The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, February 10, 1864, Image 4

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    / / pWintrgit dazettq_
From Yesterday's Evening Gazette
The Late Railroad Accident near
Washington—Veterane of the Met
• Regiment injured.
The following are the detail. of the late
:,klafititi,d'accidenh near Washington;iogetber
with a list of the injured. It wilt be seen that
moot of those who wore hurt belong to the
gallant tilt Pennsylvania Volunteer., and
were ;MAL returning from their homes in this
comity, to the army :
On Saturday morning a locomotive, draw
ing five ears loaded with lumber, fell through
the draw of the Long Bridge. On the train
were a number of re enlisted men of veteran
regiments who had been home on furlough,
and were returning to the army, and availed
themselves of the Met down train to proceed to
Alexandria. The draw of the bridge hod been
opened to allow the passage of a vessel. The
oflieer on duty at the bridge, Sergeant Whit
ney, let Regiment, Invalid corps, seeing that
the engineer did not notice it, took a flag and
proceeded up the mad, waving it all the time.
Per some cause he mold not attract, the atten
..- don atlas engineer, natal the train was with
in ten roads of the draw. As soon as the Mg
.Dal was noticed the whistle was given to down
brakes ; but it was too late. The engine,
tinder and two ears were precipitated in the
opening. The fireman of the train, Isaac Co
bell.Jumped off the engine fast before it went
down. The engineer was carried down with
the cars. A number of soldiers were more or
tong iiiittrad. The following are the names o
the kitaA and wounded :
Levert!. Perkins, Co. H, 2d Vermont Vol..,seri
ously Injured. died after being taken to the hospital.
Wm..Weiteneyer, Co. B, 61st Peuttsylrania Vole.,
mss and mouth bully Inubed_
Chris. Roemer, Co. 11,61.1 Pennsylvania, right leg
badly mashed, amputation necuesary.
Malian A. AMR honey, Co. It. 3d Vermont Vols.,
rlet ... leg m bevelly . ...7sr,r e tn t tago . n .. n y erssa i Ly l / 2 .. 1...
right arm broken.
resvmust NV. Gorman, Co. C, tint Pennsylvania, leg
badly braved.
Jonathan Tsunit, C C, Olst Pennsylvania, fuse
bruised and ens, 'preened.
Thomas Bost, Co. It, Mu Pennsylvania, arm and
breast bruised.
Adam Relater, Co. C, 61st Pornsylvanta., thee.
J. P. Gage, RI Vermont V 01.., badly braised In
Matthew Hopkins, SI Vermont W.A.., shoulder
The wounded met were conveyed to Ar
mory Square limpital. whore every attention
was paid to them by the officers in charge.
,lismicide in East Birmingham
Another mysterious affair occurred In East
Birmingham on the night of the 26th of Jan
uary, resulting In the death of Frederick
Zimmernian, a tailor, residing in that bor
ough, en Brroday afternoon. It appeare that
the deceased had been to this city, on a visit
to his eon. He then returned to Beet Bir
mingham, and when within a short distance
from his residence, he was attacked by two or
three rowdies, on Canon 'Ernst, and beaten in
a horrible manner. Hit Anil we. fractured,
apparently with "knuckle:a," or some similar
ersapon, and two or three stabs were inflicted
en hts neck. He was also bruised about the
face and arms, and was left in an insensible
condition. lie was discovered by some per
sons who censored bins home, where he ling
ered until Sunday afternoon, as above stated,
when death ensued. The cause of the at
tack remains a myrtery, and the perpetrator.
have not yet been discovered- The deceased
was a married man, and is said to have been
(inlet and Inoffensive in his manners. He
was about thirty years of age, and lease. •
wife nod family.
Lectures on the Atmosphere.
Last evening Professor W. C. Richards
gave the first of hls series of lectures oa the
philosophy and chemistry - of the atmosphere,
illustrated with many beautiful en? intere•t.
Log esparto:lents, in Concert Kan. He Is a
pleating speaker, and teems to be thoroughly
muter of hi. subject, white his apparatus is
.the most exiensite sod .vitoplete we have ever
seen. It Is rare indeed that each so oppor
tensity it presented for combining the acquiti.
tloo of calash:a scientific knowledge with
chute and elegant amusement. He had a
large and approci:iire auditory, who enjoyed
the lecture and exptriments highly. The sub
ject and the experiments will become more
sad more in ferreting as he progresses.
This evening he condone. the subjeet of
at mospherie prustre, illnstrated by no mesons
interest, g and curious experiments.
—An effort is new being made to extend the
Brie Railroad to Alba my, along the valley of
trio Wallkill. It is proposed to learn the Erie
Road at Oxford, and go by Washingtonwille,
through Ceidenham to Walden, then to Kings
ton and Albany. The route bas been cur
ward, and it is said the farmers along the
lino bare agreed .o subscribe liberally to the
stock. One single, manufacturer at Wa den
is willing to incest $4 0 ,000 in the enterprise.
The Fredonia Craw learns that a project
Is in contemplation to connect the - Atlantic
and Great Western Railroad with the Lake
Shore Road, from the southern country by
Mayville to Dunkirk. Should such a road be
constructed, no doubt a vast amount of oil and
coal would find transit ewer this road to
Discnanomi.—Joineph Scott, the young man
who was arrested a few days ago on a °barge
of abduction and reduction, has been dis
charged, the charges having been withdrawn
by Mr. Laughrey, the father of the girl. The
daughter of the informant has returned home
and assured her parents, as well as the Mayor,
to the moat position terms, that she bad not
seem Scott for several days before she left
home, nor had she teen him since until oho
mistbim at the Mayor's °Mc. She also assur
ed them that young Saott had never male the
but Improper overture of any altimeter to
her, and. et the *arms time that she had been
abduoted from hour, by no party or parties.
Igo T7so Ca xi.—t special dispatch from
Major General Janne 8. Nagley, dated Leeds
-"VIM, Feb. Bth, soya: "The gallant few of
the distinguished 71th regiment of Pansy'.
Tanta volunteers ero en route for their „homes
avoreterana. I sincerely hope that fro eitleena
of Pittsburgh will 'sip:preciato the glorious
reeord of these brave men, and give there a
generous welcome."
BAD Casrax.rv.—On Saturday, the 20th ult.,
eilbert L. Cos, eon of Wm. S. Cox, of Wins
low toornahlp, Jefferson county, was sod
dentelly ornthed under 6 stick of timber,
which wee being healed to Sandy Lick creek,
and lettaztly killed. The deceased was scarce
ly twetve year, of ego.
Bootleld and wife, of Brookville, were v , sitad
on Friday last, by o large number et friends,
and presented with money and gouda to the
amount of t 205.
TIMIL4II Piga; Plain and . Ornamental
Slate Rector, and Pennsylvania and
Veranct date otthe bast quality at low rotas.
Once at Alex. Laughila'a, nnar the Water
Warta, Pitlaburirn, s
Geortn & Banna's Stelae htecnnses have
obfalned the highest premium at every State,
°musty, and Institute Fair held in 1803; at
the bat family and the Lest menufaeturing
tatoblne.,..and for tt.o Lest =chine work.
A. P. Citsrmairr. General Agent,
18 Fifth straat, Pittsburgh, P.
To a person whose hair is becoming prema
turely gray, or falling otf, the investment of
a dollar would not be a groat consideration
to restore the one or prevent the other, end
many there ale who would most cheerfully
...taiholielerestruest.but for the risk of buy
ing a worthless, di/agreeable article. From
what we have heard of the merits of the ife
parwsator, cold byy 'Simon Johnson, corner of
Smithfield sod Fourth streots, and from what
are brow of gr. Johnson's character for keep
isgasose but-tbe beat of goods, -we infer that
the ItejureastOr is far ahead of say other hale
reatorer 'yet Introduced, and seldom 'fails to
render satisfaction. •
-tem:trot the rystom incidental to the change
of diet; Wounds, Eruptions, and Exposures
whieharery Volunteer is liable to, there are
no moodier so earn, convenient, and reliable
Pills end Ointment are now re
; tellod,wwing to the high ce
&nit, .te.,
at Micente, 20 cents and $l,lO per . box or pot.
For ealo in Pittaborgh, Pa-, by B. L. Pahne
.s.)lVialeaito iii-Fult9e4 Dreg Store, Fifth'
AtokeuV e l ,
Gowns.—As a 'nothing pletoral, Brown's
Bronchial Trachea are advantageously em
illcYcd to alleviate Cough., Sore Threat,
Gaminess, and Bronchial affections.
affic,.. and Soldiers should Attar thorn,
o they can Le carried in the pocket nod taken ear
e.narian requires.
For sale at Falcon's drug store, Fi fth 'tract,
Fuer Receivers Lie Amurr roi BALL—The
line assortment of Fall and Winter Ciltilhing,
lately received-by !deism Sohn Wier b Co.,
Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al
legheny. The 'took of clothing consists of
the finest variety of gents' pantaloon', vests,
coats sad °Torments. The style of patterns is
tasteful and fashionable. We would Molts
all of our readers to give the above gentlemen
a null.
Seurat' 08,411/41 k CO., merchant tailors,
era closing out their fall and winter stock of
goods at a reduced figure. Gentlemen desiring
a fasnionsblo sad well made suit of clothing
world. do well to giro u. a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. SALURL GILAITAX &
Merchant Tailor., 5-1 Market street.
WAnanze, Jlwat.kT, aO.-- J. K. Hobart.,
Ho. 17 Fifth street, is cow opening the most
cholas stock of tine Gold and Silver Watch.,
Jewelry, Silver wars sad Fancy Gods !MCI
displayed In this city, and Is selling them at
remarkably low prides.
A tssoa stock of plain Mohair Dross Goode
Will be opened this morning at J. Finch's,
corner of Great and Fifth street, all of which
will be sold at low prices.
WA.1117.0 IMMIIDIATICLY.—S portable engine,
six inch cylinder and twelve inch stroke, by
C0.8.130/1 A' CO.,
St Perry'. Block, Duquesne Way.
Czoema out Ladies', Miases, and Children's
Fars at halt the oirual cost, at J. Finch's, our
trar of Grant and Fifth atreeta.
Bloc Aiwa in Gin psis, Oil Cloths, Rugs,
Door Mats, ho., at J. Finch's, corner of Grant
and Fifth sire. - ts.
BAL./101UL and floopskirts at low price., at
J. Finch's, Corner of 4rsiat sod Fifth etroots.
OINAT bargains in dry goods at J. Finch's,
corner of Grant and Fifth streets.
C. Bac, Dentist, 148 Peitz street. .ill et
teal to 01l hostranion of the orofossion-
eirrloitraGts otAimuri.
February 0, Md.
(}ll.llN—The demand for Wbeat 1, lees active, at
our milli, are pretty eupplird From wagon, prima
remain about se hut eLm.ted-1,40 for prima Heel,
and SI,4S(edLIS for Whim. Corn Jraluuns dull, and
there is no falling off la the receipts; ulna of ilOO bush
Shelled on track at $1,13, and TOP, In Ears, from
stars at 111,20. Ulla, Ls selling from wagon at SIX
for Spring, and 81.20 for Fall. 03 o—Sreui last mime
at $1,43. Oat. dell but firm at nischorigenl price,
..1. of X.) bush from wharf at tic.
PROVISIONS-48am. it ern, with a good {ral
demand at former rot!. &Lin at 934,39". e. for
lonlidera; 1114 for San, 13c for PLslo Ilams, arid
14344145 e for Boar Canal. Bulk.hloat.—oalo
1500 2n at Plc (or Shoulders. V; for Shire, and 10c for
Lrir.: If doll brit arm at lac for city rendere d ,
Men Pork is dont with 3n - on/opal null min at 22
WAS+) per bbl.
GROC2lll—Stic marker ho Corkd hmovolut
ezeind to-day, to nue-mann of private dispatclie•
from New York reportimg so 'dunce of from one to
•ea 0/111 • hall cuts per pound there. it.. wivan.•
thorew it ta bat lair to presume, will proolueo • cur
raspowilog result here. began an I 1131asse, re•
tun very lino at femur
/LW:U.—Th.. dour maxteg couliura ,utot nad
dull, Clt , or.lz luids an liesds u.lektang.o,l
uotea sale of 240 lists YamflT, from Ills do
nsuntr, brund--11.. 100 1,61.. do ••Star of
,11. %..d - at 1:,5o. By. flour i. nuchaued.
o'l2COLat narkartmat Dour—le tlft, p.... 1 sack.
at $4,0 car cvrt.
SC D3-Flat Seed Is dm 141,,,Ler, aala .1 9
b - 41217 ' u ad,44, add id bad& prase at U.SO•
Clover Steil Ls Ls sew. eat uterbased, rasps:
fro. SE 25 to ta Tit, a 7 dray
in I —I . -4i Hay cos tames dull sub. 22,
uL 1,2 11 . 1, 2 rar• Inns at VS to SM Yr
toe, f3r Gir , Low.. nay to at.uoi 2,02
aut. at US ed *IA
DRIED /RV IT ea 5....1
UV buA •p; la s !4. 4.4 beta ps••1•4
CIIELISE—Puna Lua Irlth.nit dam,*
Ealn KA azaurthaary iVe•t,ra 11.•••rwc-- wgo ou
at tlak market— at :1.
y lattb regular tel. at 111... fur 14:.-
wad awl t0..10.1,15 fur Lard Oil.
DYE ROODS.—Firru with .31., at for
Locrood, aad 17c fur Sda44et
AL(.I)HUL—is selling at front lt,rti to SI , M p.r
TDILPENTINK--rt ,teAdy et p+r gaDas
BEE6W.Nl—ranva fraixts2 to Yr por
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market
r.. a—There Is a tontinued good spot - Wats • • de
mand for Rafhted lu bend, sod the mark. -t
.8.4 at from n W 40^ —the inside bigots °resod,
and the outside ilgors mt..l We nom • ash, a ."em
Wits on the .pot—"K let's' brand—at Xt.:. Free tul
is quiterlost auction:ad, ranging from 47 to 4Dr, for
stn+ color to prints w kite, sal. of 100 bbla,
at 49c. Valero ts also, earulderabl• inquiry for Conde,
and the market is steady but without quotabls dung*
te primes. The following sales were rspreted-1173,
641 and 303 bbl. In balk at tar; SW 061. bbl. Into•
derb—el ith%r, fo h; and ZOO do at 754 c, fe b. The
nominal quotation for Naptha is 17c. Residuum m
utates unchanged.
Geld, Prices and Paper
The Near York Oveuevereiol shone that mace lb.
-or the rise in gold I. b 7 per not; in tree 125 per
cant; In coal Ile) per cent; coffee tal par cent; tape
200 per cent; tea Ile per cent; copper luu per cent.
Why bee geld titan least ' because the whole
community, Including the government, are dolly
offering increased quantltlee of paper for them, and
only, a mall elan, sit: duties payers and specula
tor. and insportem glee paper for gold. the paper has
no outlet, It is not exported, it .Imply elreniates in
Inertursed a..d cononeeztly tally in value.
New York Petroleum Market.
Especial Dem:arch to the Pittobargb Clusotts.
an Vont, Feb. P—Crode continues Ana and
price. area abode high.. ealse no tia• spot at 80 3
SOXF, and Much delivery 51c, buy era optioo. Ito
anel also, le tlrto, with eaten of bonded =tilt .pe
at 47346., and 4k for February, Marsh, April and
Dlay dellvory, bows option. Vl,* ell rule, tram
52 to .We, Naptha told at 9.,14 rat retold
Army Awards.
The fulloalng Important army awards ware mad.
on Friday last. by llayr IL Da Barry, Cammireery
of dabalgenea at tits pat,
Breve githi,—&) &co C? Ell Jahns= k. to. at
$1153, 16603 bl C D. &hair, Ulster &&a. at $llO,
25020 lb., C Shafer aalidar cm at $ll 211. Inn WO
C B .1 Halms at 1 76. IC DIP Da 061 Hook &
nhaner at $ll Cr. 72 02010 C Y Caradagbara & ban
.tsl2. 75 OM I>l.o E. Wigs", Swift Jt ac Sl2. 84
OM C H 61 . Keerhart & Erne at 512.
Bacvn fitasalders.-75 OM Ito Dacklagliarn li..
.h e r.. $1005; 50 000 lb. Drealut.Juhpaon &co .0
fe 07. 60 WO !bed Damara as $2 85. 35 000 lb. Keck
& Deader *tile. 20 80010. Win 018. R at 12 al 60
t's Oa Briggs, SwIH & to at 110.
liner Oared Ilunc—ie 000 lb. Cannlachant - &
non at 114 80.
Coo tba T co .t tic.
TO 000 lb. 0 W Rowland la 14e. MOO O. `Maar A
Aadreica at
Whits,Saga.-20 0. Illahop co al * 11,44.
/Warted C0198,-190 ot• Its .1 A Dugan a co at
SO. 190 000 Ito Brown. Bath.. & coat 142 44. 150
400 lb. 990.1 Ptc•tott • 11100 at 111 2ao CCP IDs
T F Tbletriald & 04 at 143 ry,
Golden 9yr94.-1 000 galtent 11 II Ithbop A co at
Hard Ert49l.-800 COO 16.11 Oa:lndent 14 98. 100
0001 M Hurdec* & Haight at SA sta 000 Ib Tartrip
awn at 114 98. 800 00016. W T Bowan at 14 04.
WI 400 lb. 0 13 Bennett at VI 91. 401 OM lb. P Mac
sa.t &cc at 114 931. 150018 , 16. H Tancts at FL 60
000 lb, 0 El Dm. at SI 41 100000 lb. Soudan I
Bra at IL
Rapt* k Panama's at 1 ISt.
Racatdtulattoo.—Raealt Rids* 057 000 Itts. Rums
Ebotaders 202 0001 b. Bow Cared listra 10 010 lbs.
Drown Rogoo . 5500001 be. Wilt. Sugar 20 MO It.
Roasted OolTee 414000 Ms. Golden Byrn:010M gab
13 ard Broad 2 700 OW lbs.—C2a. Vatette.
A. M. M'Creara Petzoleuzi Circular.
VieuxSoon, les.= IM4.
ef the vide 's., held, at the
Public fiei.a ha., en Wednesday hat, in order to
tuns • Ucomnittar to carr7 eat such nrawrome as
would mitigate the expensessadazosomire the tmle.
connected with the import and otrcutallon of the ar.
After the begiaalng et SPrn, it ta to be geld by
weight—bnyersare chiefly to do thalr owl cooperage
—point of Ignition W &wan and pray U consider.
edgeixl merchantable—. coloor I. to be &eldest by
etandard— and sundry other matters of detail, all
calculated too fate bunkum off Petroleum, which
haw, hither to so experulttly and eci olmoglettely
Owing to our elan stocks the wtrehmtiaa are
mostly empty. and adranraga le being taken of tall
to fle .11 motet rata pet barrel.
Credo is eery seam, and them are ready beyere
et *mustily, .4117, but tir Ip U mated'
&deed le tn etntagelaserid at la ltd to "ki, Imo
Weal. at the &Mar. 3OOO Casks bays been 'old
'this week. Spirltatilukerys nasallable:
finger end Kalame In Mir Orleans.
10.—Ths actin mamma letkli Lu prr
railed 41tirthi am Past - .. 1 1 was' 4140641 to-day.
nip butt; aupaadad.opsnttou ma Os landlng. :
ow, !try small Woof Saprwas .aid at vs;
chsagiV latritkr II; gammon. t to goo good elm.
rose'lo' : ate to Isally,fr ItitlVArt pilot ter
'sbctott. at sad :Ton*" sad Zetd=likri•
fild. cmh-11101.ffis ilitk.,ll:4
sea yin oar InAgl: bbik /Sio n :ray! -
66.444* -- 0.4
1013.;:- , _
sawlitilluoll *lsla
The Portage Lake Mines—Compare— I
Mire Statement of the Product of 'the
Portage Lake Copp Miner for 1562
and 1803.
rim= the Ilovgbcock Mirtn,„• Gazette. j
Ttof"llowing rtwo;wrarivl laSl. w show
am,* waw• tor the pant two years.
1 1533.
T• 47.. 2”. Ton.. OM.
-12-52 1433 117 2 1331
_II 5 1729 1031 752
M 5 11,1 730 13+
tauwry .....
Isla hoyaa...
uutnvekGrand Partaar.
217 1 , 63
611 14, 7 1.51
Jb 117•1 u Ida
Total .......... _ :01 . 2 12'.1 4101
Shoerim; an tnrreasis over list year s product of 1.. a
tons, 1662 The Nelliritheta.lll3^, the scar , ,ty .f h.
borer, the QuitiLy, Peatibi• end neocork mines he,
in , reesed their united produrt. , la.t
year 2171 tons 40` , 1... The Grand Portage, whir!.
yielded nothing last year, produeed this year Ile.
nandeome return of 217 tens, ft, [be. The et hien
which Is another new nape, sends in barrel stork 1..
the amount of to: tons. The ]t sensed, although
having raised A•enketletable hirrel an stet,. se,irk,
has had none of it cleariod, an I therefore mak , . no
returns. The united pr,aluots of Ti,. Franklin, Isle
Royale and Huron muse chvrea.ed :1.3 ton, ris.
Altogether the rimults of the year are Me di Morn
fa•orahle then we anticipittni in July last, when tom
presented or
half-yearty etateineot, the prod°.
then being In tone +burs a the umlaut In aerierm.
'wading period it:a yeer hef,re. Thu purity of the
mineral ismelted his been Increase. this ye,
alx.ut 3 per tent mating a further inert...eta 120 tone.
This 114 rho eletreCtiVO with the uniform high price
of capper, Make, the part par the most prodmhie
since the commencement or the mining operations
in the district.
The amount of inked tiipper .1144.4 from the
Smelting Werke dorlng the sensi.n of nerigatibli
1503, was 3,171,17.
With the exception of the Quitiry yield, all lbe
mineral raweil and cleaned In this district has hewn
martial at the Smelting NVorks. Tho Quincy mineral
shipped should therefore be added to [id., to obtain
the actual shipmeu le.
During the mason of 111,1/pi lou the de inry 'hipped
as lollows.
Stamp work 1 41;27u
Barrol work ..
Or t 45 ort., 142 SM.
iluppoeing thy. mineral 4, ill ayerag• 10 per real
purity, load It will probably go a Wt., mots, and It
orouhl yield 1,145,713 Ow ingot copper. T►. am wLL
or ingot yiti(if etippwd In I. 0, would therefore be
Smelting Work 3,071.7.
Tatal .
W 141.13. If o , •ltt 141 au ri.erAgp prt , J , II
Wo•id tr•c 40.
Imports by Railroad
CkarmAaari AND PliTlllll.lll 1.1. I
1418 rtas Keefer. 24 ska rag., I.l, , waril A Lai,
troll: 52 ABB whirky, 10 kleCru kern A ai. 110 All.
flour, Culp A Shepard, As mill feed, A J Llagas.
1 car wheat, Kennedy A Br, .14 hale. hay, kictians
& AtAler; 15 Able cider, 31 11 Neal, Z.O bhl. (hair, Pot
ter & &Ikea; 1 car Gregg A A lolatider, 120
11 1'4 , 111.; 116 sk• • heat, Kirkpatrick A
Bro: 13 ball dry reach«, 1. 11 Vcigt tl
roahia, Kitt & Perm. Ml 2 bale. hay, J A Criiiiibar,
3041 blooms; Jour, Boyd A mi 147 by corn. Diagam,
gturgeam A Dv aka do, LI itchca,ck, McCreary, CA
bp corn, D W•llace; Sv b.ll. mAlow.. Ii 11 Collins
ItC, aka corn. kl 31. , ar; 122 do Live: teed, 1121210 r k
no or. hhl. ••11, WO. 114ruptw, , 14 ,
aka wheat. Neohed• I tiro: lel dos handl., 'Aprils ,
.211 d cc,
Prrrssvnuo FT W All 4 A Cut: ace. It•tt
Feb. 10-0 ers pig metal, ..1..b , n
Sloerbra.l, 122
bbls, .1 Hill, a
46•1 tits wheal, J o Liggett
barley. J Gangviob, PIS bble J A i'angt,y . oal
1 , 131•11. Arr. F VC avnbart. Ins eks barley. P WIMACIA
I car metal, K 1...,ta15, .t a.
/termer) 13 Ihrm rioaor FF. Arm
strong. 100 biol. flour, 1. gong d Cletulsolug, 2 , 1 aka
mill 11,4, Read Kell. '2l lodes, J 11 11.1.0 , n !O aka
rap. Godfn.y t Clark. , t 1 bro barley. blrurr r
Sir Ra, 1 car metal, 0 Bryant; bo wlu at, J n
Leggett 1 'al. empty bbls, •
tiLic ritiJl.l . llu,—No '3
glisuLt. qua z st.r el, rt t f the benl/ of
Cut:greee tu lit, Goon 11 J ter pit }lD,k
to, Mtj l. 1:,: rat Lit o . ge ti NI. etl e. M 1
j,r Groersi Miter sod ire
nthcers o ni p,d al ine A ricij 01
Imports by niter.
Br It re. r.,1 Gu !hr &nat. coo LI,11.1• • I
eiNell.l2llTlros Jnsarn!
ton, V' ht.*, tibthtisr.,n,3lo Glut" a . // 1 1 1• ”" 1 ' .. “ .
on; / Rae et hn A,y, 0.,i15, Irish Ley its in Cons • ISO tlIS•rnS.. , l i h g Win
c '• 3 P k ir ....4rl " . ' LU " . • 9 b " . ''' l "” r • of IL e A fue..3*n et p.c. sod tbet.l II if
Pos. ,. A en . :2l , bt,ls 4,1.111. •An.siuct t Wog ,
oil. 11 31 Gamily:lM Pas extract e“tfer, V Gut., I their J‘ , ••
doe. 3. 101.2 t•ti 20 las esilieg. Juilll li.ntor , r...and ore hereby tertder•4l, Map L./ , elter/1
Hie nbls Bour. Hutchinson. 1•0I.Ps , .. d
y0110;101. eanSlea, W 313 • ~
Little Trull/le. 8 411. hominy. tong & " 3
of 6 . 4.) .°
phi. dating., I..gan a iireng: ,11 & • g0,a[...1 t ...lur.uua u •Llan tire. co•erld
Telford:slp As. 0,... , 0+ , 41. n". , . J'th• m W/Lltb a,,t,..13 4,1 11• 1 t•w tt 10,0 ije nl'dl
'"'ArA ' '.." . bled blur Lti toe 4lva/tett/sr aril itt orttlf„,
Isar, 3111Ier & Licitt-ta.r, 03 , 16,1 In 1113
M'Clurkso till J fieu.thaw • IrM7 of rt bran It d he Ut n Robes E 1,1,
/ ykga tt , // , ,I h*r• "" SI "" r • and / M. r their ro Utorg, Mea Itt
a ".4. ' " A 'A""'n .114 • U How ts/tl, cud t❑
&blip etintr, r 13 Tann;
tfliz•r outs tt/ ,elt4 et it. , wrin), I, the
and i r t, littt, ;burg rept.C.n•tl, tit .., 1r ken
wt.] 1,• : .1 be It tippet/. a oett k,
, he •/anon uttu) nor t/ et-1 t a
titt.stt I'
S TE.1.118 0.1 TS
one, ISERVA. Gordnu,
• Pittsbough Orr Wheeling noory Ua Y.
'MC:V.OAT and ATFRLAY nv.};
wecrlon. with th. tYUn irng.
of." nrn rg.llll 'nava VillooXing •cory
DAL Wr.10Nk." and FhIUA Y.
•• d fto.ight ronnriond thro.lgh t. rerc.rthmrg
/no fretgnt plana..on nri.:y. n lM nr to
1 TA AND ZANF,VII.I.4: —ll,
z e r m: l : r t tlunk tlrw , 1 , i r l 4 L b k
I 4 p. m Tl~•
ant Zamtar ;•44.r,
T VILI 4tA Y, .t i
• .uAn, 4%. " 1 7 1t7.7rg j h r L e
• ..'4"141r(I. t • r i
p. 7tte••4llt4 ..4.17 Clt; $ s'.; k
co Y•or , rt•lght ur t^`mo~ww{{•• apply tt- ,•
.; It ~, L LlNtikltit.•lt,
1,1..644 ,
11 tl. P 1 rTIrS A tY, . 1t••u*•
; roll 7+o+••IIM tlt•t •
g'INCINNA I a IA g: jr
et-em, NEW 1 , 11 K,
eu adme Til IS DA T. IC tt. Ir, .1 4 p
Rot C,l4bt nr 4,1
J. D •'fiLl.l\DWor•l
sad apleudid alda artle.el am.n JOSTI'II Ent E.
Capt.. Samuel Prrneb, iPSVO
NEDAY, 10th Mat.. at 10 o'ooolt a m
Ter tr est , p . boarol or t
J ,, 11N FLAC-6.
19 .7 I , COL LINGWOOD, j A 2 0.
HATS ROBrNiON. Capt. B. n,
at seats on TH IR DOT. lets, Itut.
for freight rr .pry ~r, o r
.11111, [l,ll
- • _R ST
Tb• •pl•ndld •t•am•r C F.LIA.
1•a+• lur also•• an.l Intarn,4i• , •
TLIIS DAL Irnb lust.
Of freight or plum go !pp', on I oar +r to
I - 0 , I. I NAV (10 p . Air" •••
14475 - I.Trri.Nt BT.
' L — .H. CA RO
IND m —L. ova an
elegant ateatner l t , •,u,,
Z. E. Ittnebart, Marls, will leave as ot.eva an
TIII7IIBDAT. the nth 55. t.
Par freftlat or paB.lll/pply UO board ¢r to
(.q .1.131.. ti COLL/NS
I:4 l Zin CAI & [Cr.LOCIS,
The daft steamer 111C7ADA, Capt.
D. C. Brtrke.ll. leare aberl• -11 7 1 DAY,
10 b Put., at 4 tiolork pp. ta.
For erel,ibt orr i nge r e i pll&te board. it In
Embrold•ted Plano & Table *aves.
aloelae and Velvet. Rags. I
Velvet and Ora !testae ki. &a.,
W. D. & a WCALLII*I3,
ACT/LLITS ' f BA hit
VVholeanle Tobacco Dealer..
Nave m.. Int ttart . lams lot NAVY PTA, /0 . 9,
Alto, tea limpet twl mrel nn.Dlele aervisetont
MANY le the eliw, which Nog vary low
for rn•h.
_ f!.f.
610 1119 WOOP STIIERT. P
Kee7,4 cougtaatty ve WA • tom irartoty of PIT.
and Smoking Tobemo. rev"! ly
josKl 2 ll SNOWIYEN,
0121 u bt MAYOBT 07111C1, Irovrth otreet, ore+
Prelthfisld, Plttatrargh.
Acknowledgments of Deeds. DsposWoos and AlR
&alto Mkt, Alec, Deeds, klertgenwes Articles of
Agmemscd, Lessee and Legal gapes_ of every lend
wellteo. sellkete
(Ciocumor to lama. Holmes .1 Co.)
17:ly Parriatmara, Pa
aria. ..... .1. I. BOUM.
BOOM. "to nalttr, ti..rtosti a CO., to•nufaeturets
Warta, IfIRST WARD •Iltsbotay City.
P.O. Mdre.. PITISBURCIL Pa. iall:11
~kbuto, stomp on m00...11W iliatetd•
ted#l, thaAAttla .listbßaf Depot of
E . runts:ft,
- c • irec to aatt - soOt.-otatirt.o..
O Cll"r23ll""l7lll2l"" ibigai*Lixas BOW f.l wikamt.
Tana at rho Ft"! Session of the Thirty
hgh Congren
l't nnic—No. 7 ,
As ACT making approprtetinte for the
payment of invalid and ether pensions
of the United 6tett, :or the year ending
he thirtieth of Jun, tee,.1,0 hundred
and sixiy-five.
Be It oalritd ty th• Sett an I do," or
represpnia terra 4.l the U,,„! • ,
America in (..onpritt iiie
following earn, 4e mini ill- e 41.1, arc l,•r.hy
appr , priated, oui of any money la
Tremeuty not whet a ire appropliite,;.
the psylLttat 41 F 4 ,11,101411 for the year
tag the ihirnt•:h of June, eiglit,en hundred
and eiity five:
Far tuvuLd peetwos under vatiouA 111:1P,
one ntil•ion diit!art.
F. r de miens to widows., mothers,
der t 1.11: alit-ra under he. first Bertion of
.hr Sc: of Lortb July, eighteen hundred
and third, ede. not of July twenty fire',
eighteen bun teed and 1.,.y-eight; fires mo
tion of :he nel of 'February third, bheeu
hut.d reel and tif,y !ben; June third., eight
ies. hundred and Cal eight; and July
lourteeuth, Lehteru hundred and rizty
two, Iwo million two hundred :thou and
dollara (1 pence 1, January ler 1884
inAL Renotouriov—No. 7.1
A illiaoLUTloN r preettlVe or the i hanks of
Congress to ...General Netheniel P
13.nks and (he utEccre and soldiers under
hte oAnonand et Port Hu 'son:
11 solra by the Senate and House of Rep
rest-a:att.,/ o' the United Sates of Amer.
tea in Congress assembled, That the thanks
of Congress ate herrhy tendered to 111..j0r
General Sethantei P Banks and the officers
and under his :mn:nand for the
skill, courage, and endurance which corn
pea,' the surrender or Part Hudson, and
thus removed the last obstruction to the
free lIFTIptiOII of the Mississippi river.
Al proved, January 29, 18&4
[PuuLk itEAOLOTION— No. 8
A Ittrut I it it of thank. to M.jor Worn.]
Amnruse E. Burnalde atid tkocitio,re and
•Lo It.ught under his conicushil
Resolved by the Senate a•.d House ot Rep
res.atatterr vl the States vi America
I. Congress asstasta.d, That thr tbanke or
Congrev , to sad they hereby at preseLt d
to Major tieneral Ambrose li Durusole and
through Lim 1. 111.. Ltf,ortet ent ruin ahr
have fought under ka, cactus for t hell
gallanty, good condo,• so.l B•i-,ter.Thke ru
S.O. 2 Ani be 14 lord., rao:rt 11J .1
the P.oldeut el .c Cured 6,,r, be I*
quesitd w eau.• going
he commuun,al,l G. uerel B iru
e:de .1111 A 1,1 W. ue hr b... est
calmed is glee rtf,ct Iberri..
Aprtove,l..l‘.l,s) Yn 1t..61
A YIKat , .. VI N I r•-•, ti , bP
12,pgr.: , • 0,1 ;
[1:1 L .(Vft,.•l•ll.
15 I.tir . th-t.
d•ti t.u.•ug att. . t ..riug ..r k,gbitert
butturtA and rug
tr.•, tzt.ttr g It I, h .i.. 1
thous! I • ' t• I •• • • oil
1.1 ttt
sit,al.l.l. hat. evur etuer ker. .c
y aPrw.ce tUr lir
}AO,. ;ti 1.1., :I, 1,1 c t 4 Ger
•• I it rr any
f lb. , fi ••-30 Stor
rd qt. srrid Llottr , or fie p
regentuDees ie. Suit., of Amer ,c.+
rn Gt.4l; 're, if That the thanks of
Cougre (terra .+, ,orhcius rhtn
derbilt s lyer this holur ruthifestenion of h
fervid ehd terse sJtileJ pos•riotisiru
Sec 2 An f be tt fo , thee . ee sotned, Thss
the Preeoleo, of the U pined States De re
quested no csu-e medal to he struck.
wit eh shell D.:) enhth,ty nu sites ration of
the LOIIO, • c h . n, use for this gift, whtoh
nurdn enhall I, I..r•Ar.hd ic CAueDus Su
derbilt, c. e l• 1 c bring men, eh.l Jo.
priced for rept , v Illun in the 1 tvarl, of
Uo grey
A pprwe.t , J •suity 20 IDGi
[Pt ULI LitOLL TI —No i
A ItLeOLUTIoI In etttlt.t.oa to the Pub le
l:rs,lred by Ih' Senate and Heuse o/
rrsrntourrs of the Uncoil Stairs o/ Americo
in Congress nesembild, lb at the aerood vet
lion or It, J tOt resolution approved Match
third, E:ghleou Lou Irrd and eixty three, be
and the as me is heleo) repealed, and teat
the 8 ipcelnteaJen• Of I'uhto I'nn'ing bo
dirroted to print tett:l.l,7.Bre., buottresi
ponies of every bill or )riot resolution Or.
dried or ravired to 0, printed by either
the tienate or the Hour- of It •1 rear ieee,
tinier any rule of er cr HAW', orders
some other t•amber be ey...0.a11y it quirt' by
the House ordering the come.
Approved, February 3, InfS4
rim I.MT—A mite of two largo comma-
A. °kali., and hatidlwnialy far 01,11.8.1 BOOR, TO
LET, Iffllllool trnani, 018 Or.t (1..1 , 84 lat,usa Nn. 71
.lu. Story and Dontlin; Ns. lot Limn, rintot, •tIl
W I••••• for cm* or Co , . p.m, ' , WI/ to
IN P PI - TITIIIII¢T • ROt, 51 Martel M.
lJ nu It , ea Street, one brl Font street. nonert
Water • reel, one on Bedford street, one 4, tna•
eon street, one et Itettenre sore., two on h i m
Rant form 11l ver month to 13.0 per yar.
fn g CUTHBERT it HONK. Id Hertel et.
ItENT—The three-gloried Dwell
. 11: le / Boue. Fo. w, situated on Federal Street,
Allegheny Qty, nearly opposite the raider., of Oen.
Robdtaort. Fur teems slid,. Sc. JOHN GAY, Jr., et
Watt t XlDon'a, No 100 Llherty Greet, Plttaborgh.
& M. M . STICHN, rric
. Goa •on fOrseo Fmrune. Partleular-ottentlou
veld to Op. fitelng up and repotrlng of OSL REP/.
mode toooo,. Moo RR nan CANTINON. of . 11
Wade. mode sq the shoe, et nonce.
• •
All ordsca laft at Nos. 31 and 31W &SLR linuctr.
[war Llborty,sllll M promptly attooded d.
slOrTha cenuilmrs or 161. km bolas praetiesti as.
dam. or many years' exported:lra In their heeler.
r ill Insur“e else satlsfactfon In every re•yect.
Wel aro taw agonts for Gelid, Garda. t C. , 1
6TICAM ICNf, for pamrlog Watsr, Credo and Re
titled Otto, ke.
FOR THE FAU, tW 1863
Itatra Ea.-2, a, 4 and 6 years old—tbelodlog all Gls
old leading Tartan... and many new one.
Alm, • eery large mock of PEAR,(Maadard and
PLANTS, An., Aa. , w holemle and ratedl at eels re.
losable prices. JOAN MURDOCH, Jr.
era.dner PlGebrekb and Oakland Nwrsertna
Para particular attestant to the treatment of
CEIROti IC DISEASE-4, tho EYE and EAR • operate.
PEP/L, Went. ARTIFICIAL r,vEs, and Drum all
and all distorts affecting the Ear and loading to
Once, Irs3 FIFTH IPPRIXT. 0ty?.?..171.
MIS,. A. 4.4 , L151T re:Teat - 0i
Interns the cities. et Pittsburgh. Mat h. bui
boo appeiated .01. agmt tot th. et INTERS
PEN. Thep an seeenaseeaded - by the tars.' hou_
to the city. Naomi IV* are
Itla.. 8 : 1 1 . 01.1 almra Oh.,
Khania.* bee Chet Tatar Ca.,
ow Naomi& Asa otbere.
FOR 5.11,E
onier of the I
county, at So. K. Deo-cob,IL.. or We •
rariand., doecavigi, 111 iixvooxi o , PTV , i , N• 1•, •• .0
0012 r• Boum.. in Pitts Lore, It' lir,
miry 13th, IPol, at 1. m t
interral and imitate ,if &aid t t. tr nerd
to gist certain lot ur Nero of r•-o ..'ca
Flatownship, sold riOnyy. on un ,
f IL.
Farmers and Mechanics 'rump...nt
two en , lei. from ttia dryr tb.
prop. of Mrs. X Mcrarlal..i ?LW,: Turoptke 1 , 7 I r..'
thenor al .t.g übl nntrl ..“1 4.t t. a • •tr
tit.l,,,a TongStr • cl 11. f. t
!dry. fr.t. t , ! 0..0 • ! r rut. 4
ron.!pqn. sbollt w 8 , res.
The mod Fitt r
pawt to frrlit nrfuLA ..,ty I •
!Ayr amok I'l - . Sintt..l
Ruin 1411 mad Ttota a
plooo for a rount7 roold• ..,.. l• .n 1 r.,
E. r inr.rmatloo truol, of 11 I. ,Tr. \t A lit. At
tom..) .a-t.,.. No. ft: run, . - , , r
WV A II V.R.1.: . .. Adn,no , t,tor,
rl ert.'r (f 1.., t.'our r
'loose, i'itt..horgh•
)1.! till
Tlor 01. re frr
bona. la which h. now b. toe , eltuertml ori:' , , , elll
Pint Ward, AL.-0..n, Ih., I. 027 FBI
rr ua t b ) dory. rnut. Lark , • 2 - , )
1, 1.0 tiro-alancJ cout,g. elx roomj
callsr. The out-L ,•.. Low, aril. r,
s, rw , do. Thor. ,e. ).rd
the dwelling. 1113r.d vrktli Om,. an.. nr.,,roeutal tr.
Thera IN gr. and wator in ail tb. lbe
I also oflAr L,r solo • ,I,.atrablo "marry renldo, •
to Rocetwter to•n.blp, 11.5 v... county ,
lug twouty scree of grimed. Thor. le a 1.••• two
atorled !Fan e dwelling, rontatnlng the
propel. There la alra , a young ~ r chord Ir twig
of fruit. Thor. La good torn out bon.we, do. It I.
about • mike from the Tterhorter D , rpot
TOr terra. Inquire of It. tl. P,I.ES. Booth d•cono.. , liegh-n) City
TANNERY FOR :ALE. in l'tiinntown.
F.yottoconzty, Po., one of the revs. ps•rbsct ca.
tabllstanents In the °cants,. Therata arca a cape..
city for 5, 000 add. • year. 'Rh othcr apporenauta
In proportion. A Stearn Engine, with s stack bU
ktgb, and run chiefly by the spout tea hart, works
lb. Mill, Elevators, f'urnpa, Ptant, abide I
to under roof, and covers half a town sqvare ..
aected •Ith it a algtecti arr. of prt,:.
nd plough land, • Inc, Brick prr...1100 0-
ant Lion., Uffloc and a Ilan, Stables, no. It la of
easy arsons from Pittsburgh by rnilroul , and t.,.ng
on tlin National Turnpike and near the ro,,tatne,
bark is readily procured C.vr rat..
If:, terms and further intormati , m to
ELI COPE. Co 0nt. , 0 0. P., I
• or, JAS. VEECH. Att. rusy,
)s.9D:3a Fourth and Grant stracts, Plitalab
1.,' to wnil.sp. ,
Istad cvmaty. Po.. . .
C:sir township, We.eirnon land connti, P..
Anw, • TAM, OF 114 ACRB.I , I in I telly toms.. p
Wer•Ltour•land enunty, Ps., with St,..zn Ori•t Nib
Also, • FAUN OF IZ7 A , M.Y.5.141 h
.nip, 4.11,e:en) mount', Pa.
Al., • •01c.41.1n Tit 4CT OF ti • 1 WI. I I
p. of W< 1!1 nuongsb. rt.,, cw.t•!t,t4 o.eut
400 .res.
Also, Igo ACILY9 Or COAL, 011 tl.
S'Ar partici:M.l3 tnq.l a a: No
Pat.tmr,gb. U 11 , . RI:,
. eo.ruhiL, cow.. ma lA.. P. N
C. H. Putto.An Pttt..At.r,L. m •
doing a tarp sad prMlMble 1,34,
and has beer tel.....tedtAt
couatry trade Lim all I . .eu N.:31,3.A 1.,
kmoot market prim*
prment roprlrtor ham MAMA, tA. re f . n
the trade oviug to had beaus 5t.d••414,14.Vi,
offor• 16. 51..,11. 1., . +ll P•,
tirito, party. Th. 3. I ramp.
trace,( - Am A.A. The
amid he radar., .•
edde am CR coil oo
LYDAY Latqlpy r sNis,
59 liana vxmi,
hAVi 1.1)11 SALE' itt llnrmi
.hip, Wp.nnor•landr, • ttl..n `,,,•,! • t .1 . ..
of rn•naan. Stat lon, on It. • V It. .
log • CIO 8, nor* or Th•r• I. • I g Rs,. •
••od Fr•rn• ht•lkle. than•rse• w gr,on, t. tt
i•er cholo• Appl. Tr.,. •I, tn:s• n•na
1:011, •••th 61.11,0 •tt,hrd I ....I
41. t.oot •u ,t l nt
Tr...a-02w :lord in •• 011 .•40.rt0kt,....3
Ina W.ace ID Iv. , tex:rt at.n,:al ; , Dy
mny a. rgrr.•d,ll
Wad aza mortgag.
LI& .Fl LE
1: ,ittnteShai. • y. .
B ~*.l V, 11. frc
Th. min. 4111 , f
• rm.. , w,n •rlt st-t, r. , , .
fer.. nutf.uli.l us f••,
•raftt, fruit Tto. r• f .i
it. Ivod • titan •• of of
F, forms •: • t•I
A 1.11.••1' 10
enAA. I
/ 0 . 4 Flll.lll •4' 1.
cat., Pa , tl, •11.1.:4 ••111 •
:44 114:11 vrlza• At • .:. •
•-d 14•13,
l:hippraa• Tr o 1,4
LIM{ SALF—A or 1..1,
1.1,34 !I ECH..< At
on th. 1.•,t Trerbvq... t e It •••••i.f.vl
11.11 oad • .11 ,
, hirt, ..1. a.. 1 1.1. bet.,
ra ,aud, • ..
•IF von arc. 1.34.• A 3 C --d, rrinrl
excelle•t Ctol, ob.+ Itt.k.a NI I •f
amsttrA, a* Me rat
road thrru4ll
ot. sr..l f4ll be fur • erdod -Wry. F..
5...10v cab b. gl.•n v. U.* 1.1 o 1 Apr , '
te.heT Information 6.lelrees
T t'l,lllC.
11,x 1114. Wheal:Kg tralnta
ta.l.og, Jan. 016.1.11
Ht... in Baldwin ro•nehtp, on Little S e er mill
Bon. about 4,1 i milre from Pittsburgh rhe tl,ll le
nfty flat square, four story, and S.. liar.. rns •.1
F ench burr Still eloiltft. Th.' trill lot ad:rain.
acres, with the rkatt to fire a...ree of cal ediatu
tog There are ale. .to rod on tL. mill L t one large
Prams Dwrilirg, with nlo. rontn•
o and finial, .1 gar
ret %mail Aram. Derailing, ne Iran, Stable
and other untbnll , ll,mr. Th. mid was lately burly.
Is In r.el condition, doing • dr,at rot. buyinein, and
will be /sold chop.
ger Lerma, , ruin Iry of W.. 1 Ir 111111& Cel, or,
tie premises, or of JW BALI.
).palm No sip Filth street. Pitt•nursh.
(WIT PROPER LT.-140 sorts of lard In Ohio,
situated on she Ohio It. r, at the mouth of Yellow
Creek, and Junction of the Cleveland & l'ittehardh
and Pittsburgh & Wheeling Railroads. About
acres cleared and down In grams, 111111 goad fences,
Co. large fracas Barn and Houma out-houses, or-
Chard, and an abundance of 01Ceiii3G1 water. The
balance of th• tract le rorepal with hoary limber,
and poem.. om. destrahl• location. for wlo. grow
ing. Thia property will be wad cheep nod on easy
torn., or •schimsed her etty prop,my.
Inquire of S. GILI.,
het Isr No ra Flab areal.
I'OR SALE—'rwonty-secen Acres of
1: Land, pert ef the Lorene farm, ortatuandlng •
a. el. of Pittetturgh end vicinity. le about Due
re. Irons J..' Ferry Landing. There Ire on the
premise tome C. fruit trees and • never•Latiluir
epring of ear...Pont water. WIA he .old together, or
divided to et. purohasere. Pena,. desiring •
country rteidence •111 pl.s cell ma
Jai th4m Yin. GI Water 'treed.
That valleaLle Lot No. 13 Palo Alto Ntrout,
Bee•nd Ward, Allegheny City, conning nark to
Franklin street, on which le *reeled • good Frame
Mom, of Ibur room., cith all Um troolarn appll
.cea. Grap• rine*, ehada, prank and plow tr... to
Noyard , and • ralaable building or businnor ono
on Palo Alto street, vacant.
For forth', partlettlara enqalre on Gs.pratnla, of
W. WIR aoT.
10111 Z 1 4 .11.11.—The True:era of the
.1! 'Third rresaytartan Wnsregatton, of I'll,
borgb, offer for sale the property at ten <ornerof
Third and Perry street.. Tile tot bee a front of as
feet on Third street, sod extends along Ferry etrept
Dg feet towards recond attest It sal b. mold In It.
present drodttloo upon favorable tor...
Boiolte of C. It. H. SSIITII,
Pert. tory Board of 1 rotten., No of btsnonid
j'OR RAIN, rr.164 Low.—vile k'UPY ET
YkLr6 CNOINX, Ye Inch cyllx.olel, 6 11.1
Woke, In admirable oondltlon, rrllb r irlllrout
Halo ihAft, fly Wbool, Flange., Porto Pump, ter.
Ttllo Knigloo I. iron .460.1 for any pariwoon,
bat eapoelally ler • 1111 , Coll and or, It.
TIIO6. i11i11;011LE .9 CO.,
Anchor (lott,. 61111..
- . _
_ -
desirable property
situated In the Roomer of klench, do sle
/sonar or Locust street and the Oh a rivet, euo
known a 3 the Greenwood pr Tsrly, • e e
erected a modern rule Brick DlrclOna tido., Car
flee Home, Stable, lee Hones, itt.
Tor farther partied:4am etrqulor
fekttr at Water erne% Munoz-kb
cat•l No. 10 Chatham Mmes. IM ?A
feet from, ruanfnly back 0.5 tem to r•lon s
which le erastal s r) Brick D.. 1 I[l4. ThIS
is on. of the moat iltmohlt Immo. to ils oily.
Apply to 3 . N.
ftAlt. 71 CI am ter...l._
LICIR SALE—An Acre of Land, betto
r tlfol/y located, adtolnlng land. of
lr. 11 Wln.-
Diddle, mad hooting 132 lard co Nati Atari. o or
the Groentbnit flko Terolo
hp; Iy at the heal Eon!, aDd I mom., Ofhoc
O. S. DATE.,
Butler .trier, I D‘raDtarDlr.
IVR TALE—That two-story BRICK
DWYLLIAG, Sobbed In good kyle, aced to
complot• order, situated on the onet of Doe,"
erns and Onrp.oures ellq, anti Wald, contain
lag eight rooms . sod &ebbe& pant. C• 11 IN Dud et
• hargola. -
rhggire ar • CULT & 5111;PA ED,
At M 3 Men) , smile.
Gibbon attest. In the Ittgatb Want. Ur.
good ram In di boar. Ai& to
MAOKRILL JO 03, Alamo"
)4411a' Ka:la Ana dant, Pittsbarga.
cil:D[C 1L
Ie the syr 1:
Tb, (311.,L Lt) vFV 1 'fa ' , LI 1 . 1 LLS,
c.-131A per 1,, •r• ... tl,• :11-. of Dim..
ikrenpLelD.. ,ver
atpolaa, L w N.-rr sz.l GlLatric
r, , veriL tl.u. I. f 7 mt....
Ilyv,r L i.,.• N.pura4o , ..,
u:4to,• , lu
Breast Pnl.4, Auc• haLcul
.! Wood
Arrethiuc. 17
prrf t I, .•~
Ellondlng :et.. bn,
terlcs, In• I Wt... a4alst n
P•rts, I rulan.t....z P nt.
It may sal.l sLec. ....I, Is issomr.u.rieled
for so many dil,ent n •to or....dsosp, and
In come,rtel,, , , , is I.w. sort}, ot to es then If It
professed to ears few., dtsesses. But, el mentioned
11,•••a, thtve rumplaMte arise from the same mars— I
of the organs--end al • gen
oral la-f. Noboru cure. the same clam of disearre on
• lea leading princ:l•44, such en enter Into the phi
keol.l,, of IL. rkatfr...erg tinny of care. II 4lTTliaax
ma PC1,11. • 1.1631 wrrnirsTh•l Pne.icun It
called hat , tre tau,ht ..f IP. human school. nor par..
ed ui arms ar.y medical 4711ess. Less hits 411 In
harruoni , a..y th• lass of 'het phystsciaa, and
Loon teas p war veer a en.t rariety of dia.-sees
arming !rum derangeosenL of ,he easme .74.1
There are nu emnpls“nn, n, s his h the. eMe •r>
u. r!7 p.inrinrlinnon--stnl Mei cnrt of lbw* th.
reader in rnifnr, I to ikiiefrabirro afonmatqf El. a I k
.ad ithi plat a, no• f the Graefoulontig Company. complain.
plat moo, „Ile ainim a fain tral, annin,din to
IM:1 MB Mt= E111111!1 [Fa
the u•l. reutne,, Alter. k I I•re,ken req.]
••••• , 1 • LN. rert.'y u•st 1, tunny ree.ra h•ve fre.
u..' 141 1, twtor.le. seri. ue kuule
• t b•ne L—n L)
,ru.4;:eta wad
~-~ t~)
on, • •L.. 1 I•t Vlw hove I
00....1 7, Pala 'tad
Yam. !met. ion) too:el their • lett, .
z Itoom et til.Jereut tam, , we has. ,
.1 •1 tt.e.!efLosey,
r fat. •ud voe derm (Lem
• ti.e osier: •cd volv.
„e—.l tr,.11
L I , NI , 1:1:
El I
of C..rtlt. .1 , 1 are r. , Lzell+ ..t
Lut itu
so .1 thr torn of
•nty, b 1 w
az at town f
S. 1., moot cht...rfoll,
1..• b-•,.••••
r just:,
fo tbral by the.
I trA -t. .
n.. P rta n
J t;
.1 • II - krr ,:trr...•ltt 5, J.. 1.11
J ,, ti • , t :I I! .1, .I•let , re , of the rm...
id: • it tt 1.1 teed 'iron,
F. 1.•1.M IN;
I , - le, let, et] t b.y may be relied cpwi
ell •
T. L3.l.i . t,r,ki illthe c.racionity le rot
:h. c , n,..f • .11.,14 mftlt. which :balms
to cure ell bill the ilre.rfen , ,ere Ilaue4ti.
13.1. t e:evet. rwwll,lnee, ell tme.frtellzd
in flan mire of the r.r which they are rect.-
end..l, anwng • hien nas3 b. ifttlrc4.l on• appro.
prtatt , to of 0 • at..... 1n0.1.-nt to country
The Greenberg V eptab• Fill. 1. baler flax Loy
°Carr I.lnd of OIL la the worlt. ,xut.s • box.
Thn Grorford...rx garaaparktia la by far the mug*
powerful an I oftb-arlont ,naapoor..i au. Price
• 1a.,.
Th. , g Pyalpt-r) S 3 rop I. • cert... and
qr, k mq•tly n:l iteeto,-.4 tba Inver. Pric•
1. Colt O. • I.• 111..
The Ormefrvberg Pb. ItAnne4, •over W par.
Cann.ntly ' , lle, 'Lk distrusting Slaw". Prk.
Parsai,a 1. as lavo:u
ably c...2{, ~el,l le all direan,l Incld•nt to chlldreD
Pricc Ml cool. • hall.
Ttre GrorPreuberg and Ara. Remedy I. a an
crel,rn •reelfle r, tbs• vArlicx:lny divAay. MOO BO
Tee OrectAtiberg blecntain ointment el
needs all ellen fele., le I!s mcris• effect, Price
L+ cents a ece.
Tir•Orsefontorg Onoloonairos. 13oloa Alford , tb
moot aotoulahioi robe( lo All ruhadoory ro.ptoleta.
Prioe VI • bottle.
he Granfunnera Health Bitters arethe wont plealb
ant and dallgetted Welle ern prepared. Prim ES
vats • package.
She tinterenbarg Ile f.••tinn v noyearatieled to all
lellnntstatlan ut dine. , of thr eye. Price 23 CP.e
a bnttle.
T. Orsefonberk Manna' cflth (elegant!,
illnetratod with expensive engrstlngs,) lc the most
complete medical book lu print. frlceonly SS amts.
Bent by moll, pbti•pobt, t , ant part of Uu cowntry,
on receipt of tS lama
The Orenfeutteck {Mural..ll's) Uterine Catholic...
le an lotslllble remedy for all tamale titanium, month•
Iy Imutol•ru.l4, weeknese. Pireete, ulceration, tlf•
fltscromotlon. •hbea, falling and ocher lxkl Soukup.-
anent of the uterine orgate. Price SI 60 pet bottle ;
flee bettlee for $O.
• .
Oar - flon.—An of ficio. trbolly unantboritod, noarty
rea...mblins [C,* in stoma ait,l label, has Loan pot to
Fr All or tha (it orfrohota Family firdicineo caa
b. aafoly moot by oaprott, In qoantlflw of floe dol
lar. worth and upward, they will bt• forwarded ot
lib l dadocti , n ft-1n retell price,
Da. U EO. KET . 8611.,
deist dole Agent tor Pittaborah.
1 Fn.% Ow y.. Tali MILL. 1
Tbr (/ra.ronl., Famlly ¢am.Alca are moat
Dle. In the ilniYarral an.l Aie•r.rnlug Aia.aa•r of
worn., lb. rema,liva at. p otl.. Judicsoys and
[Prom tho A. F. now. Cdtte No, 1, /KA ,
We seldom non... soy of the advent/tem... It out
paper, eostrsstr, thstt o.cry gunner -Own r.n state tits
u cialoo rothtle es•nflrletssr. Non. timrs, hos •
arc . • matt., contr a art of sufftchnot Importance to
Justify •yr or.] from 'a. hong, •-• (terror to he the I to.-
faubarK Consp.ay, ho. : I rata Itotr, which hatt al.
to sat 1...501ute.. sr.a.l tosssl al prs..tlctsch, iotrosloring
new •nd flout anc,oirilin methods of rote Ths lets
wry and tart •u.noiolo irbn. errry part -.lth. rt•outry
boar arlderws of troth, and ham theta sr • judze that
the LiirtiOnin of the trraefsnbrra Ito.littatioo traits,
rate thrslr claim. tr • pubis.. rsonVolentso. Inateart of
claiming ho, mon' a o,Pula tizo that they stand
firm on the als•rlut • nsott:a of att. eau.. they advt.-
1...t0 rob.. of Moor fogritionlala le forth,.
by lotte•• from It. Claus, •I the Melba.
dui ttssurrtx blab. proprietor of {lgo Como
ogo-eiroi •n.l ret,onalbtlit, and
how r
Irrevinnt notion and testimonials have Witsbilohrot
rho tut [Let We Ulla EY ENlElithal COMPANY'S
11.% Wirth/I.lolh le the a Pala., on for those dlwanes whicla reader
Ilan or suntan, It.-" the c o ce et IS ripened, warn - able
to ati ottent only Fr OWID to thonowilan. These di.-
our.. atllct matted and single. and nueoctal pora
lion. ratlnetnatit el itatnt or condition In lite, Milord
any guaranty scalutl them. Beolde the local uterine
symptoms they an elan artendort with Dorsugetl
Monthly Perinde, irregularltiew %Vests., ains
town, Itaningod Appetite, Sallow Counplesiuta g
In the Hark Find k: idseya. Chills. Cold &wide and
fist, fil t o t tituot, rover - 141mm Neuralgia. Paloltw
(ion of the Uoort. DiziOnese, Norvonwtata, Clowinits
Ilintlnanatio, Mtto-tint Stool; rittshow of Beat, Uni
tas] Pain, Orsallni and rain In the Btdne and be
tatron the Shoulders bold Stomach. Nantes. Ind
gra ton. Uncut petting 01 Urine Sidi boat Or
utrUsg, Itching. Deming nr Irritative! of the
uerine Organ. Nlyilitattant, to.psir, Ityrarim,
insioty, fled ran, banana Twitching, Mantas.
Lltratipatiolit, Irriuttae Strom. &Waage .Decla
Appetite, nelttenes, Illoated sad Irrectler
tinpleaaant Dawes, Falb. In the trtertne Orgias,
trambstra and Pahl In the Unit a, tow Entaxery,
ra rer tmenaront, dorettate of reei,_fsfe In Ms
b. Graeae:Ramp Itstelatr• Moran Otthottcsale
stews! by ea edaasladikeetahhe,statt may bratty
4epaotbent awe. s etp atb* Preplalitlabe thoeldl to
wadded.. Da. QUO- alcatui6
a.t9 Wood strealt,"aaty &pat.
, r! h. rt. .k Ti(' I R I H ' 6 "
r: %via.%
.I.DDI a t:, , 1.,. tt...:a.-• . ,.. - ...1. t.t ,, a.n.... 1',11,11t add I ti. c. are b.lag made: t, , dee equip-
HI I.; 2111N:A , 1. x • U. nr..p....a-r, ;;.I , al trat. went or :I,D excall,:t double tisek and axpemos
i ‘L.C1111: k., I!, 1....ra....1. arr. ".....00a :“.Z.1.t"... , "'Van' . ..c..,..1a1s rare trill be ...mimed ibr
a D ti LI A, 1; to 80r... e,m,e, .4e., ~,„. the•rt of ps...en,rs and rapid movement ,of
t - elast. Tra - ics via leave Um Depot ic, Plttaburzb
1:1.• aaaga.ta ea , 5....a1. L' ,, LI 3101 A el 01 sell . al I. ti. UI.
from New T•uk to! L,• , nvA cxl SILAM
the Station daily, (except Sunday.)
.if l•r.cary. ' 610 m.. icy, at all ill... Aloes bettresu Pltta ,
TLeei are amon.; gr ! aU,st, 4Ctri,.l. and Pbt1a.1.10...1, itiol cutting direct emcee.
rN.II York Plitliet.lphia.
thou arcosnm.• ea r •
(J !,,, 8C.../ ‘ l ,.ri ltlA . l ,‘ L im i L ti g ..ll (e li ,c., lca t ene sus the t., !;a . ;
Lout EST BAT ci to xr to.
C%•. , 51,1 y ale agent, P 1-.1 IL, ils! atomic; culy at orturipas etatious. and
8u! ,, 1c4 , • OVIJIAV/ WWI Harrisburg trr
...... it., an. eel , ll.xtr,, acd Neer York eta Pb.d•-
*IT St. b Pra, . it •••
be. r 111.80 EX PilK.Os TItAIN Leann elaly
,!," 1 Y t prc,pal
• ['LA ‘•S 1.1 V• !sr. li•trobere for naltimcce. Wash •
The ,
.L. t!.iehirit! .W The ST I.: SE the Station daily (xcept
• Th.. e.ii.kucut! inclayi at iii IL.. to (l ets
ol.!y at principal eta
PlAe+leirkta :tone, Bartalm E r4 for Baltimore ant
l.rnpalt7 an ra.
Fit Silln.; it ..... ...... —fat lay, 1 , A ph.u.k . ...extoev iphi. rsyn c te oi .
i! !TY !!F !I I NOT , ..... Aaturda.7. r^t , ='• York.
CITI" Lt!Nl!!ii, Saturday , ' AGUE, NOD.% TION minis.
A ere , / . olocos . BuX Uut"' , ..e• . !..!"”.• tram The Johnetovh Accommodation Tram• daily
44, North. Elver. elccpt Snda) at p. at....pplug al all gtatton•,
11.41.0 ul • .0....10.11. and canning se Ihr es Orinemangl‘,
Att. , in in-44. Cinninaica , First Accommodation Trab, Rafe Station
C. ..... sn. in, nraznera ........... :earns daily (erupt Sunday) .1 6:30 a.
d. 3 dv to L, radon 34 UV Second Aconmmodarkm Train for Wall's Stalin.
io to Part,. .. s. tits d o 40 N. 11,0rou daily (except Sunday)nt 11 oa. ro
d. , do Ilanbg 37 ( I Third Accommodation Train for WO . . rlodlau
nbto Hain, Rumen, sera.. laarua dilly tot..Tt : 40 P. m.
tor Cam At. twerp, ~ at eip.a:ly, inn ratan. Fourth Accotr..n.latictt Train tor WAIF. Enactor
Far, rton: Lt. -rta.,l tittool.natru ,lu iSCh, kw,* daily (except Sunday) $.l6:lXlp.
flcti u • nit (Murcia Train leareea Wall's Station ann., linp•
send air their . Lny tl. ke4 Cite at thine lay at YrO6 a. m., ratan:Ling, loaves Pittatmrgb at
rotea • MIS p• u.
U. , Mtn , ' I. , torrne, , r.sprly et I've EL...ming Train, arrive PltL:mrgh l go inlloss
ofnm• /OHS a DALE., Agent Baltimore
totier V. :It Philadelphia kap.. —..—. lan p. tr.
TIEOE.IPSON. &gent, Faat
na.-..11,:r..t 0. .0. Threngt. )L7.11 ..... /.:(KEs.
11111. ti Pnret.e.rak. John...nem Acounnac.gotion...—.--........10 , 113 a. nt
First Nrs.lrt Station ACC0C10104U1021........... 611.15 .131
CHEAVE"A FIR):11 att, sorcoud War*. Stmt. Asmentacsist 8,15 a. m.
111=1 Wail'. Accommodation—...l:66 p. to.
_ _ . ,
roma Wear% S.1.11:1 ACC/31:161041ili011..... 6:05p.
Baltimore Exuma. will arrive with Philadolphis
[apnea at p. = . Mooney..
Trish, ror Hlsirevilie and Imama connect al Blain.
flit sia Through ACCOMULdiabaln
ithrottosu Scorn.rmistun and rapasta Train TAM,
sod with Bahia..., r.Slowsa ecd Jobastavm Acoom
modstioh West.
Tralus ho. Timuturu .11Cied. at Cram. wlth Kl•
Mai. 1.1.1 Train \rota. and with Through
km....tro.tatt. and Kaput. Train LIM.
br,ught (As la ETIRST CLASS MAIL t
'TEA M ERA, frt , Es Galway
Ana Ly wiling ,a.... 4% for TIVENTYMNE DOL.
LAILI, ,a corraucy.
Apply to D. OICI.ILL,
Deming, Ota,eacle lth 6[r - oat,
sari frt, Smithfield .t., Pittsburgh
Kir Sight Drrsit• for We. mr4 , lrovo.i
CUNARD LlNE.—Zitefun Wm
To Sue. IC( 612 bib To Baltimore..--$lO 00
To lomoutater —eggs S St ,
To Ilorriaborg...—.. : u Altcorte_„...... 3 60
I Ba ggage chocked to all Bro.°. on the Peunarylva•
aleoontral Railroad, and to niladclphls, Bantams
audits's York.
runup. purchasing Lockets In the mon sin be
charged an exam, nocording to the'dlotance traveled,
to, additiou to the station rem except Rom stations
where the Company hoc DO agent.
! NOTIC,T..—In t 0... of lost, the Company will bold
themoolyst responsible for personal bat:gaga only,
and for 00 meant not rs•-dires 11100.
' E OX" BArrlaAl Age.t. B. B.—A. Omnibus Line has b.. ...Fiord to
r- " -..b.r t h I convoy passonsera and Intetasge to and Rum ths
pot, at a shorts net exceed 21 Dents, for each pam.
C. 41 RP ETS. 011. CL 0 TIES, cc ;toagnr andbaggage. For ticket...PO, On
J. STEWART, Agent,
A SPLENDID 25.P... 4 4.)11.TN1 ENT OF' , .. 1 the Prnmyt.rala kotnt Bonnott Passenger
Boar.. on Llbortv andeGrant etreele_ ia6
C2B,:n gal, or no egultalont to ...ntreoz.7
rII01:11 NNW 1 - 01:71. J tr.
Jcst oprcted at plc( )I'l k:'" ALS FUR FORAGE.
Sealed privenlv are u., fled I.s the ondorstmewi tor
supply., the C.. 5. Quarterunator's Department, et
corenst.., of ENGI..IIII toot A 11CtilCA e• % , "P.C. Baltimore, Sid., Alerandria and
0010, THIrEF. rLr, 1:2711A, and . Pert 31,,0re,e. Our either of thorn lilac., with
Itif/hAIIC II AY. OA Tl l ml nTRAW.
Bvis ill he recessed for the. delivery of 6,0001m.h.
CARPETIICG-S. ere; or a., eu..l t I oay or Iltralt, 111p
hollor.tenet state at al. the above =mad
Floor Oil Cloths, .71alliasgs,. point. the. pnlaere to make. deliver:us, and the rates
et w bleb iney e. al nutkr .I..sserlea thereat, the quan
tity of end, art.. le prefer...l to be delivered, the time
whenrat, doh, ries .hall he commenced, and when
Th, pr. octet le. written out in words on the We.
hr. pat up Lo coed stunt racks, of about two
hmliels each. Oat. so like racks, of &boot three
bushel, each 7he eack. lobe furoeshed et (them ex
to charge to the 100. vet:meta. The hay and straw
who securely baled.
The particuiar Lind or der.-ri , .tlon of oats, corn,
hay, .1 - ea,. del..:red, 01.0 be .1.0104
in the proves..
A a.. rftee-1 the ban Lenin In
cited c le eitl•.; ...peed , . by the
ie.,.ot r I • .• . ecPtest
C. via , ta .21 Nu 01 time to the
res t :ar the Interest of the Gov.
ernmeei nay re.pore, and payment old he made
• .re the 01.1.. .at contracted shall have
Le: en ..I.•lsiererl and accepted-
The bidder will he roilcured to arcomm4ty Lie pro
peal atth • guaranty. 'ached by too rerponsil-lo
ponrins, that to Co..- L. bid is accepted be or they
' will, • ithin tea day. curate thouantract
for the aame, 0,5. good end trutticient sureties, to a
amm equal to the amount of Si..' contract, to delteer
this f' a ' d ' e g e ' ll.l. oo erft ' elZ l to
1 conformitytbe ' ml l' l bl i iiditr L* ToVil
fail to enter
the contract., they to make gond the
l o co betwren the oiler of said Lidder the
next loweet iveponalble bidder, or the per,n to whom
the contract may be overdid.
The responsibility of the guarantor. most be Shown
by the official certificate of a r. 8. District Attormsy,
Collector of Cruitome, or any other officer under the
United :tat,. Cos eroment, are rsayeinxible parrot
to tl..
All Wader. will dtily notified of the acceptnoter
or rep., tom el their propvea/.
The hit name nod P. U. odd,xa of each bidder
most i.e legibly eriiten to the proposal.
Proposals most in addressed Co ltri s radier General
11 11. Chief Depot Quartermaster, Wash
ington, D. C., aeol shoold Le platoly marked 'Prop,-
rah. for Forage,"
Donde, In a earn equal to the anumut of ths eon
tract, awned by she contractor and Loth of bia guar
.:lto rn, will be requited of the enccesshal 'bidder or
bidders .prm signing the taut rect.
Bata h.rms of bids, guarantees, and bond., may
be obz..lued open applimt ion at this office.
Purchaar4 1.4,re lb , r....13{ rescue, uL4 won
ic; at loss than Hastrrn ruwrto
AST" (3C/1313
To wYI L we Inv,w the attotalno of R me,k,p,s,
s 4 we cue tl•
, cw- [Lo re
x oot gwrd!e.-
a Nat
c= lm- wr()H.K.
We ittAll , thrlng !It« prltt,t wrath. at sholotate
. ran Itrot
F10 , .r. Oil Cloths
pr,rEss, lc (Z2_,l MATH,
Th.we gwele b..e ea...wt.& in Cast hand. In.
TEN to TWENTY-FIVE. PEE CENT. within th• Fly
tiers. aod we ern our wellheA a LESS TFIAN EAN•
ETACTUISKII'S PlaioE.S. Our stoel Is tamon
tirely ow, di hart.; been ;a:mt./mod withlo elnety
amp, her rash, et the very lucent price. of the yeer
McFarland, Collins & Cc.,
BATNIPti Poert Oka and DUrnatel
Washington City, Aug.'. lob, 10A3,
Wean.% By satisfactory evidence prawnte to
the undersigned. It has been mats to appear that
In the County of Allegheny, and State of Pconsylva.
Ws, has been duly organ lted ceder and accord., to
the requirement. of the Act of Congress, entitled
••Ati Act Co pared. a National Currency, by
tpledge of Coital States Stocks, and to provide fug
e circulation and miception thervof,'' approved
February 2.5t1,1e73, sod has complied with all the
pne alma of said Act roqvdred to .be compiled sill
bele. commencing the Dustpan of Banking
Now, therefore, I, ikon licannuce, Comptroller Brigadier General D. H. Rucitr.n.,
of the Corn cdo beret.) _ amity the a
the Id thief Depot
omenty of Allogemy, and State of IM.OFTITiIiaI. Is ! GUARANTY.
authorised to comeenca the buelnest of Banking ! W e, the ®designed , rnedeot. of
der the Act aformald. the county of and St.:twat
In tretlioel wheseol witaew tai hood hereby, Jointly and serendly, centime with the
( land seal of ofHoe. this 6th day of Aoguati Deiced State% and gnarantee, In as. the foregoing
r ear flkuS. nucku kicCULLOCE, bid of
OemPitsinif within ton days slier the acceptelm of raid pod.oz.-
cu. thecoutract for the lame with good MIA Ct..
MB FIRST NATIONAL BAHR OP ! emetics, in • sum arse o the amount of the contract,
PITTSBURGH, PA., Ito tm - nish the forego proposed coeformity to the
tome Ofitheertheoent dated December; lielli,cmder
. .
which the bid was made, aml, In case the said
(LATE PITTS/MINCH TECST COMPANY.) . Mall fail to enter into • contract so aforesaid, we gem,
antes to maks good the difference between the otter
Ib Userriti., e-400,000„ with prlvilage Miner.= br the maid —sad the nest loweet responsible
to evI,OOO,OIIDMD. parson the to whom the contract. may be
_ awarded.
The Pittsburgh Trost Company bowleg ergot:deed I Witness, f Olvmender oar hands and Peals
under the act La provide • National Currency. ender I this —day of --, 1 e 4-.
the title of the FIRST NATIONAL BANN OF , -
PITTSBURG'', would . respectfully offer be rondo., , [lletj
for the e.ellentims of Not., prone, Bus of Xaehaogs, i I hereby certify that, to the best of soy 'movie gm
Aro, reecho money on deposit, cod buy and sell ?s. I and belief, the above mount gnarantorwars good and
change on all perm of the country 1 wildcat ae nmeties for the amount for which they
The en.n which hes attended the Pittsbmvgh l of tops storrrDS.
Tr, ~,,,,,p„.7. 510e,, 1 ~. 0rg .. 1 „ . ,,ii,,,, 1” 195° p all !To be certilled b 7 the Uultoi States Mallet Attar•
sr. ~
~,„I i „.„ b,, ~ . u pi c i", g „...,,,,,,,, th,,, b h o heas , nay, Collector of Customs. or any ether ofecerundeo
entrusted to the cow errs, sl Motion will receim the I Di. tuft./ SW. G°"...l‘r; or ...P.M* 1T....
same prompt attention. known to this Alen
"Moine • very extenelve wu-roepoodenee with Bun ke AD 1tr0p...1......1 ,- ora. dd. ft.....5:1,....,1
w „ ~,,;„„ ~ I will be opened and romenteml at tits otflos on WED.
and Banker. throughont tha country,
own o der tutosual fallible . to those saw tie haminews ! MESDAY end ILITITRDAY of each week., at IT re.
with es. : Ridden an respectfully molted to be prestot at the
'Pb. btatintas will be mentuctati ley the same Moen 1 °Peeing of We. If they desire.
and Director..
Jamas Langhll
Hobert B.
Thomas D.•ll,
Thosaa• Wlghtmna.
Wm. H. ZSlsaiah,
almaass 64..
Oven Melly from 9 to 1, Alm on Wainsabey
anJ tietorday evenings, horn - May let to Lim/emirer
ler. from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from Novenit, lel to
Nay let from f, to 8 o'clock.
roceival of ell mum not Ism then Oa,
Vollor, and a dividend Of the profits declared to ire •
year, to June end preemie, lotoront tese bren do.
floral ecenlamonally. in Juni and December. mina
the Bank ems organital, at the rote of ela per cent.
I:La; U not drains oat. le planed to the ea-Di
of the depositor ea principal, and beam the earns lo•
terra Wan the tint *aye of Jantrand December, .one.
poutbling twice ear without troubling Cho &mai.
tor to call, or emu y to primal his pees book. AI Ohio
Onto money trill double lo thwa twrlre year,. •
Books, motelotog the Charlet, By-Leoe, ricks
and litegnlatinia, ft/melbad grab% on appllmsim at
tbr afire.
JoLn B. McFadden, Daao DI. Pennock
John liolmos, John Etandal,
Alexander Opeer, Janice B. D. Wade.
Beni. L. /a.bastock. A. AL Pollack, M. 1 , .,
Jame. McAuley, 818 Uneven., '
James lierelman, William J. Aoders.n,
Perm A. Maielea:
Walter P. Nankai'
John Orr.
Hobert Itobt.,
Henry L. Ring...,
Juno. Ehidle,
Jolts 11.1lixtemborget,
Al... Lade MON,
WM. Whittler;
Wm. L Warman.
c , / , . 1 1 1 1.4 Toillef.
Wrist Adams,
John G. Backohn.,
John C. Studley,
Going* Mark.
Moose A. Cantor,
Charhe A. Colton,
Dcrt;J- on.
John S.A..
William S. Ilann,
Peter H. Illmaktc.
Richard Haro, ' .
.1 smolt P. He
Wailim 8. Lanly,
Szaattn't .111141K8
T ARD•WA.NTSD;=-The'higheat cash
_LS yew rem eir r ocuistry
D A tren thaw.
akalsd 7ll 9 , l4o. Itts<4.
I, theretaerlher, do hereby prypeee to furnish and
deliver tet the United ntates, at the Quartarttranter . .
Department at ,agreeahly t?the true of
. .
your atlatrintemetat, lovitlog propose. for forage,
dated Waahlognat Depot, Dee , mbee 5. 1563, the fol.
!oaring •rticiee, eft
—bushels of Corn, to sacks, at per bushel,
of 56 pounds.
bushels of ltam, in Lacks, k per bushel,
of 31 pounds.
—toot ot baled hey, at per tau, of 2,0 M
tons of Strata, at per ton, 0f2,006 pentads
Delivery to commenoson or before the—day a
—, 156-, and to be completed nu or before the—
/lay of—, /Set-, !sod pledge myself to enter Into •
written oontrect with the United State•, 'with good
sad approved seeorttics, al thin the space of tau days
user being notified that my had has been accepted.
Sour obedient sort/tot,
Ale.saullor Arm . ,
hands G. tulloy
Ala.. 11.41ry.
Samuel Gee,
019ALET Bruer.
6rnco or tar CM= qIUIVIZIOLLEffa,
Washirgtoo, D. C., Dor. P.S.
Proposal. are enllclied, and mill be roielted at this
altos for tho furnishing of Ca airy llotw, t 0 be de
livered at Wimhirigten, D. C., Bt. Lon* 111.5., and
C 00,.,, 15.
Tile Dorms to comply with the following .pceliSca
thins. lie To bo from aftoon (15) to =sew (19
hand. high, from five (5) to nine (9) rem 051. irou
broken to the enil.llo, compactly built, In good flmh,
and lion from all defects..
The ability of the bidder to fl.ll/1 ht. agreement
meet b gnarentsed by two mePormlllo penons,
whom slasiscum. ex ho apperidedeathevaicranteis.
No propomis will be mitt ruined name the oath of
allegiance of th. mcsan or persons bidding a1m.1.1 be
on file in thl. officoo. .•
The reopolattallty of t ornan., ton mostbsibotrn
by fbe official “rti9cat, of the Clert. Of lit•nwort
Marla Corot or of the United eta.' District At.
Fromm!. town addronrod to Lfent. G.
BA . wtELLE, chbd Quortertranter, Carskt Dze.,
.4 be ennorzott tho ourelope .tropettals for
L*• lloraWagreolagsla, the abort rpectlica
ttow przchua.d In open smartet . , faiy pricer,
at 1111, folloydng place% : Now !tont:My, Albany.
Sntrab and Eocheator, k. Y.; PiAdmanb,-Plnam• ;
Coltakbus Ohio 13,,550n, Me n; elannata, tCy.; tad
, 11. a:sew 'rams,
Lieut. 061. gad Chia thathanagio,
no23:dtt Contry Amnon.
bantam tae atbectlcra of Sportier= AM &Wen to Ills
.44cadlil stc..k of GUNS, CIFLIS, ESVOLVE7I4,
llltraiddl2 of ivory kmd. llk 14ock halo lark* ever
brOuabt to Mt. market • - • • z. 0.17
BUMPS, of, 01l doionotaggios. - '
VcanithultlT On . and, it the , Intimal Bohn=
go. Olt ste!otr , at,lnut door *s i res=
lali , -DATER rt. TA,
of Internalluirssityla
Sam.-Ream De dilated to' lipetian
ltr QracTram_tatres Urn. r. t
Waoltatglltt, ltektut, P• . umbrr 8, 18G3. f
138 woon ‘ prurr.
mt ,3 7 by
. •