Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 19, 1878, Image 2

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    padforil geportet.
Signs of business revival multiply
says the Tribune. Among. the more ,
encouraging may be named the in
creased attendance and variety of
goods exhibited at the great
I turni fa 'd at the West in - the
REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. I Fall. (ese" exhibitions the
?muds, 4, Thursday, ;apt. 19, 1878.
.r- • .
.Of Luzeine
Of Warren.
Of Philadelphia. : „
- Of Allegheny.
" •
T f ER J. r
• . South Creek.
Of §lfesliequin.
Of Orwell.
of - Troy.
of Springfield.
. of Towanda.
of Leßaysville.
fi FOB commrssioNgas :
of Herrick.
- of Columbia.
of Pike.
or '3lonroeton.
of Ulster.. ,
itoyir . Dili _ FINANCE.
Professing to le•au honest man, the Candidate of
nn lwiorst organization, 1 favor honest money.
The volume of the currency-should be regulated
by legitimate demand, and not by the requirements
of bankrupts and wild speculators.
The currency should be redeemable as early as
the eigencles of the Government will permit, in
the currency recognized by all civilized nations.
VII' contracts of the' Government should be held
sayred as the co . dtrnets of individuals, and the
lmnds,the evidence of Its- Indebtedness, should be
paid accenting to the understanding between the,
Government and the lender.—Speech at Boner,
S;pf .2;,` I S7S.
ikpublican in writing from Tunkhan
ndsk in regard to the late Congres
siOind conference,-states that in 1874
OVERTON'S friends defeated Mr. LA-
PntTE in this county:, • This.base in
s'itiination- was thrown in for,the pur
pos,e of reaching Mr. LAPORTE'S
friends. That the charge is false is
known to every candid Man in the
district. Mr. LAPORTE bad_ no more
ardent supporters in 1874 than
'OVERTON,and those who .advoested
hi r nmnination. The. revival' of the
falsehood which was attempted to be
uskt to 31r. OVERTON'S harm two
years ago will not 'avail his enemies
now.: COI. .OvERTON was never
ktio‘in to apt treacherously toward
any nominee, and bad either of the
gentlemen whOsepames were present
ed to the conference at Montrose been
nominated, his best efThrts would
have been put forth for the success
bf the ticket. That is the kind of
Republican he
.• 4, CIRCULAR purporting to hate.
been issued by-the American Bank
ers'' Associatien has been sent all
over the country and printed in
many papers. This document urged
that the. newspapers • should be• pre
vatted upon to oppose
. the issuing of
greenback paper money, and also to
oppose the repeal of the law creating
national. banks. - When first issued
the eircular was positively
thC • Bankers' Association. It is
again pronounced a forgery, and
;JAMES Bur.m., the se6retary of the
association' offers a. reward from his
own pocket of $5OO fOr. the detection
and conviction-of its real authors.
' E Wyomiug county correspon
41cut of the .'Scranton Rei/Wean
complains that:Bradford has had the
Congressman more than her share.
lie 'forgets t state, however, that
during the foiir terms JudgeMERi.UR
held the office he was presented by
the other counties of the district be
fore Bradford nominated liim in al
most every instane4.. And this year
Wayne county nominated Col. atEll•
s by acclamation. Does _this look
as though Bradford had used any un
fair means to secure the nomination?
" Amos() the projects on foot in case
of a Democratic majority in the Leg
islature, is a radical change in the
Cedgressional and Legislative diae
triets of the. State, and particularly
in this city. It is hoped, by a skill:
1 system of gerrymandering, to in-
crease the number of Democratic
Congressmen and to diminish the
sure RepUblican Legislative districts.
Under- the new system, as proposed,
rdladelphia would, . elect at least
three Democratic members of -Con
, gre'ss.—Press.
GEN. Louis VirMINER, well known
throughout the State as a temper
ance advocate, has been nominated
by the Republicans df Philadelphia
for the lucrative and responsible of.
fic:c of Recordei of Deeds.
Bokszs Mower; has always been
an active Bemobrat, andipt be has
the impudence to say in his letter to
Cot. OVERTON was presented mum. the Greenback convention that every
imously by ,Wayne and Bradford , body knew:: he was_ a Green backer
'counties, while both of his competir and that his nomination .. by- the
tots for_ the nomication. had ,t4tioid, Danact eawitatitan was _a„ is4.,k,
, .
Lion .i p ; _ th e i r
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farmers teitehoicest.products,
but tbeinerchantsand manufacturers
from many States also seize the
opportunity to display ,their * goods.
The character of-these exhibitionsi
t- as indicated for several years ,the
limited hopes of exhibitors and the
diminishing interest 'and "enforced ;
econeuiy, of possible ,buyers. An
improvement in - the' attendance- and
display marks a better feeling on the .
part -of •consamers,. and a greater
hope of profit on the part
cers. The tone of • commercial arti
cles in thelournale of Western cities
is also more hopefnl. The Chicago
Times of Friday last says : " The
"present is i the liveliest week for
" business that has been experienced
"for a long time in phicago. In
"addition to the large packages of
"merchandise purchased by buyers
" in personal attendance, jobbers are
"constantly receiving a good many
"mail orders for goods, 'and a Con
- "siderable proportion of these orders'
" are from Inewiy-settled points in
" Kansas. Nebraska ; Texas and other
"States and Territories."
Even in St. Paul. where some dis
hcartenmrnt and dullness would not
be unnatural, if the injury to the
wheat crap had been great or:gener
al, The Press states that " the whole-.
"sale trade for Auguit has been the
"largest ever known, with about
two exceptions, and the trade for
" September promises to be enor- -
• " moui." In beginning to discover.
that the approach of specie payments'
does actually bring greater confi
dence and activity, and thA money is
abundant' enough when they have
anything to giVe for it for whicn
anybody else can afford to pay cash.
There has been no expansion, but
contraction, and yet better times are
berg : 4 The weeding out of bankrupt
firms, Which the country bad been
parrying too long, ha's given much
relief. In short, what the West
needed was l irot " more money," but
fewer. reckless borrowers.
A %ensibleworkingman writes as
follows to the Boston journal:
KEARNEY seems to be like a Chinese
battle.—morei noise than killed or
wounded. • I have always been what
'is called a workingman. When I
first commenced life I • worked many.
a day-for fifty cents a day, and many
days I did not even make that.
KEARNEY'S talk about land monopo
lists- and all that sort of thing is
nonsense. There is land enough in
- all the States of this Union within
th reach ofevery' man who will
make an exertion•to get it. Scores
of men that I am acquainted with,
that have good homes and all the
comforts_ of life and many Of its
luxuries, are workingmen, and have
been all their days., As for myself,
I consider work' the greatest blessing
conferred upon man. There are
many .mechanics in this village who
own their homes, and they are well
enough furnished to receive any
company whatever. ...Instead of
stumping the State, Mr. KEARNEY
-had better spend - his time in reading
some of the mechanics' libraries in
this village. The Judge told CURRAN,
the celelfratedldvocat,e, " if that is
I ; will go home and burn my
books." • "Better go home and read
them," says CURRAN. Mr. KEARNEY
had better read more and talk less,
until he can instruct the workingman
in bettealines of duty than he 'does
at present.
THE following, which we take from
the last .Argu,s, does not need any
comment. In plain English it means
if 'Warn had a majority . in the
Greenback convention NI onuAN Would
be the Democratic candidate. It Is
a - very lame adempt- to ride two
horses, and furnishes the very best
evidence of Monoires 'unfitness for
the pOsition 4e seeks: .
The following letter was handed to
the Secretary of the Greenback con
vention on Tuesday. It was author
ized to be read after the conventio
. had concluded' its deliberations, pro
vided he was the choice - of the people,
which he was:
TowANnA, Sept. 3, 18;8.
Gentlernefi of the Greenback ebnrention :
- It seems appropriate that I should make
a brief explanation at this time. I have
been a Greenback man in principle for a
long time. A few weeks since, and prior
to the 20th of August, when he Demo
cratic county convention was held, I join
ed the IVysox Greenback Club.. Iloinecl
that club because I was in sympathy with
audio favor of the principles enunciated
by the
_Greenback party. My' purpose
and intention now is, to use my influence
for thesuceess of ie Greenback cause.
I believe the - success of the -Greenback
cause necessary for the protection of the
interests of the producing and laboring
classes of this. Government with whom I
'am intimately associated in All my. busi
ness relations. My nomination" by the
DemoCratic convention was'a surprise. It
was without my' knowledge, consent, or
solicitation. The members pf that con
vention knew that I was a Greenback
man when theynorainated me, and there
fori cannot expect me'to. do otherwise
than herein stated. '
Very respectfully, yori . 113u.T.113(l)eAerrt,
- Wiontuo county polls abhut 1600
Republican votes; and 'Bradford
eight thousand, and yet the candidate
presented by the former.county
thinks that the nominee of this
county, who has also been tmani
,mously endorsed by: Wayne, should
withdraw in his favor.
. . Amowy.B.
Ailpiitkprm - poiitoonkh4pmed,
AmongPennsylyanls railroad .
S. MAsori, Greenback • candidate for
Governor, a member of the Ligisla
tuft froth 'Fayette 'county:4d
al wire pulling, has' given them • con-
siderabie prominence. ..When— the
conductor came around • to lift' the
tickets - he found.. that some of the
statesmen had invested in the neees:
sari paste:board, but most of them
had passes. Aiid, wonder of won.
de s rsi Mr. MASON, the man who
raising such a hue and cry - ,against
railroads; the man who is making 1
political capital by -his demagogic,
fulminations against monopolies and
bondholders; the man who - professes
to be the undying friend of the work
ingman.,; and the everlasting enemy
of 'the railroads, was one of the num-.
her riding
,Oopasses: We7ould like
him to explain how he got the pass.
lie was severly twitted by-the other
politicians on. 'the train for: his
consistency - and • deception: '
sistency in apparently opposing
roads, yet accepting. favors from
them . : deception in endeavoring to,
gain support - by deluding the public
into the belief that if . there is any:.
thing in this. world that he specially
abhors it is a railroad . pass. ,Now
will the reader stop a moment to
think,.and ask himself the •queStto4 :
i" Would Mr. MASON have been given
:this pass if he had- not been of service
to the' Pennsylvania railroad ?'!- There
can be but one answer. Railroads
do not•grant passes for n othing., 7
Fayelte.fiepublican.. •
A CLAIM often set up by the Green
backers is that by substituting green
baeks- for national bank notes the
government would be.the gainer to.
the amount of the bills lost, worn
out or destroyed in eirculation.'l The
Burlington' ilulck4 4 ,o correets this
error by citing aletter from theTon
trOller of the Currency, containing
this statement: " I will state with
regard to,the loss of the circulation
of national banks that such loss does
not secure to the benefit.of the banks.
When a natioal_ bank ilesires to .re- -
' duce its circulation, an amount Of :
legal tender notes equal to the pro
posed reduction is deposited in the
United :States Treasury,.and ret,ins-1
there for the redemption of the notes
pntil the redemption is effected. . So,
when -a national -bank. fails, or . goei
into voluntary liquidation, an amount.
of legal tender netes, eqttaV t -to its
outstanding circulation . , is deposited
in the Treasury and permanently
held for the redemption of the notes,
whether theY• are presented for. re
demption- or not; and no matter:
how long a time may elapse, .the
notes rematning -in the Treasury are
not retusned to the bank that depos ,
ited them, nor is there any law authl
orizing their return; so that the gain
from the loss on national bank cir
culation inures to the benefit of the
United States." -
THE MAINE 'ELicrioN.—There is
no use in disguising the fact that the
election in Maine resulted in a defeat
of the Republican party ; but, it will
prove the .most precarious victory the -
Democrats ever won, and at this par
ticular time, the most wholesome and
instructive' defeat , the Republican
party ever suffered. It' insures the
Republican party victory -in Ohio
and Pennsylvania; and will give us
such gains in other States as must
more than compensate for the lcsies
we haVe • suffered in - Maine. The
path of duty is the, only path of
safety for the Republican party, was
the stern admonition of EUGENE
HALE, in the Maine fight. Mr. HALE
failed of an election, but he ,has not
been overthrown. His fate will save
many a Republican eaddidate for
Congress who, had HALE been-elect
ed, might have 'been defeated. Re
publicans have now 'seen how they
have been cheated. For the first
cheat, they are not to- blame, but
whenever,' with Maine in View, they
_Offer 'themselves to bejioodwinked
they will assume the disgrace.
Mu; Mononx's apparent ignorance
in rVard to the Democratictnomina
tion Appears, very plausible, but inti
mate friends cif his told active Green
backers some weeks before the Dem
ocratic convention, that he,would be
noininated and that the Greenback
erri- would be,forced to endorse him.
-Moreover, tile r Chairman of the Dem
ocratic Committee - prob .- tired and cir
culated votes witlel MOJIGAN'S name
on to be voted at the Greenback pri
maries.. It will :Iso be observed that
Mr. 3IoaGAN does not lay he is going
to vote the Greenback ticket. He ii
the tool of Col. PIOLLEI`, and every
bOdy knows it.
bunt. fri ex-sberitf LEWIS ZAMA
has been. n noted •by the Republi
cans of Sul van county foir Com
missioner. Mr. Z.israt is one of the
most prosperous and successful far-
Mers in the county, and we have no
doubt he will be elfted. Be certain
ly ought to be.
Cot. PIoLLET'a particular friends
are. already boasting that. MIKE
WHITE will be compelled to deeline
the Greenback nomination for Sher
iff. MIKE is an employe of the Pa.
k N.Y. R. R. Co., and the Colonel
is a, director.
TUE renomination of Col. Oyu.-
TON, by the . Congressional Confer
ence Is a' oMpliment which Bradford
county appreciates, and we will en
dorse the action of the conference by
an overwhelming majority in Novem
Evzx the Philgdelphia. Times
says COI OVERTON CIONOTVed rennin.
Indian and says be - oag t n. to be:sra
BUCUAEL want' wimp_ OF AC.
' .• ~ '• " 4• 1 "
. 0. , -:
. ; 4?$11011'- :,
.„. ., 1 7 ''."-; ,7 ' 1101 1'410404 the
tiqcl l : 0 7pt of , o ' 4 ~ 7 ! '?
lea , would
COI : . ' : ' %nil* , .., ::: . ;:ntergeta
of:llo 4 Aconilfrk tiiid . '• .:l' • : , :,;ravate
Ikeloar,eial - distteaUfrorp,iiich, we
are now happily emerging, .we can
not but - enrautenirtlie - frankhitilit
manly letter of acceptan c e of. Mr.
-W.utrr.--:-It atamliit4u—suelt -marked
contrast'-to 7.9e - cyFK.4ling,. -- idpOlezi
dealingletter.4 BEibtlElt,lk. il . :iiiitifAy;
- iliat it will win for Mr, WRITE 'the
respeet.of all parties', while MoUaAN'S
is conderniied by . .even . his warmest
political, fi:iends.:.
To the ;Natioiial Greenback Labor; Vain
of Brarirord _County: - • -
I aiu is receipt of the information
through your committee,: that you •have
seen lit to, nominate me as your candidate
for Sherif. lam not only a believer' in
greenback principles, but have separated
myself from, all parties except thestraight
Greenback and Labor party; believing
that every laboring man, no matter what
may have been his politics in the past,
should vote the been_
ticket headed
.tiarauel WMason, to iwhich I pledge my
hearty support; . The success le electing
local officers amounts to • nothing unless
they are square Greenback men, pledged
'to earl's , out the principles of the Green
back Labor Party, •
Recognizing that in the present cirenni
stances, if-the Greenback voters of Brad
ford County vote at all for Sheriff, . tbey
must vote either cor the Democratic pr
Republican ismine6s, I thankfully a"ccopt,
your nomination, rind shall do all I can tp
promote our common cause, hoping there
by to •deserve the — contldence •You hive
placed in one; • • MICHAEL. ,
• North Towanda, Sept. 16, 1878. .
.ThE .Pliilialelphia' Pre.i.s publishes
..with leading ' iron and
steel . men, the tenor •of which indi
cates better times for that'important
:interest. Sala the proprietor of an_
extensive•mill -at Kensington: There
is more iron being consumed at the
present, time all Over the:. country
than has been used for years past,
and-consequently the Outlook; for . a
'revival. of business, in the , milk is'
very promising. - ,As much pig iron
is being manufactured' ,as • ever, and
the prices show a tendency to stiffen,
while bar iron is firm in price, al- .
though the figures in
,each case are
not by any means' lucrative: It
is not so much: the 'consumption of
material, • however,, as , the mall
money that . /ins been realized fron.
the sales, that has caused the stagna ;
tion in 'this ,branch
,of industry, but' .
many of-the manufacturers, are-now
looking forward to the, near future,•
, when we shall have passed through
1 the slough : of despond arid again work
' in our rolling mills at paying : rater.
`lf the consumption of iron continues
in the same proportion for the next
few months that it has for some'tinle,
past, the law of supply . and demand
will raise the price to .such figures as
to justify the manufacturer to con
: tinue his labors." These sentiments,
the Prexs sags, are endorsed by most
of the, large iron manufactures in
Philadelphia. Producers are than in
---the belief that • the opening- of the
fall -trade will reveal a much brighter
state of affairs, and that the improve
i ment will be continuous :and, sub-
I. stantial.
G. DAwsON COLEMAN, one . of the
wealthiest. and best known citizens ed .
this State, died. at his • residence in
Lebanon, on Monday, the 9th inst.
The Lebanon Courier in announcing
his death gives a short .biographical
sketch of Mr. CptizmAx :. •
Mr. Coleman was born, in Philadelphia
in 1824. -11e ) was carefully educated; pass
ing years at Princeton and at the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania. - Before he was of
ago he had.traveled extensively in Ea
.rope. In 1846, in conneeTion with his old.
er brer Robert, he began- , the 'erection
of thtNorth Lel anon furnaces, and built
the first anthracite furnace in this lOcality,
Iu 1852 he bought his brother's interest
in the furnaces, and has since conducted
them on his own account. When the war
of the rebellion broke out, he took a great
interest in the loyal cause, and did very
much in contributing roost liberally, and
otherwise, in putting the 93d regiment in
the field. And that regiment had his so
licitous watchfulness, and. was his pride
.throughout its career. • Ho, followed it in •
many. f its battles, and was present to
minister to the wounded and suffering.
And throughout the war hp was active in
the Sanitary Committee and . in otherwise
upholding and Promoting the loyal cause.
lie had a distaste for political life, yet in
.1862, when he was culled upon to serve
!the people of this county in the Legisla
ture, he accepted tire trustas a duty, and
sq. well filled the. position that he wss af
terwards elected to the Senate, and would
Wye been called to, higher positions .by
the People had he had any political ambi
tion. He might have had the Republican
:nomination - for Governor, which would
have been equivalent to an election, and
President , Grant was .anxious that he
should fill the Secretaryship of the Treas
ury or of the Interior in his Cabinet.
Years ago he was appointed a member-of
the State ; Board of. Charities, and for
some time;past he has been
.President of
the Board. • He was President of the First
National Bank, : and was connected with
numerous other enterprises. In every po
sition.he held,-ho fulfilled the duties well.
And he labored in them from the most
disinterested motives, for he would never
- accept for himself a dollar of compensa
tion. - The salary due him for his services
in the Legislature always went to some
charitable object. For the erection of
Churches, to the strengthening of institu
tions of learning, and to other meritorious
objects be contributed most liberally. MS
hand was ever open and his heart prompt
ed help to all good causes. "And 'DOW
abideth faith, hope, and, charity, these
three ; but the greatest of these' is char!,
ty," which was peculiarly his. •
THE Wilmington Every Evening_
puts down the total peach shipments
for the year at 700,000 baskets. These
will average at leait ninety cents, de
livered at the various depots which
will show a return to the - growers Of
the lower 'peninsula' of about
. $630,-
000, or over . $575,000 clear profit.
There will be at least 200,000 baskets
consumed, at home, .which. will be
worth quite $100,000: Thus it Will
bnseen that the peach growers' ,thi
year who are Itieky enough to bave
'fruit will make about $600,000 clear
from the crop. The total yield in
baskets will not reach 1,000,000
probably, and so this will be known
as a smell year for peaches,
, .
"Tar, devil liras sick, and the devil
a Monk Would be,; the deiilietwell,
but the Monk was he."
See BZECUEII Mono Mes letter to the Objections ware .raised by.the Con
Greenback convention, which' , he di ferees representing. the counties of
rectm th et . c .,,,,„„..„ . ...,..,_,, - ~,, Bradford and Wayne, to :the. is-
, - `'`. 7 7.,
_'77' , - v! . * sion;of more than foot conferees from
7 1 !, endorsed bY ?ie G reenback Simliehainisi - connty,and - ,t0 , , the Stir
Wii** l *`s , 4 - i : : : : -Y l'
',; 71.: - .. - - l- :4- , l i , ' 4 1 At 3 74 MOni=than - - -66 . . .Ocii,it'Priefi
.::.{:., - - -;:.:-' : ' 7 T'1,:,-L5.',11' - `:1. 1 ;b 2 -.'-il'-'::::, - ;• - • r''-: v
.. -A•;- . ., COMEIUO 4
CE. • '••,-..--
- ,
in P!iriTi4eo : o Jtio*,,, *ln. i: s6 *l
ed by gift' , zitiPlOilfOiin 0 0 3 6 4809101 11
rtvConfemaieetiit thOitsth - NotirefuOik-.
al distiriaAbel.Po-*lnixistid t -i:t.146 .
counties` cir'llradfdrd, Susiluefiarii)a,
Wayne and Wyoming, at .Moutrekie
in 1876, fixing Honesdale as the place
- or meeting` 7iirthe"RiPiiblibili C0i::
gressionar Coufe*itee of the district
for-1878; the time of meeting having
,previonsly esatblished , for the
. ... „
lii:st jyTediietday speOeding.the hold=
ing of the last County Convention in
the district,-and 'Wednesday Septem
ber, 11th; 1878, recnrring as the time
under this rule, the conferees repre
senting the counties of Bradford and
Wayne Met nt the Allen Howie, in
'llodesdale, in Wayne county, on-that
day. ,: , •
,• :There were present, the following
conferees representing the. county of
'Bradford : JAMES 'WEBB, - GEo.
J.- E LSBRF I E, J. Iliii.COMS. -
Also. • the following representing
the county of Wayne : HESRY WIL 7
. -
At 3 o'clock as. of said day, no .
conferees airpearring from Susquehani.
na and.`Wy mint; bounties, the niem
hcrs,presetit. as 'aforesaid, organized
tempbrafily . ... by • the appointment .
• of
HENRY WHSON, of Wayne county,
Chairman, and juusmilior.comn of
Bradford county •Secretary.
• The fOilowing communication 4
were laid before the Conference:
E. or nit Ton, Ju.
tliI), or Sir'?—'Wt.. Harr taltecl ewer the niceltng'nf
qo ngressjunall3tOfilitell , tr. and are willing yea'
',hall nadir' any dal - 14; ymi may. 'choose to
'meet at Montror.e, or wn Ittcot run at Tiink-
I ;hantu,cl; o: Ilynttr, , e twldAnn coni!.renen•on
Tuesday, lier.“.2ntKr ath, 187 8 .
• nu:iNELI„ • •
IVATz. , ON,
Tr.NAITA Rcpt. le;tE . .7N. • •
- •
,MoxinnSr.. Swiptehanna CO., Pa.,
Seine:l)l.r 11th, 1878.
IToN. Wit.soN
The liilrow case Av4ll i'o on trial re-morrow. and.
Itts itnpoy slide for :• , :hglicloinnu county conferees,
or Mr. W A tr.on to meet you In Honesdale Hi ,s week.
We r fzpectthily Augg..,t that:you cont. , to Montrose
I hin.week to hold conference. We much re
giet to thus dh!cutuinodo pin, but It I, unavoidable
i(carlY confetenec
T. D. VAST.%
\\',M..l. i). 't
. WM. W. SlMttttl.L, ((' ."'elecg'•
' . li, 1.. ft A 1.1)WIN, ) •
Mr. 0. H. Hooluts, of Wayne, oft.fered the following • •
WnmtnAs. The forCgolntr comintiLleatlons Indi
cate the Inabllify of the the conferees from Sus.
much4nua ;tint Vt - yonang to meet in conference at
thi. Waco or the prekryt time. and .Igolfy their meet at. Montrin,' on Any aubtegtient
day this present week. the e re,
Rom/red. That when :ye 41)ourn, it he to
At- the l'arbell Iteuze in Montrose to-morrow,_
Thnrvily cvealutz, Serfember nth, at o'clock,
and , t hat the ottaMMinn be dtveted to infroon Mr.
liatinell and 11, conferees of htt•quehatana county
hnitio,nately by telegraph o f such action.
The 'motion being seconded,, the
resolution- was unanimously adopted.
Hon.t G LES GREEN, h conferee - from
Wayne' county, stated that iu conse
quence 'of his having -been - absent
.three 'weeks from his borne. in,
rernote- part of the county, in at
tendance at court as ASsociate Judge,
and not •liaVing contemplated going
to Montrossi his business would not
admit of his 'absence, be therefore de
clined to no .and named • Mr. R.. S.
Don..tx as a substitute to act in hie
stead. •
Mr. C. H. RooritS, a conferee froth
Wayne county, stated his inability to
attend at Montrose, and named .34r,-
as a substitute to act in
his stead. •
These substitutions were accepted,
.and Messrs. DonAs and HAtEir ad
mitted as members of the conference.
On motion the conference adjourn.
ed to meet at Montrose in conformity
with the foregoing resolution.
:monnosE, Pa.,: Thursday Evening, l .
- * Septetnber 12, 1878. f
Conferees frOm Bradford and
Wayne counties met at the Tarbell
.House. - Present from Bradford .JAS.
J. Ilin.colu.
Frcnn) Wayne, lipmx WILSON,
The minutes of the meeting .at
Ilencsdale - were read, and on motion
were innnimously adopted. -
On motion of Mr. LANDox, the
Chair appointed J. M. Smurr and S.
B. HALEY, a committee to inform the
candidates, Messrs. WATSON, of Sus-
ciuebanna, and BUNNtLL, of 'Wyom
ing, that the conferees from Brld ford
and-Wayne are ready to meet with
the conferees filmn Susquehanna and,
Wyoming. •
- The committee *after having , con
ferred with Messrs. BUNNELL" and
WATsON, reported' th 4 the Susque
hanna and Wyoming conferees trogld
meet with the Bradford and Wayne
confeeees• at' the ' Republican Club
Rooms that: evening at 8 o'clobk:
Whereupon • the Bradford and
Wayne .conferees as aforesaid, repair
ed in an organized capacity to the
Republican Club Rooms - 0A 8 o'clo l ck
P. M., ' HENRY WILSON taking the
Chair, and J. HOLcomn, acting as
Secretary. • .
, Credentials were presented by the
conferees, clniming:to: represent Sus
quehaitini county ; as follows :
.kr- Reputalcan Convention of Stnquelianna
county held at Montrose August 19, 1878, the fol
lowing was unanhnonaly adopted and agreed to by
a 'cote of the convection.
On moues l It was °Wired that the Senatorial and
CongressiOnal candidates select, their own confer
ees. -
On motion of Charlesfi. Stelth,lt was resolved
that Susquehanna county dentand equal represen
tation In the Congressional conference.
Attest. T. U. ESPAIIIIOOK, President.
ln pinvrianee of the above Mentioned.: resointioir
by , said itepublican convention of Susquehanna
county, I hereby appoint .as my. conferees, T. D.
Eatabrook. Win. J. itulford. E. B. Manger, R. L.
Baldwin, D.F. Austin, pr. C. C. Halsey.
ThO conferees claimin g to repre
sent the - county.of Wyoming p.resent
qd -the following credentials.:. -
At the Wyciiiiing cortnty cnuvention tielti at the'
Poen House In Tankbannock, Augnst 12th,
DIM. the following- preamble 'and residution was
read and adopted : .:. . . ;
,Wnitintatt,..The present rePreseniatien - In the
tour counties composing this Congressional district
lets never been ratified by the !republicans of - Wyo.,.
!Ur county, and believing that It would he more
J tantlfalrie have an equal represeirtNioni from
ccc 'county, now therehne, be it ~
Re.. em 4 By the Republbeansof Wyotning coun
ty in Onventleu assembled; That we demand
equal re • reticulation with the other counties of the
district n he selection of a candidata fok Congress,
and that . appoint six conferees to meet with a
like number rum each - county embraced in this
Congtessional IstricL
Now this is to certify that Alval;Fassett„ Giles
Roberti's, Martin rungerb, Stephen J. Harding,
Charlesd. Henry, d Newman Miller, were defy
anointed Congressional conferees under the above
cited resonation. •
I certify the above to be ;Correct..
- A. B. WALKER, - Chalrman.
CHAS. d. IfiNitY, Scerelevy:
; 4:iri Wyoming county‘lipatt:t7the
:ground that the basis ofitepresenia
turfor liithla,nWtostsfet t iv4l2,in,
thecto Co. ois4 , ThArieksrfuir f llzed .
/lir* a, . , °anent, **after
IbiiiiitM, . titt)lbe DbittkViriciti . to
`higaillw. , erillaVcairerkioo,lll$ 7 06 1 .
cinitint sithitifity atirigforilui: Set , -
eraf counties, the basis so filed and
established, and coneurredin'by he
counties by participation in two pre
ceding Conferences, being sixconfer
ees from' Bradford, four mr ; Sus
quehanna,,four from Wayne, id two
,Wyoming, audoould n t there.,
fore'new be. changed without sabot.=
ized -concurrent -action' of , all - the
counties composing the District. In
support of this'_proposition, the' rot.
lowing papers-were 'laid rr before the
COnference and read : . - •
Metneranda' of: agreement and understanding
made and entered MO by-the parties hereto repro.
tenting "the several counties composing the 15th
cougressionst district, to wit.: Bradford. SnOque...
Laura, Wayne and:W.)l:4l'44lg. .T,hat for and der.
Mg the present Congressional apportionment, the
basis of inpremntation In theiCongreislonal confer
ence, shall, be,baned upon the , BCpresentative aps
portfonmeint; •
Bradford to have 111 members to said conference,
Susquehanna to nave four members In sald.confer
'eta o. Wayne to have four members le said confer.
care, Wyoming to have two members In said con
The time of meeting to be on the first Wednes
day after the meeting of the last County Conven
tion. The place of meeting for the first Confer
enee to lie nt Tnnhannocir. Wyoming Co.. A. D.
1874, and future paces of iiteetli4 to be fixed by
proceeding conferences.'
. . .
' lt..W. ALVORD,-
. •
Ct. L.Dtfl\TA YE.
Com. on the part of ford.CO.'
ILO'. :§Datu. Wuyee Colinty Pa. t
July I/41874
•The Republican Executive Comintstee ut WaYne
County. having frill authority to act in the ptemirt!
el Its behalf of the Reputiliran party of sabl comity
du liete4 yin in the foregoing agreement as to
bimbo itf tcpre,entat ion. nuMber of Confereei, unit
times and - place of conferees. •
kttest' 11. WILSON, 6:terdattr.7.
Also the following r•cord of the
proceedings of the step Wenn .Con
vention of StisqUehaaina County. held
at. Montrose, August 10 1874.
"On tectlon. llto residetlocs adopted by the
Ite;•uttlleau Exrnt Ire Committee or -Wayne coon ty
are agreed to Ira Ws Convert cloti, So far rot relates
to Congrek;Ounal nrol Semtorial conferees, as fol
• • .
/teen/eta. That the newt-romance Apperfloie.
iienst established I.y the rolvilltuttop gold laws of
this Continolorealth, and adopted by the Republf
can State Cotecelitee as the basis for the repretce
tativit of the several counties In the State Cottrell
thui, is alsothe true Intsla of mpresentation In eon
grehshautl. Seilato: la) Jiollelal Conferences;
that a rurpins or trentlehey of population In
any minty, so stu:9l to he regarded In either the
Legtrtaenr•• or stare Conveni,lon, cannot properly
he takes o'account In the Ith,trict Conferences.
.11 , eo/md, That this hat-ht„ ak fixed at the last
Lrgt:laturr, b.': at (Tided on the part -
Wayne connryr, and 1)e firmly adhered to; - And
that the twenber of conferees In nur I)lstrict Con
fere,meh'etitit hettontor two for each Itepreseeat
may he badly determined-by the counties'eumpos-
Ing the il!strlak." ,
1' The following lettei from.the chair ,
tnan ()rale llepobliean Coninlittee of
gesquehanna Count} for the year
18'74. •
. ' ' • "Mos.Tuosts, August 24, 18%8.
TI. W I LSON, ,Tioluestltce l'a.
LSnn reply to :roars of the 17th lust:
I hive to say: itiusiptehntinn Coutdy has . nr? Coln
initteo author zcd to act In this matter. We had
a ‘'olllMiltre to confer with other comities and re
pot t at a no 'tines of the Con ntY Convention. 'On
our recominendiltioo he'i esuiut 'ohs of Wayne wens
allopt(41. iuof brn•An. er.ol.lllM•Fellallsr.a#e6l Co.
NV 111 you inform too at what ti n e you propose to
MINI your County Convehtion and how soon after
wilt - It run you 4or the meeting of Senatorial con
fefctne?. Your( truly,.
Chairnima .T:ep. atrylentn.,
Also the following communication
from, the mover of resOlutions,adopt
ed by: the Republican Conv - cintiotiof
Susquehanna. Qounty, 'held at Mont*
rose, August, 1.9, 1878, chore recited
demanding equal representation:
To Ms Chairman. of the Republican Conurea
eioArll (hotfera nee. .
I) 'Litt Stu :—ho there seems to he some mitt
under,,tanding with regard [oche resolution adopt
ed by the Ileptildit'An Convention of Susquehanna
eounty demanding equal tepresentatlon, Iclestrc
to explain the part-I tool: in the matter. .
'I offered the iesolni ion, and' I am In favor of
equal representation. lint I did no: Intend or ex
pect when the resolution was adopted that It gave
a right- le the Congressional nominee to select six
cnferee,' to represent him In the conference;
but that he should select' his /four Conferees. and
at the Conference make a demand or oiler a resoln
tion for equal repre:entaticit, subject to the de-
Chtitill of. ttu conference, and If adopted to be the
'rule for cur future action.
After sOmelime spent in• debate,
the Suiiquehanna and Wyoming con
ferees intimating that they would not
act in the Conference upon the pres
ent 'basis, the Bradford and Wayne
conferees retired by consent, for
short interval to au :adjoining room
deliberation. After consultation
they adopted the follolving resolution.
Regolreft, 'By the Congressional Conferees of
Bradford and Wayne countlei, Tnat we aro ready
to organize this Conference on the basis of repre-,
rentation hitherto recognized and acted ,upon and
have do power to unite in an organization upon any
other basis. •
Retoired, That In this Conference, as In 1874 and
Kn, Susquehanna cOniity shall east foul; votes,
Wyoming eonnt two Vl.2Cf, ' Wayne• county - four
votes, Bradford .eottnt, six votes. •
Retnrnirg to . 'Their places in the
Conference, the action • was made
known by readng the foregoing res-
A motion was then adopted ad
'ourning the Conferenee to meet at
the same place at 11-, o'clock on the
4 following morning.
FIuDAY MaIiNING, Sept 13, 1878.
Conference Convened in perivance
of adjournment.
After some time spent
.)n . debate,
Mr. LANnON offered the follosiing and
Moved its adoption : -
R.tobeed. That the ronßressfonal conference of
the Om*, essional district of rennsylvutila, be
permanently organized by the election of Henry
Wilson, of Wayne as Chairman. and Judson Hob
eeinb,W Bra.lford, as Secretary. and that Ilradfo-rd
be viloand sir. votes, Sm,quebanuai four rotes,
Wayne four votes; and Wyoming two votes.
The motion 'being seconded, the
list of Conferees was called in the
following order by the Seeretary :
Bradford--JAMES IL. IVEnn, GEO.
Wayne.—HENai WiLson, 'FRAN
10 voted in thenffirmati;ve.
FORD, E. P. MAtunn, B. L. BALDWIN,
were called for Susquehanna, 4; all
;.voted in the-negative.
On calling ..AVFAII FASSETY, the
first name on the list. of Wyoming
Conferees, he refused to .vote, when
the four Conferees from Susquehan
na whd had voted, withdrew their
votes, and the Conferees elmining to
represent both the Counties of
WyOming refused to
vote unless six names were called
from each county. . • •
The Chairman declared the resolu
tion duly adopted by the votes of a
majority-of the conference, constitu
ted-in conformity to the law of the
P' rtYi ‘. •
Whereupon, Ilir.-11nuLEY nomina
oice of the Conference of the 15th
inssuinal District of Pennaylva
fur Congress:
The roll was again called , with the
llotiring result:
C. ELSBILEE, 4. M. Slkuvn, J. L. ELI
!MEE, JUDILON 11 - DC.OMM, of Bradford,
R. S. DORAN, S.B .. A, of Wayne,
10 voted for • EDW OVERTON, Jr.
E. I'. If - anozn, B. L. - BALDwim, of
Susquehanna,Atman Passnrr;-GiLis
IRonnwrs, of Wyoming 6, were called,
but refused to vote. - . - •
The Chairman then annonneed,
that EDWARD OVERTON, Jr. having
received a majority of the • votes le
gaily constituting the Conference,
was the nominee of the. Republicans
of the 15th Congressional District of
Pennsylvania for. Congress. On mo-•
tion ; the plaice of meeting of the next
Republican I.Con&ressional Confer
ence, was fixed aCidontrose, Snsque.
henna Countr. ' : . • •
On motion the Conference adjourn
- 43 d sine die - -
- IF:n:IPN Preside , *
Atit i fitiiPsoll-# o PounFtl -BeerekeYr
..imucTilicrer At
I'• - - 1 - •i. -
A conncitico4.-Aut . pe* WA
IIiCE has jastile i thbtit ote4oal
Machine .Which 'WO :el** 4 6 ::
•! - K.Ol
away with lipa*polter. - _ - and:igia:
lights.: the ideoi to obtain . abdud
ant power from a river or moving
tide or from i'steam engine, where
-fuel-iicheap, and - transmit- this-bun--
diedi of miles through a cabl6. Ho
hasUameo the _maPhi'ne, the. r".Tele
,Mailkao and has utilized Nauga
tneli-' river, a mile distant, so as to
drlvithelicinderoo Mablitne: of "the
WiLLAct Factory, ~ w hich _employes
_three hundred Men.: - In" the trans
mission of power, -by
Method, there is - a loss of only twenty
I)e'rcent. With Jim spirit ors world
wide fraternity in science EDISON', tile:
greaet leetrician, has been invited to
inspect the :newly' applied 'wonder:
He is frank to. say_thati. the .discovery
will revolutionize machinery foi2the
transmission , of .meehanical' power.
.Any sort of water pOwerconnected
'with the proper shafting- will turn a
Machine for generating :the electric;
current; Which can be conducteil- to.
any - distance through -copper rod
'Coliductora. These can be tapped by
any factory niong the line, and con
nected with the machinery, handily
as tapping a gas or water pipe, the
" Telemachon "distributing the elec
tricity, and furnishing
. the driving
.power. - EnisozySays that this solves
the problCm,' which he could not - do, !
when in the Rocky mountains he saw
miners drilling by hincl,as it seemed .
to him that the water po - wer of- the
Platte river, flowing - a
thousand feet
below, through the plain, ought to'
be Utilized for 'the purpose.. . While
pondering over the:Problem he heard:
that it had been already Practically
worked - out by Mr. WALLACE. The
importance of this last discovery
cannot. be appreciated.. The " Tcle
=whoa " stOpS not at' transmittiUg
mechanical poWer., It can. equally
• Chafrni ars
be . appled to illumination. The Wm.-
LACE foundry is -better lighted than
With gas, by the-same. method.' ?-
• ,Oun candidate -for CommisSiOner
AM,ES litasr comes from, a .very
patriotic - family. 'At the breaking
out'of the .rebellion his ~ father had
three sons, all of whom enlisted, JAs..l
being only lir years of age.. The
eldest brother is . now a. Captain in
the regular service and •is stationed
,On the Western;frontier, the Second:
Wirda!im,, was killed at Antietam :
JANiEs, participated in every engage
ment of his regiment the 50th l'a
Vols.,ending with the battle of the
Wilderness.. Although Scarcely if/
years of age at the close :of . the . War.
he returned to his .home in ilerrick,•
and. resumed his 'oceUpation as . , a
farmer. • Ile is' now 85 years of age,
and has.never been ,an
- :office-seeker,
but bas.idways taken an active part
in politics, and has done yeoman ser
viee for the RepubliCan cause. ljav
ing.been brave' r and faithful'as a sot=
tiler, upright and industrious as . a
farmer, we hazard nothing in predict
ing that he will make an honest and
economical, Commissioner.
WE have nothing. official froM the:
Demobratic and Greenback Confer
ences, but learn .by ..telegraph that
the , former .nominated W. 11. DIM
MOCK of Wayne, and the latter D. C.
DEWITT of this county. Of course
Mr. DEWITT will be induced to de
cline before election day. DIMMOCK
knows how to accomplish such re
TUE attention of Republicans in
this aistrict is directed' to the very.
clear and Concise statement of the-
Congressional question in another
coluMn. No fair minded man can find .
fault with the action. of the Confer
ence, .or dispute the regulMity. of
Co!. OctaTom's nomination. • - •
TnE Republican party in . th:s
county is to be congratulated on the
successful manner in which the Con
vention dfl its work.. the candi
dates are popular with the people
and worthy the positions for which
they have been nominated..
Tun cocoa crop of 'Ecuador is a failure.
THE Russians are preparing tb evacuate
years -old. •
'A Post Office has just - been established
at Mount VernonNa.t •
MONTGOMERY, AtabSnia, has coutribut
ed $ll,OOO to the' fever sufferers.
Prince, has beeti elected Deputy to the
.Reichstag. •
THE indigo crop of Salvador will. be
almost a total. failure. But the coffee
crop is abundant.
WENDELL PHILLIPS is tOO infirm tottravel
far this season, 'and will lecture only . a few.
times near home. -
GENERAL BUTLER has been nominated
for Governor by the Greenback labor party
of Massachusetts.
THE 'agricultural - works. of James S.'
Marsh,.at LeWiebing, ,Pa. ,were totally
burned. on Saturday. .
MIL RIYEIIS WILSON, by' permission of
She British Government, has accepted the
Egyptain Ministry of finr.nce.
THE retrograde. movement Of General
Philipbovich to Brod has produced con
siderable•tineasiness in Vienna.
-PIEIITt HYACINTHE islhinkin-P of erect
ing a church in Paris, and is about to ap
ply to the Government for authority.
Ciusnovn has gone to Mississippi
as .a witness in the triaWA the person in-.
dieted for the murder If her husband.
FottEsr.fires have been raging on the
north side - of Columbia River, California.
Lossci-eitimated at above half a million.
Tun London. IVorld believes Dr. New
man to be the greatest -master of. English
in•tho world, agul_ John Ruskin the sec
ond. -
IN Boston, on Saturday, James Henry
Cohen strwilt his. wife with a plate fatally
on tho head - 'becattse she refused him
GENERAL James Liiugstreet, the ex-
Confederate general, has been commis.
slotted Nor' . revenue agent in Georgia and
ROBERT CARTRLLA, the balloon trapez
ist, fell ,fifty feet •from'a balloon at the
fair at Phomix, N. Y., ou SatuOny,
was fatally injured.
tongfellow's live children, Onslow,_
the oldest, ut.tuarried at.d in business in
&adept' Ernest is a rising young painter,
studying 1n .`Europe.; : the oldest
daughter *. Is pleasing irriter ' .. Edith is
ma - Anna .
iM_-~`^~ _ __
atom Wurrntat says' that Ralph
Xratdo Emerson is the ono American vrbo
um of being remembered .a thousand
-J: COPOENIUCII, a drteggest at__bfaye
:vil Ohio, toramitted euinide Saturday
`bebsllso of the recent death of his of ane-
ackWife.• . _
Philadelphia, Saturday night,"in 4
row over a women, .Walter .31cDonakl
shot. John Gardiner fatally.: Ho was
- 31isirfirSX - 11 . 0§MTECRIc
Geamal William S. liogecrans, hati
the 'veil at' the Brown comity (Otrio)2l3lv
. ,
hln, Jrints W. 'PaxTon, a ricli Citizen
of 'Vlteeling, has offered to erect, in that
.044_tataudanzun.p. • •.: . 1 ..
to cost over $1 0 , 0 00; -•' - ' '
IT is' rumored itiTirlin4liatitinew pi*
against the life of the Ernperor William
has been;dtsenygrok/abil that
rests have been made.
Stu. Moomt ralet):11 - c41:13! $lOO for the
yelLoiv fever 'aufrirors: at the 'afternoon.
serir36eS Sunday - in the NOrthlield
Aortelta-frera , Pannan3a gat° %list the_
grasshoppera deptivirtlhe - cr9o.".
The coffee crop; himever, will be largely,
in excess of any previous,year. •
MAJon-G insi:;.Tattrea very.. I
Mitt New York With bronchitis, the re-
suit of exposure while - 'addressing the
Mexi(rati , Warviloraps . • .2: - .
GEnstkierconseritatiie - Sonikials display
mush vexa -41(1 a:.,ll,o,resulta:of
cions for ofiicers'of tite Iteichitig, .Winch
expose tlieweakuebs of tbeik part,.}' .
• I Worcester, , :-...15,bu;n; 411 Satsteday,'
iSbam .Lewis, a itegra. infatuated With
.I.Tatinah Conitney, because she're..
pelled bis - acivances fataiiyeti x t he i r,
,be„was...l.).rcsident . alts
United States, his,rizently beep added to
the collection of ttao Virginia
Scciety. ' ,'• • --
I ttt:
inonurnept Liebig, too• lio i ere . cted
at Munietn' Cblisist of a
bronze (In
At,olit • $10,:194 have been ' stibscribed
11.111bLITS JOI-Ei±ON,' elt.pi.cted
1) tlovernor of Ctab under the•Deri.ocrat
is Federal etiminietrati tn, is'notv'et-n; tent',
yti *.t a livery sutlde. iu Oneida- in..tha.t
r •
TlrtEra,' speeches are being editCd
b.; 2 , 11. Ca!uil, Senator anti intim:ate friend
St he ,scat state :Ifl, ibefirst'cc'littiie.
will apaiariti pk.ertilk-r -and- tire seeonii
in •
Dr: J. G. Tbini..lND is iback from his
summer home r,n;( , ng Tho!isaVal
Islands, and thief' si+ay'•
ev.' If riven. lie Irks iii.the.euter-
Log class at Yale. -
• Cmineeticrit'
pair".of shows to t tramp Ihe'other
day. :41111 crag -soon after folieiLed by. the
inesividual•for : tNi'enly cents to pay
for inentling,thcm.
clionlist, hi tlictiVoiltl .
is .7:1i,,h;0„ , 1 Eu;,tolt) Ci,evrci.ul,• who was
built A tt:f 11 17,•.;f" anti hal; jut
CO ul,ou iliS 1.115..1; iatity-1 is
. ,
a mi;frirrit . of Paris,
11.eiTTIE GltAv, the datm.hter of rt:illigh
ly re.speztable fartnerattmed..Morgari dray
living • near Clevehind;• Ohio, committed
suicide • On, Sat kday with, -her , : lover*s.
pistol, because her father opposed:.:lier . ,
. marriage. •
. .
AT thtvet•_w.iPf! si - -f‘sion of - the insurance.
R. 1., the . pre,'
sident et.e.ninittep: ro . dons*lar
'7.11c-titer any ftirth. , r legislation relatite
tire im nraitteotiiiipauies in . this
.t...-motry is ni.ceis.;:ttry or adyl.sable. ..„
AT 3101Itteal, JpStiCe J . ollllSnti
;7.:vu judgment in the itijactfOrt
,contraetor en the Montreal,
( . 4: 41 -va and Oceitlental Ilaiiway, against
the . ft' oflNlOntreal and Petersen,
af , ent. of thogoverateeitt: : 1
'Pitt: Greek. itlepoini)thuri." .asking, the
meditation of -the POwers.- was' pre'sentOd..
to Prime Minister (7airnii on VinitAtitty:
lißiy will act in accord with tliV othet•
Powcrs, ,lott halt colimelled
Greece - to observe an attitude of Inailerv,-
Tar Iletir;.Airtufttus To . pladv, tintlior•or
the favorite "Mek of - Ae6 2 " V:'rES
rector of - 11iiit'l1ibeinbtiry, In DA•oushil-F.
Often, instt-od of going -to bed he would
put nu hi:; g out of doers, -mid .
thus at tiredfor'jbours th.e.-.niglit
EIGHT 11,17:ford girls hired a holtse itt
Ohl Hadley, Coml., in which to spend
their 'vacation by th,emselvirs. 'fb-ay
enolied their own meals,, dime their ovii
horses. fished in heir o*Mboits
it - lilted no man to enter the
r:11 R. Toor.EnErs has urged the
Por'e to t-end regitlr troops to o'cenpy
the frontier' of the Rhodope diStrict in
front-sof the HusSian outposts, to prevent
conflicts Ni. - bich scent Troh3ble from the
presont unsettled stato - nf atf jrs.•
_ A Vienna dispatch General=l ) lo-.
has r.:ccivcd . a communication
frotir the it,8.1r, - ssmt camp at Tiselll4vatz
bf .ring 'submissiomif very liberal auton
omy he granted. The. Ca:el:Ito baiids
protklsals to General 'Jora,ll
A qrEcit case is beim , tried in Edislm rgh
where a boy — AT - mph tyed as inigc sties ois late
Inn plever.a surge , tu dentist. for £5)(1 dam
at,cs. Tim boy claims thathis master tried
experiments on him with magnets, and
mesmerism till health ; was ,shatteted
anti hie,
Tilt: Rev. Pierre 'Paris Tryino., the
nephew and Licerrapher of Waal - ling-ton
Tr). - :tig, died at 7New Brighton, Staten
Island, on Tnesday, in his 7'2tl year. For
twenty-six years Indor to 1:3 75, when be
resigned on account of increasing inth:ni
iticti', be was rector of Christ Church,
THE three Fox sisters, who' originated
the rapping phase of spiritualism twenty
ni-ac friears ago, are all alive. Margaret,
the yrefungest. iNho claitnettto he the tvif
of Dr. Kane, is . giving exhibit:Mt:lsla :Eng
land. Kate is livitw in France, having
married a titled Frenchman. Leah is
Mrs. Underhill, aad a resident of New
York city.
A mortgage for .S - ,150,0Q0, given by
the Central Itailroath Of New JerKiy 'to
John S. - Kennedy, John E. Johnsai and
Jacob -(7r. Vernkilyt, ivuEr trat.smilied at
the °nice of the :Nl6titgonuirY county Re
enr4h,r of Deeds last week: It was -re
corkled iu :Montgomery by virtue of an
agreement between the Central, Bound
Brook and No' th Pennsylvania P.ailroads.
3ltsEnXur,ENEss.—The most wonderful.
and marvelnus success, in cases where
persons are sick-or pining away from a
condition of miserableness, that no. ,one
knows what ails theM, (profitable patients
for doctors,) is - the use of
Bitters. They .begin to cum from the
first doW, and laep it up' until' perfect
health and strength is restored. Who-'
ever. is afflicted in this way need not sa
ki. when they can get Hop Bitters. Sec
"Truths" and (t Proverbs" in :anOther
• -
(111P11 A. NS' COUNT sA I,
`I,,P .yirtlte of an \flier Issued ont of We OtlAninl.l :
Colut or lirad ford ( \ opt' ty, Ihe nod exec . -
ator of the estate of James 'Flne.rtY, late of North
Towanda. ilectai .i. Iti expOse' to. puldie sate- on
the nrelni.e<, IN - I:I).NT.Si DAY. the .2.1,1 day of
neT0111::1:, 1675; at 10 coAlocii. A. at.. the following
derailed real estate la said town,hip
tioundrdna the ni3rth ty L - nuls of Elijah I ran
eaNt by !antis formerly ewtted by the estato of
Dennis 31r1f.thou. and how Owu k ..4 • r c ,y,
south ny ilk , lands of Mrs. Cathortuu Brads,
Rest by buds of John Perine tout the p'.n . .11,; high.
Pay leading from, Tuxratula - to 'Tiger; eilitains
about 46 nor s more or les., with a franu,l
framed - barn. at;:i•no orchard of fruit tree:4 thert!att.
TE . IOIS OF (.OVi *l.OO. 011 CO 101 r
baiant..... In mu equal; annual - payment3,
with interest (rata confirm:lt i 94„
; . s
Towanda, SilA:li... li744ire
virtue of an order issued out Of tio Orphans'
.(`curt of itradferd County, thO undersigned, ad.
Inielstrator of the estate of George Horton, late of
Sitesbequin - twp, deceased, tltt expose to public
tale on the promises, on SAT.UHDAY, the latti day
of OCTOBER, X X'aii at 1 Welty:l4'l%x« ther
iog described rearestate In said township:
Sounded on the oath ity lands of - Thomas .Har
vey, east by lands of John flortim and H S Vanetie,
south by lands of Mart hillormit, west by lands at
Illart in Horton and Isaac Horton: contains rk acres
mots or , less, about .to ilmotwed, with I framed
honse,•llranutti barn, f framed wagon bowie, "shd
an orchard of fruit trees thereon. - • •
TIMM Ue SALE.-046-Ilown, 8950 on-Confirms;
Hon or sale. and U 1 balanea April !,
proved security. REUBP.N
iSlicish¢quiti, Sept. IS. IsTs. Ailialuistrator.
—None: Z: hereby given Ilset persons lip
loed tn the estate of Joseph Atkins; late of Tusca
rosa t‘yp., (teeen,esl, nru Mg:tested to make lsonse'-
tawm payment. 014.arl pUTSOTi.4 hhYlug cintms,
agnitist mad estate pinstpresent them duty authett-
Mita] foiacttlermmt. ,
;: •101115 i -
_EMMA -ATKINS,I , • , 411— F a g erl !..
- •
xishinei r rs.latpes Ellie and E. W, Xilis.! In
the Conn of Common Plea* of Bradford Co, •:210;
1157. September Term, 1875:
The nndersigned'an Auditor appointed by the
Court to distrlhntothe fund arising from the Sher.;" -
Ws We of defendants real estate, wilt attend to
the dollies of his appointment at the office of
OVZItTali & MERCUII, in the Borough of To
, wands, on MONDAY. the 2t,t day of OCTOBER
A. 1).. 1874 at 1878. at 10 o'clock A. AG. when and -
where all persona having claims against raid fund
maid4tarwatilsesa,Mr..4,• - ,tateirac-statiaresd„..frota ..... •
coming in en said fund. • It. A. MERCIIII,
ACent're±:all4 c; ; Ao4lWr
TR•DANERIRT-O-Y.-4n the-Die -. i .
Court of the United States, for the West
ern District of I'idiklififira:4:lu the if
Eugene fluderhilVellarlsorlAfoble• and *.Theuitur •
L. Smatl,bankropm ,j !i ignitrepter,
." - TANENOTICY - .Tratia ineethig — ollbe7credi:
tom of the shore named bankrupts, will be held at
the office of Orrettott & Ithicitr.`fo thbIIOROTIOIt
• OF TOWANDA, before the - rmdersigned. a Regis.
'ter in Banlkrerptey. Ow the 9th - day of OCTODEP., .
ts7ll at I vetootr.A. at.; for the - memo •or
considering a proposidon for composition of their
tdebti, B. A. SIERCUIt,
• -; , i—Reelittor In gankruptcy.
Joiranda, Pa., Se pt.'alS, 1878. 16w3
I!N • 11ANICRUPTO'r. -4='; trict.
Couit ottha -Unfiell States,- foe Webt.ern
strict of Peasolitraiiist— • • .
-, This is to glvonorice that on the VI day of Sept..
A. IS7B, n warrant In bankruptcy was; boeß4
against the estate of E.V. Ellis. of Asylum tip.,
In the coned:of Dradfrnil and. etateof Pcitasylra
:llll. who bait tcen • adjudged a bankrupt upon his
own petition ; . that the 'payment of any debts and
dsiltrery of any 'property belonglciy to such
utekritpt to Min or for ids use,. and the transfer or
any, - property' him are forbld.len by law ; that a
'meeting Of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove
'lllMr detifikand choose ouer.or more asslgne ,, s of
115 estate, wlll ho heldat a Court of Daukrnoter,
at. the. office of OVF.RTON & SIEP.;
I'CV itt.tho boro .Totraudi, Pa.. before
ap.:llCtirit,Eil.,X4lrter, on the lith day of OC
TOBEE, A. Is7iyat 10 Velmaic A. 31,
,s , BALL.
• , L - . 18. Mt-ssienger.
:'4`lttstinz'g, .s , pt. 0,4878. taw?.
, .
.VANKRIT - PAtY. District, •-
jIIL Court of the-till trst States, for the Irestet
litstrlet .Pencisyrranl4.. th •• ' . " • •
This Is to glve•bottee aeon the 24 day of Sept., • -
-A. IY,„ Ina. A notmtnt 152111:titptey Ass tamed
t I ast , th , ,tttate , t,f. , .Pared S. Manley:Of Canton
.horn.' In the eountrof Itiadfortt and Stateof P.enn
srbo his_beett bankrupt upon
jttpotrh'ttetlqun';that 'the. paytnent of any debts
- .411 deli.. - ent. , of any frork•rty belonglny, to such • .
irjpkynnt to-14111.01 forAtit. Eke, and the Its:safer of
any Illoperity Kriflnsnre tdrbtdden: by taw t
'llWattllg eredltors of satd LAnlrttipt to insti%
deLts, and 'ehooso• and mom - assignees of
sits estate. Atit he jt,hl at a Court Pf Pankrolitry,
the Castrin., Pa., beforr. It. A. 141F.1t.(1 , 1t,
llngi,t,tr. on 111.. tOth 43y of ftC,TODELI,
lt57S, at 4)•••: , •Pt - >l..
XTQT-ICE..—The . pcoi)le of Towanda'
L and are, Informed that .11!.6.4 E. 3.
rowy.t., Fr. LOW prepaied to make
Cuis. Puffs, tnade of Coad•MV. 0 41.Switelmeeen't
Cnria Abd ref, 111.1.1 e to cm ; uorice. -
e , atisfa , t!on guaranteed. No. VS. Lombard , Street.,
Towauda, l'a.• 13-it.
`l22.hiritigsed exi-eniont of the las,t sill ' and
tament of Thus. yer.7,ht: (19reavi, utll o'er at
pill.? to sate ent I itenie t &cluck.
Y. It.. on TI.7ESI, A.Y, rii . .7(41:1 , :1t 8, •IS7I, the
.leserthedplere or 1. - tree-10r i h m; : ll,erp th i ng at
a yet the uorth cast rerner of. Peter Vought'i
tien,ceea;it 8; perehe3 •to the nort.h.tst. cornea- of
Arbatias -- Vonghtti lot.: thence by - said 'Vonght's
lan! north,-11. reds t highway ; thence
.bysne sane eat-n , pnrs. to the tiorth-we,t cor of
Jot ,-ontrn-t , • , Stephen Vought: thence by the
,fatt: Ste!,ne:, , = pore to a post en the
Ilne of Win 5r.r . ,,p4f.,. h is thence t.:i the rime
ti:j'per s to a ‘-‘ •rn. - --r on the ...RV' llno of Peal!'
Snglit's lot : by 1 - 11 e fctnnf. heron 9:N per!: to
lon-e essataitting 7.s acres anti 3.3 pets,
- • - - • •
.101'1.".; 11A LT.. •
4.'7.ltorsital; atOiti-o•nrrr.
1”76: . " 151%42
. .
i.t;CL-Ono . other. lot; place. or Farce; of landtt
sand ,llonto ttrp, lltadford coach: Pa.. described .
:an fo: f•stv s a'. the soutlnesst coruefof a
tot in she pr';,..0,10s of Pe t , rWought thence al_ook
cost.lhoi'or xAld !sod north one degr.coesor
sod s-lolksts : Unmet: ,oath 'SS° oast &I owl '.%10
pars o' ear c land convtynd Aohat las WOW); ;
thotsto v.otit 1° w , st s-10 pers th.nce north
sso ft lt,l - 04 0 pets to tta piset• of lx.4ltini
-oontaintog d 1 acres and lid peas, Strict measore.
Uf ,r,,, 41,,,rti, et teat estate the lottowing
portmn-is reserved frpm fale..having been am:- apart
and wed by tin. court f.,.r the son allowed-by
law to 14n widow or Thowas'Vought,
1,111 ; 111i rm., and, bound 4 ea follows:
If:lir:1i leg on the - north ctile of-the poiille highway
fa line of I'eter.Vought ; thence along
road . north /W=. o east 18 and 2-10 pers to the corner
of t7fe yard-of tha.dwchlug bootie ; tliencp parallel
.with Peter .itst eue-half
deg 7:1 and 1-tp.p,l: , ; thence sonth ' s o west v . ;
:A() T .!: -; to 54,1 casi; line of t'-ter Vosght's . tor:
7 (WWI :1% , 11g salt 11;16 r.orith went 1-In
1.7 he.. 4.; b. ginning. ci:ntaining eight acres. - Said
• al.prals , _m,t,t • was confirmed nnal!y by the 'court
Felt. 8. IST:. • - - .. • .
• TERNIS.-410) tnb paht . ml the thy of stale, e:i,110
or eoietlrn ti , nh iq the .-ame,l . . iory.slx th,- re : ••-•
Af for, mitt the n - 1111111: tier in.n.innentd of - 4. to be
math sent t.annti
F. IV. 31.1. Y
Tae,}nt•r •f the 1:v,zv:111 airl le.itathent of Tho.
Svpt, 11, 1.573
.4 r XECUTOB,'S - NOTICE.--, No-
A flee 1..; horrhy . gix.l that aLf persons indt)bted
to tho e.,tat c of Danki :king, late of Warrrn
townbltip. tloo'd, t-o , : tr. 11.:..., Inun , :tilata paynwnt,
aud ell perzons I.av:eg e'Aluts against said estako
must present cheia duly zuLhenticatcli fur' stltie ,
men% ' . • ..10A3:7, - .1 RING, Executor.
-. Warren, Pa.. Aug. R. 475. 1006
trict c . lut r,f S:akes for tfie ‘l ll l'st..-
e:O lli.nlet or Penn:llya:li%.
'1 his isto give notice that on the 3.1 day of S.spt..
1575, a warrant ill bankruptcy
. was sued
tho estate of t 1 ; - rin U. Ica:1101.ot :rowa,:iis
wo-o. to the ronn ty ot.ll rad fotil :46.1'F:tate offenn.
sy I v...• nhohls adjadgeft a bankrupt upon
bls own pet !lion ;• that the paynomt or Any d v t,ts
or any properly belonging•to sack
11.,nkroi.r. 14. hint pr to ias we. and the transferor
P‘av prai;';, - by hincare fOrbblllen by lay ; that a
1...t..111;,,1,0f the rr.•di7orsoit , atd. Bankrupt, to prove
t heir jlei f find 'elio(3e one. or tncre X.F,sltstros ut lila
,state, will be 11(.13 at 4 l'ourt of liankrentey to be
h0i.1. , 11 .1 the outgo of OVERTON S 31ERCUR In
th.• Iterough ofTorsanda, before It. A..311 , ..11-
C 17,11. Iteglabrr..on the lath' clay of •OC TO.
111,;11', A. tr. at 10 o'clock A:
ti". -- 8. Mars all, as Messeuger.
PittPlurf. , ,, St t. 6.:`"T3
TX BANKRUPTCY% -- - District‘
Cuuri - W the raltod States, for the Western'
I,ls•!iirt of Vrettsylranla.
i.. tot give &tire that on the r.d slay of Sept.,
A. D.. 111 , t; werrant In bank ruptcy. was Issued
a:altist estate of ICttiiatn t;rlfils of Towanda
lore. In th.• county of
,itraiiflrd and State of Penn
y-tvattla; who te.rn adjudged a bankrupt upon
ht:t own petit;on : that the plyttotit of any debts
and the !elivery of any property belonging to =eh
banki not to tare or for his ute, and -the transfer of
Pny prbp..rty by him are forbidden by law t that a
inc.•;lg of the eryditors of said bankrupt to Tilley*
beir di bts. and, one "er more a.i,dguees of
lib estate, will be held at a Court of BankruptoY.
hold ,m at the muep of OVERTO.I4 & %MB-
Crlt in trr. born of Tou'anda, Pa.„ before it. A.
F,,q.„ Register, on the 13th day of OC
TOBER, A. 11.- at• 10 o'clock A. 3f:
15ivi: • • r, 3leSsertger.
rit s'ourg. Sept. e; IS7s. • ,
—Taros 1,7 hereby given: that All . pfnsonsln-1
dpiA, to the • ehtate of G. H. Eaton, trite of To.
ratne..v hero. (1.:,..§,:ei1, ruusi inakit liume.Mate rap
raf.-IIL an , t at i p:!rsns hr.viug chthils against such
e,tato ..roust 'present them mulv'anthentlea: NI tot ,
s:tutelirm . t, . . - sus KS EATON,
14,r6 _ ' L. T, 'ROTHE.
Tolvanaa. Sepr, 4. 1:373. . - Admlalltratars.:
heret.y given that all wrsona
, If4ne , l to the es:at, , of ft tram 3f-. NS,'matiburn: !ate of
triAnt.htp, deed. are retpeat, - tt to titnke
temmati:ktr payment, and ati persons havlog claim
* tt:iqt nintt presvtit theta duly au'. hen
t :cat;tl ft.t s-. 1 tiontet.t.
.14 blt N .131 umtrds, Atlminlvtratnr.
Aug. R, I$7S. " IMO
hilereby Oven that an persons in.
&hied io ee'ate et Eheneter }timers, late of
T.TlNte.r twp., deed, afe-requesteal to make Itali7n:ll
- pay mot 111.1 pt moos haVii:r claim* ii}fainst
estate_ mint present them duly authenticated
fc a settlement.
01:01:6 E.g. ROr K WELL, Agnitnistrator
tlAtur; Pa., A ug..12, . . awe
. .
virtue of an Ordor istned met of rho Orphan's
(.:Mtrt of groti ford eoitnt.7r. th^ anderslgned, exeen
tor of the estate of Daniel White. late of Ridge
'bury MIL. deremv.d. will expose, to public wale on
Dm 'lngo iker, on yirillAY, StoTEM BEV 20. hint,
at I o'cloel;"r. st.. tM.'foiio'stng• deseribed reat-cs
t.t,, In said township
Innimtod on the north -by lands of John Corral!,
east by lands' of .lonu Chambers. on the south by
land cof Timothy Desmond. Dll4. E. N. Wilcox,
'and on th.i west, by lands of , Daniel 11ny , r. and sni
po to ron!sin about ono hundred and fire arms,
to be tile same More or less; abrint 7:i acres Impror
eft. with a framed 1;0114 and framed barn, and
thcds and appietre,s :hereon.
• TERMS OE SAtil.-4ioo down,. t5OO on molar.
ma!loo, and brilancolb ono year thereafter with' in
ternst atter confirmation.
' .lAME9 11. WERII, Ezeentor
East timitliftelq. Aug. 22, WS.' 1,2w5
XECITTOR'S NOT te E.—;notice
herchy given that ati persons* Indebted to
tI a-4:a te pi James, Finnerty, late of 'Towanda twp.
are • iix•qucst«d to make 'immediate payment,_anil
all persona having claims against sahl estate must
present them duly autheritleateil for settlement. •
• E. T. vox, Executor.
•Toaandt, Pa., Aug. 22. 187.
Notlet• Is hereby given that apt:Meat:loa ha .
made to the Court 411 Common Pieas of Bradford'
county:hr. - the Pre.sident .Imige thereof, for the MI
corporation of the M. 'E. Clieretriety , of MO
lan,'' in Ulster rowuship.: The bbf.w.,Cof the iatld
it are the maintenance of the
shin of l:oti lit accortihnce with the rules and dis- •
eiplino or thu SL E. Chordh - . -
A. 0. SNELL.
S. N. HAVF.Ns. .•
ra:, - Sept. 11, 114 S
licxnucE , or PROPOSED AP -
- hereby glean of Intentton to - apply to the Conrt of
entamou Pleat of Bradford:County' fora charter.
'for an as:vs-tattoo to bolcnovra as the " Bar Assort
:it:cm:id' - Bradford (totality:. Tne -objects Of, thtN
proposed attsectation are. the - fustrarocia and , fin
'Prrtetnent ot. metithem o the . promotion of good
feeling and brotherly.latercenrstS, the malntenanre
of rent:L-06gal character aful.thci torrnat Inn
Wary. itECB,
• - •- ' BA% G1:11/LEY;
„ „ WM. FOYLE. - • -
. ta At. .