fitid*lt TULA. , DAT MOSUSING4umnUAT 24. 1E44 QTY-2.21k SUBURBAN. The 54th and 5501 Sediments. new two organisation', the forumr of wideit 'eras tinder Gan. Sigel, and the latter 1 tmder Gen. oder, have both suffered severely in the late e gagements. About one half of 1.1 iamb reg e t was recruited In the counties of Cambria, e ford, Somers e t and Blair, , ' the bean e of the mad belonged to eastern 'The.64 • Wm; ender commend of Lieut. ;.,..,, .celonel:L tonithe Colonel (Jacob hi, Camp ' boll, of J tutatown) having charge of a brig ade.. The losses in the battle of New 4 ,,,, ;.l as inaltet, As we Mani from an offMlal list, foots up follows : 'Killed, 12 ; wounded, 100 ; .:1- , taissing.42—total. 114. Ils e si.h was commanded by, Col. Richard ..'''White, and numbered about twelve hundred , : . „.„ - men.-Lient. Crouse, of this regiment, writes , . ytit,lits ..mother; i n. Johnstown, under date of IFortilits.flicdireo; Kay 20th, In which ho puts ...-..Atie 'befit killed - and wounded nt six .hood,vd f . ...4la' iiye!'“Col. - Itietuird White, Lieut. Col. •: liinliott - Adjutant - Gettsitall, Capt. Pox, Capt. ', , lLintsgar;'Lleut.•Bainhart,„ and Capt. liVatter - :.. -. lnry - are 'killed. , - The' wounded officer's are • :11ent:: Patrick 'O'Connell and , Ideut. John o'lQ.lll,of.Co.Cione of. Co. D,Gne of OD. G, .. anwof.Co. %And -the Captain and one Lien . . tenant of :Ce. H. . The regiment. lost about ..' s "these bandied killed aUd.abent three hundred . ~ . , . , The Militia . ‘ :'4"C ll, o4 l "z r g l'' . ri . l'? 4 "Yil : ." dareadY '''''',„'sn . repardes of Oiganisid Militia - aro being av ,. Aketled, the Adjatent General, and if we : . may lags fro:lathe manner in which the ap .2,., Peal af. Governor -Caltila has been received. ,-' 'the Dipsirtient trill aeon have upon its books ' de tioord'Of n'forei numbering many thou. 4 ''-iittidt,.the'irliele of which will-be Made avail 4'-`.:tible to-the Government in any. emergsney 1 ~, ,, ebletir:nisi grail , out of the .great campaign ~.. s that our arming are now fighting in Virginia. ; .0.. , 8ah . the objeot is not to much to. get a record 0f thess..militis, comps es, alit is to (009111' 5 - the thartmgh. organise on and discipline of i l ia 0 ,:; iiii:Min, capable . of, it. arms. If thus , s .,,,'ofga:alsed, said :disaip id, a sadden call for . : ..„'Arooni to repel inviiien or for reinforamnonts lls'enabldarantai direst Lee, can be respond. - - - - . - ±.oalo by mere raw militis, but by an army of -.-' ''sOldieis At Mineet 'any foe, capable of Ten. - 4 '-daringthialestwalusble eervioes to the Gov , , i - - ersinient:. %Whatever may bo the result of this war to crush rebellion, it will become .., 1 .: necurma7.for every American oitlson to p 05.... .... ~sese lakuowledvs of arms sud to ft himself :. -/Ar isogre a:4lmq services." r ,_, _OeLtraated . - Lakes... ll r. Bakewellfa Lecture. Rzympuni by his own desire to do something <: - thr the rieoess of cur grand :Banitity Fair, thenellnitations of bis friends, .;!!Siiakedl ben eanzeited to:deilver his leo "Tlut 14faiitto Ran, thil IIVIZI(14, the entire prooseds to be given for tbn Fair. We cannot all eisit these lakes of the Old ... Weild, whose *tnes have been rendered ..11tomurabla by deeds of daring . in history, or - Umbra' tioubles ictiontanee and song, hat un din,thesruidance of one Who has strayed along hanks, we can enjoy an hear of pleasure and instruction. Lucerne, :moot:dad with the =not. but awaken now thrills of patriotism while Genncssareth—the See of scene of, the public life of christ, wl4 helntesunt rdeite , st interest. The at. inationind thestibjeat; the merits of the lea. tar•ri and the worthy canto which is to be benetted,will.combihe to mane Mr. Bake. • well's lecbira ono 'of the most 'successful in _ company r, c 24 P. V. lie. W. J. Patterson, -It a private let ter limit 'll:matitter e 2 thia company, gives the felloilinf.liats ot. , oaenalties liming the late battle's: Wcanded-robai. W.: Martin, head; Anson B. Ilarpor, , 'thigh; Wo.Dielite,Aetrlhreast . and arm; Jam,. M. Cojjthigh; John Thom*" shoulder, danger cemp:,,Tplanlattere; leg;, , Welliam B. Lictlei footied leg; Corporal John GE 6hirloin, hand: E-Hy t ai. arm; Ebronlicht A=4. ,`l,l'l , ,;`,o,reeessait 1k Regiemt.