A ll TUI :tsar ISDID. Woe at last tbe gild is ended, • , Les.ihe bed with mice be Nest; Let traespareseles be eesde4. iectbe bends • Deeded net. be names from flap now wi r ebar— Ttif ,) ham had their little day. Are yLrir usittormis worth atria= Then them all pact away. l'ut the drums where nooe - ititi take 'era. tit the torch behind the door: none ran Ind and brake 'eui ; Trot :eat oat lo:71+ RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT• At a regular meeting of Wysitusing ..503 ; I. O. 0. - 1 7 ., held Novem li'r 11, I.'S°, the followihgloraunble and rkl4.:Auti , c - us were unanimously adopted : Ittuts.pleased the •All-wiee ju=t ruler to remove by death , Our. liorthy brother, RICHARD &tux ; arid wit EILEAN We deem it proper to pay ti trr; late of respect to the memory of olsr deceased brother; therefore, Rts*fr , d, That in the death of Brother Timms, our Lodg e 119,8 sufferer the loss of a faithful worthy member; and tLe Order an earnest and constant ad vocate of the principles of Odd Yellow- That we are again admonish e; of the uncertainty, of , lif „e-r-of the certaiLty of death (and that we -should Leed tl••• solemn admonition which it af fords. . I,lesol cd, That we extend to the family of our deceased brother, our sincere and Luartft l• sympathy is their bereavement ; that these resolutions be placed on the ittinutep of the Lodge, a copy sent to the our deceased brother, and a e p p y wilt to the county papers for publi c. EedENE KEELER., N. G. L. B. C; GYP, Secretary. 1No: nga RIFLE MATCEL—TIio Eastern 17.1..illfo:11 and Towanda Rifle Teams bad rvit her friendly shoot at this place, on iturd...y, November 13th, which our To. Ivalidi•ts were badly beaten: The weath e: wa.; cold and windy. -The Eastern . 1317.14f0id Team shot strong, oonsidering Cgs w , .her.. The Triwanda Team-were ( , )m l pell , -d to pick up .two on account of m , n not being present. Several of the besl-. 'shots , of the Towanda Team made vcry poor scores. The following is the !:core A*T IlsnpTORD TOWN DL T1C.421 ~ Rt ney. e 4I 'W A. Jones. I': F. F.lswortb. ' 42,E. C. Shaw. . IL c. $ dcn. 39. J. M. Canlgan, .1. e ton, 354. Andrew Wilt, E. M. Vll , •lyer, ••••• 36J. M. Edson. • ty•vens, • 41',Ilany Bowman, 'l.• r.s• 25:W. Pitcher. , 31; 1. A. Moody. .1 ..• 31,Vred. lielehemer 1.. P. , B:.sc.kruan, 30 Edward Walker, Jr, 39 371. Total, • 3 Vrii:r, EDSON, MOODY anditilliCHElTEU used SO ARP'S Military Rifle. BIE! ECLIPSES TO TAKE PLACE NEXT MONTH.• =I eclip!.es are laid down to take I,l.ice during the next month, as follows : A pa: tial eclipse,of the sun, December ; invisible.- - ' A total eclipse of the meooDecember 10:th ; i visible. A ivy teal eclipse of the sun, December .11 the eastern part of the United atf.S more or le-s eclipsed. At New 1 - .) -k city the middle of the eclipse occurs :o. suu: zse and the end at 8h 44m. morn ng. ;---.~.~ .Twksty-ONP, Numr.mts OF SCRIIINEIt'S Sei.—Tbe rirlily iiltihtrated November sorihher's Monthly, the Decen- i• .•? appears in a new cover, And le tWenty-first volitme. The in ti.a,in7:- popularity of the magazine is evidenced by recent sales. A. l tue monthly circulation was. during the past hinef it idis aver.e.2eil 115,000, while the t cdo.ion of the N.+l.•:•ll,ber issue '1 I , e fli•St part of - iie Low famous serial I,y Ei NI: • 'file Life of Pe r :. ;h,• c;reat, — was finished with 0ct4) , .. V . ,: it h November begins Part II.; • the Great as--Haler and Reform t.: II HI will I , e an advance, in point of 1 ~ .111..r ,interest and 'Wealth -orillustra• .the p.ut, already published: .le rir.tilers to secure Part L,the make the following speci a l of to new subscribers after October 20, liegin with the November number. dew subscribers may obtain, for • .'- , 'eribner's Monthly for the coming :t",: :did the previous nine numbers, to October, - 11380, which include • ' t 1 "Peter the Great," Mrs. Butt .: • " Louisiana," etc. In accepting • ••• 14,1r.r. twcuty-one 'numbers will be .1 i for #5.00. 'Rey may obtain the previous twelve I. *bey:, of Scribner's, elegantly bound ~liv4 -green cloth (two volumes),' 'con , 1;1111Ig Part I. of Peter the Great, all of 4 novel, " The Grandissimes," 's b the number's named above, and a r's subscription, for $1.50. (Regular ce, $10.00). kit 4, 00 k-sellers or news•dealers will t-o4scriptions and bupply the num .,- es and volumes mentioned in the above p; chit offers; without extra charge for -,.,Atage or express; or the publishers. & Co.i 743 Broadway, New Volk. may bo addressed direct. The reg- War price of Scribner' a is $4.00 a year, cents a number. I=MI Sr. NICIRMAL FOR, 1881-1,000 FOlt 100,000' FOl4 Atirittcs.--•Sr. I, the charming magazine for boys .girls, edited by Mrs. MARY MAPES OOROR, has increased so much in size and number of pages during the year past that the publishers have been obliged to iv,ne tlio yearly volume in two parts, in -I,tead of one as heretofore. As to its.cir culation, they report a gain of 10,000 in I tie average monthly editions of 1880 over 1579. The announcements for the corn. i rig year include a capital serial story for buys, full of exciting adventure, "In Na. t‘tre'h :Wonderland," or, Adventures in the Any rican Tropics ; Stories of Art and Artists, by MIS.-CLARA Ettsxtsy. CLEM ENT, L iaithful.ontline of the history of 1:at:ls sn Art, with many illustrations; •• Pharton Rogers," a delightftil and hu n.6ro•Cs serial by Rossirsa JowssoN ; . -" My,tery is a Mansion," a six months' -orial.; Clio Treasure Box of Literature, , I.irectlio; and encouraging youbg people in the best reading; The Agassiz Associ : ~ o n; filly explained in the November .?lliber"; "Two English Queens," by r 4. 0411MANT ; "The Land. of licsr,":a 'tiltlre,'s operetta, with music,—,full of Om , yin thg tableaux - and effects; a series rf Leautifully illustrated Ballads fur • YoUn i z Polka, beginning with the Christ. Inas number; 'A Special Bildget of Fairi 't-tories . 0y FRANK 11. Srocivroa - -the first of which-is in the November number; An Indian Story by "Bright Eyes," the Pon . ci Indian maiden; a splendid holiday sto vv, "A Christmas with the; Man in z the Moon," by Wssrfiiicerox GIiaDDEIL (Ipen Pap. , rs, - stories of aporits: and games, continued, with all the populai • o.opartment S . Subscriptions beginning with the .No. vt•lnber issun will include "the wonder- lul Christmas number," of which the ern- tiou will be 5,000 in England and 100,- • 0 , 9 in America. The price of this num - bet., to be issued about 'November 30th, 'in be :30 , rits. Ilegu!ar price ,3.00 n year i • 25 cents a number.. Fo r sale, and subscriptions re ckived, by all dealers, or the publishers, 'Scut [IN 1:11. & CO:, 743 Broadway, New • York. . better to have loved and lost _ Than never to have loved at all ;•" , • Dot be who bet his all and lest livid better not have bet at all. AN that no vocalist will touch ex cept compulsion—Malaria. Ls a .nountaiu infantryman, when he (liinowlts,-,idight.infantryman ? _ Tim .uad dog foams at the mouth ; but beware also ofthe dog that's Spitz. CHINAMEN ought to make good actors, for they are always ready - to take up their .pacues. n., - r Grea t nneed chan a ce to tuake peewa thmoneeee4 + `l; we to take subscriptions for Lae Isreaet, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the world. Any one can become Is ,urc agent. 81s elegant works of art given tn.' to sl. ,, scrllers. 'The price Is so low that almost ererylralv subscribes. One agent reports taking p•ullu rlben In a day. A lady agent : reports at: akin ..vor WO clear profit In ten days. AU who eglgrge m .ka money fast,. You csn denote all your. tin..• to business, or only your spare time. ou bco ) , r sway from borne over night. You call t. 11 as others. Yull dlreUnsa and terms tr - qt. if } O4 want profitable wor k lend: asyour ealattee• s: once, it Onni nOtl3l 1174 r .lO h ullo I.. ft „ 0:‘; ,tor yaw ofiravislo4 La tetrpj, parall mylow t mght, . 1'7 9i MRS. LYDIA E. PRIMO.' - -Bastes Poet. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'II WUTaLE COD For-all Female Complaints. Thu prrpulakin, as fts reuse (rata& of Iteepeable Properties that are harsulms to the mat del. ielse Invalid. tpo . i onp trtsaka6ciits of this Corn posedlda be reeedalsed, as rellei h foratedtate . ted ?when Its ass& coatiesued. fe tlttetret!te cretin a hen. deed, aparmaternteurcia effectied,aa thrown& *ll tra tit"... Oa amount of tea prxrrea merit tor.:ay te eomrraded and Prescribed 1.7 tlsi bet ihrtrichaas la theeosiliry. It wilt tare entirely tho w ort form of feline of the uterus, Lemeorrhrra, trregultr and saleS,l. Utnatreed/on,al/ &Tartan Troubles. ltt:2m:rutiloa and rloesstlon. Floodirci, all Dlrplactoneras and the eon. invent spinal weaknioa, and is erporialiy r awed to the Change ot Ufa. It will dissolve aLd t spot tumors Irma the uterus ta an early stage of dvvoooavrt. The tendency to cancerous hninaint.hare I. oel:ej very speedily by Its rue. In fart It has proved to the great. eat and best remedy that dbrov,r , ed. U permeates every ',anion of tLo e.yst,m, Oros Mew We and vigor. It romores f strays atlciravtag for idLimiaats, and raieum vea.tmais of ihs stoma' naves lithating, reauts , ....byg, I:Tryon!, l'rrot Teflon. General DthflitY. SicePleiAneg., Derrc: atAl gettioa rnit feeling of brar'.ng cicmco, conyir.if pea, weistit sant Imet.a.rhy, is el wa ;a 1,, rt-ct 17 pause. It at an tlray3, c.r.-nr.o..te:* Old,' Set is latmuay IT:th 4;!Jvcrns tile termite roam. lot Kline Com pl.lxits nt cithrr tl:ia e,,ruptrand wsilunrulsed. . Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve:Jcial;:e C . ompo - Lnd Umpired at and Ve‘tex - a Avcnte". L 7 nn; Me;:a. Price t 1.04 betttcs fer b.: tit ty melt 14 It tone of pilla,aLa, In the for= ef Inzemr...l. on reeet:.t of prim. $l.O. Per to; f.,r ei 11!:t:117.1: fre:dy 11.11SVCI'3 ail I-tt- rs y. Fold ptdet.. Weer as r.... , 0V0 t .1 V.I. roper, 1 1 :0 fanilly F. 10611 be without i.':l)U L. IT: They en 7.3 errrtiration, and Torpidity of the C.7„..1.! , • .••• ZS 32 32 31 32 a 31 31 PE IS A PURELY VEGETABLE taaSEDT: For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Usa. PAW KILLER hutnererXdisd when nab =col-dins , ' to iwisod direre. Hone inclot._nu each tittle and lapin/stay asp cm* isms in,perfeaced hand.. • EL IN KIVA is a sure eure for Sere .n. ynent lp 7 r:T ; t 3 , Cettnh t salla. and all Boma Complaigla. Er4.llEß pn lito 4 for il l i sen " a ll efter. maw end Neurt= 441.141de. trz.Elafft yas Joe-ransscst oletiof nil cam of 11 Clain Sprains. Illemere Baron etc. ?AIN 'MILER Li the mdl-toed and trusted . friend of the ltleeltantc. At er. p r i ailailar. and In fact all clams wanting a m edici ne always at baud, and selje to tow lateral/A y or externally with certainty of teller. • rir- No family eon afford to be without this In. V? Inable remedy in the holm. -1 ts price brings it the mach of all, end It will annually sass times its coot in doctors' bills. "-• Iby .Ildrunlsi• &i t 5. Loa *1 • •Ottlo. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Providence. R.l. Proprhnors. CARTER'S Little Nerve Pills, NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC tFiEN - AND ',WOMEN. • r.very nervous person should try Carter's Litt:" re:ye PM:, T'LL'a arc made specially for those f!ii - n Nervousness, Sleeplessness, L W et's., U 4 nd Sick Ileac:ache, eak ;[.mach, 1:y 1126 i 6.e. 'They may Le we! r is ceinbinatinn with Carters Liv:r l'.ll an I in Tither case will give ut , st I ramp:. and grateful relief. ' Dyspepsia: realtes yet] Nervous, :did Nervousness mass either one renders you mieeralle, and thr• e pills cure both. 25 cents. ScAd Ly Druggists or seat by CARTER MEDICINE CO., flew York. • bleb are very preys. !nt and afflicting. It_ purifies the blood, purges out the `lurking humors in the •system, that undermine health and settle into troublesome disorders. Eruptions of the skin are the appearance on the surface of humors that should be expelled front the blood. Internal de rangementa are the determination of these Bathe humors to some internal organ, or organs, whose actieu they derange, and whiete,subitance they' disease and destroy: Aynn's SanSarAntit.A. expels these humors from the blood.' When itiey are .gone, the discd!derW they produce disappear, such as Ulcerations of the Liver„ Stomach, Kid: neys, Lungs, Eruptions end Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules. Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tatter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, ricers and SClres, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain In the Bones, Side and - tlead,Female Weakness,Sterlitty, Leueorrbtra arising from internal ulceration and uterine diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia; Emaelittien and General . Debility. With their departure health returns. D►. J. C. AYER & CO. Lowell, Mass '94 it, sll Timirtrioa nnillnn In lilivelltlns - NOTlCE. l —Wheretir;y husb and }} _ Alms) E. 3fa...00, has left my be 4 ind bolirgi without just cause of protocat ton, ' nater is heroby Oren forbidding al& per trus fog Win "on my ittcouut, as I. pay luo bills of li s contrutlng. - SARA 1 E. MASON. 3fouroeton, Pa.. Nov. MUM, SW, O s .I oFl.„i.iri..nle*ekilVOUTO tirtftrl,LLt ISlomßeee.lori4. er,to :Vgr ) * tal ropiOf ettu The Positive Cure For sale lo Towanda by e. T. KIRR{ Ayer's Sarsapatilla; For Purifying the Blood. Thiseampound of the ?getable alteratives, trsaparilla„ Dock. SM. Igla, and Mandrake ith the • lodidies of otash and Iron, makes most effectual cure of series of complaints PREPANID BY Practical and ana/yttaa/ Ckinitttt• : 1 iTiAkT.;: f .,TAAW -:-:.:•:-ANOi:,:gl'A-Liti. _ ourrbEw.'=4:: The Hay Crop is :short, sistriattlay t. too nonage sod exiles's.* to be fed except loft sutra eel/Doug. . . Save money bymotting. eel yon Fodder. By all means tut allot your Cuen Si ai kg: U y.ont bav , •4l.,y now.lf *by so buy faryft.-firef-eloon VEND currEit. • =• „ . = • I believe the bast to be the Cumm'in's Feed Cuttef.. • Asa also prepared to , eopPie tbe best of otber Widifirrg kinds of Fodder Cutters of olfloos sues. sgles and prices. Ouch as the ,Baldwin- Daniels. Teleipaph. Gale's Copper Strip Rotary, and CatiVe alteeneet and Cheap Lever, Cutter. An these 1 bay for Cash at the tosses* petal bre prices, and sell at eortespoactiaqtylote prime; • , , Order . Your Feed, 'Cater Early , •: Because the deviator upon the inuroutseturers is aa beat ainctliat orders require much time to be Ril ed. • I will deliver tree FEED CIT7'TERS at soy Rau Road Station. Seta for Circulars sad Prices. • • It. M. WELLES. Towanda, November 34, 13111.41 GREAT SALES GOING ON ! GREAT SALES GOING ON ! tiREAT SALES , GOING ON ! Iteady-made Cliriblog at a Sacrifice. Ready-m. 1.0 iot Meg fit a Sacrtace: fieedyastade Clot Mug st a Sacrifice. CLOTHING ENE newlpmade Clothing at a flaeritiee. Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice. TWENTY-FIVE PR.„CT: SAVED. TWENTY-FIVE PR.,CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE ,PIUCT. SAVED For the •Nett Forty Days For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Days IIOSENFIEIP X. E. ROSENFIELD 'consequence of this grOat sale 'of my stock is that I am compelled to enlarge my, present store is make man for my increasing busi ness. and Instead of moving my stock while balld-1 lug WILL SELL FOR COST for the heat 40 days.l • flgo such chance for years to co' me.. SNo such chance for years to come. 'No sulh chance fot years to come. Fall stock going very fest, Fall stock going very fast. fail stock going very fast. • The opportunity to purnbase a CIIEA.P SPIT is a rare one. and ehonld be embraced by all. Calf early at M. E, ROSENFIELD'S and enjoy the advantages now offered by tam— ER Towanda, March 4, 1880 Flio hi :44 .1,:f11 .0 , Cc] General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS& COUNTRY PRODVCE, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIIe . NEW STORE4I CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts. ;The old stark of Fox, Stevens Merenv.) , • They Invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choice New Goode -which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PEODIICE TRADE, And Cash paid for desirable kinds, M. J. LONG GEO. STEVENS. Towanda, Aprl 1 WV.' . • SPRING AND SUMMER 1880. L ROSENBAIM. .& SONS. 201 EAST WATER STREET. • „ DRY, AND,FiNCY43OO.I* JOBBERS OF MILLINERY. LARGEST. REST AND rIIRAPRf3T • • 'Assortmeut :111r • MILLINERY ' . In the Southern Mr. - 1111Milsonna Inducement" anti Felon to Hilbert. A:o . nil Is "month/11y "Winn's". L. ROSENBAUM & SONS" • fel SAS? WATZS STRICIT. Rathbun foam Block. $5 , Outfit sent Ikea to th ese who wish to . . engage In the most pleasant awl mats , ble badness known. Zverything neW, Capital not required. , We will ilualatt yo everything. Ito a day and upwards is sully made without staying_ sway two boosts over !debt. Ajo silk whatever. lany new workers wanted at once. Itany.are Waking' tartutles at the Wawa -I.stiles mkt's muds as inen.tuld yens, boys and girls snake great pay. kin one who is willing .to 'twit falls .calialui oars innwayivory • 1 than . nods to 0 molt at any andloari se - , - i „,,:- lototlisparli apps.ro 'MAN ~ . 4 1,., .; 1. i ". 7 A l l i ffi n , - 11 11*.tirMIt ! ' / 3 - , . • ' . 1 i ' i Wag M By baying oi l By baying of And EMI MN ELMIRA, N.Y. Dealers In %. A LSO Tbe : g ~l4~ia FEZ iffNii : arriasi 4:riktg.*isiooh;(:t, - 14, . ,ZAISTWASD. I J9ll - 31.i0.i. Tl, cs'#.. - 1 . 11 6 5.24. 1 44 44'4449. P.R. -; .-. 'I I; .X. rat. A Xls.lll 2 20 .... .11 7414r15T4114 1 ..i. I Osis 0 07 ] 2 8 2 '..., I .:,U411994.:.,11, ..• .. 12051 00 't 44e riss .... ~....laisehoster. 150 1:10 - 00C.... 441 a 51, .... :-.....: ...14uns... 540 eat lug. .. .1644 w set ~,,...; ~ ...o+Boeva . .. .7 41 5 514.... Sas II '.... ..,. . .114e5... *O5 21 4 40,..i. • 525 sO. . I . l ... 1 . .. Agleam ..: $251 .... 8 451.:.. 9 , A me '..,. l'.. ...t/Isitgo...< l 6 1101 '. . 6 TV. .. - 910 lso 1 13 ii ...51tolis .4 5 Ilt i fiiS 1411i10 945 2 Pi 110 4 IS —Waver!, ~, 445'11 21',1158 1010 2 11 zi 4'4s ,c..1 1 4.599,...,1 4 Vlll 45 1 :541411 101 9 19 940 431 .../415005..., 4 30.1131,5 10:1133 ..., ....; .9 49 __ ....Milan.. ....11 - ...11126 _.. ... *6B ..• _ —.Ulster.. , ... _41113 4 65:1116 1545 2 11215 52: .".T2T02751.1 40111102 4 43 . UC5 s i ...'. ....'. 1021 41; _.411"y401110,171 .4.. 1 104 —.11051 I s .... .... .8t4)4 Stoue.l .110 2. ' .tle43 -.......:. 1049, 628 Stnuctereeldi ". ~1027 ....1i02. 1 1 1 .: .` .. 055 . frenebtown'• - .... , 1017 .. .;107.4 .., 2 1. 1 It 051 660 .Wyalusing _...11003 4 4530i2 1;401 41 11 24 410 .3.4oerille. 502, 144 a 4911 . 521 „1... li els 91c141 Ede, =.. 140 • 94 5 . .... 1 .14 . 0i 1147 831 Ityaboppen , . ... .... 128 ;$OB 31 ...... 1151 6 66 111eboopany.' ... 95) .;..9 Is, 1226 1 4 26124 0 746 Tankhan'et 218 555 a 029 Ce ....... 1250 7, 24 .La Grange. _. 044 „,,,,, II 60 1 1015 .. 10? 734 ._,....1`5114.... ... SO .... 617 OS 140 A os,j.kli Junen 1 as $O5 1 25,614 • 135`5 2 5 210 113S 1 W112•10/81 - 7 81 109 730 7 031 SO 3 1517 10 450 sl4lolllsett - Chunk 1105 .... 514,5' t 5 35 4 41 1 6 14s 452 ilO2 . *Motown .:002 .... 10 5 4.4 SO I 5 00,3 31 SoS 1210-. Bethlehem. 9501 ...: i 1114514 Zs 9 Wit 00 $4O t 2 50 ...Eseston. - .•4 9 201 .... 104392 4123025 415 2so P 0118419519 $OO4 . .:. 0 oei: 15 1 141122, 925 aas :Now Tort. Asp 1. . .. 7 *II op 4.x.ir.iatr Is r. 9. -;_ e.m. Al 4 . A 14.5.11 No. 22 leaves Wyalusing !at 100 A. SI.. French= town 0:14, Ilumtortfield Standing Stone 6:21. Wratiking 0:4O. Towanda OM. Ulster 7116, Milan 7:16. Athens 7125, dope 7:10, Wilv,erly 7:55, arriving to Elmira at 8:50 No. It leaves Eta:dr& at 5:20 P. 11., Waverly 6:11: Sayre 610, Athens) 6:15..1111,1an 6:44. Ulster 6:33. Towanda 7:10. Wyrauking 700. Standing Stone Rntrmerffeld 707: Prencbtown 7:47, arriving at Wyaiusing X. • Trains 11 and 15 run daily. Sleeping ears on trains and IS between Niagara Falls sad Philadelphia .and between Lyons and New York without chaure 131.oPing ears on'* and 6 between Buffalo. and Wilket•Barre. ,Parlor cars on Trains S audit be tween Niagara Falls and Philadelphia without change. and thrsegh coau.h to and Irons Mrehester via Lyons. St. A. PACKER, • Supti P. k N. ' .R. R. Sayre. Pa., June St, 1880. '"glitsiness garb,. EDWARD, WILLIAMS, . PRI CTICAL PLS3IBER & GAS FITTER Place nitototnear, a few doors north of Pas tAnheo . . , . il • Plumbing, Gas pitting, Repairing Pomp/ of all kinds. and allitinds or Gearing promptly Minuted to. All wanting work lapis line abonid give him a tall. . , Dee. 4. Ira. NATHAN TIDD, - Deal"' In L - PITTSTON, WILKES-BARRE ANb LOYAL': SOCK COAL - , , Lowest prices for east . Office and yard foot of Pine-Street, Towanda. Joky 16, lefO. INSURANCE C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, T9WANDA, FIE FIRE, _LIFE, AND ACCIDENT POLICIES ' , Issued on the most reasonable tense. None but reliable voinpaities represented. ‘Lissaes adjusted-and pald here. Towanda, Nov. 12, 1879,-- HENRY MERCiTR, DEALER IN: ANTEDrACITE AND sturviir Arrnucrrs cl c Aa- iCORKZR PARK AND *VIE STRMIN, T9IIIAKDA Coal screened, and depverdf to any mend' the Itorough. ALL OADZIEB RUST BI ACCOMPANIZD BY TUC CASH. idERCUIt, • Towanda, Dec. 1, 1879: ffr'iTi - r?Tw'rE ~ . : Has removed to CORNER MAIN & 13RIDGE-STE making It Ms Zea.aquarters FOR CHOICE MUMMIES. CASHIMID FOR BOTER, EGOS he. GOODS SOLD' AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES JAMES McCASEs Towanda, April 29, 1880-yI., THE OLD MARBLE YARD STILL IN OPERATION. The undersigned having. purchased - the BUM BLE YARD of the late GEORGE McCABE, de. sires to inform the public that - .haring employed experienced men, he Is prepared to do all kinds of work In the line of. MONUMENTS, • HEAD STONES, • MANTLES and • •-f . SHELVES; in the very beat manner and at fairest rates. . Persons desiring anything in the , Marble line arl 4 invited to call and examine work;and save agents' commlission. JAMES MCCABE. Towanda, Po.; Nov. 18. 1875. 241 f • - . ULEAT MARKET', E. O. RUNDELL . : Would respectfully announce Maths ls ecmtlnnlng the Market business et the old stand of Matlock k. Minden, and wlll at all times keep a full supply of -F RE SH' , • • • • 411116 "rM,11•T I 1 0-• . "f•S TERS • ••-. Constitntly on hand. Country dealers supplled'at • city rates. . L• . , FRESH & SALT MEATS, ~t GARDEN VEGETABLES, - • FRUITS, .ac. air All Goods dellyersd Tree of Charge. E, D. IGINVIALL. Towanda, Pa. No i r.27 0 11111. • , MEAT MARKET! MYER & PsVOE Loested BEIDLEMARS - BLOCK. BRIDGE' STBEET, Keep on band, MI FRESH AND SALT MEATS, DRIEDBEEF, Ffinf,"POITTATRY, GA*DIN YLOLTAB~.LB. A7t~A: BIU I~i TOPS IHCASOtt, fir 'fat f 11 1, 11 !Prg rpt oprot ovpiporffipt ,I!tOtart_t • L ;: =MEE Bluottz, ruMITURE MIR! Two:ormEs pT-0.0, . Bade( doubled ess redlines Ms yeav by w.ww. vying two stem, we are prepared to ode= Wg.es , stock ever betas% sod si FURNITURE CHEAP It not At the same time we In the standard of Our goods. UNDER 'I'A We gaittsntee satisfaction. We are prepared todu anything in that line on abort notice. and Cr. de. tertnined to Orme.. . . Call and see for yourself Towam FROST'S a INB' WHOLE/3AL AND RETAIL TURN I UR E! ..% 1 We are now prepared for the SPRI 0 TRADE with a toll Sue of NEW .AND DESIRABLE aICiDB \ \ ir •OP TIM 'LATEST:STYLES AND LOWE& . ...i PRICES ' . . • which we tnette the public . to call and examine Ouressmtnst7l - PARLOR SUITS RAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH AND HAICLOTH, • le eery large. sad air prices as lo* as the lowest. ›' We have a toll Hoe of OHAMBER - SUITS IN ASH, WALNUT AND SOFT WOOD, which we are selling at a very low price. A ton lice of SPRING' BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING. In this department we slimy, have the best goods n the market. and are continually adding NEW STYLES • with •it the ' LATEST IILPROyE3ttENTS, while our prices are the lowest. j. 0, FROST'S.SONS'. Towsn'ila, April 9, 1879. CHAS. JOHNSON & CO.'S FOUllaiy & Machine Sliops, BEST CIRCULAR SAW MILLS SHINGLE MILIA-LATH MILLS rartiell'a Improved Feed Cutter, '''f?ttrend i s Keystone Fire %tinker, `4triswiad'S_Boss Miter Wheels,. Wart 4 Patent Buckwheat Cleaner,- &c., &c., &c., a. Made to order. Repairing of all. kinds done on short notice. Satlatattion guaranteed. Alsol manufacturers of and dealers in Polishing and Fluting Irons Towanda, April 15, 140 CHICKERING PIANOS,. T • STEINWAY, pIkNOS, , And . ' az MASON d, ,11/4,14i41 :oRGA.NS, Also tpstraments of''other makers. Lime Iliandaosee MOANS for pie and Neirfilquare.a. l 27llprallid arid upwards. A large iatxlr. of tatzt4 MUSK' and MUSIC Booxe. Ile`vanton. 19'. tL 18 W. - I . LIST_OF LEGAL IILANICS • !. •-•. - • • .• - , ~,h Panted and aald On sale at the BarciaTila Orisicit - at w W. holesale or reta - , • . • orlisr n . 80. - T : reasurers Bond. g. : collectors Bond. : 1 • - . Complaint. . commitments.. 1 , ---, ;. , ; Warrant. - ' , 1 1 . constablewilebirn. _ A rticks or, Aitreemeht.', 'Vnore - • Bond &Attachment. - , - Valuables Balm _ • Collector, liakw. Elumationi - ' litimna. Petition for Liernwh i -4;.... i ....,.. ° • . . ill We are soling i I= of sU kisdsas ME CHEAPER • TIM& the 'CHEAPEST kotri skiriw.TY). .N. A. HICKS. lat. 1879 TOWANDA, We claim to make the In the market. ' 7 ENGINE'S AND BOILERS JOilNgON'a PATENT The beet In the word. 'Arleta wanted. , CHAS. JOHNSON & CO. L: B. POWELL, SCRANTON PA.. General Agent for the L. B. PQWELL. OM EOM MIME ESSO = BE beirniate tiour'ali admit thei noon illeesios arr. censed-bY disordered Htdu yK or Liver end that If these great orgons are kept Ins perfect oundltiott. health will be thii result. • INA.RNER'S SAVE KiDNEY AND LIVES CUM , tornado from a Shop's reepleal I.eattiF BASE VAGUE and is a PWITIVE remedy tot the !allowing trouble,: 1, Pain in the Back; Severe Headaches, Dizziness, Bloatink,!', Inflamed Eyes, A Tired Feeling, 'Night Sweats, Pains - in . the Lower Part of the Boil), Palpitation'of the Heart. Jaundice, • Pmvel, Painful Urination, Mala rial Fever, Fever and Ague, And dioceses caused by the Kidneys, Liver or UrPnarY Organe being out ol order. It is aSAFE ituiti.ERTAIN cure fora!! Female didlcultiesouch as , - 6 MI Leucorrbeea, Inflammation of the Womb . Faint gof the Womb; Ulceration of 'tbe Wprob, It will control and regulate metudruati/41.4n/l 1 / AD excellent and safe remedy for females during MIT/Anti As a. Blond Purifier It is unequaled, for lt cures the organs that Wait* the blood. • Per • . . , . . , i lioils, t'arbuncles,Scrofnla, White Swell- Ing,lialt Mimi), Poisoning by Mer cury.or any other Drug, it is - • certain in every ease., .• For Incontinence. linpotence, Pains if, .the Loins, and ail Similar Disemies, ip r . is a safe, sure, and quick7ure. . . . , . it is the only ,Ittown remedy . that tuts , ented Bright's Disease. • . _ / , Asa'nroof of the parity and worth of this Grist Natural Remedy, read the fond tug - - - . CLIEMICAI AZA.LYSIS.. 8.- A. LATTIMOR E. lih — v ~ L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry In the Dialyersityof Rochester, N Y. knowing •the_popu silty and merit or WAIMILit'S SA-FE KIDNEY AND LIVER.CENIZ, afters thorough Chemical Analysis, ha.\ furnished the following statement: s . 1 U IV ERSITY Or . .ROCIIESTEIL 1 ' • , ClslatcAt, LetiOnsiony. .IiOCIIESTCII,:N. "f\,.. Jan: e, 18a7: .., r. .aa '., H. .„ ss, Mr, AltNlitt has placed In ml. passesslea the formula of ,the medicine manufse.tured and sold by him under the general designation or wARNEtrs, SAFE K DNEY alai, LIVER iCtIRE. 1 have luves , tgated his process4ts of man ufacture, which- ate conducted with extreme care and according to the pest methods. I hire alSo taken from Ids laboratery samples of' ail the late lets used in the preparation of this medicine, and b 'on, critical examination I find thee', as wel as th medicine. Into which they enter, tube entire ' f from polsonbus or deleterious substances. . S. A. LATTIMOItE. .. '' .. , . • - . Tills. ' medy ' , bleb has done such wooden. IS 'put up In the LARGEST SIZE is BOTTLE of any i Medicine upon the market, and is sold by Dr,,g gloqs and ail dealers at 1111.23 per bottle.. For Diabetes •engalre for WARNER:A SAF.F.' DIA. BETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE remedy. R. WthiEß a; CO, Rochester, N. Y BEVERLY SMITH, BOOKBINDER AND DEALER IN SCROLL. SAW, GOODS,, .11AG 1 12.1 NEE' horn,' neatly and promptly:. BLANK ItOOKS bound to order and warranted AMATEUR'S' SUPPLIES This &panne nt of my business is spry - com -. piece.. A full II c of. • WOODS, SAW BLOCKS, CLOCK MOVEMENTS, &c.", Consta*ly. on Nand,. and 'for sale at lower prices (lama-elsewhere. ZIP 81.35 W IRTH OF DF.SIGNS FREE FOR $l.OO. bead for price!fists.. c • REPORTER BUILIWNG. 4.29.80. TOWANDA, PA.. I'. O. Bo 1512 l~ EWE FIRM ; H. DAVID,OW & BRO., f No, 4, Beldleman Block; Bildge-st., Towanda, Pa: CASH PAID FOIL FEES; HIDES,' 'rowan,* Oct. 20.187949? • • , • • , 'GILMORE & .CO) frst,,bi.pb.ed 1865.3 PENSP)NS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, and all other classes of Claims for4oldiers_and Soldiers' Heirs. prosecuted: Address with stamp., Gilmour & C 0..- Washineton. D. C. $ . _ , Outfit , furnished free with full i n . s p tr ro n: ta ttr e s i f m o s r i xt s du ti ft a l t tig a n t s h o e ne m , ost engage In., The business is so easy to learn, AKA oar Ins:ructions are so simple and plain, that any one eatemake great profits from the very start. No ..nts.can fall 'who is willing to work. Wnmen are as sue NI as men. Heys and girls can earn !erg.. suing. any have made at the bust- Ilint -over. toe bandy d dollars lu a single week. Nothing like it ever k an before. All who engage are surprised at t. e eis and rapidity with which they are able to make M ney. Ton van engage in this business during pat are tune at great profit. YOU do not have to Invest Ipital in.lt. We take all the risk. Those who see ady money shOuld write to us at once. All furnished free. Address Tnur, k Co., Augusta, Maine. ' Oct. 28. GET YOUR HAIR CUT AND SHAVING, AT aIIE -J Tarot 31ECcnissp SHAVING PARLOR. airWe study to please. IN V. STEDPE. Prop'el Towanda, Pa. . July 11.• ISM - , ... • . _ 1.-g...-eatgro7d.b.yehmaankci.nlotTesiy. H thereby always keeping poverty from your door .. Those it. ho arwaya.'llahe advantage of the good chances Or. making money that are offered , generally berine wealtby,• while those who do not improve each chances iemain tifpnverty.. We want many mkt'. -women, boys and girls to work for AIR right in tkeir own iocallt.ea. The business will pay. more than ten times ordinary wages. We-furnish au esphn sive outfit and at that you need, free. No One who engages tails to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work or aoly your Spare moments. ••Full information ind *ll that Is needed sent free. Address tivtueoli k Co., Portland, Maine. Oct. 2e, mei. ... --------------:- li • . k 4 r (Sarin sins PUBLIC 6QC11111.) ' I\ EMILE HOTEL, . , This wellAnown bonne has been thoroughly rim: flouted And repaired throughout. and the proptie ter' Is now prepared to offer flrst.elase accenting:id*. Alone to the palate, on the' moat reasonable testis. E. A. JENNINGS. „Towanda, Pa.. May 2, ISM. • • 4 ItENRY - 110E il - • . CORNER-HAIN .41:WASHINGTON STREETS .. ... Ilp,lll lit 4111101ns. Teimiii Ci:talt the times. Lail/. stabbt stticlied. • 170 1 14?11 1 11 10 !fl!'lf: lairg,Aparjakainia_ PELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX. rum W4xetc-TowAro4. PA , r-,7 7 : : :: : : , : . , ! _.:..:2.,.,-,:;,..-:,...,,.,:._:,,,,,, p .aarw :3,- i 4.4 -,. 1 Y• 7 1, ; . M I ial ~ ::, , : , , V-%:: : +7,,, , (: ,, ".. -: ,- i.% . 7, ,, " ' 7 ''':";' ,.. ; 4 41X12; -:7,,,t , ' , :•-, . ~,, .., iberletlaigratifie : ;lo44.o. ,' • ~ , . , 3blltl the )earlisi. its alight isi , :,-- tjirerorlittb. ttlooittitStattlit IS t , ' litOttOttisidtOstilidrastili WU ' ' ' ,. .f' ' dii... useiamiting 4 , 000.411111 Alibates aspi ,', 40. • , , 411iPtt - your4lqm~ f It i* too Wist Ltrar itigulimer 1 - NNW ' .1 1 i414• 11 00ialitern_ awl killi yetitti Oil t 111111.1.191 riilitti.6 -, ''''.- -'" ' ' - . - lAL ISO N .DYER REGULATOR, • A Purely Vegetable ! Medicine. _Ao Effectual Specific for- ' PP.YEE4 nowsL ri obl PLAINT% JAUNDICE. COLIC. ItESTMSSX,ES9 mESTAT. DEPRESMON. , - bICH HILADACUIt, ,COSOTIPATION. AlLLtotrimins., - DYSPVI'MA, ; • ' - • ' If you • feel drowsy. debilitated. frequent .hewlarbes, mouth tastes badly. poor tile. sad :..e,ifue mated, you and suffering! ,AOrptd live l ut • ofitiousooss." and nothioe, ill re you so speed.ly and pennatieutlyas to take r '4 • . 51i1510:56' LIVER REGIII: TOR. It la Oven with - safety. aro to the most4elleate Infant. quinine Sod bitten of every eat, purest and best fatuity um H ZEILIN & 00. - -P1 SOLD BY ALL Er Y IiCIFIC Ise A . 11 P "I MARK..`; The o , rr ' EXELI Ratatert • Will prompt radirally c • *ay k every of Nemo:tall • : a. Ity dt Weakl result •of li , creti4m .xce B e f or e Takingaverwork of A net +patent.; Is perfeetly-harmiet has been exteoshtely nett for OVei - i thlrq years with great' spoons. • lartVuti riarrrculara in oar pamphlet. whleftwedestra 'to seed gieeby mall to every one. *IL The Specific Med 4 e . pa • told by all druggists at 91 per package. or scia'paeltages for VI. or will be seut free. by mail onjfecelpt of the niouey b, toldr , sting • THE GlitAT - HIP.DICItt co., 416.1 4 :0. s 3lechauirs , .l4lork.'llursioli. Mica. Sold In Tewanda by C.-T.ElallY• 10 . 1 by druggists everywhere. Johnstoo: Holloway & CO., wholesale agents, Phila. [lprit 1679-yl. . aCj03 1 ."4--i- a It is a conceded fact that J. K. BUSH IS SELJANG • - . :.61„OTHIN-'Ol CHEAPER TpAN..4T ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN , TOIVAND.A BOROUGH! HIS STOCK 'COMPRISES -- EVERYTHING , IN THE LIXE IV: CLOTHING r* FURNISHING GOODS 9YERCOATS LOWER THA,V*-EVER EEPOhE OFFEHED:IY THIS M4IIKET' Agricultural Machinery! R. M. Welles; Tow,anda„ Pa., • Wholesale and Iletall dealer ID IMPROVED FARMING IMPLE ME)iT.S AND MICHINERY WIRAD TRUE CHILLED PLOWS, • Gale Chilled Plows, • ' Best Reversible Pleivtg, Adgsite and Enter 'r ise Churn Powers, Corn Shelleks, Farm'Wagons, Platform Wagons, Buggies, • • ; • Feed Cutters, Grain Drills, 'ACME PULVERIZING. NARROW AND CLOD _ - CRUST EE, Bullard's' Aay Tedders, Leader and Gale Wheel Rakes. tompkinv Count3i, improved Cultivators. MowIII Machlttes. ,Feapers, Plow Sulky, . ; ' Sprout's Hay Elevators and Harpoon . Liquid Paints. niixkl really for the bruilt. of best bands. XX STAR. HYDRAULIC CEMENT, Ace., atc. Call and see my stock or send for eiretilars and prices. Office in D. P, Welles , ft:Went Store. Warehouse directly lit rear of same lu the aPey. It. 31.• - . WELLES . . Toure4a, March 11. l 880• Geo. L Ross, • Of the Third Ward Store, his opined slarga and convenient Store , in the • brick snook', First Ward. opposite Humphrey Brotheas & Traci's' Boot and Shoe Factory, and has Med it with • ' • A LARGE STOCK .0,0:: . _ CHOICE GROCERIES • • • • - • OF . AI,Ty KINDS , • Which be bus purchat r ed to tievi Teri for • cash, and sellelts—the-•c•oftdence and petrneage of the public, and - respectfully announces t hash° . • ' • WILL NOTIRE.UNDERSOLD ' • fly anybody. His Third Ward iltore.will algid be kept stocked with first-eta/us good', and will be sob; as low as the lowed. ii Towanda, January 8, 160. ET G JOIPPRI-NTING .~ ,:~ ;? "EFPORTER" OFFICE , qNJSQUPHAiiNA. COLLEGIATS mruxt..—Firet Winter Tenn C.4Matencei Y, bOVEMBk.II IRT. UM. Expenses for board, tuilttottatat furnished rotit. nom 112 to 91110 per par. For catalogue or further parts)), 1141110tIreallsgie Priories). • _ . 14PWILE 9iT.P01104 ItiffiFft cOtlgiff !Pqa •• • • EIDEN 'Saiscetfaueons: lIMI ANa GENTS' J. K. BUSH, BRIDGF. STREET, TOWArCD.C. a, j Forks. ='~ - . ~ °- =1 T.•• - • - ' 404 14 ; I 1:!, Nag/ -‘ligriPigle, BreedingSbx: l4 • "Ttie ;tit atiniedieg limy be aim mud up in..theime wetd; - 1 kelectienver .*logy be expressed in the coititstin releieetteettfrefxling- , • 4 AbinyC-se‘ ket the rbeso-To -ist'Abte the best le4e aunt 41110eult point In 14e..*odlOg „of farm stOck. The sticiessfid breeder ele# , bsve:a Clear idea oftlie sought:, and the quickest and bestmethods b3r which sub ends may be reached. • He. !Unfit tiecessarilY be keen , of sight to :ob serve the good and bad peints, and the causes by which they have been brough about. Hisjudgmerit must be nf the best to suggest remedies for- defects, and , new inethodi for hri nginr out valuable characteristics . He will :prove himself the most snc cessful breeder who can select with the most correct judgment." Ed ward Hammond—whose breeding in Sheep has been so successful, once said, when asked-what proportion of the rams bred. by himself . he Would willingly use in his own' Sock, an swered, "Not one in three hundred." This is but an instance of the 'care skill, judgment, ,and, we may adY, present sacrifice exercised ,by the true breeder., We have said that in profitable breeding the selection must be for 4 distinct and well de; fined purpose. The first principle in Stock breeding was the selection of animals adapted" to. the circumstan ces of the given farm, its size, quali ti of food, etc. The. ancients knew that the breeds of animals 'that had liVed for a long period of time' on hard fare and a,poor soil, would do better en moderate land than those that bad the.bighest kinds of keep ing. Animals are much like plants, as they do not thrive well if trans planted from a rich to a poor soil.— American Agriculturist for !Novem ber Ist . The importance ot a Farm Vine . yard. The great inereasein grape culture is encouraging.. California has thous ands of,acres in vineyard, and, near ly all the European - varieties of grapes are prodticed in' . the, greatestperfection and abund ances . Eaten sive vineyards have been planted in the Ohio and Missouri . valleys and in favored localitiei, in the , I ,Siortherri States.' New: varieties have been or iginated 'and widely distributed, that are hardy enough to mature in every State in the:Union.- Our large cities and many of our villages along . the . line of railroads are . fairly' supplied with gOod grapes in their season' at reasonable prices. It h a s been demon: stratedAtiat every farmer and villager in the land can have an abundant supply of this delicious fruit for four months in the year, for. the trou ble Otplanting and caring for a - few vines. Our. horticulturists have done the pioneer Work of hybridizing - and .originating new varieties „that stand the t' at of clim4te in all the States And yet California 'is the only State where the grhpe may be. :said to be fairly *popuhtrized. The great mass of our fanning popula tion-do not enjoy this luxury. and multitudeia little remote from market towns are only acquainted with our wild varieties. . The grape, ought to be as widely .disseminate d *'S the ap pie, and there is no'good •reason why it should ,not be. .the :large vine . Ards can supply our. city popula 'Linn, but -to supply the. agricultural I„districl:ss, grapes - Mint be grown. at home 'This can be done, at'so.sinall cost, that no..man who owns a ,home with a half acre of land has any apol ogy- ,for depriving his family Of grapes ! - An eighth of an -.acre vines will supply a family and leave a surplus to 5e11... Any well-drained land- that will.produce sixty bushels of born .to the acre, Ray' be -expected to produce gond grapes.' Well-pre pared borders, .with a good 'supply of hones, - are desirable but by no means essential A dressing of wood ashes is an excellent fertilizer, but any manure ,good for corn "willhe mood for the vides.' The varieties which do Well . under the greatest va riety of circumstances and bear neg lect best, are such .as the Concord, the Hartford' Prolific, and . . the Ives Seedling.* There are grapes Ofinuch better quality than these,' but they are good' enough to suit the popular taste, and are hardy .. They be relied upon - to bear fruit' every sea , 'son in generous Anantity. The Ives bas a thick skin and is particularly desirable to pack in boles for winter use:, They haveheen- rot years be, fore the public, are thoroughly test ; 'ed. and can be furnished very cheaply by any, nursrytrian.. A ;cheap tr of chestnut posts and wire will be all 'the, support they need. A: four months's supply,of grapes will pro mote health in the family, save doc !,.9rs, hi - A*4, and !prove an _iiiipbrtfint part of the - fool Agriculturist- . , .; • : . Use of Farm Imrilements. Most farwrs have rollers,•yet few use thein 'much and fewer still-to ad vantage-. They arc employed ~nival." ay for crushing clods; with, •however, little benefit generally, as they only reduce she-size, while they increase the number, - leaving' the land harsh and rough ; besides, the hardest lumps are erowdediinto the soil. The work should be, delayed till a rain softens the lumps. The true. farmer has few clod to crush ; he keeps his. soil in-conda ion •to . work up mellow His use of the roller is moStly i for grass lands,- pastille as' well- as . mea 7 dow, and as.early in- the season as the ground will allow. . It pets the roots well, and favors a . denser growth, as it airoidseilposure to cold, drying winds, and thus .earlier and better pasture is obtained. Meadoiv, in', like manner, is' benefit*,ed, not 'only by being rolled in the spring, but again after the'clop is removed, especially if a second crop' is to be cut, as the surface becomes more or leis roughened. by the burrowing of vermin. A second tilling; is.notne 'eessary with pasture, as the tramp ling of the stock answers. the' pur pose: All this is - alittle benefit if a light roller is useek-hs it does notist ford. sufficient preskure. Double the Usual inionnt is little enough ;• more light soil is required. Leigien also .the. length of the roller, so as to meet better the inequalities of e e ce : Such a roller, makes. Sh rt' work of lumps on plowed,land,- d does the work of covering grass seed more ef fectually.. ' • ' • . 1 , ~ i Although the barrow has. . been used time . out of mind, something, still may be learaed about it by many. • Like the !roller, .the common barrow 18100 light, not-for - covering seccl,..but to secure greater depth of loose soil ; being inkthis respect an aid to the cultivator, finishing what that implement tnun,.cutting rather dirpMßooo , ol—rrip , ecivsifir , ; jet. g i greht iti heitt . lMO -in reducin theltagimeesead luinplkof the soil,: • eititiliy - oemiskennt by , plowing when t 0 moist:' Of this implement, is of 'Wert:oiler should , - precede the . ' - gae.',The wonder is that i .this point. •is so. mtieb disregarded. _,ansidering' littiltripiirtattei. - The same apidies lan tinplementiintendvl for surface - '' • - ; • - -,.The'sntooth . :4 harrow.was not re : ceivedl-witli favor at its introduction. ite-Priceves against it., But its vs. rietr of good qualietles- began, lifted' awhile;to appreciated , and the knowledge -of its.merit hss.'beert 'ex tended until now this barrow I sidered . 6y-the advanV*ol - farmer to be one•ot the- most usefiditnplemeris • of bnabandrY: It is the lent. in the: series-for-working the Isoir,.-the plow, cultivator,' and common harrow pre ceding it.. Its work is on the imuii•- •thate surface, anti seems: insil nisi. mint, 'yet the results show' the impel t,. ante of • surface work; securing f;i'r the land a mulch, and a .ffnee' se. ,d , bed than can-be obtained ikany oth: erg way," particularly when seeding down hind. But its- r best 4errice after the 4rain'tias started. then ,hoes it, in effect. and does the wo;1; . molt thoroughly than can be done in any other way—does it Es.rfeetly without harm to the 'crop, the fety plapts thrown out causing mote like. • ly ,a.benefit.than: hurt, as it thins Pin., the stand and has thus • virtually effect of thinner sowing, which is the demand of the day,'especially in rieli soil. Here harrowing anti cro's.ht r roiiing should be-done, and repeaLtd -ae often and as long as the grain ill - permit. This makes Clean work, giv ing the crop a chance to 'occupy the ' ground. , shade it; and thus ,prevent weeds froth appearing: The. adVan tage this affords to corn it; great; but" it is also applied to , the grains 'in •• general with equally good effect. On account of th.• great spread of the implement the work is soon - accom plished. . Much might - be said.. about ploWs,, as so many kinds are in use, :each claiming some adrantagel an more or less benelit•is . .derived from-the - 6- ; ,of as applied to the different hire s ,Of soil, and, where, large areas are .t o be' worked; thus justifying. the out 'gay. TwO plows, - however, - will 'do the work on ordinary farms, the tiis.l tinguishing characteristic Of - the pktws being in the pi s tch - Of the maid b&rd, thati, throwing up' . the earth' being'best adapted. to fall plowing and Jo : clay • soil giving a better 'chance for, the elements. to': act and water to soak aw y Iu this ,Way clay soil can 'be planted cailier in . spring and better crops grown nure al,su has a greater effect. Light s•litly. soil,.or loath is plowed: with . advantage in 'a favorable spring, if early and dry enough, and such soil; Soon parts with ita;water." Unlike fall plowing, •the . surface of he ground in spring plowing .should be smooth; as alight, loamy soil woiki up: Ji3ellow. Hence. a mould-board . -with less' resistance In y be used. do ing the work poi-only better but ens: der. The-ground favoring, soil Can laid as leVel as a floor. - securin , an:even, mellow surface, 'valuable es pecially' for corn. Grass and - weed's have less chance, here, andean midi ly he kept down or destroyed by the, smoothing harrow and other imple ments.' Throwing up clay soil roull ly to the elements- in the fall, i t tpl plowing light soil smoothly in ' th.‘ spring, are the . true treatrilenta .i 'of such-soils; and each requires . a spe cial nionhi-hoard. k .kfs'irnilar retna,rks . - might be made of other implement: Their efficiency •is sell established. What is wanted is a better knitwl -ed7e of their use, and increased skill , in handling them.—F. G. in.:C6ll y Gerillenian. • . F,ort ' ,' • • Chapped Hands. The raw winds of late. autumn of ten prodnce,inthe - handa Malt who are much e4osed to them, ". that rough ness' ind cracking of the skin known. as chapping. nothing is done" to prevent, and the perscin is obliged to - have his hands frequently wet and dried, the-cracks 'will often get deep and painful. ; Corn huSking .is fre• quently accompanied by.. sore hands froni this cause. Ass both •a' precaution and cure for •Chapped hands we have fused the following with ibenefit: Wash the hands, and the facie also if it is inclined to chap; in borax water, and afterwards rub with an ointment made by. melting mutton tallow (or' suet), -and them gradually adding•an equal quan.ity of glycerine, stirring the two togeth er. .until coot. • For the ' hands, the m ixture can be best applied at night, using it freely, and whrming Win by the fire,'"after which" an 'old - pair of - gloVeis can be put on to keep the bed . clothes from being soiled, and also Make the skin of the. hands softer.— . Ilanorer: Spectator. . . • EXPERTENCE teaches that stock en tering into winter quarters in • gobil Condition can be kept without (la anlanimal beginning thi) winter in a poor condition, not Wit hstanding an abundance of food, care ful housing:and the best Altetition, will illy:nimbly voiir.orkier. the following spring. iz'artieularly is this the case with common,., stock. Fat stock consumes a less amount of food than lean -stock. .The average •age of sheep 14 ten years. , Caws' have an' average Of fif teen years. Hogs have been known to live forty years. The .average of the horse is twelve Fears: The pliant lives, to a very great There is a white elephant now "living . in'the Imperial. Menagerie, in Russia that is said to be over 150 years old. MALARIAL fever v c.in a . typhoid form, is prevalent intnriouS points in our county . In so a instance s c, the result . has teen fat The dis eaSe has been attributed, „frier:illy. to local causes. Impt4fect\ cell.ir draininOs will coax it into a .iintise, hold about as quickly as . an34liing else, • . _• \ ..., , - • ._, ' \ THE manure mt.de trom • a ton: of cornmeal. is estimated as worth $4.07., and - as the weal is, now worth oply SA) per ton. that valtie for feeding would be reduced to. $13.35 per ton, at:which price wouldalmostpav to feed to hogs, even at:the very:li , • - Kee of pork. . • .DON'T mortgap. the family home, no matter hO'w promising the Noire may appear., There Are to many slips " between the .cup and the, lip," to risk. Go hungry . ecen,•before the pf)wr is given any one to turn you . 'out of doors. • OIIZET fatten quiekef-Arben in peva of hall' a liozen; than by any methb t.pf atabling _ or tying up pc;' , 4 , 90f1) . • -•' . 0
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