The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, July 07, 1864, Image 1

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ittsbmii Gazette.
PUBLIBEIG 000141101,
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61010 coma EDITIVS, by 81111. per ycar.......Ga M
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am tint* of 6to 10, .. 1 60.
o elate ollOot =re 0...186.
—anif one est. to the party aeatitng dab. Tar •
club of ale• . so oral fond the Drinuna Oatortra
riratti. Tors dab of treaty, ere will 'l=6 the
Waft= Claterrattally. BID& =Oen, 6 eve..
Ern iiettliptions Waal fa 0b0e... and pares
aims stopped sten go Woe mfr..
Reading Matter from YesterdaT's
Evening. Gazette.
The Rllaltary Outlook
i' Lai has dlgermined to bold hie array
where it now Is, and to fight out the war in
the narrow strip of land lying bolween the
Jesus river and the Appomattox, he will
ford Vi the best opportunity we have ever yet
had to operate against him easily, eoonond-
WV end effectlrely. We have an adminible '
base at City Point, with a abort and excel
lent line of communiestlon with the front.
We are on good ground for the display of
strategy, es well as for hard fighting. We
tts in little or no danger of an offensive
IWelremeet an the part of the enemy. Mill
tarily may be said -to be in the
mar Of Blebmond ; and we operate against it,
Tit the first - tires, on the line which all sags
does military men have always asserted to be
by ell - odds the beet of the lines of approach.
Look, again, at the other of our two greet
armies—Butt under Sherman. We hive Just I
leaned that this officer was repulsed in an
assinlas made on the rebel fortification!!
Mit Malay. But look where that battle was
fought. Is was an attack upon the works at
Seeesaw mountains, only some twenty miles
from Atlanta, our objective point. The rah •
els hams been 'Mandy pushed bark, until
they have now reached this,: their last great'
stronghold defending the main railroad con
tra of Georgia. here is commit - wed their
Southwestern army; and it needs but that
they should get another ouch drubbing here
as Giant gave them at Chattanooga het No- I
ember, to secure their retreat acres, the
State of Georgia to the South Carolina lljte
if there ware then any organised armyk ft
them. Indeed, a retreat to the Savannah
river has lately appeared - to them so immi•
nest, that the Mayor of Augtuanwhas issued a
proelamation in view of it.
We think a contemplation of those facts
will show bow closely we have pressed the
two rebel armies to the line of the last ditch.
As to Grant's army, it is certainly in a posi
tion from which the rebels cannot drive it ;
end there BMW no hope of their being able
ittany event to form a retrogra do movement '.
, upon Sherman. It becomes the people now,
while feeling very strong and manfully cond.
deatinet to glee way to impatienec—not to
-be tooesger for (peek and groat battles. We
press mortally on the flickering vitality of
*event rebellion, and every week assuredly
"'hinge ns nearer to the and which heaven
•i/Se decreed—N. Y. Twee.
• How Tennessee Rebels Treat the Fam
ilies of Colored Soldiers.
The Kuhrßh runes relates the following
fl,/isverital of thswrongs daily Inflicted upon
iIIb ritree ihd children of colored soldiers in
Tenneisse lamough to make a humane man
weep team of blood! Rebels who are living
!voider the .amnesty proeternatleo—rebels
wheite;erinist against this Siam have justly
forfeited their property and their worthier,
maks, appear to- take fiendish delight in
abusing the visceral:id children of those noble
colored men who have enlisted to Light for a
.flevernment from which they have heretofore
"esosived only - injustice. I will give you one
. met Imight give many.
In 1841, Ira Hardison, who resides in Man
* conntY,len miles east of Columbia, hot:she
a =a named Wilson, and from 1841 Ws 1563,
period of B:years, Wilson worked faithfully
for Hardison without compensation. No man
everhad a more faithful or tiftoientslato. Ia
Hovember; 1863, after giving to Hardition all
the. beat years of his life, Wilson enliated to
the 13th U. S. colored troops, commanded by
Col eve* oiliest in the regiment
abound' testimony:a the intalligen a ',honesty
nrat good conduct of Sergeant lint
erver 'rime bit enlistment, his wife and chi'-
. down, left in Hardboseb hr.nde,lurve'besmorn
. „telly tormented.
-;-,-•.// son :wes:drioen to work last wtatbr and
spins without shoes end almost naked, until
hoi anis ready to drop into the freers. A daugh
ter was knocked dens last debbitth a week,
Molted and stamped by the - rebel brute emit
her life was almost despaired of. The old
esoundisteaunts the mother and children
continually about their husband and tither
- - • being As soldier. As sergeant Wilson is a
very intelligent ablistian ours, he feels these
- WrongeltesedY; and asks whether the govern-
Mint for which he has taken np arms has no
usesneet redress.
Hardison is raising a fire crop of cotton
thisybar, sad is boasting of the large tams of
money it will yield him.
The Work' Done DT Bunter
-At Lyncthbrirgiatiev' gives the SoLlow
thidnlatal =tint of the deeelation picHinoed
by General Pinter in bin raid into the bean
of the Oid Dominion t
a The damage done by the 'Kubota to the
Virginia and Tennessee litilaradslaille net
fulity ascertained, is reported to be very heary:
Boddie the burning of the bridges hemp Big
and Little Otter rivers and Elk creek, the
trick Is said to be torn:tip for several mile.,
all thi depots between here and Big Lick bare
beet burned, and thrwator teaks destroyed.
Ii these damages be correctly stated, it will
take some time to put tho road. in :. running
order again.
"The rune tif.tilsolstion and rain in the
neighborhood of this city, near where the ene
my made their Ike abatis, it positively
palling. The people were dripped pf every
. data, itatif itactorn down,_crops.tremnled
up, and every species of vandalism that sav
age* -Ulla itidalt of..;11rall practiced, Hogs,
sheep, cattle, poultry, were stolen and carried
og, led what not Deeded for food wire wan-
toot, idringlitered and left to rot on theground.
Aziontrueri inive heard rot be being
- thee &obeli, despoiled were hire. Poin
u Cbty, Copt. • Armistead, Dr.
d H. W. Barksdale ' son and
near the For e st- road; and on the Belem
road, Bstatiel . Miller. Hafer 0. .. 0. Hitter
I it* Brill. Owen.' Them were also others,
•• di/hese names we have not been informed;
and along the entire line of the. enemy's
Inaseb, as far sa we can learn, he same
SOSO of plunder and robbery were. enacted.
=tug Buford was stripped of every
ttls, lenses, hogs, provisions. As.,
all were taken; and so with Capt. W. hi.
Smith, living near .Lorrry's, and all persons
living on or Within relish of the road. At
Liberty- the cue was the ume; and there Is
breMy'a family the:Glebe ban ariattormeal
• 'or stational hroana'..!'
Indian istrattegy.
arta= pleas Of 'trilogy ttilekt took
placiaika kthar day In front of Patendrarg.
Blois that, the vandal of Cooyalei Indic
:linos Iwo tat ovate& Ocelot the 19th New
`Zack Lttany-4 Evan Indistiti T. infirm
/Spa the weld= part of the State—ander
taw% tdr . a wager, to Wog in alive a rebel
_dourbooter who was 'perched in t •
• Imam -d nor B.Us considerably in ad
of his own. _ . of
anlPgabin this .wa nlib/seldom : lAl Soccer
fal, and :irate the "deriticre of any
Lanthar-stocking - redskins. Troatuing a
quantity of pine boughs, be ouldoped aim
, well with: them trona bead to foot. attaching
• dm securely to a branch. which ha lashed
WWI-Midi of hlihOdie When eoaoded, he
wstxdadisttagaishable to, almond observer
from the sanutuading )follaks, , and re
. 011101144, 1 ;- a<l tree as - closely as it was
I,oll4blasrht, b 1 calls artistio Wort
Adm. ' Thu prepared and
Eta nankstin baad w oostoesied ',likewise, he
PiSdisfa Wawa imperceptible movements to
,b 4 moth — fld trio whore ,the, Sharpshooter
' Issaledtid. nue he- patistitlY wait" nnttt
lla Dad =OW Ids plies st one of car
lea eiddegy bronsha his amiket
ii • riabretbiii bird isci tiny) ;to
1"--.'""litdadbi% Taw ;sharpohooter was token at a
- ataiallalkara Toes demand to come down
liotellatfisitlitediWhen the Maim-teem
. 44 11111 4 sim. a (---" T hmkir into-clap
Petersburg totter says : Gen. Grant visited
the front yesterday, and while there one of
his aids, who wore no dletinguithing mark of
oilice, was arrested by one of the oolored eel
idlers on gaud. They would not believe his
story, bat took him to Gen. Grant to oorrobo-
I rate his story. "Nell, General, I have bean
I arrested by this soldier, who won't believe
my story ." The Commander-in-Chief identl-,
did and released his aid, telling the soldier,.
he had dope his duty. Ile then remarked to
his aid, "Served you right, Sir; I am glad
of It, as it shows the negrou are vigilant.
The nest time you hanetter wear something
to Indicate your rank and profession, or ease
keep out of their way."
P 11.121731110 that the public If well through
Its moment of despondency, we have nothing
to remark concerning the camp:den to
r.l, eaoept that the days of partial rest which
Goa. Chant has: given to his army- ere a
better assurance of provers than 1( 0 ho had
kept hammering at the defenses of Petersburg.
Toe army had gone through tech fatigue as
• even Napoleon, themost pitiless of generals,
I seldom required of his soldiers. I. wea ea
, titled to some repose; and is Is a creel impa
tience which would deny It to men who have
fought sad marched and suffered as have the
heroes of our army for two months past. Bat
the lull In the campaign Is only preparation
and portent of the coming storm.—N. I. Tri-
-- •
A Tutus in Boyle county, Kentucky, re.
canny became anxious about his slaver, ap.
pretending that they might leave him and
enlist In the army. He accordingly culled
up ono of the most Intelligent of them, and
asked him if they bad any tboughtpf lea, Lug.
Ben told him they had talked over the war a:
good deal, and then asked him what he
thought the war was for, and what its results
would be. The master answered that he
supposed the colored men world ali be free
by the end of the wkr. Said Ben, "We want
to bo clear on this, for we think that if the
war la going to make no free we ought to
tight) but if It la for the Union and the Con
stitution as they war, we think, mass►, you
ought to light"
Tue "regular" physicians of Bolton have
advanced their prices for a single 'slat in
cases of regular attendance from two dollars
to three dollars; for a Brat visit in consulta
tion the fee is fired at from five dollars to ten
dollars; for a visit in the night, or betweon
the hours of 9 o'clock p. m. and 8 o'clock a. m.,
from Bye dollars to ten dollars. Blomberg of
the Physicians' Association have the privi
lege of - "rendering their services gratuitously
to parsons in indigent circumstances.
A Lotrm►tute copperhead, one W . 6. Bent
ley, on the 23d nth, addressed Gov. Bram
tette an insolent note, telling him that he
ought to procure !to release, of Colonel
Wolford, but expressing the belief that he
would not do so, and would indorse the Ad
ministration before twelve months were out.
The Governas responds, calling Bentley a
puppy, and advising him to keep within doors
during the 'approaching dog days, lent he be
killed for his madness.
night last, a man who was about to start for
Hamilton with a large sum of money ($31,200
we are told). droppod the package containing
it in the Hamilton and Dayton depot. Fortu
nately the night watchman found it, and being
an honest man returned it, when tho loser
coolly pocketed it without to much as a word
of thanks. Criinsiderable indignation was
manifested among bystanders at this con
daot—Oin. Comm.
Bay. Dun Tsmacn, in his excellent work
on "English—put and present," attar no
ticing the anomalous construction of the ward
"its," says it does not once occur in the
whole of our authorised version of the Bible
—ocean only three times in all Shakspeate—
was a word unknown to Ben. Johnson—was
not admitted into bia poems by Milton—
and did not come into common use :Until a
few years before Dryden sanctioned it in his
A an et gut Haddam, Conncotiont, the
other day foolishly fastened a boat, containing
himself, • woman and child, to the stern of a
steamergoing down the river, bat as soon as
his improvised rag had got fairly started tho
email beat was swampod, and the inmates
were saved with diOicrdty.
JOBIICA COTTLY, or Newbury, MESS • an -
ticiaary of some note, died suddenly isse ll t
aged sevedity-three years! He we, graduated
at Dartmouth, and was at one time the school.
master of Whittier. He wu one of the twelve
persons who formed the first abolition society
fa Masisokusetts.
' Ar the Springfield armory 265,000 guns
hare accumulated. The second and third
stories of the building are filled, and the first
story is nearly fell of muskets boxed for ship
meat. Till the lamest number the arsenal
hes ever held it any one time.
Tim earn land wheat °rope In Conrzol And
Southern Illinois are reported to be large
and promising. The scarcity of laborers gives
somistreublo In gathering the mops, and in
some seodons the women have done thyprin
nips" portion of the field work.
Tax Common Council of lloctester, N. 'f.,
are taking 1110/12121111 to procure • o.
coal, in addition to the usual amount requir
ed for city purposes, for the borate of thou
too poor to bay
Ifforetgh Gossip
A Pairetrim—Lord Shaftesbury, la ' a recent
debate in the British Parliament pa the hu
mane bill which he has introduced to protect
chitunereweeps narrated the story of the
fine lady who eirlaimed: chintney-swasp
indeed *sated education I . *What next? "
And said, In commenting on it, wI say, my
Lads, that woman who could speak is that
way of a human being with reference to Me
temporal and external interests is a woman
who could cut up s child for dog's meat or
Hew many people hove we not among as,
or representing us la Congress, that cry day
after day, "A negro Indeed "ranted to be a
man I What next? Sitting in our carat
Testifying ID one courts 1 Walking In ;our
streets? Any, roan, the negro was destined
to be bat up for dog's moat."
Maas spealthig of the late Mr. Bonier,
a writer on political economy, says he was
of the class of men who, never seeking
°face or haranguing mobs, "watch society,
think oat problems, and sexonsulate a wealth
of facts besides," which are the substratum
of policy and the manure out of which ova
te= grow. In abort they are good formats,
very useful, 11241.11 r. senior vas among the
best of them.
Savihat. cargoes of wheat, shipped from
Elan Francisco to Liverpool a short time since,
were despatched without unlading to Mel
bourne. A cargo of hemp from Manilla to
New York hoe recently been sent to Liver
pool, and from thence returned to:tiew York
as the best =hot. It le again onlits way to
Tartu young ofiloors of rank sod good
family, the Counts Sehmising.Kerifenbrock,
have been dismissed from the Prussian army
becatuethey publicly avowed their religious
sentiments wore opposed to the practice of
. --
Andrew Jobnoton , o Mother—A Slander
The following letter from a loyal East Ten
nessecan appeusin the Blnghemptan (N. Y.)
&spalioco; the slander it exposes was too
silly for credence, but lt IsJust ad well to bare
it corrected
Arrow, N. r., Jane 28.
"Mr. Editor I notice in your piper of the
27th blatant an extract from a Philadelphia
paper to the 'trot that , Azdy.lohasea had
abandoned his poor old mother, and that 'she
is travereing the streets. of Philadelphia with
a buket barasm, selling tripe for a lielog:
-n I saktbe privilege of adding my testimo
ny to. the 'falsity of tali oherge. Being a ala•
time of the ISMS ronstrai, (Greene, But Ten!
fleas..,) sad hairing live d in the Jame town,
areenvtile '
in widen Governor Johnson re.,
sided, and when hie moth= died and wu
-Weed, I know whereof I speak. To my
own knowledge old Mrs. Johnson livid' to
her son's family for many 'me before her
death. _ .
"I witnessed her beriaL She Ibis in the
village grare-yard. Many masks of tender
regard are now to be seen around her sleep
tog remains. An aspen tree, brouwhen a
more ally, from Sitaatitngton city, y her son,
and no doubt_planted by his own hind, grows
it the head of her' grave. The lino and the
myrtle bloom at her side.
Is trios that. previous to. bar residence
wlthbet snobs wu poor, but londand re.
spansdb7 al who knew ha 77portionlarly bp
ths 7 012 : 1 11. Well do i romembor, when •
more by. gasp with other Hula &brim to
eke wid tars , humble dwelling and being
eharawd with her apapestod stabs.
Johttion hils_laaitod from tda re
vered maths:am peculiar trails ai ammo.
ter that bars Zllll4O him a marked man, and
difliged Wahl ill10:0 11 : 9 4 position he
noir oarrplo ,4 -liiirkil:Wilkaod strength of
nab* talent, nurklmtunow - ssan, hidsagt.
ebbs parensagor, vat - ist k uuty. Us the
mother b, so is the ran: • .
&Mars sa Slut Tialluellie!
Official Report of Captain Semmes on
the Fight Between the "Alabama"
and •` Kenrsage."
. Mr. Mason, the representative of the Con
federate Gicrverntecmt, has sent a copy of thii
report to the rtma. Captain Somme' says
that in an hour and ten minutes the Alabama
was found to be in a sinking etate, the ene
my's shells having_exploded on her sides and
.between decks. For a few minutes he had
hope. of reaching the French coast, but the
.hip filled rapidly, and the foresee fires were
extinguished. Captain Semmes says I now
hauled down colors to prevent the further de
struction of life, and dispatched a boat to in
form the enemy of our condition, although
wo were now but 400 yards from each other.
The enemy fired above five times alter colors
had been struck. It is charitable to suppose
that's ship of war of a Christian nation could
not have done this intentionally. Some twenty
minutes after my ftumacs. Elea had been extin
&lambed, and the ship being on the point of
sinking, every man, in obedience to a previous
order which had been given to the crew,
Jumped overboard and endeavored to save
himself. There was no appearance of any
beau coming from the enemy after the ship
went down. It was fortunate that I myself es
caped to the shelter of the neutral Sag on
board Mr. Lancaster's yacht Deerhound, to
gether with about forty others.
John Morgan and Clay , . Horses.
A gentleman from Lexington, idntaoky,
relates an incident relative to John Morgan
which is certainly characteristic of him
whether it be true or untrue. After he had
stolen the celebrated race horse "Skedsdle,"
Mr. Clay started in pursuit with' two fine
animate, worth over Ilre hundred dollars eaeh,
and overtook the freebooter, and offered him
both, together with six hundred dollars; it
he would return the racer.
"Thee. will answer your purpose just as
well," said Mr. Clay.
John looked at the horses contain, and
' , Well, Mr. Clay, they will answer my pur
pose as well ns Skedadlo, and I am disposed
to accommodate you--"
Here Mr. Clay's countenance brightened.
"As I am disposed to acoommodate you, I
will partly comply with your request."
Mr. May was puled.
will partly comply with your request;
I'll take these two horses, but. I can't give
you the other."
Mr. Clay was completely taken aback ; bu t
he was not allowed to get away so easy. The
soldiers took the six hundred dollars from him
and he was compelled to leave for home on
foot with hie pookota empty.—Naehrilit
Gen. Grant and the Presidency
In commenting upon the possibility of Gen. I
Grant, in o certain contingency, accepting the
nomination for the Presidency, the Mil.
waukee Sentist/ says
We know that Gras: Grant has• perm:apt°.
rily refused, In advance, any afar of the Presi
dency. no replied to those who were seek
ing to learn his views on the subject, that,
while the war lastedoso earthly Inducement
could tike him from his present position, and
that" en should the war come to a speedy
ounension he would be the most ungrate
ful of men to ran against kir. Lincoln.
This declaration comes eo m through the most
trustworthy sources, and affords to us conclu
sive proof that Gen. Grant has fully decided
not to enter the political arena. And those
who know him, know that he is not apt to
waver when he has made up his mind one
way or the other.
Tat London Spectator contends that sober
nations art wickeder than drinking ones, as
are the French in comparison with the En
glish, the Italians with the Scotch, and the
illadoos with everybody.
A Krum of young man In Fall hirer,
nue., have commenced procurtngonbatitutet
to 611 , 0 themsehrea from the draft.
Ferper'a Ferry in Rebel Poesegaion.
The EipedLilo Probably for Hinder
Platrixasis, July 6.—The mall train from
Sandy Rook, Ofd., opposite Harper's Perry,
left this morning sa 0.001.
Bunter's force are rapidly arriving ft=
the vest, end will doubtless won *entreat tha
The enemy retain pusses/ion of the Virg's,
is aide of Harper's Ferry. Sigel holds the
opposite 'heights.
All indLoatiote seem to show that the
infantry force does not exceed six or "eight
thourand, and is a pluederiag expedition.
The Destruction of the Pirate Alabama.
New Toss., July 6.—The Tissee Paris ear '
respondent says Notwithstanding the reports
same time since that — the Alabama was so
worn out that she would have to be abandoned
and would never go on the ocean again, she
made a trip tram the Esst to Cherbourg In
such is abort time that she was thought to be
the Florida, and so telegraphed on her ar
rival, Capt. Winslow, then In Holland, was
linmedlately tent for by Mr. Dayton. Hear
rived jot in time, as by the protest of Mr.
Dayton, the French authoritos were obliged
I to order the Alabama out of port.
Semmes at the -beat feee on the matter
he could, though it was evident he did not
like to face a war ship. He sent word to
Commander Winslow that he intended to
drive him off, when Winslow replied, "Lot
him try it." The fight was no abort and do.
chiles that. one would have thought the Ala
beam had Changed plum with one of her on •
armed merchantmen viotims. It LI not true
that the Alabama at any time attempted to
board the Kaaren.. When the Alabama was
disabled In her machinerrthe Kea:sage was
run op close to her and poured a destructive
converging broadside ' which tore away a
whole section of the Alabama's side at the
water line and fat the water through In eas
cadet. The Alabama then turned tall and
made for the shore, when Commander Wlas
low hoisted his flog of victory and pursued.
Finding that the Alabama wet sinking, he
lowered his boats to pick up the crew. .
Mr. Dayton informed Commander Winslow
that the prisoners could not be paroled, but
might bo transferred to the Et. Louis, when
, she arrived, and conveyed to the United
Latest From Memphis.
MIIIPHISt July 4.—lmportant movements
are going on hero, the details of which are
There Las been no news from Arkansas,
sines Gen. Carr's fight some days since.
No arrivals from White or Arkansas rivers
for the past two days.
Gen. Steele has ample supplies, and no
anxiety L felt here for his position.
The Memphis city government appointed by
Washburn° is moving along 'smoothly and
gives entire satisfaction to the loyal portion of
the people, and many of the semi.seoesli have
expressed 'Millet:4ton with Gen. Washborne's
Col. Harris is known es an earnest patriot,
who devotes his whole energy to the proper
dim:huge of hie duties as a millsary mayor,
end wlU.undoubtedly give 'lstisfaotion to all
who deserve it.
t Goa. Retch has reported to Gen. Wesburne
for duty.
Weather hot.
Latest from Europe.
llALtrax, July 0. —The Alta, from Qneens
town on the 260,has strived with three days
liter news.
The yacht Deerheand to charged as being a
mere tender to the Alabama.
It bromaredtiost Boimmes wit gall another
pirate steamer In August.
Larzsc.--The Conference Mot on 13sturday,
and finally adjourned.
It is stated that ardent havivbein issued by
the llnglieh government to Ulm !evil equip
ments tor thirty thousand troot.S.
Cotton quiet • unchanged..'
'readstuff* quiet;
; a slight advaaoe In all
wraiths. Procisiens arm and upward.
Favorable pease lumen yesterday Onlekt
an itortrotement in stocks and onsets.
Rumored Capture of Petersburg.
• New Test a l 7 6.—T6s Viten/ has the
following, widotrit doubtas
Washington, Jody; —A dhrestab 'au seat
tract bus to NOV York th(l Imsatog et 6
eolooki'itoolating thatZetorobwrg we' tam
7.0417/ 1 17.
Hentucky Declared•Un
der Martial Law.
The Proclamation of April, 1881, to
be Enforced.
Ay the Prtride=tuf the United State:
W 11111142,, By the Proclamation whleh was
boned on the 15th of Aprtl, 1861, the Presi
dent of the titated Statet announced and de
clared that the laws of the United Pilaw; had
been for demo time past and then were op-
posed, and the execution thereof obstructed
in certain States therein mentioned, by cam
Ihinations too powerful to be suppressed by'
'the ordinary coarse of judicial proceedings,
f or by the power vested in the Marshals by
law •
And whereas, immediately atter the isruirg
of the said proclamation, the land and naval
forces of the United States wore out into ac
tivity to suppress said insurreotion and rebel
lion. And whereas, the Congress of the
United States, by an act approved on the 3i
day of March, 1863, did enact that daring the
said rebellion the President of the Felted
States, whenever in his judgment the public
safety may require lt,is authorized to suspend
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus In
any case throulhout the united States or any
part thereof.
And whereas, the said insurrection and re•
hellion still continues endangering the rule
, tones of the Constitution and the government
[of the United States, and whereas, the mill
tary forces of the United States are now a:-,
Lively engaged in suppresaing the said incur. 1
motion and rebellion in various parts of the
[Staten where the said rebellion has been sae-
I medal in obstructing the laws and public
authorities, and especially in the 5t4 , 403 01'
Virginia and Georgia.
And whereas, on the 15th day of September
last the President ofthe United States duly
Leaned do proclamation, wherein he declared 1
that the privilege of the writ of ha6ens mrpul
should be suspended throughout the Utmost
States in cases whereby, by the authority of
the President of the United States, the midi
tary, naval and civil °Sears of the United'
States, or any of them, may hold persons on
der their command or in their custody,
either an prisoners of war, epics or alders or
abettors of the enemy, or officers, soldiers or ,
seamen enrolled or drafted or mustered or
enlisted in or belonging to the land or naval
forces of the United States, as desert ors there
from, or otherwise amenable to military
law, or the roles and articles of war, or the
_rules and regulations prescribed for the mill.'
tary or naval service, by the authority of
the President of the United S men or for
resisting a draft, or for any other offence
against the military or naval services.
And whereon, many eitiaeno of the State 01
Kentucky have joined the forcer of the inane
t gents: have, on several emulous, entered the
,said State of Kentucky to large force, and
not without aid and comfort furnished b 3
disaffected and disloyal °Wit= of the United
States therein; not only greatly disturbed the
public peace, but overborne theeivil authori
ties and made flagrant civil was, destroying
property and life in various parts of that
State. . . .
And whereas, it bus been made known to the
President of the United States by the officers
commanding the National armies that combi
nations have boon formed in said state of Ken
tucky with a porpore of inciting the rebel
forces to renew the caid operations of civil
war within the said State, and thereby to em
barrass the Upited States armies now opera.
ring in said States of Virginia and Georgia,
and to endanger their safety.
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Presi
dent of the United States, by virtue of the
authority vested in mo by the Constitution
and laws, do hereby declare that in my jodg
meat the public, safety especially requires that
the suspension of the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus so proclaimed In said pronto
motion of the 15th of September, 1361, be
made effectual and be duly enforced In and
throughout the said State of Kentucky, and
that martial lave be for the present declared
I do therefore hereby require of the military
officers In the said State, that the privilege of
the writ et habeas corpus be effectually sue
pended within sold State, according to the
aforesaid proclamation, end that martial law
be established therein, to take effect from the
date of this pr.Lamatton The maid mitten
, lion and establishment of martial law to coa
time until this proclamation elan be revoked
or modified, but not beyond, the period when
said rebellion shall have Leen euppreeeed,
or come to an end; cud I do hereby require,
and ectrnand, as well 113 military officers,
tall eiril officers and authorities existing or
found within said State of Kentucky, to take
cadre of this proelam.thion, and to give full
effect to the tame. The martial law herein
proclaimed, and the things In that respect
herein ordered, will not be deemed or taken to
interfere with the holdir g of lawful election.,
or with the proceedings of the Constitutional
Legislature of Kentucky, cr with the admin.
istretion.of justice In the courts of law ex
isting therein, between Citilolll/ of the United
States in suits or proceedings which do not
affect the military operations or the consti
tuted authoriee of the G.,vortiment of the
United States.
In testimony whereof I ha ve hereto set my.
hand and caused the seal of the United States
to bo affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this sth
day af July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty four, and
of the Independence of the United States the
By the President
Wet. 11. SEWARD, Secretary of State,
Promotion of Commander Wins
low of the Manage.
The Enemy's Strength yet Unknown.
Wu:snores, July b.—lntelligence from
the Upper Potomac state. that the citizen.
of Upper Maryland are terribly frightened,
and are fleeing with their property in all dl
rectione. The danger thus far seems appre
hended more than real, for Frederick, even,
is not occupied as reported, and the rebel
command has not occupied permanently any
town on the Maryland aide of the Potomac.
The enemy ie :supposed to be a part of Ran
som's, late 6 tuarea, cavalry, with infantry
from &well's corps.
A speed:al to the Tribune, from Washington,,
dated July •th, says : Refugees from Elegem
town, Doonstoan and Middletown are arriving I
in Baltimore in considerable numben. Many
of them walked the whets way, and they re
port much excitement throughout the western
counties, more on account of previous lure
stone than from anything seriously threatened
A special diepateh to the Times, dated Bal
timore, July 1, lays: Brig. Oen. Tyler and
command are at Monocaoy.
A ecout had reported that the party at Point
of Rocks consisted of one hundred and twenty
dve of Dioseby'smen on a thieving expedition.
They burned a boat at Point of Rooks, robbed
a store At Harper's Ferry, trod went back.
There were only two companies of infantry
and two companies of cavalry at Harper's
Ferry, belonging to a Potomac cavalry bri
gade, and they disgracefully fled.
A 11--2nna special from ileadguerters says:
These das of monotony, the report of which
falls so so y se:gluey on the poblio ear, are big
with portentous preparation' for a movement
which will exceed in brilliancy and Importance
any of the ainapaign. It will soon be exeout -
ed, and will be suceessfuL
Nair Yask,'laly 6.—Tho li,loor's Wash - -
Ington special, of the sth, .aye : Commander
Winslow, of the Relaters, was to-day recom
mended by the SCUM/ay of the Navy to be a
It L already said here that the value of the
li Alabama will be distributed amongtheofiloore
and grew of the Kaarsage.
Commander Winelovrclainos Capt. Beromas
and *there, taken ba .Boutbampton, ste his
prisoners. He bad ample reasons to pick
them up. The English yacht actually stole
them, as If by preconcerted plan, thus ecnsti
titling a riot case of intervention.
Arrival of 100.Daya 'Volunteers at
Fort Leave.'Monti,
13?. Loons, July 8 —The luthllibmis (hun
dred days molt) reselmd Fcri lowormwortb,
sad will gibbo that ol OW . tho
and 16M Hausal n
volunto po go
on to tho front.
The amiss Stew Jawool, publlaliod et
Loiromow, fa tbo Lutorest of the Smug VAN
1? DUI *plan tro-iiloolion of 143:0113.
Arrival or the Ocean Queen.
NO, ULF, July B.—The Ocu Glaccir
Eftction of 'reacher,
The following teachers hare been elected
in the ward, designated
. Moods.
Male—Mini Bslla
Mary J. Thompson.
Principal—Jan:tea B. D
Grammar Department :
Maclean; Female—Mum
Meilit= Department Malo—Mies Mary
D. MeFaden: Yomale—Miss E size J. Nicole.
Primary Department! Sale—Mies Jane B.
Gonnio Allan ; Prmale—Mize
Annie Curry, and ono to elect.
Prlndips.l—U. J. Gourlay.
Grammar Department..—ana„,,e E. B Dan
lap, S.A. Wallace, M. J. Graham.
Interinedlato Department—Mlasei 8. M.
Hunter, Esther Johnsen, Emma Out, E. M.
Primary Department—lttisAa Agnes H
Dunean, Ida F. M'Olaresi, E. Itlehardnon, H.
wilklns, Little W. Elan*, E. A. Mattlers, E
Taggart, Fanny T. MaGammon, Fanny Cori
1:11 =CIE
Principal—John J. Taggart.
Grammar DeplrtmanyMias M. E. Tag
Intermediate Departmant—Miseet Lottie 0
Mardn, Sarah 11. Mari
Primary Harriet Ma
theara, Edstilda Mafia, Irani& Rattedge, Lta
ate IL Wright, and Mrs. Sarah A. Weaver.
Ann .acct—Prinoiin.ln—Le 'mud 11. }.,ton.
Grammar De I,artmor.:—Mlsees Mary D.
Garvin, Emma D Wallace.
Intermediate Dernrtment— i ses Annie
M. Robinson, Kilts W. L ,mpre, Irate Kirk
Primary Department—Misses A. Witherow,
Mary S. Danoan, Margaret McMullen, Alice
J. Jackson, Mattle S MoMaater, Kate K.
Wheeling. Am interesting tittle son of Capt.
Elliott, oged about six years, was cutting
some pine intended for the decoration of Flor
al H ill, when by an unfortunate stroke of the
hatebet which be was using, he severed one of HENRY MINER.
Primary Department—S,, appointment. I his thumbs from the hand.
Second • reet—Urcenelar Department—Mies
Mary J. Prendfoo..
Intermediate Depart,.Lent—Mrs. Verbena
Hank Note quotations,
Correoted cspeoially for the Gosstte, by Messrs
Feld t Lace, of the National Bank Note Re
porter. Rates uncertain at present:
P.trecreoa,Jet, it, 186-1_
Now r-uhtlathl Meth.. }i•Virgthis—intertor ....
Near York slats 3 , 5 North
New Sort City par,South tharollow...—.-.
New Jurttor ;.,..(teorgia
Bk. of Plitzhargh, pr. 1.11 Koutue y pw,
BL of Basver Co.. pr. 13 , Trunesnao ..--........-...—.
Bk- of Fayette (10., pr. 12b Ohio -
110nougoln•la Bank, i Indiana, !rm..... 2
Bramnsa Ma ......r. ft,' •• Bp. of Stao, par
r.. Cmontry Banks...
1 ~...IBloola-. --'t'sf°,
D. , ll,reav ..: SI 00 °ruin
But. of Coltint in i lowa
•.• • •
n' 9 ?" 1.
Mb,'. Brew
Exra.gor.--Svlling rmtts uo Nev York and Philo
-lelpbta • t i .• over bookAtole (nods.
boymg noes lat(h.ll ,, and Elver et
12-rakl,.),ver ttank.s.ble (u/de.
Death of an Actor
A St Loots paper of the 4th inst., contains
the following notice of the death of Charles
J. Foster, familiarly known to our theatre
goers as "Charley Foster," and an actor of
considerable popularity
We regret to hear of the death of Mr.
Charles J. FJeter, the leading actor at the
Varieties Theatre. Ho was a private in the
nth Enrolled Militia, and paraded with that
regiment last Thursday. The day was eg
ceedingly warm, and while marchieg along
Fourth street Mr. Potter was overcome by
the heat and fell to the ground. He was tak
en home, where ho died yesterday morning.
Ells funeral will take place at eight o'clock
that morning. Mr. Foster was a melodrama
tie actor of great popularity, having played
atc:essful migsgements in many of the prin
ciple theatres of the Eastern cities. He leaves
• widow and me child In this city to mourn
hie Lou.
Singular Preaeutiment of Death
The Wilkesbarre Record says ”Mrs.
Scharer, wife of our townsman, Christian
Scherer, disd last Thursday, after a short ill-
MM. 331:1107Cfal ago, Mrs. Soberer dreamed
that she should die in ten years, and with
cholera. As time passed she oarried the
memory of this singular dream with her, and,
as her father had a similar warning, which was
verified, she had faith to its consummation.
Week befote lust she told her husband that
the timi was approaching, and ohs desired
him to go to the cemetery to select a lot. lie
graded the matte, for a time, hoping to di-
vent her mind from the melancholy .abject,
bat she could not forget It. On Friday they
Appoloted to go, but were prevented, and on
Saturday again something Interfered. On
Tuesday Mrs, Scherer wet taken sick, sad an
Thursday she departed "
Ttra Rain OA Tea Batrrnoaa ROAD —The
Wheeling hrtaii 9 rneer say. The object of the
recent raid upon the Baltimore and Onto Rail
road, at Duffield's Station, by Mosby's guer
rilla', still remains a mystery. The rebel
force Is variously estimated at from two to
fire hundred, and it is maid by some that they
had four pieces of artillery. They captured
• few Federal soldiers stationed at Deffield's
and burnt their camp equipage, bat left the
railroad undisturbed. They came from Lou
don county, and after remaining about fie..
hours returned In the same direction. The
movemettals a per feet mystery to the udlitag
A Darsr.en Wouts A ItRZSISID. —Last evon•
lug a drunken woman, while Buggering Moog
Wood street, 101 l upon the pavement, and was
too much intoxicated to rise. A large crowd
collected around her, and supposing that she
hud fainted Mho was the reciplentor their qm
.athles. Water was procured, her head
.ached, and every off rt made to restuoitato
her, bat without avail. Officer Lone, of tho
Morsel police, happening to pass along at the
time, recognized her as en old offender, and
took her to the hi ayor's office. This morning
she was committed to jail by the Mayor for
ten days for drankenness.
bliTol'll OFPICL—Mrs. 9111.221
. .
Potts, who was arrested yesterday by the
Allegheny police, for keeping a disorderly
house, had • hearing before Mayor Alexander
this morning, and upon paying costs and
promising to abate the nuisance, she was dis
charged. The other parties arrested were
also released upon the payment of c05t5........
Airs, Monsen, who resides to the upper part
of Allegheny, was arrested this morning up
on complaint of a neighbor, for disorderly
conduct. She was lined 53 and costs, which
she paid and was discharged.
Toe Sroatotri FIFTY NW? NoTzs.—A re
cent emission of spurious fifty =Motes (the
new plate) hes been put in circulation. They
are an eighth of an inch shorter than the gen
uine; the word. "fifty cents," which surmount
the brad of Washington, are Tory pkle and in
distinct, while the le , tors are very black and
distinct in the genuine. The bronze circle
around the head in the counterfeit can hardly
be seen, while the genuine is a deep color.
The spurious, though indistinct in all ice out
lines, is darker than the original.
Al outcries for otlioere of the Birmingham
atid - Pittaburgl Bridge Company, being held
on the 4th final, the fotlowing named gentle
men were °looted:
Primldent—A- Garr
• . -
Director—Moosra. B. McKee. A. PdeLest
B. A. 'Wolf°, F. Feweet, J. Allen, D. Chola
T. DanconL, J. Ilonrloo, F. Bauman, sod A
Trcasurir—E. Mayo.
Glork—John 0.. fiterannon.
We have received a copy of • book entitled
"Barry Todd the Deserter, or the Boldier's
Wife, founded on scenes of the present re
bellion. It will, without doubt, meet with •
large sale among those who hove brobands,
brother* and friends in the army. Any one
intending to run away from the draft shoald
not fell to procure a copy. The book may be
bed of all dealers for the sum of twenty-flea
Arrourra .—We leans that Goy. Curtin
bas appoint d Dr. Robert Wray, of slits airy,
a competed ner to visit the Pennsylvania sol
diers la the Department of Baltimore, and
see shit their wants are properly attended to.
The.Doetor has left for the ffeld of his labors.
Deleon: APPOINT/M.-At a late moth*
of the Presbytery of Westmoreland (V. P.
Churoh,) resoltalona wore adopted strongly
el:doming the Chrlstlan Oommleslon, and
Deo. A. D. Melds and BOY. J. D. Walkinehan
were appolated as Delegates.
Cwaau flirrush.—CApt. Toner pro•
tarred chaps to.tioy against thou:44loz who
Au arrooted yestorday for droinkoanole while
es linty, ond handed him over to Cafe. Wright
for trial by wart martlab
Grand Pte-'le Excursion.
We understand that the Neptune Fire Com-
may have arranged fora grand ptc•nle, to be i kJ
held In Glentrood Grove, on the sth of August
next. Thin is the first entertainment of the 1 ug1y...,,,„ with ,rpr,„,.. , 1 ..I. imp,, dolt, , j - Lso:
kind ever attempted by the Neptune boys, . \ •
and no pains or expeose will he spared to : boo " ' f ,L . : , r7 . 0 . 0 ,::, 0 ;: 1 , d t . b .Z1
.f i ;,%7 / _ -1 ,,,, " ;, ` , x ,,, u ' k 'd . ,„ 6 .l
render it a meet plevant and happy re•unlon. ;
Managers have been choeen from eacb_of the I TRIAL" b •me, to read It slue wi.n .7 • en l Leal
tilled with doper, end &script...l. take '' LIZ:Ilk:T.
fire companies in the city, and the pia nio will : !snip oft the atoll o; th.. story Coo Colfees a gel
donbtlese be one of the largest and most Inc. ; nice . d.l:l " tin. T. '''' " ... ‘" ..4 ; 0 f l'!`..7 r ri„%cr;
easeful ever gotten up hero. The members of 't'Xuc,,,T,2,",,,V,;,°,,g.'"',,,";,"01,,tt,,,°,.:,,,', ~rif„.,.„,
the Neptune will be heartily seconded and - . nor, is lees os Ansa la List. In .. Linnet's
assisted by their brother firemen, and the TO• ! Trial - than o Perlre Lost", bat for tro hfol stadlse
union will doubtless tend to ooment the lor chore.. r i,.. frosa t1 , ...e the . ros ,,,... tog h, rleLic i. no. o v to tt; ,
friendship which has eo long and Co happily I t ' d
Eagteg sod sellisl.orsadon, Lenore,
Vrre, g wi t ml not
characterized the several companies oompoe- qarte molt.. -a a brio, we out •ay th.s b .sk I. it,
ing the department. The entertainment hue !t,..w attempt of the auttsross. which Is colt, memo. I ,
I been conceived In the most friendly and coat .inieneatloo •noagh f..r thins ear/ bare tr...., t.,rto.!
mendable spirit, and will meet with the hearty
nate e. to liar, nal 'Too. loons'
&pi/rural of the firemen and the public gen- .,,,,,, tx ....„,,, r , R .,,,,,,,..;7, of it
erolly. ',
"ff. ooe will be oimppolotot with :I S char:ult.
tale rf Ism:coll. and hbrae elfrodose. rI. written
The Statue of Washington. , wbh :aro beauty . f lova-Ciro p end 1 , ..1 •
The first bronze statue ever cost of %Clash • , 'q . t. story I, dtridra 11,0,0 no , .., t..... tle . on
legion, was recently captured by Gen. Flu ‘,, b : ‘: " 1 , ''' ic f ,1,... . c . ::,„,, f ' ' 7
. ', -o a T ',“ ~:, -,,,, ~ i ,
t :,,r e , ,
ter, at Lexington. Va., and forwarded to : d " ;,,,. - ‘--
Wheeling, where it I, now on exhihition at -- lintedot., with no. o:ro-el.lo au - cooed , . ht .
Alto Sanitary Fair. A bronze tablet HCOOM• ! pleaesta sod at,ecttou•to w... good Goan. act ga t
panics the statue, on which is the following; I .lO F r . I. tea “ I ' d,
tee LIAM romidr of the story Then for the
inscription , with the std of "Inn , to A 5 .
socnotional elan clot, or deem, Isterrebof the boos
"The General Assembly of the Commons • torn to Capt. Pore Coaster, sod his e•M.b re 0 ,
wealth of Virginia, have caused this stanza to song--hi. beantl•nl. Llooot. .he so ,1,11.., eud
be erected as a monancent of afferotion and. sympritsrtir, be se red Cr d not( aeutnlr , i , at.
gratitude to George Washington, who unit- ' “ . " 3 ". °W° . :; b ; , : ° .,.,"" ° 0 2:,? ; : a b : ‘ ,7,!„..?1, ' ,, d ,7,,,V,:b .r
Mg to the ondowments of the Hero, the vice i r,,, ` , 4 ,7,r,,,,,, world "t tends„ ~,,„1 r „,,,,, 5 ,. ~,,,,.
teas of the Patriot, and exerting both in ' et 0..... for the woman ho lend
cemblishing the liberties of his country, has; ..1533.11 . 11.1 after , hoo! merraoe • the ear brook i oat
endeared hit name to his follow citizens, and ; in ladle. sod Y. re. mine, at Is or It rai ., 1 , 13. , : d
. 11 1 It t li .
given to the world an immortal example of 1 r: .. t t ..1: 1 , ::: ',f"; cow e . ::, ' ; ' ,, h : r Vi ' ,„,.., ~„ ~, „ e ,,
to glory." ; and rt.,a to her rrt dr Mr how., le - sitter for am s
"Done in the year of Christ 1235, and in I tory, which he sr, I s• t 01, sr sea , and ...ohm , to ,
the year of the Commonwealth the 12 h." or Ms 'rho or world camp: hi los 1,130 sod laithf.l
A elle. lir, mrset tontine .Ls V. rroudrom Charm of
. , Ins who. boon. Ltonot ts ibeao al atruier •wo ,
1 . Bee AMIDILST.-On Saturday last, a pstafar only nen to verfortlau When Heat,/ op Iron, with
. accident occurred at the Sanitary Fair at • t.,.•
No. 12. BI*SELI, , S BLOCK
AT IlttiT'S.
V MN'S or oth WSLL:', IGe peat Pond Fash
at, So. 0.11 and ner them,
Sole AiTentB for the ( rletn.ted
All OA rl If 1 11,r./E.13,
SOHO HAUTE & 00.19
eTATION KEY, all lands,
AT BUN rs.
TUC TANN - LB B /4, s Gen. Grant: ”O .11
°alter new Boot. and Lkte publicatlamb,
AT nutire.
BUNT'SGOLD TESS—the Lest that sr. trabday.
Harmoniums and Melodeons, in" . ` ..
AGAZISES, fur July, rut and uncut,
P I A. r sr> en
Clover, and 1I n.lulen I.m tun tug, tLua any
abet rianos manufactured In tto country
And hittBIGAL GO )Di Y•narall7, at tlte lowed AT It °TUVE,.
Eastern Cash Nines. 1 WAR 2:1 AN and U/STOGIR3 t.tY TES WAD,
tartan. kinds, at
PlAtio.s TO LT?. Tuning and It...pairing .Inne
at 'hart antis.
ST dame.. Mutt Latur.d in any Idyl.
lODEON, doable r•od. two stem made by bloat. A
liatalin. n sobnocid Instylna•nt, and In ant rate SSI ALL PRINTED PLATS,
oraer. Would sorter well for a !small Cburrb Cr
Sabbath Scbool.
1 , 0 It C R.Al'
PIA_N Olt)
oL clod. wanly of 6 and 7 octave Piano Forbes
from the celebrated factory or Kaaba .3 Co., has Ind
been rscolood—acme In richly carted curs. 1 hoso
bastrronants aro fully warranted for debt yews and
ova by tha best Judges pronounce.' nurirallaL
esti Is respeenally solid:od Wore parchulng .'so
lawns. 0113.11h077.6 BLUTIN, Solo Apnt,
ol No. 43 Wirth sums.
$3O, $35, $4O, $75, $BO, $125, $l3O,
8135,11105, 8170, 8180. $215
PIANOS, which by the best naus.etas ball a..
knowlesiged to be superior to oil others, without atty
We have 1101 F open - tr. lorgcat ood best
otock in thlo olty of
imported under the ot4 tariff, •Ith
the `old premium at sixtyliva
Alpo, • full amortaout of
la all sidida, .d at
The Lowest Vries.. for Cash
• •
All Legol Bur Loam promptly strand/A to.
coltoo, N. 1611 !OM= STIIXET, paw Grant.
Plitt • • .b {. •• Smlim
.p .17
196 Penn street, Pittsburgh.
OSlos bow, I to 0 .. m. and li to I pm.
• o'clock • . on2l ' •
N., id Sega Wow EMU.
BOOKfi, .41,11U.A18, tic
Er S. M., ► of -Tv.. Lost
A.NU Vliril STIE
tarns—only 23 cents. Cal and ,Its oto,
At flee <ea.—the SE XY YORK. L.F,DGilki.
S.l MINT!.
At the ,ht paces—RC 91 - 13 UNION STATIvti -
69 IFITTII ST MET, 919.50970 BALL
Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory,
Pirrd 13THE61.0PP011 ra TIIS POiT OfICY
—A biography of S.M. Balks...and Wm. Tot. By
John O. P 01... 1 rot, Polo. Pi M.
;alluded at Dm Anatomy of the gams Involved In
the operation; the Linda and prayer co
Metrmorata, sot tool.
HEAVEN OUR HONE. 1 voL 12010.
ter. !largo .apply of the latter work Jost received
ILS 1. READ re Tenets, .0,...,4
11111810 BOOK
B; T. E. Perkin; anthero' the New 01Ire Branch
Boer re.). Stogie copied, 21 cants ..5.29 P.' bunched , .
110 , 13, OLe KBE LC CO.,
ert 97 *treat.
Wright'. &volts, vol. ......•$l sn
Grant's! Saporta. voL 3. ........ ........... 4 Ell
Philadelphia Saporta vol 3 ....... 4 DO
Black's U. 8 (lout Ilaportr.
For stale by KATd 0016PNY,
j 24
66 Wood .3tret.
• I r
slaa. 1,., It. Dion If ASIIIoNABLE mad
L.—:"L'ILIST eterYL. e
0010111 ER Or PIliN AHD 137. OLLIB STILNLIS,
Beton paretteehag elsewhere.
W. H. Me(3-.EE,
Wald call the affection of buyer. to tits stock of
good.. It ha been celactod with great core, end
confab* all Ilia nefreastylts of gads to be foo , d
to gist clam holm. Goole wfahle4 • =it of cloths
made to order, will piton call and eclogue out
roode sod price. &leo, . foil and complete stoch.
Furnishitig Goods
W. a LIOQIX, gm:chant Tailor,
For young Gents, of
scoroa AND Jammu; coensos,
—Thesidtessieddp Steretoters estradis bermes
ttuadd.csAldied. ander the MN. of %fa. G.JOatis
STOZT is coutneUi'dorolsod, so take rh.
hem this dotb, IGGIMBG BEESON redoing toms
the Essi TM bottom will to maturcd as formes.
Is, codes the 011 e as. heartam.
vv. a. JOHLTiOII
NAM.. R. toantrba -
PI It.bartl. rob. 1dth..11144.
DEXTL9Var. -
TOSEPH ADAMS, Dentis: Cacuielty's
coma of Ma •mW. sad grant streets,
Yttlabpo Aglerwica—Dr. A. IL Pcakck,Dr_. Bal.
Thseilot• soots% ZWUPd 11,
L'O SA.IO. --;:tBCI3.BAN SITES slcti
YLLi.dar. LOTS, Nr_la root BEtcao.—Tbri
ct.dervigood, Comokoro Me olden cl iota. Her ,
ro, doi'd,,finr nor sato o dou.t-or Of Loon. fro= Co
bol to two o-oun mob, olicat , l row Fort H. OrCO,
.cd Within torso ionoonny r !WM al
lltt.bcrgh • Baihr.y
rC6 atonic L., OS, ar printo
re kimono..
W. • crir.t - sr o
osririllr, fro. ttug . tt.
to nut, 'est Gout u..s ..
r.r to'crronts. tauc o eithrr of ths tsar.,
ilgood, or W. A. Uktt, ,0119oe. goort
Roust, Wit A /I CREWS,
Juttli D HIM WS.
R G. HER R: tif,
Y. J. RE sEittN,
• lortltDlT.
VOA &Ai Itzm of 118 sores, in
Guir Wren= ' , reload reeiity. P.
a Pura: acio% u is..iirooth tow ably,
Also, n largo tee-snot] DMA Bones and Lot
the Elorongh Ori of West, Slisebe; h.
e el% Hen. and 1... et lo rni=bstr. boror.e4
Also, nre Lore iel.,iolnlcs {Ss borocgla of Melton
cor. in J ece% 8 Petty`. pion, Sen. EC, 5 7. U. 69
end W. I
nlere very reinable tree% cesel ;,sad, In Pool
so 2, on the Monongahela river.
For p.rtlerders tagay.. et 5.. lad Feral!" sheet. O. El TOW F.ll 6.eal
dens.. Mont
Volt SALE—'fhe rt.u• try riot of the
late ritmcel
tee e tet itoe4
C fme Ant .crn:
•1211e0 ars 1. • L..• eta, of
coytralot, •
telat, oil .1 et... 1 try.... trees,
.t.r torn., . sod part', Ittd.rlaid coop
tirs aestsug p pt.. 01(3, omtabt....4 W•%roeLF,... 500. rt. tee! atd
cOal,Lberbocd, Ice • ha, .2.,d•. :are opt. iota p
ettertng 0-0. tr.. cc.; j izo 1,4 uf • twat
h qt.e
For ~ rth, r per ir'tlerr !wio ro at tha oace ct
11.QC'EWAIN;P c t-
J 3.4 rutU,Ag.
VO't SALE—fine new 6t,an, Engine,
t. mina, try Under, 15 strobb%, on Leavy Ir..
bdaoM salve go
r es 12 !urn cylinder, I o rna &vote, rwsne.berol,
rent will be cc peed as c.a . .
'vas 7 Lech cylinder, 51 loch stooks, aew.
Vas e " 25
Two Cylinder Boilers, 1431i5a1., SO lest lazy
Throe DC/ `'2l I.
T>•o Wronglst Iron 011 Stlnn
Ako, Throe Seco of llortrq Toola, for 011 Wel,
enfo l P tor cub. Enquire of H. .HO Ytt.
.yes A , lehany'lLtr , H .
near ths Plana
1.2 .1.51./ OIL 11.8F111111E.T.—The one-half az
whole of an Oil BeSzery sod eteua Pea 0111, mitt:
too and the-half acme of grenc.d ; m abandience of
nad on the lot—mine open sad whiz; irerked, striate
en the hlloshenyelOver and A V. 11. 11. la oftenad
for sale. The Jleehery to hoe nal of reoderc build,
The 13sir Lull to IL splendid order, and to well situ.
steel , hazing • treat ruzzolnit mt. It to the liszt.
Elzod locality for bonding boats.
For particulars call on the coderairoad..
LYDAT & 011011PrSlittil3
80. au Head street. Pittsburgh, k
V FOE BALT', Ctuatcd cn tha Monongahela
Weer, oboes the On; Look, having aa out on said
deer of 927 feet, and extending beck to Braddong
street, aelinthing the Oonnidteril• Eallroa4. con
taining t suet end 77 Torches. This Is an adult..
Ma location for cuanumstntingnarrows, haring tha
filer in (root and publlo strict end railroad is the
rata, and Sue Mill and building-a thereon erected.
Tor terms, du.. agpl to many ens TOME,
on the prethLve, or to W. O. SOGI3II7EAVGE, En.
119 Dlettoond street, Pittsburgh. rahl4tti
gK SALE—A Country seat andFtuit
erm, moat/Lining 14 sem. encloved mostly with
puling Gate. The 1.01 to riot; end planted wlth
the tory notate. troll wow. all In bawling condl•
[ion, with • 11.004 and sug.table &Wan The
are • newt wth • go built noose, 4 0, 4011 ;
w stable, large barn, well .at-end, eltoatol.llre
to. e loe loom Use clty, on the old Witablnyan road,
near thokey's Chu; ch. Tithe propert7 le worthy the
.pro attention of:sat - flea wile an atoning a cows
me h. or pwt;culare apply to
I_r4 n McLAIN d 00.
FOR SALE—At AlaUm Oil Works,
35 Crud• Petroleum Temks,
lo prima aptcr, rabstaotlally btilt of oriole tinder,
not kog Lo cue, aod eal coocalo coma tr batoas
aar.R_ ippllcatlon tusy coo, at the P.olLadry
ArtaWang en . or the ,111:45 to rhtabdr,b.
FOR SAIY -S2 000 will purchaze a
two-.tire Frame 1:11.3..e of 0 , ,t0t rd. m. and
c Ilar ; a kmootory Brick Howe, and lot 01 tground
2) feet trout on Pt..e .fret by el d ep.
eV , Ho. IB necatd atr ct for rata. thrr•otory
Botnit, dons, o holt too pa,lon, cluing room,
chant•trit, kttchtla and Ca.?, bath room, ad.; gam
and mater Prl • $lOOO
Jyl 8 CUTI3I3.OIT tt. .OSI3 01 Vatted at.
WR SALE-20 !Ate in Allegheny
Ctty, together ha% .; • trtiut ?bat., L.lto
of .boht 180 teat, sad rc natog Lac: !CC Scat, beir.g
iota anchored Prom 8 to 31 In Sohn O'Herr's pl. a
iota, totrg the property %rhea, liLra. Toni 000 art.
rtie lota rill be fold teparazialy or In • body.
Tor tem., syply
otythil J. . WEITT— 132 Irlfth strew.
Naar Birmingham for gs•dtithig
prrposta. Alto, a nosatar of gat, at Gistootit am
don Eirrito . o of flailabGett,
Jt2l Bo 10 Diamond • All-, hot.r.
Elif), with grounds tinseled. ou (lama strect, for
merly occupied by Cbriirtten Timm., tate of lint
13trmlnenma. fitaftlag and curb:l:lilts. ler Cho
a of the Dwelltad
100 ifenrth Wig t. fittsbarmle
WOR BA.LN—A Lot of Lrouzoi, at the
u oor^_zr of Neerllk sad P.trecon] sensate, le CAI
Borough of Biro:dorsAm_ Also,Goa or error of
iso Ursa= Axel Les , ftss streets, Eighth mart •
.07 sod Vite AAIIOI9 ILOYD,
Molar. arid Vn.,rt,
FOB SALE Oh Farm of 52
Acres, good bind, Lit Wllktne toorrithlti,
tog lahlrof Peter Purehment, and wrlthin a ebill ay.
ward of the Pennsylvania Etallroad.
.. , zOiro ot .._.•
Wll. Wdr+D.
mho Ron Mn from TIRO. no
pOti. SALE—A Drug:or°, pow auiug
L good blob:mat. To be don ...can't et the
meant moor's b health.
Incalry at No. U 01110 81TaZT.
1. .Tsmador A (I, h-ay
one par been matched carrtsgr bombs, elx•
teen bands Ma, broker, to eagle and doable bar
nab, ter Ws by kIeDON&LD d &BUCKLE,
rerEe 2.9 ..nd .nr•L
A: —A ten note woof Engtve, .lib golbss. rot
Ilay b. imon in opt - natl. by raking at out
prix Hog Once
VOS. BALK-160 Acres of choice
L farming land. idtnatai is Wright county, Mi.-
°Crowd at the low prict et 0.70. at • abuee
Land was lorzwed sor G yeartwago apply to
e 24 B MLA' G & CO.
lOR BALI—Una No. 4 Worthington
• PIMP, In car—pkto ardor,
!JO Water .trVC
CLAIM AGF...5/7.!,
80. 144 Fourth street, Pittsburgh,
Are proparrd to colkot Mee
$lOO Bounty due Wounded Soldiers,
prad ; ul with • Itts....basgo."
Ho chary male anal the cac.ey t
D i AY
Liconwl by tbo U. B. Gaternottent,
Ito Birth stmt.. Dttlatmnsh.
Third dery Anlnvt nw , -I vie
So.lo Bt. Clair atreet. Plthbß.
&11l U. EL lalccased eOLDI*S4. Ctatti Athaini
abAllata every doccrlV4co, collected by Me 4ctb•
s 'Aber. at the following taus, cin. Pc=:cm 1110 00
aD otha claim. 53 60.
O. C. TAYLOB, erarr...7 at lra,
No. 7S Orszt street, Paulen:oc, Pa.
H. D. No charges an made U the egg toss. cot
ruoned. and ID Ink-met:an eh. ast:s s
No. 418 T. OLAB la
ATT01617747.L.16, • •
110. 106 VIDA Street, Zisla
Cal= far P/M51031, =MITT. FBI= = O2
CY, d., Tigdmrslyis,wc-,:ated.
sounns claw, o , BuliTres,
=morn ,tirD LT.I.II6Fra 01
3--th 111
C 1.111.10 .di 61 E.IrTS.
sloo sous TY
Co. 1.1 Ora= ST It=
rmniatly ittmdei to LJ
11117 MS J IitDDMaL, -.
totrth rrv,t, Ptlematb,
1143=DiMer -