• Maine ! Maine!! Oh. hive you heard the news frnarNainel newb And cinEs 84K.in Late news received from the wild cat'district in - Maine, give most undoubted assurance that T. J. D. Fuller, Democrat, is elected to Con , gress instead of Ali .F.usionist, as before reported. - , Also, that Morrill, sore head Democrat and Fusionist. is not, as at first reported, elected by. eleven thousand of a majority, but defeated by more than one thousand votes. This is good news and true. Obstructing a Railroad—Stranse Freak. Paortniw* Oct. 3.—An old. man named Lyman Hawes committed a strange freak to day, which caused tmq!nsll e7^i•ement. Ile , erected a house of board,: on the tracks of the Providence and'Worcester Railroad. and plaeed within the same a keg of powder,.and then nail ing himself in the house, swore that if the trains fiae mpt ed to run though the building he would blow all to atoms.—His wild and determined threats and the obstruction caused a*tention of two hours. to the trains, but finally a crowd of about one thousand . persons assembled and smashed in the door of the building and seized Hawes and dragged hint to,jail. The police speedily dernolisheti the house, and trains passed on. The excitement was so great that it was with difficulty the people ivere deterred from injuring Hawes. The•reasolf - given for the strange freak is that Hawes formerly - owned the land through which the road passes, and conceiving that he had not been allowed enough for it by the commission ers, endcav4red to revenge himself in the man ner stated. „LPThe Sunbury (Pa.) Gazette says the Snow _Nothing Lodge in Northumberland county has disbanded.- Worth Reading !—To Sufferers:from Scrofu la,--W onderful case of Scrofulous Ulcer, cured . by Holloway's Ointaient and Pills.—M ary A nn Johnson, of Batavia, New York, was afflicted for eight years with a scrofulous ulcer on her calf, which effected the bone ; she resorted to all kinds of remedies, hut obtained no relief, until she had recourse to Holloway's Ointment and Pills. The Pills thoroughly cleansed and _purified,the_blond„and_althotigh_the_ wounds were,ina inost dreadful - state, yet by continued applications of the Ointment, they have per fectly healed, And her, health is completely re . stored, It!article. Corrected from the latest Hal timore ,YorkA:Hanove r papers BALTI51"0 ICE—FL i oiv t. +sr Flour, per barrel, . $7 00 to 725 Wheat, per bushel, 1 40 - to 1 70,' Rye, “ 1 10 to 1 12 Corn, ,'' . 71 to 75 Oats, • 41 48 to 52 Cloverseed, " 6 87 to 7 00 Timothy, " . , 350t0 4 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 40 to 41 Beef Cattle, per hund., 550t0 8 25 Hogs, ( 44 .5 50 to 6 50 , . Hay, per ton, 18 00 to2o 00 Guano, Peruvian, per t0n,.50 00 tosl 00 NOV ER-TIIC!iS DAT LAST Flour, per 1.M1., from .ores, Wheat, per bushel, Corn, —Etats, - Cl o verg66d, " - Timothy, " Plaster of Paris, per ton, SOUK—FnIDAT L..sr Flour, per bbl., from stores, ' $8 00 1)0. i 4 from wagons, 7 00 . Wheat, per btishel, 1 00 to 1 75 Rye, ~ _ 1 10 Corn, . I( It OalS, Cloverseed, " Timothy. ~ Plaster of Paris, per ton, 9 C4 , rll ar:i ZI ‘ •(Y Lo Bank of Gettysburg, 1 • OcTofiEn 9, 1854. S "NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock holders in the Mink of Gettysburg, that an Election for TI-14RTEEN DIRECTORS, to serve one year, will be held at the Banking: house, on Monday,- the 2.0i/i. duy November next., J. IL McPHERsON, cashier.. Administrator , Notice. DR. DANIEL BAKER'S ESTATE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Dr. I • iel Balier, late of I'...ast Berlin, Hamil ton towns ), Adams county, deceased, hav ing been granter the undersigned, residing in the saute place, he hereby gives notice to arl persons indebted to said estate to in the imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. . _ GEORGE BAKER., Adm . r. October 9, 1854. 6t I r ACKEREL, Codfish, Salmon, Herring, 01 Pork, Hams and Side3,Nilotrlders, Lard and Chef se, constantly on hand and fur sale by J. Palmer SW Co., AVailzet Street Wharf, P 1111,4 DEL Pli October 9, 1854: 3m THIS WAY. YOU -1