V9dfortt _tpodtt. CUAS. H. ALLEN, LOCAL ZDITOH Towanda, Pa., January 15, 1880 ENTERED IN THE rosTovvicz AT TOWANDA AS MAIL MATTER OF TUE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The expiration of subscription is print ed on' the colored libel. By• noticing the date every subscriber can tell when his porn...will be stopped unless the subscrip tion is renewed. PAVID GARDNER, Esq., of Oreutt Creek, is authorized to receive moneys on subscription ,to the REPORTER and re ‘o7,eipt therefor. ,; • • GROCERIES are advancing'in price FAILMEII*' clubs are good institutions LENT commences this year on the 11th of February. Tot "boys " are beginning to work up municipal politics. YOUNG 1880 has thus far proved a very soft, azure-eyed lad. SALE bills printed in an attractive style and at low rates, at this office. Tin citizens of Montrose were 'enjoy ing excellent sleighing last week. GEORGE, H. WOOD has sold his Photo graph Gallery to R. H. ROCKWELL. , . 'THE murderer, Snani.ns, will be hang ed a:. Ow.E.To , ,'next week Wednesday. A TWO wedks' argument Court began on 3londay last. Judge MORROW presid- librx of Canton, is erecting a neat dwelling house in that, MEI titE Waverly Adeorate says that the Paper Mills at that place are again in op- <eration R. R. Rocioxr.u. has sold his residence on Second street, near Elizabeth, to U. F. DAYTON A SERIES of revi,val meetings are being_ hold at Corson Ilill, Albany township, by Elder lIART. G. F. Vim n, of Troy. is laying the foundations for a grist huill and feed store in that place. LLI ANi LA II AII Was found dead in bed in New Milford, Susquehanna county, one day last week. MIMS W A surir.-coN's Birth-day—February 22d—is the next legal holiday, and it oc- curs on Sunday iq R. PETER 31E1ry.I.En, of Lock Haven, presented the poor of that city on Christ mas with a beef. .11r: firm, young man, in the res.olves you no recently made.—kr. Yea, and old men likewise. IlEtcur Ificgmi, of East Troy, has in vented a ditching machine which is eco nomical and useful. A VALI:MILE Al3erney cosy. belonging to .11:Age INIonnow l? of this place, died on Friday night last::' Tut: Sher:if will sell the lands described in rototiier column, two weeks from to day;.—February 29th. TUE Annual Reception of Linta, No. 3, takes place at Mereur Hall, on Thursday evening, January 29th. Tilt: ice-men seem to b,• concerned not a little a to the time whey:* they shall "(Sather at the river." THE. Granville Center Church, which jA now being handsomely frescoed, will be decicated at an early date. THE census takers are to receive four dollars per (lay for their services for each day actually engaged in the work. TIIF. February Term of our County Courts cAnmences two weeks from next 3londay, and will e.,ntinue three weeks. THERE are thirty-three hundred chil dren who attend regularly the public schools.of Elmira. So the .4 drertimer says. A ItEr EN T analysis of the mineral wa ter' at Illossburg, Tioga county, shoe's tba' it contains valuable medicinal quali ties. IN many windows in our town can be seen'a splendid array of dowers. That's riLlit. Make home beautiful ; make home 1 Ivls.int Ai 1. kinds -of . lob printing neatly and beautifully done at this otlice, reasona ble i.rices. No amateur Work done at MEE THE Good Templays of Athens ate to give a Festival and Oyster Supper at the G. A. 11. Hall, in that place, this Thurs- da3 evening TnE public readite2-room at Athens is now assured. as liberal contributions for it have been made by the public spirited ns: of that plpee. • TICE Bloisburg Ry7igter says that Mr. .1:11.lcK, Of tlilt place, has re fuseo .$7:,000 for a three-years old colt nano "Gen—Coster.— At.t. the Protestant Sunday Schoolk in the world one week •agn last StMay tte gan a new course of study in the Bible to c , nninue for seven years .11-nutm: from the hangeable weather we :ice having, "told Probabilities" must have a new clerk, on• possibly he has nut yet g . ot over the effects of the: holiday fes tivities. THE Troy Y. M. C. A. give up the rooms over 11. F. Losn•s Store which they have tx-eupiea for several years. The socioy, holiever, does not disband.— Gazetre. , N I'. should SUpposo that the reverned getWeition of this section contemplate en ga,,;i.,g in the railroad business, because they hare been doinlt so much coup lint; of late. (Tern of the Messiah (Universalist); made comparatively pleasant. The mi ller. TAVILOt, Pastor. At 'MI tertainmem. is highly spoken of, as a his- A. M.. subject—" Counting the Cost," tor;c production that would have done At 7 P. M., second course on "What is Iknnor to professionals; while the good Universalitre?" . accompli , lied will be a permanent.source of gratiti-atiomtriboth actor and patron. A Socr.v i nt.r. will be held at the Church "This wolid is not so batl a world as of th.., Messiah (Universalist); on'TuesdaYs ome would have' us think." - ,-,Dushore evening„laimary '21411. Oysters and oth- fz er i e ,, er rrfreshments will be served. Corn- ' mewing at six o'clock. • • Taos ConnCil, 0. U. A. 74., says, the the South Mountain about four mileg,- G , z:dte of that place, are to have a new from this .place in what is called the lodge room. They are to take the half "Irish settlement," . met with a singular accident on Friday of last week. He was of LoNG's Hall. over MiTcliEt.i:s Store, %calking in the woods on his way to hi.and have it handsomely fitted up. ______....______ . • i work, when he fell , and ran a hemlock TnE.tirin of Fr.t.cit ..k... Co., Merchants stub into the palm of his band. The hand of tins place, has been dissolved. Mr. .1. swelled up. covering the sliver from view. P. VAs FLEET having sold his interest in , The .iiiiig man experienced intense pain, the establishment to his partner, Mr. .1. : and 1)1.. I,Ewis, of this place, was called, FELcu, who will continue the business. i who, in order to operate upon the injured Tin Record, published at Owego, N. Y., has recently donned a complete new "dress," and looks as 'bright as a new silver dollar,. Its a good paper, arid we aro pleased to note this evidence of !its prosperity. Says the. Tioga Agitator: "It is re ported tatat Mr. ELIAS CLEVELAND, Camie Camp, recently butchered a hog that weighed 915 pounds dressed. It is a pretty big story; but we tell it as itwas told to us." ONE of the best chest protectors on a cold, blustering day, when one' is riding, is a newspaper folded so as to have three or four thicknesses and placed over the chest and buttoned under the overcoat, cloak or sacque. A MEETING of the Republican County Committee of Sullivan County, has teen called at. Laporte, for Saturday next, for the purpose of selectim, a delegate to rep resent that county im We coming State Convention. , IT is proposed to forma Conqessional District Tel4er:ince League for the coun ties of Wayne, Wyoming, Bradcprd and Susquehanna Comities. A convention 'for this purpose 1%411 assemble in Scranton next month. 3ln. J. L. •11.tnstr, says a correspond ent, has finished a fine architectural de- sign for the Presbyterian Church to be built at Athens next spring, to_ replace the one deStroyed by fire last spring. The spire will be eighty-four feet high. THE "raising" of STRAIT'S new mill, says the Canton Scutiael of the 9th inst., "took place yesterday morning, and quite a crowd of men participated. The mils mill will be of nearly the same dimensions and height as the one that was burned:" A so:: of .I. C. NEE, of Sheshequin, says the Athens Gazette of Thursday last, tact with a severe accident while attend ing,Prayer meeting on Sunday night last. While iutCrviewing a revolver it explod ed, tearing one hand sevAely. He can now sing " A charge to keep I have." POST 11 ' ASTER POWELL has had the in terior (fillyost Office remodelled, .and improved,, , The new arrangement of the boxes. gives more room for the use of the derks.Nlassorting„ making uli and- this. tributin4 the mails, and is 11111.10 more convenieht for the patrons of the office. • THE /?erietn says that "Dr. MIAMI - RN, of Franklindale, last week successfully removed from a nine years old boy of JOHN LANIZ, a tai)e, wprm measuring thirty-two feet. The patient, as might be expected, feels better." THE. Board of School Dircetors of Lc- Ilaysville have come to a dead-lock on the question of where to locate their school house. Ilalf of their number want it lo cated on one side of Main street., and the other half insist that it shall be built "just across the street." In the mean time the building is hut `•rapidly ap proaching 41,mlidetion..'. THE following named gentlemen were elected directors of the Towa,pda. Bridge Comimny for the current year, on Wed nesday of last week : J. S. TomE, GEo. 11. T0mr...10.11N E. Fox, .Tons P. SAN- Di:ii,olN, 11. S. W.vrsoN. r :MILLER Fox was re-elected President, and 'N. N. BETTs Secretary and Treasurer. IF careful 'editing and a neat typograph ical'appearance, entitles t newspaper to support, the Tioga Agitrtior, , published at Wellstmo, Tioga county, ought to have ou its mail lists the name of every resi dent in that comity, at least. For, in the reFpeets named above. the Agitator has no superior anywhere—the balance of the civilized world included. • AT the annual meeting of the Ladie?;' Missionary Society of Christ Church, held last week, tlie following officers were elected : - Pre.,ideht —Mrs. I; vortru: STitoun. Tie Prreident—Mrs. I L 1 - NE. ..‘!;erreeary and Trotsur. ?T. 31 L., 1'“.131 , ;( A. R. Uoi.mxs has exchanged his resi deuce in this borough with E. N. FROST, for a hom.e and bit in Rome. bormwh. Mr. Ciii,mNs will now more to Rome, and Mr. FioisT will occupy his new honk. \V under.t and that Mr. Fmis-r. 14a - bought the vacant lot between the po4 office and STAN LEY's4 Noel:, and will coin-i merle° at once putt Mg mr a brisk store.—i A awn:: Grtz,tle. - - - TuE following named gentlemen tome elected li rect ns the Citizens' National flank, of this- place, Oil Tiurßday last : E. T. Fo-K, BENJA.NtrN M. Pl-..11-t, BENJA MIN KUI'IiENIL.6.I., JAAtEs 3lAct , t.kur.ANE, S7l : k N LEY :W. LITTLE, WI t.i.Lim Drr- Tt:irn, P. 11. Aut:l.Ex.., At a sUbsequent meeting oi" the directors E. T, Fox was re-elueted President, and 11. 31: Vi.te President, and G. A. GI:F,ItN , EY cup tintle,l as Cashier. TITT: Flk nd (Tioga county) .F. 017.7 4 ,11 sacs that " 3irs..lkM.Es Put:t...t.ANtt, who was so seriously injured last summer by her husband hacking her with 'an axe, died last Timrsday ni.zlit at the is residence in Osceola. Sie has been subject to epi leptic tits since receiving the injury, and being attacked with a very seveire - one On the (lay named. slur becalm! ins,ine and Lever revived, her death occurring ..`ins ar evetin , 7 on New Year's day. She let STILIB MO weeks old. , W.VFER-WORES TEST.—Chief Engineer Puurix..with a small force of firemen, 'tested four hydrants of the Owego Water Works for his own and Mr. FosTFui DEN. ' satisfution on Thursday afternoon last. (be hundred feet of frakher hose was used, and a 1 5 7 1144 nozzle, which necessarily threw a great voliinw of wa ter, requiring threC men to hold the pipe steady. The distance thrown on a level was about ' one hundred and fifty feet, which gave great satisfaction to the Chief and a larlie number of spectatorp.— Owe rp,t Reeorl. • (N the eve' ling of December 26th, a company of ht lies and gentlemen, resid ing in Towanda: gave an entectainment at Mercer Half, for the hendit ol a poor consumptive, whose last day.;; arc thus .l SON of T. nu-KARI), who lives on member,•was obliged to administer a nar cotic, and.the stub was then extracted. The "sliver" measured perhaps half an inch in diameter by an inch and a half in length.—Canton Sentinel. Wk learn from the Troy Gazette that one 'day of week before last J. HI DEXTF..R, merchant of East Troy, discov ered that his store had been entered and robbed. He thought he had lost about $3O in money. Not , long after ho had learned that a boy in the place had been lending, or offeing to lend, money to other boys, and Sir. DEXTEn made an in vestigation.. This resulted in cail:sing . confession on the' part of the you fel- FRED. and the restitution of :f4(i, the amount confessed to have been obtained. As this is a second ofnnee it seems as if the young man had better be looked after. • PERSONAL --CitmtLEs lio.kotmin, Sr., of, Leßoy, is quite ill. -01AULEY*ITII has taken a clerk ship in Kinnvi's Drug Store. —C. E. A.:9ltus has accepted a clerk ship in ICF:Nyk dry goods' store. —Mrs. S.C. GaiLono, Gilletts' is dangerously ill with malarial fever. • apd Mrs. LNATIIAN "FRANKLIN, of Windliam, visited friends •in Owego last week. T. KIMIT, druggist, has been con fined to his house by illness for several d tys past. —Rx.v. NV It. 4.t.k.m McG LAT n Env, former ly rector of Christ Church, visited friends in this place last. week. .4 —ROBERT INNEs- has been appointed freight agent for the Nol thorn Central Railroad at Bodine's. • • —GEORGE B. Au Msrtacco, Esq., of Lock Ilaveu, is on visit'to his brother, Dr. A. Alt3lsTstosc, at Troy. —Miss Moi.r.v Thin, of Towanda, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. It. P. Ross. noel: Ma rd. —Mr. Bts. SJIITh , of Gilletts, who Las long been confined to his house by neu ralgia, is 'getting well. —lli.s ADELI, A lioAntAxn, daughter of enAnt,Es IHoAGL.IND, of Leßoy, is dan gerously ill of scrofula of the heart. —Fit.trii S. Kumsncur has received an appointment Its clerk in the State Line and Sullivan Railroad offico in this place. B. HER RICK, W4O has been ein: ployed in J. L. KENT'S stare for the past year, has accepted a posi6on . in Andover, \.Y. —During the last months H. A. l'om•i.r:; has buried do children and given three daughters iii marriage. —lte r ie ----JANts Mums, who has been seri ously ill for several weeks past, has so far recovered as to be able to go out. of doors: 7 -Mr. DA VA-NI/VE:li, of Litchfield, Pa 4, has been visiting his, brother, and other friends hereah nits, this week.— tregn Record. A. LAMY.NT has' seen confined to ,the house by sickness 1. itring the past week. We are pleased to learn that he is improving.—Atherar t;azette. —The parishioners and friends of Rev. G. F. Ito , E.Nmt . t.l.En and wife, gave them reeeptionlat li:ksTAnnooK's block, Ath ens, 'on Monday night of last week. -.NATIIA . N S. DI:NMAItti and family, of Canton, hare removed to Newfield; Tomp kins county, N. V., where Mr. 1). engage in the business of lumbering. —We are informed that Mr. GEouGE C. 13inn, one of our jury commissioners elect, died at his residence. in Forks town ship on Sunday last.—S , atir•in Democrat. ltev. JAMEs F. CALI:It:s o who leas just been emissed at his own re quest from over the Presbyterian. Church, in Wellshoro, has held that otiice for near ly thirty-six - years. —Mr. E. 11. IlAixEs, late of the Wil li inisport Danner, has purchasrd a half interest in the Altoona gr•ating Call, and has taken imssession of the same as edi tor and business' manager. —Mrs. LEnt iv lb u.comn is not expected to live from one day to another. She has Lad the asthma for a king time, and has been failing quite fast for a short time, a, it has taken the dropsical form of con sumption.— Canton &nand. —TOE Smithboro correspondent of the hvego Times of List week says : "Mr. A. L.:,YANosTItAN is i• 000 to leave here and move tiw — ftome, Pa. Every on 3 is sorry to have him go, for he is a good neighbor, and a go4d, honest, obliging, business 111 t h.' —A correspondent :ays, " there was a Ilappy-New .year party at L. I). SII EP (4. Crilletts, consisting of about thirty-five brothers, si%ters, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends, who were abundant ly served with two monster roast turkeys and a sufficiency of other eatables-, which all seemed to'try rend do justice to." —.Mr. and Mrs. Doctor BENNETT, ac c•gnpanied by their daughter, Mrs. W. tm ull.ns, of Dushore, 'ate visiting at They start on No. 8. to morrow. for Sandwich, Illinois, where they expect to reside. , A host of friends wish them a pleasant .jOurney to their Westerwlnitne.—Rerjr/r. nteßday. —Miss M All.l* (1. F NK, daughter of our townsman, Mr. AVERT Flank:, was united 'in matrimony at her home in this place, on Thursday evening, to ARTHUR liEa.n, of .ttliens, Bev. lIENEv W. SIIERWthiu, of the Baptist Chinch, per forming the ceremony., Miss FRISK has many' friends in this place who wish Inn• all imagina'de happiness.-z-HoLitron —An Albany cortespoudent, under shite of January ttth, says : Za.noc soN was buried to-day. The lady was one of the oldest settlers of Hibbard town, a kind mother and an exemplary woman. She loaves a large chide of friends to gtieve over her loss. Notwithstanding the-inclemency of the weatheC,'the funeral discourse. of Elder MACK was delivered before a crowded house andkiistened to , - with deep solemnity." —We clip the following mti i ice of one of Standing Stime's most, upight and in dustriOus citizens, from 'a late issue QC the Scranton Daily : "Bradford - , County produce is coming in pretty free ly these days. Oise farmer, Mr. P.m:lcl: - K A NE, yesterday brought down twenty four slaughtered hogs of Ids oWn raising, some of them weighing over four bun : . tircd pontid , % Mr. KANE Wbrked in the Baines here for twelve years, during which time he saved up enough from his earn--, ings to buy a hundred . acre farm of -fine qhality. lie hat: since added another fif ty acres t 3 it, and is no as prosperous as any yeoman of Bradford..,. This shows what our miners can do, wholiave pluck, industrnand good habits." —RottEnT C. Simpsos, of Welhiboro, formerly for several years a resident of this place, was admitted to the intr of I, , Tioga county as an attorney at law, on the motion of lion. J. B. NILF:s, week before last. Th'e report of the Examining Com mittee was presented and read. It was fiery creditable to the applicant, the Com mittee stating that thely found him well lqualitied for admiSion. The Court sus pendedthe rule requiring the applicant .to spend a ycar in the office of a practicing I attorney, and Mr..SIMPSON was admitted to practice in the several courts of the county. The applicant was, on the same day, duly sworn according to law. —Rev. Gao. T. SELLER, who bad for eight years been pastor of the Tunkhan- Dock Presbyterian Church, has resigned bis.chargo and accepted a .. call to a wider field at South Bend, Indiana. Ile has held a warm . ' place in the hearts of his congregation, and his departure has caused them sincere sorrow. lie preached his last the} to full houses on Sunday, and the „closing scene was very affecting. Tunkhannock Republican. —The Elmira flee Preu has the fOl lowing. about a gentleman well known in in this place : "Mr. GEORGE C. II ILL, of Burlington, Pa., is visiting - his" son, Mr. .1. S. Btu., Carroll street, of this city. lie is on his way to Lake La Moka, near Weston, Schuyler - County,. where he ex pects to pass a week or more in fishing. Mr: HILL, in spite of his seventy-two years, is as vigorotis in his movements and as youthful in his longings for out door sports, .and his appreciation of them as a r youngster of twenty-five. As a hunter and fisherman —in all the physical activities and requirements required by those terms—he is as sound as a strippling of -one-fourth his years. He is one of those fishermen who, wedded to that patient sport, find excitement in fishing a whole day without a bite. Mr. MIA, wears the same hat now. that ho wore on his wedding day forty-seven years ago, and ho carries the same gun which he brought from Connecticut forty years ago." SUDDEN DEATHS JOUN C. BUCK, Conductor on the State Line & -Sullivan Railroad, suffered a stroke of paralysis an Saturday last, which resulted in his death on Monday af ternoon.. At throe o'clock r. M., on Sat urday, Mr. 114 stated with his train for Bernice, in apparently the best of bodily health. When the train stopped at the Barclay depot, in the southern part of our village, he stepped .otT, as was his custom, spoke cheerfully to several who were standing on' the platform. As the train was shout to start, tie gave the usu al warning for passengers to g:et on board, and starting forward suddenly fell to the ground. Severj_a„l gentlemen immediately went to hiS assistance, when on lifting hint up, it was discovered that he was ert- tirely unconscious. He was at once con veyed to his residence on Main street, and physicians immediately called. lint nothing that medical skill could suggest, or loving hands do brought him relief, and he ',asset; away at abiMt one o'clock P. M., Monday, never having for a mo ment regained consciousness from the time of being so suddenly stricken down. Mr. Bucx was the kiedest of parents, and the most genial or friends. He had been a resident oftlii4lace for the past six, years, and had won the esteem and love of a large circle of acquaintances, by his uniform courtesy and many acts of gen ert_sity. The kindest of husbands, an in dulgent and loving father, his afflicted family have the tenderest sympathy of this entire community in their sudden and terrible bereavement. Ile was the sun of the late Hon. G. W. BUCK, of Chemung, N. Y., and way atithe time of his death about forty-tlvc years of age. Both his father mid grandfather died of the same disease—iiralysis. Mr. BUCK was a mem ber of the Masonic order, -and a charter member of Loyal Sock Lodge, Knights of Honor, and through his Connection- . with these societies. he, leaves to his afflicted family a life insurance of $lOO. His fu nsral was held at his late 'residence on :tfain street, yesterday, Wednesday, from whence his remains were followed to their last resting , place in Riverside Cemetery, Iziy the weeping relatives, the whole mem bership of Loyal tiock Lodge, K. of 11., of Dushore, a large delegation of the members of Crystal Lodge, K. of IT., of this place, and many others ,who had lin,-vn and respected this generous friend so suddenly called hence. G nolo; E resident of Monroe- ton and an eiiiploye of the Barclay Rail road, came to this-place on Monday morn ing lak to attend to sonic business. After attending to his business, he got on to the'engine " Towq.nda to return to his home. taking a treat on the fireman's beireli in the cab Or the engine. - Shortly after starting Engineer CAmmtm.t.. noticed that WlLsos had' leaned back against the side of the cab, and that his mouth was 'opened as thopgh breathing through it. Ills remaining ri this position for several mirmtes caused iMe. C. to step to his side, When he made the discoimry.that Wit.so,N - was dead—L-havin died without the slig:. t est perceptible struggle. His remains were conveyed to Monroeton, where a post mortem examination was held,—and we are informed by Dr. l'uxy'r, disclosed the fact. that he died from the barstingsof a large blood 'Vessel of the heart, and that his death mast have been instantaneous. Ile was about fifty years of age, and is said to have been a hard-working, inclus- riom4 citizen .Joni i'llt•Dosm.n, a farmer residing' near Cherry Mips, Sullivan County, was . found dead itithe road near his residence on Saturday tr p rning last. It appears that the decett4il started from home - on horseback on -Friday evening, for the. pur pose of asking neighbors Co a wood-4ell the next day ; his horse soon returbed alone, but thi' excited tin alarm, as was of tbi id very irregular habits, am.. deuce has hAm newly roofed and em-. it was not until the following morning , bellished with paint, and permitted to that his remains were discovered by some show itself again by a judicious, cutting ladies passing along- the road. Esquire away of the woods that bid it from view. DEE G AN, °rip oshore,• summoned- a rt, I WILLIAM BROWN has a nice new house who, after viewing the remains atd lis- ' containing some of the frame work of_ telling to tes jimmy, tendered a verdict ' what was once the celebrated " % coffee that deceased came to his death by an ap lione," kept by the well-remembered J. popletic fit caused by intemperance, De- „ I„,osci, Esq. ceaseff.was abimt forty-years of age. r sir. NELsos, blacksmith, has just corn pleted a new and larger shop for the ac cominodation of his increasing business. lIiLLTSTER CotitrvoN, to whom none apply for accommodation and go away empty, is engaged in the manufacturing of and delii-ering well-pumps, and wood en water pies for conductbig 'springs, and for all ioer purposes required. CItESTER:I::. CAMPREI.I., taking advan tageiff the mild' winter, has put in a piece of wheat each month so far: WlLL'iam Luti.r., of the lime kiln, is pie paring-A° cultivate seven acres of tobacco next season. Two of our ,fairest young ladies were married during the holidays : Miss ADDLE JAWBV to Mr: JEROME PERRY, Of Wes - t. Burlington; and Miss LINNIE CLAltii Mr. FRED Lucxxv, of Sayre. Burlingtett„ January 12, 1880. ~ DON'T YOU TRY IT." • Furst.. FENToN, a yennig man of Gran cull°, says the Troy Gazette, tried an ex periment oh New Year's day, that came near being too successfdl. ; With some other young men he was disc'ussing the question whether partially hung people could recover far enough to release them schies: At length the young man left the others, and going into a blacksuiith shOp, tried the• experitnent, 'using a strap to hang him with, and standing on a saw horse to raise himself up to the proper height. Stfddenly the savr-horse tipped over, and the boy was hung sure, enough as the result of his fOoLdtardy experiment. He tried to raise his hand but could only het it to the level of his shoulder. Sud denly,and fortunately, at this juncture, the rope broke and he fell to the floor in au in seu4ible.con,dition, whore Ire was found, by those who had missed him. His first words oci coming to were addressed to his • brother, who had been of the isame opin ion, and - were : "SKINNER, for GOD's sake, d-d-otit, you try ,it." MEETING -AT STANDING STONE A. three days' meeting of the friends of turversalistn will be held is the Unirer s:dist Church at Standing Stone; on the :nth, 28th and 29th insts. Rev. J. W. Ct.ARK, • Rev. Dr. TAYLOR, of Towanda, Miss limisuctil; and others will address the meeting.. SUICIDE A telegram froin Columbia 74 Roads states that GEORGE FUIIMAN, an esteemed resident of that village, committed suicide by hanging hlinself on Sunday morning. The body was found in the afternoon, in the granary. No cause is known for the commission of the act, other than that Mr. F. had been- a sufferer from cancer, and it is thought that his brOoding over his ailment had so affected his'mind , as to cause temporary insanity. lie was an upright, honorable man in all his deal ings, and'a large circle of friends and ac quaintances mourn his tragic death. He was about sixty-tive years of age. 0. U. A. M At the installation of Troy Nuncil, No. 341, of Troy, Jaunary•Oth, the following officers were installed by District Deputy I. N. lltcKos Councilor, AV. E. Call, SON ; V. C., J. S. HowE ; It. S., B. L. NicueLs ; F. S., A. 0. LUDDINGTON ; As sistant Secretary, W. 11. FRETZ ; • E., J.; 11. LEWIS; 1., N. 11. &MOWN ; I. P., M. M. LEVERING ; 'O. P., DAVID Snnit.max ; Trustee, I. N. McKim. FIRE DEPARTMENT At the regular annual election of Man tua Hook and Ladder Company, held on Wednesday evening of last week, the fol lowing named gentlemen were chosen of ficers for 1884: • - • President—W., .T. B4EEZE. Vice PicsidintF. C. 3IcKEE. Secretary—GEono E lITAx Treasurer—G. C. Ilin.t.os Foreman—F. J. iIuNGERFoRD First Assi:itautFAYETT F G if.N ELL SCCorid AJa /Oa nt —T. M. Burri/v...4. Member of Fire Board—A. BEVEULY SMITH. Fire Poliee—T. M. ARscrr, L. W. Co <s. Trusteea—A.C. STEWART. S.C. ADAMS K. of P The following named gentlemen were installed as officers for Towanda Lodge, No. 290, K. of P., on Tuesday evening of last week, by District Deputy Grand Chancellor Commandpr W. 13. KELLY : I'. (11.—C. C. MOWER. C. C.-C. E. Aarmus. C.—J. A. MEA,ts. Prelate—A. D. DTE. ' 31. A.-1. C. ALDRICH. K. of 8., and S.—.T. 11. Oncurr. t. R—GEOUCE CLARE. if. E.—W. L. CARPENTER. O.—WILLIAII LAMENT. 0. KEYSER. Anent/it/as—M. ii. Roo; R. 'CATON J. 11. EPLEY, A. W. Gu.tTts. litioreuntatiec to Grand Lodye—J. N CALIF v. During the past six months the Towan da Lodge, K. of P., 'has paid about one hundred dollars in sick benefits to broth ers. A Paper Not to ‘ be Ashamed of. The IlEroirreit came to baud last week as full of well selected aad arranged read ing matter as an egg is of meat. This much for the REPORTER proper, to say nothing of its Christmas Supplement. Tim ItgroRTER is intelligently edited and neatly printed. Its Ihcal intelligence is particularly full. • It is one of the papers of which Bradford County has no reason to be ashamed.—Caliton Sentinel. QUITE A CALF EDITOR . 14:P011TM—Please mention in your very valuable paper that It. b. O.I:vELAND killed a calf last Monday,. eight months and two days old, the meat weighing 431 pounds and the hide 69 pounds ; then a,,k the readers of your paper to beat it if they. can. Suitscutufat Camptown, January 12, !MO. LoCal Correspondence r BURLINGTON. EDITOR :-Our people are proud oft the prospective County Poor House beingl, located in our midst, and think there are no just grounds of complaint on the part of competitors, as we believe the Commis sioners have acted wisely in choosing the most central and ,best location, all things considered in the county. The Hon. Gen. McKEAN farm is eminently a suitable property to be owned and controlled by the county for poor house purposes ; it is one kif the best farms in the valley bC tween Troy and Towanda, containing the largest amount of flats and- the lowest Up lands. From East to West it is watered by . tight. Creek, while from North •to, South floyrs through it, mill creeks frobt which, by means of pipes, may be con veyed pure water to the buildings. It is said to afford sufficient material : clay for bricks, stone, wood, and 'timber for the buildings, and for all practical purposes. Burlington for many years has seemed to be emphatically tile paupers' home ; th'ey have been supported in -large num i hers uncomplainingly by the citizens, with little hope or prospect of hill now, Providence seems: about to re ward their patience, not Only an equaliza tion of taxation this respect, but 'by the benefits, if.any, of having outstripped all competitors in bidding for the Poor House. W. el). GuEEN is nrivt.occupying his new dWeliing, which is, as was prophe sied,' when he commenced breaking ground for the saute, an ornameut and credit to the place. Esquire SICKLI lIAN's! handsome resi- . OBITUARY. • Belvidere R order, Boone county. ///.. t ion..l. It become. uur regretful duty to announce the disease o r . is. N. C. TOMVNINS, In this place Dee. 31, 1579, of organic disease of the liver. BittG6s was born In Athens,!Brad ford county, Penn., Jan. 27, ; -was married to Newell C. Totopk Ins, at Towanda, Penn., Nov. 25, IS-11; t'and mule to BelVidere, 111., in 194. Afterii continuous rtisideuce here of over_ twenty years, ! , heietzrored witfi her husband to Salt Lake City, rlta4Territ oy, which mini recently has been her hoirte. Last Filming she returned to this plaie for a summer's sopmrn stilt relatives and friends. About four Months ago she seas prostrated by e re ;urn of the malady that Lad at previous time War- „ ly conlitintflated Its work, and the conflict terml - natedin its final victory: • . „ Thus has ended allfe blameless, lovely, useful, rouudedAnd complete. Of a sunny, cheerful teen peridneta, endowed with social 4.s t ipes - of sk• big!' ; I order, ever interested snd activ In al l the enter prises relating to the church wit which she was connected; an affectionate mother, wife 'find friend, the stroke thatnis fallen on,tbel surviving friends .leaves a wound that not even the heeling effects of • I - time can. wholly close. , Iler religious experiences were of • a- , peculiarly and full nature . I7tiltlng with--44Wrresbyte flan Church at Towanda In 1843, she transferred her membership to the orgaulzation at Belvidere, on assuming a residence here, and, on removing to Salt fake City, became a member there,.which as sociation existed at her demise. During her last Illness, though tortured with pain. her Saviour was her *strength and reliance, and at the last moment, though loth to part with her sorrowing friends, she gave herself with touching resignation; fully and willingly to the Master who hid called her. Truly were all the graces of a lovely Christian character exemplified In her life, and tier end was Peace;. The funeral obsequies were held at the residence of E. T. G Ar, E, on yesterday afternoon, at 3 o!clock, and conducted by ltev. A. C. KEENE. A choir of Singers composed of lira 31. Ir. PEREINS, MrI.IIBI,EN SawsrEtt, Mr. A. O. Wit.t.t.a.ms'atl Mr. D. W. LACY, with Mrs. JO/IN RAMSEY at the organ, rendered several beautiful and appropriate hymns. Messrs. S. A. Ii unxecitv, G. W. DowNs, 11C. WALKER, J. M. GLASNER, G. W. Mcacit and, EZIZA MAT acted as pall-bearers. A.numer ous concourse of friends assembled - to pay a last tribute to the worth and virtues of the departed • BUSINESS .LOCAL,. Vir Grand Holiday Stock at the 89c Stfge. Cam' 'UNDERWEAR of. all kinds, -bot tom prices at 99ct store. 'Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Dolls, A 1.; C Blocks, ke , at 99e Store. Sr Jewelry, Silverware, Toilet Sets, clttua caps and &e., at 99e Store. ; ,pr A complete Dictionary. for 115 cents and Dollar toooks for 75 rents, at the 99 Coot Store. Our goods are NEV and of the BEST QUALITY. J)/i4 fcEli fr. VOUGHT. Or Try our New JAP. TEA. - Best in DE.CRILIC & VOL' UT. Or Provisions of all kinds, of the best quality, at Dicit ClioicO TEAS and .C.XIFFEE a specialty at - 11Kca . att Vocmirs. - 4 tom - CASH PAIL! FOR PRODUCE ,at .51. VoUGIIT'S IE2E2 Mr The store is IteadquArtertt,for CII(JCKERY, G LASSWA RE. LAMPS and LAMP flztures,.d•st gotsts an 4 lowest prices. ''For a gin J, durable and neat-fitting snot:, enin at F. J. 111.1:31'.4. opp.ite Sei•le3"s OM Or PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents' rifle 11.4 coarat, Boots at it t ws, oppogte Ere. ley't Hotel. Nim.'274l. i":4'Cittistt has the best wearing Shoes for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ev . er offered ID Towanda, and at pricee within tho roach of all. Cg " L. B. nonnEus cVallenges compe t for qoanty of goods and low 'prioos on sash Doors, Blind: and \ !oldluss,and an "building a: terial. (aug3stf,l iir'The.•Largest, Best. and Cheapest line of Sties for!Lev. Miaiesltand Cbildrens• tear is found aCtoasna's new i•tc l ee, corner Main and Plat.-hts., Tracy S Noble's Mock Vir•A .youu man desirous of attend ing school a,ud paying his way to part by dning chores, will be Wiled by applying• Immediately to E. E. ‘2ITINLAN, at the:" Str.quebatina Collegiate, Institute. ' wt. ra - f:d- For tine Nillinery, lirst class Hai Goods, Java Canvass. Gold and Silver noted Car Hoard, and Chlldre r n`s Sailor Hats, call on Miry. A. Fletcher, No. 4, !fridge Street; Ilicaching and oevving over a ipeciony. HAY, STRAW A. 1 4.11 STALK CUTTER& - 7 1, fun nueur FODDER CUTTERS, for hand and power, from F 3.50 to ":30. The best kinds In use and very cheap. Also, CORN suELLERs and ROOT CUTTERS. R. M. WELLLF , . . i Luc. II Nothing short of unmistakable benefits ,•onferred upon tens of thousands of suffer ers could originate and 111311t13111 the reputation which AY en • t. SA 11.4 PAWL LLA enjoys. It,is. a compound of the best segetalle alteratives, with iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the moo effectua: of aliremedles for scrofulous. mercurial, or blood di.orders. Uniformly successful and cer tali] ill itt remedial cffectS, It produce:l rapid and complete cures.of Scrofula_ Sores, Bolls, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and all disor ders arising from impurity of the Mood. By its invigorating effects- it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irreguhrities, and is a potent renewer of vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the.health, and Imparts-vigor and energy. For forty years it has been in eatensive use, and is today the Most vailable ;medicine for the suffering sick, every where. Fur Sale by all dealers. MARRIED.! FF,SSEN 11 EN—jON ES.—At the M. F.. Parsonage, TI/Wanda, Jan. :tn. I 4 . 10, by Res% :has. H. right. Mr. Hosea Fes...olden' and Miss Stella Joiws, both of Towanda. Cl—\l: K—CtiW Es.—A t the residence of the • In.tile's rather. Jan ?Si h. I IsNO, by Rev. rhas.V. Wright. Mr. Dennis Clark, Jr., and Mlits Ella M. cowtes, With of Towanda. EMEIIY—SCIIOI7TEN.—At the reshlence of Mr. t;11. Itrown, on the evonh, of the tith lusl., l‘y Rev. Wm. Thylor, M. IL Mr. Jacob Emery, of standing St o ne, and Mrs. Minerva Schouten, of East Hut lington. DIED. 111 tt.r(litit.—no the In; instwit, of eonsittOptlon 'BOoths.st IN of Leßoy tioletOolt. of Leßoy, tti.trt 47 year*. T o WANDA- MARKETS. nEvimTED By STEVEN'S & LONG, General dealers In Groceries and Produce, corner Alain and rine Streets. ' WEDSESDAS EVENING, JAN, 14. 180. , PAYINf:. enti.bisr; Flour per bbl toniU 7 30 7 00a 9 40) Flour le.r sack 1 69431 y oo 1 7.5(e) 2 20 Corn Meal per 400 Ihs 50 ('hop Feed fit 1 40 Wheat, per 1,11,11 I 20(0 r 23 1 2964 1 30 rent (4,00 611 65 Eye te•fiil..3 75 Opi , area 47,et. 4, Wick wheat....... 43(371.1 (7L 55 seed Pi) 7 00 Tiintithy.we;dern (u. fa: 3 90 !loans. 62 lbs • 1 0016 140 '1 20(0) 173 Pork. tuess . !U. frld. 1,5 00 Dressed hogs 5 03,` , 1 Turkey, 5.3.0 cice kens Duek: c'o 111,7 1101115 7e3, Shouluer, rude; Lard 7rt, Butter. tubs.... ...... . 220.23 Rolls 2(1.3.22 Eggs. fresh Cheese ,potunes. pet bushel Apples Dried apples BetthWai =3 Hlle Veal skln Deacon , : sheep Pelts .l.ump skins 'get) Abvetiscutents. SUSCATEHANNA 'COLLEGIATE IN. .TITy,TE. Second Winter Term will begin Mi.iNDAY; JANUARY ripetises for Ward. tultlou and furnished racial from 11% to 1180 per year. For catalogue or further particulars address the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. TowaLda., Jan. 15, Isso. I • VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. —The property known as the Berry Farm, Of, Rine below Milan Station; consisting of HO atreA. flue Milldlngs, fruit trees mu; rich moans. ttive land t will he sold on the best of terms, and pbsst,.ston given imruedlatety. Address It. A. ELMER, Waverly, N. V. VT. B. LANE wishes to inform his friends and customers that he REMOVED. HIS LIVERY to the well known Livery Stables of Holmes & Passage, • r where he will keep a first-class ,LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE: 110* will thoroughly re pair the ham and make It a convenient place for people coming to town to leave their horses and have them eared for. Those coming Into the bony to spend the 'evening at parties , 14e.: can leave their horses at these stables and have them sent to them at their order. A wood. trusty man will be Yom .1 at the barn both day and night. sthatillng- my patronC fyx [hear past trade, I WOLIN. Nol ett a continuance of th e rater, 8„4 be pleased to have them ca!Lon me at Inv new teen. the,. WAlso Open and Tup Boggles for sale Towanda, l'a., :lan. 14. - so. W. B. LAN E GRIST MILL FOR VIE. The subscriber Mfers for sale an undivided halt interest in the Globe Mills, near Towanda, and adjoining Maj. Title's, with milbbouse, barn and other out buildings, and eight acres of land connected therewith. The mill has lately been put In thorough repair, and is' ow dolbg a splendid hnsiness—runnlng day and night. Said half interest now rents for $.150 a year, clear.of all ex penses, and in. good times would readily rent for Ifoo. This Is a rare opportunity for a profitable investtneut. Terms, half cash, the balance en long time. Josant G, PATTON. Tuwanda, January 8,1880-4 w Of the Third Ward Store, has opened a large and convenient Store' In the brick block, First Ward, opposite Humphrey Brothers Si Tracy's Boot and Shoe Factory, and has filled It with A LARGE STOCK OF Wlileh he has purchased In New York. for cash. and sollctis the cuundence and patronage of the public, and respectfully announces that he xy anylxstr. Alp Third Ward Store will also be kept stocked wish arst-class-gcxxls, and will be sold as low as the lowest. Towanda, January 8, 1880 TRIAL LIST FOR FEBRITARI Term of Court, 18t0, to be held at Towanda St.tVND WEEK. W. S. Pierce's adm• x vs..W. Brarnhall et al..scl fa 1). Davidson's adm• r vs. Jas. D. Barbour Issue Daniel Hensley vs. Chan. E. Noble • Issue Shortridge h e'o. vs. S. J. Hickok.... ...... Unapt Phoenix Life Ins. Co. vs. H. A. Burbank et al.sel fa Thee. Larrison vs. R. C. Lockwood tree ra. 8 N.Y. R.ll. Co. v5...1.1). Montanye et al.eJect C. Homan vs. 1.. L. Mowly's adurrs— Seth lloane'sailin`s vs c. NV. Duane , 1). C. DeWitt vs. Schrader Coal Co.. E. T. fox, assignee, vs. T. E. Madill. Sarah Jordan tt: °Ave P. Elliott._ Win. M. Keeler vs. 11. B. Keeler... .1. P. Morton vs. It. 11enziett et at... W. \V. Ilar , is vs. A.. 1. Layton..... 1.. S. Wood's use vs. A..f. Layton., 11. B. Ingham vs. A.J. Layton._ . , D. F. Barton vs. A.. 1. Layton et al tree F. G. Ball's use vs. George Flvle et at issue It. C. Hall vs. Wm. Brawls app I.vsnan ltlaekman. guardlan. vS. J. M. Fox app Senn Kirby vs. It. 4'. carpenter eject u. .1. Cialbifilek vs. IVnt. 11. Morgan's alim`r...amsii Wm. It. Storrs,•asslgnee. vs. T. it. Jordan.....assp Daniel Hensley vs. S. Evans et al . eject .1. Munch, guardian.' vs. I'. L. Wart] et a1..-...ejert cs Sweet, wine x. vs. A.J. Layton 11. It. Killsiurn. adtn'r.'vs, 7 llartford'Flre Ins. Co. Elizabeth Drake et at vs (Kll. Farnswerth...ejeet Brad. Land B. Ass'unf Athens vs F.A.Root—sel fa Illatineey Wbeeler vs..l. F. W.'s*'ruff IL ('. 11011.41 vs. I.:Ulan:ill Wni. M. Mallory vs. Jas. T. Clark A. i.rsler vs. Elbanan titnith .1. c.slin vs. A.. 1. Layton. .Ino. F. Means vs Lyesiiiiing ass', E. T. rot. assignee. vs. V. E. Plollett assp Hasa Vincent VS. Pa. & N. Y. B. B. Co ('. A. Ileuvetior vs. Ir. lieavenor's executtr...assp .1. B. Broadley vs. &low, I[lll et al ejec M. Cunningham vs. David Whipple. Daniel daggers vs. Lewis lilies et al .los. McKitiney'swme VS. 4. M. Ity.er . Nov. 27-t( . . .. J. L. Elslnce vs. Hugh Clark t , Leonora Heath et at vs..lohn Carroll fres . J. W. flollenhack vs. H. 11. Ihghatn....; ...... elect 'VUI. If. Barnes v,. Wm. May tres Hiram 'Horton's use vsiEraAtus Shepard set fa . do do ! do 'do. GO • do do do .taubtArnas for Second work returnable on Mon, ay. February oth, la 0; for third week, returnable n Monday, February Idtlt. 1/5:40.. 4.1C0. W. tiI.ACKMAN, Prothonotary. Towanda, Jab. li , 1666. EDWARD WILLIAMS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER A. F/TTER Place ot bn<ineny in Niereur Rio i , twit door to Jort rnn ilOrlace, opposite Public Square. , - 111= Plunildnr, Gas Fitting. Repairing Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds or Gearing promptly..attended to. Alt wantlngi work In Ids line shouldAlre him a :all. Dee. 4. 1879. ' HEAT 31ARKEW0 E. D. RUNDELL, Would respectfully an noutice that he la continuing the Market business at. the old stand ~1 Mulloek Ritudell, and will at all times keep a full supply lut Pr - Constantly on hand. 'Country dealers supplied ' a city rates., FRESH SALT MEATS, GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, &c. • QT All Goods delivered Free of Charge TORaTld a, Pa. Noy. '27, IS-79 3IARKET. ROSECRANSE 4, BREWER, Announce to the people of Towanda and ytclnliy ttutt, they are now prepared to fttrutstr FRESH AND SALT MEATS, • t And Vegetables In their season. at the most reason - able rates. Everything, purchased of us delivered promptly flee of charge. filar location, fiNE `DOOR NORTH. OF cl a - VS.IIA E ItY, In convenlvnt for all. We buy the best stock, and take. great palnsito keep everything In the order. Givens a cal]. Towanda, D0e.,5, MEAT INIAIKET! BEIDLEMAN'S Itj.ooK, BRIM; STBEE't FRESH - DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTRY, GARDEN %* - EGETAIti.ES *NI? BreltRIES lir All gams delivered free!of charge Joey:. II 9 (as ' in 2t , 44 25 2:fit 29 Towanda, Pa., May 28, 1879 HENRY NIERCUR, bEALE.R. IN 5k :5 100(4 I 20 20 14 4t a 'ill , 4rrdri . 054007 1 6 • • A 1.11:: ... 200'550 1 014@l 50 .. 25 1 2i Com,: rjc PAL): ANDRIN 4 Elt STRESTS,TOWANiId, Coal*Rerretied, anal (leity , .ro4 to any part of the •Ilorookh. ALL ORDZIIN — IIEST,Di. ACCOMPANIED By THE CASH. i If. 31ERCUft, Towamli, Dec. I; 1879. NEW ,ARRANGEMENT- pp i S . • , The unde !Knell having purchased from Mr McKean th COAL TAIL AT THE FOOT OF PINE STREET, NEAR THE I i COURT HOUSE, ', ii 4 I;tivltes th patronage of his old friends and the public serail}. I shall keep a full assortnieat of all sizes, PITTSTON, WILK ESBARRE AND LOTAI, SOCK COAL, LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH • NATHAN TIM) Towitnda, Pa.. Aug. 21. 1S:$1. rZyl BUCK, . . I • Oifice—South pldu Poplar street, oppiAlts: Ward .11etise. [Nov, 13, 1818. Abvertistmento. Geo. L. 'Ross, CHOICE GROCERIES OF-ALL KINDS, *ILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD I= ':Aatfieto. OYSTERS E. 1). POULTRY, FISH; OYSTERS, RwzErRANSE BREWEk MYER k DEVOE I,( •nted In .liLp on hand AND SALT MEATS, TIIFAIT. S - EASON. Sty Di OE. Coal% I= SCaIVAN ANTHRACITE C COlll. r. 3 IN Titi COAL BUSINESS. AND SIiALL SELL AT = TO WASDA, PENA"A ggiocerfaneous. . . . E , IT. DORNIAITL I - • - • 325. East Water St., Elmira, N.Y. Ist Floor . - - • ...RY GOADS , 2d Floor ' 1 111..LISKRY, 24 Floor - • C-ARPETS . 4th Floor CLOAKS) & SHAWLS 'Upper floori aceesslblo' by elevator. • . Ara- A visit of inspection Is respeetrolly solicited DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SATE.—The undersigned otferfoi sate their property at OieUtt.Creek, Bradford county, formerly known as the. Glttleman place. Price low and terms to snit purchaser, If the right party Apply. to or address 1.. BiISENBAUSS & SONO; 201 Fast Water-st., Elmira, S. Y. Nov. 13, 18794 w., • $3OO A MONTI( guaranteed. >ll2 a day at home made by the Industrious. Cap ital not required ; ,we will start yqu. ]fen, women. boys and girls 'Make money taster at work for us than at anything else. The work Is light• and. pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. Those alio are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms tree. Now is the time: 'note already at work are laying op large sums 44 money - . Address TRUE: Alt CO., Augusta. !Rattle. - Pay -You Over and Alii•re, lidaipepially Yon huye a FARM. or VOOlige LOT, requftiv.g . .troy .trey .staYp. .Bri fa .aspc ...asspt • ..app ...trys • _ . - - . _ - . $2,000,000,000 (7,6 77,nraandItorg!) are exneml , •il to FENCING. To fence our new Western fu.l , lA will cost:vilely:li nlore. Every FARM and VII. Inge LOT Owner. EAST. WEST, awl SfIUTII; I. ha-ore...W. TO fence a'lo.acre Farm costa g2tl4/ to ‘7oo t and lor a 50x1170 .Village Lot .f.ri to 'Slot). Wood fences noon decay. But u New Era (sat hand. By new Myentions, IRON arc to supplant WOOD, furnishing'bettcr, cheaper, and Lo4ing Fences. Theqiilth Volume of the American Agriepl. toriagsfor 185)) now beginning. hill give very much iiiiormation about new. Feneing...:tir many Engravings. (Thn :Cumber for Dee..ist engravings oftarlied Fentinc, and 1111 . 11:il Oaf:met ing 11 . 11 . 1t:Str. Sent post-pald for IS rents.) , 4 - .part ....assp J. Ares rer*'oe very ono. late-Os:ell ht FENCING; for a FARM, or Village LOT, the 3:10, Volume of ff; ,4inf•rican AgrieulhirtAt -he worth five times, If not a hundred Its hnallt Cost. BUT. besides the above-important feature, the Anaerichn+Agricu/iiiri4 - will give a very great amount of - Vsefal, Prartleld, Reliable Information—for- the Farm., the Clardbo, and liotiplehold (Children included)—and over —tree set fa *OO Oriajtastl' Illuctmting Labor-,caring, LaMr.belpillg contrir ances, Animals. Plants, Fruits and Flowers. Farm Buildings. and many other Pictures instructive and pleasing to Old and ruting.—TA is useful i/ ALL In City, Tillage, and . Country. Its constant exposures of fluff nuns. which have saved to its readers many mtlitoe. of Dollars, ivill be continued vigorously. For these alne the I:lllnerkan Agrieralltrt,t ',Jinni' be In errerq faaii:y, no matter bow many other journals are taken; also for lts'Special loformation and its muititnde ;of pleasimi and useful Engravings In which It fir excel, till other R‘niitur 11:0,17,1,thr. T Ell M (postage prepald3.—fl.so a year. Four conks. ..Slngle numbers. 15 cents. ,One &peel men only, 'flr t woll-cent stamps., oyerT2oo Valuable Preraluth Articles . and lloolcs Marc offered to those getting up Clubs: Prenflup Lilt beat on rf ccipt of :3 cents pistage. ORANGE JUDD COMPANY. P.:lthsr..rs, `4 , 4 . 5 Broadway, New York. . _ . in ju t is fuliy'ile ionstrated by the number in use and the present di nand fur them. It saws Logs of any size. One can saw more logs or cord ‘Yood in one day and cinder than two mini can the old way: It will saw'a two foot log In three minutes. ifterY Farmer need, one. Township-agents Wauttal. end fur Illustrated Circular and Terms. Adders,. W. W. BOSTWICK &CO.. • 175 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0. -,c,c(rbruare. HARDWARE Ai' GREATLY REDU C,E.D P.. 11: ICES 11. T. tiC E, AGENT, Is now opening a large and general assortment o Hardware. Cutlers, Stoves, Iron. (:lass Faints, t Ills, Varnishes, :tinware, House Furnish- Ing purr has,d for each and offered for sale at Bargains to these wit° pay rash for goods. ANGES and Cookinff Stores, for t, Coal and Wood, at low prices, at ,JUNE'S, 9 ' E Gos Sip, the best low-priced move for ontees and chambers ever tria.le. at 1 1 0 1{ Horse-Shoes and Ifor=e-Shoe Nail:, go to .117. N ALARGE stock of Bar. Square -lioutl, - stlati-Itotuol, oval, Ilalf.uval. !tato; alld Hoop Iron. at :„. r\„ .11'S FOIL • Paint ' s, Oik -, (and VarnistiCs, go to • .11:N E't..• • ANTERNS--a great variety LA 17 irici!s. at •I 1' N - tf L"'"' Latelies;'anil.:Bolts,,everjr vat ittylttltl k' 1' .2. CIAST and Toe Cbrks - JUN E's. DISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, a • J l' N:K 'S. . T ABLEthu.I Pocket eytleo - ,. at HOUSE Furnishing Goods, at • NAILS.amI Spikes, all sizes, • JUNE'S. XTOBWAY and Svieqd's Iron at 1,. JUN E'S g A i N f I T C i will find ;1 1 ALAIIGE stock of Mil ladelph ia partiage mid Tire It.itz , l 4: .1 N ~~jI(IIE ClOth, at DaWI)EII . Slioli and Caps, for stile a t - - BLASTING Powder, at FILES meat, at FIMMERY Cloth and Paper, and . , A Sand I'aptvr, at JUN OS. , W - . I N 1.) Onl GLASS , . f r om it i ‘ x . 9: : to ' --!;• SCREWS and Tacks, direct from the inattefactilrerg, for sale at vrtiolosab, and tetall. at redtterd prhier, at . . 3 l'NE'l.-. M PS, Lamp Burners, C im n s, ~Shades, and Wie:lcs of every variety. at JUNE'S. TOR Graphic: and New Jewel; tit moat tettfretai,dornanteuial heatlag stoves the world, al ' JUN E'S ROPE, Sa.,•ll;' Cord, Twine and Wick. all sizes, a JUN E'S: Ztarfife THE OLD MARBLE IARp STILL IN OPERATION. The: undersigned having purchased the MAR- Itt,E, TARTY nt the.latel il-tt;E MCA SE, de_ Ores tn.inforhi the public that having emiploved 4iiperlenced men., hels prepared to do all kinds of lerk lu the ne.of MON-13 ENTS; II AD' STONES` • 1 - MANTLES and in the:very beet manner and at lowest rites, Persons desiring anything In the Sabre line are invited to call and examine work s and save agenta' commission. JAMES. , Towanda, Pa., 1 4 1a..18,.1378, . Ntt PROCLAMATION.- WHEREAS, lion. PACS. D. MOititfise, President Budge of tun 13th Judicial District, Cot/misting of the county • of Bradford, ha* Paned hi* precept besenutiate the lath day of December, 1579„ to me directed: too - • bolding a Courtof Oyer and. Terminer, ,General Jail Dethierk,,Quarter lies*loil of the Peace, Coin* I tid.n Plea* and Orphlsn's Court. at, Towanda. for the county of ?redbird, comtnenc o r n Monday, AWV 20. ins°, to continue three week*. • . . Notice is therefore hereby given to the. Coroners and Justices of . the Veace of the ceunty of Lira& bell, that they .he then and therein their proper persons, at 10 o'clock lit the. forenoon of said day, with records,Dtquisitiens autiotherreinerultranees to do those things which to their once appertain to be done : and these who are hound by recogni zance, orotherwise, to prosecute against the primm tiers who are or inay he In the 011 of Mid county, are toles•then and there to prosecute - against them as Shall tie Just. Jurors are requested to be punc tual In their attendance. agreeably "to their!notice. Dated xi Tervanda. the 7th day of Unitary, its the year or our Lord one thensand eight hundred and eighty, and of tin, Independence of the 4:tilted States one hundred and fourth. PETEII J. DEAN,Sherltf. T icENsEs.— Notice hereby Li given -that the 'following applications for licenses for hotels, eating' houses an. merchant dealers have been filed In this orrice, aid that the .vAtne will b e . present.' to the Court of Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, I.:EBEL/ART ;:tr, IAO, Jot the consideration of said Court, e. James F. Fox, Canton Korouirb.- . Joseph'Causer, Jr., Springfield township.. C. Milk. Sthit Wield towtiship. C. E Bartlett, Wysox town - ship. 11. A. Forrest. Ulster nosenship. George Suffern. South Creek township. S. 11.•Farnsoidth, Atll‘.ll4 Borough. Leonard Morris, Burlington Bo'rough. Ira 11. S'utith, Alba Borough : . • George. and P a. 1.. Jonion. Athens4lorough I)wlght li, Dodge,. 11marrio - Buroligh. MrOonrgal, Troy Borough. t James W. Willcox., Atiratly Yovrrith..p,. ? A L PPLICAI'ION IN DIVORCE. ~.—To . ...wan:el W. Jones. - ,ln the. Court of comown Pleal. of .Itradfortl county. No. 508: - ..May Term, imtu. You are herety notlflud that Mell•slo .1_ your wife. bar wi.pleil lii the Court of Com mon m e w. or itrad font County, for a divorce from the IA Ma,. Ili matrimony. and the . t.ai.f Court hart ap. pi.i Is red 31inniay. Ft bruary 2.1; 1910, In the Court 110.. e ill T.;Wantla, fur nearing the Laud Mell.ste . .1. la fire prenll,:e.., at which tunic and ',lake you may iattend If you think propper. 1-4 w.. - . - I',ETEI: .1. DEAN.. Shedd. APPLICATION 'IN DIVORCE: —To dames McCann. In the Court of., mon 1 . 1..a5 of Virallford county. No. 7r.a.14;p... t. Inher Term, I You are hereby notified that ( " Lydia, your -wife.-tuv, applied to the Contt of Common Pleas or Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds or matriumny. arid the raid Court. has appointed Monday, February 2,1, ISM), in the ('our Hes., in Towanda, for hearing the Ntid Lydia thu premises. at which time and place you May attend ti von think proper.. -- I:4w, " • ' PETER. J. DEAN, Sheriff. A ITLICA'rIO.N. • IN DIVORCE. Abram el,pperl*, lir the Court of Corti 11,f1 Pleas of Bradford comae'. ,No.n.7i Sept. Term, 1,79: You arm} hereby notified that Jolla A., rour wi fe. ha, applied tb the Court of Common I'-leas of Bradford County _for a altorce Irmo the bowl, of, toatrimony, awl the. raid. Court has ap pointed Abatility, February Sd, tese, lit the Court llonAe at Tioxau la, for, hearing the said Sarah E. in the prendie,. tltße and place you may attend if you thibl4roper. • I-Iw, PETE!: 4". DEAN, Sheriff. PPLICATION DrDIVORCE. .., —To George Ledox. In the Court of Corn & nom l'ir , as 6f Bradford county. No. 55e. Sept. -'11:rm; 1 , 7 R. NMI are hereby notified that Julia A.. Vont. War'. Me , appded to -the Court of Com Moll 'Pica, of Itrudfmit countv for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. amt . the .eald Court has ap.• pointed Monday, tile :Id day of February. Itr the C,ourt - froso.e In Towanda. for hearing the ,:aI.I Julia A. In the premkes, at which time and place sou may attend If pm thing prover. - 1-11,V. . I'ETLIt J. DEAN, Sheriff. _I'I'LICATION IN: DIVOIZCE: _A_—To G.,0rt , ,1.1 31e.01. In -the Court of. Corn wn 1•1, , as of IlraAltoruyeouoty.. No. alu. S ept. l .. ',•:7. Yon pre lierelT oOtitle.l that .10.eph A , your hu.hai,,F, ha, unplh,l to the Court or CommonPiea, pit.l,-, of lima tot,r County, for - a divorce_ from the hood; of inatilmonl, anti tie .aid C.utt. Imp ap- P"tr.Lea )total •,y. Fet.l nary 9,1 1,41, in the Court- Ifou-A, In Tow:ooh - t. ft r hearing bald doserli A.__ln tln., prewls,-, at uhleh time awl place you may at omtt If v,,u . think properl.- . ' I'Y:lF:it .1. DEAN, Sheriff. MEM IMEECI .n 7 B' Rasps( a full assoit-' .1 I. \ SHELVES, Segal. EMIT RATING Frank N. Wolfe, Cantrni Borough. A. J. Ileeri; Canton Borongtt. Fatatr, B,,tatt. 'Towanda. Borough.- !at Ward. dam., Nestor. Jr.. Towanda Borough, 2,1 Ward W. SorthrOp. Towanda Borough. 24.1 Ward. James Lockabett, Towanda Borough, 2d Ward.. MERCHANT HEALER. . nothytond Caton; Towanda rough, tat Ward , GEO: W. Itt.ACKNI AN% Clerk ToWanda, Jan. 13, 15:."0. - APPLICATION - -IN - ()IVO - 110E - . --Tq..lam• liing,ley, In the-Court ( Colit inu 1.1.. as ot It rat fhrd 4 :6 ounty. N 0.7, . iptem f o her Term. thl'li. - ,„You are tier.!to: notified tha I , ,flix, - your limMan i. rim, appllml to the Courrof COlll. 1114.11 l'itqlS or 11r,04 ford t'ountv for a 4.llv4re+ front the bond- of roatrlinony. and the said Court[la, ap poiiited Monday. F(Mriiary.24l, t. 5.40, In the Ciuirt House In Towanda, for hearing the said Feltz In the promi,-,. at which (film and place you can attmol If you thluk proper.. I-t.. '' ' ; PETE If J. DEAN, title-riff. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. A soOdaSatlord. In the Court of Common Pieas of It rod hod county. No. f.ci, Sept ...Term, ts , o. You are herehY• TlOti fit , ' that E11..11a, your husband, ha: appiled to the Ctiort of COTTIMOn Ph av of lirtollord County !Or a divorce from tho hond , of mairimooy. and the 'said -Court has al.. pointed Monday. February Cit, isVi, in the Court Towanda, for hearing the said Elisha to the premises. at which tithe and place you may at t,tol tr you think proper. • 14w. r D-FrAN, Sheriff. _AUDITOR'S , ICOTICE:— In re the final account of It. H. c:rone. committee of I ,aac Crane., a lunatic. In the Conit of Com mon-Plea, of Bradford county, No. In., February' Term, , T , undersigned. an Auditor ampfuted by tho. fowl. of Com Mon Pleas of Itra,lford Collllly, exerittiOng filed to float neeount or etaiiiiiittl....l%lll tlttelot to the do 11 es f, II is appoint Meta 31. the °nice of Dirles 3 Carr:m.llam In the Itorongtz 'rot an da. on FiewAy. the oth dayer_Emliti- - Any. Isso, at 1 tietoclr., W-. T. DAVIES, Au htur Towanda, Dee... 2 i, 1679 AUDITOR'S N.OTICE—In the maTtern of the tt.sue, o f .to ht , Bu s h. de ceased. In the orphans' Court of Bradford comity. The owlet - Agile& all Antliteir said rotirt to distribute moneys In the handsof this A,tnimi,.,fratnr of the Mew estate., with attend to the 4111dr• of his appointment at hl. °Mee In Troy, Bradford county. on FRIBA - Y. the 241 they of JANUARY. A. lie IsNl. at=l o'clock, P. M.. - at wideh pace and time all persons are hereby re quired in Maki. their clattuy before too, or be debarred front reining in fail said fund. W. E. Ct 111.1,0%, Auditor. Troy. Pecroilwr - •• \tJ tu T .rt l . c h, E ,"4„ N fi o ie,, ti ci e n Ilt•Wster of W 111,4141.21141 for tlot county of madfor.l accounts of adultubtration upon - Mu full , octet e,tutt , . : Final at etimit of .r. L. Eibbree. administrator of n.• 1)..11 01. 11rim-011. fleee,•;A: 111131 11( . 4 . 01)111: of Ellen Nennlnger, admlnistra. ti I r.'of the estate of Mot Semilnger, derea.sed. Final 3,Nr11111. of P . Price formerly Sarah P..10t0,": admir,l,tr.itrit of the :e . state of .1. 1.. fleeee•elt. Filk:11 aeeounr_of A. L. Terry. adminlitrator of ...c.3tv or Va:.ankro. - .lei•easrd. - • Final acconw or C. F. Pendletuil; executor of ~stateolf rally M. Dunham. , OVV:Vtetl. Ftna4 thee.estit of X. Deli. Walker, admltitstratriz of the esaat-e of. Geo. El. Walker. tteeeased. Final a,rou.ot of Thoota, etecutor of mate of I eo. A. I:aitzron. deceased. a,, , 0t0t of Su , ati Eatoo, ailtulnlstratdx; amt it.ryqe,.admintstrat or of the estate of t:, 11. Eaton., deceased. Flual account of .Nlahliiti E. Elliott,. administta tor Of tho est:deo( tiliam E. Richards, demi:moil." Final account Of Andrew .M, , ssiptt. administrator of the mate ^f lldlinan M(. 4 ,ltrg,llecemed.• Final acconiit oti, \Vol. F. Coburii, adullnistraTt , r ott estate ut Skho,tei isturtleveut, deceased. Einal , aceount 'tit It. is. Sabin; administrator of the estaic of Mrs M. E. Sallin, • Final account of )1. Decker, adminpura. tor of U Mdate of Williato.E. Piper, deceased. Final account of Janie. Fitzsimons, erheittor of estate of Ursula McMahon, t,eased. ac,,,ttnt of Itarrtsou Allis, guardian of Ifnln c. Honor cldlil of 1 , 11114 Vinai aveoant of U. II well. admilllstrator of Ilia" estatt• of Nathan Newman. deceased, Final account of , Thoncti li arkwetl; administra tor, and Mrs. li. M. Hilton. athitluistratrix, of the estate 01 Ilittoti, deceased. . account of .1, It. M.'llinnian, executor of the estate of. I 'lark Sweet. deceased. Partial account of 11. Catlin. one of the execu tors of the estate of Nelson Recnoldit, deceased. And also theampralsonent ofttroperty net olf by the Executors and Administrators to widows out children of the following decesients,viz: • Esrlbtabf Charles Crane, ••, Bishop Ii; Waterman, Jot.ephlimey; ' 't• Peter I). Vanness, Marvin M. Coolbaugli, Byron W. (-lack, t W. 11. Locke, Elisha Rich. ' . - • treble Ridgway, - Platt WOO4l. And-the saute will he presented - to the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. February sth. A. D. tsso, at t o'clock, confirmation and an e. I A. C. FRISBIF4 Register. Towanda, Pa.. January . _.- ORPHANA' COURT - SALE.- . --;l3y virtue of all arsle.r Issued out of the Orphan- -elltirt of Bradford Count,, Pa.. May :NI, la:tt. and -continued December 1.!, it.7tyhe untittrsigued, Ad ildnithrator of the estate of dots S, Gilbert, deceas ed, late of Waverly, N. Y.. will sell at public sale, at the Court litho... to Towanda, Pa.. et! MON- A Y,JA N I ARIL I rse, at o'clock It. if., the !Wowing described property, viz: On lot of land situate In Bradford County. bound ed as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake Ond stones on the west line of Julius Gorham ; thence north east per Chet; to stake and stokes on the Ilse of Mendtin. formerly William Browning; thence ;Guth 73 0 ' west .'l3 perches ;to stake and' stones on the. lice id.M ender' lot : thence south 4so west 59 perches and s‘litiks.to stair and stones 'on corner of S. C. Wells' lot; th . etti , e south 72° east 50 perches and 9 links to the place of beginning ; con taining 74 acres, more or less, - Al,So—,rne other lot, bounded as 6410w5, rli 'Beginning at the northeast cor n er, north aso west 37 perches to where thefroad front the South inter sects the road near the. bridge, south Is° west 2/ :perches on road, south 76 0 west 14 perches on road southwe-t '27 3.1 u perches to a pest, south 41° east is 7.40 perches; to a post, north 30 east 418 perches tit road, the- place Of begluning,, conjoining t't acres, more or less, reserving 1 acre and In perches uu the northwe;it corner Of said Jot, belngilot deed -61110 Cordella A. Wells, bearing date Pecentbor :it. A: D., isn.t. the said land being in Orwell town ship. In Bradford Couitt.T. and deeded ttik l sald Lots Gilbert by'the Sheriff( of said 'county by deed' duly acknowledged on the 73d ,of rebruary. ts:tt, and recorded in the Sheriff's and Treasurer's Deed 11401 r. volume 4, page 3;r2...ete. TERMS 'tie SALE— We at time of We. one-half on contirtnation, and balance oho yeatrerom coon' , motion; with Interest from congransttidu. IL J. BALDWIN, .1, dministratOr. Waverly, Ir., December-2, 1679...dec.25.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers