Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 07, 1876, Image 2
. ; *?.l. ‘ , ..1 • I ot t er _ _, _ • t,© ISDITORNI E. O.OOQDDICS. -- O. IV. AILVORD Tow=la• T4 l . 1r 16 7, Dec. 7, 1878. TILE -PRESIDENCY. The electors of the several_ States met yesterday to cast their ballots for . President sAd Vice President. The ',three disputed States, South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida, all voted for HAYES and WHM I ER.. thus settling the long mooted qnetion.: The question of the Presidency is now - settled. One Ihundred anti eighty-five electors voted for HATEi and WIIEELER, and they will be in augurated on the sth of March. The threatenings and growlings of tb: defeated Democracy will die out af ter the_ inauguration, and our &Ill &is country will continue in its ca reer of prosperity. TICE PEESIDENTS MESSAGE; We to-day lay, before our readers ' the last annual message of President GRANT. The ,document is brief but to the point. Time and space will not permit us to give it an extended review this week, but we shall do so at an early date. Those- who have expected the docurnent•to contain an outcroping of " Ciesariim " will find nothing therein in unison‘with their exPections,. It is a plain, straight- forward paper, filled, With no glitter - ing generalities, but just such an one as every citizen whose reaion , was not clouded by partisanship, had a right .to- anticipate. The messag+• will commend itself to every fair minded man, and undotibtedly it, will ,be carefully read by all. The second session of the Fortv- Fourth Congress convened on Mon ._ day.lagt: The Senate Was called:to. order r.t. 12 o'clock, noon. Shortl;. after the organizatiiin Mr. BLAIN" , of Maine, Messrs. CHAFFEE and TEI - Lut, _of Colorado, and Mr: PRICE, of West Virginia, took the oath and were admitted to seats. Committees were then appointed to notify. the President and House of Represent:, Alves that the. - J3enate was read - pOr business,. and at 12:20 a recess of three-quarters-of an hour was taken. The Senate re-assembled at 1 o'cloci: when Senator EDMUNDS offered 4 comprehensive resolution based upol allegations of intimidation in the States "of Georgia, Alabama,-Missh.- -sippi, South Carolina and Lou'isians, instructing the committee 'on privi- It ,ges and elections to inquire wheth • er, in any elections in these States, in the years 1875 or 18:6, the rights of any portion of the- citiiens to vote' were in anywise -denied or abridged INGALL9,.Stlblllitted a joint reso lution recommending that a conven tion be held in Columbus, Ohio, in May next, to revise and amend the - -Constitution of the .United States. Both of which were ordered printed, and the, Senate ,then adjourned until 12 o'clock Tuesday}: ' T Speaker KEER having died since the adjclurnment clf the previous ses sion, Ifr. ADAMS,' the clerk called the 'Rouse to 'order at noon. On the roll being called 249 members out of the 289 answered to their' names. • After some sparring over the placing of the • name of the Representative from Colorado on the roll, (which ; was refused 4)y a strict- party vote,) : the frouse proceeded to the election 'of a Speaker. SAMUEL J. RANDALL -was elected on the first ballot, re-, ceiving 161 votes, against 82 for J. 48.1 A. GARFIELD. On. taking the chair `Mr. RANDALL read a Very bitter par tisan speech which was freqn*ntly applauded by his'tiemocratie friends in the galleries. The first days' sit ,ting of what- gives promise by its opening to be a very, stormy , session 'vus closed at 7 . :30 p. m. iIIRNING OF THE BROOKLYN TLIEA TRE.—One of the most appalling a!- Equities occurred in Drooklyni . 'm .the evening of Dec. o, atthe burning of the Brooklyn Theatre. Seveny fire persons perished in the flaw, t f. including the Well known actor, . S. MunnocK. The fire originated from the gas setting fire to the wood work work, at , about l 2 30 T. it., when the flames spread with light ning Vapidity, and soon shut off all chance for escape. The . ! theatre wa totally consumed, entailing ti loss of $26,000. • _ THE reported assembling of large - bands, of - rifle clubs in the Capitol of • South Carolina, will frighten no one. These rebel bullies will find quite a . different man to deal with in Gen. ;GRANT than BUCHANAN was in the Presidential chair sixteen years ago, .hen they attempted the same game. Gen. GRANT will make short work of any overt nets_ of treason, and they kTiow it - THE Dewer/its have given anoth . sr evidence of their,honest (?) desire ' for reform in the unanimous election - of SAiUEL J'. RANDALL as Speaker of the House of Reprisentatives. He - was;one of the most copspicious sty'-garbbers. I YSTEA BAY EUROPEAN HOUSE! - G. 14. SEELEY . Respectfully 'tutorin the public that be 4as re i . moved to Ills:Itew but:ding Junt tooth' of thelteans II ouse,where he will bop:vaned toseuhlsohl friends WARM .MEALS: ' Served at - all hours at the .loweit posilble rites. . 4 . '• - - .- ' - --- OTATERSt -- -:'• -- . ---• ~._:,, 0 4:: .'. enime.l4,,, •. ~„. - -... - .:Thkurgi - ,4 , .: , .. , 40,00010..1.4mi, ornosettiaswzia --,-,1 . ~ 41. ..... -•-„,, r , ~_ . ~... ~v ~. ,-' .. .7 .. 7,,..',..,• 2 10:-7-.. , „. ,- •. •.; ,;.:00':; . :',1''''Z'- - I. ! . '..',. 0 ,'-:".-'';',',.,:"•., ..4 ~...,;.- . ~ ; :sa- -, ., . 1 ,. .i.- -. 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MAYOR STOKELY will be re-nomi nated by the Republicans of PhMa- The 'people are so well pleased with his administration dur .. ihg theCenterintal' that he will be -: eleeted by a larger rote than even -11.02% ItresswEeiter, one of the 11131 e it and :PT* 'OA° *en` In 4*-I*-411-1114'07;./: AT LAST. CoNGUESIS. - While - nui'Derntsiaratia friends are . talking ao kits' terously about !hails the election in the Southern States, each scenes as are described in the /mined address . are never mention ed, and the general reader of the average Democratic and Independent newspaper is left to suppose that the supporters of Truax, in the disputed. States-Sre as mild as a parcel of lambs. The : poor negrOes who are compelled to suffer their hellish cruelties, ).ra, seldom thought of, and then only 'as the,- ignorant dupes of $. 4 Carpet-baggers." The 44 address " put forth by colored . men in Louis iana, does not indicate such a de gree of ienorince as , is-attributed to the colored race, and the plain statement of : their grievances ought to send a blush of shame to the sympathizers-with and abettors of the "white leaguers" of the South. Here is theplain unvarnished story : NEW ORLk&ES, LA., Nov. 19, 1876. To thg People of the United Slates: We the colored people, are but a simple folk, plain and unlettered, but nevertheless we hope we shall be un derstood. We desire plainly and briy to relate -the actual political , coiklition of our race in Louisiana, and to ask the just people of the North to render us that moral aid and protection which our peculiar situation requires. The Government clothed us with.the various duties of American citizenship, among which wag the right to vote, which fact, has so incensed the'Southern Democrats against us that they murder our people and out ilage their families after such beastidly modes that we dare not-relate them even in, our un lettered manner. We are unable to cope with the white inn° without that backing and moral , aid which the Northern people have so studiously withheld from us since the war. The most of us have been slaves and ,1 11. - en like beasts all our younger d vs, and the terror inspired by the white slaYe driver from our infancy up has made us fear the white man and know and believe that we are not his equal in combat. The use of firearms was denied us • until after the war, and we feel-our- inferiority in their use when confronted with the heavily armed swaggerinDem perits. Thus when the issue is re duced to one of armed hostility, as it has been during this Presidential canvass in Lonistana, our numerical strrngth counts for naught against the regularly organized, armed and drilled White League Democrats of -the State. Their murders are more gentlemanly and humane than the other ontrageS (some of which must he nameless) which they have and are at this day inflicting upon our people. The whipping of colored Republicans \ who know how to read and write hasNbeen carried to such an cress that the recital of these enormities woubl scarce be believed. Of the signers to this ~appeal two have been whipped for refusing to vote the Democratic ticket at the Presidential election. One of these, stripped naked and whipped, is coy ere with welts and gashes from his head to - luVbeels, and escaped from - his fiendish tormentors through a Vnited States military escort. The other was taken from his cabin on the night before the Presidenti.aUeleetion, at -midnight, and stripped, and whip. ped by a dozen or more white men, each taking their turnlas they became tired sometimes three or four Whip ping at a time, until his finger nails and two fingers were whipped off. Tie was then left fainting and alone upon the ground. Next morning the same Democratic "bulldozers" march ed him to the polls. the victim so stiff and sore that every movement of the body in endeavoring to drag its slow length along caused the 'most excruciating agony, and they com pelled him to put in the ballot box a. Democratic Tilden ticket with the bleeding stumps of fingers their gen erous chivalry had yet left him. These outrages were not committed by insignificant Democrats, but their leader is a practicing physician in the parish, and his assisting bull-dozers are some of what they call the first families. Thousands of colored people hare been subjected to these outrages at every' election for attempting to exercise the right of freemen in the State of Louisiana. It seems as if the Government and the people of the North had turned a deif ear upon us and forgotten us. We do not ask bread or money. These we have the - muscle and industry to•produce, but we do' ask an ,asSurance from the 'people of the Xorth that some met hod shall, be provided for our se curity in the exercise of our rights as American freemen.. SA3II:EL EsTELLE, 11- EZEKIEL GLOVER, AARON MCSE. ZIE, GEM WAI3HINOTON, And others: , LOUISIANA. Lordsiau Glaiions—The State Bpublican—Hayes and Wheeler ETermetre.. THE RESULT ANNOUNCED--HAYESY. NEW ORLEANS, Pee. s.—Seeretary -of 'State Deslonde personally served on Gov. Kellogg notification that the Returning Board had returned the following persons as duly elected electors for Louisiana: For the State at large: Wm. B. -Kellogg, J. H u rl Burch. For District electors : Peter. Jo seph Lionel, A. Sheldon, Morris Marks, Aaron, B. Levissee, Orland H. Brewster and Oscar Jeffrion. Accompanying this was a state ment of the aggregate vote. t:The total votes cast for electors of Presi dent and Vice-President of the Uni ted States. Wm. P. Kellogg, at large,, 75,135; J. Henri Burch, at large 75,129. DISTRICT ELECTORS . . EIPCELICANe. First district—Peter Joseph Second &mitt —Lionel Sheldon.... Third district—J. Mortis Marks,..., Fourth district—Airiest B. Lesissee.... itttn district—Orland° U. Brewster.... Sixth dtstrict—Oacar4effrion Democrati; at large.-JohnigcEneiy at large, 70,508; Robert D. Wycgotre at large, 70,509. DISTRICT ELECTORS., vitmoczATs. . First district—Laub C. Mania • 704= Second district—Ten P. Palma ?MU Third distaiet—A. Dr/Slaw 71). Su Poutb district—W. A. Stay 71).VA Tlfth district—R. G. Cobb 70.4:3 Sixth distriet—R. K. Curs • 70.5.14- • •I The vote for Governor Ind Lie c ute32. -ant Governor wan alao returned. The total tar governor: . - S. it, tackardo 4 lo 4 :: zir tin'o4,4ll-4i, - ;' • ~`~~,^vas 'y'.~i ^ Y..~;~.`f'~.. ~U~y,~ ~,ty5,~ ~._. ~'.. r'a~~;. 1L tike As** ttad/tastiarlbireseartrittere •, gory. andlaitancnsl mange to Ceogresa, It edema ptoPet that j should refer to andin monierriegree re-' tratritulate the errente stiff - offiCial arts .of the part eight yests. It irasiny fortune, or misfortune, to he called to the office of_ chief executive 'without any previous po liticaltasining. Prom the age of 171 had never even unteeased the excitement at tending a presidential campaign: but twice antecedent to my own candidacy. and at but one of them was eligible as a voter. Under such circumstances it is but reasonable to suppose that errors - Of! judgment melt have occurred; even had' , there not, differences of opinion between the Executive bound by oath to' the strict performance of his duties .ateriters and debaters must have arisen. It is not necessarily evidence of :blunders .on the ,part of the Executive because there are these differences of views. Mistakes have been made as all can see and I admit, but it seems to are oftener. the selectiOsit made of the assisktnts appointed to Main carrying out the various duties of admin istering the government; in nearly every case selected without a personal acquaint ance with the appointee, but upon rearm inendations of the representatives chosen directly by the people. It is impossible where so many trusts are to be allotted that the right - parties should be chosen, in every instant*. History shows that ad ministration from the time of Washing ton to the present; have not been free from these mistake& But I leave com parison to history, claiming only that I have acted in every instate from a con scientious desire to do what was right constitutionally, within thelaw, and for_ the.very best interests of the people. The failures have been errors of judsrment, not of intent. My civil eareer commenced at a most critical and difficult time, lets than four Years before the country had emerged from a conflict such as no other nation had ever survived. Nearly one half of the states had revolted against the goyerntnent and of those remaining faithful to the Union a large percentage of the population ernpathized with the rebellion and made an enemy in the rear almost. as dangerous as the more honora ble enemy in the front.. The latter com mitted errors of judgment, but they maintained them openly and 'courageously: . The former received the protection of the government they would see destroyed and reaped all the pecuniary advantsges to be gained out of the then existing state of affairs, many of them by. obtaining cog tracts and by swindling the government in the delivery of their goods. Immedi ately on the cessation of hostilities, the then noble President who had carried the nation safely through its perils; ;fell a martyr to his patriotism at the hands of an assassin. The intervening time to my first inauguration was filled up . with Writ it:slings between congress and Executive as to the best mode of recon struction; or to speak plainly as to wheth er the control of the goverment should be thrown immediately into : the hands of these who so recently arid persistently tried to destroy it., or whether the victors should continue to have an equal voice with them in its control. Reconstruction as finally agreed upon means this and only I this, except that the late slave was en- franchised, giving an increase as was sup- posed to the Union loving and Union-sue-1 • porting voters. If free in the full sense pf the word. they would not disappoint is expectation. Hence at the beginning A)f my first administration the work of seconstruction was much embarrassed by the long delay. Virtually commenced, it as the work of the legislative branch of he government. My province was wholly. un approving their acts,which I did mo.;t eartily, urging the Legislature of states that had not yet .done so. to ratify the fifteenth Amsminient to the Constitution. The country was laboring under an enor moils' debt, contracted in the suppression of the mbellien. and taxation was so ces„ picssive as to discourage production. • Au"- ether danger, also, threatened us, that of a foreign war. The last difficulty had to be ed a iested s eral was adjusted -without a war, Si - Win a manner highly honorable to all parties coecenied. Taxes; have been reduced within the last seven years nearly three hundred mil lions of dollars, and the national debt hai been reduced in the same time over four hundred and thirty-fivernillioni of dollars by refunding the 7 per cent. bonded debt for bends bearing 5 and four and oat-half per cent. interest. Respectfully the annusl interest has been reduce d from over one hundred and thirty millions of dollars, in 1.869, to but little over one hundred mil lions of dollars in 1876. The balance of trade has been changed from over one hundred and thirty millions , against the United States in 1869 to more ,than one hundred and twenty millions of dollars. in our favor in 1876., It is confidently be lieved that the balance of trade in favor of the United States will be. increased: not diminished, and that the pledge of Con gress to . resume specie payments in 1879 willbe easily accomplished : even in the absence of much desired further legisla tion on the subject. A policy has been adopted tovilards the Indian tribes inhabi ting a large portion of the territory of the United States which has been humane, and has substantially ended the Indian hostilities in the whole land except in a portion of Nebraska and Dakota, Wyorns ing and 11.intanna territories, the Black Hills region and approaches thereto. Ilostilities there have grown out of the avarice of the white man, who has vio lated our treaty stipulations in his_ ti for gold. The question might be asked why the government has not enforced obedience to the terms of the treaty pro hibiting the .occupation of the Blacks Hills region by whites. The answer is simple. The first immigrants to the Black Hills were removed by troops but rumors of rich discoveries of gold took into that region increased numbers. Gold has actually been found in paying quantity and an effort ,to remove.tbe miners would only result in the disertion of. the bulk of the troops that might be sent there to remove them. All difficulty in this- mat ter has, however, been removed subject to the approval of Congress by a treaty ced ing the Black Hills and approaches to settlemen by citizens. The subject of Indian pidicy treatment is so fully set forth by the - Secretary of the Interior and the Comniissioner of Indian affairs and his mark, my views so full expressedexpressed there, that I refer to they deports and recd nmenda tions, as my own. The relations of the United States with foreign powers continue on a friendly footing. Questions have arisen from time to time in the foreign relations of the government, but the United States, have been happily free during the year from the complications and embarrassments which have surrounded some of the for- . - - sign powers. This diplomatic corres pondence submitted herewith contains information as to certain of the matters which have occupied , the government. The cordiality which attends our relations with the powers of the East has been plainly shown by the general participa tion of foreign nations in the exhibition which has just closed, and by the exec tims made by distant powers to show their interest in and friendly feelings to ward ' the United States in the. com- . - • memoration of the Centennial 4: k e the Nation. The government and people of the tufted States have not only fully appreciated this exhibition of kind') feeling, but it may be justly and fairly expected that no small benefits will result both, to ourselves and other nations from a better acquaintance.and a better appre ciation of our mutual advantage and mutual wants. Congress at its last session saw fit to reduce the amount usually appropriated for foreign intercourse by withholding appropriations for representatives of the Unzted States in certain foreign countries and for certain consular officers, and by reducing the amounts usually appropriat ed for certain other diplomatic posts, thus necessitating change in the grade of the representative. Foi these reasons imme diately„ropon the passage of the bill mak 74.01 1 .74.0'27 • . 79 ,418 ~741.017 ',74,736 mg appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service for the present fiscal year, instructions were issued to representatives of the United States at Bolivia, Ecuador, and Columbia, and to the consular officers for whom no appropriation bad been made, to close their respective legations and ! consulates and 'maw from the perform- MCA of their - duties, and in like manner steps were immediately taken to substi tute Chem% D'Affaires for Ministers res ident in Portugal; Denmark, Greece, Switzerbad and Parsigmy. While thor oughly impresekd with the - wisdom of sound economy hi tbeWindy! setlfee as ilftbs other- blailliolfor the lakaatOVAiltaiptillitr;; , „_.... Wl." - .. - .-.- , 1...':...:-- - -,.t.7f- i~. # -c.i::;"• ..7 % , :,.:::-': "7'.11-71 . 4114Cloetlit - :# - 1.6. -liellititiridegilistoi iiiii foi tbnieleolintieneti tied 'ln-,' liurialel,?. iehlab:l4.l - attiodjeur femign tepreeentatlees linditi :Oh! 'tidnetlia. - I am of the : opinidls that ileistaminattnn of theicubjeet will sauce change in some itutanees,ln the . eoneltidOnsistielied on :theie sub ~.ts at the last session of Coo- groins. • The Court of Commissioners of r the; Alabama Clain* whose 'functions . were continued bp_ an act of - the last aes-1 ,l i on' of Congre ss until the -first day; of ,I January._lB77, .has Carried on - its labors 1 with diligence' and general satisfactkm.l Bv.a report from the clerk of the tneurt, transmitted herewith: bearing date NOV.' 14. 1876, it appears that within the thee now allowed by law the. court will have disposed of all the Alin* presented for adjudication. This - report also Cou p tins a statement of 'the general results 'of the. labors of the court to date thereof. It is a cause for congratulation that the method adopted for the satisfactioirof the classes of claimi submitted to the conch which are of long standing and justly entitled to early consideration, should hive proved successful and acceptable: - ' It is with satisfaction, that I RM elm bled to state that the work of the Joint Commission for determining the bonndai y line between the United States and British possessions from the horthtiest angle of the Lake of , the Woods t0..-the •Rocky Mountains, commenced in 1872, has *an completed. The final agreements of the Commissioner! with the maps haveltbeen duly sigued, and the work of the Commik sion is complete by the fixing of the boun dary upon the Pacific Coast by the pro tocol of ? March 10, 1873, pursuant to the award of the Emperor .of Germany by Article XXXIIT. of the Treaty of Wash ington. The termination of the work of this Commission adjusts and fixes the en tire 'boundary line. between the United States and the British possessions, except as t i the portion of territory ceded by Russia to the Lotted States under the treaty of 1867. The work entrusted to the .Commission; and the officers of the army attached to the Commission, has been well and satisfactorily performed. The drigina of the final agreement of the Commissioners, signed upon the 29th of May, 1870, and the - original list of astro nomical stations observed, the original official list of monuments marking tha international boundary line and the maps,. records, and ,general reports relating to the Cnminission, have been deposited in' the Department' of State. The official report of the- Commissioner on the part cif the United States, with the report of the Chief Astronomer of the United States, will be submitts4l to Congress within a shrot. time. • . , s I reserve for a separate communica tion to Congress a statement of the conditioa of the :ques ions which lately arose 'mita Great Britain respecting the surrender n fugitive criminals under the treaty of 18-0.. The Ottoman Government give notice, 1 under date Of - Febniary 15, 1874, of its i desire to terminate the treaty of 186:, I concerning commerce and navigation pur -1 sua..t to the _proviSions 'of the 22d article 1 thereof. Under this notice the treaty ! terminated upon the:ith day of June, 187(;. That government has invited negotiations towards the conclusion of a new treaty. By the' . act of Congress-of March 23(1 0 1874. the President was authorized, when he should receive satisfactory informatioa that the Ottoman Government, or that of Egypt, had organized new tribunals likely to secure to citizens of the United States the same impartial justice enjoyed under the exercise of judicial functions by diplo matic and consular o:limns, of the United States, to suspend the funetionsof the ant of June..22d, 1860; and to accept for citi zens of_the United States the jurisdiction of the new tribunals. Satisfactory infoi mation having beelf l ieceived of the organ ization of such newt tribunals in Egypt, I caused a proclaniation to be issued ..ei the 27th of March 'last, suspending the operation of the act of June '..2.1, 1860, is Egypt aimording to the provisions: of the act. A copy of the proclamation accom panies this message. The United Stab a has united with the other powers in the ~. of 01:Z211:Mt ion t hese . courts. It :s hors ti that , the jurisdictional questions whica haes arisen may br2 readily adjusted, and that this advance in judicial reform may be hindered by no objects. . The necessary legislation . to carry into efe-ct the convent i• li respecting commer cial reciprocity, coneleded aith the lir e-Asian I-lands in 1875, having be n kid s the proclamation to carry into effect the convention, as provided by' the act ap proved August 15 1870, was duly issu ed upon the 9th of S eptember last; a copy accompanies this message. The cennnotions which have been pm- I vafent in Mexico for some time past, and i which, unhappily, seem to be not yet I wholly quieted, have led- to complaints of citizens of the United States of injuries by persons in authority. It is hoped, however, that these will ultimately be ad justed to the satisfaction of both govern meets, Tim frontier of the United States in that quarter has not been exempt from acts of violence by citizens of on s republic on those of the other. The frequency of these is supposed to be increased, and their adjustment made niere difficult by the considerable changes in the course of the lower part of the Rio Grande river, l i which river is a part of the boundary I*-1 tween the two countries.. These changes '.have placed on either side of that river ;minions of land - which by existing con ! ventions belong to the jurisdiction of the government on the opposfte' side of the liver. The subject of adjustment of this cause of difficulty is under .corsideration between the two republics. The government of the United States of (7olumbia has paid the award in the case of the steamer Montije, seized by the authorities of that government some years since, and the amount has been transmit ted to the claimants. It is with satisfact on that I am able to announce that the joint commission fur the adjustment of claims between the Unhed States and 3lexico- under the con vention of 1868, the duration of %%Well has been several times extended, has bi 4 ought its labors to a close. Prom the report of the agent of the United States, which ac companies the papers transmitted here with, it will be seen that within the time limited by the commission" one thousand and seventeen claims on the part of citi zens of 'the United States against Mexico were referred to the commission. Of these claims 831 were dismissed or dis allowed, and in one hundred and thirty six cases awards were made in favor of the claimants against the Mexican Repub.: lic amounting in the aggregate to four. million one hundred and twenty-tive i thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty cents. Within the same period 998 claims on the part of cit izens oft he Mexican Republic against the United States were referred to the com mission. Of these claims 831 were dis missed or disallowed, and iu 167 cases awards were made in favor of the claim ants against the United States, amount ing in'the aggregate to one hundred and fifty thousand, four hundred •lind ninety eight dollars and fifty-one cents. By the terms of the convention - the amount .f these awards is to be deducted from the amount awarded in 'favor of our citizens against :Mexico, and the balance only to be paid by alexia► to ; the :United States, leaving the United States tOmake provis ions for this proportion of the awards in favor of its own citizens. I invite your attention to the legislation which will be necessary to provide for the payment. In this connection I am pleased to be able to express the acknowledgment due to Sir Edward Thornton, the uinpirc of the commission, who has given to. the consideration of the*, large number of claims submitted t 3 }aim much time, un wearied patience, and that fairness ono intelligence which are well known to be• the accomplirthed- representative of Great Britain. and which are likewise recognized by the , representative in this country of the republic of Mexico. Monthly payments f a small part of the amount due by the government cf Venezuela to citizens of the United States on account Of claims of the latter against that government, continue to be made with rearionable punctuality.' That gov ernment has proposed to Change the sys tem which it has pursued in this respezt by issuing bonds for part of the amount of the several claims. The proposition. however, could not, it is supposed, prop erly be accepted, at least without the con- Pent of holders of certificates •o[ till° in debtedness of Venezuela. These are so much dispersed that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain their dispo siticaz on the subject; - • In a former message 1 have called the' attention of Congress to , noes-ity legtibstion - adthregardto - fraudulent nat. -Ond h ai t it alls l,lll . o oo4!tenatiii •tittiosobagtow EMI -se . 5 . .. ,- .-ii - ,WI -7,- ,'" - - .- - jr.0 .. ..a,, , --#7.."- - :::: titian*" ere- , H , gatigetudiiitor , th e-tridte ' d- .. . and the finqielt -*askew wiiiidr: . such4adopted'.44thant to 'return - Ad that. eounWof-theieldrtk resider itieSbiaot or tuttoutlintionatsil the eafegaardit .'rhi . experience has ~ premed necessary for the Protection of - the honest naturalized 'cit'i , sea,' of paramount importance.. The very simplicity in-the requirements of law on this question *Wird opportunity for fraud, and the want of uniformity in the pro— eeetdings and records of the various:court* and in-the forma Of the certificates of Int -1 Malizatiotts ' twined, ; affOrd a 'amitt-uit source of difficulty. I suggest no addl.: tional requireinents.tothe acquisitions of citizenship beyond those `now. existing, 1 but I invite the earnestattention of Con gress to the necessity and wisdom of seMe Provisions regarding uniformity in ,the records •and certificates, and providing against the &slues Which frequently. take place, and for the vacating of a record of naturalization- obtained in fraud.. These provisions are 'needed in aid and for the protection of the honest citizen of foreign birth, and for the want.of tibial' he is made to suffer ' not unfrequently. • The United St ter'. las insisted upon the right of expatriation; and has obtained . after along struggle an admission of the principle contended for by - acquiescence therein on the Part.of many forel n pow ers, and by coticlusion of treaties on that subiect. It is,. however; but justice to the ghvernment to which each naturalized -citizens have, formerly owed allegiance, as well as to the United States, that certain 'filed and definite rules sho -1d be adopted governing such iasps and providing how expatriation may be accomplished. Vt bile emigrants in large numbers. become citi zens of the United States, . it is also true that persons both . native born and natu rallied, once eitizeng of the United States, either by formal acts or as the effect of a series of facts and circumstances, abandon their citizenship and cease to be entitled to the protection of the United Stattr , ,but continue on convenient occasions to as sert a claim to protection. In the absence of provisions on these questions and in this connection, I again invite your rated.. lion to the necessity of legislation con cerning the marriages of American, citi zens contracted abroad, and concerning the ateles of American women who may marry foreigners, and of children' born of American parents iit z a - foreign country. The delicate and complicated questions continua:l;r occurring with reference to naturalization, expatriation and the status of such perAons as I have , above referred to, induce me to earnestly direct your at, 7 tent ion again to these subjects. In like manner I repeatzny recemmendation,that some means he providcwl •for the hearing and determination of the just. a nd subsist ing claims of aliens upon the government of the United States, with a reasonable limitation of such as may hereafter arise. V.liile by existing provis'ons of law the. wart of claims may in certain cases be. resorted to by an alient claimant, the ab settle of any general provisions governing all such eas-s and want of a tribunal skilled in the disposition of such easert upon tee •gnize i fixed and settled princi: pies, either provides no remedy in many deserving. cases or compels a consideration of such claims by Congress or the execu, tive departments of the government. It is believed that. other governments arc in advance of the United States upon thi4 question, and that the practice now adopts ed is entirely unsatisfactory. ' I congress by an act apprived on the it.! day .....4 March, Islr , . authorized the inhabibints of the ter rit.Yry ot.volorado t . form a -:Late Geverunien with the name of the State of •wolotad.," a o therein provided for the admission of said Shin when f•wmed totolp ruon upon an eqnal foot/ in;;with the origli al States. A constitution tine.: lug been adopted mid ratified by the pelpin of Ir. that S tate and thela,tin - g G overnor having ~ erti4 Soil td it as prsvidkl by said act, sehmit tine wi tit tt a coPy of such constitution and ordinances 2.4 pfoehled,for in the said met, and tliC Provisions ~4 Lie said act of Congress hating been duly com 4 plied with a proclamation was issned upon thel. let of Angust, 1 , 4 e,, declaring it duly constitute. as a State. A copy of the proclamation is heretd l annexed. The rmort of the Se-rep:try of War shows th' the army has haen a-tively etopinyed during cbq rear in subduing at the request of the To b in I:n.1 reao certain wild muds of the :shots Indlne it; ar in preserving the peace at the t'ouri duripu th election. l A commission waft, ronettrwtf , l mule the act et July 24, : ,, 7n. to consider and report mil the whole subject of reform and reorgarizatina of the whole army. in last. and has col.. le( t; , l a large mass ofstatisties and opinions brnri Ina on the snheet before it. Tll,-se are now uu.' der cops+ 1 , -ration and thiglr report is progresSinC. I am advised though, by the president of the emit': mission. that it will be bripractie.ilde to comply, with the clause of the act requiring the report to, he presented to Congress 0,, the ant day of this, session as there has not yet been time for !that mature deliherattni: which the importance of -the' ;subject deniands; therefore lash that the fluid: of mating the report Le extended to the tiflli uf:JaeF n a ry. 'elT. In accordance with the resolution of Angina. 1 . 4 . 1. the army regulatieut prepared undertlie act of march I. I-75, have been preMnlgated tut are, held until after the report of the above mention ed COlllniimkbn shall have been received and acted on. By the act of kugnst the cavalry force of the army was increased by lsir) .men with the proviso that they should be discharged on the evniration of the ht. ntilities, Under this anth..rity the cavalry; regiments have[ been strengthened and a portion of them are now . 12 . 10 fl e idPunning tho remnants of the intliane nith whom they have been eegaged during the summer. The estimates of the war department are, mode up on the basis of tie nember of men authorized by law. their reenirements as shown by years of experience and also with the purpose on the part of the bureau officers to provide for all contingen cies that may arise during the time for which the etatimetce are outdo. Exclusive of the eiteinser's estimates preeented in aecor.lance with the acts of Congress calling for moneys and estimates for improvements at various the t'stitattes now presented are about Six millions in excess of the appropria tiona for the years 'l.ll- - .1 and le'7-7.1. This in ts asked in order to provide for the In creased cavalry force should their services be ne-' (weary, to prosecute economically work upon yen. portaut public buildings• to provide for arma ment of fortifieatteom. and the mast facture of small arms, and to replenish the wlrkingatixik in the supply departments. The appropriations for thole last named have f' r the past few years been so limited that the aecnmulatioes in store will be entirely exhausted during the present year., and will be necessary at once to begin to replenish I them. 1 invite your special attention to the following I recommendations of the secretary of Wart first, that the entims under the act of July 4. 1e 4 , for sahplies taken by the army during the war, bore morett from the offices of rue Qeart , nnasteret of the Comni4s3ry General and transferred to tile Southern claims commission, Theae claims are ,d a precisely similar nature to those now before I the Southern Claims Commission . and the mar Department brit-eau. have not the clerical force_ for their exanduation or oho proper niachinery-'1 for iuvestigating the loyalty of the claimants; Second, That Congress sanction the scheme of an annuity fund for the benefit of the families of de- , eve:Jed officers, and that It also. provide for the permanent orgauirafion of tio• signal screcc, both of which were recommended in my last an nual message; Third. That the manufacturing op- ! eration of the en:it:once department be coocen- tr ted at three arsenals, and au armory, and that the remelt:tee arsenals be sold and the preeee,la applied to this object by the ordinance &par t• went. The appropriations for riveraud harbor impro vements for the current year were $3,01.5,000.With my approval the secretary of War:lire:And that of amonnt S.: ,711,0,b: should be expended, and no new work shonla be begun and none proaecet ed which was not ofinatioual importance. se se. en'ently the amount, was Increased to it'l,2l;,cau, and the works are utor progressing Cu that taste. The improvement of the south pars of the MA siesippl river, under James It. lads and his assn. dates. is tlrogre.esing favorably. At the present tine there is a channel on feet and 3-10'in depth between the jetties and the mouth of ;the pass, and 191,: feet at the Lead of the pass. • Neither channel, however, has the width required before raynients can be made by the United States. .1 committee of engineer officers is now examining these workt, and their report will be presented at soon as received. The report of the Secretary of the Nary shows that branch of the service to be lu It eon:Mien us effective as It is possible to keep it wth the fueling and authority given the department it is of coerce net possible to Lica! the costly and pro. greealve establishment of the great European powers with the old material of oar navy, to which no increase has been authorized since the war, except the eight small cruisers built tol sup ply the puma of others which had gone to decay. Yet the most has been dune that llnli'pOnnible witlythe meanest command. and by, substantially rebuilding some of our old ships with durable material and completely repairing 'and refitting our monitor fleet, the navy has been gradnaliy'so brought up that though it dues not maintain its relateve position among the progr valve navies of the world, is now in a condition more powerftil and effective than it has ever been in Static of peace. • ' The complete repairs of onr five heavy ironclad.; are only delayed on account of the inadequacy of the appropriations made last year for the working bureaus of the dedartment, which were actually lees in ani onn t than those made before the war, no t• withstanding the greatly enhanced price of labor and materials. and the increase in the cost of the naval service growing out of the universal use and great expense of steam machinery. The money necessary for these repairs should be provided at once that they may be. rompletcd without further unnecessary delay and expense. When this 9s done, all the strength, that there is in our navy will be developed, and useful to itn tall opacity. and it will be powerful for purposes of defanee. and also for offensive - action, 'sboi:dd the necessity for that arise within: a reasonable distance from our stores. • ' The fact that our navy is not more modern and powerful than ft is, has • been. made a source of complaint against the Secretary of the Navy. by ,persons who at talesman time criticize and com plain otitis endeavors to bring the navy that we have, to I ta best and moat tfltdczt condition; but the good sena° of the (=Wry will understand that it in rally due to his practical action that we have at this - time "any efficient navy force at command. The report of the Peat Master General shone the excess of expenditures, excluding expendi tures on amount ef the previous year. over re ceipts for the fiscal par ended June 30th. ibid. to be s4.ls4eas.SS. The refloated expenpltures for the decal year . ending June iOtb. 16:6, are 436.7:mtv.ta. The estimated revenue for -the rasa period ixteri3,l4h.e feminist erimatederresi of ax. prodltnie et be wpm:liaised; a !delLla47 i ef --, olteettlentA4, Vindicator.; 4,0111.011104Allaa.1401:401finki MOX ii.41 0 ,:..-.! —e-elltililetdit_efifialiiVeiti. fiehteAdfisingthe eitentletnitiiltt:thelarelitehred Shope eistelled.:, - •-..- .'".. - :,...-;,i,:-. - - . .---, - •:•• -r : , ,...---;: -- - - ' - e-PaelalMaterli*' OW"' ' illhitailletw,Wre 4ressed great " ' thetr pertionithiaftw' ~Weneetionato their mitmegterairlditthrPondla i itertimmedbave specialty requited that th eir me parts of apprehended dangewistioald not behinds pidgin beet 1C010144 moult * the low of their • Usu. ' Bat no positive *shimmy • of tnterferesee boatmen submitted. except in the cute of a malt aniesempir at Spirtanbtrg. in South Caroline, who reported that he bad beetrviolently astailed while fa chargliet the Mails, an account of his political An saidatant Superintendent of the reihrly mail service investigated llshaesso. 'aid rePorted that the messenger** disappeared fro:adds petit, leaving tile stork to be performed by a substitute. The Postmaster oinera thiels this ease is suffi ciently ituggesilre to Justify ,him in recommend , Mg that amore severe panistummt should bepro. video for the offence of assaillting: any person in charge af the mails. or of retarding' or otherwise obstructingithent bY threats; of personal-Injury. -A very stratttrihg result is presented in the het that the deficiency of this department during the last fiscal year saw reduced , to 54,0e1,7.30.1e, as against $.1,10,938.tie of the Preceding year. The difference an be traced to the large increases in I Its ordinary receipts, which greatly exceeded the ' estimates therefor, and a alight, deeresatin its ex pendituret. . , . The ordicery recipts of tile Post Office Depart.' ment for the past seven MIMI years hare increas ed et an average of over eighty per cent- per An num, while the Increase of expenditures for the some period hatibeen &bent eve per cent. per an imm, and the decrease of deficiency in the reven ues-rum ticten at the rate of nearly two per cent. per anoint* • .- . The repprt of the Cordmissioners of Agriculture accmopanying this message. will be fannd one of great interest Marking as it Aloes thelgreat pro. greats of the Last century, in , the variety of the products of the soil. increased knowledge and skill in the labor of producinv.isowing awe' man- Ipalating the same to prepare them for Mb nee of man; in the improvements ln machinery to aid the sgricaltorist in his Inborn: ind in a knowledg of tbosescientille.sultfects netvessary to a thorough system of economy in agricuitural production, namely, chemistry, botany, entomology, eta. ' A study of thforeport by those interested in agriculture, and deriving their support from it. will and it of value in pointing out these artiebs which era raisod in greater quantity than the needs of the world require, and tang. sell there fore for less than the cost of proancing,and those which command a profit over the eclat of produe tlefi bemuse there hi not an over production, I , talespecial attention to the need of the depart too .t fora rend gallery for the reception ot: the exhibits'ettorned from the Cc. , tenntal exhibition including the exhibits donatst by very many for eign oatioes, and to the recommendations et the Cemmisainner of Agriculture generally. The reports of the T.lstrict t osorntsairners and the Ceara Of Health are just 'received, too late to rebel them and to make reconimendationi thereon, and are herewith sahmitted.'- . The international exhibition held In , Thliadel phis this year, in commemoration of the one hun dredth aaiversary of American Independence, Lae proven a great auceees, and will no d _net be of en in' Ina adrauttige to the country. It hart Ovuft the great progrees of. the arts, science, and mechanical skill Made in a Single century, and aemonstrated that we are little behind older ra lioes in any one branch. while In mime we, scarcely have a rival. • it has served too not only to bring peeple and products of skill end later front all parts of the world together, but in bringing together people from all sections of eur own country. which must peeve a great benefit in the Information Imparted anti pride of country engendered, .11 has been s uggested by scientists hitertstiel theand couneeted with the timithsonian Itatitate, in a communication herewith, that the govern ment exhibit be removed to the capital, and a suit eh'. building be erected or purchased for It. ac commodation sea permanent exhibit. I carne atly r‘.,.! enruerel *hie, end belie,ying Congress weeld see.e ad this view, I directed that ail government ex . -lotto at the Centennial Exhibition should re tweinattiere they are. except :tech as might be in- Jninci by remaining Ina building net lutt(tidell asl a protection in inclement weather. or sm e ll as may ha wanted .by the deiartment furr.iabing them,. ante] the question of a perunduntbuildlug,is act ed en, i- Although the moneys appropriated lit Congress. tv enable the participation of the sertral execu tive departments in the international exhibition of ,- It, were not aufdelent to carry out the un dertaking to the full extent at drat contemplated. it e..ves me pleasure to refer to the sfdelent and crettitable mauler in which the bearul so pointed front these several dcpartinents to prOvide an ex hibition on the I,:art of Vie government, has :Int el:are:l their ntties with the funds placed at their 'command, without a precedent to guide them, in the preparation of eneh a 'Tapley. The Inte..ess of their labOrswas amply attested by the 1 ' beet-elute! attention stitch the contacts conterts t of the government building attraettel during the period of the exhibition, from both foreign and' native vleitoret I ant strongly hope-SA(4lloth the value of the cellectien made by the government fur the pur poees of the exhibition. Illustrating an it deco, the uelvereal resources of the .Imi/try, the statie ti,al and practice' evidence of our grow th as a ca ti it., and the uses ef the mechanical arts and the applier.tien (421:plied scienre in 'the administra tion of the affairs of goeernment. , A , . rnany nations have voluntarily contributed their exhibitor to the United +tat a. to inert:nu the interest in any permanent exhibition con, cress may provide for. For this set of geueresity they should receive the thank's of the people,- and I respectfully suggest that a resolution of Con grcss to that erect be adopted. 'the attention of Ceugreati cannot be too ear fleetly tall. il to the u..ceesitr of throwing sr me greeter 9i:in:guard ever the method of chco3ing and declari•tg the ~ele,,tors of si :.rt.sident. Under the I:resent systelh there seeme to be uo provided rez.tedy for contesting the election in any one ntete.. The remedy fa partially no doubt in the enlightreent of the electors, i' 444 COLIIIIII3Ory eimpert of the free Fell:nets and the dist ran:Mee:nen t of all who cannot read and write the Engliell language after e fixed pretation would meet my hearty apprte al. I wool t not mete this apply. however, to these sir , :ady voters :titer the (nitration of the predation need upon. Foreigners coining to the conetry to become citizens, who are educated In t,telr own language, tvitlin require cue requieite knOwleile.e of ours during the necessary ri.eidence to obtain natural ization. ft they did not tate ante:est enough in our language to acquire It sena, lout knowledge of it to enable theta :o study the Metitatiess and laws of the cow,try intelligently. I would rot chi,- ler upon thetu the right to make such laws. nor to seleet those who do. I append to thin message. for cowienlent r,-:fer en,e, 3 synopsis of administrative events, and of all recommendations to Congress :nLds by mod during' the last slaved years. Time may show some if those recm:uniendati -lie not t.,i have been wis:e ly conceived. but I believe thelorger part will be no discredit to the adnatnistratimi. . Car of these reeommendatime met:with the milled opposition of one political pr rty in the donate, and a string op pesltiiin I.olh the other, namely, thi; treaty to.. ,the annexation of :: . 31., to lieu, ngo tp the (mited . Staica, to which .1 Omit opeetally'refer, maintaining, as i do, thaEif lay i4CW3 1134 been concurred In. the country would be in a more presperpus condition to-day, both politically and :inaucially: , 3 ta to Voini9gods fertile, and upon its still may , be grown 3 Oa% these tropical products which the -United Mates use so meth, and which a'e prinlin, lad or prepared for market new by Slave lunar al most exc./naively. namely, su_rar. c.illi!e, dry goods, Mahogany, tropical limits, tobacco. ere. .i. bout• seventy-five per cent. of, the export* of Cuba art committed in the Unito iStatQa„ A large percentage of the eel:eine of lipaiil a tel And the saute market. They are paid fetTatureat exclusive ly in can, legislation, pa rtrule Ty in I üba, being unfavorable to a mutual chyre,a of the prod Leta of each country, clone shipped from tha 3Lissteeippi "liver to Havana, can pass by the ve y entrance to the city on its v.-ay to a port In Sp. in: then pay a -duty fixed upon articles to b.: , re exported, transferred to a Spanish verset, and br uglit back almost to the point of starting, payi: g a second (tut:, and trill leave a prelt over wha would be received by direct ehiptuent. ill that is produzel in Cu In :=auto Domingo. Being States. commeree betwee' tua,nland won:Abe free port duties on her shipm on those coruingthere. The ay.ticsupou tyn sappll•s from the :,ta:;l2s 'rug effect that would ha% e been produced upon Cuban commerce with there ativantagraltn a rival, is observable at a glaueo. Tha Cuban! question would have been settled lur g a;:m in favor of ofree Cuba." hundred* of Ameritcan 've,ssels would now be advantageously used in thansportiug the valua ble woods and products of the Kollar the island to a market, and in carrying t applies of emigrants to it. The island is but sparsely settled, while it Las au area sufficient for the r, °limbic employment of several millions of peopl . The soil wouldbave soon fallen into the Banda f United States cap:-, taliata. The products are ad valuable in'thinnourcs . that emigration there v 4 mill hare been !eueour: aged- The emaucipated'ra of the South would have found there a congenhil home, where their dell rights would not be iiiisputed, and where theirlabor would be an =eh sought after that the poorest among them eould have found the moans t . go.. Thus. in cases of great oppreseion and cruelty, such as been leactichd upon, them in' many places within the last! eleven /years, whole communities scot:ll4.llex° sought refuge in Santo ~_ Domingo. Ido not suppose the whole race would have gene, not is it desirable -that they should go. Tin it labor if' desirable, - ifidtemensiblo almost, where they now ars, but the possession of this territory would hare left the negro ..roaster of the aituation.",tuabitng him tu!demand his rights at home on pan of finding Umiak elsewhere. I I do nut present these views now as a recom mendation for a renewal of the subjeci of annexe ' Wen, but I do refer to it to Vindicate my previous action in regard-to it. i - • With the preseat Congrese, my official life tar. minates. It is not probable tint pnblic affairs will ever again receive attention from me, further 11 than as a citizen of the RepTiblic. ultra's taking deep interest in the honor, !integrity, and pros perity of the whole land. II„ 8. (Grey. _ L.x.tcrrrvr. Ilexslit.l, Decethbor sth, hilt, • A Wonderful Dlscovery.—Our nuMercui exchanges am flied with acenco.ts of most wonder. lot cures effected by Dr.j Gawa'S :"MxtrtrAL Moist/mt. , It Is said to be the greatest vitalizer yet discovered, giving buoya?cy to the 'spirits, elas tlaiy to the step, and making' the invalid heai r ty, courageous and strong. Is elms all diseases of the ILlver,- Stomach, 'Kidneys and',..npine; Scrofula and all Dined Diseases; cures Nerions Prostration and Weatness of either sex. restbring Tone and Vigor to the whole system. Read the following cares: Prof. 11. A. lltt.sow, Saratega, N. Y„ widely ( known as Principal of one, of our leading institu. dons of learning, says that' 145 wife has used the 1 " , Medical Wonder' , for a complication of diseases with the most happy effect. fslo other remedy ever touched the case like 14 I taws, Morrlsvilln,l'. T.: sister In bed two years with female and neisous diseases; cured. NORYAN licsT, Shads Coiner, N. Y., wonder. c um of dyspepsia and heart disease. • 1 Mts. I. S. Arecr.Toir, Ilillibero, N. 11., spinal . 1 . . dibeace i • Mru. 7 1 ./I—White, Shedi COrners, N. Y., terrible ' iicro4ula and 'Kidney Disease gained 40 Maude. 0 o. limitza, Oneida, cured of terrible catarrh. 'ELIZADCTII WOOD: Sheila Ctruers. N. Y. male tumor aid dropsy. reduced 9 inches around body. Aialeity Texteriati., Ynneoot, N. U, loath. some acrphila; . supposed to be la constitution; ' ? •! . ' - . T . A. Bali.. Flaridaga, says th at "Medical Wonder 7 gis , Ma health, strength and amine. • . 'UM C.?. gni! Ar i l Clintar4._ M. It., 'confined '!Oeatada!brieinain*ktkldirtdniadai4nr;d:-.1 t5; , _.0 . . 1 *( 0 ',40 10 0*.ci•mi.- -- ''''''''' - 44. - PEett4D4Puri; ,Dee. l'orrobab y the largest sale of pi'opeity eVer held in a single day, took_ plaCe4o-day on the Centennial drourids, - 'when the 24 buildings belonging to the Board of finance and 'a dozen structures of TarYilig dimensions belonging' to. in dividuals or 4irras 'were exposed at public auction. The, total costvalue of the - property - offered for Sale was estimated in roulld fi guies at $2,500„; am and the alutd figures realized from the sale were $296,160. Ma chinery Hall, Horticultural Hall, and Memorial Hall, not being in the list of properties owned by the Finance Hoard, werb notincluded in- the.list. The auction took place in Judges' Ball, where, notwithstanding the `turning of!thelas jets of the chan deliers and other devices to keep_ warm, the people present suffered much personal discomfort prom the severe Ciilditess'of the day. About 400 persons were present. !With the exception of the Women's Pavilion; whi6h was ':originally offered, but withdrawn subsequently in conse quence of the women's moveinent for its retention as a memoriri, and the Vienna bakery, which was also with drawn, all of the buildings set down for sale were disposed of. 1 The sale began with the Main Building, in which _: the gas pipes, ele vator, and other personal 'property were reserved from the s le, while the chandeliers were included. -The building cost about $1,600,600 The only bids for it were tone of $200,000 by R. J. Dobbies.and one of $250,- 000, , by John S. Morton, esq., who made the bid on behalf of the neut . Exhibition Company., It was knocked down to Mr. Mono]) amid the general applause of the audience.. The two mineral annexes, which cost together over $19,000, were next olfertd,.with the privilege to ,the fi rst buyer of r taking one or both. The successful bidder was Mr. Wm.,King of Philadelphia, an oil merchant, to whom 'both_ the buildings were knocked down; the ' larger -at ,$6OO and the smaller at $460, , The carriage building was, Wen put , up. It cost about $55,000, and the terms of sale require its removal before the Ist of April. The 'iii t bid Was one of $l,OOO, and from this start the bidding MU up rapidly, to $4,100, at which sum it went to Mr. Jas. C. Adams, for Richard J. Dob bins, esq. _ • Photogratilde Hall, which is to be removed by March 1, and for the construction of which between $22,- 0.00 and $23,000 were expended,, Was the next on the list of sales.. In an swt.r to a question, as, to; who would., bear the loss in case of fire between the time of purchase and removal of any of the buildings, Mr. Welsh re plied, "I 'guess we will have to as sume that risk." The building was then disposed of at $l,OOO to • Mr. Crops of Reading, Penn. The Art Gallery annex, which cost $llO.OOO, was next offered for' Sale. The first bid of Mr. It. J. Itobbinsof $l,OOO appeared for a time to have no .sccond, but finally rose $3,050, and 'at this sum was knocked down to A. I'. Bilycw & Son, builders, of Philadelphia. Judges' Hall, which cost SU,OOO, was - sold for $1,500 to John S. Mor ton, esq., for the Inteinational Exhi .bitiOn Company. The gas fixtures of the building, according to an esti mate by Mr. Welsh during the bid ding, were wt:rth'sls;ooo,- The build ing, Will probably be retained in its present position, the purchasers hav ing until May 1 to make any neees- Brvi arrangements. The list of btiildings offered was then proceeded with and di;posed of at the rates and to the purchasers banal as :o1 lows The Medical Department Building `for $3OO, ,to Henry II; Yard. oc lOcean Beach, N. J., dealer in real estate. The Department of Public Com fort Building, which cost $2'400, for $l.OOO, to James and John Hunter of Philadtlphia. The Shoe and Leather BUildin(7. costing $30,:50, was disliosed of, for , $3',000 to R. J. Dobbins. .The Centennial Guard Reser i ve Building, a small frame 20 by 30 ft.., which cost.ssoo, sold for's.lss. Tlie British boiler house, costing $5,306, sold for $1,.50. to R. J. Dob bins. " The Corliss boiler house,' costing $20,976,. and containing 8,125 cubic feet of Masonry, 243,450 bricks, and 2.5.000 pounds of , iron, was sold fur $1.400 .to John Welsh, for either tnount Park or the Franklin In • ..• Boiler acnise No. 3 and machine shop, costing 'fa,:oo, were sold I%>r $2.200 to 'Frank 11. Ward, Philadt4- phia. • I • !ba, could lio produead itrpart of the United the Islattd and the here wculd be no ox to. nor import duUro e would be no intp , •rt, acbiery. etc., going Boiler House No. 4, costing $24,- 000, was sold for $1,400 to :John Shed ricks & eons, Philadelphia. The gawlmill and boiler house No. 5, costing:l , l2,ooo, were sold for $l.- 275 to Lewis Haehnlen, Philadelphia. Boiler House No. el, costing $3,131, were sold for $3OO to 'Andrew 'Wat son, Philadelphia. ' . . • The _Music Pavillion brought $lOO. The jWagon Annex was sold for to Sainuell A. Sillies. ; Treasurer Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing ,Company, Agricultural Hall boiler house was sold for $250 to It. J. Dobbins. the annex to . Horticultural Hall was sold foi $6OO to John Welsh. AgriculturalXol,covering I 0 acres maid costing $2 i 5;000, vas bid for at one time at a lively rate by Messrs. Allkon and Dobbins, the effect of the Wet' rivalry being to Iperease the price some $4,000. It was ,; llnally knocked down to 1. J. Dobbins, or $13,100. The Pomologieal Building, which cost $19,000, was sold for $1,250 to RI - 3. Dobbins. The Butter and Cheese ~Building, which .cost about $15,000, brought $l,lOO. The owner proposes to take it to Asbury Park, N. J. The Centennial National Bank, with stationary Counters, vaults,-&e., included, which Osts7,ooo, went fur SCOO, and will be taken to Ocean Grove, N. J. . The Grand American Restaurant, 2'. - 3 by. 188 feet in size, which cost over $30,000, and which, according to the, auctioneer, the architect had Of fered to take dowb, remove. -and re erect for less than $;,000,- sold for $l,lOO to W. E. Baker of Boston, and will be taken to Ridge Hill Farm, Wellesley, Mass. Cook's "Morld's Ticket Office," tvhich..vost over $O,OOO, sold for $525. The. Liberty Stove Works went to J. C", Shaw of New-York . for $325. The purchaser intenda . to . remove the bitildin# to h4faitn 4 . 1 . 10,40-1400 k g.? " 0 " - Agrotuste smoo;000 BriaglieletAtiat Ai Mode, At liar' Ingo() t aws fiteg NM , 1-tiolt. hit-1 , 14 -IferP. l( PhPalrimilliOil OCR fOrss26. -Th Penfitylvanin Education costing $12,000, ,irent for $9OO tot James Bradley, and-s to be taken. to Apbnry Fakir. The British police tarracks went for s4so. i • • The British workrniin's headquar. tem for $425. The Turkish Cate, lostink $4,000, for $250. Two of the eight cigar pavillions offered brought $4O, cash, apieee, the remainder not being disposed a. The :Japanese dwelling and 311.0- souii State 'Building, not in the auc tioneer's list, were put up, , but .-no prior notice of them having been given to purchasers, neither were bid upon.' - At the close of the sale it, was an nounced that another sale would soon be held of all gates, fences. and qiov able property to be removed from the grounds.— Tribune. His Advice to the Defeated Electors. NEW Yonx, Dec. 5.-The Post's Washington's special says: Representative Hewitt, chairman, of the National Democratic Commit tee, has written- . to the democratic -electors in South Carolina, Florida. and Louisiana. requesting. , them to. meet to-morrow and go thrciugh the; form . 4 casting the electoral- votes of their respective states, whether they receive certificates from the- Gover nor or ,tot. It is!-the opinion, of leading demo crats here that if Hayes receives the electoral votes of the three named. states, the House of Representatives will 'insist upon couritinri -the cettifi , cotes sent here by the - democratic, electors, and will make a determined enrt to carry out their views. . The course of Mr. Hewitt in writ ing to the democratic electors of these three States, is accepted, as eO-, deuce that the; Democratic' National: ComMittee do.not intend to abide by the decision of the Retunihig-Beards in these States, if they gii:e certifi cates to the Haves electors. W. W. CORCORAN', a rich Washing ton hanker, will be .the principal, if not the sole owner of the new demo cratic joUrnal at the capital, whose first issue is to o make its appearance to-day. - The editorial'stalf, it is said will consist of 'MANTO'S' MARALE. MONTGOMERY BLAIR, and President WELLING, of Columbia College, who was editOr of the Natioiial Intelli gpwei( in the pidmy days 'of - that pa petlg,e named. - as an aditorial . contributor.. Mr. CHiM BERLIN, formerly of the New York World, is mentioned as the business man C ol the -enterprise. • THE venerable WILI f TAM CAMERON was selected by the : electors of this State as" ,'messenger to..convey the returns of the board to Washington. ;Taw iverttsemaents; A YER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR DISEASES OF TILE i THROAT AND LUXUS, SUCH AS COUGHS, , - COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH. ASTHMA, CONSCUPTION. The reputat lon,lt has attalnedln consequence of he marveltout cured It has pr4ilticed thuing the , ast halt century, Is a suakelent 'assurance to the I,llc that It wla continuo to ITallze.the'llappi[tat alts that can be tle,lrell. In almost every section , • country there are persons, publicly knoCkp, who ave been restored from alarm:lig and. en dcspe rate diseases of the lungs, by Its use. All who have :rludlt, acknowledge Its sopert.4 - Ity; and tt here 11:4 vttlltts arc known, no ono ,Ilesttafei as,to what nv.illelne to employ to relieve the distress and suf- ering peculiar to puinionary affection :4. , ettErtltY PECTORAL always affords Instant relief, and per- Drina rapid CIII:C3 of tha'tniitler varieties of broil- shall disorder, ai %veil- as the mole fOrnildable diseases of tho lungs As a safeguard to children, ad ni Id the 414 tressing disrases which beset the Throat and Chest of it Is Itiva. ; for, by Its timely use, tnultltudes'are rescued and restored to health This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures ft is constantly producing are too rrmarkable. '1 Le forgotten. No faintly should be without it, awl those who hare once used It nev e r will Eminent Physicians throughout the country pre-, •crlt It, and Clergymen of ten‘reeonimend It from heir knowledge of its elfeeAs 1I EPA RED_ BY • OIL J. C. AVER, & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Practical autl Analytical Chemists. = , 30Lto BY ALL Diti7G4li.4!6 EVEBWIIERB: MONT ANY-ESI MONTANYES OFFER A' FINE ASSORTMENT 'OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! SIONTAWYE.Sf•! Towanda, Psi., Tee. 1475 MI /3411VW111 /my - copier, foie yiai air lat Each persoa worming a club of WEEK or Mare I la entitled to one ext.a LY, and of fifty or more to a SzetArnrattmr. To Cergyrnen THE .WEisKtor Tittnints Mitt lw sent one, pier tor_ t 50; Title SUM I-W fut. A1k..3u41 THE ' 1141 LT fur ea. • . • .Sliechzien copies Iree. . - . Air Agents , and ;_gournspers "'wanted Is every witli.';erlioarektureanginneada will bo paiiiiistoiliWiligiske . ajok-Wiku by .... :,:,•ili..._ :'. .- , •,',' - ~..,, ,_,, .','7 , ~-. „ ..,, ._ , . .i . ,- OAT rPAYEfI...4t - payir: every Maittleeturer, Neel**. etitte.: ram. ' Ur. 4: , r ' Prars4 o o2) Ma. to keep Wonted on sit the laajworetaetstastel dlsoteretles • t the age. IT rAlft3 the bead or , every bunny to We:deft Loh:this househoid s netnyeper that is instructive. toe that fosters a taste for investigation, stxrilew 'motes thought 4u4 magma* diteattlett =mit 'Out members. . , : THESCIENTIFIC AMERICAN , Which bas ~.b ean published . Weekly for the hot th oll ix 42o jean. duel this. to extent beyond that of any other publication: in fact it is tbe-ouly week ly paper published in the Belted Stoles., dorotoi to Manufactures. , MeebaniCs. IrlYentkda, sod ;sew Discoveries In the Arts and Ociewees. • - Erery number is profusely Illustrated; and is contents embrace the latest and Most Interesting infonnation pertaining lathe industrial. Meeird , cal antirticlentille Progress of the World ; Per tip• Bona with Beautiful Engravings of Nets inven tions. New Implements. New. Processes. and Inr proved - -Industries of all kinds; Mend Ncbtes. Its.;• elpes. Suggestions and Advice liy Practical Writ. 'cm for Workmen and EinployMs. in all the Taticats arts, (Mining *complete Irepertory of New Inven tions and Discoveries; containing a weekly mord, not only of the instscremrof the ilAtLlatiti Arts in oar uteri country. but also of all New . Discoveries and Inventions In emery branch of Engineering, Mechanics and grim:Lee abroad. . - . TUE SCtitarlatc A IanICAN has boon the fore• most of ail industrial publications for the put thir ty-Goa years. ' it is the Oldest, Largest, Cheapest, and the Best Weekly' illustrated pliperPdeveled to Engtnecricg. Mechanics, Chemistry, Ndw Lyra. ' , lons, Science and Industrial Progress, pludished In tne world. , , The - practical Nee'yea are 'weft worth ten times the ank.Leriprlon price. artallor the shop and hoosa will save many times the cost of Subscription. _ Mcrchaot. - Pararcrs, 3fechalalco. Engineers. la. venvors„ Mannfacturers. Chemists. Lovers of Scleut e, arid People of all Professions, will find the SCILYTIFIC, AMEttIt:AN tistrlt to them. It eviild have a p ace In every Kamlly,' library, study. of:co and counting room: *every resoling room. college and school. A new Toltuxie cuattnences January let, 1877. A years nowhere cantslit $3 pages and screral hundred engravings. Thousauds of solinnos aro presP•rved for binding and reference. Terms #1.20 a -year by mail, Including postage. Discount to Clul.s. Special circulars., giving club mes, scut 'free. Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents. May be had of all News Dealers. • PATENTS. In connceflon with ilia SCI*NTIFIC Aturatcatir, Mutc,,r Co. are soilelpire of Americall and Forrign ratents, and have- the largest *-stati ilshincni lu-the world. More than fifty thote.a'att application* have been Inaile for patents through their ag,!,.cy, Potent e are obtained on tenni-31°de!sof New brkentionsand Sketches exantluen.ataf ad ?lee free. ,A special notteels made In the Syk:.%"- Tiric A wErtte,is of all In ventior4 Patented threngh Agency, with the name end residence nt the Patentee. l'atente are We n sold in yart or ',, whe;e; to pennons attracted to the, invention ty such . ;toffee. A Pamphlet, containing 'fall dlrecti, ne for . Parente. sent free. The Scrns;Tirte A stF.nirAfr Reference Rook. 2 enleme bet.rd in clote and gdt, contalliTng the Patent Lawe.'Cen.,us of ;he. U. b., and I 4 Engravings of mechanical ;a/women Is. Price 25 Ceols. fed. ibp p per, 4.renneerilEg PazvilifT, M & Co— 37 Park :New York. iiraiich Cor P 7th Ski.. W.Tstatigttn, D.. C. ilo!apeet and otwrt readatdeqf the1.124-chug I . It his." .132.111 the Chicago Advance. ••an rilt:u~l of it* own ; its article are *hare. bright, ais , riminating. and full of life." "It h' , -serree. , *aye the . Boston-l'oet. "a place in the front rank ofrurrent magazine literat 4r5: 4 4. It na eAer r e.amting its eantribtete,r4:" tan* the Christian Beg —inme'af the moirt briii@at knaitn to magazine literal ur e." A L PPLETONS' 40FRNAL: A..3101 4 .711I1.1" ILLITRATED MisCELLAS t Y or I'VPULAR LITERATURE. ! ' (NEW SERIES.) Price 25 Cents per Number; 13.00 pir Annum. AI . PLETONS' JOCRNAL I: a monttily bout-hold fl agazin... of a MO popular cliaramPi. deeet-11 to pm:ral literature .and all matters of Mate and Cul- Lure. It aims .to be bright. entertaining. Ifresh. and ,n.• strnrtive. -It contains superief rem ilov..!Ls autl rhort stories, (rum leading writers In t Europe: and America. . It glit;it illustrated payers, graphically of ir.tlustiles, recreations. and pietnrytque it contains articles upon men of note, and vau nts ptia.;.s of life.. . It glv's esKays upon tiou . +eliold ar.n social topt , :i, It has articles devoted to travel, adventure, and exp!orat ton, It Includes papers upot industrial and scion•lsc scbjeCts, written lu a popular arid enterta'niag tt:re. I:i plan. In brief. Includes all branches .f titers toro and al , suilj-cis of iwerest to in , ell'g-ttb re:.d pre-oultiPut part : Kt-E.. Iwlng to keep tcitL at.e antes in Its selection of Themes and .!LS I,wattlfent of them. For Sale .by all Book l iEllers and ; Xeir*-De,rbrrit D. APPLETON & CO., PUBLPSHEI!S, and Sit it roadway, N. Y OE "Ungutati,mably Iho . l,Fxt enitain• , l irork 1 the kind in the it",,r1(1.-' 1:1411PE ; It'S MAGAZINE, ILLUSTRATED. . Notteei .j the 1 ' . The .3fagozine Itas attainn , l In Its one quarter century and More or existitnee to that 11..1ut ‘.:;te' t a l it may Int vld of. It, la thd words of Ilrf,jo- alt, • s "11 Is vain to blatu.and tiseltr. to pratte:s' ,r to lustre of its long,a,stp-attaiond r•kputatton n..sin crnisett as tln. years have passed, and Its tutit t re tt , ,I'IIIS as bright If hot hrtgbh.r than'ut au - ,, ti. to stn" the golden flu,. of Iwo-I - writ:7 s• . ..,ruct Id ;. its ::t . t.r.anti 1 , - , q v-ar....—Broolyti Eagle. " ~4 Llctrp , r4 Nonthly is turk• tt by the slam clit.r- ' a ‘ n• ristb.s brial.-11 trace It elrentatron frota tho fi s t wittt th , bettor e!a.s of read,rs. It combine re ,I- lug matte - r. -:liltti litu,alons I army to mak , . de r r i and 'vivid thn 'facts pres.-ntf.d.. rit•lllreS tot. ly de!..!giwil to •-attdr llat• .-ye or the irtOrallt am net r ilis , •rttstil—Citicatio Jottrn al 71. , TERMS: Po.tay. t' ,, tt to an ent ,,, rl.Trti tit the rittted S'at tr.t tettrar!i 3IAGAZINE. OM` y•sar. Oq 7 e 4 it,ctudes prepayment or C. t 514Seriptiotni to /Lir:Pr:ICS 3 . IAGAzI.NE, 11 , Kr Lx anti rsAkAr... to on, Mare„ for om• :rt Dr. two of flirpers Periodlea:,. 'to one add 1...., for one P'nr , r posm g , n - Ecti a Copy of tither •Ite NI AG x:t.iNe.,, or ItAzAn. b , ` , mf.P .grafiN for ' -r 'rY (Pot> of Five SuttsrrlNert at f in i•nt re. mit:alto:l or, :ifs cuple's , f t ,r f*.la trO. Without cx:ra cup age frez ' It,u k `iumhers ran iiimitt./.1 at a n y ;1 11) .,. ~' • The Vt..IIIIIPN. of the 31age?sine commence with the N unit,rs for .1 unf; , . mul ! of each titiir Sui.s.crliit ions . may et in Menet. With any nuinfotr. Wlt, (fine is spPelfirql. 1: will Tr underlir.od Via the 4. unserllter nishes,to begin irlth the first tituntier of fht 9 6mrrenr• volume, and back niimbetti Will 14. sent aerordingly. A Comp:off" Set of liAltrEittS'-3JA - GAZIN.E., now ttninp^l:-.1o7„ 53 Votuntes, 10 noir elan, tilhaior. rill he s-td tek* express, freight at expense of pure.intsur, fur V per volume. Single volumes, hp mall, ristpaltl. 13 00, Cloth case::, for binding. 53 fly Linn. postimid. A Comp;ete Analytical Indox to the Ars:. Fifty Vohnnes of ll.AltrElt'S 31..1(iAZINE bas just bei'm ieintering available for reterenco the and varlett.wealth of In(' mutation whi h con stittiteS this perindical a perfect Ilt , t‘trattil liter - try ( . y01.1,6113. Svo, Goth, t:t 003 Balt C.X, t 5. S'" ,, * ge prepaid. • S. , erspa r br.r.vare not to : copy this aflrertieenteut . without thaexpress order of 11,-111P4U Ens. Arldre,s TIAREV.,& pROTHEFM Newyork YORKTTRIBUSITI: "THE LE 41)1,,iiii ASIERICAI;; NEWSPAPER,' LARGEST CIRCULATION: !.AMONG THE BEST PEDPLE. _ • I.—lt publishes all the news. The servrut of tin man and the slave - of no party, it can afford to acid does tell the truth about all. • is Iniparital and Independent. Dellevh i g In intelligent suffrage. It alms to-instruct voter, to the wisest dist barge of their respusibility. , • is, as It always was, es.4-ut tally Rept:lb:l. can. .1c may - quarrel in the future, as it has don - t. in the trast..ivith errors of ,Itepublican leaders Pr cor ruptions In the Republican party; but Mean never cease to be true to Republican principles, and nape-. clallp to those golden doctrines of tervil sera lee is form, hard money. the sanctity of the National . faith; and equal justice to airctassi. , s at the Soutii, Which fin med. the corner-stones of Gov. lia.yes , admirable letter of acceptance. • - mural tone Is pure andi eteeened. The faintly circle Is never profaned n±" anything n Li.h appears in the columns of Tuft Tut RUNE. V.—The choicest standard and current literature „ of the day is presented in Its column., Inclailing, Corrests , ndence, Poems, 81nrIcii and Reviews Moat ' ,the moss talented and te•pular writers. ' is the best awl tilica;:r-at farmer's pap-r published. 'Tuft WEEKLY' tritIBURE has deco more to make good farmers than any other Intla- • elite whleh ever ekisted." Vll , --The market reports of Tut Tntnuxt: are indispensable to every buyer and seller in the coun try, Quotations are Oxen daily and weekly of must every artielehought and sole in the mnrkets of the world, and with nuvaryliug and almost infal lible accuracy. Its Cattle, nutter and Cheese and • other Markets are the recognized standard. ' copies of Tltr. Taint:NE are paid for and read by the anierican petiple than of any other newspaper of equal\priee In the tbuntry--0 fact - • which is the best zeonstratlon •of the value of the paper. olThe readers of\ Tnz TRIBUNE represent largety the enterprising and progleSsive of the country. - Persons who are lutprested the development of Ideas,tbe advance of science., and - the progress of opinton,-vvill And their demands ' met by 11,1$ Tuthnion. . WA".—ethnic approval and vritep.trity have recant- • eel the. Independent and Self-re-pert:fel coume Tan.Vniztrxic. it has a larger arranger corps of earnest worker,, among Its- friendS ban ever be fore, and constantly re. elves from , /old and new readers words of encouragement,_ t •• TERMS OF TUg TR IBUNE. (POSTAGE FREE TO THE SUBSCRIBER.)'' DAIII.Y—( Bin all )'ou° year'to LO- SEMI-WEEKLY—Ono year ' • - .1 1 . 0 Five eoptea. one year . 72 50 Ten eoptea (and ono extra) one year...... 2i (0 WE Eat...Y.—Ono year , r. tO - ~ Five opples, imp year " . , - P • r4O •6 • I ron copies, ono year .• ' ' 12 50 • Twenty copleurt: year' ... - :"..: CO Thir -- de , - - „,&,) 4