THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ittsbmii Gazette. PBBLIBLISD BY PUBLIBEIG 000141101, 111 GIB OD THE GAZETTE. 61010 coma EDITIVS, by 81111. per ycar.......Ga M u mantb—.::. TO. 18 dr.& mp B. Clisneox, by osal, per GO. math— 68. 10. se 4.gla Wixom on, Joni;le ockito. tem fm-r— 9 00. am tint* of 6to 10, .. 1 60. o elate ollOot =re 0...186. —anif one est. to the party aeatitng dab. Tar • club of ale• . so oral fond the Drinuna Oatortra riratti. Tors dab of treaty, ere will 'l=6 the Waft= Claterrattally. BID& =Oen, 6 eve.. Ern iiettliptions Waal fa 0b0e... and pares aims stopped sten go Woe mfr.. Reading Matter from YesterdaT's Evening. Gazette. The Rllaltary Outlook i' Lai has dlgermined to bold hie array where it now Is, and to fight out the war in the narrow strip of land lying bolween the Jesus river and the Appomattox, he will „ ford Vi the best opportunity we have ever yet had to operate against him easily, eoonond- WV end effectlrely. We have an adminible ' base at City Point, with a abort and excel lent line of communiestlon with the front. We are on good ground for the display of strategy, es well as for hard fighting. We tts in little or no danger of an offensive IWelremeet an the part of the enemy. Mill tarily may be said -to be in the mar Of Blebmond ; and we operate against it, Tit the first - tires, on the line which all sags does military men have always asserted to be by ell - odds the beet of the lines of approach. Look, again, at the other of our two greet armies—Butt under Sherman. We hive Just I leaned that this officer was repulsed in an assinlas made on the rebel fortification!! Mit Malay. But look where that battle was fought. Is was an attack upon the works at Seeesaw mountains, only some twenty miles from Atlanta, our objective point. The rah • els hams been 'Mandy pushed bark, until they have now reached this,: their last great' stronghold defending the main railroad con tra of Georgia. here is commit - wed their Southwestern army; and it needs but that they should get another ouch drubbing here as Giant gave them at Chattanooga het No- I ember, to secure their retreat acres, the State of Georgia to the South Carolina lljte if there ware then any organised armyk ft them. Indeed, a retreat to the Savannah river has lately appeared - to them so immi• nest, that the Mayor of Augtuanwhas issued a proelamation in view of it. We think a contemplation of those facts will show bow closely we have pressed the two rebel armies to the line of the last ditch. As to Grant's army, it is certainly in a posi tion from which the rebels cannot drive it ; end there BMW no hope of their being able ittany event to form a retrogra do movement '. , upon Sherman. It becomes the people now, while feeling very strong and manfully cond. deatinet to glee way to impatienec—not to -be tooesger for (peek and groat battles. We press mortally on the flickering vitality of *event rebellion, and every week assuredly "'hinge ns nearer to the and which heaven •i/Se decreed—N. Y. Twee. • How Tennessee Rebels Treat the Fam ilies of Colored Soldiers. The Kuhrßh runes relates the following fl,/isverital of thswrongs daily Inflicted upon iIIb ritree ihd children of colored soldiers in Tenneisse lamough to make a humane man weep team of blood! Rebels who are living !voider the .amnesty proeternatleo—rebels wheite;erinist against this Siam have justly forfeited their property and their worthier, maks, appear to- take fiendish delight in abusing the visceral:id children of those noble colored men who have enlisted to Light for a .flevernment from which they have heretofore _ "esosived only - injustice. I will give you one . met Imight give many. In 1841, Ira Hardison, who resides in Man * conntY,len miles east of Columbia, hot:she a =a named Wilson, and from 1841 Ws 1563, period of B:years, Wilson worked faithfully for Hardison without compensation. No man everhad a more faithful or tiftoientslato. Ia Hovember; 1863, after giving to Hardition all the. beat years of his life, Wilson enliated to the 13th U. S. colored troops, commanded by Col eve* oiliest in the regiment abound' testimony:a the intalligen a ',honesty nrat good conduct of Sergeant lint erver 'rime bit enlistment, his wife and chi'- . down, left in Hardboseb hr.nde,lurve'besmorn . „telly tormented. -;-,-•.// son :wes:drioen to work last wtatbr and spins without shoes end almost naked, until hoi anis ready to drop into the freers. A daugh ter was knocked dens last debbitth a week, Molted and stamped by the - rebel brute emit her life was almost despaired of. The old esoundisteaunts the mother and children continually about their husband and tither - - • being As soldier. As sergeant Wilson is a very intelligent ablistian ours, he feels these - WrongeltesedY; and asks whether the govern- Mint for which he has taken np arms has no usesneet redress. Hardison is raising a fire crop of cotton thisybar, sad is boasting of the large tams of money it will yield him. The Work' Done DT Bunter -At Lyncthbrirgiatiev' gives the SoLlow thidnlatal =tint of the deeelation picHinoed by General Pinter in bin raid into the bean of the Oid Dominion t a The damage done by the 'Kubota to the Virginia and Tennessee litilaradslaille net fulity ascertained, is reported to be very heary: Boddie the burning of the bridges hemp Big and Little Otter rivers and Elk creek, the trick Is said to be torn:tip for several mile., all thi depots between here and Big Lick bare beet burned, and thrwator teaks destroyed. Ii these damages be correctly stated, it will take some time to put tho road. in :. running order again. "The rune tif.tilsolstion and rain in the neighborhood of this city, near where the ene my made their Ike abatis, it positively palling. The people were dripped pf every . data, itatif itactorn down,_crops.tremnled up, and every species of vandalism that sav age* -Ulla itidalt of..;11rall practiced, Hogs, sheep, cattle, poultry, were stolen and carried og, led what not Deeded for food wire wan- toot, idringlitered and left to rot on theground. Aziontrueri inive heard rot be being - thee &obeli, despoiled were hire. Poin dexter,.Bey u Cbty, Copt. • Armistead, Dr. d H. W. Barksdale ' son and near the For e st- road; and on the Belem road, Bstatiel . Miller. Hafer 0. .. 0. Hitter I it* Brill. Owen.' Them were also others, •• di/hese names we have not been informed; and along the entire line of the. enemy's Inaseb, as far sa we can learn, he same SOSO of plunder and robbery were. enacted. =tug Buford was stripped of every ttls, lenses, hogs, provisions. As., all were taken; and so with Capt. W. hi. Smith, living near .Lorrry's, and all persons living on or Within relish of the road. At Liberty- the cue was the ume; and there Is breMy'a family the:Glebe ban ariattormeal • 'or stational hroana'..!' Indian istrattegy. arta= pleas Of 'trilogy ttilekt took placiaika kthar day In front of Patendrarg. Blois that, the vandal of Cooyalei Indic :linos Iwo tat ovate& Ocelot the 19th New `Zack Lttany-4 Evan Indistiti T. infirm /Spa the weld= part of the State—ander taw% tdr . a wager, to Wog in alive a rebel _dourbooter who was 'perched in t • • Imam -d nor B.Us considerably in ad of his own. _ . of anlPgabin this .wa nlib/seldom : lAl Soccer fal, and :irate the "deriticre of any the Lanthar-stocking - redskins. Troatuing a quantity of pine boughs, be ouldoped aim , well with: them trona bead to foot. attaching • dm securely to a branch. which ha lashed WWI-Midi of hlihOdie When eoaoded, he wstxdadisttagaishable to, almond observer from the sanutuading )follaks, , and re . 011101144, 1 ;- a en Clover, and 1I n.lulen I.m tun tug, tLua any abet rianos manufactured In tto country S. D. S H. W. SMITH'S And hittBIGAL GO )Di Y•narall7, at tlte lowed AT It °TUVE,. Eastern Cash Nines. 