Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 21, 1875, Image 7

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t octet
Tomb. Pi ' ► Ton*, ogt. 91►1876.
tI tra IY. 't A HAI . 4 ,
• i :t. 3 :i
Desiring to largelyincrease die-circula
tion, of the REpowrza, we will between
this time and the first -of January next,
give a new Sixty-five Dollar Weed Sewing
Machine to every person forwarding us
ori-y - kew Subscribers, at $1.50 eacl4.
Such a club can be formed in — every
Cwt.. PEcii; W. T, DAVIE'S, and I.
address the people of
'7`.iorth Orwell,,, on Saturday evening next,
</et. 23.
WE TENDER our best thanks to our es
eerned friend, HMAN SwEnr, Esq., for
gerisrous supply of fine apples, of sever
al different varieties..
T. A. LEE, Es' q., an-intelligent, thrifty
fanner otHerrick, has left at: this office
two manimoth potatoes, the ggre to
ist=of which is seven pounds. Can
a - beat,those ? ,
Tin next sixiable of the Presbyterian
Nociety of Monroeton t will be held at the
bolus) of Mr. Pa.eixtiti" -- 1). FOWLER, on
The afternoon and evening, of Thursday,
'October 28. All are invited.
kleliver a lecture at th'e Baptist Church in
this place, Friday evening next, Oct. 2 2 ,
a t o'clock. Subject : Tobacco. Ad
4nittance, 25 cents; children, 10 cents.
Proceeds for the benefit of the church.
Tut new coal yard of Fislß'Si 31Enctat,
*.ott the foot of Park .street, is the most
N.onveniently located and best arranged
establishment of the `kind in the town,
and Mr. MEltccu is one of the most popu
lar fellows withal that we have.
.I'l , .ittioNAt...-; , We received a very pleas
ant call from our old friend, H. MALcosts
DWYER, the other day. Mr. D. is a na
tive of this county, and a son of Hey. W.
H. H. DWYER, of Smithfield. He is a
young gentlenian of superior business
imalitication.s, urbane manners, and strict
integrity.. We are pleased to see him oc
r•upying a responsible position.
Ot - jt enterprising carriage; manufactur-'
JpiES BRYANT, Esq., keeps pace with
441 improvements in his line, lie has just
taken the agency for the celebrated Ovi
att Patent Sleds. Thisinvention has earn
ed wide celebrity in the West, and pos
seSses merits which recommend it for all
purposes. ' Over 15,000 of them are uow
in use, and are receiving the highest en
comiums from all who have tried them.
iVE HIVE had the pleasure of examin
ing several numbers of the popular new
magazine for the young; 'Wide Awake,"
and it is a gratification to us to commend
it to the patronage of every parent. It
will delight the - children, and at the same
time instruct and elevate them. It is af7
Graded at the remarkably low figure of
two dollars. D. Lcrinnor !& Co., of Bos
ton, the celebrated juvenile book publish
t r , :. are the Proprietors of the magazine.
SERvIcEs commemorative of the orf,ran
ixation of the Presbyterian Church of To
wanda, fifty years ago, Al be held (God
willing) -on Sunday next, in the church.
hi the morning at half-pastten, a histori
cal sermon.will be preached by the Pas
ter, and in the; evening- at seven o'clock
addresses pertinent to the- occasion will
• be made by Rev. C: C. C . oass, lion. P.
• 1). Motutow, D'A.-O E
VRTON and others.
The public is cordially invited to attend.
THE blasting of •the rocks at the nar
rows just this side ol:Franklindale, has
disclosed vast beds of petrified clams.
They seem to be scattered all through the
reeks.—some of them lying within a few
feet of the surface, while other 4 are found
buried beneath thirty feet of learth and
;•tone: What scents most strange is . the
that some of tbem resemble the salt
water clams. Wilt somc of our geologists
explain the matter., Any infotmation up
on the subject may be obtained by ad
dressing or calling on lions.c.E WiEr.v, or
Jous SiltoosovEtt, Eranklindale.
PROF. It. W. SEAGER, assisted by his
.laughter, Miss.ELLA KNAPP SkAoEx, and
Prof.. Ross and wife, gave a concert in
Elmira on Monday evening, October 11,
for the benefit of the " Home for the
Aged:" in that city.' Pitif. S. enjoyS a
most enviable reputation as a musician
awl musical instructor, and his daughter
is one of the sweetest singers extant: We
had the pleasure of listening to several
tiallads . sung•by her recently, and it is our
pinion that the possessor of such a finely
modulated voice must be extremely happy.
is well as fortunate.
We have heard it intimated that Prof.
thinks of visiting this place for the pur
pose of instructing a class and producing
the grand " - Oratorio td, Esther." The
Professor will not only find plenty of mi
t ive talent to assist him, but we, doubt not
livill be greeted' by a large and apprecia
tive audience.
.1 I- 3.1 At...—A correspondent
of the Leavenworth lid ay Om? me rei,d.
writing from Fort Rilec, makes. the fol
lowing complimentary mention of a for
mer well-know citizen of this place. The
numerous friends of Col. .3Ltso:si - in Brad
ford comity, willjoin with us in congrat=
'dating the army on having so brave an
officer :
the Fifth Cavalry.
v. tt K.. of that regiment, has arrived
...I Fort Riley. it is saitkito be one of the
Ntrongest and best companies in the rcgi
nient. Col. M.tsoN is an old officer. and
bad command of the Fifth in several
hard contested battle-tields during the
r. We lielieve he commanded the gal-'
• lant regiment at the battle of Gettyshuyg.
- lie also commanded Gen. GRANT's es4ort
mail after he was elected President. Few
,fficers of his, rank" in the service . have
s- , rved with-more honor, credit and dis=
tinet ion. than COL RITUS W. MtsoN."
PEnsoy.9l..—The very hearty reception
.xtentled to His Excellency Gov. HARI . -
o;FT. at the Ward House, •on Tuesday
last, by the people of this county, must
have been gratifying to that gentleman,
it evidenced . cordial approval of his
—Hon.,G. A. (i noir arrived in town on
Monday evening: During
. the next. day
3w received calls -.Min hosts of his old
gratify4ig evidence that his
4iistinguishea serVicps as ottr Representa
ive in VoKress, are not forgotten by his
nistit uents. •
. .
W. R . ..rcunt and Hon. 11.
PALNIF.n, of INiilkee-garre, were in_
loyal i oil Tuesday, and made ringing:
.veclies at the meeting in the Court
11,1m.4: on that evening. No wofider,that
he Democratic majority .in Luzerne is
11)%imiling away, when the - Republicans
t . it ouch men to the front. • . •
—('apt. 0. M. MANvILIE is visiting his
ld friends and the scenes of his youth, in
.. :Vestern Virginia., We hope hp may have
.1 good, fink.. He will doubtless notify
pe,iple there of his favorite, the "Floss
Et... E. STRUCE, a Philadelphia law
tr. uas in town last week. We are
i•lval•eil to lean that Mr. S. has decided
take up his resitiencc Tarnong
• lim.:s.—Aboitt 12 o'clock; on Sunday
! , :ortling last, Oct. 17, the rear part of the
41ble dwelling owned and occupied by the
Mrs. 31Er.u.kx, and situated on Lombard
•trt.i•t. 'was discovered-Jo be on tire. The
'ol,l was blowing' furiously, and hut for
t:aitt the fire would have been disas
oas. The_
tiremlon answered the alarm
11!! , mptly. but notwithstanding their ef
;...rts., the building was destroyed, togetli
, r with the adjoining 'house owned by
KANOLEV. and, occupied by
pmvi:t.t..` The tire is supposed
• ..1-4,, , iltated from the chimney.
%"•,,t it the contelit sof the buildings were
„L I 31n. JouN MELiLiN liad no in.
•••!1 e. • Mrs. MICIIAEL 31EEIIA4' was
, I±,ured $2,000; 311111.4.E . L KANGLEY, $273,
or., if. 200, with NOBLES VINCENT. -C. B.
lir also held 'a creditor's policy.
—The workshop, of Wm. KEELPC,
qw rear of bis dwelling on Spruce street,
;is discovered on tire about 1 o'clock
Wednesday 'morning, and - was burned
down. The building, together with tools,
'tuck of paints, etc:, were insured for
'4 4 / 4 ) With NOBLE* VINeEIiT.
TT : In order to preserve the record of
the part taken by the people of Bradford
011entfin the war of the Rebellion, it is
detdrabls to have the name of every sol
dier who went from this counq into the
armies of the 'United States, or the State
militia; therefore, every person, and *Noe
daily every surviving soldier, is requested
_to report to Me-- --_
(1). The name and place of
every person he may know to have been
in the military service.
(2). Time and place of enlistment—or,
if drafted, the date of the draft.
(8). To what company and regiment
(4). What rank held.
(5). If living, when and wh l ere muster
. out of service -or discharged.
(6).' If .dead, when and where died.
hether from . wounds or sickness.
(7). If wounded, in what engagement.
Please forward these factstimmediatly,
in order to insure the name in the• list now
being Made up.
Wyalusing, Pa.
- - - •
Taw HARTRANFT Club, of thisplace,
bad; au' impromptu parade on Friday
evening last, in honor of the Ohio victory.
A procession was formed with two brass
bands, and marched throtigir several of
the streets It was gaatifying to witness
the interest manifested by Our citizens all
,along the - line of march., We noticed
'many dwellings britliantlx , illuminated,
amang them_ that of Hon.. JOSEPH Pow-
ELL.. It is only justice to our Democratic
Congressman, however, to say that he
was not, hi town on that occasion; neither
are we certain that the illumination was
Made to commemorate the defeat of the
Democracy. iItiNIPHREY BROS. 4S: TRACY
had their large manufactory beautifully
illimbilted, and appropriate transparen
cies wit out in front. - The Ward House,
PATRICK SULLIYAN'S . HbteI. and Bnows's
Restaurant were also.hafidsomely lighted.
day-tichool,Convention for Wyalitsing
trict, Wyoming Conference, was held in
the N. .E. Church, Mehoopany, Oct: 1:.1
and 13. Rev. - I. T. WALKER, the Presid
ing Elder, was the Conductor.. He seem
ed at home in the position, though, as he
stated, it was .- new business for him.
,from first to last, the spiritual atmos
, Phere evidently indicated that the Divine
Leader and Blesser was with his co-labor
The attendance Was large. About sev
enty workers, including pastors, officers,
and teachers, were enrolled as delegates.
So deep was the interest manifested, that
the house *as well filled at every session.
The topics were as folloats : .
1. Duty . of Parents and Church Mew
bers to the' Sunday-,School. Rev. J. S.
Lewis introduced the Subject with an ad
diess, and was followed with remarks
from Bros; Lyman, Breckenridge, Shelp,
and i Sumner.' The points of interest were
(1), To provide suitable places; (2), To
provide . all necessary appurtenances,
black-board, singing -books, etc.; ! (3), To
provide scholars and teachers; (4), To at
tend themselves; - (5) ; To . pray for prosper- .
ity; (0). To aid in the study of the lesson
at home; (7), To be teachers themselves:
. 2. Stinday School Work in. the Cower- -
sion of Children: Rev. George Greenfield
introduced the subject with an essay,
which was followed with remarks by Bros.
Walker, Barnes, Fisk, Sumner, Sterling,
Stark, Breckenridge, Lewis, Shelp and
Lyman. The points of interest were (1),
Instruction; (2), Prayer; (3), Persuasion.
. .Y.
The Snialay-School : Its Mission aid
Workers. :This was the Conductor's Ad
dress, and was deferred until evening,
when it was impressively delivered. .The
points of interest were (1),. Early impr'es
sions are basal and lasting; (2), The great
mission!, tfi. /tare; (3), Depends largely up
,on the qualifications of teachers; (4),
Teachers Idiould be intelligent, enthusias
tic, pious and practical.
4. Teachers' 'Preparatory Heeti , Atts
Their Benefits, and how to conduct Theo,
Rev.-D.' Barnes introduced the subject
with an essay, which was followed with
remarks from Bro: i Breckenridge. The
benefits Mentioned were (1), New views
of thelesSOn; (2) New methods of illus
tration; (3), Social character. As to the
mode of conducting them•: (1), Should be
always opened with prayer; (2), Teachers
should be-tree to give their views of the
lesson, and their methods of illustration.
: ••:. Qtrait'ji;•iltions f u r Troehhig. Rev.
,4. B. Davis introduced the subject with
au essay, Which as followed With lc
marks by Bros. Walker, Williams mid
i,Horton. _The points of interest were (1),
r A heart in:sympathy with the cross: (2).
i . Ability to train minds symmetrically:
(3), Faith in the work; (4), Inspiration:
(5), Social-habits; (ti), cleanliness. applied .
I to intoxicants, tobacco and profanity.
t;. The Sunday-School in its relatio; , f„ , ( rit•
the. State:'. , The subject . wasri.: V i introduced nn,
with an essay by Rev..L K. Peck, whiCh ; ' r u Moie
was followed with remarks by Bros. Shell). :- J-' car.",
IWilliams, ;and Stunner. The
points ,
of , steers 1,1 pr
erest were; that . Sunday-schools should I! - 1
teach (1); Reverence; (2). Observance of . BUSINESS LOCAL.
the Sabbath; (3`). Subordination; (4).
I Teuiperanee: (5). LoYalty and steadiness: : 4 i' - ' 1, •' , 01t , 1i n 0. , ,,,• i aio l - at
,„ 7
w. il ,
konestv; (7). Industry; (s). Love '
and kindires;;; (9), Prayer: (1)), Truth • ......-
las opposed to Error. especially Romish ' ;1771'" Drc l s trimmings in great varlet,
;principles.' i ; st ICl:s.r& r;i.i.--% :sepntl
l' . 7. The tnOiday-schfil ozot T e inio,,wo:e-.....- - - ,
I Reform. Rev. Silas Barrier introduced ,;. -- 't.;o ! 'ids suitable for Bridal Gifts 3
the subject with as address, which was' ill , t. s•` !I ;sepro!
followed With remarks by Bros. Walker, .... '
/1 . - .
'' •
Horton and BaruCs. The points of inter- ''
! est were (1), The importance of the sub- ; ts 7 1, owl of
ject; (2), Eaßy trainino . . recess (3)• • L ' LL " A ':`•
, .
The Sunday-school a good e 'field for' wo-' Ai- 5p .,...
1 man's gentle teaching; (4) Sunday-schools ' and L a u, 1
should be organized into soeieties: (5).
should begin by showing the physiologic- , er'Gohl. i
al effects of alcohol. , ' i (ilat,e:z, in ;;;,
S. Sunday-sehool, t'las act A , / yrr r. Y ." 01 m . • l'
ifeetin7l. Rev. 11. G. Harned read a brief ,
: essay. introducing the subject, which was al - The,
followed. With remarks'by Bros. Walker,' iir 3 "``'is e'l
Breckenridge. -Peck, and Warner.' ,The l'e""t l'n"'
pOints of interest were (1). Children are ' „_..
• not so liable toTail away: (2). The disci- •P' - -Y" A' ''
; binary provision should be heeded by -‘ l ;El . ' -Nl'l
• FlsforS: (3). The Superintendat :should :i„
.1A: i
. ~-
' have the work in chargé. ~3,
. .9. Stinddy-sehool Literat arc. Res. J. '
L. Race introduced the subject with an M" The
essay, which Was followed with remarks ' inow.*•.-M,ug
by Bros. Walker. Lewis. Breckenridge • . -._
and Peck. ! The points of interest were 14- I '"Y'' i
(1), Much critigism unjust; (2). The - sub II
ject matter should be that of the Gospel; ', ; 7 5)" . If ).*
(3), ~ In rank should have the highest Tai,le 4 '!ltlerT
standard of mirity; (4), May be either - ....,,•
Massed upon' fact, or drawn from the imag
ination, but of high merit: - (5), should he l "'" ca l l "I
careful in book - selection: (il) Too much '
:::, - .6 - t nd
reading and too little digesting.
.10. Sunday-school work, and its er10ti,.,4 or re'l"e'l ,
to the future of the Chvreh. Bro. .T. B. ' oil. "'a t " .."!
Beardsley (a layman) introduced the sub- k• "l• " K . '
jest with an essay. whiCh was followed ,
with remarks by Bru. Balmer, The points;''•" - ''
of !interest were (I ), The Sunday-school ' d i ' i d e" ", lit
ocenpies an intermediate place between . It in ""r }"lt
the family, and church; (2), The Sunday- ' at price' i"w 1
ra r
school elevates, by educating the whole Goh
man; (3), The Sunday-school helps, and , „,,,, t 0 ,6. 04 ,1,
other means employed are very useful.l I
11. Hole the Children of thelrreligious' gir New Et
. , may be brought into Sunday-school. Rev, ! at EvAss & •I t
H. S. Rose delivered au address, introdue- '
_._,. . I
lug the subject, and was followed with re- M' Ever
marks by, Bros. Horton and Williams, 1 'ery at Will RI
The points Of .interest were (1). Parents . . -
must attend themselves; (2), The . sacs,' ! i'.:l 6 ' . All
t must be made attractive; (3), They mustin ,, "t"•" , "' 'a
be visited and persuaded in the spirit of
ifirslf sun v
the Gospel;(4), Activity necessary.
at JUN E*,:. in
was held at: the beginning of the after
noon session. About fifty • children were a A tin
present. Addresses ' were delivered by Tint.' ant Cot
i Rev. .1. B. Sumner, Rev. D. C. Barnes.
i and Rev. C. Salmon (Presbyterian]The duo tow
addresses were characterized by lelicitY fur your nook
of illustaation, and earnest appeals to the ,
children to seek Jesus. The service was , Or -)i! Iv
interspersed with singing, which added - , epstf ‘1
miigh to the interest and.protit of the oc
. • ' ,1-7,'
THE SES(uNtc:.
Res% J. .I.l.4umner, - .the 3lusfeal Con
(1103r, took ehlite of this pait of the Thre
work: pesides the carefully chosen, and oheap: PI
well-timed pieoss,• thirty I.minutes were
devoted to sacred song. The relaxation ' -
from conventional work, was the most Call
pleasing. . - Puring the singing all hearts autteuft4.
were stirred; and God was < ittflie inklst ~r
his people,'
DE( KEG MG*. 1.1,P buy a tine
.. • . 011.GANIZ.NT4ON.— , if I fig (:, , ”.1- , gtni,r,itty.
The Comiention organized a iiiitri.l ' • -•11. ,-
Sunday-school• Association. and adopfeila
. 0 - 'llol.lms & PAssAt.t; are general
Constitution - for Its government. aid I agent, f. , r till Crlt.britrri natiinshok rinima, floO
elected officers for the year. GEO. w p.?
• ' ~ 4.11P5, & CIVS. Organs—The bc,t In this of
The Association anticipites an excilr-,: any otlok: coucitri. . :.tprl..S.
sion to the Chautauqua Assembly. next, - „ 1
year, which will no doubt be largely pat- , . ow" , The lac,
roniZed. ' • -- ,
r . ' Sumider goods'
' cONCEILT. 1'rec01 „.. v .... : . (1 (lank
Rev. J. B. Sumner - and wife gave a con
cert on Wednesday- , evening, at wbich a• fal Novel
collection was taken todefray expenses of i serif'
the convention. The honSe was crowded ( ‘N. -
Everybody was 1 • n.'" Jute.l and rlnls at Mrs. FEETCH•
and many went away. B -'
Owlet with thisinging, Eitd ire returned iJ. i‘i.,...
. ._
to oar *lei; feeling that we had eJoy
a rich treat.
nerosity of the people was In ,
than Mittel to the demand upon it. Th 7
the Convention was large, yet the
could Wive welccialed a much larger dni
Many thanks to the people of Mehoopan
Skr‘er s Eddy, Oct. 16.
IVE - ...•,r:.R.N BRADFORDYAIIt The f I.'
lowing are the balattee Of aVraniii at t e
Troy Fir :
:. VEGEI'ABL - Es. -
. t vorAvoze.
emwoors Beauty. Ist aw'd, F. W. llovey • ;
S. W. Leonard.
Early avid late Itose. Ist aw'd, A. Baxter; 2d, .
I's. Hiekoek.
Early VOrnout, Ittt aw'd, L. 31. Leonard. ..: .
Peerie,q4, I,:t -xyrrd. A It S'Atualng: 2d. II L Hoek-,
well. 1
l'rinee _,Alberr. Ist awd. It 11 Itockwee :
Cow Itornes, Ist awd, .1 C ateliean: ,-
Gleason; Ist aw'd 11 S Ta , ,tior. ! . -.
Compton Sultrlse; Ist aw'd M. Phillip..'
chill, 14 aw'd G NV Fish; 2d asrdldnill F roil).
.eroy. -
Seedling.. 1 , 4 aw'd A Ueimer. ' .. , - , ,
DUETS. . .
Niatitilhi, I.+l aWdlti C BradfOnl: 2. , 1 aw'd 11i E
Bailey. i . .
Tuynip,S •:.1 seri?, E B Strait. - 1
TrUNII . .. .
Fiat. t , t mcd I) II Fitch: 24 4W.1 I. I. ':.imitir
Itutattga, - lit asC'd, I) I) Fifeh. 4 `: •
i • 1. ihioN..
; .
ist aw*.l'. II t Card; 2d, C Card. -
. .
1 . C ARUM, E.. - 1.• ,
Iqt :1%1.'4; a Midler; 2d, M Hulloek. '.
.. - .
1.1 al , -'4ll A K Ponicroy.
.1.. d. ;m*,l. r IV 31cKean; :Id. L I. Millth;
Ist aM'ill. C 11 Ballard : 241, F Tracy.
, •
. i
I , t 4\1,'11 , ,. 31r, C Larcom; 2.41, 1) 1) Filch
Ist :11 , . 'd r ' Leonard Styles: 21, L P WllliauiA.
I •if 3 , i''l4 .1 It Palley; 2d, Daniel Willie, j
FEU. IT. •
Apples„ ',lst aw*d. W II Slushier, li •arleties;
J C 31clintn: 21, W 6 Bradford.
Pears. lit a d, D S Landon; :d, Stephenitulloe
Grapes,il aw'd, Isaac Randall: sql, A Calkins,
Puarliel , ', lit att'd, Ay Ilickock.
'• i
• -
XV ;WM:I,I an 'it. E It Without,: :Nl. Danktilalt:
i. t0%.t . 41 p•Ilost: I; W 11111! J.A "i.N
nixed 1 . :•:1, Ist UN, 'a. Win Dobbin,
8 einVed-ti idiocy. 211 aw'il. 31 Ayres.
Vesiern., Ist A 111 Fanning.
, :Awkiet riirn. Ist 11
'oats...lBo**d, J B Carl: Y 1 L P
Rye. 'lst nYI, haulel Ita
.Means, 1t P 11 .741(.11;e:in: Mug: le
E It Calk • '
Flour an I feed. Ist mini. Long.
nurrnn. .
Tub, Isl ttn`d. L . l' Wlfflants: IhL John 1. ualiu
Roll. 1,1 nn - ‘l. I. AI Lootnall; Jlt Na
341..1 Patin.
' PM!. Ist 11w *J. Mrs P Po:
j l V in:CELL .0i :•
Millet,- t, Ilay. Ist 11 Fit
Sowed cairn, Ist award...loin
Firkins. Isl P 2,11. 1) 1) Baird;
U Mack.
Bread and ['lseult. Ist awM....Mias Mary What
2,1, Mrs t. 4 aial, Cobb,
Rest I.r .In, (Act; 1:1.•. , ..1.: k'.l Drolftn rorn
1t...t. li M
( 011111th I
Fir-rrvill. 1
I - A1"1:S111111... -
F P& A I Cornell, Sylvabla, herd. 11 illerun
breds Mid Ilrb grades. first !premium.
Samuel Troy. grad,. I yearling" hull,
ilreutinin. I
.1 N Giail Ilug, bull calf C 4 premiuM.
F P & A SI Cornell, °ow I,lzzle. 11 yearn old
W H Bradford Sylvania. - thorough Lrrd 3 y 0
old bull. 10 prrlitlUlll. - i
E. Pomerl,y. Troy. 3 year 0:11 hteer. Ist prelulai
1: liontglutery, Granville. 11 year Md. hull. '
'll - II .Iga,-
1.. GitADF.e..
1, Ii Tooma, Troy. yearling' bull. Ist premiu
F. Pomeroy. Troy, pair 3 year old steers, Ist p .
Own. :: yeir old heifer Ist premium.
W 11 Bradford, Sylvania, bull calf, yearling, b
fer. heifer rtalf. all nrst premium. ' 1
I. 1' AVilllions. Troy, yearling heifer. :i.l 'demi]
yearling !titers, :Id premium.
D M Lille '. Syllanla. heifer intr. 3.1 premlu
A 11 .lortnon, 'jr ' oy, yoke of lain 2.' yea!
steers. SNI p •111111111.
A II Tllonias, Troy. row 11 yearsill.l. I,t pre
Aminl nt - a, (rativlll, ttairougli,lned yeJr
bull. Ist prttultim; yOlo of gradt. [wilt yearl
,attrl. Ist pterultlio;
.1 \V You4s. Sprlogdold - yoke ut Ntat, old
oil. 1-1 pr.inloal,
% la niihro. Tioy, :: year old bull is pre l
Wats•n Freethu. Troy.= year old Mill Ist 'pre
Taylor, kraut r,: year old Mill lbt pre
I. M Leonird, year, old belted
; premium. ftearllug belfer 3.1 premium. • (row
year Md. Ist,prciutum.
lam Bradford, rid:ll.l,l.i. 1: tear old heifer
proulami, year 01,1 better :Id 3‘temium.
Sheldon I:ltltey. .:111:ou, year:lng Leifer.
premium, hull a li si!, 'wattle , u1d..1.4 proudly:l.
I . IIIIMIIIII i raft. tr,Mtm , 43. yearliu heifer, 9,1 p
!its- run:l,l
lieu Furman Daniel Bludfoitl,
lacy ('coley.
rirou. south bull ralf, t.t pre]
i.DEIt i TII Mr• ',II JtitlKl,
1-1 heifer calf
'01:11111.1a. err rail :id premium
in, 1 year:lug ?Rill lid premium.
,s and .I,4in‘ton iu In 1 'years
pant,t ,, a g,,xxl article. and .
hour !wanly. ill.: place tagols!tl. UF.
: • . 0 . %.111.WE'A.
cr. and .Steel Slxfclaclee, and E
eat variety; at titsnot:t.x.47. s Jew
largest and best assortment
t• brow lit to thi: platy, can now
s: soNs
Ire remedy for chills and five
FEr'ENE Ilt•VIT fail-.
y Hair atolrs. FLETtlicit's
pporest limit in
. t9wit has .g
It to Lay salt crotties :11'3Aco
91. n rotas at 11. E. Ito:-
ton wala anything in the line
go to 41r. tc
)11 liave got to pumhase sOlo
VI T(4uIU siLturs.
Dictums copied and enlarge
anc size il..sired, titid furnished
or 1:4: 7 at the new I;vllirry over
lu's hns Just received anothe l
j, gold Mile? basluvestel
Clothin. which he le: lIONT uffcrin,
Di:titEk:Bnos. to buy a ii
bnatdries, White God: , and Lace:
r ytliiiig in the line 4,1' L•tati()lt i
lie hew shades of Casiiiiiere ,
. ant the b e: it c,Kik vxtaiti, cal
:%leretirs bloky
.. •
le assortment of Kid Gloves i
tws, at KENT & :sepOtr.
---I, -4114111.11.-4--
41114C11D & SII A VT'S 7 Merenes
I and Stationery.
Itio4 in Sash Ribbons at
Kr i k
—A good Threshin
J. G. P.4.770*.
-ping Machines, Second-hanc
w. utother Paha, &
R. M. WELL):..t
f l l wd. see the new st,yles of col•
L ott and best selection of Spring as
IYetimonght to this market, is bein
, at 11. JACOBS%
ties'anil Fancy Hoods at
/111Pleit ftl iktads gads as tio Metry
aulstU. • • • Muir&
tr Thealio:talent, of Ladites
Musa sise t z ir m:
tir w. %. peiNt
Mo. hoe tagiliest
VAIDTUINIA b°4l in /5 ° 14°1
Petffigirsally /01
yr Go to,fiit firm to WY' Your
Trhuks and VailseL • •
1120 4 LAW; takbytitirEdnitiiiigs
hefettsit i i Will 156 is SI Sim ti
bating the root turned all one wsy.
tir pane to the West will And it
to their advent •to purchase Uctets at the Tor
wands Depot. 'illates reduced 'LAO from Sept. Ist,
For the beat. Resat or Real to to MrIR rt
item:o , l+l: 7
lair" J AeOtie, the elle-price clothing wan,
huh Just Tetunliett trout the city with a large stock
of Clothing. A word to the wise Is suMelent.—
ur Go 10,,hcome .and bay your boya•
Clothing at lc cost than you scan get the cloth
.tr . a a
14 -
okts; gc,ft:ggie tihaes. Ybeiaie beauties: . Just
ricelved at Col San k Coo.'Sti!.
a received clay at liviimitsiAN 'a.
air New
ar Go to, DECKER BRos. tO buy tine
erroatP. ' •
tar If watit a liantlsoine. New,
stylish suit, tall at JACOBS., -
L•,3 and Chalmers. at
4014 at HENDHLUAWS Jew.lry
r xe4 and MusicalCkxAce, at lit:X
UL F.ll A N.S.
EVT - Pfau
setyrs. at 1..1.
W Littlie
s taken that speak for ti!em
isil' s — Ne ithlllerY.
s Bolts in great variety, at
KEN? A Busk.
Cr-Plated IVari
tx often; a great reduction In WI.
as- N 0 W
and Triminiuge, at
ace to buy, Felt Skirts and
'T k Buss% isel.9“.
Vff" The. p
Shawls Is at gr.
daily papers, weeklies and
at WHlTeinta it SUM:T*6.
tar AU th
uv . 17,..47.1ne3 ciltea
Or Do y ou
l'ay ylnit to I •
Yon can tiny an,
want fo set out your table?
i i s Crockery Store of Of A. BLACK.
thing, (man one plite to a full net.
le Damasks, Napkins and Towels
air New Tab]
Ev.t.Nek & Ilti,
ak;sortment of Broadcloths,
uey Suiting% just ()pencil at
Kr.s7 Bu4s:,
air A tine
Doeskins, and F
, .
re ehiltirens' pictures—take. .
Gallery. • - i 0.21 dollvereil uti short Hotly..
Ejr . TO MN:.
Llogn Iv the new
you seen the new Patent
style picture—the Profile
.% Fisiitr'e Gallery .
Carver, for sale
Clr A ne.
.11:v1e—taken at
inc of Black and Mourning
i upeued at NEXT IlLispr. comp,
Or A full
Dress Goods jIIS,
hl, and Spy Glaaswa In a ginat
s, in every style, at Mrs.
. I Bridge street, Towanda.
• .p` Oper.. F
i.rlety, at
t F f.F.TC II EleS,
Ri" For tlitk
or Pregerre Puts
uo Churns, Butter, ereim,
go to RICACK'f4
, Go to
Hats mid Car,.
I rfr Gu te 4.ENT A; Bides and see their
i)1 11rtJ.9.4 . rseivni,
M - Gu to .I)EcixEn Biros. for Under-
Shirts anti iprawe"F. -
- -
Saperio • Switches, in all the extra
FliadPs. :It 71Irs. Nu. 4 Bridge street.
I)welling llonseA to rent• cheap.
Enqutrt ut 0. ' -• "V,ICRTON &
iiitEtr, afire
• Having
/Crockery, Id Tr'el
Nllally lOW. CI
/Fir Ils:N.
stock of ladles'
watches ever 1.
da atir
irtmarv-Itit t 6 call at fiZNDLEMAVS, If you
wish to buy anythlng In the llne of Jewelry, Sliver
and Silver-plated Pare,
flue assortment of
In plaids 31111 plain'
eight horses and
we offer for Sale i
t ; Enquire of Our
nmte Store.,
p'Foil SA
fur aale a large, 1
building for a dry
4 vine, Bradford
Cellar, a well-arra
1 btory for a carpet
bly. and tcruis of 1
Nea Ili. II rail
25, at 10 A. M., co ,
Milli a concert on
the tree' book of t
~~ t:~eN
L •' rIN - Y. M'. 1. A.—The prayer meeting
of the Y. M. C. A. is held at their rooms, corner
Main and rine st ts, at 5?1 o'clock, each Sabbath.
continuing for one hour. These are undenomina
, tional tnectinv, 0i1.,n for the public at large. It Is
f ' hoped that al
irge number will he present skittle
next meeting. October 24. •
. 1 I
.. 'lle • 1
. i ..
1 Si' It is not t•enerall known that H. C. WIIITA-, at thf Book Bindery over the . ItEron*an
othce, makes manic Books In any'style of rnlingand
binding desire( ~,,,, leant a new Ledger, Jour
„ nal or Docket,
N Ver Li
At Ji . NE•t: a:
move whlch
t inns of t fir in.
more worth u
lug Store, wit
or Straw Hat.
rif GUM:. __ in rir o-12 aS . r
of goods amountla I lo fl.OO or more, Wll3 nicely.'
ItItF.F.. one I . . trtre Alpaca Cap. or Straw Hat; at
31. E. 1tt0:E.,.11 L__ ... t. is Clothing Store.
?lON IN Pia'NoW.frirst-cLasa, large size, square
grind, 73.1 oetare Ilino.fOrteg, for WS. Organs; in
,proportion: aillo4uLS & I!ASSAGIe. Towanda, La.
I.h.iinAms.—On and after
this date, 1 will lea my surplus STOCK OF
FLOWERS at ,reduced prices, at my Green
b'OtlieF. on Miln sttjcet, north of 'Episcopal Church,
- - 44.0. •
a' - Ni•:w' ' Got
' SON have opened a
ter Clothing; whicl!
especially for this
sold at prices wide
as they have . been p l,
vantage. Heavy '1
t:f Heavy Overeoa
Heavy Beaver Owe
, 4
in proportion. All •
themselves that we
.taw- Wu. Itosywica. late of J. 1. , . Atax:l
Co:, can hereafter helound at FitOIST &Suit 5,
on Main street, where he will be happy to ace all of
his numerous Mem s. And any in need of rum!.
tore, or anything lei the lino of *olertatlng, will
find the best goals, best assortment, and lowest
prices, at their store, of any place in the country.
Call and see for youisolf. II
rar" POn ELL
1 sale of the justly
town Mohsln., Al
warranted to keep t
or crinkle- They
the mats s coMple •
fabrics, to which M I
Of their austoulers. I
EcK Elt BROS. to buy your
fresh stot k Of
iti sell the samo
0. A. BLACK'
largest and beet
gold sod sliver
Buss have just opeued a
resa Goods hattll the new eheeles
culem. Call and tree them. (seo
t have a Livery fa
41 carriagea, hack,' etc., which
fTheap and on reasonable - terms.
aent at the stables, or at oar
llotAtEs k PASSAGE.
LE.—The subscriber offers
'outwodlous sod Well arranged
oods store, situated itt Leßays
., Pa. The building has a good
hged sales room, and an upper
risitu, etc. Will be sold reasra
syment wade to suit purchaser.
J.M. Jos is.
Co., Pa.
AL INSTITUTE will be held
commencing on Tuesday, Oct.
tinning four days, and closing
'riday evening. ' , Tim enoicr,”
,e season. Will So used. • 1 .
,tx., , ,,AcGRA.v.AttAx, Director
II you have called
Sew lfmplre,r a
red 11i" expeVa•
41.00 or
ticilst,o's Cloth
!pit Alpaca Cap,
arge Invoice cit Fall and Wln
was selected with great care
market. The, goods will be
will astonish the closest buyer
rchascd for 414 at great td
lister Coats, at 'LW Pants,at
at 11.50 and 15; and aU.wool
is at $10; and crwerytblng also
re Invited to'leall and sattSry
cannot be undersold. An goods
- Co. have 'the exclusive
lebrated mid i popular :lenses.
can, and Porine, whist' are
Or color, and will not shrink
are just received. direct !vista
• assoctrnent ok -these excellent
y call the Ipatillcular attention
• r0W13.1, h et7le
' h ' illiallire. ,
vaxinit oduAtar ie r=
Idanideddi OM. U. If L I,
_wow. lir. Edward :Vanderpool and Miss Ism
innurini lien# of Towanda teituddp.
I I=f.IIdIDELL.....Oi the tub hot at
or sru tsedee patens , by liev."Mr.
r. Spenser and to Mary
koOrAn' i. litt....At ibe tre of Mr. lore Ad.'
s e rrikedintnis: 4 A l tintet; aii a Mt
1001.,! A:
LOWIMI4O.WAz .maiiiBOlt =-At dile Sow St the
ertashouneVi s e m Ptettiber4 Sy Ret r: d: Ey.
erett,! Mr. Sr Mead y and Miss Maggie
Lbws; all of ultbseld; . .
tl 15713116:frtiit . *flit farsessge,
Gates and si dffliai Nfill t ifAin i =
CRACE—YATEL—AS th e nsitAxe Oct.
11. y Rev. P. S. Everett, Mr. Mast C -
M li b s potence Yates, sil of Springfield. Bad
gir-jurt 14 THE DPOPONDISKT.-If you
wow_ lai liiiiterejan to dlt
of ,tecargry t TIF F, t e a remit row go
et pn,o et t , 5
.1 ISl V.V kinufir
and Ret if , . t t
Wild enemy and Horeb ' . MON gii AVa
Pio other medicine acts so promptly sailelkett u tl
In coughs, colds. and all inseams of the a
gangs and Chest. leading to atessunption. Hun
dreds Who once thought they had that dtead at..
seam ders been restored to beaith by the nag of
ads ansoet magic remedy. Ills she the best Mown
specific for Croup, and twee bile in Whooping
I ..ote. I Trim the to emits. Leiss.,.m.
-.....- .
---1-- .
I in OF LETTERS remaining in
AA thie Port Otlhor as Toesuala, Bradford CO, Pa;
Ili tbe' sweet outfit; Oct. B 1: • .
Bari EsszeisC . Chllsouji E - \
. C "deed Calm. Hawn .
D Km Panel ZUmer, Jerry
McMahon, Rosa
" 4 Al &fra :Marra/ Dart' F.
A N t Smith. diaries
litt,pecw. air A 1.- Wilcox, Henry
renew ealllog for the above letters will please
fay advertised, giving date of Bat.
1 ' S. W. ALVORD, P. M.
liaderaigned hating takes tha large and
laaa . .yard. at the tout of PARK, Street, has
►and a fall supply of
TERMS :—Cash.
.ams &plinth.
FAIL OF 1875:
r. cited Mils Week ut
here-can he foetid all the het eltles tif the
f/ all the ❑'?T 311.1.1.!S in
Our , its:k is eviniviriv
he Ant Winter term of the Susquehanna Colle
giate Institute will commence
With the tollawing corps of experienced teachers:
Ancient Langnages. Mathematic*, and English
•J •
Corawrciat. English and SeientOlc Branclac
Common and Higher English.
German; Latin, Mathematical a»d R,g!i•4
Nnglish Studies. •
Preach, Drawing and Paint i .. 1,.
• intfrerrnentar Mtretr.
. 0. A. BALDWIN.
rotor Artftie.
Tire will be the enatomary organization of tins!.
es for the benedt of new students. Especial atten
tion win be given to young Men preparing for busi
ness. New classes will be organized In the Scien
ces, Languages and other branches. to meet the
wants of the students. Flue accommodations for
non-resident students. Rooms carpeted. warmed
and furnished throughout, both for young men and
Board, ft per week. Tuition rron, el to Ito per
maim Vocal Musk ard Thunritig free.. Instru
mental Basic 512 per gturter.
For farther parttcntars send for ea:4lllmin or
sell and see the principal,
MILLER PDX . Tagaada. Pa.
President Bond of Tsastees. 0441
Q .
HERIPPS igAtE"l-43,y 'virtue
of sundry ont" potedboo r ni Abe Court of Com
mon Pleas of ftta lam Count y . Skid to ate directed
I. will expose to pante siMe at thei dais at the Cohn
Haase In Towards Bortlegb, on- Wedotods
vember 17, 1575, at one 0.100/5 Xs 75 .1 I.'e : a'w'ing
described property, to-wit: • ' ,
______,,_„,' _.....,,,
One lot of had in iltheatitwPq Duummu 141 "IC.
north by lands of Phillip c rams and the public
highway; on the east by (hepatic highway; On the
"Ir by 1 1 46°1 Miner a Cno; on she west by buide
of inter CO.. IL A.. Ayres, and Delano property.
John Hamlett Mumps Z Bressler containing 25 ,
acres of laud: thole or less, all improved; 5 framed 1
dwelling houses. l fanned barns. I framed building
known et the "Sasqueitatate Woolen lractory,' , l
brick tollbge;_frid orehard of fruit trees thereon. 1
Seised ated e talien foto execution at trio snit Of 1.0-
maze Weenie* rer lii rerdinaa eolith and Alfred
tA o. - fee l bei lot of tang situate to the r tirps
of -T .ii anti flurlingtdb, bounded as follows; '
Beginning tit Wm sonyteeast corner of • bat No.. 251, i
thence by lots No. au And Zr3,.ponth 3 • Wain In 2 P.•
to nOrth.east corner of lot Ito. 28?; tßencei by north
Ulm of lots No. 2.53 and 282. north C7Xli west 226 p,
to the south-west corner of lot No. 27fi Wenn" by !
cut line of said lot No. 277, north V eaSt 79 I- •
lo e crer; thence through lot N 0.275 went
57 , ,Cref, 901 totbe castling of lot 14
bY 11 5 71 '. r 1 1t44 0 east 51 4-10 e, tho south-
east corner of to --J..o* 2e,;(ll,lbetice by lots l` , :ti. 380 .
and Wl south 87:i .-0 east ist:11; Pi Om, nlam: of begin- I
attic being lots hick, :14 and 215 and . rtfi tif let Diu.. .
276; In warrant No. 44315. col:tattling 248 fiele• of '.
land more or less, about 170 acres Improved with : '
frenic(i hOlll4l, large framed barn, corn house, and . i,'
other Loot braidings end fruit t rans thereon: said ! 7.
11 11 5 4 1 1 i kettvrie tle I,ho t'llitrlltigton Vann" of de- , ' , 1
lenuant.• geizetl and take: II.tO Viet:Won M the . i
snit of the, itennsgvansa & New 7 1.72511 Vane nn.: ; .-
i; ': • 1
Rail Road Co. vs. Mahlon C. 3fereur,.'t . • e •
. 4
- ALSO—No. I —Ono other lot of land in Asylum - -
towhahlp, bounded as follows:. 'Beginning at the
south-west cornerof rho WWll's' Mordsolt "Iltfailt: I .:
, 4, named o f carry a heavy steel; at -
, .
, > I
thence north 2:-. 1 ,.a west Ulf to dm C^JTViI 14 \t: m . flavii l w * l ar g e l
nal Sarah Morrison Watinnts:t thence south in 0 • : , an d caouludionA A u•re. wo. an,
east Zitp, to apssre thetwo 'south 534 0 . west 208)0, ', ; • • , I all times. • i
to warrant see Of James Torbltt: thence south ^ - ' . ;: •
• , 1
44*, east .110 p, to place of beginning: containing , ' .
102 M *reel', With 8 framed house, fanned barn. At ' . .1
*bent 100 apple trees therooo. • . . 1
. ; I
titan—No. 2—One other' lot ut laud in Asylum ! ' '
loanable, Inillltitd as follows: Beal:ming on the ' (lASI': PA II) FOR iirrtEit,
= _,
_..,rani t , Wended tis fOlit/NY No Aso., s .
west end Of the Wm. Metrlsl,4B .D,P. 1 1 --I " . "Pv 7,— PAYI - $
warrant line, them* northei%*,+-1&t hlatig sitld 1
Warrant line, 109 r, EStal. %arra 'corner; thence I
south is(*, east 140 p, to satd ZwriVic....c. W. darner: 4.
thence south liKr* - west -;-;p, to warrant line; I
thence Worth 4•1 o ;tree . - -4 i-p. to warrant corner; .
thenesllsolsr, ' l3 , tetat 10311; to place of beginning; . 0 •;, . l . .
tontaluirittninit 89 4-10 .acres, about, an acres lin. i qd t ,
: i t ii, i,m,,,44,... foi: 4 A ; ds, ,?0,.,7 . .: t t
?w e.--
Preyea,lolli a tWo story framed honso thereon. 1 i tl iiiittt Imig c.,..trlettce
Die ff - J Tram.
ki.,..q.a. 3-.. One other lot of land In Asylum t •_.
r• us'ite'collar Mirantagel le pUrclasitig; and 04
• ilinNuistdp, bounded as follows: Ileginning..ou the 1L
ii .1.. tot ambitious to mate' large PAW t+ see gat.
l warrant line of Wm. Morrison and James Torhit l ) I „, ,;t.norsely6 that di r
e' Can niter
t 13p, from the south end thereof, *Wren Intent 44-,, I I -- 4
west 155 p, to a corner: thence Certt.'el 0 . cast lo9p,
',, :
.. i I , •.. .
too post; thence south' In”; 0 ., east 12.5 p, to a posit.
thence south 61% ' 40 . - east 194 4-10, to piste Ot fle-' ''
ginning; contaln%ng 1037=10 times. more or less. i 4' ', . - ; I
. '
about 15 sexes tinpr(P(6l.VAtil. a few frvit aces i
thereon. -
Y lva" ' . 1
AL I NN -- No. 4 -;011e oiNi' tni`nr 1;0 in A' , :ltiel NL. ar " ‘
~ buyers th am. i , aby .uh. , ...i• 4,l.4l.lislonetil in 1N0rt144.411 -
t 3
tsnarndilp, lif.urtilon )is 114110 4 4 4; i'leginlii;.; at a post 1 , ' -
2sp rtertli:l the milth , eifl . .S7 The • Wm. and Sarah
t 31ortat*. Si-al..nrit'lt Iltie, thence South 61 , i 3 , NVPSI:
104 Adop, to a post; thence north 21'4 c'. north 125 p
to land of Chas. Zurne; thence north 21.'5 c, east •
119 p, 10 aforesaid warrant lire; thence 90401 l'l' °4 '
west 140 p, to place of beginning; containing 99 , i
Listed more or less , reserving
, all te trees growing i
on lots No. 2,3, stud 4, which may his cut or rts
Moved therefrom within three years from the first '
day of April Isla, said trees having heretofore been ~, , .
sold, reserving also the right of Ingress and egress sa t in .
-- 1 , ' - -•-- '-
- -
I to remmre the said - trees. - .
F` ALSO —No,5—Th e itudivided three.afilis itderest,! . I '
in the following lot situate In Towanda Bon% Wear-Vs"} 101-, ESA LE PRICES.
ilea. 911 the )4,ortit .by Poplar street. on the east by 4 , Corrreeted every Wednesday. by l'. It. l'ATc:ll
Ilarn sfieet, on the - tenth by land of Win, virltlis • Next to amtages daily.
and we?t by an alley, with a three story- lirtek beat,* bush
dwelling house and (rained bunt thereon. ; le,* busli 1 , ... -.
Af,gm,-..Ne. 6-One other lot In Towanda Wool. . ekrttettt;4lon l 4 - .! , s.
bounded on the north by State street, east by land !ans. 144 bulb
of A. L. Hard, south by land of David Gordon, and; ftlitter (rolls) `l 4 . iii- •
B .3- 0..
west by land of Amelia Barber, containing a two idair•i.) T th 4 • •- ....
story framed dwellifig house. . 'Nan, 5 bush - • .
ALSO-No. 7-One other lotto, Towanda born, at` it bush • .
bounded north by Poplar strvor, east be Western -4gg344 vdoir.
avenue, south by land of A... 1. Noble arid west by otatoes. ?lAA,.: . 30
land of Marla F. Henley, with a cellar and .i . fount- ;lour, I?!bi t ri, *l ._- ~ '
s oil (1 - ti 900
dation for a building thereon.' IWEtt . trrs or et ItAi i•,..,•W heat 60 lbs.; Corn 30" his:
ALSO-No. 9-The undivided three-suits latex", i ye 56 tb's.; , oats 32 rt,%; Barley 44i Ibs.: Buckwheat
est in six tractred unseated land in flacelay and ' its,: Reads G". th.: Ilran .0 tbs.; Clover Seed 60
mutton townships, containing abOut 1943 aereS and (is.: ThnolllS So" 41 ll' s .; I)rie4 Pe3che 4 :13 161'-' :
warrantee in the following nature, Hugh I.:041ov, lied Apples TI. lbs.; F1ax.5.41_4441 30 Vt. [
~_. '
Andrew Laity and Peter Ladley, eaeneontainhig ----.--- . -4 : ------ '--
, rp i pow .
400 acres, and Joseph Ladley contalnlno 230, 'WM-1,
,ter Stewart, containing 309 serest, dud D. 11. Cum- rs and Brokers, Ne. -12. -
niugham containing 113 erten. with n saw nilll, two ,
nth I'4 h' 4 •4l. eet Pittlidelphia. Oct; 11..1573. -
t, E 0 1.2 .t Y(. 1: ( 1 ). ° , fi N itu ° ke l.' IN
' -.
mill bowies and a Lain therecin; std rand falli:11113 r---- - - a n ,' r - ' Bt
fiL • A 6fir
de site of i-nd, iron ore Sufi tire klatv. Earir third ` ' i •,
• I
.ts,. 'Z
will be $llll separately , the tight also being russet-v . T. :!-.. t,,st. e: 123 Ejr;
l ' , l
ed of selling each third of each lot separately. i; " 5-21. . cj' 6.2 .., 11 .,g,'" 1 .:: toil,i -two.:
tailed and taken Into execution at lite suitor N. N. " ‘• ' ' . .!'i - 01..,• - i. ' .. ,1191 11911
' te 119 ,.
netts. cashier's rase ts. C. la . Cash, - Gen. P. Ca.7li - !" -- ": - '6., " 1 '• -: - .... ' . 110. s i
secy.. 1-'. A. (*pm, ~!..,-y. . . . I ', - , '63..1. tied .1; 11911 1 . 119
. J. 3f. S3lllll, Sheriff. i " " " r '
' 67 . " i - 120 I!4' 120%
1 ; 03 i . 1 1 =4.
TOTiCE..--WnEttE.As, having 'Wen ! - 10-0 ,• et ,,,'"P'"''''l
ortilnny Informed of the existence of certain ! .„,- n' el ,", e ''' 'Y ''„,,, c ; :-
el Wires in the Susgnellanna River. and Its trits {Jew ''.'• '' e F• :.„ . e - ,* '
'IV i - 11774
. 124 ! 1 itt-li :
117 : 4 1171 i
1171 1117 !3
ittarles in this, the county of Bradford, It Is hereby " '.
e • 4 .; '-'-' . liar_;Oleg
ordered that the ownere or managers thereof shall (; ,?I'l i 107 . ! 109
destroyor dismantle the same within ten days from Silver I 30 - -.. Wit'
the date hereof. or I shall proceed to destroy and r,elinfOvallit l ' -'
dismantle said Eel wires • as by act of assembly ill- Lerl'ilnir - •• •C
• - .5,5.4 i 5.5%
' " 0 '-- 1 'MN
meted, as the same are hereby proclaimed nal, ~
sneer. J. M. sIIITIL : , Lehigh Nat igatton , 5 0 1.„. j (ON
October is-tt -
iMierllt, ' , llillaileimita a: Erieii,..-...:.
- . i Valliie. Ex. 111 e . MN I 61 1 f
- --
-1- --
- - - - - - - ---- - - • ---- '.4 -- Thitea R. 11: of N I 13146 .. I ME
rI I O NY CREI)ITORS.—PIease 1.01 Creek ! ; ifili !. 10'_..
- 2S$ i 28 bi
J lake L notlce that I have xtddled to the Ilorem- 4 40, - - 46'4
• -- - • -•-- -. .._:..-.. .. ... •;, eentralTrutsportat lon
lorthern Cilntral
~ .
bles. the Judge...tor the Cotirt A 4f Common Pleas oe. i
Bradford ounty fur the benefit of the Inse:vent 1
laws of this commonvrealtb. and the Court has ap- !
pointed the SIXTH day of 'DECEMBER itin. at
the Court House in the Borough of' Towanda, at 1
It) o'clock .1. 3t.. when and where you Will leo heard !
It •you desire. CIIARLF.S GREEN.
, ' ()et l 5:75.
..-- '- - - - - - --- -- .' - - - - • - - - , Cestivettels. Jaundice. Dyspep-ia. indige,tieet.
VOTlCE.—'file Commissioners of! •.:
.. • itv..,.. 0t ,. : •,, j••oui s.t,;m:oh awl nri•ath. iii , :h , he,
11 Ti;wantia Township havo two 1. 4 . awl two : . - .
girlie.. nfr wl they desire good homes .l".ry,ipela•-..`', l'ili. , , Rbeitenati,M. I;rupili:n , and
J. M. SWARTIVOt It), • •
skit, I)l,, Ittliott:inet,t. Lil - erCompiaint, Droi-
W3f. Ile )11 - -31A NN: • t •
• ! Cotsmilesimliel.,.
, .
ionlr.,,ri . a l uil ~ , alt Rheum. 'Wolin?, limn,
—Notice is hereby glveti that all persons In. ,•
Neuralgia. lis a Hitlner PR and J'uri4lng the
dobted to the estate of Dennis Driscoll. late of ( Mood. are try. ni-t ..,..ii,genial purgative. Icel . per-
Athens, deed, uthst make immediate payment to ; . . .
the undersigned, and all persons -having, claims i forted, ' abundantly
Their effect, show in w much
against said estate must present them. duly anthers. . !•
Heated, foisettiniient. : , ! they excel all other Pill, 'r hey ate safe at i id pleas-
oct22t6•. 4Amtnlstratu s . i ant to toke. hnt powqrfnl to titre. They dirge out
ldlseellaaeons itavertisemeatz.
Immense Success t 40,000 . of the i Auggi ' lk "13' is"delTd organ
a". 14"
- . Cenulne , Impart health and vine to (he ooh- being. They
' ' ;
- L LIZ i cure not only the ever 3 day t din Lints of l
! • INGSTON E. afreiffg soh!, and demand In- ' 4 , ,
• rretiafisg. The nnly new COMPLETE life of the ' •
; great Hero Explorer. Full of thrilling interest and ;
I spirited illUstratlens of thirty years strange adven
tures, also the CURIOSITIES and WONDERS of
' a MAIIVELOUS country; the millions:am eager
, to get, and more good agents ere *eeded at once.
PROFITS are SPLENDID. For particutirs and
proof, address, HUBBARD 8R05.., Publisherkt
723 Sansoin St., Phila., Pa. rOct."o-7fAr. , L
i j j d N. V. RAIL ROADS.—Arrangement of Pa:• , -
Tenter Trains, to take effect May 30. lon._ ; 1
'' • nollTitWaitn. . ; soullir/A It n
Bridge Street
No No r No ! STATIONS.
9 7 L
I --.-- ,
1. 1 4 LAM ' PM C' `
' AM PM T 11'31
13; 4 501 8 30'..".‘ intim Talls..; 1 19; ' 112 55
50! 5 2510 15 Buffalo . 'l2 45 ' 'l2 . 25
5 50; 9 20 ' Auloll - 0 9 45.... i .; 9 20 .
7 15;12 00 7 15' llllaea 7 32 ...".;.' 8 16
'8'58!1::8 liwr„cro (1 40'. - .....; 6 00 '
9 001: 55 8 39; Elntlr9 .. 6 15 9 10.5 35 1
9 35. 1 23' 9 05 Walerly:-.4. 5 40' 6 23' 4 3.5
9 44. I 33' 9 12. .... '.:. Sayre - 5 33' 8 18' .1 48
9 50 1 38. 9 19 , A 110.06 ' 5 29' 8 10' 4 42
10 23 ; 2 07 10 00 ...TOL%''ANDA...' 5 00, 7 :17.. 4 10
'lO 501 .. ..... G 46'
11 23 3 02!11 4 02 ti 20: 3 07
12 , 32 6 It'p'
IS 114 3 52 11 25'..Tnit1:11 . 0ttnnek 3 22' 3 39 2 21
i2.50' .135 1 2 _0'. L & Jin:thin . 1 240 4 :t i ll 110
12 57, 4 42: 1 30 Pittston...—. 2 32 4 22 I 32
1 20, 5 00 2 00 .....W. Barre 2 15; 4 WI 1 15
2 321 6 321 3 27 ...W. Hoven* . ••: 1 00 2 32 12 05
:1 151 7 10: A 13 I'. Haven 12 10. 150''11 25
3 40 7 25. 4 35 . ..Slouch chunk.. l f 45, 1 .30'11 05
4 43, 8 31 1 5 50;.... Allentown• :••'lO 47:12 23 1 10 05
4 48 , 8 34 5 53 P. Junctlon'..• • 12 1010 00
00 , 8 451 8 051....11eth1ehent.... 1 10 3Q 12. - 19 9 45
S 30 9 15; 6 35, Faston 'lO 05 11 401 9'15
45'10 30 1 8 20.. - .Philailcipltia...l 8 30( 9 45 , 8 00
8 521.....! 9 45' New Y0rk....'......9 1t S5O
AN PM I; PM 'Am l Am! PM
No. 2.1 leaves Elmira at .2 4, p. in.; mopping al
all stations, arriving at Waverly at 3 7.0,' Towanda
at 15, and Wilkes Barre lit s p. iu.
,N0T. , 30 leaves Wilkes harm at 7 20. a. tn.. stop
ping at all stations, arriving at Towan.o at 10 51.
Elaltira at 12 30, and Ithaca at 3 00 p. In.
No. 32 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. tn.; stopping at
all stations, arriving at Waverly at S O. and Eliol
ra at 9 00 a. in.
No. 31 leaves Elmira at a ao p. stopidog at all
stations, arriving at Waverly at a 15, 8411 Ton alida
at,? io p. tn.
Train 6 leaves Philadelphia at 2 10 p. w
York 12 415, arriving at Tunkhannock at 10 00 p. m.
Train 3 leaves Tuukhanuock at 7 00 a. in., arri
ving at Philadelphia at ::0, and New York at 3 25
0. tn.
'Trains 8 and 18 run dully with Pullman Sle4lng
Cars attached.
Drawing Room Cars attached. to Trains and (I
lietweon Elmira one. Philadelphia.
R. A. PACKEIt, Havn(lynt.
E It V.
Vl' 'ME
l' IZ E , lc E
“F ANY I..'T.\ItLt'IIMEN't
Ofßation Park
,St., (Lear tho Ccurt.House
SilillENSi& LONO,
. .
001:NtitY III:OCUCE.
" I --'
9 .d,IIAIN, ite.
3filt.illC .N It PRODUCE
cottN4ift MAI.N & BRIDGE
f. & A. 3lnzigav 6',1, • *A9,
m' all Ole parp'p,,ra of a Family Phyl, curing
. -
the foul tuit4n; of the Nowt: they stint late the,
body, but fc4mildabli!...2lltl ttz‘aigeivits always. Most
sk nun' phyltielaUs, tat , t efittiteut eltirgyu'unt, au&
Our beat ettiiteuz, set d certificates of cures j erfetrra
ed and or grreai benefits they hate derfred front
them. Pins. ; They arc the stth-,t and Ite,t physic
for elol.lreili heealtso iutl i as well as - etkctual.
Ing : , U,tar,e4Oted, they are easy t sake; at a being
purely vegXablv. tl iv :as. , fiat' rely hr.! tole . rre
pared by D .1. c. Lowdime
' No NO: No
I . I b.
Pra.•tiral ;:tyi Atinlytleal l'hentl , t4. Sol. by hil
drugglNEs 111RA/11:hit'', :31laii;alll
• ,
C 0 Ii.S!E II 1 , & C 0 0 l'.. S
Art! ;ow feati,s to Ne2l7% ' e Ow: ,itubli , 31 - it it t h Lirgt; A
5 , and ;ht.?st tt•tot it of
1 f
800 T,.. blltii:m, TRIiNKS AND T/:.1..0.1.1\ ! `: BAGS
Aver hrotiglit to Towanda. Prices to sult-tho times
Call nod seel,us. t
T"" FARMERS'. e • AI.
iNsuitANa-k CO.. OF TVSCA.EOXtA,
Is Ow Issuing perpetual policies o
Each member payit a fee, at the time of I surtng;
to cover charter and incidental eipenses of the CO..
after which ho further payment )s required, "except
to meet actuhl loss by Ilre among the membership.
This plan "4 itenuance for FARM PROTtERTI ,
is coming rapidly Into, favor. ,"
ititsliii‘k 5r,11114K6 HILL, p v t , -
The Agent.will calivass like Townships Tuieti
nkr.t. rlke, Iterririraini Wyaluslng, and farmers In
those Town:lll'K triAlting Insurance or III(okntatIon.
niay akiklresti 1.
A. It. SI7.IINEJI, - Sce. anti' Agi.,
Spring Hill. Bradford ,Co.. Pa.
- 1111. s)I WAY, l'res. koct:nit
Price Ttoenty-Fire Cents.
Containing a complete list of all the towr s In the
United States, the Territories and the Dominion of
Canada. hbving a population greater than 5,000 ac
cording to the last census, together with the names
of the newspapers having the largest local!circula-
In each of tbo placcsmamed. Aiso,a cataloger
of newspapers which are recommended to adver-_
tiscrs givihegreatest -value in proportion to pie
ces charged.; Also, all 'newspapers in therfUnitcd
States and Canada printing over s,ooo..copies each
issue. also all the Religious, Agricultural, Eklen,
title and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile,
Educational, Commercial, Insurance, ReallEstate,
Law,'Sportitig, Musical, Ilasidon, and other special
class Journals; very complete lists: Together with
a complete list of over 300 German papersiprinted
In the United States. Also, an essay upon adver
tising; many' tables of rates, showing thel cost of
advertising In various newspapers, and evdrything
which a beginner in advertising would like, to
know. Address .
41 Park flow, New
W priparrd feetl the hnnary at
of the day arid ey.tattig. Oysters and Ice C
. .
I s l 7. 1.11 II1,1;, MI LI, I'llo Pgil . TY
k I h:. AT STEVEN: 4I ,I43.v, [
4 )R1) r ) ..4' A .—Nltie miles filon valtir.l lg. on
ti!e 1...1tigh . 3":1 1 1., , It. P.'. The pronertY eotodsts of
, Ift NT :11 11.1...C , 1111 row nth of fames lin goo d
ro:Altion: ti.VW MI I. L. n 1111 Ity•W and flhltt-elas4
ne:telfh,erv“ 1 , 4 nWp.171.1N4.‘. nhont
or 13,A. •
cortatsi.,. , -,. •
. .
. • :
. • , N 41.1,..., %.-- ri.llll* GRANT.
:I e'••i . i
. Call Tti r." Apia:4..
(7 D Pl7O 11,';-,I, NtIT ICE. iti the
inathir nt the' Instate ot , Gpoigu IL iwetiog,
deceased, late of Athena lioto. In the Orphans'
i'‘ .
Court, of Bradford Co. No. 14. Doe. Ti.rin,ll,S7l. •
The undOsigned having been appointed on Audi-.
tor by said Court, In dispose of exceptions ; filed. to
the final aceount of A. 11. Sirauldiug, Serivlbg ad
tuinlsttntoe:of said Estate, and distribute oilers
itt his handy belouging to said estate, here 5 gives
l e
notico that:he will , attefol to the duties of his , a1:1-
pointteent, i It Ids-Mace in the Bortmgh o • Towan
da, on Thu :dap the lath pr Nov. 167,5, at one
o'clock In the afternoon of said day.i A tibial
time and pi,}' all parties concerned mast )4) rrea
I en• or be debarred forever after.. • ••, -.
00,13 1 Ica. w 4 , . - 'WU. FOYLE
Dealers la..
h prl.
1 4i r t,
.1 7•11
I 40 - ek 2 00
esfj 30
10' ' 4' 1
N OvIURT 1101:7tE
W. :4CoTT
XIAWLaw= kin?Umtwail.
rA 71r . L 0 R . •C
if S E E IC
. ,
IVI will .I . ,e'Qtrered ' Vs . r v t .in e l),
low j)rietcf4. •
.1. laige assortment of Cloths awl
Ois:,iineres, of tfre !at %t fall styles.
Plain and Faney Dress Goutl, Mack
Giio(l4. Black. &e.. •
i --- 1
ats, Caps. and ~u4l
dren's Shoes,
1,6 I
Tux and t. :"eitlroo,l:l' 10, 167. i; • •
i 105
. .
_,lint, .Yl>eci,•l tr.,...i.,;,ereli•ut
rtf LPO-1011ar.
11..5.-CLARK. AtiENT
'fivIVAND.A. P.%
Special attention i, called to the following late
table, Which 1011 be found strictly equitable, as be
tween all ages. and which the company will guar
antee to-not exceed one-half the cost ;Jr any first
clasS OLD PLAN Company.
The following Table shows the Dates fur :lII*
and may be multiplied for any .additional amount
up . to.f.iOoo. which Is the largest risk taken on any
one. life. Twenty Cents will l added to the
nt of eaelrngse,s
g tz.
2. Fq
4.: <
T OW A NDA 1 N rittstE
MaiD the Cuttit
ROYAL, of Liverpool,
CONTINENTAL, of New• York. *!
PIiCrNIX, of Ilartf(4ll
AlLtzox. of Ohio,
CITIZENS', of Newark,
TS A]SHL " L'G 1111Elsr..N, of 4:eiwatsy
NATiosiA.L. LIFE; of U. S. A.. nr3ets , 9,767,356
Tit,trELEug, of Hartford., " :. 4470,339
1406, adjit,(ctl ' , aid at
PIANO TUNING.—The finest
Professor of music and most expert tuner of
pianos resides in Toicanda. and ids•nante is Wm.
Dittrieh. Ile has constantly on hand for sale the
most celebrated pianos, melodeon.. and organs, and
at prices that everybody can affoxii to pay. Mr.
Morten Is also prepared 'to tune' pianos, and his
long experience In that line warrantsthe conclusion
that he is the best man to be found in Northern
rennsylvanht, to tune a piano up in first class or
der. Lfsep 23w3„
Ik7o.TlCE.—Notice is hireby given
_EI that a meeting of ,tbe Stockholders of the
Towanda Tanning Co., will be held at the Frst Na
tiOnal flank of Towanda, 'On Saturday the 30th day
of October next, at 2 o'clock P. x., for-the purpose
of taking action
.according to law, in relation to
riacing a mortgage on the real estate at said Com
pany. •-
I li times
tram In
213 E!
. • . • • JOSEPH POILL, Pro.
Towantla-August 23.
To w irk at FREEBURG. ILTANOLs,°(near St.
Lost ). eents per bushel and IL B. weights
BID re given. Menses at the mines for families.
Apply to LEMON WOODS & CO..
e„',o3l4Cttestriut St,
5t1.01113 Sin
nent for collection. etr
• 17,
' .
- --atiscalalims-Abradisamod&-.;A -- - •
J. F n'o's 'S o ' i Si
• FURNITURE I• • . •
• - •.1.
.. a •
• •
• :
; ; • .
TOWANDA, J4t Y 20th, 11870_
• . 1
. . , ;• ~.
..... ..
We are iid)er !meting a: 12 rAf: ~fork 91 .
: , I.
. •
2'! :1'1:.1 rks. EASY CII.IIIIS.
r t -
• . , .
• ! 1
A r tier)' b 'C , p1i , :1.`3.. ‘V i• ate deiertoicted to globe 414 ,
our sto ck to thl, 'line 1., , r0ri, ; t11,, fall trade. l aucl , lll, •
tkri 1c r folio ft, we lire tildliwr ai s •
. • • : • 1 „
, , ••, • I.ONI ,
! .
3 - Itvoitiol t.+l,otir't/reW
. .
TOP, 1).11E 3 C A,SE
Being the hr,t thing in the 111311.V1 (Or air )prill
viul all otlwr good, at r'el'y low - prit.i.. A
• .
Doi..! in the iitaidie,r, and ( . 4] the ivlre,d
You- w 111 find uett(r ‘r(Crk and
,for , irdi‘s.•:•••11!-V
than ay any "tiler place. Call find irt., • 4•
"i •
Fizoi;Ti .40N•4
NiMAlA•L'qiirt.Yr. lir
1.-31cr• 31 , 3 , 1
1 . 3 ' 17, •
•-±, • -,', 1 . . . '..,.
'fie‘VANl) l. L'E, , ,NNA. 1 ..
. ~'.'
. .
•,• •
I:(ll',Eit IES I . ltt 1V1S1()NS
I 4
a-11 tt , tatcr- to all
GROC'Ettlt & 010.1-I,::ii()Ni,
ONE J.K.r4 s il! 3. 0.4'111 OF L. /PliViti :N. I: t:
Towanda. July'2l:. 48;5.
.1. K. 1; 11`.
••• Os.
' , mow
r .a.
a Wiz' E..' •
re, F'f,
q.:° ""
; X 4.L., •
147-', S
• o :a
F. E.,
'..7z 0
.••, •
GC -2
From and after ? filly 1.4 will Iscil coal, llinc. &t.,
for cash only, anti', the price Mt will be corrected:
monthly. • I
PRICE OP COAL ron JULY, rrn TON OP °,000,1;<.,'
Pittston Store, Chestnut Mid Fernace (LI, N- !
'.'• Pea • .gj ' 'r- r 3 1 ,4)
• .
Carbon Run Limit) • , 4
44 . 14 s m i t h
.• i I ' ' ipe 1
Barclay Mountain' Lump I , • 1 ;,o
w. •• !'Smith ' !
Allentown Lime - 0 bushel , I L :;:;,,
Lath 11 31 I • 11 , "•;":. 1
Hair VI bushel , ; 50
Brick "0 II ' • 10 ! - oo
I am always 'prepared to &diver porch.ues roil
,Short notko at the usual price or delivery. 4
I also tender my thanks:to my many friends pll,l
customers for-their very liberal patronage in• the
past and hope under the new departure to make It t”
their Interest to eentlnue to buy where 4111.1 Lilt]
get the best goals for the least Money.. 4
Those who are ludebted to me will take notice
that I must hare fooney or I can't buy for cash Mid
pay freights. - Tifsy n 1 settle by the first of Au.
gust !text. ,:
ri!r2. - .llezpectlNlty Tonrg,
' J. 11. '
1 3 i
. . _
.... ,OR SAVE OR RENT: . ' 1.
Having fitted and repaired leer Briek. Store, ire
now over the same for sale or rent opon reasonable
terms. Any party wishing to ugage in the *et..
canine business vlll find thlan good opportnn ty;
for dolng..a SllCOessfal business For rank r.;
'enquire on the premi ss or,,ot M. J. 404. at. te , .. -
tens Et Long, Toryun4, ra. - 1 - • . 3
... , . , LON't BRO. 1
1 1 /Pluilngton Borb. Pi..sept b . into
3 .
i 3 3 I i
0 4
': . • m:::: 1 •
1 .. • d .... 1 .
1 ;
... •....., „ a
..- L ..., . •
i ,—... . .
z .... .i.
! ... 1 ••• . - 4 ' ~ 1
1 e• z ; L . , , 1 \
i ••, • • e;
4," 71-7
•• •
Q , )
L. ; 0 1.
„ b? .; r a .
? 7,.; •
" 0
7.) I 1
3 r
I --1
, •
1 :-,
i 4
I ....,
I ""'
1 :.-