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( Sri!: VIZ GOTX twos: 111 1 11.1111114 - 0:-CUSILTIC, -a distil. - 101 ir'.l27l,olC3lng 1111P11121% COMIT DANIEL AGBllltr.of Bs . Vamp CanwiT Ticket. • 1-04' hoPi.A.Nk#MVlt.b.'o,.(ol.l - L JO RN P.CIL/1 1 111. tilolT."`'' ' ' • • tn. 1114NII 6.4111111R0N. ''' i ' IT. 1111. 11.• ZINNIQTOR. , . s. TRW. .1, , 111011•11: ' l i. -.. • ' ''.'' ' ' ' ' ' 6.4 j I 04.4. ' . ' . , • 4140 , 1 D Alain; Js.' • . -4 1 ir* st , - 6.4". ~ • '''rk •, -, -ist., 'mciat,ont I ' 'Li -,f-. ;;;;,167 _ri....._"•••• .411.0.60 s 4.7nnlnXilloantl - •$) 1101111•116011.: - - . JO N r. DlLtsto. . ..:: COalictapie awl diefECUlitiell i , There s a_prevaent error,. -enceursged noiiitie y the presi,ln tepid to 'drafts, squab is .. t the root of all tits:popular die ... to' I tiatisfaot ii, so cunningly fomented by the • Copperb d prose, is to have broken outlet, putillo disturbances at some other polite, .:: es well u la tho greatlotnis Of disorder and marten* of insurrectionary material, which loves to call itself the nutropOlis of the Nation, and sometimes falls- into the halltiabiation othallenringk liseit is the Na tion itself. This error Ls, that to by dinned is a disgrace. .It suggested the ill-advised Bounty Espedient Of 1862, and found ex 'prossinn 3n' the uge inscription that blazed over the speaker's stand, at the 3.grest =eating oaths Allegheny Commons, ti the effect that, ."Americans never allow themselves to be drafted," and would be dishonored by Waiting for such kooatinr, gene,. . r.. I. _., The fact itnie4washiitorloally false, and . the Inferthoe'equillino. The.. - war of the l Reeolution wee carried on by foroed levies, `end the draft 61,1812 Was sot au_old a feat i - e - iirliiiii jiiiiillb a , t k ~ , ,*Ol,, `'m * et a ii , even '' _ ',Of IWe:slating generation. Nor sou. any . bodj dishonored by. it. The penes took liiiii-Talances - endelther kissed snit sa. d "God bless vs" to theirkrives andthildren, as they took down their own rifles, and fell into the ranks like men, without a murmur -or hired substitutes at once, whore it was ... ; .;Impossible for them to go themselves. These men were honored, too l by their.fel._ lon.citisens as longas they lived, and justly 'proud of thipablio references to the also ' - city with which they obeyed the call of their country, as Well as of the privilege of telling the .tort' of their 'adventures to their listening. grandchildren. It there was a reflection any where it was only upon those who might, in the popular judg ment, hive been spared from their homes and families, or those whohad taken money to defend their birthright. How. ntrange the prevalent idea, then, that th e position _ . of a mercenary was More honorable than that of - a conscript, or that the country could be no well defended by miners hira lingeoldiery as by the unpurcitased and, unparchasable arms of its own self saari- doing children! And how mush stranger, still, that the purchased soldier should be called a ookinteer / ~ And now we and that this very idea Is unproved try the disloyal funothmaries of New York, and Westchester, and Albany, into a means of crippling the Goirimmeent. by . seepinithe people oat of the field, and compelling the authorities at Washington to look after , hired bayonets for the do. Mute of the homes - and liberties of ...Re publican ?seek The pnbUn offiathlii of those ommunities say to •• us, and to ..„ the'Government,-"We cannot success fully mist your power. We have already , tried that and falled:. There is ono thing tonsure that we can do-we can rob. the Baton men to psy the commutation money • of the Cepporkteada.. You may take :the. ;toss bat you can have no mem unless you go abnisd forioldiers ocean. Mipt. the Re publicans to do the work themselves, In - the letter case we shalt be rid of them. Many of them will die, and all will be dis franchised, white we remain at home to govern-to enlarge the kingdom of : the 'Five Pointe,' and to balmy tee soldier at ' the Brit opportunitY into the hands or his - . essay." Treason has aimed no folder sl4b at the *lugs* ever Government thin this. It involves the dilsmms of the hirer linger the Republioan. No notion has ever Windd itself successfully with the . - former, and saved its own libertise at the same time. , We osnnot save tuts ones if --- aiiiatter only are to fight,;and the ekilk -4 i - ere only to govern. All thestiontilianoes however are des - i' Used to - ,Tithlawiess Confederacy of murderers end- tlifivei; which differs only from its New York, miniature copy In; its higher organisation, le tumbling into aim. Its armies have already pelted itiiiiy_With -- .i/ii nionitidi !of aninglenittis'iint le will • soon be as hesdieevand impotent asithe r , holy brotheeboodnf New York. "Oar work. 41 spout done -in the Bouth," . was the ire liiiiit in iiiiAie - rase ges'sittiiiii nrcei of the Army of the Tennessee not many deys _.- ,agis. ,!. Ws have bsen_fo ll owing Basun to get a fi ght, but nan lit noenemy.' 'l4 a very few months, 600,000 of us wlll be, at • 0 1 .0 -4 " l .! vit ' llB $ 2 9,009 6 i aminrita . . so oiatb a big %amount' with the Northern . .. 1 - - Arsitots,•llo We besn'eereing ns eigen *rens a lora,: and have distant:hilted us wherever they. lave halthe..power, while .. . ,'' we were lighting thaft.hilileet. - We shall settle Rat thoballotbos or with go taiya 7 net, if. neeesierY-4e don't ears mßo_h whiolOr dad; they will settielt. to the astoilihnimit and confasionef, tai Sir- Noon tind.Wooos and Vassamtanairs . , aid all the entailer fry; who have been - - weiMog inAtt heimbler way to betray lin= and is latitin basis the traitors. i.. „ , WOSC "7111 asm—Oise oars Susie s nib of budf t ii as st• Noy Toi Orstiv• *mud ma, iil4rdyCliallslls2o.,llqllaunstlity, are =sk i ''lts-silepidlf sCirqsaibl• sesoapllsh sboslabos Isld :est . for them. —Tsalsegsy the ,snots--tleiw stems oorrotts , Cosisstlist sad `9111114r ClO—wore pat Is 'Solistulen, 'IMO other ablp4t wows hauling lile,Usdr lots twills I. osestst on:--aitsaises it.: 7. Is fe , worthy ofistit. wisatitressabb . ltebd 61 1 11114111Mig i llir -are:41242 1 4 SRAM , 4th SIMM 4 W. " Ilmo'f,Taakees." THE FREEDMEN OF THE SOUTH. Preliraingr* Reportgthe American Frosdnien's(pity Commission The Commissioners appointed by the Government to inquire into and report upon the condition ot,the Freedmen, w hom. the War and the President ' s Proolamed= _-, , have delivired-itmiti'the house a bondage,. _ ... have so far completed their labors, that they hay. made a valuable end“leeply in teteetAng Prelim inary Ripper{ on the sub ject, which has just been published. Its length prevents us from transferring the whole ofit into our columns; but the sum mery, and conclusion we give, as presenting the results and alit of. the. Investigation more I - tali-set forth - lia thedoeument: The problem, in thesolution of oh the Commission has been Milled to aid, is of a mixed cherraimee. Together with obvious and imperative considerations of humanity, I it theelits 'great • questions of : Christian eget tie .uou and or statesmanship. But_ [ wrist urgent at the present moment are its relations with the national struggle in which we are engaged, and with the blue Of that struggle for good or sell. Progoeing berealter to embody In aware maturely considered report the more cow plea - and - difficult inquiries of -,a genera coaraoter above euggteted, the Commission dismiss levee for the present with a single brief remark. The observations of the Commission In the sections of mummy visited hy:them, to gether-- with - the evidence obtained from i those hating most experienos among freed men, justify the conclusion that the African race, as found among us, lacks no essential aptitude for eivalisatiou. In n general way; the negro yields willingly to its re strain w, and enters upon its duties, not with alacrity only, but with evident pride and increase of self-respect. His personal rights ass freedman once recognised in law and assured in practice, there is little I reasecohadocibt that be will become a use. tut member of the great industrial family of nations. Once released tram the disa bilities of bondage, be will somewhere find, and will maintain, his own appropriate imolai position. The Commission revert to the question in ittt relation to the existing insurrection. Its }mportanor, in that connection, can hardiy se over•eatimated. if the slaves •of 1 the Sooth are loyal to . the Onion, the North Will have but itself to blame if the. nixie__ not ,speedily and - triumphantly closed.) Scarcely any other question, there fore, is more intimately connected with the suture destiny, prosperous or decadent, of this nation. But in point of fact, it admits of no res. sonable drubt that the southern slaves; as a body, do desire release from bondage, from forced and often excessive labor, from arbitrary and often inhuman puoishment. Their masters have sought to inspire them with a "'dread of 'linnet* . Abandoning ;" but whiliPdonhttess assenting, as the habit of the slave is, to these denunciations of northern emancipationists, all facts prove that these men, as a general role, see through the flimsy pretence, and are wil ling to risk severe panishinent„Sometimes death itself, whenever they have good reason to hope that, in deserting their mas ters, they will find in us just and sincere friends, able and willing to put them in a condition in which they may enjoy the re- sults of their own labor. ' .But we, by our policy towards these pee- ple may encourage, or we may discourage, that hope. The point on which they are peculiarly sensitive, and chiefly need ae- surance,te as to the absolute and Irmo cable certainty of their. freedom. We can not expect this untutored race to under stand the abstract proposition, that a great nation, after having solemnly declared, through its Chief Magistrate, that three millions of its inhabitants shall be forever free, cannot, without utter degradation in the eyes of the civilised word, repudiate that declaration and resonsign these mil lions to slavery. They must have more tangible proof of therialiiy and unchaste*• ble character of their emancipation. They must feel themselves treated as freemen, I before they can folly realise the feet that. 1 they are and will forever remain such. We, by our misconduct, may gin color and fora to the misrepresetitauon of slave holders touching our ultimate intentions I towards the negro race. We may cause doubts in the minds of this enslaved peo- pie whether, in flying from Massey know, they may not encounter worse ills by the I cheep,. Seery aggression, every set of injustice commuted by • Northern man against en- Arcadia' fugitives freer despotism, every insult offered by the base prejudtce or our' raise to a colored man because Of OM African descent, is not only a breach of humanity, en , alienate against civiliastion bat it is .also en act which gives lad and comfort to tee enemy. The reporter it goes abroad— penetrates into the eneory'S country. 891 ear as its influence there extends, therefrom is to deter the slave trout leaving his mas ter—therefore to secure to that master a I.breartproducer, and by the same act, to I deprive the Colon as colored soldier, and c, compel the government, by conscription, to withdraw a laborer from a Northern farm. The prudes' effect, therefore, of abuse and injury to colored people, in these days innot atone to disgrace theauthers of such sate, but to compel oonsonption and to de nude the North, already scant of working bands, of the laborers and the artisans that remain to her. Thousands of lieldi clothed by white men may remain walled, thine ands of hearths owned by white men may be made desolate—all as the direct result of the ill-treatment of the colored race. • flash a epirit is not treasonable in the -usual sense of that- term; yet its- results are the same as these of treason itself. It becomes,therefore, in a military point of view, of, the highest 'importune that all wanton aoti of aggraiston by soldiers or civilians, whittler against refugees or 'against free sigma heretofore settled in the North, should be promptly and resolute ly repressed; sod the penalties of the law, to every such case, rigorously enforced: A prudent, regard for our oon safety and wet -tariff zo - Itigher . motive prompt, demands the taking of snob precaution. '. - We have imposed upon pensive. an ad ditional obligation to see justice and ha meetly exercised towards these people in accrepung their -serviced as soldiers. It woad be a degree of baseness of which we hope our country is incapable, to treat men who shall have confronted death on the liattle-field, side-by--side with the bravest of our own race, in a struggle is which the stake is the existenoe in peace and is their integrity of these United States. We are wryest to ear enemies it we deny that this strugglislas been a hard fought mak pontestaa bravely and with varying ;nooses. A people . with an . element of grad•barbartim in their ...day, giving birth to habits .of vialsnos . and - a lawless daring, w i ts some respects, well prepared for war. Add to this; that our task is the more arduous because, to quell the rebellion we havi had to become the invaders. Under thee. circumstances, . can we overlook the fact,thst. several hundred thousand able bediadtattaidetaeltei.hrin ths laboeranks of the enemy and intiorporMad Into-the yof the North, may 4111110111,117 Infla ting. Ordeals:ion of the Issas? - . .._ - There is an oddillail reason why a con .siderable portion, of the Tinton armies ' ilhiltild bit made Wei leasing' of Afrista lesoint. : Thstransformation of the slave society. of - the Stialtlittit fra society, no longer properly . a question, has beam. a etoeseetty of mar national 84- 1 fleattag ton have already•zoaotted Usseon -1 olustots;sed the imies'of onipeoplit'as at.. taming to it day brday, that the solo CM. ditient -. .0f Passissatpoitaca this continent lilthe oradiratbri - Af. - Itegra.lllneel7; Bat ihelifiiitey - claims wend rnlsbe* Ste 01.%- topple of satossland isoOmblilerilift its Modem without motion of Its cm That the indiscriminate massacres of a senile insurrection have been spared us, as addl. lion to the horrors of a civil we; is doe, it would newrether :to that Mutat of , re vet:greed blood-thirstiness which chino terises this race, then to the lack either of courage or of any other quality that makes thihardy oombetant; for these the negro appears, so far. as we have tried-him in civthsed wit fare, to possess. And in snob warfare is it fitting that the African race seek its own social salvation. The negro must fight for emancipation if he is in be autimelpeled. If, then, emancipation . be the price of 'national unity and of ptsce, and if a peo ple, to be emancipated, must ,draw the sword in their own (muse, then is the fu ture welfare of the white 11160 in our coun try indissolubly connected with en sot of justice, on, our pert, toward people -of another race; then is tt the sole .00adition under which ' We may expeet—and, if his. tory spat truth, the sole condition tinder which we shell attain—domesue tramp it', that we obeli give the negro an upper trinity of working out, on those battle. fields that are to decide our own national destiny, his destiny, whether as slave or freedman, at the same time. The Commission hive been instructed to report boa colored freedmen "can be most usefully employed In the service of the tuoverriment for the suppreuion of the re belliou." The above remarks may suffice as the record of their profound 000viotiou, that no more effectual aid can be had in the speedy suppression of the rebellion awl the .testoratlon of permanent peace, than is to be obtained by inducing the hearty 00-op oration of these freedmen, and by giving full scope to their energies as military la borers and soldiers during the continuance of the war. Bejaia this, it remains for the Commis sion to bring to your notice a statement communicated to them by Major General Batter, namely, that Many of the Louisi ana planters, while professing loyalty, "had agreed together not to make any pro vision, last autumn, for another crop of sugar, lupin, thereby to throw upon us this winter an immense number of blacks, without employment, and without any means of support for the future—the plant ers themselves living on what they can make from the last crop." To what extent this policy ham been car ried out, either in Louisiana or in other States,-the Commission have not jet the means of judging. Up to the point at which Able-bodied freedmen are needed, as laborers or soldiers is the army—say three hundred thousand or upwards—there can be for the present season, no difficulty aria tag out of any such combination among disaffected, planters. Even beyond that point, the evident remedy is that any sur plus be employed in plantation labor. Meanwhile, women and children under eighteen can be so employed; and the pro. dace of their labor may be of great impor tance, in view of the passible scarcity of provisions next season throughout the South consequent on the destruction and consumption incident to war, and the non cultivaation of many plantations, whether by express Combinations of planters or from other causes. It is here worthy of remark, that in re-. calving any given number of tutored nil. grants from the Talbot Stater, a much larger proportion of field laborers is to be found than in the same number of white emi grants; the_reason being that the women as well as the men—even girls of fifteen and upwards—eire usually accustomed to plantation labor, and often from force of habit, prefer it to any other. This is an important item in estimating the aid which my be derived from negro refugees. Upon the whole, the Conimission conclude that there is not the least risk that snob refugees will look to us more rapidly thee they are needed and than they can be ad vantikettualy employed. The only queer tion is, whether we shall be able to inducts doom to join us in inch numbers and as speedily as is to be desired. It is in our own hands to hasten the time and increase the number, and it hi doubtful whether, in the conduct of the war there is a more im portant duty to perfo m. All of which is rem Gully submitted, BODLIIT DAL' ORIN, haze MOKATI, Sumo. G. Bow; Commissioners Office of the American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission, Nat! York, June 80, 18d3 IVISW IP 0 ^ CM Tti &AS IL.ArT4 al OlVo .4thoe. Pl4t.bargb • mint 114 b. 11113 j pRTRAY.—Wee t Jen up on the 11 at - so., aa • st-av, es too 91.4 u .aly, awe 1 4..41 1" BAT lit Li n t 01. owoor .11 em o'. ...HI, prove roomy ..y ehe.y.•„o wad .as eel a ta low ea lslDal. ohs II h day sr Awavat. at to redoes a se. sal tit II aaa (11.14 of Polar.. CEULGAI-ALY IIitiTITUTS. Bouolog 11 Day Deboal far fonag Ladlu. /111 , 1 1 it.ad lak2 p see litrot Sintl•44plita gin.. Ina sr warm of in.ten•lo. nabs.° s .b• +inn Wretch s•an.r• w ti • 515315 Lppg. ••••11nd- sod .11 tb- bn...bse •hi • cos ..1t.•• •'bawl& sin 01. h .• Oat I n. ssoloid • 1.• 1A... (slog psis it. th • i.d.en b, .•• enaalpol, n 1 b. to. .•.t Prows no_ sprach 1. los g of Isisqd, and le an. stas.iy spots. la t • in s •siscAnst•• yaw esistane • Bspssabor IW sent coon Snip for • troth*. and partkidaa imply to wain. NAPA it • nip d••ti...T.PninalliaL CUNzItiNIiESTA. 4, bbl.. • Rua t. UT Noon BOWS, nbooll ages bidmil 1.00 . .. Molders; Itcr •bbi Am. t • ea* pale( t obi, by ••1 gra, p. gur,, , k . 111, iii i %Pim a. y, - 111.1.T-5041 able ex ra Na 1. ♦lso 6J Pm rable istt aaj b t.s. ground Man Balt, In week*, Mt sae at 165r0e t. Meet a Or.. az.A libllNlLoTtiATillret triaaCE.--Let tan of idolotstrotloa on Otos as as et. Clop. .la. Omuta. Ism of Os Ci y of Moab r.h. dewed. ha tag Foes g sold to ID. anio•sgasd 01l p.r.ogs indebial to sold also old note impalas pop map, a:d time Wats, aloha Lola; aid 'unstop •Ol o mom tb. to, pro:Plir with 'Wooed hr amat..a salmi Of ‘ D. band, ador analltesatirl' ft Wolof 'tiro!. - laltsa.u• Llyo —lke varartairuhip lJ ealstlot bootwo.n the updonicom. on a Ow 11. m nuns ol [fled% 11.1:1DD /10u. ox plrol tists de) Molt t&a... rup bmiluse. 1.111 omotloued by oda II Lis Slier, by .11.06 .11 intim& dn. to ix Ca the LW ars alb a•aettled_ oaf ft WAS Slar, EL I [ODD,± )al, WADI , /al, ha, la a %Mai ►on Mt• Vitrowt. r YuU WANT TO BUY good, cheap Boots, Shoes, Gaiters or Be!morals' m so. is K Kfl 81111111, iln an doling oat Cu fasaptaar await at greatly radaakt pities larttegietibU the plies. t a , . • • sired len^ ••••• In. InParid to Math sotto who whb to bot• hob WS .torlog tbsytithor hortbityllb doh at. Buokayo lu, sad also Oork Ur, • Wkiela they ess sepplqsa tin rmly land prim, sa 'hoist% aid Mill. sir GI Te MO* : 1111) 'UPI 'An odattli tio 4113 'C'_ .- —Tsar Wile Oki r .. 4 4 ,17 for a% houtlac Valera. 016004 Wobi or. jitioot., tocoslory brick deroWeig benotrol erns NOW, fipas porch - iota Ain • coal Promo loos.. " , s,l, I 0,118B•gy•/Owe 51 WiwAst $7,11, WILL. eUisutlAell; s Vise Ling vv ansbat ter roam moan, smut Sat I'" irbYsd .ultra-;MI front ft: 'A Dm stmt. anpave Pop, PoKoosios la tiros loo o tba. f sista. &for all P. Ur:Pi Kt s sows. at W•r1 1 .4 st. ' Cutast. : au ko., sok sw i m; -wat b. sad. VIM 610411 tali. se /0 o'• lir k. .1K s svna l b of las .litililollll.ll inotbars by Sb. 'WS sf ssrwary.i 4rilimbie immortent of Ent. 1•11$69 1 114 viadttat at 11•11M.11. 01.101. lc it &VOIR. _mi. as Isom ..asiusse Awe Dolt boj wreak kimpko to. bosom& mildt ~ .. -. ::. j emu.. ~~''~Ce ~~~/.. PROPOSALS FIB PLUMBING AND ORS - .111T . 1 1 .4 16•1211.1 1 . 1-„ a , Li. 011110. Dam QasteslLAlass.. Jet-r,-tk..14. I. data Sagl 6l Pr"..l. to th's .41 , s as • tl. eb.l7ra I.T AOl2l-'6 r, ISO Pr daltr.lag at the 111trear. a t , a its , Of win , 11. ite.r Jaren-n.1,, 10. ,dises. ;ha I.llorths f lambing sad tisa 1/..1.4 tartest. t . , . nu tscroasvi birsdnd .10 , 7'0 PO) Awe ttra tarh.QalranWd W.allttiir '0 ripe... - • - • Four thosaol alllll I..adral il i l,lo I 60.1 sae sod one hall loch ....t.r.ds -1 Wr Imo Ply*. 161/sttbeessad (6010) Mit ate lath Clainattsid Wrong/ t teen Nip • • • .; - Ito thymus/ In battled (550 1 5) %et three qa.r. 1.10 lass 11...rwalps1 Wrote% Iron Pips • The thetas./ aTi beindreal 15.600 ISt 1.1 ( 0111..61.6.4 llroatht Lon Mips Th... (,( 0,, it et thus atabth 1005 Gal tatted Wrot gat non P pa. tt.vant..ti andsl (I tt)etemadaClaTfatls td Muth,. 01 /Mara. , tlod.a.d • •o ay 0!. oansrat tB6'r) r0n0e.1.,•••,. I/ Aar isoasan die b.ndrs (6 • on) puma 66.56 .Is S./.6. so. fa • .41 ars .epli dela/ 11a. iben sad (ILO.) p AAA, [h..% •s•Add tzaaiss. ,T 6 0) Lea/ sud Minable J. U. 1102.1.1NDSONI ilukst arra, mare & No. IT Weed verso, P i p tfte so..na oc• 13 1. Icon Twriity won eft) cast ton hoppli• Weber Closes, &tint. (61) rest bon ,Bath 21030—8 C. I. 6 feet 6 Iter•• by ht ...ch a Poet (4; rico tbipiir. two (t) fat squaw. by tea (1•) two • r• 0 2•O tan r. 4 oat blobt,-.lx (991 th••••qambr Inch wan. plow •di • 0 els, et et boron Wyo. I t•en .t.bt no loin 0.41 b., w lb` obe•acku 0^•• .ya•blge bath hto .aboect bow, 05... tor I p Thir At v6l •••11 1.• h .r•st pl.lo B tto. Mud fur In. pips 1004 • • (0) quarter both V• 1•• 090. T ...a • a ;tartar taab bra s Wash To] • n • 2.0 ( )•aioneli•cl Winh Stands wt h wash b.slos. p 1.541 alio co ' w•ury sate. t9') s, 98. 9ln by 20113. by 6 to. dem • r.• (9) Usk.. 4 11. oto byll 11. In. I: 1 I 6toP unr (4) tw t In b Ball (nit. fitted for two Inch In p e. too In it ttopt o Its Iltiod for Umbel' Iron ll (') On • *ad veh3ll, Inch Ball Ow kifttbid for two 1 to troU rip'. (6) e (.an Wiper Baitlfillots with 64 Incli alumna. Tiny-font (M) ow Inch Stop Cocks, fitted fOr ono Itch Iron • 6,0 (6) thw•-quartrir Itch Val.* Clocks tatted far threstio is ter loch Iran P 9'• Oas (1) on• tacia Oa I (not with .Ix-Isich copper Soot. ori.o lt•ltch niaolc. • • '•oa. (i)ow•and n hall ftich lonics Cock ettoil for Iron As. .3 0.0 y rafts (9ft) holt inch Barrios 06oks tUtr4 fir 17. 1 ,9 TOMU.74WeI (rnthnio,cl,ftilis Inch &rules Coati 61.61 for iron p Twent74..o noodrid (11.100) bet tWo•lttilt from LIU s. Thow thin:mot (, CO)) fart coilooli Iron lobo T•rtt. thnoisw.l4.lto jibes throe q amorloch Iron' Omani hundred' (10) Wet h.l( loch 1000 tuts. Zigtiteeti handsini (lenn) lost thrsowl4lolt inch tabs Devon hundred' (NO) fast coo quart•rincli lots to. el kola Imam) pounds stalltable Iron Pips dogs • • no thou...no (LOCO) 1100/11 of dit-rigt tittm To ont y..ou (a) trot Mat cnh•npt itas btaelulto ILattotor - • . . 13 ( ) tw , light B Br•M , Ott. Two . hadored sod dfty ( ) oro.light au Peed 6.tt, 04141 As, tz.o.ptlitt two, duo/ kw Ora. egg .th Irst. pi" .wo mamas...lmA slaty (la) nft.l'lldt Oo Pond oat% comp esompt.log tittAld oor thn eighth sou pups P.p.( r) fear-l'ibt Gee Poodeats, ettotbk, az • atpt Sta.. Ilbwd 01 1,411.• eighth ig,2l Opp. am cast Goa Laing COSP. otsittio.• In 01 the' parts 'One hundred tnd tea thousand (Ito.cor . ) (more or tea) lila burnt tr eh. au trap iii le. will subject to the hope:lion and sproValat an .g.nt of a be Uoversma•nt. TO* .1.111 , r, Of Won. I ih•Slaral a Ws Y dlikm los nested tor lan mtdlst. of Ed SolilliOus Pam gasldlnlnle of•st dal* of arlattrat. stoesdll g lab,igs tberestier; sad du • hote to b macaw dieland co be sareeds bOtte V.llO oi tsp. .1:60., usit.Or .001.11( it 11,1160tte&ble. its fill Elias .ad pat odio• .dares of ibe bidder (tad the 141 nano o. hiepertima 11 birdlosi la I a) teat epowr In tlis prop:eat •al 1 on dkapd potato toad robot spat a. lb gm anti sat aocated red, and Outwit Fri-sonata 11 assay. rut Is ell Cove woompeay the tild. Vey*" .1. aid be sodas ed to the oadwelgaid. tad pawl anemia, iir.okasela tot tinsmith% sod d.. enure Ski • r ain' t en. Sub prop. am Inuit be e cosepin'ed bile pareeben • g asal y tau irmiAteiLLi proem, lnegfl./.1. Dotty an t. La Mork by th• alt hat. of the like% o tw want) in •likb tbey ands The lora alibi oemetee aid boas stance Ae.— SI 1.11 Count .1 —••- end awn car-a--. sad —or %be taws, or —*end do biaelty vivant" tbel abbi to ha . llll . l , iiien . raw! Is .eractirib•wtob the teas ea tad ikalte eboold his propeifitea airsitaireZ at ones eases into • amino le wooed& be ikon. atilt. bleak! we ecearwe be awarded hits ye an prepared to become but *warlike. heats ta the wee w ll.e ihreand (P OM) dollar.. dined by Ibm oestrous sad bah 01 ilis slam. balm?. •alt be ,paled at tee eareerdet bld.wr on Lippe' .be admen. biddos tardrad r.J b. ballot in parson when th At DIA ate • p.a.d lb. opt te fret ray or all tar bide that say by wallas•eerd too bit t en emarad by the tadaslvia. mg tbe tsg.i sags 4 miss slug Did su mOs • dam, at 11141 ises Laws la ass ed. •II la arcane by tat Goren oat r and, LaMar 4.14 nr. id bed. der tea.* p oval 11 soot nal so nitraidi et bk. ta• .1. • paw. 04, an Tull y sod gamin', tee sista stlpalend to b • deharea, wire in* stem sat go 4ruraiwar to ass'Es an luso as. Sid ol,lo sagg anh **law Le by parobawn nod as h iddie: to b. *awned atilt iltt I/4W.w or wit . 1 a G. 000111. slangd ClarsS Sod ass. 'aortas . = .11.1 . el/131! NA.TLOSAL Or PITTSOUILGEL. SaIIIII I IIST DaPall7lllllCT. Onzos Oosttuataa or Tao wear ci„} ' Was wait,ol k :3 01•0.1 au., 1 0 Witaaa By .54 f•otor7 'Wawa rik.a •• to 4. a•• .4••••. Ito ••••• updo at • aril: tr.a•S le .11' 715, Illsas VllPiegUltuti, Is the 115.a.7 o. Atlesbe r too (.1 *am 47 nro• a dials u got IWO alkda alka sam.4l: svlstr. ay ol IN• £OlOl 4.24 , 01111. 115011 • 1 . Ise.a..t to loo..d• • 11•14,0 4 tam.. o•cavio 57 • p. 51- s • - told sod , fio po. 4•• %mama .at tot apoo. ia•tor.' 'osp.ovid .0. 554 PAIL 1 111 so. boo coopo•5 wow 5,1 to. p col.t•Da•S oda »In rit••••4 K. be oorplaollat,l• u•la , • oontamaot buslusuil of g Blow. ;Moreton 1, at Oa Stot.to.,(o.,lls...putnet . 07 ills tastuacy, t• • 7 5.1137 . Ines .1.•-•41,. I AIaTIUII,II/ last Or P.21.51111;01, MUM 44. Allsemay. s.d 8 aim et Pas•oll gob. •• •statatema to 10a5m5,5 111•b5does1 51 1 / 5 a10•5 smi rk/ it. ad a 1 toga. s al veloteof 1 asd 1 tied seal 51 egos tit. Ilk do of aupai A sa. oo • MIL • 1111511 BO Ocomple.llss et Oasseacy. TEE FIRST EgiONAL USK OP P/TriBIIIWIL : (LATII PITTIDUIfea IBUST WINO& e. 400.0 0 0 p litbgs to ISICIOIIIIO ' • SO ezooo 000.- l• Pitlatnulh 'hut oupsay bomb' i?rig.olvald at der tee 801 totrams 1(410001. etre. y 01160 r dui 1110' 01 SW itlll.o Pais .41AL Bags.; Ult elm Boom; would roysifell• elf.r I • Gertiok gor Ow am ertioa of Yi ow. Dcatta.B U. at Itaisbaisits act • 000.1 4 0 Imes, on dereit. sod Day cal a•U as cp w .14 Immo of tha oaostay. Ate 011041011 ithiola has st 000.4 the PitteNVlV; Te, Oar yr Arshi.f, rp 0460140 n fa 16z.we bcfsee 00.01 , 460 Mese vareet (0 bum 0 mmlllo4lo 1110 NW orguusaLaa reotivel Ch• awns p OS 64014 40. • .... 1111.4 g 'my azinaln was* nd.lloo . 11.4 is 0.41 Ilaolkay throaillo%l thComury, 1: t 11. lore** .a trim unsaid logltlo,o to ammo wio ao hs le •..its its - • 0.1.4 paw will Ds ..00ductol.by the am. Wk . 0 4 , 411 . 414 n5,dc 0 is , - , Jews Lassa% . 1. .AkZ. ISnd Oh "ho. W.rmissi" • flaapicl Wm. N. Maki, amiss teueaus.rrisiant jog m P. SOTIGLT .1 inteetuid. Ar.or SIX 131 LAMS', aura, 11181111 V, 116114 TOVnrir AND Gila IiSUI - 1 BOOTS AlliD-..191101E.N2 Ts elas tns Sanaa 00VIai acaciiimadVs Judah& 11.0oris, e 5 Irina *Tani. i uaolo s Nrtrag u:UL ;I•AIa ili gall **Public , Ida, as /MID liT. the Mb Wt., at 1p a'akaa a at Mr neldßu . übsid " towasittp, aniataial collOrti.Lea; ol, 9 o !:•T an . ll4 wa tbeat4-to;•stlllowaptlat - ' SS teat V. 4 Datasaf sad 14&ottattal• 4 11464 I ells me lad tintaista 0141 • ". t Gala rant ;man JM , a,az ••.; , Oojl Start• • ‘Clasaar Wady mei Ik . e!'" . , Two•ilaret Dareadilt • • • 114 Mama oat atlipolltl Oil Fle 41 1. got ti - ee se liht the awe, I hew eiehtegletaFt#:# 46itea k k .. 0 1 0 1 roman teresollet Girt taw sag beam es, the elss,et tele !.. "ft 100111.41..- • _ .. T. .4 PH•lk. • • V t IAAjWiS —lam g. en tw ate by swigs'? B. 001JAIIIII. N A LYSIS.- A i. Pria01.—.—.40.60.. 4, /if: ' t ... • 1 ALVICIL —...111.10. i u P w0 c a : .... L ..........._. n. 40_0 i n:0 012. 1,.. I, St L t 0 ... I1:1 11 .1 1 , .. .tao lasna sompted the. Army •to Ohs Ads at thy BIIMPLI (11.41, mind sear PI Leal*. Nib, I b rit, lb. attostion of Glow sod Stud Ito nahotorms to the And)* rim steno es lepo•tad by Profs. A. /... Heys: of BostoA.AM3 rix Booth. of Phfledel• phi; Alai*. tore ad with tbs test of wind sxperl mom by mannhearers Is Plttsbarsh. -IMortnostl and At. Idols. debt:mhos It to 0. oh. pine' eve most 'Vega Ms now [sum, whether Presto or A 1315110.0 ots mole .frOss It have do'ol In Um Gam taro horn 0 tot utonths. Iha AM! Id. Ii of ths — Citay as taboo from the mins. 'do t soy smoking or preparstios what. sad. It nest sAlpolvsorett sad p entity qopettlos which ars MA vlioen by lb. .nb(1001. sod otos' admF of tti, otzturs co a Imp proporttov of doll or m ala i. ad I am n rr poomed to till Indres for , hs 'bon 1 7 8 Olay, toshfpred MO PO • hoots ,or dolirsrad Uri ALEX. GORDON, .. . esom mast =M;rl DideA.t..ulioN or uu.) , AterNii.k. m 1p —Th• O. Pada•nblp torolrocs *Mu. g trivets lb , vq~onell ostOs• lbo 'et, o 11.411.1V01ga .a sll. LIMA. boo boo gtglo day di grAe d by sr t -al oonmat All wraps tg•• tag oa•ast. sub 'be at. Ira mill- Pine. riosa the fkg a•ti •fteet, et so. Asia. '4) IS yo•••• o.t - 1 . 111, ..0 , 0'0,0, lagoon a. Sibiu. SO A • • 1A • bung tg Agonised lb, moo gUagon of ggliAas•• /*hod SOC.tuit.s. Os) lusioneb,pes&sieno; Ici the", with Idl.othotlty to sail., bar %%wrung ' • 1 !..14. 1 •14LK lig•Blissoo WIT gW D;OGILRAIe, P. t 1 LLICA, _ Aogiod 1. . TUN, UNDEBEGNED, havirg dim. pond of Vole tolicr•O In Os WasolOotOS Work.," hosltUr•oatetoo on bo Rll.llsoll, *Mt tanzu ) t • Kelp?. 10Bitiltin, Mlle would newton. totonunend lb, now tot to thii patonno of tio pa blio. • wreasnow-uovaLies, P. IL MILLIS. WILIUN 11114111.11 Pittitnuet. August rpHE SUBSURIBE ELS having purehasad U. the. ••Miebtagtoa Werke"' fuss u. late flout of BOBlfdaol9. flint) d if • I.LIIII, ate roosted to . curt as the Wilson of renders end decathlons la at b. Onaolue luau the stile of V.05tU001., BBL a CO, leer e.ea fella solidi • oentleeenoe au tee Metal p.treasg•eittaaed to the late are.. all watts U maiebf tee Ora of 11.081tletllf. Ni6l2 B; and Lot yet .olttfeted. aro searfeed by ILL • Wet. U. Run NbUff, 'VILMA II RIO, (MO T. 11, 1 131bf.0N. 'I4ZfUIfIfUOZI. Pltteb Amend 1. Pits . $4115:1. EIILL YOUR iIiUTUURA.PIiIO . Apulia 50.000 CARD PHOTOGRAPHS OILY oss,DOLLAS ♦ DOLIN,) GIYZIALL% AUCHLBSIEB AHD somas, 1.110111111112 KIN MID WOMIN - 4:b910f of ME PAINTING! AND ZHOBANLBOB At oats $t • dam, At 10 mats s&th, PI T TOO K' S soon. SZATlOilltrf MiD azwa DEPOT. firm trrimr,orrperasToz P.O. OW A large imply pt rAtotoosianio Alto B KB Aprils ow lan • - '1•111 UR BENT, FILEM FOB Amp. sioell 'tuba oaktradon. An ;WSW 1 , 110, 4 101 4im.BUCCWCB._ twcmeinsta LING. oostaintas 10 0 fosios ► sad stx . d !KOALA TIIIANT E 817314 =kW Me vbels taros. BIS- Or rpm, tams: 00 I p. &boat *re ago Ewa tbe I== city. Isqidre al roa !unwise. iIIieGAZLN rzoTeasass • . ''AID wmasn. POGIIT -1005111 D P&P/$ HIT* MT/01111W LID DLL 'ill BOOIL posTroitel ALL'7IIII xlw 100 L. room zeismuna GOLD PENN Dui dr MA OW iise =sir 4/41111 DI 11.111114 Ml!ffn Imraikw J 0 U Ili NT2B, Book, Ittlioast7 and Bows Emporium NiJiOXICI Sua, F17:111 ETIIIrt, WILLIAM WARD, DIINTB11; 9V thlidlog.l9 Ow, Motu ostrolloo ea Lflottirornoot ' 0/at oasts Aim 9 o. os, till sp. to. la afar toe rotor sAltors sees" Oa the Pon of tboto OA* my . all era I doe II • sly dots to &Anatomists of Om tbtAtts scamps MA. paw• tics of tiostlitty; oafs!' lo la 'AU ant put. I Ito sot eV* if, dolt 04911 lo on 7 OW- 114 net inks sing, sots Of tooth; t do sot sto9Ulaf. . 1 9 1 9 r 1111101411114.1101 1 V 1 49501t0y boob, to osltor to boort orttliotot sass; Ido net. soy to.tsaess Ado dm lb* shorn of S•stb, - tborosy tondortis this Itabi to Mot post poloist Mawr: sad OW only Ices ;la more onion. Thews ood oluoaroos other' thboteoluch I could iircity. sot OA' Int the abooLeLiastansa-super-1ai.. 411 . 4 . - - 0 . -44041, gi.m#4 es eSbolted Ovid; sispotbstolkutto os panelis Ho leeis rUslitstost. la.lbotr Wig In strasso,toivisoir. tooolits9 too oppottSoot ol "bo drool beittsto to pose woo or Ito, As ihs fof 900 of -9 11 9 P f 0 9 14 9,11949, 9- '4:sr I ter.o4la- tbs. 31w11. 11/-'4ll We SIP: sortsit fitskitiog to Sty sac or, aselsoirs t: tiro onocosol Ala • ;lobar D rlrlreE *EAU bolas' thaVeglitartlea Hi_ tar pa - s," UMW v Abe e 0 fay dtbsiviiitearsint thataw*taicieira as cin t• pad. 11.4 wont d And' • • „ • Ms" ••111004 oats*. mini. there 'odige end ere 411Jiddiddi , &wee .100 . 40 04 rwn • ;•Itaid a1.r140 Uil n. JO kreer 0•01•110.06 1 ,rwriii tanstfrt4ll4o ,- ItheMer Vine" ea loolms• Matildscht; ; I,4Kriaseipif Geared how F. I; r . ,•• • ' , Sired 0: pdtbsitil <dm'', r s Woody ! -•''Maiddltivaddi Ott midi ArdUsgs ; , • Beal'.Midetwao on Atha 4. dtt Bdai' atO mivrif."4/0 1 0_ . • • iteardlrefriadeta ilwaiSseaoka inua - zwveaclat; !Smcddleitiadically..dat Aer.dltissded 40• • I bliPIPIlle;.01911101datei SU .4 lest In wied,," ♦ ' 4111061 ellealielal4l ..04oureset "J 1 nal (*non B0(4$.00 sifts o ir: Os& 011.1144 $1 40 qas " 1. 1 80- 01 i. el 00 4111 ipodo imabigno iew., ant 3&1141di V** SR Volga stmt. iiLLL vid ir e a.ti . ; an sa ku. iligor l ' Ivo o t to.s* law Lui ift• If *deb in I nitillng babdiessaw st isi.. : MK. Liu* AI Miami AA BIC% = 01101011,0113tM, HAM. 3t/V IMMO \ =C O LW DaILY SAM& 00TUSQ , • • ens a lornormgot --rya .awes Maw . BOW Dom: Taleargroaa rognitY (alai PlosAntriikWiled , Pk , to assn matriqpiram 7 , witlapromMilaile 0 11 1 Km • liluai.-411•1001117, Gaol ~.. 112L____ Jr 013 ..10 biotin o.wa as b • CLArmilosi Cosa. as be pq Mils lan laea.Dwell - or appy to TooK s wpm, set4. l lo**. . 2 •-• pigs f anis tor tiapisit 14 cm BARGAINS, Et 0 ZIE3 Trimming Store, 77 AID 70•IMIT BT. SUMMER' GOODS Ai vizi Low inoco. ?VETO 111111d14 ttui Ht 7 .111,1 led it tit *dr be agar, 'saw iithias. R' Whdassl• Bases sqo Wain. 1013.. HOVE & CO., - Rar, T! APII TO K A ZEIT 11111111. T. Battu Vd,lN . BetbIIOIDAILLB M. Burchfield's. Ta. SiCa 6 dg: 61 ' 4°64 " " 123 " 14 .!1!° rzula 11118'D OM, north US Ll' Do. OOLLLBS, moth if ime spa mum. IWIDS, for half grim _ICKBAOrDIUD IliklUkforlfaff para. ZkOONIT imouNaso; riooare mum; Urn 111:417121; Do lISZNDINGN. VOUS= WHITE SWIMS. bP WBITI BRILLAANTII; WRIT' DMRABIL 111131T13141; 1. the stook rot IiIIIIIIOIDICII3II2I railtliraly - dialog oat; um , la lb. thus .• pt targabla. COMMICNOLNI2I firoarDeir, Thu, 1868, &NOVI= GEXAT 1111D17021011 BARKER'S, 59 - Market Street. CLOAKS, SHAWL-S, DRESS GOODS. PILOTS, good and fast color' 120. Shirting 3.20. LACE SHAWLS, POINTS,MANTLES, BARGAINS, SVIVIBB'DRY Goons . _ 1112111011 BEIMIIIII, 11, Nap aid re. /Arica LAW. soi" UNA. ' ' CH frogs Skl lip; mart Dams Goong, tray toe. a us. Let 4 beigist vsatoos% A log. uglily of (..w Oldli2l. SAIL /11l or TC.4trlns. ler liaiy 1113111111% IMAM^ reirebrap, - MOBS IMXlolltiiid vasTras, Arbor& A inillot at &W ail* stain ALPAOOLL AIL. 33 AL IT El 'B'. , 7,11.31111.1+ • 00.. garesutty lietoliats sgrplisildasosis at V ex, Week Issas. A ir DJ.lll.ousaa riallailloO 813 MMEIX aTob*. Torostil eanylaginersar portiostO 10111.. sort tencot.iiilrepidisalrits ; iledwurVims &Kiln 'WM aavalsoustsaimsvalrp oarAmeig wt. bow mob ima:rilello_telAik", MGM= into; ""*H e W -AND - DISINABL , II eo sins 21110n1.• 1011101011.10‘ sa. oeliadag m atits=l. - !alkyde mit ilsOffes yte bay iii Cub 124 14 1.... ;rottliAiiyaginm tifig &dirk et ca w 7. 1111---- - LILY Serfs. 40, MACRUMit CLATEM. 'Wssnia gi alif 5 4 / 13 F 6 9 9 / 6 4 teeak* *utak Cei obi } nav ion war. 4,10011 RM WO. iIL&N VOA' ,I . lolM,ligietaisils unsag o FAllo4ooDeind,llloppit", 4 f ist. , st Mimi pram, air in; .101090154014 11 09 1.1 rni 1.01!* iso• • mar iftial vomiter, sia X=l4 ir w ria Igg i rtit til egor Is —ALUMMa OLTD3i Elaia MI - &An. ireBOT ilvas.", • - I kraptut, gram. tp.iriii. —11.142- --;-' - eshow l. ” 5 •9 0, rtb...4 1 4 4 1 1 " •_.- ' e mu. coltulik Mallii i i tiara lig l i a, /11 gib . ' ' ' igialaa.,ll24 SU 064 6; 6448 % ( Colia7r 7 / 111 /4 Ig , lff ”, ' ..' )fall by _ '7- o. l o* , ' „,,11 - , i4lo , loo l 4AiripX Wi l bli” 7_414' WPEL'TISBiII3IH TBZATBE. ME= dtio rear, swiss io, :Utah Arose ese }stem*, Strimic at n 4 , vest edited Optir BOBSOIIIB, 1/1. ack. .21 ASTII BTRUNT. - ',smatter irestre. iNewie lfeenb otnirt sad Dosisowt.' il1D(1911D Mani IMO iiiiailMMS zoo v k „ i 4,16 mats. inumualF—..n" . • Breed meta 60 coat& CA MPBELL. m.irTsTß.:33:rziE3 I isigrwswit. maw tuirmag 011114414.11 e 4 111.0 CAMPS:LT. •U is. MOWN . IMMO oliasso." ••4.4• buy 'pods* AUL O "Ur tatt ostila•ls ••• • rupnel.a, 2. 0 Na c 1 W ID-: 4 oli.mat Ogesit. 1.. W .11; !AO 1.4 , . r .itiyan • oiso••ws 6ritsa itonla measigle. "sups • . / Itpitepbut neo si se u e eialitelf 6.. BPDSuitTd. fM ...phi .61 •ppeoss.• liVnl i r 111111111 toll 1110.1 pits flowaselea' - LB , =WIT.. 11.11, ()LIST I).M. OWL "411 Os. WALI4II. OwN Wiltilitt, • • DAV falll *boas if'. eatta, le mg.• 44 twatitaassi - - tu. "no WE lkw Otis NO anii Liglik[lft! Lit rid Adabslois 15 oil %isms: t0ii101640•49*. Ate:7l64r Alki) 001/111:PrITIN ' I stitaa Ir old 5T0144,144 OMIT S. JAL ....m_S•TlUltortf-AndSiludiV-ssy 114 root to* sit. will be srdd so too. froodoot Orsorsto U. aitiod,trtart, lb. .1404ag Woo . indoor liobollS. ups tsfs la ilmatotlisa sod moult Plttomalt Oro 10. was ib• ts. ot some Ura 'blotto. 4411, tew ow to to Ia tOs Ode eststausto nolo Toros Lots, Nos. 16,16 sad 17, to lb. Saronb Stradqgbas• as Skews moot bowels Wire ad Sou suvala. MOWN& Of mrs Soo.. sad monk tog Owls moo widta ioo Nos to tbotso. 'toy, sub nose so Lime bad oatboaso modal tbooos. LOU. Sow ttos n 34, aS 36 sad al, Ma SW ars omit 4 Oral g, so altatias sarsol, &tom 11.s6gatml Jotopo atm% orb tot NINO Mod, roll door tog twos moot viola UN MIA I* 4.111111011•4 ats 4 2. ORO tapas it maid lot Oa Slaston awl Soo* tow Let; Ittt. IS ti th. Nxicalb se Srdb torl.„ talus Loot a as lOst oo Oirsoa - sad ornsadls i itatuak to it. 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Th. hoar so arra area war 111tenliaa WO • Wolof .r 3 ard sUaluid. aWI • B a • a'S e. all illarlh aL Waferispe—ViV • Lama 1.-411. • litlll . 1 =••• "i lltu n t a rXkl elPaissa •= l l l l I:the ' r am, anifsl sod out= snide& Mum alin •••••••• 7 SHAW • 4346111.111• Mod. th Let'lliLor4oo...l.4olllt. 0 /Sputa is wasy_•spossy fits essti l / 2 assure se* so sett ley mushin* gassijILINFISI. MUNN% , . iADISUIII, slalom!? Albs". IWO. . . . irwrANl. hiABON & RAlLLatall CIALBINZT 080AX11, 2 rn wilwaur.,oax., AND soiturooD aulin6 cmistaiwitas tainimis bow imavatmikoilis' ova. "al maw iskt iAfin— zags de • tiMselhe= beak 601••• log. AMP j nit • . . Patces Ito= tei7C - 1 to .e / The cheapest mud beet hutment et the Mal out& ll•pectatte d. vat& or ink ! 'aerobia. Caubsth eciewls. Lectesilitomi, fleatioF teowealer. / 0. alga% . . , Ilde Aped far lesson Sangt 6 ;bir r#OINITO asa 'tette , . . elet sre. 6i'4lLuilYro kra• moot o. 11121117"..0X488 . ! 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers