The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 24, 1864, Image 3

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The 54th and 5501 Sediments.
new two organisation', the forumr of
wideit 'eras tinder Gan. Sigel, and the latter
tmder Gen. oder, have both suffered severely
in the late e gagements. About one half of
iamb reg e t was recruited In the counties of
Cambria, e ford, Somers e t and Blair,
' the bean e of the mad belonged to eastern
'The.64 • Wm; ender commend of Lieut.
;.,..,, .celonel:L tonithe Colonel (Jacob hi, Camp
' boll, of J tutatown) having charge of a brig
ade.. The losses in the battle of New
4 ,,,, ;.l
as inaltet, As we Mani from an offMlal list, foots
up follows : 'Killed, 12 ; wounded, 100 ;
.:1- , taissing.42—total. 114.
e si.h was commanded by, Col. Richard
..'''White, and numbered about twelve hundred
, : . „.„ - men.-Lient. Crouse, of this regiment, writes
, . ytit,lits ..mother; i n. Johnstown, under date of
IFortilits.flicdireo; Kay 20th, In which ho puts
...-..Atie 'befit killed - and wounded nt six .hood,vd f
. ...4la' iiye!'“Col. - Itietuird White, Lieut. Col.
•: liinliott - Adjutant - Gettsitall, Capt. Pox, Capt.
', , lLintsgar;'Lleut.•Bainhart,„ and Capt. liVatter
- :.. -. lnry - are 'killed. , - The' wounded officer's are
• :11ent:: Patrick 'O'Connell and , Ideut. John
o'lQ.lll,of.Co.Cione of. Co. D,Gne of OD. G,
.. anwof.Co. %And -the Captain and one Lien
. . tenant of :Ce. H. . The regiment. lost about
..' s "these bandied killed aUd.abent three hundred
. ~ . , . ,
The Militia
‘ :'4"C ll, o4 l "z r g l'' . ri . l'? 4 "Yil :
." dareadY
'''''',„'sn . repardes of Oiganisid Militia - aro being av
,. Aketled, the Adjatent General, and if we
: . may lags fro:lathe manner in which the ap
.2,., Peal af. Governor -Caltila has been received.
,-' 'the Dipsirtient trill aeon have upon its books '
de tioord'Of n'forei numbering many thou.
4 ''-iittidt,.the'irliele of which will-be Made avail
4'-`.:tible to-the Government in any. emergsney
1 ~, ,, ebletir:nisi grail , out of the .great campaign
~.. s that our arming are now fighting in Virginia.
; .0.. , 8ah . the objeot is not to much to. get a record
0f thess..militis, comps es, alit is to (009111'
5 - the thartmgh. organise on and discipline of
i l ia
0 ,:; iiii:Min, capable . of, it. arms. If thus ,
s .,,,'ofga:alsed, said :disaip id, a sadden call for
. : ..„'Arooni to repel inviiien or for reinforamnonts
lls'enabldarantai direst Lee, can be respond.
- - - - . - ±.oalo by mere raw militis, but by an army of
-.-' ''sOldieis At Mineet 'any foe, capable of Ten.
- 4 '-daringthialestwalusble eervioes to the Gov
, , i - - ersinient:. %Whatever may bo the result of
this war to crush rebellion, it will become
.., 1 .: necurma7.for every American oitlson to p 05....
~sese lakuowledvs of arms sud to ft himself
:. -/Ar isogre a:4lmq services."
r ,_, _OeLtraated . - Lakes... ll r. Bakewellfa
Rzympuni by his own desire to do something
<: - thr the rieoess of cur grand :Banitity Fair,
thenellnitations of bis friends,
.;!!Siiakedl ben eanzeited to:deilver his leo
"Tlut 14faiitto Ran, thil
IIVIZI(14, the entire prooseds to be given for
tbn Fair.
We cannot all eisit these lakes of the Old
Weild, whose *tnes have been rendered
..11tomurabla by deeds of daring . in history, or
- Umbra' tioubles ictiontanee and song, hat un
din,thesruidance of one Who has strayed along
hanks, we can enjoy an hear of pleasure
and instruction. Lucerne, :moot:dad with the
=not. but awaken now thrills of
patriotism while Genncssareth—the See of
scene of, the public life of christ,
wl4 helntesunt rdeite , st interest. The at.
inationind thestibjeat; the merits of the lea.
tar•ri and the worthy canto which is to be
benetted,will.combihe to mane Mr. Bake.
• well's lecbira ono 'of the most 'successful in
_ company r, c 24 P. V.
lie. W. J. Patterson, -It a private let
ter limit 'll:matitter e 2 thia company, gives the
felloilinf.liats ot. , oaenalties liming the late
W.: Martin, head; Anson B. Ilarpor, , 'thigh;
Wo.Dielite,Aetrlhreast . and arm; Jam,. M.
Cojjthigh; John Thom*" shoulder, danger
cemp:,,Tplanlattere; leg;, , Welliam B. Lictlei
footied leg; Corporal John GE 6hirloin, hand:
E-Hy t ai. arm; Ebronlicht A=4.
,`l,l'l , ,;`,o,reeessait 1k Regiemt.—Colonol James O.
ittd4 slam, died; Adjotaat. lan L. .15174r0f
.:.ti,:t..,4.40144.1: dul; 17e4acted—Copt.
, 0, leg; 'William Croder, A;
.floliesilal Connor, FliTnedant T. Bell, I; W. 0.
.Book D: .Watended amtmisein2—Lieuti.Phit
reglinout lon 24 killed VG wounded
'Arr . eaftf,a Mater bp an Alderman
finmeiroalm,eoen,az jilfcrrakatioD was made
Alderscian'Denaldson against a enlored
taszyninard Maenad. Back; for stealing a
pocket boakirom a man named Dorsey, on
board of • ate' aniboat which was 'lying at ilia
Monongbela wharf... warrant was Issued at.
the time foglinek's arrest, hat he managed ti
elude the olStar. On Satardarevening, Al
daiman Donaldson netieid passing algng
tbe.stre smifilk.. - ''!ltinier awai te d
nitte dt' f
a L 1:1 1. a
1 tn si i ns " ; /r o . r
the *barge at Court. •
Hint, itatraosis Thundty
morning an old man nomad Roger, sod his
Philadelphia, were passing through
' ratiried cut" three - Milos - east of Altoona,
.when they met a westward hound train, and
"ear to the eastward track out of the
• WV. it appears that's tribtrWas also ap
proaching from the west, which they did not
perceive, and both were atruelt by the pollee
and thrown - Imm the trock...;Theold min was
. instantly killed, and the boy considerably cut
abont - tbr face bat notlangerensly injured.
They were in bony deititnte oiretnnstances,
begging their:bread as they traveled-.
j.•FvI orl SOLDIEL—WhO Enteral of
"ifi TOilzit,; of Con?pluoy X, 1.0.2 d Pentsll-
,YenbSßektment. whit died from tbe effects of
leinntireceleid - at the battle, of the Wild er- . , h soe this
_afternoon el two
is mom; *am his late residence, corner of
' .l'oitrth end Ross streets, to Iprtiesedto Monne
t , Vein _Cemetery. He_ bo boned with
:".+ militar y boners. - •
• i—xitays One gimndind Day
141 71:1 la stirost fall. The non mustered
• 6 .; --- *la dray that . * olotbing and oat
o'cleak' g o at Wilkins
..:1,,,n, ts ß ba ata i gn g ict:ir sirs
- Proyelja litaistaiotHes, k'aderdstreet,
'tt , / , ', l 42llgibiliy, pr Wilidni Fnarth groat.
A Jaw= , Botoolns.4-Lest weak, two
w. _ bait named Embroil end Belnan o opt about
tint.:yeanirrealding on the line of tho 311-
thieve end Ohio BailrostdOlustrolled at ploy,
whoa Clailltt throw a spike used to sonars the
ans to the oross-tles, striking Dribs on on the
injury from whit/tn.
tua Bittaidailast.
ittte Steasee Tble evening s
cosarrt will be given by glee Lies Seas, at
y.4l,tiltenttaaLL Eb. will:be 'Meted by bar
Seribi IBMs las Lock
: buck . Kr. &Hale amebic. Harvey Moo-
Awn, the Welsh 'Leavitt. The proceeds of
^ threemerrtwtil be divided with, the Buttery
Qapalssion. •
soiiim-stma.—cbta. ax.
7. 4 7 . ; - ,2 !iumr4 4 iiir=ber . al the dint genntyleanie real
`at -
' Opottlyiramia Court Route,
1 ei
1111Ettifiata.wiitkads semvo ip
`,7,, , ,h.,,..-tad_biatlei3nr She , 9.h of hfrty.: Xt. Ernest
', V 4 kdarallei lestdrid' in the Soorth ward, di
es issysigbeay,'lssid.wns Worthy young man.
n. antoriflasmen' ,Rantaraii.-4.:Aurreitait of
, ge
d monsbere of.the- 021 'Peansyl.
'vat*, Regiment in thin eltrwili. be hold at
tha eirazd Rome thls morning, - 41:10 0'6)4,
b•taks "Waifs store in 'the &MR oftient.
Ball: , She' body of the [Colonel: 'FM
probably "rivets the noon train
:unarm H of Mot. Ct01..7. W. Ofootia
..„.7tnilb.,of the .18541 t Pennsylvanlik Regiment
• .tihn won killed during ono of the Into bettlo4
` l lllnti.,tirfPWe' .o ol 3 ltorm hit .late
dam* at Otui.ner Illation on the Pennsylvania :?d•
Vtadar"4 compan y Camp
will betptestat.
Calattaa To flakta.-4.". lamtwattow. alua . ad
rainziwst, was
arashottidastifa few diva ago r whllo
S j aga raft la etc Monongahili
ern: Two heavy logs puma over Mt body,
blysis w-welVltacimi
wtiater of ebb city dtod yozarday at the tar
opals weothar, cor'roartti
tuella will take /ago
aftwatomat 004.'404.
thm of Mr.
Ws ilis•tte2— opened b 7
;Viut. 4411Eitsto °fillaap AlligllloB
stor Bilto. Dr.btiad
11:11eringfr. ;;I'd 'Blli°
• '
The come.
ter the Beretta.)
Dorn= Coese..—Tke folloirlag eases wee
disposed of .
Ihrorth Z St3wef , 43 Portpr, Solt Swect
Bale absehno.
MI. - Prtltlotret Y. O. 'Way em lateral Beilmed.
Appeal mitteluall.
The equity list wag taken upend the follow
ing este iilopenerl
4. B.llfel'AurkeneeD. Braley et aL Demurrer mu.
talee4 and bill dlemlised with costa.
The Common Pleas argument list published
yestooday, will not be be taken up. until next
Mends'', May O.
Ctlll FILOG Dneatern.—Here Is a deserip
tiCdssef the Johnstown frog before it got into
that "dorniek." The reader will observe
that tip affidavits ere appendeds "A frog,"
mays Professor Bump, "is an amphibious ani
mal what tickers on cold water, and conse
quently invented the teetotal society. He
*brays walks with ajump, he does, and when
its sate down he his to stand up. Being a
lover of native melodies, he gives free eon
certs every night, he does himself. Be per.
wide, IlaUslo for the million, which his been
so called because it is usually heard in a mill
pond. He Is a varmint what ain't so bad
when broiled on a gridiron."
l'lreerma—Tho new sensation drama, writ
ten for little Henderson by Madame Mar
stnerittes, entitled ”Rosel, or the Christmas
Tree," wu produced at the Theatre last Oren
lag for the larst time in this et V, and was
wellteceived. It will be repeated this even
Tames Purr, Plain end Ornamented Plato
Reefer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver
mont elate of tho beet quality at tow rates
Office at Alm .Langhlies, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa,
le rr possible that any soldier cal be so
foolish as to heirs the city without • supply
Whoever does so will deeply must it. These
medlainss us the oily certain sure for Bowel
Complaints, Pavers, Bores Ind 13atuvy.1
HoDoiray's PM, and Ointment are now re
tailed, owing te, the Idgisprioss of drugs, ko.,
at ad cents, 75 ants aid $l,lO per pot or box.
Par sale hi Pittsburgh by B. L. Bebop
stook h Uo.
For isle at Falton's drug store, Fifth street,
For sale else by Geo. A. Sally, Federal
street, Allegheny city.
firsour. Norton-The attention of our
readers b directed to the brilliant assortment
of Spring and Summer Goode just wmelved
by oar friend Mr. John Weler, Ito. 126 Fed
eral 'treat, Alleglmy. His stock comprises
a great variety of Fancy French, English,
Scotch and American Cassimeres and Cloths,
and flan Silk and Cassimere Veraings,—all of
which will be ma rla up to order In the latest
styles and In the best manner. A °bolo° BO
lection of Furnishing Goods also on hand and
for sale, together with a full stock of Beady
Made Clothing. wetland fashionebly roads.
Estrovsn.--Samuel Graham & Co., Mer
chant Tailors, have removed to 73 Smithfield
streeL We an fast receiving our (mond
supply of 'spring and summer goods, and
would most respectfully invite ourainds and
the publlo in general to examine our new
-stook, believing it to be one of the fluted
stocks of merchant taller goods in the dty.
Every garment, warranted to give full eatia
faction, in both price and quality. Give as a
call before purchasing ebonite?* end judge
for your elves. Gataiit &McCiewmasse, -
Merchant Teflon, No. T 3 Smithfield street.
Ds. blorrrrr, Dentist, N.. 162 Fourth
street, between Smithfield and Great.
No Inducements held oat by offering low
prices; but an equitable fee will be charged
in every care, for the best materials will be
, trsed, and allthe time and skill woman to
we pato:mind malts ehall be applied
Somme end °Maori In the army, being
exposed to sudden changes, should always be
supplied with "Brown's Bronchial Trochee,"
se they giverempirolief In a cold, cough or
an Imitator/are throat.
rot sale driwgistsgenerally.
.• Mumma ind carriage calls will be token at
the Omnibturefilce, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All Orders left at the above plae•
will be promptly attended to. All calls most
be paid in advert. •
.Th.szr l c M. GIZZIAX, Attorney at Lew, 98
Gre.mfAtteet. slam
(7. - ina.; Dentist, 248 - Penn atroot, will ,at
tmd a/.I business of tle.prafasalon.
- brris—on iktandsy imarstog, et four ecicatt,
W IQ26ita, is atm nth pair of his ...
She funeral wN take Owe Tau artzsaeoir at two
o'clokk, from the assideacs of his slather, Mo. 76
QANITARY FAIR—The . : Committee
NJ on Ilecianice . Ball rrapeelfelly regiunt vbe
on doer.. to contribute rma• uogy ar naantro.
tun* of say dearriptlen. appropriate to th at De.
partmenr. to menses early am pi:bible Wartime of
the undendgnrd, ao tool the paper errogeleasfa
can be made hr ther..9tkal and eotownedation of
weaf ankle that may be offend
ine Oosaaltt«><fll reedit regularly, on Tuesday
and friday aft, mono, ate &aloe; wig ettarertre
=new old the Mr. of Jar. IL opera. —,
. Bank Elea, fifth strew, Luber* contributors or
cater/ Lowing breams are invited to corder with
.the Oostadttaa, JA ESL 0001r14
P. IL Ella" t
- VIOL B. 111111%
Cougalttos oa Mecbalalre' EA halter" hair.
'EOM aolimlrnam 01
VII After the apportions:ma of Tables sad Booths
aatlliner the VIA lull. no Artfully t•t all
perms dealrfog ipso. to *ls of the
Tab (titre %m ad LIMO mg:to:IPA Ante eerly
entloillOs "%A. OoamttW, Orin%
S.. 17 VlMltrs;
I.7lAllen 97. CUJOM
WHEELER & = Bows
snwxxck, mAcmarms,
013WWIT.8rlahriEC4ll0 BUT
Friudial Ote•iw4 WldleesteEtaposima, '
Ua SIMI BT., :
ihm Egon below Emkßlock.
rilO THE Gaocg,lis or Privsff
w. eit to i nodes Ira 11112210 0071/701.
prepate d d P ponla ris, f. FORM CORYMII AIM
tiOltilliro MALL' It l• • weaderfal - prlrpleotk,
Wag ma of Um, mot bendirgy ead natrition
nits over Prepared. Th• YriXlsoll - 00117,1 demi
met a! Tact the crerracs intern. and ininaldt ten
'ofwith arrst.benid t riadll the amens aid tam
'of pare Javai (and ieat oniethird sta .
and prt it is f nonriallatat, • ,
tab. tteardatsa d institallens, Irtip 'tam' area
amide h Oita Tirtttem In all - th• Imp ettia
has taken' preo•doner, sad gut , prat speak of it ea.
really • eteno•rfol preparstlen. Ta. .ramica
coma t. NI PTIBJa corm sad Ptolll Bag-
LEY UAW ,nuusofactrned .n • Deandiar taannor tor
Caffein J t Iry no drug to favor tr. nor &as It ra,'
rialre families to ado 04.000 with it In nolo p. &ado
the video oneatitittai. fludloint Cato* fa salzet 18
Ito asa.litaiturityand owing to inane:delfts 0 11110 : 1
in promo ' CO; 12.011714 . i:t aDoi,:.!1911011.4 111 as mat}
Tn. aroma of Piuitcrth Teilziatel mkt
teal ttl• ail•bratid °eds. TRW:WWI:O that
not lareved has bon old In peals, that UM sot
baldly inmost:- It
. ilia up In paned psoksp%
In ',nob pap lbrutd. F. be mi to • bOO. It la beantUnllr
, • • 0/21 :01?
