ipittsburgit • 05azettil. PIMLISII,EP BY 11111ASHWITIMI1711111G ASSOCIAMON, '' ,4 lERlliNrol l ' ME AZLIVE: .11LosmsYburvis.tri Pun. Per • , dues S. .irizuga-rocrios, y audl, vac year.- 4,60. 44 wain- tOrrtair • dattir &i f • • ,u, . • 45:5 per dr 11 04 azawazlOarmars- —I SI. • :43aSiV:itieits`tbik salty +=Rai ebb. Yor e '-"tiAl.V4k.SCdtildS;;SiSlral *win* an:oat. 64, 1'4)1.'6-thaw , : t.. 01; win . 63 t h.. StasscitilliSessaay. S&P copt., d&su. IS/sOrisSimpieredra thetimoeoPh. 12 1864. McClellan and-Lea, 1 a utorrle v. titifollo44/ 4 thto*"lc itiat ' b ' itt A r 111144 4 1 0diti, ,ItpA6:ii iii t in ~ Washington dreads ailltednatday Mooing . , :,i2dtifelDierleri-.0 of Monday, the 7th rt i•cherem;pc „, ,ar gajo a rmantel , 4; 4 1; 4 1 : er - ecinittionbAcfl - par_ eenttnthe C iati' airy. :I n g l4 =ire, l"t4 r=rer trtagglietti g4 a, - . 0/iicr Gen: Lc& • 164 kit eLireitrb-lt lOW the% fel the mot "atm the DOWD Ile eatt lg , neltiaftti' Into trur Ilea to . Oen: 1102eltetimpresting_ltalateretert at Ids heed quarters; i kut Orval ...ellan, woomyenhd, by, " .66 . 01 , Iniciftif. Ftetta4t Welt tA , Ow ndlei linos and hadi'fotig Intarrlesredfle.Ceif.'•tdmi . T 4o .!' among other thltisK. lifortniel . M.rebalat that his. ...my , eniedeff tne -- P - dennae. The, writer has breitindened bengro the'Coaltenteacnthe Conduct ....Lail& to For il'ati. cilia', tlisedn'' I d I anfterscaoriahr br Geberarittobert Lee of Nary ' 1-ftd:licilitirittra - ciedifliarti - takenyhici: txlitrJ • "Ms partite Aetna Milian' bfnaitletarlit' nithenslbi tit Ltin etorattenntiles nine: the Von . ' . ; .11.'Thrlaternefetoolklitate'tMee O. four days, t=ar i tOse&ta !"-2." %l i grnall/ 47".""i ' ""1 `-"nt'PenfetroftlefeeVier`flan: heoPiellaic retl l= " fitat ia-1;- JZ,Irddi t tsjrrac h dt . nriAil lb to-; 1,,. wind a solemn iitaffS trind . itsfety pock des • -. •n for 6i I.IX Ttle,4l , +i skituis=l l 44iti us latervieriliatcesotkel , ' lieurci . le& difl par of4hich Me ft'sme t'' •- •• `;:xiioOhingionillsinoiciO le few dap.. ago i l titi49# it .312 1.Fgl fs _Aiiilind -X,roi Ist* heet connannleated lathe War Departi . 9ant *taint thatfitment McClellan. had ei liketlii4.#s -I p_yii* Ze p ;4 1 .41;1*tei P v l .11Mtte.91.4trithials4 .7 4oruno Rtatemosamm .appeirad•tha.Vl¢lo day, In the ;Washington . oettfiipondosba of. tbe V. r. -Traustei - •Tai t, l , copperhead Werht sale , York, as a mattel Of aoinsealsentert Won • aptly, intsdleAro • the synatinncementi which ;ft premaded.,-.. kin*? shottldhaed been t gelded tne.a-nle • hriiiiitikit*llitheiafterie briailici'euirt Libel 'Goad' eiliii,wiitai,o6At ic is•fiiiiiye .41...0rtb4iri*teRi4 8 t:ti4) , X4:14 the a priori imprcialdlity,,pr.inetp, ditiiii%.o!, - rstiebngttabnitent About, ,the put ef the. .eopi • peiftsadirthe cant":thriOa general. wham .aq - Babel; lazot to hotters•etnifers that fit `in#tiirt ifo'hid'iliadn'tiet rijidiment,' and ;duire . : teraiiiii,kitiitateriniiii, .1,4 tAi; ii',og4 3 ( : iii1414.0.1,F, P.PA*4.. for !.iiii . ..*gailikT , pair worth to OLT readers. Thur. was, indmul - that-dse refrainment:tee in .411e , stery that. :Mid l us holtate 1 little abort it- -namely, that tie,' 0;4; 2 ,4444v 4 1 ', ..9.. t. 4..- , V.Pt the lot 4 SO4f-f.FiL7;radfol l f shalt -dWoO4I out pl "IS. A lrii ,VA'46fitkthist it trltittreqnienam4 to 3102111. f#:,,,ftritt.,4-ire rrc. tli3a; the poi! tkee . and:a r lycnnistaallat state:out uf "F. M.' muse be Mitan'ilited, if at at1,,,14- testimony not by mere bypotE4ee 41",010 1 41.1P - i- - Ilan Peatt i ,of fizartne.!...Thre Modal! Ettlisetis*Mtliariatiakal-lookingdisi -pidelefrour Woldnglor . has lately asserte4 -that-Shiers Ina. na 4rxound for the. report; . liol7s i f e g a M u lt: th..,fti, lb. rotations of Gorernments of France and tho U n ited 'Milli( core lii a tritiear etin&tlon, eittearloi , bat.thlak that muds tons fatly- justify th COntragetseLreP_ort- For inst24.MPiA4 1.4 following from . the Paris correspnadenea 9 I,Virreaddii'di l eil ' oel liCley . airritte; aae Recntany.nsouthstbo Florida 107 in Break harbor, undergoing repairs; and, though she tostriongleenteadyfor see, the , .• mold -nut pat out, being in want of hands. Great Mai oulty wag experienced in getting mon, cc t 6 .geglialt market was alsnoatelosed by inter] Wined law. The old hands had departe , ramie down irlth plunder; but. they-were either u n able to get beak teshe saucy emit et Welt, or luvriblppedr.r another port. -- Co n e' { • pkittet isst,hat with the .Searsurge olosede watching ter, the Florida, attar trying tb . , power of her 'newer, waited an opponentt of gletegthe Federal cruiarr the slip. A lei degeltteettefete ' lfrest••dntin.• a fog, en withnet balogoinutived., The Kea:serge sot of Inmtit; but the sea is wide, and the FloriL. France agora it readers that barer leasing Brest the ptain 'nf - the Fl6fid called the crew aft, an told thica•tharbe trig . v 9 4,4 U. meet the IF derma restetontlide_ 9 . 11 77 1 ,4 f, t Pr if,r76 3 =l ' de l ft(' pie otthAT's bOratirx*Yad id ntlirs ttos new:'' alive?. the of -I,e6Prostee Is le, , for-theAiTotide day , liNtoAstage 13 acgals italsreleee ,IC aw -tot 4.c. •Ilgithill , k4S4a. Oagle meal& Julth,...e.Stigebe esOVAIIX AMA siza.A.s.4 -Merida apd bat daps aas..7l,llspealgua estimating New York smi,Hostto.,..-01P piskfittail for see . 4 9. Free r lportankraif evMi aliened into , an Tw laiill.A, Bresrinthirltrei. WO at r Ippeartild nevi tier bade: it jet - bj the Itaipalt.llnihelt)t '.' " -'l l / 0 F0: 14 4 . 4° - " 66+.°, " °"' 4 " 4 9 1 1 144.4 11 igik PI 41 0 1 1 . 1 ' 1 i= 84 to ' ffi...4.l s it 0 , 1 the;SintiVs,deprefistiens, in ffatasyinnai . Now York and Boston?' sus jail maikelY # ao be realized as any probaidlitiesinv •lr • lianita L eitniiM istika; luinni4a Ityib;evresu anitunkettnet 434.16,6:W.1s evidently 'peke; fl'ais 4„ cv4Ofior that,Wailre3kihir • gat prevaestios,•that it most be attemied immediately. liintsbit itayiedo-licit 1 AO buil - - allied Li Willattig 4ftiliiiiiite tiiittortaitittettistrisakel weas# ruiriiiii 4itoriiine - The FAT `aiiirsiainkotrAgreitrgs;tot.fi.ite .......... ...... ._ . . .._..... .. ... _frso .thescwis. l 4 Wilk* ee7 1. 2 0: 1 4,..44 .insiAikflllMlTS repaint, foreshadawsd the , esgattom dee Gnitedemey. , . ... -IPairnoas to. Apri1,..1862,. Mora Imo 19, -4611 dirsaticsislrear tho mar—Ming straveri ' *Witt . ( 239 geruilntft: - In April, 1862; dui I.l4.44'itanatii.ijitdiiriiis a dopted; 04 `iiiiiioiithiAiimiii4**iiip''. , p ,,,, i 4 i . la,. b4,3,.t;,736. Taitt.tamol4o o ,-- : &maks; linos the 4ir.broka Ont. u, 127, 1 6 i *IMO staboir.3o,9oo were **Mad so IfisiilintArcaltpls,3Bl6 Ireacalenifirylvisn - Atliniraudthlo;..ll.46,s from ilitsais:Az Atiantarkis At37B.frosk Jaisimuitliki 6 411:1 5 muinsItt; SAO from ,1 1 :47: 141 '. J. 4 65 'ban thilninter a CisdaPkbult 11 0 ! ,,, m I FI ' )1104tilhoxii ialborliistiG ""fiiiiiininibitittet.Naliot4ibf lo44 .47.14., 4&q trove WBAillifi :410ri rvallilibleillCisipr% :1.: .. :d..., ' o ' : //41 430111111112111ek a ithaiii4 ll " ' ialkillelitgiOilailallittd, Alifili! initiali =r:d.o.r..g.F i m s op .tt . Imes rows mimbriPotilian N ' Tak , ssia diapktvw past, *ran% with, the cosisikrdal ipitililtie-rigtioiied ton 9.3 1 0 1 .T.14 7 PP qr." ]liitil tr, A amp, (UMW), racipire IJOrtrair irgto sillieiriVeli but '1111,141. 6 4 024 4UitEirk. • no papaws* II of.t.VOlvms it MO. iiiddLlSSA74ssl=4:apin se misses BrIUA •• TAIL the Astunrciatr 016 On taiii*rek33llso7;al 'AU city ot.Lovidon i.OSQ SsalifiVt !aid thIP 11Irtiedick;iiiiter sii44ll*ArpugasiltarrAtair::»6o4 TTIE„,DAILY:.:.:, - ,.....T Truth is Stranger than Fiction. The Chicago Journal gives the following sketch from the Police Court in that city The 'um* 0 1 =en Welch ts mated by the Clerk, and forth from the prisoners' pen walks • disheveled, dirty, half-drunken woman, led by a policemen, who 'scorn her to the box allotted,for each all she • is, W l ' 6lllo* dell ' of the Justine end the Clerk. She is not old, but she' boa calling her discretion and her virtue. "You're cherged with vagrancy—guilts or not gu ilty lap the Cletkosbrptly: • • The woman answers rullenly, not with • pang of 0011taienC 0 4 but to sive costs, "Slidisy.” The policeman who brought her in ts worn, and testifies that tti - foUnd hal:pm:stile street, partially intoxicated, at an . unreasonable hour. lie has send her soirsvplimtly, of late, and she seemed to have no regular home, oc cupation, nor 'habits, savnthose of the debas ing kinds. "Five dollars, and ninety days in Widow.% Call the next •" and, tinder this sentence, the Peon ' dititviec Rain !WAX tiromia to make way for another "one- more unfortun ate," and She b forgotten by, the speitabon and the newspaper reporters within five min utes aftenrarMi. • .: • • Were this all that we !mew of poor Ellen Welch, we .ehtatidatirter .hare cambered out note-book with thb incident; in fact, oar left head.neighbinr, whb.f!doea" the Wire sensa tions for our - street cotsuporory utters at, audible "Maw! no item there!" --and - runs his pencil savagely through the intabrkunate liagmlitilifilhuS. whit& be had previonsly noted doirh: No (teak there I Inet,thers,Lndeed ? Lis ten f Etliu Wileb &Sae 41atiVilece of Daniel I O'Connell, the great Utah orator and agitator, the daughter Of bli lister, Nary O'Connell, I and Ellen Welch could olefin m her fatherthe Lord. of -Kearney Catilii-Lildin'OUnpnleasa ' and influence in Ms section of the country: Ellen bed enjoyed all" the advantages that inch altoxd-kle ts poslthau a, lonid bestow in huif I lakrpqoWtuate hour er 7' q she 6 eehtit yonn i allhations u n pon amen to. whom her father would not ginher hand. lie was an officer, but he gave up his petition and psrseOsd barite ?UP. w}th Nekvlsfle Mahe 'Philadelphia, where they resided one year„ when death re moved the husband. • Nlitillfonldbreq'nenoy came to Chicago, where Aloe -again ,mauled, bat her second I,ml:end, too, was soon taken from her, by drowning. - • • , Thrown upon her own rasonss, el to pieta tamed herself Liell.Lidebyhoi needle, but anse.-lottg.abe talibt&Aisreguatobla company, who defrauded her not only of her clothing, bat also of a quarterly stipeullif 430-tibich was bestowed upon her by hes-Catlin, through I the agency of the eshlineft. she acquired &taste sphinzonalliqaorsi. and then sank deeper and deeper until her 4egro ' , ve been in She it,pt sectincEllen at - the 011 a Court .h,b Minnaffie pait six years, sand what she istaldiusehltstasaalteneae - first, saw her, Possessing & constitution as tough itudidititte thltitsidtheedifilpedon norliie most sbasneleu orgies of.d•baucherb have any effect upon her benlthi.i.Blah states between the Police Court and the Bride- . . well as regularly_ now as she did Mx Tears ago, andi -mutat as - &di ibanbiloP distin gabbed ancestors SS she did three years agu cp when she told -us hp history, 8 4 , 1 ' Leh 'eAlf inaboittlan4 statlfifianteNeifte - qtabstAnnate by reliable partici, and fully corroborated by a C anti li fia t trisrink i g r Mafres 7 i : mate to day that during the past eight years she biti-Upunj!jfhiliiu'zfmFth,V34 tier.lbue in eaPfinkinenk, :Va.4*o 4 4 , AtigAY e ll i i and smart. huatuintliettiaCuhnx.l,4ma touch allie s : aelli t itostnal Awls* total Weir social ecaleywb doatiiiiek that: misWhie itiorm ed and reclaimed if a helping Unit Were ex tended. Where am, the ,hapangean of ; fhe NEWOMOUI:- Porrasserma sire'rOrerfo 4,16 r.t . pc_ipiA9partatint,t4 rfSrPri APPlohl• eats an ia receive —ef marl..re spective °Mani; aftershstring deducted their maximum compensation of $2,000 per annum, and thenevasart incidental' 'ittpinsei. The thuostougapt surplus, returned during the IssYliscitlYi2tefirkslo9t l W3 l3 , an inermaa over the year previous-of p02.167-47,- -- The New Tart olliolilit'filiir, l . 6B 4 3 ; Chicago, $40,581 64 Washington, 533,17741; Boston, $36,691 86; Philadelphls,s29,ls 6 61, Cincinnati, 823,768 4T mad so down to An napolis, which only lutes surplus of $3 39. Akikitkintis tlift diastelicandisist• hiKei Hampshire for the Governorship, was so elated at the news of the rebel victory at Bell Bun, that he gave vent to:his exultation In (substantially4AlNWi3ii•iordevoPqrs'p• cony Northms spldier Fill =NW boas in fat kes.7 Once 4111 , -iistmf*ebresary 3380tiadmom missioned officer, and , privates, and coat missiotiesPiffieirtiLtive deserts& Abe rebel ranks In But Tennessee came Int e oar lines and taken this , aaik. Jibe aggregate since January Ist is 600. k traink let; Ltiganslishr /Ands nitti.twal a Am track near Columbus, Ind., and the hind car cat in two by attest, against which It struck. your persottswereitillsoratia edweral injured. is stated that the new loan is to be given par. 1.464 . 1 thok Xatlenikatalcie inttesa:at private buckets, m was at first Int.gded. ..,NsAlt4quitHA.F Nr., lAA Oat W4P2OD in Germany, who has received toprao tics "fuser surgery." TrisoErirrfitik ilrquirthS bplld a d'ontartifittiPthCftkliturirtilb ifirettle EIUEIVID COIIIIO has given up his hardware I,tmlneu Gotta hu refused 900 havitattorul to lecture Ttte Navy. LAUNCH Orlin! voniritte'i- . 4.llollkloositteesselat the lint batch of Nary ,Yard iron-elad war-steamen will be launched at PliiistieletiltVA':', Or 37.* inst. She is hlI I calletY'ol:' mPLY.inTezeeptWiMenteeowei., is 364 tilyarniored steamer afloat built in a ent - Nley Tent She Is nearly twee the tannage of-the second batch -of Monitors, uteuurinctie.ieu thitia;34 tail She , NIA two tenets, and will carry immense gun/in each. Although at present on the stooks, she is very far advancedin her preparations for a ea,- erizich am-in . completed,. in , ~ n,- few,- days The thlri Aid fdartliVessofrof thswistheelass, the Aganuntinto and Mcnuldneek, building at Portsmouth, N. IL, and Boston, will be finished the coming month. .--, ltunitsrornstizasKsniionsfoln. .i . XiettertAns ittn' kiteishitosnidni, whIZI is now doing duty as Fortress Monroe, states dist the speed of this vessel has been tested at rations !imp duringtb‘ put fon months, sad' that it has ptoved vatilfgateri"ht all times, 1 • Ting reached eleven knots an hour on two or throe occasions. The machinery of the Vidiabi in . ,emeallent 45:Anions and altar sreikViiilledasto ad slier*: .- - . ' , Till AUTISM 110114:34D11 Within eat few daps three of the iron clad linildiniinVisMiebakiee been home td, and the other three will be attest before a month. Two of the vessels, the Wintasbage end Attlwenkswijareitwen - yrnine ther: longer" thaii" monitor, and have all their engines, boiler' and magazines below the water. The Chlekalaw barter made bar trial trtp,is some. ostaattre zersioe, gfi - 111141141,11 - 10 . 0 are pm parhqr. rigidly tar Wits , sistrolm, i Those Western vessels which here already been entirely employek-eueb sa. the Our ,ind Neosho, hare proved entirely nmetestal, and. ttils ptoblthle that liiirotheralaillbe jail as griod. Ths entire-. be on duty before two months. _ , „„.,,,,,,,,... . ~ . ............_ „ wANTE„A Bor,to:leam the Bps. Wooldleg and Prue itelables boatoese.. , . : :,.. =DATES *. PHILLIPtiIi .• - - --• No. HO Water end. ANTED:LSiisViiirteirnen Pnintirs. SI Two Appendages° thittsthttrki Wean& Taro Apprentices to lho 011 Clotb. boentoi. 111: Labonsinstrork 110110UtS lam/a. *Wyss Nang; sap St. Clair stmt. ' • oahlo • ••-•• •-• • -- H. PHILLIPS. WANTEIL-As :Eresateitimn Saisr WO In ths-Pdall Dr 7 Goods Hosinsui: A salary will tO , seld'to =ls ospabls of Wang diary stockof tar Drew Goods, .f._)4.47 "' •,iIAIIIISVALDWILS! • —lfo,l‘ll 7 • aid at i jkiltallaj , alc WANTitta-k ' 6itaittafti of • WfOr. Gass listoryin ths Mato of Ohio. Eliot sitskr stfadltisbLzsolirGdi iron datill‘Aous ottrervotelesordr.—AAdnowllol=Tessveado, '----. ' ..-• 1 1 2rofrintil' ' ilaittiailiri l iLlti _ 414 . 1 Vie .tur 4.b0il ' sootoosi lir* , 7•111• 1 • 1 0nkoWlis I Itelning Oil, would take • Situation at • Bantry. AUStorrimauidalelYietaarli , re asb7:l•, . , . MINIM w _ ~.. 4=Uglifr:eb r i t irA3/11° „ v‘l c:l4.g n'ittv - A 01:-5:441,1 .2===EIMM EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRARI "c• -- ETITSBInWIt 1117471A_ Loom sad &mow Troomosrot Special Diapattoll to tho Pltuburgai litglatoettthmaCtoat Wed of tho-P o P. lls rTralit 11•11issusa, March 11, 1564. a. 88 ,. B ounz o o„, (Bottulloy) memo. Will to. Promotod.Bllllknolini Os sot trolod.7 rove/rite Jot7' Altar which Mr. J. IL ebildoei GII4ISID.ZOCIATI DULL. l'o , teeeled• with _ _ FROM 111.1MLISBUR6 =l=l Enos.—sUpplemout to the Citsens' Pap stare Sanwa,' in Pittsburgh, giving the right to remove the tracks from Pain arty street. Mr. McCandless, to appropriate ground for public. use. Mr. Graham, relative to exoneration from taxation. Supplement to the charter of the Cooper Firearms Al3O - Matter fer the Spring Garden Water Company, Allegheny county. Charter for the Fairview Turnpike, Erie county. A , supplement to the Inland TelographSom. pry. A bill dec . laring Buffalo Orcak,- in Armstrong county, • public highway. A euppleuttow,to . the Jamestown and Franklin railroad company, permitting that Mad ,to build a • btaiich road to Litona, opposite 011 City; amended by confining its page 1 6 lota feet:and ton inches.. The Cranberry Coat Company to construct a railroad in Ya wn:4o county. A aupplement to the North west A Portage railroad. Mr. ilialuun—To charter the Pittsburgh Jr. Franklin railroad company. Both these reeds hare the four feet and ten inch limitation upon theirgusipa Mr.',llogu—To incorporate the Salines mid Latona turnpike company in Venango county. flifl.a •W!L! Mr. Lumberton—To create a new judicial district, to be' called the 2716, out of Tetra, sou,filk.,Porest and OILIZICIVII counties. Mr. McCandless—To change the venue of curtain cases from Armstrong to Allegheny county. Mr. Latta—To increase the pay of. the 'W.est moruland County Commissidners. Ilocsa.- 2 An act relative to wrlta of Nati. tiont Bapplotnent to an not concerning lunatics and habitaid:,dnankards; compelling Csarts to glee thre•wireks• notice by publication, of their intention to issue orders for sale or mortgage; one graduating the taxation. en Foreign In cameo Companies. The Senate hacing changed the time for the lection of State Treasurer, from the 23d to he 16th of March, the Hons. tontruned. Adjourned tillMenday night. - J. Continued Bomberdmant or Port Pow ell—Fort Morgan Reported Beptured. New Tose:Muth 11.—New Orleans ad vice' of UM tool 'received br the steamer Weetem Metropolis, state that the bombard meat of Port Powell, below Mobile,contlentes sigutenttly. The rebel batteries replied, but none of our usselswere seriously hurt. A totter frOIZI . the deed rays that, Adtaletil Par-' ragot intends to silence Fort Powell, JO as to send his mesquite fleet into Mobile Bay; by so doing; be wilt cut off torts Morgan and thanes: The -Bay is uld to be obstructed. for three mfa{:b.lnw in eneh "a manner that useels are compelled to pus ander the guns of tee' bon - clads aura battery. Mobile Is etrottirly deteirled at eiery point. Is almost tree 41 . solaces, 30,410d-hasing gone temeetSherman. -4.lettertrom Key West glees a rumor that one of Adredmairrigat's steamer hid passed Port,lSToreill ender a terithis Ire, and another rumor wee that lee had <motored the worki. it:r:itek'Prlrateer—The 6Lesapre Pria. New Tong, March 11.--at Es repartedon the authosity of the captain of .the U. S. gunboat Desolate, that svebel privateer, a bark rigout steamer; Is muistoir fo - the mesterard of Ms raaa The. commander of the steam rereaue cut ter, Warns, has been ordered mot to proceed to St. John for the Chesapeake ptismsen. States Supreme Court. Westirsorop, .Ma=ch- 114—The ease before the Saprende Conte - today to that - of Frederick echttehardt at plaintiffs In ever. ire. Philip Allen, et al. There were en the aorta: On the *at Almaday in December about 36i frf-whlett 159 hare been reached. de tb.?.pyvf, en the let of May a Inge kientlier . will " remain andispasaa of at that time. Vie 'Piety IllunpshLre Election. Csorernii - ' N. If., March 11.—Roturns from 125 towns beta been received, leaving ten to bear from. At present, the vote stands; for Gilmore, Union, 36,757. Efarringtas, Demo ' crat, 30,750. Gilmore's majority .111 be about 5,600. gait VOlZofAnk.Dcosneilitire,and nine out of twelve Senators elect, ire Union. The _Republican majority In lb* House dill be about seventy-11mi Lieut. Gen. Glatnianntotoned to W ash ington. Wow:um:nos, Marclt ff.—Limit. Gen. Grant was summoned to Washington last night, from time army of the Potomac, and returned to this city this. manditg-onei..peet&l train, accompanied by Gen. Meade. AUCTIO.fr EWILESI, Q 1.1 , P B R B • ANL •PAINTINGS.— On 1.3 WIDISESDAT AtOIMINO. Starch Inthost to redahl, try ItatAlogns, arriAbs.strond floor of COMM.ICIAI Sales Booms, At PASO steel, a .aparb crAerlttmOt One 011 Rstothaes, solatt.d of the bed dont..Wand of Art Thls CALI. go. WAD cbnie•Psintlngalrom th. DquederfLllll6.n. thrgli.h nod American Sch.le. comprises European mot Amortesn_Loadtastsalsdol'osal sod Hosed. ors Sublects, Winter foram Marina Pll.O. Moo.- Oght fie ea, Figure. pteco4 Including sort. from retch .mina.[' artistru Vlr :der, Csffr.l7. I. pa Profesor Jacob Vsonm. Bog gles,llyalicts,A C. Ab otblaaVolplei of tbs OW& antbrated.prtduVowof S Br phyrrlNsdirtesst'ltAdO.Vorlas of hikri (a rd. of Nut beautify. paindorph) 000111.. 11.0.1 of ' ths Vint% . 1441the.r, Ten ad' • ristratablitictoith W. PigterOPLOrotan Thl.Pidlittnitrato all vlstrattly.eminsnSed-It crim ...4oaCiilfraw;cot.44.lingetli•r:' ,Thlsididrb collidlory coottlteltok 1. (toil -a gars Oallorp • of Iffea'Antrtstoo ipso totheyStrito for 'MO stand naticia.--7Adir' are-partiellarlf , 10.11.4. 'Cats. lastairfil forZwitibulimiee ''.' • DAYI64 glopLAPATlMAnatiii. SALE ^V IINED WAS D33 , 1117111113117/11 4 13 113 B upon, • Orrice/wearer Qtrairsintestali -Wsshlnger., D. 0,, Hebrew? telb,llBol. d. Will In sold at section, to tbethWat der, at 0./plans and 4.See named Wow/ As 4114101; Ps ,-.04 Han" Tridari 118 . 21 . At Williomeport, P., 3130 Hon., Wm/Way, nth Marc -Alh. • Altoona, Ps., 100 lions. Inda7,lltb Horeb, At Now Brammick, -H. _J., 200 Hormel TootdaY/ Idth March. - - " At Easton;le.; 80011atoot, reidoy;lBth At Hernseh,/f.j4.4oolfones,Sniedtif,'M Karol. -Atintemeni-P., XO6 Hoterne lfoidal..2.lth Match. dt Witludb.poi-4•4 100 -Bono!: Toodogeiong IlloWillgodo boo ben anedetnned se stailtibr lb. Csralry serricent lb. U.** BUN* AM- •• • • Tot rsOd dnd 'firm varpor rarity good birggeig wog to bat Honeettilt bread Weer: • • ,• , I dales bed!. at 14 a, m., sad 'outlaw 4.117 1111 all are add. 1 • Torso NAO. Onitod OtabeiTnearinf Nome only. Jelled, IfidttmbM " Cheer QUaliernialitar. Car. Bans. QIIGAR CURED 11A3113, GROOERIIO, te—o. SATURDAY MORNING, Idarch Mb, iC IO eclat; sit Ow Oxiuroirelid S.l.e" litaimio, No. 54 TIM streAtp.will be vol 4: 1200IDi. Boor Oiled nuns 9 bats Ras Not; 1 bag Drs.& Pomba.. ; • sairoo,'Sorrroirrird Imo ; carols Oolcrog tea; 2:0 boss prim Dairy Stair ; • AbezeoldisiolA Roarioiri 20 boy. Oround •Irto ; 20 do Family • p • • Jnd1&o• fu bone ries unba &tarp; 60 packages 'forth& amoltln&Tpbsoop; NAL OM sad Dry r m yla DAM& & Ne.ILWAINZ, Mores. BAROLTRES AND RAEN'T MICTION SATIMDAT YO 0, Kara Igb, st 11meelsk, .ID to WA, st,' tb* cgag. sandal Bales Room, 64 Ilfth all • - • • • Ong amparbir Varmeba, ands 0: West/ Co., wish pawl back and glass doom, - aultabbp tar caw lbm. Gaston. Barna.. alga sat laparior dcluble Barn,. ghat glair& “Thaialal4a Ilarbasa. • • mbll DAIIII /IMAM= Inr.Cts. A !MHO/11314Y iNSIMANCE: 'CO. I.'3TOCIZ•AT3TIOSIOII:-Vm YUMMY RV& SING. Ifosch 41gb, It T% sold, it titipollizottelot Saks WOW: Muth sorsa/ chore. Al • ro Iwiscamo•Co. Stook.; • VIIUSS'TO AWE&=b PFA.CHICS 1103 &pa droll Totostroo, _ • WO do rOlolt irnd ri nnum Tor solo Of jOtAt3lCrlf ,WlLiaws2F.A. bundles to %mom whicoortsfickott arstharr,, . ma 'Mau DlOltiffrapoo. fAL17111) bbliaei 'sale lifj, _, t :.-"/ ',..:Li iiarisets- . •L , 4. - •-_ -:-. "...-.. OMIT livolizam.' ____..„.....0ns , '• . i .1 - - i- -A. 4/1.0"--mi 4 4::,-- - 4 . 4 , t,.: i.N",1:i.,:-...! 1.,-....t:.;.).;•74.41" i.,-;a H. SATIITRDAY:*O .s.mrthwerwn's. Tat LOBS 81.11 P. Trerant ..... —O. lowed.s•.' 10. MASONIC HALL sad Maud.: oro. W. This Tuesday Evanixur, Ilarch 8t,14 SECOND AND LABS WEEK. 1. • emona of tn. litihable 80r1e.q..4 SERIOUS FAMILY; IsictucHDoug ROARS OF LAUGHTER, THtIIDERS OF APPU ' ralrloa b To t2:l7ld'a w ith 111* pnfonnecee tat L'="' x * the " i • American and guraPean Areal .Tl. tenor to luagb nu. W de4l4:. YANKEg Monster Minstrel OnputbstOtOn; UEFA? 11IIRTLEtttiVE' OPERA .T.11,0-UPE4 BRASS Tho pot warm being lb*le first opinsrazooe before the Atorointa public, alto. • lowa peon , roar oa the =Morin 01 totem actaarteoligod bo tba prosid paella gotomor lloy Moo batitto boon of • eg the goootaaearabbaadaa of ardatlo ozro tenor over brit. roasoltdated ardor ono Ma , ogoaient, and limbers of their Protookotonatiraciag TAO thtiootet artists, • NORMAN' 'aroma, ISIICOILOR OBAT. •• • TRANS UM?. FAN& ITISELOW, HARRY CAMP/lE47;i DI R OS-geocearatt, Prof. ITHIITING t 0110: FIELD' • • • r.of. NATO. HENRY Lairs - J. g. MEAD, , Bow. EXERT, nuaassersesg, 2LSEEI lISAITAIS HID TURNER, • TBABIE MOSITOIID. , JOHN WILDER. GEORGE W. h. MTIMS, • GE0117117 lOWAN. IV. Ef.lc., SOVIET, ' WAREVOGIETZ. Door opoo at 7-4 o mama= Ali WAWA. ADMM7OI,.. cents. ' Sr GRAND rill BALCONY SERENADE * prootooi to do porfbriasaas; by YANMEE HILL' • UNRIVALLED RUSS H 1 110 06AND MITTS= mill to glitoilor the ocal. 1 . .1mm of WWI and OR' eATU R DAT I ArErIiNOON. !IX eak.. ,_adallgdoe ES atAitk!' Chlldroa under .tar of sow IS coot , ag,se NCERTEIALL THE FOUR INIUURT HUM OM; OF UAYU AGE, Ever Hnown on. thence of the elobe. Taitlrelt out/ • Om data. actuatonctrw Saturday, March 12th, 1818.1. TWO LET ! 83TWIDA T. from 3to 9%, and t each to f ul l TIMM LILTICS3 as )1091113.4 and datrtng,fretn t. lS t % 3to 134, and 7% to 9 o'cl..ek. Door loco baltaa boor la advance. CEN. TOM THUMB, MID BIS DICAUTIVUL LITTLE: WIPII3, The late fria Lavinia Wvron, tb. Cud...fin Q.Ped of Banuty. 001 VI MOl3 ORE N UTT.i Th. &mow . 4 130,0LA1 Nan." so ostird from ►arms root troll that own Gov Ilr P. T Bittrris So three years senior. Elfin Minnie Traram, TIN .malted Lady of bee ye ever wee. Men what nenied Coif rda, • Om - helot and Belle. dna , ItteW lag but ICO t>l Perfee ih - forin And feature. The world never anything bail ee worotarnir 'Se tamer tban eo name bate. At the opening of Melt eel. % Morning Lorie . , lb. General and hi. Led) grill wear lb. Metall& Wedding Costume - 0o nom at Onto flitoch on their Ata.riam Doy, Feb. 100, 1861 The) mill aptear.ht &greet retlaty d eherthatitur Per!w mance* end Oottuntia. The nob. tare and roily Weddtug Priment., also the msguitimint Jewels rreadriod to U. Tam Thumb by the Crooned limb or Ramp., trill be exhibited at rack Levee. Ileraincent Mats tere P,°° ..l (1 2 00 .1 no birmr than "a Imehel beeket.. drawn by four of the smelled Mika lo the world. and attended by 101 a Coachman and Probsisn in L 4•1111. *HI mom : tirade the etrarte. mad the Mut little weeders etl3 MM. as mem 10 At to arid from the flail of ICatabltiosi and tbe noteL adetb•lost. *its. Children under. 10 year. of " tehbetv DigsoLtrzro:ww. DII bantams misting bet.= abs.tadants orukY styta of WALT= lIRTASITAI CO" teas distolvad oft that:lnt dayby Ibid.. tattoo. WALTXR. lIIITANT wal be fond al lb. oftko of Hr. HILARY DEAR, at tb.oW vpiad.,. O. 25 Libottv - strata,. ba balocauthoriz.d to sagas Os Latina. at thoolitt.itirm. , ~• WALTER DBMS% I Clovis% dlapoonl a toy watts stnet DEAN Woof 15t. Lvov, M0.,1 tborofero tt•tito into the aide aod loothot.boaiont. . Mon f Norton/ recommend blur sotto/yam WA of awing.. arm ALTZU BRYANT. . PlUsborgh, 4eh. 2ab.1851. . • • NOTiCIII. —The trailersfgt., turfing maimed the maitre stock of WA LIME 1181 r A 2iT,i leeeiloisancengie •to big etieumapre and the public 'morally. hie einsiovitl to stars 133 Liberty Ityrat, tatty...ptedb Walwr Bryantt Co..pbers it br toatideocalikbbihrst.li of timelier; Melee is* 011, %f all lisa.SjaValiaraaab market ratta HENRY DEAN. trefftter DiaSOIAITION , OP PARTNfiRSHIP. —The partnership lUantaireresirthithetereen the nrideislw,ted, under the style of WM JOHN STON It Ou., 1. unarm'', awar=4.t.t gr•et iron, this date, IiIICHSED find the arm. Tharbaslitess labels:Mildred se lotwel.; ly, nader the MOW Jieleinibrs;; • wai. a. JOllltaiVit BIWIAL:JOHNST6N. MOUSED SIMON. Piltstand. rob. telb. rtItitOLUTION - OP - 000PLUTIMR• pato...hip dilitahril exIENNAI betylearn JOB T. HAMILTON and .Iql 1.31D.111A. 0. Am JOl. T. HAMILTON& 00 , bas beeso dlsolvid tky mutual ccomernL. 44" N. BIN ILTON &diva iuNILILH secattats of .ald (km, al the Mt:l44nd, Nantes Ent &nil- Windy Ito. JOS: 'HAMILTON, noricaspatitile.,-Thei , undersio• V ea bartr thhi day artoclaterl tbrasehar . 4getber wider the nasal and style of VIMMIG lENG. - A* Cometieslon Merchant, awl 'Dreher, In . Peteolnass miet prodacta. 11171t7 H. Ni o. MINIM OILS( Jf V MANGO OIL AND TAANBPORT ATION OIL CITY, Fellalm, An prnanst . i. reu, ( l, !ter crude agog! Blefli4 Retro . teuns nur On the mwt etebl• taw, sad to w n isk a t libernl "'sac"'L.:i4,OVLJ[B. Ofd.. So. to Ptoejt U XOO wu. DOWILS, eviy, Olt City. , , WALTEIII MUTER, 44; Oil City. Jiaats • Tik.romelysali Onmi. be Weed se ebe PSefenLe ke•Plea leegebeen, LID.. Ado a den. . Ire*. loti?Eit lipj• • • _ mummies ineuumun. Mug totals b Petroleum and iti..Prmluota, Wh 0 4 SD &NA *C. in moan ornier. , .,_,— av ow s . 98 W &?&& & IP no= be. , . ... , tata I'ONTLAIMESISOIIitrtoIL WWI 1/111U:TOLF , , PPLUIFINS , OkIDIA II : ..i. L " I. 11,..1.3 CRAPMAXILLtaito: .. ...., :I 4 I.9&llritsi Airn..Mat 06. - UKIENT - 01L - WoRKK -"' DlTsj:eBl iMILAI!_a GO Pure AMC itetko4 Carbon' Oill4 use.1 1 ••0 1 Val*Orraider— E=l=la hiab is , - 7 - 7...,....4 Kill Ari Dentin imum att y, 6. •Unal t iettOOT , .1= 11 1,,,,aa, _t..., Y ;. :, .. ;ace' e"..)-7.l.liiVili;:3-'.; ‘.*a_a v! t 3Y :~~:.L. ~, PIAXOS IRRAD WRY 1 .131?..A=3U111 , 13 lA' LD I I AL " INT CO EC: riG" tad" mod Posnang: AM% 4217 TONZD MOTILIIMINTEI toanutatturod m U.. cpuuts7. iltikuvr PRIZES • , 1 • 13.5.1 1 red within • month 4 644 74rkitRicati I *L ire are aka nests kreJlcitemacker k Lod Boards= k Gulfs kshoo 'esselltent • no., ttnd 8...11.4 Ar. IL Battles llielokszos tout Ilansoni- Was. 'Pemba &Wise 'Visitor ...Id-• 'sited tocarl.deramtnebefereporchasingetsevher.. Among Ms, 'utteloii B'l.lmb:sad the. bits& Mint. ID Nls viclolty us take pleuts c r . b remiss Alleurturisol.Esidouti, giot. AU Vi /It7Gd.4 Mr& IS elisEA• &alai; Dr.losint !ll.eotlOtock,4l7loesetetyteq.,Elllobaulltard. ityriolils titan, Esq., ' Dr. Hestat -1 toc,ll/. SUBw._ It e rrtiq., itud•ltss. Blackouts., Pitt. Buret.' 'A Assentstetror fire yam with etch tsetse. 1" L • WAI=IK &WM 11. Agents Por Paskoigkitist IrtStais r Ps., • I$T. (NAIR St" near 1114;:b Mid, 4 1.••=iLmott.pemit 01. u...1.140a. anP on jA COMPLETE LOWLY: Cluroprizin warty O. Thooltnd. Memo of A, N. 0- •MU Si I, For only Ten Dollars. lito'rorriirigiOOroirid . .gu;...t.i. ' ..a and lorto,A -Oozy laillrpootablo to Alm* ono wbn Atfl§ o 4o.cli* . cillO. !"/ *kV 4...fgrcttiii. l ptecoomisptol tolhosippliismAittiii , poDuacfac colbictko'inr tbToo c uatoiioo (poolfifia, Coot*Oovrior NAL' P.koriopa rt o oo GnOw' Tine frtr,i - Iffttliol6; L:aff•ofia, of saki,' Winds, Quote* DOM. tyllk Moo. Ammo. roamoot.„ TIM BOWAR:911, MAULS; A Oil:Lotion or r pinto Vocal Doti, with Pi.ao Accompoilinimit. SIPZIEATIO Fading; A colicction of Bony. Do Its and Trio% compiling the Woral Befittlesof bent Opolok witb Plano Acrompsalmest • litl . thaabove (a volumes) for $lO, or .logy at tIo) following mice.: Mtn, $2; Cloth, ELIO: 11. tall , Par We by I • ititiartuirm'A fewet Wood drool. kiIdOVALIp.--Ori the let of April we ,110. 5J nYyjki .ivransT, P"'"` :7111171it t s*ThL u Pp" . ... a *ugy st No. sI FIFTH Ir TREE?. 1 3.IL'ZOFFBILN & BRO., I. /mt. or Docker's Ptsace. N S , ABU' EXCEtilln : PIANOS I 1 A. no. conettleted- the BEST PLMIS MAIM Warranted elehis. espgip . BROS. 11. Y. P 1 NOS ere the eiteePeee Ilet•OWe'lsoc• elhealeaetry. t • 011111,1,07111 SLUMS, 71.11 b stmt. mbs CARPETS. OIL CL TILL tee. I NI'S PURIM sSEDlict , ADDED mornowc ENTIRE ST(OK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Lately hekl by F. 11:401.1STOCIL at;4lll.llukak 14.41. Int . • able, by the conoolblottneb to ottet tho ARCEST STOCK, Fq 10) TES. WEST, a r rare LO WEST PRICES Oliver McClintock tk 00. ?Ina STU ►e 4TH STREET Spring Stock of cAIz,P JUST OPENED OIL CLOTH q.ll ....we. ,P , !..*ai , /". of Inclow Shaths, etc., QUITE AS LOW AS ELSEWHERE At B'Callnm~ Carpet Store, W. 11751)0101 , UUUT. ANO COVIKRS P' Fine Embroidered Cloth Embouted Cloth, Victoria, • dw smottnu ei Just received ft O. NEW OAFIPET STORE 39MMOD, COLLINS & CO. VENITIAN BLIND VILIMMINGS, .1. to andortelmet I=l:3= 1111 1 0 V C..HP.ET , sm. pn. itz MoFAIUSI9I,VOLIANS a 'CO. TWOOD, RALSTON CO.; 711WinflotteennAusd Coast=len itircebsata, CIAIIPETINCIL IWO," at. .111131112PrNOT r=fZM CLAIJE AGEJMIL pKNBIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. - T. WALTER DAY, ' Soldiers' Claim Agent. LiCISNI6 By rag u. 1 acivrathittft ill 0;102 Ptah 11t.30 door Wide Oa 00.11044 • TTeiVirrnlr=fot*h 4 sted Ind tuclecgt44b4l4 07grars, the Court &Claw, W Ewan, Apatmants, and Paymaster Gentral, mhbince.44 Mm 166..4 .na.uf T..: claims Operpltretteadl 14 emitow - , . Y. A =I. tikIEERStOI,::- ; 14 sraurth it r.irt, UM* am. mr Pluton s rrearn, soutrrr. DAM Pit Also, ORD/ANCE *wrontis womity stunds UAH W,813/ileglii :2, -4 1 2 79.5 1 01" 1 7: 1 4... : 10 I`G6 Wit" 'Pittstagity Pa. Claim ken:UM 10111FTt•PSIZIk21011". 4146,111 1 0 51 , 41 limordad.: 1 1111LITiktir , MUMS, AVON 1 u.v.a. mon, max nava Mann of •I'M_aillaWte,eclAwted tb• tab. PaibiLLlatbkikumenitsv—,A, r i , sup on . — iii lll ll lll 4ll6llbaiiiima • 14 1 nh tit • 4:A4V— •-• - IJrauft.irrez. psuit&biur.. Insurante Co. of North America. PHILL DIVP NI A. Insurance Ca of the State of Penna., PBILADSLbBI♦ Earttbrd Me Inrarance Company. atill - lastirana lu the above old and rellabb cot. wart Can La ottaitud ea application to I=l ife,l7..dly . Bagslsree H.Uptims, 17 Water Amt. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., Or Pl/14DELPHIL. Cl.eonprwea /MO4 AutLarlsed ALEX. WHIhLDIJd, President. BAWL. WOHIE, tot Work. licCooth d C 0..) V. P. ILlstof devoirto teem* the paytoeut of MAO at thodeeth et the sateroch Pram to be pale ast. uy►ll7. 4r. .-1114 70 40 °°. 3 6: 017ii;;Ia.la "amnion may tak " ..poli 4 - 3:15, 7or 10 pamto. Hain for them. mud partioutaro 1.41 MW Hain to . 8.8. 131111111, Plttabore AVIA, Lab , ea Youth Woof, ffiutig•• BuLidthlt pIiENIX INSURANCE CO., OT IIIIOOELT tCwitir. r -..--W0,M 15 ;13wriamolim. 1 9 rr 1411, $321,798 11 u45ruw. 4 .—.—......._..n5.cas as Ms leisigoed taw Loan aptadoted Aga . al a Alas papalar aid mast& Cotapan,, sad 1. anal lasn. Tolltdra b4soral.l4. tarn. & S. BRYLN, AaJmy, 60 covaTu 6THEST, (Burk.'. Butldlng.) WYTERN INSURANCE COMP.( HT Or PITTSDUTtfiII, MLLE% Jr.. Pnsidimi. 1.115:112 AA' ArO4t, O&. Wen. vP sAint, PlAiltrargU. Suave tipsiest ail hair of Fen nal Afar*, A Home inatibstios tentspeti bp Director. ids ...a Isms is As otmostority. 4011 i NU en AM, mimed, by proinnsos awl libetliiy, le inicistals Aka Aorestsr Aldan arm km Asirmard, so ttfe.a. tho bd protection to Aar Wu dairy io tr lessotel. IL /1111er, Jr.. Andrew Ackley. James lltAnley, Alexander Ewer, Nathaniel llohnes. Delv44l. lam Aka. Illsnick. Apes J. Themes. Georg* bars* Beni. P. nehmen& tv bell Benno. Jabs B. Wean. rove , T. GORDON, gitentare. --- ninZgYS INSIMANCS COMPANY V OP PIITSBUIIGIL °dna corner Marken and etroeta. second Aunt. . - ICE:M=I SAMUEL nrat.s....e, lurarse etremehows aturCargoen Inswer - ndreet Wet sad - thump tatty* 6.11pri013 at the Southern wed Wateart BLOM Leh. Win 8a am,uun the a..fptba of Out Sou. Tatum maims Uos mad &me. h 7 Sr. & It Kier. Jobs BIIIptBB. James M. Coup... S. IlarbanO t J. 041.1.81, Juba S. Mem& VAL a. ladprs. dalCtlyd Ix. 0.101...t0. 0 Java, Otto. - Flo.T:11. floe.,l96rclay Prrese, filmuv pEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, Office. N. R. corner Wood & Filth St.. FEU AND liailairE INSIIB.&NCIL 12111SCTORS Jam* D. Vonset Wm Phillips John Watt. W.ll. U.J. Jobs Z. Park, ,ttolditt a. Wis. Vas litrit. &twirl P:Sbrivvr. Georg. P. Jive*. IM'at2! Pratideal. WATT, W. Proisket,„ jet] MMU AILFAIENNY INSURANCE (=I PANT OT PITT3IIMiGII. 0 N. In Intl gavot Bea Block. hastre• Agida AU lands at Tire AM !dui. Maki: ISAAC JONSI, Preen... 4 1012 - D. WOOS., V.. Amid Look John D. 11cGord, Capt. Adam Jan)111, B, B. Starting, Isaac d . 0. a, ItierhttLlC 0 4 . 3 141; trff?i, Jr... U. L. ratmaitwk O . W . We!. Doi., Ilobt natl. FAMILY DYE COLORS rATUTID OUSOBIit 14U41. 4 a Rots: kind. of W4l.rid BMWs". • • Oar A SAVING 01/ *Mt CTINT.I* IWO crate low can rotor Sr many seeds so walla othowloo nod too Maw that ans. Varian obadow ma be yanduced Bros tho siunadys Tbs. pronoso la dray* sad any ont• eanSwo tho Os with portant mamma a c la Barloh, trench. sad Garrison, ibutdaor melt rack*" • for faith*, information is Bloinn. awa &Mb; a parka Intywhdp*hat cobas aro lona adardad to nye aver others, with nun, valuable vrcip.,&kurobawr Bows & Stoma' Vaasa. an Braun • loloing. Bent by moil on wrist of prire-10 eonto. Ilastielwtarod by BOWES STLITICILI., • • fiGn Broadway, Basinia. For oda by drangtoto sad &slots generally. sallies gOLDIF,RS' POCKET -ALBUMS Soldiers' Portfolios. Soldiers' Ink Stands. Soldiers' Pocket Books. Soldiers' Diaries, for 1864. 60 STYLES OF PHOTOGIIILPH ALDUILIL 200 ISTTLNB OT POCIET.I3OO6B to nit.= or .01411133: rausa4. 10 STIrLIM Of CTIMIZNOT HOLDXII.I. AT - PITTOOK'S, AT PITTOOWS. OPPOIIITZ THIII POST OITICIC. o,teosn. ins POET 017104 Books.!Statiotory and Newspapers. ESTMILISHED 176 Q. • PETER LORILLARD, imumemAxununnum' is Ant is CSAItsJ pianr. (forinerty 41ChOutut "net, nem Tat,) Weld cill ttaitteatior of &Wall 6 therattrdes of W inernifitetem " lionsl4. fine }Lipp" CM___lterden, Ainerfcrizi Gautienen.Diritstret, ft9l,7lFiluti4 nachit,tri &etch; inch Toad- Inest'er Bendy Deirlicetch, flesh tiormy Scotch. fresh Attanticati ' s =lied to the Indy reduction In urkee of MAW_ Churl* end ihnoktuu tobienTOrair7b; r.wo." 4, o , —corranr• - • .4; vo. I.Bq.RNoplcad9mte a.;, ,qlten One;tin—r. A. L., on paid , . Went Wa en Sweet ihreel .anted Onnerto s hnndbhi esscoas-41. ai). sads. Hut • . a. 11..-4 write ar,F 1 .7. 1 o.4Vav: TONS 1311ORTIO?: TONEr 'SW worm,ooll.2lUTortikke -- Tri dadiEd tnarnlig KNOX NO Übettr Arlie y~.5.~ si% as No Mr .I,l4.4"l7FalleTVßEns, c DRUF I ENT, 13Rilte53 WOR - 16, - capthr m °Raw-souk of sivq, vaziet7 of ilzaskel BRAES WOBI TOE pranrareA , BTL&E cIAB FITTERS. ILACHILAISTR,A3fD 'COPPERSMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS. - of all AMotriptlooi;m to . order. STEAMBOAT WOOS, STRAW AMIGA& FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly orot Portia:du attantSan paid to , flio/LIT Er 'Jr-. RIES YOU COAL AND CARRON OILS. " CrARLF B 0,441;fiLF.14..1 L. ? z r ai .k 6e , -- # I 4 . cO I FY I4 # O A *.0 I *Ati . ~ ...•FPc - 4.AI 2 D 7 P,DILPEPI , .z. 4.: c.-_-,; -,r 1 kW &alexia all_kladificorniarr riouaciii , ::. , a ..-''' ' • . 40 m illflgin'iliftgiV`..2 4 ' k ' sr 7 Pirtsirokitg'ir- '3 FIJCCRINTOSII; lINCIPLUMLL & co, i.--k— u -.-.---" ' - -4• -.' -.— Balsdgeo — ts Sir sylunis Wr .tbso sale a KAMM 41,13SPATZ OWB PATLIIT ITYPITON PLJ P, tb*bpa el= vented. listing no tarn ft Leos MN.; to - Wont &order, and 101 l thrown:Lon wear tWn.67 pomp W. 11. ItAIIIIIrta IRON CITY' WORKS. nimosm-mmmeomtm °""'" ur P4k, ..u4. 0 . 91 gArft. 4.4 (Err City Wator Shamtsetwers of ether ENGISIS,• 801.1.1.110 111114 OM/111GS suul NAOSCINSILY, o MILL NAOSINf all kinds, and pm* jobbers. ". • Prooas aftalMi tb ficilrfbirSOLLlSlG T. • • jolter ma vaiur FOROB,PLOW WO/ 463. E! ermmimuou,ps Itbeaufactorere aad dealers In the dliierett of PLOWS, PU)W' CA.9"IIISGS; SCOOPS, VDT , ' TM! BOSICIA to.. With liTently loorealaelbeit , ties for debts boekap l / 4 ateeesentead dA.O.Akl!)oldit. give ea ealL Ittabory, Temsentaccolle. Warehoaao,Lbolbfallett'arar D r7Wtfeb: . :lll2 ..1141.1e STSPlllibi WODS, JAS. JAlROAtilf:' • 84dT,1) - tAnic)mis - fxa' . ivoi • PI7TBAMIGH, PA. , ~. ` PARS. BROI`IIIII. Wasat6ctmwSl BIM' QUALITT 11131liND QUIT STEEL. Moses, not Mod Octitgoa, of AI Idea. irdrrotoUsi pm] to any Imported or omanfoctrodlo offi. Jimui lzl2ll2oand ITE SECOND STrrrre;rircit;nrittr. fa • llarl BRITANNIA AND BRASS ',NOM/. COLLINS & WRIGHT, Macomb. to Orb Troy/ton.) nut nfacturers of CASTOR TRA ETES, HUGS; MPS, LADLES, Rod & great variety or BRITANNIA artlels. Also, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS and LAMP BRASS/D3 . souvralky, No. ID) &laud olnpat, Pittanugli. ALLEN u COMIC& & CO..A V.u.tarr Ire.san.rePisaborgit, Pa. 114 , WarekOnse, 391 LIBERTY #Tltkrt, Manufsetscrers or COOK; PA.lit.kolt NIYTIEVP.; [NG STOTICS: PAILLOILAND KITCEIRN °RATIO: BOIL. LOW WAST.,sle..s4 , olnonGiss•Mootk ing Mill Castings. Mill Ceasing, pas, Water and kr- Wren Pipe, Sad irons,DeirTionfOrsenn Doses. no gar /reties, Palkys, Mangers. OarWheelai Mop aod Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and blachina Coatings aside to order. Parceled - Pertible' with ntoaso or Rem Power. . anl.4.liend RIDDLII &• W., Din 21.5 W E Liflrty Meet. opposite bixth, Isttuht, umoufssturen WELTPS, L'ollflol stair SATI . PM fit and NattE. army eloscripttun of LEATflirallitALDlal Orton tolleitol from the trade, and good prompt ', 'hiPETd n! l g stcocOuru . _ n & W. BICNN FAIT, Munofactorerti of - .1.1 Want STONE Cailfht .od 06E201 COI, °nal WAILS. • Oboe and Warthume at No. 71 fling swmat Pittsburgh. DRY GOODS Jona In...A—Tram WILSON,VA,IIII W., (um Wasaa, Pow t (b.,)•• • Wholesale dealers la TOZZION AND DO)I.ENZIO DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood street, third haasir above Diamond slim Pftbtretertt. • ' sTIDAt ust% U. Lax.--.). .W.imor....—ta Time LALICE, IicABOY •8: W Des in rournrCeiatostiviTtenlrrtoom, Im Itaiendurart, (orcorpl clout-Wow am .Nuts lak•gh.D.7 City. __ . _ — ,„ m t .l9ily EATON, MACRITM - &-00., Wholegrkle aral , getail Dieters hi 7111.111111SCSOMMOI. DBIIISB and DWI GOODS. of .-44.alPtion. Nan. 17 and 19 Ebb rtma. I'lttab=rgh• Acituat & GLYDE, .Wholesale and Retail Dealers to 11.ANCT KND STAI7LIL PUY 109D9, TINISNINGS, tc., No:1S Zahn[ rtraat,' Di pond sad' Fourth Pistsharth• M. BURCHFIELD, (enceeg.or U Burchfield at M.} Wher e and Idotall Webs to NYNP.LIII.ND NANO! DUX. GVODS, Northeast earner of Yoarth atot Rarest streets,l7ttsburgh. adaPll. HORNE,' Wholcaslo and tail Dealer to all kin da of 7:BINDINGS, DDT GOODS, La, No. Tr and 70 Ihrtet itreet. TAP. BAUKER, Dealers is cal . hinds of DIM GOODS, Ifo. SO /Wirt Orval, tem.= Tblrd'azl'rrortli: flifollatrek. P PALMEE, NO. 84' \rood' B. We. t, R . Detail. th HAW 1111111W'111111. DINGS, mad 5T8114 , 000119 caaeraldr: ; : Aarii Yep. ..12118,1C, lcc. ID V MO' MID 111181rAt • INSRIIIEMITS. '1 1 61.1 .4.1 kw KILOS. D.'S PLOMS. , :IIA WES PIANOS, and PRI/WE Cal .BIEWAR ptis. Ng. 13 SUn, atreet.serund dcwr rittabtrith. Pliaoi to lot. .uet t.r.n to marine for de..' Pa7l•l • 14 . ICLE:13111 &BRO.; De loin SW AND EI7SICAL INSTRITITYIt7A," sole.tvrati Tor STYLICWArtI CELEBBATIKD Tl. &NOB, Neb3llllthAmt.PlttpbargA.. . my= OELARLTII3 C. .DIELLOR, Dealer' in mildonecrse, Nix 9 ITWKIA4 Wawa Toartbstreetqaut Dlun.cld dlos. Plttodec . . rREVERANINVNa 53 'NV/mm.2+r.; Plliabaratt; ourothetarnr.of 8011.101 B.114:113, WHOUGLIT, E1P1.6123.e.am0a aad rai1F0.4 0 (..T3 dadrlptloo. Parting. dud or odlsped SPIETS aad m VILTS, largo or cmallosuula W. ord.& at abort notice. _• • adortroord comdastlyda baud, mynas ,gz^rolt:~l - s smarts, Q. & 8. .0. BCHOY.EII,. AttarnapH4e... Lam. Mai, Tomik aspotaittawal6. ,xn. . . M E. lerrosszes-Av—aw. • OZ. Nei. 150 ro TEL BTIMICT,Tit bburek• DUD& it 011T0413. e V, grzustricr WIND. UMW", and other kegaile•tnimento 04- _ XTEN BACX)W, Sit) 8 11.0 '.1.11 • ASD S v 0. ILAILS for sale by CF 3D L. CALDWELL, .1411 with TIM was! Mintet street,. G RE ASE -21 bbis. landing:Troui stuatn wblui • *. , - met lailT/IrDWATT nth BARREL. PAINT,--10..barrels Annan! taut, • Superior . .. Aldo far Oa Dar, rgral . H. COLLINS. IXSUILA JrCE AGJEJr7rI3.-`' OABDINEB COFFIN r . Agent. ;for Jer • tw ni ine. sisiw phis utd 1R•Ilaaa• Imanuua Ckaapanisi. Nora:me. comas YiNcoli.and, TON . 441._ NVP.JONES,--Agent plorth America., . two or Nitsihma... / 1 . 12 . 1 ' ants Compatika,ll7 Wala / . A.fIJEL UlLi;Secretsty Citizens'in k, al ll,e.•():newt,T, emu. emu. Motet and 39sterVa. ' WEDON,S friEtiore rilireitori4 • stutisi•Moilipsay,(•Virater . s .' iprlM,.Secretqy AltesViiirt .. OXON 'JOHNSTON, -- Deularitt 3'UR la DIMS AIID -artmeAts, - rmtnisicy , PAWN GOODS, unumsra YLVlD‘OlLSOTAll lLYaismatuars,arert,ao.. adetAr amaltel whirl X* 07.42 sta vices. r. - t .ad roma GMD, inDur6 l4 491 c0i1:4;..,,i350il hoot: who. 4 / 6 ^ D. atal4A6l74F "63117/ MD WWI littrE,l . .i x ! itl lV Go: it" IfoxiAt_ - • ,ecc, WA O. JOIniSTON4 gagMatzk otccei. in itreocritaxtrgli: -*eV 'MITA iiatt ti va Is_ N9,1 ,, W _area. oat door so thioirswi , of To,t rti aib4 - nor Danis ~~~h "L i • 1.100171- 44 So 6" , Lead 414mfontro:ind oolobv -.4%/b4P*l GIIO4VERIE.SfPRODECAk rpHOtt L Mcobvet.i , ktilk Iroodi.`l k44,V, , Jual. counasioN ?filmy:frit* - • () l oxia seri Brain, and Presides's. ~,-• s . .t.tKettoK- K t. mine purchase tad 1116 '' ` a suof, gapxraIIiEI2PATEWJAIBL. x': 7 , ,--:, 4 ea WOOD erst Err, piihniv s t ! ,*, ~ ,i 2, ., 1 7 _ tob — k — Al AIIiErVON, , "[lna or Dpi fittrllernal4l rtftign-- 24C - 6.:i1 - 471;d1 - iii, 7 031110.4 • ' n N IX)XALI) 4. Al t l ii k MS A' Wl,.ol4 t... 2 Vsia szid 10r, chatttc PI/Wain corrar;2l.4).sucas are law LASSE-B. ILF.FIXED fiIJOARY3 &SYRUPS, FLOrt - ITA I'4 TOBA - CIX3, - 'lllCric' ' CB Es'! gv rt9i 0.4 Nce-; 32 ..VP1: 44 . 4 14! , “ty-for.te , ristft= r. -A4130011111781110N E2IBIANIS r . 41J f 2128 11116:111g: Vet. , entrltlt...4olEVALWaltrealtlere-ne ceS ' 'EltdilliN.4BllFA'SßD Com- • • kiftAtititltiere;kant,a6llittekhit frro,itkatilita An 0419! .I/B Oaks rLopt/.13fien7.1;1:011144 . F.c. , OTATOKEI,.and Astlnes genetgily, Sto lalskiYittas , iii ppatim Ammar, papor,/iitttirstiii ti I Deferent, rdr, 'thr. Atria. * jeateGatrteltr,Dttirbprele • . /*lst k tit4tlnwill.' Van Brant &Co., Pltitalla.: a acemmu l / 2 •sl. , l4taloi.kliklair kit-AkitstAii- 9 tanforl t. Latta'. Ointianitt. .ranDIF, iu rACKEOWN,A*TANHART i ' Intesiktumusosc racnnialswolkwasnolo, . Iticacutista, Out min a mt.., Orin, Poittlim ton, 'UNA :Dotter, Mgr, Clammy • ikami Tkllisk ,, • wima t ,, yomktr,, Act and reed , Saltrittas; Llikeed Sid Lae Otts, stild'Unteit " Fratiattranter, Flax and kb= StkitS' eash adraitostnente mulct on Consignment , - , t• Ne.-I.sll7.dboriv 12Ah g' VAN-GtiRDER,v • ' - Proci4cP.CAP/#O I .O O A , 3 ierS4/ 2 441 ^.° Dosler In rtora, eurres, BII.OOAIB, EMEA , 'ZZ LARD. caress, POUR. 'DRIP ANPAIR I'ItVITS, - "atid Waco tatterilll7. Litxr.l csdaAdnursco on colneizusartdi. WHOLESALA 210. 271 TABEIVIR STIIEL`r, Etertug perhosso;i the irster.et'ef hie lateitittitteinh erLIJ extetinteithe buetroesPet the 016 etend,ethd,,M-. 0 0 rem; to twelve the petteoute of , hie ett Woad._ ICINSON, NA TE - 138 &VIL 11sAmsArrs,„VlsiAcialo4rale&la , Wrn ,,, dL , ShUVE MEESE, DRIES E RUITSjEUTTER, EGGS, GRAINS, •Artn prnittr., gmeWlT._..A.bdeCt s ERATEIEII, MOWS, OILS. *co 130::2 1 7.,-,141WAY7- Chlreash acivanoemmis.l6.l4*. 'netted. _ - 01.1-4.1/ I*. r, occa ynlDr. 111liTC116.1 WM. .r._I3,ECK & Cp., Ka. 185 1.111-„ ny gtreei, Plitaburgh, P.., R'lioTnuldtiro- Cotymiulan Stlercbarts... , 4l dadeti32 MC PILL/LUCE, PILOVISIONS, BACON, LAID, BUITV.IWECCS., CHT.F96IYLSII:It , PIIOI O IICK'" fliM.l'tgLl l. -MT1 3 .13?"..E1" 4 n._ • LA:tie7l 3, -.-' pANETRSUN • _ . • mum TbSION IrLoUR AND DRAIN, AM ' ll : 6 t , veg " ' <l. , „tiata,,lld.-1 , ..W00D i 21114 , 3 , 410:41 , ,,1, ^ , J3HN i 3. Ii NFLELI); FeWAvoitaa.DitenAsTland wtokrialwiteslir,tiA WESTBILN rtcvr It YE CIIEISN. SUTTEI2,,DAZD, POILLIIACON', - PDOUII, - 1 , 11311, - POTA_ AHREN, dALEBAIT4I,,F,IN;.E),I3,, AND , LASIDaI VMS, LIIIND vr.urr, lamt Prodnoem,Cralty;l:sag. _ Hl tanll43 . PriiitatreeLt • • Aka __— EMU?. TIUMALE, Whoksalo Ai sna C.:RALidRa, ID,clisats, '&OM PRODUCE, 'IAMB, BACON, CBAWSN, CARBON AND LAM) OIL, IRON, NAILS,ODARN COTTON .-YA RNA, -Asa' Eseaßetxtroce,Alstantrer...,,,, _ _ Rrnreft s. teliarner Ander Aos .):I?.kor2A,Desteta TOBSIGN YEUITS, AND 002t rurnosztor, SOGASS,IIIIB-WORKNite4S.tr , .. 126 sad LD3ypoct.cfeet...l!.F• ru:4!.r4Yb .; 'ram* - • • 4.....t.ert1e • • • •-•,• • LP_ 6c BILE P RA:CW=OO • i1i13.1.41F11 end dealers h FLOPS, °BAIN. , IlLl'Llbrety dlr.:it:N= l / 1 011bl J• • Chola, wend. of no. t Bake. and Yamil7 Oei - aenstantly mt hand. rartl:illae - atllan tta' • • Wag medneafor Uscetosecoin. =peony. _Watt . 11 LEECA7 • Own rumba ALSO Cotrieresure Morns= tow the Woof =MTN, SEEDS. CIICDTPa• IPSODUIDIN dc.• and vent Or the celebrated be Mama Cie 11G • eleaead and lib" ref dinid4s.ts , t.vos Wood aid litedthtlidal. Flue ih. : sea eaten a town HLADMETZWIJI, Grpceie bud c•amminton blereicarefe,ea ill all kintle. elf 'Country Produce and JI•lt h Hatmtertores, • j So. tu-.l.4beri , area, ?mod bead el Woad itteel,. Pltttbarktb:" ' • ' '` Mat?"' _ - (11 EA,..1), ../ONke./., SON, .Wbalesalo. %A 0r0... and Bost Yarn loiwra. ;.That L'ILLA.IIOFre, OAICUM, sad , Pigt.l burgh osanufactrani Zia Ith Waer atmrt.. aboVithe , ' Plitatret: • DoBERT._ skALZELI. .t CO, .Whole, IA, sale Grocers, Commission aid YonSuratiti 'thaws, ork4 &sle to Producoand.rittaborgbotin. , --- ufictures. Libert d y' amt. Pittsburgh.- Commission .L.•end W hukealeDukeliTLOUP. ittd 0 VATII; No.2‘sll , Gibrat7.most...o/. o • , rcowlitid . Pananigrr Deprn, ?Manuel. F. bi4F3kge W. tiosut.:enrorr Wiapte and Patna ifteole. raiz 111117112.-.11 , 1/44144 y *TIPTON Sc CO., Whole -1-t Cioctr. Prixbiedjtenden; o.lllllSitt"''' ftttla•Atittittitta.. • • t Ai' I' 'WILSON 'Who're - IWe tem Cemyettniorr .IfectuaLt, sad'detienr Producer awl / 56, erty .unet, l'ittegagb• iiirrmfterar, fososiv., r ,INDSLY. do TELFORA.L.WItaIepIa amt Baal OU00145,PL01711: Wirt P LAWNY DMU9:IST Inert, stren;l9Thibtinh. -- • r. Loa C.CHOBrAIOr "LAllG;"*Coinzitatitoc ;" .14.7 -Manures and, *holm]," MIMS, FLOUR, Cllati, ITODUCE, to., 80. Liberty street, I.lculborgh.' - 4. LIGGEW do QU., CITY -y40013,. u mums, car.: Libati;:Jind "Afts.l - "Meets; Pittstrcat• Ps. - •• • - • D 'A & SON, Maim ac; J threes irwactron4 .bar ClotaraDemi - 4 %w rheum for the portage - shd-sale of CRUM` AND PZTEOLINW, N. S 9 Sad 79 Water etteet,Pittabn Agliattcesirselibit'eirealgameatk, WU. ti • ATEL1C1C:...;.;..... -. ....:.........3016 VIIICTATIMIC.:, 4 . icri cP.I.IaICiCS•teBROTIJIIIi,:anb.% -.3 V U. moors to Etrovo-It Hitirpatrldav W21.01.4:'-:. Naa.l9l and la lO?ortiytriat.._ ~ raFFM--WARE, HOUSE.4IENRI:- .1 it. commiB,7 -. .gli.r.llnx•ild COOssiladoll Vex.::' atINIL Will &War 4.11 CILEX.?t,_ turr,'T.a.sic . -- .: '11.313, and Product, gettena.4. 1Ca n ,...F 04 .4 tttoti." :, above Wtoor, YittaDorgh. ' ' 1142.7_ , - fEFLLAND MULE, Ertiehetcsor tditszi • Veal! le Sou, Nei- llia LAWN, • 91,444 ItlsL , tomb general P.BODUCS, 0110CIIIIT AND .0431.. aussiax • urwmurr, vot.kn cont. - I , dr TSAU.K.DitTY.Y. , a iii),, svm: --- 7 . 4Tifi... :1 , I-1. ilirocoth CcaoallOiloa Itrtchaata, ..1 .eider. . I. . trodnn,-N..-co W•us oxen and C.I. leant:anti* 0 a - Pittitoozh. , , . Ic mom. _ 11 - 0111 v FLOYD - it - Co; WhoTegaleil p callaad.Comaialion.Mettivootkigel-124.WM1,0 mid.=lll4berry ate Plttaurgh• ' 2 InDLMI r rd,. :V 3 ,19 M, Nice** ) 7_, itriamar nai...1.00..,) PONE PACClMaxiirZa lastecto-PROVIIII,:p 4_)_l, and Nmsl.4 - ytreete.Plttibdigh; son&Towsliodj PONE IrAo636.aableilla Or In PILOYISIONS, No. 12 !mirth inset,war taty;lletabtavtt, Eaa!al LCO.,succomeari to (11: PLODIICZ AND COMMON' KLitoll4lll%. Liteetratrert. rittabargh.. "litrtietTAWWTEM 08 8 ` :7 -1• • I D Comto 1401 C, seraotilLt .u.rehmtwounLamyayi isi PILOTLOIM: 1/O.ODr..WOOL, O.IIAIB, tr.., Mr. Is Entithlfelor 404 ptnot ,„ k . , - • . ory.ral: _EsAWARD HEAZELTON N i {-C6 O- ru:i or it: ate. vmyQ _3 •411. ~. _ -.~. w~ . y yam' ~~~° \~afE.-`LA~`istt~w'~:rA~~~ ~ _ .:. I iMMIII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers