The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 09, 1854, Image 3

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    • Maine ! Maine!!
Oh. hive you heard the news frnarNainel
newb And cinEs
Late news received from the wild cat'district
in - Maine, give most undoubted assurance that
T. J. D. Fuller, Democrat, is elected to Con
gress instead of Ali .F.usionist, as before
reported. - ,
Also, that Morrill, sore head Democrat and
Fusionist. is not, as at first reported, elected
by. eleven thousand of a majority, but defeated
by more than one thousand votes. This is good
news and true.
Obstructing a Railroad—Stranse Freak.
Paortniw* Oct. 3.—An old. man named
Lyman Hawes committed a strange freak to
day, which caused tmq!nsll e7^i•ement. Ile
, erected a house of board,: on the tracks of the
Providence and'Worcester Railroad. and plaeed
within the same a keg of powder,.and then nail
ing himself in the house, swore that if the trains
fiae mpt ed to run though the building he would
blow all to atoms.—His wild and determined
threats and the obstruction caused a*tention
of two hours. to the trains, but finally a crowd
of about one thousand
. persons assembled and
smashed in the door of the building and seized
Hawes and dragged hint to,jail.
The police speedily dernolisheti the house,
and trains passed on. The excitement
was so great that it was with difficulty the
people ivere deterred from injuring Hawes.
The•reasolf - given for the strange freak is that
Hawes formerly - owned the land through which
the road passes, and conceiving that he had not
been allowed enough for it by the commission
ers, endcav4red to revenge himself in the man
ner stated.
„LPThe Sunbury (Pa.) Gazette says the
Snow _Nothing Lodge in Northumberland
county has disbanded.-
Worth Reading !—To Sufferers:from Scrofu
la,--W onderful case of Scrofulous Ulcer, cured .
by Holloway's Ointaient and Pills.—M ary A nn
Johnson, of Batavia, New York, was afflicted
for eight years with a scrofulous ulcer on her
calf, which effected the bone ; she resorted to
all kinds of remedies, hut obtained no relief,
until she had recourse to Holloway's Ointment
and Pills. The Pills thoroughly cleansed and
_purified,the_blond„and_althotigh_the_ wounds
were,ina inost dreadful - state, yet by continued
applications of the Ointment, they have per
fectly healed, And her, health is completely re
. stored,
Corrected from the latest Hal timore ,YorkA:Hanove r papers
BALTI51"0 ICE—FL i oiv t. +sr
Flour, per barrel, . $7 00 to 725
Wheat, per bushel, 1 40 - to 1 70,'
Rye, “ 1 10 to 1 12
Corn, ,'' . 71 to 75
Oats, • 41 48 to 52
Cloverseed, " 6 87 to 7 00
Timothy, " . , 350t0 4 00
Whiskey, per gallon, 40 to 41
Beef Cattle, per hund., 550t0 8 25
Hogs, ( 44 .5 50 to 6 50
, .
Hay, per ton, 18 00 to2o 00
Guano, Peruvian, per t0n,.50 00 tosl 00
Flour, per 1.M1., from .ores,
Wheat, per bushel,
—Etats, -
Cl o verg66d, "
- Timothy, "
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
Flour, per bbl., from stores, ' $8 00
1)0. i 4 from wagons, 7 00
Wheat, per btishel, 1 00 to 1 75
Rye, ~ _ 1 10
Corn, . I(
Cloverseed, "
Timothy. ~
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
9 C4 , rll
ar:i ZI ‘ •(Y Lo
Bank of Gettysburg, 1
• OcTofiEn 9, 1854. S
"NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock
holders in the Mink of Gettysburg, that
an Election for TI-14RTEEN DIRECTORS,
to serve one year, will be held at the Banking:
house, on Monday,- the 2.0i/i. duy November
next., J. IL McPHERsON, cashier..
Administrator , Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Dr. I • iel Balier, late of I'...ast Berlin, Hamil
ton towns ), Adams county, deceased, hav
ing been granter the undersigned, residing
in the saute place, he hereby gives notice to arl
persons indebted to said estate to in the imme
diate payment, and those having claims against
the same to present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
. _
October 9, 1854. 6t
I r ACKEREL, Codfish, Salmon, Herring,
01 Pork, Hams and Side3,Nilotrlders, Lard
and Chef se, constantly on hand and fur sale
by J. Palmer SW Co., AVailzet Street
Wharf, P 1111,4 DEL Pli
October 9, 1854: 3m
YOU -1 <V P .II Y 1,!.: -11 E TILIT
THE u rttlersigned, Itavint4 purchased the
Carriage-making estahlishinent of Wm.
Graham, respectfully - informs the pet bile
generally that ht will continue the said
business at the-old stand, in ‘Vashington
half a sil - iiarrt from C liainbe.r,hurg.,treet, where
he is prepared to manufacture to order, at
short notice.
Carriages, Raekaways, Buggies,
He flatters himself that his a ork is a little
ahead of any turned nut by any other estab
lishment in the place—having noi,e hut the
tiest of iv ark (nen employed, and ii ins none
but the lie=t in aerials. His prices are mod or
ati!.tti)-.1( EPAI RING done at short notice.
Country produce taken for any thiior in ihs
line. J. BA R R Err.
Ge:tyF,btirlz, Ntirch 13, 1851. tf
Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad,
lIIANGH:OF 111517 - IZS - - - -WTty
‘...) Train leaves Calvert Station at 8.13 A
Arrives at York at
Accommodation Train leaves Calvert
Shrine at
Arrives at York at
Express le.tves C4l vert It ttion at I u p
Arrives at York at 1:2,r 3t
Way Rrisenrrer Train will leave Har
risburg at 1.15 P 51 '
Arriving at Yuri; at - '2.15 r
Express Train leaves Harrisburg at A r.)
Arriving at York at 9.51 A 3t
A. P. NV [ti C I - I ESTER, Super ' !.
March2o, 1851.
11RICKITZGS, MUSLINS,kr :=S.Jauae mere.
o those cheap &c.,
Live been - received by A. ARNOLD.
$7 75
7 12
1 40 to 160
1 06
6 ; 00
3 00
7 00
" wagons,
4.'2 5 P
' On the 23th ult.. bt- the Rev J. Sechler, Mr. PIIILIP
HARTMAN. a 1,13.4 SI:S.V.C.S.A,
near lialupton, both I,f A lamg . enuntr.
On tbe"2 CI) ult., by Rey. )1r: liuyies., 51 r.'t/TBO B. CAS
TLE to -Miss KATE PLAINE, both of Cua-roll county, 31d.
On' last, in Franklin townghin, Mias SARAH
DEARDORFF, younrest daughtecof David Deardorff', deed.
On the 23d ult., near Sliearersburg, West mo mlan I coup tr,
Pa ,of Cholera, Mv'. ANNA MORRISON, wife
.0111 r. James
:llorrisou, ant daughter of Philip Heugy, deceased, formerly
of Adam,: erAnt;e: aged y ears
On'tlie -7 28t1Vult , near Littleqown, Adams eountY, SrS AN
BARBARA. infant daughter of Ephraim Menchey,
.aged 4
month. and 2 days
Died, on the Dth of September, in Huntingdon county,
Mr. G ABM EL NIB.tLS, of.this Itorough. aged 64 years.
At a meeting of Adams Division. hell Oct. :2nd, the fol
lowing preamlile mil resolutions were adopted :
Whereas, it hasple tsed kini i'rovideuce. in his ins
!lite wis,hial. to rein.•ve our much beloved brother from this
world, to a happier state of existence. as we humbly trust :
therefOre. be it
Resolved, That in the death of brainier 0 ABRIEL ME ALS,
oil,l DiViSIAM hasio:;fit true, consi-rtelit and faithful Metil•
her, eaeli brother a kind au 1 affectionate friend, and the
cause of temperance a warm advoc
Resolved, That we sympathize with our deceased brother's
numerous friends and relatives,' at this heavy affliction, and
tender them our ';':ondolonce and sympathy.
ltesolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for
thirty days, in memory of our deceased brother, that the
Division room be hung in mourning. Ihatthese poi -ceding , :
be published in thri Borough papers and a copy thereof be
sent to the relatives of the deceased. -
Tlsl pursuance of an alias Order of the Or
phan's Court of Adanis,county,_ the„sub
scriber, 'Administrator of JOHN STUMP,
deceased, will offer at public sale. on the pre
mises, on • Saturday, the 2Rlh day of October
instant, the following valuable Real Estate of
said deceased, viz :
containing 96 ACRES., more or less, situate
in Butler township, Adams county, near Fish
er's Mill, adjoining lands of Adam and Wm.
Gardner, Jeremiah Diehl, Esq, John Dull and
others—a due proportion is Meadow. The
improvements are a Two-story Alm&
l l
yag. s
and Kitchen, Log Barn, Corn Crib, and .other
Outbuildings; a will — of "never Tilling water
near the Kitchen door, , and a goad thriving
Apple Orchdrd. — The land
. is tinder good-fenc
ing and in excellent cultivatidn.
containing 14 - Acres, more or less, situate in
Tyrone township, Adams county, adlyinittg
lands Of Widow Eelienrode, and otheN. It is
well covered with Chesnut" and black . oak
Persons wishing to view the property: are
requested - to call upon the snb , icriber, residing
in Butler township, or upon Mr. Abraham
Hurst, residing on the tract first mentioned:
Sale to commence at 1 o'r,lock, P. M., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
JONAS ROTH, .fldnt'r.
By the Court—Eden Norris, Ch-ik.
- not 'sold on said day, the property
will be Rented at public outcry for one yov,
from the IQt of A pril nrxt. -
October 9, 1854. is
Of !Meal Proper:y.
I Court of Adams county, the siihscriber,
Administrator of PATH 11;K: BALL, deed.,
will offer at public sale, on the premises, on
Tuesday-, the 31st &1,/ ff October. bpi+anl, the
following described Real
. Esiat€, of said de
ceased, viz:
known as the Mansion Farm, adjoining lands
of Lawrence, Schwillane, Joseph Baker, Abra
ham- Myers, and others,..situtite in Franklin
township, Adams connty, - coutaining if,) Acres
and 40 Perches, in good cultivation. The
improvements itre a
_ ir4ll jßfqli
4.0 •.o 41
Log Barn, &c. re is a good Orchard, and
an excellent spring of water near the house.
This tract will he sold entire, or in•Luts, to
suit purchpsers.
6 25
3 62
7 50
Also, .4 TRACT. Or L CND,
adjoining the above described Farm, and con
taining '2-1 Acres and 100 Perches.
Persons wishing to view the property are
requested to call upon the AoininiAtratot„resid
ino• in the vicinity:
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on
said day,- when attendance will be given and
terms wade known by
JOHNI BRA DV, .iithu'r.
-By the •Court.--,--Eden Norris, C.ef k.
October 9, 1831. is
To the Ilimorable the Jurf2:es -th- Court if
Qurirter S,essiun3 eithrtul /y.
rIOHE undersigned reqpecifully rerrescnts,
1_ that she has heretofore been engaged in
keeping an inn or Tavern in the town al Now
Oxford, Adams mrintv—that she is well pro
vided with stabling and with how•e room and
conveniences, for the lodgityr and accommoda
tion pf strangers and travellers. AMI she
prays your Honors to grant her a license to
continue the same.
We, the- undersigned, citizens of Oxford
townships, Adams county, heingpersonally
acquainted with Elizabeth Miley., the above
petitioner, and also ha vi n ff a know ledge of the
Douse lot which the license is prayed, do here
by certify", that such house i‘lecessary to :lc
counnodate the public and et n•rtain stra.agers
or travellers, that she is a person of , m.,41 re
pute for honekty anti temperance, and th it she
is well provided with house room and conve
niences for the lodging and accommodation of
siratiffers and travellers, and that the fact; set
forth in this petition are tro , -. ‘,Ve therefore
heir leave t rocominend her 14 - ,r a license agree
! ably. to her petiii9p.
Joo. C. Win. D. !times. A.D. Diehl,
Edward kVetgley, kicoo Diehl, Leo St it,b,
Geo.. Hersh. Michael MeLadilcri, MIN
tin. Washington M. Schwartz, Praiiiilin Mar
tin, V. Scheer, A. W. SClub.
October 9, 1551. 3t
Z•ra r,
General Commission Merchant,
122 W. LOJIB-1110 Street, near Charles,
lER I: N G L;A_NO, No. 1, fa rnislied at
'I -- the Government twin:num price of $50.00
tor the Ton of 221(1 lbs., with a ch.irge of
commission., porelt•istngan., forviardirirr. The
SAD).- rate or commission will_ preVoll. wh4t
evr.r iri ty he the established government price
of the article.
11eicic-in Guano ffirnished at the importer's
pri..e arid at the s.inie rate GI commission.
L 1 n m
•No. '41.0 Pratt Street, Baltimore.
N 0 P - E , P oprte or.
JOHN G.- KNO DE, SuperrinTermient.
--May S", F. 51. ly
F. A. c D 01 AD. 11. S. of Atlanis Div
At Public Sale.
SU;lscriber, Executor'nf PETER
t'RREE, deceased, will offer at Public
Sale. on the premises.-on Priday„M,rensber
3d. 1854, the following Real ,;state of said
deceased, .viz:
late.the Horne Place,nf Mr. Ferree,- situate in
Tyrone township. Adams" county, adj(liuirw,
lands of Amos +.llyers,..-Incob Ferree, Jacob
Arntsberger, and others, containing,
having large proportions of Won i and
Meddow. The improvements consist of . _
1. .i g i , •
~..' f. 1- -
A Stone Bank Ram, ..Z:.„.. - . - ."- , 4!
Wagon Shed and Corn CI ib, Spring House,
TIN ANT 110 USE, Stable, 4Sic., - with a
neverfailing spring of water at eac't dwelling,
and an Apple Orchard on the premises.
This has always been admitted to be one of
the hest graiti•producing 'Farms in the whole
neighborhood. Persons wishing to view it are
requested to call uprrn Mr. P. Fickes, residing,
i i
thereon. As the V i irin is susceptible f con
venient division, it will he offered in IANO parts
or in whole, as , -purchasers may desire. .
Sale to commence at-I o'clock, P. NC, on
said day, when attendance will be given and
term s''made' known by ,
JOU. 13.
ER, Ex'r.
C*-If not sold on said day,' the Farm will
be Rented for the term of one year.
Octolier e, 185-1. is
TT FIAT .A !MANI ARNOLD has just re
! turned' from the Eastern cities, with the
largest ari•l best selected stork of goods for
\leo and Boys' wear ever before offered,w hiclt
he is new Taking tip, at the Old Sland, - where
he invites all who wish to purchase LLUTII
/NG, (rode of
and by good workmen, to call and examine
his stock before purchasing - elsewhere, as lie
is determined to undersell any clothing Store
.or_Sl6p_Shop-inThe-townor country.
Ilavin,cr,secured the services- of one of the
hest CUT TE, RS in the country, lie is 'prepared
to make up clothing at the shortest notice and
In the best style. His motto is Quick Sales
and Small Profits.
October .2,1854. tf
Aiiiretuntre, l'esury Goods.
Seit - A Choice Assortment of the Finest Qual
ity, for Sale at. the Lowest Cash Prices, at
• 'TWirn. 13. lAtonhead's,
Between Pine and Union, Vest side, I" Izilad'a.
I 1 ii
E assortment embtaces a Large and Se
led Stock o'' Fine Walcites,Jeweln -- y - , Silver
Ware, 41bata Ware, plated•Witli fine Silver, in
,Spoons, Flirk; l,cdles, st..e:e..—Jet Goods. Fans
-and, Fancy- iirtielet'S Of a „SU periOr quality, de
servti4libe examinatirm ontiose who desire to
pro' ore the best goods at the Lowest I.!nsit Pdre - s.
flavIno•• prartleal know Le d ge of the busi
ness, and -available facilities for Importinu
and Afailufactu ring, the subscriber confidently
invites purchasers, believing, that h° can sup
ply their; on terms as favorable as any other
establishownt in either of the Atlantic Cities. '
-- 7* All Lrni
100 ,ekvei
ry and Silver Ware manufactured to order,
within a rea•lnnable time.
Wdtehes, Jewelry and Silver -Ware'
fail/if Idly repaired.
WM. 13. ELT() N A I), •
No. IS4 : 4 011 111 1:1 - St
n few donrs . :ibore the 24 St. Marlet, %%est
In tite;•_ , 'otith indow the :%i0r0...
be. seen the famons . 1311t1) CLOCK,. whirdi
commands the admiration of the Eeielittfit.: and
co mus.
October 2, 1851. ly
LIS . P OF I, Err R
Remaining in Ike . Post Offi•!e al Gettysburg,
Oeloher 2, Iss 1.
Aniiinn Francis . Nccly Margdret
Arendt lEjviii .I.,ines A.
Ann:in - ow? San , hL. P 14111;
lit.Ccher. Hoover :& V0w,.;1 Nliss Mary
Bell .1. M. 2 Selliitz 1 - 1.
Black \V'illiacrt 2 Scott Abraham Sen.
Byer Jacob - Steinhour fit'llry
Bnston E.trls or NVro.Stewart I)atinl
C stitphell Study I)avitl I)r'
Cairy John Sluttiosir
Cloud :Miss Sarah Stern Jeremiah
Falsely 14 - 111.„ . Shaner Catharine.'
Gthsonjof-rph H. It:sq. , ShriveT :Sallie Miss
Gintlini; Peter Sterrett :Miss Clem
Hart :lliss•Mary S.tostsfat, Betsy, derid.,‘
blurb Mks Ang,eline• ' to the hriss uf,
Haldeman Hamry Smith S. B.
newts(' Mich sel Shthits
flea tt G. B. Esq. .Slyster oil la
II iergity mi Anton Snyder :Miss H ttsnalt
ll.Jrner Eli . Thomas 11ts.:C011,1611e
limiter L. Trostie Jacob IL
Lightner .N..itharsit.l Viprel
Low/. I lertry NValliers A lox . ander NI.
Lott 11i..s Eliz , beth C.Waltman Jeehn
Lon NV illi.en 11. NV ellivrt .1.1 col)
Mayor NV. 11. 1Vent7...1,41tt •
NleGuire U eI. - NI. W. 211 ikon Miss Sii , :an
Nlchsto , sh II igli Gar Mart LAler.
Sl ttler Peter D. Fr_qtlerici Bolster. -
1I iller Peter
() --— Persorts cnlllng for Illiers in the above
List Will pleea.4 soy they are advertistd.
Ootober Igsl.
'i•ipi 0- Teachers Wan tea.
!71 111 E School Directors of I 1 alitiltott town
j_ ship, will meet at the Public School
11,,use in thetr)%%itUt East Bet :s(flur'inY.
the 11//t day (f" (Iclipifier inst., at I o'clock, I'.
for the, porp,:se of employ' rlg tcAelwrs to
talse charge the InWn 541110 ,- .1.4.
• 13, [I I 1.1) ELM. A NI), Nr.c'y.
October 2, 1-451. td
I.IA ir NIT NTE 1).
IiERSONS h-ving ll,ty tri 4el %% ill d wr- 1 ,1
by eittlino• nn the sub:rtriber,, in Getlys
burg,, who desirous of pureh,lciivr. 'fire
highest market price will be paid at all times.
0::7-As he intends having the Hay, after
beinu racked, hauled either to Hanove.r or
Baltimore, the preference to haul tt iii be given
to, those from whom he May pflrChaSe
Dee. 6. 1952. tf
rug!! E cot);:Piiber a few more 1(14 of
TIMBER L. %N I) for whivinvill be
diAposed of rt•Lion.-11)1y. Fer itOrprmation
to • J. D. ( ) ASTON.
Algo a lot of I.OOT.TST POSTS !or sale. '
Gettyslpirg. May i 5, tt
-Z, A. ARNOLD is now receiving a large ;.-V r 0 -
I;OCCM3.—Those wishincr to select
lot of QIIOF (I,w4rt , ,M . li lett. he will sell low. , 4 11
_, r , n. a I,„ we
_.,,,,,,,, 44 ,„ i _ t i,„ 1 ,,,
or of any city or, incorporated dis - — t,
, :, ,la, i( n r" ,s N ee h li a le n m d . and for sale, a great viiriety of
I a iol see
-- ' -----44151 ' 2 ' Boot Morocco, Pink and Lail Linino4 of a so- J •0(10K STOVES—very &war): Cali
, -, whether a corn rni-zsioned officer, orotherwL . GEO. ARNOLD.
.) Li ING GLASSES—aII sizrs and pri. pPrior quality and at low prices. should call
, , - , September & L k - -
Ulcer or atveut who ' o
. 14 r 1
1 4 -6— c ( e ' , - --at SCHICK'S, earl:, at tile cheap store of FAH 'N ESTOCKS. a: suburdinato o
,4a f_lop_ti ,_ffairin
TN pursuance of a plorios Order of the Or
a - Owl's' Court of Adonis county-, will be
offered at Public Sale, uVii.trie prernistes, on
Saturday, the :28th day fil Petober next, a por
tion of the Real I.;it.ite of JACO-li MYERS,
late of H untington township, 'Adams PUll toy,
deceased, consisting of
A\ IrJ 4 P - ISSIRT - 9
or Tract of Land, situate in said •township of
Huntington, containina. 73 Acres and :)9 Per
ches, more or leNs, of Patented Land, ddioin- .
ing la n ds of Isaac Sadler, John Plank. Mary
Wharton, Christian H u unnelbaug,h and others. 1
The iMprovements consist of a Two-story
Lo.g • --
' 1
Dwelling House,
Double 1,oi: Barn, a Stone Spring House and
Wash House ; at good Orchard of Apple and
Peach Awes, There are about 5 acres of good
eadoW—lo acres covered with good Timber
—the residue consisting of farm land, in a good
state of cultivation, part having been litned.
Sale to continence at I o'clock, P. M., on
said day, when attendance will ,be given and
terms made known by
JOHN A. MYERS. Executor.
By the Coast—Eden Norris, Clerk.
October 2, 1854. is
13L1. 7 .48LE
N pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's
Court of Adams county, granted on pro.
ceedings in partition, the Subscriber. Admin•
istrator pr LO M N A 13 KM', deceased,
will offer at Puhlic Sale. on the premises, on
Saturday,' Othiber 2S I / 4 , 1854. the following
Real Estate of said deceased, viz :
Three :Lots of Ground,
situate in the town of Hampton, Adams - conn.
ty, - and known as Lots Nos. 49,50 and 51,
framing on the Hanover and Carlisle Turn.
pike road, and running hack to an alley. The
improvements consist of a -
Two-sfo . /1?) Frame Weatherboarded 1 7 .
11 0 - 11 S E•
and Backboild ing, commodious STA MN G,
and all necessary outbuildings; z neverfatling
wells of water, one in front and-the other in
the rear of the" house. "There is also on the
premises a choice variety of Apple, Peach,
and other fruit trees... -
The property has for many years been oc
cupied as a Tavern, by Mr. Albert and others;
and is now occupied as a Store.
The improvements are upon lots Noe. 49
and 50—hence No. 511 will he offered sepa
rawly., if desired.
,Persons wishing to view
the property are requested. to call upon the
Admini,trator, resfding in the vicinity, or upon
Mrs. Albert, residiog on the premises.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. on
said day, when attendande will be given end
terms made known by
HENRY A. PIC KING, .s'dper.
By the' .N ()mg, Clerk. .
October 2,•1854.• is
IT is an ESTABItSiI ED FACT that ma
ny persons lost money by not purchasing
'Goods at the well known CHEAP STOV E
of Abral
, 111 OH I, le
~illc h ast corner of the Diamond, where !in
is now • rvi:eivitig the chedpest, -prettiest..and
hest selected Stock of
Fall and Winter Coodg,
crier drefore offered to the eilizeng of Adams
county, consisting, in paft, as follows
Black, Blue and Brow French Cloths,
Fancy, ..Felt and Beaver Cloths for Over Coats,
t. Newest Styles,) • Itlitek and Fancy Cassi
ineres, Tweeds, .leani, Cassi nets, &c. &.c., for
Nll'll'S wear, Silks, Moos de Litine, Alpacas,
lerinops, Plain and Valley Sack Flanneim,
also a beautiful assortment of Satins and Silks
for Bonnets, Bonnet ltiloolll, anti ,i great va
riety 01 oilier iglivles, all of t% Stich the public
art- respectfully requested 10 eali and examine
l'or theitiselves„believitig that it it. only necessa,
ry 10 see our goods, price them, and examine, to
induce pers •ris to 'purchase. A large lot of
Trunks also received, %loch will he sold luw.
•A !MANI a 1tN01,1.),.
October 2, 1854, U.
Executor's IN 401 lee.
lAA VI U (.; It 1 ESPS EsT T E.—Letters
testimentary 'on the estate el' David
t;rie,t, late. of Latitnore towoOlip:Adants co,
having heen granted to the untfersi•rned,
resMillir in the same township, be hereby ;rives
notice to all persons indebted to said estate
to make immediate pay !Tient, and those having
viaima against the same to present th e m
properly authentier.ted for F.iettlettlemt. -
.It)EL ti ICIEST, Ex'r.
September 25, 1851.. (it
'J qJe)
Cheap Watches & Jewelry,
al l, 1 1 .:•:•; A a
‘, l ‘,, E tt & I
; Il ui l'
t i..l l ' A I l i; ; a , I s t l h e v
i\, Phil- ,.
96 North Second street, 'corner of Quarry,
l'hi!..tdel ph i'a.
u.aa Lever Nva.tehe•, full jeweled, is caret cubes, it2S 00
ffol.ll.piiitt-. la na• pt. . - • 24 00
silver Le , el 4. full Jeweled,- - - 12 1)0
Silver Leinn.... j,;.‘s els,- - .11 00
So , ,,erior 4./.4m:tlerfs, • - • - 7 00
(;01.1;-: , reeta.el , •s, 7 - - - 7 00
Fluo .`list ,- do..
- . . 1 (.0
l•old llce..el ts, - - - e - aOO
I,:i.dioo fluid Pollens, - _ . - . 1 GO_
Sil% er Te, spoon , . set. -
. - - r, 00
lioid l'etH. I,:th Pencil nn•l Silver 11 , 41er, . - j uu
ii,.141 Finjrl-f Hlwts 376 eent. to 1.. 7 .;:i0; Watch
(;:asses. plain, It cools, patent IS2; I,ti not 25;
( t iller a rile les in proportion. All goods war
r4llied to he what they are so-41 for.
ST:1('I : FF.11 -& 11.11?f,Er.
0:1 (r i nd, straw. Gohi ;,rid Silver Levers and
Lepities, ,- ..',.i II lower than the above I)dt:us.
Sept. 25, II tisl. ly
IstrvicrEiss IP:ALF:Its IN
FREI4OI-1 - 1/111,11:4E.aY ( A HODS,
J'o. 45 &lath .S . ..curlel :arca, l'i‘ilatlelphia,
t ICE now prepared to o ff er their 'cii.toniers
t_ and the ir.ide,;ze and well
selecied a , ;sortwerit of I{ Ili BL `S, S ATI NS,
Lit ',ES, and el:try article appertaining to the
tradr. •
T - 7-onr : :sloe!: being of nor own direct irn
trartation, offers great ad vantiire, b ot h i n sty l es
awl prices. [Sept. 19. 2itt
- IC - OU will meet for pAr rd.. a t t h e p „),li c
house WISPS RA iren , pergPr, In Mum,.
~,,,,bi trg, ,,n - , S'filttrrigy, M.! •'!1 . OcOter next,
at 10 o'clor;k, , A. M., with arms arid drcoritre.
merits in complete order. A full aitendance is
reque,ted, • i:y order trt the-Ciptarn,
October '2, 1.351.
:0" FIEREA.S, in and - by the' Act of
• 0 1 **4' - the General Assembly of this
Star7titled "An act to regulate the Gen.
era Ele Cicala Of.this Commonwealth," eine
tettgnAlie 2d of July, 1839,,it is enjoined on
me to give Public Notice of such Election
to be held, and to enumerate in such no-,
tice what, officers are to be e ecteo ,
JOIIN SCUM Sheriff of the County of
Adams, do, therefore, hereby give this Pub
he notice to the Electors of the said County
of Adams, that a
will be held in said Countyi - on-the
Second Tuesdny of -October next (the 10th ,)
in the Several Districts composed of the 'fol
lowing Townships, viz: -
In the First district, composed of the l3or
ougb of Gettysburg and the township -of
Cumbethind, at the Court•hbuse in,Gettys
In - the Second district, composed of the
township of Germany, at the house now
occupied by Levi Creps, in the town• of Lit
tlestown, in the.township of Germany.
In •the Third district, composed cif the
township of Oxford, at the house of Widow
Meliy, in the town of NeW Oxford.
In the Fourth-district, composed oelthe
townships of Latimore and Huntington, at
the house of Anthony Sliatiehrook, in the
township of Huntington.
In the Fifth di:4'6ot; composed of the
townships of Hamiltonban and Liberty, at
the Public School-house in Millerstown.
In the Sixth district, composed of the
township of Hamilton, at the house now
occupied by David Newcommer, in the town
of East Berlin. •
In the Seventh district, composed of the
township of Menallen, in the public School
house itr the town of Bendersville.
• In the Eighth district , composed of the
township of Strahun, at the house of Jacob
L. Grass, in Ilunterstown.
In the Ninth district, composed of the
township, of Franklin, •at-•the house now
occupied hyJacub Stallsulith, in said town
ship. • •
In the Tenth district., composed of the
township -of Conowago, at the house of
John Bushey,. MeSherrystoWn.
In the, Eleventh district, composed of
the . township of Tyrone, at the 'house of
Samuel Sadler, in Heidlersburg.'
In the TyveHU district, composed bf the
township of ,Alountjoy, at the house of Geo.
Snyder, in said township.
• In the Thirteenth district, composed of
the township of 31ountpleasant, at the house
of Anthony Smith, in said township, situate
at the cross roads, the one leading from
Oxford to the Two Taverns, the other froth
Ilunterstown to Hanover. • '
In the_nmyteentli district, composed of
towoship:'of Iteading - , - at: the house of
Irs. Albert ,in Hampton.-
In the Fit ) 6eutti district, composed of the
3orough and, township of Berwick, at the
• In the Sixteenth district, 'composed of
the township of Freedom, at
,the house of
Nicholas -Moritz, in said township..
In the Seventeenth district, composed of
the township of Union, at the house of
Enoch Lefever, in said township. •
In the Eighteenth district, composed of
the township of Butler, at the publie School
bon4c in iMiddletown,-in said township.
At which time and places will be elected
One- Governor of the Coirimon
wealth of Pennsylvania ;
One Canal Commissioner ; •
One Judge of the Supreme Court ; -
.one Member of Congress ;
One Member of Assembly-;
One Shilitr; • • ,
One Prothonotary ;
One Register & Recorder.;
One Clerk of the Colirts ; -
One Commissioner ;
One County Audi 'or ;
One Director of the Poor; and
Particular attention is directed to the Act
of Assembly, passed the 27th day of Febru
ary, 18-19, entitled• "An uct relative to
voting at elections in Adams, Dauphin, York,
Lhneaster, Cum herland, Bradford, Centre,
Greene, and Erie, viz :
"Sect ion 1. Be it etnieted by the Scnate.and
[louse of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General ASSCM
hIy met, and it is Ifereby enacted by the
tithority of the same--that 'it shall he law
fulfor the qualified voters of the counties of
Ada:»s, Lancaster, Franklin,
Cumherland, Bradford, Centre, Greene,
and Erie, from and after the passage of
this act; - to vote for all- candidates fur
the-various of to be filled at any election
nn tme slip or iMcet: Provided, The office
for which every candidate is voted for, shall
•he ile&ignated, as reqnircd by the existing
Laws of thii Com mon weat h.
"Sectiun 2. That any. fraud committed
by any person voting in the n►anner ahovd
preser►hed, u4►ail Le punished by the exist..
laW4 ~f this Coruluonwealth.P
geir A t tent ion is also difected to the fol
ing 'section of the 'Act of the General As
sen,Hy of the session of 1851, entitled "An
act to provide for the election of Judgea of
the several Courts of this Commonwealth.
Section 4. That the election — for Judges
shall be held and conducted in the several
election districts in the same manner in all
respects as elections for representatives are
or shall be held and conducted, and by the
saute judges, inspectors, and other offievrs;
and the provisioug Of the act of the General
Assf.tuldv, en ti , ted •LAn Act relating to the
elections of this Commonwealth," approved
; the alond day of July, die thousand eight
hultdred and thirty-nine, and its sever; asal).
plements, and all other like laws, as tar a 3
/e same s a 'Me i u urce an( app lea i e,
shall he deemed and taken to apply to the
election for judges: Provided. That the
-afiresaid elvct4Jrs'. shall vote for judges of
thc,Suprerne Court ou a separate piece of Ploughs,
F the beet quality, always on hand, and
In and by virtun of the 14th see for sale, in Gettysluirg, at the Foundry of
tion of theaet aforesaid, every person, except- T. WARREN & SON.
ing du,tices of the Peace, who shall hold
a ny office or tq,coialnierit of profit or trust s
under the Government. of the TI -
shall he employed under the legi s I ative,exeou
tire 'nrjudiciary departmentof this State, oral'
the United
_States, or of any pity or incorpo
rated district, and also that every member
of Constrean and of the State Legislature,
and of the Select orCommon Coiancii of any
City, or Commissioner of any incorporated
district, is by law incapable of holding , or
e,,v,ereising-at the same time, the office or a
a alt. u ige, nspec or, or er o•
any election of this Commonwealth' and that
no Judge, Inspector, or other officer of any
such election, shall be eligible to any .office
to ho then voted for.
ALSO—That in the fourth section of the
act of - Assembly entitled "An Act relatink
to executions, and for other purposes,"
" ap
proved April let, 1840, it is enacted that—
the afBruslid 13th section "shall not be con
strued, as to prevent any militia officer or
borough officer, from serving as judge, in
spector or clerk, at any, general or special
election iu this Commonwealth."
ice - Attention is also directed to the fol
lowing net, which it is made my duty to
insert in the proclamation for the_ General
Election iu October next :
For the Suppression of the Manufacture and
-Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, as a Bees-
WIIEREAS, All lawslO be efficient should
have the approbation and sanction of the
People :
And Wherein It is represented that a
large number, iftiot aif of the
zeus of this Commonwealth, are deeply im•
pressed with the necessity of the passage of
a Prohibitory Liquor Law :
And whereas, It is impossible to obtain
a certain indication of popular sentiment
relating thereto by means - of petitions and
remonstrances : Therefore,
SECTION 1. lie-it - enacted-by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Con:-
1110 V leeolilt of Pennsylvania in General As
sPnalkly met,_and it_is_hereby-enacted-by-thi.-
autharity of the same,.. That the qualified
voters of this Coinnionweslth are hereby,.
, authorized, at the places - for holding the
-general elections in their respective_wards,
boroughs and townships, on the second
Tuesday of October next, to vote
,for and
against a law which shall entirely prohibit
by proper and constitutional regulations
and penalties, the manufacture and_ sale of
intoxicating liquors, except • for medicinal,
sacramental, mechanical anifartistical pur..
• SECT.IOI4 2. That the officers) authorized
by law to hold elections 'in each ward, bor
ough and township, of this Commonwealth,
are hereby directed and required tothe place
fixed by law, 'in . .the several districts for slut
holding of tho general elections in - said dia.
"triets, on the seeend Tuesday 'of October.
next, Alen they shall be. organized aa-an_
election beard, to pecnive front-each quail.:
fled vptitr i .of their) said districts, it ticket
writA tii l 'prinied on the outside,-"Prohib
itorylicior Law," at` tLa tic twin favor
ermaamiait. -" " • To,
side the words; "For a Prohibitory Liqu'cii —
Law," and those opposed to the proposed
law shall contain in the inside the words,
"Against the Prohibitory Liquor. Law," •
which votes shall be counted and returned
to the court house of the counties -or•
in which the said election shall be held,
on the following Friday, by the return
judges, who shall cast up and certify all the
votes polled in said 'county, or • city, to the -
office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
at Harrisburg, directed and transmitted iu
the same manner the . votes for Governor are
-required to be djrected.and` transmitted, and
the - said Secretary shall on the third Friday
of January next ensuing, communicate-the
said returns to the Legislature, to be opened
and Counted in the saute manner the voted .
for 4Goverwor are opened and counted,' and
considered as the prayer of the voters of
t,his•Cummonwealth relative to a Prohib4oty
Liquor Law.
SEcrioN 3. That all the election law s
, of
the State prescribing the hours of opening
and closing the polls, the reception of votes;
the punishment 'of illegal voting, the defray.
in the expenses of publication, and holding
of the general elections and return of the
tame, and all other matters incident thereto,
he and the same are declared 'applicable to
the election above authorized.
SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of
the Sheriffs of the several counties of this
Commonwealth to insert a copy of this act in
the Proclamation for the general election to
be held on the second Tuesday of October
E. B. CHASE, - Spedivr of the ff of R.
M. 31oCASL1N; Speaker of the Senate.
Approred—the• twenty-eighth day or
April, one•thousand.efght hundred and fif
ty-four. WM. BrGLER.
• u • to an. ty nn Act of the General As;
sembly of this 'State, passed the 2d day of
July, 1839, it is directed that the Inver" ,
tors and Judges be at the place 6 of tb , eir
districts on the day of thb General'Eleetion
aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to do
and perform the several duties required and
enjoined on them in and by the same act.
And be it further directed, in and by the
act of the General Assembly of this State,.
aforesaid, that one, of the Judges of each of
the different districts aforesaid, who shall
have the charge of the certificates of the
Lumber of votes which shall have been
giv , •o f,r each candidate for the different
oiflees then and there voted for at their
r'.pcctive dit-,:riets, shall meet_ on the
third day after the election, which shall
be o,n Frid(J4, the 13th (?/. Oc'oler afope
:,o 1, at the Court-house, in the Borough
of Gettysburg, then and there to make a
fain statement aid certificate of the number
of v•iteS, which shall have been given at the
da.ront districts in the county of Ad.ciiis
for person or persons for the Aloes.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
Sept. 11, 185-. }