The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 10, 1863, Image 2

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- ,
. F27ir'sn'
AFiSlifirClathiiiitif this,llenato
. .2%-..t.:1515 0 1 nettle Of Reprenentstlves 3
'other year. ,of heslth and atthieientiy
fitirnadatit harvests', bat praised. 'Per these,
aiduPeselallk !Cr the improved condition or
......,--4 toternalloostasiti, oar renewed and car pr0.....•**A71-'
.....•**A71 - ' *di goondado Co God dd do.. :We remain in,
~444 ; . .uiillte, 7 l pace ;and' freadstdp"with Units powers.
* ru.
eqf. ll i s . '' ...1 The efforts of diiloyal earths Of auk Uuttod
.4.010: ik,' ; 'gr.i itiatie to Involve ne id fordit Iwo, and to old
..f... - . %. : iikko:- ,- .:4;ifti; theietuable Insinuation, taro . both ,ens-
-11. ' .. ' s
. ?,A7 : 4l*Z‘i.t... •.,' 1 yelling . 'Voir Rules telt Garsaiweint, as 411 a !
1 0... 4130tkOinictity' 1 putty expeCte,l, hale nereisad , their thiltor. ,
1• , .. 1 .1 .472, 1 ;. - ', - .1: 'r . " - . - I tty to ptireot the departure Grimm hostile ex- '
K' 5 .53. - rir prat - 412, - , (N ,. l4 .olr.peditions from British ports., The Emperor 1
er. C- - 1,"-- 1,, •-- ..,.. ' 'f, _
_of Prszthe hie by aMe proceeding promptly
wr... `ll.. ...,,,i1...f.' tu...ttp . .& Siadistabed the neutrality which' ha proclaimed
1 A.#sl4Whiaireki4Al-111/ beginning of.the costar. Questions of
---41WV.*-•‘.-4"r-Cilgritsit.intrithey mad • importanos have arisen
, 7 I,r, ; . !..7.1.f:277„ :, .. : tmt of ttio blockades and other beligerent op-.
ft.t.W , Uttor . ", 6 2111 4 - os between theßournment and several
ineo .. .f: . - 41,4.,...,f the ttowitime powers, but they hale been
''' `,. '''' .ii'„,'-',Ain_,?.li&v , ..• 4 , and, so far as.wu possible, 11CCOM•
1. -' . 4r , e!, P.MT"'arbalt.i in a spirit of frankness justice and
it e
3 .‘
le d vrill. It • U especially gm:drying that.
oh l
,F ct
....." ' • : lar Flee acute, by the liepartiality of their
._;;; A „ .
,i .,,, -_,.: 1 1 dicaticau, have .00temanded the respect
.r.vz5r,_44:" . .... outdates of the maritime powers. ...,
110 4 00. .".
z . '' - CI soututs vsitsuei. - ~... .
.14g*.. - , e. .. — ift ...The roppbrinental - treaty betwee * Unt
w rat... add Great Britain, : u tmEte t. V
d,-- ~44,.!.....iLic, on of the African stare !.. m, _ ,e.
S ly .% tur. , 1',..=.,,. . 7th d ay of February been duly rut.
; ±,. ' ".....skrin.` . '''''SMifos - '. ' and tented umation. ',llls believed
ritßrUlle. ' ...iatiiil - .•'. , at tie fir
manner ports and American
/,...'5,....., ,,, ~,.%_• .I r .; .. Buns we concerned, that tehttinen and bar
-13..r.:..5-4.117*•4.13t,•- :CS; ' mato has been bravest. to an end. I
7 1111 / 4 41 b:li`d . claed . fork ..
hall tahmit, for the teintiderstith of the See
il4..g::: .', •,..' ..'--, . . te. a Bennett oe. for the adjustment of pos.
,-..:' , i, - ,'..' . , ', 7 dams - in Wuhington territory, arts
„-----",.;, • 1..• , ,. le k -ordror the hub of the 15th of Jose
li '''„., _.
_6,,ti-Ul*blicii.--1.1846, between the totted stoles and Groot
-tF 2 , - ,- ..;' , 1 , -= 4 .-f--,- - .- • . -•L itruotd, dad whith hare.-been the mums of
P.:".*:;O-' , ?;.il.!, *-1„ 1 ..,,.. ) .;:Mi5te diequiet among the atlases of thstnow
~ ...;.0..,.:, ~.i..- .Traphily , Lai ra r ing put of the country. A
t , - .*, .w , ..' ' It”' I:iurvel and t.swistion, Involving the
414111;44: - _: , ..L,..7.•tt riZtent of th e Maritime Jurludierteu of ,B Peler
ii tt , g ,,. .' . 1 lu the waters which tearround the Island of
'''.-.... ..- L . -... • . - '. i Gabs, bas been debated, without rouble an
,o,,.iA i g!-: 2 4 _ : 4 ; e 6 : l : , ; 3 ljitvbetzent, and It It ie prop:med./II an ..5...
.---......-1 , ... - 14..f.fict , ti ,. . 4.1. „bit. to Tor.,ft. to tb• arbitrament of a.
4 iwi c at vi gi i i i p. l Madly Power. A convention for that per
.Lan4.,,, -.1„ u.',4 , ,,..k . ...rt ‘:•.-u- ,yrose will be submitted to the Senate. 1 have
s,,M' 47 •F`c ..„....;!;el„l'Fieji , ithioughtit:e prope r subject to smut far the ap.
6 1 01101 - 11 0 , ` ''' , ',4of . (gAtti, , liffi 3 protral of the Saute to concur with the Inter
-. 5..•• • ; KN ,;,'• quij.i,:;r:
„-isted commercial purity', in an arrangement
' '' 44.- 4 - ....17 , '" - .... "-,..F.T,f0r the liquidation ef the Scheldt dries, in the
'4 4 pa:alofd.„ Iddrx. iPriaciples which hire been IteretOfere adep
itkisliiikg*tfi,lll--reglardm t c lg e os o bun k o :Its epon navigation
*f.: ,P,....1 - iL.i . W.....q.. 0 :11$ long.peadlog cent:aviary between this
il - :.%15,i07.01134 c.,Zlournment and that
p of e b bil i, t i oach ian , 11g the
',I II, 450*-10-41`731 aare a
large-amountagclana n ot er 6. tire belongin e irt%
At ..... • •••*=laltimal of the • Baited States, has been
..` . .04.161. - :I,„finwogat to A 01044.• by' the sward of Ilis 8ia
i1.....•.'".., ...„,:‘ •....' 34, the Ebro( the Belgium, to whose ar
e.,..4.01',..."„5..1_,...... • Son ther 'question was referred by the .
*Cirlfsilite-':. . ' es.,. The emblem was thoroughly and pa. ,
~tlently examined by that - -justly respected
,:€,,..07 ; ......0; .fi r '.Amigis crate, although the' 'rem awarded to the
:1 - .. •- ;:svi 4., '. utaireante maggot have been as large ma they
. st*Ng . . :41 ~ ' .,; '. rieln:7 l. of ellisarebiLlejesnt°Y3ercolase=clitto6ndu. distant
t t
a de e -
''`.., •:‘,1,1„..: r ... lags promptly complied with by Chill,
..1,1 ; U: .: . et. Intelligence In regent to Breached that
" .thie . .,i . .. • -. The Joint • .‘ooduaisloo". under the
... • - - :7. , ma Oahe laeasessionebm arming into
: etre:
' ' :',. lr: , .." . .. . P 114 4, 4
u ciask ;, i b. eoti bo on Ir tt i ... t.b .,su Polu ized n u th
L • un orm:Ja ic et d . i. f
I.!l•'s 4 .,.''''',. ,4
„ gad in tbe business entrusted to it. The
- 1;• , ...... . i 64".. - '.
ties mourning - ister.Counie transit
Y;l4 ". „" -'' ugh Blearegire am In entree of amicable
rISPVSImc . ,,. - taunt. In conforadty with the ptinctpies
u . .id" f,.' i! ferth la my last annual reesirige, I lure
. N 1 ,-.loeired 'a- represutatire from the United
, ..,,, pi Gofamble, sad' lure - unedited a
- i „iebir,tri that republie: • ~ .
~.-',..; osnsnathranon. , ..,
x i- ii;:1-'- 1 7steldente necorring in the prey/raj Sib
,•-•_;„' ,' 4itrllirer have forced upon _my attention the
e'.. 1, :- Ramertabs 'tether the intothationth quails,
, thrichile do righti - of fondge eft in thu *me
;„..... 6,. 7 .4%
it.... aai st ei par :l l.r iak tii ss ovrti o i f : 40a. h o il L: i ni t
a. taztil .typret. tates rytt a w,s bro ad t .
(. 14
4,-; tioprd to tome Governments, des e rlghts are
...„ 3 0hes, in the Imbue of &Amu • rorellillet
Pr . ' . 7-uicildie n g in rats country, within ° lto lines of
ej7,ll,turerguthe;ll; I' be exa mp Led from thistade
jig& Which, amen' btu' ;oo at. it Uproot, in whose
2.,, , •,:, *half the Gorenturtent of his tottery cannot
1... J.:a Snpoess any privilege ror Ina mazdtles - distinct
4 ":'.- - . 1 Sous that character. ..1 regret to say. bowerer,,
L iu.
‘ . ."4 • snob claims haie:beco tilt lorwsza. and
"'-fy,itilie-clillisbamialtrUetaiffer resubmits wth
iti_ this. lived' lo "the. United a tates. , the grow
Tout of ibetr. tires.' nen Ls reason
' , ;bre that Many persons, barn in foreign coon
t tries, who have direlsredtheir latenthrn to be
ts citizens, or who Isis been folly'ststrual
,haVe evaded the military ,'dety required
.them by - denying the feet, and . thereby
lag upon the 9overnment the burden of .
.• . -
t bet best: leveed dlibalt pr • imitaTtleabte
obtain t) L. of guides
'Ms propar roometet of- infonistien. Tbose
" bac roppliikd by requiring lb. clerks of
~where doelorstkossof latent:one rosy
.ireetkralisetion elfootee; to sand,'
v, Eats of Atte =nee 'of persons
-de or of thou., deolarioir &bar loon=
ketone title:me, to-, the Itoofaury.", of
trier; to eboto dspertmenttbeeerulsnes
, Orntageol lied otoi for moral - in.
in: - -Tbare II also. reason, to believe
VIM' freventry beams ..eitifons of
r stabil sit xh. 'solo - purpose- of
:oda:los - !reposed' by the . lows of
i bonatg . ; to wbieb, ta. bombs
'we; et- at once - repair, end,
• - rotainint to the . abited awe,
A : :La latesposition of 3b. The- .
oat. Main , oaten:atlas and'
.0 befeatTetafore Arleen out of .
II is,. armful", ,odoialetilit fa
- bouldittstloO. It toligfit b. :ad-
. Az or limit beyond whlohigi tifloos
felted ' Bata' residing Abroad, itily
lb tii
. 7 4 :141013 • of Ms Govermint:
bt of ge bseetten been .liosazood
Iftinli by Allow ender pretenoot' of.
-Woo, sr6Jois:ebey, hare :Mei:rowel
' taw the • inilltary . ICTIICI, ' I:
4 ienry of inch - amendment et
ilup tbs. fee: of voUng 'sec
y plea of oiosoptloo frog
-- - ..1 othot:4l,ll:obLptLon, on i
.. of ollesoyez - -..:,...! 4.: re • , •
oomosen of otber„ Cr=e;l l l4re t re oar
los,wtt , Japes lone i into ,
real. ilTecigiOiNkAtiitos• • • • --•••"
)111:9 1 The hoedite+7-4aUPOUkei of tbs.
s to tlt,a 4wl glstabod owl Mimi pallor
. ties Loci f42lllogliti eocuti
.f.ostko*l _lt ty.toloo Do .
go, As& thus'
y youtoosatidioli
ilotor , looldlittlioro
-.sob .4 il Ali• asitnik;.
Piidtuda stililv~..
,f ./.1:0,
ia;to'rt impeasubs . liaviikabitaitrp•
.rtlts„Thaperat of lieiste, *Flak' it 161114.,1
An a :TM re nixie oiredtinge oonttnions - Hof
at ftelorsph three tb that empire fro eiou roYee
11iii• 01rillt. ', i ISFreltr* , 1 4 to .font layarably
.4,olttillaretlossthe gelded of- ass 1e...4130.1
imikirrto engirt the ,taikturDoan; and at.°
at o talevreph between 'We ,apttoyuct - ii i .
ttatioool tone along tito dtbuitto *tabard iod
th e lharof Mail' Hoolroosuaecttort ono):
Validi with nay reeeenkler`Agaliveata be
'etenierniloal so welled dlettiter: t o . dirt ..
i lOW telUta4pted tter4l,titeies:;:, • .. •,.
*-1241'Seeildelf- ertilagOf Ase rn Its d Bt.*
I * • • ..ilie.sleitalent4. et Ott fait 43croirroar
kift**44.4110.14,Pdahlr, i . 1 . 1 ear, is re.,
eonblipos .644 may bev. . ebilrely la
ot ikkisigtesp , bt.tted ft, erblob 'rift castui
libillialbiligill* - Chu Sal/AVM
"• • liftylamltllialln=llb d.fiitatzlipiewl-'
41.7-To 'lpotehtqg our oomteiteist
our conette here oseessosily bid t o
14toreared - istters - gee reTot:4E4M.
log pat of :lb. 'war.
ALIO new , tipsy
AM =Ott 1114 man d: abaft."
•• sub effithtegy. ' • nibbilitzvirbag.
• laelndes tboidocrillitterktvesbilaz
st; ChbleVand *UM antral
••••• 4 -.1-),;
- artidiatoryi;vieboalib.
't IP Ireir Madoo.bor,
no' Would
`'o,'s Now
- Hobo
-., .tie
bi i
'at ass ander; land, by per - liana' Mile Carib.'
'of the rotted Slides, and as this Government
alpeetaresibeas Gen:ether Tamers when aim
liar lulu:ries are inflioted by: percent in their
'orrice upon citizens of the .llnited Stitch
• we tenet be prepared to do Justine to foreign
mi. %If existing - Judicial tribunals ere leads
ghats to this purpose, • epeeist. mitt - mai be
authorlied with powertobear and deeide each
°Wad of the chancier referred to. a , easy
bare arisen sunder, trestica and public law.
Conientiens foradjuatingelidnui by your ootn•
minion; bail been profound to some Goeern
Silents, but no definitivianower latheprop*,
talon has yet beenremived from lief."
The operations of .the Treastrry during the.
last year hare been eueoessfolly conducted.
The enactment by Congreu of a National
Banking Law has proved a, valuable support
orthipahlic credit, and the general legisla
tion to relation, to lean*. has folly answered
the expectations of .Its fayorers; tome amend
ments may he required to perfect existing
laws, ,but no-elasege In their principles or :
general seepkii believed to tivneedid. Sines
thole moutons hayis liege in operation ell de
meads on the Treasury, including pay of the
army and navy, hare hese promptly met, and
fully oitlifild..llo oeruilduable body of ,
troopa, (tie bettered, wore ever more amply
prelisloned, aeon Liberally and punctually ,
paid, and, it may ho added, that by no people I
'wens the biudens 'Midden; to. a great war
cerement cheerfully- borne. . I
The receipts during the year from all dour-
ees; inelndiag loans and the balance in the
Treasury ache oommencement, were 69 0 .1 13 ,-
867,486;• the aggregate disbursements, 6395;
706,63065; leaving • Warm en the Ith of
1861, of $332,904,421. Of the receipts
there were derived (rem customs, $8,901,964,- '
240; from Internal revenue, $3,764,070,793;
from direct taxes, $148,310,361; from lands,
$107,61717.; from miscellaneous sources,
6304,611,510; and from loans, 770.682661 67;
making the aggregate of $90.113,667,486. Of
the disbarments, there were 6113,139 22; for
pensions, eta., 64,116,520'6as for interest on
public de bt,. $34,729,610 61;. for War Depart
ment, 6399,128,600 83; for the Navy,Depart-
inttit. 36,124,10 5 37;. for the - payment of fund- .
*land temporary debt,5181,676,631 07, mak
ing an aggregate of $89;576,663,055; and
braving a balance of 63.11,906.421. -
But the payment of the ,unded and tempo
rary debt haying been made from monies be- i
rowed during theyser must be regarded es •
merely nominal payments, and the monies
borrowed to make them as merely nominal
motets, and thiir amount, 3181,080,613 07
should therifore be deducted both from the
receipts and disbursements. This Whoa done,
there motel no, as actual rue ipts, $714,709,995-
58, having; the balance as already stated.
The aotnal tecelpta end dlobarsemenu for the
Gut quarter; and ..the estimated receipts
and dlaharreineets for. the remaining three
quarters of the eurrent goal year of 1664, will
be shown In detail by the report of the fleere
-47 of the Treaiury, to whieh I incite your,
attention. It la out:Went t 6 say hero that it
Is not believed that the liana' mutts will ex
hibit a statist the fistanees, less formable to
the country than . the .estimates of that officer
heretofore imbmltted, while It is oonfidently
expected-that at the dote of the year, both
disbursements and debts• wit' be found very
considorably heathen has been aisticiOted. -
The report of the Secretary of Wiz is a .
pulite document of great 'lnterest. It con
talesFins, ThD'aillitary operations of the
year, detallealin the report eftheGeneral-in- •
Chief. &tend, The organisation of colored
persons li the war service. Third, Tbo ex
change of prisoners is fully set forth In the
letter of General ilitelvock. . Fourth, Ope
ration, under the act for ear:Ming and call
ing out the national forces Astalled in the
repert of the Pretest 3fenhil General. Fifth,
The orgaitliatlon of ths Mead corps. 'Sixth,
The operation of the mutual departments of
the Quartermaster General ; Conindrary
General; Paymuter :•Genersl; Chief of Engl.
neen; Chief of Ordnance and Surgeon Gene
ral. It ha appeared' Impossible to make a
rateable summary of ilia report, except such
as would be too extended for this. plies, and
keno* I content myself in • ref.:drier - your at
tention to the reponVieelf. - .
The duties donating on the naval branch
of then:Mee dndng the year, arid through
out the whelp of this unhappy contest, Lave
been 4 - recharged with fidelity . and emieent
success. The Calandra Ariecitate, Jean :wen
constantly increasing In ificlency es the navy
has expanded, vat en in lost a dine •itbas to
far been Steporsibli to entirely suppress filch
trade. From the 'settled received at. - the
Bevy Department it appears that, mers,thitz
one thousand vrosels bare heon.empture4 slots
the-blockade was lostitated, and that the
• valcieof theprinialready sent in for
cation amount lo ever thirteen
. .
'The !carat force of the Melted States, cog
nate, at of 588 semis, completod
sod in tbegonne of completion, and of theta,
75 are hoti:el44, steamer.. The events
of the war give on increased intirrot wed I im
portance tattle Nue y,elbleh wilt probably ex
tend beyond the war itielf: The armored Tee
eels in. onk.ff avy,,,co *Atte d " an d:in ervico, or
whleir ati 'ander contraot ~ads ipproschlng
ogenpletion, arc honeyed to extetod in number
Apes of say other, Power; but while. they
xtt7 her_relled' npon for Ima b m defense sod
sea-coot sit rvey,others of greater/Mb gth aod
,capacity will be , notaesary for pur
poses and to maintain our rightfeaposltloe on
Ti. thing* that hu talftm plus In navel
ousels and. mind .wauiare, alum Alm intro
doetion of steam se & ottotive power for shipar
of war, deminde 'either corresponding-change
In some of our existing navy yards, or tU
.witablisbuMat Or -uxw "mti Or , ibe.ecititnte.
don. and oacessere itmalr of modern war ,
reeseb, - .- b;eo loconable enthuses- -
moot; ...delay and - publie Wary have
beta experienced „ fromthe want of
such ...Government ostahliehieeitti. nit
neesuity— , nf Noah .a nary ,std , so
cashed at sue& ittitable place upon the -At+
Imo la oaboard ' has, on, repeated occasions,
been broright tho attention or Coupe.*
by the Eery:Department, and is again pesJ
seated in the report of the Secretory which
accoMpaolte this communication& d think it ,
- my dety to •Welt* your epeeist attention to
this( subject, and else; to> that of, establishing'
• yard and depot for naval purposes
.upon arm
of the westenerivers. • naval fnme her been
Created - on these interlor.'watersoold under
omoy'diasdraotages, Withlulittlecooro thin'
too yam, e teeedllng In . nenahers the
naval fora of the country at the oommenee ,
men. or the present Adonalsbnition. Batts:
factory and , Limportant se has' heed the per- .
formasees of the herola' man of lb. 'Jury it.
this period, they iris scarcely mot* wondertat
the nukes of oureammhardee and,arti:
ibb0.416 I.l..doctlon Ittirst vareliv •thiel k
ben) crested inee.yorne of runt power. On,
ainatry boa ednustsgwaperior-lo any orb
nation, be, our. rmoaress otiropsid drabs!,
with rloolzhimitale ottentltlea of inn
Wrote Mate vicinity of • both, and sifirsilsUe.
&ad in does proximity to slur able waters. .
. Ths ramicematheastlodtivebesidirelopt,
led sad Its poem displayed lathe cooetreetlon.
or A aut.*? • igeh slagnitude,"Which • hes; IA
.the, ery yerbidof itterestion,readenideignst.
-The increase_ of irsoebor,Of psamso to
'Ortialle emit, •innnitaoo men. in, the
',ploy of 181Ipdnateint 21,000 at' the resent.
1 4 31, l hteleafigpol pl I shod . within ut 'pedal
jegtets ibA tion or ,:mehreardinsly- boitolles to pro
mots tied InclOW. , It las boon found, how.:
`ever, tint thrbpirations 'of • tho Anil, with
high .bouittleaWd'for amy , recruits is he.
ginning to eat, injarlogsly, the - naval der
viols and trill, tfinot come - Uri, be like's-to
impair lie , Miloteney by domohlag.. seamen
from their propirrocation 'and Inducing theta
oPter,rthe : prmy.: I thereto', rtspettfally
fo/Tei. ll tot,'ClOodrree.ioliflkota'..oth the
fumy anditaval eirchM by "Molt/ Provlikol
on this subjoet which would st,the amen time'
be ogaltible id tha tornmanities.inord eePool.
allly titendlid.l.,.."
tommind to ionrcniiiritlon the or .
pulsar alb, i3oterstary of tea? now 10 vs.,
grad bo: the policy of fencing and tralaing
sepesta .for, rotsal-Pszelosir; The tarsi mad
cap is rendering •sigoal ierno, in preparing
mtibillpzien. for ;highly , reoppaselbM . , ; gneiss,
which' int Oar 116 they VI ll be/m[OM
perthrad, Lt order that thretran y ebbald not
be deptirid of. the Fe quid& ot 'Oneida dints,
dints,' for which I prarlsion, bees,,
made., Al the r Fay 8401 the..eacanor i e
cs4wid by,'Llie.negleot -- or' opinion to make
nandsintiont tram<tbe Sham be laittmotion,
bare *elet ol -1 1 1 01e :cliteefOl,the navy.
The - sMiool. I. now more fell iledttoisplete,
12inaPt keY ,PM091114,110.4 'Antl to every
fur Wilco to the farotebteespiriderstlew
cf g, pailf: stemll.a; gnanelal
madam. of the PostoSers Drpartufwit , ltai
toes one of leareitpg prity,
grained to beittiAlkto 'Moto that the Po.
count* of yoota terentee'Au neirly.',etptfed
' • entirer-sapenditzre, ths isttor santenting
1.1,414,0aftbe, std the - former to Si 1,163,-
.14,1esnieg of hat $160,411425:
yesrltaptedletelf preoliding
'l O attilifietietoney exce , geted Oak :.
iheirtslicooipm of Met' yesr - gilog
sea than glop of 184/: . xbi.e..
" 440- ik* , sbaust immtc-,-or
• ~••••• • C.'
.V ' »~
V t'. ~ '(
.. : ~~''"
fwd that lf,lll any titheStaten named, gir. , I
lariftiente itciold be established' in the pre
seethed mode, such prominent chill be reoog
nixed and guarantastby- tha trailed Slates,
sod that cadet it, theAtete 11011. on eutiFfile - , .
log. te - the:Conithatiana 'candid ens, be • ll* ,
Sweet) guentutee to army. t atate In the
tasted apinsi .oitit. in ith ic i as ia lo o na blip od t d io s a mo . s i ti t c h r i lor uci en t u ed .
Solotra republican fond of preinarestauad to
prelect the S ate in the use as stated, la ex
plicit sad frill, bat why tender the boutilte of
this prorlslon only to a State 00'cm:tient set
op le this particular way. Thle section of the
Constitution contemplates • case Wherein the:
oleo:hut within *State favorable .10 a republi
can Government to the Union may ho too fee-,
wrest to, and even within the State4and sash!
ble for &a...opposite and hostile element ex.;
are precisely the cases with which we are now
dealing. An attempt to guarantee and pro
test in a revised gut* of Goiernmeot a on
streamed to whole or. In preponderating part,
from the very elementagates t whose hostility
and violence It is to be protected Is simply,
atitard. There most be a test by which to
separate opppanag elements to as to build on
ly from the sound, and that test is • sufficient -
and liberal cue, which accepts as monad who.:
weer will make • sworn nominator' °this
former twoonadtiess. ..
o a a t th est at, of iin id o :
and WO, Valeta under It, why net else to the
gi misst an ßa l air th thi t e h tbbB eCo epP n 7 s UPe t t l i da : ti l ou lx.M o d f ru t ir h i e ne Gaited Sates
law and proclamation in 'regard to slavery.
Those taw* and proelamations were enacted
mad pat forth for the ramose of aiding in the
their maintenance. In my judgment they
th iu r ris felle E s e t n eff . e r e th tth e ere r.b4li had ea te; be% prlevda them
have aided and will Anther aid the cause for
which they were titillated. To give ep this
principle would be not only to relinquish a
lever of power,
but would also be a cruel and
astounding breach of Leith.
I may add, at this point, that while I re.
main In my present position, I Aar! eel at
tempt Ito retract or sudfAr the Emmet=
Proclonorice, sow' akar/ 4 rearm to
0.7 Psetro who is node fro. by the Irma
of the .Pradamaaam, or by any act of am
mo". Par these and other reasons it
is thought best that the support of these per
sons shall be included In the bath, and It is
believed the Execotive may lawfully claim It
to ream for pardon and restomUon of for
feited rights, watch he has clear emutittillon
al power to withhold altogether, or to grant
upon the terms which he shall deem wisest far
the public Internet.
It aloud be observed, also, that this Put of
the oath IA subject to the modifying and ab
regatta; power if leghlatiou and Supreme
Jadlriar 'decision. The proposed veinier
renoe of the National Executive, to any hon
orable temporary State arrangement for the
freed ple, is nude with the riser of possi
bly m olt the confusion sad distressing
destitution which mast, at best, attend all
elutes by a total reit:dation of tabor through
out the whole States. It is hoped that the
already dewily afflicted people In those States
may be somewhat more ready to glee up the
cause of their alliotien; and to this extent
alit vital matter le left to thenuelves; while
no power of she National Precedes to pre
vept an abate Is abridged by.thls proposition.
The . suggestion in the proclamation as to
melotataing the polluter frame work of the
States ' on what Is called re.oonstractioa, te
made in the hope that it may do good with-
out bane. It will favor labor and avoid great
toultulott. „Bat why any proclamation now
upon this subject? This question is beset
with the conflicting Timm that the step might.
be delayed too longer be taken too soot. In
some elements for resumption bare biennia,
for action, but remain inactive apparently for
want, of a rallying point, a plan' of action.
Why shall A adopt the plea of 13, rather. than
B that of A? and if, A and B should eget°,
how can they lemur but that the general gov
ernment here will rospoet their plan? By the
proehtmation, • plan is presented which may
be accepted by them as • rallying point, aid
lehlell they are assured la advance, will not be
Netted here. This may bring them to act
Meier than they otherwise Total,
The objection to • premature prescatation
'of a plan by the National Execative, midst&
. in the danmot commitments In polite 'bleb
Meld be mon safely left to farther develop
ments. Care has been' taken t 6 so shape the
document, as teezaSold embarrassment from
larallat. lIMMOTZsteSra.. , thli stores: -Idrayleg that on certain terms,
it The attention of 'Conrail, during the last telt*" elmees'well be Pardeeed with their
session, was engaged to some extent with a
rights tutored,- It Is not said that, other
I propos ltl o , f o r en l arg ing th e watertom., claaseabn otherterme, will
‘ nererba . theluded..
olcatiou between the Miistrsippt elver and In alt7lnt thim alweenielneeten `nit Do semPt.
the Northeastern seaboard, whleb • proporl- led llPreeemtea I* a . 'reined waf , it to not
,atota, bowirar, felted far_ th e time. Since said thee it wilt Oita be lucepted Many other
then, upon' a call of the greaten respectability, leaf- ;Pa. therementa 1 7.. 0, V 0 . m - tie* •for
• /education lug been called at CIITUSW,apon ,11 01 -orIPo th
rroo In wont , or e sno ut lot, ru
de auto seem subject; a ntoraioy. of whose , eluded tet the emanet,Pitien TereeleaCetieWs ere
,views it et ntained 'IA& menitalat Managed to mettle , er Ptelentla Petabilieni arad elate I
do not repeat In detail what I have heretofore
the President and Magreer, - iiiid which I now
liaise the honor to lay bcforeryotr. That this to eatfiettlr turd tipeel Gib OuitiOrt, MY goo
ilttrout li one which 'en long will force Its era; views an d Congress doubt; will omit 00 Mr ep
is submitted entirely to year wisdom to to Pbilsait/ or sidled thee" important seePt, to
what can be doi,e netw. Augmented Interest the Path eenindinthelen- j - -.•
la glens . to ibis eubjeeP by the actosl coca. • tee WAR rowan-OCa lialtexCla , „
P ooo oroOraor *ark tePan'thef Petite Satireed. .. In the midst of other carat, however im
mailer auspices 80 favorable to •' its portent, we most not lose sight of the feet
rapid 'Predfaer and emePtetlee• Enlarged that the war power is etilloor main reliance.
navigation becomes a palpable need to rots' To that power alone ran we look, yet for a
great road: - : . *. , :' ', . ' ' „, to give ccuradetios to the people- In con
! transmit ni second annual report of too it e g m o on , th a t:, th e la iorwin t p ower w ill
Ceincoledoaci elf ttt . department of Agrieni- not again overran them. VOW that cotiff -
hare, asking your minutiae to the dovololo! dente shall he established little can be done
menu in that tlieillleteiniti of the notion- anjerbere fer what Is called reconstfriction.
Then Marin mielahladertte ele,thi war Hence oar cblefest care mast still be direcited
bad already laatedynahly twenty months, and to oat anayand navy who have thus far borne
there was many tonality on both land and sea their harder part so trebly' and will, and it
with varying eattlite.' The rebellion bad been may be esteemed fortunate that In giving the
pressed bark tato reduced limits; .1 6 4 - the tenc aten efficiency to theirladirpentable arms
of palate feeling ant opinion it 1000111 , and w e do a lso h on o ra bl y e noontaire getut men,
abroad wan not., ealialetell• : With the'ether from commander to sentinel, who tempos*
oldee; the Ponder el Wen' then lot Peels them awl to whom more than to all others the
indicated 'aneasluen *Moan oineeleet, while world mast stand .ladebted for the home of
amid mach that wit °old - and menseing, the freedom dlscutbnalled, roger:milted, enlarged
tiniest wards consing feet Engle:ad, were nt- and perpetuated . dottiest Lunette.
tared Is &covets of pity that w, too blind *g; ‘ ,:,..h er g , ism. , •
to tarreadcr, ' Oar commerce was enlisting
greatly by • lesi.anned nevelt, built upon Proclamation Aroonspanytag the Sere
and famished from'iorelp thorn, and we sage.
were fbreatmed with such additiont trout the The tollonilkg _proclamation is appended to
,qcitater WI would 'weep our trade from the, orooOTtio: :PrIOCI-LwArtlO•—w bor.'s,' In
the sea; end rube our blookaderlin bad failed and by the Constittitien of the halted States,
it le proilded that the Pmeldeat shall have
to elicit teciasibiroperin governments anything
bitpifel,nplittbls subject. • . '.%. ' ' power trs .greal, reorLefes .and pardons' for
~.: • • ..e...... , L • • . - - Offenan against the United States, amet in
• , -- Zia phaecuratjult roocLitroO mil 01',Imposatanant; and.ThrollJ,, • r ebel.
•'/lii , gagOClPitim , Pr)e /iniVi92,.• irhidl onto lien `cow i lista" whereto the loyal 'States 'and
beeedin September:wen winning ethatividned goterninents of several elates have for.k long
period 'tothe laagialng of the , asielliet. d time been subverted, and many pampas have
;Beath later • the. Dual pnaclatiatlon calneata-, anatnitted and are .now , gnilty *of trca
*lndic% the li
ttnalloollllota that- men . Inala against the United States . Ann Whe reas,
of suitable etindilloac enteld be received Into with reference 'to said rebellion ' sad treason,
the war service. The polley,ofamaticiptitital an bare- been enacted-by Congress dealer
and of th e emPlefteentalltheli Radian CAM - leg tha forfeiture and roalphatles ef property,
to the &tare • new !Upset, about WWI. hops. Ao4 Itherattaa of. OITA*: Su *Pea tette* end
and : fete and doubt. contended bermeatith ocidifions therein etatad,.sect also deelak ow
eotitelet. sitecoidbag to 'our, politidal- ilystau..., that the President was' tbeteby'artherlsed, at
as • matter of. deli ,sdrainlstratioe, lb* ,Ges- an tithe thereafter, trY . tlod, to. en:.
oral' Altereinmeet had no lateral Potter to 6f- . sea# es we who may kare participated in
fed enuaelpation to an fElatiN Rad fot e tong the eluting feheilloa.-A, any" dal.. or pert
time Nen hated thaitherehelllcla Mold thereet-inuclan and amnesty, with lß each es.
la iaPlled:..wi th attli4iOrtioir loßiii a POP mediae,' gad it such Wan end otfirdett con;
tthrr measu re. ',; lll the N the Aihtlerdeeeied Crone as be may deem tardiest/lot the.
possible Oaths neoesiliy. far it` might come, pablie welfare.:. ...',, , .•„4,:.... • • ,,,' 1
end 'that if Itaborild„ . the orbit °li th e Mutest • . -And Whereas„.the eongressidtip=i i i
weeld then; presented. it canse; atid; as ilt
f elited and -eeeditional"idide ft
was . taltadtd; it "Whiliallowed by dark and with well Istititished lodidel eineeltionl of
disabtfalf days; /BerrOl i -teolthihavlngbaph tke pardonlogyeerer, Ind %Wham& with to-
Paiil4/ if , ' Am . Proitttd le like anetheerli- fennel lona - hibillieft the. IrmaidellAat 41 1$
view. : The rebel bordonirepronedatill Air- Gaited Slaw. has. Urged several proclatna•
abet bath, aid hien CoMple to openingef the tions,arlth prorialatur io regard to' thellbots.
Itistitsippl flier. theMantry - dcantaated peer 'thos. of Ithaves,•sod'illettes,lt is no* dctited.
by the rvbellion ie divided tato dlithetparta, by scosa,parahne heretofor e , engaged in eau
with nopreCticaleatdennaletilloo Minnie them rebellion.** resume. emir &negates Witt
Ten au reo and Aikaa • set;bera beintro subriste- ,United liatee, and re laaragu rate l'oynr State
tinily cleared of. lasargente ooutrol and In. 'aertrantheirWithliiied for. their respelithre
flame, eat' the Italians. fir stieb. , etnilita Catch t. : sy - , ~..... : .:1 . , i',, . .t.. - -1 i
of shwa and adv.:otter of eatery eV' the bit , ..! Thuellenel. - AbnthrnazLlol9lo,• Drys drat
'intaglio, therebillietl, 44W:datI t trid;§en17 /Atha Culled Eitekl. do procleim, deal 'and
- fee welauiPatielirl* their retiree re Ziates , "Make kaoWithaelt"potaires*ho'plive directly
Of those States mot Includedla thavarancdps• 'er he bolicetten, , partletpatea an .the existing
lion Pmetimitietti Mel hull •and' illneetl, ' nehollieit. except as berelnafter ex ;that
ankh°, be ebletCyoure aga would' tilsdatii aey,
„a 1 all gardoklegalittekto theta, , pelt' of
restraint apauttle. , •atensieti,'Of. els,eiry Into Anat.-14
ef , al ta,l and
thelatereitolise, only dispute pow ite.,to. the property; snot nil' lb ehiren;4ll . 0opttly" •
i rd
best modeefltatriattt Aboric - erithiti , their In hared". , W horei' - the "*ldgitil ', - 01 - - - third
own Metal - ." - ),, -.- '' - ''''; j . Parties dyiabA r ho.,.. r d, arid' tO4 th e
air then Wliiiire're'llivelit the beginning oonalliett that' vity ' inion"person's 11, tare
"of the ribellion.liilly. 01311,,buedted, tbotneed ytiii subtcribe .en oatlw. sat: thericatforrrerd
&meow In the Veiled States military stritini; keep had railirtith nald'eath inviolate', sad
about one.laalfof which somber actiallyibcdr which oath shall ban/OmM flif terinerient
,shas la grtiake, itiosittotog tdo double 4 1 , .,, , eweranatiatia silt ottal,, , tt tor !thgke*Peer and
ventage of taking soured' labor Leota`tlet data nehat relieving, to e1it5.,.,.. , -,, - „...
raelentameabd etiPPliled the ?ben 'whieb • ~N I: d4i:Wdeel/11,7. eireertie, menthe ok Al
r otherwise Mai t. be 11 redal th on 'many *bile mighty God, th at I. will -haneefortbleitbfully
Meta' So far as Wields difficult tosay; th at seaport, present - iirfd 'defeat afe.Cedslitatims .
'thitr• not Au good ootaloto &soap - , 'go trot. ot the•Eniledfitines,aadthe.Tidetf-of litot es
'Ale Inittniellea - or fence say le , vichradaille. thansairoder; and that I , will; ha like meatier, ,
creepy harearkedthe mearrerret of Ismael- - chide. by sat falahlbily. support hIV sets of
,patioti and eznaing,this blactile'. , Thestilneu, n engi tme fined &wag thtaniad a r ?show n
-emitters beef 'meth • dining 'in. fanign with refereact WI islarhabses lan/auto fir ai
coantrtiq the hentataporeareith Isiah dhow • mm repubekmediflat or bald told. bp. Con
'elan, thetouelit Irtibliatenticeect *berets mull , graes or by h decision of that Somme* Orart,
,imprenid: l At konif theism& toward hart and Wall siOrindikaareannrc, Adria I,p sod,
r woo fttltpdtoOttoodvitspiottod, - Zrltl4ll 4 Lett faithfully tropfirit.all iproolatuatical of ?be'
- defrountwkdkid the anneal elm tie nit tottowit g- - President, aside doting ribelliee'
am hlghlgteleotraglog le them- sae! er +yodel kitbag relenagie :to. alarms, irsinog . and Wolfer
dutylt titaireaPthe tieastry - %breath ~,Iltli: •as not modified et, dielarefr . 'lag • *hap
-ea Ft:l7ll4: , : , ,ritil: Ire UM , elto. reokottiat at the 13 aroma Ce5...;,.. , .' . • 0 . 4 ,0_
tha,cogs , *MeV tbziageseil.44 , 444.-0 - - 1 - --.'----• .eseit;i of
:thaftleblle,6ol4.ontly6lll•66.lrihtr':; . thd.t...i!
agAiim-c, lrm.l
easi r
~.. •. • 1: , -: .. ,. . , 1 ~:- * • .
plot hstatilshed..4.4heconfis r e • - •issi.ttest '
adaptedtofocilitate postal in •• • • • • between
nations, sod as thehasie of fetters cuirections
to isteingurateli geneilti - ayttent of luniform
international chargisisit fed:teed too of post.:
age, eattifot farto'proddoe beneficial - emits.'
I refer you to the rePort of the Secretary of
the Inkier, lihieti 'is •hertivi Ira re
you, for the usefaandaaried.inf mance In
relationto publio land's,. Indian Gin, pat
ents, pensions. and 'Other niatte,s of patio
concern pertaining to thlaDeputtoent. The
quantity of lands disposed of dating the last
and the first quarter of the. present and fiscal
years, was three million eight. hitudred nod
forty-ono thoamthd• and fire 'hundred and
forty-nine acres, of which oiler hundred and
Bitty-arse thousand nine baudred and eleven
acres. were sold for cuts; one mill on four hun
dred and fifty-six thousand Ore hundred and
fourteen sere, were taken up ander the hums
stead law; and the residue disposed of under
laws granting lands for military bounties, for
railroads, and other purposes. ft also nopeare
that the see of the nubile lands Is largely on
the Increase. It has long been a cherished
opinion of smear our wisest statesmen, that
, the people of the United States had a higher
and more enduring• interest in the early set
tlement and substantial cultivation of the pub
lie lauds, than to the amount of direct rev
enue to Do derived from the solo of them.
This opinion has had a controlling lufletenoe,
shaping legislation upon the subject of our
national domain. I may eta :man instance of
this the liberal meuntree adopted to referetthe
to active settlers the grant to the States of
the overflowed lands. within their limits, In
order to their being nelaimed and rendered
It for cultivation; the grant to railroad
companies of alternate &onions of land upon
the contemplated lines of their road, when
completed, will largely multiplyahe facilities
of resetting our distant possessions. This
policy has received its moil signal and bone-
Went illustration in recent enactment, grant
ing homesteads to actual settlers since the ant
day of January last, the before mentioned
quntity of over one minims four hundred and
arty-six thousand, Ire handled and fourteen
scree of land, has boon taken op under its
provisions. This feet and the moult of title;
furnish gratifying evidence of the increasing
settlement upon the publle hands. Notwith
standing the greet struggle in witieh the . en
ergies of the nation bare teen engaged, and
which has required so large a withdrawal of
our citrons from their accustomed mutts, I
cordially room in the recommendation of the
Secretary of the Interior suggesting a modl-
Sutton of the set lc favor of those engaged
In the. military and navel service of the
j United States, I doubt : not that Congress:Will
i cheerfully adapt such measured as will with.
, out. essentially changing the general features
, of the system secure to the greatest pneriesi
, hie extent Its benoGte to those who bare left
, their, homes In defense of the country to this
a arduous oriels.
I invite jour ettoothm to the views of the
fieeretary of to. the propriety of rais
ing, by appropriation of legislation 'revenue
from the mineral lands of the L'oilott Stites.
Tho measure provided atpier last session for
the removal of curtain Indian tribes have been
carried Into greet,' Sundry treatioe have been
negotiated, whiab will, in duo time, be sub
mitted for the constitutional action of the
Senate. They •03ntain stipulatious for ex
tingniabing the possessors rights of the In
diana- to. /ergo and valuable treats of land.
It is probable that the effects of these treaties
will result in the establishment or perms,
moot friendly relations with soar of those
tribes a. bare been brought Into frequent and
bloody collialons with our outlying settle
s:meta and emigrants. Sound polley , and oar
imperative. duty to there wards of govern
moot demand our anxious and constant at
tention to their material wail being, to their
progress In the arts of civilisation, and, above
all, to that Moral training which under 'the
bleseing of D lvinoTrovithmee, will confer upon
them the elevated and saaetifylng Mermen'
-of the hopes and consolations of .the ehristian
I soggestedln any teat annual mantra the
propriety. of *iodating our Indian system.
Bob',pent seance bare, aallstied are of its
noccreity. The details eet forth to the re
port of lb. Beerotary t will evince the urgent
need for. intsnedinte.legicintive action. 'I
commend the bcceeelenco of :the Inatten
tion, ettabliche4 or. patronizqd hy the qer
ernoseat in lbin dietrlco, to lone severtis "end
fosteriog care. .. ,
~--' ~. t
~ ;~
. .., ~
"c `','"
. ,
•- • .
' States t 4a , P l lo 2 i4wirusto:
South Carolina. and North Carolina, s number
of persons not lots than oue-tenth At the
number eitii'votes cast in ittCh state'at tbo
:Prealaiiiiiiil'idaaßciatof the year of our Lord
. I.B6o,lcitchosvitig • mien the path aforesaid,
and Sot haring ,lace - violated it, end- being a
qualified voter isy •election law. of the
State, existing immediatekf before the Co.
called act of secession, and eXcluding
others, shall re estalash a State Govern.
meat, which shall .be Republican, and 'Cleo
wise contravening said oath—eneb shall be
recognised as `tbe true government of the
State,cuod the St.eie shall receive thereunder
do 'benefits - if '.the Constitutional provision
which declares that the United States shall
guarantee to every State in the Union a re
publican form of government, and shall pro
tect each of them against invarian, and on
application of the Legislature, or tho Sams
tire when the -legiehlature cannot bo con
vened, against domestic) violence. -
And I do farther proclaim, declare and
make known; Oat any provision which may
be adopted by such State Government in ro
tation to:the freed people of ouch State; which
shall recognise and declare their permanent
freedom and provide fez their education, and
whiehmay )et be consistent, as a temporary
arring•rnent,with their present condition as is
laboring, landleu sod homeless class, will not
be objected to by the National Executive.
And It is auggestod ea not improper that, in
reconstructing a loyal State government In any
State, the name, the boundary, the subdivi
vision, the Constitution, and the Federal code
of laws, ad before the rebellion, be maintained,
subjedonly to modiflentiothr made neeesnuy
by the conditions hereinbefore stated, and
such others, if any not controrenlog aid eon
ditions, which may be deemed expedient by
those framing the new State government.
To avoid miinadentandingitMay bp proper
to say that this proelamation, so far u it re-
Lidos to State governments, has no reference
to States whore:in loyal _State governments
have all the while been maintained. And for
the tame reason it may be proper to further
say that whether member, sent to Congress
from any State shall be admitted to seats,
constitutionally rest* exclusively with the rel--!
spective Houses, and not to any extent with
the .Ereeutire. And still further, that this
proclamation is intended to present to the
people of Akin States wherein the national
authority has been suspended and loyal State
governments hare been iubverted, a mode by
which the nationsdnutbority_erar inn loyal
State government may be riesstablisliedwithin
said Matti or any of them. 'And while the
mode presented is the best thirEssentive can
suggest with his present impressions, it most
not be understood that another'possibla mode
would not bo asorptable.
Given under my hand, at the city ofiNaiti;;.
Instep, the eighth day of Deeemberrd.
one thousand eight - hundred and sixty-three,
mid of the-independence of the:United Stott,
of America' thi eighty-eighth.
By the President :
.Ww. , ll.'SEWLED;Fieerotaty of State.
864. THE 1p t' .
Worntr4; Lid ICerning' I Wedneeday tad Balm,
: THE PCBLIBMIED doeire to tiekhowledge
Die !Latin , with which their : offarts - luwe
been crowned, during the past lear, and
to ask still further efforts on behalf of the
Gszarrn to the and thatini sphere , of in
fluence extended.
.lathe purpose of . the ;pub li shers :to
render the Gsznrst, worthy of the litierel
andlncreaaing-patronagti which it is new
receiving.' They' flatter 'themselves that
efforts;to 'this and,-during the past few
years, hare not been unavailirviid point
with pride and pleasure to the greatly In
creased circulation which die Gszarra
luu; 'now attained,' as avidenthitliat their
efforts have - been appreciated by an in
telligent public. •
During the, approaching year,,the-grimt
contest forthe the, PreSidonoy willpc
cur ; the circulation of a found ffWon
n'enspaPar h the sareat and moat Caoroilii 7
kat Method of spreading truth and edict
bating error; it is the moat elliciant tind
reliable campaign docuthent Y./ .;
Of the Gazers is now . a subject of pride
to the pilblishers- With a„ corps .of en;
ergetio'and talaniedgpeCial'6orimipelad
eats abbe ne4rtieentrei of the day, they
are enabled to gird; from day to day,
reliable and copious dispatches, which
are micirstvis roams GaiEz s , and place
It on tt par with - the mostenterpriMit . g
journala tho day, 'East or , West. The
same liberal outlay, for early , and
new* by Telegraph will' be continued,
notwithstandingthe war and the 1116 6 51 y
ed exponie - therettonL z
From the Army, brour own Special cOl ,
reepondente, and from rolvinteer contrib. ,
ntor3, &hall continue to bdo a prominent
and intereiting feature.
11111f00.11.11=01/2/ Int!.Ulf) . .-
Is conducted by one 'thorotighlY qualified
to turpishrollable reports of daily traniw
actions, from actual to:dee. The quotationa
of Produce ; Cattle, Flour, Groceries, 04s,
do., may he relied upon as the actual
prices, from day to day, thus tarnishing
a mat intoreithig ad - valuable' foam°
for all amino of readers. No expense is
spared u s procuring Telograp to quota.tiona Froth abroad; in addition to home
reports. ~... • ,t, .... :.. , ' , 1 : i
tea a - swgpsioirsrmrr,
DcuiPitircordiizakeelt-the war, met
atcessarily altsorlt, a , good ‘ dtUdspf; the
publio attention, and will ho made a
prominent featurti of the °sum.
..tet , cm =natal. DErsPrtnevr, - I -;.!,
itskaiiite inuriediate control of tbi4mth
Feletliiicisided by on able corps of *eV
'stag, will be , cosdpoted in tluttaitoites . t,
earnest, open and candid manner NAltal
1 ' ClinlliCitteitlidi :to In' : intelligent
publie, :-Tlietliscrst is an independoUt
.14crustacsi - journal; bound , to no cliquy
r and antrtdtfid;b,y no cabal. '. It will, in
its editorial columns, distal% all ppblio
.measure and PRllua.Pr ' 4; !rill ) .- • thatfree,dom whit!' le.„the prerma i tire pt . 'O4 tt
trlminOliti ilia' fed*ata of a
liqtc 100 104St4d;11602x1"jnlif se *Psheretofari df . tzpit t,,witht
what It .may,Litirj Lefbzt o
trekidatt to *bduk i ..t44 ;004_ iild
`wicked rebellion,, end to rotated:ANi
-pormspea and aPhOnotiable pt :;To ;
this end it , will stria to promote-the
.e/action„of: those who.sympathisetritli
our goveptme i ntj t9rl will hold. op to
meritorscOnt anii k iptifsk . .those tiara
sympatitiiiii":WitrUiliddlislM - Wotdd i '
either - coinitlY 'Cal ifitaitti, seek to wakes
the efforts Of ' eke 'F's , aiderriati laislcottiti
thermal adrifiers:• - - a : ;: ,, ;':';-
: . I :', •':.: ‘1.•1:, i r t ri Tiii 1 1.:. .'. ; •
...• • .
1t2400,R, my nikr, zw:w.:.,_..-. 10'00
sl„tr et') . e q1:.....tee, seenetle e : Ii ~ : -..........24 To
, . - ''
-,. not, o.onarl.-.........' -1.0
3 . Xie:5 4 4 Ailt3 7 , pa Thar 1igia11id;f....,.,...';-4 50
: 1:t
ties telos,ewiarsestrpso.:.t......l...._da oo
?± i.O .--..a . ,- -., v
-..w..ti0te'.._...-. i so
. 11 0. 5 .i , ..0 , '1tr -, •ste,irf:;sit43 - Ki'.':,...,...i1:,. - -....; s As
tt-••„, :.: '_, ft ?_ OO ,
_ -,-- -
„„, <
. •
t'll PUB
•tr - Vi PIRA- Ii4TIOISAVIrANK - 01"
ALLLIMICNY.—Thd . Board a Dixectopl
ua. day called 4ia .an aaitascuist.or flfty-Par
feat. or tha Capital 'Bunk of lb* Itret. tiationak
Bank of Allegheny." payabit on the tart, at,
theot oflee the Meehan/0i Bating,' Stahlitllleaktny.
T. IILANSTiti.-Pretlaeat
—Tito Lobo 'memoriam City of rainbows
aro Invited to aloft rroprctloir Okra for
holdlog oloottona, on EILTUBDAY, =Lb tostatitilro
twourtio ltoorr of 4. Ord 7 tt'rlocii. F. to, and rote
Ow thaws for Mkror •
Oisorttisco for Dlrocar of the 'Poor
and alin for cardldates bribe rot picUrelll'ard oMmi.
The Joditse of the Primary klictiont it 111 _met at
the TOWn HO'Clionn MONDAY, lath hut-, at It
o'clock a. us., and tam up the I nate of the ramped'.
predicts, tbs' person baring Om - highest Nie to be
declared the ennulocs tithe DOM
Oaken of Illection. are instructed to refine all
enter easel by tboonuto noted alitluirt tbo Unbin
Ottlee and Depaltory, DO "Fourth
PlafirDZST—Tllo34lB BAXEWL7.I..
Oontributlow of away aka goods mak:lir/.
&one mat to al wt. of Ow srmy
Information fursdabad In relation to Ma aka Mal
iroundad in the Row and liospitala.
The freight on ipxele deemed L paid here.
ea dewierment List Ibe 18153, con
Taw im leonine, Silver Mate, Dm*yea it t =
Limns Duller In the 4th Division of the Sid Pena
District, nicaprishig the nth, Yth and nth Warde of
the 011 y of Plttabargh, and rill Township, along.
log that part north_ of Pena etniet, too been noised
from the itasiwor, stid the Tessa are now dee.
will mocha the Taxes ea .abressid, at the aloe of
Alderman DIITIAII, No. 120 Wylie onset, from the
fiat day of Noresaber wail the Inthday of Deem-
Dor, 16611, latitudes. flatware the hoar. ofY and BIC
en, after which Ow the penalties prima= the
Law be evicted. JOHN HEW
Deputy Collector 4th Weldon, =I
dektdelf, .
_ •
PENNA. ARTILLERY, (tho o/d Notta`o
• Sonntios {!OR and VOA.
Morolts •anted for fhb .kafforn Plttobargft
Eatteri. Moo, Jo 71LACEINITH Tooted Dar Us
MIS. &crofts =listed for coy 'Proorylrin4fLr,
'Mary. Ofrralry Infanb7 In tholloa.
414 ot 37 B=6l' ofrosolitory to!
• H. o - LA
sortoodto fart Limn. cod liocraftlets (Corr.
.Amsauix - Locor.s
OBE il L I)E.M
. .PBMY; /4
10 'dellror hie Wanted reply: to BISHOP
80110:NS. Drrzwor Ot 11.11ZSICAN SLA.TICILY
at SOUTH 0021110 N -IL H. , CHVBClVAllegtoary,:
oa 2111111SDAY Irilai732l, Dec. lOttr.. Iv fro ben
.2t of tho Sanday Sobool connected slob that cfrarpa;
Ittaketrientarta, be had' at storm of
Pratt* and Manna Charttlef,Tederil St"
me at the Hook 'torte generally Italtte•
tO commanite at 7% o'clock.
MILLE rum.—Tra aims an=
tor sew istembert at tech Atiste atiatoting:
and llaittlesetneVUZlDLY sad. 711IDAY LTEIt•
MS; 7 , /.. Latta' sad CIaIdtro.II9IIMELSDAT
sad gIATIODDAT AF1X11140033, at 3 Watek.
tructos anusta t
Aaidts,cotirte at tinety1m0ni.........11
Per Lad' tad Ittoor, "
/or Calktres, " '
TEL—Jttiejlat qr . sald Ono=lite* oda bi
at the eke of -ALL BROWN, Tin
dont, PlUsturgb, onTHLITIADAT. Deo. 10tb, that .
at o'clock p. so._ •A. K. SAWA Obolowd.
t - 7711.E - SiKYORALTY . OF ALL 4
Sam IMX71,11; CM meat
sotlethitoo of cialq cilium
_hi ANCoselind to wait.
Mt moo to %mod so • amildsto IDt th•Xammlty
of .kubleamr try d tho onniof =Mimi elm.
JrEU' AprzitriswrAx'773.
arcaurrnrci PURPOSES.
, /Waren, J. F. ESSEX, Utli 11. 8. Infaretty,
delol2 llatkautflotel.
PRZSIDESTI 1103.9A.G1 In tat, In tan
IThiesar4 far ea ...e.k; nom ready In wrap
Sven for
TO lifta st. . DiSr , ‘ No. mann. Price fire - antia, at Stank Clines
BIIBIL Nrir panni . cronauFern.
To arrive sad car nietj
- -
ci 00 D GIRL, WANTED-,To :do gen
'Ur arankaaarmt, a abartallsaiiair ill trace. _
leia l ti llb ""*"" A 8r1:1111 077103.
cyg REWARD.—Lask on- , Taeadij
AIE.with steel elate, arstetalageboet 5340.' The
O shoes reward will ba,paid ilte 4aiher J 1 leth,ahlEllS.
CITICELP FUEL The, Pitiebneih Gee
001441,114itabilfte masurso,
taring or dometcpti,i• 414 ante - par traslal;
to th=le . tiat .
WAMED—In am old.astabluihed,N9 !
tion Baps. In Philadelpbls,
Who eta laillnlet 'cask sad short•tbso,
&Woo. ISOZ ba ZS; 1%.1.1,a1.1ph1A T.
soso ofgmd ot-n 4 wlstiog to Lo
Ploroaallo Smear. Oahu • El [mike ea
Cut Cr in boaloom lmtich Doak% oaks
wu penuolly med. Ilatltsctory notimmoi ea to
(Om addrooL "T. rt.. Dos 14.A.Pittatrargb P. 0."
121, ger Lb, ars tuba mart to pad anatata.
Ikealntl at City Trammel tam, Tubb . iftra
<hubs Ebbw. bours,ot as my nit; Wa.
Waitaser atm; opporlta tha Was. Warb, amp to
$ itt. am: a Jet o'clo-' JAL ck m as. • , -
&Lb • • l9XWMAW,Coilectie„
WADTISE AND . Lt:frjro/1 . S
HMEW TOR Oallerio
Coat Tairsuml Visa,
sm art 44=
teak 1401•11-to 6.1)17-
It "Va
%kb* &Di.
J-11,11° ra
• W
.EF.PM I Q,ArIPT O •.'
• ''' . . -- :-...r . :0AT4!!. 7 4:AE7-'• .
- -
• rrns.amt or
what'. irib.iftuao Irak of
Shales. The larpropuram •• Vinatair
aom,, ea eersaileremariaall!nate; /. 4
abundance of wider os the
Boccie SO Lot slog
' 7 41/W ic. " 011161.
PUBLIO BALBANe wilroffer fa: sale
the tort of 1/4410018 sm aS
161.3004 1143. oturAtlW D 144.11.410
MILO, orittat. Lot. motodiol Warr poor =MI
cossoctool ulth Ur =lll4 Mors. lirogoit And bar.
nook perlos.tatolll".23oW fat 1f IMO% orlitf
rrourr ottroreLliotoolwasonao
&Ls toooosamoiroLlq'olo - .lL'o; ay t . l4 4
am. In m s
, e 0.=.12 biriaLsooto oron
riot, boob ems tlat
tow, tali. , 6:1. iIIITLIAWLE MUM,
1101palih . MAG14010:BAL14:
;IX Ifkallaeavambnaddi; WO. i. , 7 . ,
I[ts ll :l=rot r . (jai
ilgaqtallEM*W,ll!" .
gf rirThr4VOlM! t irt l ". ll ,r.
! !
- 71:01MWE lECOUt,
- <4444
lotto' to
to am*.
-• • ,•; •
btreeaW odiod IfoUt
z,. n. TOXOT a co.
Jrifilr . .sarzn2/m/rwr2 , s..
140011 MNOSNititttt,10,14 -
.:„iared g qd
Ma g a i n l e. l*- - s 4 7oPaPecre; -
How red7.a *MO aaortmrri► Or
iCr the nolidijs; si bils prices.
. . •
Ama DIARIES Fog 1884. _
L fill itockat STkrlONNltriffilnlikta. strip
ent Asa& Tbs BMW ESTAIDEVI tbe.l4`'VA*.
All 'Um -pima- .NOELS and
oar Embicilpttopc Tr.:wind thr x
i ' d ' ea.. • • •-•
STATE OF ()1310. , :—Itanazsos
Mr= tr. 003121:141 IL- 'D..
and Bolt. Gtont k stone TS. Bleuhrnvida k laditna - -•
It: Yt." Petltioa to fauna* Ifortista .
The unganlgned hat been Ripon:ad *oral Cone".
marten in this ans„ to audit ths elaltak=aratair
oahl Coniptay ; theater. noir • futtirl tor: - - •
holdan rain! to ;cutout the ntsoPitta t nd
Mee to gtalibtatrna; on or trithni
or.outuksr, lot; lad th e midi:Wm - brat:l4oora;
Sall an trany turthar aoudad tbat indica* in tat. ,
We erne maw', gortatitio of 'mkt italtnedtkote':,.'". r
gray ras taltanat the - Ntrombor lama( add Mart, - ,
nod a nay ettzetationat the tale thereof inttll'the , .." . .• •
dirt day of citatory. link rat granted tor/able
.credinst et told 01111:11410 ling "upon the pita
heretofore anbadtted to thamfa ft. norraultaitta, •.
aa on ord.r awls will rotrinlybo iota& attar tint.
mid drat clay of January; 1601, =len atodaiddarett!. •
sad creditors by that thus hare strrdeled,ta
their wean to the dtrreador otonorhalt thetra
and thalr intrust On dietician,* anima the ten- • _---
Pa.}, ; obi; 'Omelets, if poribla to avoid stal -
and mu» to Jim Btoclaholdan ens-half at - Vasty -
rock, and the anterind tree/ton Shen dont; 408.
bat fatnest, lurrantly es. 4 torn . sati tto fanned to
• JONES 11011-818, barstarl ibnPagr 114-
tbsubctrille, Ohio, soar catidures of "mat sad • : -
,aildentat a ladebteenotratitit ruthtottyasitha to
snort the plan of norrannatios ran WSW. iWYIT ,
- •
Ilsoetterana,fprebl Otromtantrer ;
- &MIA ":. • - 1.11;14. Oa
pAirricuLAß .NOTICEAsi xt be.
came a nutter leachine the - test Inbriade of
eery Zits Woman and, Child to Lllegheny tatmty
to see that ramify Is not.wtaandmed, and tbit, what:
eatendlasthe hard earned 'alai pothasears I
bat este and wary' hours of tad sad - -
bosom the duty of entry parent - In one that
taint L rewired, and lowathltd tinsel& ant
,ththlnedi. thew remota 'marooned .ttertli it Ude
time, a. .Aar. dally Wed hourly ratledapotr
She plasma **Oaf ennepoorventsa e its witlth
ot avail she relate the kneel barer and atay
I. world;'—bar born, has .wont :'-t
-lorth and nobly battled for his arcurtrytilhiePr and :tr..... •
Nation's - nog, and now that abe I. Mt aided Oa •.;
Ando no friendly hard to std bar; birtiCP.metre.
.2 -,
07; all .0 ready boom non 001118 U :0h ad
rantaterd hew barperthow; tad Attila use tantow ;•• ---
-log' proof la hand,bt Norma Boottettelt bitalltand,
gliird""a tr "'"". r
.artar Ma date I will '
hY warrant wary palleidllatta ow s
abort sold at COACSIIT 11Altele • anwas9md..da
rum slaw , bib, want; awl In no"thittharthlv or 4 L•
eel= to. VlOCekilinCt the 411 CIUNIetO he 11,: - - - '=;: 2 2,
forded ter the wort made iso ihetethr Wed dlt
aatlallictlon any teroar,Sat thyteltto this
tint wort orb s IMP. WPM 1 47
'Mt 11124 swami satstarldel esselat,
H 4TB . 4ND PATS 1. -. ^7:: -: '' T.'.;' , •: ,, i 4, - - k , '-';:; - ,-. 7,
71-m3rEr*,. irciiiis )! ,, ....f. , ::,
. ...
o :,overiXtutoidtroUtlV-i,.::1 „)
To adt
. 0 tartar.
iti CBTORE.—Wei
arrizewitoetor I.llo soo l 3 l,o Ditntedii4
everitlf ar pertaining to a drat elms:llaet goodw-„,
Monad ea. 4* Idtklaitaat, VAcIAP: 3 -fi
stock, which, .Ili ta, Ito Alport co= prised. tOOMO s Z•,
,;* L AZOlgeti
TOold do Ivan I. irrhak
tea Mak ,of , Prot. w. ',awes wait
'armf o ammo% the ("0121 not ,ti,,tookover
auk or tom days. • •
• RODUCK- •- -
• axe mg. riaci‘u;siii;waitiku . skin . 7 ,e 4
s. Irraa 1110111fintiN,.
rxe au. thous iddisoldwtf,ti
1008os. Fanc7
• -103 bbh. IDaa9lt .
leotnalL`Drid HWeir.` ';
-'lLoDeno Haulm Minin , "'•
100 do Women •Ererem: , , 4,•• -
150 der"Rod . fair
. • tikklio:lNusidy .Fl4par, rack*
• . .
7EO baith aterniE , • '
In stiies mid Daaniyi sod toiwalo
del=, • • ECHIDNA, DlV3.llietf stead:: •
GEtatitiS ALDPI4,
- .
26... so
D iOB'niAaskAGAMEl2ll3=5;llO3W,-,,,,---t
ICER laida,..oad:elor,lootesonda
• Wilda& deed., elds wittdodlesd..==
Aammia stated Re Rumens: aod,
lo 'Boa - LIMN *o.. E4rapid 'dad - Rooms :
matlierthr Lirac - te.: ha- -
-;" - ' 1 6,siunerosA__ -Deo:
..10111.- BONI* WaSl23l.—Pheeha Oxelthe.
Vim Derthef the Otty etAlleihiern ere herder
solifiri Slakhz& Susi for 1163 .114 , to
velestilh Oho Bete. et the Merest rata. c6ecn4.
Peopeeete teethed .eILBASCFALthri the Ittl or
My meet ?fate Cottusitttee Ciejrlactem • . •
&tat City Tessiare.
ITO t - FOR - THE - ••Diarr-Reirsoas
chboio g KLIMP/191gbia bob •
iflamitibiginsre- • -
•. - 110411.1•01drithanit4 : '
SUE dolma b
hat 44 ,tr forum Into rgar... 4 - 4 2 7.:
• .
"VILE BE b 0 • (F.A
_T os taw.l3ll/17 •
111. at IV a.
boo" bo. bot Liberty um*, to UT ktliblot / 40 1 1 '
ietaN "alb G.mer'lne" 7 ° 26 1'
• ttantt - - Llatst:Cat. and beriny Q. . Goo.
'4I ( CtsRfODD• 41116.1 MIL• tviiin at& . Drink • cs.
pa ( Mfflafaioul pre Ica of= War, • „ ,
dl dug. szaet; kjutes, -Wm
dram, vinel4 .ol4
, 1 uses) WCibr.
•dot ...B. cunt T Kat. t at
CIMINDBNI3ED fdliAlt.A3o2Vituait
eet,Treted tent Me Met me 4 ewer,
fiet - won at ttat, sad venue) geed ateour,
thee JOltl•CdTed lad /0/ sinis try
' • -
ZMOILIiD 1 111A1011-A.V frealv - anpPy
t..),Stat arctind sad Ibr tab) by.
jeitly Orrery/31am re:
UttllaLll7, -
- - • &Tim Lowry sal
.9..EEDLESS, sum, Toy
0.1 JtoszetthitL ..Alioacatotiklereltba.
btr.luet Outer bad Ibb
b 7• -Rama_ w --
ase , • 'iornet mars ant aaale. - , • •
Oita. Jotatat isle anti - /cit Stang =tato
Itrit.nrply at tties4 cuanive or
• /. a Katmai; ' •
-des:- - Se& SS and la Waal; amt. -
e 4
ay., cosi inn= kodlidaiii Web-_: •
S. abielCittirettet et- 4 .
11 3 4
.ifetighltp,t .•• c" -