1 WAR 2:1 AN and U/STOGIR3 t.tY TES WAD, tartan. kinds, at PlAtio.s TO LT?. Tuning and It...pairing .Inne at 'hart antis. ST dame.. Mutt Latur.d in any Idyl. Ja24 SECOND -HA ND )1 LO D N 4TH OF JULY A 5 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO PTV LE. lODEON, doable r•od. two stem made by bloat. A liatalin. n sobnocid Instylna•nt, and In ant rate SSI ALL PRINTED PLATS, oraer. Would sorter well for a !small Cburrb Cr Sabbath Scbool. 1 , 0 It C R.Al' CIIAS. C. MELLOR ID WOOD HTTISZT KNABE'S UNIUVAI PIA_N Olt) oL clod. wanly of 6 and 7 octave Piano Forbes from the celebrated factory or Kaaba .3 Co., has Ind been rscolood—acme In richly carted curs. 1 hoso bastrronants aro fully warranted for debt yews and ova by tha best Judges pronounce.' nurirallaL esti Is respeenally solid:od Wore parchulng .'so lawns. 0113.11h077.6 BLUTIN, Solo Apnt, ol No. 43 Wirth sums. $3O, $35, $4O, $75, $BO, $125, $l3O, 8135,11105, 8170, 8180. $215 2 PIANOS AT ABOVE PRICES THE 11MT PIANOS! HOFFMANN, HOENE 8 CO , Ate the .goat. f DICOHSII . B OELZHISATID PIANOS, which by the best naus.etas ball a.. knowlesiged to be superior to oil others, without atty laception. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, or c. CA.B.PETS. We have 1101 F open - tr. lorgcat ood best otock in thlo olty of ENGLISH BRUSSELS, imported under the ot4 tariff, •Ith the `old premium at sixtyliva M.A. I TTINCaS Alpo, • full amortaout of CHEOEILD AtiD Fetikel CHINA 4ATTINGS, la all sidida, .d at The Lowest Vries.. for Cash OLIVER MoCLINTOCK & CO., 29 FtTIM STILES'''. FOURTH STREET N EW STYLES • • WINDOW SIAD.EIS I ' ItIODIVED TIM! DAT. RI NEW SPRING STOCK ; 111 CA. PETS,® "WELL 13ZAtSONID OIL OLOTH, AT N'CALLIIWELI CARPET STOR N. 87 POMITH lITILICre. AITTOR.NEYS. JA S LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW All Legol Bur Loam promptly strand/A to. coltoo, N. 1611 !OM= STIIXET, paw Grant. Plitt • • .b {. •• Smlim MoMASTER & GAZLINE4 L..A.VV QFFIQE. No. OS GRATIT STREET .p .17 PariSICLAJMS. 4c DR. J. R. UEFA, 196 Penn street, Pittsburgh. OSlos bow, I to 0 .. m. and li to I pm. • o'clock • . on2l ' • DR F. BEM, Sup= and ANNOIIOIII3, N., id Sega Wow EMU. BOOKfi, .41,11U.A18, tic Er S. M., ► of -Tv.. Lost MITTIZEI A.NU Vliril STIE P AULINE, THE S PY-.-Her Aden tarns—only 23 cents. Cal and ,Its oto, EZEMEI At flee •o Wronglst Iron 011 Stlnn Ako, Throe Seco of llortrq Toola, for 011 Wel, enfo l P tor cub. Enquire of H. .HO Ytt. .yes A , lehany'lLtr , H . near ths Plana 8 iLLE%-ST E SAW' 1.2 .1.51./ OIL 11.8F111111E.T.—The one-half az whole of an Oil BeSzery sod eteua Pea 0111, mitt: too and the-half acme of grenc.d ; m abandience of nad on the lot—mine open sad whiz; irerked, striate en the hlloshenyelOver and A V. 11. 11. la oftenad for sale. The Jleehery to hoe nal of reoderc build, The 13sir Lull to IL splendid order, and to well situ. steel , hazing • treat ruzzolnit mt. It to the liszt. Elzod locality for bonding boats. For particulars call on the coderairoad.. LYDAT & 011011PrSlittil3 80. au Head street. Pittsburgh, k IMl=l ‘TALUABLE RINSE PROPERTY V FOE BALT', Ctuatcd cn tha Monongahela Weer, oboes the On; Look, having aa out on said deer of 927 feet, and extending beck to Braddong street, aelinthing the Oonnidteril• Eallroa4. con taining t suet end 77 Torches. This Is an adult.. Ma location for cuanumstntingnarrows, haring tha filer in (root and publlo strict end railroad is the rata, and Sue Mill and building-a thereon erected. Tor terms, du.. agpl to many ens TOME, on the prethLve, or to W. O. SOGI3II7EAVGE, En. 119 Dlettoond street, Pittsburgh. rahl4tti gK SALE—A Country seat andFtuit erm, moat/Lining 14 sem. encloved mostly with puling Gate. The 1.01 to riot; end planted wlth the tory notate. troll wow. all In bawling condl• [ion, with • 11.004 and sug.table &Wan The are • newt wth • go built noose, 4 0, 4011 ; w stable, large barn, well .at-end, eltoatol.llre to. e loe loom Use clty, on the old Witablnyan road, near thokey's Chu; ch. Tithe propert7 le worthy the .pro attention of:sat - flea wile an atoning a cows me h. or pwt;culare apply to I_r4 n McLAIN d 00. FOR SALE—At AlaUm Oil Works, 35 Crud• Petroleum Temks, lo prima aptcr, rabstaotlally btilt of oriole tinder, not kog Lo cue, aod eal coocalo coma tr batoas aar.R_ ippllcatlon tusy coo, at the P.olLadry ArtaWang en . or the ,111:45 to rhtabdr,b. JvriNSTilb FOR SAIY -S2 000 will purchaze a two-.tire Frame 1:11.3..e of 0 , ,t0t rd. m. and c Ilar ; a kmootory Brick Howe, and lot 01 tground 2) feet trout on Pt..e .fret by el d ep. eV , Ho. IB necatd atr ct for rata. thrr•otory Botnit, dons, o holt too pa,lon, cluing room, chant•trit, kttchtla and Ca.?, bath room, ad.; gam and mater Prl • $lOOO Jyl 8 CUTI3I3.OIT tt. .OSI3 01 Vatted at. WR SALE-20 !Ate in Allegheny Ctty, together ha% .; • trtiut ?bat., L.lto of .boht 180 teat, sad rc natog Lac: !CC Scat, beir.g iota anchored Prom 8 to 31 In Sohn O'Herr's pl. a iota, totrg the property %rhea, liLra. Toni 000 art. rtie lota rill be fold teparazialy or In • body. Tor tem., syply otythil J. . WEITT— 132 Irlfth strew. FOR SALE. Naar Birmingham for gs•dtithig prrposta. Alto, a nosatar of gat, at Gistootit am don Eirrito . o of flailabGett, Jt2l Bo 10 Diamond • All-, hot.r. ROE SALE OE EXCILAISUE E'OR OITY PROPEETT.—Tbas LAVA DWELL- Elif), with grounds tinseled. ou (lama strect, for merly occupied by Cbriirtten Timm., tate of lint 13trmlnenma. fitaftlag and curb:l:lilts. ler Cho a of the Dwelltad L. 100 ifenrth Wig t. fittsbarmle WOR BA.LN—A Lot of Lrouzoi, at the u oor^_zr of Neerllk sad P.trecon] sensate, le CAI Borough of Biro:dorsAm_ Also,Goa or error of iso Ursa= Axel Les , ftss streets, Eighth mart • Terms .07 sod Vite AAIIOI9 ILOYD, Molar. arid Vn.,rt, FOB SALE Oh Farm of 52 Acres, good bind, Lit Wllktne toorrithlti, tog lahlrof Peter Purehment, and wrlthin a ebill ay. ward of the Pennsylvania Etallroad. .. , zOiro ot .._.• Wll. Wdr+D. mho Ron Mn from TIRO. no pOti. SALE—A Drug:or°, pow auiug L good blob:mat. To be don ...can't et the meant moor's b health. Incalry at No. U 01110 81TaZT. 1. .Tsmador A (I, h-ay EO SALE, MATCHED HORSHSA— one par been matched carrtsgr bombs, elx• teen bands Ma, broker, to eagle and doable bar nab, ter Ws by kIeDON&LD d &BUCKLE, rerEe 2.9 ..nd .nr•L VOR !-ALE—ENULNE eso BOILER A: —A ten note woof Engtve, .lib golbss. rot Ilay b. imon in opt - natl. by raking at out prix Hog Once ne4l•e VOS. BALK-160 Acres of choice L farming land. idtnatai is Wright county, Mi.- °Crowd at the low prict et 0.70. at • abuee Land was lorzwed sor G yeartwago apply to e 24 B MLA' G & CO. lOR BALI—Una No. 4 Worthington • PIMP, In car—pkto ardor, DAVIS tt PIIILLIP9, !JO Water .trVC WOUNDED E 0 LDIE RS. J. 8 HALL PATTERSOK CLAIM AGF...5/7.!, 80. 144 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Are proparrd to colkot Mee $lOO Bounty due Wounded Soldiers, IanT.DIATZLY. J.27:tu WOUND ED t'OLD I E TO ALL. WOUNDED BOLDT.EitS, b [l,O Wag prad ; ul with • Itts....basgo." Ho chary male anal the cac.ey t D i AY T. WALTER D&Y, Liconwl by tbo U. B. Gaternottent, Ha Ito Birth stmt.. Dttlatmnsh. Third dery Anlnvt nw , -I vie ~., So.lo Bt. Clair atreet. Plthbß. ACKRELL JOENsoi: &11l U. EL lalccased eOLDI*S4. Ctatti Athaini WILLSTARY CLAJ3IS, LTA PESPIOIT, HACH PLY end OiILITAHT abAllata every doccrlV4co, collected by Me 4ctb• s 'Aber. at the following taus, cin. Pc=:cm 1110 00 aD otha claim. 53 60. O. C. TAYLOB, erarr...7 at lra, No. 7S Orszt street, Paulen:oc, Pa. H. D. No charges an made U the egg toss. cot ruoned. and ID Ink-met:an eh. ast:s s GRAY et LOGAN'S, No. 418 T. OLAB la NOM( VT. SIIAFER, ATT01617747.L.16, • • • 110. 106 VIDA Street, Zisla Cal= far P/M51031, =MITT. FBI= = O2 CY, d., Tigdmrslyis,wc-,:ated. 1.0.1• sounns claw, o , BuliTres, =morn ,tirD LT.I.II6Fra 01 3--th 111 A BELPTITEL LOT O' M ACIITA, C 1.111.10 .di 61 E.IrTS. sloo sous TY &TT DELNEV2•AT-LAM; Co. 1.1 Ora= ST It= rmniatly ittmdei to LJ 11117 MS J IitDDMaL, -. totrth rrv,t, Ptlematb, 1143=DiMer -