a a lSt Y i l w.~ - a_. h , EOM 2alki*.iiMeAM* l le. :._.!..:,.. rimpy2,3iMALIES WOWS, • •••-.-;t4cmgrori- ''.....i..a-,:i....ta:5:4. , •: ,,, : . : .',.., , :::•:,Y.: , ..,;:t/0/16,11 - ifi.C I II.LINPOILD, , , '' i iiins , ifionti To* •taes.. slam oa unworiffilt, AND ; `.;;•''" .• ilifila ciezonsot an math ta : ..3 69 -SMl 4l66 7SP l M k asid trOiluraintl . y alse D :d to. _ ~,.... :,........ 4 . zz ,„to o ll u tt ira p4FISZ. 11 : 4 1.'Y L VSFattete the the Waters Ttettkt Othr.s. ‘... - t l ; 7 -7 - ;; - treble 1131" TY Wed' MAILIIII, LALTPILI44 00475 t'VriZtit UMW. PIMP, the bat meth _...: .!_ltetttea, , /Wet OA Irlifel if le not herb. to jet ed ,: ..,.5..7-..;::eforder,'eltd will throw water ttun ..Y .. _ .. . . . . nP47. =fi' A ro /SES.: 141 itiA6 i t ~ uru nr & cO O ! ' - AiDEIiS'AND sacrosisra. z .+S sr-'CdeLesoYa [ 4lio Wite r aargi Walnut Straits, • csorcurllstairentsj • ...zsandictistwormliciarsuu Ulm zsaisn, , tintaxo YiLL Winos andp.tan-tnraT. vi.id4lgoLirtia Aitiktifitirsaf. dolly jaw 4 1 .1. &ect, vossisr sous PLOW WOll3lB. ' , 1 77 M, = 4441 ; 41/11r11114441111Sif 111 ' 01 Vit. diferea kinds -- et PLOWS, PLOW CASZEiCS, SCOOPS, CUT TING BO !S. de. With greatly lammed facili ties Lae 4444 bedew, we esmesOy belts &elms to Wes nu aML, Neeldedeeb Trmpemooreffle. Weteweef, Cecile illy and ALLY PliteloNli. POBlattl DINIKIND prrrantrEas, PA. . . iti*AP4.4IIIO3DIEII.-6t CO., . . QuAt.n . 7,ap,c l 4 l3 T sl?fark. air &Awl.. of all aims. Warmatel u'KL .51141. ? Withirro Or. ati:miuctair 04 in tta. alas- LA= mu= ti 2.I44I2I3watt . IffitECIWOIRD . I!3_ 4EL71 3 a - Bit , Abtaßb: . ...ITILIAM - WAKIiIiLfiL et (X) ;Isoitzu -142i10 41 rol s :a t i'l.ltrtInt: L .Z P M lamito;:faxacftszaam,kit with th• most traprqmd ofelal7.T.mrtii d ..istantitataro ereq domrtm.A kmGBO ,tin the best manor, Wd TYa BOILERS, CONDENSERS. — lift OIL STILLS AGITATORS, '-'l. l -KBELAS N P'BW- B' iohrs. ER6S BRIDGES, '• 702 4 V. Ii tplontsanallil , = n or . 33 0 .,U514 . , „. "- •i.• 41161832 • • ' • • larattlafeAtip ligratli 'WORKS COLLINS ~!7"1 " 1 4% itaific4 Ruplums xacire_..igusgrA4fteral7 ,2lo . - - 132-86 : 024 '•:•''Stmllt,PltUktentik, • ..• " A.1. - LENNI)OI : CO., .rosanwriP!ttsb vivem - ir ol - COOR;PASSOII ISO SIOVALOR MIMICS GRATES; ~ ..110LSOIT, W AS S.'ite.,ltnal AlM and alms •= 1 Sreolli.er &alma:Dot: ivy" vrkmik.e. , valSattledh Polleys.ThumemCsrVr.elk CeMPSdid. ....LCasUngt "Alio,l'obtdr‘and Need.. , ..s oldirm. mods t order. -Parantod....ortodds UM, JOSEPH. F. 11.114111LT0 Zt. CO., MST , AND marrt sit.; Pifoobonhi • _ .SUPENton ottlicirson2k4AftifEaPpu :g. , nontats i cx_l4o. 53 - alftatrarek e oaucallCztor ofBOMMI MTV, WZol7olll2sllT.l4,coodoect sad rldlrood, of e'en Putleolaudated 01'14103 ii ET TET P. lofct or faxual, seuadif Words? at shoti - some. , good saioxlmaat coodantly on hul. mr2o-Jad .16PU812.4'. - ItIDDLI 4 it' CO., 'No. 215 11-AD9ll7Offote SUSI, Pitt:burp, imideo of:WM^ - CASIIILIS Cad ZS, cod arm dooorkrtical of LE.LTLECIkItIidIDED Vild=llZ .I.^, • Orders ocaidtad fonntbo trod% and t oodt - ifs. iffOldssD rloatroettaos. Cady D_.&,.W.4o2oTgrr---Manafectufers of IfErffllffOlSlS OILED W.ABC. „. • Mos ordl Warehouse at HO. 71 MTH STIIIEBT, PdteM* . i,if., t ,f _ m1d..1.17; - \ --- •:' --/- 0 "ftr fincearL - 4 (21/eli: .. ',ti::•ii•Vi';' - aeciii , u:7l .W . 4097, CARR ot- CO., -7:9;.r.t,,,1 •,-3 , 1 , 1 ,••. . -.•.. ~. ..-, -:.......- _ • . jrab iliThos, Para a 0:44 .. ,!• ... - '1712.e01M. 11/4, Cal"Ntl4,sllo . : • - aim:mad all.y, Tictburgb. ' split"- '--:- Vkl'F'AT rl:l6'.'", Deplore in :: . ,.-M ircus,473l=wirio Dat ,, ,Gool, n. -..; UC..orgo.my 4.ity. m h,:iy . „ , TOWLiatel. &CO TalltllikelVglirodp 7•7• < " .. .: 7 -1111 1 1:;4 1 0 1)"."1"15 .iii r earial ;5"ariP*4 --.-' ': ',•'•.• ligieltUil:&GrLYDE, - Wholosnle and - - - AT.a.satanyttders le Mini - AND STAPLE D \. - -; _ 4 1114111,X041iTawnuitetiturrt! SPIRLD. 31.; — .BUROk6. (successor tci iltutikeild,kGe4Whtilesale ea Betel Dealer 1 la MP= ADD WANG" our GOODS, ISaribaut wow altarth-iiDdifax,tel __ .<..~~.w=~~ ~F ~a~,~— wa.... v,wft .461, —l4'eakd '4IOODS, 2f0i—n,a314.7 11 Muted r? Acta, - Dealers i .u.IiAnatot.DAXAVU , S , -- 210 . ca,market stirt: • tr 4 rettrah-PLUOarib. • ` • 11516,1•84'4Vouttlitaeot, . • ATltt 4 . 1, ,, riz.DR•V0G15 11 7 4 . II - - - 01 MON JOEDISTOIk,DiaIer in PURE I -, ..110 DS= ;AND PEBYI3IIIIIIT, COCIII4II/SG-'7l...,:citrz, TAN . 7 a Eirlirtin lislogy prim! quaky, , - ,oridth 110 04st At IT**. - Cora C.Pl.tb&id deg atdd at "Sesalreurtlistnigi, llll strkl.;il: B, * *:-,46.2FONESVlNAL,&4:o4,Whille lasleOnsr,kittried taififttictirentoWM 2 IMADASTilawrittaS.corner of Vtael and Wrenst r . L71134' , 4 4 ,*.tnilesnio - Desi or in , PATEraiIItra,:TAICUMWAND ZO Maw otra)4. rtitaniL ~,AltardettlitU Mitts Oroacptottaaanu . - . :-ritednuett.- _ o*-17 1 4•V-5 1 WA 12. .% j.,.GARDINEICIDO • t Ayen . .illtaddlet,lllll.oosl6 ; .41losspit4c0ASextheisConer:Watd'ibdi.b1rtati47. ramPwrauilAgimil NoltrAmories, abo a si g air at• vsnia4 -Cut pKtr , l4,l , " Wanda , Ulikileereille Citizens In. 13 MUM 0440079 anterlanut_ ead Water sta. r trt N;gectetpxyliVititexa Agllloo4 I tc'Wifffllo, , xusiogoshmum .81. ' dtthr =UM- iPeo.ll , PIANOS; -11/0021 glott &COM =LODZ 6:ar .I.dbottben*Wood, 'II (M .4 MI . 41 It VIM iabuar ' , At: • t7 l n sa.ka..4 a Wootit. beirmit Irt‘lirriC2=4-tassim— lieerairniMS:`au"; 1 10 /4 0 AVM& • W., Station= wdON-AsalOserirmonemdates saia • • amt 67 WoxelibietPittilichyld , - 'rad 1- -'';'•:, , flVOOtetate - ult:Biation.l diAr Ito; kopl:Lesxmosis '.. l i7iii - -. :7'.`:....- - :' ,- -t.'.7? .. A -.-. - 7 . •...."., INAsitinerand BtatignAryl 0104:1011Notuslitforia alslarkuir 441401"41teit. sliW ,;;,;„ rl q ' . • "a;Liria op ucr,:s GROC F P °S • *c, suaimma s i>a,u,) -- - Etinar,42rsitss 'am! Provtdons of . s e itu t ora i r a.w ri . „ : A b r trd 3k, rr won irrißii,i.ittautsb, Pa. care Ems R WALL? EY„ Produce and,Commission Merchant. AL5147.4M1F3411311;14.0 ind ;Sega 4 . 12. GI kinds . aICOFSEIST RJRZWIICFI, • • - as ITi Sri Ericipiz EZ , Z , C KIMMALXN.-—.AMU. • /60. MIIICCIII.3, (of thalate Ilrat lat-D./k D. IrDantald Plusbargla. Co.;• Okla.) rnON&ILD & ARUM:LES, Whole -1.11.' Salo GraiPrialtei 'sad , Ccaambalon Ater ;lamb: Jabbeis GOITRAR O:SUGAR sad MO LASSa- DEF/NRD SUGS razzes, FLOW , " IIACON, I•OIIAUCO..:AXAS, =ESA !k!'494: PAM' Moog Pitt. 1014:1y Qtrliritla & WEAR:, -Gaol/sawn connsearofluraccuANTs, •Am 17ikas1D8mIllaad cor. ktotid, 417MIUG11-11A0ZZ0WN—...............—.1/11.1111193 inns.?. N4ACKEOWN de LINUART FLOUR ill. 4s Gum name, moron eon Oorstmore tdiscaurre, Lir the main of Xienr. Dna.. tork,'Bn" CM. Lard; Dottet; . 7.4xs, Mean,. Beans, Tallow, CiTIMOD, Iwtben,. Potatoos,...tot and Poo& lohes, daleratne, Limee4 and.T.ard Oita. Dried ind Groom rndb4Tintik/. Clover, Max and Gran Seed. Ca& 4+lyear:omegas [lido on Consignments. IiPDI/ Libertl weed. Patton.. W GORIILY VOW, WHOLESALE GRAINAIL Ea L . ll mama; STIESE7, riltabuEb Hosing purchased tho , tittered of his lato port:cows, will cootie= the btuduees at the old stand, lad wilt M pleased to meekn tW potsosuge . K. hls eld.friessda and cusiousena re)ls:tt VrtErET,t 'SON, 13ommISSION Murmur:l, WholoWe &mien WESTERN REGERVIR. CHEESE, DRIED' YEDITS, BUTTE& EGGS, GRAINS, land produce gentralty. A R, L*, LEATHE HIDES, OILS, At., No. l'l7 Liberty Stmt. Pittnbargh, a • ' . • Wreath advancements made. Oomignments (kited. • jel2-tand WEL P.'BECIC I.r. CO., No. 185 LlB arty Strad. Pittabargb, Pa., Wholesale, Ora. Cotatalanka - Mintlianta,a VOUS TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, RITTER, EGGS: CHEESE, 7388 do.. PRODUCE, Pmons, de. LOITI34 saws, G KE. RI AND DED : SALT and LI 131i BH , D.t CANFIELD, Commisaio,N Atm PORE.. DAMN, FLOM!, FIBE,POrAND REIAILL ASHES, SALREATUB, LINSEED AND LARD VILE, DRIED IfIII2, and Produce generally, Nue. Ifl and 143 ?rent meet, Plllebargh. 114 M =MA et , - 'LITTLE & TRIMBLE Wholeiaile AJI cars arid COMMISIIIO7I if4Ch.b. dealer. is BELOBIIOI, FLOUR. 'BACON, OILLISB, FLAIL CARBON AND LARD OEL.LBON, NAILS, GLASS oortoll :SAUNA,' Slut •BUtibm'SA Boo o d.r/nr. te.x*Ally,9l.land 314Setend itm id, Pittsburg], EYMR drBROTHE . 11Q0 E R 4 (successors /tits Et 71ser IC Andirson,) Wholenlio Dealers In FOREIGS FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, 00n.. SECTIONSRY, SUGARS, TIRE WORKS. ite.,Ros LES asnilol - Wond !I .. te IGlUMAttilrgb. - . 11. II P.ll A AD. CcauussioN miseirorror an& dialers TLOI7II, GUAM, AND PitODUCI, No. '24.1 Liberty street, Plttabe Cboiar bczadr of To bar.Bekon a4d.faro.P7.•. , e ansaimay 'Particalair ittteatfon yard to orders for lifarehoonilse [morally. ocA:dlj. • — hLES I3 o LEECII, Pthts AND Azarx.ntros AXD 0011J1W101• fbr the salexit GRAIN: BENDS. CIIIIIISS/PBODUCE, amlevent tqr. the celxbrated Uniontown CS ":"1-4. Arm._ -.13.6 sm.& aMa44-xlnsArcievOc.- 553, VANITCIRDtrig, •Proliicaliad Meratant, deskr BIM 11:2031100ES; MEM MAIM macs.* ,14)14., MIND AND GILEIMMITII, mid proistcaiwu aay: Lniir may . iratelan.„ ir ; 14A llscoad stmst;rlttigbargb.", %MOM S. HBAD. & F&ETZGA_It, Grocers and OaddiaLorobanto,anddegerain all kinds of Coiner,' Yeodneo arid Vittatonigh 'Elanufsetoreo, No. 2411Libort7 aired, oppooito head of Wood street, Pittabargh. • ap3ly B. dONES . &SON, VI Grocer. nail Mead Turaishars, dealers to MM SILLA SOPB, OAKUM, OILS. PITCH. and Pitt.. bargh manufaetured artieles, 140. 141 Water stmt. slam the Monoagabala Bridge. Pittsburgh. sestninattstr.......• nitsitt. POBERT.jDALZBEL Grocer. Gammas, ion and Forwarding Nor. chants, and dealers in Prodare.d Pittsburgh man. afastares, Liberty street; Plttebtagb. DWALLACE, Commigsioillierntamt, • and irtholevle peeler TLOLT. and GRAIN, ilt4.lrag,Lliseity Mite, oppbeiti.Ponnlytranin it: U. Teasenger Depot, Pittatergb, P. Storage Ware. hove, corner Wayne and Penn street. no17:1y MILT LLYSIM.—....-...10111, .I=o9. ....AL. WI LIACZ. 1 A.M.WEXT, Whole . esle Grocers sod Produce Dealers, No. 5 51stN +treat, Picteburgh. 1.16 WAIT a(WILSON-, 4 WhoMsaler:Grir TT Man:hunts, sad dusium Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, No. VA Lttu rrty street, Pittsbnllo,;.' 41,171.F0RD, esede I.4iadliotiflOlLWEES,7l,ooB AND P DUO. MAISEL IST 'Librity street, Pittsburgh. sp4:6us V. EJoz 0/lAKEirgic LANG, COEMSIOIS SKuswarsd and wholesale dealers lo ORO 031 P 2 i rid4MlM4l26 ~,Pluantrev,... • , jolne LI/MUT. J..4F00r 4 CO iraP C . F d Lc AT R. PittaburO, • Gireapacity,Uo banes per do. TAIMS - DAL:ZETA. Xt 60141, Manufac• tr , totera of „wisp! OILj wd CA.imbortou' eW okinta for thi {radius ode of 01137D1 - AND strum, PZTIIOLEI7II, Not 03 and 70 Wiitar s2.o7,Plitailargh.-Advisnoet nuillieitioadjormenta. • wititirrffernomr: • own' to Broom tr. W ILL CaCCIREI, Nas.l9l sirl 4113►.:. Moly stroot, Plttgottsb. ap13:17 InCerel Pi:ref.{ heavez nu" p. e i ne e rrr. 41.A.N8 COFFni, successors to 31"Candlcen, 3k.D d Uo.. NV LIOLESA Lit awar"Priver dcwzof iopt 2t.terstowts, WO- iraelr - irtiMIFIVARHHOUSI L—atINTYt N. COLLINS, Terwardlu andeennadokater dent and dears; ~ A rrvq, . . Lig FISH, and Prxtoc• cosanallyi- Wdod • above Water, Pittsburgh. 00 2 IOLLANDIODDLEAMtenor to Jno MIMI a ait,,ltn.-111114baly street, nal bunt, dnostal rsoutreginocresy AND CON MUMS =WHAM Coselgeuteute rented tally aultelted.. , . fatly Drup~tet~ ISAIAEC t& fitly Whol c ale Groani,Vonnexhinto loutubb, and dealers In Prodeux, NM. 60 We& strut and 66 Trout strut, ;I'lttObtegh. ODD DI TO 15:1)1LWOBT11 do GO., Wholesale 442.. ipaSVa Ocassif,spd. tau . *** *lolesa le lire: r Aats saMdzunleatm lincioallagOtc•-ra VrOod "Z! Liberty suet; ?Magni'. PIO 14; CALDWE ((successor to Jaws Dolmen a.c0.,) roux A kc,FLES and `dears In2llollllloBßicentet of-Roikellnad float lareeteMitabargh. , Jae (suicessor to Jock- A.A.- mos itTwarned, )•POIE -TAMES piC.Stal, ta tnCLVIB/0718; Ito.:l2latertb Meat, ow orty..Ttsubugtb.-,14.---, s , 7 wort' aumaams—'—' snoccass ots 44)' OndroVltisDl7 01 -AND INACKISSICrR NYI2OIIAIIII-3141 Llbefty.strest, rittattaxek. soma Norm TORN L ROUSE &.,(30., 0 ,Wholesale OSOCISBa oommiesioN ktimetriarrs, oonicret gut Wats" dram; Pittobano.l r 4-, ' esion 4,..! X Pnotorcz noun. B A° °/ . WOOL 443421,,1ic.,. gm Is imithtleld *net. Pittibargi. myttly AB, 1: 1 1e ccoottestoi id =mum Ifaatiorafflof thitßisqtif.:Aritto , ro . Up:webs. •BAGUSY, Afixtlesale , TN fi r mse, Wei. II wQ m Woos Wools ,zieimitatigalke ri nhis~d~er~ ~, e e, ruanms~:.::. IE: &13 :W gh) MICE= AND CONCIaStOr v u d titobarsty ~1 r ~ns';ea'. ~,~~~ AsfjHAiTAlialer in WALL IigIIWWIWWrW, 36 1 V 11 4 6- rei, ""ft4 l-0 ,0 :2 .i.a''l'll442'4c'4"r'T;llTl: AN:. 4 ; % 01 • ittsba* 6u.,etttt. THURSDAY SIORNING:::::.vJAN. 14, 1264 TERMS OF THE GAZt.t.T.t... Monies° lismos, by utsi!, , 9 4011 4 1 IL • ° 413314 3. Stvzsewo Ilaseto3, iiy 4 44. sa. " gine. 2. • MI Ml' &arras, doe* copies, pee rad... 2 CO. " stub. of 2to 10, ".:_.l OO. " elate! of fear mart'! 1 ts. -4al ons setts* to the party . mantic atob. For a club of Aftesa, ore will mad the rev stFik thertya daily. Far • 'slob of Sweaty, sea via aend fts. Elszarso Marra daily. Slagle 'aortal', *SAII maiceptions itricefy t 4 ammo/40d papers shwa stoppad when tha time aztdras. Progress of Clvfiliation. The Chß:sae are &beat entetkng upon the study of European international :law. • At Englishman., well versed in the Chinese lan gaage,havingtranalatedportions of Wheaton, Minister Burlingame sought an interview with the Imperial Council for the purpote °flaying it before them. Of this intorrioir:a lettei in the Ems, dated Pekin, Sept. 14, thriasneaks : • "That boolr,"aald Mr:Barlingeme, by way of isducifig them to strive= the expense of printing it, "may yet safe' you expense of e foreign war." "Iflt.'spar9 els • war, it is not the expenie *bleb er oansedtr, but the life," - they replied, aleitin4 thy' sublime tadtler enee to postoslarytiousideratiaps, whlah is only exhibited by'surarkatlelotta people, and s par simonious government:: be author," added hir• BurlinEmi*:•--"hili.* European fame. When published bere;:he wilt gam a Chinese reputation." The President replieCwith the air of one who imagined that be was. adding the• top atone to • ooltaran, and utterly unconscious • that in rtaldishing a system of international law his people are only bringing up. the rear acknowledged," sold Mr. Burlin game, "as the standard publicist in the cabi nets of Europe." " We," said the President, determined not to be inveigled into a premature acknorl edgment of en unknown code, " we shall deal with him according to the maxim of Confu cius Coll out the right, and obserre it; cull out the wrong, and correct " Viewing It in • this light, they seemed to have little hesitation In regard to its publica tion; imagining, that, bectra. , o St addresses them rather in the language of an ethleal phi • losophor than a legislator, they aro at liberty to adopt or reject its precepts, aa may suit their convenience. * PMMIIIII7.OII - _ Mr. Burlingame had remarked that — . It would facilitate the dispatch. of business for thersk to learn the usages "hat . govern the in crease of nations•" "Not only so," the President added, "it will stroo as a guide fortAc essbossirr we may send to forrigs Petters." Appointments try the President. Tho following appointments have boon ado by the President and Senate. Captain John Rodgers to he Commodore. Captain Stephen C. Rowan to be Commodore. Anorew Wylie, Justice of the Supreme Court, District Columbia. T-11.. Clayton, of Kentucky, Minister at ilor.durus. Jas. H. Partridge, Minister at 'Salvador. A. B. Dickinson, of Noir York, Dilatator at Nicaragua. A. A. Hall, of Tennessee, Minister at Bo livia. Mg2=EMIMI Henry Bergh, a New York, Secretary of Legation at St. Peterebtrrg. W. M. Briggs, of Maasachusetts, Secretary of Legation at Brazil Abraham Benson, of Wisconsin, Connate sinuezystlefteitibrtr General at Liberia. °terve H. - Steffan.; -of New lurk, _Consul General at Shanghai. Richard Busteed, of New York, District Judge for Alabama. IL Balton, of New York, Consul General at Havana. James D. Doty, of Utah, Governor of t'tab 5. Edmonds, of Dakotah, Governor of Da kotab. CONSULS. P. Chaw,Cof Maine, at Tampico. J. C. A. 'Wingate, of New Hampshire, at Straws,. • F, H. Ruggles, of Nw York, at Jamaica. t . B. J. Corliffe„ of New Me rico, at Pato del Norte. . • George P. Liandork, of New York, at. Elei. coin. L. P. Provost, of Maine, at Guayaquil. Aaron Young, - Of Mahar, at Pao Grand..., I BranD. A. G. Brighton, of Michigan, at Vortoey, Belgium. C. 11. Sirrionds, at Santa Martha. Richard E. Mono, of lowa, at Cameos- A. S. Itenalscrgh, of New Volk, at Car- thagena. s C. U. Upton, of Virginia, at Genera. B. P. Hall, of Colorado, at Naples. B. L. Bill, of Michigan, at San Juan del Sur. C. 8.. Pollin,vd. Woos and Tmaallo. C. 11. Lochs, of Pennsylvania, at Puerto Cabello. - R. W. Creel, 'Consul at Chihanitatt. W. 11. Blake, of Maryland, at Manzonitha Joseph E,llark, of Ohio, at. Amsterdam. W. J. Trowbridge, of Conneetieut, at Bar budom J. Canhwell, of -Pennsylvania. at Dahlia. A. Rhode., of Pennsylvania, at Jerusalem. -L. W. Topple, Jr., of Malsachusotte, at 1 Batavia. - 'A. G. Riddle, of Ohio, at Matanzas. J, W. Livingston, of New York; at La Linton. _ • George V. Tint, of Maine, at Stoek holm. J. S. Smith, of Poonsylranis, at leland of Candin. W.-W. Nevison, of Ohio, at Bayonne. C. G. itanaab; of New Jersey, at Dettierare. Thomas' Kirkpatrick, of Now lonic, at Nasser', N. P. One dispatches hare already announced the fact. that.llt. Elwin, employed in the bank note-, ~printhig office of the Treasury' Depart, moat, had been arrested. A dispatch to the New York Herald reports his offense to have been the ;diversion of seventy thousand del of public, money- from the parnent of presses and materials purehased for bin be. keen Into his own packet. The detectives bare traced paper and ink from the bank iota printing .department, in which 18, and mother; wort principally employed, directly to a counterfeiting establishment ersoy. There viers' produced kbe deOd .ef rrs'idurd'it.:Poitikcafirroner that ,exercised the Depirtinentlast summer. .r Tar.llo7 york !Herald Nye the iniquitous Sunsititig , mtom in that "oily and the tar ioudinedistriets la to be lurertigatediy the fdeeretary of War: There bee been s regales. eyitein ,insugiarated by substitute broken of ettin : drunk and then kidnappinglteadg •- - - boys,and pooketing three,formtbs of the boun ty obtained. Old men have. had their -hair dyed and been otherwise made to look sating, and then , enlisted; 6/3a 'diseased mon palmed ripen reensiting officers in the miuntry... odds: ' , Or the ranny hundred _matt now on Biker's Island and in other depots, it la el lard, and with strong presumptive prootti that they have net received an enrage, at I t h e oe t i ld ep or $lOO each of the bounty, thus glowing the handsome margino! s oo, &oo to be divided amongit the broken and inch oth ers as they may _bare to divide with." N0W11.121111 EITXIINUSI DILTFLOTINO 60111 . 11- tsis 11.csotutrun.—Tho Boston Traeger Nays 'dAmong other northern projects to develop tie resources of the , South, under the coining seem° of 'free soil end freeltten,!'ti that of an enterprising lady of this eitpoithri has organized. an , expedition to 'North Carolina for-the jUtipose. of.working in the extensive pine reglanit of that State now under federal . . protection: l. .oe .takes :with her several. peritiond ineebeniei,,with. tools, and other ntustati.artfais , -.ll.treerel elm:tared tbb lady aailed lomat weeks since, _ wolesalc — Tirre IDA Akt. Libnrr. - Vga Satiatitki Bigerisr marPthe Jetuisee'i Island prtseitere , ere %fig l.pcilpsat 4t the 10.abitt4F.Jrirprm4.wietallithei T~fiiitati+mdmExrt Ad7on*Sit:akq,ooo,l? . . . . . - • PITTSB U RGH - ... .:. .. i ...,,,..,.. i. or. H . „,_...._.,,,,.,!...:.,-,..r.... The Rebel IPrbulners at Camp Douglas chtcago. , • The rebel prisoners at Camp Douglas, neat Chianti, seem to eliend thelrtimo in conceits , lag and attempting to execute plans of escape. The Teatime of the Bth says: • "On one of the Most intensely cold stormy nights of last week three or four Of the pris macre took advantage of the blinding storm, and made good their departure ores the fence. , Two of them were captured by ens of the In valid Cores, and they were gloate get inside *gran; as they acknowledged: , , Two who escaped the guard - were round'. short di.• lance frimi camp, next day, fret* to death. They appeaxto be crazy with the Ono idea of outwitting the officers and guardi; by getting out of the camp, taking no thouilii. as to what will become:of - throe after they wont. "Owing • to 'the persistent manner in which they keep up their tumidity operatimari end weeks ago they were notified Oat if any mere tunnels were dug from their quarters, the goon would be removed from every one of their barracks: The 'gophers' paid no attention Paths warning, but dug two straight way, and the doors were all restored- On Wedneeday it was Escort:mil that another bailie. had .been commeireed/and• Yeiterday still another was diacovered nearly completed in the northwestern square of the camp. There being no chance for hiding the dirt they re moved under the floors, tu formerly, it woe mixed, audearried With ashes, WI in sues bankei• &0. - ^d' eireful 'Scorch "Showed that they had boxed up a tier of bunks, leaving - a small bole for the ingress 'skid "egress of the I;ooler:rebels. The result will be, es hereto fore,-that all must suffer for the ladiscretion lathe few, who persist in this burrowing pro cess. The lower line of bunkers will bo to , moved from all the rebel baneeks, and a Pa trol 'or guard will 'Pane through all the bar racks two or throe times a day. If the pris oners merely wish to barter away- the privi leges they enjoy, by persistently violating the rules of the camp, and setting at naught all orders Issued to theta; they wales the cur forms." Hon. Edwitit Everitt on the 'itate of the Country. lion. Edward Everett contribuths to the , last number of the New York Ledgtr an natl. 1 1 ell "On the Prospeets of the Opening Year." lie shows that InliTprespect has Diver been 1 so bright, in the month of January, ;since the outbreak of the war." Abroad, fordign Gov-, ornaments, preoccupied by the compliestions of ' European politics, anA every day les* endless disposed to interfere in our affairs Welcome I the support Which putilie sentinene is yield- I ing to • sincerely neutral ,policy. At home, , the signm of the opening year are ominous of impending ruin to the rebellion, en A auspi cious of success to the righteous causf Mr. Everettrafter referring to the forcible 1 , means by which ICCanioll was brought about, shows some of the grounds for the opinion that the delusion under which the Siatith has been plunged into this desolating wee will I -prove as transient as it Is monstrecti. It is now admitted that It is the alaveholders' war, and the .slaveholders comprise but a small part of • the population of the South', It is I known that between the shareholding aristoc racy and Ow non-slaveholding masses of the i South there is so little sympathy of Meiling as there is aommuntty of interest. The entire hill oountry that divides the region between the Atlantic and the Mississippi (including &sat Tennessee end Western Virginia) is sub- rtantiolly a non-elaveholding country, end I the population is as loyal as that of ',Massa chosetts. Me. Everett inquires in etinelasion: " Is a population, made up of these ale- menu, and of which three•foorths are neither by interest nor sympathy enlisted in the sup- I port of slavery, going to wage an eternal war I for Its protection? is this probable,' , is this I possibly on any known principle ohinnon nature? Nay, will the slaveholders them selves prolong a struggle which is dooming to swift destruction the very principle ich it is waged to protect? A sear of pith pla, of , feeling, or of race may be waged I tho j weakerparty Is exterminated; but °ever ' heard a n war Indefinitely role for a species of erozetitg...a.p. -threelT.niTh - s 'innT no share in that property, while the other fourth, by the negessary ope rations of the oontest,:rore stripped of the property for the protection of, whltirothe war is waged?-' The Creoles of Louisiana A Massachusetts chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Gensruth, writes of the Louisiana Creoles: A torero( slavery is in theemarrow of his bones. Ile says helms co many "head of nig germ," as ha speak. of him cattle. lie never talks to you of slavery as a missionary soci ety. That is the stronghold of one who does not believe what he asserts. Ile never offers any statistics to prove that free labor is im practicable. He standi on a platform beneath which arc no such subterfuges. He simply ears, "The nigger, sir, was intended by Al mighty God to be the slave of. the white mac. Ito isn't a mow he-belongs to,nlower order of bring." "Hat, str," -- you etrenteence to re • ply. "Those are no 'bats' about it. I here tired lifty years with them. I know than through and through; and nothing is morn, evident to a sane men, than that the negro is ' : one grade only above the ape." This Is re freshing. There is no chance fcr argument. You are simply dealing with a fanatic of the worst and most unreasonable kind. lie is worshiping his ebony idol with all the blind der etion of the East Indian. lie is not a man of the nineteenth century, but shows all the characteristics of a semi-barbarous ago., Lie resists the Government at every point Just beyond Carrollton is an immense and magnificent estate Owned by *too( these Cre- I oleo. 'ills annual y ield,of sugar Is fifteen hun dred hogsheads. Ile might hare taken the oath of allegiance,and thin saved his property; hot ho would not. The work of depredation commenced; bat he bore it withonts murmur." First we took his wagons, harness and mule.; be said nothing, but. scowled moat awfully. Nest we emptied his stable of berms for the cavalry service; he did not have even a pony loft, and was compelled to trudge along on loot; still nothing was said. Next wo took his entire crop, ground it in his own sager- I house, tried his barrels for the molasses, and his hogsheads for the anger, end marked tho , head of each "U. S.;" not a murmur. Then' come his negroe2,- , throe hundred and morn, house-servants and all, took it into their woolly heads to come within one camp lines; The Creole was most completely stripped; still he stood in the midst of the rains damning' Abe Lincoln, and wishing that he had eight instead of four eons, in the rebel tinny. Freedom Pahang Ground. Maryland and /triunes have the honor ni loading off is the tittirement for the abolition of slavery within their awn borders. Car Bal timore correspondent, in a leiter published in another column, defines the strong anti-sla very sentiment of the pe4do and the Wie. Imare of Maryland, and prodiata the spate,' and total abolition of slavery. That. this Is no fallacious hope- Ii proved by the recent eleetion'of font ematielpatiordets to the House of Unpresentatlves eat :el the Congreasionad delegation of five to which the State la enti tled; by thacompoeillon of the new Stattleg islatare, wldolt hes Pit "elected ex.Goveinor Hicks to the Unitdd StiteiSenatorship on the pledge of his , fidelity to, the emancipation movement ;.and by the a:premien:of the pop ular wilt at Dahlia meetings - and through tbo columns of Indaential Journals. . Maryland, the first of the border-Stites to echo to the _sounds of warns thus the first of her elate to welcome the dawning light of Prsedom. A few days ago It was announeed that a del egation from Arkansas was: en Its way to Wuhington to negotiate for the readmission of that State into the Union:tinder the terms et the Pretitiont'e amnesty proclamation. Corroborative testimony' of the - strength of the Union, sentiment' in that , distant State readied ne.in a letter frond 'Gen.+ pant', ad dressed on. the . Sib instant to a soldiers' relief meeting held in Clacianeti: "I hesard nothing In saying Alit In four months Atkins:is will resume her relations mr}th the nations!. government;under s eons ti. littion eiciadfng forever negro slavery from her eel', as having_boon the solute of all her sufferings and- galamltltsi and_ ag.oponiDS DP a new patlistay OT - wealth,power and programi end that bratetlim etnsoh the Seats and com merce of _yout . noblis.:eity will be one, more welcome slaters thranghontall our borders." Oen.. Gantt's scathing Deviser aUthe ceases. end_rniniti:Orthe - sebellion In..dikanias will be remembered es one; of the most effective I 'dinanclationi of 'tyan rebel , tyranny aver uttered;' and the !Mat . newlfroshis State shows that his eatimata of • the toyel feeling was neither gge. emi rated nor mistakeit.-A ! Y. Sae. Pad. . _ , LATE smuts.. frpoi .Porn taste: that great 4% :ta Meld t ra then da * a li t cotton 1a thetoogatl7 , and to be nrge aid one Ibal con be grlitt4 instePFid gni. wig, 040 1 4 4 psi•ns the i'arnsiso- podeottimtßANUbsi, lll /4 searil,l4o)ooo - pobtd., orAltto*t crop It it istlirttit*tilisEcriat 4 . 0 4 41/ 4 23 1,T 0 ICszPostee,;.l4l4leitaanbriC dot • • 14.0titplooptrimir. 1.• Ea= EVENIHVG GAZETTE TELEGRiIIS, FROM PiIILaDELPIII.4. PROPOSITION P.CGARDING REBEL COTTON d.e., d e., cf.c Litwin! Dkpatels to this Pittsbur,o3 thizat.ve. Plimank,..enl.o., Jan. 13, t6cl A Quartermastar a. tho mho! army, it is zaid, by nutholity from Richmond, ofEbred 1.0 Bell to Gen. LtarMart, or the United Siete. GoreXnweet, all the cotton now remaining within a certain Lihtziet yet note! le a the Union lines, amounting to 15,000 hfes, all rebel government cotton; and that greenbacks will be taken as pay for it. On the same authority it to stated that trtna. Kerby Soci.h I.lsa recently sent an .uthorised messenger to Wsshlngtnn to propose to the ' talon authorities to furnit,it every regoltite to gel out all the cot..au in the lied river and W•ach;to districterrithio the rebel control, themoney to be paid to such °Twee. as arr not included in the Amnesty Proclamation, alms are willing to leave the rebel army and go to Mosier_ alleged that this meezure would in volve the complete disbandment of the rebel forma in Arkensty, Louisiana and Texas, and tho immediate return of those StAtes to the Union. Thi+ news remxin3 to be verified, The rebel capital it be removed to Co lumbia, S. C. This news trna pnblished exeln sively in the Caret, ten days ego, and is this morning reiterated here. 000 entire Georgia regiment was to creel ever into our lines not Friday night if placed on picket ditty, but no chance offered. Proba bly their design was known. The previous etatemonis of the desired the people of Bath Carolina to return to the pro tection of the United S Lif te? flag is abundant ly confirmed. Gen. Meade woo ectLnwica hero loot nigut by the re nnaleseing rohlierr, and actorertarils by the leading eitirene. Ile trade brief ;reecho, to Loth. Gen. lielutrleman it to be etrkgned to the non Department of Ohio, Indiana., lowa and Minute.. The latest wo have (non the Kanawha Tal ley G r that the river in troves seer, sad tits henry Snow in the mountains preveote any military opera:ivy. on Mikity side in that di nation. West Virginia is rebored troutnpre hensions. J. TILE SITUATION IN VIRGINIA. I;01.9 014:RATIONS nF GI:EttI:ILLI,S LEE'S ARMY GREATLY DEMORALIZED. MIMI 5> f 43 F 60.11 THE ENOLCAGIN6 THE LATE ATTT.ISII.TED RAID 13•311= Nxir Vonc, Jan. • 44,1..wing-epeopial .Atment— Arwy of ih, A 4.,... .I.N. I: tiliae made n :amp of tho First Ittarsa - ebas: tts I Llght or tiro SLI2,-,1 near Wnrrenton, and Ip:uroti cutout.un wen and thirty-five huL.et ensuing day an ether party struck raper.. . male tit,a of the First Maine Cavalry, t raptured four or Gee men. Deeterters do net cont. Jgo quite .11.4./Itiy just now as they hare d• o. J. B. Slaughter, of Company U. of the I lth Aiabarna, who came into our lines a few days since, reports that rations arc short, or i that tea, coffee and sugar Oft unknown in army. Ho de -1 Furled bee.), ho was ...el of theservice, and I borauselte and ether, ere !obi remt.l ,th hint, regard the rubel ellenee cf moceen hope. lees. Ile states that r.lO are ,ho:. olocost every day, by rebel t•, while Ia the act of deserting. The North Cuolins troops arum much die affeelvd that they are not I-mood to do picket duty, and the s ~ lit.otiection het rpread among the Georgia ame mewl,- One entire Georgia regiment had made utents to cross over into our lines tart .. ight, if they were placed on picket. It le reamed that their intention was known to lc rebel military au thorities, 43 their picket ',le, which bad oa tended below the Itaptdut,, .rut to Robiason's turd, was ilrawn into ill, 'South tide of the Lta tldan. So note tF.. r;tcr is between tht. pie eta of the tea ilorapoirtery..• 11"rst I "gr g Coal rtftru,l, 2tf,.—Scortts report Gan. Early falling hat, up the Shenandoah Valley. This is regarci,d as reliable, there fore all foots fcr the safety of the railroad are now looked upon as absurd. The latest, news from rho Kanawha Valley Is very eneouraaging, The Kanawha river is entirely Croton over Beery snows on the mountains prevent na tive operations by either our own or the sae tny's forces. Deserter" continuo to come in, telling pitia ble tales of the 'offerings endured by the rebel troops in their Into attempted raid. Nothing has yet boon hoard Vona the cav alry force sent In recruit of AforTy fleudgeforter. of Me D.purtmekt of 11e.t Fir. Jon. 12.—i - imports commence to reach as through seoute and incoming farmers of tho rebel acts during the into raid. All re , ports agree that the rebels treated friends and foes alike, going Into honors and taking 1,7 clothes and curb liku army. Some houses the rebels literally stripped of such articles, leav ing the dwellers therein to suffer from the ex treat:scold for want of something to corer them. The rebels took cattle, corn, etc., wherever hey found them. Their late action. have gained them no tarot among thono who pro• feared to be thoir triendo. The robe's have also adopted a new dodge to gain Interest for tlio sinking Confederacy ThOy Look all kind., of valuable e roporty and pretended to pay liberally for it in rebel script. This script they circulated in largo amounts. Their ob ject is, that baying taken a man's property, they desire to gale Ms interest in the Confed eracy by leafing in hie possession the rebel script, believing that self-Interest will gain them numb support, directly or lodirootly. nallroad Accident—One Man Killed and tit' Injured. - Bar rnwr g, Jan. 13.—An accident occurred yesterday, on the Northern Central Railroad, twenty miles from this city. Two passenger earn became detached from the mail train feomlinnisliarg, and wore run into by a road tanks. The „ears were demolished. D. 0. Callahan, of 'London, Canada, wan killed and six other paesengers were badly Injured, In eluding the lion. R. C. Portions, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Lieut. Col. Blackman, of Ohio. The wounded were aU broughtttere last night. European A)lairs Wsauncuros, Jan. 13.—The State Depart ment has receiredWvidonce satisfactorily re lating the absurd 'stories recently copied by oar press from European correspondents in Paris, of tha appearance, in that city, of a iironfleur Superrille, on a political mission from the rebels, and.of a treaty haying been made between the rebels and the French gov ernment. The entire tone of the foreign new. is is. Proving, bet new and gran, difilenitiet are likely to ore= between Japan and the West am pOWars. A ppointmenis Confirmed, • Wasunturoa, lan.l3.—The Senate has con. &models nomination of John A. Hingham, of Ohio, to be•Jodge Adroeste,.mith "the rank of Major for the Department of the Butonohanna; John Hay, of Illinois, to be Assistant Adju tant General of Volunteers; with the rank of Major;.-Henry L. Moss, to be Attorney of the United - Statos,fer the District of Minnesota; Al:anima Hanna, of Wireonsiri,.to be Com bilsionee end: Consul generat of .the 'United States to the Republic of Liberia. t. The Mai on Petroleum. . nodal obih-that a tar of ut lent tleirt pee eget. wlll bt ttormakindedab refits& potrolatioo7 MOl.Netair Pataiiltioo.94ol.7,4 1 11l probittly not b• taxed.' . ' • ::.: 7 '.:';', ,, .. , ...•... , ...:-1 -, :•-•i.-:.., - .::: . -'.:,=.7'-' , ' , i , •;', ...,4,,...,-;,::,-.(z:.:ZL'ai:ir; WORM EROII EASTERN TENNESSEE. Heavy Cavalry Skirmish Near Stranberry Plains. THE REBELS SEVERELY REPULSED. Langstreet Heavily Reinforced. FORDEST BADIS MOLD IN MIDDLE TENNESSEE alortmetits or Gcnerol_Grata &a., de, he PIIILLDELPHIA, Jan. 13.—Tho hoptirer con— tains the following special • _ chattonoogo, Jan. 12.—Affairs in East Ten nessee 00 very exciting. A heavy cuyarx. fight occurred near Strawberry Plain last Suni day. The enemy ware repulsed with 'lnform' loss. Longstroe t has been heavily reinforced front Lea and Johnston's armies. The rciaforce; mono from Johnston's army are en the south sidenf the holstein rivet. Longstreet's head onarters are at Red Bridge. • Our picket linos front each other al BMWs Cross Rondo twentymilos north-east of vilf Our repulse at Beane. Station_ was vary I trifling. Longstreet's position ieasplandid one, prd seating a river and mountain front. Forrest hes boon badly handled in Westand Middle Tennessee, but managed to escape with most of his command. • The rebel army in our front bas bean largely increased by conseripts. Johnston maintains a bold front at TrinnO WU and Dalton. Gen. Grant has left Knoxville via Camber' , land Gap, this morning, making a complete circuit of this Department, having reached Knoxville by way of Chattanooga. The army here is in good condition. We have plenty to eat. The weather is fearfully cold, but there is little siolnese. Democratic National Conveation—Spe eta for Europe. New Tor.c, Jan. 13.—At a (nll meeting of the Democratic National Committee, held hero tart night, it wee ananimouvly 'voted to hold a National Convontion et Chicago on the 4th of July. The Royal mail vteamship Persia sailed at noon today for Liverpool with • specie list of t. 800,000. _ Odd-Fellowstalp lit West Virginia• Pumsnat.rnts, Jan. 13.—James B. Nichol son, Grand Sire of I. 0. cif IX F., will lease this city thin °Toning for Wheeling, 012 a mils- Pit , ll to the lodges of Wont Virginia. The lodges in that State hone been disorganised P 61503 the rebellion, and it is the object of Mr. Nicholson to again unite thew with the organ. is stious in the loyal state,. Hancock and Hornslde's Corp... Now Yeas., Jan. 13.—A IV lashing um dis patch to the Tilers says that Gen. 'Suncook has gone North to arrange in the several States wherein his a :ps has been recruited, measures to increase its numbers by new en listments to GO,OOO, which is to be tietached for special service. Gen. liurnsida has authority to do the same thing. The Rebel Capital to be Removed. New Yoaa, Jan. IS.-,A lotted in the Tri be., from a Union man who has escaped from tho Richmond prisons, nays it had been decided to remove tho rebel Capital to Co lumbia, S. C. Gen. lleintzelman's Commend. Nett Tone, Jan.l3.-43en. lieintselman le to take command of a D.partment composed of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and lowa. Cell. Grant Complimented. St - iiciii-dafpanica re zolullorm complimentary to Ben. Orant.. —The guor CTION 13.1_LE8 „,;(j - 1' ICS LEV LOTS AND IZOCII FP - L.) TER 11011 k eTEA —ilit TUESDAY EVMT- I . JI•J. /3(.11, a 7% o'idoek, will be sold, at ti. f....imitterclal cabs I Filth strnot, the follow- T•lneLble. pirwpert, One lc: la the Tillers of Servickl<3, btiog Yv. 11 la Janata Afro'. plow or lots, situate on the warner of rcultain and Hal streets. Lartnig SO feel Trona on Itocataln sited, and extending back slang Hill Brickill fr.f, ittoteion stacted Tund enwstory Brick ••• - . FIT* adjoining lot*, bin;, Ne.. 5, T. 8, 9 and 10 In *ale plan, having each an (.1 front on Fountain atr.. x ..t, and eallnding nand I It feet. • one A..., of ' . llonboster towns4ip, Bee y, nonot equate oar Comet'. Bun, and within vd, of tt.s itochesstar Depot, whernou is erected • Brick HOC., with basau.rill and sin well finished rooms ; e good fnuue eral,le, a pump well andcistere; the grounds planted with foal true. Trans Air IiALS-1 ' Or Sewickley Lola, cash; Usa Illocheeter property, rue-halt rash, bal.. In one year, • furtherr. st, secured by bond and mortgalto• For rticular. enquire of J AS. A LAEN, nu the premier ' in lio , heeter, or N. B. W. u I LL, Eaq., Nu. Oa Fifth street. Illturiutegh. Jeli DAVIN & Mel LW AIN& Amellre. PENN STREE'r RESIDENCE AT, A IXTION.—On TCESDAT EFFINING, Jun. litb, at I,ls will be sold, at rho Commsrclal • ri-00 04, et tin e rrrrr t, That desirable lot of ground situate un the north side of Penn Arra, near the corner of W ayt e, bar in; a flora of YO feet an ['son street, nod extending back IN/ feet to Fayette street, on which Is erearsd the thtee story Blink Dwelling No. 319 Penn street, containing hall, 11 moomr gay, hot and cold water and mayb. nvntlas. High brick wall around the oar of let. Tcass—olle-balf cub ; balance In 3. 5, 9 and_Li months, wit:. Interest, Approved endorsed paper. Jal7 • DAVIS & McILWAINE. &oars. R AISINS, MACKEREL, &c.—On NV DS MD A T MORNING, Jan. 13th, at In o'clock, will bevuld, at. the Commercial Salta Room N. b 4 Vital street : 2.3 boxes fresh Raisin., 2 kegs Primes ; 1 halrbarrels prima Ilackeral; hoses Dairy Choy.; Together • Ith • tinantlry of good &merles. Jan DAYIBA klalLWAllit. Aix*. C L. 11.11 .1G E.4^T,St MILITARY CLAIMS. IMEttrtION 4ILAIIIB. W. J. it HALL PATTERSON, 414 Fourth Street• lid toot ior LIOUNTT, RACE and la• TRA PAT, SURNISTEROPI, PRIZE MONEY, ant RORION lon or in the moire, promptly at. Mewled to. EX.EitrrioN CLAIMS attend...A to without de. to . deihtra R. t. X ' • • • MACKRELL JOHN /MUMS ATTOES E YS-AT-LAW, AND 13014111115 . man ACIESTA, NOAH W. SELAYSR, ATTertNET-AT-LAW, Su. /00 Vllth Street, rithbutitt. P. Mame for PENSIONS, BOUNTY, nun MON. ET, ko., vigonsisly proweented. , jaiilm . _ __ SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, ROUNTIEI3, PENSIONS AND ANDEAES OF PAT. Promytty &Waded to by m Fourth strait, Pittsburgh, P. deAssuutsra Airtureicy CLA P . BONIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY awl • .CI,AIALS of ecru descrlplloo, collected by the 401. - scriber, at the Woe/mg rata; Pensions $lO SOS ill other claint43 SO. C. C. ?AVAIL Attoritry at - taw, • ' No. 73 Greta dot.% Ptusharltht . PS.• N. 11. M. chArce• entlattlia if the4lelm does not memo& and nit latormatioa OrtnErWlL - •• sag, G CKID OWL WANTED — To - 4goif end kotivivcck,* lti****:*. 47. SA? WANTED—To Itent,'ottear bls to we: 257 Litiarty street, at iicientarftbta D,W.EpLINCI /LOME. .03.. with stable and baltt. ame preforled. L. 11..VOIGT 00..; ' Ti NTED' A ' led men without elidrini h priiterrod. He es An ec a i understand the eollohe of Grapes. and .not be amid cla little hard'orork. Sher hiht th• 1.915 TOAD.= fr• ponaatatat titration, lw good pay. impar.st fl &wind etmee; Pitiaboroh..P. • WILINULL-41 1 1 , Allincm. —we want T tpaynt mia: eillMPOpd4. to tall tam 00."4"/ ?We!, 040 # 41 EN , TOM and Wawa °Owns*: wend ana wan4tnient,.. Inflow de* mintfros: #.llllrek‘L'•• • • ~•• 41.413.4k1et • -• taraz.E.llo 41-r I=oo. B. 3" l 't t " orith,.ifyitaisty litt *. • tit 0/1,411"1"MIM Agnokllsinc. 0.111"1"SBURGH: !mai Mansger.lL.7-:-..-WIL 'Lied Malt of ihe tot die l e./.144. Germ= Tragedies, kir. -D. IL HAIM vi b : esainese taisob base bees the skis.- or Se critloa of oor ainuitry. kind eight law." Will le serformod, for the ant Pittsburgh, the ties tragic drama entard. • - „ L'WHCIE.TE ; Obtllg LAST La*.q ifitTire PO , t • PAWLS. ' Kama. ; I !MeV. ansis I Vie. ?rt.ri - afit ogalr. D. .13411.1NLAA.• CONCERT 114.1.. - GOttiOhalk and .l3rOoli; Two Grarkipimb.inaOpiiyei6riainal WEIDNDSDAY , iiNp FRIDAY, JAISII.kgr. tal4d o. , • . . . -NUM ISTRAICOACJI,W u e et or v hot. in ' cdrtutee that be has saecemalcd , nattidtt sir. ateatatrlth the *rioting tons ett o f 04114 • MULE "AlfOlitt4.lfEl ,- 0011.ilaiLli., the celebrated Prliait , Tiettea 'feint - the 'row - 'l' Itedon and Philadelphia derdesele• of gadit7 ,' BIG. Itnipt,tlf 014, litt:groitol ,tetc , If diesiica,' • ' . _.,-, Jew •• - ,•., ' 1 .8118.104LELL10.1".11firit the iiie add '4l: Pau:.tedrle Weld. (blither-ollAdeihia aad Ilarlatti 7:x. ciOrtscritAviF.:, 16"1 ,1,4 Yom. -v.- iiz B:B4BeBltateneo llB da•Pierdell Lan hladly.cetursteo tie 4.8 1 4 4 1 r! Aldthdltd B - 8 8 theee eactufebt ; • , 1 Iltusinal 1184 eater and Gind lee .'— Tacargr .. tir I. It IrtrAdadeekny hteladhig . Itasered isst ni ! Delba... Sealy tear be secured hot Ohba, a ba , of *lwo atighte. -at the anted*. WE& 08.0. Al. iiiilher:ennei eeetuting oa YONDitY, as II a. 1L,.. Deere ppm ..( &dont. Ceacerll maharanee at 8 Odes!. _ A NA SPICILL -- SZAI2I wEI Wren" 'at the Ptooslitanlo. Barad, .to taut froot - Drottlockl yield, cat 'Mal ante& the 16th. Train eilltleatd the Depot tam lately any the Octecart ! i s lanT-tf • ' i *,--1 04 . 1111 AT PICTUM3 1 ',., I • , . _ OT MASONIO HALL. Oemmenelng•Plepi.timir, 11,A404:, j uszoo wp Txpottc' CIRSZBASZD, PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE This hi,the largest pandlng of the Seared Ilesll.- torn In the node!, sortrlng nearly foni duantand Roue yenta of canes. , oat . h arming as o'cice; deo Wednesday and !stunts,'efternoons, at 3 o'clock- 'nettte.'n ("1:21TH; Chlldren olvier ice Vitaii 13 CUTS. • • ja11:11 Insurance Co. of North America. Insurance Co. of the fitato of PEoina., Hartford Fire Instmutce Company. Intrlnsorance In the abort, old and reliable corn panic. can be obtained en application to. liltstlalture;ls7rwtre... - t. - P.SVERN' - tat or PITTSIMUITI. B. MILLSR, Jr.. Pre:Mari T. M. GORRO.S.Srizre, Mee, No. Welter street, IteFig d 53.'s WarY. hoe, Erp starc4lttolitirgit: Will (mire optimal all_ifaile gr Tire our Name Riaks, J limy hulttallos . by .Yk• cry Fawn kayy IN'the'myrway,./ind en.* dekr ised. bir Tro? , ytnami lawralitir,. to isytilitds df character cilia tb.y hare mono:4 as Af. , yiss: de but inetyclies to Wee .1d desire Co be imaryd. U. MLLkr, Jr.. Jam" McAuley. Nathaniel Liolame, Alex. Nitalrk, George Dania, Campbell B. /lemon, C. W. Itlekebram uty3o r!n. 901ux0i,;9.;-dary. CITIZEN'S ►Ic✓;UItANUI COMPANY or PITTSBIJIMIL Otbaa =nen Market tad Water etmets, eeeond floor. - • SAIIVEL REA, foerstniv. Irsonvea Steamboats and Cargo.. Inarrirre against for and damage In the, navigation of the leathern and. Westerniv were, Lek.. and Ravens, and she navigation of en. Sean. Insares against ifts and Utilize by ikro. X. Kier, John Shirtra • Janus AL Co44r, J. M r aett,Sr John S. Dgveril, Was. A. Rod,gen. Office, N.-B. corner Wood & Filth Ste. FIBS an:lituaniz nsrstriipaFcg. M. G. Johnitoo. B. P. Jame, 8.. Ovum "fox, T. X. thme, Barday Pavan. Goaro Blogtma, Wen Phillip., John Watt, Wm. B. lin% !Wm IL Pak., - Charles B. Wm. Vim Kb*, WM. P. OLUDNIM. ALIAWIEN Y INSURANCE • Mt. PAN! Olf- PITTSBURAiI.,- Otrtee, NN 37 fib et.noo,,aank Block. Inman waturt all kiedauf The Ind Ifarisus,plik‘ ' '• : ISAAC JOW, Praidest, . . . JOHN D. BVOOB.D, Pim Prvidesl. apt t. IMAN, Gowns! Amt. Jp.ob,on-D.Mdked, DAB. Sterling, It. L .l Win. Daso. ' Itot.t.ll. Davis. haw, Jests. Raney Ch Capt. A C. Gay; idol Irwin, Jr... B. L. raltematackd prrrsne ROB, PA. itifa oovunssroXussoastrm Petrole= and 'Prodicsts, u sots, rota., IS WArElt /IMMO= 5115—..1'rrrist7uta. =WI INIrIizAANCAr ON PONTILIDEOMASESI OIL WORKS, NZW YOBS. I . **Arruit -cutmuis COMPANY. he. - - aprlms , • t fa Wats 4 Wortgairta. LUCKNT.OIL WORKS.' `.‘' intscaS, -Pule White 'Beitte4 paten Oili4 ;oleo. no. sat lzerarrierlllll?,'" stribtfiori manuss ItipptLL 01; , .; - tmuirtpaga - . - keksig.t-1 - - - 11:1 7 t . WARD. .I)aalet in .PROM- I 1 1950ELY...111.4.P. BONDAII9II,74AOED, and .11 raemitl , s frrenopey. Persona sus trate* VILISEL - 9!!otti - .Fr_feer,7. Thou libidos to Icrr4ll their sißlNVoitodatila -4,,AieeMyl.l_l44 j". 4 PrA D° :'! l . 4 1 Oin. lt ' l " 4s "lgorarietc , terirtivreetticiry63l4- , .1611 comma:4lot &DM), 0141111. N C4;fAtt 1 0 t04: 0 PrAIR .EL Pane- catbdril:' ' , GZEZO 4011 N ,CAMPBELlOdiimfactlver BOORISAND BROWAtettrii, displptlaa.AP. EA !WM:WM rata, Pitt/614R. - 041.1, GirrACCIMMION -4 Int Nvtoi. tal• 414 Ritril ties** ii BOOM atiOMALI earronolrood szcOlknirai dm* PriMaggei. ,` • 4S.DAMS,:iiem - tioti Cotingleb -Buildintempronisawm 2.lhCinat strode ,PArearfp-r.-Dr.d. rawcr,„„xtr; ; • I.4.4.rematm p- , to - zmo. 4414 ; lisr..-,APPLEEI4.I49I - I?*exyßsireA D 17410,211,3111312- I. , ; V. „$ 0 ILL3IOItAL*II , sr 11=.:-..'11'.:',..::-;--,..i.:::::::::::,'L...:',-;1,;:---1:-." "67.- extiOirD rxstrß-AJrce. PIIILLDLLHIII• FIIIL &DELPHI!, N. P. Jon-Ps-4mA mucmu: - Andrew Ankh. - Alesarnier sponr, .A "mp. . Ikes J. Thomas 044 P. Bikwirk John R. 11,,Cune. BAGALST, JAMOS D. Verner, Capt. Jahn L. Mesa* Runde' P.:Mclver, Gears, "P.-Jonee. • • Daniel Wallace, M==2 nr~Avant. • . an,. Pridesf. .• In14:17 DANT L ne: att;110. pnuarizaa. rA HOOTS 2VE.V2wif4llt r.. _ I OZP I3 ; 17.4 . 45 - rri o s ..;.-Truzuguados. rau en~raL, CommtssUrn Nerell,ntf,&itn:.k' E - Ambuirely In . . . rdroleu_ and .12a i rrodad*, v.r. n .rt and ecamonptiaa. pee for :Omar,. namabl, Literal ad...aft =kW . , ON CITY, 01 . 1a-WORE;K - :" LYDA! eeIIOBIIMINO Anal arleirs of 01.331311541.19114 aim lamigaznia mak imillow,si cratrxiir. - 19 - smoidatiLl' wowearimit. ®ups. eitioOtt. is Brtg"R; BURKI CO. ; CONEIFOOL. - Nora' ciuum. . GLOBE,PACIETO LED ISBIBI r rar. - * &;a1 tech aamtionw..-FasairjiticituOpser: rgsrigfa:AN- unix% vi 7proalt CA, yy - • b3menssiblutimapan. t ivarv " PROW 8111 PP 01 KLID/51 LAO!. ITSW Bpi. realities ear srowarcalin ESTErg4 at their pall sad atutf. bat SatiL.- .mll4:tt ' RICIWIDSON HAMM:* CO cowmAw s rouweantsc _ . . Crude " and. Wife AtroleitiO, N. is IRWIN ERB= IT.MEMlntitge7.- ter Moral Cask -oft Pittaborgh or Eastern Diarkats..,l • - --• Apra. J. & Dll•stieh , T sops= Bell.so/.. Prest. Crounsirsik,4%• foci a.lf ALLLCIL.. ...inusucammik WALLACE &-CURTLS.S,-- CRUDE* REPINED PFIROLIMV DIVREEIrI AND LTTBILICATLIKO . . - . No. ISt 8017711 WILIRriIS,.P.ILLEADELPI6I.- war Storage uitacity (wader ceser,)ltc Abe excellent facilities for shipping te sad- Tetdgn poste, at ear wharf - es lbw ir,ber. now the pbeform *Ube P. 14. It. , TAcK & Crude luad(nellned Petiole* BENZINE, 111, 192 IVALISIII IT., PUILADI n inratt pendail.stteatlon. , i , &•• ,4 " Etta k u' orll.l 7 Meldi vid k a,H %%J. - PlitablUgh ;nu*. sump, Isq., Praat. Lak M. A; !EL. ofty ;tr. Cu 4 Philadelphia._ ' mealy liccomactßar, OIL BROKERS,' 311 and 213 South Wnter - 614'04 GO. •r Consignment" sikitiid. Lyday a Cherpanning, Irma ettT : • Jana, Painter, or J.. Painter a Jno. B charnt, Cludhat ETROLEUM WMATISRION L , • : 13 ARMSTRONG- dr - -* 6 aoars, PLAZZAB..zawarook.swatasa7: Sea are a 8.. DnL'Co IBoadart4E , . • • Pauarga—gans..l3. 0. Dan a C 0..: Laatioa 001 O.; Azdasoo 011 Co: r • Tor ter= aid lifornatioa earl" b. y to SEICIEItiST. Oar. Woad Lea lotuth otreot6'Pl_oo,c4i.., . , L .MILLEIt; Js; /Gor, WALNUT PIULApLAMIL&,:.I, CRUVE-& , ..REFEI9I3D . PETROLEIIIIO7:::='.. Namhilm, An - awar ptst, 81011AIS von nitriarb eix: .cethlis:: under rood. at. - -•- Particular &Mottos palci OIL FOB XXPIZE - :,: . • Ton SuA-LCAUSTIO SODA, SODA An, • sulaly , „ C AB°T PPIREMN . Ge r neral Moinharai#ol3;okers;,. -:. us aorta ' Tam 67, PifiLilo3 . WSW CRUDE dr. =rim PlEmputTL catrano sovA, SODA' Ata," MUGS" OIL% &don to .oj or soli rxccel, OttottbOtt *.r ALLEN 'et "NEIiDLI34,. oonizsgoglZEllC)ZAM,; , =4rf Particular attoutteiioda 10 co of Vritde. and Refiner retrol?t,i . `.a" Liberal. &Immo Etta.. ; t ENOS WO OWA-ROt (740 of Wm. IL Ircodward'a 014 ,GESIMAL CO O$ T?.•'-: ':Ara , . . . - .aped"! attevaiii gttsci 'Ur Gioia,* it Crude and Rana Peiroteam. k: N.. ill )30;111 JACOB Russ t - ETROLITN OIL - WORM PURI wain cesium orb IgZ OLY int Prenozsux •LOBRICLTING OIL.- - -•:= OoscUir two theasme bards par yak. REESE & onistizeturtormsf-t =oh BLONVICUILL/V irePlTEgy Plitwborgik: 0.1 R .-catT AlediWORT/Y Ist ronnuding fit7;11.1141/11441*:, AND IiELTJUI MO= - strrLitnirNAilNi.ttßlaaAntOYClLßjii PLTROLILIC OILS, lg., Boeltanti7 at'6tad I" • tlit, Li salsakths knrett =Ad Vdcesi- Ca"*""iga I+l aeo. V. rummy* mot= ex3tirt.7 WOODVILLEOIL ,REFINEAy. G11;0..'W:1110IMSEITP:#1t04:: Ysan6atatan of/IbiIaRGOTT;AIID TTEDSZOk• TING OIL. '^ %no comtantlr Wad 1111 , 1017- 113 t itetallry 01 BVILIINO OIL. chit and wlthemo War; • also, it, poi LITIIRICLTOR,"punr WE= put. ~jr Ali - atkoLita-ai.No.ials . "Ned 60 =11 "4 1 ProNAL **"" 13., 4 ° 4 11.14 " 1 „ 0 040 1 ja.0**iu 3 T I 'Zi '; :443.9&24.1Q fo'cdr DUN= JLND UNA ..1111,DarNNNULL.J.:=:. - oda!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers