A rip' L 'T4- ? AET- ESTABLISHED IN 1786 . 00WEAUMWIOAr,-4c. Szaans. Wholsm& dealers in W TX ORMI, MID /BUM HUMS, 719_114 OW" and produce generally. LINN -IbiILYBRA.' 51D1.% OILS, U., Ho. gri Liberty 4111." Gish eitvuornanto made. Oonalgnmemte en. batting isoialaissizzias =ream - - ...kt k iKEOWN. & LTNHART, Aotra 4 100 Cruz rams, raw= IND 011oamtuan i, *rube Wm of Moor, Gala, Pork, 80. till, Butte; E. Chews, Bows, Tallow, iknoit. Tottlisto, Potatoti, Pot and Pawl .Ashog, oatt-lazd Cl* Drill! slit Groot 15 111 =03otor, Max sod Waft &ode. =.--,-, advutoot tabdf oo ComdiOttoor,ta, ..,... t , if 0:297 Mut at., Pittitargh. TWIN LD , now an Tosimaarra Itzsuourr ' snd who' do draw to W1133T31111i 8333EILVE LABD POIVON FLOUR, VIEW .5,6.141 and 143 Frontless, 0051., OM Q •4, Z • ARD c caniumn orma. , Alwyn andvlefikew In Own, • GRAIN, ANIS iniagag. us Liberty sena, 1 idlimxlo4 Pa. Clack. leamis of Slour lbs Ham and MOM OM Wm* 7. mai 4 ... r. Lass. V'OMAXER & LANG, Coitus Itssensirs soul whole's's dealers in (moor, 111.0IIB L LGISLUT PHAMTIONono., No. MS rum L LERCH LOU*F uto, 00/11111413011 Kiwkiirg kI IbeeYi 411i.119. rIDO, unk1111; psonnoz, ,tiNt grit lot the oellabrategt Vskalawk 3oso Llgeond sad . 148111gg . ! Maki, 2 : - DAIRIEELL klip& - im blasars Armizaroir , LAZD OIL, and co porobass 'end soli of , IMIFIELED an,:l TO-Wider filtiaiM RIDDLE; nooessor tano. AWL AL= Nth 18:3 , 11124rty street, Pitts , 'PBOD130;11, 'GUMMY 'AIM r7r!l°2 •et: :e• In OK , , BBAYISEI3, • Usquimesrli toStoirit I Ekkpatrioksj Wan.. sur 01100/111111, - 414%. 111 gad 103 Idber arse; WlLtaasnct* ',lr um ' Dina Wisagiums, WK. "I: arm [Veda Partner. — OOFFIDI istitioosooni to . oc4 'houcae.t.s(lllo. eirmeig wood end Wats:Meta, l'ittatqugh, ' • 1:-• E \VAN' GORDBAPioraimi,' Aaro gosuansioalimimen, dohs la DIMON, Der- M&. DUDA, DWIDpINISNaII, PORN, ; 111 AND OMAN ISO/113 sad Piodecolien. • XlDElloash sdnaor suds an amsdaments. - amobows, Ng. In aped Ptualbscrgh. 1 • „,•:-. ' • e '. ►e suoctemior • e . . - liiidr i tkoDucal AND CNMESSBION =Sr .FiV••• T'Llberi ,Binet.Plibituarghaa:: suB I mar Loom.. - novas ORN210)10IISE:dt- 00:4'Wziotatasa 3 ciikgirasuzio mumuurri; tuner at ''''scolddigitandircat tubing, IMO • ty Pa. 1 11%A/ • " ;AtiTWIT A - A.Al n UOMMIUIOII Misczaampiaat deshas PiIuDDOZ, /LAMB, eakaatal - GlAin,Ake., No. 19 .91oltblold ettook,WMobico-:. • . 0k7141, 11110,21fait0 Waouniut I=ilVttl UWE.IITON h STEW/ail', Wawa = sikta ilsookas AAP tomitros lihii+oxiirm No. 1m Wool street, Pittsburgh. jetkilly DHr GOODS. ROM W. CA..IL....DAVID • _ vuirso , w, CARR & GO Ile ~ (Lau Wados, Paced Co. • -roazIGH MID DOmilerlo.ratiE GOC.DB, to 011 Wood Mod, third bow* above Dimond Ptctobutgli: , - oplO:dtt A LEJL BATE4Diasurza FAINT AND joa.sTarza DDI DOOM CULL AA it SHAWLS, fik Nalt utmost, AlttaborgAt, BCLOAKS toads to order. L . scorn'ls. ' .1.1701 seAlot . yrrria. ARS, Mall.6oi.lc CU ., Dealers in 10=* 1 •if AND DOILIraTIO DUI 600Dd, ,-, MAW Sian' otroolklosa:ozo door Wow now Mar ked Boom Allogbowy wthihly • - , Widen% sad Bain Destro la Taniadao9, 101 SL &ail sad Dal .B,it OT daecrlptlea, NO.ll aad 19 Mei • MO= • . Wholesale WOßAßlACitatt - and Befall-Diews talr OS it ISTAPLB DUI Dei o. 78 Market street, JM. 1 ;I 41171) - suo4itor to • Baroothut a., illobtoosNoto ofttic i bl wrens ANA matulc-Dair GOODd, Borth iiamairref Posettmakilarket areets. TOME% HORNE -Wholesale and Ria u taiLDidirlsrairklzois M TILLILILLEOB, DUI i11e0M11.61411.C , 27 indl9 earkst .tr..t. MARICKS kiXl.o:l2wm ur 41.11b005, '&4Ni iiseitiiii2ll/4 DR.UGGISTIi. 4,..40.0". • -..uass L. WIWI& _ 7 OODSIDB & WAILLACE, wsoLzas.LN.Datetneers, LRAD, Ll2/1-, - ULU, v MINIM/0, DYII 11111Jharla GLASS AND rUTTI.BPIOII3, MVO T, - 310111oLi SSD cAIIBUN 0114 Ark . Ate«,/10. ST Wad Asset, kittsbargb. Dauas ur P1731 ' '71114 DIM AND ORMICIALS, Pitalfl7lLEST, GOOrifi l /MILD. Ma, TAX tn. to., of eUietly . prime oil. t&ciaittat.,r AtVinir & W., Wuoiw NA nfectaror of -W ILLTZ • agner of Wool and Front .-, mta 1..1 , sousaLZ - DlALsca ' • 'Pallas, cizza"Bansuss ANDilf anumen k ti N o lll4bortistrodtt. JLIG Itti - Diziourr, Ililleill'islisli-IPMF-PVWcattrtsma ard , . Pithames."ll. 'T 1.413."1""r".1 • SUM :Emma, was LIZZOILD. I.,,LNINi&YA TELFORD, WaotaaaLa 4,11.115ta arum oaocase, swua AHD P/10- atillolll 411111dalik 1111-I.tharty strett r lputrarigh. *Alba -- W4:HICKUUtin.-. 11 . 10 4iLY :::IWlLlNElll4=hrnftleldos_ 0114 .4411•001/ asa► woornknot, alsw - fity..Attgrire , _ - - - tn" IrrrlT i COAYWELL;(sio - Oessor to Isms WilliWiValVaie-ramus &ad dealer nOil,loXf/Mlf 9f , Kartes fr?lat • iitat:4 - 430 2t - : ;Wzoisitta (Wars in /LOU/Lai/Au and tab Liberty mt. Al Csuoosesor to Jack- VA Wows t Tofnismo Poo , •-• Utah Is norm* tooth Wii:o9l3illf.ANLAtiomair 'ow otiv L.R. 4.1=0., Ha 119 Great ' an lideasP lr ounmitod to I ± l , ro= EllEr a_Oolloothm piltUaloSo lisiniod gam r atir _ t gusiiil l 4 ll . l o B .P . beams, -uk. #4bDieggs4., sum U. • • . . vm ,"„ iumr. ti~'l' VII' 3;• A l sgajag t Arrose outh - wakilihril • .dcrw• - : 7 - 44 • ~AistutlntiCir ..TMIL R IF"r7l ""P rr ITT - - T au INIXIMIATOumnairan, az noomb am Man 4iv , es, dascriptioa, Pitambargh A . BON & 00 4 Witouto, BQpie r wstie #lollll,ood strimikrtsrur,;;;,. Bfish GROOMS. SHRITyIt & LAZEAR, InioLmuLsommu 00211118S1011ViCOM2F173, Sas. 97 tad 22 thitithtleld Streit, Owner Sewall. imenlyd iIwaXLaMA W M. EK2RISELY, 1111110 . 1.Z8/Lta GllOOlll, No. 171 LIBUCTY P 1111381711411, Eurd.. pnrehimed um Learnt of lb late ow matinee the borkier at the old stead.= =mimed to nodes the totroomp of his old Weide m Mal L"Mil& ' = WU& Gaeacuraiu - Ctftiumwa dolma la PitiD — UCCILOIIB, — BAOOI7 WISH. usaßos AND LAND OIL, utog, isailig masa, COTTON TARNS, aad Pittsburgh msaufactures inuarall7. //9 and 114 &woad attest, Pittsburgh. ea max ar1X11Ma....... • no. Lama; tcd tn. la. }La of as IN wa c aßyAstruzgh. ,1 00., Wallivnia Okkli - - - IupDONALD a, ARAI Waoup ALL sLa G Puma itaa Oosomazoit }La mm.. Job in COWL N. 0. 8130A8 sad NOLASSZB, WINED 80GLE8 sad SUMPS, FLOUR, BACON. TOBAOOO,INIA64IO}I, OEM 0 ; 1 ; MD}, la, No. Maud }}} fit., Pittstoirgh. no .11 P. S. 111111214...-....W1L 11. MIMS. IttilaMtl,,RAng-ERB , IrOBSIGN )BUSTS, Now AND OPIIM, CON. ESOICLOWZRY, MAYA RIM WO ON. Jim 128 and 138 Wood Woe& awe NUM. Zuca'a. amsaz & =Mk ' OBOSAIS LABAD ib KETWA.B.,, Wawa MID GotsmilllKSit Aiiitisiza, aid doe/ors In all thole of 000/1217 P103D17011 )11(0441111110111/1 Nero sectuzith2ict. US Liberty 'street. opposite Wed or Wood street, Pingo:rah. Po. - ' OPK7 9. &111& 9:9 CIRIO. ' a JONES & SON, Wu. • %.A Gamma Aix.PoLe litest a lleries 1 6Z L ZW nI t. above tbs Idon• •••la II • Pitts • • h. Pa. 14 °BEET 'DALTBELL & W Wawa- Ail Gioassa, Ooraursair - mor nrinwianne Iltscrumers, and deal= In' PROMS mu* Plcts burgh manufactures, Pittab• b. I.• "ritt kr": . . WeirWILSON, Wzaza&ua Giur ma, Ocaraxmetou Ittarcatirs, and dealers In Produce sad Pltteb • • soardeteeturei. No. /68 Lib arty street, Ping.. • . i I &LIAR' & (X), 'Rotuma A Gamuts, Oouaeuni Mse,creukere, and &else in Pittsburgh. PBODUU,.IIO. in 80 %leg etesetisod 88 heat street, GM DLLWOZSZ. JS. DILWORTH 00., WzoLauri to . Groosis, Nos. 130 and 1.12 &wad meet, seas Sadthteld. DOI. JOE" "LOYD.WILLIAM riaTD. _ _ _ . JOII.N FL()YD & WEounua Ozco cue /aro 0031:1111010:11ffirgaturriALITI Woad end mtli Liberty street, Pittabergb. ' ' ' Jets W 11.1.1 A IA . Wawa*Lia Gomm, Noo LB sad 90 Wood Most, Pitts. burgh, Po. Irdekdtf AIW.IiOI.IIISALIi aloft Osowah,' i=porter at Hone Lot, Na." 279 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocer.druP-icrunzies. roonnuso or WHITE mxts _GAMMA AND - 011EitWOOLE EilrOrrias Alf i ZT KlL— moon A 2 Na. IL Ears Pear. Prrastraon, mild& ■ U. 0. 101011.1Xt008..........1.111312111.1.11. P. ifiAlT. ANLACKDITOSH,' HEMPHILL tic CO., corner Mks and O'Hara street; near the (Sty Water Works. Pitteb=o, YR, Xattabelarere of HAG/UNTO= AND MIMPAILIVS IMPEOTID PATENT OSCILLATING BTII/111 ENGINES AND SLUM 'FAWNS, of all efsei sad beet min Haring pat op mrsebleery of hugs .rapacity sad of the best quality, we are prepared to do beery Job. bind, sae solidt work ho this Una, trading th at by promptnals,aad tbe shersotar of oat work, to math Tattle patronises, Ws invite d• al *Heath= to oor BALANOND VALVE OSCILLATING MINIMS, as combining advantages heretofore anattehual la this clam of Engine. lafAlyd OSErki . i 00. Goreor of I`lrdintl -. Libortyduo ts, SUPERIOR 111111611 - ZEGIN", ALKEIMBY, Its.; to. is 15U 11N • • ON, No. N) Anis de EltOlbwiltk_kooonfacturirof,Bol4lllB WiLOUGILT OOMMOS AND 1 . 6.111L80AD ser m =ar PCl =.l or obage&SPILIA and BIT -gni • ••• at ininlA;smado(to order. at abort no • • -4.p. r Dia *i. assiararag=m lu s l trro r iM n'aba orsgiosaidta4,k`orilitiUM ItILLIDND Orden saildltektron the trade, .nir (10«fi' pioup -17 ebb:velem Isetnetiees. • 1071.7.6. L 111,41111111 . 1 . ..4......f. LIAVE Latoa . GLASS WORKIii— EAVI 3 IOO MVP!' ii.oo.oness MAJZZLO. ma= • • ` 11,50.2* 'WOW Meet. .311xer of Pi • • mibil • Ati ke. rIHABLOTTIVBLUNk Diu= in pm.gpdtart MerrAu sums. oscai . ...LarEpt - pwa woo, Luau ' l4 . X.: 1 1 /. Pridoashobs. JAW NO: MAK 4490414ig abqwWcipd, Yntingtat a*:. jakPlati l~g 4/ 1 14 Was la ex. IN & In ON wawa= Km= Wiltittlallll, and ids etaluitars pmehno44l4ucas. No. U *drat. mys 9 JOll2l .ELKELLOB, Diaas II Pumas •ourth West u ustanamic , wool ono. bowls. "imaaagigi.Mt__PY4-01-11/41*. D~' l8?Rr. PAIL , TM On OF AEI APPAUSTUp WHYLULBINO DRUM oaGIALTAXICI DATTZU &UN MUM. • Medial gentlemen sad their Wallas hive had , ;heir tooth ea tr • .aiotifialw• toy pool% atua en ;lady to tetiryaa to the ealleradirptittlTaitam at the open , Uoa—whatmr has toes meld by pumas tatereetodia warthog the matzoth hittlif‘ho, hflowildio of mow. • •OrAU'iITIOILL MOTH tomerted la nary lass, and chirps r Toryl.- law ; wensated to aU cram to !Not Ulm% malai • ^ 00001, Dann, lba andthaeld at. tll,o64eii ell*.MS l Dm" tk aza . j wr ° o44 I :4lo, l ptaitd 9104 gAY At 00. i • Asti- t o ma, 17. Wood SIMI, wit door to • =ma of • 11011001. • • • JL. • BEAD BOOTAIIIM AID SU • porphfilp...m loprikorio, Apollo Suffatop. 1 104:11PH HORNB,:Da4zaz nir iranaoroassas BMW 0 0 0 1. NO. II 1111106,1 • - sple r==ZU=o WAlWoßamas. zx _ • W . noomir Mond, BOWNOtiosteddidodd wo• Foam cola tea. LOA= through sly spun oa rosoodoldil , Tlono orfotdas So Invest that: mom to pod ad. ot my • • 101 2011.• ' ''! - ' an paudarddotiodd intorotion ma. &dia. 01110, Groat Prot. ompotio R. Pant's bet iir;,_.lP4P llllo . Ur P. MAIOWA WALL 11 j_i__a_242211,30111.1,21-11ra,•411insi • • pa Pitibmizh.. r, • W01241 , 4i1%, !WA OTZAW 0:11111. ressallY• vv' taawhiso Klagall,lll4/ - - -:.- PITTSBURGH,. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY MISCELIJAWOrtaI C4R.DI3. DUQUESNE BRASS WORK& °ADMIX & CRAWFORD, Manahmtnrers of ~u variety of finished BRASS WOES 108 PLIIMRW, RTRAII OR GAB-ITII7IIB. MAORIBIIFOR RAD 00rPRBRYLITHR. • BRIM OAMIIIp EI. of all dimerlptiom, made to order. STEAMBOAT WORII,BTIABI AND OA& ITMING, and RILPLIBING promptly' atm:Ad Particular attantloo paid to !Mins up RIFINTo BIM PUS 00.1 L ABB 0&111101 OIL& =Boger& for t o lls Loewe =eV Pent i &Vel PATIBP 'SIPHON P i a. tio b bast ~or Incanted. Barium no Palma, it is not liable to got out of order, and will throw mars water thew any pump of lying ICI aim. npu D. M. 81E.130. A. L. WXBB A BRO.. Cbnar; ql Pratt awl Cartretara• GILANEAL 001CNISSION Atu Ibr Ma ado D AM WI WATT M ot i. Raabe on oonsfannaint Ida& of Wiftat3l Pro. dm% and maks adman thaws.. N. B.—Wpm' traok to Amt N Warabaaaa. Wit lllat & a Musk l i k , =.* Uo n Pittabaigh ; 11 sucar A Garrard,' °alp A an. a Marobante Bank. Halthoars ; B. Do road a Bea. . PATENTED OOT. 8,1881 Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP CAIDENIES, Manthatared of XX FLINT GLASS. Thou CibLudas us tntandod for thi est tissas, which besting all puts of tht ,... : , = equally, does not =pow It to ' . . . . D,DITHEIDOZ, Port Pitt Gismo Work' Washington street ,Pl • • bd.& LADIES' FAN" OBILDRZEII FARM' rang; celliNT'S TUB OAPS, OOLLARS a GLOV3I% Ara AND OAPS Ever, varlet, and style of the above goods on tumid MEET! BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTEBUROH, PA. PARK, BR,OTHRB, 41.004 Illartzdacturras of BEST QUALITY ram= OAST lITZIL, Naar% Mut and Octadou, of all atom Wanunted must country, to any Imparted or manufactured to mb I . 151 - 012 cs end 2tarshouss, Dm. 140 sad 151 npurr and 120 sad Mt 82430 ND 6T11531T5, Plttab2l22: 211:124 STILL A CHANCE GLINTS FINE FRENCH OLla EQUAIBE TOED KIMI sod get s pair, at JANIS ROBB'S, N.. ea RAREST STEM Ul I LE- WOll4B, FIRE 44.ACKEilt3; TOIP2DO/55,-FLIGNi V 21103 TANTRUM. 041151111021. ea. ILL J. W. ILLA.DPIELD hastag Oran sis to. 0n37 Dolan to tlaldsa Lam. far hL oslobratod 71813 T PBBNION We ors prepared to GILDn e man faeoratio terms, fo r oath, bat CI O PIIILMDIZBIS mad TORPCDOYS, at the loarost market Mac Orders solid, ed and prompt/7 attoodad p. Wfitetdßl3lo3l.ll. - trlitlHN, Importers of Soya arid Istm7 Goods, to litsidaa Lone, canter of Wllltsm Btrast, myna= aim TOLL LlLUM.Blivti, UAW A.Nv ar lIITIMI.-BEW UTABLIBIIIIZET WM. TATE, Jr., & CO., Nahum, In IZAD PIPS. ERUCT LIMN. HT.• MettleTA PIMPS, OHAnDlll.l3lltig, Ellt 'OHM, tad PINDAHTIL Dwellings tined nyerith hothnd oonteentet hailepte la thwatoet seyeireadlanner. No. 50, (IhadAItIe,)IIIIDNIMAL STRAIT. • gettkor benne Bobbins, Allegheny. N. 11.-11e0ele6n oresinelYnte • jetkle LLSI.N.; • MIRK W.,'VsLial I Howitam. ilitoaws6;ll4., earwssmoves, - Do. SOI IWO& • Manatiettown wf 00011, - PABLOX AHD HUH. IiTOVHB, PAH/413 AND HrIXDUNGIBAII2, HOLLOW ;WADI. sta., Stool Ball. tow Mill Oaatinp, Mill Gearing. 11! aed;As. tizao Pipe, smtDos ISOM. Witini Ja . and Outings. ,lobbing g lad . • Outings to odai. Pabootad .1.141 with Sumo or Hone Palm. . stallatod , w. a. 111•11/111.1. AUIMIZNY'COAL YARD A. M. C1L.12r37 a CO., COAL OOKIL LINZ. FLOM. PLASTER rum, main, union Asb nal mai. 1111rOonier Awdoneni and sod &rmas Clessoos. ISIStI WlLLlsteet HAAN ka LLL & Bodin Waken and Sheet Imo Workers,' PM 6ThI2T, Noe." 29, 24 and 26. Raving moored e Tarp famished it with the moottotproired ersehinery, we an prepared to manufeature emej dmatiptloo of 80114.118 to the beet ISSRIMIC, and . l i:emoted Kull to say made It the eoantey. OLUAL A N ILTS, B O it TIOITRZD N, 11.11- OBOIIDISEATIAII P ALT PAN ON ANNI, O B L I S L TI I LL 4 , AN D T N TOE WATTLING PANS, BOIL.ZII 1101 BRING SUGAR PAIL and Dole owsushietal en of BANN. •PATZNY BOLl,JULLlTepallingdowkw VoreliNtilTat : rielditer KOS 01:413sil1 Ulf • • • 011: l lar . la No* lona . 01 .Paynba .14 wastisota.lcyyssiel pokelacesver as Swat or Itagoods, 6a6dowk,ssid,7=3l, thaw** Iddilia MOWN 004 otkte:aindlie =VIOL' WW2 4140114:01A ritalalriNO hass6adm . • Oil Oil wed'Mom removes •.• • 1 1 4 4-I xlasi .9ff iiittle yobs .6y Ikkeras. irmusitnoox. co:, 11 • burt6, sad at. 'llituisactimm IlitS Spam (IL 111.6. York. (1 W. tnitniCtiliALN, No. 511'bousb Vont Moot. Philo&lphla, A pot *or John Much it Sv It coostontly *auto at the Imratt otorloft Floe. label& b partlinlarty adootol to duo isoktoig of ON• • • boom= Deata Le Mir mat NAM brad' of 013OINI HAVANA 016638, smd idl Undo of siorasta AND. CHHIFING' TO3AOOO NAHCR lIIIMUSCHAVE TIPIIHTUB*S du s. la, in pad misty, Ulibilt , THIII BT. /10 , l ing irM Tad, sonlied on Ithandlarma. 3=!IM liW CONSIGNAINNTS. no bozo Hamburg and W. It Chow 60 bath. prune Dry Naas% Ombra); 76 tnathmeivis Do , Apples; .70,6616.111161116160171 .4 • 66 dowit Had Bnomlq Jut rewind and for We at No. Ise Feoand stmt. It ' THANK VAN GOlttalt. N aa 300 doom Ban=l i o: I.lload,S; 100 do avow and y Zorn; ID do Gran loynno; ISO do lion Hooka h; , Now ranlyng and for an b 80. M L. 111 U libirrUliEl ANL tAltt • U A: CLOTH, in imitation of Walnut, Oak, Ilan wood. Mahogany sod Os Palatal Moods, ibe mu. 46 26 and El Oak street. jela B&W limos !I. u. ti JAI Ude. prime OW. 151=1 Lem sale by J. IL IISPASILLO( M 3110TallB, ft• • boxes_ •v— -.:, jpairportrod as 2 i.e. saitow•Eits &Limo% • • Lbw IS, 7.• carload ' by k s.Toxera s. RItoDLE:.4 co., IDITOBB AND P 1 19 0 1111 1 .011101; Palliation Offiev.:lto.l4 3 itth Street. NORM° AND XVICIAING /DITTOES, LialLlr. mamma= TB 14.1387 SLWI m. To ma HOUR OF PUBIJOATION. The Great Change In ;Our Affairs. The question now is, can Lee's army affect a retreat, as an army, to the VirginiaOda of the Potomac ? Than Is &fated and eently crippled there can be no - doubt. The Hirer Is ewellen by the late Mans, atui'we hovel what seems to be reliable amain' that' General Preach has destroyed their 'pontoon bridges near Willianapat. This Wig so, its escape seems to be impossible. a Now that the tide is turned against the in vader', the Pennsylvania billitia, under Gen. Ooaoii,.will go ln,And be mist alnabli aux- Maria -to the victorious bet, weary may , of the Potomac. Gov. Chrrtin‘ , telegraph!! that • 40,000 are at or en their wart° the mane of action; and under such oientrastancosi they can reads as good antra satiny other troops. The distraction of Lee's env will laid to the early capture of Riche:tad sad 41 Nat ern Virginia; and as theti: Boseema has driven Bragg iota the mouaiehis, and Gam: Grant and Banks will soca. lifrre the eel* two strongholds on the lUuiuippi, we may! van. tun to regard the rebellion as length ;dived out; and that the work of onstructlim Is about to commence. We trattkit "irroson , Mend submission" to' the wathority of the government will be the .only conditions thought of, sad that indeiaiity for.the} put and security for the future will be rlprensly cooled ; . Now is the golden opportaftylor this goy.. ernmeat to vlndlate both iti poorer ind its justice. Slam tried to destroy, it, but failed; and, In so trying, forfeited all tight to any farther taleteller'. Dams shown imelf to be not only anaree and a anima, but a deadly enemy ; and to tortoni to It any a the rights and guaraailes which it so arrogantly" and so nocardally claimed biter, the war, Would be to outrage nay principle . of right and Jut*, tOiriit agiln .in peril, and to Balldown upon us the wrstk oX "hoot. The oonscienese of the living end eke sacred blood of the hereto dead alike protest'agahisl the Monstrous thought. Let illairry and Taiwan perish together. They were irtud and 'hateful in their ova, and in their deitth let them not be divided. BALTINOBJ, XoCIORD a 00.'8, tio. 191 WOOD /MIDI? BOOTS SODA Liiill. ==l 'l-,..:,i - ... - .-ry....).: , 4 ' , i-.4. , -:_ i....,..,, ..:•.,.. - ...r. -t,. ......: , : , .. ii..:.; ~..,:.;,..,..-..,,,.i,.7,,:.-,7,,,,,,,,,-4:it..,..,i4;,..4.4,,i..,..4,41-,4.il c.4,..:5,,,,...w‘,.. - T, , , , ..,..Z...4-...U0t , td?.....-ear' 4 .l.+-'-7111: 7- .'-'. -- ..,., ..,...._.., -.-,- -,---.----,...,- •-"-‘',l r ;. =s;i.,:-,..1..,-.-;:... , ,,v.!. : ,,4,... , ...!...•_- .•,.. r._^. , .',...; , ...-.,?.. , : 3-..f.,.- , t;4.Z. , .. , 4151.Tgi , -' • - 1- , . - ' • ...• , ''x''''''".4.,..4ol4.a. - ,,..:,5-2q1,- ,, , , ,1tip.... _i-z:4.,,,,..,.%..1.F...;,-;...._,,.--,,,.....:/.0,:n1,,,,:,,...F...:44 - • "-'''';',::..-...1;.4"J,..41.:.,',.....:.4,-;..-=',,i,...:.&,,,--,, - ' 4-.r4v.. -`445,01..."'.k.10.49,4F..-i•%tOtt.SA';:-K,,t....-,!" •, ',.. 6.-;t.., .... - '''''''''' :.' , yi ...„..eo . .: 4 - -.7 . r 1 , 1.....-47 - 4iki7- ••t - El4 - Pcie , f, -, 't' , . - ,-,..,:•,,,-_,,,-,, - .dislrtot. 4.. - ....5 TA,.•.;. - . . . _ - -..-, ..,,, , ..m....r.,•'. 4i. , ..- ^• - ~ A , 7 0 . - ~..... ~ ....,~3_ is burg au*. TUESDAY MORNINGL JULY , 7 IMPORTANT FXtOlll MEXICO The Capital Renaud:Azlnglorious Retreat of the Ra al Arm?-- Despotism Trlniziphalit. •+, SAN INAIIIOIIIOO, June SO.—Oates from the City of Mexioo from the . :30th of May to the •th alum' are reeethed. Tfe news is of the highest importance'. " 4 , Pnaident Jinxes and his blest had con vludea to entreats the Citp exico,beilev-* log that the mast off res of to•timi French army could be made outside of ' the walli. Oa the Mat of May the Govarnment played to flan Luis de Potosi, takthg all the movable ammo and munitions of war slang. They oho took with them two ' • Wino* dollars from • the Treasury. The fora that garrisoned the City of Mex. too, said to number over 20,800 men, was with driwn to the CIIIMIIiiIOI Plan het to to mediate points • 111 Valli thy' oltrfor the par pogo of tianyintot gueitilla wahari. June Lit, a atootina_Witi held oltY'st• width th e principal luaus of the Ohtreh party were present. They het a Moroi" ion to Gen. Pony to offer their alleglaneeto he: Emperor Louis Napoleon. : • On Just 6th, the Pride!' division udder Gen. Busing occupied the main entranoi tb the oity, and afforded the Church Party pro tection against the excited populace, The whole French army was expeoted to occupy the capital on the Bth of Jane. Three newspapers had bun established, fav oring the policy of the Prenth. oar, of lime papekehatea-thet i the eoctipa lion of the city of Meath settles with 'lac. lute certainty, that it ['necessary to extirro by root the democratic element, and DO to need there be even a dream of popular soy erelpty. • • • ' • Glee. licaily flathead a dahlia etniffiasting the property of all parties who have Wonor are in same egainst the ,Phitth. This lowiiiitffinived fah-letters rehired here from high Mexican officials. Obn'oPmedgcl! $1 Psalm will coulee Wulf to rsituMag _a tenni:dal and mantime-establishisentia - Napoleon is said sd• hive easetid ilafeigh• minister that he desires the co.operatit* of the European powers to heath • igovuont in Meeks that eaa maintain order at home and keep faith jolt. foreign relations. The Objects of the lhvastoh.. Tho Blehniond 2/11sPiirer,.,ot.Junill6; k etin. tains the following candid stature of be TiOVII and purposes of the rebels, in their in vasion of the Northern States People In civil li fe' want prelead to ' =lib On, in its prune step, a grand camps sash as that now entered upon by our of Northern Vlrginne iWe de not so m n as know its object; and, therefore, Mill I 4 . we prink:tee on the imitates 's, of mans. Some of the Confidants unripe write as If tlfey - hat needed the gantry .- ,vneoe tato Pau, inPronaitaionis brain let loose upon a general phaderlng . Lion. But Independently of the'faift nothing dborpnbes troops tad renders Indus like Indiscriminate plunder, it la 7 to noollenikarth nay be ' abinlintely neciii-, easy to the general plan to keep that cavaliy• fora well In band, so as ,to oner other monk. meats °tabs astbriliody6 . theft" grist shins. board of war dare Is a mighty pme In pre. grecs) and ander we at bemian Rooker, the oppones pioyer 'hisurigOas ya diebsed3be al ters of -lirserai Leer onablartiese. --- Irli trito that Confederates owe ao annlditation or for. Marines to their enorane. ) It is trio, further, tint our Dwelt; to their own people to visit anthills lion and Woo upon Ake enemy's -ma .: trimmer they have di means in their has to do so ogroteally, and, on a grand sea* 1 NJ air ii NOS jet : Ike rile. fined Hooker' with a vast sag, Is - Mill to be disposed 44 and every movement of such onuaind anti, doubtless, be calculated with a view to this .nowital preliminary biathlon. It may be needful wren to deadie the enemy no to Wu ultimate oldest. of the ;Cododersta gamin by adopting *Sint Ociuniaonipialnad of4Slist is, forbearing from plunk um, on tlie vary threshold of the eapedition.. In order to do the buinuanell sad thoroughly, lb. Just re taliation (wkloh •we ' dainandlnd eke hi se nds) miut be nonfat and emulated as de liberately as say other military ,mirrieanit, and it min be fold to ths•wilii. cap siga if .leskial mak, wit sow permitted to load tinuolooo with pleseln, an'irs, for de saki tir sh• P ais q t" t i° , IThagamblu it 10i1r.. 4 9 1, the sploodsd prsse of l'ikidolf er crumb. in, blow at alp eiwar4 , lsaa ii w ar algigen. A =roma awe Yaelw L la Lanoatar;_oni - Gaorpf.Vitarti;W___ ;noise Tana! pp Ali door tbure ..G. niktp _ A'wag of W a, who knew entetnimillol.norrlo early one , morning; tler following .eigns wd =datable widl i ion—wb A list.i• a baud cdsoreaus abilP Orlip Wu dozed wry Jose: ITS yeasesio ; sad it was xemeareeffillSelr.bgb Oldsfqtrita was blind fa be &relies.; 7, 1863 Wan" Gan. Paine lay wounded neer the lbreastworks of Port Hudson ' his Assistant Adjutant General offered to any one who ' would carry him s drink of Water, $2,000. A brave fellow undertook the task, and sue seeded In cooling the parched lips of the hero 'eldefftin, 'and doubtless saving his life, but Oath was his own reward. Hs was riddled with rebel bullets. P14.4(05. 1-I,NABB & CO.'d PIANOS „ —Jut opened this week a choice ' • Supply of these beentifed trldrnm int e, beyond a doubt the Ingot In the tonutry. T • fiat ferny anest aniverully conceded. For wore morass put we bare not bees able to tin 0.04.4, of our order.. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. HAMS BROTHERS' ItIOLLEHOB. PIANO. ECIETStii the bet sheep Pieces moles. lee sale by OH CALOTTE BEA/lig, en EMb etreet, &As Agent tor HAINES BBOTHESS' PLUIOn and PBlfe MIIILODLOTIS. 4•13 B ARGArNa )24 SECON D - R frASD II A SO A 7 antaroChkkaring, beautlfol Utak walnut 050 4 TNT Utile og ee ..... 00 T oc;ava °bickering, rosowood, round col , care; strut rate inift=eat.:—...- SOO 00 T octave Hays • Co., [owns* ahandsome Piano, in g004.6 1 7det 115 00 glog r, tare atcdart, rusaurood ! cameo-76nm ao 1.0% o st ave: aZa 7 .3 Ona , rosewood, round treat; an amellent 100 CO 04,111 , 71 Chic/ 6562 g, risseir . ood; round nor. 100 00 A octave Haat . , Darla A Co., roecword.—.: 155 00 .A oatan.iltodlart, 00 00 A 0 octal+ 1304: ..—.—..... 75 00 haroatan Iderstuns, 00 00 A 8 octave Dunham, " 50 00 A 9 Gegal• Loud, " 60 00 A 534 octave Englisb, - 20 CO A 5 000.0 " 15 00 hrr ale Di 11.111111itt.. s TEII.7 WAY . B PIANOS - nothad the WIWI' 01:AfEl 01.121411111 liDelL, at the Woazz's tux, London, 168 a . MlrWorranted Aspect or to ell others In ovary no silsol. A stow stook of the above Issit arriving.' Plana Sole Avow/ kir this dtstrf ot for the Steinway Planes et S. ELIIIIII4 8 lISOIL, Effe 5 R ms.,- anal% wracks INSTITUTION. Litoorparatatt by the Loginteitere of Penneybuds. iDpem for Nitwits from 10 a. m. to 2 o'olook p, 411 y; Woo oni3KTUBD&T ICTIBINGB, from 6 to o'clooL ' lOmw, 63 IWBTH STHICILT. A Essirm, .00.11 - VZHISIST and hleatuattei, Laborers, Clerks, end 611-tholiwithar Main, or savings an =all. It aho acaraeaa Itself .to • Xxoentora, Adamlnintora, loiters, Aginib; volantarp Sweetiee or Associations, And perms of all obiesse. Intartat et - the rote of 811 PlB CENT. per an. - mm to Dad on deposits; which, if not drawn, will be placed to the credit of the depositor on the And days of Kay and Now:ahem, and thereafter tear the ware interest se the prinelpal. At this rate, 'moan wtil *idle in tee Owe i.vrin poem Intend will commence no all deposits the first and Mann% dayt of the month after =eh &coati an ada. • • _ • Book', oseatainktg Charter, By-Lave, An., furnish andiestlon at the office. hookloos:—INA/11) JOWLS. lam Prmidoie—W. B. COPZIANI+. tam: Thom, W. Hove, - klocirtmati Imam Joon, C.O. Noway, W. H. Copeland, Jacob Painter, Noma Witch Nicholls Vocally, Wm. N. Smith. A. OARSI.IB. mtffiAmrT &solar, Trsaacror risienin D INALLN PEBBLE EIPBOTAOI,3IB. ;=flotiwlthabiudlag the atem4u, of leak= Elpctor.b 'Anders, who asytro to tho ...mite of Orli• tb• RUBBIk PEBBLE OFEOTAOtBe Ara racadrtag daily tm mimosa oadorsomeatr of ow a/Awl,. all that Is eakod 1110 examine all otha BoMialell then r tlAld b •TA y Mb. the ItUtakyl J. DIAXIKINI). Pnocllael OpticlJ,e rairlectuzer el the lime!. Pebble Bpeoveelse, mioutoeuTutuniti biilt3 MIS Lag. allLlL—One 4undied Lots of Ground, or soy ntunber, of them, lying pert in tte City of. Pitts bturg)c, Po., haring s front of 1,000 feet on the Ma tiongetiche Elver. et Look lof the lihsiVan , - Coaeyen, t hr ou g h ttateargh Oonnellsothe , possing hecentri of it. for terms apply to P. C. GOBTELICIL No. 21 Itieamen street, hew York, or of WhL far 1311131 N, ad. LIT /earth tercet, Plusberglicre., where ape of the monody ete Le 065 To hansetfi U. imam BROWN, MOAROW & CO., 11 - 013 Hit, MGM MID OSSANXISTAL MUMMA GHAniESUI AtM GLASIBEIR, 80.,41 1131811 erBILiT, Foss iC OOLD SODA WATER, Drawn trpm PO:elan Zontitatcs ; AnA ario &Mau TEM mem ma 04E18, of al tivsh every dap, at K. ELAM'S, WM. A. WARD, D SX TI B T. ilm.remared hla otim to the Oostra or HAM Ain Jauter Maim. above Hoostirw'r Rom, nitrates ori Ilborty Amt. 11111r011eo boors from 9a. m p m. joITAI z. Mr -. CUTLET CTLAUbid, BOUNTIES', Asa ja mpunts, BACK PAY, end %mangy nrerery description, collected by the sub. scattier; of the itillosrink rated, its :. Pensions, VD OD., ell ether claw, $8 60: 0. U. TAYLOR. Atterner ettiew, no 76 Gnat steed. Pittaburgb, P. are mad* U thaalalia does act *.oratatioa than anti+. arkly F:EIM .z TEl"ate . !IA Fourth Street, • -*air 81.11V.111 - riATID, • OCITC &a:, which - will of, sta :ma! , thir.stodi. PERNriAaha 1" a Lave this day saioahi s Ma [Mi. ha the matea'setare: The style of the Am, to hater,. BROTSSBn. °TICK— .tad um 1111Millaures h /airy& mos!, 1 91, IkAtolui _ bled:. . ly :not E in g:•NU • • IiTANIIII.=-4, assort ' iestiolasT aus.fassisslckepton amid at thi 67.11465 a drat, t::7.Qgwtey l Pinola iniscimaing pantitlei uttll • ta• ' DAVID N. WHITS, eta , tint •et - th• 92d 11.1,1tt, Planes. Wyet 41utitd . E•ausi:liiiiiking.4. • taw admit's,. "didlaloaa dolatk last mailed and for sale L - NsTibra 01111T411.12 OO6TOYZ.OOr. OW sad Iltdaral raleta. Illtinz4X sal mod.. Mookird, modlnai lad lorgo, Ii Ws. & &aver, Dahlman, Boorlar, Lak!Mblie ikkodd-akilod. I 4 bblo, a tam 50 do ,11fon: hbdo; Boor 501b000prbookib000r„ Total. by suwu ssessirroz,s. is Dimas . . 2.8,00 0 ales y Has lento BILLION. Toileheat the NICILRIOR 00AL AND LIMN YARD &tilos Owv Naumaineset 2fill LB3 . WHOLIG PREFER ; VM 35 us au ain544.. 0 06 % -*5 k Ghost, emu and BINA lima; •`A notts.x. 0. Bopn 9019b15. =Aid, caw sod pulled= ;- _ 90-beenTomoOmily 13,T. Bow - - 30 bb11.4 b elt OWL Roo, 1,11.3 ok, 110%.• do - • Whits Nish; • rzonr= Mien , • I - 90 bow OtootozaBl4llo33so /cap; 90 MIL 3L0:31oloomm.• do, Woblos eyrop; 10 do , .Lsbnollorlhaizyri Jost moostvpd and fit talla a • ', Lll • Iliad Jot - prim WINRY H. JoaLLIMIL "IoW OILS; are WALLACE & OURTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And team Ist ' CRUDE & BEFLHED No. 66 ROUTH SEMIND MUM, Mgr Stomp amenity (under corer.) for YAW bblet ALo atnellent facilities for shipping to American and foreign ports, at our wharf on the Schuylkill Hirer, near the platlona ta the Patna. B. B. ye2s:ty BREwBB., Boma. po., COMMIBSICH MERCHANTS, Agent@ of the GLOBE, g AOIFIO ALD , LIBERTY OIL WOBSS ear Literal cash advaxass made ea coulignmacits of Refined or Crude Petroleum COL DVQIII/112 War AND HANO , X . I BmW W ALM., W JfiThallHE tXJ., corimasszorr ram 11111IPPFAS Or PZTROLZUM, m MAIDEN Lass, NEW mut. Mr Ant& tadlitlas kr STORAGE AND SNIP PING, at shalt yard and wharf, BCD Hoax . OIL ALEN need 'not. be • embarzaseed" by the enforcement of the Bulk Ordbiarace, when they me bare their Oil -barreled and el:tipped without touching the City Wharves, ea cheap, more prompt, with lam nab, ten trouble and to better order, at RIBA'S OIL YARD, On the Alias batty Valley Ra il road. abows Isrorrenee; vllbs, where Wis I primped from the boats direct to the cars, and Ihlppsd to any point, Nest or WWI without any dray or rewhlppleg. All orders two attended to. Silr.olllce at lard, en Chrism Pawnor R. B. • Post Office . ad , rees, DOS 002. Pittsburgh 7 or I can be rim daily at the Oil Rachangs. a.29DAVID KIRK. RIDER di i.iLALlik, 00MILI8SION MERCHANTS EXTSOLTUIL AM) ITS PSODOGIB, OILS; CANDLES, la., st aBOAD You.. ea 11•11/3 isrAginta hat the PORTLAND ANDONZNII QLL WORILth NEW YOUR PA.ziartlNZ OANDLN 00NPANTi do. W. A. ()aerates, Apat, 69 Rand Meet. IRON CITY OIL WORKK LYDAY, ¢ CHORPENNING, Manamatureri and Berliners of. . . CARBON OIL, BENZINS AND LIIBBIOATING OILS, OBUDIT PETBOL'EUM 00 - Worley oppodia , Bo arpr.Lurg. loe 111 PEWIT BWOX, Duveina• Way, RIORARWN, HARDY tic 00., Commiasion and Forwarding fficrettanU CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM; No. 19 IRWIM STRICAT, Piritirs4i • isiirLibarsl oats *Dusan on .thostramouto for Pftlabargh or limbers' Markets. • Iloices. J. IL DaTimms & Co.; EttlEtalM - 11•111.0.1111, Tummy& BIAL. La" tree& Oactinertia Donk zotatklm ROBERT ,ABELWORTBI ha 1 s T. CLAIR i*IINST, Ferwu'dh g &Commission Merchant AND mix.= IN OIL& • ILlMlXlslthitGAVniallernid;o 3l Thil PiTHOLICEMLi, aa, cenartiatlfan lutad !sad for sale et the laweatmazket pigs. 1110.11. 1101D1111Th.........*11 1 0 11 7 101011/131. WOODVILLE OIL.BEFINE&Y. asows w. How) aft m,a.aa., • 1411177410 . 1iM81J Or MMHG )? OIL IND LOBILIOATING - 014: Loop constant au bud 311, my boot oi tartliergitArargiatrilrilfat: .quelji GRIMM • - • ' ' OAB IlarAllorloroloft it .15 Jam ilonomooaaa """ .1 11 .4.procoly stoidedAo. 0,22,7 0101i,tikkei 0 MOWS, DUNLAP '4ll 00.4 ILSALUIOCiiIiOn of MIS WaVri 111:111:EZ', D 00:1:130N orza. OW% Zio.s9l Libut7 end, OIL Of VITBOL, • toll AQUA •1111.0211.4. Orden isft a* lialma a ca. , . OS" OM+ ine of Yistkittani r4nt.0111. 4 % ydarawhi prop attantrati. - DiAllow Mai woi a; NAFLOS &b 1 T* r suuniNs AND =LIMBS' IN GABBOW 0//4 -ustintpiiiiia i i i'irittitie 'Dirket. ' . . . .. _ ... . - lirOtdoto ioit' at Wasi - eataoso:lnitilitsT STAPIT,or at lb* warts be. Lawrotoottita, win to ptcosptJy attended to. ,: • . MOM OF ORODS:011.4 •, - - - , esti!. • .• . . Pours OIL WOREV47"IAir? ,Lutirparvan fano, warm -cmuzak,oxi, iuut . rt.s • • axo rmetlnt'untarainica OIL. .941 salts _corms - mr...poNt. . - EINEM( i t_ollArle, Propriftora.„: iusrotterOdoisoiiokiWitasui4lutiburgti: STOItAGEI FOR REFINED 0114 +- Th e ammo:wet au ass and Wank cathil ti tha tact that the andarsiamt boa larsh coat, sa!t, visila,aattablo tor stating Ballad ou. - • " SOBT. Allawiate, ingqiimii Wei tad ea outryt...t. MKT& le 1 Main 1 " ' • A town fiatina 2.14•*1d 4 0204116 " 1414 Watch m the bas saittcd of,/1 1.., , • A start/ deittliadvs soh That notkot but, mai co•IA ono tAAD(mtkOta-- Adoxlmituos oida, Omuta tbell at`AY "illIbls! 'lvo better Ay tato 0004 it 0r0i40•,. , • cnnisszl; lobo! Mgt WI nu. logoi••• • $l7 VW 4os ptsioNAbotal mothlot male. W•U• • wWstionto rte' . Jolt swim SOON " • ; A ortir stalmint:giev iatait ii aussat :; •-• 17bloi ham bun sop•dad of tio tosOrlth .mat Wu Mita roiroo; to fa ionAlid lawritool:7 'big • 711-11r17tAbar i Vii: cawaxe- _ JAB. HMSO osoosiioro..la6sie * ' .. , PAPA*I4 .r• 4%l 3 lfft tut O inaalkoPia dobaz " - VOLUME/ LXXVI---NO. 201. /IXSURAXCB. FEOPLES Y Office, N. E. cornea Wood and Fdth Bta FIBS AND MUaIFB INSMILHOZ Wm. Pollllpi, John Watt, - Wu. B. am, • Jule Parts^ Marks B. Ettamat4' Wm. Vaa Pnmasazzia. JO wEt Y . GABDFIIIII4. F.12.E. INSUWO4.In- THZ BELA AIM MUTUAL IYTO BADTon oomrsta, OR PHIL ADZLPHIA. out DUMDUM% perpetual, 11 11.1101161M11111, YMINITUBS, az, In lOWA at =tut*. Otilat No. k* Weluut street. EEEM:="iiMil hest Amp. on ImprovadOlty ti r iorth 'doubts the oo .atoondrant, 61161 claw - • - meat Patina . . oo.'s 6 per mkt m arlop laau*, MVP, Coe 'AO 00 Oft of Philaaalphla, O. per amt. Loan—., M 20,000 19.1 "Alleibeity county - 5 par ot. P. B.B.Leah 10,0 or. 4:41 bondaorsil 2,500 Oo gantfuldon and Broad Top Mountain ilaihnad - Company, nostaouga - I,oot Pannulicoda Sallroad Co.'s 4.00 0 otOckutlialtanal natant Inatranoa Stook ofClatultp Lnauranos 1,050 C 3 . dairior Delaware 11. I. /usuranos C 0.... 700 00 Coannandal Bank— do - 5,190 01 Iffcchonica'.Hank..„ do. . 2,019 .0 prUSBQIIGH,. lb „ Union - BL. Ittantaaft 03:1 Ibo EU” Racedirabla, Madam I I JAM 113 Reid" lactucts, accrued Interact, eta—. 0. 210 OWL eu hand aid be hands of agants.-... 1.1,385 16 _ QI.M =GLIM. =eel " , DlllOlOllll Olen TinOry. [IL L. Puma, Bowie' Birpha* . . L. Lothrop, Win:B. Thoinwoon; -Bat Tama, iicitrkool4 • Obaa. Leland, rid , grown, TreCk. Laud a, , Wro.-Maasar, ' Jaw* T. Boaft4 O. Staraason, , 0.8. Wood. 'EMU. W. Tingley,' - 'Smith 13owon, John L. WorroU, .. Jr. S. Woodward, Itarshall,lllll. John Binell,"Pitub'at B. °LIMAN, ilowslory. J. Q. 00ZZJ.B. Again may - o blorthadat *mar Third and - Wad a trate. 1 NabillihlTY • AUAINer JAMS .t; 1 FIBL—FBASULLEIS FIBS IfiaIIBANOS 00111• PANT OF PHILAFPELPIILL. OlEoe, 496 szd 1137 Otatesimmt of /osta,' January Li, 1660, pnbllshe. assessply . to,anookc‘ Ameroblh ladott Tlniffiortaaaea,iftly . acomared........—..l4,BBoA93 oo ItoslAMtkOrss. 't*alAVANAlllroctil MOM Do Temporary Lams, oa ample (Waters' 80,1116 Stocky (Drama villa WON ZW) cod... 89,7E8 JO Note"' ea BIM 11teedvablir....—....—. 1,821 .30 • • • axon iz • . Norms way profits from premiums which tht. Oozapany can divide br IT, an fr?wi risks which Insurance modems every slmertptton of lowest', in town and "oinintry, at ratan so low as ace iondstoot eithemodty«: -• •••• ; fitnoe *hair hioupuratlon. a parto4l of thirty yeas they V pald by Ittiloaa mount esmestn.,‘, Pwr ; HWior; tionebi sfiNdMa.eridenon of theaden of Insurance, as well as Moir OM ty and. - to wet' with promptness dt • loner paid daring the year 458—.........11105.cet:9 Mirk. li.Bancloig, i . 1...d.L0g, • Mordecai). fa. ' - 'Jacob B. Smith. Tadao W.ll.ir. ..•.• : : ,-Zitwavi 41. 1 = Daiid 8. Brown,. Goo. W. fia.auld Grimly . Gawp Ma& OB A RT•TA . BANOSZB, Progidaw • EDWARD Ct.- DAL.II, -Wog Rigida.' Fs. A. esszilfigordpga ara tam ' - • . GA2II4IIKg -oonrui, 48 .g. tar. Mike Northeast oor. Wood A Third it.. WttiThafitt- 11111UILANOS illOktr A 9Y OVPyrptiltAM..- , Pneidans Mf== Ci• WOO . it SOH O Bitten. Office, ffie.,ll9. metre otree‘ Bpaccik Oa's, bowie. up Main. Pittiburgh. WW , QuereUpolust eft kkula eJ nv emest... Biala. 4 Bova Zutlemaos, mumuout 81 Dirw9ors Igo 'WY sail biers 41 tk aid saw' era deo, mbar le .•_l* **re.. 08 .054 to; dri auruciter MRAVICJI cased, uprise ad NW prstagans le 919eirsdho &info; indurod:" ABBV/ItyCKJTODZB 80‘1860.9 nook Aiturtaito 393,909 cc 9.180 R rellen=tstre. ffic c Open lezeituite; T 909 09 1.4151 99 rum NoCa `sr a 96 u Notes and Bum D1,0cruatik1.”..................; 170 75 12 _---- . - Re 3.1 .51 2/ --B. Itiller; Jr. - ' '- I' Aaiun' , k0k14. - l it. • friar IL 4 bilev, D aA 4rl r. t'P ' - Alex:, Malta. , , Mai J. Thomuj,. Gooro Dade, . .. Bud. P. Bakermal. Willfsm'll. Saab " -, Jobali.:llrOccoa.' I MAE ' , . T. GORDON, frorillarg. . NC) U BAN OIL - I - ' ' IBSUBANOE _COMM lORTH IJISRIOL • 1111161DELPItrA. Immo° Co. of the State of Pala's.. ; PEULADEIMiII. Hartford Piro luuranoa co*puy. Instunnc• In the above old and tollii4O,,Ocat polo coo \ bo obto t tned brapplloatlon to 011/4241,11 , 11i1i1i&M.501).18.YAN 1r di PITTEUSUB6II. .4411ca n kagraga ~ and Widen OM% mead data. -L ', - • . 1111 41 11 Aiwalr , erevikell inaadai eteannaldiand ' ,-- _ , ,1 ;, Inn., manna lan and damp Inaa =Tien. arab* lapasberii aid 1 1 1adant Wm., Into aa In=andll.!:laaldlptan 'IOW% lola and dausak., by On.' i W,ii:,l**l. - IL 11, /liar,. laik-iniznaar.; '• ' -' - Jaw IV* Gra:rot ; 'JILL " Sem Owjak L,': ~ z. '., _id. lion.T.'ll. Bawls Joba & stoat vi m bira, A klarAlklß2o .. ibiISOKALIN WS , Vt • A%.'relrf OP PITTOIItrIIGL °Mai. Naar I' ma lawns apdast all kladarat Miami - Itastuadall . • - - , - • - mum zojgro; "SD. ~-05 X ra-mdgedidp.' , Taa. 'wow. • ii. - 1::*00K., . - , ,-.. _ t 2 =Vaiblilfrist. 0 ; i iii i i.44,; - : a .i... 1 r 0,1 1:4 D ' Ai i i . ._ , ,4142m,,,i . .. : . wisa - Wai 2.- Staallna, ..,=ll, aw .l im a.,„ tno , 1t... f. - - -0 L l46 ror. - -,,,,,,fte,; - - `fi t ;Dada PrrnTM UGH re.. 101 2111. -bat anormu. 411Ain9 A MothweuvE, 4tlatibaeons, ipirs'prilinti. boo botobtlitad Bon Undo. Stook lad flosail Manna Boa. Ono Linty the an 'Job* D. Deno, id u t o con thood, as toond.ottootl. la ltabilt.. wan be st or DOB a ptazr w rs roe. 6. WWI -borbC_thir &Victim:WM whir bin anta..lloLLlPaina vat koowo wantons In ibi aftio enjoin" . Yous. Drafting noasibla donnas Pnolool km** Platoon. tamadob -t= bonbla kat laDabluilac tio llide , . stal so. gado g oolo toads alma Bair cattle , . Macaw Saai." l ,o3.,'N'er, Tondo noaloo.lottaltoson‘ Pool an rasa - • LittonVinal iliosta °Nagano/ of ecks wean • • •a • • C'B.: 0.-Aiwa!Eli, , • _ Produce A Gene ConuaLulolllernhant, • luasnu,Spusi DROLink ' And dralitzLa all MO it 00IINTST puont res. roan ranuirr.antarr. '11'471 abids I .....wensmi . n. 'rlV — iitrittilTais insAysittc:wi, 4.: amagli.i warm srlacrinsi gi r Irill ' il ioldob 1-Ite"trinlar aohona 7 l"ll6 / 1 " .411111'66 • sh• 11.4 2 0mAlhorikraellatWastioef. -Th= ar wilisat isirikr•drop Mit sad dbi. 'sam al outrie Ad trials by-L ' , lIIMIM lip ata - 4, : keit. ' 10 , 4414 , p .. 0 " I ROM 1 1 0411.11Caiall.. - NM AtiILTUEOe.../abblit. new e lot N-, 'l4l446ll"llkama r i lla slit ik ', . • ' .' . • • Li Ti 3,1110 C-...: L.: 4-1. ;•,..".?.!, 4.: . .,;:t :,,:: { 7; .• 1 I'' , `•.. : ' l't ' b.f.Z.r: "7!'..•':::,1 ' 1 1 ° . 9'.'.' .. .."'': .I.:' '''." -.: r e .'”4 - 4 .7:i anCtiAllb fl 7 .*• , :it 1:E.,,t..1 =BE i,DISEMOIik t i z ii. swe i t i Ztaar a eamisal P. &dm, Gawp B. Joao, . .0. H ama Lays. MELLI.IP PS, Preast. kpl. i Eg MAIM n 111111 W. Pi JONI& 41gash !!llMT=M===!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers