The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, January 07, 1864, Image 4

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piib burgh Oauttq,
-'4IIITTESI).ki MORNING--.--JAN. 7,, 1864.
I:7* LS
410.611 -
:.' • , rriiiiresterday's Evening Gazette
- - Allegheny City Noiniuntloriz.
= - -• i * The Doesonats sae Coeserreuree 'et ilk
_'glans) City Snot'ln eoneentiOn yesterday, to
~,, nominate ndidatea for elty off, cos. The
- . ellaTalltiol3 organized by calling Samool
,- - ';'µ; Smith the ch air, and electing J. EL paid"
Mecratary. ha Wards were represented as
' • Mew':
.... Ifir st
'MtoAiffd tti at rt F. Getty, 011szlon
,' • '''' ... ' 'Third War Lt p " js ' ac rtm at-examel L. Itodrn,
Third Ward-2d prectoet-41.0b nembilef, Wm.
' Fourth Ward-Ist precinct-ad.. lleplar, vs, n.
_- -, letirth Nietd-4 , ,lrrectrict-Frank loye, artviinn
, After the organiution of the convention,
chastely P. Whiaton and Charles W. Eam•
bright were plamd in nomination for Mayor.
- Bofors &ballot wu taken the name of Mr.
Mambright WM withdrawn. whereupon Mr.
Whitton woe nominated by acclamation.
1 stift a io L n a it o r r il f e a cro t r w on;:: ' grr ted b y '''
• . The following resolution was afforest and
, - `adopted:
- Beeeleod, That this oonrentiors will me all
honorable meats to ensure the election of the
Mast this day nominated, sad recnameni it
' • toalt citizens.
_ On motion the convention 141011111 a
The Criminal Court.
. . 4 The jury in the case of Emory F. Dept,
Wed for assault and battery with intent to
ravish Mn.s Linie Jane France, cam* into
eoutt this tanning, after having been out all
itudatited . that they were unable to
signet. - Whereupon they were discharged by
.Jn4n Stowe. Wreanderantßl
Mood ten for conviction of aimple assault and
battery, and two for, verdict of guilty in man
ner and - form as Indicted. The cane will Sr.
to be tried again. .1
John Rana and Edward Fay ware convicted
burglary, in entering and robbing' the
dwelling of Mr. B. C. French, at Oakland,
and were each sentenced to Sr. year. and in
months in the penitentiary.
William Fleming was tried and acquiteod of
a charge of larceny.
Minbeet Flannegan plead guilty to leharge
'Of assault and battery upon hi* wife, and' was
sentenced /spay a Erne of twenty dollarapind
undergo twenty days' icipmunmont to the
county jafl
Elias Andorion, a lad, was charged with so
aggravated assault and Ipattery, in shooting
ainather buy- with a pop gam, and endangering
his elasiiht. The jury found a rerillot or not
guilty, and that defendant pay the &Pete.
The New Councll3.-
The following la n list of the reembews of
C0U14613 for the caning year. Those it old
fng over in Select Council are marked ;thus
CD: while theme re-elected are deeignawid by
suterisk :
• Fist Irlsri-Jams new,. Amin," litilew
, - • frond Ward-J.4 W:r Pt.Bips.l
, Wwrd-John Jos
"'NIKKI; Werrd-Wm a 1/n..m.• lu Ilc•alry.l
7q/7A Ward-4S Thorniuou,. A .116.11:31.6ct.:
ticik Wirnii-J , T Its Lwat4l,lin,. David uft.d.t
- fainak B W C 11cCarrEW I
• AAA Want-Sam !Sorrow,. John Alless-S
Wrrd-Writ 11 WV.1• • • 1.. B Tows
7/n1 WW-8 W C.Birt,* •brishrsa Try's.
i!lanoni Ward—Danfal O'N•111.• them.,
Third froa-0-11 W Lfact.y, Idlehl O'Hara. !Jahn
llasannn,* W 3 Alontga-m.ry,* Yet, Dana, 3arnea
roma Urard-71 .1 011 Hamm. John U Zaro.
Ardnr7,•l:a. C Diann, B J
Nt6owea,•Jas B I attantos, B CsAlltie,* quake
fAcIA Wad—LbijahJornazy,. A G 31c-
Cindlesa,. Jam IL-benan.i
• fainemek Ward—Snail Ocular,* Hoary 9ni.,17.•
Biclib E Leaaard, B Janes.
Nina Wad —D AinClellana,w (.1 Li. Armstrong,. W
The Coal Oil Trade
The Oil City Register contains the following
' seetew.of the oil market at that place ter the
. week ending Deeember Slat: The mat teL hats
been quite.itMeatte daring the past week, in
twirtmapnetioe of the deer being closed at several
points by to.. On Saturday It began to rain
and continued until Sunday, which thawed
: the ice sufficient tt break it loose treat the
Shore, nod on hionday the river tiled
with it. But thn rivet did cot rite enough to
• ear:Taut the great gorge at ROTSO Creelts Until
Tuesday night, alma it broke bmse and mune
down with itrmistible form, eweoping every
obstacle before it. Rome four thousand bar -
' eels of oil were tan ont of the 'creek An um
day; nearly all of It, together with. same
twmity.firsi empty boats and-barges, smuts ear
out of the eddy or sank in an hour.
' a•:-.13ince the Weather has moderated, holder)
era mnoh firroor, but as vat no
„'?f'""` 1 : •'•'poetisetoken playa in prices.
of-material traussetiatis, we
• .• dettintation at' £ 3 , 50 1gi 4 per
• 1 4 ' eltu"snli f.4,50(/65 per bbl. at
Able $8,69@.4, bole. in
. eluded.
'rating a Sleigh Ride.
John Gabby„ of Allegheny, was arrested
and taken before "Mayor Alexander, this
Morning,. on a charge of stealing • hole and
alai& from Mr. Wm. Weisel, tavern keeper.
The prosecutor alleges that ho bad E•en sat
in the country in hie sleigh, and when !h• re
.tutrnad, late in the evening, he stopped at e.
knees .on Ohio street, leaving his horse and
sleigh at the door. When harem" en tlagnin,
his property vs. gone. The horse and, sleigh
wore found about three o'clock in the mem-
Lug, en Ohio street, hexing bitci abandoned.
It 6 alleged further, that John -Gabby took
the property with 111011105 n to steal It. ;Gabby
did net deny having taken the alcigh,hut be
alleged that when Wessel entered the house
on Ohio erect,. ho(Oabby ) told him be was take s ride, and -Weisel said, "'ill
right." Wessel, however, dudes hasten seen
flabby et all. The defendant was bold for
' In Titusville.
- Saturday morning Titnsvilfe weevieited
b 1 s • •
conflagration which soon laid the best
badness part of the town Ie ashes. The ire
originated in litesee meat market , from de
ot in the aloes 'pipe, which run Ye& near
...lee roof, end when discovered was under each
htierdirky fika4ll efforte to kfu in 11 it wore en
- -- swallinge --- Yaw moments the grortory
store of - H. iii , .4l - yers 1c Bre. and Clark k
Hamill*, wit - naiad Oath aide of the mortise, bad
their contents threiwn into the BONA...Mad were
enveloped in 1111901. Gihor stores bid their
contents removed in o like manner, land et.
WS ',Mfg , now mado to tear thorn doWn, but
the work had enarceiy commenced before they
too wire enveloped In flames, ;Thee pro
poised the delastating element, until every
building from Tenant's ft:nib:tre shop, on
Diatanad stroet, to the Post Office, on Franklin
street, were In ruins- Twenty-Ilia finue and
Individuals suffer by this ceinflagration, and
'the lass to vary heavy.
Saarzcza or ilsioa-Gerrnsi.
• daulT,--Masira. T. B. Peterson, of Phila
. '• !Aire just Issuei a timely Hale weak
entitled, "The /Aye and Servo‘oeo al a gobtior of
Gmat, the Hero nf Fort Hoodoo.
1, and Ceatirtreop2a Coinolf tooter of
• dr Military Diriaion f the Miasiestrpii
—thorn e 473 Chinon end OCR ./Wyerey-hier
• • Ilionatina Hebei Priereere." Thie eontprehen
. airs narrative of the life and sort , toe* of don
: •-•'• eial Grantestroot fait to beentor ,ronalar—for
thalcabject is an especial ceronte *rill, the
• —for 5010 by .L P. Hoot. "Masoitto Hall,
• . fifth street; by W. A. ifildenkancy,4s Vital
itreet• and by henry Miner, 71 and , 73 fifth,
etreet. Faro 23 elate. •
DIIGNKEII soldier got pommies' of &Amt. ,
• • pound Perrot shell, and took it to the guard
house of tho "Soldiers' Rest," naliFselidugtoa,
a few nights ago. Openieg the red hot store,
he :thrust in tho shell, exelaimingelhis is
what trims Men . / cools." An eXplaloll.liliii
the aigneit. immediate result, renting the stove
to pieces and tearing the plaster oft the wail
all about the room. Fortunately no .pernme
- was hijured.
• • .
. . ,
-.- • , A Maims Rosman at ins Paorf.e;.--Mayor
-- : • " '...".. litirrie, of ChaOinnatt, was gelded:ldd) an
, -'
allocable NetelTear's cell from a number of
•,.; , 'lf lettnelehed Aratizons, who preempted him
, --, ~
with a puree of 157,500, as a testimonial of their
1 11' , 1.: , &predation of tho ate . ..lit which he tme to
. -: , -, , f'4 , 2 - --' fleeted on the good natae of the city:
Anarrrau.—Cdr. N. Nr; SheTerTalti this
- motaing, on motion e J.W.T. White, Esq.,
duly. admitted to mastics in the Courts of
gossfous, Common Piens, ete.
8141:or is a young room of good ability) and
glvespromise of an honorable and saeeautul
.. • .. - -
•07 Tsoors.—The lit '.3flattfire0 e
Cesaliy,altd. , the- lath ?dictionn
fan ry
rsaithedtbis city their tray Boss y' t-
, ou fartougli, and forthe purpose of reerultlng
heir ranks. The eirralryse_giment has alm at
11110 Its ranks elate teasing the fiold—i
elliarr Lahr= . • •o in
Monty Heeling.
A.n adjourned . xenttlng of citizens of the
Pirst!Tardgliiiglairiy,‘ was- bold last eve
obit, In Vtiiihington Ball, to bear report.
from the clidleothag. - wommlttees. A 'casual
report wairskseeigO3L'hy It seemed dist
the subseriptionvoisld teach the sum of
It was risolvddAltiat "the commissioners of
bounty be enroll sixty men as
voiernteent.tO.,ray to each the of
$2OO, • , ,Wirt,tropaly.. The eommisaion
ors meet ibktoSprim - Oirtlalenhal's odlee, (back
room) Fedimat.ettect, daily, to receive and
enter the names of those who may have
reedy volunteered se veterans, being citizens
f the ward. As' wit he Joe= by e private
dispatch, in another eeltuma, maim a number
of the men of Enap'e Pennsylvania bettery
!Masi already re-enlisted as veterans; a num
him of veterans have alroady v.-enlisted of
the 61st and 46th Pennsylvania Oedemata,
so that the entire quota of the Ward is no
doubt already ailed.
Boller Explosion at East Liberty
On Tuesday afternoon,• boiler In a tannery
at But Liberty, used for beating the vats, en•
pleded with great force, and was driven a dis
tance of shoat five hundrod feet, bat fortun
ately no person was seriously injured. Thu
end blew eat, and the entire boiler was raised
like a reeket in the air. It psii.d within
about ten feet of the corner of tb. Presbyter
ian Church, cut off two Lombardy poplars, in
front of the church, as neatly as though
done with a saw, and landed in a
field alongside of the railroad !mak.
There were several narrow escapes, among the
most remarkable et which were those of Mrs.
Samuel Saltier and her hired girl. They had
Just finished cleaning a window, and stepped
away from it,when a great bar from the furnace
came crashing through and fell upon the floor.
The bar waa red het and set fire to the Boor.
Two persons were injured, but not seriously.
TIM Republican members of the Penn
sylvanla Legislature met in caucus en Mon
day afternoon, and nominated John P. Penny,
of Allegheny county, for Speaker of the
Senate, and Henry O. Johnson, of Crawford
ibanty, for Speaker of the House. Mr.
e John
in Is a native of Pittsburgh, and has been
istriet Attorney of Crawford county, and At
rney General of Rew Mexico.
Otaan Conotasttos Cosocate.—We learn
(rqm Mr. D. De Vii. Oat two rand combina
tion performances will be give• at Concert
Hall, next week. The oombination consists
of td . Gottschalk end Brio!,II, Mlle
Cordler, Carlo Patti (brother of Adaline and
Carlotta Patttl and Mr. Rehm..
BASTIIItNr liileN[l.l. •ND MeNTULISS —Mr J.
P. Hunt, Masi - alio Hall, Fifth street. has re
ceived the Boston Pilot, for Jammer, 9tb; the
Dostaa Try.. Flog arid the N. Y. Ledger, for
January 16th; and Frnnk Levliti a Budget of
Ain, for February.
IC mu •siess, Jsr.nary 5, Mi.
OlL&lTr—Wheld I. tiros with a regular dscoand,
while urine rcroson ace:am:rd. Burin) it Wady,
with a sale of I rar Sprlog at $1,33..-,d maul
of Yell at $1,30. Oats—ante of I ear fool at 63o—de•
lloured; and small sales from store at S., °on, is
quint bat firm, with saws at $1,25 from first hands,
&ad 61,3031,33 from aura. Eye in the atssnrs of
wake, may be y outed at $1,50 from watt..
PROTISIONd—There is sonsidarahle 1ai0157
BAWD, and we note ..1.. of ShooLlara at and
illugarVered llamas at 13e. Lard I. In a_itre demand
with a sale of ti to t, the 'nuts at 13tie. Mese
Park Is quiaftutt firm with snail wan at $2 , 11.63.21
—tame holders asking $71,30.
GEOCERIV.S..—then Is only a ntuderate demand
fur Sugar, though prices •ra firm awl Well .11,t6.111.4,
zunaag from IS t.. tae for Raw, aad 1731 , for
Baillned. Coffee la more settee, wed we Iran salsa at
peons ranging from 31 to 141Se—suostly at siss.' , grar,,..
Lfulasses quiet but firm at C40:77c.
HAT—!s steady with a demand folly equal to the
supply; sale from males of B loads at /33,342 per
ton, sod 13 tons baled from Arts' al $3131n.
DUIED racir—Them Is considerable Inquiry,
DrludPall.f from the Lost, and the marks. la (inn
bat unchanged; we isot• sales of Apples at 1.3.61ir
pir pound, sod Purl." at 11..
BrTTltit d Swab—The market le • ehtle bettar
in nonsespeace of light rxelpte, pekoe re
tintchasp4, ranging from TS to 3 0 . for fair t. choker
Hell. Thera k H change In Eggs.
AFTLTS—Th• demand Is fair, and rery light
forlorn, the 'ripply le mud) reduced; doors Ilona may
be {teen et frem V 46003,75 p.r bbl.
Thollt —The market to dote: and the demand if
light, Monet otiose aro grin and bell anstfirted. We
nom small adlos of Oftra. Tensity from store at 57,:d
(j7,f4 per bbl.
POTATOES--The demand la fair. end with • light
soOply, the market Is erm at prima ranging from bile
to p 1,09 per bushel, ne to ditallty.
Pork Packing In Pittsburgh.
The umber of How. slaughtered bare this limos,
as 1•01 be own below. ehrras a material dilio6 ,C
from last omen, the delicieney aggregating 7,113
head, the &Ohre:ire la pound. I. •1111 greaper•
Tith following ore tbe agar..
Itarbansh a Co- p,IV'I heed'
0 J w c.
C L Ca/dwell
Z II Myer. k Co-.
me number lISI NA•OI2 W.
Showing s deltaleary Oho mason 7,011
This amaze weights this season may fairly
Over M0424011t0 groo, virtitchts mustiorably bolo.
Moos *float. Dos*. most remarkable diffarmses Is
la the prztes. Last wasoo our packers paid from
13.75 to 14,25, rrhlle this NWeu priors rauustl from
PM to S4,OS. rums Is also a tarp falling off In Ills
SLId ofLard.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Aq 6—W. have zone. Instant to potle4 la re
ttehnun, withltoo exPeytios that the market is quiet
but brut, and farmer quotations corm to be folly soa r
<shied. Thrrets only a moderate Inquiry for Crude,
and while the rumple are Light, the supply I. fully
equal to the demand. Quotations_ may be fairly
given .t 10%4We In balk, end NY . ..Title In
We 11(400 We at "No. Redued Is quiet but firm
at the old Rgurre-40e,1a b ad, and Who tree. Sap.
the and Residuum ntMalo about as last quoted.
The lterelpte .4 shipments dariag theltweely.
Nor boon ending at nooon to-day were as follow. :—to. Now York, 11l bbl. Reline-1;235 bble
Crude; to Philadelphia, 51 UM, Tiefieed, .61 bble
Crude; to Baltirome, 15 bbl. erode: Watt 105 bble
escalpta—per Allelzbelly Valley telrood,
b bble Iterined 1113 bbl. erode.
New York Petreieum Market.
Spnlet Dieratri t. th. Pinot:owes Gaetta. '
Izw Tong, J. 6.—&uio in doll but without quo
table ehlumamell sales ut 82 - aunts on the 'pot.
.find in qutut sad mt 7 be quoted ut de349l.:ti to
lewd sad bl free. Naptba Isodull and ;scented
but ourbaupd.
Weekly Review of the New York Pe-
troleum Market.
(Deported Szpreasly for the Pittsburgh l
Neer Toot, Jan. 2, 1053.
The holiday work by been the dullest of any for a
bang Mos. Dealers manifested e amoral
tion to operate netti the now year .hail have fairly
set in. linyars nod miler. an very wide apart In
Chair and transactious an acoordinely very
light. Tb. chief feature in the market Is the great
Canoe of holders, in the face of • more limited de
mand than Ism obtedned for to long time. The Mock
pt light, mutpriting only shont 91,000 blot, Including
ell Ueda. The reel Ipta have be.. light, and though
the take for export are email, three to probably mom
t han enangh b Bing .hipped to mounteriedance the re
The gales for the week compiles .bout CPA bids
Crude at,lll to 3214 c, c!aelng quilt bat drat at 32.,
that 9000 fable of the abate were for Jaritury add
r.b.ui &then, ii 33 *-
Etalintil bout sold to the ortent et *beat 11,C00 bids
nearly all for immediate delivery at 40ji to 43,,
straw light straw to white mad printh white Imelng
told within the map; the market atoning firm (but
'tau Trio) at Celli* far light straw to whin.
-Prima whine ts held at 42ab0c.
Tree bit bee mid to the .tent of 4300 bids at 30411
3:0, mid -64 for straw to light tinier to whits sod
prima whits, eluting at 31033 e. 'South.. le dull and
entirely nominal.
There is gcneMl buoyancy and gran.. m o o o g
the Undo this savage's, and she ladle-miens an that
next week will liituers• stmrp resetlea from tb.
preralling dullness.
Grain Trade of Buffalo
Cometercief says, The roar and Onede trod*
of Buffalo far 1000, redoelns tbo recolpta of tour to
wheat, .bona dentiency o. compared with 1643, of
6,199,494„trathea. arid m compared with MI, an In
cams of 3.2fd.43.1 Wanda Tbere le a del:toasty In
tbaricelpia of obese, tte compared with 1812., of
9,196,463 trashebn corn 4,501,676 bud.* Iry 36 6 , 276
boabats. loam.. In note of 4,6.17,263 bmbetet
hairy 21S,678Valhes, • There Is an Increase to du
mote. Mau. In 1663 of 162,097 bezrels 00er 1662
010,448 Lamle neer 1861, The folltraing win
oboe the receipts of dour and grabs at Buffalo by
late and Bolfalo and LA* Sum Itaiirosd,(tot In .
dading the, raxapts by Slate Line Thignniat which
large,) from the opening of nald,ratlon In IE4I,
and from January Let, ISI2,
bona year nurpectirclit
Grant b , F flour, bo
2 6 . 002 , 44 4 - n,sts,o46
, • 14,4zpv; 47, , 630 2
,734 Limn - , 67.033,116.
2411/3,422 63,1162,1412.• elN6vOl .
- - 50,6112. 1 14, :
upt,csa sox*
The eaeitrard , nteretatent of grata area task lake
regtans boa bees aerp coaaLterably leis thin tut
mnd& hut br , la part cr= thit.d t a distil Waited
z,,,,e 4 4,11,1 4 4. et= produtilla ate=
- • • Przir' I •
Chicago siela Market.
Joo. 4—Tbs PrOT6hll3 inArkiet iette c , taideralily
firmer, and there wag s logniry for Prod:tor,
bet boyar. and teller, veto g.ort Nutt in their
Ties., and truntactitn. weretlinneforelimilud- Ilene
Pork Ran he fair domed sod firm—• lit. tales eit only
375 Quincy racked at 317.34 -city packed :riot
tell rth.sttY at 518,00,11.,2y. „„
;lulu for Prime Irma - rork U,-day, and oe an:: toir•
of lOde hid. at $14,114314,7d—rtiu imido fieare ror
lot of ontiide, and g14,rric411,75 tar goal country an 4
city Lrnads. At the rio; tiara eta o G•4nl lit “114Llli
et the nnL-lde gootatinna, bat sellers can, geocrsdy
holding at $1440. English Mrddlae wet , .1...
mend and firmer, truth Alto , about 10,111,
Cumberland. and Nyc for ',bort t
Middles are held nt 13nIk Merle corn
good demand and flan—mitli Miles of I:0,000Z. rough
Aida, loose, et fr, cod clot 60,00) Su Shnui4da ri
s'i(Orr large, god Alit an (or 1t0.1 , . Iran! wao
tlanfdodly stronger, d the tend:lacy one tine
A small lot of 50 try choice .1.1171 POW itt
12!,,e, and lon to do nt11%4 ro Bolder. or g ooit
Into of steam and kettli , hraitirmfi Leaf Lard wo-n al
tering to yell at the Mae rot -c: mare wren
boyersat over 1174..
Jas. I— , )ale about 1 , 4.0 be,' of Reef to • were
effort.' and cold at the A nen+, Nat.. , thie 'et,.
market wait firm, and f,tr go 41 CAltk au ads f:.O
WWI realized, but common art " h. •.1
and dull. Prices ren.tal at loom St' Sltt the 100
Ibe for common to grad rand extra otte:tt;
Cam+leer, tetrad! and tt: , ff..rtaga, about 10 , 1
head, all .. , 14 at frt. , E.:‘ , to b 32 ea - it tor titrtnet 'tt
ant St:, to SI. , for Cows anti Calves.
Bharp acre. nl.o hotter, and .1•11 reach
in; 4900, at $163411.i.• y Ih grog,.
Imports by Railroad
Prrrnstmors, It. Wien. 2 CIIICAO. RATLILOAP
J. . triune In, hering delnyc.l tu c.a."
queato of .I 10•.
41 - Lerma. f. Per - me-non Itattetrue, Jr n. fl--
3 Mots Pre clay, U El Coln.; IG relic leather, V.
Flaccua; 77 dux became, nhomaker 4 Lang; 121
mill Pel, A J Hagar, i bile flour Simmou& Ksos.
Alm.unerarre Seamme„len, 0-4 o 164 14141,10.--,
El tleepentolder 1 Car rtourr, A Taylor, 2 Itta mkt
meal; S Deem 3de do, W Fume, I bbl poultry,
Maim, on & co, 40 4344 4.11,, Allegheny Piouln,
)1;11; I car erbium, Noble Amtel; Ido do, Emmet/
dl 211 We corn, Ilimpaon d ti
NOT LC E---A E E'E I I\4l tIF 113 1 s
Stockholdara of the I'ITTSBC NOR GdZETTY.
ASSOCIATION will he h• Id oa To ache, J.,noary
12, 18411, ate p. as •t the ei ntl Unit. decks., •
cornot P..un and et. Clair ttrwo. fn.
the vorpoo• of folly ortan nog sold A• 'tattoo.
olection of Directote and other ale nna, anupti, of
Ely•la•s, and the totne.entl...w of •1:-1, other b.1•111v.
o. may b. L.r.nutht hero.. the mar... Ltd.
M In/oR
A N tilitllNA Nt!K rrovichl l'ur tilt;
uring of M,41, !tat 4. 1../no ••/..1 nab..
I. Re 4 oretain4el 444 .4444141 4/ A. (114 4 .. r, At.
rirrwee avel cabal... a. , P4/4/14•4 4 /A, in Fe-'ax an/I ../.4444•44
41/.4-44/14 444444.4 4 / 4 1, ends 44444/, 4./144444 and c.v..,
/, LA. 41/4/44./t/r of the • r/44, 'th.l •r/ ou 4.17 1.4•4.11 t, e,
et tse 11th' eo nine. lag lb. /. the r • or/
4114 per././I•ball 14. a.e.t4d 44 114 /vairor •! IT /44',
Bark, 1.-1/1•4 /.14/1 Sand. 4,./ 0,41! ! 4:1 !••
dattoe note eelmg tton tn. lerk •• 31nrke••
referenes to the tntnottr•eg and Insp.. . • oo
erteet and tanner.' bart. and the
branding of eehtolve f.r bet egin2 ;•ra • end eand Into
the city.
6211 2. The ett'd 21••estarer 0,1,1 glee Ittond, ettth
eetrottee in he •YDtnee•t 31•rke, . on, to In
t-• .um of show. f, the talthfnl Ceelterge of hie
deal." end wad tenoti .hell tte 81.4 .1 th the (In, .1.
b•fer„ b. .hall enter not. tas
Sbe. S. lie be .er ht. ge”ltera
Measarer, &.•.each per nobler.) tho
by him as Ills) be fixed sad pre.cribe I I.y lb. ler.
ket kX•iwnLtt,.• ; and he shell notably
sll tee. by Lb, and pay over ..11 ,e
dl Vir.oll,o l to tb•lit) Tr Itmefei
Ste. I. 1,•:• sett. ,•,
cunsi•tora er , by rpeAte
Ordained and eneet,l in , n leer art.
Mtb day Poc.elat.r. A. IL
.1-A!! :A h Y,
Prrs:3,l r.f 5.n.,. nni.
Attnol • P.. S. .I.lanawe
.. •
Oorln of S.A., 0,11,11
JOiro .
r ooldrolt 'Of Comte., C•hlo.1
A stmt. 11 , •-u IC!!!arroa.,
f•jork of Ontneo!coo...!
III.:JUN' A'rt
IFW.t. 'TUB; I'l ..-11.1
It had detry Cm, 1411. m M++n.
Jai rasali , olll. vo, v.'s, I O
. .
nal if rill inn
frc V v ,,, 0• o. !fall Kaod , ...
rezone th. lionor.o Ft•oroono.
Ma if inia do• horn,' 4.4 Pen.,
r/kof k eall a 214 V, ll.d J . tgoolo.
nal 12 pronono Ori,nod (Notan voi
7 mod if ecia petat.t tiko Hair Oomt Y.tLy Of
Tor. II art I , ianwo.,'
It no not • Iryo ; oont.nns km. of taOtwol a.:
otlsor loved.. Injurious to oltt or Sk to o ,
17or of SmithOola and Totrth arrla
(Formerly V Cbutbasn Tr,,.i
Woul4 0.0 th, •tl.nUtioll .4 Leaden
haastar.rtstr, .
BB'\! HH ru ,
liarahoy, Vi.. Rapp., r m.o. r pro*. ♦merles
6er.nt.sano, Pen.cort.
Smith, !Ilea Tout flootrtt. Iriodt filgb Two to
Loodyfoot. liettoy Dew Fr.l. Hong
dttentlon i. ettllod to tht. largo , Inc!km In ;truce
.f rtno rut ettoning owl Sinatag Tointrroo.
.01 he honnti of . ouportnr goolaty.
Trs - x Ccr Ous,wri—P. L., or ' , lel+, - CII6VOZ
dbb, 'or Svre.t.: r-t-q •.--ente.l Or4l/01 - 0 ; Tin 101 l
- • •.
Seaman—A. Jaga • Pp.abh, tlarlarrer, "1"-ark tau.
H. B.—A circular of put,. br &rut appllca
glue. ar N. 17
TN 117;it...1L ----- CIA ‘V 1:T3(1.
ILBS.—hoeol ihe following opinion by OrginA.
c.f the Azioriees Agra-a:term; who nays of the
lint Premium C•lo.rul I lotho• Wrinorr
• ,- Yrout mescal years' exper,ence wile It in o‘f•
ern fasohy from ,the teeth:m.l,y of liundrsdn so.•
here nscsl it ft - sin tun constr. - firm o 1 the lin•
"lament fie,lf,—• • feel rertalti that II Is worthy a
piece In wary family whore lle it .h.tie at
home. A ch.../.1 can mali/e wring Is, tusful
sloth. Ina IS minutes. it ew ,s re•lity n I lothss
Say., I a Time hewer! and a hli. , osth 'rho
teeing of tor eon will atone pay taros lege
en it. coot. W. think the reaclsine inneh its Ire them
pay. for I srlf every year in she ...ins of Set'isests.
lime Sr. %event! kinds, twee, alike In general coo.
strartine, bat weoonier is Important that the
Wringer M fitted with Cogs, otherwise a ma,. of
garments cony nice the radio.. sad he rollere noon
the crank abaft tlip and tear Lb. rlnthes. nor own
b rpm of ate &rot made. and It I, Nog gnod as nag,
•Ilar nearly four yram' tarlatan I nap."
For sale only at Nos. Le and Its St. CIA. mrrr, by
J. & H. PHIL I.lPli,
do2l Bora *gnats for thi. (loamy.
A beaattlnl znd •art,l imaortnoat
Monuments and Grave Stones.
r L.4.6T13.1 P &DM, I , A.LE AFLJ , ND
Clowor Obia old F•dic-41 ftrn-t., A:teghtwy,
yre.criptl.u. mmfolly comported
cA 1.0 • it; t7EKI RATON.
Tble improvement ban bete gotten op an, wt.
hnsard, brit le tht malt of etotly, experimenting,
labor and taped:ow Thew annoyed with nook. and
dna will plea.* ewli ; tf not eatiefsetwry at the eo/ of
ten days, the apparatus calm out .11 co elidirMi
irrEVIMS t 0.111211,
001 lio. 10 fit. Clair Wait.
It/itt. A. H. Et:6l,lSi! rempectfully
Informs the chi:ens of Pittsburgh, Nut he Ivia
bosh atpeleteel loge arzent for the We of }III:TS
PEN. They Ikre mrteroreeortra hf therlaraeet loose.
to the elm lemon- whirl, are
Gurr, Hsrxm t Co.l Snots, r
Xoentrsket k Co. Taos Pier Tart? Co.,
Zr,, Petrrth & Axe etLers.
6TAXPB, of all denominations. A full vivid!
constantly cok band, It the Internal A. 1.131.
Oakes, No. 07 Water shoot, some &or to City Tnea•
4r7, AlihvvY• DAVID IC Wl7 T Py
Collector of Internal nasonto, VW Dist. Pa.
Nor_--Lottera should to dinoted. to Alleghen
gal Mtg.'s:b. • feli
'riKY APPLEK-50 bushels Bright
jJ Df7 Apples for IS b 7
del Tna. e. necr. & on.
11ASKET • WILLOWS-72. bundle's to
wont on steamer Dna Lott, tn./mit. by
received And for sale by
: set JAMES BOWII/.13111/.4.1 street.
m;s n byll.lTl . BOrt, Troc: 4 .tr ' ut •
&St . MeetMlitiAlrEll;AraTlo2 l ; . .. 7 :
1'E111311. 4 .-50 half liarreliVbltti Fiah:au.;
wind wad flr sale by , PAN/TEM.
1,1:4:1 I I i • ,
o-ter of w. urphart.• C. art :e inethetly Coma
-oy, fa , ,o,lersiv..d, as Liaa•ctla. of !dory Oteer., mai Ltlly Greer, unkr
at Pal. , oo vATt It 10. i T. the ittb day of Jaw
tury A D. Olt. the fo:1-1•017 elaaribm,l prviapt.,, In
tba C'lty ..1 l'.otat4or,o.
That artt , .o f .‘r t4o comer Pena
.! reno ro.t :al feet
•0,1 Iv hook Itar:pory larva It, Net
In-Lee.:,oooo.ry y. Laingport of lot lA t.! Pt: ct , ,.rgh I or. Click aro
do,- .1.4 be.tAaea.
7 n•I gron,.e. on ranulle s 4 l
ns , , • Kt.: r - 2`:, (1.4. t sad tvna
4t4 44 4 • n
~ 24 run
L0u..., the paint, ...rdth, I...t4hach•-e.
low in tnt., nig - hth
war, oaud ...'• p , - L, ez.rx,r4rel la Pl,O
b.. T. 1.. salt I. Ig V. 17, IS, 74.
1t.6 . , yr., a. 73, 1. 00 ..
IA), II) 1..1,1
h• ot the ew , rll., of Pena and liar.
cot-z tea., the Nisi..., at 10
a :n : I, on Klng's alley an the prom
at 11 0 duet s. m; end the mast lola In the
ar-I on 'int pstomes, at 'lento& p.m.
lot on ilarbur) stroet Is of (nal sire and In a
good tonsttt, and en lb. hthldiags an. cot very
wnl.,ttle a or , hy the attentlot. t f capltallete. She
me.ntlO+ln the Eight h Weed are he • cart of the
city so Holt in rapidly improslng, andahould rembre
the attsro ton of Oho.* Or no alsh be yrOuttte building
Snore of them are also valuable for their Stone
door 11,.a.
Tr :Ars nr kis—One- hlrA nsrh, and (ha balsam
10 inn o-,001 an anal pa) ram.., Irlth tuterrst., tn.
0,....e_-roatlnn 01
J n. F. WIIITZ, Guardian, &c
PltteLurgh, rte , . It, lsa3. de2l:3wend '
lalo.Dt.knlCX rraNACE, at Middles:l. liar.'
ner county, l'a , was taken by the proaent owners fur
ladaht , eso:a. they have other inipertaut to.
te,ste o!r , ent to fully orropy ihrir attention, they
..der MI, property for mai., at a Ivo...rata prim The
Tu. ne:e n.en , l. too nit. oohed and Ina
-I,init.,l ate uow-11,. Latter,
lath out., • elle, of No. I Mrs Brick. The
Bleck 1. a u.sonv• stony, •or ta a roak. faumlation.
A reline, the top of the 'tack
The Orr aro oal Hoot, WI. on.. Theis ana about
lbo. too. late Suprilor Ors now on hand, an 1 •
future corlaln supply loaf lot negotiated tor a terra
of ykare. Atonadar.en 0: the twat quality of iron.
tu•k log Coal is in the immediate ,trinity. Them are
hose oli the auet. telough: n. It,- property, for
the depett Ito, and Ire., and tha Er. and Pitts
burab leallrutd anus.. oh. prerniaet, I.Fus siring •
choice .4 hanspli tato.. WOO 11-.. n a. the prevent
prn. , .. the pr.nts of making Pt, Iron am eery large,
and the op o ori nutty of et.pping tnernealetain lowa
highlyleunioer..ti.• htni atom only to be an
n.... , 1.0 [no c.rtirwlatod.
/For terra. apply w the undersigned, at tleveland,
Ohio. H. B ISTTLE & SON.
Ohl, Dec IU. IroN. 1.0 In
1. 4 ‘l I `.ll 1.
on I nl
p 'mit/ a•le a .. ' 7/11L L., ha,
V. n Intrr. au/1 all lb. to In•prova.
tan.. In M
T. ill gr. I.killt In IL.iI, Iv In clo• oi
trillln..ll•v.rnwth, •,11 rawanarva an
rn•tr.a. I Iv ...Lt....0 ,v 1 tan Waal •.!
ht•.r. In 11i...wi11, , throng'.
1. •• la.
Ira ..a L. ha V. II It pa••••.
Ito at , 7 1/• ./
-11 t,..; 11 , r and 11
..Li Al It, 1.•• • aa lb. nr••••
• • taunt, a tract el Ii
ad ,calt4w , a ta
n -I /E,Ttl
.11/All Sill GIC'.
, W LAO. !kit rn.J al•taw,
Ola.rwrllla. V.
is al.
r ,
I 1,4:1 I 1+ it: ra.l.h,ln
t-1 e 4.•• on 11,.. F. F. * A
' ;:.., ru.lne :r4h, 4.5. •
I nod rx,M1.1.14 Tin ste,k I.
. .
ul. 'I.I 1.1111 for.m. v 113.
73 11.
.• •—•! wlti n 1 IL , rp
1.•. , . 7 L• , .
n' . rrni..l•t
E. 1,1
it 114.3.!
• -- _
AM h r.11?1 , 1 1.,)1; r.,ALE t • t t
nat•oti...tlt t•-ttnattir, loolioata
1.• rot laSit.,, :rat ..•• OS 7O ,••• WWI it 1. g.
nam• 13. , 0 r, Kota It.ltao, two atones
•:•••.• ..•net.. a tat • story of fra... oar It a
toot. r g• r4 of ...cif, rsre•STllo'4l. Th.,* ta
a at, -..r
of • c 0.,. :.‘ tttto u%f, It • , tfitott of fog
0.1, t•-•••••ar tt • ••- of It • tem..: flittootlor
t ., t t • o. tt mea.l•
o t ttt •t• tr-atent tbtart h... 1„,, • 4 ono at tt•tt a sotto, of
Cott a..., eto • • tt , cot loot. t-too
This la
Ina l'a.
iU-1 10i V. nt I.t.—A
...on, AN a rna. sttnoi• in
-auk aye
• ob.t. n
it..triagh god - It:an
er.:16•1..• !.,
11 Cr • veal atatil of ceii•
teistlea, holoote good vl ..t- laiel Itopfeve.
• ero • h g oellir.e weocber
• tole ail 71,:t. iol . • ram.
te..t. •t•toing , • wotedi haus,
• orl e e. Foie. fom Ito well, lo Wadi
w.o ' nod a 1... I terns r eolauble with
• or to., relo rid ter tr.•, •gp.,
4e , Butler alreel. L••••en , ••111fe.
A I.[•A tilt F.l )1i S A I.E, situ.
ateff a; I.srin,r's , 1,5)
of , Itfeberw . l,.ei• ides II: a-p,a
Ewa. Re . che , aen a.e. ova eteeheoll
`seem latl ••.•1 the bet.,,‘. •I,urbe:l• vtlE lIMII
sine ;1,.M I••
. _
vig hob.
. .
0 • baaq •
I"Wt 5,.f.116 I , all
*I.! ski.
O. r,,..alrora•—ldlarb!•
hioatl•A trt nno wutet, Bath
Ar. Lot tr• Ile 1.1.
, Inin!re
rA 1.6, ellT lA , * —4 toe
..7'lndrr, 5 tin
atrokY. 41
le .n,tloc. •olta or wlthoo.
rial,stt, Fly 551”.. rionaos, 'nor* rump. 50.
g men, parr...,
• R. Ili ‘).l roeh"t
" I.P. a CO.
Lik IC SALE—A benuLilUl rosidAtice Con
51 , 0 rt jrty Irlll. otla uslis from Ott,
•01,t wtth Feat abondeanr of kind.
of filth, erorgr.ea.r,•trees. Sc. TO 1.414.. , ) lov
and rsyrron , P:o,lnJr. of
M , FADI.ZN. Martel elrtat.
1r 1 ti lIA RYE .on ImqvaLses.
11... *rm. , fin. ,•11 , 1111,g Alleo"ty
I l'f' El, A Nit LOT Ft PH F;dl sitn
nl. at. In the 814 - ” min el if sst Norrlon, %Vostrner4.
Land county, Pa., 1.01 on 1141 ,, elrr ,, t Is 1.3 . 2 frog, .
Itamtroad .tr.. wet. 110 , k 11a1 , 11 nA irt Ay to
Pet , 1.11c1,44 n by 112 fast
11 not .44, It will I. , •nl , d.
rl - 171 1.f.:1 77 A well finished two.stery
JL AMOK Itnai.Ll Kfl, . Wylla 'argot, No. 8
Ina Oat r.r.fut. ari.h .11L.trrr. bath. hot ar
role. Lauf,' lard. with taw.
a•ltto.., tory on Clay •11. y, [mar Chat
.ttvot Pent /1,0 it mootl. Inquire of
J ., it p. , ATT:lt.reir..TT, 217 Pang at
NAiUh lOl 01 !and, c.outniniug
7. ritual-n.l tqq mite.. fru.. DI arniiat Pt.
ti.. Yort WuTriti a 41.1cogu rt. R.
Tirr yr...pert. in • oil glint...rt.& ant, a gx.xl
ntt 1,1,1..r.i of I,tirlut fruit i.r.roi 11.1. prortitt,
~m On n i I •o. truirernaidt• terra..
For forth, p.uti.lll3.,!n•La
N 51.41 , 0;71:1l. Liurall^, P.
LE--A Lot of Lir °mid, vi
two Flame 1 , .*111,pr thete , n. Attosteit or: 01 ,
! ,, rl.ll Cototoon. nner 0.. 4mnd Ward 6. trot
11-gheoy C I P. whh tT 1..* fr*ot the l. ,, totztnee.
mnollig I,.ck 11,1
relltr.ttlar. Ingrtir , at the of
,1,1/ . tf 11. Nc F. KLYT.
ibroe-ttturiod I.lwoll
t_ lux [1 O, ettus•••l on Fed ',al street,
Cl•y, nearly opposite the ...Wm., al tit,.
no.n So. terms apply to JOllti 17AF, Jr., •t
rn .at / Wasuns, 2no. l• Pitisbcrigh.
Mlatrtlso: ANDVAIWOIIs.
'tilieuly built thiuu.-
L .tor 7 liork 1n.., with Store &my's on !Int
lloore,altaate..n ill., corner of well. and ' , app . ..
bi.f•fil. Finished In modern style and the Wet scan ,
nor. rot farther inf,rtnail,n in.intra Rt
0, CA W9Ol ,
170/4 SA L bit on 1 rilley,be
AP.,! red I;rtsithll.ld .tr..l/, SO IT/4 hate
coLtainlng ate,ut 5,01. \Nacre Ivet, s,ll adapted ft..
rnannfarmrfnr evahlkhln.nt, .111 I/
Apply at N. , RI Wilful, It'rttiCl7l dkflere,e.
SAW 1+,411-1,21
rt00r...0./t hood . lory tn.l titoreoglnj
seasoned Owls of I , f , ; l(ixr., COAT A t! 110TT011
PLANK, WINDOW rltAmr. bTrrr L1NT1.33,
INC.S, .Vl., 6'e.. fr.
ffa stn 611 orders'SAWED Bruer 9.10
rosilatoss an.l at rat tali S e..
N. 11 POVIOIIk sanrtnj Loan TIVIIIIII or POP
LAR art, particuisr7 Irritr.i to .rrstoleto Ms stock.
11.?/-06re nn erelr street, otar ,
1 BUTTE/L.3 I M thictly fro.h. In 101111/O
300 , 1 h. frreb, In roUr,
011EME 103 box.
130 do Western Cratleg ;
B. W. FLOUR-VW Dv. le be A. nake;
133 bbl.. Z. Yam.
GARBON OIL. 43 de Ile. I Ogbee lei
tx,FB Initab. ennefl MOO
50 do, In eon;
ciDna `.....—.... Elirvot Inge Older;
EGON—. 3' do, reeb; .
In iltore ee .
01 for leelo by
. go. IS3 Litiiets street.
°NEIL b'TON.E.SI..LN; - ;
ammo always as hsal sal make to arlier TBOIGNO
EIMPS WiLEESI wisa.,oLorn ; 31.,61M, el
Was; Obi feandry cos; LIISA , nI
Itat WINVOWSati6: tato onus, o
HAIWITAL CfriltS iNux,tre rittinriaa.
'Ur fline al-CrLED forttae;4 . .!
"'runs on then=Adana' Zoo.
Eusrplaaat taf rro linctlasurz.
Da1214 . Manualat Geoloyip. ,
Lpll ea lts,Antlquity at Watt. .
• Brata's nabob{ Ito Old Vdria. .• .• -
=ll Prin•fplijefoklildia • y. .
. c--Assibesentsbetabe Dookof 24$ - - • ,.
ir... t ..
Agabill'al3fibilis in Naturd MI ;.• ' '
lea We by KAT At C 0,1 6 1.c..1 *twit to
.03 for sale by 'l 7 PUI.! LIKE! LlNl m ili t 'ust meirod by
J 324 DM US Irod bind. • 1 - 1 Ma -
Alll.-1 I saakcpritm so for sale IVH, P. BECK • CO. • i
CaRPIRTS.DIL acorns,
A gre4ltete...t.t, • tt:h.,.:4 the huthset
Ne. 23 Fifth Street,
thong'. ?t,
. .
101 - IR.
is - risi." 14 OLA D A.Y1,3. •
• ~alll.
HATO 'net owned a La.:. land splendid anandatcat of palo is tlrc <.
in the taw,
tlit gime, !
lir.,ting of Tic:orlia, Pmbomod god PmbroNured
TABLE A.NII PIANO COVERS: pi n n, and un , I
Bordered Si - TICI/ONV BH/DES .O rand i "°“' . 4, urr ,
Tt{ll,lol V. 13,44; Plain Sad VanCy 15LATS, HAS. st 3 wh.n ‘L
11005.1, tax
/Iva, the largeet and dlo.t complete etedk
tor t
re'nerc al: • .•-. • ri n•,;: tr
Won !Erni:teal to Übe rity, al baos than praanut mar. ;
tut nab,. make Vas tn.n• •‘.10 , , And gI4,
uenta per 0... cure of 1111104.
rirlcw caitr.icz mroruer... wmyWar .4'"","""‘1•^""".
U7•PoV•Ia. 1 7
sipetsl, Sitni•lo
Na anti
and retail, AMI;V:II7PEtIr. u : n.
s 11. ol ' flysterire, 1...,
uu. 100 ittil;.tin•L
Drentl,u,. D)•1.1 ,
i• portyrt
WOOLI7I DIIDOGINTS AND earn', CLD7 lln, ; Hensel, 1;:,
WINDOW 1511 ADDS, TABLI AND PIANO 134eglIng et t.;.
DO V i g . HATS,
Puts, lutf.c n.t •,r, ,v•nr,
Thole goods have advanced, In first hands, horn
Tall to TO - UNIT-PIN - I: Prll CANT. within ,
days, and vs an no. selling at LIES THAN etA.S. It may Lv ..+•1 ii.lkt a I'll: vr
OFACTUOICIL I I PILICY:2I. Our stock Is almost for go .ilra.o .11.1/ 4,1111. 1...
Orley na., all having bass parobased moo.
days, for soon, at the sae, losssat prime or '"'"°,""'"" "( '" '""
prefam.l no eure Not, 12,13,...61
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Nta. 71 AND VI rirrn ISTuirr, r. „, „r ,
Betdosn Pars CANN, and Duontra Balldin. Co, •
r 'li} A LA N I I I , l - i
R07A.1. 11A11. RT6AN KAVIGA.waadVr
71011 001111. ANT
ADRIATIC, I,Dlr) liorr-povecr.
HIBERNIA, lAN. H0r0. , -poorar, 1,000 rot a
COLCIIIIII A. ISM !Inn., -power, 2.,./•• • tool,
A BELLA. 1,.X.
The rwrollEvort Suoorn•htp AI I. LA r
Com No. York tot Ll•orpo.-4 tl. h
of Poormbor.
RA. of from T.rt .verioni.
e.tolo is gold or IV eyolvalot, 13 ,ametti
I .terteMloto 4111
retbeenvra felbrat.b.l obbt , L.• b.
burk, Ilu t.. broom, libtbe , larti, M ..q.. be .
Me lase. tab..
farm Immt Ltekriama In
ti•smi. $66. tab, $76, WA 8106.
Tyr p•RIlle. apri, an oak* et tho
IiADMIL $l. , ILLS, al
h n • CI I I.
fissnal.-/• thathllog. Ph. 7 ra,
e..llissahasid .1. P..hc4,,,
K./ ral'ooh, couching n, I.II*.V.LNST ,
s Crrea Us•hoe. , rrell-knolrn the
Prnrpo...l, hir•s T.h.t a R.h.othh
Charpha are lo , h,leri inllevra
I I 111N , '11C:117.ii...
(ITT .17 .. FLAT
Plut CA1N....... .•• EXI
la Le Gmador.. &I 00' du It :,unAloc it tr
El• lo Parts.. ..... AS lln l on to l'arb
de tletnt.nrg voo elo io r 7 th
racaanger• &h. rc.rwani..l linaart, 1:0••
,rdam, la twerp, &c., et equally
re. Ira. Liv«rp.ol er Que+L•tew-r, tabu.,
yv. 1)106 Moorage, IPO Thoaa •he erleh vu
send !Dr tit 111..41 tau am odrePte Ir. et ea ,
Y.. furtia.l Irthfras4.l,...Alkpiy at L.. (-13.“.14.7k
OOtm.JOIIN U. DALE, dr..
sr m..., N.. , 1 cr k
fluid tf.r,L, in? bon..trotn brlago
10.0 Nttobti. •.
Pasa.tirn bronghs .1 In FIRS r • LAS 3 )IA L
WTI:A.II.I.ILS. from Livot pol. Lmad..ierry. Ual.sty
ar Cott, fnr
Ant by Wang reoul• fix TRENT T-4)NE
LAMA, I. cur rency
Apply te,
oltrommili Vltib
y'2:r.rnond 44.1 54 Smithfield .
ut' NA RD LI NE. --Svum ;- „ m
LIVEBK , COI, M D Qr2ll2N!...TOWttr-
822- In gold, or Its eindynlen.: to ,rnogoy .
PROM 19114 TOES, Sao W carmsog.
lags -'.q week. kg/ply to
TR0YL1.1111471101.31, t.
nuM-gsagly Aw l g 4
• 'a. Granfonberg Sarsaparilla h yflo• Ma mart
pROCLAIIATION.--CITT OF A 1.,r, ron•atlnt and ellimeions monptiatol ln no, Moo El
•15.111 V.. a Dottie.
Is oosfortnity with a provialta el as Act of the •
Onmaral Aoniombly ef the Oommo•wealth of P o
aylvasia, untied 'An Act lamrparation lb.
Allotheny, - uld • mippletain.t pawed th• 1311. , hnt•
of April, 1544, I, 1.. C. AMMAN Ugh, Maynt of the.
ea.ln oily, do lame this, Proolamatienn, daslar r
last, being tine 12th day of the month, the ttaalatn.l
Totals of each wand *lll moot at rho playa Iterelat',
tar monttesed, and oloct, 17 ballot., owe CI tarn In
eart• aa Mayor, and one situ. to servo Donot-r
01 ltm Poor.
1.1L5.41.1 l'O .
Tb. mill:led 'rotors of tlot flog Ward to mot at
b. Publto Bohol nom Its old word, to elect, b t
ballot, eao citrons to woo as • motor of do SOP,
Cosecil, feat to me aa umbers of tbo Corso..
ette far Amor, two:, for Antotant •n..•
Ml* for Judge et notion., po
two for latrtco
of Elections,c two for School Director., and ore for
the qualified vinare of t►e &coed Ward of salt,'
city lo meet at the Public , &b.ol Lease la mid mart,
to .Ittt ea. eltlmu to ten. as • member of lb. Select
Connell, font I. None as members of Um Common
Cettml, moo for Leseasor, two for deeletent Aur•
n fem Jnilte of riemtlertm, Use for
.1 P.l•alloaa, ma for Schaal 111m:tore, for three
Jars, art tie for School ("tractors for ow. year, end
moo for %astable.
. .
TISERD W• 1 1 .1.
The it ullfied eaters of the Third Ward will mast
as follows, •Is: The First wreolnrt to meet at Cm
Petslie tichool dome la said ward, comer of keilt
wade and Shaaspin streets ; tuAl the &mond Precis t
at the boom of Col. Georg. Gent, corner of Eno
Lane and Second strew, la ..,d went, to elect, hy
ballot, one eltlsen to serve m a member's., the Balers
Council, few to noes as members of lb. Lammas
Colman, we to isms sa Alderman, .0 for Amman,
two for Sothis/It Assessors. one for indAs .f Clew
Ilea., two for Impostors of Elections, two wr Eehool
lltrartore for throe yeses, sad me for two yeats, and
on for eve year, and op. for Conetahle.
The quallthal rota. of the Fow th Wont will 111110 i
a , follows, etc: The /bat Ptabinct to meat at the
hagloo noun, comer of Azdenenn and !Avoca ora.;
and the Elwood Product be toast at lb. hone. of Kra.
Pack, corner of Cheotoot and Mein womb, lo said
ward, te elect, by ballot, no glutton to Feta. so
moron*? of the Saint Oonuctl, font to perms. MOM-
Isr. of lb. Coulee. Connell, one to watt so Si,?.?.
man, tone for Alowteor, two for Anteldut taw seem
oaf for Jadgt. of Itloottona, two for Ineptatota of
ilecttons, two for &had Dlrecion, awl true he ,
Olren untlar my limmi ami N.ll r tt. SSW day of
December. A. D. lAN.
A E. CFI I ALIN tr. lf
TF.a.• flawanayatuv (mealJo-I far Ch. flat !SIM,
heating all pikes a( tha gin° «pally, do.. bat
it to erackln 11 T. 1011 . 111:1DGE.
Fart Pi g,
tt Gleam Wart.. Waahla.r.a.
wpl7 Plttatalrel. Parma.
Commission & Forwarding Merchant.,
Hariug purchased the ..chaos Karel — et 01
soil having ample room sad fecilltire, we vs
now porfartri to More and forward OIL AND 11E11-
CRANDISE, of every descrlptlm..o.l ptomh• ..L-
Lenctlee to all who may farm ow with Mel, rwtron•
airs. onerrendram
litrvlttattore at low ratings Great Britain, Ireland
o. CdaroP Deward from Liverpool or tparenetovai.
l'a/Yages forwarded to all puts or the worbl.
oetllfteßAl Attune ItEwen Mat, Plttanuitt
Lv ‘,..g of the arrproaA tb.
Matting', Re.,
0111VILli YoChtrrucs a. CO
Floor Oil Cloths,
aaorta I b 2/{ .r 1 dos
SHIPP 1.4-16
_Rai 4. Amy.
.matnl,l4y. Jay • IR
'l'w only- Fri vt. L),,) ..rog
THE Tt , ti 4•7" CC KS
d • .rit m 1
I .1, tLx natt.
Thc 401.4
1•1,r,1::: or 1.16 E ,
The G/I.Sk:l • ' 1.:61.1 BLE PILL , 24,
and ell nut In IL.
Llp .diva onzalok . G Lo, m
Gror,..t P•r, t•.• I.
tic', of l'reohag. 7 , 1,11f. 12.
t I, let ',math:Ll LA tothe
Yt•o•ley. Fitt al. Fre.,ent
&Love. IL-Ae ‘ , .ant.t.4:/Jl. osi,v , ft •it. 0.........-
denng•rn..l.l , 4 the (In
• tort I .10.44::
losophy lnt
• el, ICIAN Wvlto
. • -.- •
e‘i op with any mad'. Tee r a p i n
haraa.niaile!y • Um: pL.yal•lan, and
haw. Lholf o• • int variety of thseni•
• 1111 l IC fear derongateant ot tbe same vital r•rgsoe.
I.aro are wints In which then pills aru
ly uan•
1.41•--11 41 for tbnrare of thew tho
readar le nit rre.l to ha Gracfrploorg ilovoia/ yf liatlth
• [v: • f the Grinfenberz
Bat it th••• oho .aver (tutu any the entoplkints
Ins(.unaterulad pea. them • lair trial, srver.ling to
dlrra•thais. and they w•ii, ha Laal.-L
We, Of endermewl, e Prackee Count)
K....zuLky certify tiwt term • yen. we lave 11—•
io our tairti:lm • .-e.n• la& .f a.-41
e rn• LILT. beer: ytwewrawd by our
fainny pl.p , w et, awl A rue othets, ":teat needl,uwa, ' hare rurclumed from Gruygutt•
hnu• %Ile had them tor jab, W. tiny, rt..
vvnoily trvvl the ...truelentn,r, Vuzvtablit I'll:, end
irvtud:. vt/ ," ldrv• lutiy tointed thi., virtue
and rue: ti 'to nuni , thy using tin, •1 ialornnt triune , vLave,
usidi uu sti.
lt r•trvirel• rlteur•, L.h an
nur own 31,i Linttlies, and we dent:m[o,n der i ,
t:tv ru..t ,nedrrlng. th• Infnet BIM ra:u.
able n ... : . ever °noun totint pa.t.ttii, and est rt.-
~ r.tani tn ho nesnl 11,111,a.
It It AiiliEltntrii, NS 11.1.1A1d. Far,
E 1.144 l: Ell, 11,211bLER.
I, 2.6.5.. Jurll , 4; of tt, ['enc. for Braekav
0. , , ,t ..e7. !-..q ref try that th. stamerilmra tc
the f. c.....ltlcntra nro of itt,ark.n
Reuto , ly, .ud I no. theta t. b. p.l,eua
arrset r. 4 repute, azd am auto 113-y
areukl not lead 1.13. Cir nrameona abura, hut Wll,l •VIT.{
~ IlnaCt • 60 the
Ptil al my Manly, I ch. , rnally .dal
my Us:ln:L.4ly ,a thrth Wror.
the ..t....o.reLme,l.•nd of ant n
Perms, C•ltataugus nty. N. Y., nod tLe War. of
OoIli", Erie t'ouct.y. TLS., moat vanity
that a aa.l w lanolin 'MI. Ul,l t he Graefenber,
Vegetable .4 taint', to...l.Ginwe, and • tth the
taoet gratt , yin, re•ulta. W. Ir-Dee• they font)
e, the p.n.: qualitlew 11/1.1(11•4 ter them by the
ureeten tan-, Company, and avoid cooMemtly recon.-
eo,S them to the rtulle.
(;.e.rge Hick.r, Tte•rnm J neck, (phrt Irlan),
Abral.are ftn, tar, .larrn•rg I. P. ho,ien, (tanner),
J , ,Ln ua. eaa, net. harm. El) Page, (rarmer;:naePhen
itarturr . , B. J. Go., ~,trover), G. F aenth
at.-k, Isarmr,. P. V. elJen. (farmer); Wto. Grullths,
I. (:rantsie, ,whoelartgnt Main P.
Dail:, Orme - ter). 11. Ilooker, (merchant), John
rlsrnheert. farmer , E. Van De , rhe, tem - dwamor).
Swore tarot , .
Jnlia D. 1."11.13011, Justare of the Pare.
GEn. KLYSEIt, 140 Woad laze.,
eds . , Agent for Plt tebargh.
Am prepared norlr the imanedlata Innocenti. ..of a
phyrefur won they may bo felled npon to
all ewe. IA. le telligun wof lb. ormaniulty le not
ilindtati by lb, oiler of • stogie rnedlelne whiels chasm
to rare .11 alma., bo , L. Cermfmraro liamedies
009.:11‘ 01.1. , n0e did/root asee7 10in.., all unequalled
the rare of the diseases to, Mel Um are rowan
mended, amoug which maybe related mm appro
priate H .o Ihe diseases incident to this country
and climate.
The Oratenle-,2 Vegetable Pills to. barter thou any
other Lind of OM to the world. Prim 23 mama a boo.
Tb. lilractentorg Dy.latary Simi? tea certain ami
quick remedy far all Cams. of the bawoLs. Prim
Fa cants a battle.
Tla gra•Ralborg TB* Ilemody Rarer WI. to pet•
tra.terstly relieve t►l. dotreaatog , Uanora. Price
a bo“ia.
The OrxefeobergUrea . % Pane. Is an le.ala•
able cony oarel he el doss.. Inedlnet to t Werra
Price el moo, . ram..
The arsetenberg Fever and Apse ltemedy is a .4:m
erely. nod& Fat O.h partlehlar diermee. rrs,o 50
arras a bO3.
no, letectebbasl Omen blemtate °thumb: ex.
mad. all raker MOM 111 Its etcrative affect.. Price
1.1 met. box.
Grurmitierg 0012insnplire'e Balm •Cords
most mweiltliting relief to all pr.lmmary mime:that.
Prim El a tattle.
The graelehberg Health Bitten arethe 'noel ph..-
.I .d dollgilthal met...e" prepared. PrWe ZS
mute • package.
The Orsefintberit Eye Lotion is unparalleled to all
trillsolottillexi or /imam of the err, Prfee 15 cents
• bottle.
Tb. Gth•fenteerg Hanel of Health (44 - And7
Illustrated with wtheurlye totintelny,4 b tith most
nompleth cowlickl book to twist. Pries only n cents.
Sent ley mail. post-paid. to any pwrt of the thnutry,
on rweelyn of 12. throw
The drusfeither, (1111orshnll'w) Uterine Oath°Mon
I. an lunellible rnottely for all nowsleallsensew month
ly Irregularities, weakness, tcworn, ulcsantion ; In
flammation, whiws, baling and other toot d•rattbs
meta of the uterine orwths. Price fl 60 iser bottle ;
no. bottles for
Ca ,Inc. —An at tt , l, winlqy unlnibnrl7.l, [malt
rF , Rotnbl!og thl. In nat.,. and label, Ins. Iv,. rut In
07 - AU of tlo Orwl, ?madly 3.l.liclu.wran
I..•felf wtnt by ervrmt• le qnNotitlos of art .61-
ars worth and nrirnnl. they he forwurth-d •
Ibentl dt , !,,tlob frtnn prlres.
ux nro. ff. NITRIC',
e.a. Ageul mr ntr.,u..-n
[ Ret SiL7 rork 1,-itmoc.)
The .reefers bergly Ilerbedice are ranee relia
ble. In t. nnieereal anl dissresalbg nix a.... of
trOthell, the fettelettlef ere Sts.IVII,f hitt-turn CVO •nrrly
[? ru X. T. Tie,a, 241:4+.u/, Zinc. I, 1F.711.]
Tre eeelent nett, soy of the adcertiatenee Is in sett
peper sepia ring th at *eery atrets her State. his
nclaims to public oonfislancst. itotoistimca, how
ever matter comes up of euTtclent importance to
Justify a word from us. isecit wa diem to he the Grua ,
hadark Comploy, ho. 12 Park Raw,
tch has al
most reenintloniend me d ical pructicehy intrialucing
neer me/ most succsairli.i teethed., of cure. The let.
ten trftftr.ndsall from Gem part of the country
lout widen. of troth. and frpm them sea Judgm that
the Inrecters of the Glaiifenharg Institut'on under
rate their clohns to vigil's+ confidence, Instead of
claiming toe mnoh--• certain sign that they atimel
firm en the absolute na-irtes of 'the causes tie., &deo.
out.. Tie- Tatou of their teellnigntal• to further a
rustic! by lithe a from lie.. tie. Berge, of the Meths.
di.t Court-6; Francis 1141, proprietor of the Coot
mesa./ Aden, and others of reepontibillty sad
rani., Lot utd teetimmtlala Kese eat ehliehad
Ifto Part that the GB &SPENDERS 0061 PAN I'S
tmly reliable core Per theee arum stitch reader the
lino of women, from the age of 16 orwerd, telsereSm•
to an extent only known to themselves. Three dl..
ears .171st monad end elnee, and no ancisl gam
lion, refilsoment of tiring or condition In life, afford.
emy guaranty against them. Beattie the local Marta*
symptoms, they are - ellen attended with /Wang. ,
Monthly Periods, Irresulerillee, Weakrreek.
min, Deranged Appetite, Sallow Compiestoa, Pain
In the Back and Kidneys, Chine, Odd (loud. and
Toot. Bloatinmb -Feverish ign, Neuralgia. Petrie.-
t ;on of the Besgt.l3ilemOlorrouraem, needed,
Bestleaamees, Dlatorhad Sleep, Thebes of Brat, Gen.
seal Pg.. Crawling mod Pet* lo the Splits and hoe
'lemon the Shoulder , Acid Stomach. Nemo°, IedI•
goatee, Dieted ousting or Urine with boot or
11¢Lartin6, 'tablas, Bernina . or Initapen of the
Bled. Orsaos. Nightmare. Despair. ilyeterirtii
Anxiety. Red P. 0.. Swoons Twitching, btarthsz,
Coarepatles, Irritable-Temps r rodnow, Depraved
Appetai nettenegi Blasted we Innoterntrele,
Cope:ague Dreone,Pobti le chi' Iltedoo Otte; -
1imb0...! ore rob 10 th e Uteri Tee of Nerearri-
Booedsrmoot;riereket. et £a.t atnin9ha Bock.
The Eltititenbirg Manhatre V 1411 3. geteetWe/ te'
. nm aeidi tTos.Oczaetriem
sz satetanirP F r . i G = ieurs, m
116 Wood Belot, se! Ape,
CBnJ Qr .araasaeruh 0571Ci e
,2[51-e r 8. 1:55.
.re Irvine FT the uudersignetL for
8,5.101541L.1 , 5. Qrzartertann.r . e Ihiartraent, txt
GWaatington, to e ,1.12,1,t00re /1.1..xe.r/Jria, ui
Tcrt ro‘-,s, h , r liloo.l 1•14,51,, wet.
IIA T. CUIIN, 11.11 , atki .at
1.1 tIL.. <1,111,57 of 5.509b,.1
of ,ro c: ate tor., toy or et mr.,
:Se,* twat atat , a vl,l. the.
she, vrnpoae to rmaL, bort.
at tney 11. a ), thn
i.teb .sti-le !le Ow tin.,
W 6,1 CC71.,1,11,11, and 6 -1,
van-I written
Z•• pu; 4,4 r.t.4
,1.2 lit 1.1.•
U... U. fr.n111.1 . 1.K1 wi . .h.*nt ex
tr, rtarxn ta the. - :•. The C-ey nzza ~raw
b014,14(Vi• I
• .
The peettralas o-ew, iption of anti, corn,
Ina), or etre. L• 'tiered, must he stated
the pr , rieal..
ALI a-tic ni,ler the Ghia hulin in
vited will I. •ohject L , inep,ction .l'y 1114
..T. , 10510111 Inspector, mini; iwwwocti.
iwct. will w. awaratd front lime to time to the
lowest m.ponerbl. bidder, as the inferrit of the Gow
en/meta MAY rennin, end payment will M made
when the whole %mount contracted fi r shail nave
Lyn Iteltrered mot .ceptcd.
Toe bidder win be n.quirett to accompany hi , pr..
petal with a gum anty.signed by two reeponeilile
perilous, that in case ht. bid le extriittel or they
wilt, within tt a days therraftwr, extra. therm:Ma. I
for the tame. with ;rood end etiffloient earrtee, in a
m equal to the aount of the contract, to tictiver
the fora,. propueed in conformity with the terra" of
lots adeertoternent: cool to rase the said bidder should
fati to lot. the toutim , t, they to make go.-1 the
difference the en,.r of eeid bidder and t I , *
it lowest erepotteible bidder, of the pereon to.hum
the e.oetert may le awarded
Thero,pwhettditty or the gnat writ ors must Loeb.,
ny the or, twenties,. of a C., District Attorney,
cal of Ctutono, or any ah, i older the
rimed State. Gavot...tit, rom.,netide N r eot i
known Li th:s
t Yi at
Ilin •s.II near, Is Is. add.. •sf earl bstWer
ms, a legibly writ lo the pruner.Props...l. °met edsitt-t-ssd to DriArdier heutral
D. If. ssblet Depot llsmrterturet,r. Wit-!-
IC Cf. . auJ OLYLItd Se plensly mat heti "Isrl pr
uL for Furstre."
Bond, yrs • equal to Ih• amottut of lb.
b lb. .sootractor rad both of blo µsuers
rots se usll be requited of the PLlClecia•loi bisisler or
Maslen upon ti,tolog the .:ant
Wank Upton of but, guarantee, and bond., may
obtatnrd upon appluallon at tau oftles.
rnitm OF pii,,posAt.
cr,.,, I,unty and RtalA,l
1. the autonrther, du ',rear prop..e i. fereult and
dnll•er to the United awes, .t the Qeerterroaeter" •
I Department at , ayreeehly to the tern. of
your .4 :ertieement. lavlttnr, prepoosh fur Wrap.,
dated NV ashlngten Depot, L'eremb, B, 1660, the
lowirg narwhal, viz :
la of Corn in sutra, per latothel,
of 50 pounds.
1.140/sof Oat., in 'arks, • per bushel,
of .rd pounds.
tons o , baled if ay, at per ton, of 2,000
—t ons of Straw, at —per
Itelltery to comineßer nn or before the—day of
•Dli booompietedon or before tb•—
de, of —, lee-, and pledge myself to enter into
written retailer, with Cottea otltei, with pod
and approved ...entitle., within tea . on ten nay.
after balng notated that my bid bee boon accepted.
Yonr niadlent servant,
general P Q. Rreata,
Uslef I , rot V^nrtermv:cr,
Wanhingtzu, D. O.
l: rd RANT V.
Wo, tha endetat.rctd, reot,Sent+ of
the county-of
. and etate of
hereby, jointly ot,tri wroraliy, meg-neat with the
Eni:ed States, and aoaranteo, in este the forrycing
hhi of
switn ten days after the ts.coptance of said bid, exe
cute the cotttra,t fee the same with g,,od feud stacient
entettee. in a sum equal toShe amount of the contract,
to Ittrnoth the f.rage poopated tocomfonnity to the
term. of advertisornent. dt.ted Pet . ..ember 7, ISq:1, nude(
whlrh the bid sea med., an , : In taw the nahl
shell fall I. poor into a contract os•forossfd, we San
ante* to make Kraal the diflerence betaeoit the Ass
by the and the, next lo• set notpohelble
blldor, or the person whom the rontrnot cosy be
J Cl.rn nod., ow lianas .4 mania
thin —.lay of —,l.ear,
I bort., corttry that. to Os boat of tuy Ittioariatie
lard Lel too ab-rooamad narontors aro good att.i
sufficient as swath.. for tha amotoat In 'which they
off, to trolle.ellrity.
To be eertiffo4 by the rniletl State.. 'Astrid A Ifni ,
l'ulltctor of Cle.torns, or Jetty other of9c, under
the Lofted Ftet.r Coeertmeet, or reepoutble prreon
know to thle ofsco.
All propoub moele.d under thlr ndyvniencent
will IA erened arid extuntued this anon ox WED.
NE , r , A f d 61n [MAT •1 , 11 ar.ek, nt 12 na.
Bt. 1, L
.ra r,p.ritu;ly Inyttrlt., Le pr , 0...1 the
opebtrtg or !olds, If they
. .
D. II 1:17C.T-"Z.Z..
Brig. Conk. au4
Orrice or SIIS CUM" QC•Ii.IIXOrTCI.,
Wad:lns - tun, D. C., For. 25, ledZi.
"roposede are solicited, .nd will be reccierd at Ohio
ofile• for the larnidring of Caetdry Don., to hr do.
livered at Wuistagton, D. C., R. Louis, Co., and
Th. Horan to romply with the following specilles
tioti., six To he from fifteen (15) to einteern (111
hang high, from CITO (b) to ohm (0) yeses old, well
broken to the addle, compactly built, to goal Deeds,
and for, from all dcfmts.
Tbe ebllin of the bidder to MITI Ws es:summit
sent be guerenteud b 7 two responsible persons,
whose sityoutnree must be appendekte the guarantee.
ra oropoula will be entertained stolen the oath of
allrgtmese of she person er perm. biddies shall
en tue in ebb offloe.
The responsibility of the gtors istnetbeettorrn
by Cos ottola/ cortifleate of the ' Clerk of the tottroot
District Court er of the United State. Sleds! At
Eropoents tenet be addneseal to Mont. •Col. C. 0.
SAWTELLS, Chief cue-torsomter, Cavalry Euro.;
and bo indorsed on the tractor* •• ereponala for
Cavalry Norma agroaloglelth lb* Ow* Specillc.
Coos will be parchaawl to open Martioh.nt fair VIP.,
at the following pLywee, viz Now York City. Albany.
!Softie and Ewchoeter, N. Y. ; ritteloorEth Pt . thlw. ;
Columhoa, Oh!*. Boston, ; angtieta, Ile.; and
kladiaon. WI.. C. G. WYELLE,
Lieut. 04. end Chief Quartertneator,
nel:dtf Cavalry Duman.
Notesitbetatateg the attacks of fedora
spectacle Venders, who aspire to the name Of Op&
oice, the
Are renetrlng. ally the manned endorsement. of our
Citi.lll. All ttnitb eieed lo to exemlns ell other
Bppe.eecle lei lben oall and 1:7460 :1= the BII►3IAIf.
TRBOLII one. for ale by
J. DI A EIOND, Prectlad Op:fella.
Dliwuls. , Acemr of cL.• Itanimx reeve Bp,ctacl•.,
n moroxe Pte. woOpt:,
IIOAD OFFICD, N.. 250 8 axe, Waehbar
too, D. 0., Dloomberl.9tb, 1061.
THOS FOB BALE.-1 aH sell at public sucting, at
die Orange and Alexandria Railroad Depot, in Alex
andria, Ya, on WEDNRSD/T, the. 13th day of
nary ne xt
Ten 41,0333d.b.utd Lotennotlva Engine., 4 feet
Inches gauge.
About I,too togs of old T and 17 Wham.
•• SOO Oar WbnaL;
Car Arles •
" gen Wrought Strap leen ;
tOU Cut
A 11l of Steel Spring% Sheet Iron, to.
Bet. to <0.336001 at JO A. M.
Tar= cash, la Coral - amen% thud.
delta Canten sad A. Q. B.
anAMP FEET,' xaysTr. lialT, "lOC,
dime eel& wad premature deaths." The brat
pr. - satire
I. a pair of WATER-PROOF BOOTS, Go
mod gel pair, at
dolti /O. 10118 . 6, 691Tarltat akin
(-1 ARIMITS, for Crude and
Oil, ter by JAS. DALZELL PON,
or% 60 and IT Water rtroet.
SjAItUPS.-10t1 bbl& Assorted brailds
kJ ymp. In store and for We by
debt J. Hi IttilblllllClC R 11110.
BASK! N WILLOW-72 bila. now
.1-7 landing, for sal. by
doll !null ritcxzr I CO.
ARD.--30 bblit and tierces LEAP
LAND for rale by
API. ... tw Ibis. Greening', Rua
sec tc., recslrod and for wae by
PE RL ASH-50 casks for gab by
bbJ White !leans for sale
Li at IBS Lib'-8y 88 WM. P. DECK &TO.
rill EESE.-400 boxes Primo W. K. for
V oat. br
414 CRAB. C. DALSIAY. 177 Lthen7 .t.
r ALL. • 0 —lO bbls now landin,
from railroad; ibr - •
del 13111lli DICKEIf & 00.
P.lrl - PER-10 tubs and 10 pails choice
Wry put aad far at. by
r0r,...n by IL DALZELL a CO.,
. Liberty stmt.
Ql=-10tPU Attie Extra No. 1 L 4 alt for
aala at 18.5 Liberty areet, by
d.t P. DEM 3 CO.
GREASE.--35 . bbls. now landing from --
rummer 3lllierra. for el& by "
dels d9Alall DICISVT CO.
STITCHED 1300T0ort •• . .
d,I JAS. DDS. RinlAtkAt strap,.
inil)ER-400 bliple. Sweet Cities; on Oeti-
MT~OLASSES.—YW 1..;41. 1101a001
11.1.1 n tux• szidlor sale - _ -
&It :,• ,I -; 4.4I.ItFPiaCIEE'L-8110.
I.1"11-200 tierces; Na 1 -1 - 42 la stem sad
• volt- -----D-WALL &OZ. stty stmt.
• •XI .OVAL .-1-Meautiftil
WeU - Ps for tale by_ 1. 7
"9.L. • 1,7 ettaiAo
JOGL apple ZOCOITed and for oak . •
~._.T- -}~ ~.. _ c ~
F. 3 C YA;V:A-NrA_j=ftiaV
F.l - 11c.i.r.,
wizrratc, AItBdN GC
DAILY 2ltdiYy. ~
C:44etoo t addltion• are be lug nods to'throAlat,-
nat_t or ads citOtleat - doobb track Lad owns
mzto, and , via .bo-Ooram, fnr
at , “ rt.f , rc of ramooL7m er.c.l ropl3 movement or
frdrtz, Troia., xtll Ipore ilic Depot fliFolltrgh
:rams th , .Paaaa.apsr station daily, (atop:
41A oh- atnlying at allbta , folts hnairrata Pitt►
borgh and rhawk:Phll4 and eViktig dkvot masoo•
zn..n run New Turk and Philadalphla
TUE01:02! 31Affa TT:AM „'arse tha Paa
.4 age, ilbatl7.3 ercu snosair4 .(curp: Bandy.)se
Lfo a.. an. ateirpitz ttly 'Sr Iplincipal stations, sad
duet: =urlatform Int liartht•tr- Sr Balt&
al,e and Washington, :and ftr New Yak Tta Phila.
Th. TD eOLCD EXPEE.S.S TRAIN ;noes *Lily at
it= p. Ist tttrlttnprlth at principal ett slow, ceakirg
I. re,., ctortper4ton at tittrrittturt 'flritilttraort, Wash
; and Philaitolphit ". •
Tb.• thrL Mum, daily (excepi
quday) r oLLIT u prthelpatara.
trtr• rttutlrronr; at ii.Arri-.l..nrg 114,1tlatenpea4
Wes. kw, wr ha Turk spa Allnktowrt mitt,
trithvut ch mtg. or ,arr ; Ptah:44oft tor
Nee York
it.(1X.....C.C0D AVON 111 A/ M 6
7%, johostazwu ilAillltsvm dal)
stopp:zir at . AS Statioata.
aad"means am far saCoorreatv,
First AccemmusLstios , Tnln ft, Wa11 . .. ! Ite4tke
1,444144 :.:44414 (escsi4 StnadayLs.t •
brood.kcauss.:t4istion Trait ts:
44a44 44.4 (e.cey; 8.414y) - 4111:10 a. a -
7t1.1 Accosurodatton Tratu - Wari.'642l o a
daily kessept Smola') at a:: - D .
I , 44trth castior_ in far Wall's Fitel3t4s
dally Ira Sands's) at 6:10 R
'Mr Cloactx Train lan. Wers .444.41= very
1.4 s at 4,5 4. a., ratars!"..g, testes . PttulriUgb at
Ite ur,los'Sr4l44'is Pittstusrph N SALMI
Bak- .4,4 pre44 • ' so.
41111.4.1eipbis lapses. a.
rhrovgh hi 1.111 mm.. . ....... I.lMa. m
I.2bmiumt. ce0mm:4,0.103,....—.—..10:04
- - -
I' Ira: Stati,Ja &MY. Mt.
5T,114; etaLtoo Ao“namodatioa—. 14'551 m.
thin] .itatiou dr05...^..m0dat..6.-- p. am.
avrtL Wall'; &ILO= Accaranaalatiou.. - faro p. m.
lishhoora Furreaa win karma /Al Philadoiphis
Exprraa p. m. on Motalty2.
Trains for Plairsailloarllniusas cvaaact atDlalm
laterace:lou arab Valvao ht3o,lll.l.llllatioll
JstaAtown Acralraocalatlon wad Expreas Ttatelraiata
and with
~imam J.U.APNO
aociai:oll We.t.
Teni, for Xlconeborn connect a •Irifb
prom Train. and Mail Train Weac.ami with roroogh
Am...adat:et and Jirprraa Train Eat.,
to Now York..—Sl9 80[ToBaltimora......-80 170
10 50 To Loa...nor, S
To norrtsour,--.... 7 L. 5 To.Altcano.. ..... p I
Bay,,oge checked to all [Ratko! oat tLa'l'eamYtra-
Itoaraod, mi tol 7 l,l7odeliana r rialtisoano
.d Now T.....
Pamengera pore-teeing Whet. 1r the cato will t.
clzargrWon wir.das, according sn the dtstatate trareltel e
la molai:itaa to the attain, non, entgpt tram atatiriam
t 1 Company her no %gent '
NOTICI4—In ca. et lan, the rattaparj sill' hold
theaueled rorponaibli for pentouel Ita,,,vcgs tegg,
and for an amount not exceeding:lW..
rconitcle Line two been
ccot. aseen bligrana to .iCtitl to
na pcharg lqed voed,Zora n tlo b m r Wit W D .
erol begzogr, gar tlcketz affix
TSWA.N.i, Agen
At the Pertnryleania Central tailtretd, yamcarer
eitotloe. cm Liter* and Crept strietir.
-- - -
Wll , T F.ll lIENNGEHT.NT.—Gh add - after
3IONDA November IMIL 1503, Tia l .a. will leave
the D ap
of tLe Penneyleania Bagmen, In Fitts
har‘h, feliotre
runes yis earl Traveling Liam
Lem, Plttiher6l., 1:40 a. rit.i .1-'!fl a. 144 p. m.
thl \Seth - erne), 4,10 t d:411 '`' 4,05
de Etenliene'si tr.lo
•• •• I 9:45 .145
do Whiedong. G:uo 11:00 ••
.irrltee . C.:NS .• 11:15
Connecting' at' Eaenleorill• and Delhi,: with , Sten.
beorille and lodtam rhl:ll!tuft..! and etlarai Ohio Ball
nnid to' EamorlEr, Newark, Colidahne r lDetsbie Day
ton, ladLeitaleolls, Cincinnati, Louis-011r, Cairo, It
Loofa, St. Jo ph, bud all point , west and mathmart
and at Wheeling' with Baltimore ediWOblo RallreaS
. . . , . •
Palttintren cod Cite/and tin..
Loaves Pittsburgh..--.--, LAS a. ea. 1.45 g...
do w0h,tu.....................1 auk .. - cte
do Bayard. --.. 1 Stan " baS .
do Alliance....-----... &Kt . 1018 "
do Ravenna_ --.-..-....- 7,40 " GdIA "
do Iludam.-.. --.--. Pill " ':00 "
Arrive, at Clorelmd----.. .en " AAA
Connecting at Bayard writh - Tusoartrasa for
Soar Philadelphia and Canal Darer, at /Manes with
Pittsburgh, Inn 'Wayne and Chicago Balltestit at
Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Itallroad
for Warren, Gmenvino, Meadville Bniot, 'Corry,
Jasitowtotmt and almoner , at Hudion withOtere.
Laud, Zattemillo and C 00 . , ., ••et Railroad tar Akma,
Onyabog. Fall, and Rao...turd, and at Clerelmd
with C. a. E. If lia fat Lek, Dun tt,And S.S.I.
with C. S T. IL it. lur banduolty, dio, and alp
with steamers for Datrent.
t liteutenvilla and Wellrrilla .3. llan Laura
Alleghour City at .SAO p. 124 ..
Returning trains mere at lIMAI e to., 340 p. to.,
Mot. p. En mil !AO a. ten
Through 'fickre to all pro:2lcent pctuttr'ma ha
proem:ea at the Liberty Street. Depot. Pittsburgh.
GEO2Air PARRISTicket Agent.
And at .31Irglayu7 CAy. ,
A. Q. C.3riSKLBERBT, TklatAprtt.
Por Barthel- intbrmallon apply Bs- ' - " ,
.• 'r
• At the Company's 001..1n liceight. Ntation, Punnet.
•;•• - ", • -Ks.
'jou, art SA - I'LNOB BANK, ,N4lBb
F.v.rrnt 61¢=7.
tal-kIITEItED 1N It
Op, d_•fty from 2 to 2 o'clock, oleo on irobLocadab
•ed Satz:miff condone, from ILJ Id to &member
let, from 7 to 9 o'clock, nod from Notembe7 let to
May let from 9 to 8 o'clock.
torpoolte realfoi of ell rums not km th►e On•
Dell., and e dlohlend of the profits deehlee4 tele. •
fesr,ln Jane end besaber. Tutored ho. been da
d ecasl-kennelly,in lone inedillepenter„ slaw
the Bank mos orzlosixeci, at. the, rata of'fts per. amt.
Me - met, if not drawnet, la pieced. ta' .. tia audit
of the depositor as orb:milli, end beam Was.* is.
tared from tee, first days of Jana and December, com• -
!romadlng Wee • :tar witlaont troubtlez th e &peel
tor to cell. or even to plmomt klt peal Wok. . . At this
me mercy x - 111 double in Loa then cache year. -
Books, containing the Charier. By-Lao, Bohm
and Uct-elx ,, re, folatibedreigie, oti tendleitbm at
=be office. -
Pammon - r—G.CCV3II: itidatax.;
/On yaFeddan, j
Jolla Marebelli.
Alexander Speer,
BooS. 4 Fab:m.llodr,
hunta Nclitl7.
lawn Perches.,
..18hrt G. BAckaper,
.1 , 1811 - 1-a.tBaBJ.S. .-
Geore Back,
A kinzu A. Curler,
CharlBl A. Colton,
William 8. Rano.
Polo EL Banker,
Jame* D. 801 y,
'iilll bun S. laTnly.
Smarr...AT t Taxa=
TILLASURT. DtPttltViii2tr
• throws or Cominsouia int,,Tun Crammer,
Weatiingten City, Eagnst hit, if .
Wirwma, B 7 mittabett&y. mliknoe
,piteen to
the wadi:Matted; Ii hoe been .madn I....appear that
in the County of .5.11.411eay, araibtalooT ..ketaitylea.
Is, has e;ganized sittvirdMg to
the requiretnotts o. tiw net of ennyMaa, • entitled
' “An Ant tc - rnblerertiettmal,Carrericy, seemed by
a 'nears of Lalted , Sianes Ewa., and to prodder for
' line circulation and redemption thereof," approved'
! Pehroaty lifith,lB(3; and lass vonifilleili-eiith all Vie
provinota of .A.t smutted tolocittapiled with
before commenitic^ the buolariaOfßaiikiii - •
Now, thereforeil,llcak".3lCCnintaLAireMPteotier
of the Curretenr. do. hin'eZ Malay .that tint sW
meaty of Allegheny, nen tittatt.of . Paautyluttis; , ll ,
anthorL,od to 0091IIttnal the bash:mit at nsain um.
the Ad aforesaid.
-..... In tratlMftriehereof - • vilidem my band
V ba , nd end
~c ifedloil iv. a„ I„if o t ii iimmt .
I . 'on:Orator of the Cammey.
I ME Fran ifiaio4ll . lLANIC OP
prrrattateue PAL, - ;
QuaAt,shOO. wfM7thrtalege to harem
to 0/.00
The pateamchorrast Ocenitiy !wink orpadsed
coder the en to road. a lhatoneL Chnorearyomier
atet tide of- da IRST NATIOSTAL BANK or
PITTSBUftaII, void ratlenetNlly oder Its stawkas
for tb. collection offotot,Dratt*Mtlle of Escheamph
receha money on &path and Lax and Nell Le
chant °midi pa to of au cotuary. .
Tta mash.*Etch taw attended. the 'Pitta
TreettCorePtta. *beta_ tatoblzatiozo JAM& wipi
we bellow., be comeinn dneteadew that baguets
attracted to the nor organize. tint wad' froths the
sos. prompt Mention. ^
Ildieg k ivvry
and I= tre.througiund
an oder.traw;ul.tscititi7l
, amirmtiewilvish Bomb
52 , 0- otru, ioryori bethm
to t oots. 'tt) &badness
Tith brukuhro irICA lb, arti•
11412110 Idasblia,.. •
Thomas 8011, • -
Wm. S,ltitrolck,
-mint D. sacrisar,
elagraxe 60). lE4l' ,
• ,
A 41: *SIPA' iN,..thwa - I . OI7XDICitS,
V • Cab MO STIA 11 :-Frtimuk.. Par4calar atteitkaa
pm 3t to die - nufr,rnp yid aepairlas or 0/L Urn;
FEILIKK - 21.11 kbad• bi9ltas3-.IIIDISON COCKS
lamb - to ado.,!DIZSES - C4F , -,4NOS. Of in
Wad., =do at tb• shortest
,411 mina OK stew. 31 laid 3 4W-LTI3IISYKLAT,
ntaftlbery,:_wilYbarrdaptlY attradatto. -
.10IPThal maiberdbf abbr MOUS/glare:KW p.%
sisaicaat many pate faxOtabtaat br.thar btoint,
*lll itanaratattraaatalirs.Tert,P2Decs-
We are also astute, foa G. Cargo= Gass STZAX rid:sulvf oe pumping waer;
. Croir and 11*
kimastoc' •-• • 44:17-
13 1316 , 13OFFS'ILILLitt:F.pilVY.
sou tv. - frrestra.:4 Fis LAM • '
d rumviLARD
I^ depnlk ti.iaiLr
=Medi Etna.
t ri ?:V.11.44-!1. D.,
- Potse& Mdd*
Welter P. Unripe%
Mu Om
Robert... Rob%
Peery h.: litrawalt.
hams 81.11118,.,
John IL ehoetiberger.
William t. eelosecte,
.s.l.eader 71zile.
William Yeakirk,
Immo liailWirri
Wm.P. Wgrosa,
Chattier. - ULM.
• ".4.,00L1T05.
VArand 31.734..
p, g ti t ,„l.
nom.vr •