- rry '' .. • , .71 - • 4 - ,,,...'..-.2 :.1 4 , - -,. !--.7...::.:- , .:15 11 -: ,- .7.-...; 4 .: .. „..,,,,,, , disburs - . 1 • . . . .. ... I :tTarßaDiszvBoBsrm.:KLY_ 6 ; ukw, . . - Ant var . And' DlPlrturtirtor Trans , ' - i.... thew ileaesi.:: 610 ii:m %tem Zzles.ll6o p at TWO 1ta11..... 2.150 a m Mir , es • ~., lair m .,ep i'm4lslas ....... 1...3) a is - , AN& laia•-«.... dad akall TbM 7, 11.01L..i;..1.1e • la •,,,latmiPs' acm's 3 p labstra staanclo4l6 • m ..::'. - 4011•Thallha... WO • as tat Fen; sse l s.....ten • as Asa -,► - 40,- - '7=,..31:150.4m -• O• .......11•16 i a ...,.., at •.- illa , ..., WO • '.d• • .4 146 pls • , --t. Id -__ - dd.. .-..... ok at W p is . I TIM Charall Imam MO amp= (ms itanday) 1 . , A •xt.imirial ii 'ltamazia. • 1 • , NOP:* mai etl.fila pm.' >4- • . . . .. ... .1.: 11 0 1 t Uaa......., 1:44 4as Oblamilkkifs— 240 m 1=`!" , "•••••• -1-4, P rags , oda -.. itICI p m Trial...-. PAO • opts el do, ... 7:5G p m v ? Alddace Awes. il5 p ntlenstdswllfalL. 70:10 p m -,' - - 'Pia Nom , ertittio• discalisliktitkal .les*m Alis AI M! , - -, Ow Satan at M.6.a to.ltcOla. - faop aceriap m.,..' ‘ 8.,...b.. , hymn New -Brightalk.Btatinsi 821!•50 a'. ...,. ; . M; 70 • *I - We VE4. 0 . 21 0 , 4 al , . . • • 1141 • 1:68 2:00 p Larlinr l l-1)? • = pwrt . 46. '- -',i...5/"4/pai!a4.l"." - 4 mr 6i r , ILCIO p. J. PI! iLitpnies: . 710 ie D a ' I :: Ist 141 C m Mil Pier.... 8.10 a us Bradduck,s. ' bdid.p a d Inkd dilriiiort lama d 71:4511 - L. 113 GM • m LAS i m 1.3 0, P • comaktict4.4 *.PUBD ,PITrIEMai 441nEurig. • ! Itizrar X.igr-- it* rates:rib quilt. , 1 !- ' ' 72oXetu7 . , Mato Mt • sittnt.:Tior rigodpts of ants at ditto& an. • tbi ii•nry light sad with at utmost" lloatod sipplyo7i brut doasod, lb. liurtet V Stisciaiol gre.clo an ow:Waxwing. Cora meta with readi de. . , stoo, 01.,341,35. 0.0 may ba as,9a tro.k. 5a4,811.90, cram mom ..Wastand 1;4. Lin demand b.c.ibass b tzar In • tagrkiG I.IIOVUOSS-13/Lcanla Wady with of. teqular Job. Idaledulad. wldlavices, hare' ani4orgooo no per. Ohnsibin atanto. 11. CMOs at in +IB LenhonLmr.; itiOnsi,didaqUialktiror ohor do, IT Too LI or. LeXtLe t,r Philn. ender (hod and SIP. ' . :11 .tor llsurautO do: Lord Li dm but quips sditi monk salad •1 13J4 l r. cuaacrf and,l4sj. for cue . sciatew ist $25.17 and got 0.4 ,at 5 1 = 4,40 •Uttot7Eilig*4—Srigin Mit tied }iron moil's; : .;4/41,44 of ,10 übdi Nye Orlon' st th al, tor tsur to ,plow and ea ! ,, 07 Yells,* di blobtoss ~, stertzwitti-lialis wild* Vann at Ilt.bott.2 , OoS Pilirictol'AKt.dOinadite, sµ.w "Booth altar olT4nia sill 444 t'Etatojar gidon'4" at 111,25: %lois boa endal as at 1.11a12)i. d .711.01:111.4s qulsdautdinacttoy the de'd beingligbt 4.41 nouns altogether oft. tool nod an . Lap*ant clstacte, We noes m its id" well kooeln *shun brands Onus shot. at 1L.7,16411;81 ; .. - t; 7 tddstl7 at too - °numb= •eonotry , noun will not, . • .ottwore,. conna,4 taro dittuton ,, - • . L;• OUT= h SGOS—Botter. to demand and • shade (lane', but pries 10 - not quotably blygbenealon - or boxes good Etnl arita,snd 4 bet. , etiLlos do :init. E gg. st e al ? •Igb 0 . 1 btu, aq . Et= duets Is s god - tool iktasild for SI acteral.' tadprbe. as ii Wade 'hlther-410,0ail pet bbl for !. , 114:k a Itlactlqat; and SLl.,Thkli fat Ma 3 Lug*. Lake mgiar s 4 6 , 4 tr per Dbl. and 4 -IS T-4s •Imi taint but. zonAuay lttaar ed. Bs lei at ibaledst Mate; ma loom as InatO. eISPLA auaLa,t, in 1101Y0 demand; We GSM) - - • • 11.4: aid 76 dad. as oasis Apore. , " IratZte ifitslV , PrLi'Litnitsd supply end prices - Ire wilesptltieekle tor, •pples and LaBP 011.—da heldSreel — fee ' • POUTOL.4-711114, lad hil ig y ° - VgiUntri selasar,loo bush at SODS tai l h "q , 41 1 da 1.73 4 :Pr k " . . f. 17 .47! , 0 . 1 4 ilighoead GO tat..ao .:WlLDGlLT—leetaidly but Ma mutat le artsetthed and eaUesly, rmailvd.Sztull - aka at Cha.* et gips 100. • sairAcrWal'h of . 1.41 e. gs ' 3° 9 bbl, urtivir4;?riakinzalrekesof Teem Whits Gaza' APPLIS th T ae e l adxaet bat "ktti;s k tti;5 i e tiood eitytom,oflhteh.• w, fa th mar. • : • • Pltistroirgh irecnnetim :Markel : - . Ina eery muth ex. du& exii2:' with brit* dtmanit both for L ieteell is faux. delivery, stottettoladnaeir crud.c.i. • • - --prite . 97o"bbleouv Iona:1" - AM bbls—bbli to bore . =ant-4,213c; 110 dist 34e; ZO and 15:03 ,-;.thelltded , —••;-the epot.;-et 1714 Mat Wihq wd WOO f.'h2le do 4$ -Ettrtie:Odhtedlltd and :SO%t,.hee texid Oise. t , ett leatTA. 6-6 4;;$ iii e.ia"C.a" tbagmeli &Meshy in obudectos lieioedodeo, Win% aloher7 dray erithtegood epteaLe; lee de mends* advanced intei. We• Woof 600 We "Mgt' h - P. ,, lPurtftlidaeho --1 . °!1.41, OP .then.t, at EL; GOO tdo-,4tootioce n stdoß,looo do I.d.latidhe'—de,- -,_ boo wN t1nt,1:1,2 . • ; Isitiss„ - tleffie - trittuetlo u tts . ar. 11601 and ete ni , lottoldt. .ts quiet bat-staidr.„ and. In the I.,': ,. .....tle,ollol.oll•llll,ll•4ThrLetaccusalis v io ltr r o , 5 11 0 „, pI.-t 5. raratsipdamsnd; edit alt ; k r oirehitirt new af,thic or reds Etta[ 'Cr he; Ltnsepool, soder date Asuit, te..,it . - , eddree-11111110/eorjOertiseva or Crathtet eh, he ad p.eued : . strtceOltehthtli WP , Oe; dlerah Mee-tit find ',--. ' .i..•- ;;7 ... . : - 4 1t7rga. P ;te l ,liel ' A I Ld n r 4-''- oil a 01 b "811447 Z ',Watt text hap •'l 1 at .nnat. " rat I .t tid• " — mei recetptiL Of um 'Alean,l4 idea, ductile the Sweatt-tett how" colitis Mil inerdskooto etee 1477 bble ••-hdlOtre Brood ..43orie• 410 i Duna.. • Dulav • It i lA.S.aar, -Id 0, J D. 1114111 Co, ffiMEElffiEil ... .nirp.b."e,tlexporksed far hone demand for .- -.-. --;•-•, , ••••entiteresie k.sia -SS* A Ain farther adverted:sake . - ' .•"-,.,. , -1 • on ehip e prs eis.VehliesS4o=o3.o for ltsy d II end , .. ~•'.:•.7:1- 4 ....1- s lb Wiese, ZIP-21101di a bap specnlall ' -1. Zs= -...--,•;"'' LA Sensed to how,'- elk= bete arre:cerh soles " • "" -' " ' " =- AsaleMSoe SNP WA . ea for Mu de11,.); and Ms 6% Su eau4sty sad ensues. There ie *moderate • &used Ihr Fr= Ott‘ree the spot at th. there se no • - _,,e.: . • thints'eattnr# l li4th.s. - r.- Waite MY - ITO adz - me _• - _4 ., . ~z OnfillnialVis faltoilaq Iltdetal till pt.- . - ,"• --' , i lidi•dittigsviT4ilt=l :. ,,, k, ,, • -, • . • • hail .. .itts.tris. ofthe• OW wet .ixdsort - to • ..., • 11,6111, - ; • •:, Tma,th.,,....Werl,2;22: ll4 ese r lse , k t tut *sun. I to . 1,0 ,..- - ... ,•...IMP.M. 4 ..seUsd.ll. l re,t B6 es= week In 187.1 . The. ellret et. dpede to ISNZSO. O u- Leann *WA/ V.= ...,---INeliJosiraFri-Ilvocas Soreho;-sriet us IA; 20. S ~ ...r.iricii.:Zthat ap g tm i . it: tV t j t. a u at A li t s e k c DT. : :•s. , 7. ,rerstlisaiiisar, gAtesiotia.t.post et forefins mar. , •••• ' , --Sclandlik - (aalmiiit orapstle) .1.14 t Lid) I=3 i • tla abts 7,....a. „-'4 iiii0f...:»:.....--*"!*-- 24030,451 ,I;s',' ~-• '. ., „,..7..r .- • -:.1.:`; L ., , i . ~- : ' - UM 143,43? ':, ; ;_•:,:dgeltition. One haliar*--'-- -,---- IpasSasit ImDczt 1 / 1 0r1...._,H..b..1i.4 .'34..1-7 w. iv .o-n- o - f doagth P . r 0. 7 ,46...z4....7,. --,- iud,como r „ .a.....,,,.444„ -. L.,... , ,zaz.....o.:Avr-,-,,-:.- .... - . . Vatic to date ats,63B • - - from Ha. York from I...to,Yarott itotowits Add 452.5,000 Alpha , 050Wt1ami1813..«.—.....,.......45.055,000l " , D4 274 1 ,4 : 11 Pfc 3612 P 4.111 2,k4P113---33. 2 Cb1ca50 , .L%T0 . Stock Market. frail. 7 oatu•-AttorClPtl IMt Tior. , e,ose nips, tat. - Prir* azA aidd oonuaan, and rte.. haiikier: (4. smtel . .101 aorirxdotordeeOitot , all btrylog Übt.rspy, ror irafFlaWid to tkFi , ge.,;4rOto.ot. "rolist , adr: Vloto U* ntUngnilia fond!ro%..— Prim. w • —..st,regkai tuoLup. AMMOU Sop l 15.C.k4".G • . • inta _ 2 0 0 10 4 .fe aTorOPOldOloovololt.i.647,7(4lbeact Th. win Minims dollabddaDlaaaed. with svpino,- thee doirdoriviioodosicy, . W. quote : • -.. • v-NitotraGrodot , Good i t o mr , • E tta iiisarkectir2all sad berry as s Ts=" Etta Mildtko. &We for4odbuo goofed . . • eMeinuatt Lumbar klark4. Jost aeon atJit . D ewed, 117stricerp9m 11tLiburz we bans r, „ . _l'l',-AtrUtge l 44 4l4 trivrioki mer 6 0. 1 0 10 go .g_t bam A.Mlbsiptseit for Cliamag, 1436 plata" above gad tiaro PAS& bake sot beam I.l4476roftrictur :11.47.44Tai,74.0.= 1 1 ,111 1 1;17 7. stnirlitZI g e 7 = I l l;r•U• ! slo; • yst. nt.914461 their ficaleibrrlcsi for, tbsi assuteg ' `;' awn. tkr /attain torniK MOO tlialatput pok OmM•mutomMicludd tble sasliet bag bean readred.inbbpsbovvrtr, toy atstit!giv• carnet Tolod CCOSIMSI Plickt; °r -40111,:xxr„ Tr i m - 7 , 74.=. 0; 241y4==/11"Pti. iiie744l2 7 1 - I V Qn Vs, '.:.r.eti'; , :-:1.. Ltyerp,c*. Petiole= Market—A. A. MaQrdsy rattles tlwir &slim Was. Osumi& s sat Ida tiscoonstratifo Onus, "Twits sr. stalabons .O ay.b• and ben is • f.w of Mrs. This sro not 00.000 bbls of Ilsentil ail in all Zanrpio sad ootAooo Ws of Crisis Astororp—Stirk, MOOD DOI. Itotinol,l3,ooo do crude Loudon 21,3F2 " Gov da Lin pool: ..6.6117 " ^ 2,900 d. " Tbls meleleta-413ey aro art collated from eh.. wbw. . sow, the stock of them, the threw prominent port., i. oat so large ae I inyeelf held in Liverpool stone, prior to3Oth:Jone of met year; lad, moreover, the• stock of all toroye, now is net equal to the 'gm. Lir. cp.' stock el that date, 1863! If the 'tort, then, few Mated, And the 'apply, sefer, no mertellei; is there any wonder that, be apprehension of la went inntffitientol.Priore should advance, end sunset • wannuityt Bat what shall we my If the webs are givlagleta--ond tiefiners making tees an the other tide:sad the armigstor Conswaptlan doubling, trot,- Ihnt, or auadraplingoo , thi. 7 and them, they say, alvfacts, 4 axing, patent aid trolleyed...hi& T Metres, thet r did believe In • summer's Inertia forPetr.deatn—l o Dress that re-acting low prim were arneupt my ream—hut that wow all on_ b expeo tatio,earecomplataly diampated; and I.eansee noth ing In the foto • that isnot more cooviemegiy hope hit fur P tro rum, fa raw. toy. than dm log any elms th-t 1 heve yet has ceded a to,rd, or written • llm opoh thesohket. tnetde— be met of the "Dell! I'." cargo of .2225 bawls basing odd at LIS Os, teat. &Mahe ano la seraero, for the Dotted KJ gdent, bee Wetted 000 mantis averysibers estsiciog, am it dins, • sp price of osinorairat ' ZIT: Our Hills stock is firmly beid 6.e £t7 lOs. Theo t two no claws. of oid nice - • - • ttelluncl—The market hes bean diurnal of every thing under 2s ld, and at tuts figure very little amid for Zan., lely and August there are buyer@ at th 2d. bus to se II s err, for the Int four months there an Mayers flit to 34 to b Stl, his no sellers. otawr," who trod COW barrel. at le 6d, t , be de- Bested at his own time title year fr.. cancelled she .arcie by giving a r loq nr. down for £25 COO I 6pirlt—daller chit week, and eery inferior kind. not saleable nen at la 24; bit Dont finalities sell at 1. 3.1 to Is TOO p 1 417rma• • 013 • m •omitoM;41•UotC11:11) a m • 1111:40/14111 p m 413,426114tei. p • do tit) • m I gteibmittle/MlOl3O • m Wait—We here had neither "scales," •preyed: . iegn•d back for erns.. time pest, and no bat awl= Out the avetrlasn home coniamptlen.sceede one imidely. to Scotland the • section of coridenalug boner ior the p etipitation and pr paiatl a of Was Y feting areau mid a,' and mar vitaaa us has been stir -prodandlen of till, 'that or W. la heromi g unreel, lees .0. The ho•ttYh Was 1. of «Jame,. .rerely . prodaced fr. m P Unlearn, ninny. from Onl, and the odd cilmadiVis nataial y adapted tor 4rich a purpose. Whether or no the • anima= kayo the M.lllls of rivalling on In Oda article, I cannot tell, hat I ebonld tatok some 100 tone a month an acid here, and when you not It, it le always be *Okapi - foe salon of •4ealee" Y atontld to &I per ID; re. gnell block lid to 1. Point of Males is the tree Indication of the value of the latter, lat' being con sideted the blithest standard. flieuee—lt le difficult to Imagine that an) Petro leum product, N• elm yeti It be, can be traneforred to Was °mutt, and sold at Le toile snip ptud. Wit bin thew kW few tireeka eirme lOW barrel. of Ameres,o b Moe,a bare been told at £9 to £9 to lb. whole o f ,apa taloa of a a.mt-tfgo•d nature. black 10 browhieti I Lhlnk, however, that if erwittoosiii to be seat, tree from grit, they will improve in ration- Una. and I would not diesel...de thus consignment £lO ev £l.l would pay; to which / think It U quite oomild they may advance. • They am better than /lean Ortega guy how, and as lbw satinet to obtain ed. the former ohonld b.avall.d Very Laws .-40 d 0 bawds Itedaral Oil .Id -t 34. to be delivered ea quay, or slur, at, ael ler'. iip -4lon,.7.tienednrlng the motallsolluly. august and moor teßat. 7 next, I think, will andonnee the spot Drta to b 4. 3d. Iho Wool Intero.t—lneteastd Duties The dearth of Cotton, incidental to the rebellion sad the large guantitice of Woolen geode required a substitute for Cotton fabria and for army pure paws, have Imparted to Wool o importanult never before powered, and the comparatieely high prices ruling,. together with the probability of decreased importation, of Foreign, as the nand of a prospec tive Inman of duties, ls stimulating the production all over the country,—partiou &fly In the new States and Territorise, where the Caellide. for sheep hus bandry me tinsarpested. The production of Wool, the textile fabrics of which are Bloodily gaining in popularity, therefor, promises, ens long, to soppy whatever dafbatency there may be in Cotton goods. theamonot of farilign Wool Disported that year wee between ally and duty million. of pounds, while the production of Domestic, it to estimated. was at beat filly per cent. greaser—and prices tare cornet. voided with the inerecoal demand. Fleeces, which, three yeas ago sold at twenty-nth cents per mood. dew command eighty. Tab improved condition of the matte; Dia beloirod, meat continue during the war, because the contomption for many porpo.H rather inuraser tem tlimintelt, and Demme. the - exesolden of Gotten goals will have to be provided fur In famillee, to estate, by dewing on Woolen goods. Whether tried' minium beyond the period of peace to wholly& matter • funimthire, but the probability I. that WED. For rano Moo aster the . rebellion shall have been cadged, Cotton cannot be prviltomi In. Its former profudoel the Piatitatimm matt be reclaimed, later prodded and organised, and money upended, before Be many balm be reckoned to uch hood. Meanwhile, the Comary fast be clothed, arid that clothing most be mainly I supplied by CU Wooten mandutorers. Toe report 011ie Committee on Pdanufactattd. rt . Inint37.bcnitted to Congreee, states that the pones lent notion that tow grades of Foreign Wool would not complete with . Foreign prodorction his pr.ved erroc mug. Earen...igi.th of the hnnottatidna of lad year were Invoiced below the minimum of demean cent. par paned; and the whole averaged tem than seventeen tenth. The tmeenry, the report goes on to my. yea greatly deli:doted by this pr. , .• OM At eh. gam, lima our Woo gtOttata suffered startle lose, width 'grew outof itlestire. The entire Woolen Mitinlitaf that year did not agreed half • ullllon of dotter.: Ybe total amount inported—to the fiscal yule—was 71..affeLlt putufb It eat $12270,633. fm Iffommittee, 'therefore, coootunteuded that the duty old. per cent on Wools under eighteen cents, be champed to • .pacific duty of threes cts per pound, end mi.alor , re duty f twenty per cent on Wool wring ate/ elgtderts Ceuta and not over twenty *Mr, • optelde ditty of eta bents for p and end eta adva Want duty of unity per ant; on Wools coatint over t -mac -four ce ta• nine cents per pound and twentyper cent. advalonon. ea Ma port wh.re the duty Is paid. Thew ree.maandattval are ail lin {natant: bat the <tame erbkb asseas• the thaminn apon the value at Qs pert where the dude. aro pay. Mk, 13400:et aa inspertmt es any, and, it to utd, will mat oft • vast aimaddof cbica..y. It is girther contended that If • Wail enables the mantilbetiners to pay pod prices the farmeo• will reap the benefit, theepemotring will be tememed. The tariff on Wool and Woolen goods was Ibereatod In teal. and, all gads fauna elect:loln the Worth of the far mer. Yrotection to Wale' good.. without • Wiff .at Wad, would, se are told, thereme the gr we a' The present tariff Otto Ins both, and both Wmer and mmumanser, according to this theory, Will be benefited. Mal 3—Flour—Sot Tarp settee, tad prices easier. /ales ItO als ;bolt. XX Tad 117,76. Wheat—Market eery dull. Rio receipts. pales 2 cars red on trar.scSl - 60 -Coro—Du - 4 tempi...rand lacer. Pales 2 ears shell. eaSront ran as 111.2 u. Scar Las track at MA; MO bu &doe. sl.ls;lca ears. n track at #1,12. ' Oats—:ales I car on track at 781; and 1 car limn role at 66c. ' Barley-Bth 200 bl on trade at E 1.23. P..4*-010 packed men 12b good nqrunit..d the mar kst firm at the MlTlnce of 'nu 'day-528.00 for No tend SACOIor ro L Lard—Andre, inn and anctuatia &lei 4OD tbs In tiara* of l to • Ham-- ? settre:rognot for•npnr cured. liale• 1000 tb• ma. ••••ectat..l9tr,loossonllcanthnad at 180. &waders -•nteady •rni.llrta. rales cw Via II I.lc. fLiti*lllarket Itrze iced dernuel pallet MO White li./AA•4 Pickerel; s7,tetur "trout, nrol 5 11 . 50 for nit ritiktui4 bOrliarrel. Barter ~ .s./••4o.4cfb• brla•Nr• 1 1 ..“ 27 N , • Poratoes*-skilin•rtkaon Bkwast *LW; • .• decided Improteoient I. epltl •r god holders bus t. hear ofne Balea, ' Pri - rorsan Pr. Wan,: Aso Chtumoo-Eitlaatz. Hoy 4-7 Ws bay, - Col Oxen 16 bas Ink, J Wader. saw 2do &Ora co; & 044 eider, A G-nogg; 1 car Amy, 22 212Cbegary; 2 can m.cal, Jaw IlnoVmss; ear Atairssa J Ha1y5;121:054:6 eoro: J Iterbeno4; 4 Obb ear,llll l lolgt eo; Mika rap, liceaton 4 b, t 4kgrsmaso awn' Prrnikanni 8AT1.901.9, Rey pkgs bardware. tumor & sOn; Sdo do, Logan k °mg; 3 dodo, John Zaseand; 14 dos brooms, W P 11. es & plga butter, k Van pocks; 2 do Kta, recur& Armstrong: In sks rsp, Godly and Clack: IN ski tan; toUboaoly; 3 bbl. eggs , lialllsg; 19 by 311k0rd,„1.10 , 19 & bbepard; 99 bbis oIL John P SoottilCObbla fltsor.r knimon I Sturm 62 to lard, W 13sysa 1103 &Matas, 9do oats, k 31.011bley; V: de potatoes, Petar Berry ;48 do 90-, Geo Useslloool 66bbls 011.; Pennock, BO & Co: A. mgs. Godire7 ! & Clack. AU.staintS ets7lo%, Illy 4-3 ski potatoes I Ora butticano Ewe O'llinlcallobair, bbbi. apyln,W J 10 bbl& ton; 'Grill. it co; 23 buiebei brim:WS Since; Si bider. WedSßSN;ibblmoru.eiPat r l'eteninxlo bib Ig.i4oba 00:1-101Z00.W Wsiikiiai libbbls bent, E 1 0 Sligli; 100 Sodo,libidi, cab co. WIIIELEINO—na umay6-100 bbls nle, Wto tdmands.76. balm wool, Clark it co; 1440 pohdots It Vic/order; bbliSsfs, Elms:mks: 4. Esung Emma. &its; *vim on board'. - . Henna' , HIVEII—na - CsAnn Poe-6,700 sks stheat,l2tHatrankl 46 bra: . C11C1E6147.1--inaHonsin—Hot ttotdtlei, 13.,1, co; 12 bola 401, Ilooslaton; 44 du 'ads ooh, • G e o Gamma baled Caddo, E log I Postoock; 20 do 420, nos .solptcklo & doss 11112. beelbams, 3 A Arm• stron2.2o to bum thomskor ⟪ lido do, H 11.bs; 6 lads slamB Evart It co,' 14 by oil Imsl, Beni EA 6 bbisilqiion a LoOnk: 2 dko had pipe, Jam Vivid; .4ria, .1 11 Stmatten; 100 tons pig mend, HlNElliNni2 ma Puss Donns-0 bin enstlogr, loon E.HtsW E.do do, J 07 bbis Ithisky, Usammar & 1 001slcolm1 Ido MI, 1 do bstspiSed, Tortence 1.101.61. 71 3 2 3 CAT Dirdithre, 1A11;1 tOlminsel)avld Elolloti; 11de do,LIP6 1 """t 1 cotEntssoda,floo'Clabliton 2 bas Hanes, 41 Hons. boa; 277 IXIII wagon spokes, Phle6s, Park a to; 23 . 246 tobscso, systunler to Vostsp; 60.01 t Wm, A D -111111m720 ,insloltsoncbines, Wm tranmer co; 40 eildtes tobsteo, 1117611411 00;72201.1.9. d1 1, 1 11 "14 E 11 - ptinturatur oil bb . l2l o 7ltsming 22 logs 1= 34 1.Mm.. 1" HE 12 1 2refti.00 Vi i ns b - t co m liso, 'l3 Hants: dog!} 16614■;11, S'Eshnosion ‘ lt A co. 22 aka rap W. . 7 Bo02;31 IsrESlot supdriar„.l7lirft A pi. . ApENAIPI BLEND 111.111141X151 rittrtlf new ka4 roniartri parartrmil last Ti. S T 0 ACE , :-IrerABIAIP,COtIII4 , 4 QO o`;BLAIRS'LIQUID;RBNN T-: armwil l izelp..hiikasarrmic64o:4ll•• DWI iiallbott name depot% &Mob rap, 04, 1 1• 104 144.*V o lr : r a Mc cer y" acors „sr!: famtlo4o7 sod Mid ilatio: j ~ Y ~ s~~. on Foreign Clevciand M■rke4 Impart. by ilalUvid, Imporra by River OF" ICLeli. LAWS OP THE UNITED'STATES. Paned at tiso Rut Session of eill4 Consorcto. [Timm—No. 88 ] rrodde for earrylo An Act to from the nik and for other'. Be it enact,' by the Senate and Rouse of Reprezentatirts of O. United States of Agog ins to Congress assensbitd, That all steamers lad sailing vessels belonging to citizens of the . United States, and bound front any port in the United States to any foreign port, or from any foreign port to any port in the United States, shall, before olensanoe, receive on board and securely oonrey all such mails as the Post Office Department of the United States or any minister, con sul, or commercial agent of the United Suttee abroad obeli offer, and promptly de. liver the aims to the proper authorities, on arriving at the port of destinanoo, and shall receive for ouch persica such reason .bie tompeneakiou so may be allotted by 5,,,. 2 And be it further enacted, That upon Ito tntry of every Steamer °ensiling vessel tr.•m any torero port the muter or o-mmandor thereof shad make return, on °rib or affirmation, showing that he has promptly delivered et such foreign port or ports atl mails ptaoed on hoard of the eteamer or vetoed under his command be tote olearance from the United Buttes. And on case the master or commencer enall fail to mate oath or affirmation es aforesaid, shooing that ere has delivered the mails placed on board his steamer or vessel in good faith, the said steamer or yesesl shall oat be enutled to the privileges of a steam er or Teasel of the United States. Bea 3 And be it further Entwurf, That the Postmaster Generate be and.te nereby anthomed to make centrum, to connects not exceeding tour yearn, fur the treatepara tame of all mailable emitter other titan letters, and of ouch letters ae may be direct ed, by the Isthmus of Panama or the N.c.- aragna route, or both of theme Provided that the expeudtthre for the service email tot exceed one hundred nod sixty thousand dollars per annum. And ia cuss =netlike ..ne company is engaged in rendering this nervier, the roatmenter General snail de termine the proportion ahteh shall ha paid to each.. Sea .4..,tind be, if further mooted, That all mailable matter which may be convey ed by mall tee-ttertird beyond the western boundary of KaDna, and eastward ham esetern liouodary of California shall b. sobjeot to prepaid letter poetage rails: Prof; dd, however, That thin teatime obeli not be held to emend to the trenermistion of newspapers from s k no • n office of publi cation to bona fide subscribers, not-exceed ing one copy to each eubsoriber, per to Intuited matter, to and from the interme diate poiute between the bounderits shove named, of the ueual rates: Prorideillurther, That such freaked matter awl oc tattjeot to such regu Winks as to its, transmission and delivery to the Postmaster General shall prescribe. Sec. h. And be if further mooted, That the Postmaster 13m:tarsi, may, if he shall deem it for the public interest, enter into eontract for any period not exceeding one yeari for toe transportation of the mails etesneshipe, by sva, between any of the ports in the United States; and that the ses-iervice already performed by. his or der oh the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mex ico be paid for out of any moneys appro priated for the service of the Post Office Department- Aso for such service al. ready performed upon the Pacific coast sum not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, to be paid for out of any moneys appro priated for the service of the Poet Office Department. fish. G. dad be it haat" enacted, That if any person or persons shall paibt, print, post; or in any other manner place upon, or attach to, any steamboat or other vessel, or stage coach or otter vehicle, which it not actually used in canyieg the mails of the United dimes the words “United Butes mail," or any other worthy lettere or char acters of like import; or if any person or persons shall give notice, either by publish log in any newspaper or otherwise, that any steamboat or other settee, or soy stage coach or outs vehicle, is used in Olt' Tying the mails of the United States, when the , some 12 not actually so need, every pinion so ofleudine or willfully riding or nbettingth shall, OUCOUlietioll thereof is any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not lees than one hun dred nor more than five hundred dollars for every such (frame; one half for the use of the United States and the other half for Cie ute of the permit informing andprose outing for the same. Sec. 7. dad be ti further tweed, That the Postmaster General be and he to Mushy . . autbortird and empowered to enspend the operation of so much of the eighth section of the sot of the thtrty-first of• eighteetiluedred and fifty-two, as author.. jun the conveyance of letters otherwise than in the mono on any inch mail routes as in hie opinion the public interebt may re. , coin. Approved March 25 1864. [Pontar— Ne -84.] An tot to &whorls° the Pr... Went to ne gout's treaty with the Klamath, hlo don and oth-r Indian tribe in 'oath esetarn Oregon. Be it enacted by the Sanas and Howe of Representatives ol the United State,' at Ameri ca in Covets" etrenthled, That the President be and he .is hereby authorissd to con otude • treaty with the Stsmath, Mode° and Snake Indians insentheastern Oregon for the pnrchate of the country .occupied by them. Ben 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of corgi:tit Oittthe provisions of this sot the aura of twimiy thousand dots lore be and the same is hereby opprapri►- t.d from any moue, in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended an. der the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, March 25, 1864 • P06L70 BEeoLovox*,/9 A. Joint it-ioludon autioisingthe ions of • Register to the mummer "Aloitaik.'; Purestll by the &nags and flours of Reyresmentiors Ihs United Mates of Amer ica En Congress assesibled,. Thai the Secrets'. ry of the Tteteary be and in hereby au. thorized Co bone an American register to the Canpiten -steamer "Mohawk," now owiteti by,Worren Ger pecan, George Parmelee and Matthias Taelzel, of Saint Joseph, bribe State of Michigan: Prood ed: Tbat nothing herein contained .ball in anywise affect any-legal proceedings now pending in regard to the said ' steamer "Mohawk!' Append, thisich 25, 1864. (Pt(Duo—No. 1Z An Aar to carry Into (fleet the convention with Eenador for the mutual adjustment of claims. • Be it enacted'by the &oote and Remo of Repressotherreg of the United Btatet of Amer. icd to Construe asseinbted, it; for, the pur pose 'of carrying into effect the Convention with tuesdor for the mutant adjustment of olettme; Quito, on the twenty fifth day of lieveuther p eighteen hundred and statty•Liro,ehiconuoissioner to be Up pointed by the Preeideut of. the I:thited States, by aid with the advice and conceal of the Senate, shall be allowed coltspea estltin,th full for his services, of three thousand dollars, and ten dollars a day in commutation of traveling expe,nies for the time _sotually and necianstily **pia in going . friim the. Piet Of his residence to usysquit and seturninglo hit bonus iftEr I the termination 'of his duties. • . Beal dad ¢sit furgur enacted, That if the President Isbell elect to appoint the minister residing of the United Buttes in Eucador to perform the daties of commis. sioner under the convention aforesaid, said minister 'shall receive q compensation for Weser:leis of '1147 per Oentuto of the auta herehabefore inentionetc'porettent to the provisione a the ninth section of the sot of August sighteenitt,,eighteeiltilndred end fifty.eiz. "la :egoista the .diplinnatio arid m uin entor stem otthe Unita States." Bea. B....stnd hi it larther rowed, That President he, end herhplo, enthortroi . to Make seoh-' provision tor' the Contingent aspenees of thkodinalirolea'attilar the seta eontrenti* including the `moiety' of the ; 4 tiodineteit or Itleefigiastiosi of the wow. tIIe , ens of the contention, as helical deem just and proper. Etta 4. And be if farther reacted, Matsui:6 some of money as,lony be necessary to Car ry out 'the provisions of this no; be, and they are hereby, appropriated out of soy money in the treasury. not otherwise ap propriated. Approved, March 28, 1864. the mile BOOKS, JILBUMS, L ATE PUBLICATIONS, received at BECNRY MINER'S Bermona . ..by Bor. Yrodorick W. Boberboon, L. W. VIM Swim, 1 vol. thaw Uniform vial Ms forams co'emra.......„— 11 25 Liu of Wm. H. Proorst; by (Margo 71c.knor. Library Eoliths, 100 LIB at W m H Preto:AL by George IL Ticknor. hinds! edition. Obaplabi• and Clergy of the Borolation. By J. T. Baia,. Qoth Too Manama...3.M Stmt. I — nriu — driki "*.. W.dig .. ..ng — , 1 W Bardedlog. Tonwriag, donating, Shrink ing .d Capone:lnn A 1... the C... Harm.- Ang of iron. B. Georg, Ede_..._.. 3 0 Louis Bapoiron and the Ratite of nrmwndden. 70 dly Pt.& Ibo Or at New Book by itl• An. thor a/ Piano Payer. Sigh 7SO Ban bud Nature or, Popdail Gecgrapby tbodlll.o by bbmaa • lion. By 0-er‘o P blarsh . , Oloth..— 20 lobo Law and the laiwimippi nobble. By AdAylia Mier. Trarmia. d by I. 0. Fhb. Dons.. Et•ot ; Befor- toe Swan 210.01 of 6Enorloan illonner£ do- 1. AO Pip.: o. fng lab uoval. 1 T 6 Ital• Pone. Idonsekedpor • • Companion oo 1 76 raw Owfo•yn Glrlko £n raglnb T•lo._ 160 ..moltQuo Won. P•onng.• sod POrso •In o.mman laglhab authors. ---- -.-- 1 60 Per.01...1 *. By ape. •-gynt.. - 4 tal• - ol the Gress trao•Utoo.—. 1 60 &r'Oienreatl n, with 410..tions ZdnaGlon.. --...-.. 11l Spray. Utica; . J Amu .1 of .s.duayoory of • the 19 atr rs of Ode By Ca,. Syeka Qoth 160 fltadh. of 8 1181111 Itlrtory .red .111rolc1.0. By U Erster. hy as-, avatar of 141 of Jan. Cl 160 • By .n• author of 011 a. • 1 60 hoocial Of haw 2 do Dlarovvy .or lliot Moth. 1 10 Bistro, of the Dowd.. Of • rotor. LIN By h.ar. Cloth_ _ 60 Tooth'. Honory of th. Ihrbslll.- B. Wawa 1 50 of Only. nal Plover. By Ho bert Morton •IU. a Lotto. of apsecar`. 800 High tit of ridlomph,. Cloth . L Tfr 1 Ga.t.ta; • rpm.. NoreL By Pero. Ga,- halloo (Both- l 26 Ten L.. 00 Enough: a Practical — laparlawa Shoolre ho• • Yary 0041 rano may be made to keep • vary taro Gaol,. Cloth.-- 1 43 Out of Priam. °I aro a Ills •,° sod nothing Ora. relate. t • 1.111 h Inallfro rat to m. Mx 1 26 EL, vim U. Lo Vlet.oont . ant Letter. of trial and • rserL tly • Southern Lady. Llo. 1 to HOG. to Mayo en. By H. wB. chmo.a. L 96 Church 12.1.. y. By IloWlaortyr. Cloth-- 1 00 Grape • phut. 6. Treatl. . IS- NM1.... of *ha WWI. Viols By Sod. a. halo,. prat. uol Ourttrolourat Cloth____...-- - 1 26 Wort and Play or, Library . V.uiet tea. - By Bora.. Boalatall. Cloth_ ..—.. _1..100 Tleknor's Plstory of 801M1.1111 - I.lbar.shan. 2 Th. 40 Gampaser 710.1. By Jean Paul, author of roes, !..Tltan,” Vt.; cloth_ 160 The 041 P a lly 141.11 and /ems . 111acotolog Vial/4a By W. H. Jurors. ; 1 V. Dept of soy of the above bocke mailed free a pottage oa receipt of prim HENRI' EITZIEB, 71 and 73 PUlb =mot, next door t P. 0 spn ALL THE NEW AND POPITLAE BOOE3 AT HIT NT,B. All the lats Papers AT BUNT'S ALL TIID MAGAZTIATS, with cut .r uncut dgc AT nuNroi. Team. Gude tram W Mt* • damn and apaarda, AT HU ADS Photograph Albums, all daze, Mtn, .hops and qaaltdra, with gilt wigs and clasps, (rum 60 am ta ~apgrart AT HU NT,II School Books .d 15,b00l Stst.onery AT HUNT'S. All au Maw Bea. at AT ITUIWP& Pmt's Album Pictures, in oil col-re, sold whole uls add rrtsit at Pnag's prism, by JORN P. HUNT. General agent, spl6 i 69 Nth meek Mamie ua. RAPH ALBUMS bARD PHOTOGRAPHS I P'lT'l' 0 C X'S soaLtt.tars III:POEIT 011D.103 OATS. aLNNA TELUIISLOS BAUD CAISII ISZITLEII IN 11111 W ORLILL33. All Docks received u Kum ea published, se PITTOOKI BOOZ, STATIOHNUT AND BIWA DIPOT Oppostto am Post OPlice. ettal NEW BOOKS! NEW EOOEBI SIGN AHD PItOOIIZSAOf EgrfiDAY SCHOOLS —A biography of Bond Nikes and Wm. fos.• Dy John O. Power. led. Prim Al CO. A 'SANDAL ON grraearnso Tram— Irclutdr4 o the Anatomy of the park involved Lti the opeeatton• the kinds and pf °par conetroctlon of instrunients, &o. 1 val. Irmo. HEAVEN OUR Hedlll.. 1 roL 12mo. DA D. 1103 AND AIITTEIIIIIO. By LietiL Patten. ger.A Lute supply of the latter work Jost metre& lan f. L HEa D. T. Fourth street. IR& NATIONAL ALMANAC, FOR 1864, Mt. involumble donna] Is bow ready for 1/04. Than Lo gto osko bog u.o Mod ootoo tofbrmation worth ten tfoorwtho coot of the book to them F 221113 ptILL,WELPLILA RFPOIrro, Tu. 4, to:l:dahlia' the declAane pubdshed In Twp LICOAL ISTILLIGINOTS. from 1860 10 /" 61 13.143 a. K T rule by m 3 . p AT t 0 Wood stmot. OILS. tire. RIDER Okatli CitAlitlMOß iill3oiLtaTf. retrol;:tai and it. Products, Oil& iaPLfl 1,0- n BEOAD .... Yana. Or VAT= a 139180193 Dar Adgentstor the PORTLAND 191MXINNR 01 WORMS, WV YOBS PA11A.1911.1919 =Tina !Ni ba. A. OILMAN, AAA" 1 98 Wear LEOOiI. WORM. DUNCAN, DUNLAP OIL etaaabetarers Pan; White Refined Carbon 01le ono ? . Eta; tat Lnywirrir terfuo.t QIL Wok Ka ASTRAL ILLOIIIRE OIL. Having pozolliski tb. Baawry lately omen b 7 W11..t 8114.15D0N, wean no_w_ propared oflr to thikriblic our olpsOor 111.0MIIE OIL, Man.' Adatd oo . .oittleily aciontillo prOmolglio, war. anted egas4to - Ld Oil • THOS. L. mearicualroaoo" • shit:lm -I Offm Wood dmst. FAA I & 0011111881011 •1.. • Tor Ow pie of Crude and Refined Petroleum, OS WIZ DELLAWAIIE AVEIMIt ihmantreck. UM' zatar..--- _murmur mar peyßopTE - =ix warn °mum on. DZltr:o/3 - :. - PITILOLZIIN sannuanunt om Clanatbminatel PM% barna Inig tor t em s & G OtItai,IIO2i 3 ONGAIMLA 110178IITINIXtboillti. 50 0 itt a ds. MIL 100 Eamteomo Y FLOUR :. do itosaaatto46l 0400 , istuirissid i abs - PATTRIVOSSAINNOW, DRUMM& ii&USAGS— Win g‘r• - 5 . 0 ' **km tainitoitatosa terse cdvileDifsniditti-Joiursanuteu . =ma 'Maim& gas. rizioNw • Auk Ba4ijk-4tOR /RENT. I?cnratia:6-4i 'VERY VALUABLE rlABlf r Eltetata in acm caeca, Watt Ylre (tufa, Marva Mirka belate Galltpolle, 0 , aintatning Mei ...JAC sane timed honors land. ennead. Log long the Ohio river. 634 miles, all alma .d the bleated state of enaleatlon. balance of tbe farm being heavily timbered. The mat veins, o. 1,34„ the otner Cannel Onal, 6 feet thick, axe the m ay., am at amens, .d ertalln 16.1 mita of the Ohio rim . . The ImproVements are bar derellinge, rlr add., ealtable oat-honee, and three ce chards The creeks pamlng 00.0 the farm. affved .1 am ple wept) , of aster foe stock.. km farms, each hav telo acre.' bottom I.d, andofie time. meddle. mode mat of Otte tractto Prot far a ran awn L. offered to ..rare gam !..amas, enumlaut a rood market., and fn • fine climate Tide Indisputable. Tennteeblab nil' be mad* uo unt tbe purchasers. mai. known on appli an by no. ter o odurnlat toll. L. WIEWAII r, Gallipons, 0. anl6-40-ft. Fot, sAIK—A CHOICE LOT OF YIVE/ At ILIES.—Mr• ander - signed hes the eoll• In of . eludes Lot et 0 nand, containing' FIVE ACRES, mutate on the Banirml Hill Rona .bent ban . mho from the starlos of sbe.Oekleso Pass.- ariplalng lands of D. H I h a a Wo. J. Ilordook. about t.-them tbn rodualtidor 1 bond,. blth • mall atm= e water through the lot; all tzllablo grotod, and of Orb ohm so I. It Mb ut admiral:a...no for • cotto -117 nada...lox It la also •01l aboalod for .1.0. yard. Load bt that oolghoorhood Is rolling , from do. hendbil to one houabld donors pot acre. yet this tot to • (bred for lour I. to:ond per ac.e It b a • ran obawn; tot an Inon-trion , 0. roan.; man to pa A bona, or for a capitnnat Ie ra to an laTtsunenl Any reasonabl.. Limo 101 l be ono for pa, moot ; or I. pronbrrod, It or bbn neuron fora term ! on an Imam,. meat lem.. J 0 . warn:, aptab , f tel rt rh .toaat PI, on gh. VOK BALE-A LARUE BUILDINO, 1.7 SUITABLE P.•D A lstlA UDINE 11 EleE 06 LlrsTlL—The pr-perty known u she •4,rickl• l Audenty," 19 nal. fr. so Pisdebursts, on tee r. Wayne and Chicago Italona•, wish seven .4. fourteen acres of land. I off terd for redss. Ito-re le no asses le• mean In .the vlelnlty Af Plstaburgh lor Do-rd.ng Amuse, Betel or &shoot The melts 1. IrA foes by bo and ono•.Iw newly lons ream. Tb re oberedenro of abode, letd the pounds .o. neatly dug d. There I. also • ra.4 galdey and re,d• small traits. doll .zdedent, It hes all U.. a- vantages of the liver and Powseadoe c. to given lesvmedlstajg F price, term* act, tto gaol. of Noma 1. lasvto a 0.3 Wr:nd strata, rattabo gh, or of the antsratto, • n the prentl re. JOS S t APELL! INR SAL &—A twu story brick house o Oh. no tb elde Of the Nortn Gomm.. between Tederel end natelosky mem, Allegle 171.7. Also, Three two clots b Lk ten menu on the ....Wee of 0 erry .5.11,y, between Second and Tard ,mete; rttlaboreb •Iw, Lot a... 4 balding., on tne •nitbeatt one? •T fourth end Pert• .tr•e • Paul twin. • • •• • - Al., a large bt , cle bellaine. on the west aide el fourth . rot., (Eut or blares.) Pitt.•,orpq.ult.bte nottru•ot house or b.k Aso. The DA Go.. 14.04 y, on th- - northerly old. of Th r t sus t, shame, on the 1.154•01. t. VALUABLE RIVER PBAIPEKTY V FUEL BALE, sitnasecl 011 the Renown:one arm, .bon the km Lock, basins • (out 00 •.1d river of Del lint, and exteoding back to Braddock ure-t, scleolotbg the Crnsratdlssi le Railroad, con talasbig 4 sons .4 77 prsohosi Tkls Ls kit edialra ble lossaloo for manobsetneing Ist:woos-a, lossLai the tiros in front and stabil t street .od railroad to the row, Ind sow Nth and bona togs thereonerrootod tor term, de., spy ya Its UT ANN TUSTIN, un chsTremtoos, or to %V. C. sCOLIINEIA UGH, Na. LIV Thstopod street, f , ttsbussb.. roblf:tf VOR SALE—STEAM SAW MILL I. AND O'L lISTINVELT.—Toe one-half or whole of . Olt Roanaty and btu. Haw s 111, with ao .d .whalf aorta o' rya. ; an almndalow at men on the lot—min. oyes nod Mini worlow,o Mote m oh. Aloaheny .hfrar and A. V. 11 B , I. offmcd for sale. ?be Rebutry to new and of modern huta •ho Saw Mill la In Wendid order, and to wall Otto at., having a check ronnlng trom It to the liver. Good haatitty for building Imam. To p.tlostlara call no the .darslgned. LVDAY A UtIORVENNING. Po. ca fland street. Pltabo. Ira, Va. F"BALE—One new Stem Engine, LS bull eqiinder,,3o inch circle, on !nary iron bed ; balance valve governor iron 12 tech cylinder, CO incb atroko, monad-heed. refit will be as good se crier. One 7 inch cylinder, 21 inch stoke, now. Ono • YSI". Two Cylinder Boilers, 36 in. dinm., 30 beet loos. Three •• ' 30 Too Wronnbt Itch Oil Brink 21re, Three Bete of flaying Tool., for Oil Walk 0 , 466 p for rerh. Ennaire of EL. Li set S. eilvhaDy hirer Hank near the FUR BAIR OR RENT—A Beautiful Iteetdruce SteirpOors, ettaeled no Main .t. The bet. C.F.I. r ono and finished attic. A I ext .11 of ereteret. se ex=ilent cietern at the do., with pump to soot. ra• La I. 77 fnt4 Itches front .4 240 foot drop, to .rent. There Is Flowers .4 Shrubbery In obuad•nos. Comm de. dross or purdisiing or rentioe • toiuttrul rood.. mane Mato moo. pirainint one la Ohio rittaity. Itainino of the {atoll, of theest...rite, on ILe premlem. or 1 0. Ulnae, et the firm of Lew* Dal rll k Co., at their mill in Sturpebn•g. mytiSteartidtr SALE—VA LII BL E ILCS CII Ed .ll" ter pr ,, porty, belt part of the w U Itoown es tate .11. erdele,.. (motley on the oblo 're r, hetet*, Warttlagtan and Cheetnut muerte, matte. hwk to Preeleatt-et. ' , 114 p- port, oto be ditidr4 to El loto, Monty 21 fret trot, and from 120 to told rot drop. Thr pr •ptrty will be .oil ea an entirety. and poorest. porticular Advents,. for ssentecturing tan Teratr can be nude extbfee , ory. apply to GSM HOZ CoLIII-FUN • - Paumiranta - Belt MalMarin:llle Ca aerriar Pitt •[..01•114 malataal Way, Pittabl, myt Im REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Thu un d.x.llgsv d Ono for tale a rah:tabu/ traot or laud canntlnine thirty arm, tua•ed on the Ohio river, to BAIIII4IIII towzmhip. nearly of podt• Hayaril • semi. rat-. froth Ptuebagq4 Alas pa t of the firm or W. 11. re. he. dead: raid land ta all river bottom or the titheut and trot quality P mune eattrlig to pa ettab ea, enquire of the ond.lelgord at hls rm I. don. t ear tea pretalers. or Cuba a Osmldel nays No. Wt. Dotond atreet, Pit,, burgh. o yt.6talliter I. F. WEIMER. VIE SALE—A LARGE MODERN brat ttokre story brick home. uriteie os COSS eieu e. tetereert fifth end atak tee terotaa, etalt Lenw aria floi.bed ret. The lo h.. a Mkt oil) fret on toe latest, rao. Wag beck TO fait t.. /I toot elk, The hot. t. stth. 'mulish; bralt. zed tat eater and sea throughort the hstldtag. Ter larther particulars eaq etre of A. 0. 000 !SAGE, ..220f 11 D . LIZIu 1, Pit 5013. IfilOß 'SALE—Twonsy-tnen Acres of I:Lad, part of the Lorenz farm, oommunding • dna els. of Pittsburgh and ebninith is about one mile from lona' Tear Loodhai• ,'Tom nu nu di* imager some Oct 'trait trees, and a war-fa no/ pprtlnng of excellent water. WIN be sold together, or d,td.d to mit purchamm Parma &s ring • country naidance wlll plum call on EL ALLEN LOltitifit, No. eo Water meet. WARM FOR SALE.—That valuable 1: /ARV Amiga on the Pituburgh Phan. Grade Bowl, in Robinson township, known .2 the t. Still Tam," shoat my woke fr. na the airy. cow to nag anent 125 •111 1..14 at private talc For tenmt apply to I 111. • ter, J.O. YOUNG, Attottoopat-Law, So. les iroartb intent, ,ahtt•Oaetr'r Mutton. h. Pa. tetitt riet..k.;- ,, That desirable properry 1: faceted t the flarocgh of Manchester, on the corner of Lomat street and the Ohm ..drer, and known es ' the Ortwatiood property, on which Le erected • modem MIA Deist Dwelling MUM, ear. der Boma, Blab* 1c Hoot., Lo g" farther particulars enquire of Patti DAVIS, °LABILE A 00., uoa BALE--'lll4 two-story BRICE. DWILLING, flubbed la good style, and la omelets order, cheated on the corner of Decatur treat sad Oarpeuter'a alloy, Math Ward, contaLu• hag eight rum. and flubbed garret. Can be had at I gy b 7 R " are of CrCLPeasratp, Ufa taartl street. VOR - BALE.—We Kato 825 sane of 11" and Maas 'Stmt. L. sttaatut mar to • Wi ned, la hand moat,. Rs stpttalle. who MA to hurt to 'uvula that it osw maims gamily to d.. wad,' Mod. rptotol mulatto. I. di motod to the exorooto N ar• lasaroctut to ..h st. • post .sat. thm. Tor moilmlara apply to swat B. motmlat • CO., UN r :v _ ge uct Fox 1 ALITINTION I 132Z810780/1.1 DplStfini& 1-0030 fret foe forums of dref teal t.O in DECKING Is effortd for sale at th. Planing 11111 of 8. DakILIMIIt, Anderor etre., Alledheey•thty. Prigs SEatper theneand feet, board roenorm. Tee Dorking ts already planed sad read, fht no. ingotoof 8 BAISHICS. aplalf I . . nnaisr. fACTORY AND WATFA PONVkat RRLE--The =Norther efen tonal" lame trading, .1 water power, situate Irt II•NR BRIGHTON, Hewer meaty, P. TN bralellog bu ben cad a. • lank sad Boar attars, sad ranulthr as • wool= Oletory, sad 6 =INN. fm . &Noel eny EarrothoiNNG Nahum. Apply war the premiere te spl6-1_ O. H. lITRWA.RT. VOSSALS uIL lIEN'IC—A Farm of 52 exrce, good Wad, In Wilkins township, Mich,. ltd land of Peter Parchment, end within a sheet dis tance at the Peens bads Wined. Terms ressonable. • Ilingalre of • • WM. WAIL% • mh2 Tint dew from 11111 h.. Grant and. 12'1' BUILDING LOTS FOR BALE— ,EIItuti u tbs jam etkrn of the Greansburg Pike and ltatlor street,, 981 feet front sod 100 Cbet dom. Smis t Sill sash,- and Ors tams Is tin; years. Apply at the NO ,T+tate sad Inintinesofnes G. 8, BAUM syld , • • •llnder rhea, Lasultlre. FOR SAL A Lot of / hou nd , at the comer otirertn• streets, In th. Borough at Dlnalognot. -Alio, ono ea comer of Tin &UM ndia - art izsetMO O & mud It o l . tat. lad...male. N TLOID, • • • Omer Boss and Ttnuth stmts. VCR` SALE' OR_ EXCHANGE FOR catir psoprair.-111•1 LABOZ IMO, glib groin& astacbal, os. Corm street, rey alarly occupied b 7 MAW= Hamm, late et Lan Strmitisboan; piathavaad on tbulltincs a., nor of Ms DmlllyiyH , anse. ram IBEBEN, . . . : " E ut I.o9llbayth.Stadt.l.l o:_ c i T tal yel Oa. EL T EL&LE.-On th b.„. • ir wi rd th ILI) of .LI Grantham sitzett, a - , nromr-thir mat. wntin abed frill Wilms art.- 'nil, &md. y Ter portioilanithqutr• st. the aiElee of 7prallapOp Ltimrt7 arm& Pillatrunl. • -ALI/SANDI:3I WALLAO3. t-riIiALA-320 o -prase Um end to 115r0 16 4 wiz* Om wpm witrams h warp eratqg wan PP len•Real te lagal hue oft& MiMEGM A. D. SUITEt, stmt. Piti‘bar .VILDIeIL Twenty Years Standing. CIJRI D! 8010. will L. found • orttlflz./c truce. Quo of t..ha mat rampectstrl of tuvrvahlp Iv Or. Keyser . * Lindsey Blood Seszetter need be decetred in rennnl to his peel:meadow Dr. G. H. Geoff r I became afflicted with piles Dort twenty year" ago, and entry year they weft growing ...on, al es to Moab . e me very much, to meth mat times as to mitt toe for work. tome time. I W. CI bad that I meld ant do earthing on somata of them ; they came out no use to larger a hickory mat. I had tried a RIVSA deal of medicine for those. I mod to buy ma take whatever I could hear of or read of in circulars end pamphlets that Mil in my way, but I omit not get cured ; sometime. they would do me some 8..4 for a little whtu, but afterward• Choy niturnitgaln as bed es ever. I also applied to two Doctor., who vt.lt.d me at my Lome end rave rue wm• menace, but it would eat do, I could cot get welt Over a your ago I got an advertisement of your Lindsay . . 131mxi Searcher, Made by yourself. When you sold to me you told me an. bottle would not cure me and that my whole metem would here to Iss renewed by the modLcine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took It home with me, and need It accordlior to your dire. time. I then called to ace you again, when you said I could sot expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought.it, me bottle at. time, until I had used fire battles. after this quantity bed tom mod. I wits entirely well of the Pilo, which but tortured me for twenty pm.. In other respect. my h Is Ito proved, and I am am wail as *Quid be isposted rnr one of my age, befog sixty ream pest. I have boo waD oow ®rata mouths. and there to ao appearance of • rotten% of the diatom. I atti do to; kind of farming work now without the Pilia coming down mod hurting rue. I can pitch bay, Chop emod, ND, or do soy kind of work which before .used to hart ms. When I (bond out your Blood limmelear I kept sa takthg it oottl I got istitimly watt I considerr it my duty to make my ease boom to the cometry for lb. benefit of other. who may be =Bering as I omit end do out know the rattle of your toedlclm. You may palish Mla if you like. I Uve to Wilkins township, and will be pleseed to satisfy say one o the truth of tole certificate if they wish to all on me. ELLIOTT 14.1719. Deseirdeer Lit a. INIr Look out for ths ova. of DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER on the corer of tho bottle sod pouted over the cork; also for his stamp do ths flatted States stamp cm the toy of the bottle, to yrocout being lm• posed epos by s spurious article which Le to the markat. /dr Sold by the Proprietor, No, 140 Wood Street, and by &NON JOHNSTON, corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. HERNIA OR RUPTURE Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cored. Honda or nuptial, cured. Hernia, or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. • Rupture or Hernia cured. • Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter'e Patent Train. Fitch's Supporter Truss. Self• Adjusting Truss. Pile Drops, for the support and GILTS of Piles. Elastic Stocking", for weak and tar coca veins. Mastic Knee Caps, for weak knee ointo. Ankle Supporters, for weak knee elate. Suspensory Bandages. Self-injecting and every other kind of Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the ewe of Szolapilli!) Uteri, Pilo Abdominal and Spinal Weakneeeet Dr. 8.. S. Pitch's Silver Plat. Supporter. Ds KEYSER will give his personal ab tension to the application of Trusses in adults and children. and he in satisfied that, with an experience of twentyyews, he will be enabled to give satisfaction. fairOiEse at his Drag Store, No. 140 Wow Smarr, sign of the Golden BlorMr.- Perverts writing for Trusses should send the number of inches' around the body immediately over the rupture. . ash 7 et&TARRII I DR. R. GOODALE'EI CATARRH REMEDY It penetrates to the Tory nest of this• Urals dtn ease, and etlertnlastee lt, toot and branch; metres. Do. GOODkLIC Is theltret sod only person wheels: told the voila srhst Werth really- sis—ettumi It conuninuall.:aarid what would can IL. Dr. GOODLLD had spent all/Mao In battling with this tall disease, explodng Its secret ambush, and mating' known to thnormid tha tact that Ca. tank, •Idell has, for ram defied tha skill and ra imanl4 of medloal wen and enthars In MU onantr3 and In L'iurope. can now Do oared, with th* .11112 e nolform roilatnt7 that morning &Dow. tight:. ThomaNte who taro tried erqy Wren =rain raft,, nava been primal:lmM7 cared by Dr. 0000AI/re , OtTLIMB 'REMEDY ' and no...praise to the suet extraragent terms at praise. owl at oar mama agency, or seeds sump ft?' paraptdat. Domed skid prepared by E. GOODALN, N. P.a Nor York. NORTON t 00., Bole Apatr, 619 Broadway, Raw Tort. DR. GEM a =ORB, • _ Sow. ABUT Va. 140 WOOD BTEZET, Bißaballri mb7 \[l)iy Q{~~ i13171:Y Y3la2Y 1~ TM BAIT 1111111:111 AND 11011.0191 LA, Permaneapy cures 'Misr, Scald ILA glagwenrs, sad all itching and,Boxolos base NA XfortbotO of the Skis. Thlo Olotaust DEW to the bola of the tattio—goeo .to Ito Tali Oarre". 2l , 001 " from the. fah booth to the ihlo 011 Crows tM potion of-the thorn y.rttdrot-aaaarllaned Orme' pare 4 this medial Lb. Oppiii , ire eava•Cfrom tb• nagit seven*,:liiii gin to DO • NOUTON sGO as EA6dwoi, PROPITaga.. •- 'l6elfwidi*44Aiest. Sold by NIT - ' PROPOSAL& pROPOSATZ FOR FORAGE. CHINS QPlerZilLharzs'e Gretna, Worthington Top., tioceruher 181;3-1: Sealed prop:male., Milted by the undersigned:lca Eu ngyins the IL S. Quartermaster's Departmentsot Washington, It. C., Baltimore, ILL, Ablate bd Tort limaroa,V.,,either of thsae plane; Vith RAT, 0011 S end, OATS STRAW, Bids will be received for the delivery of 5,000 buth. dm= or oats, .d to tons of bay or straw, and tp. wards Bidder , mad slate at which of the above stained points they propene male deliveries, .d the ratan at which they will make dent...* thereat, th e van tity of each article prows_d to be delivere d, the time when said deliveriee ehall be commended, and when to be completed. Th e p r immest be written out in words cattle bids. Corn to be put up ill grad stout sacks, of about two b.hels each.. Oats In like cube, of dont throe btsbeis each. sacks lobe fmulehed without ex tra chargeo the Govenauthnt. The bay and strew to b baled. The partied. kind or desaiption of Oct., corn, bay, or straw composed to be delivered, mast be etat In the proved& AU the armies offered ffsder the bide herein: in vited will be edge. to • rigid inspection by :the Government Inepoctor boron, being accepted. (loam,. trill be ,warded from time to time toile lowest reepomfble bidder, as the Interest:of the Gov ernment may require, and payment will be mils when the whale anthunt contracted tor shall hat. been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany hie pro posel with a guaranty, signed by two responsible pennn, that In case his bid Is accepted he or they mill within ten days thernafter, execute theeontract for the isms, with good and enOlcieut erantim, I T , • suns equal to the .meant of o. contract, to de vet the forage proposed to conformity with the norm, of this advertisement; and armee the said bidder alititid fail to enter Into the contract, they to make gtotilitte difference Lerween the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the puma to abbm the conuactirtay be stranded. The reaponsibillty of the guarantor moat be dollen by the °Octal certitude of • U.S. Muria. Attorney, Collector of Custracu, or any other other ceder the United States Government, or rsponeible person totoepa to this office. AB bidder. will bo duly =afraid of the ...Idahooe or rejection of their propmat The fnfl .emu and P. 0. address of each bidaor must be 4 , 1b1y written In the prop:oat Propo must be addreased to Brigadier Generel D. lit ROUICER, Chief Depot Cleurternmeter, Keith- D.O, and should be plainly marked ..Prepo• Sala for Forage." Bonds,. In • atm Noel to the amonat of the Con bract algmci by the contractor and bothof ht. gear swots, be ruptired of the euccoutal biddet or bidder. upon signing tlu controct. Blank forms of bide, rearm ITC, and .bonds, may W obtained upotf appliudion at t ole officit POEM OF PROPOSAL. (Town, County and State,)-- (Data, _ . . . 1, the enbscrlber, do hereby propore to Plentsh and deliver to the United States, at the QUallerniastvee Department at agreeably to the tortes of you. advertisement, Inviting pretateals 6or forage, dated Weab.lngton Depot, December r. 1 4 6, , ths , Pl• lotting articles, via : —.--- bushels of Dann,interbaSt per buttind, of 66 ponntia. • --....bnabelspo unof Oats, in Zicka, It bus,l*: 32 of ds. ot Wad Hay. at too, of ODD pounds. —torsi aflame, at— par tont, ofg,ooo Delivery to oommenne on or .before the of 166-, and to be oompletod on or before the , — day of --,166-, and pkdae toyed( to enter into • written contract with the United Staten. with good and approved emnrities, within the spaced ten days after bang notified that my bid has been accepted: Your obedient servant, Drfpoler Chmeral D.H. Htccsq add Depot Quartem • Waabington, nanter, D. O. aueni)sn'T. • ---- . We, the undersigned, reeldenta of the county of and Buste of hereby, Jointly and eareraily, cerement with the United States, end guarantee, to rtaet the foregoing bid of within ton dap after the acceptmoe of old bid, age cute the cataract for the unto with good and enbliotent . . • Ettralta,111•6.1114111•1 to the amount of them :dm; to barnlab the forage proposed In comformity to the terms of advertisement dated December 7, ISA hhdcr which the bid Ina made, and, ha nee the laid shall fall to enter Into a con exact ae aforeasid, we guar antee. to make good the Marcum between the Offer by the mid - and the next lowest reeporodble bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Withiees, Girl= order orir headresulawli 1 this—day of—. I hereby certify that, to the beg of ray knowle dge and bcllef. the abort. named goarentors ere goatand eufficient ea meths for the amount firt which they abbe tote To be o rtleed b 7 the Milted orate District oti. Collector to or any other °Meer tOldor the Quited States Gorethmeot, or rayon:able moon AU proposals received snider this advertisement IEOI be opezed and examined at this office en WED. EIEBDAY and BATIIIIDLY of each week, at 1.1 ro. Bidders are respectfully invited to be present at the opening of bids, if they desire. D. H. BIIOICIIB, dtiL-dmßrix. Gem sad Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Smiled Proposals are invited tlOll the lertt of Ater at 12 o'clock Et., ter thralritheil the Subeisteace D. permeate with VOUS TIIGINIAND (11,C00)ILLIIIVILS OP' PLOD& 2 he proposal" wllo be far what b known a: this de pot ea firs. 1. 2 and hoard ride will be entertained for any quantity los than the whole. Bide moan be ta duplicate, end for each grade on separate dusts of paper. The delivery of the flour to be 0021.1.0di within fire days from the opening - of the bids, ennui inch quantities, daily, ae the Government may direct; de. livered either at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Waehington, D. O. Ins delivery of all flour awarded to be completed within twenty day. from the openins of the bide. Payment will be made LS centinentai of indented now, or nab other Panda as the Glomernment may have for diabureareetat. The 000ei Government Inspection will be mods Jett before the flour Is received, and none will be rtecept est Which is not tomb ground. An oath of allegiance most accompany the bid of mob bidder, who ham not the cote on die in thb omen, end to bid will be entertained' from partke who have previously felled to comply with their bids. or from bidders not present to respond. Government swervm the right to relent any bid lbr airy canoe. Did, to be addreeeed to the undersigned. aligs =I °street, Wealth:4ton, D. 0., enameod °Propo ses for flour." 8.0. GIIEENSI; Captain azul O. 8.: V. Wanabigtort, D. o.,april 27th, 1864. ap6Ditd pPOPOSALS FOR WRITE PINE SHINGLES. Onus Qtrind arrt a's Orsma, Depot of ss Washington Whngtost, April EU, ISO& Sealed Proposal. will be Imbed at WU alto un til VIVO& if, May 10, tst& sr IS o'clock, EL, for the dellyerg at this depot or the 11111mrtninowlinl of Shingles: Lae nilion (1,000,M) No. 1, 18 Inch 'albinism dangles, (aimed doer) The shingle. to be made tram good material. to to sablensal to • Obeid impectiets before Wog reall.bd, sad the whole am not o .traded far to be dclinued witsin uorq deo (30) dape from signing atcootrort. Bonds In a sum egad to ball of the ',meat of the con.racte will be recpilred of the successmi bidder or bidders We received fat two Incodred and dfly ttontsand (2150,000),Idayka or =or*. t amides of the dung as gropcsod fOt via is a gained 'of tarn bidder. Provaaats must os andortod, uPROPOSAID ron. WRITS PINS SRI tiflLDe.” and addiss4d td ond.ndgood. D. 11:1117021.ER, .1 Bzigailt.rGsnaraland Ct M Qawriamastor. an2tron3)l , bloat of Washington LI3IIMWMC=I Propoyls, In duplicate, Val be opened daily et the t.4llce of thureseembury *l'M:m:l4race: b 0 P3l Penn street, Mich:rib, Post 121 a. for BUT 0 aTTLE robe deihr. red In that city. tliddero a. , 11 Mate the quantity' they anh to sapply, :sod the weight see vitaracter of the Wale: aleo tee ehtlrteet thee in abith they can be delivered. L: Pmmouls meet 1.• moth* - ne ed by . proper guar antee fart's WARM performance of the contract.. !Ttmllemernment seaman the sighs to rtIMI. all bide daemon objeollonahle. The Cattle will be mthlect to a rigid hapantiti. be- Are being receired. ! Psymeet to be rude In inch rands oi nth on - hand st the tithe; onisfoortb of the sromma do. ea tbv delivery to be retained until the final' oompl.tton of thr. =tract. A. Is °SUMMON. ; ,spthaot Capt. sod 0. & V. 8.. rpj 15ALLIWAL) CIONTELACTOI43. an UMW Llir;ths &infantlon; 214 "217 1 1- ge doporstononxn),. Doilsot, Orank4.l“ Vd rsoMaytad of the Pittsburg! 6 Cannellogille at ' tread, bongoes Connallsrillo and , Onoilmtiand. andworlng a dtwonco of about ods4tywoond mid, to meth= of shoat one mile act.; cation and Pranks are now ready st the Otanrenth 02t04 to Plendnuivzo ß krropondo WA be nwolood • • • BIM. L rassoire Ogee cd P. di C. B. IL Pfuotonsh. Idoron llAb. • VW. •.ST7O/iXErlit: jaig:q3: LAFMri r i . ATTORIiEIn,AT.LW. An imAn nuinen voumPtl, atlen44 to . , Office, No,ItS POPUITEI STitter, near grrant, Pittsburgh. ; , MAW TER it GAZZAIO LAW ,OFFICE. , Zia 90 GRAFT STRILET, F➢nl7 a. =EOM,O. SC0071:12 Q . a 81740YER," Attorneys-at. Lsw. 011 Ice, /WM roarth st,lloabtergb- Fad ISTONEKArnewgI7-ArLiw. , cy: Mice, lio:1126 TOUSTII STBElT.Pittstiztgh. DICRD3,• 111 manon. - ancousracr LLEFIS, LTASE3, - asut .othar kcal to.tramant4 Undoes - mad* thlsvand adcsinkurmeAtink• GOA= r • L ORR & Co., . . - • 1. Desk= In X -7g. PINE: :TAR,. 5 Prepand esprenly far /Mtn. Pat irp 111144 Ora vans raw baamillllCK32ls , fordo id tteitima end in beanie and kilns. • •. 01Ice, No. ;3d 11:/t9P AGOINTAALDELII9 .STORIV - - OriltahlomilltaloratineeNlOesp4 bortraita.: ,• , > _ • I` , SAILR.O.CDS. IItiNTIES ARBASG Y MM. —SINS DAllitalboathth, Conittht Witt= ars beta' Wall to the Katt. ethat of this excellent &whin track a="111 meta thd etary passible care will to ocem.fortof posseagere and rapid otorememe of freight. Trains Trill /CAT the Depot in :Pithentrrith as Woos The THROUGH 2,OOOIIIIIODATION MAUI learns the Passenger dtatinn aauy. (wcoope SemdalJ at 6:50 a m., stopping at all Stations lotween burgh and ph p a a e lphis, and mating direct amazon. Don Par Hew York and Philadelithis The THSOOOII MALL TRAIN Inv" ths Par tenger Station creel mortang ("Mt SrmthYst OW a m. stopping only at princil Oaths", and making Minot eonnections at Sarthbarg far Balti more and Washington, and (ha New York els Phila. Selphis. The THEODOR ILIFILI:SS TRAIN lams siallyst te3 p. ...stopping Gray at principal siationa I:Wan direct connect - ion st llarrisbcrg Ear Baltimore, Wath Vand Philadphia. at YAM' LINEImam the Station daily ("AV &mazy) at gad p, m. , stopping only at peilthipol eta tithe, connecting at Ilerrtsborig litsitimore and Washingicat, and kw Sew York via Allentown mute. without change 'of cars; attq at Philadelphia tint Sew York. A.OOO2IkIODASION I%.tINFL The Johnstown Atnottorinuaticto Train laarea daily (except Sunday) ar D. to..atorping .t all Matt/met and running ae far as Conr , fluga First Accommodation Train for MeV, Stature loaves daily (except Braidar) &M a. tn. Bamnd Aceommalr.tion Train for Well Boatioe beware daily (except ilmulay) at IHO ► m. Third AcerMMlXLetto , Train for Malta StarLa eaves daily (except Sunday) at t. 60 p. m. Fourth Accommedation Train ro , Wear. !Asti:, Warm daily (except emoday) at 6,00 p. ma The Church Tram mune Wahl atation every en - day at rniZ, m.; returnint., loans Pitteburgii at p. m. Bauer:wog Trains arrirc to Patttargh A. hollow Baltimore p.m. Philadelphia 1:20 p. m. Fart 1:W ► tn. through Hail 1:C0► m . Jolomtown A0c0mm0darf0i5—.—...—....,...10.94 a m. Finn Watts Station Accommodatinn.... nr.M a. so. reccud Well's Station Amoonmeodation..... 66x6.. nt. Third Well's Station Arcanum:elation— 1:66 p. m. Fourth Wall'a Station Aornamodation..— 6.1/6 p. m. fialtimors Exuma will orrice with Fhiladolph , a Erprom et 1,..% p. re. an Biondita- Traina for Blaimaille and indana connect at Mira. cilia intsmoction with Through Accommodation Johnstown Accommodation and £rpr Train Pam, end with Baltimore Eaprem and Jolenatown Lonna. mrdation West. Train ha tteraborg marked at Cresson With Xx• pro. Trains and Ural Train Weatomd with Through and 'Exam. Train East . - . 1 to New Y0rk.......-312 ao To Bauman—Sip tO To Philadelphia--10 60 To Lancaabir *we.. $ 14 To ELarrietiorg-__ 746 To Altoona-- ~ 333 Baggaga checked to all rations 00 dm Peal:mire • ohs °corral thallrood, and to Yhoadalplola, Boltireara and New York- . Peasongers pceehea lo dentin In the can .111 be an mas. •• •M distance gto the distan treseled. ii =j la don to the static. Was, except from enact. atiore the Company hoe no agent. 1902ICte,—Int awe of Wm, the Company vlll hold them:Wes responsible fro pare=al baggage only, end for an amount not N. D.—An Oninibm Line has been amyloyed to num nemengare and baggage to and from the De. pot, at s charge not to =mod 23 cent., Ibt tech res. tenger and ba r -gaga: For tickets apply to J. SIEWAET, Agent. Ad the Pinismilrania I:koittral Railroad Passenger 161f , ,,,t0 ertel-64-4nt El MP P . RAW: CHEAP PASSAGE FROM THE x f, __ ... _.-......- .. - - .. OLD COUNTRY.,, LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. The auderetybed t bear prepared to bring eat per worm by First Clan Royal Mall Steam ers, dire: t to Ilea York,or Ylltsbargb trbm Liverpool, Qtfeenetown, Lonlicinderry, Glasgow, Galway, Lower Than Any Other Meat Here. QUI an.l get the rates and be emertrawl. Oar Reamer mp swim a week, and pamengers are !bead la everything. The undemlgked L gee Agent ar TAPSCOTT'S LINE of favorite Liverpool packet., rafLieg Pairs • wok, eod for ire X id.iite of LONDON PACKETS, Part!. brOvitbt thl. ifa. .t Inv rote. 131011 T DliArroon any port of tamps for Apply to D. O'NEILL, Caroskla 00ka. No. TO nth street. and [rem 0 to 10 p. ra. at OS Smithfield aim; Pitta booth. QTFIAIki WEEKLY' LIV-A 143 ZWOOL. tecobing 1 QISZERSTOW24 (COss Eakin.) The well-known attasume or the txteenad, NC. York end ➢Mladolphle Stenanektp Combs= are Indanded so folief 11D717317110ff -Fah:trilby, Vey 7. CITY OP WABIIIISGSON--.....-Palomtsy, Its, U. CITY 01 11-1110/11:5111.11-.--...-Secarday, Itar 22. /Lad onselra.cradins gati.rday. at soca, Voss. =l= .IS= CI MIA= Forabia 4 Gold. or eta ortaolost b 0.44.4, Ron —PO CO do to Lender-... d 5 WI do to London.Y4 CO do to Pula-- 96 031 do to Pub— 4 0 60 do to Zo b .GO 001 do to Efambg 57 00 Yareengon also forwarded to UMW, Bremen, Bert tattoo, antwaw—,,is., _at equally low rat. Thos from Ural -pool or Queenstown ; lot Cabin. MOM 61CO. litoaraga. t:l6. now) irks stab rand too their Mond, can Irq Octets bore at tbeert rote= for tortiwr tolonnatlon apply ai tka Gampany's 0f304. ;OBI; G DUX, dgrot. 15 ITroadwo dim York. ;OEM THDEPSOII Aznt r lleni :nest. arrt kazoo ton to , alklott toolorete. CUNARD LlNlL—eseros fromigra LTVEMPOOL 6H+) QIIZZITY72OI67) r. 3 In go or tile/ell-gnat tn cum., BSON BMW T0...1a., y 2 in axiva-r gala •T[T OME6 Wy TACITA.O sleAcad• FAMILY DYE COLORS. PATESTED 001.01i&P.11, 841. Black tilaakfor Dark taw, Li& 8. , t1 ilftsalattiss, Marti Bros . Dark Dream, Ligit Drama, 4 .41, Rama, Ourrp, Aswan, Dark Drab, G.Cht ham DraS Tor t7aing fsfi Tosthers, D 17inim k. at e i hinds of Weerlus ApPareL • - • MET BATIK) or sorra co:yr— ca I Poe 23 rents you cm color 011 manyfoode as otherwise cost deo timea that mac axiom be produced from the mum dye. mu,' proems • simple, and May one can um the dye mith porthell mem= . Directions In Driglish, Trench and Clennani Judd* of each whop% , , , , Tor further Information PPlded. ind•Ttothg S period hoe what color. arebeetadapted tear rez others, with many sodualde mcdPreof F•rcbm. Holm et Storms' Treatise on•Dyebig and Voloringi Sent by mail en receipt of prto.-10 oliAc DlAnnlictured by HOWL FT/3=B, VD.Droldmm.lialbm• l'ar sae by drnivesto mod &aka guherial• nolltfeu , , , • 1864.- -_47186,1 .COSTA.B. , B" RAT, FLOACOI,I4, . . EX.TERNI.T.istATO Rl3-: "u • r • n ests.bilatad faßt. Y. - .00. y latalible rapiallar knoft. .7ree from Pelona"; - Tot daagaroarto the firoaaarainfly," .11ada caroaoat of Moir Bola to Ltd.. MA by all Drop:Utz aserdwarra. Balfaaa lof all irorthleaa haltagona, I .o<atar's Depot. No. 4fo Broadway. , alf-POLI by B.' A. sansszroms, goN a 1119, and IL, E. 13ELLEI18 00., - Wratesal. and Bola Onto. Plttabscrgb, Ps.; ..1.11278.1 P. WUWAR T S, Wholoardi lad Botall AVlC4tAnciSben7 ixtzr. I. B Rux I 2,wATRET. 1760, -; COTTAGE DRABS, gamma) m rims. ussizi) ins damns Drab assea,62: oarrAttra, VILLAS, RAILROAD DEM% Also, DRY fc.1100313 ILEVATOICS. irinnairr OM act carrupmy pp:arr rs,rith knit= 11013EILT R.uirsoLnisi - . octana 24=4 Ti Zsldea Laii, Hot Ir. IOPECIEIVED ON.CONSIGrNIEN'A'r .L.ts earlond Twk State > 7. I 6alsotztra choke 011iLo 40; r • I carload Lab fittalltd 1J .140 b 144. L• b . br, Fop, . - 1111 , r7 Mats; • Ili's lan fall hula • ♦ 00 DRY AND GREICii SALTO 7 1 ,' 4000 Green 131114 )314sk-li errin D 7 sln r iscto and tiA ritas tm Lan= . up& mai. 44112 aid 244.1.4bezwat. ;ma JJ ti OVirNr YELLOW;AND ar; rt -" I rg It!."1"7 ZolinEttd Suit 7#l/111tEtir _ . Gnal, , fhwom, i I Anali,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers