f=4, Mi2III:1!IIEM!!1111 _ ' piib burgh Oauttq, -'4IIITTESI).ki MORNING--.--JAN. 7,, 1864. I:7* LS 410.611 - AND' SUB U BB.ar, :.' • , rriiiiresterday's Evening Gazette - - Allegheny City Noiniuntloriz. = - -• i * The Doesonats sae Coeserreuree 'et ilk _'glans) City Snot'ln eoneentiOn yesterday, to ~,, nominate ndidatea for elty off, cos. The - . ellaTalltiol3 organized by calling Samool ,- - ';'µ; Smith the ch air, and electing J. EL paid" 1 Mecratary. ha Wards were represented as ' • Mew': .... Ifir st 'MtoAiffd tti at rt F. Getty, 011szlon ,' • '''' ... ' 'Third War Lt p " js ' ac rtm at-examel L. Itodrn, Third Ward-2d prectoet-41.0b nembilef, Wm. linter. ' Fourth Ward-Ist precinct-ad.. lleplar, vs, n. _- -, letirth Nietd-4 , ,lrrectrict-Frank loye, artviinn , After the organiution of the convention, chastely P. Whiaton and Charles W. Eam• bright were plamd in nomination for Mayor. - Bofors &ballot wu taken the name of Mr. Mambright WM withdrawn. whereupon Mr. Whitton woe nominated by acclamation. 1 stift a io L n a it o r r il f e a cro t r w on;:: ' grr ted b y ''' • . The following resolution was afforest and , - `adopted: - Beeeleod, That this oonrentiors will me all honorable meats to ensure the election of the Mast this day nominated, sad recnameni it ' • toalt citizens. _ On motion the convention 141011111 a The Criminal Court. . . 4 The jury in the case of Emory F. Dept, Wed for assault and battery with intent to ravish Mn.s Linie Jane France, cam* into eoutt this tanning, after having been out all itudatited . that they were unable to signet. - Whereupon they were discharged by .Jn4n Stowe. Wreanderantßl Mood ten for conviction of aimple assault and battery, and two for, verdict of guilty in man ner and - form as Indicted. The cane will Sr. to be tried again. .1 John Rana and Edward Fay ware convicted burglary, in entering and robbing' the dwelling of Mr. B. C. French, at Oakland, and were each sentenced to Sr. year. and in months in the penitentiary. William Fleming was tried and acquiteod of a charge of larceny. Minbeet Flannegan plead guilty to leharge 'Of assault and battery upon hi* wife, and' was sentenced /spay a Erne of twenty dollarapind undergo twenty days' icipmunmont to the county jafl Elias Andorion, a lad, was charged with so aggravated assault and Ipattery, in shooting ainather buy- with a pop gam, and endangering his elasiiht. The jury found a rerillot or not guilty, and that defendant pay the &Pete. The New Councll3.- The following la n list of the reembews of C0U14613 for the caning year. Those it old fng over in Select Council are marked ;thus CD: while theme re-elected are deeignawid by suterisk : • Fist Irlsri-Jams new,. Amin," litilew , - • frond Ward-J.4 W:r Pt.Bips.l , Wwrd-John Jos "'NIKKI; Werrd-Wm a 1/n..m.• lu Ilc•alry.l 7q/7A Ward-4S Thorniuou,. A .116.11:31.6ct.: ticik Wirnii-J , T Its Lwat4l,lin,. David uft.d.t - fainak B W C 11cCarrEW I • AAA Want-Sam !Sorrow,. John Alless-S Wrrd-Writ 11 WV.1• • • 1.. B Tows COI:116X CoONCIL 7/n1 WW-8 W C.Birt,* •brishrsa Try's. i!lanoni Ward—Danfal O'N•111.• them., Third froa-0-11 W Lfact.y, Idlehl O'Hara. !Jahn llasannn,* W 3 Alontga-m.ry,* Yet, Dana, 3arnea 011...Uoraa. roma Urard-71 .1 011 Hamm. John U Zaro. Ardnr7,•l:a. C Diann, B J Nt6owea,•Jas B I attantos, B CsAlltie,* quake Bak. fAcIA Wad—LbijahJornazy,. A G 31c- Cindlesa,. Jam IL-benan.i • fainemek Ward—Snail Ocular,* Hoary 9ni.,17.• Biclib E Leaaard, B Janes. Nina Wad —D AinClellana,w (.1 Li. Armstrong,. W The Coal Oil Trade The Oil City Register contains the following ' seetew.of the oil market at that place ter the - . week ending Deeember Slat: The mat teL hats been quite.itMeatte daring the past week, in twirtmapnetioe of the deer being closed at several points by to.. On Saturday It began to rain and continued until Sunday, which thawed : the ice sufficient tt break it loose treat the Shore, nod on hionday the river tiled with it. But thn rivet did cot rite enough to • ear:Taut the great gorge at ROTSO Creelts Until Tuesday night, alma it broke bmse and mune down with itrmistible form, eweoping every obstacle before it. Rome four thousand bar - ' eels of oil were tan ont of the 'creek An um day; nearly all of It, together with. same twmity.firsi empty boats and-barges, smuts ear out of the eddy or sank in an hour. ' a•:-.13ince the Weather has moderated, holder) era mnoh firroor, but as vat no „'?f'""` 1 : •'•'poetisetoken playa in prices. of-material traussetiatis, we • .• dettintation at' £ 3 , 50 1gi 4 per • 1 4 ' eltu"snli f.4,50(/65 per bbl. at Able $8,69@.4, bole. in . eluded. 'rating a Sleigh Ride. John Gabby„ of Allegheny, was arrested and taken before "Mayor Alexander, this Morning,. on a charge of stealing • hole and alai& from Mr. Wm. Weisel, tavern keeper. The prosecutor alleges that ho bad E•en sat in the country in hie sleigh, and when !h• re .tutrnad, late in the evening, he stopped at e. knees .on Ohio street, leaving his horse and sleigh at the door. When harem" en tlagnin, his property vs. gone. The horse and, sleigh wore found about three o'clock in the mem- Lug, en Ohio street, hexing bitci abandoned. It 6 alleged further, that John -Gabby took the property with 111011105 n to steal It. ;Gabby did net deny having taken the alcigh,hut be alleged that when Wessel entered the house on Ohio erect,. ho(Oabby ) told him be was going.to take s ride, and -Weisel said, "'ill right." Wessel, however, dudes hasten seen flabby et all. The defendant was bold for Olaf. ' In Titusville. - Saturday morning Titnsvilfe weevieited b 1 s • • conflagration which soon laid the best badness part of the town Ie ashes. The ire originated in litesee meat market , from de foot ot in the aloes 'pipe, which run Ye& near ...lee roof, end when discovered was under each htierdirky fika4ll efforte to kfu in 11 it wore en - -- swallinge --- Yaw moments the grortory store of - H. iii , .4l - yers 1c Bre. and Clark k Hamill*, wit - naiad Oath aide of the mortise, bad their contents threiwn into the BONA...Mad were enveloped in 1111901. Gihor stores bid their contents removed in o like manner, land et. WS ',Mfg , now mado to tear thorn doWn, but the work had enarceiy commenced before they too wire enveloped In flames, ;Thee pro poised the delastating element, until every building from Tenant's ft:nib:tre shop, on Diatanad stroet, to the Post Office, on Franklin street, were In ruins- Twenty-Ilia finue and Individuals suffer by this ceinflagration, and 'the lass to vary heavy. Saarzcza or ilsioa-Gerrnsi. • daulT,--Masira. T. B. Peterson, of Phila . '• !Aire just Issuei a timely Hale weak entitled, "The /Aye and Servo‘oeo al a gobtior of Gmat, the Hero nf Fort Hoodoo. 1, and Ceatirtreop2a Coinolf tooter of • dr Military Diriaion f the Miasiestrpii —thorn e 473 Chinon end OCR ./Wyerey-hier • • Ilionatina Hebei Priereere." Thie eontprehen . airs narrative of the life and sort , toe* of don : •-•'• eial Grantestroot fait to beentor ,ronalar—for thalcabject is an especial ceronte *rill, the • —for 5010 by .L P. Hoot. "Masoitto Hall, • . fifth street; by W. A. ifildenkancy,4s Vital itreet• and by henry Miner, 71 and , 73 fifth, etreet. Faro 23 elate. • DIIGNKEII soldier got pommies' of &Amt. , • • pound Perrot shell, and took it to the guard house of tho "Soldiers' Rest," naliFselidugtoa, a few nights ago. Openieg the red hot store, he :thrust in tho shell, exelaimingelhis is what trims Men . / cools." An eXplaloll.liliii the aigneit. immediate result, renting the stove to pieces and tearing the plaster oft the wail all about the room. Fortunately no .pernme - was hijured. • • . . . , -.- • , A Maims Rosman at ins Paorf.e;.--Mayor -- : • " '...".. litirrie, of ChaOinnatt, was gelded:ldd) an , -' allocable NetelTear's cell from a number of •,.; , 'lf lettnelehed Aratizons, who preempted him , --, ~ with a puree of 157,500, as a testimonial of their 1 11' , 1.: , &predation of tho ate . ..lit which he tme to . -: , -, , f'4 , 2 - --' fleeted on the good natae of the city: Anarrrau.—Cdr. N. Nr; SheTerTalti this - motaing, on motion e J.W.T. White, Esq., duly. admitted to mastics in the Courts of gossfous, Common Piens, ete. 8141:or is a young room of good ability) and glvespromise of an honorable and saeeautul .. • .. - - •07 Tsoors.—The lit '.3flattfire0 e Cesaliy,altd. , the- lath ?dictionn fan ry rsaithedtbis city their tray Boss y' t- , ou fartougli, and forthe purpose of reerultlng heir ranks. The eirralryse_giment has alm at 11110 Its ranks elate teasing the fiold—i elliarr Lahr= . • •o in Monty Heeling. A.n adjourned . xenttlng of citizens of the Pirst!Tardgliiiglairiy,‘ was- bold last eve , obit, In Vtiiihington Ball, to bear report. from the clidleothag. - wommlttees. A 'casual report wairskseeigO3L'hy It seemed dist the subseriptionvoisld teach the sum of saz,oclo. It was risolvddAltiat "the commissioners of bounty be Authekdieds..to enroll sixty men as voiernteent.tO.,ray to each the of $2OO, • , ,Wirt,tropaly.. The eommisaion ors meet ibktoSprim - Oirtlalenhal's odlee, (back room) Fedimat.ettect, daily, to receive and enter the names of those who may have al reedy volunteered se veterans, being citizens f the ward. As' wit he Joe= by e private dispatch, in another eeltuma, maim a number of the men of Enap'e Pennsylvania bettery !Masi already re-enlisted as veterans; a num him of veterans have alroady v.-enlisted of the 61st and 46th Pennsylvania Oedemata, so that the entire quota of the Ward is no doubt already ailed. Boller Explosion at East Liberty On Tuesday afternoon,• boiler In a tannery at But Liberty, used for beating the vats, en• pleded with great force, and was driven a dis tance of shoat five hundrod feet, bat fortun ately no person was seriously injured. Thu end blew eat, and the entire boiler was raised like a reeket in the air. It psii.d within about ten feet of the corner of tb. Presbyter ian Church, cut off two Lombardy poplars, in front of the church, as neatly as though done with a saw, and landed in a field alongside of the railroad !mak. There were several narrow escapes, among the most remarkable et which were those of Mrs. Samuel Saltier and her hired girl. They had Just finished cleaning a window, and stepped away from it,when a great bar from the furnace came crashing through and fell upon the floor. The bar waa red het and set fire to the Boor. Two persons were injured, but not seriously. TIM Republican members of the Penn sylvanla Legislature met in caucus en Mon day afternoon, and nominated John P. Penny, of Allegheny county, for Speaker of the Senate, and Henry O. Johnson, of Crawford ibanty, for Speaker of the House. Mr. e John in Is a native of Pittsburgh, and has been istriet Attorney of Crawford county, and At rney General of Rew Mexico. Otaan Conotasttos Cosocate.—We learn (rqm Mr. D. De Vii. Oat two rand combina tion performances will be give• at Concert Hall, next week. The oombination consists of td . Gottschalk end Brio!,II, Mlle Cordler, Carlo Patti (brother of Adaline and Carlotta Patttl and Mr. Rehm.. BASTIIItNr liileN[l.l. •ND MeNTULISS —Mr J. P. Hunt, Masi - alio Hall, Fifth street. has re ceived the Boston Pilot, for Jammer, 9tb; the Dostaa Try.. Flog arid the N. Y. Ledger, for January 16th; and Frnnk Levliti a Budget of Ain, for February. COMMERCIAL RECOIL!) IC mu •siess, Jsr.nary 5, Mi. OlL&lTr—Wheld I. tiros with a regular dscoand, while urine rcroson ace:am:rd. Burin) it Wady, with a sale of I rar Sprlog at $1,33..-,d maul of Yell at $1,30. Oats—ante of I ear fool at 63o—de• lloured; and small sales from store at S., °on, is quint bat firm, with saws at $1,25 from first hands, &ad 61,3031,33 from aura. Eye in the atssnrs of wake, may be y outed at $1,50 from watt.. PROTISIONd—There is sonsidarahle 1ai0157 BAWD, and we note ..1.. of ShooLlara at and illugarVered llamas at 13e. Lard I. In a_itre demand with a sale of ti to t, the 'nuts at 13tie. Mese Park Is quiaftutt firm with snail wan at $2 , 11.63.21 —tame holders asking $71,30. GEOCERIV.S..—then Is only a ntuderate demand fur Sugar, though prices •ra firm awl Well .11,t6.111.4, zunaag from IS t.. tae for Raw, aad 1731 , for Baillned. Coffee la more settee, wed we Iran salsa at peons ranging from 31 to 141Se—suostly at siss.' , grar,,.. Lfulasses quiet but firm at C40:77c. HAT—!s steady with a demand folly equal to the supply; sale from males of B loads at /33,342 per ton, sod 13 tons baled from Arts' al $3131n. DUIED racir—Them Is considerable Inquiry, DrludPall.f from the Lost, and the marks. la (inn bat unchanged; we isot• sales of Apples at 1.3.61ir pir pound, sod Purl." at 11.. BrTTltit d Swab—The market le • ehtle bettar in nonsespeace of light rxelpte, pekoe re tintchasp4, ranging from TS to 3 0 . for fair t. choker Hell. Thera k H change In Eggs. AFTLTS—Th• demand Is fair, and rery light forlorn, the 'ripply le mud) reduced; doors Ilona may be {teen et frem V 46003,75 p.r bbl. Thollt —The market to dote: and the demand if light, Monet otiose aro grin and bell anstfirted. We nom small adlos of Oftra. Tensity from store at 57,:d (j7,f4 per bbl. POTATOES--The demand la fair. end with • light soOply, the market Is erm at prima ranging from bile to p 1,09 per bushel, ne to ditallty. Pork Packing In Pittsburgh. The umber of How. slaughtered bare this limos, as 1•01 be own below. ehrras a material dilio6 ,C from last omen, the delicieney aggregating 7,113 head, the &Ohre:ire la pound. I. •1111 greaper• Tith following ore tbe agar.. Itarbansh a Co- p,IV'I heed' 0 J w c. anEa C L Ca/dwell Z II Myer. k Co-. me number lISI NA•OI2 W. Showing s deltaleary Oho mason 7,011 This amaze weights this season may fairly Over M0424011t0 groo, virtitchts mustiorably bolo. Moos *float. Dos*. most remarkable diffarmses Is la the prztes. Last wasoo our packers paid from 13.75 to 14,25, rrhlle this NWeu priors rauustl from PM to S4,OS. rums Is also a tarp falling off In Ills SLId ofLard. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Aq 6—W. have zone. Instant to potle4 la re ttehnun, withltoo exPeytios that the market is quiet but brut, and farmer quotations corm to be folly soa r