padforil geportet. Signs of business revival multiply says the Tribune. Among. the more , encouraging may be named the in creased attendance and variety of goods exhibited at the great I turni fa 'd at the West in - the REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. I Fall. (ese" exhibitions the EIIITOZSt • • • E. O. GOODRICH. I. W. ALVOIiD. ?muds, 4, Thursday, ;apt. 19, 1878. GOVERNOR: .r- • . GENERAL HENRY At: UOYT, .Of Luzeine LIEUTENANT-GOVERSOR 'LION. CHARLES. W. STONE, Of Warren. 'F.CIS.ETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: HON: AARON K. pUNKKL, Of Philadelphia. : „ SITE (OE OF SUPREME COURT : JUDGE JAMES P. STERRETT; . - Of Allegheny. REPUBLICA3t COUNTY TICKET• " • - FOR CONGRESS: Cm,. EDWARD OVERTON, Ja. SHERIFF :- T f ER J. r • . South Creek. PROTHONOTABY GEORGE W. 13-LACKM'AIc, Of §lfesliequin. REGlsTfit AND RECORDER: A. C. FRISPIE, Of Orwell. FOR COUNTY .TREASURER : JOHN H. GRANT, of - Troy. FOR REPRESENTATIVE: STEPHEN D. HARKNESS, of Springfield. GEN. HENRY J. MADILL, - . of Towanda. ASA NICHOLS, of Leßaysville. fi FOB commrssioNgas : JAMES L. HURST, of Herrick. c : DANIEL ,BRADFORD, - of Columbia. AUDITORS : JOS. Tl. MARSIII of Pike. TIM PRATT, or '3lonroeton. CORONER : P. B: WALKER,' of Ulster.. , itoyir . Dili _ FINANCE. Professing to le•au honest man, the Candidate of nn lwiorst organization, 1 favor honest money. The volume of the currency-should be regulated by legitimate demand, and not by the requirements of bankrupts and wild speculators. The currency should be redeemable as early as the eigencles of the Government will permit, in the currency recognized by all civilized nations. VII' contracts of the' Government should be held sayred as the co . dtrnets of individuals, and the lmnds,the evidence of Its- Indebtedness, should be paid accenting to the understanding between the, Government and the lender.—Speech at Boner, S;pf .2;,` I S7S. A CORRESPONDENT Of the Scranton ikpublican in writing from Tunkhan ndsk in regard to the late Congres siOind conference,-states that in 1874 OVERTON'S friends defeated Mr. LA- PntTE in this county:, • This.base in s'itiination- was thrown in for,the pur pos,e of reaching Mr. LAPORTE'S friends. That the charge is false is known to every candid Man in the district. Mr. LAPORTE bad_ no more ardent supporters in 1874 than 'OVERTON,and those who .advoested hi r nmnination. The. revival' of the falsehood which was attempted to be uskt to 31r. OVERTON'S harm two years ago will not 'avail his enemies now.: COI. .OvERTON was never ktio‘in to apt treacherously toward any nominee, and bad either of the gentlemen whOsepames were present ed to the conference at Montrose been nominated, his best efThrts would have been put forth for the success bf the ticket. That is the kind of Republican he .• 4, CIRCULAR purporting to hate. been issued by-the American Bank ers'' Associatien has been sent all over the country and printed in many papers. This document urged that the. newspapers • should be• pre vatted upon to oppose . the issuing of greenback paper money, and also to oppose the repeal of the law creating national. banks. - When first issued the eircular was positively thC • Bankers' Association. It is again pronounced a forgery, and ;JAMES Bur.m., the se6retary of the association' offers a. reward from his own pocket of $5OO fOr. the detection and conviction-of its real authors. ' E Wyomiug county correspon 41cut of the .'Scranton Rei/Wean complains that:Bradford has had the Congressman more than her share. lie 'forgets t state, however, that during the foiir terms JudgeMERi.UR held the office he was presented by the other counties of the district be fore Bradford nominated liim in al most every instane4.. And this year Wayne county nominated Col. atEll• s by acclamation. Does _this look as though Bradford had used any un fair means to secure the nomination? " Amos() the projects on foot in case of a Democratic majority in the Leg islature, is a radical change in the Cedgressional and Legislative diae triets of the. State, and particularly in this city. It is hoped, by a skill: 1 system of gerrymandering, to in- crease the number of Democratic Congressmen and to diminish the sure RepUblican Legislative districts. Under- the new system, as proposed, rdladelphia would, . elect at least three Democratic members of -Con , gre'ss.—Press. GEN. Louis VirMINER, well known throughout the State as a temper ance advocate, has been nominated by the Republicans df Philadelphia for the lucrative and responsible of. fic:c of Recordei of Deeds. Bokszs Mower; has always been an active Bemobrat, andipt be has the impudence to say in his letter to Cot. OVERTON was presented mum. the Greenback convention that every imously by ,Wayne and Bradford , body knew:: he was_ a Green backer 'counties, while both of his competir and that his nomination .. by- the tots for_ the nomication. had ,t4tioid, Danact eawitatitan was _a„ is4.,k, I , . Lion .i p ; _ th e i r „,.....11 ve onliri,, ..I*-, , - - , :::. ,5 .„,..,"4.4.1. :v rt)l 4), i i, 1. 4 . „ ~ . z. 2 , : , ,. ..... _:.... is l.. • XTQT-ICE..—The . pcoi)le of Towanda' L and are, Informed that .11!.6.4 E. 3. rowy.t., Fr. LOW prepaied to make Cuis. Puffs, tnade of Coad•MV. 0 41.Switelmeeen't Cnria Abd ref, 111.1.1 e to cm ; uorice. - e , atisfa , t!on guaranteed. No. VS. Lombard , Street., Towauda, l'a.• 13-it. MIXECUTOII'S "SAIXI—The un `l22.hiritigsed exi-eniont of the las,t sill ' and tament of Thus. yer.7,ht: (19reavi, utll o'er at pill.? to sate ent I itenie t &cluck. Y. It.. on TI.7ESI, A.Y, rii . .7(41:1 , :1t 8, •IS7I, the .leserthedplere or 1. - tree-10r i h m; : ll,erp th i ng at a yet the uorth cast rerner of. Peter Vought'i tien,ceea;it 8; perehe3 •to the nort.h.tst. cornea- of Arbatias -- Vonghtti lot.: thence by - said 'Vonght's lan! north,-11. reds t highway ; thence .bysne sane eat-n , pnrs. to the tiorth-we,t cor of Jot ,-ontrn-t , • , Stephen Vought: thence by the ,fatt: Ste!,ne:, , = pore to a post en the Ilne of Win 5r.r . ,,p4f.,. h is thence t.:i the rime ti:j'per s to a ‘-‘ •rn. - --r on the ...RV' llno of Peal!' Snglit's lot : by 1 - 11 e fctnnf. heron 9:N per!: to lon-e essataitting 7.s acres anti 3.3 pets, - • - - • • ESE EN Legal .101'1.".; 11A LT.. • 4.'7.ltorsital; atOiti-o•nrrr. 1”76: . " 151%42 . . i.t;CL-Ono . other. lot; place. or Farce; of landtt sand ,llonto ttrp, lltadford coach: Pa.. described . :an fo: f•stv s a'. the soutlnesst coruefof a tot in she pr';,..0,10s of Pe t , rWought thence al_ook cost.lhoi'or xAld !sod north one degr.coesor sod s-lolksts : Unmet: ,oath 'SS° oast &I owl '.%10 pars o' ear c land convtynd Aohat las WOW); ; thotsto v.otit 1° w , st s-10 pers th.nce north sso ft lt,l - 04 0 pets to tta piset• of lx.4ltini -oontaintog d 1 acres and lid peas, Strict measore. Uf ,r,,, 41,,,rti, et teat estate the lottowing portmn-is reserved frpm fale..having been am:- apart and wed by tin. court f.,.r the son allowed-by law to 14n widow or Thowas'Vought, 1,111 ; 111i rm., and, bound 4 ea follows: If:lir:1i leg on the - north ctile of-the poiille highway fa line of I'eter.Vought ; thence along road . north /W=. o east 18 and 2-10 pers to the corner of t7fe yard-of tha.dwchlug bootie ; tliencp parallel .with Peter .itst eue-half deg 7:1 and 1-tp.p,l: , ; thence sonth ' s o west v . ; :A() T .!: -; to 54,1 casi; line of t'-ter Vosght's . tor: 7 (WWI :1% , 11g salt 11;16 r.orith went 1-In 1.7 he.. 4.; b. ginning. ci:ntaining eight acres. - Said • al.prals , _m,t,t • was confirmed nnal!y by the 'court Felt. 8. IST:. • - - .. • . • TERNIS.-410) tnb paht . ml the thy of stale, e:i,110 or eoietlrn ti , nh iq the .-ame,l . . iory.slx th,- re : ••-• Af for, mitt the n - 1111111: tier in.n.innentd of - 4. to be math sent t.annti F. IV. 31.1. Y Tae,}nt•r •f the 1:v,zv:111 airl le.itathent of Tho. Svpt, 11, 1.573 .4 r XECUTOB,'S - NOTICE.--, No- A flee 1..; horrhy . gix.l that aLf persons indt)bted to tho e.,tat c of Danki :king, late of Warrrn townbltip. tloo'd, t-o , : tr. 11.:..., Inun , :tilata paynwnt, aud ell perzons I.av:eg e'Aluts against said estako must present cheia duly zuLhenticatcli fur' stltie , men% ' . • ..10A3:7, - .1 RING, Executor. -. Warren, Pa.. Aug. R. 475. 1006 TN 13ANIZWUPTCY.—In the Dis trict c . lut r,f S:akes for tfie ‘l ll l'st..- e:O lli.nlet or Penn:llya:li%. '1 his isto give notice that on the 3.1 day of S.spt.. 1575, a warrant ill bankruptcy . was sued tho estate of t 1 ; - rin U. Ica:1101.ot :rowa,:iis wo-o. to the ronn ty ot.ll rad fotil :46.1'F:tate offenn. sy I v...• nhohls adjadgeft a bankrupt upon bls own pet !lion ;• that the paynomt or Any d v t,ts or any properly belonging•to sack 11.,nkroi.r. 14. hint pr to ias we. and the transferor P‘av prai;';, - by hincare fOrbblllen by lay ; that a 1...t..111;,,1,0f the rr.•di7orsoit , atd. Bankrupt, to prove t heir jlei f find 'elio(3e one. or tncre X.F,sltstros ut lila ,state, will be 11(.13 at 4 l'ourt of liankrentey to be h0i.1. , 11 .1 the outgo of OVERTON S 31ERCUR In th.• Iterough ofTorsanda, before It. A..311 , ..11- C 17,11. Iteglabrr..on the lath' clay of •OC TO. 111,;11', A. tr. at 10 o'clock A: JOHN HALL. ti". -- 8. Mars all, as Messeuger. BEE! PittPlurf. , ,, St t. 6.:`"T3 •• TX BANKRUPTCY% -- - District‘ Cuuri - W the raltod States, for the Western' I,ls•!iirt of Vrettsylranla. i.. tot give &tire that on the r.d slay of Sept., A. D.. 111 , t; werrant In bank ruptcy. was Issued a:altist estate of ICttiiatn t;rlfils of Towanda lore. In th.• county of ,itraiiflrd and State of Penn y-tvattla; who te.rn adjudged a bankrupt upon ht:t own petit;on : that the plyttotit of any debts and the !elivery of any property belonging to =eh banki not to tare or for his ute, and -the transfer of Pny prbp..rty by him are forbidden by law t that a inc.•;lg of the eryditors of said bankrupt to Tilley* beir di bts. and, one "er more a.i,dguees of lib estate, will be held at a Court of BankruptoY. hold ,m at the muep of OVERTO.I4 & %MB- Crlt in trr. born of Tou'anda, Pa.„ before it. A. F,,q.„ Register, on the 13th day of OC TOBER, A. 11.- at• 10 o'clock A. 3f: JoitS LIAM, 15ivi: • • r, 3leSsertger. rit s'ourg. Sept. e; IS7s. • , AD,II.[NISTRITOR'S NOTICE. —Taros 1,7 hereby given: that All . pfnsonsln-1 (1 dpiA, to the • ehtate of G. H. Eaton, trite of To. ratne..v hero. (1.:,..§,:ei1, ruusi inakit liume.Mate rap raf.-IIL an , t at i p:!rsns hr.viug chthils against such e,tato ..roust 'present them mulv'anthentlea: NI tot , s:tutelirm . t, . . - sus KS EATON, 14,r6 _ ' L. T, 'ROTHE. Tolvanaa. Sepr, 4. 1:373. . - Admlalltratars.: A DIIN . ISTRATO-R'S NOTICE: . heret.y given that all wrsona , If4ne , l to the es:at, , of ft tram 3f-. NS,'matiburn: !ate of triAnt.htp, deed. are retpeat, - tt to titnke temmati:ktr payment, and ati persons havlog claim * tt:iqt nintt presvtit theta duly au'. hen t :cat;tl ft.t s-. 1 tiontet.t. .14 blt N .131 umtrds, Atlminlvtratnr. Aug. R, I$7S. " IMO A DMINISTII - A'rORS" NOTICE. hilereby Oven that an persons in. &hied io ee'ate et Eheneter }timers, late of T.TlNte.r twp., deed, afe-requesteal to make Itali7n:ll - pay mot 111.1 pt moos haVii:r claim* ii}fainst estate_ mint present them duly authenticated fc a settlement. 01:01:6 E.g. ROr K WELL, Agnitnistrator tlAtur; Pa., A ug..12, . . awe . . 011.VIIANTOURT SALE.-By virtue of an Ordor istned met of rho Orphan's (.:Mtrt of groti ford eoitnt.7r. th^ anderslgned, exeen tor of the estate of Daniel White. late of Ridge 'bury MIL. deremv.d. will expose, to public wale on Dm 'lngo iker, on yirillAY, StoTEM BEV 20. hint, at I o'cloel;"r. st.. tM.'foiio'stng• deseribed reat-cs t.t,, In said township Innimtod on the north -by lands of John Corral!, east by lands' of .lonu Chambers. on the south by land cof Timothy Desmond. Dll4. E. N. Wilcox, 'and on th.i west, by lands of , Daniel 11ny , r. and sni po to ron!sin about ono hundred and fire arms, to be tile same More or less; abrint 7:i acres Impror eft. with a framed 1;0114 and framed barn, and thcds and appietre,s :hereon. • TERMS OE SAtil.-4ioo down,. t5OO on molar. ma!loo, and brilancolb ono year thereafter with' in ternst atter confirmation. ' .lAME9 11. WERII, Ezeentor East timitliftelq. Aug. 22, WS.' 1,2w5 XECITTOR'S NOT te E.—;notice herchy given that ati persons* Indebted to tI a-4:a te pi James, Finnerty, late of 'Towanda twp. are • iix•qucst«d to make 'immediate payment,_anil all persona having claims against sahl estate must present them duly autheritleateil for settlement. • • E. T. vox, Executor. •Toaandt, Pa., Aug. 22. 187. NCORPORATION .NOTICE.—'— Notlet• Is hereby given that apt:Meat:loa ha . made to the Court 411 Common Pieas of Bradford' county:hr. - the Pre.sident .Imige thereof, for the MI corporation of the M. 'E. Clieretriety , of MO lan,'' in Ulster rowuship.: The bbf.w.,Cof the iatld it are the maintenance of the shin of l:oti lit accortihnce with the rules and dis- • eiplino or thu SL E. Chordh - . - D. H. VINCENT, S. L. ANTHONY, A. 0. SNELL. S. N. HAVF.Ns. .• larva- ra:, - Sept. 11, 114 S licxnucE , or PROPOSED AP - PLICATION - FOR A OBARTSR.-\otleets - hereby glean of Intentton to - apply to the Conrt of entamou Pleat of Bradford:County' fora charter. 'for an as:vs-tattoo to bolcnovra as the " Bar Assort :it:cm:id' - Bradford (totality:. Tne -objects Of, thtN proposed attsectation are. the - fustrarocia and , fin 'Prrtetnent ot. metithem o the . promotion of good feeling and brotherly.latercenrstS, the malntenanre of rent:L-06gal character aful.thci torrnat Inn Wary. itECB, • - •- ' BA% G1:11/LEY; • - IV. If. :UARNOCHAN, - „ „ WM. FOYLE. - • - . ta At. . = OE