t pittsburgit Sauttil. THIIRSDAY MORNING, JUNE 25 CITY AAP AIBS. OPIICRAL PA Feß ql THE OM 1111.1000L0010.). 0 mr for ch. Q 8 Bbair,. Ittelitrrentegt d7Ol- • • arV IV •i. . pf 82 . 110 76 II 031061, ...E. 12 a u. 6 .N Bs•tm•se- Commencement Exercises of the Pittsburgh Female College. A crowded and deeply Interested midterm assembled in Christ Methodist Episcopal Church last evening, to listen to these exer oiseirishish cooreisted in the reading of ad dresses by the highly cultivated young ladies whose good fortune It L to bs p!:, , ,r1 under the guidance of inch tutors as the Leahy of thil College. Here the solid, tho elegant and this ornamental are beautifully and harmo Mangy blendid—the former, however, Is nr t sawilleed—as Is too often the ease in fern .0.. Institutions. of learning—to the latter. The exercises last evening were opened with prayer by the Rev. B. li. Nesbit, A. M. Musle—"Zonave March," by Miss Daistll and Miss Ragas. "English Belutatery"—By Miss Hal asl B. Christy, of Kinsman ' Ohicr—a well . ten essay. A shower of boquets testified pleasure with which it was received. Music—By Miss Coburn. • "Nothing in Vale—By Else Snide It. Pally, of Mancheste-- - . good prodect , "c s , 'areatlibts a tare and lotty Christina spirit II Idasie—Pßosalls," by Mrs Rem. "Was haws fait sheaf" (What can I do) composition in German, by Min Lydia A. B. Robison, of Pittsburgh. Of its wirits or sen timents we cannot speak; bat It was pleasant to hear the lick and vigorous accents of Fa derhad leap fail and free frr.m the pretty lips of one whose earliest lirpings were only in our own loved English. Musio—Killarney—by Miss Deiselt. Beyond. the Alps Lith thy Italy—by Mice I. McKelvey; of Wilitlnsbarg. A shower of houtpiets rewarded the lady who ventured, . not arumeeessfully on so lofty a theme. Music—A song—"Leenora,fcre thee well," pleb:titre and beautiful. Our notes are at fault-as to tho name of the lady. Possils—by Miss B Ocabsid, of licakewood. Excellent in composition, rich is thought, and a little satirical withal. Mental Achievements—by Miss Mary E. Plead, of Pittsburgh. To say that this essay was well written would be faint praise ; it wee of thought, sweeping rapiply through the great field of achievements, moral, mental and material. Wears obliged to be very brief in Our no tions of these admirable eff•rts of expanding mind,. This evening the exercises will be montinned in the same hones. Camp Howe This is now the centre of great activity and !utmost. We abstain fro= detail; in refer s:as to the number and character of (mope now in camp, for obvious military reale:ls. The Fifteenth Ittgiment State Militia, an der the commander Col. Galway, nee fully 11211foraed and equipped, have been perform log gtiord duty both In oatup and on the for tifidaticne. They will be relieved (rein the ant of thee* duties to-day by C. K14d03 who wilt bereefuth be In tcumnail cf the camp. The Fifteenth will go into a new edit r to-day, under ouvas, in a position mote con trol to their assigned duty of guardioz the principal forts. The Regiment hoe made good no. of the time spent in the field; every unoccupied hour is spent in drill, and the degree of pro lelessey Stained la highly commendable. The damns having provided a fund for the par lous of completing the equipment of this fine city Regiment, it to to be hoped that it will now be recognised as one of our city institu- Mons. To this end, we hope that our citizen! will aid the dicers in retaining their mem bership, rein s at soma personal inoonvenienom let the young men feel secure of their situm Moue, while in the delt perfecting their disci pline and drill. By this means, and only thus, eau an efficient volunteer organization be maintained in this oity. It nem to na highly deeirabie that our citizens should • foster and aid the organisation; !mastery expenses should he defrayed by the citizens, seek as uniform equipment, Milli* and ar mory rut; it is Izmir that the 'Some should be compelled to sacrifice their time, and pay their own expenses, while laboring for the public weal: Let us fill up, encourage and endow the ilftwenth liniment, as one of our pormanwit city organisstions. We think the odium and men have the vim to perform their shun of duty, in any and' every emergency. Closing the Stores. While around the line of fortifications, pesterdf 7, and amongst the citizen soldiers in Camp Howe and elsewhere, we have one tub. Past of a general and bitter remuk—the eel ash and unpatriotio cooduct of those chur lish few who pasist in keeping their stores epee, and presenting their deli; avocations, while so many thousands of their fellow old ness are spending time and money, with an eagle 111:1SpeniBli of private 110.1112111111, labor ing for -the public defense. A stern public indignation should compel the general eloslog of the stone, in both elites. Let all sari tee their personal bulimic fur the public good. White A is laboring in the trenches. or pub' his lonely. beat, with a musket on his shoulder, let B—lf be ku not the patri otism to go and de likewise—at least feel the depth of public Indignation, if be attempts to isrescette his %minas while we am esmod ta Uwe wise and proper defensive meacores. Let each bear his Item of th e Muthms, etitor and patriotically. We shall all fool better and safer after ere shall have sompla tad this good work, which, If undertaken tap, years ago, tread base tared to u minions oi dollars. Public mentimeat en compel the Amaral aiming of all the stores in Pittsburgh and Al legheny, while this enervate, condones ' • LI Joan aka make *WWI who attempt to defy It; feel that they have committed a mistake in their estimate of the patriotism of the people. levant.le Concert. referimse to as advertisement it will be Wen that the pupils of Prof. W. 11. Slash will 'lye two grand juvenile inmate, on timraby and Friday evening', the 25th, and 1:/th last., at Pamleier Hall, Allegheny. 'Then muerte had been ansupd for last timely bat in oonoequenoe of the Military ex satertsesit, and the fact that Prof. Mask had entered the twine in the 15th regiment, they here postponed until the time Mated. The Musical' entertabameate given under the direction of Prof. Slack him always been Ursa:, Waded, and haw given nutmeat eattafeetlon. The mesa heretofore attend ing his efforts, and the liberal pitronage ex tended bribe public, are a sualsdant guaran lee that his claims upon this coesaion Aue overlooked, notwithstanding the smite meat in the community. . The programme matelots of • number of Ins choruses and W en Winding mute new and popular *dolls gongs. The elms will numbs about me' hundred and twenty-In performers, with suitable instrumental accompaniment. :Tickets an be had at the music and drag Mares, and at the door. Reethig of lerehatits-.l3toresto Re main Closed. A earl law =Satin of ntershants was bdi lislowedsg, st the shoe house of Mews. W. 11. Nuncio" & C 0.,, Fifth stroit.-4. W. . _ Barker, Ssq,,la the chair. It will be roestleoted 'that, on the ovation *Utile last ineetint, It was iwed that the . stem should remain closed distil olv 'Wednesday weals& the 24th Inst. This meeting was lead, tharstore to determine what further so- Nan simitdd be taken. After an Interchange of views, It wu imensiy nsolved that the; paha° Interrolu le nisei a Mather asuipensiou of business until evening, the 27th Inst. ♦Clesunittee es ten was appointed (eight fee this eity and two for AUeghen;) to NIP the% this sseolation is d 7 circled 00 — • Mid Cleausittee to moat for publication the kr". 14 Ali those wile loop their stores epos. The - Litt:attics County Troops.. At the meeting of the Executive Committee, The five oompanlis of the 134th regiment, held last night, the reports of the men work who reported here on Friday but, under the log on the different llnu of fortifications were gallant 001. O'Brian, returned hbmo poster- called for: day evening, to organize for the six months terervres nn.r., sorra Erna, Ammturensw--sneans 1 ' 3,4, 8, cum. suceruk. 2, service.' On their arrival here they were nn- No. Green, Clecander it 00. 43 John Flshert, elide to procure Pubs:stet:co as speedily as was ch.,. sae...BM 7.1 John Ort, desi4-ble, when Sir. N. P. Sawyer, o. warm John p." 1" 14 W. P. Logan, Henry Geyer 11 John Balyd, personal friend of the Colonel, at onto rap- John Meyer, 19 Han Hcesimer, plied them et hie own expense.. The sot of H. Afterhyde, 12 Wm. Langkemp. F. Copert, 11 Albricht a Beck, gonercsity we . n •••:. forgotten by the men, as Fayette banal factory, 12 Fred. Badman, will no :i.e.:. :roe: Ceo following resolution t h ,1,,,7 & t . z h etz ,,1 , . 1 1 t h o n g ,„ li p: l 2l., which they passed previous t their doper- Dsum 8r0.., 10 Gotleib Hummer, Uuttoodorf, lifllkir ft (Jo. 8 John Houck, Biro : Jec ib Smith, 7 Keentsh, Re4oto.ei, That tho thanks of the 134th reg , Hr.' y ditfT, 8 Anton, Imc-t, P,snosylvanla Volunteers, be hereby itebt. Bole, 7 Taylor. • Souders, 1,4:1er., to W. P. Sawyer, EN, for furnish- lred. Holm, 7 0. log their regiment with rations, the first day alter our arrival here, and also for his not ferni kindness to ne during our Stay In camp Howe, P.,a1..d, That Col. O'Brien be requested to Mr. Bowyer a copy of the above reso le due, and that it be published is the Pitts birrla and New Cattle papers. l',.vions to the departure of the train the met. cat cd upon Hr. Sawyer fora opeeoh, and were favored v,ith a few romarhe, in which he tonic n to compliment them upon their aoblt van, r and for the prompt man tis: in which , had responded to the call of Uovernot it, he present emergency. Be alio sou fitting terms to the shill and b:eveiv , te, , • vo.tlant colonel, who bad led them ,• `. • . on the timid of battle. C,: a. then called upon, and re ep , 1 , and appropriate manner, -ftt , , a the men were conducted to the Tribute of Respect .17 a spade' meeting of the Penn Literary S.Gi.sty, held on Wednesday evening, June 24.. b, 1563, the following preamble and reso• lotion were unanimously adopted : 'WHIREMI, IntoDimon ban roadbed us of I the death of our friend and follow-member, Thos. 0. Met:Holland, while in an engagement with the Apsehe blimia, near Tucson, Arl sluts territory, ono whose nobleness of char acter has caused to cling around our memo ries the e: dettrin g reeolleotions of a frank and worm beat tot trieod, as able and zealous member, therefore, &solved, That is hint this Society has lost one onto olu on i rained members, whose ear- Vie , E eul e.'unee:s we sheaf long remember. ' and the memory of whom •inn's we shall ever cheri,h Regotved, 11,t while. in bumbl•• stibmis :lan we n_ht.or ie i6o the ways of eidetic*, No e a nnet but e,g,:ir our uoilus” :ad sor row over the desth e member and tree friend. A•.. dfa the !rises?, and rela tives of cur brether ‘e tender our heartfelt sympathy in thir their deco bereavement. frerieiveci, That 4 oopt of th•'o resolutions be gent to the family of the defesaed, and In respeat tahlm w• adj.:a the 6.,lety for a period of thirty days. II W. NINNIIIKYIB, Ceaet.s3 C Ilia. I 7 °await:es. J. 31. tt.T.t. to, e.nd Casa of irrowailig Oa Wednesday coo , oici„ ac eccleent of a distressing chat act...c ,courrel at the residenoe of Mr. Louis SESOIISTS, on Mount Washington. A little child, and three months, while playing ecout the door, fell into o oissern and was eresraede It het been out of sight of its mother but a few minutes, when an older child discovered it fleeting in the pool. It was speedily removed, bat death had does its work. Ms. Sanders Is a very worthy and estimable citizen, and the trtaado of the family will sincerely sympathize with them in their bereavement- Alderman Don aldson held an inquest in the absence of the C rover, who is engaged in working on tho fortsazations. Incendiary Fire In Allegtsany On Wednesday evening, about nine o'clock, a large stable In the rear of and atmohed to the tavern of Mr. V. Stork, (old Won. Penn Boum) on Ohio street, Allegheny, caught firs and was totally destined. There was no person in the stable at tree time, and as the fire bunted out in the mow, among the bay, the conolusioa is that it was set on fire. There were several horses in the stable, but they were removed without much difficulty. Tn. steamers were promptly on the ground, but the fire soon exhausted the material and ceas ed. The Book and Ladder company rendered War good iverace. Pocket Picked. Last evening, about ten o'clock, Mrs. Rob [neon, residing in Colonade row, Fe had her pocket picked of a small sum of mo ney while riding in one of the Blanchester passenger care, between the Allegheny Du, mond and Mr n31(10103. Bhp had scarcely stepped from the oar when the disoovered the larceny, and hailing the driver, the car was 'topped. That instani the Wet (a well dress ed man who tat alongeide of her) j armed up and darted out of the oar, followed by hi. I light Angered companion. They disappeared La the darkness and were not pursued. Join tho Regiment. Now that uniforms and complete equipment have been provided for the Fifteenth Regi ment. the company officers will accept a few MOM active young men, to fill up to the max imum. Citizen' who think we should have a pormsnent and efficient military organization should aid in filling its ranks. Tas STOIII2I lq ALLIGIIIST —At • meeting of Allegheny merchanu, held last Weaning, it wis resolved to keep their stores cloeud notti Eisturdsy afternoon at 4 o'clock, to olio" all to go on the fortifications. Customers ere re quested to defer narciissing till that time. WK. B:Krt.z, Jetess C•LDWILL, TitCaasoN h Gear:ma:l, ALI'. LEICIATI, Joni Blows, Jr. Seism or Ma. CIMPUDALI.—The popu lar comedian, Mr. P. Chippendale, takes a benefit at the theatre this evening, upon which mast= two choice standard plop' will be presented—" The Soldier's Daughter" and "The Golden Sarmer.". Mr. 0. is • clever Bator mid • yery•worthi g ok entleman, and his friends should not overlo kb; claims. Viors.airs Pia-Pia.—The annual pia tie of the Vigilant Fire Compels" will take place to day at kieliCee's Rooks. The steamer Oil City will leave the foot of Fenn street, for the grounds, at nine, eleven-and two crotook, pm ()hely. - - liiclicsite—Juni 9ith, 1663, of Inflommstion of t9O litorels, in the 69th leer of Ms sgs, Tido& Huai/IS, His loners% will tofu tl►x Co l►ln►S !domino, June 26th. at 10 o'clock. the friends of the tastily are respectfully limited to attend. The Untutored Blare Mrs. 8 irtilellll.ll, lifene of her letters from Campbell Hospital, Washington, relates the following : - _ Lying in the duk of evening, a few dap Igo, for an hour's rest preparatory to my night walk through the wards, one of the contraband laundresses of the establishment walked nolsalessly into my room with a " good arming miens, I tot you was lone some!" She la a fall black, with all the unlovely outlines of her ram A question or two star ted her voluble tongue. She icfrom Virginia, but at the name of her native State made a most expressive gesture of disgust, saying: "Take away Virginia! Suet hab her! Doa't want neber to sea here I born and bred dare; and all day long It was the sweat and the blood a pourize down, de await and do blood a pourin' down, de sonad ob de cowhide and the lemma 1 Don't wont neber ass Viz ' piny; non's' hob bar,, no more den de Lord hob • linnet In haaben 'fore he woohed and 'generated by de blood of Christi" Then she broke off into a lamentation, swaying tarsal( back and forth ailing " When I sees dais poor dash men a !yin' • auffarin and a gromlin - and a dila and tint dat Uit hadn't been for dam Id a b eani a slave dia day, an all my :People a bin slaves die day; when I finks dat its dem dat brake de ohain'ob alabary and. let de 'pressed go free ; when I ientd•M a sufferin, and a groanin, and onto, an - knima dat Ibant do wean for dam, it 'posrs jla like do Lord Jeans a It:Soria for 'lnners." Where got lids "stupid negro" Inch an Idea of the great lair of atonement Let the reader turn to Lute a, 21, and be will Lind the answer to Mrs. 13 wisshelm's question 2 and a little redaction may proba bly auggeit the came of this groat contra Vamp IMiZ=MM ma., so. 6, cum. IoaaEt r r L. H. Anebuta. 19Bnedel & Co., 1 8. K. Badgers, 4 125Graw &00., / R. Kennedy it Bro., 6 Tisremil & Celts, 0 Blemhege, 2 W. H. Mc ice, 4 A. &J. Sdcßenney, 3 Citizens, 18 cAre. omaan—extuLD 10 8 J. D. alas 14 Heath 61 00leer 6 John Heath Richoy, cooope Edner Donnellp ..--. ...-..... ----....-..--- -.-.. -52 ("Arr. earrru—sorop 12. a r Gabe 5 4 Joe Suctenstaln 5 3 J. Berrinzer 3 4 °Khans 35 O. O. Smith 0 Gent. Henry Sbaeffer Henry Weimer Jacob Hyde carr. X . D0:11/11.1)—EMLD 13. Shaul. & liieDenold 20101tizens J. LI. & 8. Mexve 61 Mne fob rt Porter. 2 horse.; and wagon ; 8. S. Roi bore- and wagon; Arcelbald Hulett, 9 horse. and hone John Heath, horse and ea t; Heath & JamesOdlosr and car ; franca, brlokmaker ; 3 trams Althter, supper for night-watch. Mcllnloht & / 6 ° 04.6411ounett & Oo— 175 B. A. Fabotgook, Bon & ..... 1 A. & D. 140 Join* & 340 11 ..... II & 65 'Soloman & 43 B. McKee & Co 40 tuna. Atuddters Portar 114 Ada _ James Wood 2,6 Z0g 165 Tavern and Eating Homo Keepers---....-- 1110 Singer. diatiolt a Fahoestock. Albreo R 00.--.....----...-- • Wouirich 14 McCully a 00----.---.----. 65 dhorb .. J. 2 w atlathawa Esi Inger a 45 Robins., 121tuda 17.0 MME! 11± Zug & Hussey. V. 11,04; 1 7 ! Lewis & Mclntosh. EiOOlP b James B. Lyon & 40 Jo. Myer & 21S Punk', Me!som & " Pienou & 27 SpAtig. Onal , ant & 17/1 .bone. 81.1 . 641.11 ai 00...—.—. —.—.... 68 110 1 ..... gab m 00., Lron sad Coal WorkA-- 3 Sao.] barter a 370 Cl6l6'Bt Ilampton townstdp—.--.—.—.-- 37 Koopp. Budd 8 730 81.C.117 78 Ilerroa t 55 5 Lockhart =l=n=!l M!!!MM!!!Mil It=3l= R.I. ea a 8 I...idavell A Andorten.--.--------/ rtrle. & n Moo sad oldlen Actieg 1.01311 Eut 57 Cl.l Jam bhuff wad wagon MIME TIM= CALM. CIA Ft G 61cFartan 51 Hessen, Stuart Co.------.—......-----. 02 ll 01 us Ousel 10 helms. r Ursa' ots C0.....------.----- 61 5.u..1. Glue 1 Hear) It Chalfant., Y horse teem. sad men-- 2 The following is the report from Cemetery fin, Allegheny, with the number of men on duty on Tuesday, June 24, 1863} White & klensisder; . .. 21 Jem.s 4 4 Our 0 J.tta Weir R Co.-----. ..... I It D. C.s.hrent.— J ho I.lorrison, ei. nre G. llm i. m_ bang& Li. lierwlg, Ow , ger Osmond. 11.. bely, Jyhu r A. Caqleron, Wm. Loh:alter, Wm. "I ate, Jr. ,t Co., Wm. Miller, Wm. Boyd Ss Co.. Bottom nay, 11. t V.lock, R. Elton, Salm W. S. GlSland. k E. %distal, Wru Ear 107.• J. V. McDonald, A . Mclntosh, ' , amens, Agit it Daltall, M. Bashart. F. Ikt-d'art, elutond S Andrsek, I•ot.le ' A nee OIL. C. F. Idaieary, Home... It L.., Wm. Stewart, F. Beck hart, J. C. FaLltluallr.•, Cttl u, r rihur Hobson, • Jetta Brown, Jr Wm. IL Walker, Jam. Ray. J• 111•41 .Pater Mertz, Juba Tawaart, Develleu and two liana, Slephen Itotwrt [laudation, S at Grim Eloblatigher t Co. 1 13117...% 14 J. L. Knox, . Forrester 8 McGraw, 6 4 Dunlap & Luker, 6 01band & Orr. " ' 2 Wm. 0 Negro & 00., B.S. (NIL 011 ice) Pitts. FF. Wept* &Chicago 6 4 .1. Voeghtler & 00., M. McOordale, 2 Mimes, 10 9 J. J. East. 6 Tate & Seville, S J. Patterson, .. Citizens. 36 Smith A Buogsy, ' 20 B. T. Kennedy' & 00., 6 horses, 10 S, D. Smith, 1 two.horso team, 0. 0. Dayl, • • Wm. S. &rater, . Harper & Delki, Columbus Coleman, • B. D. Smith, W m. Boyd & Co., Wm. McKee & Oe., ... A. Nord, Wm. Dilworth, • Nouse, Moore & Co., Malin & Old, B. Bids. Nuttell & Kirkpatrick. Citizen•, P. it. W. It 0.1.5., Total, Horses, Ragmanlly Jas. Comersi.t, for Committee. SCISTLIZZL wcu. Tort Pitt Glass AO Wood Street Itt eroltaitto and Clerks . OK& ateiri. Robert UAL Thorn & 24 James . • . Woimoer Black Sr. Woods, 18 carts and horns—. W. 8 A. Talton k Son... Wm. Ilaroblll it Douglas@ it Slang V. Quay J. 0 P. R. It J. Watson W. B. Bream, (kid Laughlin Grafi tiosuater & Drudi, Jarri Et WI himan Andenoa...... rfbE=W= •10. blow d Diem DScQueotri a Do D. lariakil Pl•atln Baur —....-- Carroll At. Soy Dt.liatah 09041 • Melee Feld & Lars— Capt. Cornwell% &Bud 1: Captain Frances' 12 Meg& 19 Carlin & 9 Cheap 2 George Loran & WWI, Watson 1:1 John Redman 15 Bonard'a 'Paper 11111... .... 3 Tbompeon & 11 Jobn Woodelde & 1 Bryce, Richards & 31 Welton, Range & 20 Heigh & Co., J. 39 Darterpre & C 0.....— . 40 Hartman & , Lan & & 9 B. 10 Watson & 23 11. 5 27 Glover & 16 goblin= A r Campbell p IL H. Palmer, Jr 7 Soldiers from the 15th SO Teamsters —.....--..---7—...—...—....—. ex nannon's atm.. Brower, Burke& Co. 18 Fleming Bros. 11 Harrison Bros 19 Davie & Phillips Si J. Bonn (Toesday) 13 Clark &Co 7 do (Wedneslay) 26 Shallenbermir 11 Renee & Graff 15 D. & N. Potion 65 Smith, Park &Co } Lippincott & Co. -120 PUS Bras. it Go 265 It 11111 & Co 12. Park, ftioChardy&Co 0 rad, Bennett & Co 122 Capt. Smith's Comps- P Hill 25 uy, consisting cf dt. ill 4 1 Monl 2 0 Clair Guards, and Harley &,Co 16 cittrons Dom Market Oapt Bulger's Comps- Wood 4 Liberty eta 126 ny, consisting of cite Copt Batts' Compel . , - hens of firnithfleld 130 consisting of mar- Brown 4Co 1176 chants and clerks Illornem 400 92 from Market & sth 110 Allen, licCarmich&Cto 11 Copt Love's Company, Milieu of 4th Ward 64 1 an:misting of mor- Lloyd 4 Black 152 chants and clerks Guthrie & Bill 20 from Market, Fifth A. Hilemes 11 and nylle streets 120 Wm II Saute V Cadman 4Cr as ford 16 J ones. Boyd &Co , 12. ()apt lA bite's comfort, Draymen & cuter. 150 consisting of dozens Phillips 4 Best 71 of the two dtlen 130 West &Co 24 Novelty Works 95 Ospt Baker's company 0 0 Hussey &Co 67 condi:Mg of mer- W W Wallace 12 chute and clerks Robert Inder 9 from sth and Wylie 87 Wm Rowbottom 14 Bissell 4Co ' 4s Graham .&Fisher 34 Anderson & Phillips 37 Elton, Murton 4 Co 101 Soho Work. 60 Booty 2 Ben 10 Merchant. and Clerks Thos. Moore 21 from Market and tin 0. 13. Vetch 2 mime., 40 A Ballow 13 T. &J. McCaw 10 , Fleming 4 Totten. 12 I J. Boobyer 1.1 Lopum, Olden & Co. 15Miller & Ricketenu 10 Mrs. Charlotte Blume 4 John lir.bnyve 10 George Selman 4 Co.'.. J. W. 22. McCann, 2 Rating Ho.. 4 J. M. Burchfield 4 Reim m,llleyran &Sol- Marc o he nte and Clerks dle 7 M arche Market and 5115 A. Frownilleld & Bros. 6 itrests 107 Jame.. Robb 4 White, Orr & Co. 15 Wm. S. Schmertz &Co. 10 Joseph Woodwall &Co. 1 S. Reese filfleary Votslay, on his J. G. Clouse 3 own hook S dui A. Tindal° '... 3 Joeeph Plummer reported money reeeived from the following gentlemen: Cash Mr. Payton, Engineer.. J. G. Coffin ......... „.... ..... John L. Dews Haltzerman .kWedurrhold....—..... E. P. Flenniken J. P. Bump George Fortune David Baldwin and Adam Wainsecan were appointed a Committee to °onset money south of the Monongahela. Resolved, That all Mentifsetaring setab lishments be closed, whether working on gov ernment work or not, union Col. Whitley gives a written request to have them excused tram closing. On motion of Gen. Moorhead, it svu then resolved thit the thanks of this Committee and the entire oommanity, are hereby tender s-ad to the wholesale and retail dealers of the city for their loyal and patriotic nation in de clining to *pen their places of business, until the expiration of the present week, being de termined to render all the aid they possibly can towards completing the fortifications. • Resolved, That this committee earnestly charge all persons having charge of squads working at any of the fortilleations round the city from supplying them with intoxicating liquors. The committee on closing stores report that the places of business were generally closed, with a few exceptions, and that the few man ufactures and operators on government work Bey that if the executive oommittee co direct, they will olose at ones and send their employ ees to the fortificati ins. The committee also recommend that, an additional committee be appointed for Allegheny city. The folowing gentlemen were added to the Allegheny committee on supplies to the forti fications north of the Allegheny, to report at itriieever's Hill at 7 o'clock Thursday mor• dug : RIM Jona 0. STULL ALBS. tatlaTl Wm. Bums, Joni VI Runt?, Jona Mimi, B. B. Facia, H. M. MILO'. EXPLANATOIT.—For effidellOy In working the men engaged en the entrenchments on Herron's Rill, they are consolidated into gangs of fifty men or more, sack is an to be operative coder the airsotion of a single en perintandent. This plan of organization is also required in jostles to the men, that they may be regularly relieved when their hour is Up. It therefore follows that the reports handed. In to Mr. Thurston of the men en gaged in this convenient organization embus ues frequently the smaller 'quads. numbering from one up to ten and fifteen men, whioh may belong to a partionlcr firm or factory; and It is impossible for him to preserve the nice dis tinction, because they are not always so re ported to him. Mr. Thurston. we are confi dent, Is not culpable for any omissions in his report", from either Indifference or negligence, and whose ether duties on that line of en trinehments totally preventsacarefal person al Inquiry Into the belongings of these em braced In *soh separate squad. AAAAA Godei, Atlantis, end Peterson for July, have been received at Pittock's, op posit* the Post-office. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. porton/ are borsht wine' that the Part. riershlp tonstetsre Itilattng between WIALVT 130IltaTA and GUT 11111.L181011. to tote Paint. tuag Balsam wider the name and style et OOULTZII 151111148011, la Webby distal's:rt. Those having °Wow against tha drat will phase, present tem. and three Wog indsbted so salon Arm wilt poems tasks psyment to the undersigned; at his /hop No. Ep If earth shag, l'ittsbargo, ea he bat been antherhuld to mitts op the busier. etW CEILIIT tha fires. LB. —The Teiotlog Badness vlll be myriad on am N ue et 11% at No. 6r Fourth street, Pittaborgh. 1•10.3 t WitaLltor ootrutitz. Ult. A. H. iiNGLISEI respectfully LILL inform the citizens of Pittaborgh, thsi b. my boo oppatutod solo ova for lbo eel. of My. on 1 &weir *Peed °MIELE A111140116081V PIM. nay oft Tocoun.c.dod by Os larva booms in du city, swag which ore must, Bunn • Co., rums' Co., - 11001/ENAD Co., loos Cl?? 'Moor Go., 800, wins sad cam. jedsly I)OriaLISIA'S LIGHTNING ILT•IaLLII4. Supplies • want felt by ovary goal hoar r. Eno sheet will kill • oast whore Al.. Iwo BOlSlomber that It Is DOTOIIIIIII3 that doe* ad& and afar who bra s dtatin that are attired. The real artinle is kor ad nyUll rolgontable vrtiribts. B.A. rAtuoirrooKs, 808 A 00., arms of Nat and Wood streets, Jelfhewil Pittsburgh. BUN -------_ 1)8, tt export epitits or Oil; INTWOLS,:to *spots Spirits or OS. ButatireoTtressir EITIGIN8; Add eUlar DAWN nada Ma Szabo Law, visited sad fax sib by WM. 0. JOHNSTON A 00., " 111"birre. • IN LI kelp Country Lard; 1100 doses groom s DI bars W. B. theme; T 5 Drab. Oldr Dried AppPer, Ai 50 Yesle do eludes halves Pemba; 24 1 , 11 1 T°1"1":23 .tSe for ID /LAN Lib 0.100 swi Whisky DlMUlasi and Mr•Werl, slated's!! for*" by WM. 0. JOHNISTOM.k 004 Dll&VV iere. cm i of forri Wits! Dallas Ott ao„, prtsted and fOr On WK. G. JOICHEITON & 00 , sySl.Liprat 11J! 5°D,N A. 01,011444 the Mount widau6st se 4A A2A It. Oar street. LA H. MIMI% _-10 *bran e. . U bavir, T or sabh by J,lcisvoralutolt 111.401111 s T e, j . B , -19 1 and 191 Libati Mob. NEA 10 00 1 -7 . • n° ll " 4 leo NUMILAZIA 161.11W1N • 111 F9Olll WASILIF GT ON Mail Dirperobea to thaPlttaburgh Gazette. WAIMINOTOY, June 23, 1883. The military situation ie about this: Gen. Booker's army is tolerably well 41 ha n d, stretching in front of Washington, with out lying cavalry beyond the Bull Run mountains and the Gaps that enter thaShenandeah Val ley. The whereabouts of Lee'e army is vari ously stated. Gen. Rooker is understood to believe now that the bulk of the rebel army is in the Shenandoah Valley, while the people in Baltimore aro under the impression that it is already menacing their city and are hurriedly accumulating moans for turdifetise. While others believe it to be moving for an attack on the Maryland . side, still, others insist (that it ill moving westward with all possible rapidity towards Pittsburgh, or down the Kanawha Valley to Marietta, Ohio. Military opera ions are covered by such a cloud of feints, d monstratione in the Valley, ever in Marylan ,in Southern Pennsylvania, 1 that there is gre t diffloulty in forming an ac curate Opinion a to location or intentions. It is altog the certain that now no enemy is in the Bull Run Valley, or anywhere east of the Blue Ridge, in Virginia, except several detachments of cavalry. GoVIRIIMINT OINSORSHIy. It is proper to state that the meagre nature of the special telegraphic dispatches from your' Washington office is mainly attributable either to the vagaries of the prorates goiern meat censor, or the occupation of certain por tions of the telegraph lines west by govern ment business to the exclusion of all private or press messages. The censor, Mr. Lynch, is a clerk in the War Department, with no experience Acting him for the position, and his conduct on sev eral occasions has shown him to be without jedgMent to warrant his appointment to any responsible place. No better illustration could be found than his first demonstration on these oispatches. Some urns ago he suppress ed a %Gipson, one column in length, giving an account by an eye-witness of Ktlpstrok's brilliant raid from the Peninsula to Urbana. The identical account appeared here in tell in the Government organ, but the prudent young conger thought it would be greatly detriment al to the wife interests to send this woe:omit of a Government sharers meet. It is aupposed that since the present movement began, the dispatches Are being trimmed by khe same rule. Mr. (Pet) Halstead, whom few of our read er' will fail to remember in connection with the famous Kearney letters concerning Gen. McClellan, which were written home by Gen. Kearney and finally by him given to the pub lic, has been involved in a oiffioulty with the New York Reread, about which his cards ate herewith published. "To the Editors arid Manager. of an independ ent Press: The following card speaks for itself. In additiOn, I would add that the. representative of the Nerafd at Washington, through whose hands the slanderous article passed, and un der whose direction the same was telegraphed, refuses to take the responsibility of the pub lication, give the names of the ollieers referred to, or the,anthor of the libel, or publish my card. I [rest that those of you to whose attention this may come will give It such insertion or notice as may seem jest and proper, and help break up a growing and ontrsgeons evil end uuleance—that of publishing malicious false hoods and untrarrantab:e attacks on private citizens. 0. 8. HALISTRD, JR. The Now York geratd of the 18:h of June, 1863, contains the following : "A Pavane! Rencontre.—At Willard's !Io ta!, to-night, 'Pet Halsted' was the author of quite an angry emeute. Having recently re turned from the North, he was asked if he had seen Gen. MoOlelleri; whereupon he reviled that he had not, nor did he wish to see such a damned coward. An army officer immediate ly resented the indignity to the former ono mender of the Army of the . Potomac by spit ting upon Halsted, while a naval. of de nounced him in the most opprobrious terms, before the large crowd whioh had accumulated in the hall atter the oonintonceraent of the conversation." I prononnos the article a w ll ltuf, wicked and nislimous libel and lie—its anther a base, unprincipled so , undrei and coward. Who arc the valiant offirers that with impunity spat upon and denouneed Halsted, as stated? and who, knowing Pet Related," can be made to believe any suet' vile slander . 0. B. Harman, Ja. Wasystpron, June 19, 1863. We ere present on the occasion referred to by M . Halsted, and join in branding the statement as an ungaidified falsehood. HORATIO Auks, J. P. Butt., W. H. Cooswitt., T. W. GeteriTßlA, . A. 11. F. 114. $ 30 00 . 200 . 600 . 6 00 . bOO 5 00 . 10 eo . 600 ri4CLAJL LOCAL flOTlCtras GROVNI AND Samna's BRNO* blAcnuti, for family anti manalsontring purpoees, are the beet in use. AL. B. CRATON'', General enc No. 18 Fi lth cornet. TROILAJI PAIIT, Plain and Ornamental Sista Reefer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and.Ver client slate of the treat quality et low rawss. Moe at Alex. Laugh lin's, near the Water Works, Pittabargh, ■pN:6m -- - ROW Anall%6l. or Saimaa Ctorsiso.—Of tan we ore asked, where can we boy o neat and comfortable Milliner suit, made to order, thus having the chamois of selecting our own goods? To all those inquiries we can answer, go to Messrs. W. H. Males ts Co., corner of federal street and Diamond donate, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited according to your mate. They have just received their summer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for fitness they are she very persons, as their work Is all done under their own stipervivion. Give them • call, and you cannot fail to be ATTISTIOI, RIITIIIINJD VOLWITIMI I—The attention of our country's brave defenders re cently returned from the seat of war, and of the publio in generel, is again directed to the vary 01A11111111 , 11 and handsome assortment of the latest styles of French, English and American piece goods, for pants, coats and vests, lately received by Messrs. John Wein & Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 128 Federal street, Allegheny. A tasteful seleetion of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-mode clothing, got up in the best manner. Jun Tatum = non rue Pear.—Samttel Graham, Merchant Tailor, would respectfully inform his friends end the public in general that he has Just returned from the East with his new stook of Spring and Summer Goods, coaststing of all the latest styles of cloths, nessbneres and outings. Gentlemen desiring a stock to select from that cannot be surpass ed by any other In the city, and their gar ments made in the most fashionable manner, would do well to give him • call before pur chasing sisewhire. Samna (+Leman, Merchant Tailor No. 64 kLarket street. one door from Third. Clair. Darrnmey.—At the Dental Usti :tate, No. 261, Peen street, sets of teeth for four do ll ars, better then those at tire dollars lat the other dental establishments.'. Lit por tions are requested to call at the Itstitute after having seautaiaed the lowest prior at the other cheap places , All work done at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheap Dentistry is city. 87 Wood dry* SOLDI.II.I, TO TIM 111120IIS I—Young men, rushing into the exposure and dangers' of soldier's life, should prepare themselves for. the fatal fivers, the dysentery, the morel and' mum which are almost certain to follow; Holloway's sued ooessionally during the campaign, will ensure sound health.te ev- ery man. Only 16 omits per box. 214 Saturn vo Paoram Bosons, Saturn, ►nn Arm Ovens Inanarao.—Yor ropatri or al teration to stores or dwellings, aew roofs, or .nything else is An Carpenter Ithe, cell at Cothisn's Carpenter Shop, 'Virgin alloy, above Smithfield Mesta. Alfordan promptly atteaded to. ' t 61 Wood otttiL • 9wwizan sad CAzauits C 44.44 will bo takwa it the emalbwi 401•50 i. lib. 406 Taut, eat4t. 4 0 7 04 %it. bet .st Ove Oboe will iromptlj 34404404 skil mutt be. raid • . • Oui ITE2=I , . Bur •'Pluktajtrepli . .Albais for the , parlor matte table. Powl4, opposite the POlt-of lloe,haajaat rseal eps ply. ' . O. ena,Dosia* sfill Pera - sstee begun el poisalea. [HE LATEST NEWS BY TIELEGRAI"E OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON . Special Diopeteb to the Pittsburgh palette: Weserrarrorr, June 24,1863. MISOILLAIR 0008. Admiral Dahlgren left for Hew York to• day on his way, as is suppossed, to his new field of duty. The negro freed men at Arlington are culti vating seven farms. Den. Hunter has arrived and authoritative ly declares that the change in the command of his late department grew out of no dinette- Section with him, and attention is called to the language in his farewell order, in which he says he was relieved for special service elsewhere. This evening's RepoHiate contains the-fol lowing: We speak authoritatively when we say there - is no ground for the fear expreued in the morning papers that the rebel General Johnston is likely to attack Grant's rear. Grant telegraphs that he has no fear of Johnston whatever. The latter is at Yazoo City with a small force, but- esa approach no nearer to Vicksburg than the foriner is pleased to permit. There are report! in circulation that the rebels are planting batteries on the lower Po tome*, to prevent its navigation by our trans perts and gunboats. We learn that all mob reports are without foundation, nothing of the kind having yet occurred. Information was received to-day that all the buildings recently occupied by our army for the storage of supplies, &0., at Aquta Creek, were burned yesterday, by the rebels. bIBLISBID /AUX SLAVIC'. Cap:. Vanims Billings, of the 65th Illinois, has been dishonorably dismissed from the service, for cowardice and Incompetency, by Gen amide. SINTLICED TO ST BONG. Mansfield Rhodes and Geo. Williams haire been sentenced to be hung in den. Rosso:rano' Department, for murder. • ZUTOROD. Jno. Milky, Co. I, 81st 111., and De Witt Robinson, Co. I, James Barrows, Ce. C, Jno. M. Bellows, Co. I, Daniel Poe, Co. B, Alfred Combat, Co:I, and Jno. Harlin, all of the 65th Illinois regiment, who were sentenced by court martial for varlous offences, have been restored to duty by ordtr of Gen. Burnside. 018.111013ZD FOR DITHLUDISCI SOLDIIIII.II. Dr. T. A. Hall has been dismissed from the ssrvioe for defrauding soldiers. WAtlliteaTos, Jane 24.—1 t is ascertained that, with the exception of some skirmishing in the 801 l Ron Valley, there was no lighting yeeterdiy. All is quiet, apparently, along our front to-day. . Yesterday, owing to imperfect picketing, come of Mosby's regular cavalry came up the Chantllivroad, near Cot run, and destroyed several of our wagons, with ammunition, They were pursued, and It is reported soma of them were caught. SuuLtiern News WASHINGTON, Jana 24 —The Richmond Dispoteh of yesterday, eoutitins the follow- : Jackson, 'ppi, June 18.—Tho enemy's cavalry made a dash on our outposts near Edwerd's Depot, yesterday, but found them too strong, and ratzgated soma the Big Blaok again. Scarcely a day passes without an accident on the hioridian Railroad, which, it, bsing tbo principal means of transportation of sup plios, has retarded Gen. Johnston's move ment. -.• . • . • - . The firing is continuous at Vicksburg. • [swarm DISPATCH ] .facke.n, June 19:—A special uispatch to the Miesiesippina, dated Panola, June 18, says.: A heavy force of Yankee cavalry is march ing on Au Zsaokons, between that point and Grenada. The Yankee cavalry are rigging rafts to cross the Tallahatchie, with the intention of destroying the road below Panda, and ma ting cff Johnston's supplies. Ano .bit force is crossing the Cold Water near Benito* They Slams from Memphis. Sion. Johnston has issued orders granting* full pardon to aU deserters in this Depart moat, who will rejoin their commands Imme diately. There is no news from Vicksburg or Port Redson. From Vicksburg. Wasttrasroa, Jl2llO 24.—Gen. Grant has teiegraphed to headquarters here u follows : (Near Vickehurg, Jane 18, via Cairo, June 23-) limy thing progresses well here. Johnston's forces are at Yakoo city, Benton, Browns ville and Clinton. Deserters some out daily, they all report their rations short. • We scarcely ever lose a man now. The health of the troops is moat excellent at pres ent. Dispatches have been received by the War Department, from Gen. Banks to the effect that on the 14:h inst., having established his bat teries within three hundred and fifty yards of the rebel works at Port litideon. After • vigorous etnnonading, he summoned General Gardner to surrender. -Oct his refusal, an as sault was made, And our !awes gained posi tione within from thy to une hundred yards of the enemy's tvuhs, whlol they held. • Gen. Paine was severely wounded. Gen. Banks exprer,ed cia....ulf confident of MAUL From Havana--Rumored Fight with the Alabama. New YOl/o . llile 24.—The steamer Eagle, from'Havana on the 20th. has arrived. Humors had reached Havana, whtah us said to have been brought by the British m►U steamer from St. Thomas to Porte Btu, that the pirate Alabama was in Santa Cam, and that the Vanderbilt get np.steam and went to attack her. Heavy firing was heard in the direction .or Santa Orns, bet nothing definite was known as to the progress of the fight. 'The English mall steamer Trent, from St. Thomas, is due at Havana , on the 2101, when the fiats would be aieertained. The Spanish Government walls granted per mission-to tear down the walls of Havana. The heat at Havana was my gnat, but there was no appearanee of yellow lever: The steamer eau Vivian had arrived from blobUevith cotton. Missouri State Convention. Jursuos Orry, Mo., Jane 24.—The ma jority report of the Committee on Emancipa tion wee taken up in the Convention this morning. Mr. Drake offered as amendment, substita tins January let, 1864, for 1876. Lost by a vote of 18 to 66. Mr. Breckinridge offered as a substitute fa the majority report, the ordinanbe introduced by him . few *eye Oman abolishing slavery in 1864, and apprenticing the alma so eman cipated fora period of twelve years. Mr. Gravelly offered an amendment to Mr. Breckinridge's substitute : that Mahal! be the , duty of the Legislature, at its first session after the passage of this ordinanee, to devise means for ascertaining the 'number of dam belonging.to loyal eitisins, and apProprlate $3OO each for such slaves, to be.paid their owner'. • Agreed to 48 to 40. Mr: Poster awed an ascuortiment providing for the abolition - of•slavery in 1870, and Atp, prenticbig all minors till they mash the age of treaty-one, whisk only received two atirm ative Totes. Adjourned. • Markets by Telegraph. Clicruntmdone 24.—5100 r dtiU and ,nominal I trade triad., salt at. $5 to $5.75. Wheat doll, prices lower; red 51 03551 06. Corn 546550. „Oats .6110. Whisky anances to 40)ia. Nothing dome la • saw& dons, sod y loot nohaaaL Star candle. 1 , bald p higher,-11017reight Gold. lit- Wirer. 141. INaties.oll WM Ta ft 'VW ILAJUN... .I sThr.n-4126 oadenilawd Tarc'priparstA bring out oudyymuts tram may. pork or linsland, Ire. hod se Sontlasit, either by suyildiurtooroillino Eltostows, btoaluilult the IllillustasoOmose.oBlßAT Lb 11,.. or brut claw diPtOt Vingetiv Wow Aliso tioketa cos bogouct 100.1.ey ourr ofelco la Ptto.burgti. Its..stooaviur losT. -I,Unorol ov.ey wodo.oday; tbuolims Loodczaptil 'milk 2 1 ,. 