II Fil aifreganvus. DRIFTWOOD. GATHERED FROM THE STREAM OF• 301.711NAL16M. :..S.cieutists are worrying about .the fuel of the future. According to all ac counts there Will be Verdi of it. steady advance in the price of flour interests the frugal housekeeper just now-more than the Greenback question. ....A number of, prehistoric bronzes, found' in ancient Siberian graves, are be lieved to be from , 4,000 to 5,000 years old. " ....W ALTER 1 . .6.1.1;2., the latest Fall Ri- , ver embezzler, is described as a "young person of exalted. intentions." We have read of persons imbued with these kind of intentions being hanged. ...A: man who sat up four nights wiestlink - With it, asks this conundrum: " What is the difference between a sailor and a fireman ?" "Now, hold your breath• "One plows the water and the other hose _the water." A map of this joke will be furnished to each new subscriber. All the spelling reforms{ of all the men in in all the world will it succeed in lessening the intensity of that school boy's affection who scrawls pn a slate with a broken pencil, "I luv t, yu," and Lands it across the aisle, with a big apple, to a pretty litt l le blue eyed girl who reads in the Second Reader, highest inhabited house in the ,world is thought to be that erected fbr . the use of the miners on Mount Lincoln, in the-Rocky Mortains, Park . County, Colorado. This building is 14,157 - feet above the sea levet. Rather breezy es .l.pecially in winter.( ....From pictures found in Egyptian tombs, it is suppose l d that the art of glass making was practie4 at the time of .the fifth dynasty—a priod so remote that l.:gyptologers cati give it no date in years. A specimen of glass is in existence bear ing the name of a king of the eleventh dynasty, and is probably about four thousandwyears old. V. .P.cOrtAm, editor of the Clarkes%iille (Tenn.) 270acto-Leaf, is go ing to ailply for a patent of his plan to keep tiles from the heads of bald men. After trying various remedies, he at last employed an artist to ,paint a spider on the•top of his head, and finds it a sure pre e ventative for tiles. • :k chap living near Susquehanna carved out of a piece Of wood a mammoth pumpkin,- and painted it in such a man y Tr. that it conk' not ;,be distinguished from a genuine 'article, after which he tOultit to the NeW lork State Fair and -deceived the first pernitim, besides,mak ing considerable money from the sale of ;:ceds supposed to have beat taken from the same variety of fruit. , Last week Francis Manderbaib, of Womisdorf, Lebanon County, Pa., no tic...al that one of his fat hogs as sick, acid bleeding out of its mouth, He call ed in 1/r. J.11 , 1s MoYEn, who threw the pig down, pried open the mouth and r •ached downqbe throat, when he found an eight-penny nail mit:king upright in t hectbroat, and so far down that the doc tor extricated with very great difficulty. Colonel Tour is.TYer., of Milford, Pa., during the rebellion commander of the l'alt Penusylvania, has just re e.eived over 5!-1,000 in pension monei from the government. Hereafter he will draw every three,months. During the-war 1:e was wounded in thp left .knee by a shell, received a saber wound on the right arm, a gun-shot wound on the same arm, 'a gun-shot -wound through the right -breast, and received a severe injury to his i,:ht leg by being thrown'. from his horse at the battle of AntietaM. .10 the trial of the case, Sanderson • Pcinfisylvauia Coal CO - ., at Scrai4on,..a few thl,s.al,zo, it was shown that the Gip y (46re Colliery mined about a hundred . tlousand tons of coal per annum. At the :dine tithe they pumped out Over a mil lion tons of water. Mr. PosT made the statement that there were mere tons of atcr pumped out of the Diamond mines thin tons of coal taken out of the whole Lackawaana Valley. This will open the cycs of the people to the immense expense -that coal companies are subjebted to. kecording to a German paper` a ocw kerosene lamp has been invented, in vhieb the witlk is made entirely of glass. The flame clings closely to the wick, so Gat lighted lamps may be carried about without fear 'of being extinguished' by sudden draluetils ; moreover,, no sparks es cape from it. A much brighter and clear er light is obtained than where cotton .uicksure used. Smoking is greatly re duced, and at least ten.per cent. of oil is saved. There is scarcely any waste of the wick, for no portiontf it is carboniz ed. It can be made and sold at a cheap rate. • • ....The year 1881 will be a!n..athemat,_ curiosity..is d From left to right and fFoin right to left reads the same ;18 divided brit gives 9 , as'a quetient-; 81 di vided by 9 7 and 9is the quotient. If 181 is,dii4ded by 209, 9 is the quotient ; if di vided by 9 the quotient contains a'.9 o ; if multiplied by 9, the product con tains two 11's. 1 and 8 are 9; 8 and 1 are 9. If the - 18 be placed under the 81 and added the sum is 9p, If the figures be. added thus, 1,8, 8,1, it will 'give 18. Heading from left to right is 18, and 18 is tive-nintlis of NI. By adding, dividing, and Multiplying_ nineteen 9's are pro duced, beim: vine 9 for each year required to complete the century. ....In studying the iustinctsand Lab .its of ants with the object of learning t Iniir means of recognizing their - fellows, it John Lubbok took :limp: from a nest and divided theni,'giving part tda neigh, bor of the same species. When grown, the returned of the pupie from the.neigh bor were all welcomed. The returned from the stranger were none welcome, all being attacked and driven away. Sir John thinks that there must be some rea son why .00,000 ants in the same nest, who'possibly cannot know ono another as individuals, are never at war, while a stranger is slain at the lirst reproach. His -ilOnclusion is that they recognize each other by sonic smell or other-sense quite unknown to Vs. . !. Light and heat are thetatural phe noinema with which Vre are most familiar. At a 1,‘,01 temperature all solids emit light, the powei , of the light depending upon the degree of beat. The intensity . of the light, however, increases in greater proportion than the heat. Platinum, for instance, is found to emit forty times. as mooch light at . 2,001.1 degrees as at 1,900 degrees. A, remarkable fact. in this con nection is that nearly 4 . 11 solids begin to. glow at about the same temperature. The Point at *which. the first faint glow commences has been variously stated, the figures ranging from 040,14 000 - aegrees, .Centigrade, At successive stages in the -heating of \ trittals, alt the colqs . of : the sptetrunr are pioducivl; until at•the high .cst temperature a fixed white light ' re sults. At I,OOCr &Types the color is red ; at 1,20 , ), orange ; at 1;300, yellow ; at 1,.140,1b1ue ;:anfl at .1,700, violet: , . „'..Let ELI Prtastris forget his cun nag, and GEORGE ALFRED TowssEsn's tongue cleave-to the roof of his month. The Helena (Montana) Herald says that a farmer 'near that city hada forty-pourid squash which, when it only weighed ten pounds, was 'severed from the vine by a misstep. The man who carelessly stepped .on the vine , wanted to make amends, and ,said ” I will grow and mature it if you will furnish the milk." The tarmer, who had been saving that squash for the prize' at the agricultural fair, was much disap pointed and thought his hired man was joking, but told him at length to go ahead.' The squash, with the stern and a few inches of the vine left intact, was taken to the house and depoled in a garret-room where it could get a sunbath part of,each - day. The stem was wound with severallayers of cotton cloth, and this was subinerged in a dish of now milk rap:ming and evOng. It was at first giv etch pint each time, then a quart. In seven weeks the squash gained 30 pounds, weighing forty when taken to the fair, when .it was cut open before a large crowd. Divided carefully in the middle, the top-half was rirnoved, diselbsing a globe of beautiful ¶golden-hued butter, with plumped-filled seeds peeping' out from all sides of the luscious-looking ball. This weight of the butter • was estimated by many of the best judges at ten pounds. The citizens gave the farmer a special premium of $2O, and we suppose he of course " divided up , " with the hired man. educational Itspariment ASSOCIATE EDITORS E. E. QUINLAN, J. A. WILT, LILLEY, Colninunicatlons may ..be sent to any one of the above editors, as may be vreferVed, and will appear tba issue 9f which he has charge. NtraffaliCOUS. NEW LIVERY BOARDING AND EXCHANGE STABLES. The undersigned having rented the old Means Rouse Barn, and provided himself with NEW BUGGIES AND WAGONS, AND GOOD HORSES,- Is now prepared to accommodate the public at REASONABLE PRICES. *New Buggies for sale cheap. 8.1 W., LANE. , Towanda. ra....1n1y IS, 1578. 7yl FIRE ASSOCIATION Of Philadelphia. ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER I, 18t7 CAPITAL, - • 5500,000.00 ASSETS nearly - $4,000,0 .00 This°elation condones to Insure from Loss and Damage by Fire, Buildings. Household Fur niture, and Merchandise generally. WM. S. 11114 ENT, Agent. Main Street, Towanda, Pa] 4caveffers pirectorv. [The following tablea of time are carefully pre pared and will be promptly corrected, and may no relied on as accurate.] SOUTIIERN CESTRAL RAILItOAD =EI =II . - . Phila. Express, 5.30 P Phila. Etpress.lo.so A st Ex.. 5.24 Ant Phlla. Nt. Ex.. 5.50 p Freight Sytee.lo.so A 1 Freight & ACC. 4.55 rtt YUG. ABRIVE AT KATRE, 8.1.6 A m Phlla. Expreskll.3s AII \JO I . M Way Ft.. it Ace 6.21 r m .A. m Phila. St. EL. 9,44 P m N—Phlla. Expreml. 9.20 P m ; 4 ) AX; Way Preigh.t Aad • tach.vz - Way Ft. & Ac Phila. Expre., Phila. Nt. Ex.,.5, ARRIVE AT AURER. Phila. Night Express, 1. Jiccommodatioti, 4.40 P LRAVX. PhHa. Night Express, 5.25 P Accommodation, 11.20 A M. synAcusE, JUNGIIA - MTON dt NEW TURK RAILROAD LEAVE litY44lllAmvoN. ARMY. AT BINCII'MTON. N.Y. & I'll'a Ex.. 5.00 I• m - Iftng'friton Ex.. 11.45 P Id Syracuse Ex.... 7.55 A M N.Y.& I'li - aF:x.12.55 r m .Y.ltPh 'a Ex 1.45 A3l Ac'ointilottarn. 6.12 1' 54 Local Freight...7.oo Ass Local Frelght.. 8,35 Pkt CORXISti, COWANESQVE & ARTRISI RAIL JW GOING SOUTc. Cornlr!.. - ....Leave 10.20 A itl‘ s .4a'r Mr, 6.3 5 A M I.4wrencev9le. 11.15 A M, 0.50 r St, 7,,M A M Wellsboro....Arrlto 12.110 r il, 8.25 r 11, 10.15 A M I=l Corning Arrive 6.43'r M. 10.5:1 A M. 3.05 k• X Lawrenceville. •• 5.22 Pa, 0.52 AX. 1.44 P .11epart 1.20 PX, 0.15 P 51, 11.30 P X UTICA, ITItACA & ELMIRA ItAILROAD LEAVt No. 1 at 6.10 w Bt, with through mall and Espresn. making principal stops, and arrive. at fillaca at &Os, Fre:v.olla 8.30, Cort land b. 53, 5yr,..:0.4e 11.00. Train '!6. 3 leavos at 3.10 PM. an Etten 4.)8, Ithaca .5.30, Froevlllo 5.52, Cortland 6.05, and syra. case 7.50 p M. ARRIVE 1S ELM lIL —` the above polntS at 12.45 and n:I0 I. 51. ELMIRA, ITHACA & GENES' . ' , Oct 6t.ncra., Ithaca rt. Sayre Railr..ael Trains leave Sayro going north at 4.55 A 14 and 5.98 r M, arriving In Ithaca at 6.35 A .4 and 7 30 r - at., andln 6,eneva at 5.96 A m and 9.25 r• M. . • - "A Vim% le'aves Ithaca at 6.00.1 k n, arriving In Ge neva at? 7,40 A M.. Tratnm leave Geneva going south at 0.00 A a, 2.40 r a and 5.:15 r Y, arrlvlng ,at Sayre at 11.20 sat and 9.30 Jo 31. TIOGA R.4II,ROAD ) LEATE Tr.ml ft 4. Altitirg AT Et. MIRA, Inosstnirg 3fatt 9.25 A M Ett ilra Es 11.zo Asi Blossburg Es.. 5.20 P M El a Mall ... 7.7.0 I. si Way Freight...l:.:s P M Way relght..lo.so Aid Ali Express trains Connect with C. C. and A. 'Vl:ensnare trains, and also With Ella:tail trains at Lawrenceville. SENECA LANE STEAM NAVIGATION COM- PANT. Got:VG SOUTH—Leave Geneva 7.25 A la, arriving at Waxtans at tr.oo A M. GOING NORTH-14'8NC. Watattla at Lao p M, ST• riving at Geneva at 5.00 r M. ST ATE, LINE SELLI AN RAILROAD NAltts 1 lii Igg :' , IOIITLI. , -0 F STATIONS Court House. Arrive, Towanda • Depart . 4" _Monroe.. " " f' " New Albany t as , 9 30 29 A. 59 24 J. 20 20 Ezslo 15 1. 4 113 7 I 8 e. 0 ♦ M " ..Dushote.. " PA. A. N. Y• RAILROAD 6017TH. ISTATIOSS AM .14 tol AM A Am)pli P 5.25 9.05 1.171 3 40 , ...E1c01P5...15.2303.40,3, f .10 9.45 1.45' 9 . oo )..'Weverly.-.14.45)11.50;5. ASA 10„101.53' 9.15 6.25 if - 41512.00, 9.20V.Athett5.,..i4.31 11.335. 7 . 0 q 10 . 411 :2. 30 10.00...T0wand5.. 4.00111.00',4. n ....110..a.09;to.ssi.wpausing. 10.05,3. NORTHERN CENTR.V.'RAILROAD. - ELMIRA. ARRIVE FROlt %011711. LAVE NORTRWARD. Day ESpresA .. 9.00 A M Fast Une......10.55 A lf WMtar:laid Ac. 12.25 P M CaßrallitgUll At 5.! , 01:, M 7.lxntra Ac..... 7.10 PDI SQrthern hit...12.20P at Southern E;9... 9.50 PIA NtiglLY3 Ex': . . 5:35 P9l ARRIVE pROII N4l L'7ll. r LEAVE sortllwAßD.: Fag 1.1ne......10.53 P9l bay E9pr999...9.03 Aat No(Olert. Ex —12,20 P a Willianaspt Ac.. 2.30 pJe Niagara EX.... 5.13 rjl SQUthern El....kna. X . . . . IPgIGH VALLEY , t. —•••AND PEPE. fr OW YORE RAIL Rb4DB. derangement of 'Passenger Trains to take effect. NOVETIER 10, UM 7 - I=o=l It I , 44 S. Al et. IS 1t441 111 43 LEE EE Trains a and IS run daily. Sleeping cars on tsaloa' 8 and IS between 'Niagara Falls sad Philadelphia and between Lynnaand New York without changes Parlor cars on Trains 2 and IP between Niagara 'Rails and Philadelphia without. change. • R. A. PACKER, Supt., . Pa.. Nov. 30, 1828. P. A N. Y. 8.,1 1 1. • J. T. MeebTA.o3f, G. W. RYAN, T A. C. 4, CIP I I3 1 IE3 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! BEEN EQUALLED OR EXCELLED Quality or Low Prices, PLEASE CALL '4, EXAMINE TIE SELLS F.ola - ASII KNIT WILL :f QT BE FULL LINE OF HATS it CAPS Towanda, Pa.. Oct. 1. 13710 NEW FIRM Rae Riled up the old store of 0. A. Mach with a full line of FIIANISIVG GOODS LAMPS, LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS =1 Sewing Machines of the leading makes sold for Cash at store, at wonderfully low prices, mem. 7.55 A 5i ray Freight and 'Are Invited to look over our assortment. as We are determined to do all In our power to please: R.- member the place, Tovands. 1.03 r 10, 187? IMPROVED Agricultural Machinery The submrther Is preparrd and beat machines ,for the ~farl prices. This Is the hest and cheapest of all the plows, and Is adapted to all- kinds of soil and WUF.F.LEIrS PiE 1)011111.11.6EARED AND THREE HORSE POWERS WWI Steel 4 Roils ; large truck sabeels and latest Improvements, 'ends le an excellent power and bas no supesteT among doubleteareqk Powers. WHEELER'S 1 , :1t.W THRESHERS AND CLEANEILS—wiIk overshot and undershot. Attention Is called to Wheeler & 31elick's New Itnproxed Undershot Thresher, one of which will be on exhibition after July zoo. Several other kinds of Threshing kikettnes far sale, among widen are Grays stet! Rod Power. and Threshers and Cleaners, and Peerless Double-Geared rowers, and Peerless Threshers and Cleaners., This Is the most complete Grain Drill In use Samples on exhibition. I am prepared to supply anything In. the line of Farm Wagons, Half skeleton, Open and Top Bug gies atid Carriages, rery cheap. Cortland, Bath and Empire Wagons and Carriages. Empire an d Jaikaott Farni Wagons., etc, 4 1 s.ru. ii----- g 13 Just received ► carload ofi,Payetteville Excelsior Cement, the best and cheapest ill the market:, Satisfaction guaranteed. • 0 4 1 11 11 15 20 28 For Rouse and otbee painting. Ready for the brush. Cheap and OA Better than you buy In the ordinary tray. ' ,BEND You.entondats Offtie In the 995-'ent Store. Warehouse In rear of same apd Fit*. National Bank, andlin alley running fromroplailto Pine street. R. M. WEL/Xi g. _ - Towanda, r.., July 15, 1879 ' . I - EZ/111 Mlw M 15 8 .50 10,7.50 107.41 04.7. r &Sir .f 0 021... GET I'OUR 1141 A CIIT Ward. Xlcrusse Shaving. Parlor AltriVe litnfiy to please. ' I). r . sTeroor.,:troger Towanda, Pa, Jnly 16,1679., Vaiftpabs. I= STATIOCiI. 031 Itti ti tag. raFall /Oche/Aar Lyons —Ora ra Ithaca.. .. Auburn . I 0 1040 28 SU 4 431 4 ZS 4!I a ...V wego., V.hutra, ov .. 14 arerly Cl= UM! 111 ....Mttan... , 1'46 r...U1ater...1 aoal. lie .70WAND1.1 lb 'WYNaukingi do . 2o .'Stivig titnne.l It 30i ft uneergeldi 10 Et Prenchinlinll 10 51. Wpluslng 11 15 . Lacey 111 e. g I 20 Stln' . B Eddy It in. Nieshoppeti , 11.44 Nteltoolkany.. 1 1330 Tun than'et } 12 40.. La Grange.l 12 5.1• • • • P0N.... 1 I.'n'Likll Sunc.'n 1 500 Wilt .narre '4 as li•ch Chnnt 5 50 .kllentowi . g 05...Ifetfiletreln. i 0 .Ico • ..raolon... 1 9 i Phliatrippis 92 „New Tort. 1r .m.. 1 115 1 lOS lOU 11111 112', SOC §tottiing. . , iitaaved his STOCK OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEFORE IN TerVirANBA ! Either for Every Article First•ClaseJ BEFOBE PURCHASINg. • - UNDERSOLD A COOO OVERCOAT, 13! Patton's Block, Main-St. §rocaerg pare. AND NEW GOODS! M. J. Madill CROCKERY, CHINA, CIIINA, GLASSWARE CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED GOODS STONEWARE! BABY WAGONS, FANCY, GOODS, TOYS, TOYS! d great rarletyof A NEW DEPARTURE I4CIIINE NEEDLES it OIL LADIES, GENTS A'ND C/lILDREN "OLD CROCKERY STORE c furnish the tali! • er at the lowest WIAttO TRITE CHILLED LOW. 111 FARiTERS' FAVORITE GRAIN BRILL WAGONS. HYDRAULIC CEMENT, MIXED PAINTS, - ' SHAVING, AT THE • IrTSTLY .A. OTHER} ' LOT 13SOLUTS LT rival Denver now has a population of g. Twenty years ago Denver was rt small numerous Chording, Rotela, Theater Silver Smelting and Relining Woe Center of the West. .There are sere with all the Principal and Broach Colorado, =aurally the:richest Stet *enter of the flatted linnets. The el. in the world, and the receary is ant by the richest Gold, Slieer,Copper, America. It in now the headquarte! ondng, Nevada.-Arksorta, end 'North* or this vast country will rnalte Deny WHY LOT( As the tide of lraralgratioa Is not people locate Denver and un then will 0%31 to any one sending their one or more lots In North Denver, all View of lids beautiful city. the oat! 11:w acknowled g ing deed and coavel each alternate one, and does not is will tome hew, but a great teeny mil.. __„ creased population will NWn malts thipproperty very intlUalmi, alldm talomPutly retain each alternate lot, which they hold at cee Varying trout f 25 to fkil, according to location. for this reason the above propositloe • ramie. The deeds are unconditional, not requiring any one to settle or improve, but with fait power to transtr an/ deed to others. 'The limit to any one puma taling.advantage of this otter b Ivo iota. This property In hog hilt. wawwwt"girs. Ire but is level. tittle , and hag &vantages Ibr building upon too nutserou4 to mention. Pali ant setMiattory intaination, with lndoreetnenta from our best enlaces, will be furnished., . CERTIFICATE or TITLE. -T, W. C. Sonia% County ,Clerk and liecorder*ithig ant for said County and plats, do hasty witty to tho above and foregoing to be true, and title conwloto to the land therein described according to the records in my office. I further certify there are uo ateirseu or transcripts of Judgments, lazes or other It" standing egstust said land. In tgaitnany heroull bare hereunto set, my . bead and abed my Mltend sear tia. 2d ea, of August, A. D. 1,4 v. sta.of W. C. gsyDpr.g, courdy Oak sod letorder. Colorado,) [ 148 "-] County of Woid• INSTRUCTIONS. •1 Tints Company will send by return taint, to any one sendlni within silty clays from the date of this paper their names, I'. 0. address, County and State, plainly written in full, a clear warrantee deed to a lot 25 feet front by 12'4 feet deep in North Denver, colonsdo, clear of all taxer!. , / Applications for city lots Mast be accompanied 1,. with oue dollar for each lotto pay cast of making - , and acknowledging deed, poldne, etc. The lots • then can be sold and transferred ut your pleasure, S 'l 3 ,r •Letall improve this opportunity to secure a home in - the richest state In the World. Deeds sent to any part 171 v of Ow end Canudas. Addrers Oneness to I , i DENVER LAND COMPANY 449 LAWRENCE UT., DENVER, COL:' oa dm: way cmegass - 9 39 .1.... ~~ •••• 125 40 do, •6 SO ' 23 13403 1151141 tI 805 40 758 41 His 10 43 11 3311114 33 SI4 33 • 23 II 14 4 412 13 // 00;13f: '7 00 110 40,4 241/1311 103134 131.... 1t304 110 0513 524...4. 9 46 1 3 01 9 42+8 3nl 9 26•5 9 1111 09;8Y 8 5 3 (2 421940 8 4412 87 9 30 8 2N1 . 23,9 OS 8'85)1 74011 401818 • ....!11.19•5 60 ....‘lOOl4 84 . I ••.1 1 4 SS 4 30 .. 23,8 So I 15i 70 ...11 3011 op $.34.1A ulf =IIC=EI THE,MOST COMPLETE COMMERCIAL SCIIOOL IN AMERICA. The tremendous revival In al) branches df husmess is opening 'thousands of avenues to aetiM deter min..d, coutp;tent young men„- An age presents hut 'one such opportunity for preparing for, and successfully engaging In bulstheas. Send or circulars, L. L. WILLIAMS. President„ Oct. 30, Ifso-vri. Rochester, N. Y. - . . 1 4 Plain Mantels. Complete 115.00 White:Marble for Children 15.00 Extra Fine - - .20.00 i 64 Extra Fine 10.00 Cranite Monuments - 150.00 Sul " SS able for Crown People 8.00 " Extra, Finefor Family 225.00 1 Ex.Flnelll.oo • earl would recommend especially the Beautiful COLUMBIAN' MARBLE, and tar More durable for this climate, will not sou. or DISCOLOR with age like othqr marble.' , A._ W. : A_Y - FFEZ,S, 442, 414, 446 and Granite Yard 458, 460 46? East. Water Street, IBM, N. Y 621; Ea Ormira Abvertisements. GERITY MORREL, CRetab/( B 4ed 4g4 7 -1 WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, PATENT ItEDICIRES &c., Sc. LAKZ STREST, Ftb.2.B, is. ELMIRA., N. S. LADIES AND GENTS, FADED DRESSES, COATS, OR A4Y ARTICLE THAT NEEDS CLEANING OR DYEING, GIVE SATISFACTION OR PAY FOR THE GARMENTS. • - WM. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED 1/YE /c CLEANSING WORKS, 434, 436 d 123 WATER-ST., ELMIRA, N. Y. ti - Won returned C. 0. D. by express I de sired. nuayA, • WOODEN WATER PIPE CRAIN PUMP TUBING. The undersigned having resumed Mantel's at his old puce, Is nuw ready to supply Fanners, Tanners, nd all others In neetl of ripe, with a 'BIIPEaIett.•;ARTICLE, AT RICES TO SUIT VIE TIMES. A. WYCKOFF, (success° to I. S. lioniilE, Elmira.) 122 R. R. A ••., Elmira, N. Y. Elmira, June 10, 1878. 17 - 31. SENT. H - JUL.* Wholesale and Retail CLOTHING Gents' Furnishitz Goods, 133 VAST WATER STREET, - -7 4. • LORING BLOCK, ELMIRA. Ellin, N. V. Jai:lol3, MB gibeertiments. CITY 25.k1 SITUATE the .Factory to the Wearer. Shlita o f Superior Xim in, 'Extra Floe linen Shid BOSOUk open Back, French Yoke, and completely finis hed for $7.50 A DOZEN I 1 Iftrineemapieeed arrancretenia with one of the lamest Cotton'Taetarles to 114 Called Stat.. for.. en. Iltrilird euppiy of:slitlig klatlin, at onernnely low pric.., and bawls. largaly Itaaresatel our taribime La th. luau ufwtor• agaves .J bayns pi bpds, to .11ti,y let. we haw decided to make sa tavola.' rtoptarr tura from ths toursa usually adquoti ay susularestabllshrotats. and t o ma c e ..n.1.., d•... 117 in emtuty u•Tra• turn 'atilt IL. ooneleseer, thu. aroiasor the enortmula profits Palomar' by ailddlastna sad gla pagan, 1 eado• tad ~ ,A , . 11 .. te mated. tuiluoing annrerretntrd ore; 1 ? b"lr , o , Sioohn. h.. Linen Flnlebed French Yuba Marti, u above. road, for west, - i . *La, 6 •• n os , •• .' . • • 4.00 1. . 01. , 44 a. 4. 4a .a. - A...4ra ,, S. , ~died enNI plated %leers and Collar !tattoo. preset tad to nth peal..., c t 2. I et le SUra, Sample shirt Embed completa. vritb • at Patton. as stave, not furapahl by ...,i en ...ees. AL cysts. W. warrant lbw Shi,‘, to be flrst•elso• Is rrory , / , '•Pect. I. 1 4 sub•laiithillY and neatly finlahetl, and equal In appearance, durability std style is toy .line so tae eori.• • 0r ,, 0r too or are, Miset Se !AMC?, Send sue • fr...llar a o•n , citoustaferon ce ut Obssbaso a I.agth •1 arm. ram..a oar la 0r,1....re rrq, .. 700 1114,0 all outside profit. ". - Roy .• ~ birt• ism. pact la st.•.. 1 , 41,... Swabia, Camara tadr.s. Cat a lan. a t p. 0 ,0 e r o nt a ttas an .L..,....t.... a I:1Y I,olLif. I" (.71LN liiIIIN 0 'Co, 4211/road !rah low 7.11. V. &h. i ® Sena your To us. W. 3 will Established 1555 AND OEALEit 11 -A. D !ICED PIICE HST nary ht, 1371 i CHEAPER N MIT WENN IN ENTY TEAKS Wiscef raucous. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. The Great TRADE M_ RC ENOLINIE .. i tt Remedy., Will promptly & radically Cur e • AL any & every case • t o k . of Nervous Debit.. k ity & Weakners, e''''''',^ ' ... result of Indic. .. *llll l` '' • ••• •, : cretion.excesa or ----.... „.-_, Ts Before Takuigove brain rw ork of the n l . a " it nervous . system ; 18 perfectly harmless, acts like waffle. cud has been extensively toed for over thirty years with great success. Sir Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail' to every One. _ The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at f t per package, or Mx psekages for t 5, or will be sent free by mall on receipt of the motley by addressing TILE GOAT DIEDIC17111: CO., No. 3 Mecbanics' Block. Grimort. 'limit.. snl,„ Sold In Towanda by C. T. Klit.l3T. and by druggists everywhere. Johnston. Holloway & wholesale agents, Phila. (April 10, 1117,11. lIAIMLESS, EFFECTUAL & AGREZABLIC 4sk your Druggist/or Circulars. For sale by CLARK B. rORTER (Ward Muse), DRUG GIST IVILKEs-Ltacit. Pa, Oct. 11, 1879 I am ruing Ely's Cream Balm and receiving very beneficial results. It is the only remedy of a great many I have tried which has acted as a cure. I have been troubled with Catarrh for over 15 years, my head has been, most of the time, stopped and very much Inflamed. 'lt has opened my nostrils and reduced Abe inflammation in my head--in Tact I feel T am tfAug cured. It is the only remedy I have found which can be applied without pain and dread: My eyes are improving au that-I can stand strong light, which I have not been able to do for yeoris.. NATIIANIIIIL 'Mount. With 'E. F. Stqlrrz, Mirebut. - Oct. 80 IatKET. ROS RANSE & BREWER, pie of Towanda and vicinit4 ii k prepared to Inrniab *--; • :Announce to the 7 • that they are FRESH POULTRY, P1811,,0T. and Vegetables ?is their season, at the most reason able rates. 'Everything purchased of na delivered promptly tree of charge. Air Our !oration. ONE DOOR NORTH OP St lAT'S BAKERY, is convenient for all. We buy the bestLstock, and take great palm to keep everything In the beet order. Galena a call, 105£,CDANSE.4 Towanda, Dec. 5, 1578, QIISQUERANNA COLLEGIATE IN. wrirrre. 'Mater Telln will beet MONDAY, NOVEMBER 74, ISM Expisnaes tor board, tultlonand furuLshed room from #O2 to MO per year. For catalogue or tprtber particulars address the Frlnclpal, , , EDWIN E. QUINLAN, P. IL Toceatda,July-Z, We. (i 7yl • .a • filllE CENTRAL ROTEL, ULSTER, PA, The undersigned baying taken -possession of the shove bOtel, respectfully solicits the•patron age of his old friends and the public generally. augl6-11. )t. A. 701111i8T. FROST'S 'sway WIIOLESAYA AND 1137 AU. FURNITURE! Wa are sow wowed for the SPRINEIThieDE with s tall Una of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS or vita LATEST StirLES AND LOWEST - PRICES nLlei w• Wit* the public to eel and esszolna PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH AND " HAIROLOTH, to Tin huge r - iind our.prices as low-ss the )owese. CRA.MBER SUITS IN: ASH, W¢LNIIT AIip,SOFT WOOD, ankle% we ire eelllei at a :very low pike. A fall lies of : • . • SPRING BEDS, MATTRASSES UNDERTAKING: le this &tartThent we always have the best goods la the metket, and are continually' adding lone all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while out prises we the lowest. J. 0., FROST'S SONS'. torwas. April P. 1171. MARKET. E D. RUNDELL, ftillitethilay announce that lie le coottoidzia , the Market tautness at the old stand of Mullock h Mandell. and will at all Goes keep a tall supply of FRES Ti o FRESH do & SALT MEATS, GARDEN VEGETABLES, . . • - FRUITS, &c. Casters int4sir Seaion. air All Goode dellverod Free of Charge. E. D. MUNDELL. Towanda, Pa.. June' lt, 167 e. M E mow ODS ARE THE OLD MARBLE YARD • STILL IN OPERATION. The understated bayingpurchased the MAR IILE "(ARM of the late GEORGE MeCA BE, de.t sires to Inform the public that having. employed' experienced men, he is prepared to do all kinds of work In the tine of MONUMENTS,_ HEAD STONES, MANTLES and SHELVES, in the v ery best meaner and at lowest rates: Persons desiring anything In the Marble line are invited to call and eXamine work, and Save agents' commission, JAMES )IcCASE. Towanda, Pa:, Nov. ilt, 1178, 24tf • NEW ARRANGEMENT' . • rN VIM COAL B-USIN.E SS. • • The undersigned haying purchased from - Mr. McKean the COAL YARD • • AT THE FOOT OF PINE STREET, NEAR THE COURT 'HOUSE, Invites toe panronage of ills old friends and the public generally. I shall keep a full assortment alai sizes, PITTSTON, RILIESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, AZD SIIALL Watt At' LOWEST PRICES FOR .CASH. NATHAN TIDD. . Towanda, Pa., Aug. 21, Wk.. 12)1 MEAT MA.RKETI -MYER & DrVOE Located in BEIDLEMANI BLOCS, BRIDGE BTBEET, Keep on band. FRESH 'AND SALT MEATS, DRIED BEEF; FISH, POULTRY, GARDEN VEGETABLES AND BERRIES IN TIIEIR SEASON, An. SWAB goons delivered free of chase. Baia a DR,VOE. Toinsatts, Va n Ms, SS, lele. GREAT BARGAINS! MERCHANT TAYLOR, GOODS J.i7ST, ARRIVED. Fine Cheviots, Worsteds, t OTZIiCOATINGS, LI.CIEL iitATALASSZ CLOAXINGS, , - Windsor Scarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Colored Hose T MEATS, KO fifirAn inspection of oat stock will convince the most fastidious. J. DOUTRICIT; Main Street, Towanda. !a Dated Ont. 24, lI7L Vast KUM . A litONTllgusianteeti. 112 a day at . home Made bribe industrious. Cap ital notrequired ;we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at.work for us than at anything else. The work Is light and pleasant, and such as anyone ean w i l l i at. Those who are swiss who see this notice Send us their addresses at once and 'see for themselves: Costly Outet and terms tree. Now ht ri ers k time. Those nirendr at work are laying' up 1 a m, of money. Address 111112 It CO., Angus • • sine. $66 A WTEK to your own to u, and no capital fisted. you can give the business a trisl without expense. The best opportunity ever offer. 114 tar those willing to work, iyou should , try noth ing else until yon see toryotirselt.s bat you can do at the business we offer: NO;tooni to explain here. You can devote all, your, time or only your spare. Hine to the business, and make zood pay for every hour that you work. Women make as . much as men. Send for special privstiterms sod particu lars, which we mall free. Ips outfit free. Don't complain of hard times while you have, such a chance. Address H. lIALLSTT t CO, Portland, Kan. Out asoOrtosee I of Rs tame • tall Una of AND PILLOWS. NEW STYLES Vssiness L DOIITRICH, Oppiatite Park, TOWANDA, PA. FANCY SMTINGS PANTALOONS: Wool Diagonals, and Plaids, OVV.RCOATINOS In great vatlety, m*de to ordet4 the VERY LOWEST PRICE. GENTS lIIRMISHING • GOOD'S, at reduced talcea.' Suspenders, Unde7;clothing, /tom 88 to 52 in size Ell garniture, BRI I s GE STREET FURNITURE STORE. TWO STORES IN QNE! !lawful; doubled our facilities this year hy occh. Pping two stores," we are prepared to oder-you a arter• stock than over before, and at reduced pr CAA. We are selling FURNITURE Of all Masi& CHEAP It not CHEAPER CrItAPESt. . .. . At the same time we keep up th e standard of our goods. . • 1 .t T ii - . . UNDER TARING, (OUR SPECIALTY), We guarantee satisfaction,. We are prepared to do 4-anything in that 1(1113 ea short nottee, and are de termined co please.: • alt and see for yourself N. P. HICKS Towatla. May Ist, 1879 riscitrancons. HAR DWARE • ; AT GREATLY REDUCED PtRICESI 11. T. JUNE, AGENT, Ie now opening a huge and giinetai assortment o Hardware, Cutlery. Stoves, Iron. Glass Paints, 011 s, Varnishes, Tinware, liflll4o Furnish ing throds, Ise., purchased for cash and offered for sale at Bargains to those who pay cash for goods. IIANGES and Coaincr: Stoves, for *loCoalatO Woad, at low.prk!es, at JUN E 1.3. ITHE Gossip, the best Iv-priced 11. - . store for offices and chamberavV4 made, at 'TUN VS. OR Hosse:Shocs and horse-ShoeV j. Nails., go 144. r ...1 c N 41±. ALARGE stock of Bar, Square, Round, H r alt-Itoutl, Oval, Ilalf-oval. Sant!, and Hoop Iron. at .I(7N E'S. FOR Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, go [o .11:NrS. T ANTKRIVS—a • great variety' at _Alnw price., at .117NE , s._ LOCKS, Latches, and Bolts, every variety siald kiwi. at ' AST and Toe Corks (Steel), at D ISSTON'S Celebrated saws, at TABLE and Pocket Cutlery, nt 11 JUNE's T_TOUSE Furnishing Goocis, :it, cm-...s NTAtLS - and . Spikes, all sizes, at JUNE'S . . ORWAY ancl Sweed's Iron at 11 • • JUNE.' Jl__ . ECIIAS ICS will find a good as- Sootssortpeut of at , . YU N E 'S. -.. . A ~f LARGE stock of Philadelphia rt7artlngt•at)4l Tare Bolt., at JUNE'S. _ _ WIRE Cloth,at - - - DOWDER, Shot anti Cap - s, for sale L at JCINE't.3. BL"'FlNGwder, at FILES and Rasps, a full assort - ment, ittJLTNE*S. . - • 931,11ERY Cloth and Paper, and r Sand raper. aL • W— INDOW GLASS, from 7x9 to 24VIC, at • JUNE'S. ---- CREWS and Tacks, direct from i•J'tfiC 'inatiofaeturers, for sale at wholeqate and mail, at reduced prices. at JU N F.'S. T j A MPS, Lamp Nrners, Chimneys, Shades, and Wicks of Zvery variety. at JUNE'S. frIlE - Graphic and New Jewel, tli most perfect anti ornat.mmtall beating stoves I the Worbl, at ROPE, Sash, Ciaid, Twine and Wirk, all sizes, ,; JUNE'S. TINWARE—a large, and general assortment at Inv; prices, at .1.17 N STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, And COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN & PTNE-Sts. <The old stand of Fox, Stevens dr 314,reur,) They Invite attention In their complete m, Goods, and very large stock: of Choice New. which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TILE PRODVCE TIZAIiE, And Cash raid for desirable kinds M. J. LONG. Toulzda, Aprt 1"IBI9 r he Pdrest and 'Best ledlelne ever mode; , A ectohtnatten tit flew, linelui4.lldattdrake, end Dandelloa, A Silt rll the ring ine.t ce troptrL , .r Of tint then lu Tim leer t ;tcrent- Mood Partner. Lfrcr etator, and Life t li...tering Agent ou to , th„ No iliwitce or ill Iheg:h ran Doenlbiy long ext.: oiler, it Ilittery arc Yariod uadhenst •r Are the:: opi,attiegi. The: glee nor lire and viror to the 'red and lane. : To all r'ho , e e:n1 , 133" - -1 , ,t3 caz treortllurity of 3 the bowels or urinary or,:unt• or Mho rcriefire er A:Tet.g.•r,74nlo nod Sufi:Want, nop- Lltttrs ,ere Alt/iota lutoxlCAllmy. 'Co mutt • r what, your frUilltgA Or emiptoinu are. • ',tat We u.lmont to. tiro flop ltata r r - ; pon't wait y n are +lt-14, Ina If y Qui frri !had or nitveral , N, the Litt , Mat .uute. ly may ,are your tun: it lea,+ eared hiltu/nt at. lit 400 he Tool tot - at-zoo ther r. ell not rime hr: .1, Do n lo•heter tnr I, t.yon^ , butt. ( aro and tl.ent to Use Hop Ilatera• Ihrnaetoberlloprlitterda norite, drn eget?, drunk - - en nostrum : mit tbo I ' un-t and r..,4 mthumn,. r . trades the 'lnvalid's Friend andeons," 144,1 4 no potion or 1....-any ommid witbou • *Cct rose t dtkr. _ • nor Coral Criss Li the ratuxt sad b...st. . . ' . - , 718 nap ?An P•trAtv'tnaoh, I.trc.iantt tidnoy Is .apr d!krtp an Otilera. C .6",..± I.y ak.r,ert, i.,u....14c druggi,t.. ... , • D. t.e. IP all atvnltten i•—••• , :bli. cltre. for drunk trnrs.l, linlei,Cir,t,.2. t0(3.,,,0 anal r..arvotwat• . ~. .L.:bl S.s. . IL 1 , 41 . , ":".41 , ,,.C0.11...100tg, IS:T. Scud S‘lt CT:IAF. . . P:, .• VIIIIa month and Outfit f . xpenrea guaranteed to A ;mutt !Wax I CO., Augusta, dtylut ,garnt and ,Vonsithold. Jourtal of qommerce. One of the oldest breeders of thor-' oughbred stock in the. United States urged upon us the.necessity of keep ing before our readers the necessity 'obreedingnitriProving annually every head of stockkWt ou the farm; This urwhat we have attempted to do for years.. Be the stoelovhat it may, horses, cattle, sheep, ppultry, or indeed, anything 'else, nothing short of a thoroughbred sire can be used to advantage. Our . friend denounced in unmeasured terms the-lax habit; be coming too common, of using grade or homebred 'sires, and a'mument's consideration r will -show,. any man 'of experience:the iripropriety of - such a course. Take cur native cows as an instancel when -bred to allioroUgh bred hull they are tnoi'e than apt to produee a well favored cross, and be-1 cause it is. so, if a male, the owner is so pleased with hint, as in many in stanees to make use of hint in future . 1 years to top his herd.- low it must be patent that bred, to the same class of animal as his dani, his, get instead' of being half blood Will be, only one quarter, and unlessthe circumstances and surroundingslare very favorable, the inferior blood be pretty sure to show itself in even larger propor tions. But-if, on the contrary, a thor oughbred sire . only is used the tend ency will be upward eVery year and the herd surly improving. We see no reason willy the blood of the thor oughbred scrub 'should not be as po= ten; as that of improved stock, and we verily believe that the ingrained . ' cussedness of: the ' one , is ti 4, apt to crop out as the•wll proportioned de velopment of the - other.. It Would be the height of folly, therefore to use ailything, short of .a.full,blooLd sire ori any stock on the farm, Than the COOKED Ott UNCOOK ED FOOD : —Prof. Farrington of the Maine State Agri culturareolfeg, has concluded a ser-.. its of experiMents which were begun nine years ago by• Samuel Johnson, then farm superintendent, for the pur pose of ascertaining the relative-feed- I iv, Value c.)l' cooked and uncooked meal for swine. The trials. have been carried on seven months each the greatest care being taken tliat no food should be wasued, but thatsthe pigs should be fully supplied. The raw meal was simply mixed 'with coil water and f..-d inunediately, ex .cept in very tt,,bl Weather, when it was given - slightly warm. :The solt is wholly in favor of,the un rook ed meal for feeding. The-Professor . says that the exls:rinients .prove! that the labor and fuel - required for, cooking food is. nfore than thrown: away. This accords with opinionsi we have hell for a ;Ion: , inne r and our practice has Leen eonlinto iincookedlOod for.Morc-than t*enty years. IVe are nol.even par ; ticular to mix , thp . meal and water only as it beco - &!s mixed- in the trough by liouring,..jiailk or water up; on the meal Meal is cheap and labor dear in New England:—N. E. Far mer. - . • FACTS . ABOUT FLOC:R.-EOM', is peculiarly, sensitive to the atmos pheric influences, 7' hence it should never be stored in a room with sour liquids, nor where onions or fish 33:6 kept,•nor any 'article that taints the - air of the, room in Which it is stored. Any smell- preceptible to the sense will be absorbed by flour. •Avoid &alp cellars or lofts where a free cif culation of air cannot .be obtained. Keep in a cool, dry, •airy room and not exPosed to freezing temperature nor to, intense summer, or to artifi cial heat for any leiith of time above 70 deg. to 75 deg. Fahr. It should not come in contact with grain or other substances which are liable to heat. Flour should be sifted and the particles thoroughly disintegrated, and then warmed lif4cire baking. This treatment improves the color and balt l / 4 9g properties of the dough. The sponge shoidd he Prepared for the' oven ati soon as the yeast has performed its mission, otherwise fer mentation set's likand- acidity results. EN9212 OEM EfiniNti Fon ...27TocK.—.14'armers as a -rule are not sufficiently thoughtful in the matter otsecuring and prOvid ing an abundance of b'e t hiinEr for nva, stock in the - -intor. V ery often i ss the case that cows' confined to: stanch-. ions are forced to lie on the cold, hard, plank flooring absolutely without any" betiding whatever, and- - this through our long, cold - , inelen)ent Aside from the inhumanity of ing the animals thus to suffer. it is unprofitable, 'wasteful, eifraVagant ; for if alarge, share of the nutriment assimilated by them is consumed in keeping them warm, manifestly their yield at the pail will be . greatly de-,_ creased.- With an abundance of scale hay that may always be V had for the gathering, there is no excuse for such inhumanity • and waste.--)lo , sa,h?r.: Pl9llylr n. I= LARGE ANDIALS.—The desire for larg,&animals is not always judicious. Witt' cows it is question - able if the largest arc ttni , : - iest., when the cost.of feeding is considered. 'There arc eases. in which a ilairynnins. finey for large, showy animals may be justified, and it may be granted that a stable well filled with large, showy Dutch or ShorthoTrn COWS is a very pleasiniy, ex. hibition. But when we coun'i to figure up the cost of the product it may 'be a question.if the same arnount,of food. were expended upon an equally good. looking herd of /Ayrshires the milk might not be more cheaply produced: Where the final end of.the cow is con.• sidereal and the amount or . boef is•au object, that, of course,'alters the bear ings of the question. .lint bigness in cows is not always bqt. either for beauty or profit to the liWner. SMALL' FaulTP. , .—We have urged upon our farmers the plan of setting out all the varieties of small fruits; and'we again beg lea:ve to impress- it upon one and all who' own even an of soil'to deVote at least the fence corner to this delightful :addi. Lion to n family's happiness, comfort' and health. Nor is.this all, feirwhile the farmer sleeps the- fruit - gr*, and nothing is more prbtitable than the .fruits, provided good selections are made. Care should he. taken to make good selections, however, as tnitling fruit does . not 'ray. Carry, good, nice. clean fruit tq market, and i; will sell at remunerative prices. The time is now at hand to set out Vines and trees. Set thbin out they take root at once, s i b as to bid defiance to the, effects of, frost and snows GEO. STEVEN'S Breed =EMI Tnis ; being the season when game killing by shootiw; and probably eontaining the pellets, is . eaten, it may be.,,wortli whili to caution thiise Who consume the desh of bir4 with avidity that the proportion stances in which shot -is found, is Probably - in' - comparison With the number of cases in which the pel lets. are unwittingly swallowed) It is a matter of speculation how mucla mischief a shot may do in passing into the intestines, but - the fact that anomalous,diseases have been set Up by the presence of very Small bodies - which have become' -entangled in folds of the muctious membranes ren ders, it desirable to put the public, en their guard. Occasionally the most disastZona - results have - followed such small causes. -3y,c have in re collection the case of a physician littp_ died after prolonged and unexplain ed sufferings, from 'the impaction of a very - small nail which had found Its way into a pudding,. and was. inad vertently swallowed.' A little care wit avoid this contingency, but re metabering,i that the bird had -been shot; some, pains ought . 'certainly to be taken to avoid swallowing . the missle —Lancet - . Hotmehoicl Hints. WELiifT pourifi of rich (A 4 cheese into a saucepan with three tablespoonfazif of cream. or milk; .add one ounce of butter; when it is melted cld-_tlr . ree eggs, beaten; and one , tablespoonful of mixed mustard; give it one boil up, then add a wineglasgul of sherry or a little ale; serve it at once pour ed over. toasted bred-or•cracliers: A Welsh rare-bit is: always .better if it is made` on a. chafing dish at the: table. .TO REMOVE RUsT EROM : STEEL.--; The - steel' to be -cleaned.. should. be washed with a solution composed of one-half ounce cyanide of potassium in two winces of water; then brush With the following reeepe: Cyanidis of potassium, one-lialf ounce ;. eastile • soap, one ounce; Whiting and water• SUtticient, to form a paste. ,;. Cyanide of potassiumis,a.most violent poi.. son, anll persoi* using it should be particularly careful.-2-tlfozzioa Jourub I V . Chem i. , /,;y. •, . . .f. at V.n CAnnAor,.—Cut'eabbage very fine, on a slaw cutter, if possible,'salt an stepper, stir well and let stand five ' i minutes. • Have an iron kettle smok,.. ink hot, drop one tablespOoplard int , ) it, then`the cabbage, stirring briskly until quite tender; send to table hn i medintely. One halt' cup sweet' ercf:: ui .and three-.tablespoons :vinegar --the -vinegar tojie added '`eft(T, the cream ' has been well .stirred, and aftCr it k !taken froni,the stove, is an ,agreea'ol , change. When properly done, an in- valfd can 'eat it, and - there is no Wen.- - siv(!inlor from cookingit. I SQu.tsu Pf.E.-Stew. the`Fquash as ! . I usual with, a . little salt ;- rub it I through a colander and have. it per- ' feetl% ; smooth ; mix the sjuasli wit:t '1 sweet milk; if you•have eream itWill be all the better ; make it about as. i thick as. hatter. ~,addiug the yolks of.. two - eggs; 4weeicn -tiwitii'pulverized sugar to taste : flavor with rose water i - or with t uuttneg ; line a pie dish ; till • ' with 'sipuish and bake for half, an . Lour: if you do not, want:, a pie make fritters, •and fry - brown., With* good butter ; when about to serve sprinkle' a little sonar., on them ; :squash cloi: . i not require niph-sxycetening,. .1 SALAD ThiEl:siNti, If (Bohemian- . way).-L-Yo l lt,, of two raw er-gs ,beat N - a - 'll up a little salt and.mustard';. chop one or two young onion-3,61 leek; add three tatilespoonfuls 'of salad oil, one-of vinegar, beat whole up -into a thick sauce; cut in the salad ; sprit le a little salt over it ; ° don't stir till moment of using. For small salad' three dessert spoonfuls of oil and One of vinegar... F l olt tußKlsii ColSw; Tincture Canada snake. root,„,cight ounces; tincture orris root, twisty- - four ounces ; oil of berganiot, oil of lemon, each twelve draelns' r .; essehee' musk, oil of neroli, oil - of .einarnoa, oil of cloves - each two drachm: : ; ; orange-dower. ,Water, ten 4oune'es 4 . colOgrie spirits, six quarts. - After the cologne sheuhl . ed to stand :sey(ral days before. off into bottles. SNucE :'foa Take one pint of Water, a laige tea cup cull of sugar, a piece of bitter the size" of a larT eger. a little net• ine , rarni ci-,,ence of lemon ant! bring it to a boil. Now take a iittie• 1:orn (which js best), well bean into a paste, arid i thinned, and stir gradually till .of the -eonsisteney of eiTrtru-, or,as thick as you like: th6t ad-d a lai . fze tablespoonful of fruit jelly. PEAcip, itrrkn.-.,-Pare the pe - nchls and boil' them with sufficient wa4r to keep- from sticking, until they Tf.re iinite Then__ pass them throligh a Co:hinder. To. one quart of peach es add one and. one-half poumb3. of sugar. 'ind boil slowly foy one hour, stirring it otten. Vitt in . Jars tind rover tightly. The above rveipe'we have tried. but are told it is very MEI! MorNTAIN DEW runniNo.___Four lar , re crackers, one pint or swc,t milk, a little salt, yolks of to beaten cogs. Bake- Mit an hour, then ma the whites Of two earg.•;, beaten stiff, and half a cup of pulver ized sugar; set in the oven and sHohtly. brown. , Serve - withotit sauce. To PoLirm ToRTOISE SHELL A irri er.f:s..--Take some whitening (having rubbed it between the finger an I thumb that there May not be a par tide ol'grit), mix with water to the , eonsisteney of - cream ; rub , with a very soft rag; polish with some of the dr3- whiting. To PickU ,I'E.ICIIES.—One gallon of vinegar, four ,po . unds of brown sugar, or six eloves in each peace;, mike. the vinegar hot,. add the sugar, boil . and skim it well; . I.;our the vineg,ar boiling hot over 'them, then • comer and set in.a cold place for ten days ; drain off vinegar, make it hot, skim again, and pour it over the peaches. Let theft' become .cold., 'Secure as for jam. Unripe 'periches'the best. IlttowN BETTY - Ton. Bitv.....kkns . r.— One cupful indian -meal, two cupfuls rye meal, one egg., one teaspoonful . cream -tartar, one-half teaspoonful molasses; mix with cold milk ,abo - ut as thick as pound cake; drop in hot laird and fry. • SALAD •table spoontuh> of terragon - vinegar, and same_ of Common vineg,ar little' . Mack pepper,'a tablespoonful of salt; mix very smooth. Do not - stir until used. • - , , • in water' cut-up clituqers, 'adding p, bsaapitt of Urbs; reduce by boiling and,pas3 throbgh a sieve ,• add-a - pieceof but and the yolksof three eggS and some pieces of toast. Fon CAn g•l -lons,of water; one gallon of salt,otie half pound of .brown sugar. Boil - this mixture fifteen minutes. When cold pour over the beet. To Pot's!) STEEL—HUbji will!! a piece of emery paper fromwhieh,vuu have removed - some of tlicroughnet:s by rubbilititin old kuift with it,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers