Maimiliaimmaammimaio==u 05azdte. nit7RSDAY, MAY Pine Principles. The reader will remember the publication in these columns a few 'weeks ago, of the schedule of prides paid to sewing women in _She city of New York—prices that were really and truly entitled to the "starvation" -prefix. It i taian inhuman and barbarous withibik" a recent number of lite Philadelphia Bulletin shows that the Cif of Beetherly . Love, eo-called, is not far behind New York In its barbarous treat, Ment of working women. His statement nOmmunicates sours of the soul-harrowing fiefs elicited at a meeting held in Samson: Street Hall, to consider the wrongs of the working women and devise means for re dressing them: One woman Bays: "I work on lee flannel store shirts now, at $l.BO par dozen. I can make but fourteen shirts a week. My emplojer had a sample dozen made at $4, but he only gives his hands $1.110." That-is about $l5O for a whole week's work! Another woman, who has six children, Is - Working for a shirt maker, doing shirts at one dollar per dozen; can make but Twenty per week, working eel teen hours daily. Her husband was killed at Gettysburg. Working eighteen holm . ' dailyosnd only making a little more than shirty coals each day/ Another, whose bus. bead was wounded and came home only to die, has five children, and is working for , tailors and cannot make more than at th. mostS2.2sper weekworking fourteen hours. And out, of thesescanty awnings these !fatten an required to support themselves and their families at the present high prices. • This is one side of the picture presented by these. degenepst.e times. The other we behold:ln the diriposition everywhere man iftsted by those who bite money, to spend it lavishly in the gratification of personal vanity; their appeti•es, love of display, em. 'All who can afford it, are having a good time. ruhlon rules the hoar, and extrav agance rules the akarket. The picture is MI around ne—in every shop window,un every promenade, in every assembly-room. In Sober,eolid and patriotic Pittsburgh it is : prenatal to us in most gorgeous coloring A friend informs na that the moat richly. drezuted_ audience ever assembled in Pius burZ) one of our large assembly-rooms otirtivezdeg last week. The purpose of the meeting was highly patriot:to—the silk and broadcloths represented so much gold sent to Europe which. *pit have been kept at home in the day of the nation's extremity Wir aivise—ney, we tree —a return to ;.Pr_reprirr. , And, in the first place, and 'at iMportance, ote - large Christians everywhere not to forget that principle of Christian faith-which inculcates the duty of imitating the needy. We-condemn to man :-.4tesinettre no mana church or creed— Let . We will not withhold the fact that no where does there exist that sesta math; that large-hearted, liberal-handed effort give bread to the hungry and clothing': to the-naked, which the times demand of all who would be patriots and Chriathms. Look at the condition of the working women of our large cities! And come df these women the - widows of Union soldier:li 'We will not write the comment suggested by the struggles of those women and their fatherless children with the pinch- Inge of hard-handed .Went. Behold; also, the thousands of refugees from rebel vie• hence who are left without a dollar or perhaps a _change of raiment I Many of them are 'lloricksz. Are we helping arid If so, how f Did every reader of the Gazetk, when an appeal was made in its columns the other day in behalf of fifty _ orphan children in East Tenneasee, feel that he eraicalled upon to add his contribution to their comforts To come nearer hon., dove, as .s people, remember. the widows and orphans that the was is making every , tley airy .city and town and hamlet thenrighout the North, and throughout our awn &Mei' Sorely, if ever there was *a ;;time for the' exercise of Christian charity, it i trver there wits a time for men to prove -their faith by their works, that time IS note. Sanitary Fairs are noble charities, and sp. 'pulls • thrcragh the churches in behalf of the Christian Commission are all right; ' but do not negleoilltosafor whom no Pairs airy field :and few 'appeals mule. in the ! eluntihes., - Ist the second place, we urge upon those lei* are la popifortsble pecuniary ciream sieutees,..tho dov. of practicing the +trial( eesTsrey in all their expenditures. The more latish they are with duds money, the higfier.wif priceirgO. -The one aril creates tEutisthei."-I-Atd high , prioes ant a hardship titirlosii.whoia:Sneans arillioltid, and alio on the Clorern=ent; which - is spiraled. In the opts-(!naritetfor -lux supplies. All this adds to the nagenal debt. But the duty of economy becomes more Imperative !' when the purchase of hreartes is involved. • Molt of our luxu-riesxrome from abroad, end `thij can only be 'Pitt tor with the hard leaner of the anantry, end the more of that. we und.ont of the, COII/107, Ote bigher,its atelncintaomte et. home_ end, the,gronger •lneetents the tendedei finineltd. tiollapee end zatioiml. bankruptcy. The gold seat Ithrend,l4 fg.uteAle!",./azuries a iinbtrmition. to last amount from the sbiltij of the qoTeraMent to meet the -linen:at on bonds and. Pay the principal Iti:01411,..: it it II waste. Orel national itaa:tb; and: to flat 'extent to o . ente apps •thaaiWitlimpt. - _ _ . Lion 114 breihre i *Mom mid titit>n call upon lot to return to that prin., 'economy, and: !elf-denial wblob firmed.* olio of !Ito corner-atones aeon whIO stiOn bitided. The 'wen' who wrefted lend' frisk • gnat', -47 11I PPind its laetitUttone whic 4 boos trunt4 sots grreot" people, Indulged in 4*' -1344"3 snip 'no snoop. loon .' their • foustiii, , $0111: 2!Ot. go ld , • stiroemktipsi tor' IrroadefollViad, wines :: aaddlks • _11.4y theliwivisatddangti itcl la Um pometipati, th • te ,ity ill A .-Van athe nj,• thi they': i gla t - end- yet n ; - • war? Y..-etor Adz - experience ..,,...,,,,,. vikot of other nations teaches 1 . en no 14 ne: ...liwieetini , l effoidto go on • . ; wees - ha er begun do :not the pressing :-- steetkof Or-ii4criat country cry blend to - i- as Co . 40 i0j 02 -.0 at-ica the work of re 4 - - *time:rifeo iefOrail ' ire - itixiei PracTait , An .' iitiOiethix of :tadiel - bliffiturt been foinie4 f .. - . is Rewliirk -with patriotic, object . .- , igillg - 6 'm i l"' 2rl:-:-* that ' city, 1 4 :roilfit,#D4oq 41,PF014e-slicr eafl =•.feisiloles of beie. prcitteilon, exeept; pei:i b i lici i :oeffee,!tes: and n few. other ilecein44 riei.--ne]pstilotio lailies it itigurgfori; as will befell's. by en !:firt4br on our. Ole !,-- 290 te.dsi;:bsiesaesaie to "agitate," . 4 114i14410iii0 ::0-F.,ktit;;4tri-tb!44lrs of SifiliiViT,ittiling 60a. is ell Pit** Innement? 1 "-- .- - •:""i' . -. : 1 ikijOras . /MY est g as7. , . -. :2:: : ::;::: : :;- . 4 . : 4 : , ':,', , .::,..:;',;:r.;•,.f:. - ,.' - ,': -, '.-'.;'.,; - ') - .: . .,;.,::. ,- ;.;• , .;: - .-..e,,,,t., :•:.3..,•: : -'7, , :•;f - il-.;.,f;',ill%ela''.: :., - :,''.--?,,4:','':::`,7:'...r'l Bxsu TAxits.-ii-The suggestion of a 00T resppladgit of this paper, 'published a few weeks ago, has been adopted by the lower , House of the State Legislature in its final action on the bill revising—the system of assessing and collecting taxes. Oa Fri day of last week Mr. REED offered a resolu tiTti, which was discussed and adopted, pr riding for the appointment of a 'select ti i :, com ittee of fire members to take into sea side lion the mode of assessing and col.. lee • g taxes, and report at the adjourned seal n of the Legislature. This is sub ',fatally the method proposed by out cor respondent. The Post yesterday had en article on "Gen-Ilarati's speech," in which occurred the following lqmentation: 'Bete ere bare the 13-eretary of the Treasury openly charged wits, fraud, use that, too by one of the leading Repo...deans of the country; and Instead of the party In p-vrer It Cowan undertaking to Inv etlgate the matter, they resort to all Norte of leg islative bloke to stifle lovestlgauon." Unless the telegraph lied the other day, the House of Representatives lest week ap pointed a committee of eine to investigate Gen. BLAIR'S charges against Secretary - Citasa: Gen. OARSLELD was reported to have moved -the appointment of the com mittee, and to have been subsequently ap pointed its chairman. So much for that virtuous outburst Wno ALE rue Paruntarees?—lt has to eome a common thing with Democratic edip tors to speak of the Union party es a party of repudiation, because the Pennsylvania Legislature resolved to pay the interest ore oar State debt in legal tender notes it:milted of gold. And yet these editors publish with apprOval the action of thirty- three Deme aned° members of Cong , ess, who -voted the other day against raising $300,000,000 an nuttily -by taxation, and by that vote re corded themselves as opposed to paying our national debt. TOR telegraph dispatches on our first page this morning contain many items of interest and importance. - Corporatiuni. Mr.Marab, our Minister at Tosiriu, in file interesting works= Mon and fissure," which bee just been publiehed, makes some remarks on the social sod political latittence of the great eorvorntione by Ellen en many of she iadn■u•tal eater_ prizesof our day are carried on, which hove just now a good deal of appesitenesa. He sate: • I shall harm no honest man by endeavor ing, at I have done elsewhere, to excite the attention of thinking and conscientious men to the dangers which threaten the moat mor al and political harness in Christendom from the unscrupulousness of the private as sociations that now control the monetary at tain, and regulate the transit of persons and property in almost every civilised country. More than one American State is literati; governed by unprincipled corporations, which not only defy the legislative, power but have too often corrupted even the administration of Justice. Similar evils have become almost equally rife in England and on the Continent; and believe the decay of commercial moral ity, sod I fear of the sense of ■ll higher obligations than thoseiof pecuniary nature, on both aides of the Atkntio, is to be ascri bed more to the iernerine of joint /took banks and mann actiniag and railway companies, to the workings, in 'hart, of what is called thirprinciple of allocate ',Son, than to any other ene cause of .demiozallastion." -The growing mewl' and thnuence of our great corporations; taken in connection with the foot that owing to some deplore -ble defects, either in modern education or in human nature itself, men acting for a company work with en independence of °lntelsat° which they would shrink from displaying as individuals, is one of the most alarming social phenomena of cur time. Oar public companies a:ready wield gigantic power, and they ese it like un scrupulous giants. The material progress of the country ie very rapid, sod of course canes them on with It, and largely as the public comfort and happiness even is now dependent on them, they are governed in all their deelings solely by the desire th make money. The crdtnery check, too, on Extortion :or emlair,dealing, competition', is in theircue wanting; for they ere gen erally, from the necessity of the cue, Move monopolies, and all attempts to escape from their tyr tutu by starling rival or supplementary enterprises', are every day becoming more hopeless They C 031401 the LepiaLatures, sad crash all schemes that seem in the least likely to interfere with their /sins. Some philosophical politicians have flo.- tered themselves chat theta great trading associations might come in democratic countries to serve the purpose of a good aristuntoy, by acting as beach. on the wheels of popular passion, caching a gen erally conservative ieflunce; but it is evi dent that this la a delusion. They are, on the contrary, exactly Blain the place of ' the worst and most debased kind of ans• tocraoy--cne that uses power and influ ence solely far selfish ends, and without the slightest regard to publio morale, or happiness, or honor. 'Death of Commodore W. D. Porter. Commodore Waite= D. Porter, who died on Hondsi moraine at et Lake's Hospital, New York, to which piece he was oekin three weeks ago, was born to LA:damns, vu appointed tremtle Bisi• of blesesehoe Betts, entering the service Jaatiaryi-Lit, ear fifteen jieSTO sew doy, over OTC JUTS shore duty, and wag teen., }ears mem ployed. lie tvas between 60 and GO rare of age at the time of his 'demo. A oomph. untried complathu7-smoog 'Melt was the 2diesietippi - lever and swamp" of the' heart.—.carried him off. Re least. a wife, who was with hint at the time of his death, One datigbier, who is in Richmond, and two eons who are le the ConfoOtrate ser vice, The demised bed-a broad b•putbitos foii courage, having fought from Cairo to Now 04estis. The honor of de eirojing the rebel ram Arkansas beton*, .to him. Re vras tbe commea4er of the itho-Asi guntioit Luz if Pert fie ory—a butt which was built according to lois o• o plea—end he beceine noted as the mw who bed mechanics working at one end of his vessel while his guns were working at the other. lo_ths ietteck on Port Henry, while the breve ten on board the Hosea stood sallied, at their gone, * bill from the port dew along the ship, through the littiktutads, and then crashed through the middle boiler. Capt. Porter {Mace pro moted to the post of Commodore) was bad ly setlded on the face and linde, tuft be soon reeumed mule, service,-and bee Moue taken part in mciect the stir:log events on the Allsalselpteriver tied its tribute :ice, and participating la over fifty eat pita:tents. At the outeet of the rcheilleh Ma loyalty wee doubled, hot be buteeed to prove himself a worthy eflrcer of the public. In his death the country hoe ent, valued the lore of a . skillful sailor end brave and patriotic citizen. Ills remake' will probably be removed to Phliedelphiii for interment. Renomination ot-Two- Faithful Repre sentatiees. The telegraph hoe already senor:need the renomination of -Hon. J. S. Moorhead and Hen. Thomas Williams to represent the dietricts noir represented by them in Con gress, after the expiration of their prectrit terms. We cannot refrain from expressing our gratification at this result, as well for the sake of the principles at stake so tbr our regard personally for Ibtr men One honored. Bon. J. E. Moorhead has ciresdy represented his district in Conveys for four yens, while the nominitien of Han. TAO,. Williams is fora second Congress. The farmer isem -Loduablons, Fruitiest, that. ouch going legislator, Oct' often heard ea the deer ef,e except it Er in the utterance of - words directly bearing on the question before that 4 d y; bat he cubits in committee. - and faltioni alas to 41re coicialrywnd the immediate non titnents whom be represents. The latter. is amplst+ foal ry, to dey - crgt ot the. eery awn. men Oengt Ms, if net one of the fermium& men in the- corms* in point :latelket; tk t p,lllol34lm itlism • hie few ectils jiAll the isidrenerita - ef alsglrlator, sfW cer_ i zo superiors the quelifiestiolui w "eoutituta moue& Lobster and • --erstori riaStrePL , • , , ' • • • ' ..!, : ._.. .., . .., ..., .. •, , , , : ,,.... i .„:„:„.,,,, ,, z,,•• • , -, ,,•:•. ,, ,•;•• - • ~ - ' • •,,,, .' • .., ..,...-..' : r .. . : .:.'4,,.',1!' ' . -i ,- ,5r, 4 ,.i T ., , •, , ,,.,, k , , ,5 1 .. ; 5 .• - ••, § •W, - T;V :f'••,-""•'• 7,3 •'-,,-'„, ,• ..„ - ;-J 4': ; ' f, ,'- ~,', ~-,t,• ~ FN -,,-;: r. - • ,:c .— ,••= - - - i : , . -1 , t,11 . 0.,:•: ~,-r,.:,."i4',-.:-'-,' ~. r' '- • ,--,, ~ ~,., ~- ''' ,..?: . .,: •, " , 7 :, ' '. 7T , ,7. --' e. . i 4 ~ . , . . .1 '.r . -7,-'.7 - , ' , 7:::::=ti-,...c..-'4..- '...ziriz:.,-.---4-1,!,,,tt.--,..,...--,,,,...,... PVBLIO .worrozs O , O2I.kLA.ND PAitll.=-Ihe mom• bora of the Park ars rioter:cid to %Mid a medlar to be holden Clo. Flambe. on BaTUB.DAY, May 7 , 6, at 3 o'clock, Car tbo porpoo of adopting run.. fot taticomlog lesson, and also rcitlact ► Board of Mansura Tama •Isitrit to bccoo• members can cbtsin Miter. on tnm prondate. my 3: t REV. DR. CHAPIN'S LECTURE —Der. Dr. CliaPIN, the "Mum of Pulp! Orem," will teems In CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 51a, 18C4. Fnuivr—JOHNIM.IPDXR, or TUB PEIOEMILEB OP PoPPLAIL LIBIBCI. , Door. open at 7 o'clock.' Doctor. to oatomoutia a o'el, ck.. ?Idiots 23 mate. Reserved seats went,. For Weed 0. H. Me lor's muslo vroome, St Wood etross.- 1.101 plan of Hal. voy<d (SPECIAL NOTICE. Haannrairrens Plroaoaon Se arrant Tara,' May 3d 1804. I 'the Chainnum of the different Comattteee of the Plttoeureh Waal" Vats are eye:Malty requeeted to mats lmm•dtate and fob reports to the Treasster, H HoLIIBS. Esq, and psy over sel Money collect el. Dos soknowledament .111 ho made daily by the Treasurer. end to add doe, oo she .st'd sy of J on., the opening day of the Fele, full etatetnente In de tail will be poollehrd of all eubsorlptleiss, tiring th• to alb each sporial branch of mannbietexee, each trade, and proksslon Uy order of the l'ashative ' c ommittee. myShlw • 7. FL BaCltitM ,Shafrman Orrura or m Prromnioni, Pm Warne CHICAGO BAILIMT Do. , Pittsburgh, Pa.. April oth , 10.01 1 1IDENIX—Tho Board of Direct on have this day deciand a : Dividend of TWO AND ONE-Bahr (23i) PER MET. on the (*pail Stook of the Oompany, oat of tbs net earn. Wan. to Um quarter ending Earth list, payabl. (tor of Government Taz,) en and after the Intl day of Hay, pros., at the Gamut VElrs of Um Oempany, Pittautergh, to the StockhOldere ohm* slob 1. onfiat.r.d there, and at the Agency of the Oonapany, tkleara Whew, toned or,„) wall meet. Nwe , •ork, to lb. Stockhalden oho. dock 1. reelaterrd tore. The Transfer Balm of the nootor.ny VIII clue at p m n then. of May, yr s., and min ry ado oloted sill It; o'clock., ro. on thell7.h of Day themes ter. By order of the Bran] of Directors. 1103..my15 V. IL BA BNB& EMe+otne, IJ KOH NANITAKI Arlo' named Posamboata laozaboal Fond of Pit,o floor bows ououriblas d to the 114 nola, Clac,ll.l, Par p a r A mean, Jo la, Amp ata, at . ..abt, Pio. 1, learrary, , li•ak•a, • Lai I. oil, fhlodo, X 8 Moptam, lo mom, er -a. (lewd Lis,* llama, 8I . r Fpray, • toot yes lanachad. Pirrsis Pala—,h. full bare,. erlb. rated ec, ago bletlV:aB.• V .D. at. I,a, to Meal, It• ear purr aocd, No. a, Watt e, U t . a, wee, Lo a 'au, Dam el, James Weotusurelaud, Vol Ail. otwept,(,,, ata3l.lot, Goua) • New V.*, 011110/0. (arw,) Bo .mite, (uve,) Oble W. Day, Mein. Allot nee/ Dow • al a:Sr A. ItC4 Al Urn of 1110 Stockb.dden of the Cleveland Plttaburgt. Railroad Company will la held et the office or .old o motor, In levelaud, on the 4TU DAY Of net, lcitt, .t II o'clock a. to.. to rob upon the Laravaae or the Copia! Stack of add Cou p.ny. 4.0 the pm pose of ailoving the bond. of aald Coapany to tre .con• erted hito at-ck- The Toast far &wk. will be dosed elate WM day of April and opera ost tt • bib day of llay. By order of tb. Board w Director. J. It. ENULLOI7 , :II, Treetdent. Cleveland. Herd, WI. IVA cif h90,-my6 Offlat or ens ALl.2Ollt. Gal tb./.0.1r, April Pi, DNA. THE A.'S NIIIAI, MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Allegheny Ou Onit iny will be he d at their office No. 25 Dinmond, Monday, Slay MO, from 10 o'clock, A It 3 , mini P. It. for the pumae f elenNog a Preside* sod eight Director., to serve for the coming year. ap3o-td JADES auasuett, Preeldent. i - c.:?-istYTICE TO TAXPAYEIiti—AII who have neglected to pal their Qty. Poor, Bum... Water. Pcbcoil or Building tax for 1551, in the first Ran; Pit•Aborph, are notified that on Nay let, mite arid P. Instituted to all teas. Three who would save costa will pey bet (*that day. ALLEN COUPE LL, Oollector, e 0.41 Potash Wart. At home from 5 to 'r &aro*, p. m. ante , Cterme or fivers hurt efeemo M 0.., 3. TUtu claret, Pitmborgb, April 1364. f O.TIIE DIRECTORS of the "North QM lUDMg Company., of Metlimm. ham anmateemmat of Oar, DOLLALL Hen MAIM 'on the Capital . Stock, ea the same may rand at Ow ohm of Intetnier on HATMID•T, the 10th Meant, plyabhi to the Treamrer on TnE3DAT,the 10th of flay neat, with Inhaled a ter that clete. • qtmyll , TEIOS. U. 00W Trearorer. 117,,,, SA N l'A Y FAlll.—The Chair mrn tdl the comtaintan iU tenet •t La fayette Nall toner of Youth ant ma d .o.ta on haterdsy, klay,7tln at 7% p. m , t.l repent progrem The ntemner• ea ad the connt,tttee, b. 41 Mho and gen tl.nten, emenann ht the 047, and citizens gin. ezally en. ostdiady Invited to be pe.aant. By ender. P. R. Payson, 4:41 Cl.trat.a. lames. Saes or rerrothose r ;,.i i Pottsoarish, April. 14th, 1846 WA GENERAL MEETINGOF E Etoekbelders of tbt. Beak *III beheld at the Beating Rouse on THOWSDAY, 11. 6tb, at eleven o'clo k, o. sct., to take tato considersUon the et hos-lon 01 the ,hooter, epfromt Januar 61b, 1664 aoliLleed • ff R. 1117111thlf Chebter. MEEI'ING OP TRH UNION ZEE -ISTITE. COISDITTIZ, •Imbeny Cr..unty, -117 ba deli .t the calm of the Cashman, 2,43.116 rtftb Alen. Plasbark,b,oa TUESDAY, 6111 lOth, at 1 o'alosa 4. m /MOWN, Chal-man. 6 . •1 WART Montary [a 4td Ijez.PECIAL hlrflufs.—The owners of 011 at the leading an revolted to remove thir 011 at mob otheretes It trill hove to be removed at their apnea, as Ur re te loot mom time to do Ma carnal bulbar. aittentbn to this matter out save trouble cod enrols .bll JAllitta aLLMN Wharf Mad.. DI rIDEIMDS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF FITTOBUROII.—.I. Dialdantt of .1:76 per abase (lot.rnol. Itolenne pot 4 ) boa thb dep boon do r'or-d tram the rota of the lost oil months, jay& Ma to Etorkbotitere yr doh legal menu.lkola .01 be open from the 36th to :tat hat. for on inarroo of LOW thare• to the Capital alto*. tockholden can even to mega grao of the r yrlt Ibis bp mott4ortblort, convrtotty with an • , t t • preemie • Notional r ur •ae-p, antlered of Weneington, u. 0 , gab pblo, 11143. ' Joan O.BCULLY, Cubits . . m)4l. Ifiraus of Bars, P.l sburob IU4. rrEil; Dla , C• ORS 01?'This itAKK A tom this d.y do, Wed • Dividend of I'VE PEE USN I oat of the trod. sof th. lost Az soootho, polatio to Ftookholdono too or after th• Pat Loot, fro. at 0 moromoot Sox aryollOt Gen; P. steciew.C.Lftbin. Inttabatib, MOD, RAC THE DIKECIOIN OF THlti BA•11. Rory t es, tl,t.rod dof •Ivi PER co tt.• Coottal d oct, fro* of Ts., papiblo to Moe bo4 r• or tboir I% 1 rommeniattr.• pa or after ttlo ISM tortoni, 0qt...14 • RE 7. ? TAN DOltrie. Ca•trl•t. Lici•soo Lox or Pin rose.. Ms. 3. as. Tat Iso4kiD QF IlhhtelOttB (IF TLIT 4 H CI C bwrodotlo . ol s Dlvidood of FIT, PKB car sal of IL. Oft/WIII• of UK eacio•ln, or Aftir no ld•b •s tut. 't b. taltA s'•, Kith. Tax .41 bo paid by Ow Pant m/e.Y• ft W tIu«H4Y. OW erg sae am. 0.11•4111 OMPAIIT, Ati..bnv an, tra, rd, 3 4 TUE PRVEIibIiNT vst) UlliteTOtt , tars 'hi, dor dx lam, • Dird•nd of 1/01711 PAU (J•Nr, out of tha varmints of I. hit .4 prortba, pwatdola th. •lALIMOIIII.I or their 140 ropmeetafirar, on sod ttor IStb 1041; nr $4 t.O Moira aß•fr•.' . • Oros or • fr.uuson, Itla7 r. 1A56 THE PRESIDit r.T elv U uIIosCTORI3 or 7/118 BA BI boy. it& dry deoterrd 1:11r• lam/ of FLUB Pif 01117. on I r Capital Ago ,a, oat of ths rofii. of thr tut WA loantb., fres of Os. Mad sod ISIAtA Tous, . tal•b psl4 . to Met. tvideff or Mir ligal repotrotather ost Olalier 18th tonal; royClotettlr, JOTIN 11Alozu wpt,,, AISZO/1. sr Dam, Nay 0, UPI frErE PRESIDOT ANS.) DINEOTOKS' Or Tait; PAN[ bas shim dzy dyclared 4 DIIN acid of PES (AMT. oot of stis pror of th e tut slz zs ro tbz, (bisio .1 dorsrozazit 'rms. papibis ulb. 0:L4111;04oz oe 110 stssr this lath it myttd I. N 00011 Coblar. Isom Cris Dees, Pittitmriti, MT!, 1184. T" 'IBEOTORS OP THIS BANK ben Ws eley,, &tiered • Dish:WO of 71Vit Pan 01111T,Loo Uli C• pi 'a I &nee, oat of the pre Ms of thei h .Is itesothe, peisPle to iltockbol&rre or WO Piet reproeirall r , firs of Goterameet Too, tfter 564,14111 lesteut. • sitel, , Oefeltiolf J. MAIIMPRIN realer. licocnurro . oon If oottrootiroooe norml .) • 1 . /rubor,ll, Noy a , MC YTMII BOARD of? DIR.E;01'0101 IP .1. TrHe OM!IC nava this day doolonnl o 'Arnim' of YU(I6 ran EMIT. on rho Capital Mock. oar of tho mato of On Ni. ont wrstbs, papa loos or sari the lath 154,, GO of all ?um tor4:101 JOIIn 00011 Jr Cooltkr DIVIDEND. . Porf wool% Mar I, Mt • TOP WEITZUN 1111ItritAts011 (kit PAST hse tbi.lly Colvldrof of 1w0.4NU.4.11A t,r DOLLAfte 'VI OnoUm, Mow of Too. puotd• to lifockhoidei on or slier Ihr Mb lost. allsw. . (folluflel j MEW GOODS , WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 FIFTH MEET, Ate till; nelltl4l 1q"33/W 0 . 0 0 7 : )63 ' IN Tibial+ lin 1 , i , 1 1 •111•Woldsad aNial Ind O. M t 44111 .Sw.lll?' WBITBI on B'o,, Is /firm alpin, .XEW AD rERTI73.WI7EXTS. MEW ADFERTISEMEJETB FOR HALE—COsN. 1,000 Bush. Shelia( Co,sa dolvtrig and ibr oN bt J. T. COLYI OCO , raja Tt. Ho. 6 6m0b64,.1 street VObt SALE.—The Steam Saw Mill for mercy oilaud by Wollame , Muir, & Co, etastod In Duquesne Dorthuh, Is ewer rate. /or psito and term& Inquire at B aEW E:t, BURKE & 00.1, owner Hancock street and Duquosno Way, Net.borwth moliar SINGER FEW ING MACHINE —On FWD ‘'f . ATTEUNOON, If ay Eth. at 3 o'clxit. wW be wall, at the CAPitierclal 6aLs Booms, No. 64 filth street, One 11. for Pee log Machine, lo the best condition, • superior family madam. tay6 A. MoILW•ITAL flocCs. fIROVER & BAKER SEWING MA- T 0 EittlE AT AUCTION.—SoIa TIITIEFDAY mooing at 1t o'clock. at tbe &Ur ula Hall Auttl Rooms, IS Fifth sweat, •Id bo sold in add'tion to the no. furniture, one Grow I Bob., [stall,lna Kunlun, autLely 0..0.: 4 In order. M=:-ffi=t!f= FOR SALE—PENN STREET PROI'- ran —The three4tor7 Brick IIon» and Lot on the elooth side of Pent neat • between the rail road and the e net, and oopwite th e Freight Delot of the O. k P. B. IL Co , 4.dered for We on wawa eto terms. This roperty oluameoda Itself to the atonalot of eatitellete evening • goof inerelateoc, or to ropy one eweer fog a Tedosb • invitees* sinad. B. B. SIETAk, Braker et Ineurance S It 1, wiys 69 Fourth Kopek L - o it 8A LE-V ALMS B CR.BUILD ING LoTB.—Tbroe.Let., es •h 2t rest 6> inch. front oa Oeettestreet. Bl initigbani, by 127 o.op to Lfb• ettry street. Iwo Lot., each 24 deli front OP OM*. font by 127 deep to 'Lennon' 1 Wet& light Lot. on Bluff street, Sib enird row L. to on eff. Petrick . ..Oily. A Lot on O. atre 5T1121115. Lot on e liming street, Allegbeny. Lai 40 feet front on nese !treat l b a y 120 deep to Justloi street. Will be sold at low es and esiy tams. nitys OEIIIIB CAT A • OP/8, 81 Matket EL QIIPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, V to —On FIMMAT AITEMNOtai, 310 eth, at 2 &el sOlt., nth be mod, at Commercial Sales Ao rtfth street, a larg • cleaning of vorrto , Fond. tar.. tarpon, do, a m, ri-ing Cared Wa not Tel - a-tete. Iderlido top Pier Ta Itlphoarat Pow, V. einem Blind , Marble bit Cent it ftel Elsbow. y Cad Sable Walnut t. It.log Table tae M.beest p &Awns. lon net Pedtteade, Spring Ma net Mose Matra ate tom feat era 10,n.1. and ba. • mete Pallor lt• oder., t ledow SOWS, thous and China Dolt Ware, Breektaxt toga Opera, du eiys a, MoILWAINIL soot'. N ZANIT&KY PAIR MIETING —We no Colonel flagon. of Alleghehy City. and mambo , . of 111 oloa Chuich, by onier cf the Oca• ml tee, vs mailed 10 noel m Mlittirola Ott MOH. ellogoinr CI y, Elintolletr, the 6.6 instant at mt~ u • out p. m , for the pa-poie of laying moncy to telp to old the Penltery l'etr, to be held 1n ttno cloy la Jana. In view of the great movement made elf oh lo)at venom. we dam It oar dory to do whet troche towards hi-lying thie•Loit and wianded soldier. th . gold. W. hope mho will fell to tot[ .00.11n1 gto Moe b mondani enterprhe We, together wl ottan i aro haled upon to do thin. A. o hty. •go dly 1:11:09D, In the hold, o 'color, who h., shooed thimmoltre tram to bettl• the govern omit, be fool It oar duty to to d • belying bend. that tho work me. gn on. m ill Bet hill PV1,19, Committee, pRorosALN iR PROJECTILES.— . Lly • rd, of the It lei of rdimoo., ernes of the On led States, sailed proposals will be to cited o, the oadorelga -4 anal o clock et. oo tb, Dee t.B re ter, ar the d lips , at - the alleabeay Ar wood, , f Teo hoosaud ( 0, bO) 19 pdr ohs', and or irotboa.std 0,0.44 14 par Oda Sphwiewlee t. made o gray or ree.tlae Iroe,wf good qtt dt y cut Id uwdwd .ad tapped Pee the aorniao , Tit .111 be hat.' tad after the mite lald down to !ha Orem.. ar the rartodtha •ttert mat and d. Livered frt.. of char.* Ln ttanapoltattan or haod'ine, at Ova anode. Dem - lois and tamping ran he mean at Alltiftwny draw elms. ha Melt be made at the rate of ane than.. and (LOtat) ahai L ant Eva butitleed (l) 0) rpherlad caw shot p-r wean. & to be new dewy mar. aithln two weeks aft-r Oa date of the of Duvet; and tMein to &liver at the wattled time will made t he mntrac.r to • f rftitnet of the nutter he may tail to cLolv-r et that time. • Ma bid sill ha ...Mcrae fr.m partite other then rumor foretrim or trot:alarm of works, who are kis (Mr to be rapattla ef exert:eau the work contract ed tor in their am n • at obi stmenta. Th. patty obtelatog the accaren 'elfl be inquired to enter into bouts, with approved el, elite lur faithful erentlon. The nederaltned relents the right to reject any or all bide If t et deemed esti Gamy or any cams. Propmala will be aidemmod to •• Lt. OIL W. II H wRITELtY, • Ilagleny Ate-nal, Plttahreph, Pa and will he oPropmala for PrOjeolll " 11. H. I. WHITCLNY. Lt Co!. of Ordnance Ally hanY Areemi, May 3 ism Mydad ORDNANCE, OFFICE, WAR DX PARTMENT, t Wmmans, May lot, MA. f STALED Pi/ ioo.ALnorill be involved et this oft,* ontil MONDAY, the 4114 day of Atay, 1604, for the delivery, at the tenoning Arsenals, LIAVALItY ACO VUTft Ls., Unittid thatesearaby pettedn, an hes, Wafter specified. At the p.. 1 ins Arsenal, ?A MO rota At Ow Pt. Lotti• Assermi, 6,0t0 sem At tbs ltasklort Alsatist, 10 000 sets. ♦gym. Ate.betu Anemal, 10,0b0 tom Theo annutzeononta ar• to be made In aria con- Gushy arid, the regulation pattern, which can be wen at tee abee. nate , d place. Xeria tat I. to oon- _ . . ast atom, Bohm!. It gad plat. ; owe Car bloo...llag with swivel complete; ono ; ri or POucti e ; dd gt-BoisteTE:76. tai roy are r e . ♦aleer, and one Cop-pooch w,th ams pick. All of which aro to to made of the toot =Marti& sots I.l.kt:tenably.. Me &bre telt, FabreArsot and Oar ble..ellag,are to be of BOIT LE aTIIIII BLAU& . . • D, end the Cartridge boxes, Sell Bolster and lap. potash eon. .11 Is to be distinct y assent° d tint tkds Depart. maul it to ease tie prittb l of inspecting toe work done reader any contract It any newt, in eB emcee of its pretreat, especially to • :Amine the stock be fore totting. Thep ars to be entlect to the Anal in spetcloo at the Arsenal Iroer• °thwack' bcf re betty aludr.d theGovarninent. Donna. to be accept ed or pad for bat such no use approval Upon Insp.. Om. D. llmiM most fn lots of not Imo lb . . . ore testa (1.10 t) per ..k of the eleol• numbs, contreetrd or:f the ftret Cheery to be made on tat tam day of Jane. Ts'lure to mare &Ilea be at a welled thee will an Jett the contractor to a forfidture of the nomber ho rosy fail to dab, r at that mos. • The Accoutrements moat be boxed In the nrul manner, the boom to be charged tart, to be deter. =bead by the Inspector. Beldam fall stets empllcltly the Amens!, or Arm. Mils, wham they propose to dellter, and the plonbor of seta tb-p propou to deliver at ieech place, If for mon, 10= MM. lio blda erllitmoonahlared from parties other than regular manafactnrosa and att:h u are snows to this Departmatts to be hilly norm:want to execute in tto it own shop, tee work proposed for. should any party obtaining so attract oft.. Accoutnnost.ta other than thosi med. In his 01,12 ch op s. shay will be re pot. d and the eootract let doted null and veld Bidders will nickse with tool, bids the stilton acknostolgrornts et their await, over their on alarmism.. &tab patty obtaining • sant:tot will be obliged to' attar Into hood, slim approvLd .nretio, for itageith. ml eiststirra. Upon i . sward being nude, ' nsoaentnl Mahn will be •oiltled turnlabsd • fib germ, otwa4 act and Wads. The Dooartmont moms tb. Hint to reject soy or .11 btla, ll nor deemed utlVaCtury. Propagate wilt be eddremed to Driveller General GLOWS D. Italill.S.T. QUI of Ofbalm. WW2. ingtoo, D. U... endorsed Trowels for Cavell" ao coatrometao." 4.lboboC D. Belied.Y. el, GU D•fg 0a) , chief of Ordnance.. LAGS FOB HE FANITAHY FAIR - - —ali person.,Goolotlosand °dues hallos PIAUI. reposston t lend them to the on tarn ar rh tot par. nets of doverntlon la , be mums seaoranoonts have tern mans with Ur. John en. PULA k. on Finn won, to MOM them. Us .10 eh,. prop,' noesl44, sofa If so that Ihsiy ta notional an r a h. h .ale If d.slrod olf tau pvtleo yob to mot 'bate thins for tag benolit of il.nlisry Cocoa lidos, ta. moist will baled* go flog and th 0000 , 11• lu donor • It a migatable ghat Mg. fl.p 0 • mitt Ih mg MOD lit P4athlsg at twat thosonactling rt ma ylO ImAttghri. .1 &high L •• • ..11.r Chairman of agmasittng L he rl•Clig • S . & BRYAN, JlN,lralir lUDLW, HO. , SO ;FOURTH EITUBBT. 1 Oma Loon host 11. so. toe p. m DESMABLIE.—Thoro is nothiag moty swirsbi. dui, a good a...d0/bad., It la 4,44 attaluad sod al adady malted. no lar.11:1111nlajl Tull Will; acZeitiplith both ollptas bait to b tald bead% add patraata lair from Wilma o 5 /or twyond Caputo. bold by all Rolm! Dead. , alata. 1114011 JOIINSTOB,goI. agant, TOTlCE.—yrherooo, Lettere of -- Ada' tol - Istrelosoflb.oto• of Ilkbor4 Ile a / 3 2,1 I.t. of ollottb•or13.1 aod ' o,uuty, &twat h Sits toot wonted to lb. todnosis ad, all worms (Wotan .4 to ooltl seat* U. busby 00110.3 to mg. 41.10 ptotatol. and all jpor* borlos violas as t*ll otlit Wale .111 Smoot {MO br solattonot Vestal, to tkeor MOWN, No. Wobatr gnat, Alkgbany 0111. os 3,2014 sr 20()BULK (lAFlrti FLOUR WIS W.I. It 0. 11431usn I d, Cluclanail bo. I Lin! Oil; 14:1 Posse Cinoluoall O.q M & N o ! 00 Pr. chew. Ursa, black and Jikpauliii 20144 . N. V. dr ypi Jot residlNO 6,4 14 " 4 . bt V. 1 . 10 0BAY;ir, 400., 111ILlunN Me" 11AN C ANDELIERK—On leatocr . ItTIMNOON,Isy Otb,.st o'clock , will to , dm Voir owcial calor /loom, 14 NAP al mil, Tw o Nut Of buisatal Qat c_tand.lisn. itall.WAlllll Aunt. 17iir m 1 1---- itt) Wl3 Plata 00, , AV bl 149°11 ' 1441 'AmilVal".l,'„l2: Aril 01,0 Uterly' dr.*. UMWPM ttiTtiLliliAdd Was, 1/4. foram abl POTIT, 'lrmo +AI , II Al /41. Al AO lid SS' Oh& Owl. - - /1 .1. A R. Val DAINSi?Q AND 4)14 - 441N. 4 00,0, /wimp, o r to b.. staid . 441$ " a t " 41141:1119V41,- TNDIA RUDDER C/441111441 on 000b'e Tailf,llll% 'lnn oil trie " r ""4" ArY i kli% *eh EDE ..7"r'!^r"*'V•'.— i w~i_....._ i ...~. .- ~ . ::a:~+i'~-=.t~u...- . ~+_.c ...5...~...~ _.....v_..... .-.. .._Y..-w~...~......~.' - , ... . ..._.,.-.~.~ ~..' _ Pitteborgh„ Ps., U. oth , NOTICE IS HEREBY that the foilostng 11C00121112 of EZICSItOTS, Admin istrators. Ottanthusr, &0., bare been duly paned In said Register's Office, and twill be presented to the Orphan.' Court, for ccafirtnatton and allowance, on MOBDLT, June Bth, 1804: Wlnal account of J. F. Ferns and P. R. Ti tog, Adrolabtretors of W. P. Verna, dreamed. ICA February 29, 1804. Final accoemt of L. W. Boyd and Jobe U. Boyd, Eremite,. of John Boyd, doomed. Filed Febro .ry 29,1804. ibert W tt2= ES3MMiiMigin 'hist account of John Waktnion. Adroldstrator of Wm. Johosto.4l3r. 0.'41. Flied Blorch Tito. .ca not of Jam Nichol, satin Esoont Jr of him NioboL doe'd. Filed ooreo 2, 1004. Final r- of John/..itqlol, Alsiolotrator of vital o.coaint of Jam Gr,rg. Eltchol, /lied Muth 2, 1800. Account of H. H. Lewis sad Eliza Lewis, Admlr.. Ittraloro oflloorge Lowly deceased Plod lita.rolk 7, 1881. _ _ _ account of 0. Preston and Catharine Ee• Me. Ad. .Inistrators of Wiltlem Seville, deceased. Plied • arch 4,1104. decimal of Jacob Ukiah. Administrator of Philip kh, deed. Filed Batch 9, 18E4 Account of Margaret V. Bright, Adm i nktratrin of 'star Bright, deed. Tilad Itaralt V. 1864. Vaal ►wonot. of Job. Et-se, *amt.'s/tutor of WEL Bo I} d.o d. /lied Hand 11, 184. Tina► ...omit of Ilialehlaou, so: lag rxecsk for of r'h►rlee Wdrrie, deed. 1/11.4 14, 1864. Final ►ecoooB of tem fl. Elroaa, 130.1100 of Wm E /mid. Hied Barth 4, 106, Prom a count of 71 zinc P. ala AdrainWratrlx 0 ' m. W. To. I.ILd hlarch 16. 1.304. rtiniaccount of WI P Bono., Admlnintra. tot or Loop Ld Glootnar Plied Itant .7, 1 9 00. Ititsl ad.:omit of Elsonsh Chaubero, actin, Ad. mtnittrottiz 01 311.190 B. ilhantoeu, deo d. 111. d March 19, LICA. Account of John 01. Idutundsou und James Ed. sund.on, Executors of Joseph Edmuudson, dno d. I'Llod NSPCC a 11. 11104. IM.Adsccoont of Rebecca lion. tanking Even. trio of Robert Um, lined. Yllod Ilse oh 23, 1/3e4. Aceocolt of Jahn B. fiatalonon, odmlalounsor of Bober; ilogoloo'd. Plod March 94, 111104. Plod acoNB.B of lams Pollook, MucatJr of Immo roan, deed. 711.11 north 28, 104. Ploal nrconot or or. O. Botklud, kdoslnfotratar A. U. Bickara, doc'd. 11 . 11.41 Ils•ch 26,104 /Weems • f a 03. flinntu, •dovouttator of Mrs E. Kramer, doed )d.d 2148,8 68, 1863. Nazi lootonot of Farah Law.oo, odml.4Btropfs of II Lawton, d led rtho Ma eh at. 0..04 Actottot of Babort W leffroy awl J.. IV Elliott sdfololstritora ofGeo. Gila; doc'd, who Irma Mill. lotrutor of floozy WitAar, doo'cl.lltd April 2, 126411 EPIEM?MM=I Plea aa3 oat of John roots and David A. Minn, executors of Thoduie torts, dac'd. Filed April 6, .864. Shit and final amount of Tamar n 0.., adminis trattia of Joseph Blom, dee'd. ailed A prU f , 1864. Accritiot of Archibald B. M'Cord, administrator of Wyble Cf-obba.doe'd. 1 / 1 4A1 April IA UAL Amount of Jacob Millar, admiontrator of Christo pher Attila., deed. filed Apra IA MA fiapulam.ot .1 and foal ao.ount of Thomas Mc- Master*, one of the• fisreaton of John Ho aurora, deed r lied ',milli, INS fleet and ryed to count of David 8. Coon. Ad mi.istrator otallahael shad., decd. flied April 16, Lark Wind and neat Account or aL i Stewart, acting executor of lire Ilartbadtewart, dared. Vital aprlt IP, laG4 The Iltud Account of Trunk Patterson. Adattols. orator do boots non ofJonstkut Rupert, doe d. lillod a prll tO 1884. Anton t or James Rd! end Robert H. Nicholson. :motors °CANA B.q d.o'd riled Apra te0164. kW Anson= of Elias Indent!, Administrator . lei... of Riartln Lowry, deed. Filed Aprij2o Filial Aecouat of J. W. P. White, Guardian if , Gourd Greer. riled April 21. Final arliteled of J W P White, detardiedi of blur. caret blurrier. Vilad aped' IG, lab& dormant of Elisabeth Whrman. formerly Eliza rueVuerst, aderileilatratrlx of Joba Poem, deed. tiled At rII a 7,1664. Acconot of Teresa lreGralb, adroloNtratrtz of Dr 71111.111 iloGroth, dee& lied aprll 27.1884. Fhi 1 arrant of Jame* L. Drake, aderdotatrator o Tohn.afrEor, deed Filed •prll 27. 18CA. 'Acilonot of Jams, Allen, executor of Stewart Dal. roll, deed Filed April W, lei. Account of Tlwinsa Hereon, executor of Nancy [`wee, deed. Filed April 41), IE4I. Account of Francis Felix. admlnietrator of John rambler. treed. Filed April 92, 1864. Final senooot of axone% rad Y. H Slddle , &drain irtrotoli of V. D. Riddle, deed. Filed April Hi, 1804. • Ttnal amount of Jam*, Hurray, sAlintafstrator de 'beds wars of Dr. nob.% Barlett, Are& si..d April 29, 1604. Amount of AL...ander Davie, administrator ofJoho Darts, d-ed. Tiled Apriltil, 1964. account of John I. 1112" administrator of Parish Muse, deed. Ifilodllay 2,1224. ccOuot of John H. Ste sart, trtnnee of the mitts of Garrett Wall, deed. Tiled Ea. 2, MIL Account of Jobs D. Beatty, executor of John Beatty, Oeed. /Hai Hay 3, UM. Moat accoant of 4. D. W. Gill, executoo of With= 8 UMW, d.o'd. IT find May 2, 1364, Pint acomot <IMF's. Dolmas, executor of George W. Jackman, deed. Iffied Day 11134. Accoont of Peter 1.117 d Jame Dolor, admin istrators cam Matamento annszo, of Dastial.Eddlea mr, doe'd. Mad Day 4,1664. Account of Peter bury. anrrteg enecutor of Ho ammisllcKrerer, deed,: Plied May 4,11184. Accoont f I home Stacie, administrator of Dr. Charles Dorgan, deed. tiled May 4, 1924. Final account of Henry Eaton. guardian of the minors children of Dr. Charles Horgan, area. 111.4 May 4, 1264, WIT J. RICHARDSON, Iteglater. myltltda3to P MOORHEAD ARTILLERY. E/40q4a1TICL1 &Dl4, Gars. Dzemsnuarr, Bag nislinrg, April 29,1164. Aka P. Gime, FtAdnonA. Coteau—l am directed by Governor Calla to In form you thatyo9 . lll.o nutborLsed to reo.ult 11E GIIMNT or IIZA Y ASTILLSItY. egretAblY to meta catton or order of the War Derartaseat, of 20d, lucent, from Gel Jame a Illy, Provost Ida. • OW General, and &tread as clacial by Theme H. Vinotnt, dealatant Adjoin:a Genera Very respectfully, , L 11IISSILL, AdJotent General of Penney Itanla. Uadar Unitary arithcetty, the undenigrod intU pro-nod at nee to myna,. • Regnant ~f'H•arf Ortll or,. Penne eallethn le Ws rgl meht no eaten thsteeelras to the sotodstda of their on notes, and nth sob Mtrlett teal en credit therefor, thin itsraateeterr the nen the 1110811211 . BOUNTIES, and affordhow onomilatrlots the {naiad facilittes for tilllog that goottia oatisfaanosiiy. To each Uorapany than wul ho I Captain, II Tirol Liontaconota 2 Sooond Lionananta and Mt non. aanzdaionad ot2cora and ho anon 'opportunity may win of ar to scan da O ng to ocrra Mai: country in tloto favorlt• arm of aortic*. Applicathrus from ..y part of Nunnl.anla for authority to turtilt men, may ba ethlreoned to me at 8a flaming or Pataburah; tai aa the time la limit. al, nth applhaVona most b. mad. without, daisy. 301 IN P. °Lull, Colonel Commanding. Ilacrultlas ethos, No. 63 Tiftt, dna, m•dar from th.Dlrpoohlundlog. oryttf MOTICK—STOLEN--Couponi of 540 11 Bonds lbre.sso, Ski. WI, t4SI, 24131, Wt. SO% Tbrr* Nos. 10,392.15,3*3, Wats Tee POO. ties. tin, 5274; Three LS VT. "5,079. 23,8714 Thee* Oeupstre bear data licrr•inber 11.1, ISM; All venous Ore her notified not to parch's* theta. Any person. Pigott's the Qesponn er giving nth teforreettan an .114 Ind to the "stud= et the thief, alit be Mangy rewarded by - 18ALAIT DUO==R 6., s • thtf SO Water street. BUTTER and Npir Cream Chedeo.— maw Pr... Cottle* Whouno; SO boars Choke Snob Dotter; IS ram& Pnetk ► pp; It 0 both., Potato.; • Ste asabola b lett Orbal APO.; SO ban.. Rosa 4 and Romans Appian; SO b.. h Sant CIO.; Now noahlog sad toot.; 'melba with • hill asul mob stock of `roc: riot tor Walt, sato. 10 81DOLO, us Worts arid. $5OO stuJl:t be iyod tilyalroes by way of rith.kied be Id, drib sad Wood • saws • dirksy• conttlerog I 3 Id cad :huddle! <Wis. blll., Onebbarit, Toe awn yawned w.ll be MI by alone' nano. e n ,. lb . see, oa tbs delivery • I by may, to Edna, or Ueda/ is al the bIEPATOCI 01/101. L _ OST—On Monday evening, I POCK WY 110011, *Anatomic about Ow 1• moom and • !heck •Vio. I 00) ps)sbl• 1.1 Allegb•ar taylop Dank iv luer eniw by lb Jerk. & aid paystri• to "Irr•lpirr t . or bea m, Pavans 0 81, 1 11 . 1. igoPPEL 7b. ender .111 bo 116•Truls 0. warded by bail • it at Ibis •1111 m oral 16811.41 M. Clout. • m J. M. 1111104 (Darke'e Building OPENING.--Idus S. A. ErfOriDART open ati 81.7 'Mk, • bawl. amaturnal at Summer allltintru, AT No. IFEDZIIAL OT UT, Alleatimy City m 4:lt =l=l NOTIOB TO BUJ LDERS—Propospla will nosifod at DIBBELL ‘35 1 .110. My atm% oho» stsno sad opoultislkom may boom dlr lb. orectlna thopirreurinou VATOII.'I Building MIPS 120 fon pasts. flop/. an will ino , onuselslawf for tins two% osrpooter w ork and wswolnary roquirod. All to Ito pat op an. do opAposorsi tapattototoloisca. Malt Ta..dah lath of dlsp =d r onll.ll, W. 8. DISAILLarcit. MBE PH LNIX INISUItAbCrI do., or ono Calg , a Pln 4" ha"UularatSß."'/rgt Ageat, 971 oath Xtree . WINDOW'ktfAMES4 V Jut rewind r Imp sad Ivry ans sailainat 0111414 w Oval Wu *dent sad slue. UMW, off:ids...Ai rad _Dricol . $1: 1 P.ll l O l V.gitif`,°.l, l llzl7. ?. • on 2 , T. IL WAKIEELIAL A MoTIO • ' AN I KSB, 112 Firr4 QOL• U. AunnamilaXLAr Sot; Men Vaunts amt.; al ALNIVIN7 UN, es 4. fileabsoUto lialtwo4 Pal!, • I V 001rPOVO T 4 (IN 4 04,1 tO Ma lad Liam& Warta* Isminokor, - - & & VAT" illedialb Apo*, pijig Ot . PIONS loott. CLOAK , AEI) MANTLES, A LasuLorae noel .r NEW DRESS GOODS, CHINTZES, ORGANDIES, Grenadines and Lawns, LINEN AYO COTTON GOODS. , Whol eard 0 and 22 et a`l. ALEX. BATES, ml 3 21 FIFTH STREET. L nry wd J. W. RR TABLLAUX VIVA NTS, ON THURSDAY EVENING NUBIAS AND READ DRESSES. Ix season for the exhibition ouThcorlay a oath{. BATON, MACIRI7II & CO., THIRD ARRIVAL NEW Cif-00339 J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Beant,thal °mailuses, BeantlStal Alosamblquem. pasuilral Mils. Black Heavy allka, Whits Plain Ulna, Dug Pard and Plain !hilts, Duff Chintz, Blue Oblate, Ptak Chintz, White dalneoake and Mulls, PLodek and ..Aped. ldrd We• Linens, Ca/leolme, Amelia.. Irish Llama, and Table Lill ala. fta stock will Do Ittund the largesVand h►neem at In thecity MI In erwt dep►rtm•nt. a • AT RETATL. Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, AHD cenas NZW TZIIIIII3O Tku new ntlSSiall Collar aad Curs elegant Paint Glaxims Netts sad Ilasadlierclalebi law pelted and line Llama EISSIVIN I Laoils, dims. blue sad Crape Vella; OUllbrk and limbers Tilzwatdii, la groat Meth, at law plias ; alagaat Bath mid &art Malaya. i Boucoto, Hato aad Irkrtt. ors i Hnod Hots, et mop ash, ; Stockings, Glom, Ocynts, Hoop Sakti and Spying Balmoral Rhin. A. R 1 Ittle of fleas Poralaktsag Goods sloop • nano. Lake wad CUldroes Maine, Bilk and lam traderresia; Ladh• Mgt* Keel= U. • . M. th LW. tutorial to maks thorn. lirholosalo n. up Men 'Bayard la tha aft, ad from Um coodttri .111 do well to look of ma lock Wore porchaalag. NEW GOODS! Just Received. The &Matters of the Ladles ti oartloolarly galled to aar bap sad gploattd steak of NEW GOODS In addition to oar wad intanstry assoranonts tiny Will lad vary :2417 atylas of Ladies' & Miles' Hats and Bonnets, In west mitt,. and &taper ass my Quadri el& IlliN SPERO AND MEER BAISORAL 8111133 And • ever dodos arra of NITINNO AND dth MID and UNDJUIDABAITISTA hr . GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, w. bent elte the bun mil beet averted rock of rte. Whits mutt ?sea, Masud algal u as be la euy Neralableg Gaeta atom Ala% Large sad Ont'a Liam Ocillars, TIN, amts. Gloves sad Iladary. Perim* Books, Porte la•easle and tame, depot Sisal and Jet Plas awl bloodies, /Mused Bth Bac%La. sad • Tub 11:0 of s naming 1154 fiaaast " thug , as . 1 4 chalast• NSF Wholanda norms ap stairs sad f buezetoat. MONDAY, APRIL 51.5v5. GRAND EXHIBITION os SACQII3I3S, CIRCVLARS BASQUINES, JACKETS. AUIO. NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Tha MCBEE 'out =UP= ahnd tom G J. W. BANKER & CO.'B. N NAME MUT. LYN, N. Y., 00.000 T LING AND MINISHING 110II8E; No. 81 Market Street. Sur TIIMIGNOB IMMEDMIEttIB;mI RIB. 210114 snd WIIITR GOODS, Litt 11118. Tatlq.D. U andtIN DIMOASNWM• 'neißlUSWill bete warn inners t cicoviritasisnr,llAllDlENßMlTlN MGR Tltn. fal TANGY Bonnie; eb• tww . IAVOIIIT3 SCARF: LIATHIM !WIN KIS Mg. liAstawi sad wan, ran. .at 111101.1118, DEMON SitolB, - r ', 6II 4 I nEFT ran% rvu LOAN,44III.AVE,At OF YEAtui, ANA i t,a l , Z c speammt IrY ottne. far,seconit 'ADM MUT NuisnibotiaAio DOL. 1,01," Apply st 111.01,11 002101 woyuceL , An.: itumer as 4. rim . ° mut; rteub mi t..c.. - 7.,7 1., lia.lll6•Mlim LA anoit,4 latOx littiTa-Vbrickoo' ttage. 0 635,ftbz tag mho row% ii4cturm atiags *maw zstrulo or "g• " 4 "' o w. No. LW boa otrid., ~ ,- DR r GOODS. • OFIOIO3 •SSOBTY6.iT OF M=M=l dOSKPH HOENE a CO., 17 AHD TO V Aux= num. - -- 1L3011,1111 6 GLIDN, ■o. TI Markel 114 jr 1 .' '.. .l i ;i'T''... ' ---:; 'i ...:'_:j.','-':"."'.•:::-.-:::','''l;-:. SPECIAL .IrOTICIES. I:Ot.U. 8 10-40 BONDS. Thus bonds are leaned under the Act :of Oangreas of March Stb, IE4, which provide. that la Ilea.' as mocha the loan authorized by the act of Karcbgd, 166; to vidch this Is ropplionentary, the Daies!ary of Oa Treasury la authorized to borrow rpm time to tuna, on th. credit of tba United Stater s not exceed. log TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS during the currant focal par, and to Pr<l4. and lMu. Mertz Coupon .1 Ueglaand Bonds of the United Attie; and all Hondo tuned nailer MI. *detail b. EXERPT FROM TAXATION by or nude, Any Rata or municipal author:ty. Subtcriptiots to theta Boob are recelred In Milted Mabee noir. or tato. of National Dank.. They ara TO BE ILEDOSHHOTN 00115. at the pleasure of the Gortinninta, at Sin 7 not La than ten ner =MI ass ferli *ors fivai their date, and until their rtilaniption STVE pis OEST. INTEREST WILL BI PAID In 00124 on Bonds of not om one hundred &hen sninitay, rind on all other Ronda easel-annually. • Tb. Interest to pal able on the !loot 11.4! a! T ftb aptecabar In each }oar. 76. dos pone ase payable at thoas dates. and -.he =final Oeopolleoit tbe 60 and 100 aaur bonds eta payable an Um On of March. Bobseribers IQ metre either Regtstenxt or Coupon Bonds ea they rosy prefer Registered Bends arirs • corded oo the books of the R. R. TIVaBOIIi, and tan be trataterred Chi, o lba otter. order- Onion Bon& are 'payable to bear. r, W zloty collie• nMnt for ournmaretal uses. BaithlOnd Bonds will ha Issued of tho donoullis tion of fifty Dollar. (S'.o), Ono Iltunded Dollisss (1103), Fire Handled DA., (MO), Onti Thousand Dolton ($1,000), flea Thousand Dalian (P 5 dm). Ton Thousand Dollar. (510 MO); Coupon Bondi Otis den rminations of fifty D011ae5.(5.50), One liondt:od Dollar. (1100), flea Bandrad Dollars (OW), and Ono Thunman& Dollars (51,(00). .„ Bobsclibars . to thialcan .01 have tho option:of hash:lather Bonin draw Intend from Mash lat,,by paying the *areal interest inesin—(4 non% or tho note. of National Banks, iiddbit any par cent for prevail:mace melee then &ming Weal from the data of anburfption and dwelt. Aa thaw Hinds rt from .• an "swap% amia Beata taratftn, their value ig Inertias"! from one; to three par orig. par annum, amordhng to the rate:. of Me Intel to cartoon part. or the country. - At the pleura rate awe:alma on cold they ilay ever eight per cant. latenat In currency, And car , of equal convenleace ea a permanent or temporary ha emlnumt: • It Is belleted that to ocesetla offer 00. treat In ducemauts to leaders es the various descriptions! of U. O. Bonds. In al other fbnne of Indebtestnam, faith ar ability of privets parties or stockagmpanles ar separate cammunitim only is pledged for prank while for the debts of the United Stated the nliele property of the country 1. holden to sectirethe pay ment of both priuctpal and Internet la cola. Them Bonds may be sateerfbed for la mans frUrre 550 up to Amy araimitade, on the same tams, end are thus male equally available to the manna lender and the largest capitalist. They eon be nonvatted Into money at any moment, sad the boldu wUI ban the benefit of the Interest. T. fact that all datlos on Import. areCgayableita specLe tarnishes a fang for like yap:cent dliritttest as all Gorara :Dant Bacda largely la mom of the want, of MS travail for this purpose. Upon the receipt of eabrcelptlaus a certificate ofde • peat O. ardor, to duplicate, NO be issued, iheorigt. ea oferbleh NO be forwarded by the inlacritas to the Ikaretary of the Treasury, at Wiuddniftork Nth • letter stating the Mad (registered or coupon) Attalla deacrolnations of bond. remand. . . Upon the receipt of the original antinattea at the Tremors Department, the bonds nobscrlbed for Will transmitted to the eubscribers nrepectively. Solkaiptioni Mil be received by the Nem' areal As Mated Stake at Wallington, and the Meielael Tremarcre u Nair Tack, Roston and Phliadelphia, and by the REM NATIONAL HANG Or PITT - IMEIIII, PA., TINED NATIONAL HANN Or PITTSIMEGH, and by all National Naas villa as dmatheries 'Of public money. All tamectahle banks sad banknee throughout the conntry win lir olab farther latbrmation on spplicattao,and si‘d sear, facility to suteeribers, • an3Offo.voleef 10 -PRIVATE DBEASEI3. Dr. Ludlum's Specific Le On antr naiads moony lift disuses of the maw of 'ingestion. It to the dboonn7 of su rinbont Ptipieten ebbs lib wig assitod to es trisninott that chto a disarm and with Flit2otodgtte4 CD' tae, fte loan than tnent 7 yam It Is pub Itettl, inching no Wootton, ma Mutat inltrity tr!on ft* Wank= prottice infi tho stoneitaz teatL tom cootptatikullitisi to tto pabllo. It bimtte;ly nista% wod pettectly sib. It lots emit 124 izaSerta etnagth cut wive Oa4noe.—+fie vast tames of tlth milky to bribe porturient cares bur led to lb brio bmibMd try aspritnetpled ma. Oteernh, taastc!.: a.* 0 : 0 alpston of thio popristar turcland each basal* etbsr to gumbu. Propandara,l ';' MIL P. DAVIDSON, ads Proprietor, Cllkeinael. Oe Bola by an Drcalsti, Pit*. Pul4rt lir Par ado at Eggs& trs , 14CrWood cams, id:Urania , ionnresTraoEt sew WOBZS HIIIEBABDS & LORGI; iftumftetinrs .of .P 411337. *MOUND, 1711017- LAMSOransatitt CtitT 8713 a. /Mirk Mt own dowalftioti t alll. Malay. Cron! Cott, Oat aid ill Mbar rarlodat all RW.4 lESIVII2I6BPILINCIN mada from non Qat Bhali Extra itafistO lIMAP MXD NUMMI. INT f72,/kri %Mims aid Works, cat. Wang rk OEMS? fa" priitaucilk. and trdxltantY Pirtloular ittoadon inn to linntilit. cl.guame Ciroolar on also min Molt Mak Eluttlibit an Drilling don at rommonn MIL aatly2 0•41 PHYSIOLOGICAL NUT 9? xnunuaz,ecteassins nesty 00 pl~ei, and 130 du P Flats and ingraetnu . thautztany of the anbaskOryana !nabob at Noattlinnd Dl. um, TM • Thebes an Natty Ebert, lb dagarabla ...yantoe open tba . Mind and Body, ; with tho antatit.a plan at Inattunt—tha ant) ntlonal and eamental bode of care, u alum b .tbe.t o Siarl at tom treated. • tufted adrbet to the toartl4 and thou cootabylattleg marrlegs, btu eagarbeta daribte .ot Nutt pb,yeleal ecutlbon. bleat bee probe to any emu,, on butyl at 23•4040, to luau or ulna eartnney, by addrestarDr. 08011. No. al Madan Lau, Albany, N." 1". O.I.ItRE .BUPERIOR COPPER tau t BUM= WORM, Praussa. PAIkFi /WeCiAian• 9k CO4 Noonfactopiro of . kIarATIUNG, lIIILIMOW AND DOLT obma, num= 001 Tilt BVITONSi RUM STLW.9.IIOTTONS, SPAIN= BOLD= Aka. Impcstas sad Ankh .Is 11111.:Ak% TIN PLATE, BIIZZT IRON, WM, An. - Cbsotooily . os hand. TIMMS' NANNINLIS ANDIOOI4 Worwittow. No. lio MAT IN) BEOqeD IrDL: r U ttrealo 4 4 Of Ooppor ant to any Aost;4_ per. loyD1:17dowl OqO NERVOUS SUPEERMOP . uotu szcza.—Am4pratleitual urf ; taa lac' mama to loath la o for jaw dor:obi ell Sao anal touttuo sad Inato dr.soodo of taalsosat. *Moot oatosootasu irs tf ttb tams.: ozzataosioto to Um sallclail =oar 61111101 MS las laSa, Of MI6 " 4:61 "MO aim oatrossod otsvolopo, be telll imattatos, lIPM of aparalptlea ard. Mal to Eit, , ,, ttaaLt s Lie /1 :oaetwq s,L T — DNE&SEI3 OF.= 1REV01713,; ICIUMULt. VIJIMAY A 4931 itzuma EXH 3l l 2 o! 4 Kwanart+iasinaipa l s..444,,, t i onto nano asextuk a ; sem by teslumaid wet agmkA hi* of dirsa. Mena DAsuctr.. nottatrow.aoriemmutummo.ssoaci Ruth inw, nits6l,l* Ps AM/ • SPECJJ.L .rOTICE& • O ne We hays learned not to be estonlidted at anything. Yeats of experlenos and • chi , ; I.T; nwporricuce extending throughout all nationety:: Klee of the habitable globe, hare turned the. mica into facte and artabilehed a hada front which 7,r we teed not err. We are not a:Wind at such Outs ea the following. though the perms who write l ; ! . , them axe We know the persons and cirminketmows..; - ,: Moms feel at liberty to indorse their statammota "Nrw.ilsoroun, Masa, NM.'" / 1313 • " Dear EL- I hare been aidieted many jean with wrrere prostrating maim in m 7 theta, cola bet sad hands, end • general dmotd.owl try•tem. Phyeiciam sod modidure to OtalOTO OM While rialtiPg some frited3 la New York who were wing Planta tion Diners they Fondled upon me to try them. I comusenood with small wine-glue:Nl army dlnaor. •?.; F o ot e , better cy demum, to • tee days I ma. almost. ;.7_ lobed to dud the coleus and coonp bad tunnel, left me, and 1 amid deep the nisht through, whioh I por,, not done kw years. I feel ilk. •notleer Wog, My appetite and strength bets alto greatly Improved by the me atlas Mandl. Bittern 7 Beenemnally, JUL/VIM ulltnneuoav, Wis., Bert. 111, 1E53. • • • I have been In the arm Iteepital fu a". 4 fourteen inonths—epeectileee and nearly &d.. Al 1 5 - t eat... 111, thel gave In be.ttle of Planta:Ion1111. tent • • • T h an bottles restored sky . pooch and cared au. • • f - O. FLAIITZ.° The following I. bun the Eweer of the Union Ilono, &hoot for the uhtldren of Voltmteerat "Haerwrrna /lamas. huh stmt, flew York, Angtst 2, 126 1 . Dr. D;oks: Tour wonderful Plantation Bitter hare been given to some .1 our little children eintier tug hem weakness and weak lunge with meet /may effect. One little girl In particular, with paths le her bawl, loan of appetite, and daily washing eat• sun:prim. on whom all medical skill had Aso on haosted, has been entirely restored. We cern...need with but • theapoontul or Bitters • day. Our appe tite and strength rapidly inonessed, .d she le now waiL Bespectfaily, Ora 0. , • • • • 1 ova mace you. for I yarn, ballot • the Plantatioaßlttqn have asy-11 tay I , lh. . • . . Hew. W.lll WAGatanilt, Madrid, R. Y. ,:,-: " • • • Thou tilt mad we two hotting more of ii:' thl Plantation Bitters. My wife has tam greatly ,i --. benefited by their me. Thy friend, !.t. ABA 0171/11119, Philadelphia, Pa." :.: • • • I ham been • gmat =Cedar from Dr. 7- poplin and bad to abandon premtang. • • Tba s' Pbmtatlott ElltUn ban mired ma. R. J. 8. OATHOB2I, Itochtatar, N.Y." • • • • ?bay, gam lie Piro:Motion Blttara to bmAreds of onz dimblad soldlara with the mon aa. toniablog edam. G. W D. all DBMS, Bopmintandemt Soldiers' Dome, Otactsinati, O." !..f. ... .. • • • She Plantation intim" hate =mid me of Lira Complaint. of winch I was bid tip pre,- it Isar:4l:7i to abandon ray.businees. 5,-,-.., • H . B. KINGSLEY. Cleveland. 0h1.," 7.I'L ••••• fr , l* '' • • • The Plant:ol.n Bitters hare aortal nae fF.. of a donmgement of the Kidneys and Urinary Or- '.1.; Fans that has dtstneeal me for lean It ads Mira +l. charm. C. O. 310 , 1t3;br0: Y. 54 lirmidway.• + L.`i • ha., am.,- &a. : ~.• Tb. PlarastkraltUrs =kb tka weak atraear. Ursula brinlaat. and are exhaiited astarek greet E L; ,, , roamer. Tbay ati composed a( the celebrated Cha. Ways Bark. Wlntaxgreen.• awash., Baal., Barb, LE?: ka. aresersad to iWrieetly an at. Gratz Um., 8. T.-1860—X. Persona of sedentad7 habits, troubled with weak 1;7 . LIMN landtrals, pelpitatien of the heart, tack of op. petite, Metres after eating, torpid liver, constipa. Ma, &a, deserve to mlfrer if they will not try them. They ate recommended by the highest medical onthoritlei, and are warranted to produce an koala tf , dicta beneficial efliect. They are exceedingly 'green. pettictly pure, and bermlees. 1902112 L—Any mum pretending to eell Plattatirom Bitten in balk ar by the galloa to • arrhullse .ad hu. peter. It 11 pat op may In our log eabln bottler. Beware of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious atnQ for arldch several pumps are already to prima. ti Poe that envy bottle has oar Pelted BMus stamp i c ) over the eark esaerstarded, and cur alymaturs on oral ?.a plate aids label. c,s Sold by 'repeatable duelers throughout the habits. bye globe. P. H. Dlleclilkh 00., AcilAmee,thstarr EDI Broadway. If. T. ioDDILAIINO PLANTATION BIT? TIELI3, the comb" uttelo,,.for mL t 7 . SIMON JOHNSTON, Goner of Smittatald and Icarth.staudi. • felkeinand-usaw ! , [OO .ONE OF HiniZiEPTELL'O GIREAT IfEIfSDIEFS.—II 1721 NEWEL L'S =Wile PI - MT—TIM Thin /OEM , ;::f CIATEABMIO.—By tha apilleatfoa of true Medici! E:=:= this mart valuable Pill. To present putting Into Om stomach such qmortitimor Indigestible sad Info, Hoot drop =ally contained la Pills that mare 1 : f Prom bur to sto to get • decent cathartic, and Of Pronat the Geipied Part so erratemrtly lodged tOI be evldenoe of character, was the !truly to "Ws de valopment. The don seldrtn creardlog newer mom theta too Pine, settles the VIM:IM of economy, sad oonddenoe L &eked to tut their *tali character to Dyspepsia, Cortnences, Ciloosnertti User Complaints, Piles, all danisrmente of thiS Stomach and Dowels, and ea a D om PainCy PIC; For Wenn they ar* a sore core, • .• Par tap by all WUlitoile sad Detail Dnalca' I pf 301121 L. lIIINITEWELL. Provrintar, 1 Pnctical Mamba. &atm N.Q.I P:: Ter ale by Pcs. ileming,_Oso. H. Etsyter, 8.4 ,ii:.', Paknottook A Gt., J. AI. Fulton. Agoutt bit Pi R, bomb ; Clet. A. Holy, lim ylll4o= and Dr. Jame Bewail, Agent. tar kiim City. , O.WItl. BAILIMILL & CO., Bo !- ~,.. ILK ER! AND SHEET IRON WORE . ?•.. • res. Penn St., Noe. 20, Ed, 24 and ES., Haring t:' , erred a Lame yard andtevaleh. It with the cunt ha • e.7 . ' proved machinery, .e are prepared toe= !! map description of ROLLERS, In Ow be. manner P:- i and 'Warranted Km/ to any =Be ID vha ..21.17 ;.;:.: OLTLENETB, Bazaum, ruin BEGS. isTrAll ,!;. PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, OONDENISIBB BELT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS . ; : SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, '- SUGAR PANG, and cote nuotufactoren. of BARN HILLS PATENT BOILERS. Beveling Idone r int. C. r. Amnon aROBTHB6II — , amts to Emaskar, Ran & Maurcs,) W TON WORM Fao>nsaas Mumma* PIGA ltaxiatietaxen or BOAT AND STATI Max • norm, BLAST ENGINES; IILICHENIZT, GEARING, s o nerrato, CAST INCA oT I desatiptioris ; OIL TAKES A STTUG - scure, AND sterr reps worts. Avis* ice GTVIATIWS PATENT INJEOTOE YOU PEED • G UMBRA . 0 0 11131,CONFES8ION8 AND EN /Tunics or A =Tamp. puma' tat the Lbaitibitied Yawaralas sad mutton Wean wee Ow Miter teem Wartime Debility, Precuts* Dewey ai lasahooq, intptyltiVet the eiumi Uwe, ti* eie,Bo.4e,xne. Hy ow whetting cured hltseeil after beteg pet to pest mimeo met Wary tbsougli =died humbug sad quackery. ' • - By rneltllbj/Icattlettl gad:awl iargope, ihtgls • • may be had = of tbscolhor, MUM, puTIMIL, Esq. isiyylasitair7 Bedlired. Elan county:lg_ T. 0.14 lELI. 'arlraVi: I RE/TER • 1 • _ &mum to Zeit, Itartaust 03.,121Wrifttatint *mum MEL. BPIIMO. PLOW AND DUMB Bury ; erBnsas. Lux% IBOWDIpI, Works. rilirr -WAND. Agoebsol ON% P.O. Marais. PITTSBIMOB. P. . }.fats EILSII/51:MIT'S MOCHAS, FOE —w can of llmasesiceszu l at Maw* to, an pposfalti rum:4=W tontalsta!,l4egws. and Derlomtwboetooatiaa:aliethawn irl7.lllk pair. 111.1Liazdtetundaoly t 7 o.a. DAMMAM 00., Ilanithost, Pa., to whop all cam etaFtate dread. I • - -- d : D7 Dntzofit elrepthm d. /311111YAIr 100. •. FE - 4011:15r 'COCHRAN &BRQ, , Jitan. cow. et IKON: .IDO3 114.11 L RS AND VAULT DOMIEVinarDOW, Earn nas,rwriszow otteankai N , Not.. otalcozrD sad tts MUT, tat. Waal and nave oa 6uia4 anrte . t7 at am Pattarail ciuky sad sin, =Rabb. lb r all mama. , Particalar_atleatloo paid to =dolts Gram I.ats. Jabbing &co at short Data.. . E .- N.1101.21118 SOHEI., - ' roxgoa AND DONESZIO ill=4 07 =MUNCIE, 07=1710.1,723 OF =POEM SUM NOTTEANN Brzenk INMECX2 wrarxr,vanitatais, t IT Oollikalass mada . arAM Nos wlncdpal eltlss throughontOmilaltedttatos.' ' nal 00 3 1MILY IL COLLINS, F6iWlEg- INO AND oolousson =awn sad waoitaslir ftlipt t,: CIECTIII, /111211131, =De Mir s sadt Sao:** 4elmral37. Na. Wr .1114 bands, ' SCIIOOIi AT lIVIEGREBN- ,—The twin. or T.ra a Ms' Tonlittion will Wow* di MAW =am C i tt a Ll u es noz=tl=ll=l t t iz E . 9 alidaaicktbsipmboW.Xnuttile4Wand. or ca Writi= a nl k ‘ tin ". 11;inThEK Vrtztik mINO Or Wm. Ma, etttsburck, .-:I ":. . _.- 1.: _:: -:-• -:-.-- \ ' 4.1:;, •- ; i 1 0 ,* ' i '. 1, 1: [f,
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