4 siung riostsysor'Lloorpoof. ovismb Wu** sampan areaws mageital mower XCITING NEWS! INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA• th e R e bels Within 25 Elm of _llarrielinrg gE RESULT 11110USLY LOOKED FOR: A BATTLE IMMINENT! &0., &on &43 HIRIIII3ItrIG, June 24 —The rebels 0,10 within twenty- Ave cf /terr* loll l. The • • enemy's column halted about dusk sight miles the ether side of Carlisle", "and went into camp. , The authorities are in telegrapt io comae. flintier: with Greyson Station, two miles from the rebel &het& Their line to-night is very strong. • - •• .The result of to-morrow is looked forward with much anxiety, and Uok .... wititent some f s doubts. Gan. Knipe may gin the seamy battle at Carlisle, or he can Lai back to the Basque - ham. ••••• A battle will Undoubtedly be fought on the • plies evacuated before to-morreer night. Gen. Couch has thrown a strong column of men, in the neighborhood of Gettysburg, on the enemy's . right flank. This, in eonnee- ••;; don with eertain movements by the army of the Potomac in their rear,- will :make it a dangerous experiment for them to attempt to hold the line of the Smaelianne. Numerous arrests Dave been made to day : on the south side of the river, otpartiee eon piloted of being rebel 'pies and guerrilii9, bat • on their eases being inveatigauo, matt of them proved to be vefores. The curb and other atmeheis of the State Capitol to-day' organised 'themselves into a company for the defence of the oitY. • k The works on the opposite side of the river have been completed, and the guns are being mounted. The Philadelphia Grey Reserves, eleven hundred strong. are still here, but reinsert° be - mustered in. Their conduct is severely com mented on by other troops. Gen. Andrew Porter salved here to-day and offered his services to the authorities. f t Everything is quiet-in the neighborhood of Gettysburg and Hanover Junction. Greet activity le being displayed in that quertor to prevent any demonstration on the hoe of the Northern Central Railroad. The Itspubliesai Union State o:nvention has been postponed until the 6th of August. At ten o'clock to-night, a rebel operator attached the wires at McConeellsburg and opened oonstenniestion with - Pittsburgh. He told • long story about Jenkins and what he intended doing. No tellies:eta placed in ts. It is reported and believed here that Milroy has been relieved of his cue mend. It is known here to a certainty that twenty regiments of rebel infantry passed through Chsmbersborg to-dey. They were mareh.og in this oireotion, and are undoubtedly E soil's (late Stonewall Jackson's) corps. Important matters are likely to erasion' to-morrow. Ilniututatirao, Jane 24-11vening.7-The oily has been in a high state of excitement ail any. • The news from up the valley' shows that the rebels are rapidly advancing in this direction in strong force. No troops would be likely to -venture so far from the base of operations talc an ene my's country without a force sufficient to act on the defensive. So far no opposition.has been made to their movements. The rebels are riow twelve mites from Carlisle and stilt advancing. Gen. Knipe, commanding tie•ferces in the valley, will probably give them battle at that point. The rebels will, no doubt, appear in front of that town.to morrow.-. Ger.:miry, who fallback as the rebels ad vanme,,have beeneseabletrax_in fantry is yet; hut ifte liedlit; a strong force is in snppoiting distance.. - , A deserter belcingt , tig to, the 44th Georgia regiment, a rr ived h re te•day. lie reports that on Sunday night hie regiment wee doing picket duty near Hagerstown. 'GU Monday morning fifty of them deserted, and safely made their way to the mentalities, where they remainedall night. Yesterday . ' - morning they all started for Frederick City, hoping to make their - way to Baltimore, with thettuteeption of this man, who came to Gettysburg., He Orates that B well's whole corps elate brigaaes, was at Hagerstown when he left. They numbered about 12,000 men. The lest brigade left Wil , lismsport on Friday. arriving it Hagerstown on the ISMS day. _ Orderiewerelssued on Sun day for the corps to move at 6 o'clock, on Monday morning. It le believed inert are coming- in this di ned on, supporting Jenkins's. force of Gay- Sixteen Veterans of the War of 1812 to-day visited the Governor, at the Capitol, and ten dered their services, which were accepted. hioCoirnitututepTcutell..erThe excitement along - the border remains unabated. Btuinees is at a perfect etantl.lEll, - exposed oonstantly to the incursions of rebel maraud ing bands. Fanners are compalied to keep their horses concealed in the morintains,end the prospect ., of reaping the coming harvest is discouraging. The rebels are overrunning Franklin county. I Two rebel deserters from a North Carolina regiment, belonging to Ewell's corps, came In to our. lines this morning. They report the whole of that commander's'forees in Pennell- The Melia* in foieeUt Mareenburg and have driven In our Idekets ;this side of the town. It is thought that/they wilt attempt to feel our strength this : side of the mountain. Laeasit 4:50 r:11..;;,- The relsetinfantry is reported co ming up the mountain fromMet serabiug in feres. , :.The reads are blockaded, but poorly supported:!' Craton Staid Costeemattere, ostponed. Pmenetalmi. • June.' 24—At a 'pedal meeting of the Union General State Commit tee ItelAin this city te•dity, it. was resolved in the present emergency, white may delegates to the :Onion State Convention. are engaged 'nibs military : service aid • eannot be present at the meeting appointee to be held at Pitts bargh, 16th July next, it *deemed -expedient to postpone the Convention WI Wednesday, sth day of A.ugust,ll a m., anSl44 is hereby postponed till that time. (Signed) . P. Vassal blare, • . Chairmen pro tem. axo.W.ltstinasiu, Beeretary.,,:t' WOOL -TWINY, - .ill , lebids, -, in balls. - oss'sosas, - ai quantities, Cella EnlP.' Pink and Codas wont waar, to sow= sehanta he Cotton 'WRAPPING TWIRIL Nano Torinond , Pbb Linos. Bed Cm Mx. Cloths, Liam Nob. the Win, AA ClordaiennetTwlsme Warabotion . - lekba' 1.11‘61111 twin RS. Poet. FINS irALDinl , NMI AND Lau rm. In oaks own and so*, TRIKIOD PALM is 4 BUZ= Zi.llllh la krona prkr.' ti i - 11/1.1011;140111.11111.4 Oen 'in WM LUX CAP/Mi'llysT viryibklisiis I Aisit also &Moms '101:01.1k1f. and 'dal'', Milli every thk7.lll. - " - . IWO ' W".• ID Wove*. liner... SOLuultlie OULtim . "A4%11111, • • A T A, X41011:111 BAJWG Kowa, - - no.us itrra t) /SI'S UN XV Mai Of IMMO. tamp liteptio-tiod tb• haw* Serum Olio. a Vaar %repos parardall Vg l " "7. C". iaims 41-44' is:wessor mo.-etu,: pt ulteu• l s'.•• sso",latr;***#'o"' _ ' _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers