plailfora Xtqloritt) Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Nor, 30; 1876. IMPORTER CLUBBING LIST POE 18Th In order to give our subscribers the benefit of CLUBBING 124TES for ,most of tt e popular publicatiaris of the day, we hare 'Made airangement4 by which we can . furnbth 'the R EPORTER ant; any of the foll6aing papers . trilga t ip6 at prices named. Ail iicders muse lie accompanied by the cash : $112.0RT3?. and Tlarper's Magazine, r,t4 50 " Harper's Weekly, 430 '" • " Harper's Bazar,- - 4a) . Galaxy, 4 70 " " Lippineotts' 3tag ? 450 " • " Littell's Magazine, 750 " " - Appktons' Journal, , 4 00 " " 'op. ei. Movhly, 550 " ‘ Oodeys' Magazine, 375 " " Nursery, '250 .• " American Agri'ist, 250 " Country Gentleman., 375 is " Atlantic Monthly, 310 " " Magazine, 5:,,0 " " V. Weekly Times; 2 GO " Weekly Tribune -2 *lO " Setini-Weekly Post, 'l5O " Semi-Weekly Tittles, 4 00 " Tribe, 4 00 LOCAL AND CENERAL. t:',ortr.l. convenes next week 'Tun Borough -kcithorities are putting down subtliantial crossings 3lain t-treet.. TilE Tr..!r-eilv Free Pres.e has an rdJea tional dewttnent conducted by :Prof. • Now' that Thanksgiving Day is passed, the young pclple begin to count up the -da'y's before 'Christmas...4,l •IF yor wait wake your young friend happy for a whole ye subz,cribe for Nidiotax for 1877.- Tr you desife to keep posted in the do2ul and leg-al news of the. eounty,"you 2ut:,t tyke t!Le HaeonTEtt. Tnr. Po-st Oleo. will ;be open to-day (Thanksgiving) front 7 to 8 and front It) to 11 ' A. 11.; and 6 P. 11. Tnn-sii,zlit fall of snow on Monday afternoon, quickly (lii , appearEd under the :scorchit , g rays of the :ilia on Tuesday. Tire oltdidcutial.clerk of 11. L. Hon- ToN. of New Yotk, has :been m 11 . detect(iv sic about seven thousand dollats .from IL Tli! , .•tww time tie which goes into -effect on the Po.. Z%... N. Y. IL IL, on Sun ,lay next, titekes no change in thu :Or IF Toy want any of the popular publi catiovs of the day, you ca save looney ‘subsatil , im: for the one you want in connection NVitil the REPORTER. Now I'S a_gooil time to order your letter 'ileads, bill heads, cards and envelopes for 'the coming, year. You can procure them at the 1 14:yowl - Ea office, at the lon-i;:.t prices.and executed in the neatest styles. , -AN ENT'EIiTAINMENT will be given by 'the "thatton Bai.d,” Tuesday evcniug,. Dcr, at the residence of W. T. DANIEs, 'Esq., coin) rising dinlugues, etc. All ale invited to attcncl.. IIICHAF.7. KT:RAVIN and leis cord Wife ! liav itearty . thanks for a fine fat titr key I,r lhanksi.t Mpg dinner: Mfcf.IAEI, is .41'0 of our most thrifty, fitrmeis, a int eajoing, the gtpwki things' of this (toes not forgtt his friends. it Vol; Want - to make a 'suitable present:to' some friend who has l e t - 7 aria e.fromy rue a home ill !Willi: ()dal' i ;114 1 iin of this peat country - , -sub-crilie A:4 !he! 14. - .1.011 - rmt. The heal news Kdl••,,reci and you will be r' /KA t tr..ery Week. . . TIE sclo,lars t.'hri=4 Church Sunday -3(1,004, thiA tflace, have ft:lqt octet' their •Su. el itimt:tient. to seed ten dollar; woith -lutstinits }resents to a school in Eau., of uluch. IL L. KlNCsia:ltr, tinier niumber of the school 'hew, is .Superintetulent. • . • THE 11 - d.-erly Fete l'rem+ says our 041 frit t.d if hag again embaiked in the new,paper at Athens.. Our an eie!it ter vil :Ige ( , w4lit, to support a wo , cilocll paper, .and eve know 111N•roN is (itia:il:e , l to sntisfy their wants in that ti F. siore was entered Thui - sl., night by liurglars, the ottranee in in. , elf c•LII thrfittOi a side wilith.w, tiling vane of glass. A shawl and aln ••;• 4 •:r to unary - Leitingi:'g in the store, aan a in w nveictut awl black th - ess coat bel•b:lo.trz i#) Ca.°. I.7 l mlTlr, were takca.— ...-Itierzo'n , :. .• lutist• Smtilt, of Athehs, a brakeman on ti.e Lehi9ll Valley !Lit., while passing over the train on wl.ich he was engaged, on "I hmsday last, between 'Sugar Notch and Tzickhatmoult, was struck in the back of the l: ail by a bridge, receiving a fatal fra',:lure of the skull. firdra•which ha died on Fridvy morning. Tun l'ree is the title of a neat and newsy little sheet just started at ‘l - averl:, by .L Xl4 li. L.IINY. Mr. is ;in' experience:l ',linter, and judging from the first nutelter of his raper. Will bet,e.e .1 saceessful editor. NVe exteod dn. nev, eatolitlate fur public pivot - our unTialitied elidorsement. itANY.sctviNc. To-day Lein". l'isinksgiving, is a holiday. All business lis re Is• ill be clused. cnion serri . :es_ lit•hl in the Presbyterian Church, and be tielitereal. by rttx. T. 1. Pir.y.‘itzt;s, of the . Baptist ('Lunen. : 4 crvice aell semen by the Rector at the' .Eliise,Tal Church. At b‘kli places a col l. (Altai will be taken up fur the &new h•ut Association. - TnE New York & Erie It. IL Co. carri ed uhoui. : . %1):i0,00Ci passengers during the l'enichnial. without injury to a single in dividual. or the toss of an article of bag such a result. speaks in the, high est_ to in of the superior management of the The Erie is 'voted by crunmon conseDl the:•mi:st popular route ;in tne United State. It. richly merits the large :and ilx:ea)qu'g patronage which the trav eling public accord to it. ON MoNn.vt' last Mr. J. LEE 11Ansit. the Soperodendeut of KELLOW; lIT4 britige-sliops, met with a serious aceickm —the 'loss of all of his lingers in hi, net !mod. Ile attempted, to plane a Frn tai t;k.vel:,. and not noticing, that the gaoi4e of the planer had been changed. tin th, Hock was soddenly joked from' him, tt'ie same time his baud was drawn under the hniccs. Mr. MAltsit is one of our most m_orthy citizens and seems to be donlily afflicted, haying but . . - few weeks sine,. hinted his wile. Ile has the deepest sy Wrathy of his many friends.—Athenian. WAILNETI, furThCrly of Conton, is Slierifl of Cameron county, this State. —Judge MEnct it has been too iil to sit up,)il the benelA for the past month. —Hon. N. F. liEsnr and wire,; of Kan sas-. have been Spending some days in this ph;cc._ —Satveyor Goounteu will eat Thanks giNing turkey, r•itb bit; family iu this .. . Mace. ~ , , , _1::::yrox L. litscsngtv, a native of this: piace, and son of the late IlenToN KJ:. , ;-zt.t•::v, has just beim appointed by tli , '. (44vcrno'r Probate Judge of CofThy county, K.!mas. /. -1). llosKrxs and nife were in town this week. They bavet many warm fri , ni!s in Towanda, who nrc ., always lighted to sec the former faithful and be loved Itvetor bf Christ Church, and his c timable r, —We received a pleasant call from Mr. ll ,, :vAnn, traveling: agent of Dr. J. C. Avt:r.!& Co., Lowell, Mass., last week. Th W9rld-wide reputation of ATEn's remedies have made them houiehola w.,r(.14 Al o ver the civilited world. The coo:10cup, urbane manners of Mr: 0. are in keeping with tie good name of, the bogie; . We are await gLiii tiiikiallulf • - - EMS NM it hotel of *neon:Simi* at): A dwelling house occupledty Di. EvEttErt in Dashom were destroyed by tiro yea- I ----'''"---- _- - I terdiy mo r nin g ,. The fire o riginated ,in ~ - tir GOcidst'enelvtd Miry day at crtat;- ; the hotel aboOt a o'clock. , : I ar.ithrs% • ' ' ctovui. ... 4, ~ 1 -.... . - , Ll 7 Goods sold cheaper than ever at , W. A, CuAstnEnta:s• it no* ttttlVing 1 his holiday goods. Mn C. .s proverbial-( c ""u s " l.l ' c '• ''' ' '- -13°v3 ' good taste in the celection of nrtiLges iu his line, is well sust tined in his late pur _. chases, IF rsoPt.,:e generally complain that the times aro' hard, _see don't think POWELL & Co. have...n.ry good reason to, Judging from the rush of customers - which may be seen any day at theirlarge ecablishment. The immense stock of new goods just r‘- ceived, and which are being sold at very low flgure - 5., prohahly is the great attra. 'O 7 l , tiou. . • Aril:Ny(3N I—The ladies of the Baptist Church of Towanda, will provide a warm ' and sumptuous dinner at all hours after 11 o'clock A.,. 3totttlay and Tuesday 'of nextweek, Dee. 4 and 5. MI ;persons wl o desire to obtain a sweare meal with tea and coffee, 'served 'for the lewmtlee of I.1:1 cents, tan be ac-'_ commodate.A•and will be warmly welcom ed at the basement :of the Baptist On Monday evening, Dec. 4, a Church I Spciable.will be 'held, and a Anyper Pert-1 •Al. A- cordial incitation is otttinled to all the friends of the chitith to be present. Bc order of Committee. . . TW:t bAy You 'WERE BOitti.—lTCre is an infallible method of discovering the day of the week on which a given thy of the month any number of years previous occurred. To the number representing youi age at your next birthday,.add One fourth for leap years; this anniunt divided by seven, and the remainder counted back from the day, of the. week tut tVld::11 you were born. For irethittre, on your next birthday you Wilt be 24 years old, this di. tided lay A, and the quotient 6, added to 24 gives 30, the amount; which fliA,Lided by 7, the number of day.; in a week, give 4 weeks and the temaind-r of 2 days. Now; if your birthday in I:l476oings on Monday, count back twoj,l'ilays and you have th.: day on which yopt vvere born. Rom, of Honor of tiro Towanda Graded, or !unn of pupils with perfect record in attendance, deportment and studies, for the week ending; Nov. 111 : JAMES COSGHIFF; CLA lIEN CI; WA LHOH Cmtittu Pinscr, 31.unA LockAnEr. sin KLINE, FrIANK WAHL:ELI., CHARLIE CA I LIEF, ErtlE NoIIA Po MY,. LITLC I'DhT, DAVID CBsl7. F. r week endint: GERAIdINE ST..lourr, Ertrutr. SCOTT. - ANNA 'CASH. ETTIE GRAM'S . , JENNIE. BEOMAN, ANNA REDIONO. DGIUA NOEAKONE, ANNA CAEMAN, ESTIThLA 13EETIIA .741CGAIN", JENNIE HAYES, IDA IIROWN, lIELEN • I:II.Ii,EA, 'N.V.III• CrEENSEy, 'lA'.;%:* LTON. LILLIE )It' ;ILL .11:.y.:11: .11MNIEY PDSEY. Pp :•EY, TTIE 3IELVII.I.E, 'JENNIE LEWIs, ALICE. GIELLsPIE, CORSETS, ZEPHYRS, CARD-BOARD 3tOTTOES, CAN VASS, Aic., &c., &c: EVERY DEPARTMENT IS PIM ••••"--, Ti" A new stc , cl: of Trunks and Tray- Thf: fill. trim letter a4ld:Tssed to 31r. • I:DwAttn ItorswEt.i.,, of I:l,ter. has been er;Rg Ra g .. jaAt r.•evivea con,Eics. arid at It u wank d. to us for liiblication, in theer •tir ses :tin ever. ', • E A vg,t, tilat it ma} the eyt - , of : )rne relatitx , of git. tluct.:ts: , .i. The yotiriu: ITEtcr )l- :" 1 -" has the 11111- :t. stuck .I,!welry putt silve.rv:at•!, ever ta....rght halt rc4.1 . 1 - 01 . l'ulorlg to the 1 I :th•Kv: I.r tber : to•.vi,, • e.o; vr. , l set. it. , --•—• ti . T ,. A1 : 1 -, l i - i:;. 11 , ' :: ; 1 1 r . ; ,.. ._ N" D r. „ 12' 7 .;:: .s i .: 4 • r. (l . • 1 i ,:" if ytut want a suit of 'clothes cheap v t i le i,„ ke„...,; it u mirm , r. it ( en ,,,, ;ELL, w h o : or ;b:iu y• u (an I•u:y .. tiL • sztne in New York. jml a.killed rear the !nick Palls. last Sep- .._ , :it I:ii,ENrs EL!, it •II111:1% 1 / 4 % aS a relative 01 yours? lie had 4 - 4-tt.'ltot fan to e;el at lii:NoLrmAN'Y, It you 1 ''''" bean"' with 11"2 '"m '''' "e '' wt-ek s ' u-,sb to boy aNvtl,l , ,g In the lint f ( .h teat, suver r! i,r to his 'devil tine 'llion Itt'd Cloud : a„,:,;:ver.e: at , , eu ,:ar . ... :.• 1,1 , 1;C2:', ...Nt-b., - It) CIA! II a... with !TIM- _ _____..., 1 !II t - } ' : wagon train. lie lot his trunk ! :lie" The hirgei-u and best :‘stn tment of :i•ut valuables will, use, intending to it i n r t e ,, evttr broit!t: t.,3 this ra,•, ear. now lie austut (oply . three Or four wLeks. ' It 1 5i, ,;,. m.i . v. „,. 1 . , ~,ss,, rort. 241—1 f.) s 'ems he arrived :4:tray at the I i - a., and 1,: . ! and tWo others s!artcti on I heie retitrn ,: :::7;" Take Notice, there is a great ro t t :be , Agency, and when they were at .6.;,,i,„, In w a nh A n i awl E:gto Iles. Call at I l 0 . , ..: l: rt. t: k they sere all hilted by t he It v. , : 1 , 11,31 A s'. awl. p. 41 wit! be N:::-‘• t 6 buy our at .1 ed DEA ils. 'Titre we.'e nit I( tters , ,tv , 11,,. .... fr , h, kotr.gihz. I liens i‘tilreng, his edicts to ,five me a I ---...------- u e zo his friends. I had I•eaiti him say" ; A large surpiy of fine white pigs, was from l'enlislr: ll, : l4 . 1 : 1,1 w . 7" t•ru.; of CU •Alt , r and Suffolk. ortt months 1;1 out hotel hi Red Clond . Agency : 1 . 5 - 11 (tei... for -.Or ro-nit N‘'.u. Dia.- u;fo vet Unit i hero tom y- former Jaime, I instituted itoiniri,s fo r his frieinls. as. I want thew to Late his' Two }Turn) &;t i ittlemen will be tie t:tings.. I was given ,ottr value mut it,l- n at.nnt Ittu mnt Bunn). dress' by a - gentleniiiii froinyour or I „,fly•trr ,ia x t„t4 - 0. least neat yOtt. nee lithe of in tittiry. • • "Among the valuables is a neatly new!! ,_".1.7" Fon SALE oit TR. DE.—A: "1101-.N -(101d flinging c Watch and Chair. Tos- Tit:AT:AL-11as heel& used worth :32:59, and a (liiitb•:c-hari-el breech- ! I,:,iy r syintt , r. cend.3•32lvel3 . ka(ling , -‘11(1 els. ler (;,3 at 3 1,„g„1„. re:x P. 0. "clunk, with hooks, toilet attitles, etc. - If lAN 10,3, l; is a Leh.tive, please c;:tiin the glieds, as I (10 not want to kton flit in " Hoping soon to Lear frtm you, I am, yours t lily, 3 A Y.E:; r. NICTIOtAS ion DECEMBEE—Is the Christmas number thiz, 3ear. and is umeb ; than - usual It eonta,us nearly one - C - 7 - 74'" The. Grand Central Hotel, New huntircd pAges, and inure than fifty illus- y•ak. • ; :el , hes the 6,..C11 br the trite.,- by lead trations. 1.700v , th . n 6f rate?. It off-I's the same arrow:- The frontispiece, called "The Heart:of. At'inter," is a stipeib engraving, relive renting .some exquisite . bits of 'minter ; --.....-- scenery and life. It is• one o. 'Fitoi.ts i ' 1 - ir CLOSISC- OUT SA 1.E.—1 am now NottAN's thirst drawings. . elfisOix not tny entlre ; •ti:tic of waits ]lade Cloth- Wm. CULLEN BRYANT eontrilmtes an j Elg and Furrii,hica Goods ing:ll - 11 . {,5 Or cost. A article entitled "The Boys of l'ily rloy• and ram cbanee in port-Ill:se ty:d• t hose who are 10(11, and describing - the aniuse.metits, -,„ „,.,., 1 „ f 0 „ 11 , 1 „ g . i , ' -31. LEWIS. studies, sports. occapations and social ` Toti-croa,oct. is."7r.-ir. life of the young people of his early years. R This paper forms a remarkable feature in ••- To IVIIOSI IT MAY CONCER.N.—The magazine literature. I gable :;cr hereby. notiti , i 1 not to purchase a note Prof. lttctiattu A. PROCTOR, the eta. glcet/ 1,3-re on the tlth day or October, 1.17 C, to ECM a Arcmoritcr; k represented by an al'- the orbr or Jon,: nenNs. for ft to. as by special tide' entitled "A• Clock in the Sky at a,gr,einent the satil unto is payable In stork, and Night," and giving clear and simple di- ok4!y Dego:table (.I I those term-. . rcetious fur telliug the lime by the pusi- t on of certain :•tirN J. T. TuownitinuF, the great favorite of Aunt' icau boys, begins in _this number t..:37' CONvENTION--A Music- Hs new serial, "Ills Own 3; aster." The al !(•••avoation win to It•i4 at I.nrerty Cornm, first installment contains some'exceeding- MT. it. and to rose wt,h a • 11'iuteresting`seenes. co4t,•rt Fri,la34venlng. th, IS.h. Th Conrentku Lrcv LARCUM is the author of the tine I will Igor. cLaiii: WILSON and ew t lug aiticle entitled, POVIIIS and wite. Pr.terols tor tie:itt et Litierti rid-tiers Carols of NVinter.•' It is illustrated by prass Tlelt-lx for entlro roart,c, gzatleinrn several excellent cuts, and it gives its 75arts, Codeert. 2 cents, to name young readeis many admit able and sea wtiii do net :Attend the course. sPli.etionslfrum nen-known iklets. &mit The ChristnUis -eiement ii made Ye iv Cr' SI:NDAY SCHOOL EXlllPA prominent. EusrAnu c!on- mintiberi of Ut a Wyiox &oelety will tributes a tine Chi istnias Fairy-show, and in Bartlett'. Ilan. Friday there are Ferchil spTetitl ill lititddins Ho- • evey.iniz. , e. x IS7i. entertainineni will in the number by tm. - s,t , ,i CinII,II;GE, of Tab:yr.:cc. Vora! am! in4 r t f r a ti r: ItEnkii•CA ninutal 3111 , 5.% Ate. Do"T , 9'n at 7 , an 'l p.. ),‘ v OLIVE Tin.s'!iNE atal °MC'S. iu Ince to comm.:nice a: , ;:lo Admission 6till another striking feature is the tie- . em:s for rC,rvrol stew. timerat ititals•loil, 2:, seription of tbe great stables'of one of the enus. Ail arc cordially invite,Lin :ittend. .. prominent lines of New YOrk s rest ears. BY OaDEit Cost.'l lie article is entitled •L'llie - liorse Hotel, • ' and deectila;s the building, the rooms and . - A BARE CHANCE.—TO procure a attendants, - the manager:le/it of the V valuablehotel Fr"Per!Y on re3"lAbw terms. °w in!: to 1:4-:bealth 1 a 111 si:II toy 'tote!, known as the horses; the arrartr:rements for Tecdintr and caring for' them, and the various methods lotertiational I totel. Ibis le one of the bust eon am/ means employed iii the huge " at , strtteted buildings In Towanda, being 34 Ictet on Main street, am. 64 feet on • Elizabeth street. fise lishment. ,It's illusCratious are from etches taken on the spot. sketch stories high. with all the improvements, 1 : in `The number's pict;tnial display also in- and etuttaltis one of the best halt rooms in the Bona tr rot eold by 3iar.:h 1. It wilt- be for rent.. For c Ittdis beautiful pictures by Miss- II a 1.-• farther information etapere on the precitses. t.ocir and --aDDIE. LEPT ABU, Soule. funny iilustration\by CI - ILI:Cif, and some very PATRIC:a SG'LIIVAN. cillitSlS drawings by a Siamese artist. : ca..- t Besides the Christmas potms, the num: CiinirDlAS IS COMING.--Wha nice can I get tor ony.tritc. slat: r, or sweetheart. ber contains a pretty loam. Iv CEI IX. or for, brother, or friend, ast h.* ease may 'CHANTER, and a lively and amusing one bY 'Mrs. Donor.. • . lie s'+ 'What will be inure iiceilitavie than a nice It is impossible to even touch upon all Plesiogravit at Worm's 4- They are very nicely re e the uicrits of this brilliant number. bat i Warhol "4 palled i" "at styles. Or If you want those we have mentioned TAB show that a phrnogr.V.l. large, front lite or copy. you can also vt ileAu there in tient% Ink, Rater C o lor., or Cray its list of futures and contt ibutois is cer on. Nothina like it male In thiS county. Becton t ainly a remarkable one. ter, at (I Ito. 11. Woun'S Gallery. There les. nnich - - cloudy w f ather. !,ou need to think of it to time. BUSINESS LOCAL. Only a few weeks to Christmas. i----es ' "Nets prints at LENT tt; Iltirss.[sep7 Lo" -- "• Every genuine article has its corm terreli•, so every hones: man has his pretendee. if cr 1.; P W vi, CP.lfft;lf flit i: ir 1112.1113 l'i , . ' t Sue?. f 4 lii, MM. W:til ore estimable and honorable ://ri-Engra‘tngdone s; tirsinta.sus's Jewelry Clottiog dealer, 31.''F.. ItosEN'EfaLtl. Having St o re. ~....‘ - . , • male the bustress A ataly Irian early +both, and --.....-- , 1 lx.•lng controlled in, loudness transacilons by the 2-7 . SCW:DrdES '.Goode p.i KENT & - i strktebt regard fur truth, and the rights of Ills ens . r. L 1 61: 4 .,ftwri• ; tomer', rho are not presumed always to lIT as well • • . Ala- Ilritnt.r.rtar oers a;vest redaction In SII. ~ posted as hitnselfi others who have uo regard for ear-Tiate , d Ware. . ' the precept of the ..lo:tlen rote," seek to profit by I Ids enviable repostotton, by 'origin^. In the saute - art. New Goods in every Department 1 Lousiness, nut makolltrga ptoforstwas, Look out I -, , , 11k 4 X4111' 4 BLlki%sepo, . '-`,. .' '• - I tot the —.-`'. ..,.. • ' . . , -., „ _ '' , ;4 4 '.. 7 ;'''-.4 , ;::F":: 2, f;:f'.;tt= - 7 -7, r ,, ::: , : - P' 3 3•A'Z , ';' , 7 , ..:',:,::' 1.- '- 4 : - . ,; ? .4 ‘.'-7., , '.''' --1 .‘:•' , 7-: - . - Y--rj - Y,l''' 7 '.:-;',%.7-:" - - ..',',7; I :r.,':=:- , :.: , -: (..-“',,,,,-:..•,"...,"--=:‘.,, -- ::' , 1 - •:' , ".'•. ,,,,, :'-',•c"11 - .._-' , :".r`, - ,r''.=,' ,-, ': -1, ''.;-':).;.:',':--:-,:_•...,-, MEI It•Apky Ooddis,4 ino,n) Ruttlick's, Pattcras at KENT & LISS: • Itt" Dollar-and-a-half books for OD ots.: Merent-Illock. Mr-Ladles' Tien in great variety, at xtvt & ilt.t6V.Lsep7 Cam" Ladies' Collars and end's ak KENT & BLlgE*.teep7 ' O r New Bohr Patterns for December td Mrs. lit Nt40154. . took at 3Ers l : 6 1'11-Naos' gloves and no.lerg fur the ladle*. i=3trs. 3lixaos has new, Freuch ..11.3;.,s In Hate auk Hanut!..!.. Call; : , at itE—T C". lt - - 1.18 S!,• and ECP bpir near 1.);/”.r..r Cprmq.r4r:th 'CaU At KENT & Buss' for your ta i,k, N'Ttins. Scr.. •te•C'EP7 :77" Nts Cloths and Cassirneres N. Kyr St;.(Nei.7 One more case of those cheap Qullte. at KENT 11L1W.D41.7 n — You can bay a p:ated Castor for 90 11140 c. O r. KENT BLIES', and look :.t tiirlr tgack Grout:Um,. CT" A large stock of, games and toys; at co.•t, at. WUITCn MI SL SuArrs. All the latest 'publications, very cheap, at WHITCOMB & SHAW:VS. - ; 711 - 1:::verything in the line of station ery at WIIITCOMtf S 51:AUT.S. no — Call:licise° tLe latest Ladies' 'tics, Cuil3rs arid cuffs, at 31rN. 3.tima-Hr. A new arrivol of Ladies' Panniers, i n ~eonm ant White, at Mot. Mt NGOS% Sit.tur sell the best Blank Rc•uk? 1113.1 all rae u red In lite co-awry. Zl7 - You call get all the littest styles of Stati , ,nery, very ct: ', :tp, at WHITCOMB k SHAVt'S The larp. , ,esi L:.nd best assortment of splin.cluolint; M. E: ROSENFIELD.f. Or A large stock of School Shot s, ,yery at con, Ell's, o!qw-!tc the Cour: llow4,Neb2. III7111;Eit PAI.NT, price reducqd to p,r g:tl!Gri. IU 5 garini pall , #1.90. H. sus. You will be surpri::eil to learn how J auch pill ca:, buy for 99 ccutstu 3Prcur Muck. ;;;:r To 11EN T. A house on College ,tr,.et. near 'lilt, InMitutV„ Tipp. f:rer, an.l St.!el Srec:acle:, and Eye fila,vi. , , it, great variety, at IlaNtiLL.Malv b Jewel- MCI MEI= .7 - 07 Mrs. 311 a -; Ladies' Hats, ii On m.Q tar ono do::a and tlfty ceu:st, Iu flood :g - A large assortment of spring and J ast reet:ived, at 31. E. Itc,FEN. MEE! . - Every little hey wants a pair of' • • !lads at (1)111-1-At s ., tlopostte the !.• (*oari u' '.L .4i' pi!, FOR SALE.—A good Gold 'Watch. onw W 111 take borough orders In p.iyntent. I:roptlry at thls office. 77;:r A.,. the Merchant Tailor, i ha.; Tailorirg cstahiblitnentln If *;: C.whing iit^..lo In order; :Oro etittitz:, 11:!!Lant Iritati.ll,!: dear with neatnvsst and clis: r;itt . h. Givt!h:l:l a cal. nwaal a.i.hpretofore. At a r2ductltAt from 1 , ) an 1 i:3.0) 11E3 Wymot, N. 3, 1876 =I IZEC:=1:11 VAVID WI IPPLE Vabiablis Lots to Totraittla ott- veer terms; Apply to Jonx W. Mix. 0111ceittercur Moot, north Ildie P,91,11c *gout% Tovianda. • t7 - Arcrtos ! AucTioN ! Auer= ! (11,00 width of rendyttninle elothlng malt be void In 3 , 1613. TX, Sales to eotntuence Nor.. ?,3. We, and continue TileSdip. Thurmlayn and tiatUrdass. The hest chance vice offered Iner,rande to boy winter goods cheap, A. Max& "rehires Mock, optweite the Square. Dr see what you can tic, with a little money at the Main Street - ('rockery Sturet Eland Latnticotttpleto for t 5 rents' • ltnives find rolls fit L rentfi. 8 0 a!ltn Atniie Morns fur tfi rents,. i Doz. Iron Stone Mates fortl.oo 1 Doz.Stlrer Plated Knives for 11.00: 4 Gallon Stone Dotter Not for do (vino. Blass titioti , , Nati% Otenin and spoon Ito:de:r dna 11 doz. Do!gets, all for $t:00, 1 Pr. Corrifed num Difftt.siroiti cents. novisnt , O. - A. BLACK, Agent. Ml.' CIIINE ;WAS WOItN OCT.— Why! iit3C3l4s^ it Iris net well built, tint ft wat wrongly run. Thonsitntis of men who hare run dawn long before their ;hreo _score and - ten years are accomidtehad, might party been renewed lean 'Prig lll lPlers and rim: if limy had tried the Welt known l'idlt - ViAtt 5Y111.71% which emit:tint among Its compoubdailos I'mtnild of Imn, so combined that It assimilates with the blood and invigorates the whole system. Thle systctu has proved etnea- Omni In thnnsauds of cases, and will do evorlbodr rocd who uses In All dralles knell - ur-A ,poop pApF.n. --- Everybody )01 ,, W3 Tilt INnEPLNVF:ST, of New York, has the leading, most enterprlslog. t and. all agree ; not madam.. and instrodive of our numerolu religions lettwes. It is not stow to recognize the fact that the popular IiSSYI4,Ii for chromes has died out, and It makes the roundtable opt` of any one volume or Ilietens' Works, a handsotudy IllOstrated and hound duodecimo, to anybodr who will auhscribe sod send the regotar Thrro potters sub...Clip:ion. This is r quivnlent to offering tbc,paper for a dollar sod a bior, tr.nyiaaly ws'ista Botha volume of llieketo. and eviryleEly ooght to want TllO iNnE• I'EYDENT.' rir The largo ready-mado clothing lislt.:%, Unlit np by Itf.,l.RosEsrlthh, is attract• lug otilt•r estattll,LtnAnts to lids t4ection. but the nrudeut pureita , er n ill bear In whirl that all deal- C!F potkset.seti of the sag:pity, nistionh and strict itoneNty that actuates 31r. R. Inbis hnsinet.'s tratt,actlott. Most Inert who preset d sill cloth ing ....hecp." are mere tnetettler., Lich tits eted &nu s buyer learns to Ills orrr. thrr atli - ire!ls to all gotki goodt at iair pried, to call on Ru stt,..rtrin. 2tptake.4 no filfferenre ( whether yoo juttit, of Uat article &And or tiot,rhe L, and nil] not deceive you. AIMMO all illlng4 bewam of :Ito man who never Invite Avon through advertise taentg to call. i n - ' T 4 CrN Sli .MPT I —Tice advert 1- ,or:a,rt!tlrva'physlrlan. haring providentially di.- cov.rt.4l, uhlle a 11- , lleal Missionary In Southern ..‘,lu, a r,9y t•lmple veg,tabl‘ remedy for the t.pecoly and p , rtrattent cure of Consumption, Asth ta7., I:roach:lts, Cat ant and all throat rind lung oie.....cilint•—abo a pr, and radical er.:elflo for N••rrow.lh bllity, Prent al ore Decay, and all c r n i tolnts ; feels It his dub' to make It Fuowvt to hi su:fering fellows. Actuated by this • m•4l ye. he will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who Ir•sr.i lii' reciTe' for preparing. and full dir, fur sut•cc, , f oily utihcg , this pruridentlri ty rem ..Iy. Those who wish to avull tit .mashes of the I.,nelits of 'this tlisenrery without co,t. "an do so by return mall, by addressing a stamp. naming pavr. Du. LES P. Iki ARSE! .kI.T., • Z 3 Niagara Street, THE Corsi - in- t:NTLEmAtc—,-Com nt xy.t) P nits —Potery-SEVEN Tit YEAR.—The c'.ll - a.ti:V G aNift.r.SIAN Is published weekly on the follt;Wing tern)...*. v. Iwo pa'd strictly In advance:— tuts. Copy. tine year, V.. 50; Four cnpies 00, and an cope for the year free to the sender of the tint,: Ten copleF„ .Ir2n, and an sOditiozial copy tor the year free to the sender of the club - . All new subscribers for 1877, paying In „savants. Aler Noycinter I, 1874, will receive the parr 6* - . from receipt of;rentittance to Jantiary lea .77 ~;:bout charge. The t`,:intry Gen:len:an poa.esses an mos - rated ~f corropondents, regular and occasional, smong 1, , ,t 'armers of all p.:rts of tho country and refiects the practical condition and ar.d nrogies of the husisti dry of every section of the Vol:, d Stales awl civilized world. The Country Gen:Nunn gives lo Its ilortleultu ra! Dete.rtotent a rindlnuons varle-ty of Informattro ;.od segg••,don., equal or superior In the aggregate 14 oLralto d In that inAnt hi numbers of tu , st magazines devout! to lion:en:titre. The Country Gonttetnan has prolotq done as tnutlt as all oilwa Jo.•rnals• enial.itted, to Introdnee :.lid mil:.rndsiate improved stock of every kind :brought the coantr): and eOutinands to a greater 4•grr.i tuau am con:empotary. llt. , runfldence and . ryport 01 hreed,rs nud rireloserS. The I”untry (ieliCein 413 lIIATISWIES (till :OA I kr•t reports, and devotes ITee attent:on lit them and to the prospertA of the crop , . an thron hug light nh•n wte of the moat Itn in.rtz:nt .1 all quebtlon—Whin to boy and when to The Country lientieman embrac;o: nutr.eron, ta'nor &pat intents of a practical character. such tqs laN Itaity, the l'oultry g liard, the Apiary. the . \'lle.yard,. and weekly presents a column r ta,o : 111m , cnel fti and an Interesting varle• W.' lit Ide rvati LI:. It t tql!ntt.s. a iVell edited re .lrv. ut tirrent events, and its advertising pagPs fnrnish directoty of all th- I - windy:ll agricultural .ki ,'•l3l.ll, t , r Mc. COUlary repl,q free. Allitresg I.rTnln T tit SC SONS, Pablishek Many, N. Y. MARRIED: s ITII It I.; :X X I.: t Pa Non iigo, lifor PK`t , lll. NUV.....11. by Ito v.. 113q:Ook A st tong, .ino hied t 3 snit h. of To afula township, and 3I Sarah Bonnet 1. of Towinila. DIED. BAII.F.V. —ln Burlington twp— Nov. I. 197 G, Mr, Samantha Batley. wife of M. A. Bailey. (art. n. a long, and I.:tinfoil Illness of .Iropsy of the heal') 45,years, -I months, rtn4 14 'la's. She leaves a 1 1).1,1.and and several ehlhlnm to, 1110411 her lose. licr funeral took place the_ 230 1 tvaa at tend .41 by a large elrele t.f friends. Iler r,rualus were taken to Motintain Lake Cemetery fur Lam tuent, 3lother thou hut. found peace lit (loath Thy care and trouble are o'er: 1 For God ha, kAndly raked thee from earth; And Mtn Ybilt bu with ut nn wort. IDA . 11 A MKT, 3 2 New Aacer.izementl. \T V • our li t o i n l ie 'e tto'd a rO r t i ll t p l :lliol, 2 ' Ankh , in every fatuity. Agents hre twer.ty to forty donars a week. Price or sampl- r 4n, Por fl.OO we utit mall It prspat.l toag:nits territory 4.1,‘1rr4. Alt.iress lllSstEl.f. a Co_ 2.18 North thh St., Phlra, Pa. • 1 4 101: SA LE.— A farm of 100 acme, 83 Improved, Muth-neat part of Smithfield toirtaddr. Bradford Co.. Pa. Too orchard,, num( iy Maned Mit. house of 11 roonog. arrabgtil for ohe tee 11mill,k, two bum. For parttrufara, (Mr:. uu ttaid premises, or of aug2 !lAN(' It+ FRENCH - I\7 . EW HOLIDAY GOODS! W. A. CHAMBERLIN, 11r.4 Just returned from New-York. Where h has pun nased a large elegant assortment of JPWELDT. SILVER PLATED WARE, wATc/IVS, CLOCKS, and In fart, , EVERYTHING IN lIIS LINE. of the latest styles. Donn deter your vls;t to Ill! store until too late W. A. CHASILERLIN' iowitnd i, Nor. ?.0. 1876 1877.- POSTPAID .-SL6O • THE HURSERY, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR YOUNGEST READERS. , iLLICSTIZATED. Z.8,•n5 ten cents fur a sample nuntLer w 4 p,cndaurfL.t. JOUST L. 8110nEY, Ilrvtuffelil street, Boston nos , o-",7] `IT WALLLCK, No. 729 NOTIVI SECOND STREET. PIIIVA, 31anuracturer and dra!er In FRENCH NATE MIRRORS AND LOOKING' GLASSES of eirerr!lecttpttort. WINDOW CORNICES, SQUARE AND OVAL FRAMES FOR PORTRAITS. PHOTOGRAPHS AND OIL PAINTINGS FLOWER FRAMES, Etc., Etc, -01'?;04tti Ea - ii MEG ATi,ANTIO Ma'AITIILT Fos 1877 TWENTIEVI Y.EA.II, The publlnlters have thn pleasure of announcing the- rolluertug attractive features of the ATLitan° for Inft, • ' ' " • - / 1 / 5 /0g tr., LI/Yarn:U.o contribute an nutuurat number°, Pbema,anil 14:11EN lirlyskbt ri. Malt TIER and t &Ir ilat Wfifflpgit, miLmEs will also furnbits Penne. Poetry may an° he ex. Peeled treat K. C. BTEDMAXT.I3. ALDittelf, and other acts-kuuwn ATLAXTR: poets. • r. .o.,Atoßf(llt frill enntrthnte lffoeg In three parts. sta4...PHAIILES A DIMS, .ra. , gig.ties 0c.011.00,,ris on ea:Arlin/ His!Org. Ir. D. nowtp*trill publish nr.o. glories In itramdlic I* at, or three number. earth a hovel (eater., In ningazine literature. Or. Howells will alsu furnish !wine .eharittlng essays on fltto .Eng land pOliAtry Life. .1 • . 31A1i6 tlrdig win !,z a, frequent contttliutcr. r • kEJIBLRA chapters of - "UM Wpm t»i's o)**4W will titerid through a eonsiderikee por tion of the year, and wilt eindintie to furibl,l de light ful . plet ureA of pi Leek and people has seen. CIJA k will few bete! papers on I:2!iptfan Wei and G. P. 1.47.11E0P. author of Study-of Ifsw: thorne." several Essays on .liorricdn .1111146 re. A {'.ll. MinLF. SERIES or PIPERS Mt vationi !notes:dons and emploinit.nbi 411 be N 11041,41 by (licalozalslonl I,err. mid will de. Ketito Tare 'Woik of (I Seg4if)( Sitiwrint,urteid, A ", I r England Farovr. n WrAtern Farmer. ,n Managing Editor. a t'ontire.r.vmass. ft Cotton Manujr. terry , o Pen rit nut Iron _Varier, ele. A unblue feattar.! of Ow Inag4zine for 1877 will bu contribathfus to tact nunnkr of fly ',itch c.tireructers,as fif.orge! fpJail. 'Han , * e;s?, , erg, Dudley Ittileff 4711) l'l‘truei* Boot!, with ultras by some of the most distlegoisit. er ATLANTIC 1./01,1. Tile ATLANTIC ha, Wog sia.d'dune to the value 4 , 1 . 1tA mnitrAl crltlrlsta,and the pub:litters are coutitlent,of the public apprecia flirt of their putTose to give each-smlt!' swirl fresh 'abd charming treloily worthy of the poetry with ,+ Melt It is itariched —sotne laittg which shalt i.e a to every hisaselitila. and a torahs of vtiora klou In tuuslcat tuSte. THE CONTRIBUTORS" CLUB Will he the title of n stew Dureutmen% attllke any feature in other wag and tlernied de,:d• tort crltlefsme&urts, rt:ldes anti moviety, :40Me of th4t bet4t4thr,*44 contributor:4 to tin. In %VI- Zilic will appear emditautly though anbnyin iu lja ridunins, and the II .p.irtid:,ut will 1,1 bright and aitiaedre. srLrsPID LIFE srzg P6R TRAIT OF BR EIS , ilniVar_to the lwaullful porirsit of Mr. LO:tif:VEI.• I.OW. 1111141,1/011 Lag Sear, and !J..y the Panic artist, um he f0r,.1,1),d Idol! soh....crlCurs to the ,AXLA 7 , - TLC for VW: f.r S'ogle or sperliarb nuMber3 35. rent.. Venrly mit) rrlption, ti ; rrlt6 lite-slz • portta:l of itrvant orlmogfellow., with note puhve. peep4l,l the P,114141,,0t. It.•+mt In terev.v.ord , r. drrrt rogioerrt! letter, H.Q. tutt+uro X 1 Cue Dicer me., 1 , 1;‘,e ,tasty H. 0. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. Bostoa ; HURD AND HOUGHTON, New York. Q ‘,2'77 Week to kt•tits. tiatiVes FR F.t ),)x,ll 1 I'. U. V 1:1: Augusta, 31.:11tte. OB WOBK, at the lowest rate, J ,x 4,... ;led at the REPORTER OFFICE. 1 I'ST.It A Y.—Came into the uncles an. tho natt-rslgned dtun Ili. , WeVes.l farm. nu ('0,11% , Creel ). 111 CietPr iowaktitp, ott Or about 11.1.3•376, a 10,1 and white lirtfrr. sappo,.,l to about yk•ar nld. Ttot tatto.r is r,tittest. 1 1. to rome fora aril, 1.,11.1;t• ltrperty. pat stud take tier naay, ur 1.11..! %111 la• to i WV. 'WALK & AWN 1:11N Y. Ulster. Nov. 13. 1E134;3. IT ), i OTATION OF IVIIITE,POW- N. L . ELL & Cull., Bankers and Ilr ,, kers. Nn. 414 ;iotitli Third Street, Philadelphia, Ni!v. :sill, 1b74 11111 r. AkK EDI 8. NS!, els 11..1 1 • '65 4 " " lo'i Inc., • " • " and .1 'll3 44 44 . 6 7 , 64 46 itl'A 46 46 46 •• 64 t7' 10-10, coupon I4't ey New Ws, lirg. 114m1 • 1•2'.; II e. teal - 11V 1 'y .; tral 19' 1 119 7 4 • Silver 11 . 2 • Philadelphia 1; Erie 19 - „ 11Y, r.eltigly- Navigation . " Valley, Ex. Div ie.)"., 'Jutted It. tt. ut N. J 17. W., 136 , y tit Creek . C 1 Northery Central Vi r 'pot rah Tratysportatlon a4y , :A.',' Ilyyridago C. 111 .107'i XTEW YORK PitICES . Current. I _l for Country Produce, for the week - etolieg Nov. ?S. 1876. Reported expressly for the. huary -1,011.1) hy IT. E. & F. It. 'nivel:EU cry_ tVeAt 111'0211w:1y., Heade Putt iftlikson .Syrreh., Now yolk. ItUTTEll.—neeelpls for the.week.27,oCo packages. Thett. Is a Food stt.atis demand for strirtty 1!:1 , nod Ire. Ii nyado at tut: riees. Other glade, :yre :'dl newt lower. A few poreh.t , eq ar.• deg in:yrie for export. The ittially helht decide. "ty superior for that purp.....• than earth r In the season. Th.. pries exp:rtorsz are willing to pay however do not corr,,spotal with the ittyprovelooot In 111, grad,.:,night for. DAirruten are a , .1 rive thit.g to sell and wou'd 1111.10,114 ediy .yeropt lower prices thAil they were offered a ft W wet km since, %'e rpt,te:— state Datries. s,leet. •• l•• talc to good " creamery. choice. •6 good to tine " firlans Pdeet " fah' to good " half firkin fah:, chler...A.' zed " " fair n,got4 Wohrh tpl,n, selected " fair to good Western. cretintery. clothe •• falr to good Y• " fair to good IVestern tint IT 111144 selecrol,... " to god.. Westerly far tory 'tubs. soketell.• fair to good Buff*, N. Y t•ITEES r.. —Ree.lpts for the week, 41.r0anattJvs., inArket cloys strong with an aettre demand f‘ sr bat shitmlog gr.sdeq„ This impruremmtt In tit , • .:-111 .trot laereat In 1•71,•:* hi.i'!dif the r •Att't of roteivl ottfir, for t.trietiy flay 1 4 ,retuher Other qadlities have tetrtielpateil to n vermin ex t,•ot lu the Istiprovontott noted for the 1,..t grade., (Lough the a,,vanees lb not MI well .1 'fial.d. it 13 g.•tim ally le. , :iered That lII' prutioetion id wh-es., cuch I. reolleed for export t< barely sattirlut to stirply the demand that Is likely to exist. We gtiotei— state factory, fancy `t. fair to good 1:"tql Western factory, elolblar tine 1:.6p.1:t " . Slat, nue' 12(4,13 • poor to go(41 7(ii, 9 114)liS.—Itecelpts for the week, 4,500 barrels, Fine (testi stork I. In moderate supply anti c-n at rival at moderate figures. Ilturi , d are aLundan'. dull, and barely steady at quotation?. qaotet-r • State and Penn 7.4 R, ‘Vesterti tine fresh 2Pla . 2r. ••• fair to good '271, - Vdl pl,ttlTl: AND MEAL. Floor In li,eter regoitst for hi me use. Timis:wt . thois for export are •more moderate gm nt nod emumerwitment of the neck. Meal le lintel, and stcatly. - Soperano Spring wheat. extras Lout.:, extra.. • "1 fancy.., " l'oru•nteal, yellow white, There Mt. Twit a falling off in the domand for Meal U 4 111411:: to a nearelty of freight room: Per ot/Asc., for exportotre very lunch 111 min lAted. 'Barley dull. Rye Is In better rtryttent nud mote firmly hold. o.rn quiet. , Wheat, 'Spring. No: I 37(41 33 " Chleage. N 0.2 2.44 I 3.) .. lklllwankey, No. 2 , 2701 31' Ifed ;tinter 2'631 7.4) " Anther h a.cni 37 " While tr.' 2r431 40 Barley At ( t d ISi Rye ma. 95 oat., inoced . -- 470 fen ... white - , 48a 01 Corm wiinten mixed 5:0 61 " " ye110w:.... ' -4' . svo 62 BEANS. _ New inedidm arc rearm, lit good demand and )farrow ate pieitty aotl wt sk. l't , a lit 311, , arc grate° and flan.' White Kid:e•y have a intel.w.- ide !oddity with fall prices. lied in more general ttuppiy and lower Pea. fair to goo.) Medium row White I.Cidavy Red Kidney ilt ips The matket to In an nunatlnfactory et - m.llllnm Brewers and Shippers alike uslog the ututo.,...t (wt. I'm' to purehaflog and buying tatty to supply Im mediate waittr.' Crop In. State: good to primal • W Is: fair to prime Crop 14, poor to good SEEDS. ,(;lover continues to be In active request nt quota. , ‘ f lon.. alight Improvement In the d. in .l for fTlitirthy. Flax Isla model - ale rtquest. and firm at Clover 137/1 Flax, western rough. Timothy. per linearl (imistto prime 1)111E1) FRET Apple.: are le fair request for export. The local trade atutmating to Let II; tic. consequently all Toss. Nos exrel.ttlig such as will flit the requirements 44' the V..irctixis trade are dtill and mglected. I'eaeltes are in nionera.e supply, firm and higher. The r•- ceirrs 01,11r.rk Berries or.. more liberal, and hare caused a der:toe in values. Cherries and other small fruits a're he'd. lb. supply lwttt no more :halt sunicieut to meet the vtinirements of the I rad!. • Apples, state, sliced • tplarters -11;eotern, litho .1 quart !rq 'outhern, sired quarters ?cachou, p-.eleti fancy . , fair to ghat. len - period, halves... quarter:J. Illseatierrles. por lb. Cherries. jetted. pe.rit, Plums, per IY Ilaspncreles & B. TIIPRBEII A 4 XI. Importers, Wholesale; Grocers & Cot% 3ferChatah West Ttroadway,.ltasde & Hudson Sm., N. Y. -Preduce Conmilsfrion Ilepartment In Charge or J, S. limes. We receive and sell on Commlsslon all ktnds.or Country Produce: make coals advances on consignments and! tarnish stencil ploteavid mar -I,,thoukt!titki ripen carregrAtipeel : F. ir : , • , .." . . : ,, -::::,-;;'N-: , -:::: , _ , •, ,, , , ,, , ,:..-..;,. , ivz.,,!..,_.;,.1, itaii::.'Aihti".":' ,- , - -._:, ML 10,.. 0:2 K4lO ...... tOb 11116611111101111111111111•11.1111 M . • lbw • vertliementi..: _•• ripirE INDEP NDENT - FOR 1877 . to attaittlu to .11 14 1 fanner excel,. Utter, heretofore by no: ilth4r religious weekly newsparer In the wet d, V. I offer several SNTIRELY • lEW FEATURES, of great Initorteneelntl value. VIIIST.—. , IVe shall print through the Year SElt' MONS by the ThilSt littett tier/sown of the MMUS try, of all tiennt»thaViitiN trim Maine to Callfornhu Our readers will; thz.refore, hare thd blellgtire of bearing tile, toot fernuslalnisters of New tort's. BrunklYlL fluston; l'fibadelphla. Cincinnati, Chl. ear. St. tonla San liranelnen; etc. • et1e.e02.11)...‘W0 Anti publish a series of stitch' 011 C ItiSTI AN WORN. by Itt.Y. Stretits D. 0.; which will ho Invaluable to clergy. men. Sunday.itelOxd teachers; and ovary Christian wall and woman: , Tlilltll.—A. new ft , wilt be te•gun about tl fltle sr 1. lid - `• QIIIItIIFF' , B . SAtES.--By .virt4P- Ly or sundry writs issued Out of the Conit of conamoa ple . ais, will IA exposed to public sate at the err trt Ilouse, In Om hormigh of Tontatola.,. on VIII DAY..the lot day. of December. IVIS, at one Written. P.-31.. the following; ticierilizdprzarsrly: ' one le4 of land In Columbia and Arnienia tiros, lentral.d On the nor.ll by lands of ,lobniliennt tly - and Jamas Conan, past by lands of 11 nod .P Peek, month by ldnds of Frank 3lorr3n and !tome fla. , 7an. and *eat by land of llolen Ilird, eontaltand 13 acres. more or leas; It brio/tate salmi !lOU, now .121 rutsatr.tadolt of ?:art Kennedy untleilltme, about 123 Improted. with a..ffitmed NOW, framed barn and few fruit trees thereon, fistired and taken luta eXrcutlett St' the Snit of= 'Elettzer Pomeroy ys li A Case ;Inc I,ydlla ToudlnSon, aal ruinbitrattirs of John tomlfruton; deed ati.L.Lyllta Tom' Ito on. A I.Sti.:-4 - the other hot of land In Pike top. hound ed on the north by thepubliehlgitirtty leading front Lelfaysvllle• - to Cotterrille. east by land. Of Win nrinkt sthoti lit landit of W'm Drink and Seymoar Wilson. west by lands of Mrs John llairiagton cid:tall/Ng C acres of land , more or less, tin Im-, movements. Selzed. tind taken Info execution at the snit of fleo IV Bailey. exl• of Parfet Halley, tlec•fl. vs John A flarrinifUn. • to Lfifiztdthe other led of land in Athens bon% laintided on the north by' lands Of the Pa•tk. N Y ,IT IC Co. east by Now St. oh south by latitis of 311- Motel Boom and Patrick Nell. costi,ittang•aloort •'.i or n acre of land. More or less. With I framed of, lice. 161111 ft, 1 framed barn 12X60 ft, withal) aublo. 111•1122C1Z110 ft. S •Ix al and taken Into caeca/110n to :to. snit of the Ftrtt Narioritir naror of Athens vs II t` Suiltb,f M VS.: io. ALS(r-.flue other lot of. ;awl in Canton bores :omitted north by MIII rret.k. an the east by inna of , Mr. \\ - M Bennett. tumtli by Union fit. and went by 'ands of Patrick Ronan. co:Oat/nog lii of an Were of Midi, twire or,less, all itapt need, wall a Gamed lictek.-. Gta building and 'few fruit trees thereto'. .••••,-I,atiCand taken-Into execution at the Ault of Pont -I erGy Bros vs Win Bennett. J A limper and R 1,. Manly' . A I.'i°)--One other lot of laud In • Canton: bo•To, •h , litob;il on the north by lands Of. Win Ci•tyroo. east by labils of James Fox, south by !ands Of Wm , (Pechter. we'd by 'fray 2 4 7 ladug 24.14 feet friint on 'lid 'ff'-' O 4 &Pit 66 fri I fratittni ittillillOg thei'emt. S.•bed awl taken Into execittitili :it the milt of lica ry Moms./ is Wm Crrsgni, et al T T. A r.sit-4111,1 Other lot of land In Monroe top !milliard north , by lands of Eton Wiley', east liy' I 'att.:4 Of Berl North. coath by lauds of Judson Illt.kithlit, west by lands of Win A Mae.:!. tanttain. :or; :17 and oz., more or 11'11. about V. acres Improved. with I framed house and few fruit trees thereon., aria taken Int. execution:it the Milt of It te11.r.r.,1 .r.r.,1 S colllo's nor vs F L Wileev. A T.S4I-thet bullet Mg, a dwelling' house, two stiv• rites hlgh with tilet.einetit, baring a frica of Zr) ft. semi a depth of 29'si ft, sitiore open a certain' lot t,f .. 11111 in 1 tliens tap, b nulled north lilt Pleasantist.. east by other lands ot said tliza R isher, smith in" mod-. of D I. F Clark- , aud west by Falcon at. being ...Ft ream tin Pll , Xsatit and "extentliag „Guth ward aling the crud' • side of ;Vahan street 172 i i 7". being lot ,-:.". 32rhmu block 0. -on map of D 1. r • '1:1, it's u x tent .011 of !loath Waverly, Made by 'Z' V I IC-Biker. Feb In, fk73. Cornelius Case vs Ellra illsaer aria Geo E Itarkrr her hosbau•L'retionni t..wne'rn and rola raelbrs. ALSO-One other lid of•, land in Athens top. bounded as follow s: Itegititilint at a WWI storm , . thence m 'mitt 5231, 0 cast 02. th thence north 43° 3' east 32p: thrum north 4.i 0 3' east 3.8 2-lop; theme. 7..tirliras° a' east na c -tort, to the state 111-: - then. -• on tile s ate, line 04°.•12' west Pelot 111..21 , e 'KOlllllll° 12,. ‘ , "241 1112 211,2!TICI•ri/11111211°12 . 1.21142 15 et-lopt them • oath 2.s' 27' Gast gf.p; therira swab 13°27 east top: thence sont It 25 0 31' west tope theme smith 'lt° 33' ..... sr 0 ildri.: theme south 2.t," 33' trcet IA 2-top: thence south 25 0 33 1 west 9 4-10 p to all elto tree: 'b-err- , ditull 13° IS' wed -Ito. th a pitlid on the forks itt: 21 . ) , dam: thence swath 7 0 311' ea. - 4. 20 1 , 101 i: thence r mill 74 0 3' east 2.5 75•21•0 p. 79 t h e 11 4* i.Ol-0, ,I S Crv•oliers lot: tlionei•eutti 17 0 west 4 32.- - O0 them , - t orth 74 0 iteSt 150; thence soath_l7° we!: ...0-1, eii, to the center or: the road; lio•tire north '7s-• °west in the read 3 05.1critittlohee stn: it 16 0 west .. si -troy, to a whit., oak sapl•ngt thence south ;so -,ri; 7 5 .• p, to the tilaeo of begaming:.contelalog I :ler- , and 111 -NI , , more or less, abo:t 72 acre, .thuri,vi.l. with I frant,Nl house. I framed wagon , 11 , ; 1 . . I traill•.(l !MI, Wl2ll dm is awl I'o chard of fruit trei•, thereon; with the pr.vilegi• ' the vater as set forth [lit the deed to Th.ra•-•• ••.liltintat : also the ifyiltaitge ram belong:lig to sail' , ti o r, i i-o.:lo l ,ma t i„ rintsd meted under the mill. will; ite poly :eg, • or Ingr , •ss,And egre..a f, - .: the p0ri.”.... ..f iq airin't the :.ante, and tire proper ettlityment of ' be p.le:leg -a: reserved and set forth hi the deed, e sad itontre Shipman of the mill being , •11.• same pt.,e of hula as conveyed by slit ITorae • • iiirmao to .f, shun Coyketolall by deed ant, il dareli ::',l lego. nail recorded In the Ware for record- l og .1 -W. Ste. to and for Iliad ford court( 11. deed Ea :N. N‘• 1•.; dt Psg.• 210 &e. e xeeptleg nod reservli,g• wers, et six acres deseribelhas follow.: •.fir•glit- ' r.:sine. at .. ti elm tree un 100 load: of Cayola ...reek, loon •• I Grat 20°35' ii;yt tift to a stal:r; thene • 'mitt 7:a C.' east asaft b . , a stake: thence south Is. • t.' nes 710 3.10 ft 10 a .Stake, ci liter I.f apr nested •••ot rite t y.. 1.1 1: 111.-m.l. - rtiong the same north 74. 15' west aaatt to a stake in .rill' ton lit blot above - be dant, Memel/min 13° Is' figi 2dhit lt, the Aare or beglitithig. SI dzed and trak,tt into exert, . tett at the stilt of II It 2411212121 N, Get, Coykendall,, ''. -, u , at. Covkemlall. Harriett Coy kenilad. Also at t tit if 11 F' coy . , N S 5,1111.. - Is r .4.1.t.1-ttne other lot id' lattil In Franklin tap, ' ",olltimal north by boot of Salami l'alriank••, east f 'it lit it ••f II t' Cray op. 'on: It bv Tow:rola creek, -. i d .....,,•„ by J 31111% o r . i•Sill:e of Le t :yard eh:tap-1. , . '.1.•e'.1. and .Ilonto M• I,e, containithi : - .A arr.'s and •211., . 1 1,...nt :',5 acres Impreved. With 1 Jr - a:lied lion-e. X flamed barns, I fronted grime' y [rele fete fruit' 'roes I liewon, t . , ~. A 1..4 l--One other lot of larld In Wrank lin top. .ounded north by , lands of I t a smith. east by land te - sainue! Val rilinks, smith by 11,- "shuts of Led- N (yr IC E.___N o ti e e . : ard '' 1, ' , 11" 4 . we'd by hind or Ist Smith. contain- I' ••••.: I:: ai re: „mil 1a;•, more or !,•ss.l2:ter. slniproreti. t' i ,al,l perstnis Indebted to .„ 1 ,.. 3!0 ,„,,.„ . ~....i . ,..,,3 ~i ti t ,,,,,,„ too, ~ ,,,r OOOO 0,. enten g •r, late of 2% Ilmot, !,„ seer of 1: N 1:.,,,,,, ~... v+ sr Ii c r „,r nt. AL ,„ make infoonliam pay- : ,I ; s e it of II 1' l'airhateks vs 2%' fl Croint. .. .. , and all revs' to , h ,, 11•2 A1.54)._11ne other let or kiwi to Athens tap. .late. must it:v.:writ 11,-Itt, •., .n.aea on the lo r'll by Winer:.,, east by let !Bement, ; ':•t 15. !. nth by lot No II an I Wed' . l:y 10's No, SS-. , :, 1). P., STOW ELI., -al , l bit ' howl/ as lot NO te,ln a otor sumey mid. , .1 t v.ttit ST1101„:1 1 , '‘v 7. F Wallo•r aml called the It .1 Loot plot. cot: - Not-. 0 Ev''''"f!'"•'dote al a Stela , 151 ft and 71.1 1 ridn Iron phi In I :•i . I(IINFE ' S N oTre E.-In tine A. - - - I , life.. ii - Chernimg road. thenee 67 tt and 711, nrth, .1 4 3:;''.•,,tt, th •tic 14ort Sht. 44° east; thew . , 67'1 . matter of the 1 ohm :try twist of Mr ses 711, south 41 0 23' west; Unmet! MM. Ain, north 44 0 Waal:is fur the benefit • f Ills el ell:Torr. , . &...•.:: t.:. Ida, rof heglntilmii. emitainiog ' 1 " of an art,. 111 tho ('cost of l'otnir on Pleas ra of Bd I/ ford C. :”.1,1 , or lest, front centre of 52'111M.i.• sit••el, belt. Ne. 07,0..4 •le. T.. thr.i.. h . sato. I 1-c •of tato' rutty-y,(l liy 31artint 1 Lk,. Th, 11111211 at eoatit of ltn. Snyder. .IS3lgar,e. 12 2 'ft -all .1.2,/, 20 : 1 , W Lio.aA tut' 11,...,1 dared "Fell= a14,‘ , .. c..... N;;Is ll' it In lilatil court tOr allowance • ‘74. km' reel Pled In the 0111ce for wronging dee., •. :and eolith mat lon ..n- Tle rsilaY of tir• first we , ..3 of .i.e, 111 al il fiir Ilrail'ord county - . In fleet, Book No. I e r, teroi. isi7s.,wheat It wl.l be allow cil, minces •se ;It 21 a: Sr, whitl framed lions.: J atal few fnilr i atoa: loellthow., why it sum laid not Ire. 1r...., ge ,••••.n. Setivii tool taken loycl varied loti at 111:NJ. 31. rucK. l'enit'y. !O. • sidt .f .‘ then, Bothling and Loin Asawl aloft' ..-s. Thi•to Is W Locas, • • - -.-- -- A 1, , 1 1 --11ne othfrr lot ,of !and In A tlit•ns hot., r 11 . T ,s' A j,1t":,_....11r . I oluo!ed on the north by tw.allor .ttieer, cast by tor • , No 10, s WI. by lo: No 4. awl west by lots No 121 11, .2•11 , 11 out of Ihe on own, ring he tNo33: 0. %%Web lc gt,t her with 'lie bound ty, the. tin , 1-1 - :gtit..l. ail= i n - :ins •re in:, idd it survey madetie 7 I.' Walker eof I'3 Adam:: into ( it' ~,t kno•vo as the smith & Ely plot. t the i t , :naitli Zr ii exl"''' l° l'n'''•"- 011 0 . ~gy p' ot I.Get t il,-11 on the north by Wahatt strect. 57.1,, al two ...e'o o k l'• "I •... .V 1.2.1 by Main str,•et. east and south by lands of 1.11 , " 1 "C ' l ' .. -" i ' M ''l I .E " I " . ' I Y. 1',9:11 . 21 .7.! N. V Cab tt Zr Mahood Company: and %ca.; ' Ai° 1"),"‘"de'l as ( 7 1/ ‘' N ' l • • onve;o , l to the g.railt..r of the deed Inv ('barb's F I (. . 13 ' 1 '. -•.`"I'''',:""•• '''''''" . 2510 le...Lad wife by deed ,tiated Ain It It. •1072, and f, sown ov !antis of :ell ; _ 1 •r, card in ft rani for. 1 ei•htr.y 1),•,..1 nai't No 111, ' O,- d M . (S.1 " , "'" I T''"'" . 1.. , ge 17. Ste.) With I framed tion-e.i framed tarn aired too. S. 111114'01yd ~ 2”111. few fruit trees thereon. S-.l7eit and :aken Int , 0 I, 4 '' I'rtY Pelt :'-''', :tr ; i 'i i , ,.,11t. 7 a• the s ,It of Alien: Itu•Mtur amt Loan •Nida, ortt, 111 , f.gif11.93. . , S,s , .;. ' la';ml v.% Model P Al'..ller and Mts. Marla .1 ..,-• In too t•tlaal'atintill 111- ' vv..... ~1,r.. , 1. Inte•est. ',....1....41/ --Otte. other bit of lin 1 In Trot.' horongl'. nr•i•l A 11 I P 1 , () , -N 1 . ) ; ' 1 oundei: tin the north tiv the pitt.:l.l loth Way. (E._ I""o•th , t'rthr". ; mi.: , :dr ••t). ,'act be land, of Veatil, II : it IT perst,,••, • ;. ottil 1. -, Sozar ('rut-k, wid t west.le t t-, lands of 'Frati•:. Olt PECEMLII:II r tin II t'••, , n. rorintinlog al. at ...:: on acre of land, ; I;iore Or 1... ,, . all Initirovel. 'till" t framed •holnie...l I '' , framed 'a/ril; :toil tow frith and tonaineotal trees - W 0'.1'./i. ' 1 tto•ro.o. Sell, it tool taken Into execution at the ---:-.---- ,-:- -----c--- i_. -- T --- ---- 7 - 7 ,• Wil...•ii.rk I , iii , ! '.till of J din 3101i:eau vs James ThAilatr.s. . ~,--' lIE RIFFS SA 1.41 . , ••= l l3y sirtue Jas 31 11 o , v 111 :ot• o.l• vr ; A Li:11-0m. tuber lot of land In Ittirtlion born. ..! - 1. of sa:elry wilts issued .4d of the. Court... eWitt•,, atim'r i sot , iii .• le..deit on the north by 1a , ..1s ••1' 11 31 ( •ark. east •• •;;lontio, Ma.. of Bradford County. and to Inc-ill Ls ad to 'r 1- m lO . he load- of clo,ter vain:melt. sier It by Stitri• ',coed. I will (xposittepoldic .a`e•tiTITIIITIZSDAY. "rib t . '" l4 `' - ---------- - -urn,l, x itl vest by 1N.d....,01 11 I' Till-V. "W M,13'1 ' - 1 lay ,f 1 , •certher, lit the door of the ('oar. e• ~,,,.... ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~ Mr' ii .o ; : e• Hifi . .. 31 '' : '" I '''" . 'A yeses, S hi lil i l .tind 3 f . t'' ' . -Fief: l' ... 2 4. To.i ' van:la, ;he I:thought deserilted proper -1.11 ' 1 1 1; 1 1 I l ' i t s . '',`', ie ,- 1 Mathew lied?, eLiii, non :fining $7 to r. nett' 1311(1. .-1. 1(t-WII: - '''''' more or les, abOut all linprm oil. with 1 framed ; mats,. t rarge framed barn, Cont'llqwie :ma orellard • . l'eter Ilatologi r-trespass ~ , , • ' (me tot of land In Towanda hero, bounded as . fol. ov.s: begiuoing at a point in the horn line t.d . State .„., tit trait ..ees ineri•tin. ler '' • 4 ," •, ti ` l ' l4 ,,'" ' Al.:al-One other lid of laud in 'turnip...T:on hour ~, ;did we...t. line.of horth .. yotirth :It: thence along vts '• - •` rs " .l ' - ""' 1 leentidee 011 lh.• north le, lands of Mrs Items' 1111,.. 1""'"I' line " t ' 4" S'n''st "1`1" " lbe P'""1 • 31111er coveliattl • ~,.1 !,r ,l, „f 31 „ ; T „. 3 , A ( ~,,t litrub „,,, ee•raer of State and Fourth sus: thence aiong - th, :in • .i.......a.H.C31 i 4„,,, v ,.. , ~. :ki r , 1,,, , ,,, d A n , ,, , , , 3 v m e s s, t i,„ l, „ th „,.. ;.. on tr. I ioe. of Stalest, as a foresaid. 51 ft 10 a col ' W• It ilitleY . ':'l't ' soif. l ' It Maio str,•et, am] ‘,4•st by lands tfS II frill - still Honda'', et'ab.eJ" '(s r, A,ylnnt cr ' end 1. 4 ••.;I . Pultr. ciditainiro rt ncresOf land, More .ert, 'Thence northerly at right taq:les to the afore :lla line of, itiO ft; to the south line of a I:- ate era ' . i° , 1 ,• i - i 'aim alley; thence• atteig the tattr.o lice et said alit . .. "e a/sieker... ..... .5.F...•.•1.1., ' ,' „„ ; , - „'„ , ',.„,,,,,„",,,i a ., It „ ! , .....,„•,, „i" A! .k. 4 k 10 7 . 1„,,, ~..: , arallel with the line of tktgte.i.l afor•said to l i t, 111111 , ..y eject ' Asr , • . •ti :he proposed limo of North rOurtie.-1; tlh:rtice I , li e oiliii ii • ',lit-WY. .iiill i is•dle., i . Ile - same course. 1411 to 111-'1 wtod•,:ine of !corn el Lyn; It -• 1 {Teal , .‘" i ''''°"' - ' °tl'",f but "1. haul in A':•-ltiln top, 'teirtn-st, to the pla . ce of beginning; exceptiny I Kent', adner.....apio. al ' 14- grillit kal Me' 00l niiin'' ,, ik ' 4 l l ner e' altrra'a •.ti•t r,•se. vit4 therefrom the : privel , ge of fish' a motel Pt t-ts alt.. ttrest•ms 'in lin' in: to , of Wm Silli'lt: 'll'lll'o Iv tlesdlol'ill lire' trip of mod isri In y. la al. 111 .astute on .1. Thittoma..:Jre.mos•; i•f twit v. are north 57 '-.° west Tao it •relies to ail r .. 001 the point .. of ,liderse,rt MU of the north Ilhe 0- Si re AMU, Ins. C0...ie1l , ~!.1 I.l'vs lout Turner of sad . ..varr..nt: thence nor " 4 1,1 street' with the west line of North Fu'irth-st. ... ~ , 0 e.i. 751t0 3 stone heap 1.y3 phie: liu mee south ..,1 ; a t, an„..•tlortherly to the aforesaid trot alley,' to . O'r. it 160 p to a stone hew , . Tortmr -- of John fie rear 'a smut lot fur the purp.4se of whirl:hie Ito 1: . - aili.4l' r Oat thenea ~.,,,iitit 2 t.:.s ..., , , s t- :rip to the t nil {said Maio Fourth-tr. o lam the same •Itlt It, 7-I tee. of , beginning. containing 78. 'arms of land. . pencil to Ilie width of :tort r Itroekii to \\ - -rd ave. or ,. - , a• .1•••••' , . shout 50 acres Iraprovi it, %I till oh, .116 10,42h:11:T the 1 ight or building on said still, • ia1 2 ,..1 :oa t s, and imard shanty. and 'OA; ffSII - -I I:illil, or or tith_.tml,o obstraeting the use of sal,. ir -es th. r ...oh S.dit d arid. taken Into execution at trip id Moil for tit! Nagar:os sattiresaid, with / the l elf if II W LatO , vs MalilleS 1101!CIW.V111. hol , ' , lll oll se and fe v trait !tees th:lreoli. Settee A LSO -tine otter lot of la . nd In Atheas born, lie- .01•1 t•tken Into l-Xectit ion atthe suit of Ellen Wald glatii:igt• it tit' mon Incest corner of lot tat owned ...dim-f . 's use vs Etta V Slyer. . ey 7.1.5,!/avt.l Coot , , widow of Path, C. ok. deed. . ,k it.SO-Oth• Other lot of land In Sheshennin tWpa :did now owned by N C Bartle. on Slnto strew. in . o , t .otea north by 111 r pa bile bighwa,...•, east of ISM. I ' 3 Itl hi-,• i.t 301.11.: I Ilene, ' , St /11 l' 2 ‘'zi O west a ' ""7' • - t :31iles Horton; 'oath by land ot ..J.o.oph Post: ' IMP of 3i:dried 21!1 feet to the .11vIsion. partition vest by !awl of Miler 1101103: oonttradng So act 1.. ',API W 31114 the on the hinth of the 14n1: nil, or le s s, all improved, I teamed tionse, I (rant ; 'hence :tit ea,' erly• course Wong Bal,l division teal ,MI a.: rightarnti,•.. , with the street and ti • Indhlintr. tee+ flit-mom :seta .1 and-taken Int..ezerntion a: 1 ra barn. I trained gi-anary and 2 ort.hards of trio, as it sto,.•l.4:n•rtire It was destroyed by fire, on said ho suit of C M 3101101110 vs .1 A :Kilmer. , I oir 05 fret tea ember: thence 114t 1 1 IL", ° west ft. .-A f...:()--Oile other rot rof land. to Wells MT. , 'mid CaNik.',. lid 2 111 rt 10 3 corner; thence litong fon - ailed of follows: beginning at the 8 c r,ir of Ile - •111(1 Cot k'e. now 1 fartis' s(/1 , 11.11,w to the ,glee of No 123,ft the allotment of the Lands of !belting ; olgtnnit g, al! Improved, 11' 1in11.111:7,.5. th1j2..'141 anal .._ ;silo es ate In Woos twit aforel,alti. cous eyed i t . ,all'ie's Iwo exeignitin at the snit of Dan l:1 II limn';:dig i a 'str,,,,g, thence along the smith line of salt; ' ''‘," W ILdwock. . •. it non h 80 0 west .97 &lop; thence aloirg the Es.. • A 1.-i')-Otis other lot of bum It, south Creek twp .. tio , o f t ot :S o :.2s convey-0 t o Mows 1) 11 yhe 50 2 211, 1 ..egi,,lii? gat a stato and stones olvttio ittare lien-, 1 . 1 0 West 93 2-11 p; thence along the cast Ilne,to at the to ram - est corner of Ge o rge A lo u d, wit's Tana: au 5.239 conveyed to , ft aanati It ceuipton, south ; t na ,,,, ~o nt i, to w(•,:: along gaol Ittintnint's laud ' . ; ‘,,tta -west 13 7-101; tbent.e, along the north Ilse 0, .__ ___. r . ____ _____..__ 02 7-ll' rods 'to a in,rn..r; thence We.teigy along no MO, hereinafter deSerthell. north Sao; east 13 EGISTKIVS " . 'OTICE.-Not ice • :ands or said Dunham and, parallel with the Starr: • 9 1-lop. thence along tile west line of bit No 225, i ~11i, 4t' rods to a stake awl alines fora corner; ',b... tierldna(rer . deserilsal; ni•rth . it. east Oil , . I.` - IlLt Is hereby given ill. t Bier.. has been fi1. , 1 In , rhetiee rot: li 1 0 east along other lattas of said Geo • he- ,:ace of beginning; containing till 3-10,4)21c,, it, ...fare of Beg Isles of It II- In and roTtlu. Coonty . - 4: ill -.11)3 , 1 102 7.10 reds to the Siale 11111111,1'e them* , ,doer or le s s, wit ti the watat allowance of iffier e' -if Itrad fora rte.:mints of atinitia•ti at ton upon the 1 ea.t.•: ly.alimg the State line 41' 7 . togs I...the Var.-. ' , ,r l oad., no; It botog 101 No 221, of the alortinen font's , It g est a;( s. viz: pi --I Of begi. Wog, coroalning no acres of tana, nave or • ,f-,!h. 11,,,ghatn. taw, in w e l;„ too 1-,. ac. • tterti.:l aerwait of 5%. IT Mav, Ex'r of A. w.t.4. mem: oacres Impoived, will,l sterna sawmill - AL&. ; 11.--rinn : other tot 01 width Weliti twp., hound-, late of 1.e110•;., d.e'd. , r • bereolt, beitiga part of warrant lot No 2 ,1 5-5. Seii- `. - t1 e-s fiSliiWt.:.l,..gliullikg at the s e cos of lot NO 12 , , Final at taint,: of Jolts McGovern, plural:au of 1t .1 awl taken Into ox-eattott at the ,lilt of Jl' onveyed to John sir tag; thence along the ens, 'Mkt?. Melloverit„ minor e tut of John MeGovei 0 t :hose ;l•% vs C . ; OW go N Institan. • ' -ant of said' lot north 25 4 0. east 56 4-linn thence. rh i at aecoutit of Cella les I) ingliertyyminer of :.' Al:sit-One or lwr lie , of ,and In Athens bormgb, 31 ,, t .„ 3 t i t ,„i m ,„ t h ii ne of lot No 2.;,.a, , iier s e d t o Tin,. Fralferi, W. Daugherty. late of tirwell. dee •d. t heat.. tlt the north sod. of North street and known pi 04 Moore. anti On* match line of lot No - 215, con. Final account of, S 2. C'. Hovey. guartilau of Chas :Is 0,1 N.. 7s on pietiar survey ofAtheus Lam mad, ;,i - e m i t o L p• Adams„'south sai l .. east 49 0.101.; th Snyd-r, minor igilLl of Ostia. I). Soydvr. ' 'ny Grseit illeltey, being the tame. ri , ,,p..4ty ,Pted,tl ~,i.,,,,, ahnig,the west tine ot lot No . 2t4. Conveyed Partial necoant of J. A, awl Marla Blount, Whiles - i ..y Ati.ll tut It Stone tO J, I: Reeve by tleo.:1, dated ~, rot., A A yr,,,,, , ,enth• I ti,o /vv.'. Ito 4-top; theme , of I.2llsha Wormi, late. of ( anion. th•e'd.' Final aretwilit or B. W. Kilmer, ad ni•r• or Ez!ort 1 t• - J •r n o ' i' l' t . t l i . .tr i' : .4 k 9 ;trt li ttr l O Y 4 !i tt li n ''', ot c," , 4 l -v iy `ls t:tr i ;tl ". T' . .l a tt i o r- r r; d ) o t ti r ri ` : - „, , ,t tl N " • l ..2 .l l 4l .z. l c i' gr. ‘ e . y r e l d n... in 0 .e ..: 5 1 5 4 e a r2l 4 tepa tile rd lies , lee s late of Arylom, decd. 0 - est .,u t i ti m i e li o . , 1 itradford county Deed Itook.N.• II:i. page .4"'ia, &c. west 115 7-lept. thence along th.'t linn tir lo- No 121.' Filial • 1 Eet. - 1 'tilde, goardian of D. 1.. 1 wt:11 I framed house and few frith trees 'Morcott. aforesaid, south a9 O west 48 7-10 p; thence along the SteKttin, y, minor child oßassett McKinney. i I :•-elzed and taken into execution at the soil of the west flue of lot 'No 22 4 aliove described aorta ;1; 0 l m Fi' r ic conot of Item. your. t'a'r of Julius Wolff,' r A th.u/S notating and Loan A:soul:Won vs. .\ B 1 3,0 losp„ to the place of beginning; contaMltig .4 .1 la's of Towanda. ilee'd. t- Inc and Mrs Mary 'Stone. ' ' :eves, More or less• with the' usual allowance of 6 • Final account of M. L. Itoekwell, adirer of Bet- a 1..4.41--One other lot of land in Canton twp, ,„.. sey Cole, late of Hui II ngt n, der'il, r tend for roads. &e. It ' , Ong jot No 225 ot the I ;monde. north by lamlttof I'rlal 111 - tight and JacoJ - 01 0 , ,,nient of the litughttm lands Inclirells imp. pion' account of .latnes C. 3feKenn• guardiatt of ' itots•rt4, east by !ands of JII NV:lOc amt Lucinda, _ \T .SO-;-4Joe otheriot of land in itiV.elts two.hound Chester E. Deeker, intoor rain.' of Andrew , Itee2er, Wright, south by the polite highway nut WCSI by .oi :.,., (Whit,: hoginning it the a W cor of lot No! tare of Springfield, da r e d, Final account of Ittthea Barrett and Imeloda , ,o , l' ..t. ' , l , lll :lt i o t ai l t .i z i o '‘ a v t a •re te s r. in c i l l ' i l : . . l , a v i e l :l l . n u g.. ll 4 l ‘ l ' laf".reuirle‘du'l-in;:tis.t'er, 22 t, :delve 1.1:•.et thed; theme along lite south Hue 4: Alin ilarri•lt, atbara of Ci.write I'. narruit, tats of : i named Intro, I trained horse barn and orchard Of :•3:il lot, and theypl/.11 line of lot liio 225, above des tined. north tikeast 148 p; thettee along the wes: Speinga..Ll. dee'il. _ . ; :nth tr,.4s thereon. Seized and lukea Into excel]. lam of tor No 212 aforesaid: conveyed to Jena.: Piaui ttecaunt of P. 11. 'Harding and Chas Stock I are at it W salt of J .1. Bloom's', use is Warren' -, .. ~. ~ . , , ~, ~. alt . 11 . ~ Ileparti. sotito .1 • wetd a.l p, inetice mg k. . wed, aillarta of Asa Pratt. tate ut ershitlll, d:..',1, gW ) Ighi. • t ..omit' !Me of 'lot No 127, hereinafter. de-teribeo. ..Final areount of tLittrgo ti. Weal, guardian of'l . A1...30=(1v otht•r 1?t of lama in_Pitto Iwp bound- . S,i West 6) 3-10 p; thence :Owl the north toona West , tfl int lua north by I.lMia now 4110-.linnti /recopied '. . i ,w •i e 'Of lot \,, aka. (11/11ccled to Thomas Ifoltoin Fanat amount l •l ('' E• W 1 : 110 auit " , a.ngz .;,+.P- i y s v lll ' r/stee; east by laltisof„al M liciditm, smith • ",,-,!,.. it 8 , 3 ,0 ~,,,,t. rn 4.tep; 'Maine() along the Wll2l. nue, mimes ut Jonathan Whipple, late Of . s)ltin; , I Mod; or Av to I: S evtni:: lota Wr!‘t, 12 the higio. i 1 " ... ot 43. No 2 :. 6 .a0.1 ,,, 0rt,,00.5 .„, 10 . 3 to " womb it deed. - v.- 1 may leading (font Lehaysville pmt Me house of 1 f ., r .,, 1 ,L n. ~„r n , 1 % t o ~.a,,t a; 6.10 p,, In the Mace to - Partial acroont of 11. N. 'Williams. W. S. Jayne , Wm ph.we to itruslivite,contatsit g 2., nitres, more mid V. W. Ctark, ear's of Charles Wright, late of ' ~ I ).•its, tt ! ltelty; the astute 10: conveyed by Ent Bal.; : t.- '" 11.•.; containing 36 6.10 Jieres. mom or les... . '. ittl ' ilte usual a - low:met! of 6 per cent for ngids 41,, t' d.-4: - .1.- :..)i , and wife to Pia:SO.ll Wilson, by d •ed datral I 1,.. ,.. ,. ~,‘ :it, ~..., ,t. the aLtittneut of the Mug. .Bud ~,t,to am arpralsement of propMly set off by tem 1,,J 47g, with one framed turn thereon. Setae.] 1 '''',,,,2,,1',ti, t ,1 0 u .',7 - 1 , s 0 , 1 , F ‘. • ear's and 'lotion, to widows and children of the fot- ' mot 1.111 ti foto ex...etillAto at the suit of WM 5 . 1.)3 l l'"` ' i to, tog it ...t-eili•lttS., %ft:. . i. hi' nit. '.''S Preston Wilson.. . ,ALSO-Otto other iott.f ; tatul'ln Wells tivp,bouncl• at Este of Thinglas Davison. _; . 1 , A, 1,• 4 1.1-11tot nth, lot of land In Welles - top, st ifs Itglotts; beginning at (1141 3 W cor or lot N.. • 1.1 , .fitt.• of Daniel P. Jetws. ,-. +. isratiapa.. as frolbor s : beginning al illkl eenteridlh.t i 25: eituVeyed to John d )hurnes; Iltence -Moog M I:slate of Simeon 1c en , . ' I , tgtlwa , running' front the smean. il Baker 81-hipl we-t stile of said lot arid (he west , line of lot Nu 211, ' Estate of .Eilw di K. coigns.lieu:-, I 1 Lemantl's Steutti till:; thence east .along conveyed to Jesse Sherattl, altoresani, tooth l'ii. . . Estate of SaintietWll-aton. , lie •-..411 , ) line of Jackson Seeley's lidal• James 63 3-lop; theate[sthrl attong line of lot No at I. Estate of Antos W. Wilcox. 'I wi•egi r's, lot; then, e south Wong the west line of north 1° east 113 2-it-p; them!. Moll itoreouth 1111.• Estate of Mikes Stll..s. . I Janos l'ivllegtir•r• and C II Leouard's • Mtn to the , ll.ewis 11. Sp:tiding, • of Mt No 12. a 21114,122 tract ibed, itortt tilt° west 6't Fat ate olnor:toe:on cidai I of Newell I."'-Ward's tott•th, nee; ' Jilt; theory along the westi hue of lot No 303 , Eslate of 0, D. Sturtevant. ' I o•ust ;Coat the north into of sold NeweltLeromrtral not osaid, euhveyett to Timm:to Holton, wan line 0: . Es: tie ot Witilog Gifterd,. 1 lot to eh :centre of the bight , .,); thence hart:fano/it iot NO 249, conveyed hodSterte.sOlatli ILilo,A r e.t ll_ 1: onto of John E. t e r . : - state la Jtan, Keeter. I I 1110 coot •r•tf I lie highway to the placeof begito beg;, 'edep: thence still along 11110 of lot N. 1,24.), 601011 "" i Coniatoi rg'strooros of lan.d, up it , or less, about tin 1 ia' - a. east 3.4 7-top, and smith' 2.!.1. west C 3 I lON ` E state ot Patrick' lieltey. • • state of David Rinehart. •?. I- ts'ar's , In•provert, oath 1 hoard hinise, 1 framed barn, 1 •util thence along the north lin, of dot N 0126 east I awl orcaard of trait trees . thereon. 14 gzed and!! 37 . 3•19p,10 the place, ird beginning; imaglalng 1,7 ' Estate of tiscar 11111olt. , .;• - , , ‘. taken tem execution at tole suit of tho i'ecolld titt- I 44i ) Acresti more ur 11 .. ,5 . 1T ,111 '. 1110 I .' I AI aii° l Calae‘' FstatC of JOH Itoui 'gun. • '' : :Moat nahh, Of Ennio, Nter, you.N tad Is citl of n per cent' tor .rualls.,ll.e.being itit-isti t; of - .. I k . , . the allotment ot. the Bingham lauds In Wong twp. - Estate of Israel Smith. p,1111.1% .. • , AN., 11, Kama win ba ',resented to the orpnan s 1 '.U.sO-line other lot of rand to Att - fbrol tlyp. '. 'fly...Awe described 4 lots of rand betng theltruflo Cowl- or Bradford CdlttitY. Dee. 7,1676,11 t 2 teelock,•• houtatea north by lands orM4 , :r.letritergerAnd M 11,. t tend eutiveyfai by vba ; •/$ 1 1)ZIWO ttwstWt tO tet .P, M, for confirmation mid alltawanetc '. - :tort Frateheyt east by laud of .Wilstiu Frutehey; ' Aloe lo Parttettet, by dead dated January ilk n. 1/ ' : ' '-,C. IL ANIIIII.IB. -- ;Mobil hanta - of Jaeob--Kcirla and others; west 1472. am/rotted Itethwolliers44`l* oll o l 4 deeds P.ll/1140. OM** Tnlftlllditt I f /41W ifelrf f : , i arn* - OTMI Reost - r. , • .rt - luthlsAfOic h DerAtl t tlff4er e a - ltr, alt au fez, :811t 1 1 111 .. hl countrOn 'deed Woltz Rot la /Th. • " ../In tot ilt AM coutiOul w A PA , by 1).11. v1)1,113 - IlinstrAtes the living without work, capital: MA will be on attractive serial., ever Fokrfali.--We vim from the Vim Of ErAik ierville, Maya.. on ih realties. nod every 11 FTIT.—Our great Here lo be the Lost ant Tho Works of C In tile fatuous 3114 nuet of not.vrt. Leo k !Thep ere of lbarton. Look a , try person, wli!ther who vends int ea, we vrt cr4Tone Yenr. postav volume from the folio" I. The l'ickWirk fart 7.. nor Annual Friend 1, Darla roptxtrllebt. 4. Niebelas 7141eklel.y. a. Martin ChtlAlowlt. d. Dombey 7. (.11,11:nrii,eitY bhop. x.,1.1111 , : ivorrit, an 4 p 5. Illenk aZt in. 11.1thaby an 11. Ollvrr Twlet, Nett - can 11. A T3lll of ' l ' wo Clit 514 13. (71111,!coas ri! , ,r1 , .4. • I 11. VoroolorreSAl Tr - A ono. I3.Tw3ly.t.lrofYit ry of I 14.310, 3rx rft,T.r. FOR FIFTEE we 1) I C K E.); S Vrery,TlTlT:Ther, of TT' :12 hug., Del Ttro+9,l-A. to Itself : wher:Ts all 0! 11:+ve oniV from us to •;,.1 Thom THE INDEPENI 7111101 a% no, other Tatig or the world. nful 19 p ttAltl) TENIP.S. St:! ,, 4•1!!1•TtON Ptf t.'r r•ar, gitlt pre Myth:. 6 mm 01.4. :119111!IN cola 'F, roll , scut TIIE 1r.4). B. IMMEI -Ai»liNlS'lll ATows NOTICE. Notke Is hereby Glyn that .1111 1 1, ; , 011 , In -41..1P0..1 to ilo• .•Ntale 44 11. Gt. N , Wl , lii. 13:o ..1 An:- . 11 4 W 1... &c . d. inir+t 104ke inn s , tliattt mtymeut to .M• ehtl , t , -'q'hotl, ttmlitt' it.•l,m, bath ~ ~: 0 ,,,„ ;49th...t -a1.1; weak, 0i.1.: pr-tot, 1114.,01.,..t1u17 an- I le:11::cett.11, for m.ttkinet•l, ~ .10111 C RI 01, Adoer. 1..‘.4 niltlift• M. Pa. A - _ DNI 1 N ISI'II.A TO.II'S NOTICE. Not lee It hereby kiv,:h' ciaf all pc , / Min; hi. dville.l to Ile! ct.lati. or 17..mge 1,f!:11,.., late of To• vai..ll.ino..t milk.. iinoletl!at. l paym.-ot to the ..ig.0.4. k uol all p. , r,00, hating clJlros eg/Iti,:,ald smk. 10110;,p;or.ent them, duty authenticated, for ',Wei:lent:- 1932 FX EC LI TOR'S 11 , reby giwn 013 he ,:att• "(Julia Was Ali mast hi/N(4113;v la all por•cus 11:1V IV premnit Mein, duly hrfl rXI 7 CUTOit'S in / tlerelt given till • toe' r estate er wrm,t, 11..erasett. tute4 und rtslgn-rl, and 3:nst satd eatate nue. tte.nileate.l. for nettlettir• No% r,fra. • Jarinti F,Arx ECU T()lt'S Is hereby Oren t. thl t h,. t,:ate of Slargar.. are re..i.0r...1 ir k 111-1:1 ff. Ili,' 1,1 los a nln,t the ,al.l t• duly . 4utiwuticated, for si 3:.6431 3 6,, v.; •tov.o SOY. 1, IS7II 011 PILINS' C( virnat• of :In ord..r C.;arl or Nraaroni Com! mit:!..tps. rix .1 Ow rata • t 2 .:•261.s .2. R 42 .17'040 1 .2 • rl 11. I tin• preini , ... thr• foil( .Itval , ! SatIIIII:(11(1 In' worill 1.. v N 44- by laud, of 34ini..s vy and ea,t or I TElt:ll,4 ilpon tl t 1,11 of 110tenfio - . '.IL• ME L LIST 1 , Tr:Rm,:s.s7G: Vinci .., .tank: j an: WlAul t l R I v s 3! N Nathatil , lltalter et al vs Etig , ne a:A...r11111, is J , .1 I.:!..kitiaieo vs .1 1 1 . , W . 11; Wtu Cro , dis t:e V. ElizA r W il,pp vs 1) It Will: 4 I; I:3yffir's W,Se vs \V .1 A E I '•;e:•l: v• E ji 'w ‘..r in t Powers vs Jotiu 3 A NV:ill:Ilan vs Win and I A AVPlttnan vs Ittifus.rot AWulintan vs Justus 1..•• 3..11t'r5:4; Carley v• lre;t•T l'..ter 11!ady vs Jane lilt 'lttsble t(lnney vs 41e•og I/.01 , 111: & tdall .3 al Vs A .1 111 Cowed vs ihr eAwe r, S It IttA SA ('ILNSI,,IIII s S {'r;l I; riy To, , r vs Atuae.ilt li 31 (7 Miriir vv J.4it. I:an A ' , At •wv !Salley vs 31lelia , .1 II Cowell vs Cordeil.l M .7,lll,:iS'lliit'au et at vs D :1 iChael I 'olrnillll vs Join 'dtelmel Vyte NA lii N. ..4 WO .4 2r(al.i 45 r 4 ..5 73 ..7 iv,o4i 2S 14::/4.1 (4) $4(;411 dJ FTZCONI S P.LA;; l rnp, :Wirer. vs I. A Le sls & Soo vs A Wal • );,..or F Ayr;.s vs J.,lna 3 Latl.. - ty & Landon vs LVI w;oltity,4ll,ll 31111,r vs Jn: It l: Els;.ret. vs Charles E 1.‘,1::: Milling nt al vs W 'FirsL NY koal flank. Atl Edirtnl Hoyle?: At, !Nor Vlrst N ,t, Bata, Atlten 4 i First Nat. Itsok.Atheits. mar. 11l TiilllpkiTlS st Wit: 314111 .tv Palmer vs Altla It .V Patrick vs itenjanti W I:I May vs L T noyte... `itisall ('ruder C! al vs rt Al Jolla Th6llips9le PS M t,•16% % Wititrtisli vs Warren A: .MarvinE•lsttorth vs V 'E I.te W to II Cltetyy vs Al t • InlrDntattel , vs Abram a 1 t N.orli mkt plltVitSll vs .1 i .1 ft etrilbattglt vs Jos II I I. Chanters atlnt - rs vs J A First Sant:nal Ilattlt, Ati l l ~ IIENJ. 5, 2 IC(Th2 .1 gl pt 2 ;1. (41 25 2 a n <tea 2 2:(V. 2.011' 2 0 ' •0 t•@,ll. I.VtOlll 1 fie(o)t 6: .1 %Ea . :: 00 8 '2(4 8.'4 . r 6;, . Ca G< . CC . ,ta GS 8 1 ,60 7'3 . le4lB . !toms . It OM . ..7429 . _-..,......-•.:,....'.Y.,:i:-,:::.:, /..!.'i.:.,;:...1,,7!4.,-,..L.,..i.?-1:!.,i;.:.v.i " 1- ' l '''' - ' , ''.;";_ikin - ' = "'.4:12(4 , A...„4,......_... ._. Irbil Story of American life le middle Ui December. • Ate ER CITY, I • v. Vettoteuai V. Nasbyl. It ,regent era Of.sPecolatioN of of atoklng :amly irtlbfaa. e of lbc nomi. sparkfing and putoloir.l. II pabliell a eerie!, of articles naEWSTF.II. Jr..of BrettS ardi sac} !p rt.ple ** sta ; lt riioce4 up. pre latian for-ape year we be r otruftql viz.: ARLES DICkENS, rnass,nl lionseholit **Alarm the well-known our olTer To (tch and ev- Preatly a ratwrrthcr cf. not, , 1 toy want Tim, INDEI•I JD• pl,t•l. together with anyone , lug Ilst t•. 600 ' , Alps. .k pngt.s. trTn paireg.. p35, , E•g, A:V.I MOS, 1. pig-e. ti , l Iteprlilted Pieces. 70) p • • • 1 !lard Vales. 37 L ititz. , . I ra% front Italy, btal Attla.t e:, p, atulGriat Expletalionp. I nd filiPtches by tinz. der, and additional ellib.t ve?. I . lunittlirey'a Clock, SUBS3RIBER3 iii rt•m C OEPLETE. v. Ixt,ErE.NDENT contain!. ormlng :, We.' My in a g',l z I t. , " hf•r fv1(1-11 rt•llgt• ili pa!wrs , , g.T., of itint . ll tktli.tller Ozo. lEAT g,t!..1 . 4 rt.r 3 i , I, ll' , 44 on , j•rarph! in I itOrlAttp , rF. j•-::11.1) , Ant!y TIIETAI,'F.I: or TIM IN b.:PL . :Or:NT $3400 In wlraiirc 73 .... • 11:50 " •• I,:th,lng• Ilst of other 'INDEPENDENT, ,T,:n1.17. Neu' Tar l:. 32 J.VSIF..i Mt:VAIL:V. Allinfplstrat, r. N 01 ' 1C F.—Notice !'ull persetss htlobtk.ll to g., , ,,•nte 02 At lieu- , 'yfiv.zit to no. c•t)lgre.t. 1.r.0f list said esino: tnu , t •utit . :t:ea. rot .F.ettlemettl. IL M. PECK. Klet.titor. . I O'F IC Ole e all IH• *,gym , TO Flintrvig-r 'late of 'mice lionitlla . t. pa}•nwot .:1 porm,sot !present thaw. duly ale- ; It STROI'II. F7zr.•u cr. IBIS ;tali Ashrraft...trtyspass man a. , ,, , tiin psi r (Queen wsutt.psit i luau 31.t50n.. ...... riple:al • ' u II Sebra , ler appeal :1,,1.,:ne appeal Val son Freeman ..... rt.:et ', . us, vs II t'oryell..att. ex 'v Ccrryell . att. ex ; ,f If v,., Ihlz..tVellMA et at.lleht •s Ipl7. Welles, et 31.klebt if, 31111 e. trt9ri:.s. • I ',ler Murtlyek (1 , 1)1.". 1 Northrop elect , trespm• , s W . linage -J .12 .' ' IP! Cott man • el 'et. I ts•vr appeal , itp.llet..?.. .... : ... appeal 1 lR :ttin.o.... ....... app"a! ; ol Tlit.# Waanian..eor'nt ' t'ltoy l'orhirt....:n.,ntitnAt : otton ...... ...a.-sntupstt. Nl' tal,ple et .111 I,mto 1 lens, ti,, 6 W Morw..tlebt • Pno It, Prothonotary. ' I=ll .-,„7`;''-,4:.;ir.._T..,,74-..!...`:_;;•-.;>1.4,7i,;:.,,..,„„.•,f!,,.,.fe,,,,-,i.,•-i:.,t•1,!;;;7,--,,,;.1:,-,-,7,......;,,:,...4.;.:,. ~i,:i7,7,,..2,,,-.;:,,.,, _ ..,„ .. _ .., ' Westbrook; containing 83 germ more or 1455, about 50 acres 101provedi with one frantOd bottse and low fruit trees. thereon, Belted and taken Int°Uccle lion at the suit of biotttflonfet'sune vs Montgomery' Vanderpool, • . , ALSO-:-Ono other lotOf4stad in Atiwts tem.. bottfried as follows: beginning .at a fast mildt N 197. the an cor of said . lot: thence . weSi„lo7 rods to a Vett: thence grirth 1314 rods to a post: Mehra east 107 to to is rest new a pitch pino,trect thence eolith 4J rode to tit* place, of beginning; .contain- Mg SO acres of laud, mote or Josef about in acres Unproved, with 1 framed house and n fen fruiterers thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the mat of Alfrel Kennett vs John If Wiggins. other lot. of land 111 Athens twp coo:Hied gs,followst beginning in the canter or b r it -, theme north along the line of lot No 137 to lot' No tell Cando east Britt to lot No 1145; tbeneo , omit along the lino of int ?4o 103 to Pitney-et; theffec west ffaft to the place of beginning, enabr74-:. Jag all that' lot known as ISt No - 19S, as laid flootn Und - ulappicl'by Z P. Walker, on plot of H 0 Crane' land I In I:foath Waverly. having thereon I trained nouse nod felt trait trees; all Improved. Seized Ind taken Into exectliton at tho Suit of Jo/m i t:llls , use es Charles! 'fauna. - • t ALPO--Ono other lotofiand In Towanda bonV- h ounded ns folloWei beginning at the it e cop of a iot sold to Mrs Kingsbury, on the west lino of Main 'street, thence tioftherly Moog the west line of ftalu street 00ft; thence litesterirSeft toff ten foot fane Seading from Division street; thence southerly :emu; the east line 6f. Nth! lane 99 ft. to the tamer of Mrs Kingdifiry's la:; thence along the IMO of aid lilngst;ary lot fo Matn-st. the place of if-gine aing; all ImproreftWith I framed honuo thereon. ' , Ay-4 and taken Into execttlinn at the suit of Ella at Moans. use vs Harriet e. /tones. I.SO--Ono other lot of laud In tovr:inds born.. 7r0u111 , 11 ou tbe. north and east by lands of Jobb F 'aeons: on the sonth by lot- contracted to Andrew •zeolAch; :seat ly iiiconfifst; belrce-4oft front on. said S,..effict'ft; atitl *Oft deep, with framed house 'h..reon; 6e12.41 and. take.. tntn execution at the nit of dohn FiMeans if; 5 - Ellen Illtearn A I.St)--Olio' other tot of land , .hr Athens twp, followsr beginning at chesintit oak fn the southwos i t corner of lot No 140, on war -alt. No 1513: Owner east 117 p, to the mull-west swner of tot No 117. unasked In the map to Alvin iforloyt theneennitith 101'6•10p to the smith west. ••orner of lot NM 15:i; th.bie WeSt. VIP to a stone. bn riontlpcast corner of lot No 154: thetire nom lb pit C-10p, tailte place of beginning: containing 110 .:rtes. of We.. }P.17e41 and taken' Into e-.,:ven- Inn at am suit 'Of .tiff.ert '0 Crum and Floyd a !ran,. eirs of John 11 Cr a ne; deed Vs Join II Wig. „tins and Clara Wiggins. I.stf—One other lot of lam! In 'f6watida born. north 'by Lombard-et: east by lawiA of Mrs Mary ureanan; south be lands of Mrs Ellea Ward west by lands of Wm Ronan; being about ,p feet front oh said: Loinbard-st I•2sft deep. with I frameddimiso and fete fruit trees thereon. -zelxell and ;Ikon into execution at the.sult of )9:m :elalbrifigo Edward Walker. - 4 S A f.S!)-4 too oilier tot of land lu"Canton m.ontimlemi as follows: ImeViring at the n c car of lot Nu 56t Mellen easterly along the Hoe of &Mil lot No :,t and lot No t:left: More or, to the em;rner t 'menet! trorriterly Mot, the center of , 11,1 _Si ft - Marc Or lest, to the center of Ca ,, ~ nt.": them,: westerly :Mug; the center of Cammeotm -4. 30 ft. to the n o cor of lot No led thetlye ynntilt , fly along the line of, m,alml lot No 60. ;AZ ft to the •Oare of beginning: be the sante more nr lerYi; being mit!. No 7.3 and sri, a:4 laid &emu on the ..fratitOtt, utadr by 0 I) W'C (ii curt, for )(togs !nay, n t:tn St Co; vvltitsteani planing with .11 mitit;lilmmery and liaises belonging th-rvto. I • t,,FO hmise. lumber' "WA; arol ?rimed barn tly,ree m etellted amid takmdi into exectition at thetbajt or S;yoloor,ys .leronni E Seymour. A f.Stt—tbie other lid of land fin Tent - tvvp, bound •4l north Imv lands of Jaenly A I.llol . :frman and Jo. •. , pit east Ly taut!.; of,! M ednith: sontb by 'acids of David Slinger:and ainton the west tlylaStd. ,or A - Linderinami containing Li acres, more. about 'aervs Unproved. with 'I ramed doipme. 1 frrrtned trarn,and shed at tart.d; I fonuted harp and ft.* fruit trees thenrou. Salu•d nd tak,q) Into ekerathai at 110 salt at David • 111.g..r4..nd vm F Golan]. A LSO.—(lni4 oilwr lot of land In !Atehfl.•ld tsvp •owoled Air the north by laud of .I.,bn ib,srprh Jr satl J. II e:rnt by land bolongin,., 4 to the Pc ab-. of Edward Baron atoLjamem Campbel!: smith y of J Layton and .John Comp ne,t lands of S U liarnoto • and .Tarn, Drake: ecn ;vol. g Itto arr,s of laud. 2114.1 - 1! or le i. about 140 With a framed honse. ftnnfrd haru •.ad two orehardi of fruit trees ths•Tern_ seized iT141.1:0“ . :11 Into t..f Jt 11' Whee !al; vs 9lt Carne.r. • i A L'itO—Vo..other lot of land In Troy MIN bound- L i,ntlyji& land a c S Hager: ea. 4 I.y 131:11 of Dan .l 'A - W.'::tenth hy land of Daniel White; west by plit,;!e cantalnlv -aeres, inot-e or Improvod. with frailled llort , e. I framed and few fruit traeti thereon. : 7 3.1,ted and titter uto eNeeutlett at the suit of Ilohart Sz Porter vs A .l'~mlN•r. A I.SO-LTlit; d•denil:mt C. I) and I A ea,le, tWo firths Interest In .3 lot ;1 laud In lart'ay twp. containing 11:11aciesAtore or less. Le warrantee name Of 11 H Cantil!tgliant, Wltll,l. 3W Mil!, Monty!! li•nnes and a stabLt thereon. ALSO—The tl.tfentlants' hlsql tw.Airtlts 111- In one other lot, q 1 lain!. In Hare.a: - con- AWN; 400 area.wore or lesg, In the vkarrantet ,nlf . , or Peter ley. A 1.54 f—The 'tntso-fif tits tntereg, one oilier lot of land in Barclay' twp. tostalnint :ter:s..inote or iese. in the warrrattee name of f tr 0.1.11 1.4411t.V. A I.SO-I'4e ilern. two-tirtiis Mere! , 'u on, 0111er 1 , 41.4 land in But:lay twp, ',owe or le4s, In the warranteo wurne,ol .Valt!.r Stelyart. • - • A.I.SO—The (WVs nndivided Orn.fiths Int ! •re,t h !awl , h-r of land in Bare:ay and - Overran my, 1 al lug 100 re arm:. more or less, In the warraule. t of .1. tel rev: ,Lad ley. . . _ A f;ro—The (lerr; Gen C Cash's interest It. .10 other4ot of Into! lit Towanda burn, Is by Plne street. Fottrth stree 4, F , Alti .y fine fiiirn of Cot :lobo F 3lent , s abdwest of —Sniliran. befog at.olit 5 , ft on knifi about .730 ft on &Ala Pine. St. with 1 nrairn.-t -riro, hen co.ip. Catit',. .n•r , ! - t tlireitt ate) to st;lii. A to, oilierViit of Isititl fu iltwancla bor. , ~.•i-b.ll north by lands of Ni - na A Chaintr3llll. Fh'!ann, ,w,"l as I 1„ 104: tst of 3!e.•1,,01te% s!: 17, I'S 11J0C1101111: by OW spring int ar,TeSl.ll soft frout•on Ktid 3lechnteles. st and 1:4 Or p .t:W.-T1 luLc ol••outicn: at t'.l - f•f„E NV Ifare Ys OA:4c. F A Ca-h. NI .1 f;•.0 e'y, and P A 1.:9 dert. tonlivided one interco.t In a I r 1 of and In thoehty twp. eon Ihdog Il] ro: , ;re... more; or leis. In the warrant., :ante of b 11,4 'untili.gbarn. with a now mil.. mfl ion .os and a stalde thereon. A LSI 4—Tha liOrrN mid hided one-fifth Intere , oar wher lot of land' fu Itareay p. eon:nil:ter rep, more or lesi, In the warrantee tame u, Ladloy. ALSO—The defr., undivlderl one-fifth inter's' oue other lot of laud in Barclay twp. containint 'la -ten,. more or lees, ht the waracttec name 0, Laaiey. ALSO—The delft's I;mM:did our-fifth interes a 0.1, other lot of land in It'll.lay twp, ce ntatniK. 1.5 ae res, more or Its.S. In the warr &Mee name o• A I.So---One ether lot of land In Towanda tort •onaded mirth by State strut, oat bX loud, :00.1 Knyto•tidall., so-wit brlNM'ar street. itad iuud. af. Geo II . Wood, boog about sort frou hbont Jilin' deep,. all Imi/roved, no bonding , ALSO—The deft's undivided one-fifth !Metes 0.).! other lot of, In. It.trefay dt t wrerton arms, mon, 0r IR M.:• warran itain • of Andrew . Selz ql and take, al., raer nt ion at 14 . , e eolt of Aix Dexylog's r: P Cash and M A Casld Also at' Um stilt 0: W es. eo P.Cash. • - , A.. 1. LAYTON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Noir. 5, Is7d.! more boleti& about Ife errovaimfAift framed Moose, framed latrdif ••ondlardtst - fruit trees thereon. Seised mut tiltdl 10111 - 011 , 09*-.- tienSt.tho stilt of .Os Hall 93 WL. Fiemsedtar , - ALSO—Mem other lot of .1594 Wellt4letie bounded north by lands. of Joseph finder. east by lands of Charles Suff'ont. sounds txy -landsytibior- - than fluiburt and west bylandil Of ••JOtta Sittlivart. 'containing 130 acres, mote or less. about. 'acres'• • Iniproved, with i framed house, I trained bsris sank .. . orchard of fruit tritei thereon. Setamil and West into execution . suit Of SyltatuttlVanbaskirte MO- " 'vs •• W• ft Ifni Redd. Also at suit of: LOlvist If Well! vs W R Hatfield...__ -- ALBO.-Orse other loyal ht Nostls. Tswana. - and Burlington tarps, bounded nerds by bads- of Martin Flannery and Darwin finsiKttl. east by lands of 3fich.vil Lynch and Johti and Thos Hamm, stn fte.. by lanit.4 of John Merry Ind Janie* Lynch and west . by lands of Morris McDonald: Contallitig 80 urea; .• morn or less, about SO Sires. improstml.• with.: ;- framed boasts, I framed taro, 1 - framed granary - 'anti fw fruit trees Menem. - lleixedmid taken Into 'xecnh)on at the suit of C M lifakairtill use VS..llohir • Sheridan.' ALSO—One other tot of landfill Toiraada barn., 'Niue/tied mirth by Poplar-sc. eaat by lot of.- D. V, • Sledge. south by lands of J I , :Means. west by lot • claimed by Bradford county. being sheet : front and 140 ft deep, lot no 6f. as on -romp of cuts withal two story framed - house and frataml • barn thereon, now ln possession -of C A.Orlswold. - • A LSO—(hie other house and lot in Towanda bore. :bounded north ,by has; by Western 192 : • • (so called), south by lot now owned by John Holum • (fort:torts' V - A Cash), west b-y an alley or lot owed! !my .1 Heeler. being about go ft Fri& and about 15) tt,wr, with omi two story Dante Mousse there- , !. - Seized end token Into execution at too suit of • . - John liolines V. Drasobodi, ALSO—One other lot of land et, wwth by landS of W It Gibbs, east, by lands of Alexander south Ely lands of Will lairs Whit. p. ..ey. and west by lands of Lynkul Inekett: contain- • log ea let wore ar less, about 40 acres improved.: . :nut I framed house,l Trained hs7u With shetlit at tached. and Orrliartrt fruit trees thereon. Betzeti mil taken into execution at the suit , of Jolts Can flel-ra use its Sarah A Clapper and -1 W Clapper. too at snit of Julia Canfield vs Ta L Clapper and J - W Clapper. .11.:Sit-.oise other tot of land In Todandai Soto, • bounded as follows; beginning at 1110 south east • - .-otner of a lot wernrcil by Isaac Milidnugh. on the tint I stile of l'opler et extension, la said boro;•:- f , , iebsee northerly- along said St iiiiinogles east line, :.le4at y 0 lt to a bit owned by Mary Jane Slielps' • thence easterly along said eheices south line the -.oath line of lot owned by.Jolni Ksey, about :IS ft, - to a lot' owned by J W Allen; thence southerly -ilong said Allen's west line, about 00. ft to the moth lide of Poplar et extension; thence westerly along said Poplar-at about IS ft, to the place of be.;. ."'„lniting; with one frJmed house and few Dull _ - thereon, excepting and reserving imt. of the •; .J.toye d.-t.erlbed property the undivided One-half of • aid Kent ism:. sold and conveyed by W 'Bratuhalt ' ;nil wife to Charrkk Westbrook by deed bearing '• late Sept 10,1872. Seized: awl taken into exeeu ‘ ion at the suit of Sarah E Sewell') use vs Mahlon 31...0.1).. • A LSO—One'other lot of land in , Warren twp, wended north by the public highway, mist by lauds • •.f Henry Allen, south by lands of Henry Alien, Fred 11 illokers. and Lafayette Dickenson, and ors he west by lands of Clark Bowen: *contsinlng iIT • arrcs, mere or less, about 100 sires Improved, win: frame-4 house, 2 framed Barns and other 01.1 t, b ilkAt ,. C .B -and orchard of troll trees. thereon. Seized awl taken Into execution at the stilt of Ed= _al i t E Chaffee ss if Ifftilsolt Chalice. W o Also at the AS: Mathews. adutr of Abram Od, deed • vs kt (1 Chaffee. ALSO—One other lot of land in Athens tsvp. ' ifOil tided north by the I'a & Y State 1.41 e, east by ;hid of I) W C Atwater, :mouth by Bradford-d, and west by lauds of Thos litoe.k; Containing )1,-.of an wore or -less, all Improved, - no huhtllngS. ttctzetl and taken Into execution at the suit of 31 C ear and E 1' Fox. =liter or L L Moody, det'd, -Ant 11 V. Morgan. asitn•r of W B -Morgan, deed, vs l'eter Sehoonntaker and A Ferguson. terre tenant:. A LSO—One Wher lot of land it:Burlington top, '0W1 1 ,10.1 north by lands of Seth Gusatu. twit -.and of Daniel Lane, on the shunt by lands of 3Sargellus and 1' I" Burns, west by the'public • ..igt. way and lands of Lawrence Kendall:contain.' .g a 7 a:-ins, Inore or less, about 70 acres ttnprOVtd. 1 framed' house, 1 new [rimed barn, l granary • an a 3 oretlal'as of fruit trees thereict., AL:3o—One other lot of land flu Burlington rap, north bydands of Ireentur Ayres; east by . %04, of John Bohialer and David Luther; south y Of Uavld Luther; west by -lands of I. If containing 60 acres,-tore or tear, about will. 1 framed house, 7 framed barn;. vith Aeds attached, and, orchard of fruit trees 'Mu - A LSO—One other lot of land in Smithfield top,' .deO : north by_lands of Main :Schell; east to. • ands Anilrnsr Campben;:soutlf by the ',oldie' .ilglremy; west by lands of liorvilh,._Eord; coutain ug sn arrrs, more or less; about-Xi-ler:a Improved, _Atli a Jog house thi•rron.'i A LS:O—(Mo oilier lot of land In Burlington boro, .ouniled north by lands of Hollister Compton and 'ros; oast by the brick 'uall of Long Urn,' (*.leg the center of the rualti building; south; west by lands of tiro Tracy' being and i 3 ft front on said Tnapit. and 111 ft deep, .Ith I threckstory brick building thereon. nil . taken into execution at the stilt of Illrain . . boinas va It B AI.SO-ono other lot of land In Windliam tap, mantled north by lauds In possession .of ) , forris ,a,rence and Michael quittyt.s , lauds in .05. , . , 551:01 of Palace Nichols - east by lands In pas .salon of E,Cheency and AlleliShciefnakerOrest y lands in pohsessien of Washington Webster and ' , Alward Owen; containing about 2n3 acres., mere ' Sized and' taken into execution at the'suic I Bthattan !Smith ..•'.tiorinait.llowles. A other lot yof land in Towanda bon), ...nted as follows: -b.glniiing on the west side of 't al lost at the n e corner of the lot.lately conveyed Burton Kingsbury and wife to E T Elliott; .i-oce :`..1 itO In. to the the s e cornerof trio lately purchased by Warldasnn of 0 I/ tlartleti; ' we fit alongi the 'south line .of said Masons, •,1 f t to an arlp, being the s w car of said tia •et.q lot; .01..nce south. along said alley 21 ft t.i a- -weer no hied of Burton l'ilugsbary; thet.,:e ist along sari land .13'11 3 in to tire west hue of E Elliott's lot aforesaid; thence north, along sal(' tint t In. to the division wall; thence cast 3/ ft 9 in ; the I.l.iee of Is.gLating: together with all exist.; ~g ways and covenants excepting arid niseiring aelefleut and subject to all rights:lnd interests •fendere cout*Cyed by said Dorton Kingsbury to' itt.Trieree, of the Masonic Apsociatlon. by died tal.'d March 13, 1563; and re(Corded in deed i wok N. , toe, pap, ax..ii.c.„ Also excepting ft .by ti ft, . . ror the alPove gl.e>criletd lot, which evr.3 ,b4.IC S.l etch by. D Bartlett and— qp the sth day or Angn t,lS6a. And further iti party of the second part (CT; Patch} Is to see ter his heirs an . d assign , . the free per- nal lig:, of an nll,l - running frail th end of auath y now In eilstenfe In the rear : 4 :why:tat (tank, of, the tattle *triOth as the th end of salt] alley to the rear of said National •....; ._ hettever said 'Burton lilngshin t y.'his c tors. or administrators shall sell the dwelling. ouse on the corner orMain and Plue-sts aforesaid. C 11 Patch to keep gates at each end of. lid'alley. until such sale is made._And turtlo:r; Patch. his heirs or assigns Las and shall . Are the right tokutact a pipe to that leading from ; a...cistern to tit dwelling hews.. aforesaid, and ltr . r the use of the water of said cistern In the provided no damage is done to said pipe le; ing snit! ettlincei ion and without destrrOvg or ,intaglog the . water In said cistern; with three lit lea betiding ther..on. Seized and taken In .. , -xecut lon at the stilt of 1 . 1 L Scott vs C It Patch. ALSO—One other lot of land in Litchfield twp, omol-(1 :xi follows: beginning at then w cor here ,. in line of litram me; rillt , y land; thence 'south. ° west 1322d0 rods along lauds of Vi 11 Merrill; s.iutit 87* east 163 d-10 rods along lands of l'hcaton; Vanloon and Voughtt thence north V' cr GS 4-10 ireds along lands of Win Harrington: boors north 85 0 west 112 240.r0ds along taints of born 31 , :rroll thenee,north 2° east 59 1.-10"r041s; :,tellee north SS* west 53 2-10 rods to beginning; •11 t :aping 91 acres,. more or Icss,abaut 7a acres lin- • tied, I framed house. framed barn with sheds , ;ached. and orchard of fruit Itims thereon. Selz , and taken into execution at the suit of John i erkle vs.l B Wheaton. I.St)---Oue other lot of 'land In Canton twp, ;emoted north by tands of.( &DC 3t nley: cast v muds of George Meeker; South by the Towanda terkt_ west IT lands of hr N Smith; containing 75 mi., more or less, all improved. *l) 1 framed :ttasti, I framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon , dr-ell and taken into execution at the snit of Jas • Vox, err, vs Stephen A Randall and Jared S tattley. • LS( s-Oue other lot-of land _lit Sheshequin tw - p, ottalol Lorth' by lands of Ralph Gore; east by -atisof Edward Arnold; south by the publie high ay leaeing from Stlicslit span to Mane; west by .h is of Joe,' Ellison; containing of an acre, .to le or less. all Improved. With 1 two. story framed te At , and' few fruit trees thereon. Seized and tar "Ti into execution at the slat of It K Hula; vs Ara LSO-One other Mt of land In Athens tnp, . e;ng tors No 4 & 5 Its a plot or survey made tot tsliton Ith. and called the Teti Acre Piot; each f said Its containing 1 acre of land and lylng.m.n -,gmtus and situate 011 - Selial Ade of 1110 ilAt4 •uti and ex ending Rem said road to the Chemung •Iver, Living thereon a WWI framed dwelling omse lew fruit trees; all :improved. red taken into execution at the suit of Martha t-_ttn,..t• vs John Ackley. A CS - 0-4rue * other lot of land in Albany twp, _mantled Maas by Mods of Caldiug & Russell; ,y (I. l l(7tralling 3tlftus.sell and --Mclntire; • matt by lands of ---31cIttaret west bYlailds of Brun I leverly Iltrerly: containing .cres, more or lesit with 1 fratned house and Saw then-on. Seized and taken into execution at ne • not of .1 0 Frost Ts John Des:erly. ALSO-One other lot of Janis in 3innrooditro,. eAttmett north by lands of A L Craniner, east by M E church lot, south by a-street running front tali] strt , t to the 31 If Cliurch.,west by Mato-at, 427, about DI ft front on Main-st nod 12S ft deem . tai a fratned framed barn - and blacksmith • .+.p thereon. Seized "and taken into execution' at. he suit of M Decker's use W Fisher. A ISO-70tw other lot 'of land la Leßoy twp, olnntled north by lands of 11 3loutgornery and 11 terlelland; east by lardsof Daniel McCarty; west y 7:111.14 or ratrtck McCarty; tomtit by the warrant •tte of John Price teach containing WO acres, morn' r less; no Improvements. Seized and taken Mai vecntion at the suit of Charles Wrigbra exr'svi ' tt.lrain Roekwell and Wm Geiger. 5 LSO-011e other lot of land in WyMnslng twp, ounded north ty landsof 0 31 Bixby; east by lands f Samuel Howard and D W Brown; smith by lands id 31 Bixby. Trustee and Gm H Welles.; west by W yrs:using creek; containing int acres. more t.e ens. alma MOO acres Improved.wlth 2 framed houses, - tairied barns and orchard of fruit trees thereon. - etzed and taken Into execution at the snit of Ben. & Glitispees use vs C H Bollenback. 'Also at al; of II 31 Bixby's ale ea C B Hollehltack. .ALSO--Otto (abet- lot of laud] In Athens twp„ .ttunded north by DiviSitabst. east by Islet of Bow - trd Elmer, south by lands otllngh Root, ind:Weat , ;,,y lands of 1) i(l'Vark; containing' M of an acre, no re or less, with on& framed house and few fruit . [":rves thereon. Seized and taken into execution at ' he suit of John Mcrkle's oat vs Clark Botataiu. A. J. LAYTON, S,heriK..- Towanda, Nov. 14, 1876. ,t llDl'fOlt'S NOTICE—Geo. C. Atwood vs 'Richard Graham. No. QS. Feb. In the Court of Coalition , Pleas of Brad- County. ' • the undersigned, an auditor appointed by the urn to Mstplinsto the fund arising from shetitrs Ye of defendant's real estate. will attend to the .antes of his appointment at his oMce in Ton anda, n Thursday, November= 18Th. at 1 O`tiock,.r.m., - •iy,tl and where all ,persons I eying claims on said tad must present them, or he . forever -debarred coining lu upon the name. • JAVEiWocni. Auditor. MEI A PPLICATION; IN DIVORCE. —To &motel 8. PhllilllP, No. 4ss Dray T. 1870, iui are hereby nettle& that r'atuautba C. our wife, has applied to the Court of Coinnha ?Pas for a divorce froin thei_porats o matrimony,' lad said coert has , appainc,d 'Moodily. the 4th day Ike.. 1376, thr bearing the odd Samar' atm C. a the rarintsea, at which time and place - you can tot it you think proper. H A. J. VATON, Sheriff. P VIA C ATION IN .DIVORCE. Ix, —s, cordoia Travers. 'lie 100.13 c. T. 'Ti ' art holler nOtillvd that thaeney D. Traver?, outlnVttlera4l. huaripted et the 'cent of Cornwell. otheufforti Matey for a dreeve leun mtilvot" inaorboony. eed the odd 'Court has sir 03tese4 the cent twee: • u Towanda. tieertef L. of OK Cieleuer - Di preeitses i elL which tt OW'S" V tr°llr. ~,.._,, ..,...,: ~,...:- ~.., .... ._ . ..._.. ..,. _ ::- . .i . :';':-:- . ' ,-,-. . - .: .. ...: - : . T1. , ':. ';'• ; i?, ; ...:4..--,,,i, - ;:,-::',,,' ,. :::: . ....-.' , ::::• - ;-'::::.,r. , .:;:- . ;, -- ;::-.. , . ~,,:,-, .z-T:iti.5;...;'A.,',1.-if',.:i6;7;',4i§:l-it.-Ai'..';.--',4:Li.lo..:t.Pl•'i-A ff2l rf.::::•:.-':,rf:- E=l Al. saki alterTfi be _ oivil to the, public RBI ti
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