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' ,...!: ?'.:-.-- 44,4 ~,,,..:;-: ;3.• : -1k .4 1 , - 1 1 / 4 ! ~- !,_ i, v- - :' - .- -.l ' ' i • `4-r0iL.....!_:•- . .!'.... - ; - . . .. , . . s. 1 , .. , . .. ... VIISSPAt i :I3I;it ..:=); .1863 I , OOAB - IN2'ELEIGENOE. From Entering's Evening Gazette. • Reitilictation aenting at Ellia b a l h. Adeoublp to previous notice the,llstioncit - lieu of the borough and..towntlitip of Situp heft assembled at the Town KO, for the pup6se of ratifying the - nemin/en of A. G. Cretin and Kuhl Agnew. Captain Gamma Kerr vu called to the chefs; .flatter Cue, Samuel 'Welker, and Netluiniel , -.Sterensim ware chum Vim Preallimate, and Vies. Pam; Geeretau. On motion of O. H. Tower, a Committee of three was appointed to draftusolgibms. The Committee consisted qf G. E. Tower, Gamut Walker and Thos. ragas. _ Theses Reward, &lone latrodued, and Adhered ver* able end telling speech, and mei (moat": apPlaudid. ' Mr. Lucas wu titen IntroineeCent nude a very favorable mpeoelt; shoving - up G. W. Woodward,' the copperhead candidate`for Covernar, to ep le. Kr. L.'s whole speech was Mood to with marked attention. At the eoneksion of L.'s address, KS Committee, through their .; - •Ckairman. resorted the following s Booolied, TIM we cordially Worse the nominatios *I Gov. A. G. Curtin and lion. Dan* Agnew, and , we pledge ourselves.to do our part togive them the ammotoined mojorP tier in Elizalitli borough and township, at . the approaddet election. Roam; That weiterebrdotasze our entire eatilidincw in the - prat:Mt.ffational tradoll, and mill contribute all In our pow to support the National Govemzunt in its Waseca arab 'Ott reb,ollion and maintain the '.anion area Metes: The vuotatiene sereputea, was adopted thanks of &mate* w9e. tendayi 16 Keionafowird and Law, and it adjourned mitk three cheent.for the, Union State ticket. Ward 7 s agntoa Trader Gm P ntmanamanagement of mil' disreputable - pleas are not ordt'suprid tsigoist and flourish, bet are Tully uparrenlae by some of those whose Information • against the Thera - 'Albino less than seven oiea atd:notorloit, bigilos In the Second Ward., ;,.•-• and altheigh the atiantion of the Mayor has been publicly directed to them, be has taken ne stripier Ash oppression. He 'puts the respendbility upin the shoulders of thi-erard eonatabbrAtet the latter ,oMoar thinks that the Mayor should endeavor to abate these nuisanum—and so, think the majority of our citizens. It is not long since we were informed of a disgraceful fight *Mat °assured in one of thus dens, and. whLsh one ,of the Mayor's pollee was a party. Btill,there was no-in formation no , investigation— and things !imbue suffered to go on as used. ' We are glad to - learn,' however, that oar worthy District Attorney, out; of ma& for **publics morels, and for the eomfort and welfare of these °lassos More immediately : tarested,taken ssores to have the pro vide-ors of ' le there pluses indlated. "°mod Dougherty as already made informalion against the following parties, before Alder. rasa Sicholsont Bush Leslie, familiarly • known is "Mother Leslie;'. Seemed street, near Wood ; Molly Roberts, Grant street,near second ; Margaret Harris, of • the H Indian Quito," Grant, near. Pint street ; and Zolue Wails, ono beeond and Great streets. "In'. formation will also be made against other parties, and from the manner in -which the • OcUrresidinstsiat Attorney have previously dealt with such emus, we may hope that the animism will soon be abated. • Anothir, Reserver Arrested: Yesterday afternoon, Sergeant J. M. Moo gm, of the Provost Gaud, aneztain young min named Hartsell, aged eighteen, who le deserter hem Capt. Steele's mummy Ot JAZ • , months' meshy. &meant Morgan biting leaned the deeerter's -whemsbouts Sir. mingham, want to the houssuberithe young man was guying. • Bat Hartzell being a vay fast runner, managed to amp and hide be a glass home. He afterwards left his hiding plane end reamed to hie father', holm where Sergeant Morgan again want after him. The Sergeant went Into the house and demanded Hattiell from the father and-brother. They told him that the boyehould:stotige; that be was then in co nody—the_ old man elaiminglio boa Deputy Provost hisreheL The,fimpant attempted to la. the boy, bat the father. drew a chair on Mtn: The soii,howaver, pro vented the rather from bitting the Serpaut. He then made some attempts with his 'tits and wasted to let the bay nape out of the bath door, at the aims time preventing ,Sor -- pant Morgan from going after him. The' Sergeant then procured four men to pad they bemoan, ha found on hle return that it had', been looked Sometime UM., hearing, thatthe boy wu inking tracts - moron dam the :Sergeant went after. Adm. ind 3 dealt him lour °ellen hnitirar fiat altentV ' deed a pistolit blin But Hartsell continuing` to ran along 'thobrssatoiAba , dara, Was INC can mend times - ben belaid down endues, captesed.by the Sergeant who brought hltu the city and cozened blat.ta the mahout,. On Sunday afternoon.- a haute' some was witneited on the Washington road.* near the' ilnowlson M. E. Church. A Berman, Whose fl& 'menet issettalied,:vas seeHi in thit of throwing hti freak a small sprint wagon, In which ' they bid benitiding.' Al though she hid a end I. her arum; only five mouths old. he pttehed her cut Into the reed., Not saddled with this, be got out and kicked, her several Snots bemuse she' would-not get , into the wagon. again. The mat who nosed his brutality. nowotartedtowitrds Ulna' determined to glee him kicking, but he' Jumped Intel an li wagon d drove oil.' leaving' hit wire and child on the road. 4 gentimicen. , who was 00/tainted with the woman, soon, after came walking 'along and took charge of her. Tht wratohed hatband had been; spending the day in some Weill; and 'trim eonsequentrt tn prints condition for Just such brutal work. • Noble, the Pickpocket. , _ Tbb notations thief, who was anestetiAmi some months slope; and.gave bail ta . muirer a [barge of plaiting poct.sta, hot who,mhsirtha Conti met, prefarre4 to forfeit his bail, EU left the country, and taken up _Mr abode in Hamilton, Canada Mitst.;, District AttointlY, Kirkpatrick, on hearing es, 40i,014__,that, NOM Was's: hit ald bozo Clieesiallai-did.: patched ofte'Dasturqlhltter, with a pr ~ a - assfor his iitraiculut liable.tritriaf here. The adieu land that ha had Idr:of Canada, and also ascertained-est astieLkl4 • last operatioa" , :inCu mcmul swindle a, New ;fork s bank out • .MA 6 S abled - by txpert-fectsloatuomplitieliams Eats Osman. , klf DanghertiMuthikaftil*4 iosedad Incgottists the rogua tem the Mut 'Quid ban lantisbAlaim with r,sa. few. yam! boarding the,.l3talit's expense, a. lb. Die' trial Attorney has"the " dead wank" taibbni . L ,o!n'a ' 13akitote, Tallowy, 4113) , TA rani nor.—Amy valuable Railroad. Tel agnsub and Ripon' Mop only' Unita Staid old Ramada ha* teen published by the wellf lusoinimappablisher, Toioloy#, of New York, and is now for sale by J. W. Pittook, PlRititren,Opp - osite thel'ootelbei.' :A gismo ensile soaping/on to show Its value, for wo Entithatereristatioyenenry railroads nay telmnplollittes every express-aloe, with the pirttoaut.Kiitua company to *biota , ber .On ihrosgeout the oaths, extent of Abe • ilaDed Satyr and the Vanitdas flandists7 platys and Mason along the platnefilagy• en, and many otharthings which we need auxs 4.lyaosinsteiaresit• dims- in Orden sad nod, yorAferonoe, Tba Orlin at Oh Odd map .11* thla tiopy 'out% i t" to 'be la - ours --:lnandafira,sso: suppin geoid* info:mini fil o ) n Mionlof faunas - i 4 d* graph, _: and amass, ontroluk between Place = 4 o, {o k Otak*ann°t?!Pit Alb nit any other snap over pnbiLihed. WW/0 31 4. 1 47*MIT CE i gn a lt4ir • imPastreXi =pm* to his binge t hat Its via urestptiiiplissittl'tir watt spolLetweni cud madman :wltit Muting la ' the &villas and due fang Roods .V Thal:* seats* Witted-flees* it IT Y • erdjtmkt, Allegbray. •J. MUltixii, " Inill&AlM*Ssian Dziggla I."' r , 1 4Alt IVINMSSX 7 Orristemortim fieldif ea. - , Baskluiste , ,sc ber9rt - Albans - , , Dtfigaibitits 46ollo l , dant/ of gill-Plift Almkellid vet , stab's , Willy ‘witwalli. 62 4 atir k 4l4o, 4e , 41,0114q:',144 Oaf .. Assail V i taoo..l l 7Allow .. '' " I "CM. .. -- , : 1 4 llr PI dot 001111.1011011=t: 71!4 . 1 ., 7 , 1F , ,,i• , . 4,7 i i• 3.,..).44 .1 - okri-: A' • • Eg.a. ~:.,:.---,• i.: , %Ez:V;:.'.: :-- i:•;.','-: .1; 4 ,':' . --: 1t,,,!,,...•:?,•:,.. . • • • • .6..• - 1 6 • - - .IL , ‘N •^ • • ' ' • 'ere '04 , 1 Tit •.1 • . - •• , . -.7, ; ••• 2. . I • :La- . `t • . , [4oji;:'T jk- Br lltiibandi w ' oia Abel% Pk by I, the FORIFOL. laisisi isattsorte_irsicess iiii4, - .4o34 lll :thot : Adde tle kM Idler lash la-Ory Key ta the ellkno of ludo. Its a matter cl moat tams* Ituit aehirlso the roballg sad stroirdren to tsanifei=3AO3 tom a bask to his ova .pookst,doild has istoopd no On for get ting WO an with it, flak. It the West reports Is tras, loom ROI to sot Orly so arrested i bit kas gm addle father than the cosmos ris of ropes to lb ants to mops date rtlasu It is cow :stated that to tad setup' watt his brother Isaac to tat "WV' il ersonts !da l rod that It .to !moo tu boo medal ow omitted to do Old Capitol prim. It Ills be trot, It replan hot do West to throw tko odloas so' faros ebb guard as to staldo duo seal of dodo to maps. Pioll, Winn ts Moro to Washloston to a brge somber of venom, and 'it to arid his broker ban tie bold gam" ID &Wired, the deception roars be disoeversd. Ni 911611t11a thit 1111 tsall gym. resided to tier doserazoos Assn iced son% by a somber of do sod distbrolsket ets. saw hem ostallog tdsh ellaialklotalo the ennui sad Ord scrim NNW a tool:tot. or sabmoatrace, for faralshlso _liquor to do trot, bat was desirous of Iftlair do Bore chaos obeli bows as "horse sootostors." Ms wawa' hoe will be. ant= to Wow *Naha to las boa klub' to a haft, or Is still oa do oak • TM *llea Exempts. The Union Ezerattnitnnualtlm are gar prepulng it meet llst of all the parsons who obis Mlllption from lie daft an mama of being allens. It Is well lawn theta peal many persons who set up tits dela ham been Toting tune Wigan sad some of them ham already been detaeti& and prourated= jam. , Thee meant now plaolag upon amend from which Mamma num and erbbdt,nl3l be used stand them for long years Moms., MIK when billy 'couplet. ed. wEllb• pointed In alphabetical order, sad tilt be inaupd In eonmstentlarm fox use at the polls on election days. Anymore .Tolui Svuor.aatn,, son of ex /farm Stsuderath, of Allegheny, dist on the ititAinst, on board the hospital bast Wood. fort , ntar-Niekstargi hilts. Ms 'deceased mut IA hit twenty. second year, and had beet 414.1 th otir tiro loss. , ileonlisb ; oda* up:hate in Caps, ifiemines oolpam ff bith ituesves, and , was taken prisoner at Malvern SUL Alter his return from Mot. Mead, be`was discharged to copra obabolo sbm in the Stanton, pany &MI, and aped the oompani tranefer that com to the he anted %and partad mat Ist the der of Viaksburg. lie was unable eo stand the oil; mote, Ind oiled after a lingering ilium Ms remains wale batted on the - banks of the river. Tax. Court° Ltaw,—We direst the &ton• of our readers to the toad of bir. Thorne Rialto:l, agent la this city for the celebrated Crm& lino of steamer& betwixt' Ltrerpool Italie* York: Mr. Milligan esti liberal Inducements to there who wieh to visit the Old World, or who rosy desire to aid their Irina& In coming to the New. Hb plate of baslnas la on Water street, between Smith. field and Wood. X001111171111:1AnD.—On flouday, the 2341 hist , a young lady of ligilton, Northum berland county, wu publicly "reaimst" of ohnrob, for callbsg the radar a open head. This boll ezoosiMuninettes the (deed ing lady vu fulminated from the puipli by the exuporated ohsphord, We don't know which most to admire in this moored cm- Ueman—his tints' dignity, or his Christian charity. Dumas Anzminso —This morning. Fo lios otiose &mit arreatsd Iftlasmaa, s fie suter. from the 11l Itagiment. 0* the 27th of last month, ha was caught at a ylo• ale, at Iron City Ptak, by two members of his regiment, bat managed to afoot his as cafe and avoid detsotion till taday. • Hoe% Nio.—Tbs flrol sinned Owed* of theliopo Steam Yin Engine Company, of alleigheny, cosmos off at Mk* 'station, on l'htindoi next. Boonton trans will les inn to the pounds, and am: Fesporation ku booxtendo for • kip sttendados. sad pkg. ntatikty. Loan sfa Paratos.—A was:rattling!' who Wars the serriosof the Halted States, loses his pension, as pansioas are only Intended for those who are-madand - oat far military dusty. LATE TELEGRAYMG NEWS RIM oils lIVERMG ZDEIIOII.3 THE LATE GENERAL PEMBERTON The Sensation Repasts from Charleston. THREE OR FOUR SIMMS REQUIREO TO CAPTURE THE BATTERIES. Operations of England and France SOUTH RECOGNIZSD ET MACY rte., (ft., &C. Bpactst Dlrpottit to the Garotte. Partoesu au, Aug. 11,.18G3. The death of Pemberton has bun eon-. firmed. Hs eras most respootably otetneotsd In Philadelphia. Hti relations refuse to yen artiornlng, and ezeurate hie The transport boat. ski& arrrted from Port Royal tut night ) left on Widanday. (Mears say that Gilmore and Dillgran mum the sensation repute dloolnistdat eh* magnitnds of Shit task. It. will regalia three to font months, at the shirttail, to teke the to:rtlictatiOneeid 1611 oentrary expectations are lUnsive, and not en tartained by, thp ertinuiltdere. Port Waipser, last Wednesday, its own. A small portion' ia, Min in Stuart, keeping up the flap The Greek fire masnot as disco qOAPPiIia)A 2, , II 4/_ PM , tst4 until nom pot:dictate battery Isseetuedo ate operlN tins et Matszparell. - Allis month of thr sto 9rt3144'0044 Ur, in/10 1 J 4 Ift, the midge ef the; stiesrpiautitageilsmouteettentutd load thga r •nt t sl„s; I . .prbtldt. ' t i.Yojtdai and the eiriftreleurtirtki etudirtated."kiatio mow, an . Ineiguioa4rtoiri; fe the Ala - 44 d. the Southern Gotten. bade, and &tant line of inp-is airrybg.ont Gotten., ..11fid14 the Barn:tide war th,M B 3lO-Pitnceu Sor4 aid as sicipts-biookadtegilsotialepoiratisui Finalise liar 'sushi ace pito Wilmabgtotip 5 . 0 .• within Ur Ph!UMW., Imports» ire Whiled no* with Peatroo. PoieWiechaoplebatiweaty% three.per ant. • They Unseat Wore to the ezteatht.thetz cayltel'iaaMaredits‘ Ofts drni Chestaut stool admit oaelaaited thous ho4blJontoste hasitlelpittoiet s oriallot.:lt to oislecest that !teach Itt 4 ds yalt: Woo, Mama son Reaseellyshuts this Tow 4 Tho'neogeitkor of the loathes Coated: ,ategyhiltainoe,tabillenatia baltaeutirtles.- -PihopatMloakitefehig ob, to that tiohlasosiit of „erp,orl,4 Wawa, lettecilod saarque, salt loyalaaliaiy be obtatoell from tha loitetasta itoture9oendstaar to eatigiqmarot o . • ; mow ti dud bqinut eills AK Whits WWII, 4 1 ,:- 1 41 7 4-0 1 4 at Waimea. „ .Itotiot Ikopeacheo Cliittlisitots," eacraasi; Log; hk.-41* Ittohniela he. of Marla; lays: if The Net Depart. whibil „lids& lePot .. 4o4„,ceszlastop„ tan• tre rL e , 'tie usdersteod that Banter, Wt . to. beeeeled,wlU - aot. Omani ; Ileaareitiedr hal rim/used his domains. tloa to hold It to **WOW ead. It Isthought latig i. 4 ,l l ll . 6 l. w ar4r rit ir vi tons , author earl Wt. .Thil bpili?l,ll2l 1,1 •yto !Peet* 110 , c AU &WM./ It *Orli ACel'havi:' 4 / 1 0011111K 4 11104.210eWiteithi .Yap '. AA; PAO,M V74U3gln/GTON• FAILURE OFA EXPEDITION. Enlistment oteolored Troops In. IPOPMEI 510IEVEN UR TII ER IN GEL Mil' DEM?. Death of the Guerrilla Mosby. THE AEU OF THE POTOMAC, Westusuos. Aug. lift.—A amid to th• li•Gsse says letters have been reedvad at General Land Offlos from Moretti k. which speak of mulderdia activity le the 7 of Government land along the Met of eons Uted end *jaded retinae. On ands: last two man belonging to the Cadodents may, salted la this city, who were sent op from camp at Point Lookout, aid wire intratomsted in the • Old Capitol prison. Theis stay may be told thus Oa that night of Wm:deb Aug. 12th, Lied. Wood. of the Confederate navy, left Itidesolul with annly-ene man, With tour I:unloaded epos Ind about a doses wagons con. tenths alai.,, asnmultlon, ete. She expedition mended the Mak *homey deer tatto the route of the AMY of the Pealaruly amid the Panitely and Mattapas dun, and ds Saturday readied - the Pasaktialt river. :Nara the digit of this all pantos bacentektows. OW this rivitethart is stationde United Slates gunielet. The Intention of Mask Woodteu to IntsPrise the 10001 a and to kill Or capture the as., and ams pet to see u i pirate." Ls caseate bola was ersU molds( with stone and smut& tion, his wagons send nears to Blehmend. Mouthing was used held all thatwu rupdsito with dm. Brag peparation was made fa theluovess of the mention. The men were armed with . gdstols and Me balm Oa Sunday the urea sou men to go wltltLiont.Wood,pie balance to remain with the wagons. On Sundatsight the party set eat ford dr boats. As soon es they reachod the neighborhood of 'the gun. boat, tuned of surphing this ersw,howner, the ands were themeivie nipien. When within 300 yards the gunboat was soddenly illuminated, and such • deadly discharge pound tato their boats that only. Lieut. Wood and four men escaped. This Won' mold from 'Washington says : The enlist:rent of colored troops In the lowa countlas of Maryland le progressing favorably. Thoth:4es ®lad to Wilt in order to map 'the unitude. Generally their oWners are rebila auession synipathisars. ' Our addax are from New Winn to the Mith,via Cain SOth. Von important military movements weregolag on. but their ehanater we an left ton:agile. Wa unarmed, how. ever, that we will soon hear of events whin will mike us rejoice. • Thapioss or thoneurades oflife nue alti Esther resided hi New Orleans. in' 0111,- quenooottheentisined aninis from stem Commuloation with St. Louis and other palate Is now ocadderedgulteregular. Gan. Banks hee non faunty two import ant orders; one diming Ger. Butlers as- beto b• adored spinst parties Obi dnbeal to the loan rad to defend New Orleans against the United Statue authority, and directing the bat ks attach, to pay over to the Qurcennuta's De:mimeos all mules Intheir possesalon belonene tuts nestorei, amain a thou condand of tehdaing aid and com fort to thenemy. A gold special front Warrenton Junction, dated Anent SO tb, sap: I has Jut nand a dispatch from Pair. fez Station gulps that En men of White's mamas we capturei hear that plus Nes moraleg, who state that Mosby woe shot twice in the bowels and Inert, and that he had been taken to Bielsond. The party who brought the pisonas n elan that they were inform/ by the cittesus of Drainersille pe tards, that Mosby' dial sou that pine on . Isiday. The plasmas do not doubt the re. port, as ha was pronounced to - be mortally wounded. Whin now eommoods the mated crab bre*/ north of the ralland. New You, Aug.lll.—The Miliesee special, from the army of the Patontio of the 50th, sap No: moretants have taken place, except among the cavalry detachments, of which • number, from 11.11pattlak's command, chased few quaiiillas, putted'', near SUfford 0. 11. Banns not jet reported. Lint. Puke:, of Can. Meade& staff. is supposed to hare ban captured by flenilias. Us left headquarters to dell the 331 Masa r ohnutts, his format regiment, recently, 'and departed from thence on Wrenn, and has not aloes been itaard from. Matters Arkanias--Baitle soon Expected—The Rebel Toros in Tex as. Mo. ST. Lou, Afig. 81.—The RepubGeoli't liemphisepsditX# spakikg of tumors in /4- kneu, up - - • Om. Pries, - with43,ooo -- mbels_,it Bayou Almada, a strong point on the Witte river, fourteen mites above , Davati's Bluff, whir:. the battle is orpsotai.to .be fought. Oar forces are now at Duall's Bluff, Ilfty;tonr mites from LBW rook. This point, probity, will be thil bus of supplisi,ia it itaa be Mach .ti by the White river at the lowest stage of. water. Skirmishing Is oonstantlY Oki ott: but our MUM are ilight. The Mad fares in southern Tema:. is isil matedat eighties thousand. Gin. Magruder has enforesd oinsoriPtiortin the fullest extent. . The rebel-gunboat Grand Duke, with 600 halos of a:Atonal:its burnadit flhnveport. The libelling of Charleston., Partanatrira, , Aog. 110.—rTbM Ohartalon! papers of last Monday, give the putlorders of the bombardment a that city' by ' OMJam. more. Thirteen 'hello werillnul, and twelve 2 Inch shells bills' the *W.. Mot firing eosin. meneld between remand two eolook Saturday .morning, arotudng the people from Member. No pason - was injured.. . . . , , Most of the -shells tall la the middleof the stmts. One named the Warehouse of Wil. lbw, on the dorm of Xing and Ohara sta.' snit explodedinlhe upper stem making a large opening in the kick wall of the ldedl4 sal Susvegortsetereltouss, muttering things In mat confusion: Some straw ignited. taming thealarts of Are, butmas extlegulshed without trouble. You shells tell In this to ' Galt,. Ran and Twg ChildreliAllurdeiedl. Checusire "ss, " sr sad two ohildusa wens siturdefeCissar Pius: Inle t on liehswine kV, two so= itressediselbe Federal uniform i supposed, to btidtssiliett. Two othes,ohildrewirese mortally *candid} Thiliwwwktpsed tfookie'eliitti lot ;the burl pose of robbing it: 3 Iwo -;(6lditirs have bass =hip! catasodon , Awing .tius sausduszi. j edfittlii Nair Year At. 31,--Ahhilerwhitujileht Josttdedis to . August 6th, sail Chit kips: tills' be. lw.asciptgied by the in expedition - howl etistot CV tocsiot4,Neapituu it tultufffi..th, Jitaftft was ` -1 !IIPS TOW. ": • • ^ Ditifeisi legit Nash* Oki. dougu of • win with the X 1 ,31194'.0 1 .44•::,.' ; Yowil.roskagur—olatai of 5 , 204 Rsainuitai ;iv& ji;-Tlie Met .of 5a•390,013202401 - tho 40 0#•;9 0 . 11 : 1 4 I'Vtd, at 4blairmoh, ElabtorlpdarApstrsparts qt 0,00 woWdtiArs sjitiumo.c .'Jsr o- Vl= MIIM F ogoactir-atio Vas . oftpit BRION •••Amovisi; ay: • rok•••••Eiketeeig t m e, thoic,. I'. c tor tams!ipply W aIIinLIWEIG i '" ' " loner asi Weigd Immo. I 12TONE QUARBICTO SZNT.4IO th• rittatige, tar wimAi calqiimPalinsP " 4 cbs°llll44R " q" ' " lt.ilefik lird*.tna. Aveibmw. 's 10 •4 ' gad . arirSca?.LlM26lo7' ,rlt thj, *st.ad % `" = , ' t`tbst - - - t- - .11 1 4 1, 8R1MEGM144-Pliarrig (13 + 'Vt Wog sad allattliles..lß !bilks" , O,.ante , at kiwi sad ars* wit. 7,101:Ispf!til: Nesdirill StrOatti ' ' as*: - 4, . i•IG - 6tha - tiOLff - &OM' PITTPIIVACIII'III4IIIILETS. Orrzca or rc Pirrinthtart Dori OLZII7II • ZWllar• Aug. 31, / 8621 * Than *Mars to hare bran 401 panto la the New " Talk 101 l market to•day. fru cur dispatcher quota at LUX, en annul of So over the doting rate WI:4T. Its gauge of this sudden sad anar petted adtanor le not aseittloreld. but It la mat as' If got up by the "bull," for the oconlon. Ma pro• duce market Is Tat and rinse dull, olth bat little demand Smany of thr loading art!clea of trade. 17,0113 k 011111 N—Whist Will:let and =champ aft Bala: of KO bus lied front* drat bands at 11,01. Cora L dna with sales of Mulled from &Pat at 710. Thane la s moderate local demand for Oats, and as coots at Cum 61 to. 56e, ba by tbs. car load, gni 67 OP !rout store. Bala untattle4 with sa Tatt Ito allablisbad ratiroreitote said Jun Spring at 3d. unchanged and state; tab from Ent bands of 48 bbl. Countri !mil/ at 116 DA and If° bbla Mel trade, ham atm at googe. Dye flour la soll lag from stout la the small tray at 1114 GllMlNlll33.4lbers U bee fah jo . bbbas demand for Suns, wttb. Was at 11,143121 for Cuba; and 1334 to 13 for COMA= to prime grades of 11 O. Conks 11 gild but steed/ it 196100. chop In llobur BakON—The markothi arm, alcd,sillt • god der. mind, galas as sastalsiod. Wa note Islas at fa far lthordbm; 10 to II AmPlaln sod Plata Clast. Mead him', sad 13 to 111Xo for flaw Cad—some claclaa Mande M BUT Tim sll33—Batter is arm and In demand, with mks of 0 kip pecked at 184 and 6 firkins do nah Zip any be quoted at Ito 16 dm for teat. lEMINIThers Is • totter supply of Timothy &ado ard the met Is berm PalcsK, vs note Naha from fast tmads at $9,76, sad Lem store at WPM, ads of tialtras prima/rim Seed at Aso par bmheL Mars Is hat latls flour BsdOautng. 716,T.7-Ts' iambi in Mon fiMiy, aad prices Sr. Mahal Wham tees from scabs of 30 trade at from $2ll to $35 1 116= - • but anckstpd; Mb he fats of kgs.W Rd 11440. ikan. dsa fitsakbag llo - ,PferhTarfAe•This =that la arm with small seas from stars at 764680 c per bushel. ants' APPLVl—unctaapd; Ws la lots of bik tads at OPP per bbl. al to amlUe7. Weekly Review of the new York Ye. trolenm Market. Ditipated Tspressfy foe the Pittsburgh 0 sett el Now You, august 29. ISM The axeritement whattchazacterized the market at the date of all last, prevailed In an intensifiel de gree, during the Ent half of the present wea, or cop to the ciao of bushman on Wednesday, and with a . very active speculative demand. mires for all kinds advanced both r to 5 cents, with a tremendous busi ness at the Mutual rates. The amitement has near been exceelel, and near but once moaned to the whole heed of Petroleum—and even then pri ces 'sae nowhere near a high. The eggregate. boa ma daring the week, ha been larger than ever be fore dozing any az consecutive days, comprising folly 1213,1200 Oh% ales , and roman 1 Besides this a: large batinea has been done to the way of the pm , , clueing of privilege, to call for lots at stipulated W oes, or, In ..options," so that Abe r. lame of Wa rm is immense. Since Wednesday, however, Mora has been a very usable abatement In the demand. The excitement has almost wholly subsided, and the ; market has reispied Into comparative cater. In Crude his, trannetalous comprise almost 14,000 bids at from 3.13 L to 40c, the highest rate baring been "' lid C 4, TuadlY. And maintained on Wednesday, market, uric. have receded Meat 20.30, the ' closing very doll mi early, nominal at 35 giff cents. Banned sold Emily ah 21gt50 advance, dialog the tent half of the week, but Mine vu 6 leintoll7 tam est Oa purchaser tone anent of 1 to ho. TM salts and meta compass 100,000 Ms to large pat pini on to Wedamay moan& though a fair balms Ins bean done 11110. The market to day is decided ly dull, and notoet nothing has bean done, whin pelotas ale meaty means! at 6841160 c for bonded, on the mots 606563 la &Mager, alias' and buyers' optton;•63olso for October, are option, sod Rotor Ifonsabar, buyers' optioa. /Me WI has rot been ea active as Balked, tot mi cas expertened a corrapondLug advance, and sales have teen affected et billy do higher than lest Illabu- Sity's quotations, • late bathes* him been dam In "options:* The eats comprise about I,noo bids at 010714 the =Met closing doll at 68@loo—stong. Depths hunted rather quiet but Inn. We note alba of about 3010 bbl nombealiy, at Sao for Been ed. The market clone dull and umanally at fAgy Id any. Newlfotk Panorama Market. epeeist Dtriattlii to the Plttibizr . et Gaulle N You, Ant 81.1843. Thane la a moderato demand for Cm* Out picas Are • awle lour, with aria qn the spot at Edo. Bo nnet is quiet with tato at &fa for bonded, on the spot; deptutbor, ajiefdo, buyer.' option, and 690 003, 'ellen optloni October, Gar, turers• option, and 03064 c, rellors i rptioni Swami:sr, 68,387 c, baron' optkra. Botinfd, free, la nominal at 688640. 0. Imports by Itailioad. Pampas Wain 20monao tr,Aiticuo, Aug.. 31,4 csoccoco. /11.cbcoa, Noo/ 0 0 1 7 I co; NO 0 13 1 call fwd./318as oats, Nu 4 Nab 3 con oats, Bing. bun, Snap= I co; 2do do, 11.8 p ar; I box chow, W B.sk 4 or,^-2.5 WIG etc, Sinner Luau; 10 do do„E Elcul.too; Aldo do. John /1024 a co:: 1011044 rap, £ os4fleg; gears barley D.AClahroyi. 07 bbbl 3,242loClurkan, ll.non I co; 3 dos blooms. V H 11112; 14 Mai oppleo lama 'War 100 Aida, 0 N Hcrflaidtt; 1130.11 ftolatoni 11 bblo Wks. J A Dabord lou bat , Uttcbcut, /Whom 422 2 cu cods,Vrobido T • 110 bp bed, fool VD boa onn.2 condo, D & %Nice; 4 cam borlßallp o b: eptopr, 1141basib I co. . . Charimure ilPrrnmenan Bemoan. Anna Z -4 eke me% - 14 We whiting. J lboaCerson t Bac 9gm potatoes. Maim butter. LW Yolo • om, boxes demi ' llswortb I co; 13 do do, Wm Saddle; 47 nu cheese, J B ()infield; 16 bbls &Wes. John , Herbal; 15 Weals, Wm Mum& Is co; 6 do do. JeboOddeo; 54 ;Ads spclos, i Ireogonser; 45 641 candles, 11 pp tobacco, Bruives. ds Leseer; - 2 lads tobacco. W A Blneluirt; 4do do, It W Poindexter, 4 do do, /obit' Orexisz; ILO eke wheat, J 8 Liggett 8, co; 100 law 'mg% I/ &IJmi to. —ALM:IMT. Putzon.-21 WI, booppoles.ll tem J bbb elder. J Akorman; des rubboadik Hata& Iltddk; , 10 do dirBbolls, Soo L err 43 don Won; Hem m; 10 bbli mks. rack6 l l% 10 do do,/ W Beam; 43 eke este,/ H oProll Sr. to lck, I Prescott; sop lot Intrkettne, owners. drzw 18001104 RIIOIINT 'POTILICIATIONt a . Lyon an nu Lottgalty of Kara. altobtl'a Astronomy of tho BOW Itootototo blain 1 gold. Tbs.ltato s t to ook ton aT Calvin, by D'Algne. . Boldoirizeo abating fn Booth Mau. Warr. Tour Amnia the Py =les. 1C.W181114 crlassa War. voL 1. wrap traffotto sad 000.111412t0 on Shakily...dm . Colon on tho Pontatoneb, solo. lead Wan an thy' Book of Barnum abaa's anmor to 0:4000. ,BborlOitotoael Vlodlcatad. by W. B. Gran. At WA by the Borneo Twilit. mi. MO Ivory Day , rtalorphyr, by tbi Onnutly rbilxclintlinniet: by Catrert. • : Laasetto of 'gm, by Boltlonb. lilt.. ' BofWk l rudpap. or mimes. -1134 Bbrun ry. tar 1853. Moo' Bows awl Tstn,Bittttfda anion. oloor end tootrotb Minot - bbs by -NAT 80. 66 Wood ot. "soBl igruar.aosnoNs. 11,1 drothortltlinds. .14•IL tr ic. _ of Os arforwallosi to Oa Cows of Orkin. ..r. , vs lhollosalary ot Ludlow World. • ,Tho OW Iraq Wheel itsaodooL Broonlow. A ' Natintlibbsi loafs thee if. O. Baud% "/ Lalldllorollks , .: 6 1olltorld. laded. ' • ~ Apo *Pia ' ten. Haorbxr: . .• Mho IlLni sad -rho Angola ' Worts hi tlirlorAlltiooliArrtfiodkidor art . mrld • roc 1... =sir. W Tooth work co , trAit,, .. 4 ‘ 0 014 - "EnittvlittA _ F orag eft_ o m oitti ga is A M e nee, o =Mona WOOLIINk, eta; Mkot9oll TIABTD. MAW. 1111.111.1114 g sow ,b 1 Senna all warthluctou . U. k. 110/111LOPOL. 4111.0 00..Msolssale 41: 111 : FITP*IIi- , 'X 40,414 1119rni1 5 1 414 , 410.# ;11malticlatia 1 vectiottosmiarinbutistras......" =cosi admix' Jaw." 'RAO El Eli ITIMBENAI3," . _ r541 1 841 6 ;t7N01i.4 5 i tu1 t uf t 4 il f 5 f 1 tuttatigesaa of samba now gad Os eith 1$ o 9 6 r1 da R 11 . 14431/ - 1:4. - iiirmatucnoot lie ono; - MOM. leltekon a dadirs MO:BA swag: r II& do gots Huai , pp Mago Itholddas?",_' . io , ldtioodo NAL* • _ " ODOWISMT WM% 44a. FOR SAWN: R rube. THZ BILIIITIfUL COUNTRY SISIDENOII • Oecapird by the meMeritor, one mile from tho alb on the Brownian, ternpLito, commanding • slow of the otter snbuts, er d .en mass of the firers. Tho Bunk Rome; of modern inylo. bug:son tuna, be st& bath raw and deable watandah, ha. far been mains.' so, papiveld, and lo inipplkd with bint,and cad water. drawn le ths h Are ken elatrrss, sod a eying norms et sot a irelemslugebrlnkshailas flints go Bogle. no. helot has r. • 0113.emeicesl by • s one well, high team lard hodere, whin over 100 ely.tes L. erring Fruit Tows. they, Vines, and every misty. of small frolts and sinni:buy—tha plum having been &sent, spare adder etntientlon. To them wanting daleible Itopror.al prtprry, In am. %older. i muitrate esymme. t Ilan ewer. orldrm to be met ttlib. it within view of the ty, sae only twenty Wootee calk by either 'pietas god ten's nette* walk ma the Stvetnitutet t D. W. G. BIDWZL-, entllle Caner 'rater street sod mini an . Lmß t3ALE.6 numenient two-story x brkk dwe7lloe hoer. watt back building, So. Y Zoo torero, Vitt bmgb. Moo, a brae, cos and welieniard Ours 'ton brick dwelling tuns, with back buildingg,, So. NI in= sweat, between /hit and hecond Meets. glee, • ard44ory brat dwalling bum, with back building* No. gal &crud street, near Bow Ali du abate ars In good order, and supplied with pa and water. ad s oat aorg trans* wasp dwelang,_No. 416 &road dna, dna ths two story trams 'dinning ad. Both of thus homes grd order, and suitable lb, usal Wallin. Also, a land ground on Ito nostbatehreali, olds et nu stmt, Eetwean acre and Tig Knots, near Son attest. barbs s front of Out to glut stmt. nod .:tending beck 60 Bra. The stove property la allotted In a dedrnble part A ga the cap lot to ma etas% and particulars Inguira of WY. W. TRON6ON, 1117:t1 No. 106 Bath street. VALUABLE PENN PROP- Nan TOR 6161.1.—Tv0 STE M t 4 to. frost by 110 fret dap to an olloy.nidi • bap doable bum.. Worsen 9aomck and Mad drool. A dad. tai, Walton es a POdonin or Dentirt. AWN Some 100 balldmiattdamrPrtratotratdesoee non Ninnneilki from to 1 ono uee. • Also, • large umber of balltUnd 101*. of WHIM Nun of from 115 to 60 foot trout by 10) to 160 tot bop, dlosted id the taradnuo of the Wel* street 01744 11211ory. A to the andorNinod, Ezsenton Do istado of o 11. non, &WA JOHN 8211114 Xi, D. HIBBON, IL O. 131111110 N.• VREEPO BM DISTILLERY FOR eaLi.—m• sobacribers, shoat to mime to tter liminess, Mhz for tabs dude DIaTILLWKI. Vitiated to Breeport. Armstrong omits, Pa. The establishment is god ensuing condition, coml• featly loomed for manaleouning W bishop, be. tag to the Bpi growing region of Western Ponnall viola, and enjors • ti , gti reputation for to producta. Also a 1111141100 r Mull& wow:ions& for .Bondlosr II bishop. We also offer or itale our. OIL in good working oondltbni, innate:l on Paw lint Lou. =g the theotigh of Simpaancetille. fiber paratocir • iogates of TOOL BILL L 00., eb first stmt. aniiibilensas - WMlait.--this main second. A: I=l MUM= BMWS, 10 - tadus * bat hawk WI pee& Om =pada saw 8011.1154* bah* dtuutiw, bet bag. M bah boa. , Two UTIIaktILIQ P81118*39, for Munk win Pagla actowida. brand saw azotwabswWwoll 11210 MW. 1,5 lath dbaudat *mica bah, will ao* low for HUGH IL BOLA beat, On the atlbbeaw dna. =algal *Um FORUM, 50 bbls. Booting Cement. LIIPION, OLDDIN 41s 00., or. 6th sad Wood atomic ltd WE BALE—A contagion' and well a:- faidtal TWO-SOW ti BEIM BOUM with 7. Rains sad mi nda . c•lta o dadnibt enter. with • Mk= or 8 Ws Will% co Lone Mim; ilaneheater n ow PowwwEgEsil• . • •• at MI sum, or to SMUT EL . ... COUNTRY HOMEElrßeatitifal 'tha w sans tbs Ocantrs Ewan ab, to Mews township. nblo tcoothlp. sod Bootraclos through Au those lots sts wind's short Masons of stations On the Plicablusis. Scat Wolin A cadato a/W*4V acquits of h H. DAVIS, cad P.O. Maim sal ta Water stopit. &Mahn's. it SALE-4100 bble. Crude Oil in .11: talk. twos of B. Y. HUMID. aal7 Fury Woolra littabargb, Ps, DIBSOLV'TIOJrB. 1110. NoTicat—The andenigned having tied es nitro stook to as long a tablblad bound L R. NORM wad annenuno to kb old nitconers sod an pada bit ranarat to ran 119 Lawn sant. Vasty oonyba by J. B. SoOnnia War a law and anayleta stock of Rid den' and Itionsaben• lasatx ZW1•11, 111da, Ele. to., an be Rata. ind alma nisi. G. H. ANDIRIION, Rs. ID Moen atria. TN RETIRING FROM THE RIDE J. &ND LBATBLB 111161211189. I most cordially oeneenend ny encomia as 1 maxi cd.stelet tateinty and good bonnet dialdestlaa. Yoe sano months to coma I will condone to moo Sr. 101111 coantlwican w and will taa pat Vann In Introdualogßta to my truant aquilinnonq J. IL doCIIIII. Iribbn pAllaki/Lablilr e hart ..a. tab da, modatad of In Ms &WM KM bashes A. J. DOLTON, 'We of the trio to be 4111497 • DULL, Oa partooriblp to =take alioSthla day. Tko OSI buffos oil! to =riot co by tto =dlozoigool so bosolobro. lisp $51141664 sins a want MOB UM. RU II mum. mann. Dm REDEIVW4FF &May •• ltsulhetain qf et z = al Seep, Sled, cud Maim _tottstrasted ods waits wilts a grin oaths Mb ligul diem opcialitp vre media" molkds • abate Mho tads IMF Cam, anus d eafttiftekt and Water shwa mute DIZSISULUITUTIo•wI he clowsztuntap expitbaramini Inikaggolit. men Clui btyy Min ism MIMI!. RUDD OD. aptrid UM My thylMthxy. TM trotami.Mil matimy.4 AM1T.1.7 vim ill dirmait? 4m_to oe from tha "" 1 u".."6I OUAUe.ItB SNAP It ).HOOD. ' • Elenol.ll3 &AAL hat famdsy. July 1.14.18 M, W 111 MM bilymil A • LeSaULUTItyli UFZettatilthalllP: .11.0 —Ma petairshlp losniefaxr iMag salad de Ana at LXWIB. VALIIILLE •Oth. taa dLmly• dontMlitdaywAnus. ma. • Jallllll CAZWV. DALZUL, eardidas piton% MiDERSIGNED, siciotasore the Iste dim .t iaria4 MUM t 0a..,113 ometbue tea toanufeetwe of Iron 'sod Slat% intim tbs sole sad Om of LIMA &ULU. Dfaani It OD . sad Rotten s =themes of the patetatepee Mena} *Vented to the leta _ .16113.11 C. LEW:I3, Wont! DALIBLIft A. IfoD. DU47T, LZWIS W. 1.13W78. , Ow %inhale's, No. 73 Watteau& Do. 70 BIM U. Pittatureb. Ask • 1 1361. Whew 4 PROPOIB44B. AUPOWS.FOR FLOUR. P riarPosna c. to usa an ta. Sin %IT 01 AltAlWr, Ulte, is tanz,4 weebdskaor laorr walo • • 10.000 BABRUI:07 JOWL • Inds ant. norind Warhol ImovaSutter. I gad 110.11,1 air tor Loy pxlioa Wor 10,014barrea • • • - Bldg tor latllriall grodo illorqd Wawa maul* abaterof Viallanerr 'or . the Ikon. b to coralosated *a the 1C16,41ay.0f arpterabor. or as OM o.lllllllfter Uto aororssorol:alir_arsalral WO or NO binds dar t Mitered Whir at ttio llorstassal W e = ftwaosn, al Val lillarrar, or al lita Warthataa, D. _ Dia* Parraarlar l / 1 los mar ta °Malabo al ladablali ma, or riot other numb ow es gortrazarot sty .• She. meat aet iesimsot tomcats win Is Mb lost Whew Qs What lotwohni.- Att Ca* of alfrglawat MEW 11410 molt thL, Ito bklWlll If satortitoad tens paten who howl hew! to comply with thotr.bleh as Ikon aataovr tOloshookt, otho mum to briaticoly tow; mado nry otroo& OM, Mitt [WA bowhitoott. , Ato Mon 'Mob to WA Ittolt ;mad will ht; sw , DIU tots Created to a* a. staiwrra, LAX Claud Q. &MAL .11.4 .liwildallos I . awl Gahm. wPropwahlte Am!! - - I 1511,11 ogoposma FOR ROllBllB • • - - • • • • r CI&VaLIIT Demuth •I! CritOO tort az Out, Qtrazonsammi, wiablutan. amp 111. ' Fromm% solloito3Mottiltt tm moothi4 at air tem Cs lbo !Milldam:o OAVALET BMW& to tclottootodotllaitioreo.f/inodolOaloOrato 2 blitutdog i ltailm Immo In Mb el SOW ilient7• l /To of Imam to be by Limb (L'j talitatma 111 but& Math - tram en (6) to Moo Pt pan old. mahbxok, n to *to st.34*Mattodolt:tonliblittOd goobkr! tcoot it • ablttty ot Wit*/ AOC tillSCfititill most to imarantma b 7 Oto loormlait Palam4l l *" . morl.• Immodad to the gunostoo: tptittm goirootommustbothon =• 77 . ti ritt . alMotto ot. gbo CIO of tin watts; Voare,- ar- Molted Ittlios Anspist AS. dktasL Mitt arligailtlQamtottoottromintry Stamm lad to n tatioritt, Olmeoi 'Parte kr, MOM ' ^ • NMI% WI, lag" Pci i- -114 I.l42raPli - t a t jut , esulz.tetastt 7 Ili smiloies , -./... 4 JAIMMUILItaSoIi, ' . ' rf le WA w.Pimaillip 1$ wis , ..,-.„,- 5 ., -,-, 7-,- • 04 TO Nile 8111011.1.. )aa: by -pa: D.'' , ' iC54.9 11 . 1 0 1 046 1 r. j ...a C: 1 1:T.3 -., .A.:1; -...r-ex ' . ' ‘": fq. i • ,I, P 11 , : 1:0 la izi-,gt,rx.4 - #1,*44.-„.4 ! I . , . STEAM WBEICLI 6 I4IIX* pooL. , =thaw at , QUIZOSINOWA QOM BAUM) III• mall ,boa t. ram= ! Efaw Tarr sad ildledittalla Elttainatprk armour, aro Wooded to nil as Mom . ._--, CM OF ailllntaßilommoo..BlOßOOF. OtOL r. --- ... am of Lcarct0n...........magii, 13 . : can OF HFW 70R1L.............d0tazd0h1d0pt. - 111 2 And on someedtnit Fotetdat.. l 4 o.oi. 9 10 1 D -r q ill, North Sim., . aura ild Mita; - • 1 .. . . . ... , .. .. . _ hirable Is Gator lb odolookotto COotenqr. , I rum 0ura......—.480 CO 1hi5tur1..........1.41111 pi do. to 10ad00... OS 00 da. 4 to London. le 00 do. to Parts* 00 00 • do. -to 1Tad0...... 110 00 do. to Ham trag OD OD • do. - Id BMWs ETV Possogoro oldo Wooded so Halm Orttudos Cu. tuella; way aik.st inslir LOT fular. •-. '' , . jun ft:, o tdciolnitonts lit Vitt FM, sea, pcia wan% r va Thasq wtkiiirtstc imut tie t , Minis cif i trxr gakola hero at ittoto Tot Author faformatioo,ANY' is . cliv ( *Dior; man. • , . - JO= O. DOE; kat, • LS Woodsy, Net JOHN THONISON, Hatizt 'trod. End boom We Ins d. Ondelr- .- aiblOtt Plterbanr= rp H E ATLANTIC tHEltith HOTAL lf&IL 8114111 - VAVIALG ?WA 00111P8181i • • •-•-• " • (0411. W AT 7..111& rale, 1.280 oremporen taw: 82IL&,,1,00011ourtlovnt, Loh. LllllBlB. 1.0001/ororpower. B,MO tor& ANGLIA, 1,1800 Bantopower, 1.000 tom The rossolamml: 8408e8dIr ammo wilt wall ova IdrispxY Glainhlo Noy Tret. et AID. 11.118 DAT; tbs.. lath of .Iqh, to be. istkercil= other stesiress of Ilbolfho era adterseteWe Wee of .hors Limed toSrm.Trah.pq• ibL b or fro oionalant is eroarsniz) Mat • 1800,1180- 18 ' Go Somed 88 in t • forpingo hlgtr,.. • - .c., •Itl eXAßL3l.l3•llrooderrs. I mola • 'MUM, Erreft (Smash Mathis, no. 10 Toth fltrea,.Phorberrh. LIMMIAIits trtant1 0 1411 Midl4,loo • • uthtlienst i k ris" riga* to taint actuarial* re ad sor peel of • - in• ar Sw4l•lo3o7lby isulliamOth goillMAG 1148T1thir. stint cgs* Mtn -1148NALOW blew thin Vasil cad b•maraluntibr atEt, otlartatei b Pitta h. • Mu' , diodes lion -LlVelPeol' *MI ttnzehtnt alosetondeartin aft .1)1 , 4 . / 5 Thevidliag new haTi•Limi t ig osek ! . , asytisimee ; - rtnet, E l =& . • ea triAre .ffihammlis. W HH3L6Ii WILEION'O aiaaterz PEZZII/11. =man goon SEWING MACHINE WORLD'S rem, 0111,1:prig111 .Ci0'31.49.11p, With Wag& twonicosati, . Tim °Ay Madam ta Os Wald Wag gun Ososi Puma, Baum add Own. Ida lowsovdd Haws. ofts nowatolly $ll eill Mit 'Mr sad se las Xaoldnig ti oramtlor. IMMO Mathias remitted Odra jank 111111kad Iter•WOW. SIIMINER & Co n virEENERN AGENTS, Pressman—Han 71172 Ctimasissi--P1ILL"8 OM/. STALDIEN. / LatamuraaphlL MAIO= ssrinza. jihtzsitir JINSVIML•if X iffe S. N livigt, KNOWNIO FAILI DLIONM HORATIO BLICIIBUBI CIRENATIVE ml 0011.11211311111191 lOf insular, DLUII2II4 /Lux. °squat mans AND smut= CONPUUNT. l =MO The home= ohs test* to to motto dithhi rsassts. =woo dans Melasohneshini attest Its robe. • Is Das sihrsztsess ow; She otheis - sea.. Ameba the Oho" sad tolOslthts Os* slinugui to the mtgs. - Is We 44 kinolail tia the Pale, . dpotylalbi Os sad; elm • " To the stellsr..6 rterst= ii pt appropriststy Ings4 Us^ to tom. Soldiers ~ F'riead." Mclean aid siyiodairseiy scathlogityrwp ite oldllzeo testlilm tried teas Ur Warta= dims of NAZOOT/011. OJOS net to tho Atkins try reemodng the dhow. 41014 ton N00L.10i311,11 I 00., OS gang stssat4 littatatily Cpl rapetabts della inurrbsr* MO - it;ot, 25 ozzmi•lorrLi." WILL DAMSON. cI6gAIIMISI.O. ESTABLISHED .1760. , • ' • PST= LORILL'ARD, - scent Astp , posocx: _utikOtitstrtft, • u is tatizsitta an • ! o.arolidsP,obigisokatfte,Nali UV Would on Ike attaation s , !itoolort to AI. 04 " bit essaufron" slat• atoms sory— - Ilicabon Thss Bappes. Omni ItappevAmertemi thatistasa. Dosigrook Ron Ntlitalo.t Naohlioctio, " la "' fiatuor sauft. - - , Oxide Ellalt' Told Illeotelk. Ida Mt Vont at rt Lawtyfoat. oorx.tifor floFicitiLlek Ziew 1149,04 elloAnannos ogled to thr_lapialselta tit swim al naiad Ctiowlag sod Mololclog Tot", whinb vtll to Soma of s mptaior ;sun , TOIILOOIY: :: ascanal—Lom Na I. Mu; N 1 . sadl htaC talut4 Chrs Cuormit—P.A. rhi ilds_a_Oa cre Sinai I Sind Bastail• MvnoW I I•tEn: Baostro—atimmepszbly outaskr. Hard—Aseteathe isk prise gill atarcanalo ( As A. 1 00 31 . 90 "": ' , - :„ . .---fiLti• ~.-", - , •-a ' • ' ——/*- - , ' • 4 4 \ fassmaia.""=zuso, : - stiljuitilp l _:' Lar5.........., • " ,' 0 ........ , . • wa55a..6......m0. . . . . ' an Olt ram lobed am iivail, m w s llll•atteillbs ell Ow ani lited agiuttliatanoi Mks lisaiisluttles Mins se tepid* =a, A. A. of /fiallos.teltwallooth. et sehtlatistaintall trs tit • intabudi. Silastasatt 10101. lash; estaistue ft %WU Ur Vat mad ,sastomisibbass sour hum *Wm ord/tifff Aniakta._' Mr& tree it hate":9o,ll!_,ll tuarmra. .% f ; „s oil mealbir. - • 21* amon, it • CPI NI tablAtArs..o l 4 iotegiOrUkall say or msestlesi SCS ware am; Upsosenageoall adbottherZl irlinarpfNehmaOlOm Or VA vlikti emu ot adakttliw gta L larst priporato ' l e an % , b4 S% . - lar 1/flgt , OW, teomi Om 4.lhand 461114;0031Doll ,--- ' t • • -•— 111111911 ND a Faux mi ,t4p) liENT,cf • Sq ' L' d ri • allindrehitaftwodlt ice*" statist siratitai 114 --; /21.901‘.#541°."- wri;;iass*ol 92/21AWL Eff MS& milk sal good on* ; L. ...4 5 r •!, 07 7olarkiei ODIN ilia CO - r 7 t_ith tutial Olaulareakir - :`"4,,ISt. CM I NLAN WHIELSS SUM DEQII auxin 0 -Assmajmus mew IIONDA.T. Alga &Maga, vill Dna a/ th• - lhasighaibt' ' l6 -11ttg " bvtreroictibover - - ~ - --- - Pittionb ad Maw Zia. 1 Tams 11 =1 a. sal &ID am. UM p. a. do W kW . 1 Iklo * Sal a do Iran WO to a s ot WI. to do Wissalbp. 5:10 : n ICIAI or - 4:12' * Antra &Mar— 5.. i... to 0, 610 _-al Ogmundb4lll etratemilla sad Rene& will IMO bialaffl• arid/Mina mated ea oetedokie So. good tICZAZ/anine, lirmak. Ookarola*Xll4l. /V* tez. TegpampowOhohatail. liattarokGam es. Lords. et. JOSS* and arr. wads 'gaud se . wi z is •WhoOlbs with Bolttsiati toe OW sainsoig, prmiwil sad Glarroad /4* id Lomas Mk • •2.0.—...........1 Iso *la WIN do Waiin...—.............. U 1 o. Mk. It do Pi5pird,.....,........ ~ MO ",. kat * de =maga '.,..i UV U: - Lid a' do 1arma5........,..,..1 TS! " datir A do Iladacor :...1:............i.;. Tad' " ' *ln ' 6. Antra airad...:i...... - • P.lO ts• ` TO al at Baud *tat Tawaravaabraa4 ha Nor and Goal Donn at Allbasillith I.o4blosti WAIN' amtfalditAtw adialimiat Ea visa Alliatio and Prot Amami 11020114 for WWI*. Graorrilla, Itradrilliv Val* i Clem horumatan a d Ealananal; r4-1/mPardelma .Clino. ha. sawmills and Clazdanall dr ui = ealaboaa' Nib and , Wilk IFIIIIVIII- N. E. B. AN'llska - and Pabla with G. a T. B. B. for 'llandtak7. To!lodt 1 / 2 and . 3 . 10 witliallaranta Ibr Dotson.'- • • • islintl#AccasamodtaxlessitattEaNsi. liatarnits tidy" at P.lO m.,&SR SAN mood WO a; in.:, =Vsksta to - all prominent W t a l, be . attn. MeV Street Dews, GOMM AMIS, Mot uswr At the Glasocol!iol3be Par "tabili=lt: Ar MAIM: • , • sad ; di t.MktiWitti.-,tht 111(115TLY /1 , -• is '+‘ NMI DUILY 711A186 fl. •SWSOO6II AOCOSIXOPATMOW: MIS ham the Powmart Iltidloa daft. (eszei W wing t : 4 ll air Isans ► taretimil zaklag t = l l I mmo. UODCOII NIMI Tart narbAltilgi, • Ilwal/BOTIGH WAIL TRU= lam as Wits• nab= qww7 zuwedn i ( 6 2 22 74l l o LOD e. Wooing al gen diktat dinad awissatian if Il its l i ebarh - unwe sad Waiblielmi, wia Vaw it 'Ws Mit IZSZOMUI =MS =OW isieWaftli = D A= le V=lpr a gill= W and for pow orl!. vIa'ADWWWei sorb Muir lattnbsus tbs Ilatiotaitf i q t PutOsy.) at at.“Sopplag scU t d ow . "ImOeWe ' sbtr ' V jake • DP Plabeislabbt toe - • .4.C. S 4 III W"P WRILLU X_ II Iratrt>Tembm)atMlaNanstomgpsttlidaasOW sad =Oils bar Coussowli. •-. • itesassosessoldtestedsldWOMMlSlNSW 6113,0=dideimplatlates.as - . • Buda Tub Id - Weiftlistbit toms eft Ptratptelsobast to sits. - =et A. • MU* tor WWI - tidies bred stoe_ ...___Boads7t r ate Stan • be wiramor, 01:064 ugUltigS*l lad WIN Luna Mats Mins walram imam Pay d Oak Is su rsbobloc, blew _ . rttspemb'si Pda ledU nis seld men Itt= ic H. lo s dew Eats= WM_ p. sam Rs- Mbt 6..W14 "i c tri Intake '4IWww3SWWWW *WA 5i.; , 60 Wire Ostia desobarisess eats. 50. Third Miffs:UMW= Mp S .m.; Wm* 'WIWI Abdo: soP at. Balitaw. Waras wlll tutu at& rim. etude- a p. W.; COP MOWS. - ftdas mi= ea* immigreaaseiellide. WAN lan IMP Asusontuktioa. Jcintams toulasottleca sad Ittatslbst. ad WO WW.WwWe ItqwwwlJ_ UM. SOWS= Wed. _ Item Unduitteassos at Onsmaidt. I==stunw sad WWI MiOWListowd silk Mama satabqadsbastide... 'Mks polibutlatet LI gnaVy toggle tatieull.ls saad sr WM. to tend Rs reassibiods , sa the sastutobtbm mars' Et lasmard mow obsysitts.— Boolls tebstal , wits dose. WI dr assusty tam tros 106 / We us scosoldsdethemesd =abed d!Ilb. sum bus Uds Sod MS**. fib Pbtlubbstds..... 10Ia Tglitotoutss . r, t sheeted to WI is US es i = lIIIIFINIS , m ibit!rntrith.= aild m tinv= is tAti a :=Ziat i sale 1264.1133n4 frple MUM esard kg* lbsidti ebtaseisse:wassais PM II - Pfildet sad tor ea amosat sos szao. - 7:1. -Mat Costalbse Ltas tess_aulapilis sad' to esitla' 41* Sok st=ses to=Wiansta fa subjs. um , =I beim& tklaMk_ _ ila ai H i Ltitke;nioultaik_Meted - aaarosa - Ittalbas'ss:Somemse et•TA tru. WNW ' ~~~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTEIBURGIL 710.113081 . DIPA1IMMT. Oracs os Clairnottas as TOP Cosontsa. Wvalsgtan CPT, amg dithlaSt. - Watuall a i larstbtiatay ••01P pinta to tbs at It bss boa. tads %mat the WM& OW, /WIN 01/ P Is as Cbssa at Allbsad Etats at Imassla: sts,tatbsa des arsaJW soda sad scsuall ett g i s tbs tsadtssats at tbs dotal Oast" 0 , /s Ist avoids s Waal thassasuotestsibs plidgt at Panel data stsakoal sldt toe th• attaistba sod zedasptlos tbasot. Wawa Mb. Ufa, sad ha samba, sta ll = =l"stoat dot Tigard to be_ tountlid Ida testoirstki th• Waal at Zioattil liowastallasWilcsot of as Goma -do bsts= w assir TI rumokw Bag curtmesinw. c a rta tz ot si taledlsoa, sad rites ot.Tanssybals, to astast *lb.bodiima9ealfed o%4ft' tettaxemsbiatat vitas isiol , issd f seat a Olt sf da Assiors 6d ' Jag. - Huai notSULLOWN Cl:apt:4los thr Osmaq. THE I'DIST NAnONAL 3A!K OP przrestraex, (um 2728n/Cla Tam On meni) tutur...,s.loo.ooojirliapetnigot,otticriut to ectooostost. - • "`• lbelltatrargb Simi Corepisibasizit - atolls! . - baler tbs - set be brands a Netlebal Clabgebr e yehr ' tar stns Ai Ur tea! BATIoI.II BMX (ar-___ paressuaaa, madil eiStly oar r i V Met lie collection OE94i; ' Babiat ika., nothip realayob Oyu% trat.,and Imp gi- t3lsatio co MI label tbiranntry.: =, ~ . ~ , • .•.. Mier MMus. irbiete bat Itteleki: the ~• - •i2M/Satilli . -' : • Telastkbppeas dam Its onsatistkle' to VP WA- - ire beßrre. be asaellekbe eroarsotee tbst :tape= obtretebel to the sev artanbeeetob ley! :node, Ilei ' - , Bayteg si ash, Wade,' aberusrabloce :with , Ilsalissailksilun eliroogtoosis skis cousszy g ye be. .. Mini coo crespiseapl bodltlin Weigle Whop babies videos. • ibli boding - way s»; itsiltsetarl tif this ism Citil. 'j - - Josios Isisbitki - , atemilier 4. , . .. 'Boson USIR. •• ' -'. Mind , ' fe , ftillk. 2 w l 7 IhiruDzatioh;- , . This t, an ...; . .11ismalika. —-- ' ;11)A; Fs Wags :: - - . - -• , ^ ' •-• • , 71A0 Idlitßial34 ~.1011.11- D .IICULLT. Draw ." 7 DOLLAR -SAVINGS .1944' . 8, -zips - - 0201111130 .., -.1 .4+lll MU talk Ate !ONIONS* 011'14.4 m i &two, imwsza nabs to Ift4 - *vs VW ir 1104 alAll SOVIDOF, 10 illedild. 111LAr MN sat lim•An Vie - ,Dlibralail. it , sii. gra Mete &and to. a , yuy.ta Jaw set . Utast babies dr. s h o d b ~lset'll77.,ssiolsigaitres Oa 1011 , 11 . 1 1. 1. • , sl l l .P r . all !' il a' rly-11;el ik. oar iitunselleariallbsentitillsal43lll. WA tow Oit% Ala ame Thiegt s zt void= WOO *MR kobabgeopuilemplabbMloolllW MOW .11,__UNIPP1,14 1 3 agr uiva Vig. RhillTl= r E a,, -... . atil':!;1 , . .....';',,::131131,11111111PPESi i. L 3 a biglllMi drad !!!: ." Alaistalsr ; - lamiilll4lll6ll4 , . + + Ilied.li. --` '" , -iiIIL roillotkli.A. - Jams Ilaisloy. t,i,,,,,,, hamilisethp, - + ll l3l**Arriffirgsfh. . -. --, -- - - i..+ l lallisi -- - " " adtil - - '' ' . 4.111) O a.kopaki , : .lfer r,,Ainiqui - Alamacliscire,' '+_- t .:+26 lieV .lo M.' , ,, , isic i i i 4 .Areswil.Ciesisr.. ..1 ,sHapxy. ..,, ; , ,Chasiiii/...._cielosel.a -:,, .„._.,. • 0 ~• Rit . - ;; ;-„i . ~ I L. '' : 5 7 . 41 : Malls Timutt.-1., i- 7 „4-:fr, it s ' . 7 , , 111 im, , „., , , 1, - -,,,,! -~,,! 41 . ": '' ' ' '• • iinalilitipiailt, f .. - i .. IIteSSTABEMO4OI Aldo •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers