El IN HOPE A child In a Meadow one summer day Laughingly gatheled the Dowers in play, And tossed them Into the rippling tide That to his prattle In murmur replied : "titre ma something, brood he said, in trustful innocence, nodding hts head. The years roll on, the years roil by ; .The tears of a chlldiare quickly dry Tho child, to manhood's stature grown. ' Stood by the stream of the world alone; He flung to it the work of tilt heath, lie said: "In thy life I shall hare' a part; "Thou wilt bring me friend& and fame—who jkiniors ?" And the hurrying stream In music rose. The years roll on. the years roll by; In the heart of the man Iles a hidden Sigh An aged man leaned silently / OW the stream that glides to eternity - ; Ire thought of the honest work of years, Of vanished dreams, of unshed tears; "dear me on, 0 stream !" said he, "There's a world where rich reward I see." The solemn flood moved sloirly on ; The flower, the work, the life were gone. The years roll on, the years roll by, In hop, xe live, and In hope we die. - —K. E. C. in Home Journal. "Little Snow-White." An Interestinir-Story for the Children Albert TschiSutch, a German paint er, is the author of a handsome paint ing called "Little Snow-White." The story of " Little Snow-White," dr as the Germans call her, " Schnee wittchen," is that once,upOn a time a qUeen sat sewing at her palace win dow and looking occasionally at the snow fidl i ing without. The window frame was of ebony, and as the snow lay on the sill 'it looked so beautiful that she-forgot what she seas doing, and presently prickled her finger with the needle. Three , - drops of blood fell on the snow and it looked so charming that the queen said, " Ah, God'. that I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony." Such a' child was soon born to tier, and she died, leasing the little one to the king's care. Soon, howev,cr, be married again, and the new queen was so proud of her beauty, that she could not bear the thought that in all the world was one iuine'lovely than she. In her bOwer Was fs mirror, to which she would say : "11,Irror, mirror on the wall, Faite,t ata I not of all?" and the mirror would tell her yes. Meanwhile Little "Snow-White was growing up, and one.. day when the. queen questioned 'her. 'Mirror it in formed her that Little Snow-white was a thousand-fold lovelier than she. Filled with rage •and anger she gave the little. girl Tinto the hands of a woodman, with instructions to kill her,' The child's beauty touched him and he let the child run free in the forest, where Cite day she found a small table arranged, for - seven per sons. She tasted the food and drank a little wine, after which she lay down onl one of the seven little' beds, and soon was fast asleep. The seven, dwarfs who owned the house, and;. delved fr the precious metals in the earth, sdon came, home, and seeing her beauty let her sleep till morning, when she told her story. They told her she might live with them if she would be their housekeeper. • She ;consented, and_ the dwarfs were very iond alter. One day the queen con t,iilted her mirror and _found that r- - Little Snow-White was yet alive. he poisoned an apple and sent it to .the child, who took one bite of it and fvcll dead, The dwarfs mourned and arried her on a bier for burial, but he looked so lovely as she lay there, her throat so white, her cheeks so Tea. and her hair so black that they made a glass coffin and inscribed on it, " She 'was a king's daughter." This, with the maiden in it, they placed on the mountain, where one day a prince saw it. Ile wept, and at last induced tge, dwarfs to let him bear it to his palace. As his follow ers were carrying it the jostling can=ed the piece of the poisoned apple to fall out of the maiden's throat, whereupon she rose as well as ever. and married the' prince. , The wicked queen •consulted her mirror, . and now it toll her that a new queen was more lovely than she. To test the matter she went to the wedding ball, where she was astoniihed to find the new queen to be Little Snow- Whi:e. They made her Put her feet into the glass slippers heated till they glowed like tire; and thus she had to dance till, she fell dead with anger. Fain, and chagrin. But the prince and Little Snow-White—sothe story runs—lived many happy years, were blessed with numerous good children. and, in short, lived in peace, died in Greece, and were.buried in a cake of t Abo'ut' the Machine, A i"ectillai Itivention To try the ", machine " has become the resort of the cowards of politics. Beat them in 1 - the township, and they complaini j that it was the " ma chhie " that did it. Vote them down ten to one in a county, and they'll swear it Was the terrible machine " that wrought their ruin. Bury - them out of sight in a state, and , , through the heaped-up- ballots that cover their prostrate forms they will continue to bellow " Machine ! machine !'' '- Were not the majority of votes against you r' . les" " Were they not legal votes ?" "Yep" Should not•the majority of votes g overn ? "Yes: but then the machine' But what machine ?' ' Machine?' Don't you think you'll better get one of these machines yourself?" This . whine of a minority who think that an infernal machine of some sQrt has run over them every time ten men are shown to be fewer in 'imbiber than twenty, has become as nauseating as it is monotonous. We don't know of any other way than to reverse the time-honored rule, and declare that hefeafter the fewest votes shall win—the shortest pole take the persimmon.— Chica go te: r-Ocea7i. _ WIT AND DIFFIDENCE.—Wh4p the Scotch Professor Aytoun was court ing the daughter of Professor. (" Christopher North "), he told her he disliked 'to mention the sub ject to her father. She,therefore went tb the old - Man herself, asking : " shall I accept his offer, papa ? Ile says he- is too diffident to name the stibject to you himself?" "Then," said old Christopher, "I had better write my reply and pin it .to your buck." Ile did: so, and, thelanswer was: " With the author's l'compli , ments." TUE mind of youth cannot remain empty; if you do not put into it that .which is good it will gather elsewhere that which is evil. Ost: feather does not make a bird ; neither can a man who performs one good action felicitate himself that he is num bered with the elect. MI TIII§ remedy I t the result of much scientific L stntly and many careful experinients. and STANDS FIRST AMONG MEDICINAL : PREPARATIONS or ITS KIND. It 14 Pll2ll.l3nt,[ , ;the t CFtei and unlik. the Inany.eheatt i end .lcer ;Aire titters kir tt,e any. has STAI ING QUALITIr.s . woven RENDER IT POWERFUL ROTII TO erns AND TO /*RECENT DISEASE, and ALSO TO ourLo UP A WASTED AND ENFT.E. .BLED Box:. It Is the II T FLOOD PURIFIER, and stituul,,,tes Lvery a1....t1nn to 7:107C iivalthful net:on, and 13 311115 ANTAGONISTIC TO , ALL DISEASES. In eliminat Inc the Impurities n! the Mora!, the . natural and neeerrary result b the CUBE Ca % scaorrLors AND CTIVER SKIN j ERUPTIONS AND DISEASES, including Cancers, Ulcers and other Oren. nyolpepsla, Nyeakhe , s of the St"mtteh, ConFt vation, D zzlness, Gener.,.l etc., urn cured by the SAFE BITTERS and it in UNEQUALED AS AN APPE TIZER. It is Setentiecalli Componntled from A-en etable ortrartx • • r me.: and BENEFITS IN EVE.L.Y CONDI TION OF TIIE SYSTF...II• It. corrects the er!ls of improltl e.rink.‘,TlTl vrholesome Toed trot aver-eAtint% an.!:. BEST TEMPT:RAN cr. SrESTITETE FOR ALCOHOLIC DRIES. It is beetled to glee t,mo to the PyFteM during the spnntt and early summer, :aid ' va the body Ims been wettkentsl by disease or other causes. The testimony of those who have used Warner's Safe Bitters is nntrnrrn !n tl a rrntve. and 7!"1:f7r! 13E PREIFTRIZED TO crnr.n. 1:P"- - TEL'S wherever Its nivrits arc known. It Is a medlelne wh,irdi should be In every '.am 11c, and which, wheruviir usetil will save the puy - tneut of many doctors , binfN,l IF ANT PERSON C -r- AN PEOVE_ THAT THERE IS A BETTER : REDEDV OF ITS KIND THAN WARNEIPS SAFE HITTERS, HE WILL LIE PAID $l,OOO Et :E. 11. WARNER & CO. Tiottles of two tc.mcw.: prlceA. and Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe i . 1 111114 and Warner's Safe Ner ivine tire othcr 'superior remedies, each the best (tits class. • The Pnrcst and Best iedielne ever made. eombination of Mucha. Mandrake, no d Dandelion. ,14 011 the t.•al and mot. MUu t.ve proporl or all .1 her Litter, makes the great ,-1 Blood Purifier. Liver Regnlnter, and Life mad health EA...Omani; Agent on carat. No di.elve or ill health can proo - lbly long evict h. re Hop Itittrna are used, so varied oral per:eet are their 01..1-actor.. ?bey glee new tits and .461. to the are! aud latrum To na a!r ye emplernratv car. , Irregularity° mv , bna el, ,or unuarporurti or who minlm 6 and Tnild StlmulAnt, Ltop Litte 134 . 1.! invatanl. without Intoxicating. No nvilt,r what your Seelli,go or symptoms RV, what Co. th.srase`or ell:neat is, use Hop }litters. Dua' t wait until St la are Rick. butif you only feel h:ulo labor:11.1u. tue the Bitters OA May your It has eured hundreds. , it:soo will he paid foram ws° the will not . euro or io 4,,:f10r vrrlr f r rit.ruls sutler, but k taut turn to Rae lii•p }tater& D. VThL IiALUS Cares Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitig, .Astinna, Croup, Whoopingfough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Mentbrane of the Lungs, inflaut^d and poisoned by the dise.iso, and prevents the night swoats and tightness neross the chest 1 hich accompany it. CONSUMPTION • not au in : - urai , le mainly. It is only necessary to bave The right remedy, and HALL'S BALS.AM is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIR. OF RELIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, even though professional aid falls. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, the Moq ` Powerful Healing Agent erer Discovered. : 4 1Trnry's Crtrbotic Salre: tune s abres. .(fr•perill etzrtmlielire (7111112(a vain. lfrrtry's tarlooliellre titres erieptians (11, 11 .y.:4 (errbolir heals Jf en e y.s caebalia bates heals bruises. Ark for Henrytit, and Take No Other gat - LEIVAP.U. OF .COVNTERFEITS. TiIIiTIREM ANODYNE 0u4 0 64 • . '• Eaey's Carbolic Troc'hes, A : - zi - TtE PREVENITVI: Contagious Diseases Colder, Hoarseness, ,Diphtheria, and Whooping Cough. _ rtrattant to the Taste. hyptcl Bitters CARTER'S - Inu E: L NER - vD taitS eblcat. The Safe Reme dies are sold by Druggists and deal ers in Medicines everywhere. ^lr - spnel fnr P,mphlet an 'rertimonr.AN: ADDRESS R.H.VARNER. - Ftochenter. \. V. Remember, Hen hitters Lvnovile,drucret. I.drunk notdrutth lett the Pur,t and Ikvt tiovlleine ever t-ret the "Invalid'. ' , Arad and Hope." and pertou or e ly Khould to without Mum. Get some this day hop Coe on Cat. 2 in the rsreetrst, inda* cud best The nOP l'Ah for She, h. Lippe Td Kora, is sap. riur to all others. (hires by al.c.ridhat. Ask druggtst. - . D. LC. 19 an absolute rh7 7 ^ 7, 7 . 7 141b1. ewe for drtutk ennes..4, use of Opium, tobacco and narcotic's: Sold by dthaido. 1 i.R , h men Mrg.Co. Hadurder, MI=M DAL TOVINSLEY'S Ite - -i2v 3 Drapepsia, arid 33ilibusnems FOR :;ALB BY ALL DRUGCISTS. ioaw F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., riv,riarron,, College Plaro, New York. CARTER'S Little Nerve Pills, -FOR NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC, MEN AND WONIE . Every ner ,ous person slioald try Carter's tittle f. Nerv.: Pills, - tivhich made specially for those v. 1.. , s•affer from Nervousness, Sleeplessness, 1...rv0u; and Sick headache , Weak St 'mach, 'Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c. They may be tired alone or in combination with Carters tale Liver Pill-, and in either ease will give most. prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsia makes . },u Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dy.r...- p.—:ie ; either one renders you miserable, and. tits -el.ttle pills cure both. Fr roc, 25 cents.. Sold by Druggists or sent by pail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. Tor isle in Towanda try C. T. X. 12181; stptitaxe. , FROST'S BMW WHOLESALZ AND. =TAIL FURNITURE! We are now prepared for the SPRING TRADE with a full line of NEW AND DEsinApLt . GOODS 1 LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES, which we invite the public to call and examine. Our assortmeot of PARLOR SUITS IN RAW 84.41 E, I /: • TEARIS,PLUSH AND EAIRCLOTH, La very large, and our prices as low as the lowest. We have • full line of CHAMBER SUITS IN ASH, WAINUT AND SOFT, WOOD, which we are selling at a very low price. A full line of SPRING BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING In this department we always hare the best goods n the market, and are continually - adding NEW STYLES with all the • LATEST liPROVEMENTS , while our prices are the lowest. J. 0. FROST'S SONS' Towandri, April 9, 1879. glisceftaneous GREAT SALES. GOING, ON GREAT SALES. GOING ON GREAT SALES GOING ON Ready-made Clothing at a Sacrifice Ready-made. Clothing at a Sacrifice Ready-made:Clothing at a Sacrifice CLOTHING! Ready-made Clothingvat a Sacrifice Ready-made Clothinrat a Siicrifice Ready-made Clothiug at a Sacrifice TWENTY-FIVE P.R. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED TWENTY-FIVE PR. CT. SAVED For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Days For the Next Forty Days fly buying of ' By buying of e X. E. ROSENFIELD. X. E. ROSENFIELD. The consequence of this great sale o my stock Is that I tun compelled to enlarge my present store to make room for my increasing Mud nes& and instead of moving my stock while build lug WILL SELL FOR. COST for the next 40 days No such chance for years to come No such chance for years to come No such chance for years to come Fall stock going very fast Fall stock going very fast Fall stuck going very fast , The opportunity to purchase a CHEAP surr Is a rare one, and should be embraced by all. Call early at M. E. ROSENFIELD'S and 'enjoy Um advantages now offered by hlm. Towanda, lit arch 1, 1880 129 liVI N Zflt 4 l l FLO) (CI General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS COUNTRY PRODUCE, 0 : CV/ DO z_4 ai 6 OVA 5 1 il TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts (The old stand of Fox, Stevens a Mercnr They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choice New Goods, which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRAD E , And Cash paid for desirable kinds M. J. LONG. Towanda,;Aprt 1 1879 SPRING AND SUMMER 1880. L. ROSENBAUM & SONS. 201 EAST WATER . STREET. - Dealers In DRY AND FANCY GOODS, JOBBERS OF MILLINERY LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Assortment Of MILLINERY In the Southern Mer. Special Inducements and Priees to Milliners. A call is respectfully solicited. L. ROSENBAUM Sp SONS., _:soi EAST WATER STREET, ••-• - Rathbun Rouse Block Manki, MIR!. LEMGH VALLEY PENN.* NEW YORE RAIL ROAD& i27angement of Pagenrr Traltui to tits affect 1311EZZ113 MEI x. ?.s. 311. s° , 905 9 45 lOU 101, 64 5TE 700 il:, 114 SOO 1 05r 50 11 35 1 35 5 13 1 00 3 15 7 SO 203 4 46'1124 2 15 5 109 35 2 501 6 0019 10 2 05 1 6 4011000 3 501 9 05; . • . si. Trains 8 and 15 run,daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia and between Lyons and New York without changes Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 between Niagara Balla and Philadelphia without change. 's R. A. PACKER, Supt., Sayre, Pa.,. Nov. 10, 1878. P. & N. Y. R. R. BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE STORE. Haying doubled our , facilities this year by occu pying two stores, we are prepared to offer you a larger stock than ever before, and at , reduc,bd prices. FURNITURE CHEAP CHEAPEST. At the sainetillme we keep up the standard of our goods, UNDER TAKING, Ell And GEO. STEVENS ELMIRA., N. Y ALSO ,r Itaitrubs. L'' NOVEIABZU 10, 1611. 137311121 P.X 101 1 1150 Marralral ..uffalo.. . Rochester . Lyons.. —.Metiers. Sl==! Auburn .Owego. M2l =ail BD= —Athens Mali Ulster, 0 00 —TOWANDA . 10 to . Wysankler 1020 .ISta* Atone.' 10 30 Rtn'erfleld 1031 Frenehtown 10 52 .Wyaluidng 'll 15 : Lareyelde.l 11 20ISIOn's Eddy 1 11 37 Meghoppen , 1141 Mehoopany. , 12 30 Tank ban'ek I 12 40 , . La Grange. 12 sal, • • rans• • 1-20;&15 Jutien 2001 Wilk-Barre 4 35Ild'eh Chunk; 6 gel:Allentown . 6 05I.Beth1ebem. I 6 30 1 ...E5wt0n.. g ig Phllid'lphlkj .g 2 5 .hew York. Pat. =1 Acurniture. TWO STORES IN ONE! We are selling Of all kinds as If Dot CHEAPER Than the Ell (OCR SPECIALTY), We guArantee satisfaction. We are piepired to do anything In that line on short notice, and are de termined to please. Call and see for yourself N. P. HICKS. Towanda, May Ist, 1879 gliscef famous. ARMLESS, EFFECTUAL & AGREEABLE Ask your Dryggist for Circutart. For sale by CLARE B. PORTER (Ward House), DRUGGIST WiLsse-Bssnr, Ps, Oct. 9, 1879 I am using Ely's Cream Balm and receiving very beneficial results. It is the only remedy of a great many I have tried which has acted as a cure. I have been troubled with Catarrh for over 15 years, my head has been, most of the time. stopped and very much inflamed. It has opened my nostrils and reduced the inflammation in my head—in fact 1. feel lam being cured. It is the only remedy I have found which ran be applied without pain and dread. My eyes are improving so that lean stand strong light, which I have not been able to do for years. . NATIIASIEL FICGLEY. With E. F. Morvrz, Merchant • "ViTliat is co-2. v , r , • % ; S• < , c• ~ • c_ • G. E. S. S. is a liquid—a-valuhble combination compered of' several of the most powerfnl and ponet rating liquids known in chemistry, and was olverei by a celebrated English chemist, and introdnced into the United States in the year end since that time, by its marvelous cura tive powers. has won for itself a world-wide repu tation for its many cures of Rheumatism. Palms nn 1 Swellings, Burns and Scalds. Sprains and Cuts and Old Sores. Contraction of the h o, lee, Tender and Frosted Feet. Chilblains, N. uralgia. Pain in the Side. Chest and Back, and irt a speciP.c for Tlcmses as well as for Man, and now stands at the head of all Liniments unrivaled, en-i v.-timely a stable or house can be found with out a bottle where it is known. We challenge competition : $15)00 will be paid for any case of - the above-named ills that 11 E. B. S. will not cnro if the directions are closely oh served. G. E. B. B. only stands the test because it has proved the beat. It is safe and wise to al, ways l:eep a bottle nn hand. thereby in frequent in stances avoiding the necessity of calling a doctor. Thom is abalm for most all Ms; 'Tie neither cayenne (Imps nor hartshorn pills— When fairly tried, it then will show That Carey'a G. E. S, S. is more than blovr. Try a bottle and if it does not give satisfaction return it to your Druggist half-full and ho will refund you your money. Did space, permit wo conld give you a hundred testimonials from men and families in this county that could not be doubted. Call upon your nearest Druggist or Storo-Reen or and ask for Carey's G. E. a 8„. and not be put off by moms other worthless trash. If be has not got it on band. ask him to Rend for It for yon. D. G. CAGEY. SOLE Pnopsurron. Middletown, Orange Co.. K. Y. Fcir sale In Towanda, Pa., by C. T. KIRBY and 11. C. PORTER.. GET YOUR HAIR CUT AND SHAVING, AT TIM Nicretra. House SHAVING PARLOR. 111. We study to please. . ,1:0 V. STEDGIT; Prorr Towanda, Ps., July 15, 1575. HAW FIRM_ H. DATIDOW & BRO., Ito. 4, BePitman Stock, Bridge4t., Towatlds, Pa; CASH ,PAID FOR FURS, HIDES, _ PELTS, WOOL A ND BEESWAX Towanda, Oet. SO, 1171471. McINTYRE BROTHERS, I-.-' ! General Hardware, !2CI 120 410 425 61 211 !17 7 41 05 1000' • 25 HEAVY AND Stoves, Tin, Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, , Glass, Putty, GunpoNider, Shot, leartridgEN. Carpenters' and Joiners'. Tools, 135 108 31 05i (002 I 9 SO' 920 1 1 8 001 11.6.'71 Wagon Makers' Supplies, Farming and Dairy. Implements, Table Cutleiy, Clothes Wringers, iSE Rope, RANSOM COTTAGE RANGE, With the Expansion Broiling Chamber, , SMYTH'S PATENT DUPLEX GRATE. With or without Low Closet, Reservoir, or Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The Greatest Combination of Valuable Improvements tVer p resented In one Range. . After the flattering experience of the past year. having had a very large anti extended sale, we find that the ilia RANSOM CurrsGt Is universally conceded to be the most desirable Range of Its class In the market. Its general features are the same as In the celebrated Ransom itahge. which has for years been coasitered the finest Range made. It•contalus thq Patent Expansion Broiling Chamber, wht-ti Is universally acknowledged to be the only sitecessf id and practical broiling attach ment in use. it Is also furnished with limyth's Patent Duplex Grate. This celebrated Grate Is extremely supple in Its construction. It has now beeniin active use for more thin five years, and In view of the players:oly successful experience of its operitbin and durability during that tithe, as well as the highly satisfactory results obtained byant In our owtrthorough trial of its qualities, we have no hesitation In pronouncing it the only complete anti successful arrangement for removing clinkers and refuse from tie !re-box Instantaneously. thoroughly and cleanly, %Odle the degree of combustion obtained has never. in our opinion, been equaled with any other style of grate. THE BANK6I4COTTAGY. Is • thoroughly first-close Ran ye In all Its portions and appointments, while the prier isextrernely low. It Is so constructed that It can be changed from a Low Closet to a Single Oval Range, by merely lifting the upper part of the Range front the Low Closet and placing It upon a set of omahented legs. Alt sizes can also be furnishetk with the Ornamental Elevated Shelf. The large Baled %eh Pan Is taken out at the end of the Range instead of the front—a much more con venient and clean)? arrangement—anti the capat ions. Warming Closet extends underneath the whole Range. The (lot Water Reservoir is heated entirely front the bottom, and Is of a larger capacity than will be found on my other Range of this class. All the 1111104 . details In the construction of this Range have recePed the closest attention. It has nightly burnished ends, sickle-plated knobs of a new and beautiful pattrn, nickle-plated panels, nickle-plated Towel Racks, and the mounting and fittings • btu the best styli,. ' MONTYRE. BROTHERS. Towanda, Pa., October 30, 1374 - _ 'HE .STANDARD of excellence throughout the in.notroig World. MATCHLESS for Grain-Saving. Time-Siving, Per il. Cleaning, Rapti! and Thorough Weh.k. If_ICOMPARABLE in guar fp of Materiel. reelection of rafts, Thorough Workmanship, Elegant Foush, and Brant , / of Model. - MARVELOUS for vastly superior work in all kinds 01 of Grain, andniversany known as tho only iseeessful -' ....,44 """ Thresher in Flu, Timothy. Cleiver, and all other Se le. dust.,..oningdi Durable and . feeendarrfully simple, using leon-than half the uonai ;mars ,and belts. PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STRAW.43URNINC STEAM -ENCINES. with special features of Power,Eturability, Safety, Economy, and Beauty entirety unknown in other makes. Steams Power 011tlibi and Steam-Power Separator. ska,pertalm. Four vies of Separators. from as to twelve hirer power; also two styles floor— " --- - - ThletyTwo Wears of Prosperous and Cm. of name, location or management, furnishes a string guarantee for superior goods and honorable dealing. CAUTIQNI The wonderfial,nueness and popularite it rename Machinery has driven of Machines to a wait berme varioua makers am now attn. ing to build and pam off inferior and mongrel IMILIIIIIOIII our famous goods. 4 BE MOT DECEIVED .1 by tech experiment." and worthless machinery. If you'l as all. set the "I:Myinal . and the "Genuine ^ from as. ET in. tin totrtkeubses mill an our dealer., or w , to n• for Illustrate( Circulars, which we toll free. Al,, NICHOLS, SHIPABD & CO., Bithe Creek, MI CRAY'S - SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. The Great TRADE M_RK. 01 , -- ER GLIPi II #Remedy, A. '- • Wll promptly & ra4lcally cur a A an, & every case ; t ir; , Vpi a rr l t ir m e s a li n e t bi I- ••:-.:= ' . remit of irons. ~.. 4 1 "" " •••-• • • elitism, excess or - : - " , 7 —:-..... over of the Aft er qi • Before Taking bnln nerrous , aiding. system ; Is perfectk harmless, acts like magic, and has been extensively used for over thirty years with great succest. Z Full particulars In our pamphlet, which w• desire to send free by mettle every one. WS. Tie Specific Medicine Is sold by All druggists at 11 per package, or six,packages for FS, or will be seat tree by mall on retelpt of the. money by add rssskig THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., • No. 1 Medutnics' Block, DILTROIT, Mien. ..Sold In Towanda by C. T. KIRBY. and by druggists everyvbere. Johnston, Holloway & Co.. wholesale agents Phila. - (April 10, 1879•11.''' Oct. 30 Geo. L. Ross, Of the Third Wart Store, has opened a large and Couvenient Store In the brick black, First Vard, opposite litimpkrty Brothers & Tracy's Boot and Shoe Factory, and has tilled it with A LARGE STOCK OF • CHOICE GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, • Which he has purehised In New York for cash and solicits tke ectitidence and Pro patronage of t he public, and respectfuly announces that he • WILL NOT BE UNIT.ERSOLD • 1 By anybody. Ills 'Third Ward Store will also be kept stocked with flat-class goods, and will, be sold as low as the lowest. Towanda, January*, 1880. GILMORE & CO„ and all other classes of cialms for Soldiers and Soldiers , Heirs, preeented. Address with stamp. GILMORE & CO., Washintion, D. C. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept of sale at the Baron:ran °rims at wholesale or retaU. . • Deed. MonVire. Bond. • Treasurers 'Fond. • Collectors Bond. Lean. Complaint. Commitments. Wirrant. Constable's Return: Articles of Agreement, 2 forint . Bond on Attachment. Constable's Sales. . Collector's Isles. , Execution. • , , Bnbpcena. Petition for License.. Bond for License. Note Judgement.. • Note Judgement Semi.. Farm Accounts! E•..eryrznacr rhmili know how to ke -p entimly new t cuir.pleto stU IlVsan: Int uovicod. Posft l rewire° aLroakas to n AIIT 4 F;r4er^ • JililB4lollll eagle& WI 116. 741114 Ankstra, fisine, he. , ilicrinrada•fia l Bolts, Chains, ALSO AGENTS FOR THE U ...g niscet f aticous. [Ettabllshed 1865.] PENSIONS, lICREASE OF PENSIONS, Drat slut .IN cONSISIXG. OF HARDWARE, SHELF &e., -AND,- lAcw Abvertisements. Be Not Deceived J. K. BUSH, THE BRIDGE-ST. CLOTHIER, CHEAPER THAN. ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE Before the late advance in prices we purchased the LARGEST STOCK EVER CAR RIED BY US, and therefore clan SELL AT OLD PRICES Onr stock comprises a full line of— MEN'S, YOUTH'S, CLOTHING! The largest stock of HATS in town A full and superb line of Gents' • ` - t FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks and Traveling Bags, Towanda, Match 19, 1880-71 CAPABLE MEN WANTED TO solicit orders for our Xursery stock. Men of Integrity, good habits, energy and lair business capacity can easily acquire a knowledge of the business, must give inure attention to the work and be able to go to any part of thel f own or ad. truing countitr. PERMANENT EMPLOY ENT. GOOD PAY AND EXPENSES. Glee age, prpvious xclipation,and references. Address H. G. CHASE A Co. 10 N. Umiak Ott, Pada.. 44. &c. -n .a a), R co co = =I IN TOWANDA ! AND CHILDREN'S For the Spring trade At manufacturers' prices. J. K. BUSH, No. 2 Bridge Street. Vas Absediseands. JAMES MoCABE Hu removed to CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS: making It his Zeadquexters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES. CASH PAID 'FOR BUTTER, EGGS, &c. GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES. JAMES McCABE. Towanda, Aprli 29, 1880-71 HENRY HOUSE, COM MAIN & WASIIINGTON-STO., ?MST WAD.% TOWANDA., Ph. The Proprietor of this favorite House, duly thankful for the' ivery liberal patronage received since Its opening, again invites the attention of Jurors, witnesses, parties attending the Courts, and others visiting Towanda on business or pleas ure, to the great inducements he is again able to. offer in Siiperior accommixtationsand liberal prices The housli„ furniture, bedding and otherappll anees are first-class, ar,tl entirely new and fresh throughout., ife haijust finished a spacious, fire-prof, brick barn, pronounced the finest in Northern Pennsyl vania, and is. now ready to supply his gueits and . all others with safe and superior stabling. Boarding by the day and week. Single meals at all hours. The Nouse will he well supplied with pleasant and attentive waiters WILLIAM HENRY, PROPRIETOR 'Towanda, Aprll;29, 1.860. BEI TESTIMONI • ais are received every day by th.• pri; Arietors of SI MOSS LIVER REGULA TOR, from persons of education and promi. tence from all parts of die country attesting :0 the wonderful cura 'lee properties of this treat medicine. No 'tiler preparation but r been diScovered that spepsia and Its kindred nt to a perfectly healthy condition of b dy and mind. The rapidly Increas ing demand for this medicine and our large.sales In consequence. Is indeed •suniclent evidence In Itself of, tts great pepularity. Perfectly 17E4, Harmless. I. can be used any time with Out fear by the most delicate pen,mis. No matter what the ailing, and May be given. to children with perfect safety, as no bad results follow its use, doing no ivissitile injury. As a mild Toni gentle Laxative and liarniless Invigorant It is infinitely superior to any known remedy for • Malariouß Fcr..r.Y., Roc./ Opliplaiate. Jrzundkr. Cr./ ir, ' R. 411-41471 C M. Mental Drpr•sßiun, Sic* lhadarhe, 0121Xtip.iti.,II, NlltUrta, 8i11101.4710kg, DYSPEPSIA, .tc Read the following names of pt,rsons well and widely known.; who to•tify to the vaMable proper ties of !AMMONS LIVER REGULATOR DR Rh DWINE : Hun; Alex. H. Stephens; John W. Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia; Gen. John B. Gor don, I'. Senalor ; iion..John 0111 Shorter, Rt. Rev. Bishop Pierce, J. Edgar Thompson,.lion. R. 11111, lion. John y. Breckthridge ; Prof. David Wills, Hiram 'Warner, Chief Justice of Georgia; Lewl Wunder, Ass•t P. M.. Phila., and many others from %loon we have letters comment ing upon this medh Me as a most valuable house hold remedy. 7'he Cheapest. J'nreel and Hest Fmni g Medi !rine in the Woiq,ol. original.antt Genuine. • MANUFACTURE!) ONLY leY J.M. ZEMIN .t CO., Philadelphia. Price, SOUL Sol.l bf,att Drugglmts. Wig - a crm rri ::. ':.! 3 . , • _:::.!.. , I i A -. • -...... z ....- - 1 " Z:.: ,'.: l i il,':; 11 / Nil.( M i lt' : liFT' l .rt:' 14 Zp. • ,t 4 - 4; I ,:,• i i -' l l ,. . ' t r 'i, .. - . .. 5 '' .: : , --' . t. l',l ' ', A/ .. 4.. A , * . - 7. - .77-- , '"-'7 T PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY ForINTERNAL andEX.TERAP.I. Use. PAIN KILLER h fr e d n , 1 1 ;01 . 1P 1:100,'. I 1,7 fllett .sp,Affy ram in th. most P.v....perionr.a PAIN KILLER ig a ~are rare for Sore Thront.Conahs, Chills. Dlarrhirn.. Dygeat . ery. Cyan**. Cholera. oo d o n Boorel Compla i nts, PAIN KILLER 15,;,,77.,V,5,TArne1r. fileit fiend:low, Pnin in t key Back or Side, lihruntatinn, and Neurnigin. PAIN KILLER r.f.!:tivglpsib.,l)Ttrir, eznarerrt•: , ,nl Illef 111 cu.en of lirulara, Cut.. Spruill., Severe Buena, PAIN KILLER Farmt.r. v innt..r. ,o fuet cla!svm nantips a in rdirin It b. •, oye to internally or externullyffith certainty of rrlicf. ;''' N. faTn"y ran n'To-t v . lthrat Ma in. . . - r.-mt•:lp :"1 t 1 h t: I 71.... , _br1Lix-) It :.hin the n•och I ;. "„,, a • 113 y all jirue,,, • !v. =tl.l Pl t bottic PERRY DAVIS & 604. Providence, R.I. Ayers Cathartic Pills For althe Purposes of a,Family Physic, .13h COSt iVOIki• SS, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, lirtsentoryTFoul Stomach 4410.140.---3 • _ ' ness, Liver . Complaint, Dropsy _.:ter, Tumors and Salt ItheuM, Worms, (lout, Neuralgia. as a Dinner PM. and Purifying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly show.' how I much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood ; they stim ulate the sluggish or disordered o fig ais tutu. acti9A: and they impart health and tone to;t he whole being. They cure ❑nt only the everyd f ay complaints of every Moly, but formidable mill dangerous dis eases. Most Skilful physlclSh4, most- eminent clergymen, and out best citizen% send eertiflcates of cures performed, and of great benefits-derived from these Pills. They. are the safest and best physic for children, because mild as well 3.Aeffec- , tieing sugar coated, : they are.easy to takAi and being purely vegetable, they are entirety„ harroless. 4 I= Dr. J. C. AYER I Co. Lowell, Maim. - Practical and na lut larm Sold by all Druggkts and Dealers 111 Medicine WALTER CIIUR, (Success)r to L. R. Pwell, Scranton, Pa.) I= PlAl\9s l . ORGA N S, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. fie Continues the aelney for the CIIIEKERING and STEINWAY PI tN ttS, and the MASON & II A MAN . oItCANS. whictr be Is prepared to sell at CLOSE FIGURES. The trade ittipplled at itilsnufacturers - prices. Ageiiis . sranted In all unoccuPled territory, 'Darliittath ra., march •441-tai. • jaw and gotuqhold. Of • Interest to Tobacco Growers. The following remarks by a writer in the Blosaburg industrial Register, on the method used to prevent the destruction of'tobacco plants by the cut worm, will be found, interesting 'to Bradford county 'tobacco groWers: In our younger days we had,con siderable experience ! in the growing of tobacco. We found that the cont mon cut worm was the greatest ene my of the :young plant, often making such severe attacks that we were obliged to reset several times, there by • making the crop very ; uneven ; In order to circumvent this malicious and voracious enemy of the tobacco plant, we , adopted the following plan, which was a complete success : Abodt three weeks before ( we wished ,to set the tobacco plant, we plowed our to bicco field and before harrowing it sowed about three bushels of buck wheat to the acre, and then immedi- . ately prueeeded4to mark out the rows and make the " spats " 'or hills for setting. By the time" we wished to ,set the tobacco'plant, the buckwheat had grown to be about the same size of the tobacco plant s and was found in the seine hill, " spat," or place where the' tobacco plant was to be set. This' was no annoyance. We set our tobacco and waited the result. We found the cut worm , was just as fond of the young and fresh buck wheat stalks as it was of tobacco, and .' there being three hittigied stalks of buckwheat to one of tobac co the chances for the protection of the . tobacco plant were in that pro portion. In about two" weeks the buckwheat was removed from. between the rows, and a week more ficfm around the hill, and the , danger was over; the cut worm had outlived his viru lence and was ready to die by.the heat of the sun.'' .The field' of tobac co was, even, it ripene d at the same time and could be harvested and tak en care of at the same period, and brought a better price in the market 'on that account. •A criminal neglect is too common in locating wells for the- supply- of both man and beast. Pure water and good ,health must keep company. Impure water, like foul ,air of dwell ings; is an insidious enemy! to atiy household ; and yet wells arc skunk in a majority of cases with a•reekless disregard of sanitary lash. -.We have known death repeatedly visit a hdouse r hold through the • agency of:a filthy. well of water. The same applies to the brutes; but perhaps in it less de gree. Wells are often sunk so as to receive the percolating liquids-from sonic tear privy' Vault or cesspool, located, favorably for receiving their drainage. • •Some previous, soils con vey the taint several feet. One we• examined was affected at a distance of fifteen feet front the privy. We once saw awell sunk, in al lower hor ner of a barnyard, which received most of the drainage and sopplied•the wa ' ter to the herd. The wster of a well is often. poisoned by; neglect to keep it properly protect 4 about the top. An open or loosely covered well is a -I trap for insects or reptiles. From such a wh supplied twofani- Oles, was taken shOtt. time ago; 11f teen toads in ~ i i riOtta stages of de composition, am old shoe, and sun , dry bits of wood. Nothing short of a miracle can give health-to a house hold where ~ t hde- l aws of nature -are thus defied] Lciok well, then, to the ;,t,locality and protection of your 'Congregationah:4. .Procnre , one pound of. wood chat- coal, pulverize - it coarsely, - and mix with it halt a pound of common ta ble salt. To a half a pint of this mixture, add one quart . of corn meal and bran,: half and half. Mix• and. feed Ito about six or seven)nwls. Procure . .some hard-coal sereening and place within reach. PeeA °cm ionally a few oats', Always keep some old iron in the drinking . water; give all the out door Txcercise you possibly can, even chase them round a little. Place plenty uf : .striw for theni to scratch-among for exercise. Throw some small grains among this to encourage scratching. • Above all, give pure air -a'nd, keep perfectly clean. I find a little kerosene, -the commoner the betterto be & pre venative of disease and lice Of all kinds. Smear this': 'along the per ches ; also under :ithe straw in the • boxes. This is a- disinfect ant and deodorizer'. also. On e•old days be careful; on warm ones give them • air.—Wic. Horne,- V. S., in Country Gentleffia,ii, 19 m, Before this . mouth ends it will be observed that the cows will shrink in. their. milk. There are two modes of preventing this, and they can be us pdjointlY, Firstly, commence feeding ground food; - pumpkins, potatoes and whatever ~vegetables -you may haVe a surplus of. As you eNpect a regular supply.of milk from the cow; feed her, likewise, regularly an( lib. eraly. The :pow is 'a mere in :ru ment for the 'conversion of. food into milk, and the qupstion:, - to be settled' is, whether you -want a liberal Or a meager supply of milk". Tl . lb cow will re.epond .in either - direction, as you feed hei' light. or 'heavy. Sec oUdly, milk three times daily, instead of twice,-and you. Sind quite an increase id' the daily yield. The French have followed this ) plan for a good many years, and have proved conclusively that more milk is obtain ed when the cow is milked three times a day than when •it..is twice. CURING and Breath. Headache, Erysipelas, Plies, Rheu inatiMn, Eruptions and Shin Diseases, Bilious. Many' think fruit. • trees require good rich manure, and' when one thinks of manuring fruit trees lie has an ides that valuable. material at so many dollorS,a ton unist . be procured. —Nothing of the kind. A. ride nround good . old GermantOwn will 14iow many an, old pear, apple, or. cherry tree; so -situated thatisimply carth.every year washesdown around the stem o'er the -roots,. and 'it is 'simply wonderful how-theY.grow and' Some of these• old pear.trees ars SeckelS, and the fruit isof'a size. generally . to excite astonishment. This dirt, similar to it, hauled and scattered under the large trees, had a wonderful I,p,ffect on the groWth and. produtiuenessi. AURA one load to three or four trees does ; not take long to haul and spread as 'a general, thing, and the good effects, will .be visible for several years. NVe have alsoi seen excellent _ results from kitchen ashes spread under. the trees. in the same way., • WOMEN admire strength - without seek ing to imitate• it ; men, gentleness, with- .out bestowing it in return. Wells. To Avoid Deaceased Fowls Lesser*d Milk Supply. Enriching Fruit Trees. Keep Cisterris Cteai We...fear many of our reaAers •. have cisterns, and depend upoti . for their supply of water for.fc use, hardly realise .the importar. keeping them-awed - and clean. l . water, as. it comes ilown froth clouds is probably p4e as any w:: can be, but after it has washed a roof, and down.the conductors int , the cistern, carrying with it ddSt, leaves, and other 'nebbish that . may - have gathered on .• the roof or in.the gutters, it not strange that the - ci,3 tern should need to be cleaned 04, every year or two. If ~the cistern: is. not much used, the 1 water is q _ likely to become bad'. It may 1 0 ,k all right,• and not taste very la,l • either, and yet not be healthful f . .) course all cistern water should b e filtered, and a soft brick filter is per. baps the.,best ; but even then it will become necessary to clean: the eistrn as o ft en 'as every .tivo years.. and :ter every yeat.. _ Household Receipts SOUP BEEF A'ND' STRING BEANs. Take six pounils of beef, the hrisket bolar or pin bone is the. best. pin bone is the piece which is cut. otr . _._ first before what , is bone in N(:w York as-the fiat bone steaks are cu.t.-!: Put this in a close sieWpan with a peck of string beans, cutting the beans in three, pieces . ; adki, half a tumbler of water; season Kith s;,;t and pepper and dredge well wi t h flour . ; when the beef, is half .eo-olo.:(1 add one-third of a tumbler of inovi sugar; stir it well, scr that the inure-. dients are well . r4ixed ; cook for .three hours or more very AloWly, covering well the stew-pan. The art In c. 0. 0 1. -. .3 ing this dish, as in all bdilin'r or' stewing, is not to allOw it to (loot: too fast.. Should it. boil too rapidly move. it to a cooler portion of the It shoUld simmer all the - " POLISHING 'VL:RNITUR.E.-Alere a'Te .3 a few re;:ipes, for polishing wocia;:n . furniture and ornamental work, col- lected from various sotirces: (1) Two 'Ounces of Wood naphtha, half ounce - best shellac, one drachm guMben4oin; crush the gums and mix with•t. Inaphtha'in hottle; t shalie frerfuen.. ,) • ly kill dissolved. I i..qs• now ready f• use. Dip a bit . of cotton wool in th, polish. lightly, and tic it up. tight in adinen rag, 'to which apply alittle 3 1 linseed oil to preVent it.sticking to the wood. Tie - this "rubher" . gentlK. • Polish always from the centre out ; wardland in a circular motion, rapid' d'r I light Finish , with a drop of wine on a separate and dean rubber. This will remove the oil. When di•y your polish will show finely.'.. 'Tis said a little -whis.hey put in cha - • water will give a nice ;li,s to full'l, ture washed - in it : or rub it wi• coal oil, which is very cleansing, an the oppressive odor soon evitporates Boiled linseed oil excellent 61 walnut. (4) into - a bottle One pint of linseed oil, half a quart .14 - vinegar and one 1 16tince — of butter antimony. ' Mix; all together and shake the bottle well before'using it. Boiled linseed oil is Ilest-furni- UHT palish: (5) 1 Sweet oil will To move finger m:trks' from variiNe'il furniture- and, kerosene from ;;; furniture: (9 Hot dishes soinetimt s lesrye whitish marks on varnisbed_t:,l ldes when set as should not be, ^ . lessly upon the them. Fcsr . remc. them, pour some lamp oil on'the rl; rub it hard . with a dry (:!,- Poik• on a little spirits' and rub. • with another cloth, ;And the••wh - mark will disappear. rearing the ta : ble as-bright as before. (7) A shov elful 9f het coal's held oYervarnisr firrikiture will. take Out spots stains: (24) The grain of *black-ri nutis quite open,. and 'will react • absorb a great deal of raw Oil W. out becoming polished. If I gum copal, is mixed with the, oil s I short time the wood will becom. highlypuliAted as a co:tell body. i I For old black-wall - int furniture w-h has -been 'varnished take shel! two part, i ;', boiled oil 'one part. shake well, apply with cloth and Lull briskly for a. few Minutes. . - COD A ILA CREME, Al GRATIN-.- Remove. the skin. anti bones, fewr some.cold boiled fresh codfish, lay i- • on a baking' dish and pour .over IL ; the following sauce :FStir tottaber over the Tire, one ounc& eaelrof,bet ter and flour ; when perfectly blend ed add half a pint of:milk, stirrinL: is in : gradually, seds . ort- with half a ljio teaspoonful of salt .and a very litt"e pepper; *hen the sauce-boils pour it over th . e, codfish, dust tbe.sarface with i fine bread crumbs •61-- cracker dust, put 9. ; few bits of butter on it anti-brown in a quick oven. ~ CitAnt.orrE.—The oidinary aPp_ charlotte is not nearly •so nice asi this, which is simply more c labbraL.„ - : Linea pie dish with biittered:Slices' of bread ; it . iip i with•layers i of pies cut 'up very placing be; tween each layer 'o,' , little.apricot j:: some grated lemonjind, and plcnly of brown sugar. Giver the -dish up with slices of -bread buttered. -n:1 , 1 bake it till the bread is well-brovv:- , i• PUMPKIN Sout;--PorAGE. AU six .persons use, the e pounds of pumpkin ; take off He rind,,cnt in pieces and - put !it- Ii saucepan with a little salt .and co‘t:r with water : let lit boil - until it' is ,• •:*t, —sat; 'twenty- kninutes and through a colantler; it must _have :-ti water in it; put about three pint . ei milk, in "a casserole; add-the strant:l pumpkin and let'it come to a" add a very little white sugar,.-;o.:•_ salt and pepper; no butter . is used :Punnist - i. - - 11 - excellent ripple,' ding.can be made from the rpp of- a — rice pudding. -Arrange • sweetened and Lflavored in alternate .layers with : pudding; add a - little butter anti . g.ar, sift sugar over,,the top; anal it the oven to heat through :Lr:i brown on the top. Any sort of 114y' oring may be used for this putidir.:. GnAnAm BREAD.—One milk, one egg, one small ;tit:RA.4OOT. ful of soda, _one-lialf cup 'nitda. , - , t7 one quart of Graham tlOur; wo , together; bake one !Our. To SOFTEN PUTTY.- - --Slack tlL7,t pounds of -stone quicklime in then add bn.e pound: of pearlaA.: .- - -1 make the 't*hole about - the consl:ttn ey oh' paint. Apply it to both of Uri glass, and' let it. ienuitn ft!' twelve 'hours, when the ;:Witty be so softened that the g lass 1..v-'n .casily taken out; of the fratne, - How TO MAKE- TEA 00 FUUTW: I —A method has .. been discovered is - making more than a usual (itiAlitl). from any given - quantity of the Ica'. The whOlel-secret consists in ing the leaf before -steeping. 1;) ;'this process it is said fOurteen pi; - ofgood quality may be brewed fro: ' one ounce of tea. . + -----•-•41106-4.--- - - . MOSE who would be kept fronr. . Should keep out of .11:m;in's way. 1 - CALUMNY Would SOMI S;atYe Mid . itself if nobody i,i ,to it in and g avt lodging. . ; 1, - 1 - w '` `: ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers