THE . - DAILY ,_ . PITTS I'URGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 - - C l o.fitattraszoir, 4c. .....- —, - - •......www000ke.www................... P - nos. & CO., No. , 185 Lib ; .....,.. Jarrattec t „rutracirb. ea. wttanata Ora . : i ~. :- . o7.;•. " ltalossNaralsaats. wed dealers la 09175. .- B , DUOS, Pflo , VIIILOSS, BACON, LARD, BUTISSiII9O9. CUM% SI MN % dA4 PEODOCA ~ ; 'SUMS, ODATIS, St SD”, GM *SD D.sligo SAM•W„ lam Sal& and LTD KS -i 1311WEBEt.#t WILKINSON, Camas= i:.-----11L-Nrwassiss, Vaasa& dsalan In wrarras _-_.,-savx_catras, Dill ID raurva 80711111, (muss. sad produce Arai:wally. Also. Swat, 9' MOSS, OMB, &a., So, 21T macro lit air Qua adsanzuwata nada. Gmealswoows fo ndled altemd - IlUCISIrir.••••••••• Rif WEBOWN LINHAELT nom sza ago Gases Nardogs, Pion= Lao Mumma, ligraittarts, far tha iii. at Flour, Grtatil. Nth. Pa. eon, Lord, Butter, Iters, Obeetss, Besna tatlaiv, Gib . " ireathart, Potatoes, Pot and. Pearl /labs, • Idastitd sad lard 011 s, Dead and Groan N s , arrt illi tMosthy; Olovez, Plan and r ace& \ Gish advances audio au Gotudgwunnta. No. 297 Wye at., Pittsburgh. yOEM B. CANFIELD, Cama -43031 Ain Milsomure whola -114 dialer in WESTERN azszsur OREM% DOTTER LARD PORK, BACON FLOOD, FWD, POT pEAAL Asara, Lui. ORD AIM LARD OILS, DR IT andIRD FRU Produce Nan. 111 and 113 Front atm; oeF ,11ra. amp. Vit SH-HPARD J Ocrick¢ssuurii= -imam and dealers fn wl,O G AND P DUCE. No. 042 MEV laTheis PS. ,- :! VOildeo Wands of Moor for Baku. said M yon . clantantly on Mind., Marling./ eitontina paid to ”Illandirdors fbr lierchaadlse generally.. t coagly - --'• WPM. Ws ra t . .. swan. StaiONWEER A LANG Clamesaicrx .fts x ' lamb' deafen In 6MOCZ -4.i.r, , PaODUOR, ea. No. Bs9 street. Mttsbnroc, Ps. accad,dly CARL''`. 13._..L8E0.Hi !holm Asa ansatanniantroliwayllnanare for Ws sato of GRAM BUDS" (18113,14, MBODIIO4 hitr -and agent for the adthated Unfontauna C. J a nd Secend =CM sust "eats, Ix. 'worn W oodand Endlittleld.Plitsburos, , mad TAKES'DALVIL &130agrAct ow rams or LARD 9E auS Wwli try a:n=lW tho sad Ws of MUDS ASID !alinlalar.reaNaniaiccalikinalro wisest„ •I•WA 'I :1101 ittaCalitgor Way). •■ Worn it N0."1133 •t sow, ?law PEOIMICE, OBOOIOST AND QO 21113DIUHANT. Ormatimments reapectitiny selldted. 62&dly wa..zzoirAnos. insthurzuw.. ELREPATRIOK BOTHER, .00comais 03100 in A lik9owtokkw.). Wzcol.a. um/ 138011183, Now. 191 wad /93 LEGItt7 wizsmt, PlEtberah.! • • wP12:17 Wairut awl • 1 8 :um it'almns.xsa, VAL 0071111. p3c1,1 Partpar. liirRANl3 'COFFIN, -summon to AzsAromobss. Mom, 6 00, vraoLzssos. Glit). ORBS, corner of Wood and wan . stroote l. Pittsbargb. Ploali. • •• • 7 . _ - MBANK VLN GORDEN, PIODIRIDAND Camas= Km- mat 4 deader In FLOM DITT • TattiDitoollB,lsllD3,loAND_ CHNIZED, PORK, MUDD AND GIUMN IBU/T8 P,rocloss gon. trolly. Myra oat sthances touts on sonslspannts. Wszekoass, Ho. 126 &mond street, Pittobtann. lux= U. Tours. VOIGT & CO. oactoessor Go L. G. 145 PIIODLICIL62ID 00101:1=03 NEB. /OEM I. 111M611*..........1111L1D HMI& JOHN L HOUSE. it 00., Wanumsui Guam Ain Column= otenerat emlibtleld and • ilex streets, PLttsburgh, Pt. 17 1 44 (WOK, Plirl"t & tA.,,, Commtatula %I Ilbscaurts,ard dealers b asom - woob, 43.11Atti r to, Me. 12 abet. Pittiburtk. =O4/9 WAWA:KU JiIiAZELTUIi t WnoLkama Alt °soon AISD CALNIMISSION ALEBOUANT, m oor ut be Dismond• No. 18, Plitiburgh. t, . , . &11 Illi p 4.11. WARP, Wsour =1 s Lux Chwcsse .o Oomusboa abacAb.. a, No. 107 Wood street, 2lttlbbgh. .10.417 DRY' GOODS rruf SOU WrAtiMaernLVlD arcuumatt. WILSON,..CARB. CO., _ (Lab Waaa, Papa t 0o..) . - . . . • tea zle, _ __ I 1 AHD Dbfassno DILI GOODS, le. VI-Wood atrtitt, third haute above Littatinad apl&rdtt AJAX. BATES, DP.A.LNit, rR FLNOIe AND Orans Pat G0V118,131.KM.15.9 b sa A w Ls, 110.11173fiti argot, PDtsbargi, mad. to order. uirs is;r:ra. T ANA - Maikl3oY & CO., Dealitta - in AtonnaraN - asp DO RIO DRY GROW. a& 140 ',dorsi Wan, swat door bllow arrr.Har • asibma) Aliegtßof City- melkly MAGELIIII &, CO., Wholesale Deem trreIIIELYMNS, ,;;;:vgiumwout. DIC2-910(05, of !F;X 9111 39 994 19 IFlfth amid, Nunn. "341141". MURtria GLTDE, Wholesale.smd rota Deal= la ILASOW eeTAPLX Dia 60476, Tallataltlll9, /to., No. 73 React otrud, azto .Ifusinb, Pitub.rgh. 1 - -suttutint..g4u, itIOCCOSCO, • SO t OD., Wborea - a. Az Dtgai f . in 'STAPLE AND TAZIOSI I= GOOD?. Borth. -. LW atelier of Saanti end Market stmtp. tee 71 • • Ethisdni. WAtu wale andiite• U...sdateagat 14-411-kindsof TIIIMELLINGS, pIIY Ni.; i3Alili2Git ori Uxuarm la Orr , o.4.aoras, rid. ES ltutat Area, rrtrul., wad IXdi 141102113T8. t• JOIDWITO,Ni - Pante 17 POO PO DUMB ASD Crlizaneue, - nyinnamy, =mm , tISCVO9DS,II.IOBNINGSLUID 01L14 AW. - 08;o:;grint i ptioas tag - ity,ihicit Waren tilo pelmet n:4 El , matb.• lad tad Focal.% atteistsaittatoth, Ps. Ptssettstioes tourefstis Issipsmdse at all bomb. • fli r Wr: 4t, .I'W .7'Dm= and tianzaisaerof wain „.ggillmteACT Ogd MA Art • 1400 . WEIZILLaiLA ." ' 1 nit*, PAINTS, 011A6 winu.suss ma) . DIN Eft U No. 11111141..a1y 1.0i541% • • an oadors — will moll* • • • alteaU=. • 2 p4OH. • • llama; HD Wood a 'ired, ;tenor Ara la 3rteotarcb,Pa.; znota nut. . • -Awn: a k.iiiiik r • - -- - - TO= .1:111401B. --If TllLFORW . Wsoultiza Atl9_l=o, /11949 . 0 A 11112,40. ,11,013Smasuips, UT ÜbefflUniostbirigh. c,-- woo andOommtelas Met. -- UsiWviad-deaker la MS= arm% LMUI clegiineU Prods= gausally, SO Woodsirdsti • 'k eariVater. Intistargb. ..11:Uitt /16 . 0LUUJUWJSUL., (successor to IL/ hams, Bastook . Uf.,),Pau. faagmk .ad deairt PEMSIO2IOO=I/12 °Mats: and Praia str" 1.0 A". anooessor to Jai* itie . a Toorainid,) Pou Punts 1117)1711.10/1 ' . 1 17.81410.110.131cnu ot th at,aar ip .,2 41f44 c L/; ., 114 ,44 nAJWINER vonur, Alia:. SiM u. ' wfliEn PECLASIILIZZA. w Itaurr w l " varth.ei isawl wont& GEAR 1 11 a - --.-= Air 11777T— .1147150tt14 arooiiiiiiriOrriusNsrket gad Wsti Unlit& Ap i , 4.*UWlffin.! I !' 'ftouliv . 4lß - • Voxiut.' sf . 41 USW, _lre .. . .. ,nELABLQTTE:, BLITAIALIhuim ri -AdAgIMIO, AND iIIIIMCIAIi IIINTIIIIMIIIHT& viral lbir WADI' MIMI PlitlN gun iAl72 = 4 sturos, and APannox 11 - 00:5 :11113 TM Wed. MOUS &dr Ilbanlo l 4. Pa. aarrsyx*!olerhimd tate to ix. dumaaplo l• , WI: •• ,& BEO., A Ks= asp , Nosom. TILITIMMTL INA • 0010.411.11.141F110 - 01 1 091444 PLUMS. NO. . froptirownitatamk. _ snyla on? 4. imam-.. KaraOsciteßa U 'Wood mss; betwass peamimpAin,viterlamd, ALT... 400 bbis No. 1." Aho, Arb r oreofiat.sais cam grosmd Lb= BaLt, tu AO 0115 wartystrut. 111119/14: W4l, • - - 9).4 • 1‘...2 JEISCIELLAMEOIIB CARDS DIIQUIRENB BRASS WORKS CADMAN & CRAWFORD, vtalauscramrs of sTe37 Miff, of anMed BEAM TrOFEL FOB FLIMSIES, STTAIS OE GAB-VITTZES,- SL&OHINISFS. /MD 001.PIESSITHE MAW CLASIINCEI,,stan doetelythros, nude to order. talinidittlAT WOl2B, BTsAM AND PPITIHa and 1111PUBItifilgooraptty attended to. Partlcalsz attention pad t. titling no WIWI& 111813 P , 00aL &ID crimsoN =Bokih r Agents tor tM 1W the Western E MCBBH ri k tot el Penst g1)..13 PATCHY SYPHON PIII6, the beet ow haunted awing no salves, It L not Ilabla to get cat al order. and will throw mare watirlban any gatensat tyke 'tuts.. Fitrlti IMRE MUM CI OF ?I 17110L/lii/JAI OE EMAIL JAB. W.OINOODWZILL. WI dad air Third streakbEgnits Sartaaitaa Oa, and 111 roartb Moot. rabid il s IL BARBOUR, • • JJ' . - Wren A. L. want+ a DUO., Omar ef Am awl Cbssurpo fibias, .13,11.=, ennnltitl• 00/136/EISION WIRO Ana Amts bit thi els of DUPONT'S GIIEPOW. DIIII ' D WE= Mill . boass Os anuagemeat all d ada of Wean= bso. Max,Etd aultssassases thanes. ' 12. 13.11.1tetad fault la bad of Warahcms. 1171311 TO orama itArate a co., Plltaburgh a MIUR a Bkkstaos, . 41Garnal, 12s#1. " • IrLiclisats.nmk. ba nta ms' H. Bs Ford a bus. a . • pATEINTED OCT. 8,1861. Dittaidge's Patent OPAL LAMP CIMINI2BB, Nannhotared of . XI FLINT GLAIIi Thal Obi=las are Intended fm Cat Cann. which Math% 1 11 Per thhe dm ognally. ages nog B. D. DITHRUXID, fart Pitt Gisso Works Washington golf Pittabs=. LADIES FANCY FUSS ; oannasisre ?AHOY 11118.4; aura 7178 OAPs, ocazase 0 aLOYM Wall LSD 06.121 ti inn vanity aad elplart th•abongoodsaa hand tad tar gala at /131008 P Q 00.1, told &AWL .1) • • , VI • l) 115145.15 L WIM LA PITTSBURGH. Pd. PARR, BROTHER & aiaanfootosmo of arn MUM MITINID MAT STXII4, Spun, NW sapdOclogoo, of All ihrao. Warrante d aqui os to ky imported or foonotictnrod fn t6L Sillginos and W;robtnizz, and.a=r MI and andAffn nom) vi 7 foll:17d tus just re li Ibiza Ito tort, -** Isar/ Gavin Mr* as Lawn= BOOTS A.N313 hilitallita Adapted to this assion. Donors can be impplled arltb linDtrB 2 , /41i1838' and ail/LLB/18 o 18 Orb, antraaB and JLRQY tikalLB, at • cligia ninon* for mat, at QlO. ALB.IiZZ.E44I9 /11 - 00.91, 1114 - T. -nrn.r Won!) .2d Tot rtb rt. BUtilti ANL 6lititai, 013111,1,2 REDUCTION. Laiflue tog. Last'g,Cong. Manus $1 Tb Earth j/ 60 " n 1.60 a 9Co 1 78 Alt Übe: goo:n tolling Ysry low. int Lulta 11088,69 Oluket strut. A4pPOU 4, RILICH CO., VALET gotrzonor, Pittstrotgb, CaPlifamirom.So.llolAbott7 drool. Ittantdootarern of 0008, PALL= AND MIT. Lga EITOTIN mitim , AIIO2B ANDICITOMINGILLZP, HoLDoww do., Stool andalun Maid* Boll• banal Onstinp, Gearing, Cu, water and At. Pipe, 15410 Ina, Dog Irons, Wag= ; , 111!xti ... 1,2 ga than r Eggtko,Potlort,Egagers, Gar Whoa% Li. Gad Gontingt Alio, Jobbing and — IZaj Ciatingg =ado to order. Pabentod rattablo KM. with lilted= or Hort* Power. . • soltelOa tAIILL MINN itILL 41111.„kgler Hakes and Shalt boa liVorketi t .l , M lITEEZT. Boa, 20, Ti and TA. Haring smorod a large yard and narnfahed It with Nu mart layryvad maohlnary, am 'preyand to manufacture at desertyttan of BOILEBB In tba bat mazior,,and warranted equal to any made to tionntly. auntom4 BILICHEIreL MEI Me i "MN PIPER::TAWMIOTIVITOIIMSAKINDIENBEItt ic SALT PANII,TANEP,OIL STILM, AGITATOEB,. firtTLING PANS. BOILDS IRON BILIDGE4 BLIGAIt PAHL and tole mannfaMmara of NE. MLLE' PATENT BOUM. floyalrlna doe on the ahorteet maks. delohtf et9ll. 0. SWAMIS Produce & General Gominlesion Mordant. XHILOHAISDLSE BEOHIR, And data in all Wadi of 001:1W2ST PROWNIII. na Lamar =rim, na.tis a Pirretranan. Pa. MS. :4. / 1 :0 614 ISR . reaPPotfullY WI. lean= they oitholurof Pttfa&miff, that ha kao teen apooloqd solo sent for the Ws of Ily• & ml, oacloal PAILINT.%.&1:421.001111081TI PCI4. us tseciraaaadad by the largett.hotima In the cith Mat which en , • Axon, Buotykr & Ch.; lemma & Oa.. Moolizioo *Co., Om Urn 00.,, Stro.Tazition and oohs". • 10:10 'MILITARY CILAIMItS BOTINTI% PZ151510/03. HAM PAY, and icurriul CLAIM of annolptSon, polkaed tithe sub. todbor, &Sib* rad" Till PonskonhdlO OD: W *duos otalmoriS to. 0. 0. TAM; Attorney at JAM, Zio. TS Grand Week Iltdablogb, Pa.. H.H. Ho &um matalt-Wida Ott onno.d. end althWandian atm era % it ABB&3,ooumuA J../ThuLiiii ths most selat bran& of 0 4 . HAVANA 010ABD. sad 'All- Made of sasoara• AFD OHAWING TOBACCO, &NWT. WO 10110180HNUM PIPINTIThati e ta.,th mulc =DEB t% 4 nLI T. . 4 rtio • • Pa. CA A:Filbltli OALIMILL, (roettlior . 4 twin maw a °L.) PORE 1401113, ..:Jkatoor,itn ; p,st ' eAmoolum MUM 7._1: .7"Aalr4llDilff °Thrift rilt7r7 - 71 AMBECIff. BALI% -„ asonntor, Pmaros ammo , Damao AZo Oraourvanozi, .loesti-,140d0 ofiloildtwr, mostokodothpir eseitoaera toasolablo tame, - -Moo as 4We:we Viooklot . roos Smoot aidl iketaice obese; tedoboicro • Ode 0$ I 3 VBEBBNAB, RELIO. TROPltiptcrif !Moat exception the lamed and test irzot*cli . ot,J3pidlnalanto about tbs eel, IInT.D . OOTE oasx:thoi RITES23I. XOlO4 sad Loot et cat,ll PAINT-. 01 bbla -Mineral ,Faint, for a.•Ga tiuris, Radar H. 001.M. 7. -do& Ilvaanao Emma. by task Per 00. tuna... • M. wets-- la. 14 dog% aortas. * * 1 IltrizaT Lamm aloes {opts% pat 'tilt.. 1 Cat. old* old to 10, 0 , -1 - 01 L u abbot lOor =ore! - 143. -.and ono extra to , gni party.Audtat at* !pc I dab et Mean, Ira pill wad tha Iturced,platttat Gaily. Ice a glob of twenty, via will sand ibo tionazo Cam= daffy. Slot& ooptal,lcontl6. • maw antisattptiato Mak to &boom, and dwarf stop* whom do theta whys. • • (ADZ /LED WOOD °RAIDS 1JW00:1111 PHICIB, From Delaware and Vermont we have &R. flocs election news, showing that ths.Uniir, forma are renting the nem ecimpletely. In WUmington, Debtware, the charter deal= rotated in the enema of the whole Unini ticket in avers ward and precinct, and on mry Olen. Lawmen' the Union party has stain aweptthe whole State overwhelmingly. These are bat preninalUoro of the approaching ride that: Ponsylrenin and Ohio. Gen. Grant in favor of Negro Troops. A Washington dispatchto th e N. Y. Tri bane : We leans that the President has reeeired a letter from Oen. Grant, in will* he not may pledgee himself to aid Adjutantreetterat Thomas in hle labors, but also heartily eu doreas the 'emancipation proclamation and the raising of colored troops: and earnestly ex presses the opinion, that with thelatter, great results can be attained. For a distant, of tan or fifteen miles on both sides of the:Minis eippl, newly all the Anse hare been run of to the interior by the rebel planters. Poona Grant ham int out two expeditimuk,fer the. purpose of liberstlag gab slaves as can be found, and to spreadtho glad tidings amongst • those still In bondage. The following happy expression of General Grant's sentiments centre to Malone:read to his trhadi at Chi recent dinner shin to him in Wapitis. Speaking o; hit noble army, be sap They will Mac* with me that the Weara ble adherents of the rebellion, whom their bayonets have driven from their fair land, are being replaoed-by men who stimowledge he. man liberty as the only true foandatlon of human. government.• - - flow Wilmington, Delaware, De. A Charter citation was held in Wilmington, Del., on Taosilty, contested upon a square inn, of support or repudiation of the National • Administration. The Coppuheadpapor said: .The man who sot*, for any Administration candidate to-day assents to all the bad acts and worse designs of thole Abolition powers which now rule, and to the abandonment of the highest. Ckftott of the Consitation. The vote for the Daroomatio nominees is the hest inane of condemning this wickedness, of re. basking thole efforts to establish. &negro aqui , JO - utters-I:kt= therironi,-1s lbstAtilitehr 00nm:citation or 'lottery a death' they base eontrlireg, which has carded woe and *raster nation into so many hOomtl4 OUT success In alto:log dm Democratic ticket to-day will be 'one more step, and e clout one, toward the .prayed-for diatom:its and Twice." • With this nada:standing the people voted., perfectly free and untrammeled. The Union ism rs•elected Mayor Glipm ; they carried every ward, and every . division of a ward; they elected every member of the City 0011 - Cil, the Treasurer, Ass• ss ors, Aldermen, and Inspectors—in short, they sleeted every can didate voted for. Wilt the Peace Copperheads make a note of this? A dispatch to the Chicago Tritest., from Ohampsign county, give a very dark, but we trust exaggerated, .account of the de natation in that vicinity. The writer ens the crop. are swept down by thousand, of saris; that at least half of the corn is cast down, utterly ruined, and some of the most advanced 1) damaged. Vines . of all kind., including every tender plant, ari killed. Nearly all the grapes are ruined, sad the to beep° has turned black and Is &latch spoiled. The cotton, which had been so extansiVely planted, is a total loss. The farmers are cut ting op the wilted earn tow* What they,can for fodder. The apples are dropping from the trees and the. growing pleader* wilted. On Sunday the Ice was an eightb of an (nob thick. The result of the eeeond crop, the writes thinks, will be neatly as bad as that of 1856, when corn had to be imported for feet. Vautors.-" the, 'tar .that nuar Mau— voted yesterday for Goma and other Stitt edloan,thris Cengreumetiond a Blatelatgls latate. Counting open the Orem of roan? Itepubilosiorethe ate Ino3ll .. ..ankyi, dlml e lobed interest always lwipan but large mtioritles t ind the little capital, they ooald mete Odt of the.draftrtheDettoeintlofiudon —a sort of mild dropper.'artliderinre bold enough' to unftthke 'Veep d'etall. they can mud the State with an aura worthy of a good , cause, and left no natemed• to .maki a strong light • N milk ' the Every State oftiou'elta' Ls Republican- ovary Congressman 'is ritoyablloan t ner; State Senator la a Republicani and of more then Any memben of the Lows Musa hisxd from as we write, the Coypus have got Jest noo, and so far on two towns hareem ma prides on 1414 si de. Oar Congressmen hoes =prides of 6,000 to 8,000. , The vote is lighter than fa 1860, but the Mattes proper. Cons are about the same. The Demooraq are entitled to gnat for nerstveranee ; they hare been trying to abut somebody , In Vilr; moat for twenty years, and for twenty years they have regular) y and hopelessly failed.— N. Y. Tr4toto, of Masada,. A Pima correspondent pf. the New York 2141mit into _ The highest bit of gonsip afloat is that Qom Vittorio I* shoat tocoatriot a sioond marriage with *maim Niadinand of Ppm gal—he who, with oharadirristlo Coburg *di. dam, detained th 9 other dif t the, paired illiPpotY• Worm of Groom • L uncle of theieta "Olitatit Wanted Priam nelatod c otfitally *mum, to King Leopold of Belgian' ontaeotal s lip manisge, with Arch; duke of Mitt% Iliaporrpr Mexico that It to:be, AM, *a, Tan Eitaanond XattatactV width saws at stsrythlog peculiar to s Pats' Adopt his treason, szatdsztansosi measure which .hs adqpta to tours the of that ties: la wary bitter cm hi, last fast &Y. M- I gust 21st. It says: "YB'l44l=l thanks, glans days strike the &Wont sear with a puritanical stand, dingrassais, 104 zoo paraminsnay haste Titsy mask of Latter Day sanctity f savor of, tha nasal twang; and recall ditagnisabLs remblownoss of Praise God %ram% tits Pilgrim Bathers anal/tar Tanks* dasotadaats." Whams Irani Buenos Aire t that the *loll war In the Interior'of the Argentine Repnbllo Litton snag•thr - Inturgonta having been to. tiny Wtted:. -In Uruguay the Intarrettlen of tion....lllorts lr 'WI =Vag, provost, and It Is reeelviag•tnpport :, front the Gonvanint end people et the Argentine 11,a;mblkt The Goecnuntwt of the Argentine HoPublie sbon. .thir, woman sympathhis with ".thr.' Untied Swam, and It has fotbiddert` the adtalttanoo to any port of tho Moamar Alabama. _ ~Y_ PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1863 9itts . ,intrgh 13511zeibz. S. RIDDLE & 00., BDITORB AHD PROPB,HTOHDo Publication Office No. 84 Filth Stria. HORSING AND MMHG KITAT3IIB, DAILY OONTAIMISO TEC lATIST lIIIFB er TO Tall HOUR OF PUBLICtAZIOZI. FRIDAY IRORNI2IOI, f3EET.?I O 1803, NEW TERME OP TEILE'OALZETTE, Nomura &A mos s by rasl4 Per Tar*- 115 CC O• • siontlita .11% • l& Moro Union TrOliziphs. Bides the Issue. Crop in Eastern 11111101111 Gorentot Ted on the neereaht Dem At the izineure outpouring at Clarks cocoas', Ohl*, Lit week Gnarlier Tod was olio of the speakers: Heinadeim &dud ruble opera, showing up the oitneloaineto of this• rebellion, the undamoluttle Position of lb. Vidiandighammers, and dearly vindloat• lug hie oweuouttesilinramor, domande:l with arbitrary arrests. Among other things the fiterailior showed that nutonavni siva]; craw* war. ,When was there a dime whin the great Dol omitic, p ot ty was opposed to tiny i<g . in which th o country had•leen laudirid. nth war of 1811*e:said they vault support It and , tlie next warVio. In 181.8 dui Old Eh ',mold support the country kr 411 Millean ca t x , iniri and vote. men,illAPlOns yin' ' - ple imp ply, as thki Would also do In the t irar. Bat now that thermal wst is up - tr;mOre : daagerou than any war haul, here ire these men who ea ll thenadresA s snolerate, end pretend 'that they ars 'the lin • dereend wits •of that old party that mu al ys true to the country Lamar righted wrong? They are working nadir the.Villandlgtuda lied In , earibel with ePsaceols arty faro,,!! on ex embolden you' will And all the iclidel4 DIM. urns are , tiglitAlow---Mandtherp the glori . one Lida ' ills, and promising, themselves for ' dis LUC mu also. iApplausea ;:,fille . next wu is to be with Dram in all prObability. You•canitratt the Toehold= ,Drieromat. The Administration' has trailed' them' with abisest the entire command of the limy, • - sr dustup:olb islide 1 , Thin, in little, we went down - 14'Ohuloc l ton.; I not down, as didl alto 111: Sseinoo, whom you know hero as tho moat Witte of the Vallandighammere. It was 'Arcot way' down to Ohatleston, and we had onadenble dieleultyln•getting them. I hope never to have occasion to go to Charleston again. I never want anything to do with that infernal , oiler. Ono little pinch of its whale* I want ' of the traitorous town. [Great utisue., Mr. Yancey polite, insfrinatiag and.elo quint—dead now, God hare moray upon Min. Mr. 'Tufty said he 'idea to ha* it di,. thaelly.annolutood as the policy of the pulp that the Constitution shall proteot,„Avery in the territories, and also the slaoldu In traveling through the fray Stabs abraded by Ms orvanti I IN said that to the Ohio dele gation, bir.J3penoe among the" On behalf of that delegation I asked, A Whit will you do if we 'Oil, atocde to it?" ' • ~ .. " We will seeede," he replied. There was not one of the Ohio delegates, not even excepting Mr. Spence, that did not rejoin: "Secede if you dam." Then and there we manfully bid them del. ancs. They did secede, and at that moment the rebellion began. Through all that smug gle Mr. ?nab was coneplecou sad heroic( In the Unicn party. No a= was marteeybild. In than George E. Pugh. He took up the challenge and bravely hurled it back into their teeth. Aid yet this the mu who to now mond lieutenant to O. L. Vallandlgtesce 1 (Shame ] IT 15 . 1 DEN01:1117i0 WAIL Thu, yon pensive, it is our at sad not the war of Mr. Ltueola. Ills the Drocooratio wty's war. We fkaugaratat 11, anersow Mr. Push buns Us back upon? his proud Pll• 'Won at Charleston, and will not tuft his noble pledges to the Nor.theru„kwisocraoy at that ClouVeation—tfus- Plate' Wit he would °cern theta, should ch., .• irde thattacmoka ream tW Blametul gitrar. Avian fL The Atlanta Nonfederal,' of Monday list bylines the attack oa Hut piths to be a gen eral advance on the pert of fteseethni to take Ohatteacogs and Northwest Gores, and drive back. Bragg. As we' untretand the mettle, our en.ire for th is, and as bon on 4 toil side of the Tennessee rithr, eking that river the Line of defense. The it Me country on either 'lido of the river. Ix moue tain -out —Thence yr detente Lase . the; one from near ituntaville, on our extreme lett, far up Into Bast Tennessee on the right. Thosholleng of filisttencoga on Friday, and 1 a t interests since then, Is no doubt a feint, the true object being to cross the their in forth at a me ether Dobai, either at Harrison, some twenty sake above Chattanooga, in East Ten nessee, or at Bridgeport, below... ' We hear that our forces have aothally been defeated at Bridgeport and driven away, and that the enemy have thrown pontoons over the Aver. upon which they have crossed In ven d/Wahl. numbers. ' We cannot positively vouch for the truth of eh!' report, beet believe it is correct. Vire think a datertnined movement ie now being made by Rouen= to eross Ms army at Bridgeport and Bank Chattanooga on the south, or to cross at Murton and mate b de scent Open the &ate Rsilroad at or near Chickamauga, and we shall not be eurptised if a severe hurtle Is fought on this side of the Nanette° river in a day or two. A Laza DOCll7llll7.—Speazlng of thmeral htaOlellen'e :apart, the N. Y. Trs7..sxo re marks: Gen. bloOleilan's edictal report la sold to make from 70,000 to 00.000 words. At thls rate his report will comps about forts col umns of Dibmis nonpareil type, and the deo. manta 120 oolamus,—sey 160 columns, or three whole Mimeo and one.third of a fourth. The General *enlist have a damn, spite Assiut the entire newspaper press. It would be a good idea to present the Andre estrind of manuscript to some one of the 14ra:its-by nine Copperhead papers that are .histing against the Government for netpublishing it. Three hundred and thirty thousand winds 'I o..dur Ali fiartbiTan Beran'e ammo in one beep would be a. trifle is comparison. RIII3I3IAN FEBBLB BPECTAUIda Mir —Notwlthstasallni Its attests of leafage Zth i VIIO MUM. MID !Wl* to sue O e amnia Elm= EIPEOTAIMES t • An nestelms daily the warmest swionenwatict tow tattoo& 611 Stud b Wad Is to examine ell otbew I=; thin all awl moodets ths 4171181.ial 1 mem far ads by J. DIMMED. Practical fjytJahh. tissrtaictuu of tbo !Malmo POWs Cprodse* fAte ea rw *Nat. armor Fed 114.110 - ;•firtIMIT —We WiTllOlll & Lux—We tato Darmethod at tafbnatas cis ki lt iVa h ldra &W PM practlao Dentida. Thom atm bboo. boos M i esldilar her a its="4o: 7 = name we dm Id WO hie ben Wed dia. t Z t = = ffi ll "' the opera mtib tiom or I.b. act Gana in DMUS, amth all thaw 'dabs the arrviam D. a good sad relleeloDeatki will do moll to 09l sad comae with 4.311D3 B. =d i D. D. 13, de nab Med ai,.Da. Q MG, letamme ' Ada O dmitbdold ft- ?UMW:a& ' O'NEIL & lifrONE3llll, warolitordaina_ol wusa wona. Han dimmed trend and make e'e order Mal Writ emus BOMB WISS CLOTH r diva% of st Idea t HIDDL _de lirgantab HUT? WOIIIILIrOB wutuovia; imam 0 1 Wlllll9o.dar te inure% Ao. ='anaimd WT.Ed ter r:ak, at fro' fD rtirre:Fo 371513111 13112............aaM C.1011 1, —.......J0r1f MI& DITTSBURGH MB 'BRIM MAN TIPACITIMISOICI. • gRaJMOVEE a co., wounu mz* -e .fismaartniszn i4 ram, .4 nirta • 1141) 4 11mlio,10,11 13111 BTreTBSTWita ittei AMIN. Baaarr Der l ;• Pi. Pa o.oAbra ara . r rfirr W. IL. BROWN 'MORROW 65 - 00., BOMA BLOB ABM ORSJUBILWIAL PLarm4,s. 011611= 3 AZD GLUIER; • • Op. 97 MELD 621.8.32: 1117NvA.N:130SittlAN,_ACO,E$ si g ht, enteiyro*ltgaii soikiheau% e/Shi 808 sake rytylova Wpri. IA Rennin. limo Biliftedandlik4ll tor NUM NUB tO soft alar. cduarty-be * sat? , . liroodouweconsT of Tura. • --"="602. noucJrrio.r4z,. pITTBBUREIR FEMALE COLLEGE. EDV. O. PEE 3111502, D. D., Pilswarr. Bur suszirszo COLLEGE is TEB vars. The zin term of the Pittsburgh Female left! coarsen= ma 1178/3DAY Mann WO, 8, 4 i : T i r &largo end able Weeny of sondem tenth= ben Linn omployed. sad hrtargemsate mode far the ao• oommodation of en. factessed tont= of- mita. Darn themamtien,tmporteat addition' hart bent . ourie, and the Oolleso now affords ussuspeused hien. Ms. ftraispirtog a solid owl conamentai education. Salve teerhen have been employed to ere tarmac too In feenala and German. Pardis remind to the regular Gollege dazes, or to soy of the ornamental departttenta A NORBIAL CLASS WM bo termed al the commestoteeztt of tho tem mad sir one In TBLEGRAPILLSG. rout? DOLL &E 9 per tam pays all expanses. Le tha bcaralna Mptrtmeat, except vitals' and Otel. fimd , to Ptahleas PZIMINCe terweatakcaa. anZls•ter..„ EL 81112808, Pratt Tricot/ea. p . E N NSYLVAN PA 14.11.1TA8Y AOADZWY. 'AT Mat 01111788. Vox BoudarrOnly.).-Tbs dabs of the Academy trtGbe resumed cm' TIIIIRODAT. floptombor 11:1. •Ths ltd• lowing gentlemen amp= the Lard of Trustoto Has. JADEZ _rouocts, President. Con. Wet. ADRIA. Ylou Pnatdeat. W. Z. DABB1114114.; Bearstary. Win IL 011.311 L-U• g.. Tnaostrar. 12••..Ttmt. Dud= Rik Jim* L. Olo•borp, i Her. Taira:ad. h. D.. Qualm B. Dungan, lion. l'ivald Tbropm. Goo. P. Bussoll, lion:OfoolosinioN • . - Wm. L. ?Flop, Don. John 73kb:um.' . gm. - L. Panoll, B W.,11. lobs's, • addloon Mop, ; •- OCer A . M. Bel}WA ll 4l, tio • ri ix Prtitiscn . Ml.D."Towomod, fbrolors Hyatt. . TM afrtutadas edited sr nut' aciatdratnoot of • thmuroghoobltso ettoostfoo ate tecoodcaly to thou of Wed Point. the dcattoodo italf lui oOmpcoof of thotottatify compotontimtrocton Tim Zdamtional Dopastotont mohm.s I'reisarriDollefes'• and 114.- mine morns. - - Outtal attention Is rokt to the moral litrnrtla of the cadets. 'O ma majr be bad of JOBB Benz, No. ea Many threat. Plttahrgh. • Ooh. THEO. It !Art mita= Wed Chests,. PL. SELECT 84.11.001 d, J. a. LiZiriLLL, A. EL., 1 RAental Pe. 111 PENS S TBSYT, P/3752308a11, PA. Ma. Vanua Intends to opm a Select Feboot la the Jorge Wry rooms en tho teemed floor of No. ill Peon extol, maths nut NON DILI OS ENPTTN BBB, MN. lotto. Greek. Greek, Preach and Ger man sill be Might, shin, oe palm CU be towed to impart -to Um yoga thorough tostrumbna In the wool browbeat an geoid' odoaatton. glroptato tp limit the =mbar of prigls, that be ma tare the bettor app.:moony ofa groper moral and Intertnnal mature, and mc= graven. 7 zsio—VG por full= of rholg Booths. o extra china, .Sudan. tuition 1 . 4 bopaLl damns Us Ant hat of the taw' Venn from 0 m. WI p Nitretter the 17th last. Kr. B: saszr be mesa dine at the echo.' Somme. duties the 'bee, beats 5013;t4 PaNN INSTITUTE, to. V HANCOCK" ET Fibobayl. lb. anderilined belt leave to Inform their mends Nd the yobbo generally tin they ban eaten tote pse tneraulp tor-be carpals of eoudiactgag glie above botiontion. The undo, O.r will 1:412121111011 is alit last Telefon, IWO peter:ire ter of eleven grog ks. la ulnae. 'Our drcolars can be bag se the pleclpal Book thin or si oar rooms. BET. J. 11. SHISH. A. U., 8 6. WI 1.41 A ma. A. IL K 8: M. B. MYES6' BOLDING aND DAY [SCHOOL for yams htilte and bll4 , en re ODOM on IVEDO4I, rept. ht. et Clo. Llesvock ttat . Vittebwzb CircaLtri mar be butt.. d or • pliaotan'to the - Prinp.l. s*l&dW AIJEDICAL. A F6:t•;:11 SUPPLI H IT ZI9IHEY'S elloll7o tlOl3 ElorAll3l IC REMEDIES, ro 'l' 1101? LTC lan 03 EPECIFTO azuzinte no. I—sor corer, Cortgort o OM Itnammaton. 11—tor Worm rotor, Worm Colic, Wittlng I. F.W. s—for OoUo, Orlin, Semililog nil Waked* ■or of infanta. - • . Ho. 4—Tor Dlsrrhos, Cholera Want= And Om oar Complatntr. Se. 6—Tor Cato, Grtglags t D7sikatar7 or IThxdi Itlos. No. 6—For Chola% Mott= Motets, Vomiting. Nc. T—For Omen, Ooten, Int Mouse. gore 'Moat Uo. s—Jrar Tociti.mbe, Tace , mna, N Oi the No. it—dm Emetiono, Vertigo, Mot Um& Do. 11. - 0-4efoptta P-4—Nor Weak mi Dental* Rosati:.. Constipation ml LlntrCoaifilatnt. orNo. 11— or FllloAbllmprolattlefy Rent, Illafaf flapprmood Nand No. 19—Not b run e t:my Profum Monk Darin doni of Ifszutea. llw 13—Par Croup, limes Oongh, Bpd armada/. Hw ?haplas Zama Pine—Por tryalpeaea, Snip. dour, on the hat lio.l3—Riiemeanie Ptah —Tor Pain, Lammas m Scream in dm Ghat. Deck, Loins or Licata, xa Bg-8. .d Pazhadona, to lawny Ditcharga and Nervous Debility. S?-Dora south, or Cantu of Waite or OD. area. So. SO—Prlaarr lama tlama, Walther tha llld Ha 61—Pain ol Period', pram or brmatoa. O. 331—Ordlaring .t Asap of U?. Prather. Ho. 38-4119ey and Ordinal. ewers, 191. VUL A—rot rarer atalagar, MIS rarer, Dumb Aaito, IdlizaartagoCazara. P—ror PUN, eltad or Elerollag, Internal er tarnaL o—yor solo, Weak or latlaatol pro and Erdidzi Wing, Wye* or Marred Inght. o—gat Clatvrti, el lon 'trading or moot, Mar i6th ofietracifos or mem embargo. W. 0,40 f Whootior Coostb.obatog Ur 'dolma. ALeulawartas. Tar Lamar Pethisia—upprameth, - ,Lar• Owed Breathing, attended with Croup and liapeoto• ration. !Woe 60 nate pir box. Fro Mr. Dkolsorroeat Doaforso,--Dishorga froth the Ireth,the malt *Hendee law Moths or Lm =Ws, Tor Bobo In theUssel, of Haar. lag and Bth&g In thalami sald Price. SD oats per box. ler Bwrilitha—thaltzgat Clandt l ialirpd and itte rall a,er awi rdca, 60 Z:7l, Gam& Dehirthie—Phythcat or Envoy Weak. nes,box. eithe r Q neon of Warm& Rtheadre hinne. cation et Itatuttating Discharges,Discharges,pida h •a9 ante pm - Dropsy.-,llluld glazazasdatione, Tainld Bufl. tam with Scanty Beerstkma. Brio, Eft. par Beth Aram Bigamer.oethathly Vertigo, Naga re% Vanilla& and Eltattara u thatina, ma, ID cant/ pa boac _ Jezr Marra Orara4 Banal Ontuntili Legion% PabhillUrbstion,Dbume of to Witham Prise, anti pew bar. NW &WWI iillll4ll*Me4Mitaday sal Ortoragleat Prattrationind Debtlity, Xitio mod rocantral and ofkliat molly knows, sad mb.7 naiad Rpm ea a art o . Price, $1 per boa. qe JOHN L FIILTON:‘ • • U01..67 as:) 69 FIND evorrity ems Agent forth. !Wirth Ocantrir. lUST REOEIVRD—At LARGE SUP CP • PLY OS SKI CUMZB We= ROM MM.. (I 111111a0 ) Lagiedir Lir refftealsglinks o sre.Qto. & __ • • Ll:mars MinOVID B LO OD EILLIIOBII4 8 00,==r11 =BMW _ ITSAILLISS'S 4111111WLIA. trr Zilri LAMUYSMa.OOII OF ToUnt ' DRAWS PLA SISITIOS 111==5. SUBBUSPPS Man&lXSaar the °Mg .1113° amarrairita hisTosim "DIOICOON'S Ste CEDES= OASILISAIVrir. 000=W8 MIDIOASSD GS& a. ECIIISTO ODINTRAL DIIMGI IMO/UN Cana OLIO and Paced gtns44 , In 1 11 4 41c1t Roar. , . 10711 WM. • 0 —4. r.:Orrimui riltATB itt3BlTlLLß;(onemsors to Wm. 1. Tar. Jr. 6 PBACPROAL PLIIIIII4IIB. Odd ASDISTWI TIMMS, 80. MY Lin es, PittrbitrAbald Bx - 69 Ultra West. ban on band and will Shruld. MILD HAMA LIAD,Bdat GM /lOW !MUM MOW= - HAM %vaunt ,oLoam s4 13A141 • Trlild It LITT,. WORCIII sad LLD U T . MIAIIIJO B4IId , CIJANDIMLI2I2I;PWSD 19133. La. Albroellreurrated smr•lirarr CENTRAL DRUG b'TOBB, , , .oxraer OAlo and Paing 44nds, albaksmi, OEO. A. zakta, Expiator. OP . ABELIEG eoDat i nt rmanize,, si ="rtydatiam gouriptt?lsioannaie M . rie." 114BOEIVED, PER IMPAESS, ;tlllB JLID DM , 10 bbliginal& Loptaa Pam "Is sten sad for sale b CRAB. O. isuassr.. , 11111 No. 119 Idtveg surd. VOLUME . LXXVI---NO. 262 04LB, !lit. pos. & Drokas la Crude & Refined Petroleum; &ulna, werastrr ST. iIIILADELPEILL itadinits eatraated to oga;eara win preaapipaesaaal WWI on.' lllrlenlion, Harley R Ce , Bnvaq ko *Co, Val DI Wa=d k Dinh, PftisbargLi Thos. E= . ll:a Pratt puk Jfk, a. 411. L. ha hila:=Kid 1) I; .Ta., AortiT, mit mural? sr. PH , PADIaPHLL °Ruin & BEFINPD pETßouom on Oom:ottalon mil:44j. All Okapi at moat ramoatolo Moo. STORAGE FOR RXIIISED m 000 l ookur. Pa GUDE cadet amt aboda. aor Fantimlar attantlou paid to OIL YOU Et PORT. Dar saIs—OADSSIO SODA, SODA LISH, Az. 01.130 t k PEMBERTON, WINNRAL 135 Boni Inoirr toafrei. pazLAD)E4TaLt., Crude and Relined retroleinni OA.IIST/0 ,BODL, BUM Airi, 1111111131 . 011 . 13 DI11:1013, 014 q, do, do. illirOrdm to bu 7 Of gall pramptlx attended atk. ' sally ALLEN & NEEDLES, Commission. Merchants. Partfmala: attention paid to ecaudipuronts CRUDE St REFINED P EtROLE Uffi L 12.211 &hump sadt. 1.7417 HENRY ROE, No. 13 Soars Sias: SsireT, PHILADELPHIA. BROZZD MED CONKIIISION 111120111IIT Crude and Refined Paroleans, ILTBICIATLEIG OIL AND BERZOLIS, And dealer In .Grade and Banad PETAOLZVAI HARM& naay BaBWEB" BURKE, & 00., ' NERWIANTB, Areal of ths GLOBE, r.tmuo Ai3D Lunar: OIL WOES& Kr Moral club adnums made on onsiscaosati of Relined or Craft Petroleum. cbs. ncaoem Wai aan HAXOOCI amsessi PITVIBLIEGII, Pa. isahly IRON CITY OIL WORK. 6. L YD.& Y I ciairmausa, Cfausibstrouts sad Banta. of OAIIIIOI9 uiL, DENZISE AND LUBILIaLTI2IO Q UDZ PSTBOLIJIIE or Mai, masa* fibarptbarg. Mike In MUT BLOM, Drussezi. Wax, Q37/1 WALES, WETMORE. & OODVezissioN" zeurai. 311.1Pe11itS ON. 2.ETIAULILUAIII Ila MAIDEN LABS, NEW 170 BIL. empu , &antes ror FITOBAGII MILD BUR PING. at War put sad wheal. Bra Hem. culttt OIL 3U Zi need net be embarrassed by the eatora=alt of the Belk when they eala bays their Oil barreled and at IM I K A salmi tonsidag the City Wharves, as cheep, mos prompt. • aria We emit, Lou trouble and to better older, at SIRS'S OIL YAIID, On the Minims Valley Da toad. abaft Lairrazioe• eillo, Ithaca Oil Is pumped hum the boat. direct to the tang aft p ad to t : s yxdat, Int cs Wadi without any dry or ro•ok irit• - An codas al as eirOtace at lard, ou dew Pasimuger B. H. Pet Ocoee edam, 110. Ooj rlttabutilb ; or I atm be .etas daily at tatettlV: c • DAVID SIM RICHARDSON, HARLEY & 00., Commlezlon and Forwarding Mordants, CRUDE It REFINED PETROLEUM, 19 INWII STREIT, Pr:llmm IfirlAbscal cunt &oust= on canigninenta tot br lasi= Market& Mom, J. 8. Dam= • 0o.; &Amu aukuilan. Zip,. tame= BALL. DR., Pmet Gortaastal &ilk. mhlthean ROBERT ASIIWOUTII, Mt. 1 M. CLAZA 1129.1324 Plltatink. Forwarding &CommlisionMenhanti AIRD MX= ro oars raTIOLAUX 011 es, tet.oxestsatur Pt sap tto kora saukst pica. ZILMVI OL I M I sxb canna arnacerm Nadia iork. f.mann _amp woomruap at: manmatar, Grows irzimairra - 00, iustrnemna cap sump g s y MANX L 17301.0•1030 011.4 Mas tia as hand td Tery bon quality of 0 4034 char add O vdthout *Songs°, good dd1110041:013. pose WWI% 110=0/01 add OLE GUAM ; 'wren 91data left it thh ES *11"40 dadrh Binh Mock dttward Sas, la In prom iddiddad to. • oah • DIAMOND OIL WORKS. RAYLOB • aura, unarm ARDLOspima - iis Eimuion Clafonloog b; uj to ambit. =mom. WI it tbatr otßes, Ea 11l HAMLET Want or at War work& Louromollbo, ba OIL. NMI I U.ISINT Q 4 ' - • otwita, InnFLAP:ik' 00., lbwa immummiga • itilynura BIM= eta= our. 0:116,no.U1 Idbettl gurn3. r talietedsts PITIEWITORA.a. R P. HILINDS, _ ' coma:pep inutbant. Dealer: In MUDS LSD SSIISID 9114 ILLS DOLTS, • LUDES% SILVA La, Lo. 1111r0111adn P>aBBY Bl.ooB.4oWagAlklttion7 Snot Ptutnaralt; brayd JAMES '"'t[inphaltter H. Qll-031-PPPSOLI ; . • - ..` acaia AuttubSis. • Orden lin at John Porterfield Ock.'s 021".cer air at Itaziol Sal ruin street% wit!' notes prowspl attaatiam... ___ OILS, rc. REM 6 CILLER, COMEMISION 11311(aLLIT4 PIIMAILIirgr AHD 118 PBODUCTS, 1113..1 CURDLES. ft.., ea anceznaneurr_____ is? ItAhID•STILIsXT...--.........P1T7Z51/ZIOZ • are to k.: ths 'FOULARD EXIIOILIII OIL WORKS WM— YORE I'AIUMEEI =SOLI, 00111PAOT,he G". A. OILUIELN. eats. 63 Hand area& MotiVEtMICE & CULLENDER, OIL BROKERS, 21.1 and 213 Eonth Water EL CHICAGO. Ipilirecittaigamiuits nolidisi ,m TO LIEDAT a gEOSIWILIIII, lii CUy OH Works Joan Pamela, I. Alater a Co. Jse.,ll. Oastaiumapang, Chalfont a Co. hfaelyd WALLACE 4 COSTIES, . CONXIVIOS irsficausra, , • quidasaanbi czyn a Amin PETROLEUM, , IEI9. a 9, ZfOliTH IMPAND SITBZET, auriltarap elipeollty (ander antra ear 15,000 bbla. Aka aroellent Otellittes tor eirl ppbi g so /..m.rksz sad %Wain ports, at oar wharf on: he &hull/LID Btra. ly roar the-glatterzo of the Pons. B. B. je2.64 /L 3 *WI sualif4W itisarr pBTROLITB OIL WOMB, gAzownu=l,P 6 I gum Cusco OIL, ttiNial." AID PIOMOIJOIDI LOBJUCIADIO Olibstaitt tuns Oman,' tiirnts HEISE tropri ctorz tor Cita, Iliraanzakinli Rough Pittsburgh. 01728 Liraleft-ezirca INDEMNPPY AtiAlltidT LOSB BY 71,1112.—*BANLLIN Ms& IPERIPANOS OOP PANT OP PIIILADELPELLE. Otdco, 435 and CI Obartapt Meet, aeon PM. Btatoment of Aerate, latuutry Lis , Issa, prthlabsof .Errata', to an art of Imeetably, Min first Mortgagee, amply ecommt-. 1,850,4 M ao Ikea Estate, vaL 510831.1 curt. lial,MM cu Temporary Lamm, or. ample Collateral Becsalda . 119,114 Stockr, (meant mare PAM tir o Off.- 62 . 783 O D D liotea trZiIMILI,IZI ao Cbab • ii. M 0 CO 41:4,06/ Ca ems'The only pia La from preadna4 w B2 bk.b Loa Oampsny can divide by law an Sum 'lake wtticit bars beam detazoilcied. Irutorithos Jr.. 10 eTery description of = i In town arid aoratry,,ai ratan as townaro security. fitzuo their inoaryoration, a perhxl of tb.frty yea: tho 7 boil 1414 iovoto by Axe to an =own ClCter=s2 'Pour Hatioas of Daiwa thereby efloedin erideza of the ad rater of Imrormoe, a. well as their alai :l sod 4lopodttay to =tot with pcotostritos .11 MO= 111 TENJIJ IiZMEE Marko N. Ztanckor. bow Lea le, moan/. Lewis, Jooob a I.mlth. Tc Wover, Itdward D. David 8. Brown, Om . W. B= Grs ijkAilLE2 N. li a =l l l7 . Freedom. V Fr ILALBD LL.E, ice y/edam Wm. 2. Fairs, DW Socomop pr D o La% J, °ABM= 00YETH, 4.1.4 mye Once Borates-It oar. Wood 2 ota W3.:MC.4 LNSUELANCE 00.M.PA• NY or PITTEINISCaI. 8. ittILLIN„ it, Prides, I Gl• H. INZIEDON, likartarsr. Ma, g No. Water stmt. Bstaatt Co.'s Ware P tait airl' atallraeTSDT RH sett Zia BEAL A Nome taaitattoo, akcsoced by Dinneen Wu+ an son /m o wsdo L6o colomoottk, : and pEo an dia.- 06101 . 0 . 14 Lactahli. taataiada eloratEor kayo atramcd, offarisa barl Srgedkel to lEato iota &atm to bo horsed A.drra, 00TOBEat ED, 18691 Rod ChM ( 4, Martitattoa 2,160 Co. Mee t u Open Aw.aanto, B^ I,BCO OO *malt= 27,,GM Sotto and /Mb Dtaom MAU ig a. SSW, Jr. Jana Ma Nathanlel Solana, Alas. Maack. - Wailf o. ul" ' emita, W. Ble H. kstant. miao IP:15I. GORDON. bekr•valp, Aindrenr !Lair% Alergsztder Spoor, David 11. Long, Been .T. Sboinaa, Benj. P. amra. /du B. IWO:int. INETIR&NCE. INSURANCE COMP'Y OF NORTH AXERIOA. PariaDLLlll7/1. Inearanoe Co. of the State of Pewl'a., PHILADELPHIA Hartford Fire Inaurance Company sP Inanrance in ths awn old and notinbt, Kew palms csa In obtablid by applkaas to W. P. JOWLS, Jou, ler luny • It •sml • e Madhya. 87 Water iptiec. CfrILZEN'S ENEMILANCE COMPAB Y %.IOY VA1M31384/1., OM" comer Italia and Water s<teety wooed foot. 101.11A4ALS7, Prostiono puma. Imre, 8t..”. , •••"fil aid Ow•yoos, tnainisopinot loom and damage in tbo naTiono of tba Boat.bera and Watern Wren. Le=a as 115=etrus br a of the Beau: %tam lan and - donne by Err urnscrossi Win. 84414ry. 8. M. KW. Jac. Park Jr. John 41 4 :: W. G. Johnitimi - . Jas. 8.. B. If. &neat 13. Ear . Bois Oven. . J. Caidtro , h.. arr. T. X. arm John 8. Dihuiti, lterciay Prertan. - Modal H. Zit s°. Gomm 18nrinina, 3 0p."13 INSURANCE (man . Y. Mop., N. & oozier Wood and. Filth nip. rasuus o Wm. , matarosai - • • Wm. AMA, - - lams D. Vetoer. John Watt, 'DNA Saba L. Maar • wm. IL Hays, . ,Puossa P. Maim, ' Polut 11.: Parke, Cbarlaa B. mom.. • ' =1; ' 7 ' 1 ' Wm, VA , E#l ll . „ Damask Lam . , O. , Damask ... , . 71113MI LWATT. 11146" Pratika • • lalkly WDL1P.V.11.111)3161..i A LLEGIIENY- :INSURVICH , C(Mil =LUNY OF PIT2BIIIIDGi . salloo,No.tattlb dont, Dank BID*. Imo opinstoolli m tade ot Ytto mod morainal, ISAADJO3II2. frotittoL . ' t - JOBD D.llOOOllDi Woo Prookl 4 - P. 'I" - " 4 fErfar tetopt. it. DUB — a : Goodoth - Air! boaci Dm*, . John D. Mag a •:.. CL, QS= Coputbloto 1 ' .. IL D. Stoollto • • ai1t,. 7 1413. Gem - wpt. W. Dena Jag imith ~gro ItD. DeGnON 11. r.. Datittook, Bob:. IL Dots. .. . ETBS.Al . !iraliAik s.:.L.- 7": . --'- - ' l ,- :. .',':lii i )iitt# .7 Plii'nardntunamakailar"iiiiiidlia to. the W ai.i . tot n °Amo -2.11 B• mon squirr imskesr iumm Luta. turLeST PI II P I I N I I k L AWA MWOIBTI0 TI 1 OA 18 L ; siatILAN n D 1 / 2 11111111=11#1,* Otot4ict . 4l2F_lrd' . .1711, unftivit ", • • 6 . 00 . , - 4 ; iOO W 4 ,1 1 - - 1 and lbw *Oar, L A B ON?* :CO - 11117111 TE MBE, nsw,fsn . • male uk y b , urr-a /I.w --tinu Yam Pnakarumu. az:km c: =EC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers