Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 14, 1876. LOCAL. AND GENERAL. THE dwelling house of &mum, Ons- BORNE, of Sheshequin, was burned on esltiesday. TIIOS. VOUOIIT, ono of tho' oldest citi zens of Rome township, died on Tuesday evening last. TILE Republicans of Wysox are to be addressed this Thursday evening, by Col. OVEILTO'N and Hon. G. A. Gnow. Tim teleg,mph office and express office bave been removed to the room just north of the old banking house on Main street. Urn townsman, EO. MCCABE, * l ho was it , jured at the fire on Friday, is still in a most precarious' condition, but his physicians hare hopes of his ultimate re cos. y. 31n. Wm. - 11. ER:csarnoga . , a first-class photographer of. Auburn, N. Y., is in elliirrre of FTSHEA'S Gallery, while Mr. F. and P 'family are on a two week's visit to Philadelphia. Mr. ADM CALXINN of East Troy, died on Sunday evening, last, after a short 'ill ness. lie was a highly respected citizen, and his loss will be decigy mcurued by. a large circle of friends. • 3.11xwEt.1., the Colorado huntress, who has attained so Atatelk. notoriety in connection with her - stuffed animals at the Centennial, is a cousin of Mrs: F. a. CALKINS, of this place. JUIX:F2 INGHAM, of Sullivan county, is presiding- at our Court this week, during thi! trial of causes in which Judge Mon now had been employed as counsel before taking his seat on the bench. Fon the first time in several months the Episcopal Church will be spen for service next Sunday. The new Rector, Rev. J. S. BEEns; will pieach his intro ductory sermon in the morning. - 0. B. POIITETI has moved the portion of his goods saved from the. lire into the store lately occupied by Monms ('tarn, neatly cpposite 11011'11R' 81t05..4: TEA (TA's Mannfactorw. lle expects to lirSre his new store ready for Occupancy beforp winter gets in. Miss HELEN MERCUIV, Who II S presid ed at the organ of Clfrist Church, in a most satisfactory and faithful manner. for sevcrill years past, has been compelled to Tpsign the position on account of ill health., She is fo I>e succeeded by Miss 31AsON. Our town has been honored this week 'With the presence of a number of promi nent)ioliticians from the ilifftlrent cottti ties in this Congressional District. Airl.lllg than 11011. G. A. Oitriw. Hon: F. C. llrts:NEl.t. and C. C. JAuwIN, candi dates for Cimgress. WE CHEERFULLY comply with the re quest,mf Mr. IliNmA i rof Monroe, to cor rect an error into we WCle inadver tautly led last week, by the reading of his letter. Ile did not intend to l icilect upon the delegates who voted for him the first time and then voted for other candidates. =I THE Lin-tas returned from their Cen tennial excursion on Saturday evening. The boys all express themselves highly Fatistied, and well they may. . They welt, the ••ob,eived of ad observeriz" at the great, p‘trade. The Press says they were the finest-looking company ever seen in a ,Inocession. Wm. 11. Illoao.vs, of this place, died on - 11 . .ee.nesflay morning, after a long and painful, illness. Mr. M. was the youn! , 'est son of the late, Judge MORGAN, of 11'3 - mdc; and was moat -P• 4 years of . a e. He was one of our most enterprising business mer, and had e”litri:mted quitelargely to the growth and. prosperity of Towanda. He leave::: a will ; and several children to f.mourn his loss. P!:!: , 1 4 N AL.—Judge Wii.soN. editor of 11,,iwsdali, and one of the Con2,reSsional Conferees, was a welcome calk at the REPowryt office on Tuesday. . —L. 1.. re,(s.r and family are 'castling the Centenoial this week. —Miss l'i.ortA BEInt,EgAN .is visiting friends in Eastt.ii, Betblehon and Phil::- (ICI-pit: t. —Mr. DI -110;s, of-the editorial staff of the 11 aAllin4 . ton Rept!?/limb, id sKtalin;; fi:vr (1.1.ys ill town.- 1.E.0.);Aml VIZATT or "old Dr.- Pits.., - T.•' as he is Camiliarly called here. is in town on a visit:to his brother, Dr. D. —•• Pour" SMITH. .the jovial, whole soul;:il P. M. of Honesdale ' is in town, looking after the political interestP, of WarLe equnt • —Mrs. ;1, W. C‘t - twIN, who made inztoy,wanii friends in this plAcci during lter-slort Icicicnce, is spending a few wctd,s %salt kr. L. F. Cut.vkli's ,--‘. l ar old friend, F. H. .S . - of Wyalusimr. has located at Norwalk, Ct , and embarked in the grocery, feed and grain business. FRANK is a capital fel low, and we congratulate the citizens of Nom alk on. their goOd fortune in secur ing him for a citizen. —Prof. FRANK S'n.kt.t.El - , of Syracuse, N. Y., paid his friends here a short visit last wcek, while Ott hist way to the Cell ,tennial. The Professor was accompanied by a charming looking lady, Who has just oonsented to taker. S, "for better for win sc." We congratulate FRANK and his hride, and bespi!ak for them a happy voyage over lire's ocean. • EO RG E W. 13 it INK, Justice of .!,•• Als') la,urauce A.. •.t. I,l:ay:Vale, P. • N-h 7 .• TR. S. 31. IVOODBITR Pliy§i- I•lan :LTA Sargeun. office over O. A. Black's Ti.,t. , ...,1i:.. ?tae I. 15".21y•. - I - vs. JOHNSON A:, NEWTON. _i t.i,y,o,;:rs and sur g ,,,n‘. ( )11 , .1, over Dr. P ~ -: & :—..”••• Drzttr St.or. , . T4_ , " P.t. T.:7„ toil N.,t)N, :Nf. I). .1). N. .NEWTON, M. D. I.ant.-77.t:. . , _• : _ . . • • 1 1). L. DODSON, DENTisr. :1 L 8 1 9 I.n at./1 after Sq.% '...1. way I.v. found In the c;:,:,•:f rivw 1...,nis fin fltti fl ~r of Dr. Pr.tit's new 0tr....... ~ »,,tatc Strt,t. l'l , n.iness solld:ed. • S• 3-7" i; • T - B K IrrNTI-Lq• 011ie ov , m. E. T.validx Pa:' :11 4.-:4.1.11v.•r. anti Al extract.4l wllLutit vain. 11,7. L. I jrar y. g . p ri,•W i'llt Sr \Vnl p.m: •,v io4n ;%1 of den :al Work. 110 lin: al.. rut In a new gas Linqatn" , .. TALE ck; PATTON, Agents for :41:TVAL INSITILANeE MEE= N. :; I;lot 1 , , I;ridge Sts. 31:;reil 7.. G-7 I. GI:SET:AL INSt ANCE A.G CY, Ti)WANT)... PA 0. (()0 DY, 131ACKSMITjl. :Nu• Does al kluds of work Lu SI . F.('I.II.TY. (cat trealvd. 31allutaa tares the cvle =ID e . ,II.IFoRNIA PICK ra . l:tory. on l'lne-st oN%:trola, Pa., Jac.. 1 AGENCY. RELIABLE AND VIRE TRIED Contpafiles nTrysentivl LA? CEITTIZE. I . lltE IS, 11051 F., March Isrilt. , MEItCIIANTS. • 0. A. BLABK 1C1; 1)E I ICK 't'_ FT ,°:, CO., ENIA:A 11:01)1N - E ri.MMISSION MEl:cir A NT s_ NO, 9, Sth wxrEtt STREET, PM I. A DELPIIAI, • =I ETON. G i)G T A vT, t;:a ry War,' II 1"-N SA NIN11:11. Et q„ .I.l.tons Elorvss f,n-, New York. JEREMI A It Vi KU, Egi.. PhlladelOta. Hos. U. tl. pgti.ti KTT. Ittierslo t Neil , York, I j ; nA7144 i!rrr NAM Tett Taatict.': - ablieWititor attltathgagol44olsl.4lotir candidate fbrilenatcir a highecim in this neat and tntthful The old adage, "The boy is Lather of the man," has proven tree in the case of Mr. DAVIES, as ho still retains and is conspic uous for the same traits which distin guish: • • . • CC We are pleased to see that Mr. Wm. T. DAvr&q, of Towanda, has received the Republican nomination for State Senator from that Senatorial District.. We have knOwn Mr. DAVIES since he vitae as a student in 1855 to the Owego Academy, of which we were principal. As a •stu dent, ho was one of the most persevering and attentive. Possessing a mind of rare ability, ,he soon took a high position among his fellow-students, distinguishing himself for closeness and clearness, mas tering the most difficult studies with com parative ease. His distinguishing fea ture was honesty in the broadest sense of the term, and we are delighted to know that as a citizen and an officer, he still re tains that characteristic. Such a man is worthy of office because the people can trust him. He has not in his composi tion one particle of the demagogue. We congratulate the citizens of that Senatori al District on his nomination. If elected he will do honor to his district, and will ' represent his constituency honestly, effi ciently, and - as a true patriot should." Mn. EDITOR : The grovo• meeting atff Highland was a decided success, opening service:Thursday evening, Aug. al, at McCord's. school-house, by the Rev. 11. GAnntsos, to a full house and orderly congregiition. - The rain prevented preaching Friday evening, and caused some apprehension with regard to the condition of the grove for the day following. The people assem bled there, however, on Saturday. morn ing and listened to an excellent discourse from Mr. GARRISON, but decided to ad journ to the school-house in the after noon .o hold the children's meeting. The wind being pretty strong rendered it un comfortable for both speakers and audi ence. • The children's meeting, the first ever held in this place, was very interesting to both old and young, and largely attended by the children and all connected with the Sunday-schools, ann many more. Ad dresses were made by Rev. GAntosoN and Elder S M King. The singing also was excellent, anti did credit to the school and people of Highland. Preaching., in the evening by Elder KING, .who also officiated 'on • Sunday 2 Morning in the grove. After which was celebrated the ,fommunion, where. all of every denomination of Christians were most cordially invited to the table of the Lord. In the afternoon preaching by Rev. GanmsoN and 'Rev. Mr. TILYLott, and in the evening at school-house by Elder KING, which was the closing sermon. It was the•largest audience ever congregat ed within the walls of the house, and many loads went away for want of a chance to crowd in even through the door. But although the house was so un comfortably crowded, Mr. litNo had the attention of his audience through tke en tire evening, and was a sermon truly worthy the attention of all. The people of Highland had a chance to c:,:hibit their hospitalitY, as there were visitors Inuit nearly all oasts of the coun ty, who were enter.tained in good style, and we believe none went away without a diAre to licit highland again, and we believe also that not one of the whole concourse of people but wish to bear the two leading preachers, GAnntsoN arm KING, again. They are men of F 7401101 doctrine, excellent, piety, and are talented sptakers, winning the esteem of all who bear them. 14. V. lIA LIMN ARNNT LONG was expect,. ed to be.present and take . part in the cx ercises, but was detained at borne on Sat urday to celebrate his silver wedding - , and ot Sunday to attend a funeral at Overton. His abscnee was' much regretted. We had truly a refreshing from the Lord. Christ's followers were strengthened •and encouraged, and we trinit inipressions were made upon the minds of careless sinners which will tell for you both iu tin•c and eternity. Tlwy r.l I.y 111: daylizlit I.or, They arc sr•'ving rni•ntlay glare, Tln•y ate snwing seed in the ea:in tniEglit. Thn•y are?owing W.Va. 1la}• we all reap the hal vest of the faithful. Iltrait..t.No LAD. itt!;lilaml, Sept. 7. 1514% HISTORIES— CORREcTION.— Prmainent in this historic er are tecortis or the various cluistian churches. The tusk of gathering materials fur such w irk is much motii difficult, anti its re sults are involved in noire uneertalaty than any one can bell:?ve who has not made the effort. The Bradford Baptist; : ki=soeiation has just•lssucil the llF.roirrEn office the iniautes of its forty- , ,econd annual incet hig. It is all exceedingly well-prinfed p.oaphlet. Ike:lcing as fair au ii.ipres,,ion of the type as any minutes I meet froth eity'pre,Ses. It includes the Ili.tory of Troy, of Smithfield, and of Towanda Church. 11:154411 . ' in preparing the first, and ex-pastpr PwvnE in preparing, the second ifisf.Ory, I tisk . , through yoUr columns, room for eorrccting a fete errors, caused in tran scribing the press, or TronOnisappre hension of words, or figures, or in suttin the typo, and by subsequent information. TI:01" CHURCH . Pap,e 14, last line should be Sandistield. Page 15, line 6, Itussmlless, shm;lii be Mr. Hr t •ir. was a -Revolutionary soldier, and died in Sullivan township. airea 7, years. "Roseville," in Tioga*onnty, I suppose, perpetuates his rae4iry. Lint 20, "1800"ishould be 1310. Page ill, line !2.,, •"Oviali" should Le Oviatt. • Lines 4 and "Coon', 1S1:;," should be Corniibs, 1540. Line 14, after — Calkins," should - be the mune of Aout.u. Mr:llA nil. ITII FIELD Cu Page 20. -Ith line from iiptt um, " :sow Su }Tn': should be Luc r.WOOD senior. lie, was early in - Wyoming; val ley, served in the .It•dvolution with his brother .1( and after the war, settled - in Upper Ulster. I.o;:•Kwourt died 1 8 3?, - a , red and .loseyll in 15:14: aged They hailed from Dutehess Co.. N. IR, "IlmmtEmtA SMITH" should be " EuPu M !A. (Were nut Em and ALPHEUS Ho?, COMA. one or both, also of the lterolu tionary soldiers ?) P.lge 21, "Pastors," B. DYEWMO was a licensed minister. "JosEon" should be JosErn W. PARE:- I En' • • It is, thought N. OTP: was about 50 sears :if a; , e at death, which -Would make I the a'verage ( Al ter \V'r. 11. SPENCER," S110111d: be illScrtcti the line= ••.lort. lIENemcN-1552- 7 -1855." Page 22, "Deacons," .loEi, ALLEN L died 1574, instead of 1 5 (14. MosEs Woon not a Beacon,because d:sciple. ANIL r RAM WOOD died IS4'S,"aged 47. "Clerks"—OuvEn jr., served t ISI4 to'ISl7, when he and his father re ceived letters of admission. tr i Page 23,."Revivals,"--line 20, 4 `ls4ti" . g should be Is 4 and "3-I', should be 35. t Page 2 line 3 from'bottom, "County" e; should be ceuntry. • The society was 'composed mostly of members of Leyden Association, compris ing churches near the junction of the g States of Massachusetts, Ve.rmont and New Hampshire. The "Heston" Society, a pate 20, was legally the 31assaatusetts "Baptist Missionary So.lety," formed as early as lso2, which _ supported many preachers itinerating in regions newly lit and sparsely settled, -where their cumin , ' ct was hailed with joy.• tr Page 25, line 2, "17G0," should. be' at 1770. . Line 25, for "Springfield," read Smith it These errors are worthy of correction. P' Those having copies of Minutes•may cor m rect with the pen, or clip out this and c i paste it in at bottom of page .112—ir both. nt 0. N. W. i' l A TIIF: Bradford County Teache Ass a. a ( ciation met at the churbh in trernckv- 'ri w day, Sept. 8. Inabsence of the off!' ers, n( the meeting was called to order by J. F. pi Elliott. The exercises were opened . by t i, singing by the choir. Resolutions read and adopted. Music. Adjourned to meet °eat 2 p. m. Afternoon session adled to t%i order by Pres. J. T. IticCollom. Minutes prof last meeting read and approved. 3io rrition made to restrict the time of speaking R,at this meeting, to five minutes, unless ~L a llovred more time by .. the Assoei.stion:' nrnei tl"Lost. Ilys 'following report . or the but3i rs ikunniitteiN4accogdok" 'I- --'::-`-:- ''` LI- = , ',.:.: - .7.....:- . 1..4.:::...:;;i4 . . 4 , ; ,: i.:54: . i . .4.!'.,Z.- - ` ~t ...- : , , , , , , :''''.. " 5 , .. • .: it . ._....t'.,...... ',.:. . _ . • __,. . titadivaigithet* „ *4lso - ~: fßtsioliiira, Mutt teatime" Wilda., patent to impart tecimical lie. .Resolved, That the kindergarten should be incorporated into our general system of education, and become the connecting link between the family and the common school. Resolved, That American statesmen must rise to a proper conception of the graiad enr of their opportunities and Opt magni tude of their duties in respect to' tne edu cation of the people. Resolved, That the elective franchise bo granted to our young men upon, the at tainment of their majority, - only when they pass a satisfactory examination ha fore a board ; requiring a proper knowl ed& of • reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, a familiarity with the Ameri can history, and constitution of our Gov ernment, as well as a good moral charac-, ter as requisites. liesolted, That the present reduction of tsachersl' wages is unjust to teachers and detrimental to the cause of education: The first resolution was adopted with out,disoussion. Second resolution was dis cu4ted by Messrs. Beardsley, Quinlan, Ityali and others. Laid'on the table. Af ter considerable discussion the third rose 'talon was carried. Music • paper by S. Peet; Misses Susie Hillis and Metta I Crawford were appointed a committee on membership; singing ; adjourned to meet at 7.30 p. Tn.' Evening session opened by singing; Miss "Metta Crawford then read I a very interesting essay; subject, " Our] Ships." ;Music ; .recitation by Belle Hit- I lis ; vocal 'Solo by Miss Minnie Hillis; Hon. Geo. Landon made a short address and then introduced Rev. G. L. Williams, who delivered a very entertaining lecture; music ; declamation by Bennie Landon. Closed with music, till 0 o'cloes Saturday morning. Saturday morning session epen ed with singing; devotional exercises con ducted by Rev. D. Craft ; discussion of resolutions again taken up ; fourth reso lution laid on the table ; fifth resolution indefinitely postponed ; sixth resolution was discussed and the following substitu ted and adopted:. • Reso/ved, ThatAbb present reduction of I teachers wages is unjust to well qua;illed teachers, has a tendency to lower) Abel standard of teaching and is detrimental to the elllsij of education. 1 i Wyalusing was deeiderron as the pl . ce of next Meeting. A. Head then read" a paper on compulsory education. The fol lowing are th 6 appointments for the next .meeting: Lecturer, Rey, E. F. Roberts; ,papers. A. B. Sumner. Profs. G. AV. ity lan, 11. E. Racsly, J. Pi Keeney ; essays, Missis Mary Overton, Rowena, Horton; Ella A. Spalding, Meivina Allen ; decla mations, Ed. W. Fee, Richard Vaughn, Edmund Sherwood, George Buck ; Busi ness Committee. Itcy. David i 'raft, R. 3. Lloyd. Andrew Fee, Mrs. Dr. Newell, Miss 3lar3 Stalford. The followingwas I unanimous v adopted : R , ow,' rrd, . That this Association feels deeply the cordial reception given n.'b, ; - the people of Merrick, and tender most sincere thanks to the trustees of the Presbyteriati clutch for the :use or their house, to 11, 1 m. Geo. Landon and Rev. q. L. Willie:m:2 for instructive addresses, to the choWl'l-ivlio have favored us midi choice mriale, to the several persons who have favored us with essays and papers, and to the go,sl people el this vicinity for their genet otis hospitality. After musie and benediction by Rev. I).C u raft, the As sociation adjorned to meet at AVyalusing the second Friday in Novendler. ELL`, A. Sia.o.Mxc, See'y„; Cotrivr (Au:Tim:um— Wcduesday, Septehllwr The (;rand Jury dispose:l of the follow ing cases : ' Tlti."l , . 1:11.I.s. „ ,s MI VS .lire Lury Cleveland—Assault .... -an( ,A bait& ry. ' . Com vsl'lio.; Wilsrut—ante. cases). Cum vs Elizabeth Benjamin—Same. Cotut vs S "I' :mil battery, xvith intent to kill. Corn v:; M1c11.11:1 'costor .14.1 m :Mild (lett—Larceny. r. o c i: vs Otis and llittnialt Aek- C. but v:, .Jone; 'and lies Riley— ~:11ll C 0.111 VS. ii.:1146:1i—f" 1 :11116„ (..klnl C4)111 vs \Vin,cl—ltape. t• \? i. ('u at v'; It Selander —Forgery. Coin is SmAlin Viz rmilyca,—St!duct ion. . Coin vs Pat: 'lel,: ..lreNinnara with.,nt license. Com' vs Wm M.elvin and Kzlte BM Com vs John..Tennings, C Post, Jen nie (lark, Jelmie Tilos Kennedy and Carrii , .!;)rrisolt—Wiyilliaing with in tent to rmiteler, Curt vs A P Peterson—Embezzlement. Cum vs r. 4 ainuel Gibbs—Lireelly- Nirr T::I7E Co . in vs Mary Carnicr Asfault and MIMS VS Sills (",en vs I) S Lnther—S•ainn. ‘-j John Vanclerpc.. , l—!•:liine. t:don v, Cot n vs: liscAr ( 'la 11 in, John 3100 re, .To' Lcc•. an;l.l.ts VS I'vlei• !.':nn f.a.n:=-Foreible Entry. ; Com vs John 1111;:, , g q Assault with ill ten... to kill. Coin vs G - 1"7 racy Stlling liquors Cola v Audio w 31uryis Einiuct :storlis—Larcen v. . Cuin es Harry Cook—Larceny from the " " =EI CThin cs II C Elsbree—Adultery. ruin r Ourins Il v a3 . nau Obtaining goods nude r false pretenses. 'tn v, Cita s Altiridge—Secreting goods from creditors. _'Ci•c Grand Jury were discharged on Sat tu'dar. , corn ss C 1) If Cole•- • Obstructing pub- Corn vs Lee Ilarkins—Larceny.. 'emtimied 10 December TerM . _ C(ttu tiff Ahlion Eaton---Woulie.itioit and bastardy. Court (lima a node )wosequi to be enteled On payment of costs. In re. the township lines of Afonroo and Albany twps. Court confirm rtli,ort final ly. Cora VS alts Lucy CleVeluncll-- A•satilt; and battery. Dist Atry , C;aliir_ and 111;11. Delos Roelo;vell for Coin. Ellvviiiin Smith, Esq., for defendant. Jitry find defend ant not guilty, but that she pay one-half of the costs. . . Cora .vs John Sullivan—Larceny. Dist At ry Calla' for Com., Sanderson and E L Millis, Eqs., for defendant. .Jury tind defendant guilty. Cont vst Elmer lisick. Larceny from the person. Dist. Atry Cahill for Com. tutd .1 it' :7;:tudenion, Esq., fur defendant. The jury find defendant not guilty. Cunt vs John J4es Thos Larceny. District Atry Odin' for Cont.; J A Wilt and E Esqs., fur (10- feNdants. Jury • find . defendants guilty. Cutlet sentence them eac4 to ; pay a line and undergo an imprisonment of two months-'in the county jail: Coin vs Otis Ileum' and • Hannah Ack -ley—Lai:Q:l:y; Dist Att'y,Palill for Cum.; I Me.Plicon, fur defendants. Otii Hentan plead.; guilty. Jury find llannali Ackley 'nut Com vs David Peters—Assault and' bat tery with - intent 'to commit .rake. Dist Att'y Califf and J B peeve, Eig., for tom.; ti \V Little for defendant. Twd eases. Jury find defendant guilty in each case. Corn vs S Mlz—Assatilt and battery with intent to kill. Dist AU'S- Califf for Coin. and Overton & Met cur tor defendant. 'Jury find defendant guilty of assault and battery. Coin vs AT' Peterson—Embizzlement. Dist Att'y Calitl and Elhanan Es q. for thiertUll Mercur and WII Caruechan, Esq., for defendant. Jury find the defendant guilty. Allen Jayne vs Justus Lewis,;,2d. Au ditor's Report confirmed Elirtbeth Snell vs 11 C Snell. Court apPi;int•J S Esq.,: a commis sioner to take depositions. Helen Mattison vs John Mattison. (.'ourt. appoint Nathan Tidd, Esq., a com luissioner to take depositions. Caroline Chilson vs Edward Chilson. 'gotta appoint W . J Young, Esq., a com missioner to take depositions. • ' J M Snedeker vs Enima A Snedeker. Court direct a subpuma in divorce to is - Leander Smith vs Ella Smith. Ophelia E floutS vs Win II Routs. Emma Lev ering vs C S Levering. Court direct an alias subpmna to issue in each ease. Tirzah , Wright ,vs , Jas Wright. On motion; of Hon • Delos Rockwell, Court make the usual Order and decree of di- 7 verve: C ,Northrup in; Mice L Northrup. Ou niotkm of. of nad Kioney, COtilt Mak *mseuil prder and decree 4; divoft*t : '-:?; - - . '0 • , "'"" 1 4 ,,t I . "- • - fals-AISz tor to: t bate.lhe .•;• . • • %the' %Mies • 0 tit defeiiiint's tela esbsteL - Sara FlElmer vs Minor St. John.. Wm Brain° G Seudder W T Robinson's use vs y E Crofut.6 Eliza Stafford's Trustee irs. P T Vanskirer. E W Warn er vs N JiFinney. P L Ward vs Scepter Drown E Rule in each case to showy use why judgment shall not be Open and defendant let into a de fense. Daniel Beverly vs Eli Beverly,. .1 0 Randall vs W S Bownian et a 1.,: In re. the estate] of Louisa Beverly of al: Rule' in each case maie &solute. Michaeli Bosnian vs! Daniel Sullivan runt. Patrick Sullivan, l ; Rule 'to show cause wq, Patrick Sullivan shall not be subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff. Elisha Bloom's,. Ex'r! vs W W Wright. Rule to show cattse why plaintiff shall not be enjnined' from selling defendant's real estat on afi fa. Lewis Snith vs Leßoy Haverty. R.,le to show c4use why defendalt Shall not be allowed VI perfect his aPpe 1. J H Phinney vs G P C. h.!Court di rect levy in this case to bty'stricken off. G II Vandyke us ChaS Wells et al. Au ditor's report tiled and confirined ni Exceptions filed on the Part ,of G F Ma son, Gillian'. • • On read ng certificate of the Board of Examinent, and on motion of .Davies Carnochan, Court admit F S Porter to practice hi the Sever 4 Courts of this county, wherenpon.he Was duly sworn. On motion of J F Sanderson, Esq.,' •Court adrWit G M Lewis.;: Esq:, a member of the Lumen) county bar, to practi 43 in the several ; cofirts of thiS county, where upon ho was dultswarn:i Tho,tinal account of E T Fox, Trustee of David Wilmot's !Estate, confirmed fi nally, auto Court appoint Henry Peet, Esq., an Auditor to distribute money in the hands ,Of the Trustee. II Crafirond's use M C 3lercur, Court permit non suit ~to , be taken by plaintiff. - Tracy 4.S;:rGray vs Arinenia township. Court direct a writ to is.Suecommandingcommandin the" commissioners of said township to pay the 'plaintiffs Out of any money of said township unappropriated, and if, there be none, then out of the first 'money which shall come into their hands. Monday, ; Sept. 11. E C Kt:PO= vs S&E R, & C Co. Is sue.formed by order of Chart. I' Moran vs S B Eilenbergcr et al Rule made absolute. • W T Rue vs Josepliinejtoe. Courtap point P S Itogets coinninisioner to take deliosifions:' John Ellis' use vs C Hanna. Court direct Sheriti to amend the description of huntlevied 'glm A S Divcii vs Henry Ward: Rule dis charged aud the Auditor's Report con firm:al U C Dittqcch Co. \V Maynard, . Court direct the record to be amend- ! Com vs Jili] Jennings,','J C Post,. Jen : nit! Murra:4 Jennie Wilson, Thos Koine dylind Carrie ; MorriszmHWoutnling with intent to commit murder. Dist Att'y 'I('::Eli and I) C DeWitt, 'Esq.. for Com. ':Eilianau Smith, S W Little, E C Gridley itml Wm . I '', o Yle, ir defendants. ' On motion of the Dist Atyy, Court direct a tulle prom 7+// to be entered as to Thos Kctinedy, and Carrie .Moriison. The jury find:At:nide ! Murray an& Jennia Wilson I "moguilty, but John Jennings and J Cv. f Yostguilty r wounding:: CAni vs Phineas Pond—J,Palsc pretenses. Cuntitmed to December Term. Wm Vandermark 1,) Ward. Case. S NV Little,' Esq.,. DeWitt & Maynard, and 1) Ov'ertou, •Esq., for plaintiff. El i hanan. Smith, lI W E Overt.m, jr., and E F, (.lough,, for defend ' aut. On, trial, • BI:Allront) COUNTY A.C4iICULTUItAL cly:ry..._judg, i app. 1:itt,..1 toact'at thQ exhlldtion 111.:1r , r,1 .Igrkult urall s..ekty, I, he held a; 'l' , Nvaiill.l. Oa the 7th, '2. - 5 . .)..! Jt, and of the lustrtr, print,l premit,!:l 11,t, and be guy era,' acc::; - (1!::kly. .1 a:lg,, 111 r:11 , 31 tar:ps••iv eat file ot: • hy:t•tiltig'..:( ilw1:7;lt. in is der that ;114 may I:( t L.:, the Itrl 1 :lay. • I—/M t rhas,/ Calne,-11 , I,9lm,rte„% n ylin it; A ..1. M. F.'. Smith -114.:4; .11.11 Mark. lA-Mt) sl.lllOl IYm. Shitmal• ' • :--` 4 :111114. a.4.Cla,s I. rl. :i—Arderdv. .I.ryro!are., Ilule fia..—l. r. , ntoly.” S. B. ',orlon. I 1 1cio•Itti . ... AL u,; \'nl. I.:Ant7, Frank lin: SanCl :11,-(•041. lllgilland. U, 4yqf ire efml Grade 4 )1i:111.1U o.yior. c.r1,1,‘ John 1:Ird, East •ni; ( I. t...:1'...$ 7 41til-17.-r , lm, 11 - 01 in fl and Fat Cat'- , 1.-.—Ja...7eil. .1,41;,.. a. IAA:ay:4111v: Gel,. A. Ste w', M.. 1 1,.1 11 : L. Run,i,o, Bilrlin:o. , ,; IL I'. I;, In—,. T0% 311 , 1a: Cha5..1 . h.if..6% $11,;11,11111:1. CI. ~ ., 1 , ,.. ?—.`itt, , / p.--: I. 1... 4, otZ, TwAni.i., twp,: J. E I‘,l ..1:0,1,11. On th leil: A4:111i , ‘Validni, ijlS:t.r; rit:,-.. L. lz, , :ttiktot, 11,..rrick yak,: 1:,:it..2,ti Stmt.:, Le- I: , ;y- t , I , ('1..%.-.S 110-B:tritic,.—F. F. FAireldltis, Frankilti: Davi4l Rinty, North Towitt,.l.l:l'Steven I:. Harm.-r. ,sti..., , t, ,, ttillii: I:.lA,Cuoilkatigh, NV),ox; Franr6 Ha gc,l%....ut, A.,11t111. t I.A I if: , Th.riltigiihred rtml Horse.t. IP. 1 I Itt.lTo)%atitla: S. 11. 1.11.1414. y, Calitoo; 11. 11. Nlovgail, Wy m•x.: n.. iVa!ltt-r. ' I.ASS for all T. Gi Smith, :-.llesltuquir.; 0..1. tkittles, Ite..ylck; I:lAtew; Lewis Ti. y. .771 , 1 I:f.ting lionvex.—N . T ry. rra . , town: ( nay. Chtinnot.k, Orwell; \Yin. 'n,u,n..rtin. W;y:ntnatttitt Jokbott Btacktiltill, 31 on• h./S. ! , i...V - 11•. }t!: (*LA., andto S. Darlg. Allls .11to. (:••n.o'. 11"yalith:ng; vv. Wysox; A. 1101111. C. S. i 11u5.,017 s Towanda: T.. 1. stalOing S:,!0.: 11. tqI:INV., ROlllO. ilifj , / , meolm.—F.. Ably, ..:outh 1:06:Atel!, ‘l", , st. I.forling , ton: llarri , olll;lavk, Wya:lll4g; Elijah IlLike, Fran!Oln: A10ar0.... I ,Scoville, 'Towanda twp., Horton. North Stephen Wr-oz; !Might Nei.on Gob .rt. Franklin. !!-- i rY. Ella.' TrA9l.*,7laj,/ irate, .%400 , 11!14.Towatith:• John Mood, Atli en.; Itronson, orwell; l'a•A•int, tow. .ITHL S. 31a.1,1••1)., IV h01t,..rm.. CLA , S I:: , —C , trvirtuf s and Wagons.-11,0.1h4 on. N,,rth Tow aiol.t: :mel.lot,.l4orhatn. %Me: 'fow%lida: IVa:lty ti. Trney, 5W11 , 1 , 1 I . l.Meroy. TsiV. E • t t.~t• +_.:-7.r /Itl, -r and itv :Iran upirt u Youn.• Itouat; • , ',lr;id NV 31 -ini„t Ilia; )trk A yes, Mai II,,: t'npt. • l t.Ans Srcd, end F , rd.—F.. •r. v- x. tlai,,th. q . Stout•; l.t•a h. Lantz. Frantilln; uenion 31onrve; L. .1. tulvor, sox. I 'LANs '..".:—yriplable.v.—Ce...,(;:tril, \V ysox: Jas. Slte,hoitiltl: ts:riii.p•l4., Nciv S. 11. Iliil. I:lltiitq,lon; S. It. To.pp,r, tol,m. hvm.: I).mmu Ack:y.,svrtm; Wm,3lmgmM , 7{\ i: S. E. col I.lkeliMM:: H. E. (i 1:1•c)(, ( 1.1,s •L'l—//,,cl re IToi.l It. B. 31org•an, Wysiix; Mrs. J. It. M. Hinman. 3Unua•; A. It ickt.r, Tow:It'd:I: 31 rv. 0. P. Yout,g , 31 is. J. C. Atlamq, Towaiitta. rind Fr•Rr rrra.- 31r5..1. Wym)x: 3lr's. 1•;. T. Fos. To -31. J. r',.,.11,3tig1t. Wysi , x; Mrs. .1. F. mourr.k.: 3lre. ‘Vin. 1. 4 t0rr,. Duren. • CLA:-::::„;—,Brrod., _Utah r, rake, et,..-z-Ueo. Ste-; lino W. I.:111- (m, Merrick: Sirs. A. I. 31tit!r6 I.lteltflehl: JUN. I/eLet.g. N4lla Tow:Hula: Mrs. Nortoan White, WySOX. Mr,. Will. IV' Slovene, ',Nays- I "I 27—Quiffing ring! N ,, l. , llric,rk.—MrA. 11. 1:1,1-i: Mrs: hand. ,1t IV:Arl'llitaTil; Mrs. Hof:Let! Sl)e,liesAitt; Mrs. (Ivo. Towanda trip.; ]lra. t:. S. Ittu.. Towanda., I • r. 711,1%t a ship, tte.L-E. T.o.raJ,IA: \VII). I. hilt luu. iihe:ll; ‘1 7 :4',0X 'John IliTini!r, Runic,: Dr. Hil lis, L CI, A 4 1i 211-3.(12.4 ica 1 111.44 rt: iden!..f .—(:en. F. War ner, lierrii.i.vide: Vin. `.el!. ewaiirt: W. C. Sparry. Tinvat.da; Henry 'at Wen, Torandat, T. Hull. A Omni. (• La ;Pl—Earn it ri .—;9an,"l Naglee, Minirrni; \Vitt: Snyiler,Slite-lierrii; U. stern, Ditrjll: Spalding. Athens. A 1 , 1•IrtoN A.L . z Put.3t I Executive Com mittee Lave re,;"iveil to otTer a prentitnn of ?3.00 (or the Lesk specimen- of horse. rno.aog and 12.00 for the ?,i.tlibet , t, Ina blaeti:stnith doing 'lntl work to reeelw the'prenfintn. CLAss 31.-11 , 4srehocilig.—Abratu tt•r; .1. M. Pox. Towanda ;wit.; 1.. S. II Ing.bury, Towanda; s. Pratt. Tonanda; Thus. IlLack uelL West Iturltngton.' Trains will run during the days of the exhitiltion from near the Court (louse to the vlchiltrof the ground.; at a Ir,w rate of fare. Alt t,lis 111 the Towanda bridire will be reduced one Latf to'tivo.o attending .the Pair and durnig Its continuance. Stock for exhibition will pass free.. The Society No dceldeil to litiVe no trotting for money. The fine track wlthin! the' enclosure wla he for the toe and pleasure, .J aft. There will he au olikirtunity: given on the third day for.:All and exchange, beginning at 1 o'clock 12.: FOX. Cur. tivey BUSINESS LOCAL, ` Sir New p.xds recelvt;cl laity at iIENDLEMAN'S .Wir Engraving thew at if ENbr.t.siAN's Jewelry Store. Cir .New Dress Goods at KENT & I3Li>s•.[,cp7• I New Goods iti evqry Department AI•KENT & tass..vep7. I I! Vi" . New prints:o & /1 LI ss. [scp7 LW - But:Tick's at ,FEET • Ur Ladies' Tics g ;eat variety, at KENT'S; Maar-Ebel: - LadieS;.' Collars an 'Cuffs 'atl.KElrr to tsstt~cp7, • - I • - tarcoi. a ':1 . ..,. • :Nov. •TrAr" 17,6401 f - '' 7=- A - Clusime*Olgi sul4BusivAimo . . One - mom case. of those cheap qatiloalcvmamminmp ur A large assortment of spring and suit:mar tints, gnat Waived.; at 31. E. Roux. YISLD'Ef. Ur Dollar-and-a-bait bopks for 99 cts. &term Block. sir riILNVILZILAN otters s great redaction In SR yer-Plated Ware. . • gr You can bay a plated Castor fOr 99 cents, In Mercur tir Call at KENT &: Masai,. and look at their Black Oren.sdine;. CIF A large stock of ganles and toys, At cost, at WlttTcostn & SrtArrs. Mr All the latest publications, very cheap, at WUITCONO & SItAtT'S. . . . Cs' Everything in Cho lino of station ery at WIIITCO24II & Sn AUT.& Qom' WHITCOMB it; SIIAUT sell the best Blank hooka manufactured In the country. Mf" You can get all the latest styles of swiimery, very cheap, at WHITCOMB & SHAME M. "The largest and best assortment of spring clothing In town, at M. E. nOSEN riELD's. L9i`Cold, Sliver, and Steel Spectacles, and Eye Glasses la great variety, at iiIINDZIZIAN JplVOl. ry Store. ur The largest and Vest assortment of Brackets ever brought to t 111.3 place, can now be seen at ritOST & SUNS. ;Oct. 20—ti.) jar RUBBER. PAINT, price retinced to 1 4 2-por gallon. In 5 gallon pal 111.90. • M. M. WELLES 5: SON. Er" Youwill be surpri:!ed to learn bow much you can buy for 99 cents lu Moroni* mock. Great reduction in American Watches at Cu A mßratts'az.rune s. r=3" iTENDEI:StAII has the finest iteek of WfttelloA, .Tewery an 9 Silverware, ever brought Into this town. , Call awl see It. If you want a kiitof clotheu cheap er ilia!) you can buy tho imii ‘ 3 In New York, just call at ItosENFIELU'g. J' Passengers to the West will finP it to,their advantage to porehaso tickets at the Ta w*id a Depot. Rates reduce.l4l.t.o from Sept. Ist. A new stock of trunks and Trav elling nag, Jut ree;dved at Consna , s, and at low er !dices than ever. ConsEr beats them' all in . " good go 0.1:; and low iirkes this fall. Opp oslte tiro Court CLIT Shoddy is abloit played . out. When you want a!gowir.oot or Shoe go to cots'Errs, op. pwote the Courtllouse.—Augu. n'"l?osENFtEr.n bas just ":filled up " with a complete Hee of ftireltshleg gotI , IK, which Ilevrs Car" S!..SQLTEIIANNA CoI.LEGIAT INgTI- TtrE.—Tift, fall s , ssloti commeneel MONDAY AUGTST 215 T. See the advertisement In another column.[: tigl.wl --- Take Notice, there is a greatre •lu toil In Waltham aid Elgin Watche.:„ Call at I'INDI:I,'IIAN'S and yea will 1.0 sure to buy one a the 'rives ha Is offering. Alra'•liroit fall to call at IlExr , tr.mAN's, If yor, wl‘h to boy attyilklng In the lino of, Jewelry, Sliver at d • Sllver-plater] Ware. CLAWSON WItEAT.—An approved w;:t!te Wheat, ei ra l ! tea ready for ..owlng. titled on and after Sept.!, at one donar and f , eventy five cents per hustil. (i. If. Wyaluitng, 7,....i[3111g2.4w3 nr. Fon EN T.—A • large, ,trouble lntso, on Railroad St., snitabl'e for either oae &'r t %To falallle.4. Rent very clarap until Apt II 'next. Also a snit or room, In `• Yale's Block," nu Rrldge sr, low until April nes.l. of liAr.l.l.l"atig LW' iJo,T.—On Saturday last, my good doh Its is or na•6hnn size, bas white edr iy, iroQley hair. ears and one side of Hls face. blown. A liberal reward Is filtered for hlsp.-turn. .1011 S P. Mußnow. Sspt. , wl• Ems" The Northßranch APsoeiation will uwit at shesh,,pain on tn.! 27th day of S-ptetaber. A ge ' neral Invitation Is extended to all, and we dv slre,that we inly have a full meeting and a good our. rt. W. en EslZli", Standing efork.fsepl 1. IZ," TWO MATCIIRD TEAMS FOR SALE,— . • . 1. We have good pair of matched four years old cod's:Mso one pair five years uld, writ matched, willeh we will sell on reasomMld terms. Etcher team would make gaud carriage, horses. .1. W. NICHOLS & St”:. Mountain Lake, Pa., Sept. 4, 1571•. C 5 - From 'ROSWELL KINN FY, M. D. Of ^slatinsville, N. 1". "I do IPA to say that ilia l'enivtan Syrup has claims to confhictve equal If not Ftiperlor tp those of any medicine that has ever come to my knowledge. I have used It with great success for Dyspepsia and Eplle.psy." B RA DrOlt D (..70u1NTr IGItICULTCILAI. SOCIETY.—AII :hose!who wish to makeentries for the Annual gzhibttlim of the Society on Sept. 27, 2 A. 2 9 and 30,! , !1070, will find the to Of entry at the ;ace oriNuar.r. Vl:vcr,Nv, over HILL':•• Market. (. SMITH, Serienther 3, IS7O. Secretary. 117" Foci SALE.—A very desirable farm of abo:it 100 acres of land, In a good state of call cation, with ono frame house, barn, horse shed, corn house, and a small orchard. The farm is'well watered and well. adapted to la ry purposes, situa ted about one ludo 'from Wyalcdm: depot. Price, lass, sO. Twat thommutl to be hail on confirmation of :q"lie. time given on keen, e. For further pat ilcuhtn, addresh H. STALFiIItD, Norwalk, Conn. or enquiro of L. r. t 4 ra,t.roun, Wyaluslugrra, rg . 3/It. 'ROSEN FIELD, who has come to be considered authorlty'on all questions relating to the clothing IT:1,1J, gives his views on the situation In another column, and we only obey a i „natural im pulse lo aid our fellow citizens in economizing dm , lug these'-hard times," by calling speciitl attention to Mr..R.'s predictions in regard to the adirauce u prices. His reputation for candor and fair dealing is so well established that nothing more than a word directing attention to his views is llnCegSarY. rr Flto3l A PaysicrAN,—liple Park, Vt., Feb. 7, 1978. Messrs. SETU W. FOWLF, SONS, Flostom llents:—You 'may perhaps noncom. bur that I wrote YIJII sev‘ , ral weeks ago In reganido tie, ins of the Peruvian Syrup for my is Ire. who was suffering from generai'delli lily, the sequence of Typhod Dysentary. I had tried the most noted physicians In Op State, and also In Canada, with. 'out relief. At your recommendation SITS. ruin- Menced 11146115 C of the syrup, the first foul bottles made but little impression, but while taking the fifth elm began to improve rapidly, and now. after using six of the dollar bottles, she has regained her strength; and is able to . ilo most of the work about the house: and I feel that I cammtspzak too highly in praise of the Peruvian Syntp: I have prescribed it to several of my patients, and halm procured the said of several dozen of It hero. You may maka any use of this letter yon see fit. Yours very truly, 11. BELDEN, 31. D. MARRIED. BA I.LATID—DAMAG E.—IH neat Burlington, at tit..residence of tli6 laitle':t fattier. M. D. Gala age. Sept. a„ by Itev. U. S. Transue, Wlll G. Bal lard and Clara .1. Carnage. • the M. E. Parsonage In llurlingtou, Sept. G, by It .v. G. S. Transue, Me:- ford Taylur and Alice Ward, both of West hbgton. PUTNAM—MO:U. ET.—ln Athens at the resi dence of the bride's father. Abraham Morley, Sept. G, by Rev. G. S. Transue; Leman Vutuatu, of Barclay, tool Sllss Alice Morley. DODSON—SCOTT.—In Towanda, Sept. 12, by 1:e1, - . John 1.4. Stewart, D. D., W. T. - Dodson, of Iftddenburg. And 311sS . Anna Scott, daughter of \V n). scot!, SWACI(IIAMMEII-I,gONAED.—At the 37.1. parsonage. Wyalusing, Aug. 23, by Rev. E. F. EuPeas, Juin' C. Swarklustauter and Miss Cosa 11. Leonard. JOIINSON—CIUNDALL.—IIy ilia same Ang. 21. James G. Johnson and Miss Mary A. Crau dall. JENNINGS—CAMPEELL.—At tho Parsonag., Monroe tun, Sept. 10, by Rev. Matlock Armstrong Georg° Jennings, or Jemithilndale and Miss L,plia E. Campbell, of North Towanda. PET'f 1110...4E—KROMER.— A t einiplown, Sept. 9, by Rev. G. L. Williams, Mr. Junins VOttebone, of Kingston, and Min Millie . E. • /Cromer, of Camplown. . . DIED, - WAtinti - )4441-: 14110114 X 7 , 7 " . t • -4,O4JAPIW-7Ai v-0 7 • '•• • . A .• • - q 1" - " • - 'who arijal*ft frost the Given ant ladkerirtlemi of gentk.iiiilleaa weakoesa. early_ deny, lomat Matgioolt.lke•A wtll lead a 'recipe thit , will ears YUEZ OT CHMIGE. This great remedy lira* discoreretby a tniazionary In South America. Send a selritddreas ed envelope to the ItzV. JOSSMIT. Imams. Steno* ).Bible Mare, Nolo York City.Maylltme Markets. QUOTATION-OFTWHIT.g,POW,- ELL : .111 CO., Bankers, and Brojters, No. 4, South Third Street, Philadelphia, dept. 11th, 1117. . 1 • nip. agars. 17. 8.1981, e'. 11381 1187 8 66 4.2 0 66 6.65 . 44 . 46 11318 113% " . " VS, J. and J 11370 114 44 46 64 . 967, •6 . 66 6 /16,N 11134 64 66 661 %a , 14 •: 66 118 tg 119 " 1040, ebupon. - ' 115lt 110 "- l'aeltie Ws. cy 12658 127 New Ws, Iteg. 1881 • 11:04 '11384 . 46 66 c . 1881 11616; 113 4 6 . Gold 110 l 110 S Silver 100 . Pennsylvania 43N1 487 i Reading 4434, 44 , 4' Philadelphia & Eric 10 , 4; in% Lehigh Navigation • 33,38 . 34 " Valley, Er. plv 5384 54 United U. R. of N. J 13314. 12181( • 011 Creek 103„' 10'4 Northern Central ' 30 i. 31 Central Transportation 37%: 37 , 1 Nespnehonlng 51 51% , (1.4 A. Mortgage Cs, ~89 , 1011 110734 New averticements. Q r.-, 77 a Week to Agents. Samples FREE i. 75 I I P. O. VICKEItY, Augusta, Maine. GLASSES IN FRENCH AND DRAWING.—SILLE..I.I.EQUIN will lsegln her lessons at the Grafted School and at the Sumo°. hanus - Colleglaterlnstttute on August V, 1876.-Owl. AGENTS MIKE $lB A DAY ) .I.4 Our largo IlicAlke STEEL ENGRAVINGS of the Presidential Candidates sell rapidly. Send for circidar. N. Y. Engraving Co., 35 Wall Street, Rom 323 G, N• Y.rseptl4wB ' OR SALE.--A farm of 100 acres, ju, 80 improved. south-West part of Smithfield township, Bradford Co., Pa. Tiro orchards, tuoatly grafted fruit. house ,of 11 rooms, arranged for one or two families. two barns. Fur particulars,. en. quire nu said premises, or of FRANCIS FRENCII.,• .HA BROADLEY, Manufucturqrs of Wooten Goodg, Yarns, at: CARDING & DRE§SING, Done to order ash paid for wool, also cloths exchanged for wool CunS-3m TIST OF LETTERS remaining if j l'ust °Rice at Towanda. Bradford Co., lFa. for the week ending September la : Arnold, James Manning. Jas F Butllugton. Allen :McGinnis, Margaret Burnett, Walter Moore, J:rana Ileimett. Cora, 1 Martin, Chas II Bennet, Mrs Mary ,' McCaw, Ella It Bronson, Laura -: • Melyell, Means Bennett, Sarah - ' Martin, Ida Burman ' Ida Maee, Airain ' Benjamln, Eliza . McMahon, Wilson Burnett. Jonn ]Angus, Cagnetta ,itanger ilultlah MeGill, 3lary Brensgenutn, .john 31ellall, Mary Bennett, a:Bah M McCracken, Altnira Chapman, Mrs Norman Mk:Donald. James C Cummins,Witt 3tuilany; Eargaret, Colter, Phoebe Map. Relief chtlison, 31 E _ (ritrlen, Patrick eugenspergur Anne milrion, Agnes Curren. Ellen (riferrors, Mary conntilly, Julia I'at tersll. Mrs Canfield, Franklin A : . Fender. Nora Cirpeuter, Jos l-, Parks, (1 B . Cotter, Thai - Peet. Alice II le,,wrfteit, Augustus ,i' . Roach, Anna 2 '. • 'arpenter, Chas ' It.each, ,Mat la -, :anipliell. II A Ridgway', .1 W Chaffee, 3lary Rutledge, Hugh Doolley, Geo N.. Rogers., Ida Ding:len. Clara E. lion riituu, .fas i: Dlekey,'M VIA 31 L Ityan. Johann:lh Dolem Alice Rogers, 3131 Vill a Laura •Robinson„ L E Evans,,,Ssral: Ithluevanit, Newton lanes,W II . r. Sealer, Ella 2 Eawartl+4 E , Sullivan. Ellen - FrUst, A • Summers. John Ferguson, Fred Soper. Edavarcl 1 , Forcer, Chas 2 Sweet, tiro U - Fer - gusen, (km B Stilt, TIMs - Graffefedt II - Ltage'.-Dav pi Gosling, L F _ Scott, (/ C Hauls, Joe R . Strand Mit, jowl Harvey, 4ohn• Stunmors, C A Hickey. Catherine ' Summers, Emma L Henderson, J r 2 Scott. Jas Horton, It a. Segler, Jos Horton, I. ' ~ Seovell. Sarah Harding, .1 A -,.. $..p..” . •, Eliza I) • . Aardenburg, 0 Shaw, .r K Johcs, Ilzry Tyler, I C .loans, Mrs It 31 , Vangordcr, Sarah Bane, Maggie l Vaimtrikle, .1 B Kinney, Geo B 'Vanderpool, Lizzie KeMosly, John 15 - kesteott, A K lintiner, Geo ' Wing. II 1) Lamphler, Daniel L Waters, 'Agnes Lyneh. Ellen Wes:brook, Libby_ Morton, Anne .. Ward, Mrs L Eva lIELD FORA.II6TAGRa; Mr Lewis Jones Peterborough, N Y .1 W Veigeson. N Matson, Frunkiln„ Pa 70 Perk Ave. Chicago, 111. John Young. Andrw,,Wrhain & to. Onshore Ithaca. N Ja , ob Ilerniane, It S Heller. A A GI No &I. Min rry St, N 1 - sth Dlr N of Pa Perry 31.tson &Mellfonio, Pa Boston. Mass ' ^ Persons caliLtg for the above letters, will plea. ,43 say —advertised," giving claw of list. S. W. ALVORD, P. M. Bridget Barry, Dusbore nenir.E. I . AM - NOT A PROPHET; . NEITHER THE SON OF A PHOPIIFET, nut my pr,lietions pnblishod for the benefit of my eta,tunwrs r,17..ty days sine, Laic Lien verified, and I NOW FURTHER PROPHECY That those who neglect purchasing their PALL & NUNTr,II OLOMING Till a more convenient season, wilt. find that they 113 Va procrastinate'd to their cost. Everything in the litorof manufactured goo, is I:41,01111d to advance Forseeing this state of affairs, I bottle time since purchased a large Mock of FALL Si WINTER CLOTHING! Which I am tlow offering at LOWER titan Ihe same goods can tp-day Its bought in New y.,tl:. This other will not hold goo , ' atter SIXTY YS.t Remember, "Procrastination Is the thief ot time." RE3iEMBER-My store is one door south of Mrs. PM:TEE:S. .111.; E. ROSE FIELD Towanda, A'nr„. :,n+, Par. T E _G 4 t RE iTE.sT ‘tITAXCE TO BUY FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES 1 1 ' Ever offered to the people of BRADFORD COUNTY. ,; As I have a prospect ! of gaining an important suit in oiidof the west ern territories, iwhich will render it necessary for me to retire from the CLOTHING' BUSINESS, I take this method ,of informing the 'people 'that my present large stock of MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Will be sold regardless of cost, FOR CASH. - ^ JACOBS' • SCE `- ••• ^ 4 _ . . = 1:000D, Ilk Have just received their first invoice of FALL & WINTER GOODS ! DRESS GOODS--PRES GOODS, LERAYBVILLE, PA lIERETOFORE UNEQUATJED 1, CALL. AND EXAMINE -ourt. STOCK. -I' Towanda, Sept, 6, 1876 AT FROST & SONS' THEY ARE SELLINo. ICE CHAMBER SUITS I.LSO, WALNUT_SUITS AS LOW . AS 5,36, And all o . !her aoads in proportion! All they ask is for you Ito call and see the goo& and prices, and be douvirteed that the only place to buy good goods cheap is of the manufacturers. Remember that we are pt l eitarml,to do ' UNDERTAKING WE INVITE TILE PUBLIC TO. STOP AND Towanda, Sept. 1, 1576. 1 876, ,1876. - LARGEST A;ip MOST COMPLETE :'4TOCIC .TRAVELING BAGS; . , Ever offered In this toWn:and at prices that cannot fall to please the closest bnyer. I have many bar- gains in all lines of goods that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Please call and examine goods anti pelves. IC EM uza k 3'EacE-11.1 um phrey's old Stand, opposite Courthouse. ‘;:f-- ; ' :" • - I 4 ' ' a 1 4:: ;1.,' , • , Wis* NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!! 1 1 , KEN* & BUSS ~ i ,i All the new style's in , Ake. We sisfrer Bargnins a i o =I Antl be convinced for yourselves Mill KENT a; BLISS. Froitk Sons.' , FURNITURE STORE, Main Street, • _ L At S2O, 525, and 530: Lower than any other person LOOK AT OUR upoos.' FROST & SONS Boots And, Shoes. 1876. FALL T.RADE. lam now receiving t . i BOOTS AND SHOES &c., JOAN F.: CORBEL 7 ...,,,,, ••• -t-r. - 7 , -Yig' - - •_, (-- - ',. -•_•-., • • '- . 't ablithigiOntit ~..: - Wr • • --,:.:,,,,! .7;. , i-t... , _ ,_ . r=.'":", PPLETQN. 4 A- AMERICAN CYCLOP4DIX4 Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new li type, nd illuStrated with Several Thou sand Engravings and Maps. FRO:WREN'. Int. STRONG, Editorof McClintock and Strong's ! r Cyclopmdia of Biblical Literature. "The preparation of our own Cyclopmdishas led. anti, Indeed, required me to keep an observant eye !INA all the general cycleptedias, espectally the new hues. I And on mYretnrn from abroidihat the new edition of Appletons , American ey*loperelia has:_made rapid progress, having maw Feathed the ninth volume, .bringing down the alphabet to Kt.' I am highly pleased %titbits character. The first edition was a very convenient work, and more com plete for American maders than any other; but thin greatly surpasses It. The articles have all been re written, and then subjected .to the most rigorous criticism, the effect of which Is shown In their clearness, comprehension, and condensation of statement. '"The voeahnlat7 Is particularly rich In American biography. popular science, and.all Mete subjects that are most Interesting to the Ml2ll of readers. The style is simple. transparent, and chaste, and the information Is all. of the most practical charac ter, The discussion of disputed points iS wisely avoided. and the space thus saved is devoted to sterling matters of, fact. The maps am-admirable, and the woodcuts are exceedingly appropriate, as well as elegant. it :Will form (or years to come a complete family illriwcry on all standftrd topics, and till'Avives, as it. will doubtless hare, an extensive circulation. JAMES STRONG." .We fully concur In Di. Strong's commendation of Appletons' American Cycloptedla, • EDWARD' ItInGIIT, D. D.. Editor of .the New York Examiner. Cl7l3ltY.'D. )..ditor of lhs Viridian Advocate ceJournat. 5.1. I'ItUSIE. D. D., • Editor of the New York Meervcr.. 31. PIELD, D. D.. Editor of the New York Evangelist. PROM REV. DR. STEEVES, of New Castle, Pa.' “AlipTeton's' new edition American Cyclopirdia Is the best sa - Ark of the kind published. it Is well .seritttin.judf‘ifirlly ill turtnated, and I regard It as the 'Standard of authority. This work should he within the reach of everybody. JoifN STEEVES, Prfricipa/ New Castle College. FROSI'REV. DR. PEED, Pittsburgh, Pa. "PITTAhtTitGII. Pa Feb. a, 19f5. ; • :` Ditett Snt Soli ask me tri give my opinion with reference to the efficient the American Cyclopte din which relates , to the Roman Catholic Church rout Its histott. These articles ere written, so far as I have exam,- hied' them, try. Roman Catholics, from a Roman Catholic standpoint ; though at tho same time th • eY strive to be Ittipartial v seems • to me that this is a feature to he com mended. We want to know What that Church thinks of- Its doctrines and history. i; • I regard it as a peculiar excellence of the-Atateil can Cyclopaiiiiii that not only with reference to the Roman'eatholfc Church, lint also with reference to all other sillijects • the, articles are Written hy per sons who are specially familiar with these subjects. I am, yours, etc, I WII.LiA it .1. REED. D. D.t ifinieht , ,r of Fire U. T. Church." FROM THE BISHOP OP CO!4NECTICCT Ido not tll k ,yo excellent a xvoilt as' Appletous! American .eau need any words of Uiti m••:igxtto:t front int% I am. hoWevt•r. ibe more ready now to say that I con.ider it :IA tar beyond any similar work In its eliabxter and tt,eftilm , s : : and 1 asqtre any persons who may purehaso it. that they wilt hare secured an Unfailing..and iradwortity help in all depart-, 111.-4 t, bf haowludz.... I .Peak from a thorough ac quaint:Mee With the Work; 1 1,:. in l x t • uat, : I. lo . 1 1:"! Pr0f,, , ,,r - .nay. FllO3l 1,\I ‘ 14).1• J.1:11E.„ .31 PR( 'F. EAT( kN. Calege .•I,ipEiry. 510, 1.-c. Pt, Ik7-1, .jo:r0 mrry dirs 2 , - , v,r this I',.y..lor.zodia. regard ., M. t' y e;kg...lca, p 1 0 ',tr. , Ile ace. 1 r. , ikgrat-' myself ....mthitral:y. a 1. I .(l•Lintly . fr,ort to it, 'I,E; its I. ' .ion ~r til:h iilValliaille aid. The , Anierteanj:)o 6 .op:edia . . . when corn ;e.ted. It will he au anthorative test-14.k pa all suhj ee ti.— an ell, tt human k flow!edze. EDMI - S1) S. JANES, left i6r Bishop, . 1 1, tho , liet Ep iscupn Ch F1: 0 31,1'R(.VF..! - .. , 5011S IS lICCIIESTER TIIEO— • — ROCLIESTEI: Ttikt , LOGICA . I.. SEMINARY, I , Fkqruar:y22, 1871.' The articles give evidence of nto;t careful prep., afallon, and often prewnt, in coini•act Ortii. re markable eompleee inforniation, aud.the latest re milt., of erltielit ir.vez4tigation. , AL USTUS It. STIIONG, • Pr,..4,47,t no , / Prof,r4or of Theology.,. F." R. .1. W. P.UCKIJANI). Prof'. •.V of rhorell 110d , }ry. WI. 1.1.13 t t;,. WILKINSON; Prof,dor.llollLiir,ll,B• FRONI PRESIDE.7,CTCU.II3!I*-Ni:S. I regard the American ryi - Mmedia as a wonder work: It Is reel - ann.:rated and Inglorsed hY litany of the ablest angl not cro!seleol lon s scholar s of the conniry. It Is worthy of the attention of all' reliahte. carefully-prepared and Well= arningol epitome k now!cdr; , .e. . JOSEPH CU3EIM NGS. • President' of IVtaloyan Cnirerxity.". M= Now Completer iel 16 Large 'Octavo. T)..II'PLETO\ & (0.. Publishers, New York and 922 Cllvsinut -St., rhiladelialla. [J27. CROCKERY•gTORE FULL STOCK-GOOD CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, • BABY WAGONS,' LA M PS, &c., &C y &c., 1 1876 T9wanda, Augnst.2, 18743 cIIESP, COAL AND LIME. -tom and after July 1, 1 will sell coal, lime, &c., for rash ouly, and the price list will be corrected inept hly. - riticil OF COAL FOR JC!X. PER TON' OF 2„0007b3, . - • AT IRE YAIt D: rittitOtt•StoYe, Chestnut and Furnace Peo Carton Run Barclay Mountain Luntp. th . • Sinittr 'Allentown Limo bushel. Lath *f 31 Ila Brick .li.M 10 00 I am alaays prepared to deliver purchases on short notice at the usual'price of delivery'. I also tender my thaAks:to my many friends and customers for their very liberal patronage in the past and hope nailer the new departure to make it to their interest to continue to buy where they can get the best goods for the least money. Thosewho are indebted to me will take notice that I must have money lir I can't buY for cash and pay fret 'Ats. They must settle Ily the first of Au gust ries . Very lieSpectfully Yours, J. H. PIIINNV. Tdwanda, G uiy 1, 1,075.. WOOL CARDING, AT WOOLEN MILLS, CAIMPTOWN; Also mantitacturitig and cloth dressing attended .to on short notice: We are already making rolls from the ner► . cl*, and aro nreinted to do work as • _ ~~~- - NEW REVISED EDITION "litod)i.,tiTowN, Conn., Der. 11, 1875. .1. WILLIAMS. Lfv!✓.jk nJ C,,nntrticnti .1. R. EATON, 1 Sri. nrf, Tr. J. C.', EW Yunk, Dee. 15, 1873. `3llonr,Erows, Conn., Mardi I, 1875 gplitmes. AT COST! MUST BE SOLD CHINA, ,t k.t the ola stand of 0. A. BLACK. PENNA. r . " a iIDiiIINISTROOREP:)%4:IIOIW, - —*Notice IS hitieby: given that 01401114111114:: e shied to the estate orDarld ithisitar.ttate otHetw = d rick, deceased, must snake ImMettlate_ the undenlgn4 and ad perms unue . eisuw , 'phut said estate must present thanyinlynattiaM • f:t mated, for oettlement. • • • Vt. A, lirleritOttlei••:: ME ang 311, 4 A DMINISTRATORS' NOTiOR, Medea Ls hereby given that all* peratalehk . • debted to the estate , of. Oscar Ellie% deed. 1,4001 Rome. Pa.. must =lto fmmedlate paymuYtOthe . anderslgnde. and all persons haling claims aipiniCo--, m estate-mast present them. Italy stuthedtfltstef!' for'settlement. ' • - - mAnws E. rtztar; ELMER ELLIOTT• Admthistran" Ang. 4DMINIE.TRATORS. Notice Is hereby then that all pinion* hted to the estate! of Clark W. Mower, lilts of Tos:;;;;:;t wands herd, deed, must make ImmeattepirliallA all poisons hiving claims against NMI estlMlMmti.. present them duly authenticated far settletnent: = I A ag9 C. C. MOWER, AdUalliStatal!, • ADMINISTRATOR'S myrim pp Notice is hereby , Olen that all parietal dented to the estate of 'John Roue% Welt Regn‘f.;l: deceased. inust make • Itarnedfate payment nndensigned, and all persona .having against said estate mat present" them, ardrall. , thentleated, for settlement. Aug 9 C. O. RUSSELL, Admlnlatintti,- DMINISTRATOR'S-NOTICE, ,ClL—Notice Is hereby given . that all peisoni :1. .1: dented to the estate- of Jas. COWllll..dec!d. fatEr2.l -- ;‘ of Barclay, Bradford County, :Penna.,- snake immediate payment to the tnideMlVMd,lnd - all personi having elaims against said estate present, them, duly authenticated, for aettlenteat.'"; Aug. N. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICL?'? —Notice Is hereby glren that all tieistma , dehted to the estate of S. 11.13tardevaat late arras. % caram deed, must make Immediate the understkned, and all persons-having elaboir!:: aghlest said estate must present them, duly sinthezbi7 , • . : Mated, forsettlement, • • Mr. P. COMMIX. • - •'• Admr.. aep7wO. ~ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIGE:' A giv , Notice Is hereby • en thattall per tu: , fielded to the estate of eNut. Reese, late of Sprfurt field', must make Immediate payment to the under , : signed, and all persons having - claims agalnstsabt • estate, must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. • - t CEO , 7 1 -I XECITtOit'S NOTIOE.-.4lotice_ - ' ju Is hereby given that, all persons_ — the estate of John Taylor; late of Shuttling Stone, deed. are reqiilreit to . make Iminediate pay moot to the .underskmed.;atl all persons baelot claims against the stid estate, must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. Aug. It. 0. N..iTAYI.OII, Executor. -.; ._ EXE • • , '4 , •-; EXECUTOR'S IN OTlCE—Notige—, - -,- ECUTOR'SIs hereby given that 1101 Pfnons indebted AO the estate of Mary Wheaton late of .Warren, deed, . mast make immediate payment - toile undersigned,. --. all persoto having claims against mkt estat§ zees; .. -. present them, duly authenticafed; for eettreninX ~.: CALEB ABEL. - 5. . ;.,... i Executor:l •-- --, aug'24A - G ..X. -=' ECUTOR'g NOTlCE.l 4 Totiets - F , is hereby given that , bil Persons Indebted to the estate of Catherine Cummings late of Towanda " taakefrnmellito payment to t he tin. dttrs.ipted. and all persons baying cialmsupan said: e4tate most present them, duly authenticated, for Ottlement. augni O L lIT I ON—The copartner= ship heretofore existing between the nudes i•lgted In the 'Market ha - sines& under the Arm nano, of Mauna, Hill & Hullo ,Is this day die- soh eit by mutual consent. The 'accounts Of the lair'tirni will be settled by Brainid & Hill. who will rout lune the business., - JOHN BR AIINEF. _W. K. lIILL " THEO. MULLOCK. Towanda, Aug. 19, 11374., - • NOTIC E.—All -persons indebted to the late firm of Itracutd. Hill 4 Atulleek, . are requested to call aid settle without delay. - The undersigned extend thsir thanks to the pull,' lie for its generous support heretofore extended to r -I, thl.4taltlislimerM and xespeetrully invite a gear 7 tinuance of the sane. , • • BRA.UND k IIILL. - August 22, 1576 P. 4 XEQIITOR' -SALE. • 1:4 The umlerslgned Wlll sell at public salei on °ember 5. 1676. on the premises of O. .of Rome twp.. deed: the following Ntkertyl. to-; w!t : The farm, cciataining 85 acres.- household' fanotrg utensils, hay, grain, little, holm -- &c., &c. MA:MEL—AM sums under, >l5 cash: .over that amCuut s months credit. with approved security. , 51A1111.0.N . E. ELLIOTT,. ELMER ELLIOTT, ' - Executors. • scpl4w3 . .. T,NCORPORATION NOTICE.— x is hereby.given that application will be, -... made to a law judge of Bradford - county, at the , !..: ; .irctabcr Court of common pleas, fur the inco'r• '' porvion of Olen Haul Hall Association of Leßoy. 'h, object of said Association is ,to erect and own aHall, with store rooms and other 116cessaryeolive... _. . nienees to accommodate such socie ty or soctetles'as ~ !. . mardesire to use Him: . ,• . , , ...- ,- J. c. SHAIRACIIED, n, A. W. VANFLEET. - ,• A. T. !ALLEY, 0: LEWIS, . ' [ L:CIIIIRCHILL; „ ..- Leßoy, A tiptst fi. fls 7 G- -3,1. . . -I . . _ . - A tibITOR'S NOTIOE.;—= Sarah, cx . straus' use vs. Geo. Lenox. No. 743,144 D. Pl. Welles' use vs. pee. Lenox. No. SOL May Term, 1571. . In tie court of Common Please of Bradford Co`. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Corti .to distribute the funds arising from the suit of f. . defendant's real estate, upon execution 15. sued upon said Judgments, wilt atteod to thedn.' tint of his. appointment at .his ofticii in , Ifercur Block, in the Born of Towanda, on MONDAY, Ogtober 9, 1576.,at le o'clock a. In., when and,where all persons having claims against said fend must pre.sent the same or be forever debarred therefrom.- • , It. PA.YNY., • Towanda, Sept. 5, 1876.1 • Auditor. • . O • RPTIANSTITROT SALE By: 1 . • • yirture of an Miler Issied out of the Orphans? ; • Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, exec- , utor of the 'estate of Arabelbl .T. Wells, late of Or well, decM, frill expose to • piiblic sale on the prem., Les, on SATUItIIAY. SEPT. 2, l 876; at 2 o'clock. ' p. In.. deceased's one-fifth-lnlerest- in the following •• dc' robed lands, situate& - in Orwell twp., In said - county of- Bradford, lying- fnr south side of public highway leading from :Orwell to Wells Hot-- • tow, and bounded as follows: 'On the north by said highway leading from Orwell Wells Hollow, out by lands of - Wm: Sebly and Wirt. Hardy. south by public highway leading from the 'ritlgn raid. to - , -- ~.onh 11111 tknowtras the "Hardy road") and lands' of Geo, Frisbie: containing about' 180 acres. ;more -; or less. TEII3IS--itso on being struck down, - pOO on confirmation, and the balance In one year, with Interest.. • H. C. ALLYINT,,t, • A ng. 9. 're. Executor: . TRUSTEE'S SALE.—Trustee's sale or coal lands and Inining property and att. wirt..nances In the cOunty - of ~B radtord, State of Pennsylvania. . . By virtue of a certain mortgage or deed of trash executed and delivered by the Fall Creek Hitamt-. !i , SIS Coal Con:party, of the State o Pentisylvantai to the undersigned , as Trustee, dated m the first day . r, -of ay, Is6s, and recorded in the o ce for record- _ • . tug deeds, tke:,' in and for the county Of Bradford, ' r - in said State, on Deed BOok No. 85, page IC2, ke., . • on the 14th day of Slay. A.:D., 1868: and also In . 'Mortgage Roof. No. 14, page 'lO2, arc., on the 13th, d,ty ef November, A. D. 1875. • 1, the undersigned, as Trustee as aforesaid, here. .'' tic :five notice that I will; 'on TUESDAY, the 25th' . . day of APRIL. 1876, at 12 o'clock. noon, of that • - 7 dar, at the Exthange Sales Remits, No. 11 i, Broad- • - way, in the - city, county and state of New York, . set , at auction to the highest bidder, the property ~_ ,- rights. privileges and. franchises conveyed or In. trittled to be conveyed to inetby said mortgage or . deed of trust: default having !been made, by said company in the terms and conditions of sat d meet. ....‘ gage, and such default having continued for Mei: ...,;• sp.:re of sixty days, and , l being - required In writ-. • •=i tog to make such sale by. the holders of - Certain of the'sald ix - m(44 secured by said mortgage or deed Of t. rust, which Were at the-time of making such to. must due and outstanding. . , .. The property aforesaid Includes some sixteen ' : hundred_ acres of, land, situate in Franklin - and overtop townships, In Bradford county, State.of . PennsylvanM, being composed of the whole of the tract of land surveyed hi the natne:of Gettige Edge and the several parts of traCtssurveYed In the names . . or George' Temple. Samuel Edge, Saul. tardy arid __, Andrew Hardy, all of which is More accurately' - bounded anti described in said - mortgage; together _. with all and singular the railroads,. mine% ores, •.. minerals, woods, roads, ladles, ways, waters,twater. : courses, easements, rights; liberties, bereditiments '- anti appurtenances unto the said premises belting.-' . .. . Mg ant appertaining, and the reversion and re.! . --; main,le'ls, rents, Issues and profits thereof. .1 For a more full and complete diseriptlon of that -' '- property to be sold, with Its boundaries and toes- '-• lions, reference may be had- to the said Mortgage,- -. of record as aforesaid, onto' the original thereof, . : :.- In 'ho possession. of-Messrs. Gray & Davenport, OA: torneys, at No. 9, Nassau street. New York Clip. - TERMS OF SALE:—Ten per cent of the mar. . . .t. chase money is to be paid 'rash In barn! on the slay • . of sale, and the balance is to be paid Within thirty : " • days thereafter, at the office of Gray & Davenport,, No. 9; Nassan street, in - the city of New York. 1 • State of New York; and,npon. the payment of the ' ' Maid balance In full the.purchaser will receive Deed to the said property, conveying such MUD as - is vested In rare as Trustee as aforesaid. : • Dated February 2.itli, 1876. • .. , . .. CHAR,LF.S P. HU:S . I'Rn, ' ",-- . Trustee for the Bondholders of the Fall Creek Mi- '• t tinitneus:Coal IC:emptily. . - " - GRAY ft,DAVENPOR:T, ' , • . Attorneys for Trustee, 94 Nassau St., N. Y..: _ City. 1 . .. The above advertisement appears Ili the follow.' - lug neeittpapers, to-wit: The Ere:sing Post. pub. 'carted in the City of New York: the Ph f/atfelphtta . ~ EU/nicer, published in,„the City of Phlladelphlwi," '..t anti the BRADFoltli . REcOurrat, published ire, To. wanda, Bradford County. Pa. The sale of the above described property Is here: . Ly adjourned to TUESDAY the 'Md darof Hay,- - 187 d, at the same hour and place:l. Dated April 25, 1876. - 7t , : CHARLES F. HUNTER,• . '. A Trustee for the bondholders of the Fall Creek II ~ -. luminous Coal Company. ' • Imay4td. - ... The sale of the above described property is here- ...,,.. adjourned to THURSDAY, the V. 4 day of June, ' I:, 1876, at the same time and place; ; -•-, , • "l, - Dated Slay =I, 1876-annitd." . . . . CHAS. F. EHUNTER,.' ~ --- .Trustee for the Uoidholders of the Fall Creek Big-. ;. luminous Coal Company. • ~... The sale of the above described property is here., - by adjourned toTIIURSDAY the 20th day ofJULY : 1;76, at the - some hour and place. . _ - ... .- , - Dated June 22, 1676. . CHARLES P. HUNTER.' • . ::". Trustee for the' bondholders of the Fall Croortil - - "- . • tumlneos Coal Company. • • . ; .. ,-.- 4 ''', _ • -- , . The sale of the above property Is hereby Mourns . - ed to Thursday, the licit day of August, lett. at the same time and place. . Dated July 20th, 1 8711.:-- - : - ' ' CHARLES F. HUNTER, - ..• l' . _- Trustee for the bondholders of the Fall eteelr - Rit. - : , '"- - -"-L. . . . ..45 00 ... 3 50 . . 1 00 ... 300 ... 350 ... 2 75 EEI The sale of the above deerribeltrope, 5e.. ..... t. , ~, by adloureftlte Thio*eY '2 4 6 7.. .1'; t ~,;,,7,1„;/,!,'-',, be; lan, litthirliainft, ~ , . ..-1,1:41- ::•:,-.-:',... ..: . '•- .:- 16 4 1wir Date.d„AlAust / 7 " 4 ' 4 • :--•—• .Titiihi,_._Lor tren......i., 1,1„, fea,,,,,?•?..M.A'•-•:),,,,:,-i.:i•,;: --441 7^,,"r 77,77 . '";!•-••',/..1:4 ',----,_'-!'V,-;-•:•• :',.Lr'-crl'-,',",;;':Aleil:%t.,* ' -'5,7, t,'%:74,1'3`,:i1•'Ar.:•• - - i'' 'l ' ''''''' , ;. ,,,,,, a-' 1 : 4 ; ,1 4-5 ,, :•:it , , , :,.'\!•P . ',..: , --. '‘ '.;! , '-t,-..1- ,#,.. ~. 1, ,-7.,,, - ,,, , ,K, ~ -.1 • Ea -1. Wiz; JOHN BEEBE, • ' Adults:astralQr. E. T. FOX, .° Executor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers