to its original color, yam *net "sum article galled Itzroviusevon, es It'seems 'Who one of the grestost mouses of the pretest time. Bore la render setlefeotlolt -for the ebore porpplosa when all other prepare flans have felled. Bold by Simon Johnston, oor. Slnlthfield and Youth Otranto, &nab, allsolvent Amulets. • _ Au. shAirorw. o k gum end eq the people 'merely players lad We =tan theta large per- Urn et tile pidierd Anson: mast 101 astdi that !teal, popular prepitatlew foe the teeth. Hob mut &mama" from the Imam= deweskthere feithatiftlord;llaMostd6lVakUt wundant and dantans bewitiliorwe primmer of the teetb the world am Piedatted. •., . • All Dr gElrttatidVerfamLtenttit. vs. mak 36in•lasis: -Cloont;4oato and s z elhinat , l3l,7ilatttriiitirAnd Pitts - Old res. AtFnab*JW: Lerall9ll,i'6o Sk. OW: irk. pir• . . ... . .. _ .., ~ . Cl..non linsorra's Ides “polsoe by th e Lake .0 Como" woe not mom b satifattit2 the air .elitoo, where Lubin (HI ireria this: "Pflnedpo l el , Tioretto," shore distated extrsat ht. the chief Ingredient of Money toilet aloft', .71ortlint." •Tleftline" 'Malaita no Dim, no others% no sleohol; only the pure sal odoriferous disc lb. lion of thclowers of the smith of ?ranee. It invlsterates, perfumes sod demi. AT the Qasenrware stor4, Fe. 43 Fourth street, between Market and Paul, 200 wtdte bed pans, T 6 and $l.OO, 500 deems bewls, 60 dozens basins and pitchers, 50 &kens nidkle dishes, 100 dosens scolloped nappies*, plats, may, chamber's soaps, ke , wholesale or re 1. Ae trill 'lose as soon as oar Stook is dirpofied of. , Beaunn, Classic and lllommimilel Academy, second Goo: Allegheny Bafing'e Bank, Alleghe ny. The Pall tern of thit Lenin'slon common— ems on Monday the eth of September. Ninht school cr.mmenolng on the' lit of October. Are. J. Davis, M. A., Principe', Rev. Wm. D Avis, 1 4. A., Aeslstant. 'Ls% 'tters end carriage rant trlll be mat the =tibiae ofdee, Ro. 4101 Penn ems ~ day or 1.164 t. All mien lefts t the abov . . place ea be promptly attended tb. All cells mut be paid La stimence. • Corm, Coagbs, Asthma. Catarrh, Bronebitls, If °aweless. Any irritation or soraa•ss of the tbioet °sued by oold or tinusual ezartlon of tha Ye ce rellseei by using •'Brown's Bronchial Troolses." Sold by prolygi.ti gas•Tal• RITIIII.IIIM. Dr. Bodientissuer, Jr., hazing returned from Bedford prings, he will resume hi. prsatiee of hi. odiee, 346 Third street, Pitit burgh. Ll Mlesai' and etilldran'i balmoral boot. gaiters, and slippers, M. McClelland'. Aaction 55 Fifth Garr,' fine calf boats, I belmotals and gaiters It cCielland's Auction 55 Fifth street. WATIII 711001 , boots. /lad marching ahem, a MoCialland'e Auction, 56 Fifth street. C.vianT boots, wnoteldsd and plain, at Me Clellund's Auction, ii Fifth Arcot. CLOTH,. and oanottnetes selling cheap at Me elm Hand's dneUon, 55 Ilifte &trent. MARIRIED DICE SON—ItetI3.OEY -Mu Bawds., the eth best.. of the Tatid U. P Char.lh, by Bee. John G. Bravo. THOMAS B. DICKSUN .4t M►BY A. MoCIBOBT, of this city. RERUE, SEAL & wOoL Commission Merchants. *4l LIBEHITY STREET. Corner of VVaylio. Q Weal taught and 1104 on Brokaw. .05 VEZNITIAN BLEND& I. A. BROWN, of POILTLIILB VLIII'LLII 90. 19 BMITHPULD craw_ smp on b=d • tap Kwato.at of Tammuz DuhiL , s, at the latest altos; PLAIN, TLINGIT ad BILE SDIELDUEGB; 0T11120112 ADD inflames °mum 47 1 ... OLD sum sad trtasosei W, WINDOW M"kti.:corardreteht Mies, sad BUDD MM. 1500. share teeth all warranted. rtiTUSMAGIPRINCEPS. :an crawl ISCIDL, UZZA.31..130A. TON MINA.I6II NODA.. Drawn from Dims' Marble IS:runlets. Dann Cron Dsirs'larbls locatakin. At II 7; DIACIIESEILR, SS liedaril meet, Allagbany Olty. N, Veers! stsrat,-;lllvglunzy ADDY & BWENB, PELALOT/CIAL PLIMII/211, CAS AID SULU" FITTICaIt, No. K wow) M.. oppodio !lift Ohdrot, !MAN ./A. PIMIPLEAD, sod Plmab L of" j: goo oroL rettnarior op the mei opproood orsa sY. 'rooks Ilard with lood or copper. Homo. ilttoi Vito Wear sad oar totorm IL EL-411 cads. orosnorly .waded to. 21 1 MAIM V. 11411=21 1 FOURTH STREET UPHOLSTERY No. bl 5 10IIRTII MINIM dui Woos Tam ottotrOtts tanotattale tad toorp antetty et ritiM 000118, uticl• thst Ilne, 001117011 Th , H =1 CUMIN NS OVA SUITE/MI:EL of kb ; ate the al. brat 4 wan ITEM BIM AM ULU of BIM= BLINNNat IfIXTIMED. 14=0 aSlettita that ts aB an:lars for =tag sad Wag 6crwo Clarpot. Mitts. Oz. WSW= t 11011:111101. Tuvalu, .omo%P o * 1...; . 11. 1 1 1 K ; tG — e l\ pa may =aoltoi. .d, wishes to best in room good eab pro table reel S. be - taring inadlnkarzirese pre.• le dolma* of ma. caging with rupectable manntactater, ,eith booSonse already artablished. or eboat to be established. ,rdeor has large business orporLanoe la (hie city tai aset and south of • anon Pea.. ornPsote to tab charge of thee:uncial sad baslitrea part of the =mem No poro need apply who Inmost furnish es reasonable prrportioo of the capital negates! tor the settee opera. non ot theca/scam and whole not a opletel tauter at tbe resoulltettiring batlike* be propome. If the party be is 4.10 known to the &Owl:leer, otiafactory reference lull ho regalred.. Saber BOX IS6„ P. 0., with real same and reddens*. eaLtd, (IBPRANB' 01. J n of OUT t an S a A C ourt , I B w y i ll y tert ne FubllcEtals, at the Court Hone, In the Olty of Pitts , burgh, 01119A11713DAT, Anatol YOth, 1334 108 ACLU. AND 62 PHILOHIP3, and allowance of loud, (formerly the needs:toe of Hobert King, deed, on tha Hapsburg rood.) In Plunilownshlo. told propei - ty bat ttloren on* hal. Tattling Hems, one Plan and otatalldlnga floe Orchard, good Springs, Oral Bank, and the whole In good order; about 18 oarimi