—Colonol James O. ittd4 slam, died; Adjotaat. lan L. .15174r0f .:.ti,:t..,4.40144.1: dul; 17e4acted—Copt. Wlillcm , 0, leg; 'William Croder, A; .floliesilal Connor, FliTnedant T. Bell, I; W. 0. .Book D: .Watended amtmisein2—Lieuti.Phit :''Tak4••-.Tabniton'snd-Aldiid. reglinout lon 24 killed VG wounded 'Arr . eaftf,a Mater bp an Alderman finmeiroalm,eoen,az jilfcrrakatioD was made Alderscian'Denaldson against a enlored taszyninard Maenad. Back; for stealing a pocket boakirom a man named Dorsey, on board of • ate' aniboat which was 'lying at ilia Monongbela wharf... warrant was Issued at. the time foglinek's arrest, hat he managed ti elude the olStar. On Satardarevening, Al daiman Donaldson netieid passing algng tbe.stre smifilk.. - ''!ltinier awai te d ' nitte dt' f a L 1:1 1. a 1 tn si i ns " ; /r o . r the *barge at Court. • Hint, itatraosis Thundty morning an old man nomad Roger, sod his Philadelphia, were passing through ' ratiried cut" three - Milos - east of Altoona, .when they met a westward hound train, and stappod "ear to the eastward track out of the • WV. it appears that's tribtrWas also ap proaching from the west, which they did not perceive, and both were atruelt by the pollee and thrown - Imm the trock...;Theold min was . instantly killed, and the boy considerably cut abont - tbr face bat notlangerensly injured. They were in bony deititnte oiretnnstances, begging their:bread as they traveled-. j.•FvI orl SOLDIEL—WhO Enteral of "ifi TOilzit,; of Con?pluoy X, 1.0.2 d Pentsll- ,YenbSßektment. whit died from tbe effects of leinntireceleid - at the battle, of the Wild er- . , h soe this _afternoon el two is mom; *am his late residence, corner of ' .l'oitrth end Ross streets, to Iprtiesedto Monne t , Vein _Cemetery. He_ bo boned with :".+ militar y boners. - • • i—xitays One gimndind Day 141 71:1 la stirost fall. The non mustered • 6 .; --- *la dray that . * olotbing and oat o'cleak' g o at Wilkins ..:1,,,n, ts ß ba ata i gn g ict:ir sirs - Proyelja litaistaiotHes, k'aderdstreet, 'tt , / , ', l 42llgibiliy, pr Wilidni Fnarth groat. • A Jaw= , Botoolns.4-Lest weak, two w. _ bait named Embroil end Belnan o opt about tint.:yeanirrealding on the line of tho 311- thieve end Ohio BailrostdOlustrolled at ploy, whoa Clailltt throw a spike used to sonars the ans to the oross-tles, striking Dribs on on the injury from whit/tn. tua Bittaidailast. ittte Steasee Tble evening s cosarrt will be given by glee Lies Seas, at y.4l,tiltenttaaLL Eb. will:be 'Meted by bar Seribi IBMs las Lock : buck . Kr. &Hale amebic. Harvey Moo- Awn, the Welsh 'Leavitt. The proceeds of ^ threemerrtwtil be divided with, the Buttery Qapalssion. • soiiim-stma.—cbta. ax. 7. 4 7 . ; - ,2 !iumr4 4 iiir=ber . al the dint genntyleanie real `at - ' Opottlyiramia Court Route, 1 ei 1111Ettifiata.wiitkads semvo ip `,7,, , ,h.,,..-tad_biatlei3nr She , 9.h of hfrty.: Xt. Ernest ', V 4 kdarallei lestdrid' in the Soorth ward, di es issysigbeay,'lssid.wns Worthy young man. n. antoriflasmen' ,Rantaraii.-4.:Aurreitait of , ge d monsbere of.the- 021 'Peansyl. 'vat*, Regiment in thin eltrwili. be hold at tha eirazd Rome thls morning, - 41:10 0'6)4, b•taks "Waifs store in 'the &MR oftient. Ball: , She' body of the [Colonel: 'FM probably "rivets the noon train • :unarm H of Mot. Ct01..7. W. Ofootia ..„.7tnilb.,of the .18541 t Pennsylvanlik Regiment • .tihn won killed during ono of the Into bettlo4 ` l lllnti.,tirfPWe' .o ol 3 ltorm hit .late dam* at Otui.ner Illation on the Pennsylvania :?d• Vtadar"4 compan y Camp will betptestat. • Calattaa To flakta.-4.". lamtwattow. alua . ad rainziwst, was arashottidastifa few diva ago r whllo S j aga raft la etc Monongahili ern: Two heavy logs puma over Mt body, icts*ir. blysis w-welVltacimi wtiater of ebb city dtod yozarday at the tar opals weothar, cor'roartti tuella will take /ago aftwatomat 004.'404. thm of Mr. Ws ilis•tte2— opened b 7 ;Viut. 4411Eitsto °fillaap AlligllloB stor Bilto. Dr.btiad 11:11eringfr. ;;I'd 'Blli° • ' The come. ter the Beretta.) Dorn= Coese..—Tke folloirlag eases wee disposed of . Ihrorth Z St3wef , 43 Portpr, Solt Swect Bale absehno. MI. - Prtltlotret Y. O. 'Way em lateral Beilmed. Appeal mitteluall. The equity list wag taken upend the follow ing este iilopenerl 4. B.llfel'AurkeneeD. Braley et aL Demurrer mu. talee4 and bill dlemlised with costa. The Common Pleas argument list published yestooday, will not be be taken up. until next Mends'', May O. Ctlll FILOG Dneatern.—Here Is a deserip tiCdssef the Johnstown frog before it got into that "dorniek." The reader will observe that tip affidavits ere appendeds "A frog," mays Professor Bump, "is an amphibious ani mal what tickers on cold water, and conse quently invented the teetotal society. He *brays walks with ajump, he does, and when its sate down he his to stand up. Being a lover of native melodies, he gives free eon certs every night, he does himself. Be per. wide, IlaUslo for the million, which his been so called because it is usually heard in a mill pond. He Is a varmint what ain't so bad when broiled on a gridiron." l'lreerma—Tho new sensation drama, writ ten for little Henderson by Madame Mar stnerittes, entitled ”Rosel, or the Christmas Tree," wu produced at the Theatre last Oren lag for the larst time in this et V, and was wellteceived. It will be repeated this even ing. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES Tames Purr, Plain end Ornamented Plato Reefer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver mont elate of tho beet quality at tow rates Office at Alm .Langhlies, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa, le rr possible that any soldier cal be so foolish as to heirs the city without • supply of HOLLONAT'd OINTMNNT AND PILLS? Whoever does so will deeply must it. These medlainss us the oily certain sure for Bowel Complaints, Pavers, Bores Ind 13atuvy.1 HoDoiray's PM, and Ointment are now re tailed, owing te, the Idgisprioss of drugs, ko., at ad cents, 75 ants aid $l,lO per pot or box. Par sale hi Pittsburgh by B. L. Bebop stook h Uo. For isle at Falton's drug store, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. For sale else by Geo. A. Sally, Federal street, Allegheny city. firsour. Norton-The attention of our readers b directed to the brilliant assortment of Spring and Summer Goode just wmelved by oar friend Mr. John Weler, Ito. 126 Fed eral 'treat, Alleglmy. His stock comprises a great variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Cassimeres and Cloths, and flan Silk and Cassimere Veraings,—all of which will be ma rla up to order In the latest styles and In the best manner. A °bolo° BO lection of Furnishing Goods also on hand and for sale, together with a full stock of Beady Made Clothing. wetland fashionebly roads. Estrovsn.--Samuel Graham & Co., Mer chant Tailors, have removed to 73 Smithfield streeL We an fast receiving our (mond supply of 'spring and summer goods, and would most respectfully invite ourainds and the publlo in general to examine our new -stook, believing it to be one of the fluted stocks of merchant taller goods in the dty. Every garment, warranted to give full eatia faction, in both price and quality. Give as a call before purchasing ebonite?* end judge for your elves. Gataiit &McCiewmasse, - Merchant Teflon, No. T 3 Smithfield street. Ds. blorrrrr, Dentist, N.. 162 Fourth street, between Smithfield and Great. No Inducements held oat by offering low prices; but an equitable fee will be charged in every care, for the best materials will be , trsed, and allthe time and skill woman to we pato:mind malts ehall be applied tnl7:6m Somme end °Maori In the army, being exposed to sudden changes, should always be supplied with "Brown's Bronchial Trochee," se they giverempirolief In a cold, cough or an Imitator/are throat. rot sale driwgistsgenerally. .• Mumma ind carriage calls will be token at the Omnibturefilce, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All Orders left at the above plae• will be promptly attended to. All calls most be paid in advert. • .Th.szr l c M. GIZZIAX, Attorney at Lew, 98 Gre.mfAtteet. slam (7. - ina.; Dentist, 248 - Penn atroot, will ,at tmd a/.I business of tle.prafasalon. DIED: - brris—on iktandsy imarstog, et four ecicatt, W IQ26ita, is atm nth pair of his ... She funeral wN take Owe Tau artzsaeoir at two o'clokk, from the assideacs of his slather, Mo. 76 rourthstr.t.: =l2 QANITARY FAIR—The . : Committee NJ on Ilecianice . Ball rrapeelfelly regiunt vbe on doer.. to contribute rma• uogy ar naantro. tun* of say dearriptlen. appropriate to th at De. partmenr. to menses early am pi:bible Wartime of the undendgnrd, ao tool the paper errogeleasfa can be made hr ther..9tkal and eotownedation of weaf ankle that may be offend ine Oosaaltt«>