Vituswast's Ornas. AK" ' l° ' • )
NOTICE. /8 111UW11 1 1.01$1N
1-1 amenl•narwttb tho Minium otOiczteill;
'ff"4 tll 'a d i* 01 1147. Ina, tur ai t i can
andt4 ATlAlrstdel• Lamas r*
iiems-thelss dirsitinni4 166.-ttothinhit ral
APIIICOX - esth of .tach 0/mai__ Kyla Cif
~r I , , . 24 " '
FROM iir.4187//drGTOJr.
Special Dllipatch to tha Plttnlyargb Goz*e.
W•2IIII3GTOT, May:23, WA.
MAJOR. AIM 111112/Dill 0251411/11
• Brom a letter from the Secretary of War,
tu the Senate, it appears that theatotal num
ber of Generals acting, as appolitted in the
regular service since the commence mantel the
war, la twenty-nine, namely : one Lieutenant
General, six Major and twenty-two Brigadier
Generals; three of the latter base died, three
IMO retired, one war dismissed, one declined,
and two Major Generals bare been re
lieved, Eighteen of all the Generals
are now in the regular service. In
'the volunteer force one hundred and three
have been appointed. Major Generals'
and four hundred and Briga
dier Generals. Of thelatter, forty-six have
resigned, thirty-fist have died, twelve de
clined, nineteen lost their commissions by
constitutional limitation, al: have bees mus
tered out, five were rejected, one wee die
ehssged, one dismined, ninety-one have been
appointed Major Generale, and two hundred
and fiftysaven aro nor in the service. Eight
Major Gen:torah have resigned, sixteen have
died, and one declined. Seventy ware In the
service on the 19th inst.
sots. eracruvriors—ozugas OP JIIDOI irruz.
Toidp Wylie, of the Dist:lot Supreme Court,
in his charge to' the Jury to-day, in • suit
against certain brokers , growing: out of gold
speculations,held that nob operations ire con
trary to public policy, and that the plaintiff in
sash snits can neither reeorer they. profits made
in former gold speculations and. remaining in
the heads of the defendants, or moneys depos
ited with them as margin or collateral security
under contracts for the parctuire of gold. The
plaintiff's counsel said that he considered the
last - actions of his honor as taking the ease
from the jury, by practically eon/lasting for
the 1230 of defendants, the moneys placed to
their hands by plaintiff as profits on, or se
curities for the purchases of gold . made by de•
fendante as the phantiff's brokers. As this
Was the pioneer decision In America, annull
ing each contracts, they =estate take excep
tion and carry the case up on an 'appeal.
ursan Tias $3OO IIAI7OI.
The Senate Cern':litteis on Military Affair.
had a special meeting today for the purpose
of eonsiderin g the preposition of !hooter Wil
son to anew the President to call out volun
teers for s laze period than three years. The
bill before the eoramitteei Ilsee the period et
One year. The conorettee have also under
eoneideration s proposition to repeal the three
hundred dollar exemption clause. The opin
ion gains. etrength with many aerators that
nnlesi that clause Is: rapealed r eevernment
will not get, in the next draft, the requisite
number of men. '
Winter Davis' resolutions calling for the ex
planations Ishicit the' French official organ
says the Emperor has received from this Gov
ernment concerning the recent House resolu
tions about French Interference in Mexico,
,passed unanimously. It derives its chief
eignificanco from the fact that no date' shoe
that any explanation really was- offered. Is
must have been voinutcered before the French
Geirenunint had time to Oct aim it.
Th. Irrepressible conflict between Senators
Grimes and Hare on naval matters broko oat
again in the Senate to-day, Grimes attacking
bad Hate defending the course of the Navy
agents to Garnishing 'eupplies. It is worthy
of notice, that 'though defending the man
agement, in other place*, ktr..llale wade no
allusion to New York.
witasokor Tut:mut ctarseirrs.
Mr. Chandler, of If ado*, is made= excep
tion to the resolution paying per diem and
Mileage to claimants of seats in the home
from the various districts of Virginia, for the
reason that be was holding another office en
der the Goreramant while he was prosecuting
narwhals subject of the policy of recon
struction, began wait , the Preeldent'e sane
ton In several Rebel States, will soon be
brought up to both genies, on the question
eladmitting the Senators and Representatives
horn Arkansas. The Moue • Election Cern
mitts.' will beer claimants to,niorrner.
1r TIROCIIT IN7IL4110•11014
The MIIISCII7 inveitlgation thus far results
In the complete vindiestlon of the Depart
ment. The Octamittce is now engaged cn
eherges Involving the moral chareetor of the
Superintendent el the Printing Dina% and
alone or two inboradstes.
The Government Secret Pollee have Inter•
opted rebel mall going from liteluncind to
DaHimmel- Among the lettere thee taken
were some to important pentniagei in New
lark and Philadelphia, end their teentenu
Implicate a number of others.
Persons claiming jests In the Rouse from
Arkansai: will state to the Meatless Commit
tee to-morrow, that there were cast at the it
elections f in tho Pint district,. about 5,000
Total; Spocald district, 3,0001 Third district ,
2,000. •
COIIIO/62710N—11p C0N4W21.7;04 MAUI.
Boostor Morgan introduced i bill abolish•
log the commutation feature of the Coascrip
lion law, without, howeitir,' interfering with
any action In procuring smbetttntes al hith
The Indopcadoct Telegraph oompapy co
caina a Inter front ,floceetary, Manna thu
onning fatty ono:sting tham from any
bailioation intho inning/11ton orymbilostica
of the Ulu 'proclamation.
nmArm= 'arximuhli
• , _
. ,
. The,•day, iii frealt.of toOnomi t ,
reused .to woo_ to the Sentafa'a prolioxitlon•
to make the solsty et Ciett-.BplnaeriA'reasu.
ror of the United Status, equal to that of thO
Bull•Troisurer in Nea York;
The Senate will too:morrow attack the tax
bill sad oontinue its erontideration, to the es.
obadow Of others bastooss, till it ti
The Flaps* Como hue espress thehope that
it can be disposed of by the firstot ;axe.
annum oarrosso..
Forty guarrillu Taro taken at White Oak
Chtirak,rhalf:waT ,betweazt• .Prediutekatng
an 4 Balla Plains, to-4,y. ,
amsoAD coinermargox 2a Eau
The can are rannlitifrom Apia
. oteek, sad
thewoundod will bo eye brought back.
Tho authorities consider it improper for its
to giro detail of Army news, :There ii noth
ing unfel Cable, however.
Bard Of Insftors to the Antral A44103i1,
Wararaerox,Blay 23.—The inzund *pant-
Datieritet thaTritrat toselniWetorclonS Tan
the 20th inst.' The 'following-1i the Weird of
visitors: Commodores Jabal:lento:l end John
Rodgers; Capt. Pickering, 8. N. • near,
Barnard, of 001112110tiCIIC Jardes A. °Nemli
ton, of New York ; O. D. A. 'Parks, Of MI:
r. jottW:Nsrrirr'd 1 0"urive 1 4 4 : 1, -P*
Robinson, ouwisaaasta: •
Cow/Ulan of,Abe NoW York .11 • .%
rian,-7ait5;261723.r-th•lfonan6io/ the
niuditian of ,t/ka:F/01 Tarr unk4,, forthe
mask itsding kt#3 , 23dAs sa (alloys: Liens,"
boressip, $3,118,011, ape* dearaase,ss43;.
04; ChoutatiOnidanaago,s/16,002. Delman;
barmy $1,314,52%. .1.. —.l- 4 _ i -
Obstruction" in the It appa/ttaino.olc 16+
*.:z.7.,. ,-.- .•.:', ' ~
cc .Y4140M413
4 .7
Wasiutctoir, May P , 7 —lt iii popptti Oh
gunbasto of the PoiolittalNialikl6 in't4
auaringokawut tbsi ,
I. . ,-'• N i''' - . "..-7.,4.
Banks' Arm
The Army in Better Condition than
when the Campaign Opened.
W 16111102014, May 23, 1,357 P, M.—Major
Guam! Dix, .NCSO lisrlk.—Dlipatehiks from
Gan. Canbyolisted at the month of Rod river,
al midnight, May 154, plates . that Admiral
Porter has just arrived, and that the remainder
of the gunboats will 'Mire to l night.
Gen. Buhl will problably•ruttelt Semmesport
by the Atchafalaya to4morroit..
A dispatch from Adthiral Porter, dated "on
board the flag•ship Bidet llawk;at the mouth
of Red river, May,lB,l' 'LIU that a portion
of the squadron above the Palle at Mina°
this have been released from their unpleasant
position, owing . to the lodefatigable exertions
of Lieutenant Colonel giallay, noting Eagiueer
of the 11;11 Army Corps, who! Proposed and
built a dam olsix hundred loot across the
river at the lower failed, which enabled all the
ranch to pass in ealetkr thgbackwater of the
Mississippi, reaching Alexandria, and al
lowed them to pus orlar all the shoals, and
the obstructions planted by the enemy, to a
point of safety. •
Lieut. Cols Bailey will be iminediately nom-
Mated for promotion foil' Madlittinguishedand
meritorious service.
An anal:it:lel dispateh from Cairo, dated
May 22d, atates'that the army and gunboats
were all sate at the sandth of Rad River and
at Semmesport.
Major General Shenman, by a dispatch at
8:30 p. m. last night,lreporta that he willhe
ready by morning to resume his operations.
The returned veterans and regiments, ho earl',
have all been replaced,: and also the losses And
We have no official reports, since my loot
telegram, from Goa. Grant or Gen. - Butler.
The official reports of this denattment show
that within eight dap after ‘ tbii great battle
et Spotty, tennis Court House; many thousand
veteran troopa have been forwarded to Gen.
Grant; the whole army has Wen amply sup
plied with foll . ratios of subsistence; up—
wards of twenty thoarand stet tad wound
ed have been trinaiported from the
folds of battle to the Washington lion
pitale and placed tinder surgical care;
over 8,000 prisoners liar, been transported
from the field to priern depots, and a largo
amount of artillery amid other impiements of
the active campaign Were beatight swat, and
thousand tree* cavalry h. , 1115, have
born forwarded. The Grand Army of the Po ••
tonna is now fully asstrong in timber' and
bettor equipped, supplied and furnished clan
whet the campaign opened.
Several thousand reinforcements hove also
bees f..rwarded toother armies in the told
and ample supplies to all.
Dariog the same thlee over 00,000 volun
teers for one bazars& days have been none
tered into the sarrlcedclothed, ermed, equip
pad,. sad tramportodl to theix respective po
This statement is d ale to the °films of the
army, staff and bureau, and the respective
corps to whom the cre4t belongs.
(Signed) wig M. STANTON,
Secretary of We.:.
Murder PunithedFire Yearn In the
Peultentlary—Sc tenca of riatert
V 7 1 .1: DEPartiferi, 4
Annus? els 'couns Ori , }ur, ?
WABUIXOTeIt ; D C., May 9, 181/1. )
Gainas L Cella hf.LATIAL Onnina, ;1.0. 89
. Before a hlllitarylCommission,rting
if Captain C. ThompeSn, 18th 311:111 Vol.
0nt0... ; Capt. Owen GrifBth, 22d column
Volsoatoers ; Capt. Janus* Unit, lithiludlana
Volunteers; Capt. B. IL Mayo T.ld VtIIPMIIII
Volunteers; Firs V:Liacitenant George Roarnan,
221 Wisconsin Volunteers; end whiSl con
vened at idurfresbord'. Tellitellleo, Rept. lf,
IEB4, porn:lint to Spall lal Ordera 34.71. datad
1 1
Post oadquarters, 1 urfreesbore, ii apt. 9,
1863, was arraigned a d tried—Robert Tay
lor, a eitisan. s.
Chary—. Murder.'
Spac;ficatios- 0 . to this: that he, tit - • said
Robert Taylor, a c.tisea of Coffee svituttl, to
tho 6 tu;e .of Tonnos4oo s dl4 boat e 114P0
woman named .Retler" In such eimanner
that she dsed from the elects of thi wounds
thus inflicted. TOD,' on or about 3he 3lst
day of August, 1883, at or near the residsnoe
of said &snare Taylor' about three nines from
the lova of Hilisborot,ln Coffee Colulty, Teri:
To which charge arid epecillcstloai the so
cured. Robert Teyirlr, • a cillarn, fr:pleadcd
" Not guilty."
Tho commission 'haying mattirnly
tho coition:co adducti, Aud i '. the ac
crued, Robert Tay lor , a eitilon,, u foßons :
Of the
the cherge— , ltot guilty as *barged,
but guilty of inanaleueitar."
And the Commission dna therefore gen
*nee him, Robert T•isior, o el isvei tc
• ford in the State iiisitennors for the pitied
f fi. years." 4
U. Thepromeding', findings, ondeentence
n the foregoing cue having been approved
• y the Major 'loners eornmandinc the De_
• ...ant, and. laid before the Prolldent of
ho United' States, the following are his or-
The testimony in tl so e ease, as found in the
ecotd, is brief and from all disirepaney
i ,
•f contradiction. T a prisoner,' It teems,
loged that an &menet of money bed bean
tolen from him—bow much was not stated—
•stt there -.lm no prof of any nett theft, still
ea anything tendin to connect with it the
•• ordered women, o whom his sultoi•me
ell. Probably, bow er , from a pprithereion
•f punishment, th is man ' whom be claimed
o own, made an •att mpt to run away, was
•orseed by th e prim° er and his neighbors,
• ptnrect, and brongh beak.
The prisoner then procured a rope, and,
ddreseing himself to the bystanders, asked
there was any one Ipresont who could tie
'a bang knot," when a men named 'Womack
topped forward andl tied it. The , prisoner
• en adjusted it aron:d the neck of the we.
•• an, and, throwing 1 over the limb'of a tree'
• the eight of his o n dwelling, where ware
• In
wife and daughter', the work of murder
cling that the iman proteoteid herself
• seising th e rope ith her hands, It was
•kanid end herb • its tied; and little she
as drawn up, so the her toes beret's touched
he ground, and in , 0 posPion shaves held
•y the prisoner until cm suffocation eon ea.
• rotation bulimia (el on one side. -, Tbrough
he- interposition of the prisone4owife earl
he bystanders, the ope was then•locpened,
and an opportunity given the woman to re
tro. While this to • e was retnir ad, the
•• "finer /sedated hi• ' object to be to compel
• a woman to confect the theft charged iteP"
• r, bat she stoutly d • bled any, knowteoge of
ho money alleged to have boon Jost,
- "tike was new lobe bj the prisoner to his
nyard; distant tee • undredor twrilboodred
• d Aftyyards, and was there stripped by
• m of all her clothes except her chinas*.
Ta as longusip, of • widths witnesses, she
see "thenooolined b craning her hand' and
'log them together, then pujiing them over
'or ktiolle with I stle Omit underl holding
• In lather. retitle •." • That piniened and
;lag alternately'on • er fans and miler side,
the purposes of • er 'tormentor iiquirsd,
or some two hours a • d e ludf,'erithliteef In
• els, she was a • typed by thellprisener
ith a loather then , two inchesstride and
love feet long, her 4 a knot on the end.
• t the capitation of, his time "some neigh
ots present "kid the had MOD.
• .d her about eno• k that titue,"liand be
hereupon dosiged. She woo then untied
nd Assisted by one I her neighbor*. toward
he latchen, stagger 4, tthd falliatpoyaray
Lois from antimafia on the way. •71 .
he sueoneded,..l3o wovor, in renter the
itthen;bn the three • old' f which s ' foil, in
linpfeactine of the p lsoneer :wits, Inda few
••Inntas thereafter 4. pared. The sbatoolers
atalarterZof ilip - dorp s elms in kosplos• with ,
its crime. It woo misted In the dnfensa
• the - Sionthe't • li ws4 prodnonVby some
• •id nater,of which In her . hinted ;and ex.
• listed conditiola,;• he had 'drank p and, in
Usti:Tied paniation • f ths prisoieftrander
nehrataltry, Liman • cassia of Ids
• eighbors that he In re a good moral ohorso
ri and clothed and ed his siovenlipit ; and
orProsoll he stated that Di id4orica Wore,
Oalksindlitohainr,, via tho'worosii area I
ono whipping they ,that of - whirl's** died..
' ,4 Thal_ntoodjotodl iboldlogetanintsrlous
a lb. erroY, of thn• QUA Oinks, pal acting
• rides; 'Ads rripons • Wry'. of 4 erdbiAbauld
• eat thus lightly wit . so yhookiss a sapriflat of
•. • • ••• •• rifkninuisrb • oureitilhe% sintimarits
1 , di#lo 4l rglate! - : 4',.r—
4 ;
1. 4, :- ':, ;•', • ' a r lacniltd,
"•• ,,11 ; 44 4 , •••••'• •,'-i,i Plll
0 f,
'.. , :..11 1... :...,
metes itaszereeits mum which may. be sums&
the absence of all.pmwrooltion,the prolapsed
tortuekto which the *etched sufferer Was sub
jected, time affording ample time for all hu
man passion, had any existed, to have cooled,
but &note all, the sex and fetter helplessness
of the blued and unresisting vietim.
The Prasidtrin direew shot the sentence—
Inadequate es it - re--shall, except us to the
plane of °enurement. be arried.into execu
tion, and Albany, New York, deaignated as
the penitentiary where be shalt be confined
hut While doing to, he feels it incumbent
upon him to call the attention of the army,
and especially of those charged; with t h e ad
ministration of military Joliet; to the insen
sibility displayed; by this Oommission, ; and
toexpress the disapprobation - with which it is
regarded. Thamstairers of the commission,
in thus lightly dealing with one - of the most
retelling murders on record, have done no
honor to thoseseivec, and afforded an example
which it le hoped will never' again be witness
ed in tho scrvice. •
The prisoner will be rent tinder proper
sward to Albonj, N:w York, end delivered
to the warden of the penitentiary at that
plait° for eonflneoient, for the period of Eve
yOllll,lll aceordanee with the eantenoe.
By order of the Secretary of War,
E. D. Towesawn, Assistant Adj. Gen.
teary •
intanidos, Lmanins. - EaumGmb.m. Zang 'la
Illneres, Wheeling. Url7da,OUClty.
Tee river eon tintiee to recede steadily at Ohl point,
with *bent ems feet throe or four inches In the
channel last earning. The weather manias clear,
warts Lad seasonable.
Baslovn al/atlases dull at the lene e 'ss there Is bet
comparstinly little freight *Carina fill' al/7 Pain.
The arrlmla include the Mans Graham born
and Loaddve from boahnilla. Ths -
Mercury from Loot sad tha °Warla from
Naanhla, aro a'soot aus, nil obi probably arrive
tsvdsyS The Borth& from Nashville, Is al.peeted to
There wen no departures yesterday as/de from the
tonal pockets.
Cape Geo W Johnston, bu resigned Ms position as
oink of the Minerva, and will 16.0 tos few 411,0
for lowa, to took otter some property, he hss than.
INTL Johnston, he town consgatted with tin Wheel
ing puke. for &timber of pun. and the patrons of
the trade will be sorry to part with Idni' kir A lion
ton, atiCeerdS Cap, Se ol.rk of she 111111117TIL
The Olive armed at Nashville on Thursday hut;
and the Cherokee and Kenton puwei Louisville the
*mine day, from this eddy, eremite for rt. Louts. The
Starlight was advertised be leave tit. Louts for this
rity, on•aturday loot.
Duerr or Joo. esti—The sad event of the death
orig. abbey, whew. 9111 0 has fir cosey years been
faintldar to this river men of St. Louis, occurred at
Sew lb.) on the dOtti of Hay. rite death was not
altogether unespected, his health having been on
the decline for enure month poet, and for several
weeks hie most Win:iota (Moods were apprehensive
that hecould not recover. Mr. A. was by profesaloe
steamboatetirin, sad woo last employed wt the
which brat he was compilled to leave on
her arrival here from P,ftwburgh, about a month
ago. B. wafruill known everywhere en the West
ern Scion as a conirtbutor to the newspapen. lie
wrote much, and byr-pectillar style sad apt quota
tions gave a piquancy to his productions which
mods them sought Wee. He wrote orcrainally to
different papers or the Ohio, sod ems * regular cor
respondent from NeW Albs°, to lit. Loris and hew
Orleans Journals. We can truly way he was a mu. of
noble qualities and it 0114 el In all hie relatitos of
tie was bort and reared In Now Albarry, bot wao
weL 1020 1 / 1 1_611 thelaelealppl and Ohio river.. We
aro tors that ha had no enemy ou rarlh, and hie doyen
will !Anna palm of .arrow In' many a heart Ills
memory will be chetl_•hed by huteirede long altar two
green aiwl 31.4 hate grown over hi. gravw—GL Louie
Perrengere ea d shipper. ICH hear In mind thnt the
Major Anderson, Cept 0 A Draro, is tee reguler
packet f o r tanritarea ro-day, leering proroptty a;
Irvin. The Major If.eenperirreecommodttious and
plenty of room for freight oept Airty Boblrma,
the clerk. .10 800 ilart prevent,e sod .tappers re
cellroe very prat+, nth.
The root rind relleado Thirth, Cept Joel Detre,
dark, A White, le announced to learn for Cincinnati
end IX lasyllln ride erenrsig, She will be followed to-
Crurraw by LW tar ateasuer Rotaskl; Emmet
- • .
The Aorrirs, 040 11.11 H (inMarl. announced
for Nashville mat all ltftarmetlato palm. forthalth.
The Emma Of abate, Cap, 6' IL mull, Is t h e rtzalar
Hatay/We saaket w-d.y, lo•alcaz promptly a:
St. Louis Market. „
Sr. Lots, /gar — FP , *
with 144 Tay littlq dolaz 14 . 11%..1 Arta and Leigh,
f.r C 1,144 ; ralria Choi, SI,FS. Corn
dhaypiag; X. 1,441 $1.8.331 - 46, (04 *Leo' $8,20, Sal
los 81, 00 . 0.1. is., arra at 04a3:10; 101 l
ea .14 to thy I; 0. Qa.r elmalt4r at Gro
ceries/I,m flai.'l9.%;c. calf,* 44!,iii44114 am Rio,
If 041.• sl,t6 20111; asks 0' : , .ltddlave at
1100.1 ) 2. 690
pijAntitia.l.ll. l ALLUALS . •
strnza 1.13 NEW 9111,U.N.7.
An Boob received so was ee mbListied,
Oppealt• the Pool Mace.
titalbarr.t Drab end... fur
DZY for 8. , 11111,
12.CV1LT01:23, ratrain CAM, ke.
Gonna! dont. 74 Mal.; L. Now York.
1ia4.1.11a Oil ST =Dr= rtiCles
97 and 99 1711.rd'ntest. oppcaft. A. =mud= Q Co.
and l7f Toagh same
Cam Wood dtreat.sud Virgin Alley.
Deolgustad Dopositoty and Financial Arad of as
Coned nets. W.-1 to 'oN...tintless to th.
10.40 BONDS.
Books and 13sunarsare migrated to act as Bob-
Adam, et 5i oar 691.1 r. oorpalasion.
tLsoa sLo kopt'on.dss4.
ADdhl lI.EIN'FMA...N, ?fest , tut.
nee. B. Linfltfantr , , ' My2l:lw
.I,a/q trf4 novvZi
basins to attention ct Sportsmen and others to bl•
toodid etcoll of OWNS, MILES, lIEVOLVIES,
monalon of eseryland. - Rle stmt. 404 Lupin oyez
becoub to OA =AO. mu
If you Irish to be furmetiontly cured' of stazu
Weepnt or yuu most um
IteodPe Bluznotie Oil
• Th. cost II • more trills. Solni by, all solvsul
61a1Z9 •30IINSTOZI,
gulp. Clorrun,. Iroortb aC6 ebnltlarMlntrents.
NOTION-BTOLEN —00404,9 of 5..20
vo.ts t• •
sin, V., Sr .. 1061; 2tNt. 2313. 24114. fie;
no* I *), Na. 40.3 iii 1 0 .W3,4 2 .333; ,
' Two lON% Noe. Ere, van; •
Thom SNIP. 23 an, 3 13273 . 23,3113 1 . , •
Tbioe Noopons Do.o,fisto N0,,5ib1u..141110;
AN pillow okNO:l , o . .by
,to yr:char'
Nina. , , .. •
• ANy porno nuterlok ikolOolbOos4 , llll l 2l
thftwo_toly re via 1.4 to tko dattotteid lb! Wife
will NI r.Narood by I
PLILLAII 1;110prf •
hart nit t AHD Y7QIIHTINO
ir DJALIM, e r uct —lo oletb, In
101.14,14 'lmitation:Tette'. !ruts, Blorwo-" ,
with gilt edged and with teerhle o.4oo—with tnelts,
pop= chips LAI dials lletemshiloh: Atl. Woo; axe
boot the oommootte to the Tart , beet, Oros Ste 111
routooas ntVe b
. . G..l y
9T . 11p5T024 00, Stettottiele
odigiamrres - ttw0.411,4,
4 1 •4 10 4 1 t r P 46 -1 1 g4Rip
nr! .. %;V i t u libi4tur a tal
tr.l.liedsi4 llo o.97,CkmnßlA* . : 7 l .l k . : l *
illags Daunts Abe;
itsobsaroit. Itathlid Oto , kit, • • • -• ••
4h4 14 • 0 4 7 •0 2 1 1 5.4 1 = 4, 1 0 9m 4 *Wit
k.- 9 i ~'Ni: t ...s'r~:iY:l
_,~: - _ r
17e . 'We hare turned not to be asunstabsil at
mythinx. Years or experience an& a rot-
Tespag.dence extending thrmsgbant ail national.
Wasn't the habitable globe, base turned the
ories Into Lies sad ratablish a basis tram which
we need not err. We are not surprised at nub bete
•• the foLlowing—elthongb the persons who writ*
them are. Re know the persons and chrolastanom,
alas lifberty to indorse their statements
"Haw-Drortrio, t 0...., Nor. 24,1667.
rear sir: I bane been emitted many years with
snare prostrating cramps in my amt.. mid toot end •
bands, and'. general disolde•mi apts. Physician*
and medicines failed to, relies, ma While slatting
some friends En New York who were arias Planta
tion Bitters they prorated upon me to try the= I
oommenced with • smell wine-glaseltd attar dinner .
Peeling better by dogma in a few days I woo aston
ished to find the coldnect and cramps had entirely
left me, end I could sleep t h e fish; through, which
I tom not done for pars. I foal like another being.
My appetite and Menai hays also greatly Improved
by the ose of Plantation Bitten.
Respectfully, .1138/TH B.011131EL."
•}lzzositrar, Wla., &apt. 16,1663
• •• • • 1 tun beta in the army borpital fat
(=tem tantabs—apeachles sad wadi:dead. At
Alton, 1:11, gave mo • bottle of Plantation Bit
tera. • • • •
Throe bottle. .snored ray tpeoch and
• rod me. • • O. A. FLAUTSI.•
The allowing 01 hoed the Manager of the Union
Home lithrioi far the Children of Volunteers:
ullavatanta lilatonow, /57th Bonet, 1.
New York, Angmet f
Dr. Drake: You wonderful Plantation Bitters
hare bmn even to eome of our little children eater
lug brio weak - nets and weak lunge with almt ham
elect. One little girl. in particular. with pen. h.
her bead. tofu of appetite. and daily Wanting am
indmption, an whom all medical skill had been ex.
hanged, ban been entirely reirtbred. We Coauxispeed
with but • leaxpoonhd of Bitters in day. Her appe
tite and amength rapidly inoisasett, and she le now
ll.awettany, Mrs. 0. M. DEVOZ."
• • lows mach co yoa, for I rally balm
nacktatlon Bitters bare raved my Ufa
Rer. W. U. WAGGONER, Sladrld, N. T.
• • • • Then wilt send nu two bOttle• =not
thy Plantation Signets. Ely wife kw bean greatly
bandltedly their ow Thy Wend
ABA COlatiff, Shia&!yids, P.
“ • • • I lure been • gnat satterer frot Dn.
pepsba, =I b. to abandon preanblng. • • 11n
Plantation Bitten la<e carat me.
n • • • I host Oran tbe. Plantation Sinai to
handregia of ow Qa47sd eoldicro with gm matt le,
tontobiog oto , t. G. W D. 41.151DEVW8,
Sloportntoodont Soldierw' Roma, Oinclaust.l, 0..
• • • The Plantation Diner. have tared am
of Liver. Complaint, of which I Iry laid up paw•
till., sad had to abandon my Imam...
IVPIGSLEY, Cleveland, Ohio..
•• • • • The Plantation Eaten) have mead tru
of • dernagemeht ti the Kidriev• Avid livittary 0r
Gana that his adios:tad motor year* it acts like a
C 21.173. • 0. 0. AioollB, No. 1:54 Bieethesy."
The Plautatkok MU= maks the weak strong, the
Unsold brilltant, ara are exhaosted =am'. groat
reftonn.r. They are ootrpoted of the celebrated Ca.
Ltuya Bark, NT totargreeo, Sassafras, Boots, Herbs,
W preferred to perfectly ars St. Crate Sam.
Persona of sedentary babite, troubled stab weak
rant Waned., pallataiwa of tla, tact of ap
paito, distrwa after aging. torpid Liver, amain.
aoh, to., deserve to .otter tf they will not toy them.
Tkey are recommended by ICI Mabee medical
authrsittes, aria an warranted to produce en Yaw
date brawl:dal effect They we exceedingly screed•
bit perfectly pore, awl harmless.
blorma.—Any person pretending to erelhPantatta
Mara in balk of bi the gelb... Is a Windt. and t:a•
post Ar. It is pat: op or.iy to mar log cabin Wake.
Cesare of bottles raillicl with hatarlon deleterious
stuff, for which swami persona ore al,ady to prison.
See that wary boat ha our United brat* stung
over the cork ennatodaaa, and cur eignetttra en dee,
plata lido labol.
Sold by rear... Lab:, d..telorx thr,hybout the habila.
P. B MAIM 6 CO.,
2dt Broadway. V. T.
Tr/33, tkio geealne actiele. S We by •
Oarzsr cr eselthaeld'ecd Teurth stmts.
f•92r.firevxd- le raw
C' Vg ? ll i b ta r i xt; . ll - cip — i;lc - crwas — M. - 7-7,- -- - .2 630 ° :0 ° 00 °
This ho ok lo cow folly own:ilea iced la rooms•
fah operation.
We we prepared to do • mend Ilankthy brodateis,
hd offs: oar torrlce• ma cottespoodemi to Books nod
u= taLIPCIdIOUt the arostry.
Special attontloa given to oollectlut to Wand
the adjointh• City of rittsbargh, ite well ti 00 all
per. of the country. •
Moneys reeoleol on &omit, Taal Exchanv to all
the plinelyst cities heocht bad bold.
Agency fut . tr. 8.10.40 Bands.
ZZVIX, Peamin
English, WalkingAndEnsinets Snits,
Aleo, larg.lotcbr,
Linen Sacks and Dusters,
And s fo2 anartlanit at DOTS' ITEAIL
rot% Po. 47 St. Clair ntrret.
/nal resolved fro tharastern dile; a fano and
well aelecunt stork of goods. &signed for MO bpring
and durnmer trade, coualstlug for part of tha
lagooda: FRENCII °bolus and CASSINERICI.
aNult; zeta Lisa, ClrilliAll and atiI3IICAS
OUTINGS sod CalkilllSEt£B, of allured every
abate. style and color, all of which I will [dab up to
oruer.ln tire lots[ and mat fulderialla rearkeSr by
alrperb•uo , d workmen at abort both...tad tassoaabls
terms. also, a large alook at Conte rueolableg
Gaols, such as are earmlly kept to p.r shwa furnish.
lug atoms. OrdorooLictted and promptly as WI T. oeutal.
Sr... 10 at. Clair atre;t, Plttablt.
octismn ram AND ci.tniaT urriNris,
fci and &I clarion, am liinurdaun's donoiry thoro4
Of scarf site Sr colonid, from tlti
llCarte de Platt. to Oablicit and lib aim"
lIIIVIANOS *tend narticatarly rill tho Ade
tuition of the &QED AND INTINX to the Gas, we
ocsaibility of, thia trtibtUhaoot, tcriznt raoalud yr •
sloglinhort Sight of stab.. Prices mortared*. and
liotwoonon caarantioed. .ifsfclaniorTei
Odnatltntton Waal' and lodine Wand., '•
Eltarnatt'a Cocoa. and Sa l
Laird's MOO= o.Youth,
flasaa'a nap - nulls Barn,
liollawaf a Mita and (lintaont,
Mrs. Mien's Lla Wan:l.r aniEllobilsountda
Reimanld • Oath* and dusaparitia, •
Imprared Ill•cd Baanher,
Hilton • losqlublo Oerriuta
Vb. Toilet tearo and Parftratec '
Uhl" )3,110.1.,.N.11 Bruthal. tooth Drulum
ths Onntral Drug blare, corner Ohio and Pxleril
rtr.a . 4 l 3 , tiorkgt. Allegbegy,
". ; . tow . A. , gatrim CO..
OVS. - X43Wr t3A.N.V
,ITAm=mrst crrr,
oqovezattly oa band • huge sod tamoughb
to moss slook of DZOIIIITO. BOW? AHD 11071'011
KANN, rue.lo3
ISiTB-811.LE ioarre,.ePowaia,txpx„!•PA.l.
1.3133, 4314 3 • 2
. 1111 C .00loro .Cot BMW RIO
ents:Lai i. 0.1 st tilt rates.
- B. Tenotta on.prin,t LOliti =BIM oz. POP
Lag aro P•rilculan ooleol to cromine DU does.
INZPOrto. on Gnu; atoott, ev r x Fobto,=.
Motntill 4 cu.,
-Rai/ ,Straw Goods,
Tao. mew an non al tar p,: and wet, topplade
"si.,,,a,tx a SA
Eva onajed :kiln rfat. Eircitftlia thatstoll.
tea sad waamio Inx OF*, mr will be rid it
, 171 NirocitriiitqlhAgnizek,
a APED D -ENVELOPE, -IV • ` 4.
.Aleo; VANlMOPTAliteisPrui•Wlgags sat
s ,,vstptilm eAuk r.: "
[ AN) btgoilikit4l . :lttArritteitif ..
and tie NO takikAuttaiza. -
, •
LN'S 11 3641JrCIE. --- '•"•••
.12.4412Jaatcry iaset, $2,157,819:05.
thuntixt 8.416-
Taco= for -3001300
Los Paid mince 1829--.
Perpetual and Toropora
—.5A00 000
Mart,. R. Bucker,
Tobtas Wagner,
Samuel Grant,
Jacob H. floxitb;
Goo. W. It febarla.
3,5/3. St.
re... tee: ~! •
P.dirord .0. Dole,
Geo. False,
Alfred iliter;":
Fru- W. Leer% /CZ
. DAVCIIER, President,
Dd LT., Pro Preodent.
• Soc. Fro. Rem. ~
wood aid Thi rd '4
pisuuNuis, fiat 4J INLAND
Insurance Co. of north America.
ewr....._._,_..._. .st,~ornoq.
autford Fire Luinuice'Comipani
ittrProtectlen an be iecired la the ilhOie hilted
td an 4 reitsble comp:take.
W. P. JONES, Acme,
NY 01' rftristmoz•
r. oowmt 12:121/114N, • ,44.erastee.
, Bier - sam. •
Moe, No. ' 92 Water' street, B$ If wart:
horse, op stall% Pittaborgb. . - • •
WM Ewan ,airdna aII Mode Piro and; IlfsrLos
Make, A Ilona Intetholioot mammal by 'Difratar• kin
wooli Inapt b. the onanninfity, and udtO at, deo ,
mined, by promptoner and Morality; to Yukio:au as
claonder width Mop bmv amnied,_as ;ea* d •
o bat
Molectice to those orbo . dairtito - ba iambi.
B. =ler, Jr
Jam. Eta
ristbantel Holum,
A. bib:Wet,
Clknorge Dante
bell B. Eferrety
Cr. W. itickstsaa,
Alexander Spear, _
Daird Long,
P. Batora
Jobs IL Orine.
GORDON,M. fkrratai.
NJ 01' primal:awn. =co, =nor Market sad
Water More% second dam
BAIIMIL BIM gennmara.
Insures Steamboats and Cergoes.
Imam eardnirt lose and damage in the navigate%
of the Sozrthern and Western Mee.. 'Lake" 'end
Bayous and the nerfgatlOn of the .
'mu l es lens and damage hy.dnr:
John Stanton,
James It Cooper,
S. Rubio gh;
J. Oshlotelt, Jr" . •
John BJ)ltororth,
Wm. A. Dodgers.
Wm. Bagsley
Jas. Park, Jr. ,
W. 0. Johattnn,
B. Y. /mien,
Rem Owns,
Mtn. T. M. Hose,
Barclay Raton,
Georg, Magazin,
Once, N. E. corner Wood &MC&
omtaraas l' '.
James D. Yenari •
Cot. Jolla L. Mond%
• Escame P.•Stailiz,
i Enn Loe, _
Chariwo *egbuckle.
Wm. I 611111 m.
'Om WWI.
Wm. B. flays, •
John E. Parkes
Chart. &Blear%
Wm. Van girt,
PANY OP PrlTZßl3l2oll.—' Offis t NA $7
Fifth erect. Bank Block.
1.13511 red aBging.•ll kinds of Flr•
ISAAC JOBEZ. Prakkdi r '
rousm.aroorup, sue Evw4 , 4*
D. N. 8008, Bzereim7.
• Capt. VIM DEAN, Gera
MaiktifJort: -
W /Wins, Jaco_b! ! ,
B. Ct. m...D
K. /011• 4 3r osAi Ow, .
Sabi XL Iftarls; .
0 12 M. C. Gisy
J bn Jr.
B. innr.a4k.
White if atexander,
Emma,ty Garnet oat, Mae pheerare• In heal=ing'
ttsir trim& end the petal., genereitP, Mint
tine leme4 rpom and posse lts the U2UO P 7
MO LULL, seer their
. lete tneattenAutd ere Scv eprepared to =Mate WI eiders eatatuded tO . thetn.
with promptness and &vetch.
. I. ll= y lis h rge Motk or a l:pg.:mix/en head, not
to fandaltdry Mooting s phis BGelelag . te
set quautity, at remeneble wee., • retain am •
IO bVs. Pkkoh;
23 do Touting.
200 bbla. York Mato YOtahlt:
100 half this. lake flantan
1,000 lba.Coddall:
100 packn-a 1 - -
30 half bbla.lak• Boar • • •
1,000114. Maple dam. ; - •
3 DIA. nroand Ifhpl• Surar; • • • •
/oat repave! and for sale et Na 101 Liberty almost.
myllt 1. 021.101.2,111.Ett - thUSPAIitI4 '
S •
Summer Tim et fhb Institution will camoosech
on MONDAY, Mal 2, Mi. A limited , esanber of
scans Inuttes CU be In boarders thy
Wally of theTainclpaL Inforaustlon in detail tar
nished on the preadare, Zeirgreen 92 012
le:Litton appange,: to
mat ; Prbuzir.).
Wad oars at Wl*. X Pltteh
SIEDLE, 2`0.183 :Bierrin iBT
Pianos and Musical Instnniienta,
Loops aonstantl7 on hand • Ilno swartzienl
NEW PLUMB. VIOLIN& ovinsii,!icoonaz-
ONS, BTBXSOI, &a, which hhirfil thr low
artier. Ward
The American: Llfii Insuriincii,,Go •
OP rn4kummate.
auz W/IXLIZI24 riot. woes Y. Y.
haw,. poltdes on .14'oa it .JuinT. Slott, Ok
Non.lranoltors rally- on faticablo Was .
8.13 DRUB. '
net roarth street, (Dints'. Bathing.)
$7OO Dm lVl T. l irmlirmt tAi rsztAi4 u b.i. -111 . ent
Two•Errozr BRIM BO Who 1a ,toirak
I VZis an, property ea 107yna atm&
No Notate /moat aid Ezelcer...
Ne 107 Yearth stmt. near Homithaga,
waDow enexis; -
Deautlfillstlkt ofI3IDI LIMIT PAM; kr. de,
all wiling chsap, W. No. 104,Tqleral stiAllogbsoy.
EU, conceded by all who. home toed tbitol to
br anyeriorto on, other make, ond tho only ottootttlt
org orhods, vitorogsphisit no Written ate reltstas
Con to sod tee tho'7Er tido to operation, othi obtato
drool.? a priors an 4 recottonoodolioxis., In every
nuo, when :hay to not giro rotlatacntn, tUo moth'
wldb, retun.:ett. • - •• - iza . 1..11141,12e;
my 23 hololtrott ft, thle.ootody.'
Stone and Brit* Pavers.
so cram ar otarnoronv, P.l.voro, OLL
7216 ar "myna',la •ar UV, ltrOMpgr ivuno•4
Aid.. Boa Allesboa P. , Oft" fr J
kunion, K Mg no* Attestoof
A RAE OPYORTUNITY - -rli gook,
5um...7.a Mai Dorn for meta.. a ta best
Italia, la • large ctly, - and 'lain One badmen
To a anon with about 112,50trapttal,It walla an
excellent cooortontty to mitten - -
Jar partlataaall at ions- Ercrs - rO, • •
witime , liamenti Mal; Pah meat,
!said ITc, 1 Ilaraml, patxtp.fcti - family may
Jut 1.241 - 14; &la Am W=.11.0( tk-fard
iy Ws by Rb, G
!cure;sr . Afbleal o
corm , Ulu*, sad Bond Extra,
041 , 0*y igAur.-=Primp 'glad
BlASisAiLukr, 'Ruiz I n.%
oanitualY°F WWI "4 fb"3 1. 7 8. crairior ,
J. tKO butte. bilibt Dtita
do, Dried Pewltst
'•-• 73.boinprITS4 4Clttjl4lollllt. Chi
aairite any ul9 DY=
•Itera• ••• 71•:114.1 Gillett' • -
Q 7 •
100 ,745,ta1a
bah; wines Amyrol:.A. / ..4
Not loft% as Albg
_bray` Ma ,
gun Air, 763 LOOM
.•, . •
aTtl ending aalloaL:libaijiat Bad .- •
It keit fringe...aid irtintella lend,
/lad whirl, Wagia Baia lent
To of et so. tear.searoo," • :
ItolfialtotTGlTia with tbo slat, -•
Bat take than Bowl hi 1114 aadVhlllt: •
. . . •
By Yult treyy yen taught.
Ttaa the CiaBAYIST
atA:r EE BOI4GXer
CONCEIT HALL . S44;0011E-0
62 Fifth Straat,.
Isar wurs, zi.roksitoilsaigg'i/03 Si*
- -
48.1.1'.2.13:81 - ' •
.For Ladies, ' • an d •
A 4 gPk - P*O n i.,
. . I
s' • -
No. :55 Fifth ',EftrP6ll;;
Ittft 01
ROUND BRAID _nog :lig%
finite the attsatift of deslart.
SLATER & Boum.
go. at muiree =am
Hamad door tram 191 th stmt. 02711.
Nov GOODi:3I Nzly vouus,,l
Ws him list noshed ear Spring ictst of
Which n will xll.l the LOWYST oiss etur
We hare the Lancet net best seloned . apish. ate
IS enter Mao Calf • ,-#TAXItio
Ton found In the city. LADI7 LAST GillrgUt
.hI9 • .10 ItAtrirrt 8"n8C'!. •
ffIISTOM MAD ESHOEs-- - WEi 11115 E
‘4,./Jait. received Ism marts:act ..f •
Lan NeerTort •nd Philsdelphlnkk caniVrea.', Cns
-Lades and !lidded. Gum; Kid, bloraudei. Gast
Lamas nalatordle, Boot, and chauni er•all
Ines* geed. an warranted td d.thelialT-gaall
made to the adoistry.
Aldo a asner4 dasartakentef
el Children'. Staple and.lancy tthoet,
. ear. of Wool adellraarrli
Sci Ha s on head teas stcoisot I
TFozmen ) a Congif.sgt Gaiteisi,"
'Which were bor-srt early Snu b tiellaidskasid for St. 4 ,
room ems to sold at lamas %leas taw 'aSey calls
praised In this der 1 I atottoicozsinsocL
'J. SOULAlSD;felfasial Sassed'
LADES STEZ/i444:ffiK '-
Gaiters Silld;liailliddlil.
eseerfaieat Jost mina leill be,
2 .3 11 Be*;oadocritrom Path
Wan Baststatnid, Coutinslituuttia. ,
Onics of GlidatQariarnmater,
Wathlngton,The,lipril 13th,90.1.
Minn add at public sl:ketbs,k,to the bigbiat id. •
Aar, at this lima and plants named Wow, via t-
'.Newport, Nana, Theusday; Kay litta •
Gott] spur& Panda, litmday, May 90r.' . . M
Aii ooo ;_roduito Thais u 7. Hay 13111;
gonnotabunday, Kay Hittu r, •
Besoing, Puma, 'Thursday, 2 . ; • • •
Lebanan. Paws, Thursity, Juno 51; - . •
Hortntunborland, Penns, Tburaday,Lit*, IITh; •
Branntou, Penns.Thanday, Jura 14ttn, '
Wfildanmpert, Patna, Iba. ado/. eibn. =4; •
Maenad (1W bones Gettpdtargi and Thu •
Lundrednidldlyg sat% of Lb* mtsr. plays.
Them halm' balm Dan, madame& as unfit tut
this onLy 'wrist of The United *Wet Army.
Thrtotit and_ fanengradycata anotygdol bargain*
m` Hantes "Ml* anti tingly. • '
Balm bait!" at 104., and continua daily =all ilt•
Time: CAS, in 11nittd 'Eltadai , Tiedni s itOttni
• 9 .61 . 1 34 • K ••9 4 77 , P i " 16; •
wiram3- 11'0U
. . .
. .
• ek,r ponia:ba g jeirilt aa‘asa - t oy "
trust; tarps that aro ara i mt,44 , I , bs a b
e :
Tasks; ta Sanaa as A feet
Ilayar's 0204 Faixth anew; labia ano tin as az,
lUDltion fad Da gala ap lad • dock if •
ara• Wasik, to • This dtT i F": l6 !aili , c.
NUT= TAVTOST PSI= t • - - -.-,
• •riwiftsmcwww.L:c..
tedmleis,Bilrap Bonny Baga
n09.441D 4 - as.
, JOMI T. DATiiir''
NO://i NO4II iirakt rtabalaatiTh
►ro rang
oini :mar PATE AT rB£2s:tloilits 33114
• .• •
ouziwitoacnnun,ii iti., - ,* . bsob.a.
wilist 2 Lon- 00 1 70 F 1 grtWz 1,1 1 4 '-'
Ally vs* inuttitAtiti, _ M 11.61, ik 1 4.:1 4 • bsr
aplikti ' _ 011316tra,PItItslitulitt,
BAGS BAGS I B11131:3 I
oo° Dm &nut r
14(""r bmLN " av i_ 4/ # l -e, 4 lP*7 - 4
I,lXowearol Wad Elciattimi.424:
W gla=24 l"
1;444 14412 sad 43ua
cxr rd u a. .2 /ag....t". Dm/lid
,1 2 ,1=lit e r L mr .
a - 1 0'4 0 :LOAM;
aorzszna:cwi , 10.44 Lotus
temisia st the ofilon of parisierrqq, a 0)4
.hipt t it . .
,r, s •
„rl=l.llll3Z CD.071 B1ZOOrplc:P.
Crllisl'a""mtga lam si4hik •"'"'"'"
Ito awl hind
L LaLT42I, r t ' !: "ll .l7•Wer WM*.
WOUNDED bULUllstitf. ,
4100 noiniTin
TO Ay; orsasD 68Lb 1, b *
pad; irith•righlute . :
N °4 . l Fir cl !t i t; bBllE V i l dba•
f IfitandleppteMabilltith':
Mani Ifoololtif 'o* ashodest.= :.-saystairs
ntrolaluifßiut Cant
te.glim" -'42 WA Rtif g 44,
1 10 1"1‘8 426.
4 1 4 141% 4
.c - E. , . -"k
f;t l 'war
.~ -.
{-~ ~°
_ . .
wiisiise r