gbh ationd - prparlinent ASSOCIATE EDITORS: • E. E. QI:INLAN, - J. T.3lcCiiktoll, J. A. WILT, A. T. LILLE'S. V. W -RYAN . ponetaniCations may be sent to any one of tithe sifore editors, as-may brpreterred, and will slim to the Issue of which he Das charge. E. E. QUINLAN, Editor. THE EXAMERATION AT THE FM. Owing to a misunderstanding inircgaril to the 4itne of examination, or lack of zeal in coiripetinl for de - premiums, the number of "entries " lor the competitive examination was not large at the County Fair. Pear that the examination would be very - hard probably defined many who would have done well. We. append two of the exathination . papers, If you do not give coriect answers at the first iiuestions, do not 'be dis couraged, No one, in the examination answereclallthe questions, we think .not even in any Thtie branch. TwO sets of pre were,.otiered, of $4 and $:1, each ;. one for those:who had taught school , and one e foithoSe , who had not. It is hoped, if t'lir, aralia;:,rersiiffer premiums at the next amad fair, a t la r ge number will enter tlre6 examinatb chiefly to give an idea of what•thvxaminatioa papers ar that two sanqife r Papers are Publishedi , :First' questips in arithmetic. Second - .questions in geogra pb y : • NITT EN ARITHMETIC- " 'FAIR " EN I L AMIN Indicate. or express the following by e• • • ;g,li-, etc..:, 3,, t ,• , . - 1. What arc the circumference, diame f..r.- and solidity of‘a splicra whoseirea is :1111•,tsio,000 4 . , ' . . . •':!. What is-tthe Present worth of an all - naity of:100 to continue twenty years, and in _reversion ten yeafs, at six per c,ca..c:impound inteiest? If a wire one-half inch in dtameter olt four two foot 'globes, how large a wi:e will •Mpport five nine foot globes? " 4. What is the difference between .the true and the. Lank. d,scount of 5.:400 for live months, and six days, at six;Ter cent.? • -1_ What is the surface of a cube whose ti a. is wine feet' • • Finnish coricet solutions and' answers the following Mix sugars worth twelve cents , and i'mrteen cents; with fifteen pounds Werth twenty - cents, so as to sell the mixture at eighteen cents. mil ttialte a protit of tweil t v per cent. I low many poundscif,„each? Divide four hundred • millionths by two thousand, and express the answer in Ws t dS. ' s. Find the value of one-half, plus thir4l (unc-fput:th minus one-fifth). t. The remainder is the least cumli:in Inuitiple of the even munliers less than n-cfve :the quotient is thi. greatest cum- Lio:TdiviQor 'or the ii`ritne numbers less then ; and the (iirisor the Amer, t-tv: .bct %%Teti the siniple and the kieal t.(l 4e of the tire's in Find the divi de mi. - S..ven'-eighthstb what pet cent. of LIS qI;ESTIONS , IN OF:otilt.trill" FOR. ENAMINA-. TION AT BRADFOIII) +lll,:isiTX FAIR OF -- t, State the month and day of the sear when the sun is v i ertical at the equator. • \.tore the climatic citeles t 144 bound t he:north temperate _zone, and 'llikance apart in degrees. . .;‘. How many degrees of eastlongitude au.l hot: many of west longitude on the Westerts - Hemisphere? 4. What is the earth's axis, and what its 'exact length in statute miles? f. - What is the laiinuie of the north polo ? G. Xti avelcr carry jug; an accurate time viese ,iliservt-s it to . be thirteefi• minutes sitAv ; tll;:xikat direction has Le journeyed, ;rind how inany degrees.' her e.hat kind of degrees does a rav,ier - ,iourney ill going directly east- 1%. riu er how many degrees of latitude Lc , tt - ertical in upe year? Suppose a matt to start in latitude :`ate ‘legrees north, and longitude thirty dy;.-,rees east, and to travel soutlieast, erotis :lg-rtghty degrees of latitude, and one lolndred and fifty degrees of longitude: ::egaired his latitude and longitude.- 10. Define Climates TEXT 8008, At tle last meeting' of . the County Tea, hers' 'Association at Sheshequim a was appointed to consider the lea ,, l.dity of suggesting to the direeto.i - s 1.1 n u , ,eenre uniformity of text books th„ c"unty s :l - The committee was a ne. consisting of the Cininty Sn. , everal of the oldess and •.: -.11 , -ci!'!.sfill• teachers in the county, 11•. : .. ttru difeCtols, Tile cornmit id ',hat at reits best ,n make all e apifiirmity. A plan was, • 4:qi ! , y them. :••)ine w hat similar to •,•:.•• Tit-1 by the directors of Ccii ••-r .the • rtport accepted by A committee was - ap p Zorniu - 1 the plAn to the several •••• .4iards of the county. It is tiirt-ct—rs wilt .zive the subject “ri , itleration Illeb its imp:A-tame I,mands. (i.te feature or the report cer ,lniy (ormilviid itself to directors, I-y plan no votes will be consider 61 for ;my s tl it‘s fur which :zap zents the h , use NYOI kt 4, between the ,JAh.pzion td . the. idan by the directors and their •-.-ote ol,n the aeries to be used. 1 , 1-411, ft:Ahmed, is a good ovidin_ , 7 -for the selection of the Ite.4 books by, he directors tor the schui)ls . ;he county N:vitlf,;nt,lhe advice or assist-." ;oleo of interestedl.arties. PF::\ .Thject of the study nd p*tice of penmanship is improve ?icnt but neither stinly nor practice sim4 can produce this result. A young marl may have acquired a knowledge of the entire theory of peuholding, positions, movements.' forms and propnt ions as elu cidated by the greatest masters, and yet, upon his first attempt to put in • practice his extensii : elinowledge, he would pre cut but a Norry liguic. Probably uo w , zuld es.ect to write well from theo ry'alono; but can we say the same iu ee gard to practi . ce" alone? We have. seen mauy persons attempting the impossible few ~f acquiring an elegant hand by prae t try. v. 1 ,0, seem e d possessed of the ide4 that 9 , HW-4r/rt . uy, pers;steutly. eon- tint:ed. Would transform them into port ;!.. men -withpLit the drudgery of thinking, studyinr,'erit ieising t A theory and practice must go togetb -- er. and as writing requires not only ate : dii.nt muscular dction, but intelligenci to .c7trunimq shell obedience, and at; the' mind i, iwquired to immediately decide .what ct . utrj-etions and - improvements are tlesirahle, it wont(' be„well that facfs were so arran'gt:d as to he instantly available ; and, in order to facilitate this, the multi tilde of conditions to be considered in ..writing - ;:i word` .may be 'included in six groups. The name of each !beginning with S. They are id:the order of their import .ance StiAtoc, sIZE, SPACE, SLANT, SHADE, !,PEEI). —1 'e hui fiiJournal. Wisceffatteons. GREAT BARGAINS! DOUTRICH, MERCHANT TAYLOR, Klpposlte Park, TOWM;TDA, PrA FANCY SIIITINGS • • and VANTArabONS GOODS JUST ARRIVED., Fine Cheviots, TVorsteds, Wool= Iliagonalg, -and Plaid., OVERCOATIN4S, In great variety, order, at the VERY LQWEST PRICE LACIEL SIATALASSE .CLOAIINUt4, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, at reduced 'dices Windsor Scarfs, Silk ilandkerchirfs, Colorcd Suspenders, Underclothing, F :O t to 51 I u size AirAn of our stork trill courince he most tas9illous. J. DOU I 11. Maw S:reet, Pa. Dated ]N7B. 201 r • LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on t,3lt. at the Rm•oitTzu OFFICE at Wholes:lk. Pettit. Mortgage.. . Treasurer's Bond. IL:, .1 lector's Bond. Lease. • Warrant.,:c' , Art of Agreement,2 fGrins Bond on Attachment, e.tatde's Conertor's Execution. .uIrI• s MM. Petition for Lieense.. .R•md for Lleen,e. Note .11eltreinent. Note .ludgetnent Nqte .fugentent 5 per cent. attZletl Tout) to der Rook. • I.."clteol order iraveffcrs Directotp. :Tile following tablet 0; time are carefully pre-.. pav - ed and will be correctt:d, and may or.: relied o:rau accura.e.: SJUT)IERS \ lAD I. E }: OW I..ft,fr, GorNG F.:.prebs. r Ph14.4. - .o,iresti.lloo. 'I Nt. 1i;.1 A M h. 50 M Freight ta Al,. 11%50 A M Freight SC Ace. 4.55 e Len p.I AlI: , V E •Ar W 3ay Ft.Acc.B..s A M 1 .:xpre5 , ...11.3.1 A M tOtii , ,a, _5.40r If Way Ft. Arc ft.*" r n Ni. ..5.3 I 0 A NI Y 11119.. Nt. F.:— .'4 r AILIWKE fit 111 - 11N—Pl11la. : Nigh , Exprt•ss., A 31: Way n't - I r r..,.t A'. 01nm0.1.11101 , , 4.40 r it. • • 1 T..;AN I.: At 11, a - -1% 4 1a". Exie,,, .7.55 Phi.a. Night F: - :(yf.•,'. 5.21 P M ; Way Freight aIKI 211 A NI. SYK tCUSE, & NEW YORK M3E3 LEAVE PININIONLVONI, T 111 NGII . NITON. N.Y. P10;a. Ex. 5.444 r m 1411144".40. , r Ex. 1.4. r Svracum, Ex..:47.55 A m K.Y x. 12.55 M N. V. & 1.15 A NI .2 I' m Loyal Freight ..7.1)0 A 44 t e twai F.:45 r 34 CORNING, COW A 5 EBQI - E A RTRI R tit DEM I= ....I.eaVe 10. 3 20 A M., 5.30 1 3 M, fi.3l A M 1.3 3 , •rtsceVille. •• 131.15, A. M, 6.50 I' , 7,46 ASI rrive p M. 5.23 P N, 10.1:3 A St'tllThtSl m, A T. 2,05 19 M i.LA •• ' 77.2 e P 9.:i2 A 1.4'; I' M 3,VP .111919 art. 4:20 19 NI, 4.15 P M, 11.30 r m r FICA. ITII AC nAILUOAD Vt. ELMInA--(rait) No. I at 6.10 A M. VOl/ / vugh mail :u .I EA mess. making principal stops, a m xn lye at Itttatt at ~m,reeville I, mt. , : ' , y111.•11m! 0,00. .r.aid No. 3 Iray4 at 3.10 I 31 Van I.,":'Llen 4.13, 5.30: Freevini , 5. . Cortland G.vti, and Sera.. cd , A. x. 501• , Alt is ,• E • A —Fipm the above Hitt at '2:15 avu 6.1 C I• ELSIIIZAi.ITHACA I; E\EVA• rin GO.ra t r,,lra fi S"yre :Ntyro. rang wa tN 4.35 A `lt and E 1 r i 5. , ac n at 6-35 A '4 and 7 :10 r 11, vivi in Qen , va at 6.40 A M and 3.25 P m. A train leaves Ithaca at (Loa A at, arnving In (Ze 111`V.t at :4O A !.q. TiL.itis leave Getieva going - South at 3.00 A M. r and rV , arriving at !...:ayre at 11.0 A N and 9.30 r 3z. TIOGA ItAIIROAD I=l Ilhissiinig s.n A m F.linlra Ex 11.2 n Asi l M. Elmira Mall ... 'Lae r m Way Freight.,.l2.::s m Way Freight...lo.SO ANI All F.xpress tnln eiitineo with C. C. awl A. Welhisiro trains, and aise alth Elklaitt e l trains at Las encerille. • SENF.cA LAKE sTEAm NAVIGATION UO3l IMMI f.oIN SOUTM—T.eav ' e etwra 7.23 AM. arrlyl..g at .Catkin! at 11.00 A M. GtM NORTH—IA-air Wafkins , at 1.30 r 1. ar- Ovt a. lierteya at 5.00.1. x. 15APCI kV IiAILROAD N , , 1 li. T 11= ;o •-• .041 . !0:4-.. ,A rco 6.1 !0001 •• 9...41 " 9.491 M " 1)ep.911:..10 " 1.5 b 2n li reel: w o”. 1 Wt :9 , h. 9 19, I . V %, =MG Lantoka... TA.TE LIN I.: Sc st'LLIV , t!s; ItAiLi!tiA CP - M E a ♦i(((-if. 14 MENIIII32 A N '••1 9 . 3 " A *l., 0 ',1; . (4) 'S9 ]l. • • ‘llql1 - vs• 4 •• _AV • 11 4 10 ••9 • NeW A 1 1 ,:...•• I'.; 4.80 El= =I 7..01 —• .I)u.tury a• 4-, . " A M ELIE RAILWAY I=l No. 3, ravine ______________ No. 9. A , 99 , 11/1/14.1.0101) and Way train... No. 17. Ittn7:oo 1.40" n No. 4 0 '4." No. 1, Day E.•:pr,s4 6.0!, KAsiwAra, ism ND. No. .. Mon‘tor Nn. 3.2, A v,ornrmlntinti, No. S. N. Y. :rxpre,s..., No. C. Way Mal)._ .... No. la. At,,,..1t,t PA. A. N. Y• RAILROAD 0337232 ISMED A !I' I' A Y I M: ;I' 5.^.5 9 0. 5 ' ...F••••; a... 5.2 6 Alj 9 .4 9.01, . Wave , 'v. A0:7.59 4.2(4.0..0 ..05 v Sare ;r3.S r 0 7.4 : 0.21! , ...15 1..00 2 20. .Atheu , ... 4.31 .!.23 5,0•;7.3 • 7.00i10. 7, 2.30 • 0.00 Tow:l44la 4.00 11 .1)C 4;7:);7.( • • - -1 10 •t!G 4V cENTRA.I. EL MI A. FROM NOII7II. Day Exprrss A Ae.12..2h Elmira 7.40 r II Sovtlierti EA_ 9.30 t• =I Fast N: lIAy Expreas...9.os A M N , rtherti Ex .. r st Nl3gars Er.... 5.15 r r M HENRY HOL - SE,I, • (ON VIE E&ROPZAIY PLAN) .- CORNER MAIN & WASHINGTON,SntEETB TOWA:4;DA.. PA. • :deals at all hours. :Terms to atilt the times. Large stable-attached. " W3l. HEI.IIY, PRorrarron. .Towanda. July 3. 1 9 -tf. EAGLE HOTEL, • (SOUTH SIDS PFULIC SQUARE.) This w ill-known house has been thoroughly novatrd :.nd repaired throughout, and the proprie tor Is no r prepared to' offer first-class Iterommods• Lions tat he public, on the most reasonable terms. . E. A. Jl.4.iN.Vaid. Towau lat_ra., May 2,1571. LEHIGH . VA I4LEY - -AND PENN:4 NEW YORE RAIL ROADS. Arrangement of Passenger 'Trains to take effect NOVEMBER ,10, Ma. ' • • DOM= a 3; s 1 4.9 9 , 41/ 62 X 909 IS 1091 1 .0 11 , fl 2S 10 19 6 i ' ... MR! itl 44 OVERCOATINGS, lEMEI ES 8 ()DJ Ali 1.) 1 1 a)) II 1 I 3 • 12 U3'-4 4,1 11111 DI 12 ) DO! 2 D 5 0 in 3.4,) 0 P. kl.l k antiTrrinn - 1" t, and lietw • I`erlur ca Balln and 6fEl , 4CI 13 fi3 FALL AND WINTER `CLOTHING! WHICH. HAS NEVER BEEN Eqc . A.LIED ()it EXCELLED ~~ PLEASE CALL. & EXAMINE lIF SELLS F 01: CASH AND WILL NUT HE FULL L'NE QF HATS A: CAPS T 0 Wa1)413. Pa.. Un. 1. 1711 N EW FIRM Mil Has filled up the Old 80_1e of 0. A. Black Vi/th a fall line of BABY AVAGONS,: - FANCY GOOS, TOYS, TOYS! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS A great varietyof LAMPS,. LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS =I Sewing Machines of the - - leading Enakesold for Cash at store, at wmeierfnily low prices. 31M2111NE NEEDLES & OIL Are Invlte4l to look over oar assortment. as we are ifetermiti,,l to fro an 1% 4,1 r power to please. Ito member the plare. OM i 3 9 IMPROVED A. ,, ricultural Machinery 4 NEI • .4. 45 4i 4, On M . The entreerthee Is prepared to tarnish the latex, ).-s far the farther at the /awe,: WC= ;:':-. 13 TLIs i• the hest and ettrapr•t 4/f all . the chile/ plows, and Is adapted to all kinds of soil and work WHEEI.F.It'S NEW . 4(ll'ill.E.GEkt:E6 TWO 'mutt:K . 4D blt:•E I't!W#llZ3 With ',tee! Rod,: largo truck wheels and latest la/proveMen t 4. This Is ateexodlent power and has no superior among 41ouble.geared Powers. ro I I It WHEELER'S NY.W TURkSIIERS AND C t: .A E 12S—tri0 or , r 414.4 et tiff and er,thot. Atte'utimi Is called zo Wheeler'.kilek's New Improved Undershot Thresher. one of which will Ise on exhil , itton after Juiy 'i~ .~ Sf S, na .. Soveral other khofq:of • Thrrshing Morhinea for :•,011.4 whh t. ;Cr, rray o Sfrel Rod Power. and T/.-exh-r, ei , lll , lErli. and PtPrlrs's row.r4. and Peerless Thrishers and Citanfrg, $,.11 AM 9,7 1 1 st 12.5, P `I 1 1 • Thls is be :pos. conipiete Grain Drill In use -Sample , im VID ENE n - ,oared arnnTv anything In the lino of Farm NVar,ons. :41,rieton, ()per and Top fina gles and Carrlag, , . rrry, cheap. Cortland, Rath and Empire Wagons and Carriages. Empire and Jaclaon Farm Wag,ons..... c. MEI Just received Is . tarload nr Fayetteviiie Excelsior Cement. the best arni.ehearest in the. market. Satisfaction guaranteed.. LEAVE xnlr Flt,t L1ne......10.55 A tt t • auadalgua Ar 5..4) P 17 Northern Ex..17...t:0 p Nara P =11! Fo• How, and otheit painting. steady for thri brush. cheap aid good. Better than you buy to the - ordinary way. • Office in the Q 9 cent Store. 'Warehouse In rear of same and Flrbt National Bank, and on Ailey running trout Poplar to Pine street. • R.,M. WELL S.• 'fuar• Pa., July 15, 1.V:9 • G E T -YOUR- II IR crT Asn SHAVp'G, AT 44 Ward. xxcnissis ShaTizig:' Pa=lo 1 4aitroabo. = 1 ,4.5iir 54 I 12021.... 10 1(9 , 2 ~... '5.3.50 1 ‘,. it . ._S..B 114r.'.. (11461 ....1 . i.11r.t.%)... 6 0 2.4, a4[ t.. 0 (9) ~..1.. A a. 7 1. , 11 —llO 00 .... 9 2:. 4 -10 ' Ioso t . . i ..1).ce7,..)... , 62 0 ... 03) SI 35 1 171 5 2r , 11 .. 1 , .1.1,1i1l 0 ~. i 0 25,12 10 5 1:i 5 20 1 47,1 9 oi.. Waverly . 4 40i II 5015 40 1' 25 1,551 0 1!.......54yre...., 4 90 1 11 3615 10 7 42 .!'o4,i 9 Vl...Athens - -; 4 21(11 33.1, ov~3o .... 9 301 ...Milan.. ....; II 21,4 501 25 .... 1149 i ...Ulster..., ......11 IA -I 47'7 IS 2 2.0i2C2c.i..:27 • ANDA.: 4 2241024 3r.!7 02 1....(t0 10, Wy ..a tlilng —.OO 49 4 24.5 It 1....110 20i.s - f....4: si mu.. ...MO :IS 4 10 .... 1.. ~.110 II aute'rrnetl 1 ...,10 35 4 1.),..., .. , .; 034J.... • 0 011104r•1 _llO '204 02'.... 13 90110 .171. W 3 3Pitsfr4 ~ ...40 ov3 5. .... 13 2.7(11 1-„. 1.: - . , ,y• illr. 30., 9 10.3 3.1 1 . I ...111 .!,11-0,;11C., 4 - tity 042 3 30 ') .: 91111 .4 , t , ' , n 9 1.1 ,11 1 :.. : 926 3 151--- .... • —l ,, 4'4! 11 - 19'3 0./ M 12112 :to! r 1 111';fiz , 11%.9..•7. It. '45.2 .47; 3.. 41. , • 1.11: 20 . . ;,ti; Zs!: 25.9 05 1501 1 . 201 i & R J 05;: 65 si 01 2.0 0 1 V t . •lta r 7 ., Am 7 :116 . , I 40,S 40 7 i „ ! 4 II - 4 Clknsik 50 4.{1 h 4.4 odletitotrit . 02, I 4: is :15 1 6 05'. He , blel.M. 55520 9,10' 6.01 ..}:a•to9. . 25;3 so s I s! /9141a4 ' l l.lltA' A 1.0. 15,:. :41 2 54. New Yori ! :,! 4, 3ui 3911 00 1 , . NO M .P. 14 :4.11 'Ol Mir SI a and 11 run daily. aotoluttg canton trains Niagt tt r u rutrt a“ . 11, Phi:atielittlta tattu Lyons and'Nea• Yot 'a without t ttangt•a ra on Trains 2 and a- itetwoun Niagara M I 11.1(10011:1 without champ,. IL A. PACKE . R.SupL, Pa.. Nor. 10, 1878. t P. at N. Y. R. R. ktioin g . EMI Has now received bts STOCK OF BEFOBE IN TOWANDA! r Itt er for Every article lIEFOHE PURCHASING UNIII:11s(11,1) A COOD OVERCOAT; S 3! Patton's Block, Main‘St grocricro 1 .ISare • .AND NY.W. GOODS! H.J., r Madill CROCKERY, .CHINA, CHINS, ' GLASSWARE! CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED GOODS, • STONEWARE! - A NEW DEPARTURE LADIES, GENTS AND,;_CHILDISEN "Oa) CIiOCKLI:y.STORE Towanda. 3.ay IQ 1P.77 WIARD TRUE uItILLED pLi?v, FS1131F.10" FAVORITE.. GRAIN DRILL WA'GONS HATRAULIC CEMENT, • r„ PAINTS,.'„ SENI) FUR CIRCULARS AND PRICES ikrAVe study to please. D. v; STEDOE,EropI, Towanda. Pa., July v, , , . B 31114/13 1 771VE .BROTE B, / 164/- f 1 . t f Successors io Mclntyre A' Russell, eaters in 9 . 4 ~ 11P t• 'it . 4 - ,.. ' i - s i l l . 4 E I . , ::4„. , . .4: t 4.‘ .., ~ , TINT AIDE, T.- ~' ! Main S'aeet, Plain Mantels. Complete . 115.00 I White Marble for Children '55.00 Extra Fine ;. - - 20.00 Extra Fine 10.00 Creolite Monumenti -150.00 Suitable for Crown People 8.00 "..- Extra Fine for Family 225.00 I " . " TA.FIneIS.OO airi NA onld rrebnimenil especially the Beautiful COLUM BIAN BLE, auil L•tr more durable for thls climate, will not t uft. scututc with aga like caber marble. • • ' 'NAT 1.16 and Granite Yard .IGO -'1 . 62 East Water Street, - ELIIII`Lt 'l2l Fro - t ' ,62 1 CT.S z , \ EA ;CH tmira Abvertisentents. ,MORREL, IIir,IIQLESA LE DRUGGISTS Diti..76OISTS SUN int I ES, PAI ENTSIIpACIN EX A: C., tit C. p. E 1,5111: 1, N. Y. LADIES AND GENTSFM Send your Feb. 2% FADED DRESSES, CoATS. OR ANY ARTICLE THAT NEEDS CLEANINH.oIt DYEING, GIVE SATN7ACTION OR PAY FOR. TIME Arm. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED DYE 31 4'1.F.A.5117 4 :0 \{ )I 451, 4136 Q 125 WATER-ST., ELMIRA, N. Y. Sir Wort returned C. b. I). by express If de Inay3o. 00 D E WATER PIPE CHAIN , PUM? TUBING Tot' I . l"Mi.ef`ti Li.n• OPis at ht o.d id TIM% real y to tot.c4. Tarkner, ald ail unto fu Deed of ulth a SUPERIOR .ARTICLE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES (SuccesNor to 1. S. )(omit r.. Elmira.) 122 R. R. Ave., Elmira, N. Y E: m; ca. 'June 10, 1878 H s. 31. SENT Wholesale and- Retail DEALER IN CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods, 133 F %%1 , w .111* E P.'l RF. ET, LOEILNG BLOCK, ELMII'A E 10,3. N. 13, h"F l z7R. • • - 71. . ME XX COT, PRICE (not painted, white Duck). • $2 Dirdakesaperfect bf,d—nomattress or pillars , required—better than ahatninock. 2,0 fits the Illy as pleasantly, and - lays otroight. Folded or opened Instantly. ' , elf-fastening ; th•t thing" for hotels, ortices,e4.ttages, vamp meetings, sia,rts nosn. etc. Good - rotate lawn. plarz.a. or the eool. est. place In the lions,!% , Splendid for Invalids. Send for clrenlats. St , nt on receipt of price. or C. 0. I). roi t 0 Ctn. extra., with order, I will prepay ilspressagoftn any Station on line of It. It. ea.r It Meer. and north of ]ia•mt lais.mi fine. For 75 ctn. In M tun.. Mo., ntullown. ti EltMoN W.I. 41)10, ills Fulton Sr— Boston Canal St., New York; ItLi North Second Street. Philadelphia. nun: $3OO 5111 - NTII guaranteed. 'O2 a day at home Made by the Intl list rheas. Cap ital not required ; aeu will start yob. Men. women, boys and girls nrTicsentottev faster at workefor us than at anything nisi. The work is light, and pleasant. and such aS. anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who sce this notice wait send us their, addresses at once :costlY Outfit - and term! .?50v . ... is the time. Those already at work are Thymic up large sums of money. Address TRUE & t(t., Augusta, naltle. • - $66 P i ssy ked '• You t li a n n r own gire t r t , h w e n i ; l it ,ig n s o s call 111 1 without expense.. The I.est opportunity ever offer ed for those willing to work. you should try noth ing else until you'svo for yourself what you can do at the business we, offer. No room to explain here.. Yon can devote.-ill. your time or only your spare ticriNct the business, and make gocd pay for el, cry hour that you work. A . ,,,nlen make as much as 'Men. Send for soccial private terms and particu lars. which we mall tree. .3 - want free. .I);.t.'t complain of hard times white yon have ,such 'chance. Address 11. lIALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. *athwart, ginwarc, la. STOFES AND -/ the Factory to the Wearer. Shirts of Superior Nitslin, Extra Fine -Linen Shield „Bosom, Open Bacit, French Yoke, and. completely finished for . $7.50 A MozErsit thiwlnc emerliteii lmancemalte with rate .1 e (pitch Vtrterh 11, req.' • Flew. rm,trn.vppn•.4sb•nmr Amin, St •StnlV.l`.. W •••••1 • •• • thesflwmfe I eneeeet se./ hwy.' he.e.t.L lii • th t cotieurner. thus the Ly mld'inenteu al. evewil 1.% the f;4;,...11,... ~eer. UI 1.14.1 ir...hediree.‘h Y..Le L.L.I:•, a. klo.e.rewly'r, " " at de:lrl plated -' • • o t •,,.: prep I• I • • • t tVe r urrst nt tE , . , ni ly t .1 ti. .1 preitnee .n. 4::.1-111.110 . le t . u• • I • v.,tl *use all out OLIN V ts r.. tElthiblislad 1347.3 1:6, LAKE STREET To es. We win G A M r.N TS EstabliAed 1855 AND A. WYCKOFF, 111 .-A. 1) 611 tlitneffancotto. - ___ZOWANDA, PA. pr"li i:-.1,1131C I:rusulu 7:2iticerfaticonti. 'IA RD WA RE GRcATrx It EDUCED- , R I C - E S! 11. T. JLTE, AGNT, ta.w Lperlific a targ - k• aIA gero'rat n. nrttnrnt Ito r‘ls% are, I'llee!ery, Stos V.. Nall., 1 o”, pa what 1 (ca. ca,h :vat ottere.l for sate at Itargaitai to those Who pal. rash for goods. • (I ES and Coolimi. Stoves• - for 1) AN . . coal and Wood, at low prices, at .11.7 N Tr Gossip. the best low-priced otove fir offices atol shawl ers evcr a:4 4e, at • JUIN E's. TT ilotse-Shoes and Horst... Shoe _alla, g olf, JUNE A 1. 4 1:G E stock of Bar, - Square, 9y3.% Halt-oval. Pan& and H. n i , I 4-4,41, Jt•NE'S. I, l olt Paints, Oils,. and 'Varnishes, go TO JUNE'S._ 1 A NJERNS—a great variety at prix,„ at JUNE'S. Latches, and BOlts, every "varktji and glnd, at JUNE'S. I PAST and Toe Corks (Steel), at JUNE'S.. - 4 ISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, at JI N E TABLE and Pocket.Cutlerv. at JUNE'S. TiousE Furnishing Goods. at JUNE'S. • - VA I LS and Spikes, all sizes, at JUNE'S. .NTORWAY and Sweed's Iron at _ JUNE'S, ECIIANICS a good as /11 ,ortlnnt.4 n 7 Tunlvaf 11 - NE'S, ALA ROE stock of Philadelphia C ar; la w •and Tu-44 11,4144, at .JUNE'S._ 111 . 1Clotli, at DOWD ER, Shot and Caps, fair sale 1 . BLASTII . " - G Powder, at FILES and Rasps, -a assort -13101,!.. JrNE'S. • TMMERI " Cloth and Paper, and , 4 JuNE•s. TT Dfrom '7 INOAV GLASS, x 9 to .!t • QC ENY S and Tacks, direct from f.‘r ,alt, v.1,!,• and ,e(iEwt.(l JUNE'S. L A MI'S. Lainp Burners, Chimneys, ~,,,I Wi, k., or , very variety. at -- •11 - NE'S. _.- - • - Fil fl I? G rxpliir and New .lewt.l, th .w.-: i. ' * i ..t. 1 :mot .Jr. , att...•lital 111 , :01•11: ..t, ,,, I ,T t !,. f•.•:•• MEE= 1) OPE, Cord, Twine nn (1 !ci....y1 ri.`l N V; A It and: aelieral _y '•11:N1--,. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. Tno iireit TRADE MARK. N 1.1 S II Remedy. nw,.! r t • - s•loolly curd airy VT% MI% I /Phil. St Weakness • th,11...: ‘ ,44„. „ BC,:fOre T e licilL s rt i ot erworti. 11/ the lA , . m a i l * . • TWINI,I:S 4014 ... r • is peric•-ly liartmes . ...tets,lllt, inagtv,al;•l in.. br,a t•sieloritely o•••;11 ‘ (Or river thirty year,. ••ti • • • •• at Strt iaZ" Full p articulars In 0111 W..,i.••i•-e to netul free by mall to eve, ono.. E')- Metliett• • I. sold be .i.ilv 4 .4itS 3: pot.m.cititgo. Or i;SX Fickagrs for t. 0 t:- . 1 io• .ctit • ire.; by Mail mu ret.tripv of the :do], .I.,gt TII 4:RAY mr.oicific co., Ti•wi'..,l3-117, C. T. lilt: V. -abtl by d ts .n• re. 111,0 Wm, ay V.11 , .V,1.c • , 11.3. Al , lll te, 1.47911. HENRY MERCTR, El M ANTURACITE, AND SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE c o nirin PARK A SD 1:11 , 81t STR KITS. TOWANDA, Coil ecreetied, aplVAllverett to any part of the . , IThro . , adding cartageto tht. 'ova prices. ALt. Oit.D.E.IIS SIC'S? Br. keouriNtr.r., BY Tilg. 0.1,511. T." I Towanda,;Bai 5, 1877 FROST'S SONS' FURNITURE! We are now prepaied for: the PRINGTRADE wit a full nue a , ,‘, E \ v _ N AND tri,;'snlAßLE GOODS LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES, which I , ic Invite the public to call arid examine PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, . TERRIS, PLUSH AND . • • - EAIRCLOTIL • ' verj large, and our-prices . as low as the lowest TL ES I CILINfBEIL SUITS REDUCED PRICE LIS LN BT AN D SOFT WOOD. art wiling at a 'wry low price. A full !lul of PRING BEDS. MATTRASSES 117Z AND PILLOWS. OEM January Isl, 1579! 11 OOI)S ARE CHEAPER In tbb...lept..rtinont alwaveil , ave the best gooatt In t h e m.r.kvl, in . Cm:Ulm:oly rithlti.g CH 1% 7:11.1" 110.1 s r. 11:P.EN TWENTY YEARS m. 4 i•) L.,. TUN E.'S ~~~._. ~~ .. .. ~i A. ~~ w~"~ i ~`r . Oar I Dealer In s 1 I COAL, . /: ' H. SIERCUR giantiture, WIIOLEiALE,AND RETAIL f: I= Our, assortment of \ire have, a full lin?, of UNDERTAKING NEW STYLES • with all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while our prices are the lowest J. 0. FROST'S SONS' Towanda, Aprit 9, 15,70 'Nureinaz darbri. NII AT MARKET, .1 E. D. RUNDELL. • iCnald rvsr.vell'alFy ar r.ratu a [tilt /.,. 2, conaualug• ttr• Marpl.t 131.113 ., • 3' 11,• ‘l3l 21.11t11 ".f Mutlo,k & Itirtale)krand will at all Cum, kt•rp a full supply of PRESIi r `~ FRI•;SII & SALT MEATS, • GARDEN VEGETABLES, Fitt - rrs, • , Opterm7)e. !but's. Seaton Oar (lends de:iverti Frrt• of Chargt Towanda, Pa., Juno 10. !,79. TH E OLD MARBLE YA,111) STILL IN OPERATION The ut1••,:z0 , .1 hAvioL: the Nt BLE YARD 14 thy la:, r A 11E, de hltt., to itatorf:l the 1.1.t4tr '14.0 1,1V114; +yet! experletwoot torn. to; is prepared to tlo all tot. of Won.: 111 1.:10 Of MO MENT S. HEAD STONES, MAI;TLES and In Alm:very beef manner and at Irsevet rates • l'nr3nms de.lring anyildn, in th. Marl!le llue an Invited call and C1(1411111.a svnli.. and have :Lgents conunk,ddn. Towanda, P 3.. NOV 1,. 17, NEW ARRANGEMENT =MEI COAL BUSINESS. The undersign^d haring' purchased front Mr .11cliean the c, I) • AT THE FOOT oF VINE sTREF:T, SEAR THE coy UT 'Hprz•E, '- Invites the ramming, of NA 4,:d friends and the inzltlle generally : I .hall keep a full a,sortntent -.. tilt all airy., 1i ?1 I'ITTtTON, IV kl, ') ' I.:f , IS ARR E ANp LOYAL . 1 , 3 1:K l'ttAt„ AND 2 , ALL SELE.AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH NATIJAN TIM) Towantlx, Pa.. Att. NIE AT MARKETI MYER & P 1:1" 0 E )•01 Med in BEIDLEMAN'S BLOCK, RIZIDGE STREET Keep on hand FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I DRIED BEEP, FISH, POULTRY,) GARDEN I'EIi.ETA 11LE' , AND nEuntrs Ixl I=IZEZEIENE Sir All goods delivrr . o,l free of (dem g Towanda. lta„ May '2.. 1 , 7', AIA K ET. ROSECR ANS E A, Bil EWEIZ, AlllOlll , , to Ilto poliio of Tr,54:111 , 13 3114 vie nits that they ar, no prepared to ftirtn,h FRESH AND SALT MEATS, E= Anil V , gjtattles In their at I he 110,Si reason 31 , !C ,rythlng pewits...A .4 us tictiverral prtunptly tree of charge. ems- ()lir 41‘ Donit Nolan OF Seol"1":4 V. t .•onvonlent for all. We lelv the atoel:• and take g , eat rains to keep everythlng in toe Hod order. tilvens a call. I:O , 4:(7RANSE & ISNEWKR 1,7•. Towanda, Dec NEW LIVERY BOARDING AND EXCHANGE- STA IMES The huders,pped rented !' the old 3reans II a Earn , and pro% Ittnise•C with N:EW BUGG IES AN O :W A GONS, AND GOOD HORSES, Is uov pn ! , :a • ett to at-c,thrh.lafe the public at •;.~rO\.II:LE PI:ICES I' liggks for sale cheap,. B. W. LANE P'.. July :5.15.7a, 7%1 CAIRRH. IS CI7I:ED UY ELY'S CREAM BALM ISEEI 11.1 Y F . EVEI: .1 , 4 RELIEVED By ITS USE rna tem Fifer,and Sr mole Remedy Appriceif br.7l . ;..; , 111 :rnd Auri. , , , oble d. . an . The effect is truly magical. giv-rig .listt relief and as a curative is v.Ehont an ^v..% It is a local reeved) str . ,tituting the disagreeable uw of liquids and ,nuffs that.crtly excite and give temporary relief. CREAM BALl.A..rea,r t ueblng. pe Itrre pror' of l y tta.- tbt. Son, Itf - the 11.7,W pa,:.ages are healed 111 3 , feir days.. 11e:1,1a - elle, the ette , t of Catarrh, Is dis- Atpay,t ;van almost trizgi:-al tiLvitter. ASK YOUR tiltraCl , T FOR' n 1 . 1:r171, Alt Price ebc. ELY oivego. N. Y. For sale I.y Cr. vts G. Poirizit, WAN louse, DrugglNi • Interesting Item. Messrs. AL • Lor.. 8 co.. Ilitighainton, N. Y.: Gentlemeh-1 found so much Tel using tho sample matte of Ely's Cream Balsam. f. r Catarrh, that I rm. - chased three bottles of large size; which hay airtioe r ored ter . I had Nttererel with catarrh fer ten years: at time, the p.tltt would be - so bad that I eras utilized to stay in the house 10141 send f a doctor. 1 had entirely los: ry I 'sense of smell. The Cream Basta has workedimiraCie for me. I shall p• - •rsevere to Its use., for I' &Von elheett It will effect a rote. . . C. e•.. UALEY. , , littegliantoh, N. Y. B RIDGE STREET FURNITURE' STORE. TWO STORES IN QNE !laving dbubled our-facilities Ole year by Occu pying two stores. we are prepared to offer you a larger stock than ever before, and at reduced prices. _ FURNITURE ITEAI' IN Than the • 'CIIE A PEST. At the name time we kcep up the stalulard of out goods. UNDERTAKING, We gn,rantee ,:ttlstaeth.n. We are prepared to do anything In brat lion pu short notice. and are cle te.tnined to please. Call anti see fur yourself • N. P. 11 ICT:S. 1 . ,"9 A Card to My Patron;s PLEASY RE a) Tiq: r( , t.i.OW.N' 1 Eny . i.olv DRICES ' 1111 Ixoto.grambie. IVOOI6 GALLERY, E. D. RUXDELI For the Fall and Wintor.of 1879. Cards-I;est, k 6 for $l.OO, $1.50 per .Dozen, 2 for 50 cts.. 4 for 75 c*,:s. C:11) net : 2 for' SI.OO and 6 for $2.00, I for 51.00: 50 centsfor Duplicates. tur tIS,IOC cull WO neve, - triad° ttet tt••• wort, ghat , s our %NI olOt Z.ll ter to MOM yOki ,%11.-tt MEME = SIIELYES, LAMES :11cCARE. :7.4U ,s CAPITAL, ASSETS nearly 54,000,000.00 r Tbi emairows, to , jnsur t • from allt(l)almwe Vlro, Buildings, Iltrni.etiold :tl.l zerwrans.; STEVENS Sz LONG 4Y ER 3 IbEVOE HAVE RI4MOVED II • • CORN' f.:11 (4 - - - 1 A IN Liz P 1 E-Sic They mylte attentloo to their complete zn-so; trlir!lt . 3.1111 very 1ar.ge1,:0..1. of r Sew which. th..l have a:aay, en haml, _ • • ES!.EI 11, ATi T 'ON THE M.. 1. LO VG. ' . ,' Ls:9 - r . . 0 1..40, 0 44 If Tan are a maxi e; busine.,e,wealcened hy,th s e , straln of I . your dutl:to r , avolt sm uL,, li t i t i s r, ;6 . f... 1 . - : Ilk I L-LLW. 4II IN . [cyan area tom °netters, toiling over your mithlighll !Fork to regale brain nerve and waste, use WS l e , l aTt T E RS . ' If lotrOtoyoung and suffering t eem any ltidivernticial or dissipation ;ir you aro roarrud or single, old or young, suffering from poor health or languish- , im • tug on o bed of eteSzo,,,, rel 3. ott I Wi l i l SW VE oNtS Z WbOrre TIM are, 'Wherever yen are, wheneveryou foot that your au go:a reeds cleansing toning or I • Istioi , without fatovrang, tako ,Have WYR I 1 S I CTA - V h S e L I K I MI you d, , :wp, Kin ry'et urinary complaint, Mr moot t..f_t ( zwvli. t t=?A i byKt, litrr,orocrootr I I MI N\A - CW ) you aao I; you are simply Weak tmd low votetrd,tt7 it I Butt. , Insist up= It licair drugzz•W Lorre It star save your We. It boa iiiitel bodied'. • i Dv C,tet Cant!, theplvret.e.t,tah:sTanabert. Ask cialatet4 The if .p Cart.f, Stott.. h. Linn. 1.3 K ..:”. y., is onfverfoe to al I. elem. Currs by ottoov..e. It la prr!o - L Mk .frugT,ltti. L D. 1. C. Is Aurenniatcsa..l i martable. cure (..• drunkstess used, - MOM . . rrinm. t...t.,,,, rrlr,m.ti,.. • . Abnva ...II 'by •trnr-ztrt.t.llop l:a.ttrt Mlq., CA., Rametter. 'N. Y . , . , . , AwaitsFe, We are doffing. Of n,!lkrit(l9 as It uht- CHEAPEtt • Writ I.I.I:CIAL.TY), "L'aic.ccf rancour.. • 'A .- --.14 4 :** 1 , - i ~.:-., .f,.-tia 'A •',.., I N't i --_,,,',;-1., , ,itA.-- - :- .: ' - !. - Ar'''' • ij 4k, ••., c t.:%,...h,77,2411 INS ME MIN= CM LY). f!. WOIM) FIRE ASSOCIATION 0.7 Pi. arid ~, .)11t; .V.N .. IZ F.l) SErrEmßEiri, 1,17 3500,000.00 WM. S. VIN ENT, Agent ,(:In; Townitga, Paj !)rulers in GBOCEE I ES. NI OVR',IO.NS, 9 4 OE COUNTEY PTIO'GT TO THEIR NEW ST-ORE, ior Foc. Suven, & PI: (1)116' F. TT: A lir. I • . . . • A ‘l , l C:181111,414 ft..r de .1 :0.,,:!kiii,1, It STEN t.:)..b .. . .. • .* - . ' ~••• . ...I'- :04 Scraps. -.- and . . -4ann §onqholn. When. molariserils ,used in cooking ---, 7 7-7-----7-----.-4: • 'it, is an boil .and The System of American Agriculture. .. . Skim it• before yOn ' use it. :•It takes -- Attuerleneeitrlcaltureck, . '.„ „'ont -the unpleasant, raw -taste and • '.• We have been - 'repeatedly taunted.Makes;it alMost as good- as sugar. • - 1# foreign agrieuttural journalsabont:. In .Winter 'cet tb .handle or your . our low average production of grtni Blimp as high as'. pOSsible before you and other crops, and the very ;large. go to bed.' - Except in - very cold --,,. - .products of sonic . EngliSh farmers weather; this 'keeps:the haudle from. , ' . have been - held up as exampreS for as 'ft eezing. 'When it is' extremely cold • e to follow. Enalish. farmers boast of throw a.. rac3 or- blanket ova the - 60 to 70 bushels of wheat to the acre, pump. - -; _ e and that American. Wheat, averaging .• Keep dun o 4 ld, blanket: and sheet, on. a miserable_ 12, bushels_ -per .sere,. is purpose fty wordiffi;ohave plentfol . Sold in the English markets in. sne- holders a1w.:48-made that your toffels - - ' cessful competition with their mueh May:not be burned 'out in such. ser heavier crops.' Truly, "th r e.,race is v i ce. , e ; . I ,nottO the swift, nor the-battle to the A good-housekeeper never allows strortg;" but the skillful adaptation her earpet„ b roem:t -o- be used. for of means to the, ends„and dOing the , - ,i he teei ng the.,otttside .e .etairs or yard ;, best with what we, have, are -more keep fic,:oars , ebroorn for this purpose., conducive to seeeess than; brillhint x,-, el ,: a ',envy stone on your Tork . show. It is doubtful if any Aperican 'to. keep it (hi - Wei ;in .the semi - her, this farmer could Profit-04' lirritlime 54 stone is an-:excellent - plaee to keep bushels of Wheat per acre. It is not 1 e re eh :mut, oft w h e n you are a T ra ie o f a part of our system "to do that.• 'We, its spoiling ... , - , - eando some things, and having learn- Race ' all. • the of - -,' good bits. vege ed what we can do, we have giune to ta id ee an d meaek,s.ctolleeted after din work and done it -well. We.eltive tier and minced terore they are set -learned to work cheaply, and ..ellut:t- away, that they may be: in. readine.s , 4 . ively, and the syStem under which to. /flake- a little savory mince meat we have worked, wrought' out - by l'„ supper h r hi ca efa st. re Q e- e. : t h e . foree.of *circumstances rather than:skins off - potatoes *before they are. - . by choice, has led as to su c ce.,i,. The I co l d. .. -..- . . .. . . . English agricultural. journals liiili\ly) Vials.whiells have . been used for longer slight our aVerages,. but are medicine slioulti be - resit' - iril o OM. . free to confess that the defillt in ashes and Water, hoile'd e d.nd surfele4 - agricultural enterprise of , Erb - Ili:4h ito cool - befotc they are rinsed. -. ''''': farmers .trust be "due to causes Which. :' N-ever Ipdve,' but your clothes like are inherent in themselves and • in- :overnieht ; and seethat your clothes -their ways of conceiving. and carry- I pins are all gathered into a basket. , - -z -ing out their work." Prp.bably • the r , H ave . p l enty a - c id s h, towels in -cause, or one of the causes, emit& he be I the .kitchen ; :never let your white . .. • pointed out from this side. If Aineri-i te - W els ,• eel e ep eb ie be used there. - . i cif/ef:toners employed laborers to do.' Soap your dirtiest clothes and soak their work. while they 1. ° ( "" " 1 ' • to ' them in warm water over night. Use - supervise them and give orders, and 1., Iran, , soap to wash ;your du his, and twice a year were to pay out to the ! soft to wash vo.llours; Soft soap owners or their farms: in rent a silt', 1 i e ei ; el i ppery that it wastes a , geed nearly ece!ii,, to the average fee dell in washing clothes. i simple va,lta of theit farms, N , re . - •••• .‘,- little' salt 'il•prinkled in starch int.cht, be ;a a later coutplaiets ctecl.l r e a le, i t i s .i,,,ding e teleis to preyerA '"" 11-- '--r'-'" her'', i I.' " re r '' `'• l •t froni.iticliin::,; it - is likewise ,goo•I - _now. with tia.m. ,Our of. 5t.,4 ri - 1 t,_ stir it ! witi,a cited' spierneeeti eultrireis a simple one: Tne A me, iz r ct ,r ni i'l e -. ~. . 0 • . cau ' fztrimfr is his own 1,:liellord• i'-ilti i A les - potatc,es slived„and boiling ie nut above lioldinghi'l own I ll6 `‘v-"r 1 water poured ovel them;make an e:-:- driving his Own reap,er: ' lie.:;-oldie ,- ''t - ult , .°nl oreparatkut for cloni,ll - 1 . , 4 an -1 . tii to (lo Ibis whether lie is wi• ling ° ; 0_ ilt,,,,in, ',ld ri.feLy ',l ac k . s hie„,: e ~ "' ""' t ' t'''' it' 1 " - ' Ii " - ',. a `e'..""`.. l '''''l' s '' .l " I Cir:•;:n tea is zi.lsi) e..v,:elletit fOr this_ ' workman to do it for uun alewyi'_;il - -'. 1 :u.,.„-_-,s t _., •it, :.,liiillit 1..,e iron, till. .• 0- 'ame workinali will !-?("m betli" i nrarli it , uprui to ;.lirj.i. qUary. `ll,e . owner a i f arra hitn,(olf, itnil at v,Ti," ,. k . ; "sill, ;1;10,4110 - uot ht; wrtriz,. awl shpull 04 V 1 amount. ill this cArclut . ry . h e i, , , n ,,,i ~ , ,t „ ,1 , , .. • • :i. :: - iii lal..aer :nult i,L a poor •!i-!• Coori, olastr - I,4 • limile of thin :silk.i., I•niril'il Norhaelte **.e. - he er - olii'l e'l"ll I first Ilicli . ,;•ci iii,liSs'oli - ed isinele... - s4011•?. be his own ems o leier. The sQ'ttiea:li I drie , l, ',hen (lipip.; , l skveral ; tithee in>. of ;:'.ill): folve-, tl.l 4 filnier to ike !. thel o witii , • i,f a o e , 2 . laufl (irietl.--- . lai;,,r- , ai•ing . nu.i.:!lion.ry, tJII. brat' Li,fa_, 1,1t!vt:ri7i...( 1 .. :..;it'i,.;-u thr,, , u , zit I'11411i.:1", i!4.; 10 . (Kitlet.:-. This••; s I)nr ; i ...13 . s_ ant shit. ail(: stirri.,:l 4 •111) 101..1- :“,„:elst and i!, 1- ,/f,tie tllat:lia , vr, gi? , . ..I,ly ti l i:•ii i: t svfijit. of ,- .. -,gg-, in.i t es ''' a . '' the e"nti'' l " l. '-lie ' l. ' lT ' : I l "' :I- !'" e" ''' .. ~.ron, . ' 1-:.rociit for gla:- , , ;mit ,-1 . . a. _- just now at 1e , ,-.1., an , Hlo...b.:•it---L pq- ...1 , 1,,,,•,,, r ~y'1, , t i ,',.... t , ....iij ,L ette . : . p ."... ii ,,, m „i i t:y. Tiv-ri:. ;-, no: iliazCf 4 .l - P , ti, ql4l;tv for tnewlinl.t broto•ri iin' o .'o s_ to I - oth lit;, in of ill t .IIL'• O l n 1 I N :"nr ''''6l . ! .- -:;a11;,:Thi;:te:ial. it ,:110;,1 1i e 4 : 1-ary, it i, so.ausef,ii gl•atifleatio4 that,'. st'cr....d up I tlie• spoonful, a., Is I , vimitistry an(i skillful Inanag/Invnt, : x,,a,,,,,i. .. _ wejlave sta,:cee.(leti in our .1,11 , in0- , .; Al a of i e i i ,, , -, : i a .„ d e_„....ei veii ire „ r tint it is a warning, to us That ••v(• ; beiled in spi (its tie ;vim-, will ni;:i.:e tnu4 hold hat we have gained. lee, etre ,- • -emait. fur broken efes* - eid:t. - --, rt.:novo' hit - Ito:try and economy, in , an ', te e ..•4 2 ,..e 5e e ~ , 0111 managereent. Wl! have prole:l , ly , ' l l i , 1,- 111 , )11 ~,yn jr i Lotp.r.lo; at i= - (c, ~ ,3 before US :i. ' , erica? of sump protit . . , .'''4 l ., - 6,, iii:ltie a,.,, hula, mucii 0101111. yr., and. one calliug for eloeic ne,naget , 't'^-)tic it p o und ol' ilav;:zia sugar, hail have had Our genii tiint:s" ( it in menu. * Wewater doiTli to it emir:, il rilli in in sortie past years: we must now the - i„.hi te 01 :tit ce. f r ",0 elarifY ii, take oily Lion of a few lean lent still i• str ai n ti.,.edid 0116-;:plarter of a . n ounce , lienidifel years. which arc-het: o re; and of tiartariei or citric acid. If yousllo !nay soon he upon 11-, , . ' ... : . 1 net tl i ad - it - eucir enough afteri. it leis • -I- sto o ,- . - 0 or threc• dal s add incite of thr. - •.;:: few. drops of oil of . lenr.nArave,it: . .I.l' VCA i - 411 'to clarify sugar and water tt.W.p.-ou are:about:to lion it is well -to - ,•• riti• in - tic:: white of an reg 2:: while' Criltk , ; 'it 1-7 tit in after it tHi!s%,_ the e, - ,a iS apt b'3 . :2 - ..eL 'hatillenoi Ifc'fore;. It (- an , Iccike,y,g.cpl. . ~- ' • •ec 1 . Olean 'sage .put in a closet wid „ clear. i, 14' red ants. e • Gies e - vessels in a ,-vlinclrieUl form form iatty Le`` .ut in te - k, by tying around them a wor-ted tAlread. (11,or- o - il ! ibly w • : t, , With t:pirits of ter - pent:lel . and then eettitig. fire toothe t'ibi'a 1.-, - (it lily Z=ZZIEM WHAT ' TILE F M Ell. 111)1. - F.D ST be fanner shunt.l stud} the laws of concentration: 110 should_ learn how to coneentkte his rool)s intO ., tl4l,st paying articles. 119,2 s he conshler that inittor. cheese„beef, 16rk anal mutton represent only a certain aniotin,t of grass, hay and ~ , r ain that his &ma prodlwes? That . instead of selling the raw c•ornmodi ties, he can, b}• . putting tli‘ein into these aftieles, !let, nitwit' better 're :turns r•ir his produt,ts.? Ms study should be how to. transform the raw ppodtiettg - if' lugs farts-into something that is eoncebtrated . .and . that will brinr hini !twist money.-. 11'14 he -raises has trilgq) to. some .By condem:ind: freight Will have to by paid - , and 'thus much will be sayed. A farm is not only a farm ; it. is, or . should, ,be; • a factory for ehanaing the raw .product* into articles of general- consumption that a commercial 'value the world over—that are of the but *quality, that keep well and. si2lewell, Wing. prices that will .p:44; well for the and capital employed itt producing their: • • • • fA I : i..\ vor:1:1) 1 - :10;s-:.-S1+ea1 ing 111 . 0 oilegz•s rt:P . lis hit • it i)f one 01 ° . two ettli,, --Qi;lier the food on wh'... - 11 tjra f:OV. k sul , r s tan - ez, inf.! 'art 1:1;(1. : 4 11+1 ~ills I"ttis ilt• I . ;v;silutt•in! , tli) a hlying hoo awl givin:: her ?.:ar'ir.!(,r 1y..1114 tc) In , a i'w :!ays, the Llsto •NVe thk wir...44A.s.llfid t9 hi.. coi rPtd. ..p..rOther - theoi . y —l.u: ( . :111not of it. NV :t h ce!tainiy---that; egg . , •fl :oiV ;1 - ost:Lilco tcili (`ll . ThiS e\ I.‘ - the ' fa. , .:t. that the shcl'i. when the e . .rg coluparatiely soit c antl • only licec“.lfts Intrll - after contac., With the aftp•s•- - pher ,. .. phi n and v—ttl . I.l' rric,i, with clean .1;•‘y Ica :I! a temleney - to Pollute nature anti you will have iwtiiing to. tinpl:tin ME How To -EAT Mi.k.—There ari!, m:tny who say, t l lile nrilh. but milk does not like :re "—that is, it does not agree with them. The rea son for this, in mo-t eases, •is" that he Milk eoa!Yulates in tfie ; stomach in toofirm a curd to be•easily ed. But many irlio cannot drink milk; or eat bread and pilk, find no difficulty in digi.sting a 'howl of baked apples and Milk. Upon this liint the experiment has been success fully tried by a physieiAn of lame experience telling his .patients-,who could not digest milk to use apple .let! as a- concomaant, taking. a. spoonful of :11.1111C a yvith spoonThl of blead, etar:kers ding and milk. Theilapple prt:vents the formation of a solid.niass in the stOmach, and its juice also aids di gestion, so that •no distress or sense of 11C:1N iness follows afte l r a nv-al thus token. This inf'orinatior; isg,iyen for the benefit of all ,reailCrs, argil we think it will,. he worthy' of thTih, perhaps, not, successful in. every ease. A. StatnAchit, C'airala, a wan - pai.lll - "warrat4t.4l sui e potr.Lo I,Exs; tin risk of Arkitnals ajiwiCno TRris green." • The pael;:,geri wel . o opent;Al until uz,4, One • vi, (il,t, ltaxing three, 4.penled one cufl: fAnmi turf, 1..1 , .a2;;; , ;f d r on.nue O 141;1:•11 . tin; plot al l .l prA-=s-tirnily with the A 'flier." R r Es, _xv o In' pi mple• - • , , Itetv,l , ;':':vs they art "'Nut:times are: .rO - 3 -. • i:ominc.n : . t . pd very -. the- 'kii a proasy , . appoaraM-e. Their orizin i" he traeol to the obstita•tion of. ill: , fattatain, or glt . trul , „ pineetl-immedi ately iiti , ler tlic• '`kin, from wh;ell , minute pipc•-earrie.. , > of the prespira tion, Noktur,... not•gettiug fr,'e - egre"F:. thieki2n. elo-es the. pore". . It then. eat , hes the and r 11,3'ati,ng' go , at in, ):-Ther,...; i• ar i d .•• , •,-,on f I,•,eteen the:finier this-Lbiet:encd imater' wi:l tit. ilrii,'a • .. out In tlie form of Li. rcilowish-while.. worn) with a black surd t.0 ., ,z)m))-e•thz - it ill it. ai , .'innily.px;opis. , A'Ay. It , ir ; ,y the )2 , :trzilleOli.. rw;laionert et,:ravtie . iv,i)) inove they ••11).)111, - 1 i.o'ut ii ; , v .:Ty. pore-. Whei)this- is (I) . );ii.. idle. an(l -,itn.f) 3 . e , - • !: . 1,1.));e:it:on - ti:ny..)1)e 'rake one . )0.1‘.e1 , bit te) :Almond:4 told one nt Wit4.l tifv:jl 11i-y form R AnEr)inl 11* a,. t‘i g ltt.. 4 . . r :.-tdi . t , i clotli = 1. - 1 . 1i , v Tri 1..‘K1- . . A 11 ., i.—.-- - A goi4 flud. - quit•is way to in....1i,: a mat '.to. c,:,•v,'up --0 m.,. of I.lle , :i.Lli',:y pl i vt....:: in your vaii , , 1 .- . ,wldell,will•wi,nderful.- Iy Ilri , rla,.nrVour, r, - )om : TA , all zhe 1.):,.., of. Wooilcn ,loth, .i hat are not: 1:t.r.,4 . ,: onou;h ,for-anyt hi - ? ig . et-e: cut . 1.. , ., in ron•.“ . .l's. or Piave them of uni- 7 .1 . 1,7*.:t1 ,iAr , ; :1 - ;'11)g LIZPIn 1M "i4rol:g wl:ll , ,in-_t vprd„ the clitfercnt coION. on separat: .tor*-.: have rec a p' •i. squaty of 011 rag carpet or any hit (ti earpet, t,hOugh rat _ * is- the ,hest, ! lh - -ing, Iie.INY aud.not f.r.ien to turning. . up; si..w..your work on Otis very firm , Iv. - ilvomet:iral ,I(:si , ins - and lines at'c ilie hest ,pattern4 . io. follow ; the floi - al, are tistially sd unsatisfactory i and inueh harder to . ;41o. I.Vorl: the c deAgn tirst: till ili with 'gray or Lick, aria, if you wish, you unty . oir i ovametit the edge with pinked-out . 1. 5e: 4 1116-y; of any blight -bits - of eloTh.. Trim off all the - rough edges nicely. •To it r-ri,nE °ED sol.ll , woore • FJZUNfTl:lii%____lr po,suilt,liiive MI tun i carpeted room with no ot her fuzli i-. V 1 llrs . than" the i.iei.:e to be treaiot. as the dust is very penetrating; yob the artiele. all over- with medium sand , paper, takig particularstupains with earring . it . irners, xite...usiri!.,,r a &esti bit a' •:, 001111 S 4110 Mier gets . smooth ;- afterward brush amplust thoroTily ; . then rub down 1.11 very tine . sand. taper, snob 'as is 1 - zed for nice bract:- et Work, tilllthe -'.: irfave fvels smooth to the toneir; pilisli with any_ good iTurn'iture uolish, not varnish., or make 1e -simple mixture yMzrself,4:onsistin.g of tive-eents worth of. bothiFgpirits o 4:, .turpentine iintl. -raw linseed' Oil; thor t:idy shaken;- apply• with - I.lantiel 3 ii rub hard .., after it is nearly tary :fro . all over' with fresh Ilanuel 'br V-4jl.:taitiois, - skin, it rimy require several 1 . ~. ... , : ~ , : , , , i 3pplea .t ums to give bite oesireu insize.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers