twits oi ibtraucuntes.- The DltahlrOaD Darin Tan be Thursday morale , by fltioDarr at One Dollar and Arty Coats vanes, ST'Advertising . to all eases sertpdon to the paper. SPECI&LNOTICESInserted► lbw for dist insertion. and rieve.l each subsequent Insertion. bat for lola than Arty cents, VIABLY A.4rItRTII3EIItEN , ell at reasonable totes. _ SAtitinisttstar'S mil Taman. Anditot9ltotlees,423o; Busyness , (Pee year) il. additional limit et Yearly adrehlsers are entitle changes. Transient adeertlsemei for in advance. All reablatimis of essocistions; et limited or Individual interest =anima or deattmexceeding fl.- tau._ ~ red rrea c awes per line, but stmplenottceseS., elves and de rths will be published withetitihat R eraaTala having a larger decathlon ft. any other paper in the • county. Mates It the bee advertising medium in Notrehehe Pennsylvania. - JOll PRINTING of evezr-llind. In plain and Taney colors, done wetirbeatness and dispatch. lisaAills, Bleats. Cards. Pamphlets, Bilitteads, ta ems, et every ty and style. printed at t a shortest terrace. The RaPaRTZE office is welt supplied stet poWer presses, a good assort. snout of new type, and everything In the printing line can be eaecated In the most artistic manner ;Ind at the Mar-at rates, TRIMS INVARIABLY ASH. Vusinioslarbs ML I - 1" STREETER, A RS ATTORNEY-AT.4A A*, ToWANDA. PA. JAMES WOOD, ArrortNET-AT-LAW, . TOWANDA, PA. 1:1E223 ~ovEatroX ar, SANDER:SON, ATTOIINET-AT.LAW, TOWANDA. PA. E. OVir ItTON, .111. • JOUN F. SAX-OEIIBON. B . M. PECK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office over Braund it Hillis meat market. Towanda, Jan. la. 1879., "LI L. HILLIS, E • ATTOR.VEY-AT!LAW, TOWANDA, A.A. P. GOFF, • Arl 4 O 1111 T-AT-L AW, M tin Street (4 doors north of Ward House). To wanda, Pa. (April 12. 1877. tpA.TRIeg& FOYLE, . ATTORICZYci-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. • Mace, In Maw's Mock, kA T irIIO . IIIPSCiN, ATTORNEY e a„-r CAW, WYALIMING, PA. Will attend t 'an business entrusted to his care in Bradford, brim and Wyoaring,Connties. Office with Esq. Porter. fncrirl9-74. • MASON & HEAD, ATTOENZTA-AT*.t.W, Trortraella,Ta. 011 Ice over Bartlett & Tracy, Matn-sf„, 'GANNItoco.s7. resin Aasrtcu irEAD. - F i LSBRE It SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, TOWANDA PA. C. ELsurtirs. t O . D. KINNEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. °Rm.—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. 31. C. A Reading-110nm. . cjan.alTd. McPITERSON, H ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, OA. DielAWy Brad. Co. JOHN W. MIX, ATTODAILY-At-LAW AND U. 8. C0MM16.81017.11, TOWANDA, A. Mice—Nona Side Public Squire. • Jan. 1, MS DAVIES & t CAROCHAN, ATTOIVIZZYB,IOI , LAW, SOUTH SIDE or WM; D HOUSE. Dec 23-75. . TOWANDA, PA. J . , ANDREW WILT, ATTOIMET.JII4.AW.,"N i'mileo over Cross' Book Store, \two doors north of Rtavensik Long, Towanda, Pa. May be consulted r.n aerrnan. .A.prp 22 IL] J. YOUNG„ .11 T • A Troll NEY,III , LAVic . -TOWANDA, PA. . orrteo_.peond door south of 'the l'lrs\Na-V9nal Bank Main St., up stairs. ILLIAMS k., ANGLE 1 W • • ATTOUNLYS-AI , LAW. ' OFFICE.-Formerly occupied by Wm. Watt as, Esq. • 11. N. WILLIAMS. • (0a.17, t Z. J. ANGL • Wm. MAXWELL, A TTOURZY-AT-L AW TOWANDA, PA. ()Theo over Dayton's Store April IM 876. C o L. LAMB; . `TOR ET-AT-LAW, WILKES-BARRE, ColleettJna promptly attended to. • OVERT? MERCUR, • - Trott:sr YTS-AV-LAW, TOWANDA, office over Montanyes Store. tmayen 10A. OVERTON. , RODNEY A; NERD UR MADILL tt: CALIFF, ATTORNEY 13. AT-LA W, • TOWANDA, 'PA. Offiee In Wood's B lock ,. first door sout:i of the First National hunk; up-italrs. I:L.I:MADILL. flails-71ty) HALL; ATTDIINEY-AT-LAI4 AND JUSTICE,OF PEACE TOWANDA, PA. FIRE TN , WRANCE IN ICELIADLE. COXPAXIES. Oniro over Dayton's haru?ss store. NOV. Tl, '7B. it. S. M. WOODBURX, I_l clan and Singeon. Waco over 0. A. Black's\ roc Very store. Towanda, May 1,18721 r. AVB. KELLY, DENTl ST. — r .Office . over M. E. itosentleldle, Towanda, Pa. Teeth inserted on Gold, Sllyer, Enlitiei', and Al uminum base. Teeth extracted without pain. um 3442. E. D c PAY NE, M. D., I"zzYstcrAN AND SUMMON. over Montanyes• Store. Ogre hours from 10 to arid from 2 to 4, P.M. Special attention cl‘eu to diseases of the Eve and illar.-0ct.19:7114f. G. A. RYAN, COUNTY SLPIUINTE\DIYT Oflice day last Satardaypf each month, over Turner ' & Gordou's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Juno 20, We. r. - MRS. 11. PEET, TEACHER OF .Pf..ANO MHEIC, TEHMS.-110 per term. (Residence Third street, Ist ward.) ~ Towand a, Jab. 18,194 y. V . s. VINCENT, INSURANCE AGENT, Towanda. Pa. E6b, 6th, *7 C. S. R INSURANCE AGEN GENERAL Mars-7M! INSURANCE AGENCY. • The following RELIABLE AND FIRE TRIED . Companies represented; L kNCSIIIRE,PLICENTI%,IIOME. MERCHANTS, March 18, '7l 0.. A. ILACK. PAINTINGS. PDETEILiTS AND LANDSCAPES Painted to order at any price from IS to 'SOIL Olt Paintlttgs ReWatuted, Ito-Touched, or changes blade as desired. AR work done lathe highest style'of the Art. JOHANN Y. RENDER. Towanda; Pa.. April is, 1878; FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TOWANDA, CAPITAL PAID IN 11123.000 SURPLUS FUND 80,000 This Baia offers unusual facilities [efts Dana. aetlen of s general banking buelnete. N. N. urrrs,.eadaer, # 4 ?B,POWSLL; President 1 t • . . r 1 - ' ---'' '--' ' ' ---%--':- - . 2 --,-- - ',- '- '--- - 1 -• - - --'-'':- *— -' ` '-'` - --," ~.,.• 7,, -:•:• 1 .7' ---:' ' .7 -- -3:'''' - ' - :' , .:' , , , f.:::- .- ... - .-: -. .` . . , ; - '7' - `'.-'" -:- - ''--' ' --- 1 - * : 4- •- - --- -- - : --- '.-.- - ..-:, --., . - - • - .I- •--, . -- • •. - . ... pabildied every . ' • - . ' - , ' , - ----„...: ' ' • 1 ,- ; . -;,, -2' `,.--.•.---•,---' , - ~.... i 4.', ~,.."•_:. -,., , , :s3 i- ... -? ? „ s i, : „ r ,„l , t , i f j. fs . , .-. ~ 1 . 4 1 1 1 .,:k'.1A-Z:=..i:i 'Mt . !" ' •-, ',.:: , -..f: • . --.......... 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COOcIRICIO ig ITCHCOCK, Publishers. VOLUME XXXIL TEE OLTSBE OF TEE BAIL Away b the shore of the ocean blue In peace nem; known to the lonely tow, Thewlfe d Child of a sailor true, . Lived a d tolled together. Full many It Ord and pleasing tale, , . Was told the I 7, of sea and sail,. Of floating be and northern gale, , Of clear and Wady weather. Adown the west th king of day •- Was hastening lbw gh the `aces away. In all his golden brlgn. array, iy hen home return d the skipper. At evening, strolling on he sand, ' ;. Ile tobrthe boy of many a land, Awl slowly traced with hls rawny hand The cross and the starry- Ipper: 8t.,: t e west w4, ,\Face r. 1 ra c e . ) t el 'Twas,tuldnlght, and unfit: for The boy stole softly from hls gla To watch the moon In clouds of ti - Play hide and seek with the To laugh at the wind In Its wild, will And again the stars of the heavens to But the-thought that the flipper was 01. And veiled Andromeda's daughter. The sea was mad, for the wind wan high, The huge black clouds would soon go by, But down fell torrents or rain front the sky, And awoke thelsleeping skipper. And suddenly long and loud laughed ho, When the voice of Ms child broke forth In glee, .01ath,r1 the king of the Northern Sea Has upset his starry dipper." —Emily Blake. tuovll4L Inl7-7/. When things don't. go to snit you, _ And the world seems upside down, Pon't waste your time in fretting, . But drive away. that frown; Since life Is oft perplexing, `Tlv zonal the wheat plan To bear all trifles bravely, And smile trbcne•er you can. Wby should you dread p›-moirow, And thus deSpoll today For when you borrow trouble You always have to paY; It Is a good old maxim, Which should he often preached Don't cross the bridge before,yo& Until the bridge is L. ELEIIIREZ You might be spared mteh sighing, It you would keep in mind The thought that good and evil Are always here combined— There must be something Wanting; And though you roll in wealth, Yol may miss from your casket The precious jewel—health. And thougisyMece strong and sturdy, You may have and empty purse— And earth has many trials Which I consider worse- But whether joy or !.orrotor . Fill up your mortal span, It will make your pathway brightei To smile whene'er yottcan. [(eb.l7B Love Me, Love,My Dog. A quick shock, a sense of rapid descent, a feeling of stifling suffoca tion, of a head bursting, dizziness, appalling terror, a retro spective vision ofilife, a horror of death, a plunge intorcold water, a re turn to consciousness l Rope was struggling instinctively in the trench- . erous element which had saved list life . by breaking her tremendous fall, and now threatened to engulf her. Had she known that she was thirty \fathoms below the surface of the moor, she would have given up hope add been lost; but•though the water rushed into her mouth and drowned tier ries for help, and though her woollen cloak`was . heavy and clung to her, she struggled to keep her head free, and, in otruggling, her open hand struck the .rugged side of the pit and grasped it tenaciously. Slight as was the hold', it supported her to strik,er feet downward and 1 lind solid gi. nif beneath them, and now the watercame only to her arm pits—she could breathe again. Half afraid t move a step in the pitchy darkness, be raised her voice again, only to hea her call reverber T ate as it rose, and to feel -how hope' less was her -situ thin. Yet she groped withniie hanaalong the wall and strove to find:a higher le- I for her foot. July 27,76 J. N. ,caLiFF , At length her hand ;ainst a projection just above It was a plebe of Umbel td of beam, doubtlesS one of ports of the shaft when that 1 . first sunk for coal. At the 'tch of her arm she contrive. .gip it firmly; and_ so, holding fast bythe left hand, with the other she loosed the fastening of her saturated cloak and let it go. Relieved of its dra ging weight, she threwfup her righ hand also to the beam, and clinging firmly with - the strength borne of de spair, planted her feet against, the rough wall of the shaft, an foot, by foot—the water buoying her up— raised herself_ higher and higher, un til, with a supreme effort, she raised herself across the beam.• The position was painful and criti cal. She had no light to guide her. In gaining the beam she had lost her foothold of the wall, and so great was the pressure on her • waist, she felt assured she must drop unless she could scramble into a sitting posture. After one or two narrow mischan ces,-which sent her heart leaping into her throat, she attained her object, and thanked God for comparative safety. Yet was her position little less per ilous. The beam had not more than the circumference of a man's hat crown, and her .. sole support being the side of the shift, her seat was necessarily very insecure, added •to which her feet were yet in the cramp "ng water,ther!strength was well-nigh lone, and with the temporary rest a , 1 a • se of drovss stole over her. ortunately, hunger came to keep her wake, and with it longings for thealf-oaten pie le ft at the collier's cottage, So far, struggles for imme diate tafety had oveipowered every other Nought and feeling, but now the deso titian and hopelessness of her positi n smote Hope. ' Of time e could take no note. It Was the 27th- of November, and its fog was ithi enough to blot out moon and st rs, had either hung above that old it-mouth. Not until day had fully chased the mists and simdows did 'a glimmering patch of light high up filmic her tell her that only one night had \gone. To her it seemed - as if the darkness was per - - pi:dual, and she had been there teetle the time. . • " TOWANDA;PA, 1 4 , wise • faskg., SMILE WHENEVER YOU CAN. rlerled Fisk • coNctt:l)En. CHAPTER IV. ; ' - 1 ., :.:0.2'f1.' Duripg the night she had contrived to raise her feet out oftlui icy water, and extend them befcire her ou the beam ; bat they were alimist numb, and she shivered in her wet clothes. With her hungry, longings had come thoughts of all the good things at tbe firm to tantalize her; Sad then-the knowledge that_ she would not be Missed until the Sunday night set in ;, and she began to question her own powers of endurance, and , to wonder if she could- hold nui until they began to search for ,her. She wondered, too. how long_it would be before Amos Hedley heard that she was missing, and if he would Join in ; . And then, as if eonjured up brthe thought et. Amos, came in a flub' over her mind the dreadful plot ,`she had overheard, and the danger which threatened his master's household, and perchance himself. • In the con seiousifire-thatVie held - a aidieron which both life and property might hang, her hunger was for the time for gotten, and feverish .longing to es cape and warn Sir William overpow ered all else. She screamed until she was hoarse, but only her own voice came back to er ; and as the hours went slowly • , and her clothes dried upon her, s grew parched and doubly fever ish. To quench her intolerable thirst, she . rew gently up the tail of her linen own, which hung below , drab bling %the water, and sucked the fever ish. To out ; but it had to be.done with eau 'on,lest she should overbal ance. • And eve . for " help" a l came, though 1. and another da , She grew clam f was gaining upon 1 into despairing sil 1 sharp and shrill. Not until the day 1 and the gathering sha ( the farmer and his so day-evening meal, did k garth evince any snrp 't, maid's long absence. Then 1 to remark that Hope was 1 , it was not safe for a girl to % on the fells after dark, and ; th 1.. ed to rebuke her when she di home. But when night began to sho black face . at the diamonded cas meat, and the flames of the blazin fire 'leaped up to light the kitchen with reflections in polished oak. and pewter, she looked uneasily out, and bade " Gwordie take a lantern and legit th' canny bairn through the fui rk." ~ Geordie seemed somewhat loathe to stir himself, but he never dreamed of disputing his mother's behests; so' he reached a horn lantern from a hook behind the door, carefully lit and adjusted the bit of home-made candle within, cloSed the lantern de liberately, and, with a stick in one band, set off, on his errand, nothing doubting he should meet, her before his long legs had carried him the length :I' the village. and anon she shrieked Ad " Amos," but neither Another night wore out passed its meridian. rrOus for food, fever her, and after lapses \nee her cries grew Before he .had gone far he met va rious. parties of young fellows re turning from the fell, some.with game cocks under their arms, others with bandy-sticks, or trigs; cock-fighting, bandy, trippet-and-coit, . and other gambling games, makino , the fell-side like a fair on Sunday afternoons. Several of these he questioned,but no one had seen or overtaken lope, and when he had gone little more than a mile he turned back, satisfied In his own mind that she had staid with her old grandmother. Ile - was not gallant, and lie wanted his sup per. • He was, however ; away quite - long enough to add to his mother's uneas inesS, without allaying it: She -had, never known Hope' so far behind time before in all the years of herr long service; the. lass had been like a daughter to her; and unpunctuali ty ih her mind portended evil. As Geordie came back down' the village street the light of the lantern gleamed on the white tuuteb, orlong eared linen cap; of his mother, as her head was stretched over the gate and her anxious, "Where's Hope r" greeted him. The question, and the short, " Aw, dinnet ken," with the longer assur ance which followed that she must be "steyin' wid acid Betty,forearten 1" being . asked and answered from a distance, reached the ears of another watcher across the road. - From the copse-gate, which he had already un fastened,-came Amos Bedley, equip ed for night duty, with his' gun over h s shoulder. of his questions it no better satisfied ixeuse than was or the farmer, who te gate; and, but t ier's duty tied him woods all night, he .e set off to put anxt. nigh the farmer as td be little wark for ► ower th' fell after fetich meet tie syef be" ,the good dame tompelled to look for hope, for Geordi e showed no dis position for another march in search of his Mother's da"ry maid. But Amos watched that ni fit with an im patience for the dawn e had rarely, known before. Instead 'of retiring to -rest when the hour came to report imself to the head keeper, he swallowed in haste a glass of ale, thrusthunch of bread and cheese in his eoa pock et, and was off on his self-app inted errand to Burnhead. Geordie's nonchalnace had ally alla y ed \ \- yil his jealousy, but - not his fears or is love, and the restlessness which hid gathered force during the night gave \ speed to his flying feet, and made his possible reception a• matter of small moment. • Disappointment awaited him at Betty's cottage, as it' had awaited . Hope. A pair of robins were break fasting on tbe crumbs left, from Hope's repast, but doors and windowS" were alikp secured, and • no hospitable smoke 'curled from the low chimney top. , He stood hesititing)" the crumbs were an assurance that some one had been there but recently. Possibly Hope and her grandmoiter . had 'to- • • • ' • - • - „ • -' - ESSE EZEISESS :fr - IiRADFORD:::COUNTri - : - : : : „E',4.4:::1)41.4844Y,' : :: - .4001414', - ;..FEPR1T1M:',,..0(4:: . ..1.879. getber, Tinted tire= cottage`. that 'Very morning, and gone to make a neigh borly call before the former returned to the farm. • ` • - Re cast his. eyes around and sin gled out a cottage ibrinquiry, over leaping- reek and burn in hit impa tient descent. 'chanced' to be the one Hope Amid - go l ne out of her way , to visit. • ' "Aye, Hope bed' ben theer; at& enoof, but nowt wad pr her attire' then obierVant of th,e ghastly change in her questlbner's face, the wimnan' added thelandly consolathm that she might have stoppasomewhere else down the - fell when sho found-the fog coming- on, and would most' likely have reached ,borne before then: Alternately hoping and fearing, he hurried back, after thaiihing his in ; forinant, turning aside from the trod den path, with tireless foot and, ex pmtant voice, toward every Aittep liird'ii-but'Or pitman's coitago within range, whereve it seemed feasible the girl he noviloved so dearly might have sought a night's ; Shelter and hospitality in emergency. But, oh I how haggard was the face Amos presented when he - limit into Farmer Applegarth's house about eleven that Monday forenoon and 'found his 'last hope extinguished on this hearth. Not seeing Hope, or a sign of her, in the farm-yard or in the empty kitchen, he rushed on to the dairy, where Dame Apptegarth was skim ming the milk, too much concerned at her maid's ab - -ence "to complain of the .extra work. At. the first accents of his hurried inquiry,thetirst glimpse of his anxious fam,,she dropped the wooden bowl of , cream from her hands, and clasped them together on her breast in consternation, as she cried in echo to his hasty explana tion : " Nut theer 1 and nut seen sin Setterday efternuin I Aw telt, Gwor. die Somethite wor wrang; aw wur suir of it Whativer con hey fa'en the lama 1" gan to wane, ows sent home \c) their Sun ame Apple at ,her Ihe began that wander eaten `j get . . Out ran the quiet woman into . the farm-yard, calling for Gilbert and Geordie, in a state of unusual excite ment. Then she recollected that "the daft collont wor gyen to th' smiddy," and while Amos darted across the road, and bounded over the copse gate into the wood, she flew up the straggling street to seek her son, re membering only that Hope had gone away at her bidding, that Geordie hail been lukewarm over night, and eeling much as if whatever had hap ned to the girl would, lie at their do r. e excitement spread. Staid Dam Applegarth could not rush•np the vi age without. bringing wivesto their d ors and children after them. " Lost n Black Fell in th' fog two tee i days sin, roused many a,sturdy pit man who orked on they night-shift from his fo noon dreams, tajoin the impromptu and of searchers• who were 0/i, alon with thO fanner and Geordie, long fore Amos returned with leave of a series granted, and limping Gipsy at is heels. i . - CHAPT V. The mind is the body's master. Amos Ile3ley had bee afoot in the woods ail night, with nly an 'occa sional rest against the b le of a. tree; had been afoot all the ming on the rug g ed fell with only sugges tion of breakfast, and m Iht well hav,e claimed the privilege of atigue; but a spirit of unrest was alive within him. never, to be tamed to qut tude while Hope was missing. On his way to the head keeper he met SirjWilliam in the grounds n • • r the hall,and in answer to the quer " Whither so fast, young man ?" told hastily the story of Hope Wolsing ham's disappearance, her claims upon his gratitude, and his anxiety to re new the search for her. - The Barwiet smiled as Amos spoke of gratitude ; he had some recollec tion of the independent dairy-maid. The reAnired permission was given on the instant. Nature and common sense had dic tated the necessity for refreshment; now Amos plunged his head in a bucket of water, ate heartily a dinner the sympathetic cook set before him, and started off afresh like anew mars. Quite an hour had been consumed when, accompanied by Gipsy, he again emerged from the copse, and strode through the village on his way to the fell. The other seekers were far ahead of him, and something like a jealous qualm came over him lest she should be found by any but him self. His better nature, however, re buked him, and he told Gipayit mat tered-not who came first on her track, so long as she was only safe and well. The dispersed explorers had met and parted, and met again after three hours' fruitless wanderings,and were, with the single exception of Gilbert Applegarth, on the point of returning to theirs own homes, convinced that the girl. had gone astray of her own free will and not of mischance, argil , - ing that she was most likely with old Betty at home "kirsening," when the echoes of a distant shout attracted the thin-ears of , one, a hewer. With hands curved to month, a loud " Halo!" was thrown forth, and reanswered back again,and the whole Party hastened in the direction of the voice, quickening their steps as they saw :a figure in the distance, soon tee ognized as the gamekeeper,. running and waving his arms as if to urge them forward. _Amos had already gone over the ground these others had taken, and known it barren. Something urged him to make flesh inquiries from the woman whe bad seen Hope last, and obtain an indication of the road she had taken. • TIO had been too brief a time in the neighborhood to know all the short cute across the fell, and it Was \ less his own sagacity than that of 4: 1 ipsy which led him to the long spur o - gray rooks where she had rested an shaken the grit out of ber shoes. H. \\ ere Gipsy, who had been some time uneasy, • suddenly came to a stand, sniffs:ll"st the ground , looked up in Amos' face,, whined, then with his nose to the earth, was off as fast as b ' th ree good legs would ear ! Ty him, "p the point of the ;spur, often ..looks g back and .whining, , re bellionsly Mess of the keeper's whistle; for the man and` the dog were going in - • erent direction*. , . MS ME p,OmplOs or inensonstozt, ram Axy warm. There was not.the faintest indica,' WM of path, but- Gipsyckept.on, over' gronndAso rugged. : that. Amos could, not conceive, the possibility of its being mistaken for.theroad even in a fog, and .brit for thi<peculiar manner of the dog; le . *;on*..have declined to f0110w . ,,, , , Presently :they cme :iinbn great heips'ofslig and and4lnstiio long forgotten that weeds grass bad &n ode hornet:hire. - But there wan no •Plam 'where Hope 6tdd lie hisC,. dill desd.orelive,tmless %Imre that nonfat' Chimp Of furze siid hazel `bullies's the distance. ' ;GiOry stopped as if- suddenly ar- Tested.* movementof his long ears told -that he was listeningAhen he ,sioud rigid; with histall set.** if be had come upon his game. '4le gave a abort, sharp bark, .boundect , lorward to reach the bushes, looked back as if to call his master, ,sonrried here end , there ae if , tOfindentrintee, and barked as if he *ere wild. His master was quickly after him, and, but that hel was. brought to a' sudden stopby soMething that sound ed to him like a far-off whisper of his own name, he might have fallen , for ward and shared the fate of the poor creature perishing of cold and hunger in the depths below, so -completely had the thick fringe of hazels hid the old coal-pit's yawning mouth. Thus checked, with his heart al most at - a stand-still, he lay down up on the ground, and thrusting his head into the gap between the bushes, looked searchingly down with shud dering bead. It was an awful depth, and but that the gleaming water below served as 1 a reflector of the sky, he might have failed to discern the dark figure seat eci" on the beam, with white face rais ed so piteously to the light. And now he was sure he heard his own name, faintly mingled with an imploring cry for succor; and as he 'answered her cry with the-one word, "Hope !" his sudden joy at her dis covery living was dashed with fears lest she should die ere rescue was possible. - A faint scream rising from beneath told that he was at least heard. A gain he called, and loudly, to bid her be of good cheer. Then leaving ,Gipsy on guard, he darted off helter-skelter, pausing only to send a loud halloo upon the wind from time to time, un til; as he was-well-nigh spent,his call was answered. The blacksmith's wife and Mrs. Applegarth bad thought it ill-omened that three of the pit-men slung coils of rope around them when they joined the search; and Amos had more than once been tempted to empty from his pockets the good things the cook had crammed them with in token of her sympathy. He had fancied the weight impeded his progress. He had cause to be thankf he was so laden. Geordie, whose long legs best fitted him for courier, was at .once dispatch ed to the village for more 'help and sundry appliances, and, spurred by compunction, he did not loiter by the way. There was little consultation at the mouth of the pit., where Gipsy stood like a sentry,and barked on their ap proach. -. The hazel has a tenacious grip of the soil, its tough outspreading roots twining-and interlacing. And now Amos showed himself less a novice than the pitmen deemed. He helped to splice the coils of 'rope, and, tell ing them he, had been bred a sea fowler on the coast? would have ven tured on the descent, had not their experience told the line was far too short. One of their number, foreseeing bis on his first glance downward, ad scudded o ff for bare life to the nearest mine at - work ; but the brief afternoon had made strides, as swift befo e the , man returned with cable ands wades to help. . Stiff there was a stretch of day light le when Amos was sloily low ered in a rope-cradle, guiding its de scent fo . er-wise down the face ,of the sha ft ,' Idle anxious prayers went up to heave from the rough' beings, so prompt at he call of duty—Wes ley's disciples, ne and all—and dip sy could har d) be restrained from leaping after' hi He gained the ttom in safety, only in time to telt the form of . Hope as she wus dr pping from her perch. Expectation and - joy had it \ overtopped exhaustio ; human na ture could no longer be r the strain. When two pitmen, slu g together per, t hey the side of the k per, they found him standing more .t an waist high in water, sustaining. 11 re with • one arm, aid pouring brand down her throat from the flask of the aood natured cook. By this time abl ket had been brought. A sort of li tn mock was made, into which she • ia lifted, still in a state of unconsciou ness ; and Amod, looping his foot i a rope stirrup, prepared for the haz ardous ascent, while the men below steadied the impromptu cradle with a gie. •• There was a breathless hush as the twain were landed clear of the hazels on the bank, and there was some doubt whether Hope was living or dead. I. -• Gipsy barked and leaped excitedly; Farmer Appleprth'S big fingers un tied- the girl's choking hat-strings ; Amos kneeled down aid chafed her rigid hands ; the fresh air blew upon her face ; and under the influence of 'one or all restoratfres•her languid lids unclosed. Women as well as men had come bareheaded from the village on hear ing Geordie's news, and there - was a general shout at this token of life. The men then turned with a wilt to release their captive brethren, and by the time they were landed, Hope was eating ravenously the bread and meat front Amos Hedley's poeketi, soaked though they had been in the pit. She was carried home to the farm in Dame Applegarth's own rocking chair, and there was no lack of vol unteers for the service. But Amos, who, had felt his own strength col lapse when there was no longer a de mand upon , it, was content,.like sy, to walk beside, and now and then stretch out _a ban& to wrap closer around her—the blanket which the rising wind displiced. Hope was too feeble for many words, be her thanks iffil 1301 RUE EE 1'' , ;• .,-, :'', ,, ,- , .i . :':.: ---, n' , ',.!' :,::.?-.::,,,,•::-.',:j:--1T,.-;',':,._, bad been sufficiently eloquent,' and A.mos'was doubly blest. - Wet, cold, hunier, exposure, and enforced wakefulness for eight-and forty hours would' try' the strongest woman's frame. illope was on the verge of a fever; and when the first Use she found for speech was to bid Amos hasten to Sir William and warn him-that Nick Faw and the two escaped poachers were going to break into the. Ing.,that very night, she was accredited mr7.1.12. delirium. She said she bad thought of little else all , the while she was doin the pit, and im plored him to lo no time in warn ing his master.. But he lingered in credulous, and she grew impatient. And then, as fever grew, her mind did begin to wander, and ell her pent up love was or 4..4id5.d, and found un conscious utterance in broken words and ejaculations of alternate fear and gratitude. She was once more in the darkeome pit, cramping on her nar row perch, and yet afraid to move a limb lest she should have a ;fresh struggle with the icy water below her ;. praying' for deliverance, and errug that she should die, and Amos would not scorn her then. Anon she implored, Nick Few and Joey Dob son not to murder Amos—to spare the _poor doggie—anon she muttered fragments of the nefarious colloquy by the rocky ridge on the hillside, with self-congratulations that she had overheard it all. Then she was fleeing from pursuit; now falling, falling into the bottomless pit; every now end then she would look wildly round and shriek ifur Amos to save her—net to let her die thereof cold and banger!' It was all a disjcitated tangle, piti able to listen to, askevidence of the ordeal she had undergone, and the fever that ran riot through her veins; yet such is the inconsistency of man, that a thrill of satisfaction stirred the heart of Amos at her unconscious ad missions, in spite of the new dread lest she should he lost as soon as found. She bad been laid on a huge blue and white check-covered squab or sofa in the kitchen, and had not yet been removed to her own low-roofed bed-room under the eaves. The fire had been piled up high to warm and welcome her, and the whole attend ant crowd, had taken possession of the apartment, freely discussing Hope's marvelous deliverance and the sagacit3rOf Gipsy in tones fitter for the hill-side than the sensitive nerves of a woman in her prostrate condition. Mx's. Applegartb, ministering -to her immediate needs, grew uneasy as she listened to her and to them. Geordie came from the cellar with two great pitcher of ale, and the farmer busied himself to place half a cheese and a big loaf on the table ; but it needed only a hint from the dame to carry ale and edibleninto the barn, with the crowd in their rear. And there Geordie was left, to play host, Gilbert returning to help his good dame. • Thus it chanced that Hope's utter ances fell into no strange ears, except those of a kindly old neighbor (her self as deaf as a post), who remained to chafe the girl's benumbed limbs, while Mrs. Applegarth prepared a hot buttermilk posset by way of food and physic.. _ At first Amos was disposed to put Sir William on his guard, on Hope's suggestion; but, when she grew pal pably incoherent,he was half inclined to . fall in with the farther's notion that the " puir .wencles. brain wor torned," he had best "nut fash th' mister for nowt*" and reluctantly left her to her nurses at last, to turn the question over in his own mind :is' he dragged his tired limbs Oro' the park homeward to tbe halt : Yet, if Hope bad heard, and heard aright, the robbers were to make the attack that very night—hark CHAPIEB VI. Hark i A dry twig crackedd under a heavy soot; .a hare, startled from its sleep, .seurried past him; Gipsy gave a Icivr growl and stood still. Amos had borrowed the farrnet's gun, and now held it ready; there was certainly strangers in the plantation. To put it to the test he gave a pceu liar signal whistle. There was a re sponse. A fellow-keeper would have answered. He stood for a minute or two. with kis gun at half cock ; then, as if thor oughly reassured, pursued his course with Gipsy limping beside him,q4ite as weary as his master, though. not one whit more ciAitent or satisfied. As usual,`AmOs had entered the plantation by the copse-gate;the cut thence' across the park saveil at least a third the distance of the road proper. • To-night he stood in need of rest, but now , be was ,on the alert, arid wide awake. Coupling that stealthY read with the growl of the dog, and " ope's communication he -was in clined to pay more h eed. to her warn ing;,and felt how necessary it was he shotikl reach the hall without arous ingt,) ti spicion in the evil minds so near him. Be stepped on boldly as if o n rdinary duty, loitering now and then, and patting . Gypsy with a Pleasant ord ; apparently going further aw y into the convert, yet drawing nee er to the open park with every step. I Oace away om the shadow of the trees he made direct- for the hall, pondering how st to get immediate speech with Sir 1 'lllam without first running the gaunt! t of the servant's He was anticipated , The Baronet had given orders that,i ' mediately on the gamekeeper's retu he should be shown into the librars .\ 43 There he found-Sir Nil 'am seated at a. - large table, with b oks and papers before bim, and two r three Money bags at his elbow whh bad that day been paid in by his st ward. Shutters werefastened, curfais drawn, the fine - glowed, the wax-1i lits in the silver candelabra were 'repeat, ed in the giazed fronts of ponder() i - book-eases' and as Sir - William hal turned in his chair to greet the new comer, Amos had a vision of a strug gle for the bag,s. upon the table and the words, "silent with - the knife," came into his mind with painful sug gestiveness. - " And so the young woman was ' found I --I'm glad of it! And where was it, Hedley; and how came it all about? You must' tell me the whole story," and the Baronet smiled pleas antly, ".for your - lady will not bate a jot of the news; and I shall have to retail it. Lady Derwent is greatly interested .in - your—sweetheart— shall we say ?" It, was impossible to answer all the Baronet's cordial questions at once, and Amos hesitated. There was a look of gravity on the young man's face, as well as an utterly exhausted droop of his shoulders. There was wine on the table: , Struck by some thing in the young man's voice or manner, Sir William filled a 'wine glass from a decanter on the table; and bade him drink that before he began, it would " put heart into him. But .he , bad already begun. His tale would not brook delay. Briefly and modestly he told the story of anxious quiet, attributing the credit of Hope's recovery entirely to the sagacity of Gipsy, and dwelt more on the pitable condition in which the lost girl was -found than on the ad venturous descent of - himself and . others. His master's commiseration was-roused, but its explession was arrested as Amos unexpectedly drew close, and leaning = one hand on the table, bent down to tell in lowered tones that Hope had fallen ,into the old pit r in endeavoring to evade Nick Faw and two others, who had plan ned, in her hearing, to break into' 'Dersventside Hall that very night. Torolunder, and it might be—murder Sir William grasped the . arms of his chair and half rose from his seat, aghast and :confounded, as he welt might be. 'But he was a brave man, and after that first surprised start, listened with apparent composure, while Amos went on to say that he Ilia heard strange footsteps in'the wood, and believed the wretches were lurking there in readiness., • "No doubt, no doubt," acquiesced Sir William ; "and we must be ready too," he added, with his hand on the embroidered bell-pull. 6 , Thwaites, the pompous old butler came at the summons. He had been a servant - in the family from 'boy hood. • -In'horror. and amazement he up lifted his fat hands, unable to com prehend the enormity of a burglary at DerwentSide. But be was alive to the need for promptitude and. cau tion. With Amos in tow he left the library to carry out instructions. Cook had a substantial supper ready for, Amos. Men and women servants crowded round to ply him with questions. It was ten o'clock. Lady Derwent had rung for her maid half an hour. "To bed, to , bed, you chattering women-folk," cried Thwa ities. "It is long past time. Sir William wants the house - quiet; -be has Mr. ,Bamsay's account' to over look." He was imperative. The maids re. tired grumbling, the housekeeper following, with a light •in a wire screen, as was her custom, to secure the extinction of other candles. All bolts and bars had been previously . adjnsted, and to an outside spectator tbelhousehold appeared to sink into night's torpor and quiescence as usual. When the coast was clear Sir Will iam and the butler armed the men servants with cudgels or pistols, and with many a charge to be silept, placed them two and two in the low er rooms, the point of attack being as uncertain as the, 'number of the robbers. Dcrwentside Ilan was a plain stone edifice, with a flagged pavement on three sides, while the other overhung the river at an elevation, and so was safe from attack. It had, been calcu. lated that footsteps, however stealthy would be heard upon this pavement; but the men had come with muffled 'feet, and the first intimation of their approach was the sound of a file oh the unglazed grating of the larder window. Iron, woodwork, and wirework were all old, the operators skillful; ere long the- framework gave,_ away with little noise. -, Some one cushed through the gap,- - and dropped on padded feet—a second followeed—a third : the flash of a lantern gleamed on the passage walls ; there was a stoppage at the butler's pantry, a jingle of keys; as if the lock was be int* picked, a low-voiced suggestion tolpake sure of the coin first, it was safest; and then the ruffians passed into the large kitchen on their way to the oppoiste door, the One with the .dark lautern in the rear There was a dull red glow in the heart of the recently slacked fire, which. barely east a light on the bright iron fender and white.. hearth,',. leaving .the cor ner of the great - kitchen in deep. shad Ow.- As - ,the third man stole in, Amos, who stood ready, closed the door be , hind him, shadowy forms darted from everworner, and the intruders found themselves in a trap. "Surrender, you vagabonds !" . cried Sir William, and the cock of a pistol was heard to enforce commandJ. "Nivvor I" roared the leader "It be thee or me for it," and darted for ward to throw himself on the Baro net, .whose voice had revealed his whereabouts. There was the gleam of a•knife, the flash - of a pistol, and Sir William' w:‘s down with a ruffianly hand on his throat. Already he felt the sharp prick of a blade, when the man's arm was clutched from behind, there was a gip of a powerful hand - on his col lar, he was dragged to his feet, an-i burled across the kitchen ' when he struck against and overturned a chatr in falling. He rose and again rushed forward, but his knife was gone, and when he closed with Amos, - the two grappled together, with only their natural weapons, and on equal terms barring the fatigue of the latter. In the general scuffle their individ ual conflict wai unobserved. It was not until the other burglars had suc cumbed to stout cudgels in stout hands, in spite of their lethal weep uts and the crape was torn from , the Vices of Mat Ding and Joey Dobson, t their captors had breathing-time cote the flesperate struggle on the L. But, by that time, it 'was thi to heat $l.OO - PiorAnntint.fii AdvlinCei nearly bvor , Athoi had succeeded is britxing-his antogonist to the ground his head had struck the fender in falling, hiti hat had fallen' off, and Nick Paw lay there stunned. He was not killed, however, and had 'fared little worse than Amos, who had got an ugly scratch' with the knife in wrestine , •it from him. .The butler, too, had pretty nearly got his quietus, or thought he had, but it was from the chance - hit of a friendly cudgel, and the knives had not otherwise done much damige. Those were hanging days. When the three ruffians were hauled otr to the county jail the next morning under a strongescort they knew they were journeying to the gallows, and that they would be too heavily iron ed to escape this time. • • Penitent enough were the two pottehers, who had been led into the more daring attempt by the prospect of plunder and revenge under the in spirationtof Nick Faw; 'but thelard ened tinker,'srowling and sullen, only opene d mouth in blasphemy. Amos, - whose hand smarted under bandages, could nut resist 'the tont& tion to tell the man how their plot had been overheard, and how the lass who heard would have been.lost but for the poor dog they had thrown so wantonly at the baited, bull. Aye, and mayhap if the doggie had never wanted nursing, it would have known nothing of Hope or her kindness. Nick Faw had certainly twined a rope for pis own neck when he threw the dog to be gored. The man glared at the speaker, and bit at him like a savage; and Gipsy having forced his way among the crowd at the back of the hall, as he and his companions were led away in custody, he put oat his foot_ and dealt the animal a brutal kick. He bad again reckoned without his host. Gypsy darted after him, and made him feel that woolen stockings were bad armor against canine-fangs. Sir William's wound was scarcely more severe than that of the game keeper, though but for the latter's promptitude it might have .been. fatal. The Baronet's gratitude and that of Lady Derwent could not be expend ed in words. He dealt immediate rewards-to/the other domesties who had taken part in the capture of the burglars and the defense of his , prop erty, but he told Amos he should have to think how best to serve him and his sweetheart---so he persisted in calling Hope Wolsingham. In the first place he left him at liberty, until his hand was healecl,to go where he would,- and quickly as feet could span the distance Amos was at Applegarth's farm. An .hour later Sir William and Lady Derwent met him at the farm er's gate as he was rushing like, state ordestractiou to find, old Betty Wol singham. She was wanted-to try her skill on her own grandchild, whose fever had not abated. Dane Applegarth landed the wond rous condescension of the lady "in mounting the dark stairs-to Hope's small, chamber in the roof, and, lay ing vinegar-cloths on the maids fore head with her "awn lily-white hands," but the lady kit as-if the girl was suffering for her, l and as if she .owed her la husband's `Geordie, who,rhad not ceased to de plore his inactivity in the first in stance, was ready enough to fling his long legs over a bare-baked Worse, and rode off for Sir William's doctor; and by the time Dr. tlaekett's three= cornered hat and gold-headed cane rpaehed the farm old Bet* was there to act ns nurse under his instructions, though she_ felt strongly tempted to trust to her own remedies and ignore him altogether. Fever and delirium ran high ; over and over again the girl went through her frightful experience on fell and in pit, but in all such genuine anxiety tor the people at the hall was appar ent, so much affection for Amos lied ley, which he was "sure nivvor to ken," that the earnest-heart would have melted with pity and. Amos, kneeling by her bed-side, sobbed again. . • For a,long while her life trembled in the balance,,,but - what the skill of the time and !laving hands could do was done for her ; she: was, young, had a strong constitution ; the crisis passed, and left her to re g ain strength, and to discover that she had a lover by her side who poured out his heart as if he knew the depth of hers. She was not voted well enough to enter the witness-box at the Winter jail-delivery. The men had gone' armed to Derwentside, had brOken in, had picked a lock, fought and wound ed the inmates of the hall,.and. their sentence came frOn4 under the Judge's black cap. Her evidence- was not needed At the beginning of the year Sir William ann )unccd to Amos that he had-ii farm on his hands for which he wanted a tenant ; it was well stocked and might be had on a long lease for -a small rental ; and lie thought Amos might venture on it, with Hope as his helpmate. And so it came about. Hope wore at her wedding the ribbons Amos had from the peddler; and Gypsy was handed over to them' along with the lease of the farm, to be petted and, spoiled by , master and nil - stress—and by the children, too, when they came. —All the Year Round. PAM TOE THE MMUS The grayhound runs by eyesight only, and this we observe as a fact. The carrier-pigeon flies , his two "hun dred 'and fifty miles homeward by eyesight—that is, from point to point of objects which be has marked ; but this is only our conjecture. The fierce Aragon-fly, with,twelve thousand leli ses in his eye, darts from •angle to angle with ..the rapidity of a flashing sword, and as rapidly darts back, not turning in the air, but with - a clash reversing the action of his four wings, and intantaneously calculating the distance of the objects, or he would dash himself to pieces. But in what conformation of the eye does this consist? No one can answer. A. cloud of ten thousand giiiO4" dance up and down in the sun„the minutest iffterval between the m 4 yet no one knocks anOther headlong upon the grass, or breaks a/leg or a wing, long and delicate as these-are. Suddenly, amid your admiration _or this- matchless ''.-daireei-a- peenliszly higindkouldemd, . long, pendant nose y darts gout ther , rising - and filling clou d , - . said settle.; , ing on your cheek, 'inserts a poison- . . am sting . Whit poisesseltheJW wretch to do this;' Did lie smell your. - Maid in the mazy dance -No one.-know's. •-• A. carriage comes suddenly upon a - 4 flock of geese on a narrow road; and drives ,straight tough the middle of them,. A goose was neverietlairly run over, nor a duck. 'They are under-" the very wheels and hoofs, and-yet somehow they contrive to flap and -waddle safely off. Habitually stupid -, heavy and indolent, they are never theless equal to any einergercy. Why divs the lonely woodpecker; when he decends his tree and goes to drink, stop several times On his way, listen and look round, before he takes his draught? No one knows. How is it flit the species of ant which is taken hr battle by other ants to be • made slaves, should be black, or ne• gre, ants? No one knows. - - The power of judging of actual danger, and. the free and easy bold ness which rests from it, are by no means uncommon. Many birds seem to have a Most 'correct notion of a gun's rangq, and, while scrupulously careful to keep beyond it, confine their care to this caution, though the most obvision resource would be to fly- right away Out of sight and hear- • inn, which they do not choose to do. And sometimes appear to make even an ostentation use of their power, fairly putting their wit cleverness in antagonism to that of -man, for the benefit - of theirfoilowers. NUMBER 38. 1110:v I )feil 4 0114 itir h'IPI :n1 0:4 There has been a general feeling of disappointment throughout' the country, that in the. late election of Senator in Connecticut, the . choice did not fall upon General Hawley or Marshall Jewel, -who have national reputations, and either Jif, whom would have done honor- Witte good old_commonwealth. Instead of this the rivalship sq . the two leaders was so.close and, - that it amounted to a., dead -lock,'"and 'rendered it im possible to the •eleethin of either ; and so as often is the Case, the choice fell upok a new man, one littleknown outside of his own state—air. Orville 11. Platt of Meriden. But it does not follow because a man is not widely knoWn, that he has not talents to dignify say position. Some of the ablest men in the country, engaged in their professional duties; have not time to go abroad, and so have 'only a local reputation. Such (we.are in formed by one who has known him for thirty years) is 'the.neiv Senator from Connecticut. He is a man of,. good. presence, about fifty years old; a lawyer, who l/S a high standing at the bar, and who always carries weight with the Judges' by his clear statements and sound judgment; and .also because•of his transparent hon esty, the absence of any -of those. arts or tricks by which some lawyers are too distingniShed. He is also a religious man, not only by profession, but actively so—a deacon in 'the Congregational Church, and has , been for many years the teacher of a large Bible-class. It is a pretty, good test of a man when we can find out , how be is looked upon , by 'his neighborsv and here we are informed, there is but one opinion in the comrriunity where he lives he is universally re- Fpected and trusted, as a man worthy of the utmost confidence:_ That is the kw of a man that we need in public office in these days of degen eracy-and corruption, and we may be sure he will do no dishonoi to the grand old State . from which he comes. On the contrary, he . will worthily -sustain the ;good name of -a State which in former times sent to the Capital such men as Roger Sherman and .Oliver Ellaworth.—New York Observer. FASIIIONABLE GALLAisrar.—ln-that age of gallantry; the reign of Charles 11., it was customary when a gentle man drank a lady's health to throw some part of his dres.s into thellames,in order to do her gr ater e honor. This ; was well enough foil a loveribut the fol ly did not stop here—for-his compare- ' -ions were obliged to follow him in this proof of his veneration by con- . suming a similar article, whatever it might be. Sir Charles Sedley, dining at a tavern r obe of his friends perceiv. ing he had a very rich lace cravat on, named the lady to whom honor was done, and then made a sacrifice of his own cravat. Sir Charles and the rest of the company were obliged to follow his example. 'Sir Charles bore ills loss with great composure, observing that it was a good joke, but that he would have as good a frolic at some other time. On a sub. Sequent day--dining with the same party— Sir- Charles drank a bumper to the health of some beauty of the day ; theb, bidding the waiter call a dentist, whom' he had previously placed in an adjoining room, made him extract a curious :tooth which had long since plagued him. The rules- of good fellowship clearly-re quired that every one of the com pany should loose •a tooth. They remonstrated; but in vain, and each gentleman present successfully put himself into the hands of the opera tor, but protesting against the cruel test to which their friendship and gallantry had been put, A.STOWAWAY7-the glutton. A MUSICLAN 9 ii work ie all play.-;-19to York Mail. • - Tomas are the paro-petO of a house.— Initehaii Times. Ax alarm clock in a house generally wakes up every one but the right one. —.= Picayune. .1!.. YOUNG ladi in Detroit calls her St. Bernard dog Taffy, because "it wasgiven to her." • . - • M _ E way to make six cents go fa st. Buy a stamp and put it on a fore •' let ter.—Pittaburgh. Telegraph. • EVERIITHING will turn whin' trod upon; even the treadle. It turns the grlndstonc. Burlington ifasekeye. IT seems to to hard *ark to get to tho North Pole. It is to be approached only by Laborydocrr.—New York Graphie. A BASE and'' frreclaimabla beast of a philosopher has said : " Woman is a clock which runs' slow after five-and-twenty.** • .A MAT:ICTOBS story is afloat to theeffect that an Qabkeitt gal went back on her lover because he was- so bow-legged she couldn't sit on his lap. TEE man who got into a barber's chair pinned , a newspaper round his neck, and began to read the towel, may justly be called a‘bsent-minded. • ti " HANG the gate 1" yelled old Hick*, as he scraped his shins against it in the dark. And after sapperhe went out and hung it.—liackenseick Republican. Tuts soliloquy, by a tinder has, been oveibeard by the St. Louis Times: "The public always notices when you have been . tippling, but never when, yon are thirsty.". TUE On City Derrick assures us that "there are no snow blockades in the next world." Now we know why'the small boy with the snow-shovel clings so fondly, to this Wm ' CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers